#is the unnamed wife ellen? who knows :))))
mercurygray · 1 year
For the prompt, #81 present for Chuck/June
Played a little bit on present as gift and present as 'accounted for' with this one.
It was a fine night for a phone call.
They were just finishing the dinner dishes when the phone rang, and Chuck dried his hands on a towel before going to answer it - long distance, sir. From a…a Mrs. Heffron? In Atlantic City?
Must be on vacation, Chuck thought to himself, leaning against the wall and tucking the phone into his shoulder.
And so they were - before the girls went back to school, Niamh explained, once the call came through. They were finally in bed and she was catching up on some postcards. Chuck could picture them, a trio in pigtails on the Heffron family Christmas card. Cute kids. "How's the beach treating Babe? He burnt to a crisp yet? You should have told me before you were going - would have bought stock in Coppertone."
"Very funny, Chuck." He could nearly hear her rolling her eyes. "He's doing just fine. Weather's nice, and the girls like the beach." She paused. "You wouldn't guess who we ran into this afternoon."
"Oh?" He wondered who she thought he would know in Atlantic City - Bill and Joe had both been at the hospitals there, but they'd sent him back to Letterman, since it was closer to home for him. Was it someone else on vacation - one of the old gang?
There was a crackle over the line, a terrible silence. He realized it was his turn to speak now. "Oh."
How long had it been now - ten years, or was it twelve? And her face was still as clear to him as anything. June, with her loud laughs and her jokes and the slight hitch in her step that she tried so hard to hide. Other things, too, little things - her face in an unlit supply closet in North Carolina, a church in Belgium. And then there was a break - an empty space between the then and the now. He touched the scar on his forehead absently. There were many things he did not remember, from those first few days, things he'd forgotten, or that the pain had simply blotted out. You didn't forget, Chuck, Billie had told him, months later. You didn't forget because she wasn't there.
The line on Niamh's end crackled - rearranging the phone cord, most likely. "Yeah, she - she's managing a restaurant here, at the boardwalk. Doing real well for herself, she said."
"And she - she looked okay?" There was a pause on the other end of the phone. "You don't have to tell me she was ugly, Niamh." Still trying to stick up for the underdog, aren't you?
Niamh made a noise indicating what she thought of having to tell the truth. "Yeah, she looked okay. Older, you know, just like - all of us."
He wasn't sure what that would have looked like, for June. "Married?" He played idly with the phone cord, the wire bumping against his own hand and the circle of gold on his own finger.
"Wasn't wearing a ring."
Chuck nodded to himself. "She wasn't ever the kind."
Another noncommital noise from Niamh's end of the line. "She - she asked about you." Chuck couldn't help the deep breath he took, picturing Niamh's face as clear as day. "Don't you make that noise at me, Charles Grant, I'm a grown woman and I know how to mind my manners. Told her you were out in Cali, that you were doing well, that you'd …found someone. She said to say hi, from her. That she hoped you were doing okay. Couldn't look me in the eye about it, though, could she?"
He had to laugh. "How could she, with you staring daggers at her?" She'd made the same face at David Webster, more than once, and anyone else she thought was being an idiot. He could see that face plainly, too.
"I was never," Niamh shot back, and he heard, very distantly, as if from across a room, a "You were so!" from her husband.
"And dinner was okay?" Chuck asked, trying to bring them back to the matter at hand.
"Dinner was fine." Niamh assured him. "It was a nice restaurant. Anyway, just wanted to - wanted to call. Pass it along."
"I'm glad you saw her."
She took a deep breath, and he could imagine her nodding. "I should go - stop spoiling your evening. Tell your wife hi from me," she added. "Tell her she's a gift and a treasure."
"Will do," he promised with a smile. "Same to Babe and your girls. Good night!"
He laid the phone back in the receiver, catching his wife's eye. "Something I need to know about?" she asked, quietly curious.
"Just someone we used to know," Chuck said with a shrug. That was all it was - all it needed to be. There were dishes to be done, and lunch to be packed for tomorrow. Atlantic City could stay where it was - everything he needed now was right here.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Hm, so remember that uh, WWBN au you made, well I just realized who could in theory be the unnamed villainess, Ellen Brandt, Ted’s ex-wife. Sure she apparently died in Iron Man 3 but let’s ignore that since you know, au.
this is actually so big brained
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sebeth · 9 months
Who's Who In The DC Universe #1: Animal Man, Anthro, Apokolips
Animal Man by Gil Kane
Stunt man Buddy Baker was bathed in radiation from an alien space ship that crashed to Earth
He later discovered that he could absorb the special abilities of any animal within a certain range
Buddy designed a costume and called himself “Animal Man”
He later retired and married Ellen Frazier and had two children with her – Cliff and Maxine
Buddy was later recruited by the Immortal Man and joined several other semiretired adventurers in an organization called the Forgotten Heroes
My first exposure to Animal Man (besides Who’s Who) was his appearances in the Justice League Europe issues. I fell in love with him immediately. I love his power set – Vixen is another favorite for the same reason. He was so down to Earth and his relationship with his Ellen is one of my favorites in comics. Buddy is perfect proof that an “everyman” hero can have a wife and children. My recommendations for anyone interested in Animal Man are the Animal Man series by Grant Morrison, his appearances in the Justice League Europe series, and his role in the “52” series. As far as I know, Buddy hasn’t made any appearances in any DC animated are live-action roles – Vixen tends to be used instead. And yes, as a woman and person of color, Vixen’s appearances are important for diversity (and she’s simply a great character) but Buddy is cool too, so how both characters be allowed to shine? If Young Justice can have Superboy, Superman, Captain Marvel, and Icon (all similar powersets) than Animal Man and Vixen can make appearances in the live action/animated parts of the DC Universe.
Anthro by Howie Post
We journey to the era of time when Neanderthals were giving way to the rise of the Cro-Magnon. Anthro was born in this era, the son of a Cro-Magnon mother and a Neanderthal father.
Ne-ahn, Anthro’s father, was chief of the Bear Tribe, and Anthro’s deceased unnamed mother was a member of a tribe long thought destroyed.
Anthro’s mother doesn’t receive a name but his stepmother is Emba.
The Bear Tribe had no permanent home, lived a nomadic existence, and tried to survive the hostile elements of the dawn of civilization.
The background art shows Anthro riding wooly mammoths, spear fishing, and battling Neanderthals.
Anthro debuted in the Showcase series – issue “74. The only appearance I’ve read of Anthro was in the Crisis of Infinite Earths series. He was so much fun in his appearance. If that was typical of his character, Anthro must have been a blast in his Showcase appearance.
Apokolips by Greg Theakston
The New Gods were Jack Kirby’s original end game for the Marvel Asgardian gods. Kirby left Marvel and brought his idea to DC with a few changes (for legal reasons).
“There came a time when the old gods (the Asgardians) died. The final moment came with the fatal release of indescribable power which tore the home of the old gods (Asgard/Nine Worlds) asunder, splitting it into great halves, and filling the universe with the blinding death-flash of its destruction.” (Ragnarök)
Two worlds emerged from this explosion (Apokolips and New Genesis).
New Genesis was “given nobility and strength from the living atoms of Baldurr (Marvel’s Baldur).
Apokolips was “saturated with the evil and cunning which was once a sorceress (Marvel’s Karnilla).
Apokolips is ruled by Darkseid.
Notable locations on Apokolips include the Armagetto (home of the Hunger Dogs and the Energy Pits), Darkseid’s Tower of Rage (his home palace), and the Granny Goodness’s Happiness Home (home of the Dog Soldiers and Female Furies).
“As of this writing, New Genesis has apparently been destroyed, leaving the New Gods to seek their destiny among the stars, and leaving Darkseid among the ruins of Apokolips, a bitter, frustrated man.e
Poor Darkseid, someone took his away his toys!
I’ll delve into the importance of Darkseid and the New Gods to the DC Universe when I get to those entries, as for Apokolips itself…it has to be in the top 10 in the “alien comic book planets” category – for the entirety of comic book universes.  Off the top of my head, no research, and no generic  or real planets (ex – Skrull homeworld or Mars), I can list: Apokolips, New Genesis, Oa, Thanagar, Rann, Khera, Hala, Krupton, Mogo, Tamaran, etc. As a Legion fangirl, I can name numerous home planets of the Legionnaires: Colu, Rimbor, Trom, Bismol, Daxam, etc but I’m not sure how well known those are to a non-Legion fanbase.  I can name numerous alien races from Marvel but blank on their home planets except for the Kree (Hala) and the Eternals (Titan).
I would also put Apokolips in the “Top 10 Worst Comic Book Locations To Live In” category.  Horrible place to be born.
Apokolips has featured heavily in the comics (the various New Gods titles, Superman, Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, DCeased, etc) and has made multiple appearances in the animated/live actions series.
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Louis Franci and the story of the Ship Hotel
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Postcard of the Ship Hotel (personal collection). Likely this is in the 1950s. Sorry for the degraded nature of the image.
In 1930, 33-year-old Louis “Lou” Franci and 37-year-old Emilio Rosso were living in the Turtle Creek Valley. They were not only neighbors on Humbert Street, with the Rosso family living in house 69 and the Francis in house 68, but were both Italian immigrants. The census from that time shows an Italian enclave in the area: of the nine families in Patton Township’s Mellon Plan, a jurisdiction in Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (PA), eight of them had Italian heritage. [1] Louis Franci and his wife, Jennie Baccarini, both Italian immigrants themselves, definitely felt at home.
Originally posted on the WordPress version of this blog on Jul. 24, 2019
Emilio lived with his 25-year-old wife, Adelina, his 5-year-old daughter, Clara, and 1-year-old son, Raymond. As for Louis, he lived with his 29-year-old wife, Jennie, 8-year-old daughter Lena, 6-year-old son Frank, 3-year-old daughter Alma, and seven-month-old daughter Ellen. While Jennie had come over to America in 1900 or 1901, as a baby carried in her mother’s arms, the story went that Louis was, a stowaway on a ship bound for America and joined by an unnamed friend. [2] However, this story is completely false, which should be explained in later posts on this blog. As for Emilio, he was an Italian immigrant and a World War I veteran who fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and Battle of St. Michel in 1917.
Both Emilio and Louis had one thing in common: they were building contractors or more simply they were construction managers. In 1930, a hunting buddy of Louis, Dominick/Dominico Rustici, who was, like Louis and Emilio, an immigrant from Northern Italy, listed two people as witnesses for a naturalization document. [3] One of these men was Emilio, who was described as a general contractor from Wilmerding, PA, with his last name spelled incorrectly as Rasso by an unnamed immigration official. In later years, Rustici was a lodger with the Baccarini family, who likely treated him like a family friend since he listed John Baccarini, the father of Jennie, on his draft card as a person who would know where he lived.
Emilio and Louis would soon work on a project that would stand for years as a tourist attraction and symbolic of their achievement. Family lore had claimed for years that Louis was in charge of building the entire ship, but this is obviously an exaggeration. Dutch-born Herbert Paulson, had the idea for what would become the Bedford, PA landmark, the S.S. Grand View Point Hotel or Ship Hotel for short, and he would be its captain from the 1930s until the 1970s. Census information shows his progression into this role. In 1920, he was listed as a married employer in a boarding house, in 1930 he was listed a married storekeeper with a grocery store and in 1940 he was listed as a hotel keeper. [4] By 1940, he had been living in the Ship Hotel from 1932 onward, with his wife, Mary, and German-born children, two of whom (Walter and Erna) worked as clerks. Two other clerks, Cecilia Davis and Etta Pellis, were also listed as living with them.
