#is that your sword or are you just happy to see me?
mysticheathenn · 1 day
Messages From The Art of Not Giving a F*ck
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is all about messages from things that you should not be caring or giving a f*ck about. This could be you having the fear of being seen. What does the world think of you at the gym? Basically, petty things that stop you from living your life.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Pile l:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 8 of Cups, 7 of Wands (reversed), Awakening, 9 of Cups, The High Priestess
The opinions of others concerning any and everything you do. You are meant to shine and show up as your most authentic self pile l. You do not need anyone's permission, advice, or even guidance on knowing who you are or what you should do with your life especially if these people are doing the exact opposite of what they try to preach to you. For some of you, I am getting that there is a family member or even just family in general who likes to dictate everything that you do and who you are. While I can't tell you what to do and can only provide you guidance for your situation, please ask yourself are these people happy? Do they ask anyone what they should do with their life and who they should be? Are they paying any bill of yours or financially supporting you? If you have answered no to any of these questions, my suggestion and only suggestion and opinion is to stop paying attention to anything that comes out of their mouth when it regards to you. I have a story for you once upon a time a little mystic heathen had parents and family who would dictate and tell little heathen what to do up until it got time to actually put their money where their mouth was and would back out while telling little heathen still what to do. Little heathen wanted to major in English while her parents medicine or computer science. It wasn't until little heathen saw that no one was paying the bills but herself that the only opinion that mattered with what she majored in, where to move, what career, and who I should be friends with was the opinion of her own. She broke free and stopped giving a dam because once you give someone the power to mold and control you it never stops. Unless the opinion from others saw red flags that I did not see everyone's opinion or suggestions could fuck off. Again this is all a suggestion and my opinion as you're an adult and can make your decisions for yourself but if you have been looking for a sign as to what you should do, this is it. Be free and release yourself from the holds of others that hold you at a standstill or make you unhappy.
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Pile ll:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 10 of Pentacles (Reversed), 2 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 5 of Swords (reversed), Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands (reversed)
Validation from romantic partnerships. I get the strong feeling from this pile that you love to watch and read future spouse pick-a-card readings. No matter the topic of love when it comes to tarot you are there waiting to see what it has in store for you. It is also similar to how you are in a relationship. You see the validation from your partners that you are good enough. Some of you might even have a small bit of pick-me energy. Whenever your partner says jump you don't ask how high you keep jumping and ask them if this is good enough and if it's not you keep jumping higher until they are satisfied not realizing that you, darling, are the prize. People should be jumping through hoops for you and not the other way around unless the energy is being reciprocated but I need you to understand that you are powerful just you alone without the opinion or approval of a love interest. You don't need anyone by your side at all. I know you're thinking I know I don't need anyone but I want someone...do you know pile ll. Do you really know that you don't need anyone? You are the Queen of Wands and the Queen of cups pile ll, you turn a house into a home, food into a cooked meal, etc. Anything someone gives you, you multiply it and tax interest and you are out here answering questions like "What do you bring to the table?" as if you aren't the table, the napkins, silverware, plates, and whole packaged deal. See yourself through the lens of a goddess/god. You are powerful, start acting like it, and stop putting yourself through hoops for someone who wouldn't do the same or doesn't even wash their own ass not knowing their shit stinks, they are no one special.
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Pile lll:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 2 of Cups, 3 of Swords, 6 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, The Wheel
Pile lll you may have also been slightly drawn to pile ll as both your piles kind of go hand in hand. Pile ll is all about validation from being in a romantic relationship while yours is simply you acting as if being single is the worst thing in the world. As mentioned in Pile ll you probably watch and read a lot of love and Future Spouse pick-a-card readings because you have a hard time being by yourself. If not pick a card readings you read a lot of romance novels. Your favorite authors are probably Emily Henry, Ana Huang, Ali Hazelwood, Lauren Asher, Elsie Silver, etc. You watch as others around you fall in and out of love and you want that for yourself. If romance was oxygen you would die the moment you're not with someone within .5 seconds and I need you to release the need for romance just for a split second. Enjoy singlehood and realize that not everything is about love. There is more to life than being in a partnership with someone. You may not think that but have you tried and I mean really tried to enjoy being single? Travel to other places, dining out alone, watching a movie all without someone constantly talking or ruining the moment with spoilers. This message is only for a small few of you as it is very specific but you need to leave your ex alone. Stop thinking, dreaming, looking at their social media, or even reaching out to them. What's done is done...don't let someone tell you they don't want you more than once. This also goes out to those who are in situationships wanting a relationship from their person. They are telling you with their actions for some time now that they don't like you they just want you for your body and the things you can do for them. You are a placeholder until they find that person they want a commitment from. That was a specific message for those who resonated with the message but to continue on with the general reading love is beautiful, kind, and sweet, but it's not the end of the world if you don't have someone by your side. You are free to live life beautifully without someone else there to witness it. You remind me of the era when everyone would always post that they were going to the gym on Facebook and the meme was "If you don't post that you're at the gym, did you even go." If you have fun without someone being there with you to also have fun...did it even happen. Yes...yes it did pile lll. One day you will find a beautiful and harmonious relationship but until then enjoy singlehood. Also, give the love readings a break. Go outside and touch the grass for 30 mins everything will be fine.
