#it was to explain why he always broke down in tears hearing the bag pipes.
My gender complex goes back 3 generations and through two queer women and their family trauma, I feel like I know what I'm talking about. We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
#i got my gender from my she/her misogynistic transmas gay dad who's also the mother of my mom.#my sperm donor doesn't matter here.#he's kinda fruity though and swears he's just a straight southern boy in alaska.#my dad/grandma and my sperm donor/dad were/are both autistic though.#im pretty my great-grandfather (whom i was named after (whom was named after his father)) was autistic to.#and even though he was an abusive piece of shit the autism had him connect with one of his four lesser-sons.#so she got a bit of a complex from really admiring him. i got a bit of a complex from really admiring her. i was named after him.shit's wild#oh yeah and a psychic told my grandma in a past life she was her fathers husband and she thought it was crazy but he said that makes sense#(in that past life he was his daughters wife to clarify)#he didnt even believe in that shit she was blown away when he said that like ''dad you're joking right?'' (he wasnt)#it was to explain why he always broke down in tears hearing the bag pipes.#this hardcore military man would just start crying when he heard bagpipes playing. absolutely break down.#and the psychic said it's because they played bagpipes when my grandma/his/her husband came back from war after leaving her to fight.#she had the gaul to give my mom his last name. her maiden name. and well my mother never married so i got it too.#the family hated us for that.#and he treated her(my grandma's) daughter way better than any of his own kids. so the family hated us for that too.#my mom's also an ace/bilesbian lol.#out of all the confusion im trans so like. i feel like i have a better handle because of that.#i take a bit of pride and freedom in the confusion.#hexacles.txt
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romiithebirdie · 4 years
From the Furthest Tether: Part Five
Everything was dark, the only light coming from a few dull-looking lights that continued to flicker constantly like a dying flame of an old candle.
Water droplets fell from the rotting ceiling of a rundown warehouse where the villain group known as the Paranormal Liberation Front had chosen to lay low while they recovered from their earlier injuries.
Izuku felt like he was floating, watching the villains converse with each other while Tomura Shigaraki heaved over his elite Nomu creations whom were currently being used as nothing more than a makeshift throne for the leader.
One of the Hero Killer's main followers had stood up, attempting to call out Shigaraki's odd behaviour while Izuku's insides twisted with discomfort and fright, while the other villains didn't seem to sense the scent of death in the air, the teen could.
Shigaraki's entire aura was completely different; calmer than usual, yet had a dangerous edge that the teen could feel, even in his current phantom form.
Speaking of which, was this the doing of One for All? Or some kind of link that Izuku had with Shigaraki due to them meeting back in the subconscious of both Quirks?
Thinking about it made his head hurt…
"Now that your concerns have been duly noted there is a more pressing matter that needs to be addressed."
"Which is?" The blunt voice belonging to Dabi piped up from the background. The eldest Todoroki child looking completely unbothered by the many pairs of eyes staring widely at him, the other members of the group fearful of Shigaraki's response to his tone.
Thankfully, All for One who was currently using Shigaraki like a puppet, chose to wave off Dabi's remark as if he were nothing. "Just the little spy in our midst," Shigaraki's crimson orbs suddenly honed in and immediately connected with Izuku's own fearful emeralds.
He can see me?
Was that even possible? Izuku fought back a heavy gulp.
That being said, the teen wouldn't have put it past All for One to have some kind power that allowed him to sense the strange link between the two successors…
Either way, this was bad. Really bad.
"No need to worry, though," he looked in the direction of the teen, his rough voice sounding as if he'd swallowed sandpaper. Pointing a finger from the mangled hand, old burned scar tissue littered across his remaining fingers as they twitched erratically; "Soon everything we've strived for will be in our grasp."
Snap out of it, Ninth!
Izuku gasped loudly, clutching his head and cursing darkly as he gripped the bedsheets of his hospital bed tightly.
Why was this happening to him?
Everything was moving so fast, his brain was completely overwhelmed.
Tears of frustration stung his eyes and he blinked hard, fighting them back with all the energy he could muster as he breathed out sharply. Every time something was going right for him and his friends, there was always something that completely tore that newfound hope to shreds.
It wasn't fair.
Especially when the talk with All Might, once he'd arrived at the hospital, had gone down so well. Aside from Izuku's own worries, he had been quickly pacified by his mentor's comforting and reassuring words.
To Izuku's relief, they had discussed the Eri concern and addressed it straight away, with All Might immediately getting into contact with U.A and his acquaintances from the Police Force. His mentor had also informed the boy that Aizawa had been discharged a day prior and was currently recovering back at U.A, albeit with the Pro undergoing physiotherapy to help get him used to his temporary leg prosthetic.
"There are measures being taken to protect Young Eri so try not to worry yourself," his mentor had explained, offering the boy a faint smile tugged across his thin face. All Might had left after Izuku had gotten a visit from his doctor who'd then informed the pair that the teen would more-than-likely be discharged from the facility a lot sooner than they had thought.
About an hour or so later, his mother had arrived and Izuku finally allowed himself to lean back against the plush pillows to finally relax. However, this was quickly short-lived when his mother announced something that nearly made Izuku choke on his own air;
"Your father called me last night," Inko's voice was soft as she folded Izuku's old nightshirt into a neat little square before placing it in the bag that she had brought with her. "We talked for quite a while."
"With Dad, uh...You did?" Izuku's mouth and brain suddenly felt as if it had been set on autopilot. Was it weird that he felt oddly...numb to that revelation? He hadn't heard from his father in years, surely he should have been happier about hearing this?
Inko nodded, humming delicately, sliding another one of Izuku's shirts into the open bag, "He was concerned, of course. I caught him up with what's been happening, he's…" she paused. "He proposed something that I've been thinking about since last night."
Izuku's heart thudded under his freshly laundered nightclothes. He dreaded what he was about to hear but had to ask nonetheless: "What was it?"
His mother inhaled sharply, nibbling on her bottom lip, "He wants us to come overseas so we can be together as a family. Like before," her hands began to tremble. "There's so much that Hisashi and I need to discuss but right now, Izuku, I feel it would be for the best."
"W-What are you saying?" Izuku felt queasy, was his mother seriously suggesting that he pack up all his things and move abroad? To live with a man that he barely knew?
"I can't just leave!" Izuku's voice grew louder. "What about U.A? My friends?" All Might.
Inko's own temper flared and she glowered at her son, gesturing to his bandaged limbs, "Look at yourself, Izuku!"
The younger Midoriya visibly flinched, swallowing the retort back down his throat and averting his guilty gaze away from his mother. His eyes wandered along the lines of thick gauze around his knuckles and he shakily exhaled; unsure what to say next.
Was there anything he could say? He was completely tongue tied.
Thankfully, Inko was the one who broke the awkward silence by running a hand gently through his curls, "I'm sorry, Izuku."
He tried not to wince at those words. It honestly felt like he'd been punched in the gut.
"But I don't know what to do at the moment."
"Stop," her voice was quiet but firm. Izuku's eyes moved along each part of Inko's face, noticing the blotchy skin from crying, the heavy bags under his mother's eyes and the way her hair just hung limply over her face like a set of old curtains, dreary and aged.
Was there anything he could say to her right now?
Aside from…
I'm sorry.
          ��                                 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
"Here are your discharge papers, Midoriya-san."
It was as simple as that.
Before he knew it, Inko had been given Izuku's hospital paperwork and had then quickly ushered her son into a cab alongside All Might. After a short and frankly slightly awkward car journey, they had eventually arrived back at U.A High School where they had then escorted Izuku to the dormitory facilities.
To Izuku's relief, his classmates had respected his space and quietly offered greetings to him as he limped towards his dorm room, his adult supervision carrying his luggage for him due to his arms still being heavily bandaged.
His mother hadn't mentioned their earlier talk and Izuku wanted to keep it that way for the time being. She had left after barely speaking and All Might had offered to walk her to the gates, which she begrudgingly accepted. Izuku noted the hardness in her voice when she spoke to the retired hero, a tone that Izuku had rarely heard Inko use in all the years of his life.
He prayed that she didn't give All Might a hard time once they were out of earshot. They had left quite a while ago…
From the other side of his locked door, he heard the distant sound of his classmates calling out loudly to each other, Izuku recognised Kirishima's cheery voice and he felt his lips tug into a small grin.
Maybe he should have gone downstairs and taken part with the others…
Izuku glanced at the red and blue striped clock on his wall and sighed, his chest tight as he shuffled over to his drawers to begin loading his clean clothes back into storage. Although it wasn't the same as his bedroom at his mother's apartment, he was glad to be back in a familiar place…
For how long? Came the unwelcome and unwanted nag in the back of his already-racing mind as he clenched his teeth together. He had no time to worry about the what-ifs right now, what mattered was getting back on his feet and concentrating on his Quirk control.
Izuku blinked, ears buzzing. He could hear laughter in the distance, was One for All reacting to something else? Maybe it had something to do with the connection he was sharing with Shigaraki-
A loud slam against his window completely destroyed his own concentration, his heart jumping in time with his body.
The walls violently quaked and Izuku soon stumbled. He had barely enough time to react as a massive hole seemed to be forcibly ripped through the wall to the outside.
The impact shook off the teen's balance as he fell to the floor, kicking back against the carpet as he shuffled up against the door. A large, scaly hand clamped around the broken pieces of plaster and a familiar face peered in that sent waves of absolute terror up Izuku's spine.
It was another Nomu. Did that mean the League were here? Speaking of that, how could they know that he'd returned or where his dorm room was?!
Izuku moved his hand towards the doorknob of his dormitory door and the creature screamed loudly squeezing itself through the small hole with little resistance. Izuku pressed himself up against the door frame, bandaged arms and legs screeching at him as the Nomu loomed over him. Sharp pieces of broken brick dug into it's thick hide, small trickles of blood forming around it's body as it slammed a heavy palm straight against Izuku's jaw, the movement cutting off any attempt that Izuku had at crying for help.
A crackle filled the air and Izuku's attention was drawn away from the fact that the Nomu currently had him pinned to the door by his head. With a narrowed gaze, the teen's eyes fell upon a tight-fitted collar around the creature's massive neck. Due to the odd crackling noise, Izuku soon noticed the device attached to the thick leather, which looked to be some kind of radio device.
"Excellent work, No. 1977. Remember this one needs to be alive. For now, at least."
Izuku paled, recognising the person talking immediately.
That blend of eerie voices, like an unhinged duet completely out of sync with each other.
He attempted to speak, a choked gasp cut off as the creature tightened it's grip. He knew that voice all too well; the man who planned out multiple attacks on his friends, the one who was involved in the incident in Kamino and most recently, the Jaku attack...
Tomura Shigaraki.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.35
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Charlie and Jenny sleepover at Rose and Willy’s for the night. And once the children are asleep, Rose and Willy have a bit of fun.
A/N: Another chapter with smut in it. This time, it’s a handjob.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​ @frozenhuntress67​
Lucy took Jenny home to pack a bag for the night, and then she took her right back to the factory. Rose and Charlie both waited outside for her. Jenny excitedly ran up to both of them, and gave them big hugs. After, she turned to her sister and gave her a hug.
"Now, Jenny, you be good alright?" Lucy told her sister. "And you do whatever Rose and Willy ask you to do, okay?"
"I will" Jenny promised.
"And if anything is wrong, please tell them. If you get the nightmares again--"
"I will tell them" Jenny assured her.
Lucy smiled and hugged her. "Oh, I hope you have fun tonight! Now, I need to talk with Rose, alright?" Jenny nodded and went over to go stand by Charlie. Rose stepped forward so Lucy could talk to her. "Rose, this is Jenny's first time spending the night away from home"
"Don't worry, Lucy" Rose said, placing her hand on her shoulder. "We'll make sure Jenny is comfortable"
"Good" Lucy nodded. "But there is something you need to know" She let out a shaky breath. "It's about our parents..." Rose wasn't blind to see the tears swelling in Lucy's eyes. "There was an accident. It was their anniversary trip, and they took a trip to Spain..."
"Lucy, you don't have to..."
"No, no. I need to tell you" Lucy continued. "They spent two weeks there. Mom called the night before they were to fly home, said she and dad really missed us and that they couldn't wait to see us again. Jenny and I got up real early the morning they were supposed to come home. Made them a special breakfast. Then, that's when the news report came on. A plane had exploded. It was the plane they were on..."
Rose just stared at Lucy, trying to process what she had just told her. After a moment of silence, Rose finally said something. "I'm so sorry that happened, Lucy"
Lucy smiled a strained smile. "It took Jenny months to accept the fact that they were gone. Every night, she'd come crying to me, asking when mommy and daddy were coming home. I didn't know what else to tell her, except "Soon. They'd be home soon" Then I always felt guilty because I didn't take the time to grieve. But, I couldn't, because I needed to be there for Jenny"
At that point, Lucy broke down into tears, and Rose brought her into a tight hug. "It's okay, Lucy" The two friends stayed like that for a few minutes.
"Thank you, Rose" Lucy said, calming down from her tears. "We've both accepted the fact that they're gone, but Jenny gets nightmares sometimes. If she does get them, there's a song that makes her feel better. It's one mom used to sing us to sleep with"
"Tell me the song, and I'll sing it as many times as I need to" Rose said.
Lucy smiled, relieved knowing that her sister will be in good care tonight.
Charlie and Jenny followed after Rose. They stopped when they reached the closed door of a room. Jenny looked up to read what the name was.
"Rose Garden" Jenny said the name. "Is this room named after you, Rose?"
"Not just named, but Willy made it because of me" Rose explained. She looked down to her brother. "Charlie, I don't think I've shown you this room yet, have I?"
"Not yet" Charlie said. "But I'm very excited to see it"
Rose opened the door to the room, and the three of them walked inside. There was no stopping the gasps of amazement that came from the two children.
"It's beautiful!" Charlie said.
"It's truly amazing!" Jenny added. She was quick to notice the house. "Is that the house where you and Willy live?"
"It is" Rose said with a smile. "It's small but that's how we like it"
"How did you even move two houses into the factory?" Jenny asked curiously.
"That's still something I wonder about every day"
"Me too" Charlie agreed.
"Come, come" Rose urged. She walked in front, and Charlie and Jenny followed close behind her. "Let's get inside" They went inside the house and Rose immediately called out for her fiancé. "Willy, my love! We're here!"
Willy emerged from the bedroom. "Oh, goody! I was getting kind of lonely" Immediately, he went to Rose and wrapped his arms around her and leaned in for a kiss.
Rose let out a giggle as she put her finger to his lips. "Cocoa bean! Not in front of Charlie and Jenny"
"Sorry, starshine" Willy said, copying her giggle before nuzzling into her neck. "I just get carried away with you"
"It's okay" Rose said before pressing a kiss to his cheek. She turned to face her brother and her friend. "Now, does anyone want hot chocolate?"
Jenny nodded and grinned. "Yes please!"
"With little marshmallows and whipped cream?" Charlie suggested.
"Would you have it with anything else?" Rose said, and Charlie smiled at that. "Alrighty! Four cups of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and whipped cream coming up!" Rose turned on her heel and made her way to the kitchen. "Willy, would you please show our guests where they will be sleeping tonight?"
"Absolutely" Willy said. He then waved for Charlie and Jenny to follow him. "Come on!" The three of them walked off as Rose began making the hot chocolate.
The four of them were having quite the fun night. They played some games and even built a fort made out pillows and sheets. The four of them sat inside it, passing around a flashlight as they took turns telling a story. It was Rose's turn and she was finishing up the scary story she was telling.
"That's when the man turned around, and he realized that he was alone the entire time" Rose told as eerily as she could. 
"Wow, Rosie" Charlie said. "That was a really scary story"
"I hope I didn't scare anyone too much" Rose said. She held out the flashlight, ready to pass it on. "Who wants to go next?"
"Mr Wonka" Jenny piped up. "I want to hear how you fell in love with Rose"
Willy grinned, glancing over to Rose. "Of course I'll tell that story" Rose returned his smile, giving him the flashlight. "I've never said this before, not even to you, starshine, but I've actually seen you before the tour"
Rose's eyebrows raised in surprise. "You have?"
Willy nodded before admitting shyly. "I always saw you and Charlie walk by the factory every day. I always saw you two stop and look. I couldn't help but always look at you, Rose, whenever you and Charlie came by. I didn't love you at that point, but I remember my stomach always feeling funny whenever I saw you"
"Did it feel like butterflies fluttering?" Jenny asked, leaning forward with interest. She was really liking this story so far.