In order to provide some more context, it is worth talking about the architect of the Ship Hotel, Alfred Sinnhuber. He was born in or around Berlin, Germany, arriving in the U.S. in 1903. He often called himself a “building designer” or architect and lived in Turtle Creek, but he had a job at the Westinghouse plant in East Pittsburgh. [5] He was at one point a “checker” and at another worked on the lathe, even as he was married to Elsa Marie Kristen and his children joined him in the plant. Working in the Westinghouse plant was the norm for those living in Pittsburgh and its suburbs, with Louis and Emilio likely working there at some point as well.
1931 would be a fateful year where 57-year-old Herbert and 56-year-old Albert would work with Emilio and Louis to build the Ship Hotel. [6] As the story goes, Herbert invited Emilio and Louis on a hunting trip, proposing to these two men the idea of expanding his existing hotel into the Ship Hotel. As local historian Brian Butko notes, Herbert has chosen these two men, who lived near the Westinghouse plant where he (and they likely) worked, assuming that folks living in Turtle Creek Valley “knew all about building on steep hillsides.” As Albert designed the new hotel and reportedly supervised the construction, Emilio and Louis were the construction managers. As for Herbert, who was a tool and die maker in the Pittsburgh plant, he reportedly told the PA state government, “it's my property, either you let me build it or you buy the property!”
The construction itself began in October 1931 the hotel, which would be shaped like a ship since fog in the valley reportedly looked like the sea. Herbert told them that they had from October until May of the following year to expand the hotel, a time frame of less than eight months, mostly in cold and snowy weather. A former owner of a car dealership in the area, Walter T. Matthews, told Butko that the ship needed over 63 tons of steel and cost about $125,000 to build, which was borrowed at 16% interest. [7] Matthews further claimed that Emilio and Louis went broke in attempting to build the base of the hotel, having to drill down 32 feet to find rock. But, this doesn’t tell the full picture. The site was over 2,400 feet above sea level and 500 feet below the Allegheny Mountain summit, making it hard to build. Specifically, there was burrowing under the Lincoln Highway (also known as U.S. Route 30), in order to insert the three heavy I-beams, with embedded huge concrete piers allowing the ship to “ride.” Other than the cement and 18 steel piers, numerous carloads of lumber were used for the 3/4-inch thick wood which was overlaid with metal siding, coming from at least 22 junked car frames to cover the hotel’s exterior. Also, nails and 72 tons of steel, by some counts, went into the construction of the expanded 5-floor-hotel, coupled with water piped from half-a-mile away.
Emilio and Louis undoubtedly did manual work to build the expanded hotel. However, as construction managers, they had a crew to help them with the laborious process. Years later, a living relative, Lou Balya, noted that her father, Joseph Ovarec had, in the words of the article writer, “helped build the Ship Hotel with the Paulson family back in the 1930s” and that four generations of her family were associated with the hotel itself. [8] In 1931, Ovarec, according to census records, was a 42-year-old coal miner from Czechoslovakia. He had a family of five, including himself, which were his 34-year-old wife, Anna, his 16-year-old daughter, Mary, and his 14-year-old daughter, Josephine. Later information described him as an “outside laborer.” This means it is possible then that many of the other laborers on the project were Eastern European.
After 1931, the Ship Hotel blossomed. At noon on May 29, 1932, after it was announced in the local Bedford Gazette, the ship opened, offering tours, staff inspections, and concerts. [9] On that day, the Bedford American Legion Junior band, a local German band, and Bedford High School band played, while a plane flew overhead dropping flowers on the ship’s deck and a stilt walker entertained guests later in the day. With the hotel, it remained, as one book put it, “one of the most significant scenic views on the North American continent” with views of a fertile region of PA, West Virginia, and of Maryland’s rolling hills. The main claim was that you could see “3 states and 7 counties” from the ship, with no official list of what one could see from the ship itself.
As years went by, the hotel stayed on despite difficulties. The Paulson family lived on the ship for years upon years, with Clara Paulson having the distinction as the only person who was born on the ship, and the family worked to keep it running. [10] As a part of day-to-day entertainment, a local comedian used his craft, a grand orchestra played, and much more, even when it was snow-bound in the winters. Beyond this, the ship was remodeled numerous times, thrived even with the building of the PA turnpike, suffered the brunt of anti-German discrimination during World War II, and stayed busy until the 1970s when public interest in roadside attractions was beginning to seriously wane.
It is not known whether Louis revisited the Ship Hotel later in his life. Despite the seventy-mile distance from Turtle Creek to the hotel, there is still a possibility he, or some of his related family members, visited again the ship he, along with many others, had worked laboriously on. [11] If he had visited it in 1954, for example, he would have been among the ranks of the reportedly 2 million people who visited it by that point, covering 20 volumes of registers, including those living in 62 foreign countries and possibly famous celebrities such as Calvin Coolidge, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and others. He likely would have seen the big business in souvenirs and refreshments the hotel did starting in 1932 and until Herbert’s death in 1973. Due to his death in 1967, he never saw the Loyas, who still have the old guest registers, owning the ship, after 1978 and turning it into “Noah’s Ark” before it fell into disrepair, then burning down in October 2001. He saw the Ship of the Alleghenies, as some called it, in its glory days, in its height.
Even though Louis Franci died on March 13, 1967, the Ship Hotel stood as a testament to his achievement as a contractor and builder, standing for seventy years (1931-2001) after its construction. In the end, his memory lives on not just in his living relatives but in the blueprints of the Ship Hotel still sitting in the office of his late son.
Editor's note: This is a story I wrote back in September 2016 but am publishing here to start off this blog on a strong footing. Some revisions have been made to protect living individuals.
© 2019-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] U.S. Federal Census of 1930 for Patton, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Route from Humbert Street to Mellon Plan, Google Maps, accessed September 5, 2016.
[2] According to conversation with my cousin M.G. on July 31, 2016 and in Summer 2016. Apparently, two of his sisters, Angelina and Barbara came to the United States while three of his sisters stayed in Italy along with his parents.  Emilio Rosso Veterans Compensation Application, February 10, 1934, World War I Veterans Service and Compensation File, 1934–1948. RG 19, Series 19.91. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Courtesy of ancestry.com.
[3] Dominico Rustici Petition of Citizenship, November 24, 1930, Naturalization Petitions of the U.S. District Court, 1820-1930, and Circuit Court, 1820-1911, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, National Archives Microfilm Publication M1537, Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, National Archives, Washington, D.C. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Dominico Rustici Petition for Naturalization, 1930, Record of Admissions to Citizenship, District of South Carolina, 1790-1906, National Archives Microfilm Publication M1183, Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, National Archives, Washington, D.C. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Passenger list of the Pesaro, 1921, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls. NAI: 6256867. Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36. National Archives at Washington, D.C. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1910 for Young, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, NARA microfilm publication T624, Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Draft card for Domenico Rustici, United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. Records of the Selective Service System, Record Group Number 147. National Archives and Records Administration. Courtesy of ancestry.com; 1940 U.S. Federal Census, April 1940, Alleghany County, PA, Patton Township, Mellon Plan. Courtesy of ancestry.com. This census claims that there are four people in the Baccarini house: John (aged 65, a coal loader), Celesta (his wife, aged 59, houseworker), Mario (aged 35, a coal loader), and Domenico Rustico (aged 48). The latter is a lodger who has, it seems, more money coming in, and working more hours than them in one category and the same in another.
[4] U.S. Federal Census of 1920 for Alleghany, Somerset, Pennsylvania, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. (NARA microfilm publication T625, 2076 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1930 for Juniata, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1940 for Juniata, Bedford, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com.
[5] Birth of Elsa Irene Sinnhuber, Pennsylvania (State). Birth certificates, 1906–1908. Series 11.89 (50 cartons). Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Draft card of Albert Sinnhuber, United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls. Imaged from Family History Library microfilm. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Albert Sinnhuber declaration in Pennsylvania, March 3, 1917, Naturalization Petitions for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1795-1930. (National Archives Microfilm Publication M1522, 369 rolls); Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21; National Archives, Washington, D.C. p. 258. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Albert Sinnhuber declaration in Pennsylvania, March 25, 1929, National Archives at Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; ARC Title: Petitions for Naturalization, 1820 - 1979; NAI Number: 2837692; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: RG 21. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1930 for Turtle Creek, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1940 for Turtle Creek, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; Draft card of Albert Sinnhuber, United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls. Imaged from Family History Library microfilm. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1930 for Turtle Creek, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; U.S. Federal Census of 1940 for Turtle Creek, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com.
[6] Herbert Paulson gravestone. Find A Grave, updated May 13, 2010, accessed September 5, 2016; Albert Sinnhuber gravestone. Find A Grave, updated October 10, 2011, accessed September 5, 2016; Death certificate of Albert Sinnhuber, Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates, 1906–1963. Series 11.90 (1,905 cartons). Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Courtesy of ancestry.com. Dates of Sinnhuber on his grave seem to be wrong if one relies on his death certificate, which says that he was age 68 at his death in 1943, meaning he was born in 1875. Also see Brian Butko, The Ship Hotel: A Grand View along the Lincoln Highway (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2010), 34-5; “U.S.S. Grandview Ship Hotel: Lincoln Highway,” Miniature Railroad & Village, accessed September 5, 2016; Brian Butko, “Ship Hotel: Afloat with the Lincoln Highway's Most Unusual Landmark,” Pennsylvania Heritage Vol. XL, No. 2, Spring 2014.
[7] Brian Butko, Pennsylvania Traveler's Guide: The Lincoln Highway (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002), 230-231; “Carnegie Science Center Unveils 2003 Miniature Railroad and Village,” Allegheny City Society Reporter Dispatch, Winter 2003, p. 3, accessed September 5, 2016; William A. White, “Mountain Ship,” The Pittsburgh Press, Section Two, March 23, 1954, p. 21. Courtesy of Google News Archive; “Just Another Roadside Attraction,” The Pittsburgh Press, June 28, 1986, Sunday Magazine, p. 7. Courtesy of Google News Archive; “U.S.S. Grandview Ship Hotel: Lincoln Highway”; “Ship Hotel: Afloat with the Lincoln Highway's Most Unusual Landmark”; David Greenlees, “The S. S. Grand View Point Hotel On The Lincoln Highway,” The Old Motor, July 9, 2012, accessed September 5, 2016.
[8] Chris Wechtenhiser, “Historic Ship Hotel burns,” Bedford Gazette, October 27-28, 2001; 1930 U.S. Federal Census for Lansford, Carbon, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com; 1940 U.S. Federal Census for Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls. Courtesy of ancestry.com. Oravec is not the same as one listed in the 1910 census as living in Spangler, Cambria, Pennsylvania and born in 1885. Also dates do not match up. Other workers on the ship included, but are not limited to, Cecelia Davies (Butko, The Ship Hotel, 88).
[9] Brian Butko, Pennsylvania Traveler's Guide: The Lincoln Highway (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002), 230-231; Butko, The Ship Hotel, 35-36; “Ship Hotel: Afloat with the Lincoln Highway's Most Unusual Landmark"; The Federal Writers Project, The WPA Guide to Pennsylvania: The Keystone State (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1940 (2013 reprint)), 451; Patrick M. Reynolds, “Western Pennsylvania Embraces Visitors,” Reading Eagle, June 25, 1978, Leisure, p. 73. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Doug Pappas, “Grand View Hotel Tribute 2,” Lincoln Highway Home, Society for American Baseball Research, accessed September 5, 2016.
[10] Butko, The Ship Hotel, 42-44, 46-47, 49, 51, 54-55; “The S. S. Grand View Point Hotel On The Lincoln Highway.”
