#is this a relatable post. do i tag it. hmmmm
alisaint · 6 months
sometimes characters are written so spectacularly that it's almost like there's nothing for anyone else to say bc the author already said it all. like what analysis can you provide that the author didn't already weave into their work. characters that are written so well that all you can do is carry them with you because they speak for themselves. characters that are so wonderful you don't even feel the need to come up with headcanons or anything bc the source material already fed you and stuffed you. i'm speaking of ms katniss everdeen here of course btw
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twotailednekomata · 6 months
Hay, do y'all have any tips for when one notices they prioritizes personal shit/fandom/social media over important stuff like schoolwork or bedtimes during the school week? You know, so that they will do the schoolwork now and, when they have free time, that is when they work on personal projects? Just asking for a friend, hehe...
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cyanide-latte · 2 months
So after Book 6 left me completely and utterly devastated and a crying wreck in my bedroom, I've finally started Book 7 of Twisted Wonderland and I figured I'd just do a basic drop of my thoughts so far. I'm keeping them under a "read more" cut and I'll also tag this post as having spoilers (even though it's not really the more recent spoilers) just to be safe and considerate.
Beyond that though, my thoughts aren't going to have a filter so please take this with a grain of salt. (I'll mention at the end where I've stopped for now in the plot, so please don't spoil past that point for me if you reply to or reblog this post. I really really don't want spoilers.)
Got it? Good. Here we go.
- Exasperation and loathing, thy form is Michael Mouse, I viciously beseech thee to get out of my house
- we need more of the freshmen just interacting with one another in general
- Rook wanting to take an internship in archeology make so much sense for him. "I'm not a patient person but this will challenge that" BRO, SAME.
- Idia just interning at Google basically
- Lilia like "btw I need to drop out of school, gonna throw a party later before I leave, kthnxbai"
- all of the characters doing impersonations in this book is a DELIGHT
- "I declare the mopefest official over!" Spoken like a man who bottles his stronger emotions up out of fear of having to face them, Ace
- Fucking love the meta commentary
- Idia "I'm not going to some farewell party for a junior I barely know because I need to actually mourn losing contact with an internet friend who ghosted me and I'm despairing the possibility I could ever possibly make a friend again" Shroud is too fucking real, he's relatable honestly
Malleus: here's my lil sob story abt the time I threw a tantrum so bad I almost froze an entire castle of people to death. Lilia made it all better but gave me a stern talking-to I've never forgotten.
Me: why do I feel like you learned nothing.
Also Malleus not long after: because I took your words to heart Lilia I've been looking for a solution to this problem, and Silver and the Ramshackle prefect with their random venting to me gave me the perfect idea, so I'm going to trap THE ENTIRE ISLAND in stasis sleep so NOBODY CAN EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN a good hoard knows to stay put for the dragon who owns it haha you'll all be fine, dw about it, I've got everything under control
Me: so you learned nothing.
- Malleus has no rights, he needs to be sent to the Time-Out Corner
- I also love that that Malmal fight loads up with an infinity symbol because it's like oh lol yeah, infinite-turn battle but then you see Malleus's fucking 300K HP bar and I was instantly like "hmmmm I think you're lying" and then his regen heals for like 60K damage each turn and he casts fire damage immunity on himself and I was like "mmhmm I knew you were lying to me"
- I demanded Mickey get the fuck out of my house so of course naturally the game decides to be cheeky and put me the fuck in his instead
- no but why the fuck is he here. I'm so fucking annoyed
- I get it, I get why he's here but he really doesn't need to be. Disney you CAN in fact make a fucking video game without shoehorning the damn mouse into it. The Hidden Mickeys in various backgrounds were fine, we didn't need more than that.
- for the record, I've been pissed off about this since it started happening books ago, but I remain aggravated by Mickey just being shoved into this.
- I love that Silver shows up to bail MC and Grim's collective ass out of danger and then meanwhile you've got Ortho like "I've seen dial-up faster than this shit, what the FUCK bro, I expected better of you, logging this in my database as an Epic Fail."
- The Shroud parents are EXACTLY how I imagined. They're everything I wanted from their characters and more. They even SOUND like I hoped they would. Beautiful. 10/10. My intuition about their entire family remains, as ever, on-point.
- I do love everything I've gotten with Silver to this point. I was very baseline neutral on his character until now, but the more I'm seeing of him, the more I appreciate what I am getting.
- Sebek is autistic. I will die on this hill. Even if he represents autistic traits the internet DOESN'T like to woobify for the most part, that boy is autistic. He's autistic as fuck. This book is so far just further proving it.
- I mentioned earlier that Malleus has no rights but I'm saying it again because it's fucking rude as shit he's got epic choral BGM in Sebek's dream. Also creeping on people's dreams and threatening to forcibly make them sleep forever when they defy you because you feel entitled to ownership of your victims? Wow. Hey by the way Malleus, you got a phone call, we got a guy from Ohio on the other line, says his name's Freddy, you're one set of full-body burn scars away from him sueing your scaly ass. Yeah, just thought you'd wanna know.
- Listen I really want to appreciate and like the Malleus I hear everyone among my friends and mutuals say they see him as but no. No. Is he well-written? Well, I'm still early into this, so I'm withholding judgment on that point though I AM hopeful that I'll eventually appreciate how he's written. But do I like him? No. I didn't give a single flying fuck about him to begin with and I still don't. Throw onto it he's being a bitch right now, and that's not helping. If you genuinely like Malleus as a person, that's your prerogative, that's whatever. I'm not entirely sure what you see in him to like as a person but again, your prerogative. If you like him as a character because of how he's written for the role he is in, in the overall story, power to you, I REALLY hope I'll eventually agree with you. But as of right now, just so you're aware if you've read this far, I still don't give a single flying fuck about Malleus and I'm slowly starting to teeter into the direction of actually disliking him as a person.