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Pile lV:
What should you not give a f*uck about? Tarot: 3 of words, The emperor, Ace of Swords (reversed), Page of Swords (reversed), The Empress (reversed)
Pile lV You are my only pile where I have to tell you to give a f*ck about something. You've been through heartache, after heartache, and loss to the point you have closed off your heart to the world because of how many times you have been hurt. This is leading you down a path where sometimes you can't focus or make the best decision because you have closed off your heart to the world or even love in general that anything where you need to involve feelings, showing a small bit of compassion, or even empathy goes out the window. Sometimes even logic goes out the window because you are so strung on not getting yourself tangled up in anything where it could lead to heartache or betrayal. For most of you I am getting this is a relationship or several might I add. While others of you probably had a shining light. You were a lighthouse pouring your beautiful light, energy, and guidance out onto the world for others to take advantage of you and make you cold, aggressive, or deemed in the eyes of a few, an asshole. I need to remind you that it is okay to open your heart to others or even love again Pile lV. I get it, it's scary thinking about the chances of being hurt again but I have to remind you that, this is part of life. You get knocked down and you get back up again but don't harden yourself off to the world. Not when the world needs so much kindness and love right now. There is already so much hate and lack of compassion in this world, open yourself up again even if it is for a little bit or for certain situations. The things that happened to you weren't meant to harden you up but to teach you lessons about boundaries and having self-respect and love for yourself. Instead, you hardened up instead of doing the work that is necessary to establish standards and boundaries for yourself. Do the work. Open yourself up again. The world needs your kind and gentle heart the way it was always intended.
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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transmascaraa · 1 day
may i please request genshin men (lyney, tighnari, cyno, and whoever else you'd like to add) with a jaded and distrustful reader. they're hesitant to entertain the idea of a relationship bc they don't believe it's genuine, the reader is scared they have ulterior motives. they've been hurt before and aren't about to let it happen again. because of this they act kind of standoffish to any advances they make. how would they win over the reader?
multiple characters headcannons!
characters: lyney, tighnari, cyno, sethos x gn!reader
author's note: finally doing another req lmfao how are you guys😭 oh yeah and i want to try writing sethos cuz i haven't seen much including him at all or is it just me???? nvm it's worth a try
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♡ Lyney
-i think he would just accept it at first
-like "they don't trust me? well shit— i can't do anything about it"
-but lynette didn't want her brother feeling so sad because he'd annoyingly complain to her until they both died
-and she decided to kinda reassure him by saying that even tho the chances of you trusting him are low, doesn't mean that they're gone entirely WHICH MEANS there's still hope
-this makes him feel at least a bit better and that's when he actually starts making an effort
-he practices EXTREME and DANGEROUS magic tricks just to show them to you, not on any magic show for anybody else to see.
-extreme as in basically shoving a huge sword down his mouth, or as in literally throwing arrows in the sky, so that when they fall, they perfectly line out his silhouette, not hurting him in the slightest. because to him, apparently:
-near death experience=trust
-up to you if you trust him but honestly if i was that distrustful reader it wouldn't help lmfao
✿ Tighnari
-i feel like he wouldn't be super interested in winning you over
-since like you literally don't trust him enough so what's the point
-but just MAYBE he'd try at least something
-he will try to win your trust by reassuring you when you need it, letting you know that you CAN trust him
-and that he's not a jerk or coward that would have ulterior motives
-so instead he doesn't rush you and lets you do what you wish
-even if you end up telling him to plainly 'fuck off' in the end, he'd be a little disappointed in himself but also he'd just accept it
-he won't force you into anything
-so in the end it'll all be up to you
-cuz he will do his best to show you that he won't hurt you in any way, and that he's loyal and trustworthy enough
๑ Cyno
-happy 1day late bday to him he's literally my 2nd/3rd fave
-i think when you explain to him that you fear getting into a relationship at all for whatever reasons, he says he understands but will definitely subtly try to win you over
-telling you random jokes every day hoping that it would maybe help in earning your trust
-subtly showing you he has no evil plan by being there for you when you need it
-he'll ask tighnari for advice, and the advice he will get is "how am i supposed to know? appear more trustworthy i guess? make better jokes?" to which cyno will listen but that's already what he's trying to do on his own
-he'll ask to spar with you, trying to earn your trust in yet another way
-he feels reborn when you even slightly smile at his jokes btw so yeah
-soon enough, you catch on that he's trying to make you trust him.
-and after that, in the end, everything's up to you
✯ Sethos
-is it just me but i love him sm i swear
-he will be persistent.
-understanding but persistent.
-not as subtle as cyno, but he will do it less often than cyno just because of the subtleness in the whole thing
-he'll definitely invite you on a walk with him throughout the desert like a few times a month
-loves it when you say 'yes'
-he will joke around with you, and make inside jokes with you, hoping that it means something to you
-maybe he'd ask you to spar together but would lose himself if you actually agreed(in a positive way ofc lmao)
-he's hoping so fucking much that he's presenting himself as loyal as possible to you
-if you don't want him in the end, that's completely fine with him
-but if you accept he'll look pretty much chill and happy with it but his brain and heart will be a mess lol
was sethos ooc???? idk
do i care?? yes (a lot, in fact)
either way i'm alright with how i wrote this
| @mariaace <3
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izvmimi · 2 days
cw: fluff. isekai au. selfship-coded. female pronouns.
In all your focus on becoming strong enough to protect yourself and not be a burden to others, it hadn’t occurred to you that as a Demon Slayer, you’d be receiving a paycheck. 
A fat one at that.
You’re not exactly sure what to do with it. The envelope had shown up, slipped below the door of your lodgings at the Ubuyashiki mansion with your name on it, and while you’re not completely sure what the conversion rate + inflation would be, the sheer size of the stack was enough to make you quite confident that it was a lot of money. The issue is, you have very little use for money as you receive meals and board by virtue of Kagaya’s kindness, and the things you would buy if you could don’t particularly exist in this timeline. 
As you sit on your futon and think again about what it would mean to save and how banking would work in this timeline, and if it’s even worth it given your particular circumstances, a sudden flash of Tanjiro’s smile comes to mind, and you immediately know what to do.
