#is there another hee hoo anon??
loadednachosao3 · 3 months
your fics are all SO fucking good omg. i am now a lacho girlie 4 life!! good job!
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Rpg Anon: omfg I just realized something. Mod, you're gonna hate me for saying this. You don't have to do this soon but now that Togahina and Naegi Bowl are things... I suppose you're gonna have to make some new party dialogues...
1 for Togahina alone in the party
1 for Naezono alone
1 for Naekusaba alone
And 1 for Naegi Bowl as the only people on the team aka Naegi is alone with his harem
This last one is kinda perfect cuz in P3, if you bring p3 Protag with only Yukari, Mitsuru, and Aigis, you get awkward dialogue. 👍
Also I was gonna say that we're gonna have to make fetish outfit sprites for Naegi Bowl (mostly just Sayaka and Mukuro cuz we already have Frilly Maid Virgin Killer Sweater Kyoko) but I think the NSFW Christmas thing already works. (Tho I suppose we need to make dialogue for this now)
I just came to say this realization.
//It's been a while since I've done this, so let me try and see if I can still do it.
Hina: Hoo...Hee...Hoo...Hee... Byakuya: Do you normally breathe in and out so loudly before you go on patrol? Hina: Huh? Oh, uh...No! No, I'm just...I guess I'm just a bit more nervous today than I normally am. Byakuya: Why's that? Isn't it just the standard fare? Hina: Well, yeah, sure, but...I mean...It's just the two of us this time around, so I'm worried. Byakuya: About what? That you'd be distracted? Hina: You already gave me that lecture about how our relationship shouldn't affect work. I just mean we'll be dealing with a crack ton of Monokuma's and whatever else is down here, so I'm worried if the two of us alone are strong enough to take it. Byakuya: Huh...I see. That's surprisingly intuitive of you. Hina: You know, this is the part where you're supposed to reassure me! Not hit me with another dumb snarky comment! Byakuya: Don't misunderstand. When on the field, it's important to use every resource available; including your peers. No matter how...rudimentary. Hina: Rudimentary, huh? Feh! We'll see who's rudimentary when we get through this. Just because you think you're smarter, doesn't mean you better than me in a fight. I'M the one who needs to look out for YOU. Byakuya: I AM smarter, Asahina. But now isn't the time for one of our usual spats. Stay focused, follow my guide, and perhaps we'll both make it out of this alive. Hina: No way! I'm not gonna just follow behind you! I've got my own strength, and I'm gonna damn make sure I use it! We're gonna break through this together!~ Byakuya: Hmph. Well, if there was ever a chance to prove me wrong, it's now. I expect you to be up to the task, so don't get in my way. Hina: Right back at you! I'll show 'em what I'm made of! Hina runs ahead, fueled with determination and desire to stick it to the smarmy heir. As she scurries forward, Byakuya tuts and shakes his head with a snide, but also warm smirk. Byakuya: Hmhm...Works every time...
Sayaka: ... Makoto: You okay? Sayaka: Huh? Uh, yeah! Just a little nervous is all. Makoto: Yeah, I get it. I would be nervous too if the only thing standing between me and a bunch of murder-hungry enemies was just one guy. Sayaka: Makoto! Makoto: Sorry, I know you don't like it when I put myself down like that...In all seriousness, I know this isn't exactly what we imagined when we finally got an assignment together, but I know I can do this so long as you stick by me. Sayaka places a hand on his arm. Sayaka: You've always been the one to bring me happiness and hope in the worst times. That's why I know we'll make it through this. Do you...trust me? Makoto: Of course I do! We've faced so much already, but this time, we have to protect everyone. I swear, so long as we're together, I won't let anything happen to you Sayaka. Not again. Sayaka smiles and blushes, and gently kisses Makoto on the cheek. Sayaka: Thank you...That means so much to me after all this time...But this is a two-way street, you know? I might not be as tough as Kyoko or Mukuro, but I can help protect you too! We've both grown since everything, and we're stronger together, like you said. So no matter what, I'll be right there with you Makoto. We'll keep each other safe. Makoto: You...You're right. No backing out now! They hold hands and give each other a reaffirming squeeze. Sayaka: We won't let fear win! Let's do this! They run off.
Mukuro: Makoto. I know you think you can take it, but this is a high-level area. You should head back to base. Makoto: Yeah, not happening. You didn't train me so that I could run from the danger. Mukuro: I didn't train you to protect me like some princess either. Kyoko still needs you. Makoto: Hah! No she doesn't! Besides, I learned from you so I could protect more than just Kyoko! I know you're strong and you could breeze through this by yourself, but I won't let you! I'm going to fight by you, no matter what! Mukuro: Don't be ridiculous. It doesn't matter what's happened or what will happen. My job is to be your bodyguard and personal soldier. Protecting you isn't just what I want to do; it's also my job. Makoto: And MY job, as your boss, is to make sure you're doing alright! You're not some weapon, shield, or servant where I can just fling into battle and call it a day! And I'm not gonna let you take on a whole hoard of danger alone while I'm STILL HERE! We fight together, or not at all! Mukuro: But I...I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Not now of all times! Makoto: And I won't lose you again! Makoto firmly grabs her hand. Mukuro blushes, but her expression retains it's surprise. Makoto: I...I can't...lose you again...! Mukuro hugs him. Makoto: Please. I know that I'm being selfish, but you and Kuripa have always both been like this. Stubborn to a fault. It's not that I doubt your abilities, but you can't just put me to the side while I can fight with you! And I refuse to let you sacrifice yourself for your "duty" ever again! Mukuro: I understand...But you need to think about where I'm coming from. To me, protecting you is the only way I know how to feel like I'm making up for all the horrible things I did when I was under Junko's influence. You might be scared to lose me, but I'm the same. If something happened to you, I couldn't ever forgive myself. Makoto: Good. Then you know exactly how I feel. You've been with us long enough now that you should know that strength isn't just about fighting alone. It's about trusting others to have your back. So please, let me do that for you. Mukuro shakes her head, chuckling a little. Mukuro: And you call me stubborn. Fine...We'll protect each other, but I reserve the right to turn this ship around if things get dicey. Makoto's eyes sparkle, and Mukuro is alarmed when Makoto grabs her and gives her a big kiss on the lips. Makoto: Right back at you! We're in this together, so let's get through this! Makoto runs off, while Mukuro is left with some post-kiss-catatonia. When she recovers, she alarmingly chases Makoto, intending to protect him.