- Silver: QUICK, TAKE MY HAND!!! Sebek: ew.
- Currently I've stopped on the chapter where Silver has dream-hopped from Sebek's dream with Sebek, Yuu and Grim in tow, into the dream of a mysterious bat-masked figure with a familiar voice who couldn't POSSIBLY be Lilia, not at ALL. So please don't talk to me about anything past that yet. I'll reblog this post with an update when I get further.
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complicitgirlfrot · 2 months
22, 65, 71 :)
This is in reference to this post. I think I’m gonna answer these a little bit out of order. Just so that all the tags are at the end, y’know?
22. What’s the hottest sex dream you’ve ever had?
This one is a little difficult cuz not only do I not remember my dreams very often (or for very long), but I also rarely have sex dreams it would seem. Though Recently I did have one that I made a small post about. TL;DR a tumblr mutual shotgunned be weed for several hours. There was no sex and the dream itself was not that horny but when I woke up I was very wet from it
71. Start typing out your dirtiest fantasy you can think of and don’t stop til you get so embarrassed you can’t go on any longer. Just make sure it’s actually something you’re into!
Hmmmm… because i've been answering over the course of a full day I got more than one for this.
I've been playing a lot of Corruption of Champions II lately (as recommended by a favorite mutual) so a lot of my fantasizing has been related to monsterfucking and demonic corruption and the like. Like the thought of being a demon's favorite fuck pet has been a go-to recently. The idea that a massive and all-powerful demon woman would look at me and see me as a perfect whore for her to get off with. How long would I deny her? Months of her filling my mind with impossible fantasies and pleasures that could only be real if i'd just submit? Weeks of her visiting me in my dreams to make me live them out night after night? Days of her taking an incorporeal form to tease me in public? Or would i just submit immediately? Bound to an eternity of servitude, never not knowing bliss. Maybe i make a deal to bind myself in exchange for my ideal body, and she turns me into the perfect avatar of her influence, that she might take control to walk this earth and fuck Who she pleases when she pleases. My senses still hooked up but with her at the controls, how long would it be before my mind melts entirely and I'm reduced to her perfect priestess pet?
As far as more realistic/achievable fantasies go, I… have tried to write this like 8 times over the course of the day so fuck it. Not gonna get fancy with it. I wanna be tied down, on either a table or bed, and have various areas tested. Experimented on. Blindfolded and bound. Have my world reduced to what I can feel and hear. The hushed chatter of a group of lab techs discussing plans for the day. The padding of feet and squeaking of wheels as someone approaches me. I can almost feel the heat radiating off them as they carefully inspect my naked body, thinking they’re down by my legs then yelping in surprise when they grope my tit, which gives way to moaning as they continue. More hands appear, fingertips tracing my still growing curves before vanishing from my perception, only to reappear somewhere else. Gently choking neck or grasping thighs. One of those dildo gags or whatever they’re called shoved down my throat because my whines are distracting some of the assistants. Nipples getting pinched and then sucked on, whether by machine or attendant I do not know. Ass being spread, first by fingers then by some manner of equipment. I don’t know what it is, but I do know it's cold and smooth and slick and I want it inside me. Small pulsing and thrusting mechanisms for muffing They seem to have some sort of machine for whatever, even slightly, erogenous zones they find. The gag is removed and the hands retreat, followed by the sounds of feet and heavy breathing. A buzzer sounds and I’m asked a series of questions from a speaker somewhere above me. Cycling through which dildo size, texture, and thrusting angle feels best for both ass and cunts. Then trying different combinations. What level of suction feels best on which nipple? Is it the same for your cock? What about vibration? Electro stimulation? Did you know that you’ve come four separate times from having your neck bit? If there is ever a moment where I am too blissed out to answer a question when they pause, they simply start that question over so I can feel the options again. Hours and hours of testing, sometimes with breaks to wrench me into a new position, or to replace the gags. Maybe if I am not compliant enough the blindfold gets replaced with vr goggles and noise canceling headphones, my vision filled only with pink swirls and voices offering gentle praise. Maybe at end of day, each attendant who wants or needs it can have their way with me. After a full day of cataloguing exactly how to make me cum they get to put everything to the test. They note for future reference that they ought to incorporate this kind of work into the testing. Did you know she cums 60% faster with tdick in her mouth? Or that she will lick cum off of herself, and calling her desperate for it will--