You should buy him a gift. After all, you wouldn’t have gotten through your first mission if not for Tanjiro, you consider, your face warming as you consider what things you’ve seen him receive that delighted him the most. Then you consider that perhaps a gift is too presumptuous, and you see him happy when he has a nice meal, or perhaps you could get something nice for both him and Nezuko because that wouldn’t look too strange, plus he’s happy when she’s happy, or perhaps you could-
Your thought spiral is interrupted by the sound of a knock on your door. Two gentle raps, and then you hear his voice.
Think of an angel and he will appear.
“___, are you busy today?”
When you ignore your slightly quickened heartbeat to let him in, he looks just like the picture in your mind’s eye, sweet, practically glowing with warmth, save for the fact that you notice his hair is slightly damp and his skin dewy as if he’s just bathed. He’s wearing his Demon Slayer uniform but with his regular green and black checked haori over top and his sword is at his side as though he plans to travel. He smells good, and you hope you smell at least decent to him, too.
You shake your head no. 
“Are you planning on going somewhere? Did you get a new mission?” you ask. 
“No, I wanted to know…” he pauses for a moment, then scratches the back of his neck, looking up at the ceiling, “if you wanted perhaps to go out to town with me. I was hoping to congratulate you for your first mission.”
You blink twice. He really is always one step ahead of you, you realize. 
Tanjiro lets his hand fall to the side and nods at you, now with a steadier expression. “You did a really great job.”
To this, you can’t help but let out a soft chuckle.
“You mean by staying alive while you cleaned up?” you ask. Tanjiro decides to indulge in your humor, insisting, “It wasn’t all me.” he insists. 
Perhaps that much is true. Tanjiro is a good friend and mentor so it’s not odd that he would extend this kindness first. It’s also an opportunity it would be best to seize, treating him to udon or dango, and offering him some gratitude as well. 
Your mind may shift from time to time to the time he used his own mouth to suck turbulent air from your unnatural breathing technique out of your own lungs, but he is simply a friend.
And friends can hang out. 
“It’s a beautiful fit,” the shop owner says as you slip on a peach pink jacket with colorful embroidered petals and blossoms, the last of the four you’ve tried on to Tanjiro’s surprising patience, and glance at yourself in the mirror. 
Something about this entire scene feels wrong but also right to you. For one, you’re not the one who suggested this particular shop - rather it was Tanjiro who insisted you consider window shopping with him, under the guise of finding something for Nezuko, but soon you’d realized that he hadn’t exactly picked anything out, content to watch you leaf through hung designs and listen to the shopkeeper’s promise of superior quality compared to the other stores in the district. You consider that whatever would look good on you would look good on Nezuko and with each trying on of a jacket, you offer pros and cons.
This one is a bit airy and light, very comfortable for summer time.
I think this one might clash with her hair color.
The texture’s too thick here, I’m not sure I like this one as much but it’s very high quality, I can tell.
This last one however is simply perfect in feel and design, and you feel somewhat bad when you turn to Tanjiro and sheepishly say,
“This one is super pretty. I know we’re shopping for Nezuko but I think I might buy this one for myself.” Tanjiro smiles as he rises from the chair in the corner. He’s sat politely for the past few minutes saying very little except nodding appreciatively.
“It looks beautiful on you,” he states as casually as if he were describing the weather, then turns to the older lady running the shop, the same lady who had spent a few minutes glancing between him and you as well, and you’d pretended not to notice. 
“How much?” Tanjiro asks. 
Surprised, you wonder if he hadn’t heard you.
The seamstress names her price and Tanjiro is quick to give money, before you finally hold in your need to be polite and nudge him.
“What are you doing?” you whisper. He’s unfazed as he hands money over, then smiles at you.
“Buying you a gift.”
“You don’t have to…” you start, but trail off as the woman receiving the money shoots you a dirty look that has you fall silent.
“You’re right, I don’t have to. But I would like to,” he adds.
You leave the shop promptly with a parcel in your hand and the seamstress’ eyes on your back.
Perhaps you do look like a couple, even if that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Tanjiro won’t let you treat him to any of the food, insisting you save your money instead through bites of skewered meat and noodles, and you finally find out which bakery supplies the Castella he brings by for you and your friends, as well as the girls at the Butterfly Mansion.
It’s better than anything you’ve tasted in your time, even if you practically choke on a roll when the baker tells you Tanjiro is lucky to be in the company of a pretty girl.
In your own time, you’ve been called pretty before, but this description today strikes at the very pit of your stomach, filling it with butterflies. Does Tanjiro know that you’re pretty? Does he agree? You ponder this for a few moments, then you’re immediately embarrassed to be thinking something so childish. 
Whether you’re pretty or not is moot. To him, you’re a younger sister to whom he buys gifts and food. Perhaps more pathetic since you are not related, since you have no one else, since you’re trapped here.
Tanjiro doesn’t answer the question you’ve posed in your head out loud, but he grins.
“I’m quite lucky indeed.”
As you walk side by side at the close of the evening, Tanjiro enthuses you in your progress, and you talk about all and nothing. There are red bean paste buns in your hand that you chew on idly between thoughts.
You’re not sure how the day went by so quickly, not while you were parallel processing, doing mental math to figure out what he thinks of you - as friend, as someone to dote on like a child, as someone who he could potentially…
No, that cannot possibly be it.
“Did you have fun today?” he asks. His cheeks are a warm pink and he’s looking straight ahead rather than at you, but his shoulders are relaxed and he bites and chews as he waits for your answer.
“Of course, I did,” you tell him. “This is…,” you pause, then continue, “probably the first time I’ve been anywhere nice, just for fun, since I got to this place.” Admitting it feels strange, but it’s true. Your life has now been limited to the mansion and towns you don’t know. Duty-driven, despair-driven, danger-driven. 