[11] Route from Turtle Creek to “scenic overlook” (former site of Ship Hotel), Google Maps, accessed September 5, 2016; Butko, The Ship Hotel, 44; William A. White, “Mountain Ship,” The Pittsburgh Press, Section Two, March 23, 1954, p. 21. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Gilbert Love, “Bedford Immersed In History and Elegance,” The Pittsburgh Press, October 25, 1972, p. 23. Courtesy of Google News Archive; “Just Another Roadside Attraction,” The Pittsburgh Press, June 28, 1986, Sunday Magazine, p. 7. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Butko, The Ship Hotel, 57-58, 61, 66-68, 70; Associated Press, “Fire destroys quirky ship hotel in Pennsylvania,” Rome News-Tribune, October 28, 2001, p. 5A, no. 501. Courtesy of the Google News Archive; Mary Thomas, “Passing Scenery,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 8, 2004, Homes & Gardens, Section B, p. B-6. Courtesy of Google News Archive; “Just Another Roadside Attraction,” The Pittsburgh Press, June 28, 1986, Sunday Magazine, p. 6-7. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Associated Press, “Group wants to restore hotel in shape of ship,” Gettysburg Times, Aug. 3, 1998, Vol. 96, no. 183, Digest, p. A2. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Associated Press, “Group wants to restore Ship Hotel,” Beaver County Times, Aug. 2, 1998, Sports, p. B7. Courtesy of Google News Archive; Tom Gibb, “Fire sinks the 'Ship,' U.S. 30 hotel-eatery,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 27, 2001; Chris Wechtenhiser, “Historic Ship Hotel burns,” Bedford Gazette, October 27-28, 2001; Doug Pappas, “Grand View Hotel Tribute,” Lincoln Highway Home, Society for American Baseball Research, accessed September 5, 2016; Doug Pappas, “Grand View Hotel Tribute 3,” Lincoln Highway Home, Society for American Baseball Research, accessed September 5, 2016; “The S.S. Grand View Point Hotel,” Lincoln Highway Corridor, 2016, accessed September 5, 2016; Patricia Lowry, “Ship Hotel has sailed, but a jaunty new book honors its history and heyday,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 12, 2010; Tom Gibb, “The Ship sails choppy seas,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 15, 1998; Doug Kirby, Ken Smith, and Mike Wilkins, “Lincoln Highway's Ship of the Alleghenies Burns,” RoadsideAmerica.com, Accessed September 5, 2016; David Greenlees, “The S. S. Grand View Point Hotel On The Lincoln Highway,” The Old Motor, July 9, 2012, accessed September 5, 2016; Richard Funk, Along Pennsylvania's Lincoln Highway (San Francisco, CA: Arcadia Publishing, 2006), 91; “Local Fun,” Schellsburg, PA, Accessed September 5, 2016; Jeffrey J. Kitsko, “Lincoln Highway,” November 27, 2015, accessed September 5, 2016; “3 States And 7 Counties!,” WQED, August 15, 2008, accessed September 5, 2016; Jerin Miller and Angelica W. Capone, “A Coffee Pot for Giants,” Pennsylvania Center for the Book (Penn State), Fall 2010 and Spring 2011, accessed on September 5, 201; Charles Phoenix, “S.S. GRAND VIEW SHIP HOTEL, BEDFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, 1957,” Charles Phoenix, 2016, accessed September 5, 2016.
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hoboal87 · 3 years
Don't Speak, Part 11
Characters: Sam, Reader, John, Bobby, Ellen, unnamed doctor, mentions of: Dean, Claire and Jo
Pairings: Sam x Reader, implied Dean x Claire, implied Reader x Claire, implied Sam x Reader x Dean
Summary: Y/N recovers from Sam and Dean's assault.
Warnings: soft!dark Sam, gaslighting, past rape/sexual assault**, recovery from assualt, stockholm syndrome, medical inaccuracies, mentions of past miscarriage, fluff?
Word Count: 1700+
**TW: past rape/sexual assault is mentioned throughout this chapter in non-explicit detail.
a/n: once again, i'd like to thank @negans-lucille-tblr for letting me bounce ideas off of her in the middle of the night (well, my time) thanks, Bee!
beta'd by the wonderful, lovely, @writethelifeyouwant
This is a dark!fic that includes potentially triggering content and is intended for mature audiences only. You are responsible for your own media consumption, so please, read the warnings and if you feel that you may be triggered and/or offended please move along. If you have any questions about the warnings/tags please feel free to DM me.
My Full Masterlist
Don't Speak Masterlist
Part 10
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You’re tucked warmly in your bed and every inch of your body aches, so much so that even the slightest movement makes you want to cry. After Dean had finished with Claire, he and Sam focused all of their rage on you, showing you a level of brutality you’d not seen in months. The brothers invent a story about your injuries for Mrs. Harvelle and Joanna: that you and Claire had snuck out of the manor and were attacked by a stranger. They’re either too scared or too loyal to the Winchesters to question otherwise; but you know they don’t completely believe them. Joanna had told you on more than one occasion that most people who lived in town feared the Winchesters; none of them were brave enough to step on their property without permission. The look on Mrs. Harvelle’s face tells you that she doesn’t trust their story, and at one point, you think she may ask you what really happened, but she’s interrupted by John entering the room to check on you.
There’s a fleeting smirk on John’s face as he looks you over; no doubt the brothers had already given him every sordid detail. The smirk quickly turns into a look of concern when Mrs. Harvelle notes your unusual injuries, and suggests that they call for the doctor and possibly a midwife, so that you can receive proper care. John frowns at her suggestion, you’re sure he wants to keep your interactions with anyone outside of the manor to a minimum, but as she lifts your nightgown to show him the extent of Sam and Dean’s assault, he reluctantly agrees.
The doctor is a young man, he doesn’t look to be much older than you. You don't quite catch his name; you're too focused on the pain radiating throughout your body. He almost resembles Dean; dark blonde hair and chiseled features, but in place of Dean’s green eyes, blue ones shine back at you. Mrs. Harvelle holds your hand as he speaks to you warmly, examining your injuries gingerly, before declaring you have a broken wrist, cracked ribs, and a fractured cheekbone. He raises an eyebrow when Sam feeds him the stranger story, but you know he wouldn’t dare question a husband about what may or may not have happened in his marital bed. No one would be able to do anything even if they believed you. You were Sam’s wife, his property for all intents and purposes, and he could do with you whatever he pleased.
The doctor sets your wrist, and wraps a bandage around your chest, ordering that you stay on bed rest for the next two weeks. He not-so-subtly suggests to Sam that you keep ‘nighttime activities’ to a minimum. The idea of Sam sharing your bed at all sends you into near-hysterics, and you hope that the midwife will also give him the same order. the doctor gives Sam a little brown bottle full of a clear liquid, and you can make out the word morphine written in large block letters. For a moment you think you might have a way to help yourself and Claire. If the doctor comes to the manor every day, then maybe he'll see what's happening to you both. But your hopes are shattered when he begins to instruct Mrs. Harvelle on how to administer the dosage, at John and Sam's insistence, providing her with a needle and taking her through the steps. Once Mrs. Harvelle feels comfortable enough the doctor makes sure that she is watching your intake very closely.
As the doctor leaves your chambers, you hear hushed words between him and John. You want to speak up, to thank him for being so kind, but it hurts to open your mouth. the doctor nods and offers a warm smile when his eyes land on you, seeming to know what you wanted to say. John’s eyes narrow, and he grabs the doctor roughly by the arm and escorts him out of the room.
The same midwife who had given you a clean bill of health not two months ago is examining you again. She asks Mrs. Harvelle about the damage between your legs, and Mrs. Harvelle repeats Sam’s story about a stranger assaulting you. You wince as she looks you over, and when Sam asks if it could affect you becoming pregnant again, she answers with a sigh. She advises, just as the doctor did, that he refrain from lying with you until you are fully healed, and tells you both that you should have no problem conceiving again.
Mrs. Harvelle and Joanna seem to be splitting their time between you and Claire, but you’ve yet to learn what kind of state she is in. The brother’s may not have beaten her as badly as they did you, but the way they used her body will be seared into your memory forever. As it was before, the only men you can even tolerate being around are Bobby and John, and only then when you were in a morphine-filled haze.
“No man is stupid ‘nuff to come on this property,” you can barely make out Bobby’s voice through your still fogged brain. He didn’t seem to fear the Winchesters, unlike some of the other servants, but you weren’t sure with whom his loyalty truly lay. “Those girls barely do anything without the boys. Why would they sneak out in the middle of the night?”
“They’re young, not much older than Joanna,” John excuses.
“Yeah, but–”
“What exactly are you gettin’ at Bobby? You think Sam or Dean hurt them?”
“All’s I’m sayin’ is… I love those boys as if they were my own, John, you know that,” you’d never heard any of the servants at Winchester Manor call John by his first name, and to hear Bobby say it was almost unnerving. “But you know as well as me that there’s something off about them. Ellen and me have turned the other way for a long time now, we don’t say nothin’ ‘cause they weren’t hurtin’ nobody. But I saw Dean bring Claire back to their room–”
“What my sons do with their wives is none of your business, Robert, and I’ll thank you to keep your thoughts to yourself. Don’t forget your place, you and Ellen.”
You drift off to John and Bobby still talking, both making what seemed to be thinly-veiled threats and accusations. Thanks to the morphine, you spend a majority of every day sleeping, only waking for short bursts to be fed or bathed.
You wake one morning to see Sam sitting in a chair next to your bed. His focus isn’t on you, but a book in his hand, Frankenstein. Your body still aches but nothing like it did before. How long had it been– a few days, a week, more? Your wrist was still wrapped, and the bruises that you could see were no longer a deep purple but a light yellow-green.
You whimper as you move onto your side, unintentionally gathering Sam’s attention.
“Hey there, princess,” he smiles warmly, closing the book and putting it onto the table next to your bed. “How ya feelin’?”
You don’t know if you can speak, so you shrug your shoulders, and your hair falls in front of your face. Sam reaches out and you recoil, unsure of what he wants.
“S’okay, baby girl, I just wanna see those pretty eyes,” he soothes as he pushes your hair behind your ears. “There we go, now I can see my beautiful wife.” An uncontrollable warmth fills your body at Sam’s praise. “I’m gonna have Mrs. Harvelle draw us a bath, how does that sound, hmm? Let you soak up, s'been a while since you had a proper one,” Sam laughs slightly.
“‘Kay,” you mumble, fighting the soreness in your throat.
“Good,” he leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead, “how ‘bout some tea as well? Warm you right up.”
You nod, sitting up slightly as Sam leaves your room. It’s late in the day, supper time at least, oranges and reds coloring the sky outside your window. The leaves of an oak tree are an orangish-brown, at least the ones still attached to the branches, and you realize that all your memories since the loss of your baby are hazy at best.
Ten minutes later Sam is gathering you out of your bed, and carrying you into the bathroom. Mrs. Harvelle is there, offering to help you undress but Sam politely shoos her away, saying that he will do it himself. There is a moment between them that you don’t quite understand, and her eyes briefly flicker to you, as if she’s waiting for you to give her a reason to stay.
Part of you wants to ask her to, but you dare not go against Sam’s wishes; he’s being unusually kind, and you don’t want to sour his mood. The large, clawfoot tub is filled with steaming water, and you can’t deny that it looks very appealing. Sam sets you down on a small chair, and reaches for the hem of your nightgown. Your breath hitches, and Sam stops before looking back up to you. You take a moment before nodding your head, answering his unasked question, and he removes the dress, gently caressing up your body as he does so.