"That's exactly what it felt like!" Willy exclaimed. "I still get those butterflies whenever I look at you, starshine" He took Rose's hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "Anyways, where was I?" He paused to remember his place in the story. "Oh yeah! I even started memorizing what time of the day you two would stop by, just so I could see you. It was the one thing I looked forward to every day. Then came the day where I decided to send out the Golden Tickets. I sent them out with the intention of finding an heir, but I also sent them out in hopes I could meet you. I hoped that you and Charlie would find it"
"And we did!" Charlie said, grinning from ear to ear.
"I couldn't tell you how happy I was when I saw you!" Willy said. Even though he was telling this story to everyone, his gaze remained on Rose. "You were even more beautiful up close. I wanted nothing more than to spend the entire day with you by my side. But I was also afraid that you wouldn't like me"
Rose giggled as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Well, I did like you, cocoa bean. I liked you the moment I laid eyes on you"
Willy smiled, placing his hand overtop of hers. "I couldn't stop myself from falling for you. And then when Charlie won, I was happier than I had ever been. It meant I would be able to see you everyday, and not just from a distance" Willy's smile then dropped. "Then I made a mistake. Everything I said about family and not letting yours move into the factory. I saw the way you looked at me, and it hurt. When you called me Mr Wonka, instead of Willy like you had that whole day, it hurt
"When you weren't here, it felt so empty without you. I couldn't even make my chocolate or candy right because I missed you so much. I had a therapy session with my Oompa-Loompa therapist, and I told him about you. That's when I pieced it together. Why I was feeling so lonely. Why my candy was tasting so terrible. I realized that I loved you, and I was heartbroken because you weren't in the factory with me. So that's when I decided I should find and talk to Charlie"
"And then you saved me from marrying someone who I would never love as much as I love you" Rose said. 
"That was a wonderful story, Mr Wonka" Jenny said. She suddenly got a sullen look on her face, but it didn't last long as her smile returned. "Can I tell one now?"
Willy gave the flashlight to Jenny. "What story are you going to tell us?" He asked her.
"Well, I never really talk about them anymore, not even with Lucy" Jenny started. Rose immediately knew that she meant her parents. "But, I think I want to talk about them with you. My parents were wonderful and I don't remember them enough like I should"
Charlie placed a comforting hand on Jenny's shoulder. "We'd like to hear about them, Jenny. That is, if you feel comfortable telling us about them"
"Thank you" She said quietly. And with that, Jenny started sharing all the happy memories that she had of her parents.
Everyone agreed that it was time for bed. Rose was in the extra bedroom with Charlie and Jenny, making sure that they were all tucked in. Charlie and Jenny were squeezed together on the one bed, but neither of them minded.
"Remember, if you two need anything, don't be afraid to wake Willy and I, okay?" Rose said. 
"Thank you, Rosie, but I think we'll be okay" Charlie said.
"Yeah" Jenny nodded, agreeing with Charlie. "We'll be okay"
Rose smiled at the both of them. She pulled the covers up to their chins, and kissed them both on the forehead. "Goodnight you two" She said. Rose was just about to walk out the door when she stopped and turned on her heel. "How about I sing a goodnight song?"
Charlie grinned and his eyes lit up. He missed having Rose sing him to sleep. "I'd like that" He said.
"Me too" Jenny said. "Charlie says you have an angel's voice"
Rose sat on the bed, thinking of a song to sing them. Then, she remembered what Lucy told her. About the special song their mom would use to sing Lucy and Jenny to sleep.
Once there was a way
To get back homeward
Once there was a way
To get back home
Sleep, pretty darlings
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Golden slumbers
Fill your eyes
Smiles await you when you rise
Sleep pretty darlings
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
Once there was a way
To get back homeward
Once there was a way
To get back home
Sleep, pretty darlings
Do not cry
And I will sing a lullaby
And that's all it took for Charlie and Jenny to fall into a peaceful slumber. As quietly as she could, Rose got up off of the bed and she tiptoed out of the room, making sure to close the door behind her.
Rose made her way to her own bedroom. When she got there, she expected Willy to already be in his pajamas and waiting for her in bed. What she wasn't expecting, was to walk in and find him without a shirt on.
"Cocoa bean!" She squeaked. That caused Willy to jump in surprise, and turn to look at the girl. Rose was blushing furiously and she was covering her eyes. "I-I didn't know you were still getting changed. I can leave and give you some privacy--"
"Starshine, it's okay" Willy said, giggling at her shyness. He found it cute. He stepped closer to her. He grabbed the hand that she was using to cover her eyes, and he moved it, lacing his fingers with hers.
"Are you sure?" Rose said, her voice quiet.
"Of course I am" Willy's voice also grew quiet. 
Rose bit her lip as she let her eyes trail over every inch of bare skin she could see. He wasn't overly muscular but it surprised Rose of how fit he was. "Can I touch you?"
"Go ahead, truffle" 
He let go of her hand that he was still holding. Rose reached out and placed both of her hands on his chest. She let her hands linger for a moment. Then she began moving her hands. She moved them along his shoulders and his arms. She took a moment to feel his biceps. 
"You're so gorgeous, cocoa bean" Rose said in a breath. 
"Yeah?" Willy rasped. He was enjoying the feeling of her fingers dancing along his skin. His gaze never left her. He took notice of the way that her chest was heaving up and down. And the way she was biting at her lip was too enticing.
"So, so beautiful" Rose hummed. She trailed her fingers back over along his chest and then down his stomach. She also tilted her chin up and started pressing kisses along his jaw.
"T-truffle" Willy's eyes fluttered closed, his lips parted open and a noise escaped. Have you ever heard Willy Wonka moan? Because that was the most beautiful noise that ever came to Rose’s ears.
He didn't want her to stop. He really didn't. He just wanted her to keep kissing him and keep touching him. Still, there were two children sound asleep in the other room. He didn’t want to risk them hearing anything and accidentally walking in on them.
But he could ignore the way he was straining against his pants. He couldn’t ignore the aching for Rose to touch him.
Rose had finally reached his pants. She noticed the bulge in his pants. She bit her lip, palming his hard cock through his pants. Willy let out a shaky breath. “Oh, cocoa bean” Rose cooed to him, smirking as her lips brushed against his ear. “Did I do this to you?”
“Y-yes” Willy cried. He bucked against her hand, desperate for her touch.
“Do you want me to touch you, cocoa bean?” Rose purred, her hands already on his belt. “Want me to make you feel good like you made me feel yesterday?”
“Please, truffle” He said, taking Rose’s face in his hands and giving her a kiss. “I want you to make me feel good”
Rose unbuckled his belt, the clinking of the metal echoing in the room. It also made her shiver with anticipation. This would be the first cock she would ever see. Once the belt was off, she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Rose pulled his pants down his legs and she was surprised to find that he hadn’t been wearing any kind of underwear.
Willy hissed when his cock sprang free. He heard Rose gasp and he gave her a look of concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just...” Rose couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. He was bigger than she was expecting. His tip was red and precum was leaking out of his slit. Honestly, his cock looked so hard that it looked like he was hurting. “You’re so big, Willy”
“Is that a good thing?” 
“Yeah. Remember yesterday when you put your fingers inside me?” Willy nodded. How could he forget that? The noises she was making, the way she was writhing, how pretty her face looked when she came. “Well, when you put this inside me,” Rose wrapped her hand around his cock, making Willy let out a shaky breath. “It’s gonna feel so good”  
She started stroking him, and his head fell backwards, letting out a moan. “Oh, truffle. T-that feels so exquisite” If this is what her hand felt like around him, he could only imagine what her honeypot would feel like.
“Yeah?” Rose let her thumb brush over his tip. Willy visibly shuddered at that. It was evident to Rose that he was extremely sensitive. And so she had to wonder. “Have you ever been touched like this Willy?”
“N-no” Willy answered, shaking his head. “No one’s ever touched me like this before. I haven’t even touched myself. You’re the first one”
That turned her on so much. Knowing that she was the first to touch him in such an intimate way. Rose continued to pump her hand along the length of his cock, speeding up the movement of her hand. 
Moans wouldn’t stop spilling out of Willy’s mouth. This felt so good. He never wanted her to stop. Especially now that he felt a foreign sensation bubbling in the pit of his stomach. “R-Rose, something’s happening. Please...please, don’t stop”
“I won’t stop, cocoa bean” Rose promised him, burying her face into his shoulder. She kissed at the bare skin. “I want you to feel as good as you made me feel yesterday”
Something was about to happen, and Willy could feel it. His breathing was becoming more ragged, his stomach was twitching, his legs were shaking, and his balls were tightening. “Truffle, I don’t know what’s happening but it feels so good! I...I... Oh, my pretty truffle!”
Willy’s head fell back and he cried out in euphoric pleasure as he spurt his cum into Rose’s hand. “Rose, that...ah... feels so good” She let him fuck her hand as he rode out his high. She could still feeling him cumming on her hand. Once he was done, Rose let go of him and looked at her hand. Willy had cum quite a bit, as her hand was just coated in the white and sticky substance. 
Willy also noticed the state of Rose’s hand, and he immediately felt ashamed. “Oh, I made a mess! I’m so sorry, starshine”
“No, no, cocoa bean. It’s okay” Rose sweetly told him. Using her clean hand, she reached up and stroked his cheek. “You just came, that’s all. That’s what happens when someone makes you feel really good”
“Like when all of your special honey gushed out of your honeypot?” Willy asked, an innocent smile creeping on his face. 
“Exactly like that” Rose said, smiling at the fact that he just called her cunt a honeypot. It was cute and honestly kind of hot at the same time. She brought her dirtied hand closer to her face. “That must’ve felt good, cocoa bean. Look how much you came for me”
“I see that look in your eyes, truffle” Willy said, watching her intently with a smirk. “You want to taste it, don’t you? Go on, then. Lick it all off and tell me how I taste”
Looking him right in the eye, Rose proceeded to lick off all of Willy’s cum from her hand. She moaned at the taste. His cum tasted so sweet, but there was a hint of saltiness to it. She loved it. “Mmm, cocoa bean. You taste so good”
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bound-writings · 4 years
Hananene For The Soul
♡tbhk secret santa for @amanebae​ aka Momica♡
“Game Day” fic + Hananene Relationship HCS
>nene has an overnight school trip, leaving her no choice but to leave a certain ghost boy themselves. spoiler alert - she doesn’t though. 
>also nene introducing modern games to a baby boomer named Hanako
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“Yashiroooo, you have to be lying right now!” Hanako whined as he squeezed Nene tighter, his neck resting on the crook of her neck, pouting.
“No, I’m not lying, Hanako-kun! I’m being one hundred percent serious!” the dual-colored hair huffed, dunking the mop in the bucket as she continued to scrub the floor. The boy groaned louder at Nene’s response and held on tighter as if trying to restrict her movements.
“But what about me, Yashiro? Are you just gonna abandon me and go off on your own??”
The girl sighed, furrowing her eyebrows at Hanako’s childish behaviors. Then again, he was always like that, wasn’t he? “Hanako-kun, you don’t need to be so dramatic! It’s only going to be for three days-”
“Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then the weekend! I’m not going to be seeing you for five whole days in a row!” Hanako’s shoulders drooped as he released his hold on Nene. Nene sighed in relief and massaged her sore neck. 
“Yashiro!” he whined, grabbing the mop and trying to pry it from Nene’s hands, “You can still rethink your decision!” 
Yashiro squealed as she held on to the mop. “I’m not going to! You’ve survived without me before, Hanako-kun! And I’ve already paid for it and everything! I don’t know why you’re so insistent on me staying here!”
Hanako released his grip on the mop, tilting his hat so it would cover his eyes. “I see, Yashiro. If that’s what you want.”
Yashiro frowned as her heart twinged. She didn’t mean to hurt the boy’s feelings. Or maybe he was trying to guilt-trip her, like the time he used the fake tears? Hmph, she wouldn’t be fooled! (She was.)
>the next day
“Why not?”
“What?! No way! I came here to get you to stop me, Tsuchigomori-sensei!”
“I mean, the trip isn’t mandatory. It’s for pleasure only. I see nothing wrong with skipping it. And I could also refund your money as well.”
“Listen, I don’t know what to do!”
“What a pain… Did you ask Honorable Number Seven about it?”
“Yes, of course! He knows about it and he wants me to stay at school! But I don’t know anything about him! He never even told me about his past, and I never know what’s going on in that head of his. He’s hugging me one minute, and the next he’s cruelly making me clean toilets!” Nene sighed, pursing her lips at her outburst. “Clearly he doesn’t trust me… so I don’t know why he’s so desperate for me to stay with him…”
Tsuchigomori sighed, puffing out smoke from his pipe.
“You know kid, he’s been a lot happier ever since you came around.”
“You should have seen him before. Always moping around in the stall and complaining about how boring it was around here.”
“And now it’s the complete opposite. He doesn’t say it, but you made a huge impact on him, kid. Maybe he doesn’t tell you some things, but I believe that’s because he wants to protect you.”
“I-I see.”
“But don’t mind my rambling. Who knows, I might be completely wrong. You are too soft on the boy anyway.” Tsuchigomori guffawed as a tick mark appeared on Nene’s forehead.
“Don’t think too deep into it kid. Just make sure you don’t regret it.”
Nene sighed as she played with the ends of her hair. What would she do? No, she already knew what she was going to do.
>the next day
Hanako sighed, looking out the window, seeing other the trees shake in the wind instead of the usual commotion outside. The school was eerily empty because almost everyone had gone on the trip. Yashiro included. His eyes drooped as he stared as his tingly hands. The hands that would playfully squish her cheeks, the hands that would hold onto her as if she would disappear from his grasp. Her warm, warm body…
Hanako blinked and suddenly snapped out of his daze. Yashiro was right. Yashiro didn’t need to stay here with him. She was human. She was alive. She should be enjoying her life instead of staying here with him. But he sighed as he slumped into the wall, closing his eyes, taking in the silence. It will be quite lonely for a few days. Or so he thought.
Hanako bolted upright as if electricity struck him. The Mokke lying around him were up and about as well, spouting but one word. 
“It’s Yashiro.”
Hanako rubbed his eyes as he strained his ears, wondering if he was hearing right.
“Jeez, Hanako-kun! You can look at me already!”
The ghost almost comically turned his neck around slowly, eyes widening as he gulped. Much to his surprise, it was her. Yashiro Nene in the flesh, lip jutting out as she pouted, hands on her hips, a bag at her daikon legs.
“Y-Yashiro? Why are you here-?”
“The real question is why you’re sitting here being all mopey! I thought you knew how to exist without me?” she huffed as she grabbed the bag at her feet.
Hanako, still in a shocked daze, floated over to her, pointing a finger at the bag. “And that is…?”
The girl slightly blushed. “I brought for you… I mean I brought it so I wouldn’t be bored staying at school!”
“Staying… at school? What about the trip?”
Nene sighed, staring at her feet and then glancing up at the curious boy. She gently tugged on his sleeve, ushering him closer to her.
“I… I decided not to go. I wanted to stay with you Hanako-kun… even though you can be really annoying sometimes. But… I think you’re good company.”
The boy blushed as he stared at the floor as well. His heart pounded in his chest at Nene’s words and he could feel her soft skin brushing against the palm of his hand. Hanako tried to compose himself, but he could barely bring himself to say anything. Nene squirmed in the awkward silence and tried to break it. Pulling her hand away, much to Hanako’s regret, she spoke.
“A-Anyway! I brought this so we can play together!” Nene quickly threw the bag to the side and pulled out a colorful box that read the word “MONOPOLY” in big letters.
“No, it’s Mah-nah-poly!” Nene said trying to sound out the letters as best as possible. She giggled. “I’m surprised you don’t know this game, Hanako-kun!” Nene dropped to her legs and removed the cover of the box. Hanako followed, squatting down to peer at the game, his heart feeling touched and all tingly.
She unfolded the board and dumped the figures onto it. Hanako watched on curiously, as she squinted and counted what seemed to be like fake money.
“Here, Hanako-kun!”
Fake dollar bills landed in his hands as well as a small figurine as he closely inspected them. “The game is quite simple, Hanako-kun. You just have to walk around the board by rolling the dice and try to buy some buildings and stuff like that!”
“So… it’s kind of like a game of luck?”
The girl pressed a finger to her lips as she gazed upwards in thought. “Hmm, I guess you can say that too!”