Makoto: I don't know what it is, but I'm feeling strangely confident about this. Kyoko: Really now? Even though we're heading right into mortal peril? Mukuro: Well, what else is new? Sayaka: She has a point. Makoto: I don't know. I just have a good feeling, you know? Maybe it's because I'm working with you three. You're all nothing if not dependable. Kyoko: What about smart? Sayaka: Pretty? Mukuro: Caring? Makoto: Girls...Please stop putting words in my mouth. Mukuro: I do believe this is the first time that I'm on a team where it's all girls with only one male. Normally, it's the other way around. Kyoko: Dungeon crawling and raiding enemy bases isn't exactly what I would call "prime harem activity." Makoto: NOT what I'm angling for! Sayaka: Well, regardless of the reasons, Makoto's right. We do make a pretty sound team together. Makoto: We've all been through a lot leading up to this point. Especially between each other. We've all done things...me especially...that we regret. But when push comes to shove, what matters is we have each other's backs. We'll get through this, just like we always do. Sayaka: Uh-huh! I believe in all of us! We just have to stay strong and trust in each other. Mukuro: In that case, I'll take the front. So long as I stand in the way of the enemies, i won't let anyone hurt any of you. Kyoko: As much as we do need your skill, Mukuro, we can't afford to have anyone acting alone. We all have roles to play on this team, and working together is the only way we'll succeed. No one, especially not you, should be taking unnecessary risks. Makoto: Kyoko's right. We can't afford to lose anyone. I know you're strong, but we're stronger together. We need to stay reunited. Mukuro: Very well. But I'm still not going to let anything happen to any of you. If it comes down to it, I still insist on being the one to take the hit. Sayaka hugs her best friend. Sayaka: We're not letting you get hurt if we can help it. Same goes for everyone else on the squad. We all need to fight smarter, not harder. Kyoko: Take it from someone who's been a lone wolf detective for most of her life. It's harder to fight your own battles than it is to fight one as a team. So let's use our individual strengths to cover for each other. That's how we'll survive. Makoto: Then it's settled. We stick together, protect each other, and keep moving forward. No matter what we find in here, we'll face it as one. Sayaka: Together we can face anything! Let's show them our power! Mukuro: Alright. Together then. Kyoko: Let's go. We've got a job to do.
Naegirikusabazono/Naegibowl - Fetish Outfit Edition
I am specifically going to be using the maid outfit for this, because the virgin killer sweater and christmas art (where, by the way, they are all naked) are both way out of the question when it comes to official licensing.
Makoto: W-Wait hold on! Wh-What's going on!? Why are you all dressed like...like that!? Sayaka: Whatever do you mean, Master Makoto? We're here to serve and protect you in every way possible~ Isn't that right, ladies? Mukuro: Ah...Um...Ahem...Y-Yes! We will do whatever it takes to keep you um...satisfied... Mukuro waves her dagger like a feather duster, trying to look serious, but failing to hide her nerves. Similarly, Sayaka pretends to hold a tray of tea. Kyoko: Indeed, Master. As your loyal maids, it is our duty to ensure you are well taken care of~ Shall we proceed with the plan or...is there anything else you require of us first? Like...dinner? Mukuro: Or perhaps a bath? Sayaka: Or maybe...just us~~? Makoto: GUYS!? This isn't the time for jokes! We have a battle to focus on! Do you want me to lose my concentration!? Sayaka: Oh dear Master, we would NEVER want that! But seeing you so flustered is, dare I say, rather cute? Mukuro: This is simply our way of making sure you stay alert. If you can handle this, you can surely handle anything out there, right? Kyoko: Indeed. Consider it a test of focus, Makoto. can you stay composed under pressure...even when the circumstances are a little...hm...unconventional? Kyoko traces a hand up Makoto's neck until she reaches his chin, and he takes a deep breath, struggling to retain his composure as his blush deepens. Makoto: Y-You're all impossible, you know that? No way am I gonna be able to focus! I-I'll just keep staring at your outfits! Sayaka: I mean, we could always take them off right here and now~~~? Makoto: STOP IT! The girls cackle, unable to retain their composure. Makoto crosses his arms with a flustered scowl. Makoto: You know what? Fine...Just...let's save the teasing for AFTER we get through this, okay? Sayaka: Of course, Makoto. We're just trying to keep things light before the fighting starts. But don't worry. When it comes down to it, we'll be right beside you, giving it out all. Mukuro: Yes. Be it as your maids, your friends, or your girlfriends and wife, we've got your back, no matter what. Kyoko: Yes. I know the teasing was rather sudden, but take it as a reminder that no matter how tough things get, we're still in this together. Makoto: Hah...Thanks everyone. I'm ready now. Let's go out there and show them what we can do. Sayaka, Mukuro & Kyoko: Yes, Master~ The girls all kiss him simultaneously, leaving Makoto red and steaming. He takes off into a run. Makoto: I'll go on ahead! Y-You guys catch up! Once he's gone, Mukuro turns to Kyoko. Mukuro: I take it back. That WAS fun. Chihiro opens the comms as the girls laugh together. Chihiro: <You girls are going to hell when you die...>
//These were actually pretty fun in the end.