Tanjiro looks at you for a moment, and for just a moment his look is wistful. 
“Are you happy here?” he asks. Your mouth opens then closes, and then he quickly catches himself in a nervous laugh.
“Probably a stupid question, given none of your family is here, and you don’t have any of your technology and it’s not even your country and-”
You squeeze his hand for a moment.
“I’m happy now,” you offer him, then let go quickly. “Thank you for spending time with me.”
His mouth opens for a moment, and you wonder if you overstepped but he beams, and you wonder what you’d do without this small friendship.
“We should go back,” you quickly fill in before he can say something else and you can regret touching him. You’re the first to take a few steps forward, practically skipping, snacks and new clothing in hand, and you hear him behind you catching up.
“Yeah, let’s get you home safe.”
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alipeeps · 3 days
Episode 40 (aka Hold me, I am not ready for this!! 😭)
Gods I think I love Xue Li almost as much as Xiao Heng.
And that dude loves her a LOT.
LOOK at how he looks at her. LOOK!!
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"Kill Xiao Heng and we'll live happily ever after"... dude, you have completely lost touch of reality. How can you believe for even a fraction of a second that she'd do that, that she'd choose you over him? She just told you a moment ago that she'd rather die with him that be with you.
YES XUE LI!!! Put the next one through his eye please!
Actually no, don't kill him. Let him live and suffer and regret.
"Killing you would dirty my hands." You tell him girl. He's nothing. He's not worth the blood on your hands.
I reckon 75% chance he's gonna throw himself off the battlements anyway. Coward.
Ahahahaaaa he's standing on the edge! Am I right? Am I?
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Last thing he saw was her walking away. Love that for him.
Ooooh she's gonna cut her own throat on the sword....
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Shiiit where's that tumblr image of apollo's dodgeball? I'm getting too good at this.
There goes your last leverage, shithead.
Aaaaand there goes your ability to breathe anything other than blood.
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Yeah baby, get your revenge.
Ey up, the wind machine's back.
Hahahaa fucking hell grandpa Xiao making Xiao Heng serve him drinks on the excuse that he was injured saving Xue Li?! I'm pretty sure Xiao Heng was actually *more* injured - he took at least 3 sword slashes in the battle with Lord Cheng!
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Okay but now I am really intruiged/worried cos the rebellion is over and there's like 30-odd minutes (and the much giffed scene of Xiao Heng in his armour with the pendant in his teeth) left to go so... wtf is gonna happen now?
Oooh Xiao Heng's going north to protect the border...
Bros 4eva!
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Daddy Xue's back? For reals?
"She's got a husband now, how can she go back with us?" 😂
Awww and she's got daddy's approval for this one too! 😁
What do you think she means, Su Guogong, you dumbass? You gotta make that place fit for a wife! 😁
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Hahaha Xiao Heng has bluescreened again!
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It's kinda disturbing how rare it is in a cdrama for the main couple to get together, both survive and get to happily marry. HOWEVER... there's still 20 minutes and that scene to go!! 😭😭
Also am i the only one that keeps getting very nervous about the combination of wind machine, billowing drapes, and naked flame candles... 😬
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Is she gonna admit to pappa Jiang that she's not Jiang Li? I'm pretty sure he already knows...
Yeeeeeah that's a nice lie Xue Li but it's a lie nonetheless. She did suffer and she was in pain. But okay...
I want this to be between you and me - and all the servants that just overheard our conversation.
Shit I thought for a second there he'd stroked out and died on the spot! 😂
This feels like she's saying goodbye to the Jiang family for good. She's married into the Xiao family now and the Jiang family are leaving the capital... and she's not really related to them, she's got no real reason to see them again...
Shijie is just too goddamn good and precious.
Ooft one thing that bugs me about the subs in this is that they don't properly translate titles/honorifics, they translate everything to the person's name. So the significance of her calling him ge is entirely lost to anyone who doesn't understand at least a little bit of Chinese.
(Also they do this with single syllable names which is even more egregious. They translate didi as Zhao, they don't even have the fucking courtesy to make it A-Zhao)
Awww I am sad that the haircombing scene was just her imagination... and I'm also worried that it's some kind of portent... 😭
I don't deserve this. After 40 episodes i do not deserve this how could you do this to me
Okay but Wen Ji I feel you fam I really do but Xiao Heng needs help!!
WHYYYYYYYYY??!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME?!! Why could they not just have a happy ending? What plot purpose does this even serve at this point?
Oh thank fuck I genuinely thought it was gonna end with it implying he was about to die on the battlefield.
I am dead. RIP me.
This was a fucking RIDE and I LOVED IT.
(Apart from them killing Lu Ji and Wen Ji for no reason 😭😭😭)
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ytmanzwhore · 3 days
The Realm’s Princess Part 4- Harwin Strong
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summary: the wedding of alyssa targaryen and harwin strong (yes this is so late, but season 2 inspired me and reminded me that harwin deserved better!)
warnings: smut!  Minors DNI! a little bit of some size and breeding kink, just overall smuttiness
Alyssa was heading to her rooms from her solar, when an arm reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into a side passage. The Princess gasped as her back came into contact with the stone wall, her eyes filling with rage as she went to shout at her assailant, huffing as she looked up and saw her soon to be husband.
“Really?” She sighed as her body relaxed, Harwin’s arms curling around her waist and her hands coming to rest on his chest. “Why can you not get my attention like a normal person?”
“Because I am to be your husband my love, I must keep you interested,” Harwin leaned down to nuzzle into her neck, Alyssa tilting her head to give him more room as he pressed light kisses to her skin.
“You are a menace, but a menace I adore,” Alyssa sighed with faux annoyance as Harwin pulled back to bring their lips together. Alyssa’s body melted into his as they kissed lazily, the scandal of being caught in the middle of the day long gone, as Harwin found her for this at least every other day the last six months. 
