#is this a trans thought or just a gay thought or both
beforetimes · 2 days
my thoughts on the trans charles headcanon!
let me just start off by saying i love it. just to make that 100% clear at the beginning of this.
ok i think that charles being a trans man would change his relationship with the characters in the movies + his relationship with his mutation in the films as well. for one, i think that his first encounter with raven would hold more weight. because raven would be his first look at someone like him—a mutant—but also his first look at someone who was able to defy gender norms in a way he was unfamiliar with. i'd imagine that as a child he would be so isolated that he would assume his feelings in wanting to be anyone but himself [pre-transition] were inherent to everyone. and encountering raven changed that perspective but also drove home the fact that his expression of himself didn't change who he innately was. as raven changes how she looks frequently but at the end of the day, is still raven. i feel he would get his first realization that, ah, just because i look like a girl doesn't mean that i am one.
(i also like to imagine that his telepathy would be a tool for him to use before he's given access to the resources he needs to medically transition. it would work as a way to help along his social transition, maybe by subtly changing people's surface level perception of him if they were interacting in his youth. when he grows older and he does have the ability to medically transition, he would stop purposely affecting people's perception of him but that habit would be so engrained that it would subtly colour his interactions with the general public unconciously.)
anyway, i think the way this plays into his relationship with his sexuality would be fun, too! the flings he's implied to have in first class are obviously just superficial (as he repeats the same routine to pick up girls multiple times). we could argue is his version of comphet, if we're assuming he's gay, but the way he was raised makes him want to strive to be the person his parents wanted him to be. or the relationship of his sexuality with his gender identity and how he feels slightly invalid in his dual identity as a gay and trans man, because, to him (with internalized queerphobia), he would assume he's just taking extra steps to come around to liking men as a cis women.
besides that i think his relationship with erik would also change. because, like, i like to work with the idea of erik being a bisexual man (as he does have a relationship with a woman a decade long in canon and i'm not opposed to it in the context of the story) but him still interacting with charles as a man would still be pretty validating to charles. because, i imagine in first class, charles would still be welcome to float around the periphery of erik's thoughts (as erik wasn't opposed to charles' mutation as most people try to say he is—as far as i remember, erik lets charles into his head during first class multiple times without becoming angry!) and charles would see (at least on the surface level) that erik's attraction to him isn't because he sees him as a woman but moreso that despite being attracted to both men and women he still respects charles' identity as a man and builds a relationship in that context.
i have more thoughts about this that i'll probably add to later but this is just a summary of a conversation i had with someone in my discord server that i thought had enough substance to make into a proper post. thanks for reading!
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ihopesocomic · 2 days
It's such a shame how many good brother-brother duos or sister-brother duos there are compared to sister-sister duos
I know it stems from writers always feeling the need to add a man in every woman's life
A lot of writers can only make a character who's a sister if she's a sister to a brother and it's a real shame
Honestly I think Nothing from MP is a pretty good example of that
Look at her relationship with her female siblings/cousin vs her male siblings/cousin
Fire ended up being horrible and Feather is a toxic positive "lemme make you feel bad for wanting to change your ableist name even though it literally doesnt effect me" dirtbag
But Nothing had a better relationship with vs her younger sisters/cousins
Farleap and Silentstalk bullied her and Feather's sisters thought she was weirdo though they like literally never interacted
It's just always suspicious when a writer seems to prioritize a female character's relationship with guys over her relationship with girls
Like their gender shouldn't matter but they'll always pick their male characters first
The sexism in writing still to this day is wild. Especially where so-called independent creators are concerned. Because I thought the whole point of being indie was creating stuff you wanted to see in mainstream media but didn't get, but a lot of it is just more of the same crap you get from bigger productions. So either people want more sexism, or its just baked into their brain and they don't even realize it.
A lot of better stories out there are about brothers (well, I could argue that a lot of it is lazy and that there is no point to the characters being brothers, especially when strong emotional friendships between men are practically nonexistent in media.) and anything having to do with sisters is as I said, either petty nonsense or there's no point to being sisters at all.