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momokatzetzgo · 3 months
See another thing is the way each reacts to Dracula's violent obsession.
They are all dogged into hunting him down and killing him but there are a few differences.
Van Helsing speaks with fascination and to his admittance admiration about the man Dracula was. He's impressed how he was an alchemist, a sorcerer, and a successful warlord. It makes sense, as Van Helsing has like 5 doctorates. He calls him a manchild too but still.
Jonathan feels for him the silent rage of a thousand white-hot diamond suns. His hate for Dracula can only be matched by his love for Mina.
Mina, after getting attacked and calming down feels pity for him. Corrupted Frodo's pity for Smeagol levels. 'Feel pity for him, for one day I may become like him, and I hope you will not hate me when that happens (please don't hate me.)'
I don't know about you but the reactions of the former two create much more potential chemistry towards Dracula's obsession than pity does.
I AGREE ANON!!! I personally don't engage with media adapting the book that always centers it on Mina or Lucy getting "enraptured" by the Count when that doesn't really happen in the books? At least, not in a romantic sense! That's a huge tangent for another day, but I actually think that Mina's strength as a character comes in her relationships with her human buddies rather than the count :o) But if she was the reincarnation of a Belmont (hoo hoo hee hee a certain blonde catholic perhaps?) the parallels with Dracula would be sooo good.
But that also adds to your point about Van Helsing and Jonathan's relationships being way more interesting with Dracula!!! If we are talking in regards to the AU, I think that if Jonathan was the reincarnation of Dracula's lover and ALSO hated his guts right now... l that is so juicy and objectively such an interesting dynamic??? I also once read a really good fanfic that explored if Dracula knew Lisa was Elisabetha's reincarnation and there is so much understated horror that it actually drives me insane how it isn't explored more in media (it's ok guys I'm Buddhist i got this the dukkha and whatever). Maybe it's because I'm on the ace spectrum but soulmates, reincarnated lovers, and the ilk kinda freak me out, but are also so interesting as a storytelling and character device when used effectively.
Van Helsing always felt like a guy who had a very long and mysterious past, so my brain automatically put him as Alucard, but reading your analysis I also kinda agree... maybe others can suggest whether Van Helsing should just be some dutch guy or not lol? also please if someone could get a catchier name for this au i would be appreciative 😭😭😭
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Ah yes, a one week long episode~😂 ngl it was a bit of downer when I come back to visit on Wednesday but the liveblog isnt finish yet at some point I thought you had died or something but yeah its pretty much understandable when you have other things to do first. Well anyway, its nice that you finally got to finish ep 22 liveblogs congratsss.
Also, like, YEEEEE I LOVE JACK REVICE Like no offense to Karizaki but I love that design more!!! The chime also sound cool af, maybe bc its literally for Vice. AND I've seen the raw for ep 23 (bc im impatient like that lol Im blaming this to twitter for putting spoiler in my timeline 🙃) and I love LOVE that ep. I think you will love that ep too (lmao I think I said this every ep sksksk). Ah aside from that, its really nice to see Tamaki living with the Igarashi. Tho I wonder what Sakura said to convince Ikki (or maybe convincing Ikki isnt that hard to do)
Ah also extra question, I wonder about this sometimes. What exactly I can call you? In my head I just call you scoup. Do you have any names/pronouns that you prefer to be called? Its okay if you dont want to answer this though.
Im looking forward to the ep 23 liveblog 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (ep 23 my beloved 🥰🥰🥰) and also the mustery spin off. Thank you for your hardwork and take care ✨✨✨
KAREN ANON <3333 ( ◜◒◝ )♡
hah yeah I tried to finish it by wednesday I swear. But don't worry yo I've revitalized myself after all this clownery
it sh'aint be a problem again.....(don't quote me on this 🤡)
HAHAHAHA YEASSSSSS THE SUITTTTT it's so fking sLEEK looking. And Wow already a good review?? I'm getting excited for when the subs drop >:))) and gah Tamaki and the IGaarashiiiiisssss. I'm so glad he's actually connecting with the world again :''))
*Gently holds my picture of Tamaki*
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For convincing Ikki,,,,hmmm I feel like Ikki trust Sakura a lot? Like if this was Daiji, Ikki would be like "Uhhh Daiji,,, are you,...sure???" (lmao)
But idk I don't think Ikki's all that worried about Sakura getting a boyfriend. Whenever His parents bring up that possibility he's like
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like he never considered it lol
and awhhh <333 my name? I'm like Rumpelstiltskin,,,,,,, you got three guesses
For pronouns they/them work :33
(That and I 'm curious to see what names y'all think I would have.)