After the death of Joffrey, Rhaenyra and Laenor had been married immediately. Alyssa tried to not think much of it, considering Rhaenyra was now with child, and shared much too familiar looks with her new sworn sword, Ser Tyion. 
Since her sisters wedding, Alyssa had spent her time planning her own ceremony. Though no where near as big as Rhaenyra’s, many of the Houses of Westeros were wanting to embark to the capital to see the young Princess wed. Her sister had helped where she could, but Alyssa found the two Strong women to be extremely willing to help plan their brothers wedding. 
So while Alyssa spent her days split between wedding planning, and continuing on with her trips to Flea Bottom, her evenings were spent getting to know her betrothed more, and becoming more familiar with her soon to be good-father and good-brother. Not that Alyssa had been worried before, but during the time it took to plan the wedding, Alyssa truly felt like she could not have been luckier in her match.
Harwin, while obviously handsome and charming, was also kind, thoughtful, and very funny. He let Alyssa ramble on and on about the newest gossip she heard from the people of King’s Landing. He never minded when she dragged him to sit with her dragon (surprisingly, Harwin became the only non Targaryen that Veraxion tolerated) or to visit the hounds in the kennel. 
The couple knew that their marriage would be as happy as an arranged match could be. Alyssa had even admitted to herself she could see herself falling in love with her soon to be husband. 
The couple broke apart from their frenzied embrace at the clanking of armor in the hall, Alyssa giggling at Harwin’s annoyed sigh. “I was hoping for a minute with you, my sisters are determined to keep us apart until the ceremony tomorrow.”
“I know,” Alyssa nodded. “They are just excited. It’s not like they have seen a typical royal wedding before.”
“You’re right,” Harwin nodded, grabbing Alyssa’s hand before he peeked into the hall to ensure no one was there, and then began to lead them towards the Princess’ chambers. “Are you excited to become my wife tomorrow?”
“Are you excited to become my husband?” Alyssa responded, looking up at the smiling man with an arched brow. “I am very excited to get through tomorrow. Not only so we may finally be together, but also so I can relax from this dreadful planning.”
“Hmmm,  my wife will need some rest,” Harwin smirked as the two approached her chambers where the ever watchful Ser Rodd stood waiting. “I shall take care of you my Princess, once we are wed.”
Alyssa blushed as she practically felt the innuendo in Harwin’s word, the man kissing her cheek before stalking down the corridor with a whistle.
Alyssa took deep breaths, her eyes closed as she felt the rocking of the carriage as she headed to the Great Sept. Her nerves were bubbling as she thought of the day ahead. She knew she was being childish, but she was scared. She knew she had strong feelings for Harwin, but what if he was different once they wed?
Her train of thoughts came to a halt as the wheelhouse came to a stop. She took a breath, and as the door opened, she rose to exit. She smiled brightly to the small folk lining the streets, waving to them as she was escorted by Ser Rodd to where her father was waiting. 
“My Alyssa,” Viserys smiled proudly as she entered the Sept. “You are breathtaking my dear.” Alyssa leaned up to press a kiss to his pale cheek. Viserys cupped her own cheek, smiling softly at her before speaking again. “Are you ready?”
“I am papa,” Alyssa used her old childhood name for her dear father, the King almost moved to tears as he wrapped her arm through his and the two approached the doors.
As the doors opened, Alyssa found his eyes easily as her and her father approached the altar. The words whirled by as her father spoke, and removed her cloak, for Harwin to approach with his own. The two faced each other as they said the words, the septon wrapping their hands. It felt like seconds, but eventually Harwin smiled softly and pulled Alyssa into him, tangling his hands in her hair as he pulled her into their first kiss as husband and wife. 
The two beamed from their exit of the sept, to their receiving of their guests, through the feast, and even the dancing. Harwin, always the tease, had kept his hand on his wife’s thigh all through their meal. During the dancing, he had let his hands drift low on her waist. And he took every opportunity to pull her into a kiss, with no regard to the public. 
Eventually, with a nod from the King and his father, Harwin asked Alyssa for one last dance, where he sprinted her away. The knight had approached the King and Hand the day before, voicing his desire to avoid a bedding ceremony, and Viserys had been all too eager to agree. So the newly weds made a quiet escape, with Ser Rodd as their shadow as they approached Alyssa’s chambers. 
Harwin could tell his wife was nervous as the doors closed heavily behind them, Alyssa heading straight to her vanity to begin removing the pins from her hair. Harwin watched her for a moment, before walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “You are beautiful my wife,” he breathed as he pressed kisses to her neck. 
Alyssa’s breath stuttered as she allowed herself to lean back into her husbands chest. Grasping onto all of her bravery, she turned around and let her hands come to the laces of Harwin’s tunic, looking up at the man from under her lashes as she began to undress him. Her husbands hands came up to the laces at the back of her corset, the dress dropping easily and leaving her in just a silk slip.
“Gods Alyssa,” Harwin groaned as she got his tunic undone, pulling it over his head. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Alyssa blushed as she watched Harwin ogle her body, his gaze sweeping from head to toe slowly. “Come here,” Harwin grabbed her hand and tugged at her, backing them up until he was sitting on the edge of bed. Once he helped her climb into his lap, he attached his lips to her eagerly. 
Alyssa gasped into his mouth as one of his hands crept up her thigh to grasp at her bottom. Harwin took advantage and let his tongue begin to explore her mouth, as Alyssa’s hips took on a mind of their own and began to rock against his. Alyssa’s movements became unsure when she felt his length under her.