Too cute, Hanako thought.
Hanako kept getting screwed over because every time he rolled the dice he always managed to land on something bad. The first time he landed on the “Jail” spot and had no idea until Nene started laughing at him and explained what it meant. He was not happy. Then he landed on one of her properties and had to pay rent, making him go broke. Hanako ends up going bankrupt quite a few times simply because he’s like?? Wtf is going on??? 
But uhh he gets used to it really fast. Like he actually gets really good at it. It’s almost scary how good he is at this kind of stuff when he’s serious. When he understands the rules and stuff he starts making Nene suffer by making her go into debt and buying all of her stuff. And Nene is literally devastated. She thought wow haha I’m actually better than Hanako-kun at this! Time to show him whose boss! Well, that only lasted for like fifteen minutes because soon enough Hanako was whooping her at Monopoly.
Yashiro ends up having to eat lunch at one point, luckily she packed her own lunch today. But alas, Hanako kept bugging her to get a bite of her cooking.
An irk mark appeared on the girl’s forehead as her clothes were being tugged on by a certain ghost.
“Yashiroooo! You know I haven’t eaten in years…” Hanako whispered in Nene’s ear, mimicking the sound of a stomach grumbling as he nudged his cheek with hers. She cringed, shoveling a portion of food into his mouth so he could shut up. Hanako nearly choked as he hit his chest in an effort to swallow it. 
“Are you happy now you idiot?” she huffed, stuffing her face with food as well.
It was actually pretty darn good, Hanako thought.
>the next day
Hanako eagerly floated around the girl’s bathroom waiting for the dual-colored hair girl. He had, quite indeed, grown fond of her, no, more than fond, whatever word that was. The naive girl who hopelessly pines after guys, the same one who managed to become a fish, the one with the adorable squishy cheeks he wished would look at him instead-
The call of his name made him jump was again and before him was a pouty Yashiro.
“I’ve called your name like ten times, Hanako-kun!”
The boy blinked at her and a mischievous smile appeared on his face as he floated down to her level and placed both hands on her cheeks.
“Hmm… I was just thinking about a special someone ♡.”
She blushed as she swatted his hand away. H-Hanako-kun’s girlfriend! That’s who he must be thinking about!
“So what do ya got there today, Yashiro?”
“U-Uh! Oh yeah! The cards!” She smiled as she plopped down on the floor, taking a deck of cards out of the small box.
“Cards?” Hanako’s interest was piqued. 
“Yeah! Have you ever played Uno, Hanako-kun?
“Ooh-no,” she corrected, patting the space across from her, inviting Hanako to sit.
“It’s really simple! You can place a card that has the same color or number as the one on top of the pile, and if you don’t have one you pick up. And you have to say ‘Uno!’ when you place your second to the last card-”
“So basically like Crazy 8?”
“You can say that. But there’s color in Uno!”
Nene got absolutely destroyed in Uno. That’s all that happened. I don’t know if y’all have noticed but Hanako tends to play cards with the Mokke pretty often. And he’s always calm and collected WHICH MEANS HE’S LIKE A MASTER AT CARD GAMES. That is what happens and no one is going to stop him from stomping. He drops so many +2 and +4 cards that Nene has practically the whole deck in her hand. He wins every single time. Nene probably gets a bit pouty at this because she’s like how??? This boomer literally just learned about the game like five minutes ago and?? He’s already kicking my ass at it??
Hanako may or may not lighten up his game if he sees Yashiro get upset but you know. He freaking loves doesn’t really want to see Yashiro sad. So he purposely lets the girl win because he honestly went 🥺when he saw her cheering and throwing her arms in the arm, celebrating.
>the next day
“Sorry, Hanako-kun… I don’t have a new game today…”
Hanako merely smiled as he tugged on her cheeks, turning her frown into a smile. “It’s-”
“That’s why I made this!” The girl grinned as she held a bag high in the air for both of them to gaze upon. 
“D-donuts!” Hanako’s face immediately glowed at the sight of the beautifully glazed donuts as he tried to grab them. Nene moved them out of the way as Hanako whined.
“Let’s go to the roof instead, Hanako-kun!”
“Finally, I can eat delicious donuts again!” Hanako cheered as he twirled around, holding the bag in the air.
The girl watched in amusement, settling down on the sheet as she poured tea into a cup. “Still a donut loving ghost, I see,” she giggled as she watched the boy scarf down the pastry. The boy sat down next to her, mouth full.
“Wow, thaft’s somfe real goof dofnuts!” he sighed with content, discarding the bag.
“Hanako-kun, that was for the both of us!” she frowned, peering at the bag. “Plus it’s not good for you to eat so quickly!” she scolded.
Hanako simply smiled at her, crumbs near his lips.
Nene’s eyes softened as she stared at the boy. “You’ve got some crumbs here, Hanako-kun,” she spoke softly, taking her thumb and brushing the crumbs off of his face. Hanako went red as he froze. Noticing his face becoming hot, she glanced at him to see how red he was. Then Nene realized what she was doing.
“Um! I-I was only helping you as a friend of course! You’re totally not my type!” she squealed, face burning as she tried to pull her hand away. But a hand gently caught her arm.
Hanako’s gaze was on the floor, his cheeks red. “Yashiro… these few days have been fun with you. And… and I’m glad you decided to stay with me,” he paused, unsure of how to phrase his words. “It’s been lonely-”
Nene tugged on his arm, smiling at him, not wanting feel like he was being forced to say anything. “Actually Hanako-kun… I’m glad I stayed too.” 
“Yashiro… can I ask why you stayed with me? 
“Well, because I like you, Hanako-kun!” 
“As a friend of course! Nothing more!!”
“You’ve said that already, Yashiro…”
“I don’t think the trip would have been too much fun anyway. I had lots of fun with you though!”
Hanako smiled at her words, cherishing the moment. He placed the palm of his hand on hers, and then slowly intertwined his fingers with hers. The girl didn’t protest and instead squeezed his hand, brushing her thumb over his.
How both of them wished this moment would last forever.
Hanako x Yashiro Nene (Hananene) Relationship HCS
If Hanako was alive, they would be the cutest couple in the school! It was actually a shock to most people that they started dating. Yes, Hanako would tease Yashiro on a daily basis but no one thought he was genuinely serious about a relationship with the girl. These two clowns love each very much though, everyone can see that! Now that they’re in an established relationship, Nene becomes more lenient on Hanako’s constant affection, which has increased a huge amount. Hanako is literally around Nene at all times, he won’t directly say it but he cannot bear to not be around this girl. He’s been alone and touch starved for so long, but now he finally has human contact that just fills his heart up with warmth. So yea whenever Nene is not around he’s just like :(.
Also one thing. You know how he calls her Yashiro? Well not anymore! “Nene-chan” time! Hanako never fails to fluster her when he says her first name, especially with the ‘chan’ part. But Nene gets her fair share of making Hanako blush as well. It’s mostly the little things Nene does that touches Hanako’s heart. Maybe it’s making donuts for him, or comforting him after a confrontation with Tsukasa. And whenever the daikon girl initiates affection first, he always gets a little flustered! And then he would tease her for becoming bold. He must be rubbing off on her.
Hanako is always there with her during class. So Nene becomes known as the girl who talks to thin air on a daily basis. She becomes a bit depressed at this but her boyfriend 100 percent cheers her up! The real problem is when Hanako has to be by himself on the weekends. Now that part crushed both of their heart’s especially Hanako’s. He has to wait in the empty school by himself, with only Mokke to keep him company. He knows he shouldn’t feel this way but he’s jealous. Jealous of everyone who can leave this damn building. How he just wants to leave but he can’t step foot out of the school. How he just wants Nene to be by his side forever.
Definitely nerds out with Nene about space and whatnot. He just never had anyone who would willingly listen to him ramble about space! And even though Nene may not understand half of it, she’ll always listen and nod her head. She thinks it’s cute when his eyes get all glowy and excited when he’s talking about something he likes. One of her favorite things to do is to just hold the boy’s hand. His hand is cold, unlike her warm one. But she tries her darn best to transmit her warmth to his body. Why? Because she freaking loves Hanako.
Even though Hanako is so touchy-feely he doesn’t say the words “I love you” quite as often. He’s just a lot better at expressing his feelings through actions than words. Plus he gets insanely flustered and red whenever he says the words, even more when Nene is the one to say it.
Hanako deeply cherishes Nene despite teasing her so often. The fact a murderer like him was able to find love is just, well, astonishing to him. Hanako loves her though, and he will do anything to keep her alive. He always knew that ghosts didn’t have a future but… perhaps with Nene by his side, his one didn’t look so dim anymore.
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they-callme-ami · 4 years
Double Dutch. (aka the drunk! Elijah, Aurora, black!MC and Tobias fic)
Note: This story uses lots of AAVE (African American Vernacular English) and is mostly intended for a black audience--you can still read for funsies or whatever, but I better not hear some shit about it not being inclusive or using 'improper grammar'.
Tags: @what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil @tyrils-star @melaninnntae @indescribablybre @prism-goddess
It started innocently enough: you were helping Aurora wrap her hair, pinning it up and tying the scarf around it.  Elijah rolled into the living room in his pajamas. You three were the only ones at home since you three had worked later than Jackie, Bryce and Sienna and didn’t feel like going out that night.  But y’all weren’t opposed to chillin and talkin’ shit. 
It had been a long ass day. Ethan was getting on every damn nerve you had, either talking about his mom and their strained relationship or bugging you about your cases. The man just did not leave you alone, and normally it was cool--but today he needed to back the fuck up and stop talkin shit about Tobias. It was gettin old. Not only that, but you had your own intern to deal with--which is what you were going on about now.
“I’m telling you Elijah--I love Esme but that girl is too fuckin much!  She always stay talkin back to the other attendings, nearly started a fight with another intern, and even when she asks for my advice she don’t listen! Thinkin she know everything….fuckin stubborn headass..” You sigh while twisting your hair.  
“Uh-huh. Sounds like a familiar head-ass doctor I know.  You were on trial last year, stoopid!  I know your ass not talkin bout Esme.  She’s a breeze compared to Sothy… he barely knows how to do anythin--it's a damn miracle he graduated y’know.”
“And who’s fault is that Elijah--oh, excuse me, Oracle.”  Aurora smirked and laughed as Elijah could only sit there, ultimately taking the L.
As y’all were about to go in on each other, there was a knock at the door.
“Oh! Finally, must be the package I ordered.  I hope y’all are ready to see me strut the halls in my new---”  You open the door, only to see Tobias there in some sweats with some take out food and a paper bag.
“Not a package, but I’d love to see what you plan on struttin in.”  He teased and smirked.
“SHIT---Uh---why are you here so late---”  You had your bonnet on and a big ass t-shirt with some stains on it and some basketball shorts.  It was the first time he'd seen you so casual.
"Easy there firecracker, I didn't expect you to look--what are the kids saying--'beat and snatched' 24/7." He pecked your lips and walked in. 
“I invited him Y/N. Tobias, don't ever try and say that shit again and bring me my wings.”  Aurora smiled and laughed, seeming to not be phased by her boss seeing her in a scarf and acne cream dotting her face.  Was she just so tired from work she didn’t care?  Who were you kidding, this girl was a complete trip after a long day and was just sayin ‘fuck it’.
“Elijah, I got Tobias to grab you some of that shrimp scampi from that place downtown, and Y/N--he got you your favorite cause I told him and you his new boo thing.”  Aurora smirked with a wing in hand, and Elijah playfully gagged while Tobias handed out takeout containers and handed yours over. Yup, it was your favorite dish from your favorite place.  
“Now--I was invited for 3 reasons: A.) I have a car so I could do the food run and get y’all spoiled asses some good food.  B.)  I live 5 blocks away from the liquor store so--” He held up a bottle from the bag he had--Hennessy, cause of course he’d get the most stereotypical dr--”And C.) I had to pull a double shift so I’m tired and nice enough to share some college Ramsey stories with y’all.”
So there you were, sipping on your glass and laughing as Tobias was explaining how Ethan thought that ‘double dutch’ was some kind of dessert or innuendo for a threesome with exchange students.
“Wait wait---no no you gotta be kiddin me.  Fuckin 4.0 Med school GPA Ramsey--future head of Edenbrooks Diagnostics Team--thought double dutch was some kinda play on words?  I have to laugh…” Elinah snorts. You couldn’t help but burst into whoops and hollars, laughing and even Aurora couldn’t hide the smile on her face after she almost choked on her drink.
“Uh-huh.  Even after I told him what it was, he insisted that he had to see ‘it’.  I took him to my old neighborhood, and watched four 9 year old girls school him while he nearly fell flat on his face!”  Tobias laughed and smiled as he recalled the memory.  “For someone so fuckin smart--I swear to god he’s a dumbass.  Arrogant too, he never wanted to jump rope at the gym anymore.”
Something inside you flipped on.  You took a sip of Henny and smirked.  
“Well, I knew he had the fuckin long-ass neck of a giraffe, but clearly them legs ain’t doin him a favor either.”  Tobias nearly spat his drink and crumbled on the floor into laughter, Elijah slamming his hand on the table and laughing with him.  It was taking all of Aurora’s willpower to not laugh and act a fool.  “I mean, I know he ain’t got any rhythm either!  Mothafucka was clappin OFFBEAT during Donahue’s karaoke night, but I’m supposed to trust him to count how many heartbeats a patient has.”  You joke again, and Elijah was holding his sides.
“Fuck---he---Y/N shut the hell up!”  Tobias laughed and playfully pushed your shoulder.  “Pass me the damn bottle….y’all lemme tell you somethin worse than that--his cooking.  The man can’t stay on beat let alone beat a fuckin egg.  Y/N--tell ‘em bout the chicken.”
“He---He invited me home after work or somethin--and he wanted me to help him with this recipe he saw for chicken.  Y’all, it was the BLANDEST ass recipe I ever saw in my life.  I was terrified to eat whatever the fuck he was makin, it was so bad his dad even helped out and said how it needed some proper seasoning.  I had never seen an old man so disappointed in such an empty spice cabinet.  I had to leave.”  You snicker as you retell the story.  “Even worse?  He tried to bring me some leftovers afterwards and by god was that mothafucka dry as HELL---y’know what, lemme calm down cause I am not about to yell over some bland ass chicken.”  You chugged down the Henny and grabbed the bottle to pour another glass.
“Y’know….for someone who seemed real eager to stuff a chicken, he cannot seem to tell he got a stick stuffed far up his ass.  No wonder he walks around like an emotionally constipated man-baby.”  Aurora said with a straight face as she chugged her own drink.  You turned away, laughing and doing a spit take as Tobias slammed his fist on the table, snorting while Elijah simply was in awe at Aurora’s words. 
 “My first week there, I was assigned to Y/N and cause my auntie was makin me give her full on oral essays of every case I had, I missed out on one of ours and nearly let a patient die.  Now---his ass knows this.  He knows exactly who the fuck I am and who the fuck my aunt is.  And what did he do?  Chewed me out without a second thought.  I was *this* close to curb stomping his ass I swear--He even called Y/N amature after saving someone’s life because it ‘was sloppy’ and ‘wasn’t professional enough’.  And another thing--” 
You watched Aurora stand up, Henny in her hand, and just goin off on Ethan.  She was tearing into him, from him being able to get off the hook for punching Declan, verbally avicerating innocent interns, being all high and mighty--man, she hated his ass.  Elijah was just eating his scampi, vibing and Tobias was smiling like a proud parent, eating his burger. 
 “He gon have the nerve--the audacity--the CAUCASITY to assume that I’M trippin because I told him about Landry being all rude and dismissive of one of his black-female patients.  He nearly put ME on probation for helping deliver the baby properly when Landry prescribed her the wrong treatment for something cause neither of them will ever fuckin LISTEN and--”  You could not have been any more impressed.  You were just soaking it all in.  She finally sat back down and ate some of her wings.
Tobias sighs and grins.  “Damn. Elijah, you been real quiet...you wanna add your two cents?” he asks while Tobias took a big gulp and sat the glass back down.  He took a deep breath.
“No, no….I just want his long-neck-headass, mommy-didn’t-love-me-so-I’m-a-lil-bitch-headass, grudge-holding-grown-ass-man-headass, lemme-insult-my-interns-headass, pompous, privileged, irritating, high and oh so fuckin’ mighty ass to humble himself and learn to get his head and the stick he got outta his ass.  It ain’t cute to just bash everyone around you cause yo ass is feelin like Hamilton, ‘smartest in the room’ mofo.”  He said, all very calmly while finishing his drink.   You, Tobias and Aurora just exchanged a look….and broke out into a fit of laughs and smiling. 