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mothmandibles · 5 years
Oh? Wandersong? O H ? Could you draw Ash, they're my favourite side character :3
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they deserve to b happy..
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disasterjones · 5 years
I mean to be fair his biggest inspiration is a woman with the hugest bde in the observable universe and he himself is a spellcaster ~ Weaver
these are nothing but the facts
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hi! really really sorry if this comes off as weird or if you just wanna move past it, but if you'd like, I'd maybe wanna try and give some...idk...advice? As someone who writes c!primeboys in a way vaguely similar to how you do(I.E focusing on the obsessiveness of c!Dream towards c!Tommy and how he dehumanizes him like a fucking creep, but not That Kind of creep), and who has often dealt with more than just a couple of really nasty, half-assed, fake nice comments on my fics with it.
First of all, I wanna say that there is literally NOTHING wrong(from what I've seen) with how you write them in your fics/drabbles. Literally nothing. Your stuff is horrifying and eerie and makes the skin crawl, but it's done well and very similar to scenes from DSMP canon, and not once in my Basically A Whole Year of lurking before I joined did I ever read your stuff and think it was at all gross or anywhere close to boundry breaking. Like...you'd have to SQUINT and tilt your head a whole bunch. then scoot 5 paces to the left to stand on your head. to get anything /r or heavens forbid NSFW out of your c!primeboys stuff. that's how far off from any boundaries you've been.
like you are Very Good on that front. Please don't ever worry too badly, you're honestly one of the most respectful people I've seen when it comes to the CCs.
Another thing is that I heavily relate to basing c!primeboys stuff off of personal experience. At the risk of being a bit trauma dumpy, I often draw from experiences of both sexual and non-sexual abuse I've suffered when writing c!Dream. Not in the sense that I take the sex stuff and put it up to him god no heaven forbid, but moreso that, as someone who has gone through both "flavors" of how abusers can be predatory towards their victims, I find it very soothing to take the idea of being viewed as just a toy, meat, tool or an object, something to be hurt and consumed for another person's enjoyment, and to take all of that and go "hee hoo evil greem man" in a way that fits the Ccs' boundaries that allows me to vent through whatever I'm writing. oooooften in the "hee hoo evil greem man be evil and then get thrown into the garbage disposal while gold boy get hugged and kissed on the forehead" way, which is a bit different from your horror-centric fics, but hey! the duality of inniter strikes again :D
I get feeling anxious when someone misinterprets your fics. You aren't alone in that. If someone ever tried to accuse me of /r or NSFWing any of my c!primeboys scene, I'd likely have a panic attack and go on lockdown for the next 5 business days. because,,,,,,yikes, ya'know?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you really shouldn't worry as much about coming off a certain way if that's not what you intend in your writing. You tag your stuff very well, you give warnings and are very mindful about everything you create. That anon was being an ass and should go reconsider how they talk to people when they can just curate their own experience. If i had a nickel for everytime I've had someone say some similarly snobby mocking passive aggressive fake-nice shit on my fics, I'd have a lotta nickels and would be a bit less unhappy about reading those things. becuz money. yea....
Sorry this was so long and rambly. I just wanted to try and offer a few assurances <3
thank you, i'm sorry this is causing you anxiety haha. i'm just. i've fucked up with boundaries in the past. i dont get them intuitively like a lot of people do bc i've only just recently allowed myself to start having my own. i worry that fucking up there has made me unfixable. i worry i'm still fucking up and not realising it. its good to know that it's just paranoia.
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ladyorlandodream · 3 years
Lady Dimitrescu-tag FanFiction List PART 2
I had to divide the super-mega-list of FF because they were too much and hyperlink stopped working (LOL)
part 1 part 3  part 4  part 5   part 6   part 7
201) Just Looking For Company (short story)
202) The Maiden (Chapters in progress)
203) like smoke, like prayer (short story)
204) Three’s company (short story)
205) Brittle Bones (Chapters in progress)
206) Delicious blood (Chapters in progress)
207) Fated (Chapters in progress)
208) Lost in the Woods (Chapters in progress...another of mine)
209) SPACE HOE (short story)
210) Bloodlust (Chapters in progress)
211) Hard lines (Chapters in progress)