“It’s ok,” Harwin whispered, pulling back to look into her eyes. “I’m going to make it good for you.” At her shy little nod, Harwin gently flipped them around so Alyssa was resting against the mound of pillows with Harwin between her legs. He nestled his body to the side of hers, leaning in to kiss her again as his hand crept up her thigh, going under her slip until he reached the heat of her center. 
Alyssa pulled back in alarm as Harwin’s fingers began to caress her gently. “Relax my love,” Harwin breathed as he leaned in to press kisses to her neck. “I just want to help you feel good. It will help.”
At Alyssa’s shaky nod, Harwin darted in to kiss her again as his fingers gently began to rub at her clit. Alyssa was letting out breathy sighs as her husband continued his minstrations, her cunt growing slick with her arousal. Harwin slowly allowed one of his thick fingers to press into her, letting her clench around his digit as he kept rubbing her clit. Alyssa was squirming as Harwin began to pump his finger, adding a second once her body became comfortable. 
Alyssa could feel the ball of tension in her stomach grow as her moans became more wanton,  Harwin smirking as he began to feel her muscles clenching around his fingers as she approached her release. Harwin leaned in to kiss her and swallow her cry of pleasure as Alyssa’s body went tense with her orgasm, Harwin slowly pushing her through it. When Alyssa finally relaxed again, Harwin pulled back with a glint in his eyes, pulling his hand from her cunt and bringing his slick fingers to his mouth, licking them clean of her release. 
“Do you think you are ready for me?” Harwin murmured as he leaned forward to help Alyssa remove her slip, the girls hands then moving to the ties of his trousers. 
“Please Harwin,” Alyssa looked up at him. “I want you to make me your wife in truth.”
 Harwin groaned at the pout on her lips, leaning forward to kiss her as he removed his pants and settled between her legs once more. “This may hurt my love,” Harwin ran the tip of his cock over her cunt, delighting in the way her eyes kept trying to see him. “But I will go slow.”
Alyssa nodded, cupping Harwin’s cheeks as he leaned in to kiss her as he began to slowly press in to her. As her body stretched to accommodate him, her head rested in the crook of his neck as she panted through the feeling. Harwin brought his fingers back to her clit as he felt her channel clench, rubbing slowly to try and help her relax around him.
“You’re doing so well,” Harwin praised as he began slowly thrusting, pressing further inch by inch until his pelvis was almost flush with hers. “Feels like you were made for me, gods.”
“Harwin,” Alyssa whimpered as she felt his body meet her own. She breathed heavily as she adjusted to the feeling of his rather large cock stretching her out, letting her hips move as she began to no longer feel pain, but just fullness.
“You alright?” Harwin asked as he leaned down to kiss her, feeling her hips moving softly. 
“Yes,” Alyssa pressed a kiss to his neck. “Please move, please.”
“As you wish,” Harwin smirked as he pulled back slowly, before thrusting back into her. After a few slow movements, he could feel her body relax, giving into the pleasure. His finger began to rub at her clit again, his body moving in time with his hand, drawing punched out moans from the lithe body beneath him.
“Harwin, Harwin, Harwin,” Alyssa panted as her husband’s pace began to pick up in earnest. 
“Do you like that wife?” Harwin grunted as he leaned down to kiss her, their bodies almost fully touching. “You like your husband fucking your cunt like this? Getting ready to fill you with his seed?”
“Yes,” she mewled as her body tried to twist away from him, the pleasure building once more. 
“I want you to come for me Alyssa,” Harwin encouraged, rubbing at her clit as his own pleasure built. “Come on my cock, so I can fill you up, and put my child in you.”
It only took a few more thrusts for Alyssa to let out a long moan as she came again, this time triggering Harwin’s orgasm as well. The two laid there, sweaty and panting as Harwin’s cum painted her inner walls. As the two caught their breath, and felt the sweat on their bodies begin to cool, Harwin moved to get up.
“No,” Alyssa frowned, grabbing at him to keep him in place.
“No?” Harwin laughed as she pouted. 
“Just stay here,” Alyssa pulled him down to rest some of his weight on her, acting like a blanket. Harwin of course agreed, and if it made it easier access for round two when his cock grew hard again, then neither of them was complaining.
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chinchillinator · 1 year
@olivepdf made a gorgeous little bingo card for joe and nicky bc we lost the sun/moon bracket this fandom needed some good mobilizing in these trying times (no new set photos or announcements) so i sat myself down n made a little thing for it.
for ‘meant to find each other’
“Why do you always come back to me?”
Joe hasn’t even looked from scrubbing at a spot on his counter, but he senses Nicky freeze. He adds hastily, “Not that I mind. Just, I’m sure Andy or Nile would love to see you. Booker maybe not so much, you did traumatize him that one time.”
“Well he shouldn’t have fought me,” Nicky says. Joe smiles.
Something heavy gets set gently on the floor and a chair at the kitchen table scrapes over the tile. Nicky always lets out a quiet, involuntary sigh when he sits, as if he hasn’t been able to for a very long time. Joe wonders if he knows that about himself.
“You’re easier to find, for one,” Nicky finally answers, once Joe’s nearly forgotten his initial question, content to enjoy Nicky’s silent presence. Joe gives up on cleaning away what must just be a discoloration of his countertop and turns to look at his guest.
Nicky always goes transparent in the moonlight. The beams from the window are cut up by Joe’s curtains and one side of Nicky’s face and his entire right arm is nearly invisible. The rest of him is solid enough that Joe wants to reach out and touch him. Which he knows better than to do.
“Well that’s a little disheartening,” he says, tamping down his worst, most self-destructive impulse. Nicky smiles.
“Yes, you really should get better at hiding from the non-human entities that visit you from beyond the veil,” he says. Joe laughs. Nicky leans toward him ever so slightly, unnoticeable except for the way his face has suddenly lost just a little more definition.
“I’ll work on that,” Joe says.