For the record i didn’t get too embarrassed to continue… just too aroused
65. What are your top five favourite blogs to masturbate to? Tag them!
Not counting my partner, who I masturbate with, to, and on regularly (not tagging them cuz they don’t have a horny blog so technically they don’t count), my favs are:
@pan-galactic-enby has a wide variety of stuff on her blog with excellent taste in lewd bits. We love lusting over the eroticism of the machine with it. Very fun to flirt with and Very ghey ;) 
@butchcockiness2 writes some amazing t4t erotica that often uses dynamics that I hadn't considered. His posts (specifically this one and this one iirc) are responsible for me learning how to muff myself, and then teaching my partner to do it (11/10 experience btw, I don’t think people talk enough about how mind melting muffing can be). Also I greatly appreciate the COVID posts and masking resources; I’m the last person in my city to mask it seems and they help me feel like I’m not going insane
@blairdsm is just generally really cool? And hot? She has called me out multiple times for my tags on her fursona posts and I haven’t been the same since (you can find those here and here). Both of her fursonas have high-key inspired me to update my own (which I have actually started doing! The first post I have of her is here on my main). Excellent art and erotica blurbs to go with. Also she once offered to do hypnotism stuff with me and like, idk if that offer still stands, but if it does I may take her up on it, especially with a stressful semester coming up. Also also we’re mutuals on both main and side blogs and I think that’s fun and cool. Always a treat to see her in my notes
@slimegirlovipositers is the second ever porn blog I followed (the first was pan-galactic-enby) and I’m glad I’ve been consistently able to find her again through her countless terminations. Awesome taste in porn tho I miss the days when she would post the really niche shit (still does, it’s just less common than it used to be)
@catdog-coyote-butch and @boundbutchbottom are a couple (I think? I could be wrong) that I’ve only recently started to follow (though I’ve been silent mutuals with the former on main for a bit) but I we have similar tastes it seems. Idk, I don’t have a big blurb for these two they’re just hot and have good blogs I really like and I feel it’d be a shame to mention one without the other. 10/10 would recommend
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queseraone · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the fabulous @cfr749. Please go read her fics and join me in screeching over them!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 28
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 103,520
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Rookie (Chenford), and previously for Chicago PD (Linstead)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? - stay - i want you to be happier - i don't wanna think of anything else (now that i thought of you) - all at once this is enough - now everything is easy (cause of you)
5. Do you respond to comments? I didn't when I first started posting fics (though I often think about going back and replying to them now, but that would probably be weird lol). But yes, now I definitely respond to comments. I am absolutely giddy over every single one I receive, and so I love to express that appreciation!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmmm I don't think any of them? I tend to leave even the angstiest fics on a hopeful note. But I suppose either just close your eyes (you'll be alright) or you know the greatest films of all time were never made just because of where they land in relation to the events of the show?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably in paper rings, in picture frames, and all my dreams, because, hello, 💍
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully I have only seen positive feedback, which is so so lovely. This fandom is wonderful 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do not, because I'm too chicken. Maybe one day? (iykyk)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No. I can't stand crossover fics. 😬
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Not by me!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! My babe @timandlucy and I have a collab that we started a while ago and have recently talked about picking up again! And we have an idea for another one brewing too! And @makeitastrength and I have on that's sitting on the backburner, but hopefully we will make happen!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Chenford!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I want to say none because I'm way too fucking stubborn to give up on anything. But *sigh* Home... 😬😬😬😬😬 (it's been 5½ years, so it's not looking particularly hopeful)
16. What are your writing strengths? Oh man, I don't know? I hope I do a decent enough job of getting their voices right? Dialogue is often a battle, but that's probably because of how insane particular I am. I will say things out loud, play around with words, etc. to make sure it really feels like something they would say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Being too indecisive and my lack of confidence (which, frankly, go hand in hand).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I haven't done it, but I would definitely be looking to lean on a native speaker to ensure I do it correctly!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Chicago PD (Linstead)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? So hard, but i want you to be happier has a special place in my heart. It was a challenge to write, but the words still came so easily. And when I go back and re-read it, I don't cringe, so that's a win right there!
Thanks Lana! 🥰
Tagging @timandlucy @roguetwelve @makeitastrength @silverskull @goodgirlssayiloveyoutoo @chenfordspiral @sisterofficerlucychen @thisnightissparkling089 💕
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lgwilt · 3 months
10 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening and @boredintjqueen, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
A grand total of 10
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’m currently hopping between wips for Lokius and M*A*S*H (I haven’t posted anything M*A*S*H-related yet, but I'd like to), and semi-actively working on wips for Doctor Who/Life on Mars and Big Finish’s Gallifrey audios. (I'm starting to think prioritisation might be an issue...)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely!! 💖 Even if it isn't always right away. Comments mean the world, and it’s genuinely a joy to interact with people who love these characters/fandoms as much as I do.
I used to be very shy about leaving comments on fics, but I'm making up for lost time—there's so much talent and love and enthusiasm in each and every one of the fandoms I've engaged with.
5. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
6. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd be open to the idea.
7. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ohhh this is tricky.
Mulder/Scully was formative, Doctor/Master is the template for one of my favourite ship dynamics (friends/lovers -> enemies -> ???), obviously I adore Lokius... the list goes on (and on).
No, I give up, I can’t choose. 
8. What are your writing strengths?
Character studies, drawing out patterns and overarching Themes™️, building up (piling on?) the angst/emotional tension (or maybe that's just what I enjoy the most, which isn't necessarily the same thing).
Coming up with last lines for chapters or fics is one of my favourite parts of the writing process—I almost always start out knowing exactly how I want a chapter or story to end (then get tangled up in knots trying to get there).
9. What are your writing weaknesses?
Starting with the Big Emotional Scenes and then scrambling to come up with a coherent plot to provide a framework.
Overworking individual sentences/paragraphs (and losing the natural "flow").
Trying to cram all my favourite things into the same scene/chapter/fic (usually a chaotic mess of ideas, disconnected phrases, snatches of dialogue), even when it clearly isn't working. I need to pin "murder your darlings" to my wall.
Relatedly, I write out of order, so I end up spending an inordinate amount of time fretting over how to join the dots between scenes (or within scenes). Sometimes/often I feel like the cracks I've poured cement over are still visible.
10. First fandom you wrote for?
If we’re talking very first? Probably Lord of the Rings when I was in my early teens.