And then there's as you said, an inherent need by creators for women to have men be relevant in their lives when that same standard is not applied to men. You can throw a rock and hit a movie or show with a female pov where her only motivation has to do with a man. Father, son, brother, husband, boyfriend, abuser. Whatever.
That's not to say any of these are bad stories. But when its the majority of supposed woman-focused media, it loses its edge as woman-focused when the women in question are focused on men. The writers either consciously or subsconsciously don't get that women have motivations beyond men. This even happens with lesbian characters, where men should have even less relevancy? LOL And it doesn't even matter who the writers are, whether they're men/women, cis/trans, straight/gay, everyone does this. You'd expect better from queer creators but even then there's a clear preference. And they're wont to bring up that "gender shouldn't matter" but only when it pertains to asking why they're so opposed to women being the focus. Its quite interesting.
MP is in an interesting position of hating both men and women at the same time while not commenting on how the patriarchy has negative effects on both men and women. Not an easy feat but Tribble sure made it look easy. She made Feather Nothing's prime motivator for leaving the pride, and while I have my own criticisms of Nothing's "subtle" motherlyness towards Feather, that wasn't extended to the female cubs. Fire is Nothing's other motivation for leaving the pride, and then he turned out to be a wannabe dictator. Quickmane was shown to be a sympathetic and caring mate who definitely wasn't homophobic, but had no qualms about killing children. And then there's alllllll the women who are meant to be oppressed to the same extent as Nothing, but they all somehow manage to be even worse because the narrative wants us to side with them.
And even Nothing's abusive relationship with Quickmane as we've stated in our review is arguably less fucked up than the relationship she has with her own mother. Because we know what they think about each other, and Powerstrike still insists that Nothing's existence is a burden on her soul or whatever. Like what the fuck is up with that?? I'm sure they could've made Powerstrike less-bad than Quickmane, was this some sort of weird equalizer of the sexes? And you can count Nothing's relationship with Sharptongue if you're so inclined to, but even if you ignore everything else she did, Sharptongue would still be the only positive female influence in Nothing's life. But not a key motivator in Nothing's story. Like not even a little bit.
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pjsk-headcanons · 10 hours
How did (some) characters find out they're gay
Ichika: in middle school, she listened to Magnet. Really. She was like "wait i can do that?" Then looked at Saki (since this is middle school) and her brain exploded.
Saki: she kind of. Always grew up talking about marrying girls and thought it was normal also until middle school when one day she just started thinking about it and went "oh. Yeah that makes sense" and kept going with her life, probably the first in leo/need to figure it out.
Honami: it was in high school because Saki kept flirting and the rest of leo/need just looked too damn gorgeous and she went through a whole crisis before reaching acceptance in like 30 minutes.
Minori: Haruka. Thats all.
Haruka: in middle school, Haruka wanted to figure out if she's gay so An had an idea, they could kiss, so Haruka would think of her feelings and realize them. So they kissed, Haruka thought it was nice but didn't have much more feelings about it so she thought she was straight. Years later she met Minori and oh, she was a fool.
Shizuku: she was too busy trying to make Shiho come out that she never really thought about herself, she knows it in some way but she never thought about it and never will, it'll take her like 2 years dating Airi for Airi to call them both lesbians and Shizuku stops like "wait I am? Wait wanting to kiss you is not normal??" (I know Shizuku is smart but come on she's an airhead + this is for funnies)
Kohane: An smiled at her the first time and I think her brain exploded in purple, blue and pink (bi) glitter. "Dads im bi" "SHE'S NOT STRAIGHT IM SO HAPPY" (i stole someone's headcanon with her having two dads sorry)
An: she spent half of her childhood saying she'd marry Nagi, and her street usually had a pride parade every june, so she just. Kind of always grew up knowing she liked girls? The shock was her finding out she's bi in high school.
Akito: a few weeks after meeting Toya he's just sitting on his room thinking about how cute the boy is and how his hand is so soft and how- oh shit Ena would make so much fun of him if she knew (she knew before he did).
Tsukasa: the boy has yet to figure it out, despite Saki trying to say he's gay every day. Give him a few more years. Or a Rui kiss. Both works.