“Not that you would be able to hide from me,” Nicky says, in a tone that Joe thinks might be trying toward smug, though it doesn’t quite reach.
“That’s what you th—” Joe barely starts before Nicky cuts in.
“You’re like a beacon. Like the sun, if I’m imagining it correctly, brighter and warmer the closer I get.” Joe braces both hands on the counter behind him just to keep from reaching for Nicky. Nicky turns his head a little, cutting off that much more of himself.
“You’re imagining it correctly,” Joe says after a minute. His voice has gone soft without conscious thought and he clears his throat a little. “Is that true of all the souls that come back?”
Nicky looks at him again and cocks his head to the side, bringing more of his face back into the shadows for Joe to see it. There’s genuine confusion in his expression, likely because he did technically answer this question already, but also something fond and amused and affectionate.
“Funnily enough, I haven’t really got much data on that front,” he says. Joe scoffs and turns away to pick up the counter sponge and rinse it properly, hiding his smile at Nicky’s tease. “Most of the souls I touch tend to, you know, stay dead. Otherwise I’d be really bad at my job.” Joe shakes his head.
“Ha ha,” he says, deadpan. He’s still smiling. “So why do you think I get the special reaper-summoning powers?”
“I don’t know,” Nicky says. His voice ticks up half a pitch. Joe’s heart ticks up half a beat. He puts the sponge away and turns back.
Nicky’s hiding in the moonlight and Joe wants to drag his chair back from the table so he can see his face. Whatever expression he has that’s making him hide. How many more centuries will he live wishing to reach for the thing that could kill him.
He sees the shape of Nicky’s head turn, though, moments before the name passes his lips. The one hand he can see tightens into a fist on Nicky’s thigh. Joe wants to tell him not to go. Badly.
“I have to—” Nicky starts.
“What’s the other thing?” Joe interrupts, taking a step toward him
“The other?” Nicky asks, staying in his seat though the edges of his form are starting to blur.
“You said ‘for one,’” Joe says desperately. “What's the other thing?”
Nicky bends down to lift his scythe and for a moment his entire body is visible. For a moment, Joe can see the resigned sadness on Nicky’s face.
“Stay out of trouble, Joe,” he says. Like he does every time. Since the first, last, only time he whispered, I cannot keep coming for your soul.
It’s always the last thing he says, always the last word because he’s just a bastard like that, and he’s gone before he’s even finished standing. Joe stares at the empty chair, blinking through sudden tears, imagining that he can still see the faint outline of Nicky’s moonlit form.
There’s never enough time. For two immortal beings, they never have enough time. Joe wonders what’s worse. Seeing the wretched look on Nicky’s face when he has to collect Joe’s soul for however long his death lasts. Or feeling the wretched pull of his own heart every time he has to watch Nicky disappear.
Walking over to push the chair back into its place at the table, Joe takes a steadying breath and consoles himself the same way he always does. Always has for centuries. Nicky will be back. At the very least, Nicky will be back.
After all, Joe's very easy to find.
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Draw me some shassie art friends. Anything will do but I do have a suggestion- King Lassie and Court Jester Shawn
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it would've been more explicitly romantic but... Shassie is at its peak when Shawn is mildly concerning and Lassie is mildly enraged.
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13eyond13 · 5 months
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sorry but Guts's sword is just so phallic here
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nemmet · 1 year
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non-un-topo · 10 months
The homoeroticism of carrying a sword
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forcedhesitation · 7 months
I finished act 2 again, but properly this time. and I cannot even begin to put into words how satisfying and beautiful all of that was. I loved act 2 the first time I played, but figuring out how to save the last light this time, properly completing halsin's quest, storming moonrise towers with jaheira and her harpers, seeing aylin reunite with isobel...all of it. I love it even more. and the beginning of act 3 feels all the more rewarding, having fixed my past errors.
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#bg3#bg3 spoilers#thoughts about media#that was. incredible. I can't believe I missed so much the first time I played.#but at least having messed up the first time gives me a greater appreciation for the full story.#I did the “lift the shadowcurse” quest SO assbackwards last time I missed like. 90% of halsin's act 2 dialogue.#he IS cute. I am just STUPID. and learned nothing from dunking on gale before- when that was ALSO my own colossal mistake.#jaheira also gets such a badass moment of glory if her harpers as still alive. if you lose last light like I did before...#...god the assault on moonrise feels so...depressing. I felt so fucking bad for her the first time I played.#but I thought that you couldn't save isobel! and that's just what was supposed to happen! fool was I!#oh and if your tav fails the perception check on mizora when she first sends wyll to rescue zariel's asset- HE renegotiates his contract!#which I like better? I like when the companions get to choose their own fate! I like wyll taking a stand for himself! it was awesome!#and well. if corydalis used his outrageous charisma stat to push mizora into giving wyll a funky new sword? that's just friendship <3#the relationship between aylin and isobel is beautiful. I'm so happy that I replayed to save isobel. I much prefer seeing aylin happy :)#barcus. barcus. barcus. I want to criticise you but I'm in love with astarion so. can I really talk???#well maybe /I/ can't. but corydalis is Aware and playing mental manipulation chess with astarion. out of pure intent. but still.#join our polycule barcus. please. we will treat you better. I promise <3333#anyways. not ready for the buggiest part of the game again. but at least I know what's going on this time.