The first fanfic I tried writing as an adult was a Tenth Doctor/Simm!Master epic back in 2015 (which tragically remains unfinished).
First fic posted to AO3 (or anywhere!) was for Doctor Who/Big Finish Eighth Doctor Adventures/Torchwood (posted in 2022, written in 2016).
No-pressure tagging (and probably double tagging) @insert-witty-user-name-here @mirilyawrites @blackbirdofasgard @dewdropreader, and anyone else who sees this 💚
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
Tumblr media
aha. i see... the post you tagged me in.... AND I SHALL DELIVER!!! kitty-delivery is at your service!!!!!!!!!!!! MYUHUHUUUUUU AWAWAWAWAAAAA (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
OKAYOKAYOKAY— so!! hmmmm.... what's up with gasty boy? what's gonna happen now that he's actually present and existing instead of scattered across everything everywhere all at once?? he's giving mad scientist but how far does the mad scientist go????? i'm interested in him 'cause i don't think i've ever read a sans au fic like this where the OG gaster was there too and i love the way you write them all!!!!!! or if you wanna do something else,, take this as an opportunity to infodump about anything you want!!!!! WAVE EMOJI WAVE EMOJI LOVE YOU CHICHIIII!!!! (≧▽≦)/ (≧▽≦)/
alright, you already know that he's a mad scientist, but as i've said before, he's morally gray, which means a lot of things don't deter him of completing/doing experiments.
which is why the lil 'oopsie daysie' happened with machine, and that's why there are alternates at the manor.
sans and papyrus, at the least, are pissed about it. but this discovery makes gaster's nerdy big boy brain hyperfixate on anything relating to the topic of alternative universes (humans in this universe dont have much research about it other than the occasional movie that makes you think, and the theories.)
and if i go further into this id spoil some of the plot (which i already did enough of) sooo, lets think of some hypothetical scenarios and headcannons!
id say that reader (you) would get into the lab a lot. and while you can be a great lab assistant, lets be honest, you touch too much shi 💀💀
gaster would have this thing where he'd put you in he corner for 5 minutes before letting you interact with the work again.
when i think of gaster's experiments, not only do i think of vials of dangerous liquids, but i also think of a SHIT ton of notes just neatly organized into notebooks on a metal shelf
a lot of the pages are more about ramblings and tiny details rather than general info
so if you try to read it, please get some context dear.
i know most ppl have the headcannon that sans gets his sleepy eepies from his dad, but he completely developed that on his own
gaster has a schedule set to where he sleeps for 8 hours, and only has 3 hours of free time.
which means if you see the other 13 hours blocked on his schedule he will not acknowledge you unless you are helping him progress
Going back to his interests, i think his favorite part about science are the details that most people miss that just really bring the whole theory together into a fact.
bro prolly has some national scientist awards and threw that shi straight into the trash.
its not that he isnt proud of his achievements actually, not at all.
he just doesn't need someone else, better yet a human to tell him so
so he tries to ignore the public despite their incessant please for his presence ✨
Since gaster actually exists, he is still labeled as the royal scientist, despite not being apart of a monarchy anymore, and does favors for the king when the curiosity allows it.
I want him to be a grandfather figure, who rambles on about success in life, who is also emotionally repressed, who also takes many risks that a man his age shouldn't.
his ideas and experiments are very "out of the box" per say. Like, if you told him you cant see souls at all (which is most likely gonna happen) dudes gonna strap you down and ignore your cries of pain as he extracts the your soul from your chest. poking and prodding at it to compare it to a monster soul.
i mean, he has the real thing now! no need to rely in outdated textbooks and theories right? why not test it for himself? and if you resent him for the rest of your life for it, he would tell you how lucky you are to still be alive and that he got what he wanted without losing a "potential specimen".
which makes you wonder what other lives has gaster been liable for??...oh well!
And noowwww back to the reader!
since reader is now gonna be a big part of his life- he'll allow certain things to slide. as you live more and more with him and the gang, he'll call you assistant or human and not by your real name.
i dont think gaster would spend much time around you during his scheduled hours (he kicks you out half the time)
but during his free time, and since you're human, he is very curious.
he asks about you, what it's like being a human female, what makes your skin darker than other humans, and why'd you conjoin your hair-
just lots of general questions about your appearance and how humans literally dont use INTENT at all.
and yes, INTENT, DETERMINATION, ATK, LOVE, and much more terms from undertale will be used in this fic. so i suggest getting into the fandom vocab a bit when you can-
but to put it simply, INTENT is like another way of language for monsters. it's pretty much what it says, but to break it down: intent is something that you do with purpose.
personally, i headcannon intent to be more intune with emotions and how the user feels and/or wants to feel in the moment. for example "aggressive and murderous intent" or "caring, sweet, and loving intent." and INTENT carries magic within it, hence why monsters are so in tune with internal emotions while humans aren't. and that's why monsters re more in danger with humans than any other creature, because humans used unknowing intent that could kill a monster in one hit.
Surprisingly enough he doesn't like to spend his breaks at home in his bed.
instead, he goes out to muffet's for a very specific coffee order, and a spider muffin.
half of the time he'll make you pay with your own money, crippling your pockets.
other times he'll roll his eyes when you "forget" to bring your wallet and get you only a drink off the menu.
if you catch him as he's leaving out for a break, gaster may sometimes not go to muffet's at all and find a park to watch kids trip at.
or maybe a grass field during golden hour.
im not gonna say that gaster hates kids, but it's moreso that fact that they...are underdeveloped, and therefore harder to understand in his eyes.
as ive said before, this guys ignores his feelings, so he gets uncomfortable when people show theirs.
so when you cry, or get angry in situations that dont seem as big to him as it does to you, he lowkey cringes a bit.
but since.. *sigh* you're now his pupil, as well as someone who takes his work more seriously than others (DESPITE YOUR TENDENCY TO TOUCH SHIT)
he has to take of you now! and *gags* comfort you
bro cant comfort for shit (which is one of the reasons why they dont have plants at their house)
so when you hug him with your snotty face... and your...wet tears, he shivers aggressively but tries to keep still
yea he doesn't hug back at all, its bad enough he has to watch you!