A few drinks later and a hella amount of roasts later, you were cuddled up with Tobias while Elijah laid out on Aurora's lap. 
"Damn…..we really been up for hours now. Jackie and Sienna still out…" Elijah piped up and checked his phone. "They're at Bryce's place, having a 'girls night' with Keiki and sleepin over…..ooooo, Tobias should sleep over too!" He showed y'all a photo Sienna sent. 
"Uh-huh, you should! We can watch movies and... oh Elijah your hair is sooooo soft." Aurora smiled and was playfully twisting it. Seems like the drinks were finally hitting.  Tobias could tell too.
He managed to help Elijah back in his wheelchair and followed his directions to his room.  He came back out to you helping Aurora to her room.
"Byyyye boss. See ya at work! If you do stay over, y'all better be quiet while he rearrange them guts!" She poked you laughing as you rolled your eyes and got her in bed.  You walked back out, feeling tipsy yourself and plopped on the couch...with Tobias.
"Y'know….your friends definitely know how to go all in on a roast session. I found out shit about Ethan I didn't know till now."
"Mhmmmm….Henny is….is a miracle worker…" you slurred and laughed, laying up on him. "And yoooooouuu….are a fine-ass pillow." 
Before you succumbed to the exhaustion and hennessy, you felt Tobias's lips peck your cheek gently and his arms hold you tight against him.
The next day at work, you were taking your break and went outside to the courtyard...much to your surprise you found a few children--presumabley patients-- playing double dutch with some jump rope.
"Apples, peaches, pears, and plums
Tell me when your birthday comes! 1! 2! 3! 4!"
They were counting along as you hopped inside the rope, showing off a bit and laughing. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ethan walking towards the building.
"Hey, Ethan, wanna join? It may not be a dessert or two dutch girls--but it'll be fun!" You called out and teased while working the ropes. You could see his face turn red from where you were, and him muttering softly about Tobias. You couldn't help but laugh as you kept skipping and hopping away.
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For All The Good Will In The World
Hi my lovely and amazing peeps!! I am so sorry that it’s been so long and I thank you all for your patience. I have been having a hard time with my mental health but for now I am back with you all. This fiction is based on a prompt that I got given by @imagining-in-the-margins . I would firstly like to apologise for how long this has taken but I decided to make my first miniseries from this prompt. And secondly I have played around slightly with the initial prompt to better fit the story arc that formed in my head. Part 1 will be going up today and the others will follow over the next two weeks. So please enjoy it, like it and re-blog it.
For All The Good Will In The World
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Aaron x Fem!Reader
When y/n catches Spencer cheating on her, she finds herself at the doorstep of one Aaron Hotchner, her boss and long-term friend.  After deciding that the best thing for her mental health is to split from Spencer y/n finds herself falling more and more in love with Aaron. With Spencer’s jealousy eating away at him he decides to have one last shot at winning y/n back. Will he succeed or will he become a prisoner of his own mistake.
Part 1: Sometimes you have to feel pain to know you are alive
Word Count: 964
Warnings: Angst and Fluff
It was late when y/n got home from work that night. She’d let Spencer know but had heard nothing back and so assumed that he must’ve gone on a case, neglecting to tell her. As she approached the front door y/n could hear her boyfriend’s laughter, the thing that unconsciously brought a smile to her lips. What shocked y/n, as she went to open the apartment door, was a second voice, a honey sweet timbre that belonged to none other than Jennifer Jareau. Thinking nothing of it, y/n quietly opened the door and crept along the hallway to the living room. The sight which greeted her was a half-naked JJ lying sprawled underneath her boyfriend. A small uncontrolled sob fell from y/n’s lips grasping the attention of the room’s guilty occupants.
“Y/n I can explain please.” Spencer quickly fumbled his way to a standing position and went to grab y/n by the arm.
“Leave it Spencer. We’re done. Don’t tell me it isn’t what it looks like because you know it is and you know I won’t fall for any bullshit lies.” A sob tore from y/n’s throat as the tears began to fall, “I’ll be by in the morning to pick up the rest of my stuff.”
As y/n stormed off down the hall to pack up an overnight bag she pulled out her phone and called the one person she knew would be able to comfort her and cheer her up.
“Hey Aaron, I know it’s late but–” Another sob wracked y/n’s body before she composed herself to carry on – “I need a place to stay for the night and the next few days. Spence and I are over, and I just need my friend. I’ll help take care of Jack and I’ll even cook breakfast in the morning, but I can’t stay here. I’ll break even more than I already have.”
Silence filled the line as Aaron processed what y/n told him.
“You’re always welcome here y/n, you know that. I’ll bring Jack and we’ll pick you up in 15 minutes. Then we will go and get some food at the diner so we can talk more about what’s happened. Does that sound okay with you sweetheart.”
“Yeah.” Y/n’s response was barely a whisper but it was all Aaron needed to hear.
“We’ll be there soon.”
While y/n began to pack her bags, JJ sat quietly on the sofa. She felt guilty as she watched Spencer pace around the front room all but tearing the hair from his head as he muttered to himself.
“I was stupid. I shouldn’t have done this. Why did I let myself do this to her? I’m going to lose her forever now. How could y/n ever forgive me if I can’t forgive myself for hurting her this way.”
“I’m so sorry Spencer. I never meant for it to go this far. I never thought how much this would hurt y/n if she found out. I’m-” 
“Would you shut up please JJ. I can’t listen to you right now. Your apologies are not going to undo what we’ve done.” Spencer’s voice cracked as he heard y/n stifling sobs as she padded around their – his – bedroom. His heart shattered when the front door slammed, shaking the hall table and knocking over the photo of him and y/n holding Henry in the hospital the day he was born. 
As y/n descended the stairs to the front of the apartment complex she looked back with tears in her eyes knowing that nothing would be the same. In his usual perfect timing Aaron pulled up and she hopped in the car, staring longingly out the window as they drove towards the diner.
Finally breaking the silence Aaron asked the question that would surface sooner or later.
“What happened sweetheart? You can tell Jack and I anything.” His soothing voice calmed y/n’s nerves enough to formulate a response.
“I texted Spencer to say I’d be home late, but he never responded and so I assumed he was working a case with you guys. When I got home, I heard him talking to someone and got suspicious. But then…” y/n broke down in a fresh wave of tears at recalling the voice which now plagues her mind.
Aaron pulled up at the diner and for a moment they sat in an uncomfortable silence. 
“Dad are we going to the diner or are we just going to sit in the car?” Jack’s small cheerful voice piped up from the back seat bringing a soft smile to y/n’s lips.
“Of course, we are Jack. Why don’t you come around and open the door for y/n and I’ll go and get us a table.”
Jack followed his father’s instructions and held y/n’s hand as they strolled towards the diner’s entrance. Taking a quick glance around for his dad, Jack led them both to a booth in the back that Aaron had picked out to help give y/n some privacy from prying eyes and ears. With a knowing look on his face Aaron spared a glance at y/n. He felt so guilty that he knew the two people at the centre of her pain, but he was sworn to not tell her and now it broke his heart to see her fall apart.
“l don’t know how to tell you this y/n but what you saw tonight, it’s been going on a while and I wasn’t allowed to tell you and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I failed you as a friend and I will do everything I can to make it up to you.” Aaron’s voice carried softly across the booth, barely a whisper. The pain and guilt he felt evident in his voice.
“You are forgiven. I will always forgive you Aaron.”
Taglist: (my humble peeps)
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dahoomanprincess · 3 years
Angstful August, Day 6
(I'm 3 days late for this but nevemiiiind 😅😅)
Alix yawned for what seemed like the millionth time that day. And it was just only past noon. Ms. Bustier, the teacher, had given the students a worksheet to do as classwork and Alix had already finished it. She looked around the class, seeing her classmates busy doing their work, and thought, "Well a nap of a minute or two won't do any harm, right?" She crossed her arms of the desk to serve as a pillow, rested her head on them looking downwards and closed her eyes.
"Mylène, is Alix... sleeping?", Ms. Bustier asked, confused. It was quite unusual to see said pink haired girl tired, let alone sleep during class (which she had never done before). Mylène gently brushed away some strands of pink hair and saw her friend's bright blue eyes closed. She nodded to her teacher and softly asked, "should I wake her up?"
Ms. Bustier looked thoughtful for a few seconds before replying, "no, let her rest, we are only doing some revision, nothing too important." "Not to be rude or anything, but she looks like she definitely needs to sleep," Chloè piped up. "I mean, have you seen how she's been looking recently? She looks like she hasn't been sleeping at all.", Chloè continued. And what she said was true.
Alix looked paler than normal and she had dark bags under her eyes. Her once bright blue eyes looked dull and sometimes were red rimmed, an indication that she had been crying. When asked if everything was alright, she replied with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, said that everything was fine and then changed the topic.
The rest of class all nodded and some murmurs of agreement were heard. All of them were worried about their friend. "Did she tell anyone about what happened to her?", Ms. Bustier asked, visibly worried. Everyone shook their heads as if to say no and a few collective 'no''s were heard. "When I try to ask her she always says that she's fine, but I don't believe her.", Kim spoke up and said. Ms. Bustier simply nodded and sighed, wishing that there was a way how she could help her once outgoing student, before continuing the lesson.
The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day but Alix was still asleep. Almost everyone was leaving the classroom looking worriedly over their shoulders at Alix. "You coming dude?", Nino asked his best friend, Adrien. "Go without me Nino, I'm going to try to talk to Alix.", he replied.
Adrien knew that Alix was given the rabbit miraculous permanently by Ladybug, just in case something serious happened in the future that she had to fix immediately. Alix also knew that he was the holder of the cat miraculous. Maybe the knowledge of each other's secret identities would get her to open up a bit with him.
"Are you sure dude? She doesn't seem to be opening up to anyone soon.", Nino once again asked Adrien. Adrien smiled and said, "well it doesn't hurt to try, right?" Nino smiled at him before saying his goodbyes and leaving. Adrien approached Mylène, who was going to try and wake Alix up, and he told her the same thing as he told Nino. She then told him that she hoped that he would succeed as she hated seeing one of her closest friends sad before saying goodbye and leaving the classroom.
Adrien then went over to Ms. Bustier's desk, where she was packing her stuff, and asked her, "is it okay if I stay a bit in here and try to talk to Alix?" She looked up at him and smiled warmly before saying, "yes Adrien, you can. Here's the key so when you're done you can lock the class. I will be downstairs waiting for you to give me the key back after you're done." She sighed and said, "I really hope that you manage to get her to open up to you, I am worried sick about her." Adrien nodded and agreed with what his teacher said. She finished packing her stuff, said goodbye to Adrien and left the class.
He made his way over to where Alix was. Once seeing that there was nobody that shouldn't know about him, Plagg flew out of Adrien's shirt. "So what are we doing again?", he asked. "Try to get Alix to tell me what's going on with her.", Adrien replied while running a hand through his hair.
At that Fluff came out of Alix's bag looking worried sick about her holder. "Fluff!", Adrien exclaimed as soon as he saw the white rabbit kwami, "is everything alright with Alix?" She looked down and shook her head no. Adrien knew that something was wrong, but to hear it (or well, see it) from her kwami was worrying. "I have been trying to get her to open up with you or Ladybug but she wouldn't listen. She said that she didn't want to burden others with her own problems that can't be solved.", Fluff said rather sadly.
Adrien felt saddened by this. She certainly wouldn't be burdening others with her problems, he would always be there to listen to and try his best to help her. "Why can't her problems be solved though? Doesn't every problem have a solution?" Plagg asked. Fluff paused for a moment before saying, "I think it's best if she answers that. Even though she told me all that she's going through it's better if she explains everything to you." Adrien nodded, trying to think about what was so serious that couldn't be solved before waking her up.
He put a hand on her shoulder to shake her gently to wake her up but as soon as his hand touched her shoulder, she shot up from her previous position. She looked frantically around the room, asking with a panicked voice, "what happened? Is everything alright? Do I need to-", before noticing Adrien looking at her, concerned to say the least.
She slumped back down in her chair and awkwardly laughed before saying, "sorry about that, it's just...". She paused and then continued, "yeah never mind." She smiled slightly and looked down to her hands. If Adrien wasn't worried for her before he was now. Alix was acting way too strange compared to her usual behaviour.
"Listen Alix, are you sure that everything's okay? You know you can trust me right? Especially that we know each other's secret identities and all that." She said with a newfound enthusiasm, "yeah, yeah! Everything's great! Peachy even!" Yeah Adrien didn't buy any of that. He put his hands of her shoulders, causing her to slightly flinch and then look up at him with wide deep sky blue eyes, and he softly said, "You can't really expect me to believe nothing's wrong. That nothing happened, not when you flinch everytime someone touches you. Always remember that I am here for you, okay?"
Alix felt touched by his words, she felt tears filling her eyes. She did want someone to open up to, something wasn't okay but she didn't want to burden Marinette or Adrien with her problems, they already had enough themselves. But here was Adrien, ready to listen to her, being there for her (and honestly, after she discovered his secret identity she became closer to him than to Marinette).
She couldn't help the single tear falling down her cheek and at the sight of his soft, concerned and wanting to help her face she helplessly burst into tears. Well Adrien clearly wasn't expecting that. And neither was Plagg as he stopped mid-bite to look over at her direction, surprised. Fluff's ears dropped as she perched herself on her holder's shoulder, trying her best to calm Alix down.
Adrien could just look as a wave of emotions passes through Alix's eyes before bursting into tears and hiding her face in her hands, still sobbing. What on earth could have happened to make one of the toughest persons he knew cry like that? He looked over to Plagg to see if he maybe had a clue on what to do in this kind of situation. He streched one paw out (the other was still holding the cheese) and curved it inwards but Adrien didn't have a clue on what his kwami was doing. Plagg gave a frustrated sigh, put his cheese on a desk and made the same movement with both paws. Adrien understood that as a sign to hug and try to comfort the still sobbing Alix.
He did so and he felt her relax slightly in his embrace while slowly rubbing her back. Oh, how she had wished to have someone to comfort her during the previous times when that had happened. Surely she had Fluff, but a kwami isn't big enough to give a proper hug.
Eventually her sobbing calmed down and she slowly started straightening her back. Adrien noticed that she had stopped and he broke off from the hug. Alix breathed out and wiped away the tears that were staining her cheeks. She sheepishly smiled and said, "heh, I'm sorry about that", while rubbing the back of her neck. He smiled at her and said, "you don't have to be sorry for anything Alix." She just nodded at that.
"So, do you want to maybe talk about it?", Adrien asked, sitting down on Mylène's chair. She started speaking very fast, saying, "well uh yeah, maybe? I don't know if I should be telling you, just in case something happens to the timeline, or, or, I don't know... or maybe you shouldn't know, or I mean it's just- ugh, I don't even know where to start from", she said that last part with an exasperated sigh, putting her hands to the sides of her face and slowly pulling them downwards.
"Wait, what do you mean you don't know where to start from?", Adrien asked. Everything had to start from somewhere. Alix sighed and replied, "it's just, the whole thing is too complicated that I don't know from where to start explaining." Fluff flew from her place on Alix's shoulder and volunteered to explain the situation the best that she could and Alix told her to do so.
"So you can understand everything I have to tell you this before", Fluff started. "There are these things called timelines which show how events are going to unfold. But sometimes the simplest actions can set a timeline off its course, causing something really bad to happen." "How bad?", Adrien asked. Alix looked down towards her hands again and quietly answered with a shaky voice, "seeing everyone you love and care about dead for example..."
Adrien's eyes widened and he was stunned. She actually had to see that!? That would be traumatising to anyone. He looked over at Alix and saw her still looking downwards, breathing shakily. He once again placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him, another tear sliding down her cheek. He felt bad now for complaining to Plagg that he didn't have all the freedom that he desired when this girl in front of him had seen everyone that she loves literally dead.
"Alix, I'm just, I'm so sorry that you had to see all of that, I wish that there was a way that I could help-", Adrien started before being cut off by a dry laugh from the girl he was talking to. "Listen Adrien, there's nothing you can do to help me with this, really. You don't know what stuff will cause the disruption in the timeline and neither do I until it actually happens. It is my job to fix bumps in the timeline and to take care of the future. I have to do it. It's my job."