Nene: somewhere in high school she looked at Emu, looked at Ichika, thought back on her little mermaid obsession with the actress and went ".. oh. oh"
Rui: probably kind of always knew, but he did have a time where he got confused bc he dated Mizuki for some time in middle school but then Mizuki came out as trans so he was like "... What if i only like girls and just had a really good radar?" Nah. He's just bi/pan
Mafuyu: once as a kid she mentioned she wanted to marry her elementary school best friend and Mafumom started talking about dishonor and that she cant and blablabla so she just locked that up. When Mizuki and Ena said something about liking girls and Mafuyu looked around at the feelings the three girls give her she just. remembered everything, both the feelings for that friend and her mom's talk. She started having a panic attack then because one girl was bad but THREE??
Mizuki: always knew she liked girls so it took the transition to call herself gay. However Rui did make her realize she also likes boys.
-anon anon
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homoquartz · 9 months
now sad bc i cannot get someone pregnant
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
i'm going to scream i got accused of being a transmisogynist by someone on twitter because of this specific part of my t4t steddie art
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aperfecta-rt · 4 months
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GAY GROUP SHOT OF MY GAY OCS! (And Poppy is just happy to be included! The One True Ally)
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
i want matching beaded bracelets!!! i want matching necklaces!!!! i want matching designs sewn into our shoes!!! i wanna match with a boy i think thats just so cute!!!!!
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words-be-upon-ye · 6 months
There are a couple tropes I really love in the space of Miraculous Ladybug fan works, but quite possibly my favorite is when the miraculous holders just get creature from using their powers.
Like yeah, I would say that hosting the power of an abstract concept given sentience, that got shoved into the shape of an animal and bound to a piece of jewelry, would kinda mess with your body a bit.
The little bit of this we get in canon is basically that Adrien loves being a cat and the whole Tikki munches incident.
But I love it when people give them ears and wings and tails, give them eyes that aren't quite human anymore. Fuck with their gender and their sense of body. Sometimes it's body horror, sometimes it's just aesthetic. Love it either way.
I just think it's so fun, a lot of the time it's combined with the like "when a holder and the kawami really respect and bond with each other there's nothing that can be done except having magic bleed into the holder" I think that's fun, but also just making the animal of the kwami a bigger deal is fun. Like if you're going to make it a ladybug you might as well give her wings and antenna and mirrored eyes.
#yes I do like ml#there's just so many characters I like to mess with in my head#also sue me I'm trans and have a certain respect for body horror. for the forced change of your physical self especially when you chose it#anyway I alwasys ramble in the tags#I set up this side blog to hide random writing thoughts I had and oh boy do I have a lot and none of them are on here#and recenetly (and by recently I mean like the past year) I've been hit with so many ml thoughts)#they're all gay#and some of them are cohesive#actually a lot of them revolve around chloe and au's where she gets a meaningful improvement arc#give that gay girl intresting stuff#miraculous ladybug#ml#although one of my ideas is also my very fun very gender take of ml where to conceal their identities ladybug and chat start pretending#to be different people under the masks like they don't need to like explicitly say. they just#switch costumes a lot and they like slyly hint at maybe theres dozens of people who pass around the miraculous to make sure that their#Identities are always safe#and to support the act they also start changing the genders they present as as holders. everyone is like “it's clearly multiple people”#and during this process marinette and Adrien are both like slowly having personal gender revelations#and gabe is like tearing his hair out over having to fight this secret group of superheros that he can never find or catch#but he's still just getting his ass kicked by two kids who're doing the world's most successful costumes change bits#it's like those “fake dating” tropes where they're like “oh but we really do love each other” but with gender#“oh I've got a great idea lets pretend to be different genders sometimes”#cut to “hmh ok so I think I'm not pretending anymore”#oh I do always ramble in the tags
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I think I might spend a slightly unhealthy amount of time thinking about the Venom Family (regardless of universe)
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Asfdsrfgggcfghh jsyk im evil giggling and screeched into my pillow when u said u showed ur gf THANK U FOR LOVING JAIG SHE DESERVES IT
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My gender complex goes back 3 generations and through two queer women and their family trauma, I feel like I know what I'm talking about. We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