(or maybe it's bc he doesn't know how to hug back 👀)
In this au, the reader is canon to the universe. not isekaid, not transported, no. she lives there and the code is accurate. so any and all timelines will include her.
and timelines are gonna be a "what if", or maybe a chapter for angst. idk yet. And in this fic, imma make the choice for flowey not to remember resets. but only due to his will (cool right?).
frisk isn't really gonna be included much into the plot, only when it calls for it.
oh shit- back to gaster
not sure if i said this before, but warming up to gaster even the littlest bit is like reading a 100 chapter slowburn.
it's gonna take a long time, hell, maybe a year or so, for him and reader to start actually building a granddaughter/grandpa relationship. so while youre still getting to know him, it's like he's avoiding you, (but you clearly don't read his schedule enough sooooo)
and when you guys finally get to that point, you guys are like buddies. he'll ramble to you about certain topics, while you sit and listen.
you'd watch movies with him as he overanalyzes characters and plots, only to fuck it up and end up with something different, claiming "he could write a better one".
gaster loves helping you study
even if it's for a 5 question quiz, he'll help you out as much as he can!
plus, id be a shame if the ✨Smartest Man On the Surface ™✨ let his little human fail!
nuh uh, not happening!!!
he's very proud of you everytime you get an assignment back with an A with lots of praise from the teachers.
he'll even try to get you in a routine (which rarely works often, as easy as it seems)
gaster chuckles every time you make him a homemade snack, or lunch meal, it warms his little heart ❤️
Other times he can't stand your attitude
Why cant you control yourself in situations that aren't bigger than you make it seem?
it racks his big brain so much, that he bans you from the lab for 3 days when stuff like that happens.
he really hates it when someone has a tone with him, it grinds against some part of his brain the makes his more "violent" and intrusive thoughts.
its not noticable at first, at least not to him, but after the 1st hour he begins thinking
"humans have skeletons right?"
"what would skin all in a pile look like?"
"what would happen if he gripped, squeezed and strangled a soul made of pure determination?"
of course, he already knows that answer to those. and if you dont, just ask frisk.
im sure they remember very well.
but after the intrusive thoughts go away, he's just left seething in anger.
i feel like gaster (,similar to donnie from rise) has a hard time understanding other people, because he's been alone for most of his life.
and that makes him jealous of you.
but in the end, you'll always be gaster's little assistant ❤️
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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kiwinatorwaffles · 7 months
question on the ship tag stuff: do you want video clips where the hermits themselves are flirting/shipteasing tagged as hermitshipping? because like, on the one hand canon interactions are a whole other thing than fandom’s obsession with romance, but on the other hand it is still ship stuff and people in notes are doing their usual thing. this isn’t a mean question I genuinely have no idea whether to tag stuff like that or not. I feel a bit weird asking you in particular as if you’re the CEO of the aroace community LOL but I think this goes with your “please tag your ships” post and I know you have some aro followers who can chime in with their thoughts too
hmmmm, good question! me, personally, i wouldn’t tag it. if i were to post a clip of flirting i’d be like, “i hate them so much <3” as a silly joke with no ship intent, but a shipper might make a ship-related comment when posting and that might warrant a tag. again, i think it all depends on intent. i really wish i had a better answer, but there’s a lot of grey areas when it comes to this stuff. and you’re right i am not the ceo of the aroace community LMAO i just tend to be pretty outspoken about this stuff. if anyone has opinions or ideas, please add on!!!
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stranger-chichka · 2 years
Sherlock Holmes, the clues and the hell parallels
I'm rewatching moments with Jason right now after @skvtebored noticed he and Partick have stars on their jackets and I already found a lot of interesting stuff I want to share but I'm gonna write a proper post about it, like with all the stars and what scenes they're in because as @madwheelerz said in that way the Duffers maybe wanted us to show that THESE are the moments in the show that are important and that we should pay close attention to. But these parallels I need to post right now, because WHAT THE HELL (@howtobecomeadragon I'm tagging you because your recent post on religion is kinda related to that). Jason and the team go to Dustin's and Patrik says: "No one's home."
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Jason answers they should keep looking and then he sees the car door open and Lucas is not there. He says: "Where the hell is Sinclair?" while Lucas reaches Dustin and he says: "Where the hell have you been?"
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After Jason notices Lucas in Dustin's house he says: "What the hell were you doing?"
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And it's become even more interesting here. Patrick calls Lucas Sherlock Holmes. Hmmmm. Does it remind you of anything???? Not only do we have a Sherlock Holmes reference but also in both scenes they're talking about clues.
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AND THIS. What if this is foreshadowing for s5??? Maybe Lucas will be the one to find Vecna???
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pharah-airways · 7 months
Tag people you want to get to know better game thing!
Ty @toads-treasures for the tag i will honor it with my life.
Tagging @surumarssi @creatureactivist @sodalover @pitl0ver si quieren
Last Song: Magnetic by Waterparks (i'm going to see them in a week!)