212) Smoke Break (short story)
213) Cooked Goose (Chapters in progress)
214) A Siren's Song! (short story)
215) The Romanian Devils AU (Chapters in progress)
216) A bat and a wolf (Chapters in progress)
217) We Will Meet After Dark (Chapters in progress)
218) We’re Only Human! (short story)
219) Taking Turns (short story)
220) To Care For Those Uncaring (short story)
221) are you really a monster (when you dream just like a fragile human?) (Chapters in progress)
222) Licensed to Carnage (Chapters in progress)
223) Arrival (short story)
224) Forever Yours, Elena (short story)
225) One shot from tumblr anon request
226) From One Castle To Another! (Chapters in progress)
227) Bonding Time (short story)
228) Behind a Winery (Chapters in progress)
229) Looking After A Child That's Not Yours! (short story)
230) Green Grass Blows In The Wind, Dancing! (short story)
231) A Peaceful Moment (short story)
232) In All Your Horror and Beauty (Chapters in progress)
233) Tall Vampire Lady (short story)
234) Alcina's Ultimate Form (short story)
235) In Your Wildest Dreams (short story)
236) Lamb To The Daughter! (short story)
237) How to Un-Wilt a Wilted Flower (short story)
238) From Lady To Maid! (Chapters in progress)
239) Romanian winters (Chapters in progress)
240) Silentium Agni (Chapters in progress)
241) A Lamb to the Slaughter (Chapters in progress)
242) Alcina Plays What Now? (short story)
243) Say My Name (It's Always Too Late) (Chapters completed)
244) Lady Dimitrescu Requests (Chapters in progress)
245) Truths (short story)
246) [F4M] Mother Dimitrescu Knows Best [Script Offer] (short story)
247) Lycanthrope (short story)
248) Lady Dimitrescu Word Challence (Chapter in progress of one shots)
249) Twin Tails (short story)
250) One Shots (Chapter in progress of one shots)
251) The Icarus to Your Certainty (short story)
252) Blood and Roses: The Tragedy of Ethan Winters (Chapters in progress)
253) Wicked Games (Chapters in progress)
254) The Riddle (short story)
255) Chirography (short story)
256) Hell Bound (Chapters in progress)
257) Blood, Blood Everywhere, But Not A Drop To Drink (short story)
258) Made to Serve (Chapters in progress)
259) Diplomatic Envoy (short story)
260) MAKE ME FEEL BETTER (EXCERPT) (short story)
261) Sinful Succulence (Chapters in progress)
262) The Purest Expression of Grief (Chapters in progress)
263) The Vanity (short story...we are faster than the internet lol)
264) Her beating heart (short story)
265) Make Me Feel Better (Chapters in progress)
266) The Pout! (short story)
267) Failure! (short story)
268) A Little Game (short story)
269) Alcina goes to your High School. the fuck? (short story)
270) Blood in the Water (Chapters in progress)
271) From Lady To Maid! (Chapters in progress)
272) Safety (Chapters in progress)
273) Scars (short story)
274) Păşi (short story)
275) Mothers Gone Mad? (short story)
276) I'll Protect You (short story)
277) Mark Of The Beast (Chapters in progress)
278) Grab a bite (short story)
279) The Lady’s Shadow (short story)
280) Rain on a window (short story)
281) What We Do In Styria: The Biannual Vampire Orgy (Completed)
282) Little Darling (Chapters in progrss)
283) The punishment (short story)
284) Get Help (short story)
285) Monsters All Around (short story)
286) Lost Northern Star (Chapters in progress)
287) Village theories (Chapters in progress)
288) One Shot from Tumblr (short story)
289) The Beginning of the End (Chapters in progress)
290) Fated (Chapters in progress)
291) don’t forget to breathe (Chapters in progress)
292) You're All Mine (Chapters in progress)
293) Bloodlines (Chapters in progress)
293) Woe Unto You (Chapters in progress)
295) All I've Ever Known (Chapters in progress)
296) Jasmine and Blackberries. (short story)
297) Lady dimitrescu X Reader !! (Chapters in progress)
298) Resident Evil VIII : Village (Ethan Winters X Alcina Dimitrescu) (Chapters in progress)
299) The Dimitrescu's x reader (Chapters in progress)
300) we're all monster's here (a lady dimitrescu x reader fanfic) (Chapters in progress)
301) Resident evil amnesia (Chapters in progress)
302) Just Us (Chapters in progress)
303) RE: VILLAGE (Chapters in progress)
304) Lady Dimitrescu X Vampire Reader (Chapters in progress)
305) ❥Request Oneshots !! (Lady Dimitrescu or Daniela x readers) (Chapters in progress)
306) Lady Dimitrescu One-shots (Requests Open) (Chapters in progress)
307) Private eye (lady dimetrescu x fem! reader) (Chapters in progress)
308) Diamond Hard: A Lady Dimitrescu x Reader story (Chapters in progress)
309) 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡 {Lady Dimitrescu x Reader.} (Chapters in progress)
310) Lady Dimitrescu X Fem!Bird!Reader (short story)
311) The Dimitrescu Ladies x Male Reader (RE8 Insert) (Chapters in progress)
312) ~Crimson tainted~ //Lady Dimitrescu x Fem reader (Chapters in progress)
313) Atrapado (Chapters in progress)
314) Licensed to Carnage (Completed)
315) Moonlight Reflections (Completed?)