“I’d like to get in with you,” Sam asks, almost innocently, like a naive young boy, not the brute you know him to be. “If that’s okay?” you nod meekly and he slowly strips himself of his own clothes.
Sam picks you up gingerly, carrying you as you had always imagined a husband would carry his wife. He sinks down slowly, and you gasp as he places you in the water. It’s almost uncomfortably hot, but after a moment or two your body adjusts and you let yourself be overtaken by its warmth. Sam climbs in behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach, and encourages you to lean back against him and settle between his legs.
Sam hums as you relax into him, and you find a source of comfort in the steady beat of his heart. There’s silence between you, for once, and you don’t feel the need or pressure to do anything but be with your husband. Water ripples as Sam’s usual rough touches are replaced by soft and meaningful caresses over your healing body.
“You know I love you, Y/N,” Sam murmurs in your ear, breaking the silence. It's the first time he’s ever said that to you, and you feel your heart swell.
“You do?” You ask as you turn around to face him.
“Of course I do. That’s why I had to teach you a lesson, because I love you,” Sam caresses your face. “I know you want to be a good girl, a good wife for me, and you try so hard. The baby–” he stops as you retreat back. “–it wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you.”
“You don’t?” You’d been blaming yourself for the better part of two months, but now knowing Sam doesn’t, you find relief from the guilt you’d been feeling.
“No, baby girl,” he pulls you towards him, letting your chest rest against his. “It'll happen when it's supposed to, ‘kay?” You nod, too overcome by his confession to do anything else. He loves you. “I need you to promise me one thing, Y/N,” you perk up, staring deep into his eyes. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again.” You don’t need him to be specific, you know exactly what he’s referring to. “We took it easy on you, and you don’t want to see what happens when I get mad, do you sweetheart?”
“I pr-promise,” you nod your head.
“Good girl.”
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Feedback is fuel! Please tell me what you think!
Part 12
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alliluyevas · 3 years
decided to do another Mormon polygamist offspring chart for Heber Kimball, who was an apostle in the early Mormon church and a close friend of both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (also Joseph Smith’s father-in-law because he married Heber’s 14 year old daughter Helen :/) 
Heber had 66 children, which I think is the largest number I’ve seen yet. Chronological list is under the cut. The children’s mothers’ names are in the parentheses.
Judith (Vilate Murray)
William (Vilate Murray)
Helen (Vilate Murray) 
Roswell (Vilate Murray)
Heber (Vilate Murray)
David (Vilate Murray)
[In 1842, Heber marries his first plural wife, Sarah Peak.]
Adelbert (Sarah Peak) 
Charles (Vilate Murray)
Henry (Sarah Peak)
Brigham (Vilate Murray) 
Sarah (Sarah Peak) 
Unnamed son, died at birth (Martha McBride) 
Margaret (Frances Swan)
Abraham (Clarissa Cutler) 
Rachel (Lucy Walker) 
David (Sarah Whitney)
Isaac (Emily Trask)
Solomon (Vilate Murray)
Samuel (Aagaat Ysteinsdatter)
David (Sarah Whitney)
Heber (Sarah Peak) 
Prescinda (Prescinda Huntington) 
Murray (Vilate Murray) 
Joseph & Augusta (Aagaat Ysteinsdatter)
John (Lucy Walker) 
David (Sarah Whitney)
Cornelia (Christine Golden) 
Samuel (Ann Gheen)
William (Amanda Gheen) 
Susannah (Ruth Reese) 
Joseph (Prescinda Huntington) 
Newel (Sarah Whitney)
Harriet (Helga Bakka)
Rosalia (Aagaat Ysteinsdatter)
Willard (Lucy Walker) 
Horace (Sarah Whitney)
Jacob (Ruth Reese) 
Jonathan (Christine Golden) 
Albert (Amanda Gheen) 
Peter (Mary Ellen Harris) 
Jedediah (Aagaat Ysteinsdatter)
Lydia (Lucy Walker) 
Hyrum (Helga Bakka) 
Enoch (Ruth Reese) 
Daniel (Ann Gheen) 
Ann (Lucy Walker)
Sarah (Sarah Whitney)
Jeremiah (Amanda Gheen)
Andrew & Alice (Ann Gheen)
Mary (Mary Smithies) 
Eliza (Lucy Walker)
James (Mary Smithies) 
Sarah (Ann Gheen)
Washington (Lucy Walker) 
Joshua (Sarah Whitney)
Moroni (Amanda Gheen) 
Mary (Christine Golden) 
Joshua (Lucy Walker)
Eugene (Helga Bakka)
Wilford (Mary Smithies) 
Franklin (Lucy Walker)
Lorenzo (Mary Smithies)
Abbie (Mary Smithies)
[Note: Heber Kimball died in 1868, about six months after the birth of his youngest child, Abbie).
Heber Kimball’s oldest and youngest children were born 45 years apart (:/)
Two of Heber’s sons were also named Heber. While I did not include middle names in this chart, a further eighteen sons had Heber as their middle name.
In terms of other repeat names: 2 children named Mary, 2 named Joshua, 2 William, 2 Joseph (both with the full name Joseph Smith Kimball), 2 Samuel, 3 Sarah, and 4 named David (although I will point out that three out of the 4 Davids were born to the same wife and the first two died in infancy)
There are two sets of twins, Joseph & Augusta and Andrew & Alice.
In terms of birth chronology, you see a kind of similar pattern to Brigham Young, with a consistent rate pre-polygamy, a midlife population explosion, and then tapering off a bit as the father ages. However, Brigham Young had children at a pretty consistent rate throughout his 40s and 50s, while Heber Kimball has several years with four or five kids being born interspersed with years where only one child or none was born. I know he did a lot of mission work while Brigham Young was consistently Salt Lake City based so I’m assuming those years were after he had been absent on a mission.
1846-47 was the period of the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Utah, which means that a total of 6 Kimball children were born on the wagon train traveling to Utah. 3 of those children did not survive infancy--infant loss seems to have been a particularly prominent scourge of Mormon mothers on the trail, which is understandable. I would not want to give birth in a wagon either.
For some of the less common names: Newel was a boy, sharing a name with his maternal grandfather Newel Whitney, who was an early convert and Mormon bishop. Moroni is from the Book of Mormon/the angel Moroni.
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finishinglinepress · 4 years
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FLP BOOK OF THE DAY: The Shomer by Ellen Sazzman
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-shomer-by-ellen-sazzman/
Ellen Sazzman has lived in Washington, D.C. and Montgomery County, Maryland for the last forty years where she raised her family and practiced law for the federal government. Her poetry has been published in numerous journals including Beltway Poetry Quarterly, CALYX, Connecticut River Review, Common Ground Review, Comstock Review, Ekphrastic Review, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Intima, Lilith, Miramar, Moment, PANK, Paterson Literary Review, Poetica, Poetry South, Southword Literary Journal, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, and Women’s Studies Quarterly. Her poem “Remnants” was a Pushcart Prize nominee. The Shomer is her debut poetry collection. The Shomer was selected as a finalist for the 2020 Blue Lynx Prize, a semifinalist for the 2020 Elixir Press Antivenom Award, and a semifinalist for the 2019 Codhill Press Poetry Award.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR The Shomer by Ellen Sazzman
The shomer is one who plays the role of watchman in the Jewish traditional shemira, the guarding of the dead. In the old tradition, all shomrim sit and protect the body which cannot protect itself. They guard against desecration before burial. Without the presence of the shomer, the dead are still subjected to the judgment of God, though they lack the agency to act and resist such corruptions of the body. Thus the shomer is the advocate and protector of those who can no longer protect themselves, but one who also gains a special glimpse into the liminal, a witness to what happens in the space between life and burial. In Ellen Sazzman’s moving, revealing, truly dazzling poems, the symbol of the eponymous shomer is used in sections that watch over and witness the passing of three sorts of life force: the parents, the old traditions, and one’s own body. The brilliance of that: that the poet is also the witness to her own corporality, and that she is charged to step away from the body, so to speak, to keep its vigil. I can think of no better metaphor for the role of poetry, and there are few who do this work more elegantly and more truthfully than Ellen Sazzman. She is a writer who has lived in those “neither-worlds,” one who knows about advocacy and the power of exacting speech, and, while this book is a debut, it has been shaping itself a long time. I hope The Shomer is the first of many such books, the first of many such guardianships. Her work holds, seemingly effortlessly, the balance of authority and tenderness.
–David Keplinger, author of six poetry collections, most recently The Long Answer
The Shomer opens on an elegiac note, but make no mistake; this collection teems with life. Intimate, honest, and wryly funny, these poems travel the journey of miles and years, asking us “Who doesn’t hunger, / wouldn’t hunt for more”? That hunger is both metaphoric and literal, as seen in the second section’s one-two punch of “Jewish Girl’s Guide to Guacamole” and “Brisket Wars.” From Cleveland to Cape Cod, from Mexico City to Saint-Malo: complementing Sazzman’s rich imagery and sense of place is her easy touch with the sonnet, the ghazal, and other formal traditions. Having followed this poet’s work for years, I’m delighted for others to join me in appreciating her discerning voice and artistry.
–Sandra Beasley, author most recently of Made to Explode
The Shomer: What an apt title for Ellen Sazzman’s book, which acts as a guardian/custodian of so many deeply important things. Family, the body, love in all its guises, lives lived and deaths experienced — this accomplished collection takes us from Bernini to brisket, from lemon to Leica, in a vast sweep of personal and cultural history. Formally adept, the poems gracefully skirt the line of the subversive: “Eve, Pandora, Lot’s unnamed wife, / curious women who dared to open themselves / to the forbidden with a taste, a touch, a twist.” Lovely sonic patterning and images from all the senses resonate and stay with the reader, an old perfume bottle whose “glass is cloudy / but luminous, a filament of moon flickering.”