Currently Watching: Four different things lol 1) Neon Genesis Evangelion (rewatch) bc i'm gonna watch End of Evangelion w a friend over spring break. 2) Black Lagoon - kinda mid but pretty fun. I like how Revy has Gun Autism and belligerent sexual tension with every other woman in the show 3) Dungeon Meshi. very nice to chill eat dinner while watching the Monster Food Show. 4) Scavengers Reign - soooo good. What if you were marooned on the most beautiful scifi horror planet ever. Alien ecosystem that hates you is one of the most creatively designed things ive ever seen
Three Ships: hmmmm i feel like i think less abt ships now than i did a few years ago. That said,
Asa x Denji (Chainsaw Man manga) - ohhhhh my god its so good. this is mostly bc Asa is one of my favorite characters ever but their cringeboy x failgirl dynamic is peak. theres also the impending doom which totally wont happen if i look over here.
Anthy x Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - the blueprint. i can't talk about them here this post would reach novella length. go watch Utena legitimately the best show ive ever seen.
Shinji x Kaworu (NGE) - whenever i get sad i post this to my instagram story
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Favorite Color: her...
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Currently consuming: Priory of the Orange Tree (book, good), The Magnus Protocol (podcast, good), Kill Six Billion Demons (webcomic, goated)
First Ship: The first thing i shipped in any way relating to internet fandom was Pharah x Mercy (overwatch). The first fictional relationship that i really liked and thought about tho is probably Percy and Annabeth. PJO numero uno campeao do mundo
Place of Birth: Northeast USA
Current Location: 39.644727°N, 76.745757°W
Currently working on: I have several writing projects that are neat but are not getting finished, but primarily three things: 1) scifi project ive been working on since i was 15. I think ive managed to stay true to the original vision (star wars ripoff) while also making it somewhat good. 2) Newish high fantasy project born out of worldbuilding a four-gender system. I like how the magic system intertwines with gender i like the theme of cycles and how to break them, but ive still got a long way to go. 3) Long scifi short story about a clash of oppressive societies via toxic yuri. almost done!
Writing: I'm assuming this means completed. Several small things i don't care too much about, and one pretty good short story about a spaceship AI having a Transgender Moment (1 dead many injured)
Art: discord whiteboard akiangel. they're in love btw.
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rose022 · 4 months
1, 2, 10, and 23????
already did first one go check ask tag bleh
(Otome I would like to play)
hmm i cant find it again but there was this one i saw someone mention on here and it was one that was hard and wait its not an otome game if youre dating girls right. anyway then uhh i saw someone ELSE mention this one called collar x malice it seems cool. plus i wanna finish all the ikemen series cus i see yves post abt them a lot.
(Character I'm similar to)
hmmmm idk. i think i do tend to relate to the mcs to varying amounts but rarely the love interests. hmm. idk too tired for this
(Favorite game art)
u didnt specify so. i have free reign mwahaha
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actually as a bonus take these three images i made like a year ago now lmaooo
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thedragonagelesbian · 9 months
For the OTP asks: 5, 13, 22, and 26 for Cyrus and Wyll
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
Cyrus socializes like a cat, so he's happiest just being nearby for whatever activity Wyll wants to do-- snuggling while Wyll reads or listening him play his flute (or his cello once they're moved in to their estate post-game). Wyll similarly insists that his greatest creative inspiration comes when he's with Cyrus and loves to compose in Cyrus' garden, drafting sonnets and serenades while Cyrus is tending to his plants.
As for things they really do together, they love planning outings into the woods around Baldur's Gate. Romantic picnics, hunting, foraging, birding, just getting away from the bustle of the city
13. Name something they would never do for the other person. 
Cyrus for Wyll: I think Cyrus outright refuses to do the Champion/Ansur/whoops bitter gay exes quest. Not even in a reluctant 'I'll tag along to make sure you stay safe' thing, drags his heels to the very edge of the chambers of trials and is straight up like 'we shouldn't do this. I don't care how helpful the dragon will be we should Not Fucking Do This please don't do this i don't want to lose you to some impossible bullshit test you're already enough please don't make me watch you do this'
Of course there's no vindication in being right.
Wyll for Cyrus: Hmmmm Wyll is so accommodating it's hard to think of what he'd refuse… Of course there is the classic "you don't have to be the Blade of Frontiers" for me early on. No matter how many times Cyrus tells him that he doesn't have to perform for him, it's so hard to let go of a technique that has allowed you to cope with & make the best of such horrendous circumstances
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Oh boy the 'at birth' specification is interesting, I've never really thought about what this version of Malcolm and Leandra had planned for him… He grew up on the road because Malcom was being hunted by his archfey patron who ends up killing him when Cyrus is very young (tho I have some. Extremely vague ideas about a post-game adventure involving Malcolm actually still being alive & Cyrus & his LI needing to save him). Presuming Malcolm doesn't die and is thus still around when Leandra passes from her illness, I could see him raising Cyrus as a much more well-adjusted rangers, mayhaps even of the fey wanderer variety as they work to free Malcolm from his patron
(…..i dont know how i've gotten this far without realizing before that the first loss in cyrus' life was to a vengeful warlock patron but it sure. Uh. Adds some Something to this dynamic…)
Wyll more obviously grows into a young lordling, but even without Mizora, I think he goes through life about 5 terribly repressed seconds from a nervous breakdown having grown up knowing absolutely nothing but his father's rigid expectations
And while I can't think of any self-evident way for their paths to cross, the notion of Wyll meeting a more fey version of Cyrus who whisks him away from the pressures of noble life for a whirlwind adventure straight out of the fantasies and fairytales Wyll grew up reading and dreaming about but had given up experiencing himself… well i think it FUCKS immensely
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
For both of them, the best part about physical affection is feeling safe. It's so new for them, but being able to melt into each other's arms and let all of their past disappear into the sound of the other's breathing and pulse is just one of their favorite things about being together, period.