317) A Love a Monster Wrought (Chapters in progress)
318) Feline Similarities (short story)
319) Why Maiden Blood? (short story)
320) every door you enter (short story)
321) Six Quick Kink Fics (short story)
322) the little alcina experiment (Chapters in progress)
323) Maid From Hell! (Chapters in progress)
324) Et Sanguinem Innocentem (Chapters in progress)
325) A Winter Addition (Chapters in progress)
326) We're All Just Here to See Someone Top the Vampire Milf (short story)
327) I Didn't Know You Liked to Be Tied Up? (short story)
328) Take a sip (short story)
329) Collection (Chapters in progress)
330) Mother's Unwell? (short story)
331) Vintner's Assest (short story)
332) Sleep Tight (short story)
333) Delphi's Special Day (short story)
334) On Equal Footing (Chapter in progress)
335) In your time of need (short story)
336) În Viață Și În Moarte (short story)
337) Swaddled (short story)
338) Ad Infinitum (Chapter in progress)
339) All the Dark Places (Chapters Completed)
340) I'll Be Here For You Until The World Ends (Chapter in progress)
341) Little Songbird (Chapter in progress)
342) The carriage ride (short story)
343) The Hunt (short story)
344) Aftermath (Chapter in progress)
345) Privileged (short story)
346) Little Lamb Chop (short story)
347) Anger, Control, Dominate (short story)
348) It's Only a Storm (short story)
349) Enthralled (Chapter in progress)
350) A Game Of Hide And Seek? (short story)
351) Eternal. (Chapter in progress)
352) The Bonds between a Vampire and A Demon (Chapter in progress)
353) Protection (Chapter in progress)
354) Olympians (short story)
355) Stupid Man Thing! (short story)
356) Codiaeum variegatum (Chapter in progress)
357) Soția Fiarei (Chapter in progress)
358) Life as Her Wife (Chapter in progress)
359) How Special You Are: A Series of Lady Demitrescu x Reader Oneshots (Chapter in progress)
360) The Bakers Family In Resident Evil Village (Chapter in progress)
361) Obsession (Chapter in progress)
362) Curse the ill fortune that led you to me (Chapter in progress)
363) She Was Everything (Chapter in progress)
364) The Dimitrescu's (Chapter in progress)
365) The Dimitrescu's and a Transgender FTM S/O (Chapter in progress)
366) I'm So Heartless! (short story)
367) Do whatever you wish, pet (short story)
368) sanguis lacrimis (short story)
369) I've Got You (short story)
370) Divine Prey (short story)
371) The Love What's Lost (short story)
372) Trouble Sleeping [OneShot] (short story)
373) The Feel Of Yourself (short story)
374) Good Girl (short story)
375) Take A Deep Breath (short story)
376) Those Not Chosen (W.I.P) (short story)
377) Bearing her Brood (short story)
378) Just The Way You Are (short story)
379) The secret of Sanguis Virginis (Chapter in progress)
380) Innocence (Chapter in progress)
381) Restless (short story)
382) The Gentle Heart of the Monster (Chapters in progress)
383) Evening antics (short story)
384) Cassandra x Maiden—-Anonymity (Chapters in progress)
385) Secondary Love (short story)
386) Chapters in progress on tumblr, no title
387) Sleep Tight (short story)
387) One shot from tumblr
388) Trouble Sleeping (short story)
389) One shot from tumblr
390) One shot from tumblr
391) Like Glass (short story)
392) Wrong place, Wrong time (short story)
393) Painting Gone Wrong (short story)
394) your so good to me daughters (short story, Alert Incest)
395) Light At The End (short story)
396) The Beast That Lurks In Shadows (short story)
397) Alcina Choo Choos My Hoo Haa with a Hee Hoo (short story)
398) Lonely (Chapters in progress)
399) Shades and Shadows (short story)
400) Suddenly my eyes were bathed in light (Chapters in progress)
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chironshorseass · 2 years
please.... tell us more about the hoo au where u kill off all but 3 of the seven
😙😙😙as u wish anon hee hee. so basically i had this idea to like. actually use the Frank And His Burning Stick Plot lollllll and what if *giggles* leo caused this shit in the first place and then the seven divide up and fight against each other and someone or another end up dying in the process. it’s not 100% done so not everything is set in stone but that’s pretty much the idea. and the three survivors r just there. fixing everything they can but not knowing exactly how and understanding why 3 is the magic number and 7 is the cursed one. can’t tell u who survives tho 😙😙
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
another day I am ashamed to be an american 😭😭/hj
ana-san aren’t you impressed and attracted by my american-ness?? hee hoo
yandere american x reader coming to your tumblr for you page soon
“Our love, The American Dream” 🇺🇸 💕
Anon I see this as a challenge, I'm actually tempted to do something with this regardless of its cringe
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can i get a prn check with the names jimmy and number 4 and then bonk/bonks/bonkself and hee/hoo/heehooself.
and thennn another separate one with the names unnus and annus with memento/mori/mementoself
-phantasm anon (who is very late for mourning unnas annuses death)
This is number 4! I hope that bonk doesn't mind I'm doing this first, my brain saw the ask hee sent and brain went: ajdksjjw???? So at the moment, it's just easier to answer bonks check request! I hope Jimmy doesn't mind! Anyway, I love hoos bonk/bonks pronouns, I think I will steal them.
This is Unnus! Annus is very cool, Iove mementos pronouns! I wonder how memento decided to use them? I'll ask mori later! Anyway, memento is currently mourning the death of Unnus and Annus' death, I'm not but sucks to be mori I guess.
Anyways I hope memento has a great day and takes care of mementoself.
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loadednachosao3 · 3 months
one of your finest writing moments was the scene in 1800 where lacho meet in person, like... lalo whispering in his ear, rolling up his sleeve to expose his tattoo? being the life of the party yet so subtle with his actions that it makes nacho even more insane is just chef's kiss. and nacho thinking, why wouldn't he hide his tattoo and promptly realizing it's like he's daring someone in their world to call him out. ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE
hee hee HOO HOO thank you anon!! so great to hear such praise! it always tickles me to hear what people's favorite little moments are and why!
I just finished up some 4th of July festivities, let's see if I can't get another chapter out tonight... I started it today and wanna write more
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
hee hoo! u know what time it is!
ive seen trailers and stuff for zoeys extraordinary playlist, and i think the concept is really cool!! i probably wont get around to watching it anytime soon, but i think its really cool (also parks and rec is REALLY funny. ive rewatched it so many times and still laugh at all the jokes)
qotd: whats ur favorite phineas and ferb episode?
mine is one good scare! some Top Notch phinabella moments, one of the catchiest songs from the whole show, sassy season 1 phineas, its perfect. i’ve watched it so many times that i’ve memorized most of the dialogue 😅
hope ur having a wonderful day!! dont forget to drink some water!!