—Moira Egan, author most recently of Synæsthesium
#flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, October 12
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Queen Elizabeth’s 73-year sham marriage to Prince Philip collapses
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Page 2: Kanye West is in top-secret talks to launch his own TV network and is crowing it will be bigger than the Kardashians -- he wants it to reflect his lofty vision of what the world should be and to provide a spiritual awakening for the masses but he doesn’t realize there aren’t a lot of people who want to spend hours a day listening to him rant about how the world would be a better place if he was in charge -- meanwhile Kim Kardashian is at the end of her rope again 
Page 3: Furious Angelina Jolie is tearing into Brad Pitt’s new girlfriend Nicole Poturalski blasting her as a scheming psycho and as a borderline stalker who is dating Brad just to get famous and it’s going to end in disaster for the whole family not just him so she’s already told Brad to keep Nicole away from their kids and she’s looking to make this part of their ongoing legal case 
Page 4: Newly single Kelly Clarkson has enlisted fellow country star Maren Morris to help her find a new man -- Maren advised Kelly to use her talk show to connect with men she admires but Kelly may have taken her advice a little too literally when she had her crush Keanu Reeves on the show and was drooling all over him though she knows it’s probably wishful thinking 
Page 5: Ellen DeGeneres kicked off her new season by publicly apologizing for allegations of misconduct on her talk show but body language experts blasted her remarks as tone deaf and missing the mark totally 
Page 6: Jimmy Fallon’s wife Nancy Juvonen is furious over the time he spends nurturing his bond with close pal Kathie Lee Gifford -- Jimmy loves to reminisce about the old days at NBC with the former Today yakker especially during today’s challenging times and he worships her and he’s the only late-night host who treats Kathie Lee like an A-lister but Nancy can’t stand Kathie Lee’s constant self-obsessed talk and considers her a squeaky third wheel 
Page 7: Cher keeps trying to turn back time with plastic surgery but the results have been disastrous and although she insists her most recent work is a facelift her kisser is frozen and packed with Botox and fillers and lip injections -- she also appears to have had a nose job and a face and neck lift to achieve a smooth jawline and neck and the results have left Cher barely able to move her face and even made it difficult for her to speak let alone sing, disgraced chef Paula Deen had emergency eye surgery this summer in a desperate bid to save her sight -- Paula had been suffering from declining vision for months and was shocked when doctors told her the cornea was dying and going under the knife was necessary to save her sight 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Tiger Woods took a brief break during practice, Leighton Meester caught some waves in Malibu, Kristen Taekman in a New York Jets bikini, Dolph Lundgren doffed his mask after leaving a lunch date in Beverly Hills, Dominic Cooper took his electric bike for a spin in London 
Page 11: Cash-strapped Tori Spelling and husband Dean McDermott are back in couples therapy and on the verge of filing for bankruptcy -- they’re in counseling for the same old stuff which is their constant fighting and spending money and work that isn’t happening -- the parents of five were hit with tax liens totaling nearly $1 million and were also sued by American Express over an unpaid credit card bill of almost $90,000 which Tori asked her mother Candy Spelling who is worth about $600 million to pay but Candy refused and after Candy revealed her plans to leave her fortune to animal charities Tori and Dean may file for bankruptcy because they both love to spend, Bravo bigwigs are hoping hotel heiress Kathy Hilton will fill the vacancy left by Denise Richards and Teddi Mellencamp on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and producers are trying to keep ratings high by getting veteran Kyle Richards to recruit sister and former castmate Kim Richards and half sister Kathy -- Kathy is said to be high on producers’ wish list because of her wit and humor and is also considered old-school Beverly Hills and show brass want her to bring a certain glamour and sophistication to the show 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Demi Lovato at a NYC screening party (picture), when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve in Times Square Anderson Cooper won’t be there because he would rather be at home with his baby boy, The Bachelor has cut all ties with Colton Underwood after his ex Cassie Randolph got a temporary restraining order against him, Teresa Giudice plans to move to NYC after listing her New Jersey mansion but she still wants to keep her job on The Real Housewives of New Jersey and to get around that Teresa hopes to pretend she’s moved into her brother Joe Gorga’s home in Jersey 
Page 13: John Legend revealed couples therapy helps strengthen his marriage to Chrissy Teigen and said they keep their romance going strong by communicating and being considerate and listening, Jackie Stallone was more than just Sylvester Stallone’s mom -- she was also one of the world top astrologers and psychics who predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall and Kanye West’s presidential run 
Page 14: Crime -- convicted Melrose Place killer Amy Locane is in lockup again for a fatal 2010 drunk-driving smashup that took one life and nearly took another after a New Jersey Superior Court Judge said she got off too easy by serving two years behind bars and sentenced Amy to eight more years in state prison 
Page 15: The gruesome house of horrors where Drew Carey’s ex-fiancee Amie Harwick brutally met her untimely end is on the market for $1.5 million and her family can’t wait to get rid of it, Shannen Doherty is in pretty good spirits amid her ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer according to her former Beverly Hills 90210 co-star Jason Priestley
Page 16: Cover Story -- After decades of turning a blind eye to her husband’s cheating Queen Elizabeth’s 72-year marriage has shockingly collapsed and Prince Philip is now banished to a remote cottage far away from the monarch -- despite royal courtiers painting a rosy picture of the couple quarantining together at Windsor Castle since March the truth is their marriage has been a sham for decades and they’ve been living separate lives for over 50 years and all this forced togetherness was simply too much for them -- Philip has been cheating on Elizabeth since before they were married and has several love children; he has rumored to have had flings with actress Helene Cordet and Daphne du Maurier and Pat Kirkwood and Jane Russell and Merle Oberon and Zsa Zsa Gabor and Princess Alexandria and Sacha Duchess of Abercorn and most recently Lady Penny Romsey -- there will be no divorce and they will just quietly continue their separate lives to the end of their days but the queen never wants to see Philip again 
Page 18: Larry King’s estranged wife Shawn Southwick is demanding $33,000 a month in spousal support because she claims she gave up her music and TV career to marry the frail talk show host and then raise their sons Chance and Cannon, Hollywood Hookups -- Halle Berry and Van Hunt dating, 90 Day Fiance stars Ashley Martson and Jay Smith split for good, Justin Duggar dating Claire Spivey 
Page 19: Tom Cruise is set to shoot the first major movie in outer space and he’s headed to the International Space Station in October 2021 with director Doug Liman -- the two and possibly one additional actor will hitch a ride aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule to film the unnamed project, the IV needle allegedly used to administer the fatal dose of propofol to Michael Jackson on June 25 of 2009 is up for auction by the estate of the late singer’s father Joe and the chilling item used by Michael’s physician Dr. Conrad Murray is reportedly still stained with Michael’s blood -- it was submitted to the auction by Michael’s cousin Marsha Stewart who says she took it from Michael’s bedroom days after he died, Sharon Stone has pressed her lips on a long list of Hollywood hunks but picked Robert De Niro as far and away the best kisser but rated her other leading men as kind of like meh 
Page 20: Stars Playing Stars -- how they did it -- Muhammad Ali and Will Smith, Frida Kahlo and Salma Hayek, Ray Charles and Jamie Foxx 
Page 21: Marilyn Monroe and Michelle Williams, Queen Elizabeth and Helen Mirren, Billie Holiday and Diana Ross, Bob Dylan and Cate Blanchett 
Page 22: An adopted son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen has charged it was his mother not his father who was the monster in the family -- Moses Farrow says Woody did not molest adopted daughter Dylan Farrow in 1992 and that he can no longer stay silent as Woody continues to be condemned for a crime he did not commit 
Page 26: Less than nine months after Kobe Bryant and daughter Gianna died in a helicopter crash a vicious feud has ripped the family apart -- the row erupted between his widow Vanessa Bryant and her mother Sofia Laine after Sofia went on TV to publicly accuse her daughter of tossing her out of the family home -- Vanessa feels she’s already given her mom so much and then she heard through the grapevine that Sofia complained she should have more -- it does seem cold that Vanessa would take such action against her mother but she’s ready to take on anyone using her husband and child’s deaths as a selfish cash grab and that includes Sofia 
Page 27: Danny Masterson’s rape trial is looming and the Church of Scientology is doing everything in its power to back the scandal-scarred actor -- the church’s leaders have assigned their top lawyers to aid Danny who is a prominent member of the religion and the lawyers are scouring every law on the books to get the case thrown out or get him acquitted -- the church has previously been accused of trying to get the other side’s defenses dismissed or judges thrown off cases and using all manner of tactics to delay due process 
Page 28: American Life -- Bighearted ex-billionaire Chuck Feeney has spent 38 years giving away nearly all of his vast fortune and the generous do-gooder said he wouldn’t have had it any other way 
Page 29: Famed stoner Willie Nelson can’t stop sampling his own marijuana products and now friends fear the 87-year-old music legend is smoking himself to death -- Willie’s a believer in the powers of cannabis and promotes it passionately but years of smoking has done a number on his lungs and he can barely breathe at times, Julia Duffy has been keeping close a tragic heartache for more than a year -- her only son Danny Lacy committed suicide at age 29 after years of suffering from mental health issues 
Page 34: Comic Kathy Griffin has seen her popularity plummet in recent years and it’s played a role in her plans to sell her sprawling Bel Air estate -- Kathy has burned a lot of bridges and concerts and TV appearances have dried up because of her many industry conflicts so she’s trying to unload her massive manor with wine cellar and movie theater and eight bedrooms for $16 million -- she didn’t want to sell it but the cost and size have become too much for her to handle 
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 38: CIA bigwigs once hired a psychic to determine if there was life on Mars -- the misguided mission was said to be part of Project Stargate which was launched in 1978 and somehow cost an astronomical $20 million after the CIA hired a man who claimed he could see the surface of the planet in his mind -- the unnamed man claimed he could see huge pyramids and an obelisk structure and road networks on the Red Planet as well as living creatures, John Lennon’s killer Mark David Chapman shocked the parole board when he admitted he deserved the death penalty even as he begged for his freedom at his last hearing -- his murderous motive was seeking self-glory -- the board denied his parole saying they found his statement infamy brings you glory disturbing 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- London Fashion Week 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Luke Bryan and his dog Choc 
Page 47: Odd List -- doctors remove granny’s football-sized tumor 
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Annie Elizabeth & Alice Margaret Crook
Annie Elizabeth Crook was born in 1863 on London daughter of William Crook and Sarah Annie Quordisman (or Quatermane). Her father William, son of William and Sarah Crook, was baptised on October 24th 1830 and was from Eton, Berkshire, England. Her mother Sarah Annie was born around 1839.
Annie's parents married on May 25th 1829 at Upton Cum Chalvey, Buckinghamshire (about a mile from Eton). They were Anglicans.
The 1871 census the family is listed living in Upper Rathbone Place, Marylebone, London. No number is given on the census sheet. William Crook, pianoforte finisher, aged 40 from Eton was married to Annie Crook, aged 32, from Berwick on Tweed (Northumberland). They had three daughters, Annie E, aged 8 and born in London; and Alice and Caroline aged 7 months and born in London.
By 1881 the family had moved to No 2 Rose Street, London, and their details are given as follows: the head of the family was William Crook, still working as a pianoforte finisher, aged 50 and born in Eton. His wife is Sarah A. Crook, aged 42 and from Scotland. Two daughters were living with them: Annie, who was 18 and working as a general domestic servant, and Alice, who was 12. Catherine is not listed so between 1871 and 1881 she probably died.
On the 18th April 1885 Annie had a daughter, Alice Margaret, who was born at St Marylebone Workhouse, London, but there is no information about who was her father. She was baptised as an Anglican. They lived at No. 9 Pitt Street, Tottenham Court Road.
Sadly, on 22nd January 1889 Annie and her daughter Alice were brought to the Endell Street Workhouse [where they were recorded as 'destitute'] by PC 453D.
By 1891 the family had moved back to Upper Rathbone Place, but this time we have a number, No 16. William Crook was 60 and still working as a pianoforte finisher. His wife Sarah, aged 50, is listed working as a charwoman from Berwick, Scotland. Their 27th year-old daughter Annie, jam maker, is living with them, as well as her daughter Alice Margaret, aged 5.
Annie’s father William Crook would die that year (1891), according to Begg, Fido and Skinner's book The Complete Jack the Ripper A – Z. Annie's mother Sarah died on 1916.
Annie stayed at various workhouses later in her life, dying eventually in the Lunacy Ward of Fulham Road Workhouse on February 23rd 1920, aged 58. She suffered recurrent epilepsy.
Alice Margaret Crook married William Gorman on 14th July 1918, at St Aloysius Chapel in At Pancrass, and they had 5 children (all born between 1921 and 1927), including Joseph “Hobo” William Charles Gorman (22nd October 1925 - January 2003). Alice died aged 65 in 1950, William died the following year.
Joseph Gorman, Walter Sickert and Stephen Knight
In 1973 the BBC launched a television series, Jack the Ripper, which investigated the Whitechapel murders. The sixth and final programme included a testimony by Joseph Gorman, who called himself Joseph Sickert and claimed to be the illegitimate son of noted painter Walter Sickert. Gorman claimed that Sickert had told him a story that implicated not only the royal family but also a host of other famous people in the murders. According to Gorman, sir William Gull committed the murders with the help of accomplices.