For Cyrus, his relationship to sex is different than other iterations of the character because of his history with Meredith. Generally, Cyrus has two somewhat contradictory things he wants out of sex: to please his partner as much as possible, and to know himself and his body in relation to them. Contradictory because that first desire always trumps the second one and can even foreclose it entirely, depending on the partner, or make him vulnerable to someone who wants to control his sense of self.
Whereas ranger!Cyrus is pretty adamant about not relying on anyone else for that external validation/appraisal/identification. That just leaves "trying to give Wyll a religious experience every time," and that is something Cyrus adores immensely. (And his favorite part of /that/ is any indication of incoherency-- babbling and whining and stammering. Any sign that Wyll is trying sooo hard to be the calm & collected Blade and failing miserably turns Cyrus on a Lot; he refers to it playfully as 'making Wyll sing')
And as hard as it is, Wyll enjoys being made to let go and get out of his head and into his body and being taken care of and treated with a level of slow, gentle tenderness that is almost too much to bear (but he does and Cyrus praises him throughout to tell him he's doing a very good job bearing it)
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grubus · 11 months
20 questions for writers, tagged by @fanfiction_artist_prototype
for some reason the site won't let me actually @ them :( hope u see this. Answers under read more!
how many works do you have on ao3? Apparently 79! how interesting.
what's your total ao3 word count? 316,765! Nice.
What fandoms do you write for? I think I'll only list the most recent one! Which is "The Scum Villain's Self Saving System". I usually don't switch much once I'm writing, I tend to get a little bit too focused on that specific fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? In order! Shen Yuan of No Relation (so far my only svsss fic) Clutching Daffodils (magnus archives/hanahaki fic) Worries (magnus archives with archivist!Martin au) Silence thy Fledgling Call (a dream smp fic, vampire/werewolf au) Softly Squeezing (magnus archives/Jon's missing rib fic)
Do you respond to comments? why/why not? I try! I usually try and respond to all of them, but SYoNR kind of explodes and if I tried to reply to EVERYONE I wouldn't have time to write the fic. Sorry ;A; but I do love them all!!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Absolutely no clue. Some of those fics in there I wrote when I was 15 and lemme tell you I pay taxes now. I do not wish to take a peek at what depressed 15 year old me wrote.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, no clue! Yay :D
Do you get hate on fics? I've gotten a few! I mostly ignore them, and besides, I try to tag my fics as well as I can so if they hate on it, well. They still found it and read it! So I don't really care.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind? I've not written a lot of smut, but I've given it a try. I hope to get better at it but *finger guns* we shall see! svsss is kind of made for smut fics, after all.
Do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one? I do! But I haven't posted any. There was a ninja turtles/harry potter one way back when.
have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know! I've had people ask to put them on a different site but I said no.
have you ever had a fic translated? One asked to translate an original story into Russian. I don't know if they ever did it though.
have you ever co-written a fic? Yes! A transformers one we never finished, oops.
what's your all-time fave ship? This is an impossible question! I love all my ships :(
what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? "Victory by Fractions" is a hero academia fic with quirkless!Bakugo and quirk!Midoriya. It's meant to explore how fucked up their friendship can still be when the roles are reversed. Also I just love codependency and the "I'm your knight and you're my princess" vibes where said princess does NOT want to be that, actually. also it was just me going "hehe" because I haven't actually read or watched hero academia more than like up until Midoriya was given the quirk. An Experimental Fic so to speak.
what are your writing strengths? I think people have said they enjoy the humor and the character interactions? I just really love exploring how a change here or there changes dynamics.
writing weaknesses? Hmmmm probably descriptions? I dare not ask, my ego is fragile.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I could write it in Swedish probably but other than that I rather not risk it. Google translate only helps so much.
first fandom you wrote for? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2k3.
fave fic you've ever written? Tbh very proud of SYoNR right now. But! "Clutching Daffodils" is also a favorite of mine.
Tagging @primtheamazing and whoever else wants to do it, because this was rough. *thumbs up* good luck.
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altschmerzes · 2 years
Hey it’s L again! Or it’s actually O but I managed to write that whole long ask without checking I signed off with the right letter but, from now on… O!!
Wow thank you so much for your lovely response — especially that bit about your writing being for me (aros & abusive survivors first hell yeah) that was so ridiculously sweet. I fully cannot wait until you post literally anything but especially that episode tag you mentioned !!!! It’s something for me to look forward too and I’ll definitely be all up in your inbox probably crying about it once you do
It’s genuinely so validating to be agreed with about all the post 2.08 stuff and the 3.02 stuff because I felt a little insane about it. Like sometimes I try and force myself to react more normally to media around these sort of things but knowing you’re feeling some of the same feelings about it too makes me go no !!! Good reaction !!! Feel something about it !!!
I do still genuinely love both of those episodes though — “I forgot how skittish elderly people could be because of the war” made me laugh out loud. And Jamie literally saying “hmmmm” with his very *sad* sad face was so relatable. He’s so strange sometimes
Anyways, just thought I’d pop in and say hi and thanks!! Oh and how are you ?!!