It’s definitely a great show! Not perfect (it has a love triangle, which I dislike, but all three corners of the triangle are developed which makes it a little better😅), but very good. (And I love that! I’ll have to check it out sometime)
gOSH that’s hard. I have to say “Summer Belongs To You.” This is the episode that really got me intrigued in the show (and in Phinabella👀😂), and I consider it the perfect PnF episode!! It’s got great music and jokes, and every character has their own storyline and mini arc! I love how well it incorporates all the cast members. And Isabella’s story ESPECIALLY is just so good🥺. The island scene where she encourages Phineas (and gives up the opportunity to spend time alone with him) is one of the best moments in the entire show, hands down. It’s such a great moment for her character, AND for Phinabella. and that hug 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭. makes me soft every time.
As far as regular episodes go, I’ve got a soft spot for “It’s No Picnic.” It’s not the funniest episode, and the obligatory song isn’t anything groundbreaking, but I love the character interactions. Isabella and Phineas just spending time together and enjoying one another’s company, the Fireside Girls and Candace all coming together to help out...it’s so good. And the ENDING🥺🥺. I love that Isabella actually gets to have her picnic with Phineas in the end, rather than that plot line being resolved with Ferb interrupting it earlier in the episode. It’s just. Very good. (I mean, you’ve read Chapter 9, you know how much I love that episode 😂)
Ah yESSSSSSS One Good Scare is FANTASTIC!!!! I rewatched it this Halloween and it’s JUST SO GOOD. Phineas really said “I’m gonna scare your hiccups away with a haunted house, Isabella.....but I’m going to hold your hand the entire time we go through it because I don’t want you to get too scared”🤣. And I love that for you! I can do that with AYA...for better or worse😅
Aw thanks, you too anon! i ate a bagel today, it was great ☺️
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drivingsideways · 4 years
I read your post about the female lead of Flower of Evil and I would like to know if the drama passes on the Bechdel test.
Hi anon! Hmm. 
(a) At least two women- Yes
(b) Who talk to each other- Yes
(c) About something other than a man- Hoo boy. Alright, tbf, these are the ones I remember: 
(1) Cha Ji Won meets Do Hae Soo (her sister in law) thrice that I recall- the main topic in all three is Do Hyun Soo/Baek Hee Seung. Oh, and Cha Ji Won hands off her kid to her for temporary child care. 
(2) Cha Ji Won’s conversations with her mom: I recall one conversation about her in laws; and then maybe 2.5 conversations regarding the logistics of child care, and 1 conversation about Do Hyun Soo
(3) Cha Ji Won’s conversation with a murder victim’s wife: Alas, about Do Hyun Soo. 
(4) Evil Mom in Law and Cha Ji Won’s mother : Congrats, we do hit a non- Do Hyun Soo related conversation, when Cha Ji Won’s mother comes to drop off Eun Ha with her other grandmother
and oh, shall we give another point to the Do Hyun-soo birthday dinner convo between Cha Ji Won and Evil Mom-in-law, something about Eun-Ha and the last time Cha Ji Won crashed a party. 
Woo-hoo, I think it passes! 
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syahaz · 4 years
[question] why do you like giorno’s mom even though she’s neglectful and a horrible parent?
G’day mate, thanks for your question.
I personally not sure how to explain this well but I really hope it makes sense. At least a little bit.
Disclaimer: Before starting anything I want to say that I, by no means condone any child negligence, assault, abuse, etc. in real life that obviously involving real-life children. If you ever encounter any suspicious parents that might harm their children, please quickly contact your local child protection service if possible.
Please take my SUPER LONG answer here with a pinch of salt (you might wanna bookmark it for later reading just saying). You also feel free to disagree and so do I, alright? Let’s keep everything in peace here ehe hee. :)
Sorry for the digression, now let’s start focusing on the question.
*Cracking my fingers.* 
Okay so umm let’s start with when my first time seeing her the anime (because I’m not so much of a reader :/)
My first thought on her is “Gosh, she’s so pretty! I wanna draw her!” like I attracted to her aesthetically and it’s very surface-level kind of attraction and I find a little weird thinking about it consciously aha haa.
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The more I look at her, the more my mind able to capture her distinctive physical appearance features or what I sometimes call “shape” (this make more sense if you look at my chibi Shiobana art lol yea.)
After procrastinating to draw fan art of her for quite some time oops haha, I suddenly have this thought “What if Giorno actually having great childhood? What if Shiobana is a good mom to Giorno? How am I gonna draw Giorno as a happy child? What kind of scenario of an amazing childhood that I want to apply for both Shiobana as a great mother and Giorno as a happy child. ” and this happens the very same time my thoughts went to “What if Dio and Shiobana is a couple and be great parents to Giorno oho hoo.” but that’s for another day.
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The more I draw Shiobana with Giorno or Dio or both or just herself, I start building up entire new AUs (yes, so many AUs but I don’t think I can develop all of them oops, too much for my not-so-much writer brain). So for this ask, I’m gonna pick the AU that correlates with canon storyline the most.
In this particular AU, it is set at the post-Vento Aureo time.
Mr Giovanna is one of the biggest drug dealers after Diavolo. I made this overthinking theory because in the anime he was shown calculating some money.