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hauntingblue · 4 months
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aloysarrow · 5 months
I wish GI wasn't trying to push people (kinda specifically longer players) away from the game, like damn. I really hope new players are watching closely and not just deciding "there are haters" or "complainers." Some of the things, like the age old where's the end-of-game road map, have been actual game needs that haven't been addressed for years. Game needs, guys. Idk, if you still call some people haters/complainers, then I'm probably gonna call you a bootlicker lol
#also three pulls for three debate clubs is actually insulting and no. we were not happy about it last year either#i hope the CN community causes such a ruckus that they fix the artifact loadout bullshit#GI actually needs to apologize and ive said some wild things elsewhere like they need to give a free 5* character but honestly i just want#to see that theyre are listening to the fucking players. we fund their game and/or promote it with playing and community on platforms#they wouldnt have BILLIONS of money without the pkayers and they are not doing QoL things or fixing busted characters or the artifact#loadout that is going to be more trouble than useful. end of game information. lost weapons to timed events - im lucky i have cinnabar#spindle in case i get Albedo but i dont have that Festering sword or Jade Cutter? and both are apparently great for Furina and im pissed#that they just wont be available ever again. they heed to put them in the shop like they do the skins and im so serious about that#theres so much more#it just makes me sad bc i do really like genshin but im probably gonna move on after this all blows up or when nothing happens at all#genshin impact#my posts#oh right my frustration is with the community on the mihoyo app bc even just saying you think this is a good thing will bring in the REAL#bootlickers telling you youre ungrateful for three debate clubs lmao. i have never called it copium before but i think that if youre calling#players ungrateful for being mad that GI's appreciation for a year of playing and/or spending money is worth three 3*weapons then youre a#boooootlicker with a sad fucking addiction. seriously cope harder bro lol#i really just want them to fix the artifact loadout that shit is buuullshit. and of course i want Aloy’s constellations. they should have#been there September 2021 ffs. and i like Dehya. i like playing her too. im not meta enough to notice things i guess but hyv should have#listened to players about her.#this shouldnt be a staff of homa moment guys. that bullshit actually made change happen for the better like why are you mad at the demand#QoL things???? why are you just ok with no actual patches patching anything???#ok i gotta be done. the tags are the actual post damn lol
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prinzgnomeovonchaos · 2 years
Shen "it's not gay if it's morning wood" yuan
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I just know that Ash pulling one of these would drive S.eifer nuts in the best way possible
#ash rambles 💚#your knight until the end 🤍#this post has nothing to do with l.eon btw i just like cool gun animations#for context. my f.f8 s/i is a gunslinger! and a damn good one at that!#shes also a very goofy young adult/teenager throughout the game so theres a lot of segments of her getting really excited and just infodum#ping about her beloved guns. you see s.quall go 'you think that shes a cool and responsible honors student. shes actually just an idiot'#ash's guns are her most precious thing. she loves them both so much and built them herself and when shes not training or studying#shes usually cleaning them. s.eifer is all ??? and honestly he doesnt really get her fucking obsession (he asks once and she says that#theyre hotter than he is whatever that means)#but you know what s.eifer does know??? that a woman with a gun is attractive and that he loves seeing how well ash can handle her weapons#it feels him with this sense of pride#hes all 'fuck yeah. thats all mine.'#although. uh. he's well aware that her guns pack a punch! shout out to that one time she shot him! haha!#... they werent always friends you see-#if it makes it better. ash has a giant scar on her back from s.eifer's sword#i have a lot of s/is that fight but not all of them feel so passionately about their weapons#f.f8 ash... I'm slightly concerned about her love for her guns- whatever makes you happy ash!#although. well. shes been in Mercenary Academy since she was a literal kid. shes a little fucked up- f.inal f.antasy viii is fun i swear#anyhow#c.yberpunk ash comes close with her love for her gun! if you do her sidequest she gives it to you! a pistol she calls Ashes and Dust#carried her through many a street fight when she was still feared on the streets of night city back in the day#anyways what was the point of this post lol i started rambling#yeah! s.eifer thinks a woman that can kick his ass is super hot!#me too! i think that too!
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cerastes · 1 year
We’ve heard about the seeming contrast of creators that make these super happy saccharine pieces of art being bitter people whose lives seem to be filled with agony whereas horror creators that thrive in the grotesque all seem to be super happy and positive people, the usual “Miyazaki Hayao vs Itou Junji” kinda beat.
There’s a similar, slightly overlapping dynamic between cuisine and blacksmithing. Chefs are the single angriest existences in the world and would piss on your grave seconds after stuffing your freshly gutted corpse in it. Blacksmiths are jovial, usually quiet dudes that work machinery and think your dagger is still very cool even if it’s got some balance issues.
Now, of course this is making reference to the Ramsay style of food shows, which is not the universal experience when it comes to the genre -- I’m more of a Cutthroat Kitchen kind of guy, because I like Mario Party -- but it’s always fun to me to go through an episode of Hell’s Kitchen where Ramsay annihilates his own vocal chords screaming “FUCKING DONKEY” and “IT’S RAW”, then right after, watch some old Forged In Fire and see the Filipino weapon master, Marcaida, test a short sword one of the contestants made and it fucking explodes into shards without nary a scratch on the pig’s carcass, obviously the shittiest weapon you could possibly make, damascus steel shards flying embedded in his arm, and he’ll calmly, with his signature friendly smile, lovable demeanor, and charismatic gait, face the contestant and be like
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“Well, you see, Bob, your blade unfortunately suffered a catastrophic malfunction, and it can’t be tested any further. However, the handle on your weapon allowed for some very good balance and ease of swing, it fits my palm perfectly and it swings very easy. Despite the blade fracturing in 7 uneven fragments, we can see that the blade didn’t chip or roll at all. Good work, Bob” then they’ll shake on it and Bob is eliminated, and all he’ll say is “I’m sorry to have punctured 4 blood vessels on Marcaida, but end of the day, the other smiths were simply better, and I’m proud of them. I just gotta go and work on my fundamentals back at home now :)” meanwhile Hell’s Kitchen’s contestants are having a shootout with Glocks in their dorm because someone made fun of someone else’s raw scallops. 
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