"Pssst, Fluff", Plagg called out to the other kwami who was focused on her holder. "Mhm?", she replied. "Don't you think that 15 is a little bit too young for someone to wield the rabbit miraculous? Especially with what you say that your previous holders encountered", he asked. Fluff turned around to face him and said, "not to be rude to Alix or anything because honestly she is one of the best holders I've ever had, but yes, 15 is way too young to take on the responsibility of providing the safest future possible. I didn't have time to tell the guardian about that before I was given to Alix permanently." Plagg nodded before continuing to savour his precious cheese.
"So how often does the timeline get messed up?", Adrien asked. Alix took a deep breath before mumbling, "almost everyday." "What!? Almost everyday!? So she had to deal with seeing all that almost everyday!?", he thought. He still couldn't believe all that she was going through. Alix must have noticed his shocked expression as she then said, "yep, almost everyday. It's not always the same thing that happens, but most of the time it does end up in deaths. Sometimes I get the end of the world, sometimes I get a very powerful akumatized person that manages to destroy a lot of stuff, sometimes I get Hawkmoth winning and taking your miraculoues, etcetera etcetera." She said all of that in a nonchalant tone, not seeming to care that much anymore, or maybe she was used to the tragedies by now, even though deep down every time she saw the deaths part she would be affected greatly.
Adrien was absolutely stunned. She had to deal with all that and still managed to continue with her education!? She is strong, even stronger than he had thought before. He then noticed her yawning and thought of a question he had been meaning to ask her. "Al, have you been sleeping at all? Because you don't really look like you have been to be honest.", he asked.
She looked up at him and asked, "normal sleep or just random naps?" He blinked twice and replied, "uhhh, normal sleep? Like when you go to sleep at night." "Oh, uh, normal sleep, let me see", she started and then paused to count on her fingers. Adrien seemed confused, why did she need to count? Unless...
"Approximately two or three weeks? I kind of lost count...", Alix continued, smiling nervously. He was once again totally shocked. How was she even surviving without sleeping? "How have you gone without sleeping for that long!?, he exclaimed.
She fidgeted in her chair and looked back down before nervously answering, "well, uh, you see, I go to sleep and after 2 to 3 hours of sleeping, if I'm lucky I manage to get 4, I start having nightmares about well, the, the bad stuff that I see so I get woken up aaaand then I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep." "How- How are you even managing to stay awake most of the time and do all your work?", he asked, still in some shock.
Alix gave another dry laugh and said, "well I do my homework when I have time to do it, sometimes even in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, and I'm powering on those few hours of sleep, sometimes taking naps when I can't stay awake anymore and caffeine."
"But- but Alix, that isn't good for your health", Adrien said, even more concerned for her. He had learned that the average person needed at least 8 hours of sleep, and Alix had slept way less than that. He didn't know how she was still managing to function properly, and to be honest, she herself didn't know either. She sighed and answered, "well is there anything I can do?"
"Maybe go to a therapist or something?", he said sheepishly. He had heard that a  therapist's job was to help people feel better, and that's what Alix needed. She snorted at what he had said before turning serious and saying, "Adrien, you and I both know that we can't reveal our identities to other people, let alone strangers."
"Oh", he thought, "to be able to help others you first have to know their problem... how stupid can I even be?" He mentally face palmed at that. He just gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. She just raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything else. Of course, she would obviously know if he had told his secret identity to someone else.
She seemed lost in her thoughts but after a while she spoke up and said, "isn't your bodyguard here to pick you up?" He nodded and said, "yeah, he is supposed to be waiting for me outside." She stood up and said, "well, we must get going then. Don't want to make your grumpy old man mad, hm?" Adrien laughed at her commonly used nickname for his father and helped her pack her stuff.
Their kwamis got back into their hiding places after saying goodbye to each other while their holders made their way to the door. Adrien paused in front of the closed door and put his hand on Alix's shoulder. She looked up at him and he genuinely said, "Hey Alix, if you're ever feeling sad or just saw something like those that you were saying and just need someone to talk to, just remember that I'm here if you ever want", followed by a kind smile. She smiled back and said, "thanks bro, I really appreciate that" before hugging him. He hugged her back and then they went out of their classroom.
"So I guess I'll tomorrow then?", he asked. "Yep, bye!", she said. He said a goodbye to her before she was off. He locked the door and went downstairs to give Ms. Bustier her key back.
Alix could only hope that that day was a good one and that she didn't have to see another timeline gone wrong, but alas, she was wrong.
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why won’t you love me? | jung hoseok
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pairing: jung hoseok x male reader
word count: 2286
description: When he was younger, Hoseok’s biggest fear was contracting Hanahaki Disease. The fear faded through the years until he met (M/n) and fell deeply in love. (M/n) promise him that would never happen, but one day Hoseok coughs up a petal during practice.
a/n: i listened to a lot of depressing songs while writing this one so it might be a bit melodramatic, i apologize for that lol. i hope you still enjoy though !! ^^ i’ve never written a hanahaki piece before either so i’m sorry if it’s not the best.
Growing up, Hoseok always heard about Hanahaki disease in his science classes. It was considered a medical mystery as they weren’t quite sure how it happened, but enough research had been done to where they knew why it would happen. It seemed fairly simple with the way teachers explained it. When someone falls in love with someone else completely, they become likely to contract the disease. In the event that the person you love realizes they dont love you, or love someone else, then it doesn’t matter if you are aware of their feelings or not. The first petal will show a few days later. 
As the disease progresses there are two possibilities, either you will suffer for years or it will rapidly take over within a week. Scientists weren’t quite sure what caused the progression rate, but some believe it’s due to how deeply you’re in love.
For Hoseok who had a big heart, the disease petrified him. Especially when his girlfriend left him for another man, but the fact he didn’t contract it then told Hoseok that it had to be a very special kind of love. His fear of the disease lessened after that, allowing him to love more freely.
When (M/n) entered his life, that fear came back. As the months went by, Hoseok was certain the love he had begun to develop for (M/n) was different from anything he had felt before. It was almost intoxicating and it left Hoseok both terrified and elated all at once. One night he decided to open up to (M/n) about his fears, (M/n) immediately reassuring Hoseok that it would never happen. (M/n) was certain he’d love Hoseok for the rest of his life.
It wasn’t long after that that Hoseok was called into Bang PD’s office and was presented with a photo of him and (M/n) looking far too close to be just friends. Hoseok was informed that the company had paid off the paparazzi, but Bang PD wanted Hoseok to be more aware of himself in public so something like this wouldn’t happen again. He was given the greenlight to continue his relationship and things couldn’t have been better, until (M/n) called him and told Hoseok that his agency, JYP, would be giving them a different story to go with. 
Pictures of (M/n) and Nayeon were circling the internet within the next week.
Hoseok, admittedly, felt bitter about the fact that everyone thought his boyfriend was dating someone else. (M/n) constantly tried to make him feel better, but then another article would come out about the two and Hoseok would find that bitterness stirring up again. Things calmed down within a month or so, and Hoseok felt everything was alright between him and (M/n).
At least, everything seemed alright until that first petal came.
Hoseok had been in the middle of teaching the new routine to the rest of his members when a coughing fit overtook him. He tried to reassure everyone that he was fine, but they all saw that bright yellow petal in his hand as he pulled it away. “Hoseok, is that-” Jin had begun to ask but Hoseok was already rushing out of the room.
Yoongi and Namjoon had constantly tried to get Hoseok to leave his room that night, but he refused. Hoseok suffered through a few more coughing fits, more and more petals coming up each time, and he couldn’t help but cry after every one. He knew what this meant, and he knew what he had to do, but there was part of him that wanted to believe it was a mistake. (M/n) promised him he’d never fall out of love, right?
Once he was sure the rest of his members had left for the day, Hoseok finally left his room to dispose of all the sunflower petals. His trash can was filled, and Hoseok even had to grab a full sized trash bag to dispose of the rest. From his knowledge school had taught him, he didn’t have long to sort it out. Hanahaki surgeries weren’t unheard of, but the dangers that came with them made Hoseok debate whether it would be worth it. Best case scenario, he wouldn’t love (M/n) at all anymore. Mild? He wouldn’t remember (M/n) at all. Worst case? He wouldn’t love ever again. 
That thought alone sent Hoseok out the door, heading straight to the JYP building. 
(M/n) seemed surprised when Hoseok entered the practice room he’d been in, a smile slipping onto his lips. It made Hoseok’s lung burn even more. “Hobi! What are you doing here?” (M/n) smiled as he walked over to hug Hoseok, but Hoseok’s hand was pressed against his chest to keep him away. “Hoseok? What’s wrong?”
“Do you still love me?” Hoseok blurted out, his mind too frazzled to even try to ease into it. At this point he knew it was trivial to even ask, but he wanted to hear (M/n) admit it.
“Just-” Hoseok’s voice broke a bit as his hand dropped to his side. “Just be honest with me.”
“I… I don’t think so…” (M/n) looked ashamed as his eyes flitted to the ground.
“How long have you known?” Hoseok cleared his throat, wrapping his arms around himself. His chest was starting to really burn, but he still had more questions.
“I realized it about a week ago… Hob- Hoseok, I didn’t know how to tell you. I know I should have, but I just… I didn’t wanna hurt you…” (M/n)’s broke at ‘hurt’, and while Hoseok wanted to make that sad look leave (M/n)’s face, his own hurt was becoming far too much.
“Yeah, well, it’s a little too late for that.” Hoseok laughed weakly, turning away slightly from (M/n). “Is it because of her?”
“Do you want me to be honest?” (M/n) choked out, looking up to see Hoseok nod slightly. “I don’t know. I just woke up and things felt… different.”
“I should go-” Hoseok turned around to leave, but the burning in his chest became too much and another coughing fit overtook him. This one brought him to the floor, (M/n) rushing to catch him.
The only way to describe what Hoseok felt as bunches of bloodied petals escaped him was as if he was being suffocated from the inside. (M/n) had a horrified look on his face when the petals overflowed from Hoseok’s hands, screaming out for help from whoever was close enough to hear him. “Hobi? Hobi listen to me, it’s gonna be okay. Alright? It- it’s gonna be okay.” Hoseok could tell (M/n) was crying, but his voice sounded so far away. The last thing Hoseok saw before blackness overtook his vision was (M/n)’s panicked expression.
“This is all your fault, why are you even here?!”
“Jimin, please, calm down-”
“No, I agree. He should go.”
“Yoongi, not helping!”
Hoseok’s eyes fluttered open only to be blinded by the bright lights of his hospital room. Once he was able to focus better, he saw Jimin being held back by Taehyung and Jungkook while Jin seemed to be trying to talk some sense into him. Namjoon was sat in a chair by Hoseok’s bed with his head in his hands and Yoongi was sat next to him, rubbing circles on Namjoon’s back. By the doorway was (M/n), who looked absolutely devastated and scared. “I-I… I’m-”
“What’s going on?” Hoseok piped up, knowing that no matter what (M/n) was going to say it would do nothing to calm down Jimin. He always did have the worst temper out of the seven of them.
“Hobi!” Jin shouted, rushing over just as Namjoon’s head shot up.
“Thank God you’re awake.” Namjoon sighed out, looking like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. The rest of Hoseok’s members swarmed him, all wanting to make sure Hoseok was okay but through them he could see (M/n) still standing by the doorway. He reminded Hoseok of a lost puppy.
“While I really do appreciate the concern, could (M/n) and I have a moment alone?” Hoseok asked, his voice still a bit weak. All of his members looked a bit uneasy at the thought, but when Hoseok added a “Please?”, they couldn’t deny him.
The air in the room once Hoseok’s friends had left was more than awkward. (M/n) still lingered by the door, fidgeting around as if he was scared to be too close to Hoseok. “I’m surprised you stayed, especially with Jimin looking that angry.” Hoseok laughed a bit in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. “I’m sorry if he was being too mean.”
“No, it’s fine. I understand why.” (M/n) took a step closer to the bed, his eyes searching Hoseok’s face for any sign that it would make him worse. “I um, I just wanted to stay to make sure you were alright.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Hoseok mumbled, eyes drifting to his hands.
“I wanted to.” It was just three simple words, but they gave Hoseok a bit of hope. Hope that he certainly didn’t want to hold onto. “I… Even if I don’t love you in the same way as before, I still care about you immensely Hobi.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, (M/n).” Hoseok whispered, twiddling his thumbs. “I’d actually prefer if you didn’t.”
Things went awkward again after that, an uncomfortable silence spreading like an illness throughout the room. It felt almost as suffocating as the petals to Hoseok. “I should go.” (M/n) broke the silence with another three simple words, this time giving Hoseok nothing but heart ache.
“I think that’s for the best.” Hoseok didn’t want to hurt (M/n), he really didn’t, but his chest was beginning to burn again and the image of (M/n)’s face when the last one came was something he never wanted to see first hand ever again.
“I… I’ll see you around, Hoseok.”
Hoseok wasn’t sure when exactly his tears began to fall, but he was only made aware of them when Jin came back into the room and began wiping them away. “We’re gonna get this sorted out together, alright? We aren’t gonna let you go through this alone.” Jin reassured Hoseok as the others filtered into the room, but those kind words couldn’t stop the voice in Hoseok’s head from whispering his greatest fear. 
If I choose to get the surgery, what if I lose all capability to love?
It was a blessing in disguise that Hoseok wasn’t allowed to choose whether to get the surgery or not. He had been heavily leaning toward not getting it and hoping he had longer than they all thought, but when the coughing fits started happening much more frequently Bang PD was able to override his wishes. Hoseok was deemed unable to coherently make decisions mainly because if he tried to speak, a coughing fit would occur.
When Hoseok woke up from the surgery, the first thing he felt was relief. When he looked around at his friend’s faces, he still felt the same way about them as before. Hoseok wasn’t quite sure why he felt so relieved to still love his friends, but he wasn’t going to question it. He was just glad to be surrounded by such amazing people.
About a week later, Jimin knocked on his door with a very annoyed expression on his face. “What’s wrong, Chim?” Hoseok asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You have a visitor, he’s in the living room.” Jimin seemed very unhappy about this person being in their dorm, leaving Hoseok confused as Jimin walked to his room. He knew Jimin had a temper, but it seemed strange to him that Jimin would be so upset with someone Hoseok knew. Wanting to get to the bottom of this situation, Hoseok walked a bit faster than normal to the living room.
Hoseok’s confusion only grew as he entered the room to see a stranger sitting on the couch. Hoseok could see the strangers' nerves spike when he looked over at Hoseok, immediately wondering if a fan managed to sneak by their security somehow. But then his mind went to the fact that Jimin seemed to know him enough to be annoyed with this person, so it couldn’t be a fan. “Hey, Hobi, how uh… how are you feeling?”
“I feel fine… I’m sorry, this might seem rude but do we know each other? Jimin said you were here for me but I don’t recognize you.” The stranger’s face fell then, looking absolutely crushed by Hoseok’s words.
“I... My name is (M/n). I’m… we worked on a project together a few years back, you probably just forgot.” (M/n) attempted a laugh, but Hoseok could tell there was something off about it. “I heard you had surgery and I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.”
“Oh, well I’m doing alright.” Hoseok put on a polite smile, feeling weird about the whole encounter. He knew he was missing something, but the more he tried to think about it his chest began to burn. 
“Sorry for interrupting your day, I’ll be on my way.” (M/n) practically ran to the door, leaving Hoseok even more confused than when he first saw him.
“What a weird kid.” Hoseok chuckled, chalking it all up to just a strange encounter as he walked back to his room, laying down to rest some more.
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pancakesfor2 · 5 years
And They Were Roommates (1)
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Summary: Unforeseen circumstances lead to you needing a roommate; when Bucky steps up, old feelings come back to light. The only problem is that he has a girlfriend.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Background Stevetony
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of racism.
Words: 1266
Written for @babylevines ‘s writing challenge!  My prompt will be in a later chapter!
Note: Here it is! This is my first series, and I’m really excited to share it with you! The taglist is open, just send an ask or reply to this post! Feedback is much appreciated!
Masterlist and Series Masterlist are in my bio!
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“I hate everyone and everything,” you said, sinking down into the old couch and dumping your bag on the floor next to you. You picked at the flaking pieces of leather, always needing to do something with your hands. 
“Nice to know how much you love us,” laughed Natasha, gesturing to the rest of your friends, all perched on various pieces of furniture in her apartment. 