Gorman said that his Catholic grandmother (Annie Elizabeth) had secretly married prince Albert Victor, and that his mother Alice Margaret, was the legitimate daughter of Albert Victor and the rightful heir to the throne. He claimed that the Ripper murders were staged as part of a conspiracy to hush up any potential scandal by murdering anyone who knew of the birth. In the original television series, the story is depicted as the belief of Gorman but not of the detectives. Captivated by Gorman's story, journalist Stephen Knight decided to investigate the claims further, and eventually published his research as the book Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution in 1976.
Gorman said that Albert Victor's mother, Princess Alexandra, introduced Walter Sickert to her son in the hope that Sickert would teach Albert Victor about art. Gorman claimed that Albert Victor met one of Sickert's models, Annie Elizabeth Crook, a Catholic shop girl, at Sickert's studio at 15 Cleveland Street. They had an affair and married in a secret ceremony with Sickert and Annie's friend, Mary Jane Kelly, acting as witnesses. Gorman alleged that Albert Victor and Annie's daughter, Alice Margaret Crook, was born on 18 April 1885, and that Albert Victor settled Annie and Alice into an apartment in Cleveland Street. According to Gorman, in April 1888 the Queen Victoria and the British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury discovered Albert Victor's secret. Gorman accused Salisbury of ordering a raid on the apartment because he was afraid that public knowledge of a potential Catholic heir to the throne would result in a revolution. Gorman claimed that Albert Victor was placed in the custody of his family, while Annie was placed in the custody of Sir William Gull, who certified her insane; she spent the next 30 years drifting in and out of institutions before dying in 1920.
Meanwhile, Gorman alleged, Kelly was looking after the daughter, Alice, both during and after the raid. Gorman asserted that at first Kelly was content to hide the child, but then she, along with her friends Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman and Elizabeth Stride, decided to blackmail the government. Gorman accused Salisbury of conspiring with his fellow freemasons, including senior policemen in the London Metropolitan Police, to stop the scandal by staging the murders of the women. Gorman said Salisbury assigned the task to Gull, who lured the four women into a carriage individually where Gull murdered them with the assistance of coachman John Netley and Sir Robert Anderson, Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard. Gorman claimed a fifth victim, Catherine Eddowes, was killed accidentally in a case of mistaken identity because she used the alias Mary Ann Kelly and was confused with Mary Jane Kelly. Gorman alleged that Netley tried to kill the young Alice twice but after the second unsuccessful attempt several witnesses chased Netley, who threw himself into the Thames and drowned. Gorman completed the story by saying that Alice lived well into old age, later becoming Walter Sickert's mistress, and that Alice and Walter Sickert were his parents.
Knight explained that at first he did not believe Gorman's sensational story, which seemed "arrant, if entertaining, nonsense", but was so entranced by it that he had to investigate further. In describing the progress of his investigation, Knight revealed a series of coincidences: according to him, the murders ended with the death of Mary Kelly; a woman named "Elizabeth Cook", who Knight claimed could be Annie Elizabeth Crook misspelt, did live at 6 Cleveland Street; Annie Crook was institutionalised; rumours of the time link Prince Albert Victor to a scandal in Cleveland Street; Gull was fond of grapes, and one of the victims may have been eating some at the time of her death; Gull matched the description of an unnamed physician accused by clairvoyant Robert James Lees, who claimed to have identified the Ripper by using psychic powers. Eventually, as the circumstantial coincidences build up, Knight became convinced that Gorman's story was true. The lack of tangible evidence, he claimed, was due to a government cover-up and deliberate misdirection of the police investigation.
There are many facts that contradict Knight's theory (as listed here) and his main source, Joseph Gorman, later retracted the story and admitted to the press that it was a hoax.
Historian and author Paul Begg recalls having met Ellen May Lackner (1909 – 2005), Joseph Gorman's cousin, in 1992, and published in Jack the Ripper: The Facts that she ”... Confirmed that elements of Gorman’s story circulated within the family during his infancy; the story, or elements of it, where not his invention. She recalled that wealthy people sometimes visited the house, and she thought there was a connection with the birth of Alice Margaret, who she thought she was the illegitimate daughter of Walter Sickert, not Prince Albert Victor, and although she vaguely remembered some mysterious and frightening connection with Jack the Ripper, she thought it was an invention to deter too much enquiry into Alice”.
Other authors have written about the subject (either the Royal Conspiracy or the Freemasonry Conspiracy, or both, or even mixed or variations of the story – different suspects, mothers of Prince Albert Victor's child, etc.), such as Donald McCormick (1959, The Identity of Jack the Ripper), Thomas E. A. Stowell (1970, "Jack the Ripper – A Solution?" in the November issue of The Criminologist), Elwyn Jones and John Lloyd (1975, The Ripper File, based in the 1973 BBC series 'Jack The Ripper'), Jean Overton-Fuller (1990, Sickert and the Ripper Crimes), Melvyn Fairclough (1991, The Ripper and the Royals), Andy Parlour, Sue Parlour and Kevin O'Donnell (1997, The Jack the Ripper Whitechapel Murders) and Patricia Cornwell (2002, Portrait of a Killer). Although all of them are marketed as non-fiction books, they are dismissed almost universally as derivative fantasies and as containing non reliable sources. 
Many novels and fiction books (Alan Moore’s and Eddie Campbell’s From Hell; Robin Paige’s Death at Whitechapel; Anne Perry's The Whitechapel Conspiracy, to name a few); films and TV series (A Study in Terror, Murder by Decree, Jack The Ripper 1988 TV series, The Ripper 1997 TV film, From Hell...); and even websites and blogs (Felicity Lowde Research) are based, with variation, with this theory.
Casebook website  - Casebook Forums - Alleged Annie’s and Alice’s photographs
JTR Forums
“The Final Solution” wikipedia article
ALEXANDER, G. (2015): Jack The Ripper: Case Solved?
BEGG, Paul (2013): Jack The Ripper: The Facts.
BEGG, Paul; FIDO, Martin & SKINNER, Keith (2015): The Complete Jack the Ripper A – Z. The Ultimate Guide to the Ripper Mystery.
ODELL, Robin (2006): Ripperology: A Study of the World’s First Serial Killer and a Literary Phenomenon.
RUMBELOW, Donald (1975): Jack The Ripper: The Complete Casebook.
WOOD, Simon Daryl (2015): Deconstructing Jack: The Secret History of the Whitechapel Murders.
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atc74 · 7 years
Angelina’s Best of November
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So I started doing something new and will be featuring author recs every couple of weeks in addition to this monthly list. I will still be reblogging all those fantastic fics, but now they will be here: @angreadsficsandauthors.
But send me an ASK and tell me who you think I should read. Who are YOU reading right now? You wanna send me you? DO IT! There is nothing sinful about being proud of yourself!
I am soooo sorry happy this is so long!! That means I am discovering new authors that are just amazing!! It was a tough month, but I pampered myself with the gift of time and the written word. Enjoy!
Here is my literary vomit for the month:
Fast Cars and Freedom 4 (series masterlist)
I Burn Easy (Jensen x Reader)
Girl Crush (Dean x Reader) 
The House That Built Me (Dean x Reader AU) 
She Waits (Rob x Reader)
Fire & Ice (a follow up to She Waits)
Memory Foam and Fever Dreams @hannahindie (Dean x Reader)
Waiting @not-moose-one-shots (Dean x Reader)
When Words Fail @jotink78 (Dean x Reader)
Pin Up @crispychrissy (Dean x Reader)
Nov Drabble #2 @iwantthedean (Rob x Reader)
Nov Drabble #5 @iwantthedean (Jared x Reader)
Nov Drabble #12 @iwantthedean (Rob x Reader)
Tingles @lipstickandwhiskey (Sam x Reader)
Book Smart @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader)
Repay You @supernatural-jackles (Dean x Reader)
Happy Thanksgiving Y’all @arazialotis (Dean x Reader)
Skip to the Good Stuff @pinknerdpanda (Dean x Reader)
Heart of Gratitude @pinknerdpanda (Dean, Sam, Reader)
Imagine...Overhearing Dean @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Not What it Seems @katymacsupernatural (Dean x Reader)
Untitled Rob Drabble @oneshoeshort (Rob, Reader)
The Red Nosed One @luci-in-trenchcoats (Winchesters, Reader, Jack, friends)
Of The Sea @hannahindie (Sam x Reader)
From Then to Now @roxyspearing (Dean x Reader)
Pumpkin Pie and Thanksgiving @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog (Dean x Donna)
With a Bow @elizabeth-silverthorn (Dean x Reader)
A Winmills Thanksgiving @ilostmyshoe-79 (Sam x Jody)
Second Chances @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Just a Dream @emoryhemsworth (Dean x Reader AU)
Love & Uncertainty @impala-dreamer (Jensen x Reader)
Hey Handsome @supernatural-jackles (Dean x Reader)
Unexpected @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
39 Hours @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader AU)
Me & Cinderella @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader AU)
Merry Christmas to Me @roxyspearing (Jensen x Reader) 
Left Behind @tngrayson (Teen!Dean x Reader) 
Perfect As it Could Be @just-another-busy-fangirl​ (Dean X Donna) 
Freedom @ilostmyshoe-79​ (J2)
We Were Bound To Meet @queen-of-deans-booty (Sam x Reader)
Sparks Fly @queen-of-deans-booty (Dean x Reader)
Embrace @ellen-reincarnated1967 (Jared x Friend!Reader)
Best Laid Plans @roxyspearing (Dean x Reader)
Chat Room? @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms (Dean x Reader)
Somewhere Only We Know @deanssweetheart23 (Dean, Reader)
Open Arms @fandomoniumflurry (Sam x Reader)
I Trust You @torn-and-frayed (Dean x Reader)
Hey Jude @hannahindie (Dean x Reader)
Save Himself @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Dean x Reader)
What The Darkness Says @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms (Dean x Reader)
Dreams on Fire @hannahindie (Reader, Sam)
Unrequited @sofreddie (Sam x Reader)
Blindfolds @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Breathe, Relax @bringmesomepie56 (Mystery Winchester x Reader)
Midnight Snack @impala-dreamer (Dean x Reader) 
Happy Ending @pinknerdpanda (Sam x Reader)
Pull Over @ilostmyshoe-79 (Dean x Reader A/B/O)
Best Kept Secret @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid (Dean x Reader A/B/O)
Like Old Times @roxyspearing (Sam x Reader)
Riddle @kathaswings (Sam x Reader x Dean, no wincest)
Poor Cleaning Lady @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms (Dean x Reader)
Unnamed Request @littlegreenplasticsoldier (Dean x Reader)
He Likes to Watch @saxxxology (Sam x Reader, Dean)
Muffled @crispychrissy (Dean x Reader)
Can’t Help Myself @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
Magnetic @kittenofdoomage (Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader)
Heads, I Win @littlegreenplasticsoldier (Dean x Reader)
#53 Size Kink @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam x Reader)
A Wet Blow Dry @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader)
You Can Leave Your Hat On @rizlowwritessortof (Dean x Reader)
Two of a Kind @kittenofdoomage (Sam x Reader ABO)
Mending a Broken Heart @supernatural-jackles (Jensen x Danneel x Reader)
Sovereign @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid (Wincest)
All I Ask @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
General - no real warnings or genre (please read warnings if applicable):
An All Hallows’ Haunting @whispersandwhiskerburn (Dean x Reader)
Security @georgialouisea (Dean x Reader) 
Funkytown @percywinchester27 (Dean x Reader)
The Pie Challenge @wheresthekillswitch (Dean x Reader)
Drive Shuts His Cakehole @winchesterprincessbride (Dean x Reader)
Whoop a Man’s Ass @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog (Dean x Donna)
Imagine...The Red Shirt of Sex @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Harmless Flirting @crispychrissy (Dean, Reader)
Pumpkin Spice @torn-and-frayed (Jensen x Reader)
Imagine...Dean Babysitting @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Art @just-another-busy-fangirl (Dean x Cas x Jimmy ABO, not explicit, sensual)
Series (most likely a lethal combination of smut, fluff and angst - HEED THE WARNINGS - links will be to the series master list unless noted) I know I have a problem and am following way too many series!