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Like… what exactly he’s counting? I know it’s money but where in the world the money comes from and what kind of business or work he’s involved in that made him gets such amount of money?  (If you’re from Italy or anyone reading this is, please tell me if that quantity of money is average or suspiciously rich level, thanks.)
The other reasoning is I’m very curious that some bad fathers in JoJo usually associated with some sort of obsession to some extent. So if it’s not drug addiction and drug dealing, I don’t know what else it is. Plus, what’s up with the smirk tho? So suspiciousssss…  (Again, this is a theory, not a fact. So… *shrugs* but it makes sense to me anyway aha haa.)
Long story medium, Shiobana becomes more guilty of her being negligent towards Giorno for so many years as time goes. She got abused by Mr Giovanna after she found out that he’s dealing drugs and declines his offer to be his crime accessory. She also starting to work for herself, taking odd jobs maybe to set herself free one day which she did in the end.
She tries to find Giorno back by, of course, starting with contacting his boarding school administrator. As we know that Giorno knows technically skips or quits school but for Shiobana he’s just disappeared from thin air. 
Fast forward, one day one the remaining Passione member excluding Giorno (not sure who to pick, maybe Trish?) found a flyer that Shiobana made in search of Giorno. (The police declined to take his disappearance case as he was considered as a runaway). They take the flyer and show it to Giorno.
Giorno, of course, was so shocked that his mom now suddenly try to find him back. It takes a lot for him to command the member to contact her.
Fast forward again, Shiobana and Giorno meet after years passing by. After numerous consideration, Giorno forgives his mom which takes him a ton of time for thinking in loops.
Legally, she could be jailed but with her helping him to catch and dominate over Mr Giovanna fortune (he doesn’t really need to but he likely to be mad at him as Mr Giovanna’s clients potentially be children). Giorno sort of doesn’t press charge on her but demanding her to work with him under specialized tasks. (I don’t plan what is it yet as I’m writing this but probably as some sort of spy with normal presence).
TLDR: This AU is Shiobana’s “Redemption Arc” or at least what I think it is hmm because there’s little to no canon story to work with plus her role as a real negative character really make it tough for me to made continuing situation for her. That’s why I tend to make numbers of AU like good mum au, one mom au, and whole other AU with less canon connection.
*Cracking my fingers again. This is truly wearing me out a little but I’m fine no worry.*
Now to the highlight point of the question.
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Another reason for me to like Shiobana is I can learn how a fictional character stirring humans’ mind just by their sheer existence.
I think the huge reason many people have a fixed view on her is that she is indeed a realistic character. By that, I mean people like her exist. People like her is unfortunately common in our society. She was too real to the point that people less likely to think otherwise about her.
Her character has very low exposure throughout the whole part (about two panels in manga and a couple seconds to a minute in anime). She extremely lacks her own story like who she is, where is she from, where and why in the world she met Dio in the first place, why she becomes like this and that, and many more.
The similar (but opposite) kind of energy goes to Jonathan mainly because he has a lot of character development going on in both manga and anime. The fandom itself truly shows that I’m telling the truth so yeah and I mean it in a neutral way as favouritism on specific characters are subjective. Look at how I look Mr Giovanna, he could be repenting man in the future but I choose not to do so lol.
Anyway, I headcanon her to be the kind of young adult who is not ready for the responsibilities as a parent and a partner or no commitment for short. Yes, I don’t deny that she’s indeed not a good mom at some point.
So for the conclusion, I could say that Shiobana is like an experimental character for my art progress including storytelling which is extremely entertaining for me as I have a lot of ideas I can put on her no matter how easy or hard the ideas work for her as a character.
I hope you like this answer, anon. Sorry that I take so many time as I need to give as much as possible of my view on Shiobana, just like what you’re asking and I hope it’s worth the wait. ;u;”
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“Pffft. What a wimp. And she was REALLY worried about these chu—” (The f l i c k just struck the frosty anon, sending them flying right into the Blackguard that had gotten themself up.) “Oh come on, are you serio—” *THUNK* (It didn’t take long for the frosty anon to get back up and see the giant hand start scooping up their score. The icy anon readies another ice blast.) “YOU THINK THAT YOU’RE GONNA JUST SWOOP IN AND STEAL OUR CATCH?! I DON’T THINK SO—” (Suddenly, a blast knocks the icy anon over again! The walkers had finally caught up to the scene, their laser cannons charged and ready to fire.) “MEOW MEOW MEOW, NYAAAAAAAH! (ALRIGHT CATS, ATTAAAAAAACK!)” (The walkers rush in to finish off the weakened Blackguard forces, laser cannons letting loose on everything that moved. Meanwhile, back with the group of cookies that the hand had pulled in, they all landed on the couch… which ended up breaking said couch from how much combined weight was on it.) *CRACK!* (The Cocoa cookie had gotten some of her bearings first, and was the first to get up rubbing her head.) “O-ooh dear… ugh… w-what happened?”
Stormy was still passed out but at least she could breathe now. Then they saw a Matcha cookie?
Grandma Matcha: "Hoo hoo sky child and friends safe now hee hee."
She when and grabbed a bowl that had some kind of green fluffy cream. She put it on tiger lily's frozen arm. It very slowly was melting the ice.
Grandma Matcha: "hoo hoo stay still forest princess"
She put it on the ice on poor butter tiger's mouth as well. The ice was slowly melting but oh lord it smells nasty!
Grandma Matcha: "don't lick it kitty hoo hoo"
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