“My roommate’s moving to California, which means unless I can find some other sucker to live with me, I have to find a new apartment,” you said, explaining the reason for your bad mood. Everyone knew how much you loved your apartment, it was the perfect distance from campus while not actually being part of the school. You couldn’t afford the rent on your own, which is why you had a roommate, but now that she was moving away, you had to find someone new to pay half of the rent.
“Shit, that blows,” said Sam, with the others making various sounds of sympathy in response. 
“Yeah, Jess and I weren’t friends or anything, but she was reliable you know? She always had the rent on time, and she wasn’t a serial killer or a drug addict which was always nice.” 
“Really high standards there,” teased Tony, joining the conversation. Out of the whole group, you were probably closest to him, especially since you had the most classes together due to both of you studying engineering. Tony could joke around a lot, but he was always the person you went to for advice, and you were the same for him. 
“Who has high standards?” Steve asked, walking to the room with Bucky behind him. While Bucky came over and sat down next to you, Steve went to where Tony was sitting and plopped himself in the other man’s lap, pecking him on the lips. 
“Y/N’s looking for a new roommate, and her only two criteria are that they not be a serial killer or a drug addict,” Tony explained, shifting so that he was on top of Steve instead. 
They turned to you and all you offered was a shrug in response, you couldn’t afford to be picky with how desperate you were. And then Steve piped up with the answer to all your prayers, “Hey Buck, haven’t you been looking for somewhere new to live?”  
“Yeah, actually! Brock’s been making me pretty uncomfortable lately so I’ve been crashing at Dot’s, but it’d be nice to have my own space again. If that’s cool with you?”
You’d heard stories about Bucky’s infamous roommate Brock. His original housing plan had gotten messed up, so he had to find somewhere to live before the semester started and ended up with Brock. 
Having Bucky as your new roommate would be great. You’d known him for years, so you didn’t have to worry about that awkward period of getting to know someone while you lived with them. You also didn’t have to worry about him being a serial killer or a rapist which gave you peace of mind.  
“That would be perfect! You’d save me the headache of interviewing people for the spot. You’ve seen the apartment, so if you’re interested I can text you the details?” You and Bucky had fallen into your own side conversation, the rest of the room having moved on to talking about Tony’s newest robot. 
“I’m definitely interested. I love Dot, but not enough to live with her full time you know?” 
You nodded in response, not really wanting to get involved with his relationship, especially since you didn’t really know Dot, only having met her a couple of times. “I have the contract I used with Jessica on my phone, so if you wanna read through that we can see if anything needs to be changed,” you suggested, changing the subject to try and make things less awkward for yourself. 
Bucky accepted your phone and read through the document, nodding every few seconds. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by watching him read, so you turned to Tony and began to talk about what you were planning to work on the next time you’d be in his lab. Just as you’d decided that you’d meet next week, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You could tell by the cool temperature of the metal, that it was Bucky trying to get your attention because he’d finished reading the contract, “Everything looks good to me, when can I move in?” 
“Jess’s transfer came through really last minute, so she’ll actually be gone by the end of the week, that gives you like four days to get all your stuff together so you can move in at any point after Friday.” 
“You don’t even know how glad I am to get away from Brock,” he laughed, “If I have to hear him explain why Trump is exactly what this country needs one more fucking time I’m going to kill myself.”  
“Sounds like a great guy.”
“Oh yeah he’s the best. I actually think he’s single, want me to set you two up?” 
“Oh please Bucky!” You fluttered your eyelashes, playing up the desperate girl look. “Please set me up with him! I’ve always wanted to date sometime as charming and respectful as he is!” 
You tried to hold it together, but as soon as you saw the look on Bucky’s face you both burst out laughing. Your bodies were shaking, and there were tears streaming down both of your faces. The rest of your friends turned to look at you, and all it did was make you laugh harder. 
With your mind at ease about your housing situation, you were finally able to relax and enjoy a movie night with your friends. Carol and Rhodey were the last two to straggle in, signaling that you could finally start the movie. Just like every other week, an argument broke out between the group over what to watch; in the end, Natasha took charge and grabbed the remote from where Sam and Bucky were wrestling for it on the floor. 
Neither of you are picking the movie because you both have fucking awful taste,” she announced, pulling up Netflix and putting on the new Jake Gyllenhaal movie that you’d been talking about over lunch the other day. You smiled at her choice, knowing that if one of the two men had ended up with the remote you’d be stuck watching Shrek or Mean Girls again, the movies being their go to’s on movie nights. 
Before you knew it, the movie was over and it was time for you to go home. You and Bucky left at the same time and ended up sharing the elevator to the ground floor. “I’m glad you’re moving in,” you said, smiling up at the taller man. 
“Me too, doll,” he replied, squeezing your arm. You felt a flutter in your stomach at the action, and had to remind yourself that Bucky was just your friend and he had a girlfriend. 
Walking out into the street, you bid each other goodnight. Just as you were about to turn to go towards your car, Bucky pulled you into a hug, thanking you once again for letting him be your roommate. You told him it was no big deal, that really he was doing you more of a favor than you were to him, but he still insisted that you were really saving him with this opportunity. Climbing into your car, you let your head fall against the steering wheel, realizing how you were absolutely fucked.  
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You won’t be young forever
Summary: Eddie went down the steps, hearing the laughter of all his friends that seemed to set his thundering heart at ease. He glanced around to see them all seated around a tv watching Bill and Bev face off against each other. He felt the burning tears flood his vision as his mother screamed how they were all a bad influence on him.
“Eddie Spaghetti!” Richie exclaims from the recliner on the other side of the room, eyes glittering with happiness at the sight of his beloved standing there. “I--What’s wrong?” He asked, taking notice of the tear tracks running down his flushed face.
“Eddie? You okay?” Bev asked, pausing the game before standing up. She was ready to console him for whatever made him feel that way, but Eddie immediately made a B-line for Richie.
The Hawaiian shirt-wearing boy froze as he went to stand up only for Eddie to crawl into his lap and bury his face into Richie’s neck. He looked to the others who held matching faces of utter disbelief when a sob broke them from their shocked stupor. Richie’s face heated up as he slowly wrapped his arms around the shaking Hypochondriac.
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Eddie slammed the front door of the house, thumping quickly down the steps with a scowl of his face. The distant echo of his mother’s voice drilled heavily against his skull only furthering the crease in between his brows. He was grinding his teeth, knowing silently he’d pay for that later but honestly, at this point he could care least.
“I can’t believe her!” He snapped to no one in particular as he continued his way down the road towards Bill’s house where the other Losers were. “She acts like I’m not gonna be fucking eighteen soon! Dammit.” He hissed before scrubbing his hand over his face rather harshly.
Finally, he made it to the Denbrough home after a good ten-minute walk that would have been two had he used his bike. Still, he was glad for the time he could just stop to think so he could cool down before he met his friends. Sadly, that resulted in tears falling down his face as he tried to brush away the salted tracks of sorrow.
Eddie slowly trailed up the steps before knocking on the door as he dug into his pocket for his inhaler only to realize it was at home. He cursed himself mentally for leaving the house so quickly and forgetting his inhaler. He was about to turn around and head home when he jerks at the sound of the front door opening to reveal Mrs. Denbrough.
“Oh! Eddie, hey sweetheart, you here to see the others?” She asked before frowning at the sight of Eddie’s face. “What happened?” She reached out to cup his face when he flinched looking to the ground.
“Um… Nothing, and I am. May I go see them, please?” He asked, avoiding her gaze as she nods before stepping to the side with a gentle expression.
“They are downstairs in the basement. I think they were talking about playing some games.” She comments softly as Eddie nods in thanks before going for the basement door.
Eddie went down the steps, hearing the laughter of all his friends that seemed to set his thundering heart at ease. He glanced around to see them all seated around a tv watching Bill and Bev face off against each other. He felt the burning tears flood his vision as his mother screamed how they were all a bad influence on him.
“Eddie Spaghetti!” Richie exclaims from the recliner on the other side of the room, eyes glittering with happiness at the sight of his beloved standing there. “I--What’s wrong?” He asked, taking notice of the tear tracks running down his flushed face.
“Eddie? You okay?” Bev asked, pausing the game before standing up. She was ready to console him for whatever made him feel that way, but Eddie immediately made a B-line for Richie.
The Hawaiian shirt-wearing boy froze as he went to stand up only for Eddie to crawl into his lap and bury his face into Richie’s neck. He looked to the others who held matching faces of utter disbelief when a sob broke them from their shocked stupor. Richie’s face heated up as he slowly wrapped his arms around the shaking Hypochondriac.
“Hey, what’s going on in that beautiful brain of yours, baby?” He asked softly into his ear so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Mom.” He responded back but gave nothing more as he choked on his own breath.
“Hey, breathe for me. Where’s your inhaler?” Richie asked worriedly when Eddie couldn’t take in air from how hard he was sobbing.
“Ho--Home.” He choked out as Richie cursed softly before looking up to Bev.
“My bag! Get my bag!” He exclaims when the red-head immediately scrambled for Richie’s school bag before handing it over. “Here.” Richie dug around for a moment before pulling out a spare inhaler. “Yes, it’s clean. No, I’ve never used it. Yes, I clean it every day in case you need it.” He assured quickly before Eddie could even try to question it.
Pressing the plastic tip to Eddie’s open mouth, Richie pushed down on the metal top to force the medicine down Eddie’s gasping throat. He did it a few more times before Eddie finally calmed down enough to be able to breathe properly on his own. Richie sighed in relief as Eddie tiredly slumped against him while Richie’s long, bony fingers caressed through his sweat-soaked locks.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Eddie whispered, slurring slightly as he switched to the other side of Richie’s neck so he wasn’t laying in his own snot and tears.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re okay… Jesus… You fucking scared the shit out of all of us.” He comments back as he ran a soothing hand up Eddie’s back. “You good now?” He questioned softly.
“Yeah, thanks, Rich.” He murmurs before his eyes fluttered shut as he listened to the rhymic sound of Richie’s heartbeat.
“What the fuck was that?” Stan demanded to Richie who sighed.
“That was a bad panic attack. Eddie has been getting them a lot recently.” He explains with a look of sorrow.
“He went immediately to you.” Bev pointed out when Richie’s face flushes again.
“Well, I’d fucking hope he’d come to me.” He huffs as Stan raised an eyebrow. “So things aren’t that great at home for either one of us. We usually go out to the clubhouse until dawn. Sometimes we go to my place and just shove a chair under the doorknob.” He comments.
“W--W--Why didn’t you tell us?” Bill asked, frowning gently.
“Because, one, I hate talking about my emotions. If I could die without making a peep about it… I fucking will. And two, it wasn’t my place to tell with Eddie.” He sighed, looking to Eddie’s relaxed face. He took notice of the bags that layered heavily under his eyes.
“You two seem really close.” Bev comments before a smirk spread across her face.
“Really close.” Stan points out, matching her smirk.
“Blow me.” Richie resorts before freezing as Eddie shifted but remained asleep.
“So, what’s going on at home? Richie, if this is only getting worse… We have to know what’s going on so we can help it.” Ben finally pipes up when Richie glanced down to Eddie.
“I… Fuck, okay… We all know Sonia is a complete cunt. Not that I’m not madly in love with her--” He’s cut off by Stan crossing his arms.
“Beep Beep, Richie. Fucking focus.” He huffed.
“Right, right. Um… Well, recently… she’s been really laying down the law on Eddie. She’ll belittle everyone here. Telling him how he’s going to be a washed-up nobody if he continues to hang out with us. He should find himself a girl so he can settle down. Like, he’s seventeen… Jesus.” He snapped before scrubbing at his temples.
“Why doesn’t Eddie fight back?” Mike frowns when Richie snorts.
“Are you fucking kidding me? The last time he raised his voice at her… She fucking slipped sleeping pills into his food and he slept for almost three days. After he woke up, she said if he ever did something like that again… She’d make sure he’d never leave. Besides, whenever Eddie tried to fight back… She’d use us against him. She’d threaten to never let him see us unless he did what she said. He would without question. He told me that we are his only escape.” He whispered.
Bev covered her mouth as tears threatened to form in her waterline while her clenching fists shook from anger. She glanced around to see the other Losers held matching expression of hatred and disgust for Eddie’s so-called mother. It pissed her off that she couldn’t help him since it could only result in Eddie getting hurt more.
“How long have you two been doing this?” She gestured to the two boys when Richie coughed into his fist.
“This… This is new. He’s not… He doesn’t always like being held when he breaks down like that. I mean… He’s held my hand before, but he’s never been bold enough to crawl into my lap like this.” Richie explains.
“It’s obvious that Eddie trusts you the most.” Ben smiles softly when Richie swallowed before slowly looking up to them.
“Well… Yeah, I’d hope he’d trust his boyfriend the most.” He comments as they all froze for a moment.
“Bullshit,” Stan whispered in disbelief.
“I am not actually. Uh… Yeah, that happened a little over a year ago. We’ve been keeping it on the down-low because my family is conservative and Eddie’s mom is a bitch. Also, he’s going to fucking off me when he finds out I told you guys. He wanted to wait… But the reason we didn’t tell you guys is that Eddie was scared and like… we’ve kissed one time. He got sick afterward… Don’t know if it’s because he thought kissing was gross, or kissing me was gross.” He shrugged before noticing Stan open his mouth. “Don’t answer that.” He comments sharply.
“You two have been dating for a year and none of us fucking noticed?” Bev asked in shock as Richie grins.
“That’s because Eddie threatened to break up with me if I so much as looked at him differently when we were with you guys. I’m not saying we don’t act like that when we aren’t around you guys. I just… we act like… this? When we’re alone.” He gestured to around to their hugging forms.
“I seriously can’t believe this.” She whispered in shock.
“I’m only surprised that it took them this fucking long.” Stan resorts before they all heard a small grunt coming from Eddie.
“Richie…” Eddie slurred, bleary eyes looking up to Richie who cast his gaze down to Eddie.
“Yeah?” He asked softly.
“I’m cold… My head is fucking killing me.” He grunted, holding at his pulsing head.
“I’m sure. Here.” He dug out his hoodie from his bag as Eddie sat up and slipped it on without a second thought. “As for the headache, sorry… I don’t have anything.” He murmurs when Eddie shrugs.
“Thanks.” He smiles as the sleeves swallowed his arms before he held it up to his nose. “Smells like you.” He giggles, making Richie’s heart swell.
Richie opened his mouth to remind Eddie where they were when Eddie leaned down and smacked their lips together. Richie and everyone froze before Eddie pouts when he pulls away, taking notice of his shocked expression.
Then Eddie’s brain finally clicked.
“Oh fuck… We’re at Bill’s.” He whispered as Richie smirks.
“Well Damn, Babe, had I known that you couldn’t wait until we got home to kiss I would have kissed you back.” He snorts, earning a slap to the chest by Eddie.
“Shut up! Oh my god!” He cried, turning to see his friends all smiling at him.
“You okay?” Bev asked softly as Eddie swallowed before pulling the hood over his head to hide his face.
“Come on, Eds. Don’t shut them out. They’re worried about you. Tell us what happened?” He begged, pulling the hood down to reveal Eddie’s flushed face.
“My mom won’t let me apply to any colleges. She says I should stay here… She doesn’t want me going out west with everyone else. Then we started arguing and she told me that you guys were brainwashing me and that you’re all nothing but trouble… Especially Richie.” He winced as he said it, taking note of the sad smile that spread across Richie’s face.
“That’s bullshit! You’re going to be eighteen soon. She can’t fucking control that.” Stan gritted out.
“St--St--Stan’s right. We all said we’d fucking leave th--th-this town together.” Bill nods confidently.
“I can’t just… I’m not eighteen yet. I can’t do anything. My mom would hunt us down and somehow have everyone charged with kidnapping.” He sighed, scrubbing at his hair.
“Don’t worry. This school is almost over. You’re gonna be eighteen and we’re gonna fucking get you the hell out of this damn town.” Richie assured softly.
“For once… Richie is right. We’re not leaving without you, Eddie. We aren’t the losers without all of us.” Stan offers a smile to Eddie who returned it.
“Thanks, Guys… So about Richie and I--” He’s cut off by Bev’s grin.
“Don’t worry. I think it’s adorable.” She whispered with a wink as Eddie covered his face with a whine.
“Disgustingly adorable.” Stan makes a face that makes Richie laugh.
“Yeah! You’re like perfect for each other!” Ben laughs.