#i got my gender from my she/her misogynistic transmas gay dad who's also the mother of my mom.#my sperm donor doesn't matter here.#he's kinda fruity though and swears he's just a straight southern boy in alaska.#my dad/grandma and my sperm donor/dad were/are both autistic though.#im pretty my great-grandfather (whom i was named after (whom was named after his father)) was autistic to.#and even though he was an abusive piece of shit the autism had him connect with one of his four lesser-sons.#so she got a bit of a complex from really admiring him. i got a bit of a complex from really admiring her. i was named after him.shit's wild#oh yeah and a psychic told my grandma in a past life she was her fathers husband and she thought it was crazy but he said that makes sense#(in that past life he was his daughters wife to clarify)#he didnt even believe in that shit she was blown away when he said that like ''dad you're joking right?'' (he wasnt)#it was to explain why he always broke down in tears hearing the bag pipes.#this hardcore military man would just start crying when he heard bagpipes playing. absolutely break down.#and the psychic said it's because they played bagpipes when my grandma/his/her husband came back from war after leaving her to fight.#she had the gaul to give my mom his last name. her maiden name. and well my mother never married so i got it too.#the family hated us for that.#and he treated her(my grandma's) daughter way better than any of his own kids. so the family hated us for that too.#my mom's also an ace/bilesbian lol.#out of all the confusion im trans so like. i feel like i have a better handle because of that.#i take a bit of pride and freedom in the confusion.#hexacles.txt
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kuromi-hoemie · 9 months
i had a rly lovely day. i got rly stoned earlier n spent a few hours sorta ranting to myself about my gender n sexuality and got a lot of stuff squared away i haven't gotten to dig into before, then my friend n her bf got me drunk as hell and treated me to dinner n a movie ‹: im still kinda 😵‍💫 hours after the fact.
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alterouslyinlove · 1 year
hhow to ask boyf to hold hands. im craving it so badly im going insane. his hand… in mine… ommmphhhh…
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blin192 · 6 months
Side affect of testosterone- humping the mattress like a desperate sl*t
Unexpected downfall : I'm gray ace / demisexual and so every time my body is expiercing horniness and I masturbate I end up thinking of two friends or Venom and those are two entirely different post nut clarities let me tell ya
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dovedrangeas · 1 year
transphobic gays when the conservatives they allied with to harm trans people move from transphobia to homophobia:
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#transphobia //#homophobia //#misogyny //#incest //#rape //#warnings are mostly for the tags#alternative caption: transphobic cis women when the conservatives they allied with to harm trans people move from transphobia to misogyny:#‘surely these people with bioessentialist ideals about sex and gender and sexuality and what men and women are will treat me well#as a gay person/woman/both’#or#‘​i never thought they would eat MY face’ sobs woman who voted for the leopards eating human faces party#anyway conversatives will not stop at just getting rid of trans people. they don’t want gay people either. they want women to basically be#property and objects for men again.#they aren’t going to see you as an exception. they are not your allies.#this is why i can’t stand terfs who agree with fuckers like matt walsh#he’s a huge fucking misogynist who is pro life and talks about how fertile teenage girls are and how child rape victims should have to give#birth to their rapists child because it’s ‘evidence’ of their assault#and he’s incredibly fucking homophobic too. he thinks gay people are groomers.#but he’s transphobic too so terfs just eat it all up and agree with him based on that.#‘he knows what a woman is uwu so he’s a feminist ally’ he doesn’t think that children should be taught about consent and that victims of#incest and rape should carry their rapists baby to term because it’s evidence and that teenage girls are more fertile and all kinds of#other disgusting shit#he is not your ally. if you align yourself with him you are not a feminist#you’re an idiot at best and just as much of a fascist predator as him at worst#i hope you drive your car off a bridge <3#(drafted this back in january and its even more relevant now lmao)
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clownshrooms · 1 year
sorry to vent post but I'm so tired of the semantics of transmisandry vs transandrophobia vs anti transmasculism etc etc etc. they all mean the same fucking thing!!
it's not implying misandry is an actual systemic problem! it literally just describes transphobia targeted at transmascs. it isn't dismissing transmisogyny or anything else. it's just a word to describe the our experiences with transphobia targeted at us specifically because we are trans men.
idk man I'm so tired and i just want the community to be united
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