Void @kathaswings (Dean x Reader)
This Is How We Heal @sofreddie (Jared, Reader)
The Bond @just-another-busy-fangirl (Sam x Reader Soulmate AU)
What a Beautiful Day @impalaimagining (Sam x Reader)
Never Normal (link to pt 1) @masksandtruths (Dean x Reader)
The Next Best Thing @ilovebeingjoyful (Sam x Reader)
Forward @blacktithe7 Jensen x Reader
The Fool @whispersandwhiskerburn (Sam x Reader, Dean x Lisa...)
The Wedding Singer @pinknerdpanda and @hannahindie 
Fifteen Years @just-another-busy-fangirl (Dean x Reader)
Destiny @jelly-beans-and-gstrings (Jensen x Reader) 
Why Not Both? @jayankles (Jensen x Reader x Misha)
Hunters Academy (link to pt 1) @arazialotis (no pairing)
Kill Zone @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Dean x Reader AU) COMPLETE
The Beauty in the Beast @like-a-bag-of-potatoes (Demon Dean x Reader)
Just Another Face In The Crowd @impalaimagining (Jared x Reader)
You Found Me @impalaimagining (Jensen x Reader)
Heaven Sent @pinknerdpanda (Dean, Reader, not really a pairing) COMPLETE
Findings @kathaswings (no pairing)
You’re Mine, Omega @jensensjaredsandmishaslover (Jensen x Reader A/B/O)
Camp Counselors @katymacsupernatural (Dean x Reader)
Meet The Ackles (link to pt 1) @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son (Jensen x Reader)
Museum of Death @hannahindie (Dean x Reader) 
Lost and Found (link to part 1) @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader)
I Know Your Brother @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam x Reader ABO Dynamics) COMPLETE
The Wedding Ringer @frickfracklesackles (Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader)
Love Born of Fire @mamaredd123 (Dean x Reader)
365 Days Of Jensen (Rewrite) @supernaturalismalife (Jensen x Reader)
Heart of a Hunter Act III (entire list here) @muchamusedaboutnothing (Dean x Reader)
Take it All Back @iwantthedean (Jensen x OFC)
Undeniable Heat @katymacsupernatural (Jensen x Reader)
Impala67 (link to part 1) @dancingalone21 (Dean x Reader)
The Path Taken @mysupernaturalfics (Jensen x Reader AU)
Not What He Expected (link to part 1) @winchesterprincessbride (Dean x Reader ABO)
Our Little Secret @sis-tafics (Dean x Reader)
Define Justice @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader x Ruby)
Freaky Friday @hannahindie (Sam x Reader, Dean)
The Ties That Bind @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Dean x Reader AU)
Unglued @d-s-winchester (Misha x OFC AU)
Hotel California @katymacsupernatural (Dean x Reader)
Homesick @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps (Rob Benedict x Reader)
Toil & Trouble @littlegreenplasticsoldier (Dean x Reader)
Yes, Sir @evansrogerskitten (John x Reader AU)
I Know Your Wife... @teamfreewill-imagine (Jared x Reader x Gen)
Centerfold @revwinchester (Destiel) 
Living Two Lives (link to pt 1) @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms (Sister!Winchester Reader)
November Rain @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ (Dean x Reader ABO)
Dysfunctional Family @just-another-busy-fangirl (Sam x Reader) 
Nesting (link to pt 1) @mrswhozeewhatsis (Dean x Reader)
You Saved Me @impalaimagining​ (Jared x Reader)
Welcome to the End of the World @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader) COMPLETE
Life Unexpected @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
Gypsy Girl (link to pt 1) @wi-deangirl77 (Sam x Reader)
Wishing, Wanting, Wishing @saxxxology (Sam x Reader)
Force of Habit @littlegreenplasticsoldier (Dean x Reader) COMPLETE
Stroke of Luck @percywinchester27 (Dean x Reader) COMPLETE
Love Triumphs @katymacsupernatural (Jared x Reader)
Bless Your Heart (link to pt 1) @masksandtruths (Dean x Reader) 
November Spotlight
The Winchester Way (link to pt 1) @sofreddie - An extremely dark look at how the Winchester family, the best of the best, train new hunters with their unorthodox ways. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS IN THIS SERIES!!
Once Upon a Flannel @deanssweetheart23 - A beautifully written tale of apparel, but so much more. The way you can strong together simple words into something so damn beautifully breathtaking leaves me speechless. 
Bi-Line @just-another-busy-fangirl - This is a flangsty series centered around discovering one’s own sexuality. This is so incredibly well done and a beautifully touching story, to be completely honest. And what a clever title...
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biofunmy · 5 years
Kevin Hart’s Netflix documentary series: What we learned
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It turns out, what viewers want to see in a documentary about Kevin Hart is not the same thing as what he wants to show.
That much is obvious when you watch his six-episode documentary series “Kevin Hart: Don’t F**k This Up.” (Hart serves as executive producer.) The episodes, streaming now on Netflix, promote Hart’s upcoming projects and show how hard he works to keep his businesses afloat, all while including his friends on his road to success.
What could the series have shown? Perhaps more of Hart taking responsibility for his well-publicized mistakes, instead of going on about how “perfection doesn’t exist.”  But there are some things you can learn from the series:
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Kevin Hart, here at the premiere of “Jumanji: The Next Level,” doesn’t address his car accident in his docu-series. (Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer, FilmMagic,)
Kevin Hart’s car accident is MIA 
In September Hart was hospitalized for 10 days and had to undergo rehabilitation. “Don’t F**k This Up” was shot before that crash and producers did not go back and address Hart’s major life event. Instead, the series ends on Hart gifting cars to members of his team and looking toward the future.
Hart’s thoughts on the Oscars brouhaha remain convoluted
“Don’t F**k This Up” doesn’t explore Hart’s Academy Awards hosting brouhaha until the final episode, despite the topic being teased in the first episode. Episode 6 is meant to serve as a marker of the growth that Hart has undergone since years-old homophobic tweets of his were resurfaced at the end of 2018. Hart initially refused to apologize to the LGBTQ community because he felt that he had given an ample apology in the past.
In the series, a gay executive at Hart’s production company, Carli Haney, acknowledges that her boss made mistakes and said harmful things, but says Hart has since changed his ways and become more “open.” She adds there are LGBTQ-friendly projects “on our slate that we would not have had a year ago.” 
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Kevin Hart spends some time in his show talking about his movie “Night School,” which stars Tiffany Haddish and himself. (Photo: Robert Deutsch, USAT)
Hart’s team balked at his Oscars strategy
Once Hart learned that the Academy wanted him to apologize for his old homophobic tweets, he posted an Instagram video from his bed in Melbourne. Sleepily, he spoke directly to his fans about how he shouldn’t apologize for things he’s said in the past, because “people evolve.” 
As the docu-series shows, his team did not support Hart’s independent PR move.
“All he did was poke the bear on that one,” his brand manager Wayne Brown says. Hart’s publicist, Haley Hileman adds, “He needs to just shut up and put his head down for the next few weeks.” 
Writer Harry Whitford’s take: “Tonally, you should be more sorry.”
Nine days after Hart stepped down from the Oscars hosting position, he had an emergency meeting with his production company. He defended his behavior to them, saying, “My last 10 years there’s been no homophobic tweets or slander or anything… Me apologizing again isn’t being sensitive to the gay community at all.”
Hileman, the publicist, openly disagrees.
“You are one of the most famous people in the world. There are still people who don’t know who you are and aren’t familiar with your comedy now, what you make and what you stand for.”
Hart ultimately released a written apology and opened up on “Ellen” about his behavior. He also refused to address the controversy on “Good Morning America.” None of those moves were well received. 
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Kevin Hart’s wife, Eniko Parrish, opens up in the documentary about how his cheating scandal publicly humiliated her. (Photo: Jean Baptiste Lacroix, WireImage)
Hart’s wife learned he was cheating via DM
Hart’s documentary doesn’t get into detail about “what happened in Vegas,” but alludes to the fact that the celebrity did get caught on tape with another woman in August of 2017. And Hart does talk about how an unnamed one-time friend was charged with extortion for allegedly shooting a sex tape of Hart and threatening to release it. Those charges from Los Angeles County prosecutors against Jonathan Jackson have since been dropped. 
Shortly after the charges were announced, Hart tweeted: “Mind blown…Hurt…at a lost for words and simply in complete disbelief at the moment. WOW.”
Learning the news of her husband’s affair via Instagram direct message, Hart’s wife Eniko Parish says she “immediately just lost it” in the series. “I kept questioning him. If this is what you want to do, I don’t want to be a part of that.”
Ultimately she forgave him. “We’ve gone through it. We’re past it. He’s a better man now,” she says. But, “three strikes, you’re out.”
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angryacegiant · 7 years
Thomas Jefferson Sucks: here’s why...
Thomas the little bitch was the son of Peter Jefferson, a Virginia landowning, slaveholder who died in 1757, leaving the 11-year-old with a massive estate. Ten years later, he formally inherited 52 black human beings and 5,000 acres of land as well as livestock and other valuables. When he authored the Declaration of Independence in 1776, he held 175 black men, women, and children in bondage. By 1822, he had increased that number to 267. That’s right two hundred and sixty-seven human beings were the property of that cunt.
Also, while writing “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…,” he enslaved nearly 200 human beings. Fucking hypocrite. In his original draft of the Declaration on June 28, 1776, he described slavery as a “cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended … (anyone and who were) captivat(ed) and carr(ied) … into slavery in another hemisphere, or … incure(d) miserable death in their transportation hither …” He also described it as “this execrable commerce” and “this assemblage of horrors.” And in 1781, he called it “… this great political and moral evil …” But what did he ultamitly do? That’s right, enslave more people!
Then as a U.S. Envoy and Minister to France, Jefferson began living there periodically from 1784-1789. He took with him his oldest daughter, Martha, and a few of those whom he enslaved, including James Hemings. In 1787, he requested that his daughter Polly join him. This meant that Polly’s enslaved chambermaid, 14-year-old seamstress Sally Hemings (James’ younger sister), was to accompany her. Sally was described in 1787 as “quite a child” and “good natured,” in 1847 as “handsome (with) long straight hair down her back,” and in 1851 as “decidedly good looking.” Both Sally and James were among the six Mulatto offspring of Jefferson’s father-in-law, John Wayles, and his enslaved “domestic servant” Betty Hemings. Sally and James were half siblings of Thomas Jefferson’s late wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. Thomas, after repeatedly sexually forcing himself on Sally while in Paris, impregnated her. Her first child died after she returned to America. But she had six more of Thomas’s children at Monticello. That bitch raped a 14-year-old girl (who was his half-sister) and had 7 children with her.