“You’re all the worst… I need better friends.” Eddie huffs when Richie turned him around his lap and buried his face between Eddie’s shoulder blades.
“But seriously, you okay?” Mike asked quietly when Eddie smiles softly before glancing at Richie who looked up to him in worry.
“Yeah, I’m thankful for all of you… But I have the best boyfriend who always can take care of me.” He whispered before kissing Richie’s forehead as Richie smiles to him warmly.
“Are you two gonna be like this all the time?” Stan snorts when Richie looked up to Stan.
“Don’t worry, Stan the Man… Eddie may have my dick, but you always have my heart!” He laughs as Eddie groans pushing him away.
“I take it back! You’re the fucking worst boyfriend!” He huffs as Richie laughs while holding him around the waist.
“Too late! You’ve already said it! I have witnesses to prove it!” He cackles when Eddie finally breaks and began to laugh too.
Eddie leaned back against Richie’s vibrating chest as the others went back to their game. He laid his hands onto Richie’s while he watched Bev and Bill with Stan, Mike and Ben cheering them on.
“Thank you.” He whispered to Richie who looked at him in confusion.
“For what?” He frowns.
“For being amazing.” He smiles as Richie kissed him gently. “I don’t think I would have survived this long without you.” He whispered before taking notice of Stan watching them with a fondness in his expression.
“Remember Eddie, you won’t be young forever. She can’t control you.” He comments softly as Eddie nods.
“Yeah… You’re right.” He whispered.
For now, he would just enjoy being around his friends and being young for just a moment longer.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Tales of Their Hero Academia: What’s in a Name?
Presenting another look at the background of my next gen MHA-verse, Their Hero Academia!
My works can be found here
At twenty-one years old, Eri should have been perfectly happy.  She had two loving parents, she’d graduated from the most prestigious Hero school on the planet, and was set to graduate medical school later this year. She’d long ago gained mastery of her Quirk and she’d used it to help a lot of people already.  There were few nightmares these days.
And she had a boyfriend who loved her and who she loved back.  She had a boyfriend who’d asked her to marry him.  
Which left her with a choice that she wasn’t sure how to handle.  
No, not the choice of whether or not to marry him.  That choice was easy.  She loved Kota with all her heart, even if he was hot headed and reckless and drove her crazy sometimes.  He had a heart as big as all of the outdoors and a desire to help people that was nearly as strong as her own.  He understood her, understood her pain and loss, and understood what drove her to make sure no one ever felt as helpless as she once had.  Some of the same demons that drove her, drove him.
No, her choice was something different.  Something that brought her to her childhood home: her parents’ apartment on the U.A. campus.  She had her own key and let herself inside.  As Dad had often said, it wasn’t rational for her to knock.  It was always going to be her home and she should feel free to come and go as she pleased.  Still, she would usually call first if she was going to stop by.  But she hadn’t this time.  Some things, some things had to be said in person.  
She wasn’t surprised by the sight that greeted her: Dad engulfed in his yellow sleeping bag, curled up on the couch.  The TV was on low, the volume barely audible, and Mom was likewise on the couch, Dad’s head on her lap.  She was lightly dozing, but not nearly as asleep as Dad was.
Mom’s eyes widened when she saw her, before she broke into a grin.  “Eri!” she shouted, arms up in the air.  Dad didn’t wake up.  She didn’t completely understand it, but Dad could sleep through almost anything, except he somehow always woke up when he was needed.  Mom swatted at him rapidly. “Shota, wake up!  Eri’s here!”
Dad’s eyes snapped open and he shifted into a sitting position instantly, though he did not yet come out of his sleeping bag.  “Eri,” he said.  To anyone else, it might well have sounded flat.  But she would hear the warmth in his voice.  He looked tired.  Then again, he always looked tired.  But a smile did tug at the corner of his eyes and lips.  “You didn’t call.  What’s wrong?”
“Why would something be wrong?” Mom asked.  She brushed a strand of green hair out of her face.  “Can’t our daughter visit just because she missed us?”
“She’d call first, Emi.”
Mom’s attention snapped back to her. Concern replaced joy. “Is he right, Eri?  Is something wrong?”
Eri took a seat in one of the room’s comfortable armchairs.  There hadn’t been a lot of furniture here when they’d first moved from the teacher’s dorm.  But little by little, they’d filled the apartment with furniture and love.  “No,” she said.  She shook her head.  “…Kind of? I’m not sure.”
She took a breath to steady herself.  This might not have been the way she’d planned on telling them, but it was still good news.  A smile spread across her face.  “Kota asked me to marry him.”
“OH MY GOODNESS!” Mom shrieked, jumping up from the couch. Dad winced at the noise.  “Eri, that’s amazing!  Congratulations!  I told you he was planning something, Shota!  I told you!”  She was practically vibrating, waving her hands excitedly.  Just as suddenly as her outburst had started, it stopped.  She blinked slowly.  “Wait… then what are you…   Are you pregnant?!   Shota, get out of that sleeping bag right now, we’ve got to go kick some ass!”
Dad closed his eyes and sighed.  “Calm down, Emi.”  He shook his head.  “Eri. Tell us what’s going on.  I can tell you’re happy, but there’s something else going on.”
Eri let out a small puff of breath.  “I’m trying to decide what to do about my name.”
Certainly, she must have had a family name when she was born.  She’d had a biological mother and father, neither of whom she could recall. Eri knew that she had accidentally unleashed her Quirk as a child and rewound her biological father out of existence. And she knew that her biological mother had abandoned her after that.  Dad had been honest with her, once she’d been old enough to ask.  She wished she could know if they had loved her.  Her biological mother must have been near mad with grief, but it was still no excuse, not with what had happened to her after.  She sometimes found herself wondering, in her darkest hours, if the woman was even still alive.  And she could not bring herself to dwell too long on whether or not she would ever like to meet her, or what she might say if she did. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmismZpuRr/
She had a grandfather too, her biological mother’s father, now long dead, his true name unknown, just called the “Boss” by his underlings in the Shie Hassaikai.  From all accounts, he might have loved her, or at least wanted her to have better control over her power.  But he had trusted the wrong man and she… she had paid the price.   Paid the price in trauma and scars and nightmares… At least Chisaki, long may he rot, had not tried to force his name upon her, for all his pretense in public of being her father.
Whoever she might have been, whatever past she would have inherited, that past was gone.  Thanks to Izuku, Mirio, Dad, and so many others, she’d been granted an opportunity for a much brighter future, a future that had started when she was rescued, and a future that had been solidified when…
She’d been seven years old and had been living at U.A. for a year, under Aizawa’s guardianship.  He’d held her when she’d had nightmares, helped her when her Quirk threatened to rage out of control.  He’d made her feel happy, safe, and loved.  It had started as the most logical guardianship, given his own Quirk, but even to her young and naïve heart, it had quickly become apparent that his fondness for her was something much greater than the simple affection for a child by a caretaker.
Before she’d really understood what it meant, she’d known that she’d been his child.
“Eri,” Dad had said one day, crouching down so he could talk to her on her level.  “I have something important I’d like to talk to you about.”
She’d looked up from where she was laying on the floor, coloring a picture of Deku and Lemillion fighting the bad guys. It had been rendered as messy sticky figures that had been little more than barely distinguishably blobs of color.  “Yes, Dad?”
She’d been calling him that for a little while now.  She’d heard the word and asked Izuku what it had meant. He’d hemmed and hawed, before explaining it as an older male who took care of you, loved you, and made you feel safe.   In her little mind, she’d immediately decided that that was what her caretaker was and had called him that at her earliest opportunity, in front of Uncle Mic and Aunt Nemuri.
Uncle Mic had nearly fallen off the couch.  Aunt Nemuri had laughed out loud.   Dad had looked away, with both of the other adults claiming he was crying, something he’d vehemently denied.
Dad had smiled.  “You’ve been living with me for a while now,” he’d said.  “And I’m very happy about that.  You make me very happy.”
“You make me happy too,” she’d said.  
“And I’m happy to be your dad,” he’d said.  “Which means if I’m your dad, then you’re my daughter.”
Daughter.  She remembered that word.  When she’d gone to the park with Dad, a few women had told him what an adorable daughter he’d had.   She hadn’t remembered to ask about it then, but it came back to her now.
“Uh-huh,” she’d said, her head bobbing rapidly as she’d nodded.
Dad had gone on.  “I want to make it official.  I want to adopt you, so that everyone knows you’re my daughter, and I’m your dad.”
She’d looked up, confused.  “What does that mean?” she’d asked.  “Is something going to change?”  She’d started gripping her crayon tighter and had started to tremble.  She had thought she’d been safe, stable, but…
Dad had put a hand on her shoulder, giving it an affection squeeze. He’d smiled reassuringly.  “For you, almost nothing.  You’ll still live with me and I’ll still be here for you, just like always.  It’s more about what I can give you.  I can give you my family name, so everybody knows you’re my kid.  You’d be Eri Aizawa.”
Eri had known that family names were a thing.  She’d even asked once why she didn’t have one.  Dad had explained as best he could to a still traumatized six year old, but she hadn’t completely understood.   But she had seen Deku with his mom and all the other kids with their parents and she had known that there must have been people out there to whom she belonged, people who had not wanted her.  It had been enough to make her cry.
But Dad did want her. He’d made that clear then, holding her tight until the tears had stopped.  He loved her in a way no one else did.  In a way she didn’t remember anyone ever loving her before.  And now, he wanted her so much that he wanted to tell everybody…?  He wasn’t ashamed of her.  He didn’t want to hide her away like a monster kept in the closet.
Tears had started to form in her eyes.
Panic had sent in Dad’s eyes.  “Eri, what’s wrong?  Did I say something to upset you…?”
She’d stood up and thrown her arms around him.  “Yes,” she’d said.  “Yes.  I want to be Eri Aizawa.  Always.”
He’d held her so tightly and hugged him back at hard as he could.  “I love you, Eri.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“Your name?” Dad asked. Dad didn’t do “confused” but his expression was as close to it as he came.
“What about it?” Mom asked.
“I’m just deciding what to do about it when I get married,” Eri said.  “I know some people, like Momo or Kyoka have kept their maiden names.”
“Not me!” Mom piped in. She put an arm around Dad.  “I wanted everybody to know I finally got him to marry me!  Hell, I even took out billboards announcing it!”
“I think I’d remember if you did, Mom.”
Dad just shuddered. “She did.  Around Ketsubutsu.  I made sure you didn’t see them.”
“Right,” Eri said, desperate to move on.  “And I know plenty of women like you or Ochaco are happy to take their husband’s last names.”
“Or he could take yours,” Dad said.  “That also happens.”
Eri shook her head. “His name’s all he has left of his parents.  I can’t ask him to do that.”  Kota had been orphaned young.  The fact that both of them had endured so much loss so young had been something the two of them had first connected over, long before they’d dated or been lovers.
Concern started creeping into Dad’s face, but he otherwise kept silent.  She could tell he was thinking, but she couldn’t tell what.  If experience had taught her anything, it was that he would speak when he was ready.
“Then what’s the problem, exactly, kiddo?” Mom asked.
“It’s just…” Eri began. How did she put it all into words? How could she explain?  She frowned.  “Aizawa is the name you gave me, Dad.  You said you wanted the whole world to know I was your daughter, no questions asked.  I didn’t have a family when I came to you, didn’t have a family name.
“You wanted me.  You wanted me to be your daughter.  Someone wanting me like that, belonging like that… I’d never felt like that before. After Mirio and Izuku gave me freedom, it was one of the greatest gifts anyone’s ever given me.”
“What does Kota think about this?” Mom asked.  She liked Kota, she knew.  Liked him a lot.  Kota was terrified of Dad, of course, but she knew he was more fond of him than he let on.
“I haven’t told him,” she admitted.
“You should,” Dad said. “No secrets in a marriage.”
“He’s right,” Mom agreed. “And a hypocrite.”
“How am I a hypocrite?”
“You won’t tell me where you keep that extra strong coffee you guzzle!” Mom said, crossing her arms.
“That’s not a secret,” Dad told her flatly.  “It’s a precaution.  You’re hyper enough without caffine.”
“Okay,” Eri said. That argument would last all night if she didn’t interrupt.  “I’ll talk to him to.  It’s just…  I feel like… if I take his name, I’m throwing away everything you gave me.”
“That’s not rational.”
“Shota!”  Mom gave Dad a hard swat across the chest.  He winced.
“It’s not,” Dad insisted, giving her a dirty look.  “But it is understandable.”
“It is?” Eri asked. “I know I was being a little crazy but…”
“It’s a big life change,” Dad said.  He finally unzipped himself from his sleeping bag and crossed the room, to kneel by her chair.  He took her hands in his.  “But no matter what you decide, even if we don’t have the same last name, you’re always going to be my daughter.  We’re always going to be family.  And nothing is ever going to change that. Do you understand?  You’re one of the greatest things to ever happen to me, Eri, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about how adopting you was the best thing I ever did.”
“Even better than marrying me?”
Dad shot Mom another annoyed look.  “Yes.”
He turned his attention back to her.  “This is your decision.  But I raised you, Eri.  You, me, Emi, we’re family.  And nothing changes that.  Not names, not distance, not anything.  Do you understand?”
She nodded.  “I do.”  She pulled him into a hug.  “Thanks, Dad.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I love him, Dad.  So much.”  Eri closed her eyes and smiled.  “He’s… home.  He’s kind, he’s brave, and he knows all my faults and flaws and baggage and stays with me anyway.  He’s seen me at my absolute worst, when the nightmares and the trauma get so bad I can barely get out of bed.  And even knowing that, knowing that if I make it as a doctor and a Medical Hero, I’ll barely have time to think straight, let alone think about him, he still asked me to marry him. If I had to do things again, I’d choose him every time.”
“Aaaaw,” Mom said. Eri looked over in her direction. Mom’s eyes were wet with tears. “That was so beautiful!”
“It sounds to me,” Dad said, “like you’re already making up your mind.”  He turned his head away.  Eri was certain he was tearing up too, even if he’d never admit it.  
“I think I have,” she said.
They had, of course, gotten Uncle Mic to DJ the wedding reception.  Mom and Dad were there, Kota’s aunt and the rest of the Pussycats, Aunt Nemuri, and Izuku and all his friends.  It was one of the happiest days of Eri’s life.
“Heeeey!” Uncle Mic called out, his voice overpowering all the others in the room.  “Let’s give it up for the happy couple!  We’ve all known them since they were kids, but give a shout and say hello to Mister and Doctor Izumi!”
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waterloou · 4 years
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Helloooo all! I’m bringing back oc Saturday for these trying times to showcase some brilliant ocs! If you’d like to nominate your oc or somebody else’s, feel free to shoot me a msg, ask, or tag #ocextravaganzasaturday ! Also, there’s an option to submit a blurb!
Oc extravaganza Saturday guidelines
Below are links/blurbs for the featured ocs this week! Go check them out!
Amreen Carr created by @emiliachrstine
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Headcannons 2
Headcannons 3
Game of Survival
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Gotta love a kick ass mama to baby yoda. Her and mando and the whole family are just wholesome and cool and please go give them some love! They deserve it!
Belle Sinclair created by @lilhemmo
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Multifandom Queen:
Soon to be Riverdale
“her name is belle sinclair - she was kind of a tom boy growing up, but her brother died when she started high school. he died while she was driving him home from a new years eve date and he was drunk so he was distracting her, but then they got t-boned by another drunk driver. however, her whole family blames her for his death and she has extreme survivors guilt.”
“she's a sunshine, little sun drop, sunflower! she's really kind and very forgiving and a people pleaser”
Go show her some love!
Billy Holmes created by @humangrumpycat
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Mythology moodboard
Billy cackles, turning his chair to face an irritated Sweet Pea.
'I'm sorry,' Billy wheezes, wiping the tears from his face.
'You saw some dude spray paint a wall, and when you threatened him, he pulled a gun on you?' he asks, his lips pressed in an attempt to stop laughing.
'Yes,' Sweet Pea grits through his teeth.
'That's the best thing I've heard all week,' Billy smiles. 'Thank you for telling me this.'
Sweet Pea clenches his jaw, taking a deep breath.
'It's not funny,' he hisses.
'It was, though,' Phoenix snickers. 'You should've seen his face,' he says to Billy. 'Dude pulled out an M1911A1.'
'Holy shit,' Billy gasps.
'He pulled out a what?' Fangs asks.