- O
hey hey!!! great to see you again, i'm always like, relieved to find out someone saw the answer meant for them
i really do love knowing that my writing has made it to the audience it's meant for tbh. like of course it's meant for anyone who wants to read it, and i'm always thrilled to pieces no matter what to hear that something i've written was enjoyed or was meaningful to someone it's like. this is WHY i wrote it yknow, and why i needed stories like it, etc. means a lot :')
and yeah no same i always feel like, anxious and weird whenever i have an Opinion About Media and it is a WAR with my brain ghosts to get to like, expressing a thought at all ever but i like to think i'm getting better with that! helps to not be In Fandom i think. worry of getting yelled at for whatever reason goes way down lmao. and yeah same like, i try to Be Chill but at the end of the day everyone's gonna have their things, right, their Pet Issues or Hills To Die On or whatever. it's fine if i have mine, and it's fine for you to have yours too!
the "elderly people" line made me laugh so fucking hard, the delivery on it like. killed me. he is SO strange and it's honestly one of my fave things about him, it's a lot of fun XD i simply love a character who's a little weirdo
and as for ME i'm good honestly!!! now that my ordeal with the border is all resolved i feel like a completely different person lmao, a huge weight is gone off me. now i just need to finish a couple of 7k term papers and get ready for some final exams. a friend and i actually also recently started the series together in our weekly tv date and it's been so exciting and fun to get to watch it all over with someone who knows absolutely nothing and is loving it so far. i hope you've been well!!
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hiisheart · 6 months
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? kind of a combination of them all being my blorbos, characters i can personally relate to, my finding them interesting, or just me liking them generally as a character. a mix of all four is generally the best bet tho in picking a muse!!
is there anything you don't like to write? anything regarding noncon, rape, pedophilia, and tbh somnophilia/sex with sleeping/waking/falling asleep people too. i personally just have a weird internal reaction to that kind of content esp when i'm the one who's writing it and idk why 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️
is there anything you really enjoy writing? fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort, slice of life, honestly anything that expands on canon i.e. mike talking to nancy about her experience with getting vecna'd
how do you come up with headcanons? it really depends on the headcanon. if it's a bit longer and meant to make a huge point about my muses and their lives, i might draft it for a few days, but other silly little things i'll probably just post at random!
do you write in silence or do you play music? it kind of depends on my mood, if that makes sense? sometimes i write better with no music, other times i need to hear some kind of music or background noise to keep my train of thought flowing.
do you plan your replies or wing them? 99% of the time i'll wing them, but that doesn't mean i'm against plotting!!
do you enjoy shipping? ummm YES of COURSE i enjoy shipping
what's your alias / name? noah!
age? 22
birthday? april 24th
favorite color(s)? probably earth tones, & i also like some nice deep blues c:
favorite song(s)? uhhh shit lemme see, stay tonight by chung ha is a bop, same with eyes roll by (g)idle, i dunno if i can pick any more specifics without it turning into a goddamn essay tbh lmaooo
last movie you watched? saltburn
last show you watched? spongebob (lol)
last song you listened to? mia martina & edward maya - stereo love (also lol)
favorite food? hmmmm probably anything with noodles tbh
favorite season? spring or summer
do you have a tumblr best friend? not really, i correspond with my irl bestie a lot through tumblr but in terms of the community i have here in the rpc i can't possibly pick one of you out of the whole group, i love all y'all equally <3
tagged by: stolen from @rebelliousfamily hehe tagging: YOU!!!
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bungoustraypups · 1 year
Hmmmm could you start by telling what the bungou stray pups-verse is about?
Also you mentioned a wild west + mystery AU with the Tanizaki siblings and a Karma + OC focused underworld AU? Those sound really interesting
Also I have to know, if alphaverse is not omegaverse related then what is it?
so i wrote up a post on bungou stray pups over here!
the wild west + mystery AU and the underworld AU both do have plots! i'll toss em here under the cut
alphaverse is just the code name for another next gen verse i have ahaha, it's got slightly different ships from bspverse
Nowhere in the West
Wild West + Mystery AU
(or, how a pair of teenagers and another pair of middle-aged men accidentally made a family & solved some crimes) When their abusive parents unexpectedly die in a freak car accident, Junichirou and Naomi Tanizaki are faced with a terrifying decision: face the foster care system alone, or move out to the American West with an eccentric Uncle (Soseki Baldwin-Natsume) they never knew they had and his (less eccentric but still fairly unknown) husband (James Baldwin-Natsume). For them, the initial choice is easy, as they could never live without each other or within the foster care system, but life out in the middle of nowhere isn't all it's cracked up to be… at first. They'll soon come to realize that the little town of Nowhere, Nevada is more than meets the eye when they arrive there, and are greeted by the rag-tag group of volunteer detectives their uncles have brought together to solve a great crime which occurred several decades prior. Taming the Wild, Wild West has never run more in the family than it does in this story.
The Underground Diamond in the Rough
Underworld AU
After meeting a mysterious young man his age who promises to give him a life beyond his wildest dreams, 18-year-old previously-homeless orphan Karma finds himself strung along in a series of wild adventures with Ryougo Narita - the aforementioned young man - in a hidden world beneath the surface of the earth known as the Underground. Karma soon comes to learn that Ryougo has been tasked with finding a person called "the Diamond in the Rough" for the King of the Underground, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, and that Ryougo believes Karma is that person… however, he can't tell him what it is the King seeks him so desperately for, as no one knows. Unfortunately, the King isn't the only person seeking Karma, and after a few narrowly-avoided attempts on his life, Ryougo teams up with a handful of his friends and associates to keep Karma safe for the journey to the King's Palace. This definitely isn't how Karma expected to be adopted into a family, but… maybe it isn't so bad.
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