I know what the Jefferson apologists are saying right now. They’re saying that there’s no proof that he fathered any of Sally’s children. BULLSHIT, and here’s why. The prestigious Thomas Jefferson Foundation Research Committee says that he’s the father of at least six. And their son Madison says Thomas is the father of all seven. Thomas’ white daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, and two of her children, namely Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph, deny all of this. (shocker ¬_¬ ) They contend that it was impossible on “moral and practical grounds.” Sometimes I read that and wonder if their ass’s get jealous of their mouths what with all the shit that comes out of it. UGH. But, colloquially speaking, science doesn’t lie. The 1998 DNA testing and its scholarly review in 2010 concluded that Thomas Jefferson is “most likely” the father of the six listed in the Monticello records. They include Harriet who was born in 1795 but died in infancy, Beverly born 1798, an unnamed daughter born in 1799 but who died in infancy, (another) Harriet born in 1801, Madison born in 1805, and Eston born in 1808.
Moving on from that mess of fuck up shit. As pointed out by Joyce Oldham Appleby, professor emerita of history at UCLA and former president of the Organization of American Historians and the American Historical Association, as well as by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., former Professor of History at Harvard University and Professor Emeritus at CUNY Graduate Center, Jefferson opposed the practice of slaveholders freeing the enslaved because he claimed it would encourage rebellion. ≖_≖
And, as noted by John E. Ferling, professor emeritus of history at University of West Georgia, after Jefferson was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769, he attempted to introduce laws (which were considered extremist even in 18th century Southern terms (like holy shit dude! How do you fuck up that badly?)) that essentially would have banned free blacks from entering or exiting the Commonwealth and would have banished children whose fathers were of African origin. He also tried to expel white women who had children by black men. (The hypocrite strikes again!)
Anyway, after being elected governor in 1779, he signed a bill to encourage enlistment in the Revolutionary War by compensating white men by giving them, among other things, “a healthy sound Negro.” And to the Jefferson apologists who rewrite history when they claim that he promoted at least gradual emancipation, his own words as a representative to the Continental Congress, when asked to support an anti-slavery amendment, refute that: “(It is) better that this should be kept back.”
As Secretary of State in 1795, he gave $40,000 and one thousand firearms to colonial French slaveholders in Haiti in an attempt to defeat Toussaint Louverture’s successful slave rebellion. (Toussaint Louverture is legit and y’all should check him out!) As president, he supported French plans to resume power, lent France $300,000 “for relief of whites on the island,” and in 1804 refused to recognize Haiti as a sovereign republic after its military victory. Two years later, he imposed a trade embargo. (I just… ugh)
In his 1785 book entitled “Notes on the State of Virginia,” he wrote about “the preference of the ‘oran-outan’ (i.e., orangutan, meaning an ape-like creature) for the black women over those of … (its) own species.” He wrote that blacks stink in that they have “a very strong and disagreeable odor,” that there exists an “innate incompetence of blacks” and that they “are inferior to the white in the endowment of both body and mind.” 
His friend from the American Revolution, Polish nobleman Tadeusz Kosciuszko, came to America in 1798 to receive back pay for his military service. He then wrote a will directing Jefferson to use all of Kosciuszko’s money and land in the U.S. to “free and educate slaves.” Jefferson agreed to do so. After Kosciuszko died in 1817, Jefferson refused to free or educate any of them. The hypocrite is strong in this one.
Beginning in 1768, Jefferson forced many in his enslaved population to begin the laborious task of clearing the mountaintop and then constructing his primary multi-building plantation, known as Monticello (near Charlottesville), which was highlighted by a neoclassical Italian 43-room mansion. Enslaved carpenters did the “rough structural woodwork.” In fact, John Hemmings (spelled with two m’s), an enslaved “out-carpenter”— who was ordered to lead other enslaved men in the arduous tasks of felling trees, hewing logs, building fences, and assembling the “log slave dwellings”— was pervasively instrumental in the creation of Monticello. As an aside, it should be mentioned that the imported mahogany window sashes were made in Philadelphia, which is where many of the white woodworkers were from.
For in his capacity as the nation’s chief diplomat, Jefferson repeatedly lied to his boss, George Fucking Washington, all the while organizing the opposition to the president he served.
Jefferson used his position as secretary of state to advance French interests, both covertly and overtly, whenever possible. He had a… passionate attachment (is that what people are calling it today? In my day, we called it an unhealthy obsession.) to France, particularly its murderous revolutionary government. His infamous “Adam and Eve” letter of 1793 defended the excesses of the French Revolution and endorsed the idea of seeing “half the earth desolated” as an incidental cost of revolution. 
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Beyond his rhetorical support for the French, Jefferson covertly assisted the clandestine operation of French agent André Michaux, who traveled into the western reaches of the United States under the guise of a botanical expedition, but whose real intent was to organize opposition to British and Spanish outposts from Louisiana to Canada. Jefferson, violating Washington’s nonintervention policy, wrote letters of introduction for Michaux and offered tactical advice to assist Michaux in his mission.
His love affair with all things French was coupled with a hatred of all things British, in particular, those British banks to whom he was perpetually in debt to. (Jefferson’s hatred of banks ran so deep that he once proposed that any Virginia banker who cooperated with Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States be tried for treason and executed). But beyond his irritation at his financial obligations to British banks, Jefferson found Great Britain to be a morally repulsive (-_-) regime; it was, in fact, an evil empire. The United States, he would later write after the War of 1812, was locked in an “eternal war” with the British that would end up with the “extermination of the one or the other party.” His contempt for the British escalated when the king’s soldiers had the audacity to burn Washington, DC to the ground during the War of 1812. Jefferson proposed that the United States covertly hire arsonists in London to burn down St. Paul’s Cathedral in retaliation.
The fucker’s unscrupulousness knew no bounds. He placed a political operative on his State Department payroll whose primary function was to write anti-administration editorials. Jefferson provided this factotum, Philip Freneau, with information from the highest levels of the nascent American government. His minions engaged in a concerted effort to destroy Alexander Hamilton by leaking revelations of the latter’s extramarital affair, convinced, mistakenly, that they had discovered an instance of financial misconduct on the part of the treasury secretary. As justice would have it, James Callender, the Jeffersonian hatchet man who published the first account of Hamilton’s affair, would later turn on his mentor (oh this part is great!) and reveal Jefferson’s alleged relationship with his slave Sally Hemings. (lol get rekt fucker ≖◡≖)
Jefferson dared to questioned George Washington’s patriotism, accusing the president of surrendering to the seductive allure of the “harlot England.” (Jefferson: slut shaming England since 1796) Jefferson believed President Washington had committed treason in negotiating the Jay Treaty, which was “an alliance between England and the Anglomen of this country against the legislature and people of the United States.” Jefferson’s animus toward Britain was so great he that he was opposed in principle to any treaty with the evil empire. Part of his party’s opposition to the Jay Treaty was due to the absence of reparations for the slaves the British had liberated. Some Jeffersonians went so far as to demand that the freed slaves be returned to bondage.
Toward the end of his life, George Washington would have nothing to do with Thomas Jefferson, who had repeatedly lied about his efforts to undermine Washington’s presidency. Having put his life on the line during the American Revolution, Washington had little patience for armchair revolutionaries who questioned his patriotism. When Washington died, Vice President Cuntfucker did not attend the memorial service held in December 1799. Shittalker welcomed Washington’s death, for this allowed for a reemergence of the “republican spirit” now that the Federalists could no longer rely on Washington’s protection. Martha Washington would later observe that the two worst days of her life were the day her husband died, and the day in 1801 when President-elect Jeffknutface paid her a courtesy call at Mount Vernon.
In short: fuck Thomas Jefferson
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Justin Timberlake's Birthday Just Keeps Getting Better as He Teases Three New Songs Off His New Album
Even though it's his birthday, Justin Timberlake keeps giving us gifts.
The birthday boy, who turned 37 on Wednesday, posted a trio of candid Instagram videos teasing three new songs off of his upcoming album, Man of the Woods. The three posts stand as a sort of three-act play. The first was a tease of an unnamed song, which Timberlake previewed for fans as he got a haircut. In the vid, he grooves along to a dance beat, clearly having a fantastic day and reminding viewers that his newest album is named after his 2-year-old son, Silas.
"By the way, the album is named after my son, OK? His name means 'of the woods,' so stop telling me I'm making a country album," Timberlake says laughing. "I'm really feeling myself on my birthday right now."
I feel like @djkhaled right now!!! NEW SONG ALERT! Birthday vibes! Thanks everybody for the bday love!!! And the cut @nellichristine.
A post shared by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on Jan 31, 2018 at 1:02pm PST
A few hours later, Timberlake posted a video of himself during his eight-hour rehearsal for Sunday's Super Bowl halftime performance, teasing the song "Montana." He spins around in a circle on the 50-yard line at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota, dancing and lip syncing to a decidedly Bee Gees-like groove.
Bday rehearsals. Still feeling myself..? YES. This is a song called MONTANA. @pharrell @chadhugo Man Of The Woods. 2/2
A post shared by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on Jan 31, 2018 at 5:45pm PST
The "Filthy" singer wrapped up his night with a very animated third clip, whooping as he shares, "Whoo! The birthday celebration continues!"
Timberlake can be seen grooving to his new song, "Higher Higher," a soulful jam with the singer's trademark falsetto. "Still my bday!! I’m having too much fun! ⚠️More new music alert⚠️ This is a song called HIGHER HIGHER," he captioned the vid.
Still my bday!! I’m having too much fun! ⚠️More new music alert⚠️ This is a song called HIGHER HIGHER. @pharrell @chadhugo Man Of The Woods. 2/2
A post shared by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on Jan 31, 2018 at 7:58pm PST
Overall, not a bad day for the hard-working Timberlake.
He also got some high-profile "happy birthday" messages from folks like Jimmy Fallon and Ellen DeGeneres, whose wife, Portia de Rossi, shares the same birthday.
Happy Birthday @jtimberlake!!! Here’s to many more years of bro biking and Drip Drops! Love ya bro! #ManOfTheWoods#SuperBowlHalftime#Birthday#WhatAWeek
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) February 1, 2018
Happy birthday, @JTimberlake and @KerryWashington! Did you know you share a birthday with Portia de Rossi? I knew there was a reason I liked you both.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 31, 2018
And, of course, there was a sweet message from Timberlake's wife, Jessica Biel.
"Here's to a spectacular year ahead. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished and all that is ahead for you. Plus, you're a super-hot dad. A ninja dad. A kiddie teeth brushing, Jedi sleep mind tricking, intimidating dad voice disciplining SUPER HOT DAD," Biel wrote on Instagram. "I love you, you hot dad. I'm here, right by your side, OG fan girl #1."
A picture says a thousand words. And thank goodness because there aren't enough to express ALL the aspects of my love and respect for you. Here's to a spectacular year ahead. I'm so proud of all you've accomplished and all that is ahead for you. plus you're a super hot dad. A ninja dad. A kiddie teeth brushing, Jedi sleep mind tricking, intimidating dad voice disciplining SUPER HOT DAD. I love you, you hot dad.. I'm here, right by your side, OG fan girl #1. Happy birthday, my beloved. Now go crush it this weekend at SB LII.
A post shared by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on Jan 31, 2018 at 1:00pm PST
Timberlake's Man of the Woods drops Feb. 2.
For what to expect from his upcoming Super Bowl performance, watch the video below.
Justin Timberlake Is Rehearsing 8 to 10 Hours a Day for Super Bowl Halftime Show (Exclusive)
Alicia Keys Gushes Over 'Man of the Woods' Collaboration With Justin Timberlake (Exclusive)
Justin Timberlake Kisses Eiza González in Futuristic 'Supplies' Video: Watch!
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