'Colt .45,' Billy explains, followed by Fangs nodding.
'How would you know?' Sweet Pea asks Phoenix. 'You weren't even there.'
'I was right across the street, leaving the candle shop,' he answers.
'Why were you at the candle shop?' Fangs scoffs.
'Buying candles,' Phoenix comments, raising the bag on eye-level. 'I thought that was pretty obvious.'
'Can we focus on my problem?' Sweet Pea interrupts. 'And how I need to take care of it?'
'"Take care of it"?' Billy mocks.
'You got something for me?' Sweet Pea asks, nodding to the closet to his left.
'Oh, NOW you want a new weapon?' Billy scoffs. 'I've been telling you that for years now. I mean, I get the nostalgia bullshit. But like I said: we're big guys, and big guys need big weapons or it'll just look weird.'
'Like he's holding a toothpick,' Phoenix adds, followed by both Phoenix and Billy nodding at each other.
'Shut up, Phoenix, I don't see you carrying a machete around.'
'Don't I?' Phoenix smirks, opening his jacket to show a machete strapped on the inside.
'What the-' Fangs gasps. 'How-'
'Gem sewed in the straps for me,' Phoenix explains with the widest grin.
'So, can you get me something new?' Sweet Pea asks, growing more impatient by the minute.
'I might could,' Billy says. 'But not tonight.'
Both Fangs and Sweet Pea throw up their hands.
'I'm sure y'all can beat him up tomorrow, and I'd love to join,' Billy comments. 'But it's Tequila Tuesday at the LOVE Club downtown, and I'm meeting Ace, Spades, and Snow White in ten, so I'll be a wreck tomorrow.'
'Can I join?' Phoenix begs. 'I can dump my shit at Viper's on the way.'
'Got your fake ID?'
'Always,' Phoenix answers.
'Why the LOVE Club, by the way?' Phoenix asks. 'Don't we normally go to The Maple Leaf?'
'Well,' Billy smirks. 'There's this pretty blonde who sings there every Tuesday, and we've had some "eye-contact" for the last couple of weeks.'
'You mean, real-life Disney princess? Nice!' he chants.
'Also, The Maple Leaf's starting to attract more Ghoulies, and we don't need that shit,' Billy mentions.
Billy is a great bad boy. He’s hilarious, resourceful and it’s just extremely easy to like. Go give him some love!
Oli Parker created by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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About ramble
Summer Camp AU
This boy is a hardworking, wholesome, compassionate ray of sunshine! Go give him some love!
Rhett Butler created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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The common room of the boys dormitories was a ghost-town during this time of the night. Usually it was alive with haughty Stonewall Prep males, bragging about the colleges their showboat parents bought their way into, laughing at crude jokes and arguing loudly about theory and theology. Now though, in the late hours of the night after the RA’s were done skulking around the hallways with citations in hand, it was almost peaceful. Rhett Butler liked to sneak out of his dorm room and sit at the piano, basked in the milky color of the moonlight as it streamed in through the large, glass-paned windows. The high archways and ceilings made the soft tinkling of the piano keys sound like they filled the air around him and tucked themselves into every corner. He liked the emptiness of it all, how serene it could be to take comfort in his own loneliness. Rhett would wait until after lights out, way after the final few night owls broke themselves away from their studies, and would tiptoe out into the common room with his composition book in hand, jotting down music notes and time signatures while still trying his best to be quiet. A big anthology of British Literature is wedged in the doorframe, with Rhett trying his best to close himself away to conceal the noise. He’s too busy tinkering away at his next assignment for music class that he doesn’t hear the quiet thunk of the anthology hitting the parquet floor as someone slipped into the room with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice pipes up from behind Rhett’s left shoulder, nearly scaring him out of his wits as he jumps, slamming the piano case down hard onto the keyboard.
“Holy hell” He chuckles, trying his best to recover and even out his breathing. His spindly fingers are shaking as he turns around to see the new scholarship student, Bianca something, in her pajamas, her curly hair dented and pressed from where her head pressed into her pillow.
Rhett had seen her around before, he sat in on the advanced writing seminar on the right day, he guessed, because he heard the girl make a snarky remark to that asshole Bret. It cost her an after-school detention but she gained Rhett’s respect immediately, and he had been intrigued by her ever since. Everyone knew about the scholarship kids, it was kind of hard not to. There were only a handful of them, a losers club of their own. But most of them kept their heads down and cowered at the taunts being thrown by their snooty classmates, making remarks about their thrifted textbooks and not-so-pristine school uniforms. Not this girl, though; it was a strange twist of fate, how he had wondered about her and now she was here.
“You know what time it is?” She asks with a raised eyebrow that doesn’t seem malicious, but Rhett doesn’t know how to take it.
Rhett palms the top of the upright piano until he finds where he tossed his phone, he clicks the home button, 3:13 am. “The witching hour” He muses, running a hand though his hair.
“Are you the one who’s always out here?” She asks again with that same hint of mischief. “That girl Donna’s convinced a bunch of freshman that there’s a ghost.”
“S’just me” Rhett mumbles, feeling embarrassed at the idea that his late-night musicalities weren’t as secret as he thought.
The girl walks across the room and sits on the other side of the piano bench next to Rhett. There was a funny sort of confidence she had, giving him an all-teeth smile as she says “So you’re the ghost”. Rhett smiles, excitement brewing in his stomach.
“Name’s Rhett Butler” He offers his skinny hand for the girl to shake and she does.
Gotta love a good, malnourished, take no bs academic boy. And he’s musically talented??? King. Give him some love!
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x03: The Rupture
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Long Live the Queen
We start right where we left off. Hunters are guarding the failing perimeter, while our team heads back to the crypt to perform Rowena’s spell. They set to salting the place while Rowena casts her spell. It starts to reinforce the barrier, but then things start to flicker and Rowena is knocked back in a blast. The spell didn’t work.
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There are too many ghosts and they’re too strong. Dean suggests killing as many ghosts as possible before the wall falls, but Rowena scoffs at the idea. Belphegor walks off and Cas follows him. Dean gets all soldier mode and starts yelling about not giving up. 
*Samwitch Alert* Sam, ever the mediator, hunkers down next to Rowena to ask if she needs anything. He rests his hand gently on her shoulder and they share meaningful looks. 
Meanwhile, Bel and Cas wander the graveyard. Bel tells Cas, “You can’t even look at me.” Put a pin in that comment. They wander to the hell mouth. 
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Sam and Dean discuss strategy. Dean’s pissed at God. (*AHEM*). He’s not going down without a fight. Sam is distracted, staring at a lovely framed Rowena looking at the Book of the Damned. 
Bel has an idea. He suggests finding Lilith’s Crook, a horn Lilith used to keep order with all the demons in Hell that she sent to Earth.
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If they get it and use it, they can draw all the ghosts and demons that are now topside, back to Hell. Rowena has a spell of her own devising to close the hole in the ground. (Crack thought: This is a healing spell. Maybe she’ll use it on herself to heal her own wound.) The spell only takes a couple ingredients, and she’ll need an assistant. She says this while looking at Cas, but then says, “Dibs on Samuel.” Lololololol. That’s right, girl, he’s all yours. 
Someone will also have to lob the spell bomb over the edge of the tear. Belphegor then pipes up asking for help in Hell. “I want protection. Muscle.” Without a beat, Dean responds, “Yeah, Cas’ll go.” And Cas’s look of WTF sums things up quite nicely. Cas has been to Hell before. I mean, yes, uurgh, saving your sorry ass from it, Dean (ok, I’m on no Dean hate-train but it’s easy to lash back at him when he’s being this way.) “Well, it sounds like I don’t have a choice.” I feel like all three members of Team Free Will uttered something along those lines tonight and I’m not well. Dean says, “Go team.” There’s no free will in this house. 
Ketch is still in the hospital and is visited by the demon, Ardat. Things don’t go well. (Remember in Temple of Doom when they ripped a still beating heart out of someone and an entire film industry created a whole new rating because of it? Now they’re just showing this shit on network TV at 7pm. What a time to be alive.) (Also, good riddance Ketch. You killed Eileen and I’ll never forgive you.)
Belphegor continues to needle Cas with the idea that he’s not wanted by the Winchesters. Cas tries to ignore him. Cas asks how they get down there. Belphegor isn’t sure and walks closer to the edge to look over. Cas pushes him over the edge and a good time was had by all. Cas jumping in after him, not so much fun. 
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Bleached hair hunter (what’s her name, she seems cool and I hope she sticks around) shows up with all the spell ingredients for Rowena. Dean reveals that he DOES know about Harry Potter. 
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Dean hears from Ketch, but it’s not Ketch, and Dean spills their entire plan to Ardat. Question: If Castiel is spelled with one ‘s’ but his nickname is spelled ‘Cass’, why wouldn’t Belphegor’s nickname be ‘Bell’? (Why yes, I do like to rehash centuries old fandom sticking points.) 
Cas and Belphegor wander around a very quiet Hell. Everyone is topside apparently. 
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Belphegor tells Cas that he thinks he’s growing on Sam and Dean, “like a cancer.” Cas tells him that they’re using him and that he shouldn’t mistake that for care (AAGHH, stop). They find Lilith’s vault. 
Inside the vault, they discover a demon happily looting the place. He greets Belphegor cheerfully. Looting is fun! When the other demon doesn’t have the horn, however, Cas kills him immediately. Cas is SO DONE. Belphegor leads Cas to the box containing Lilith’s crook and we learn that it’s warded by an Enochian hymn praising Lucifer. How very on brand for Lilith! She was also the only one who could read Enochian so, Belphegor points out, it’s a damn convenient thing that Cas came along on this trip to Hell. 
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Cas tries to recite the incantation on the box but it fails. Belphegor points out that perhaps it ought to be sung. We as a fandom are then ROBBED of Misha singing the entire incantation. (CC: Shaving people punting things? After a suitable mourning period, of course.)
Dean sets up next to the Hell pit while inside, Sam’s torn between fighting alongside his brother and performing the quieter (but essential) magics inside. THIS SCENE -- this tiny line represents so much of what I hope for Sam’s journey this season. That he’s described as a witch by Rowena, that he’s GOOD at this and leadership… There’s so much potential just waiting below the surface for Sam to give voice and form. “And magic isn’t fighting?” Rowena asks him as he frets. “[Dean’s] doing his part; it’s time for you to do yours.” GUH
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In Hell, Cas pulls out the crook. It is indeed a sheep’s horn. He’s about to hand it over when he’s tossed across the room. It’s Ardat! She’s been onto Belphegor since the gates flew open, suspecting that he’d try to take over Hell. Cas and Ardat fight, Ardat arguing that Belphegor’s aspirations are much higher than he lets on. Belphegor kills Ardat and Cas confronts him about her claims. Belphegor laughs and then casts Cas from the vault. 
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He crows over his victory to Cas. The crook is a siphon that can pull all the souls into him, giving him godlike power. Cas realizes that every move by Belphegor has been carefully planned to somehow get Cas down to Hell with him to open the chest and get him the horn. WHERPS.  As Belphegor blows the horn, the Earth and Hell resonate with it. Cas struggles against a forceful wind to try to get back into the vault and stop Belphegor. 
For That Shirt Barely Survived Science
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In the crypt, Sam and Rowena join hands and start the spell.
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They chant together. Sam turns away for a moment to look towards the door, no doubt wondering what’s going on outside. Rowena calls him to task with a gentle smile and “Sam.” GUH that’s what finally broke me. (Boris has always been the more ardent Samwitch shipper but this gentle remonstrance really did me in.) The spell ignites. Dean’s hex bag glows and he hurls it into the pit. Belphegor fills with souls. It’s happening! All the things!
And then Cas tackles Belphegor and the horn ceases abruptly. He punches Belphegor again and again. (It has been a VERY trying couple of days.)
Upstairs, something’s wrong. The rift continues to crumble but Rowena looks…afraid. 
Cas is interrupted from punching Belphegor by the demon pleading for mercy in Jack’s voice. “It’s me. Jack.” UGH fucking demons. Cas is visibly tormented by this. He spreads his hand, hesitates, then summons his grace. It...FLICKERS. (Ruh roh) Still, it ignites enough for him to press his palm to Belphegor’s forehead - to Jack’s forehead - and smite him. (Ever since that Shaving people promo, I’ve been expecting Jacks’ body to burn but I never imagined that Cas would have had to be the one to do it. What a horrible, traumatic thing. Excuse me while I wrap Cas in a blanket, then myself, then Boris, then all of you readers.) (Boris: *crying noise, crying noise*)
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Sam and Dean compare notes over the phone. The crack is closing but “something doesn’t feel right.” That old hunter instinct is correct, because things are about to get even worse. Rowena wanders across the room while Sam is on the phone. He looks over in time to see her STAB HERSELF in the shoulder. She pulls out her resurrection sachet. “Won’t need that where I’m going.” 
Rowena bitterly explains that they’ve bungled their last option. Or, penultimate option. There’s one more spell she can use to contain the souls. “Death is an infinite vessel,” she explains. “It draws its power from its caster.” Tears linger on her cheeks as she reveals that there are only two ingredients: her “still-coursing blood and the last is my final breath.” She’ll absorb all the spirits and after a time, her body will break down and release them all to Hell where they belong. (She will also, of course, be trapped there AND dead which SUCKS BIG TIME.) 
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Sam tries to talk her out of it but she doubles down. She needs to die and Sam’s the one who must do it. “My real, permanent demise is in your hands. It’s in Death’s books.” Sam tries the “screw fate” argument on her but it doesn’t fly.
Outside, Cas reemerges from the pit and Dean confronts him about the shaky spell. Cas explains that he had to kill Belphegor and the crook was destroyed, and Dean handles it with his customary grace. JK Dean flips the fuck out. 
Rowena says something incredibly intriguing to me, then. Rowena tells Sam that she wouldn’t kill herself for the sake of anybody, but she would do it for prophecy. For magic, to which she’s devoted her life. (I’m looking directly at Billie here, who chose to reveal the agent of Rowena’s demise to her. Who MEDDLED and helped bring this about. Billie! What’s your game? Call me!) Sam tries to pull away from Rowena, who has gripped his hand and pressed the knife to her gut. “We’ve gotten quite fond of each other, haven’t we?” she asks and places a friendly hand on his shoulder. I’d love to write that suddenly PUPPIES ran into the crypt and they played with them for the rest of the episode but…
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Rowena tearfully commands Sam to kill her, weighing her life against the fate of the world and the survival of Dean. She pushes AAAALLL of Sam’s buttons. Sam embraces her and stabs her right in the gut at the same time. She forces him to look her in the eyes afterward. “That’s my boy,” she tells him and I take a crying break from this recap because this performance is too goddamn much. 
And just like that, the first ingredient is in play. Rowena walks from the crypt in her flowing pink gown like a stained rose and souls fly into her. She strides to the edge of the pit and looks at Team Free Will one last time before saying, “Goodbye, boys.” She throws herself down into the depths of Hell. The ground seals behind her. It’s done. 
For Buffy Summers “Death is your gift” Science
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In the bunker Dean’s footsteps echo down an empty hallway. He checks in on Sam, who’s sitting sorrowfully in his room. Sam brushes away tears before turning to face Dean and I’m basically dead right now. 
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Dean drops a quick recap: the town is safe, Hell is closed, Ketch is dead. Dean tries to rally Sam. They beat Chuck’s final apocalypse. Hooray?
Afterwards, Dean throws a giant taco party for all their hunter friends. JUST KIDDING! Dean drinks hard liquor alone in the library when Cas comes in.
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Cas asks how Sam’s doing and Dean is just…so angry. Dean asks Cas why he didn’t stick to the plan. Cas defends his decisions. “Something always goes wrong.” 
Dean rejoins with: “Why does that something always seem to be you,” and I’m feeling sudden empathy for Ketch, for I have also just had my heart ripped out of my chest and held, still beating, up to my face. 
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“You used to trust me. Give me the benefit of the doubt.” But that’s no longer the case. Cas winds through the issue quickly, with spare words. He’s tried to talk to Dean about what he’s going through, about his failing powers, but Dean freezes him out. Dean still blames him for Mary’s death. Cas realizes it now fully, perhaps. He is DEAD to Dean. This is all delivered so softly. So TERRIBLY softly.
Dean meets this all with utter silence. He is so emotionally shut down, he can’t even shout anymore. There are no broken lamps. It’s just one non-functioning Dean with no words and bare flickers of eye contact.
“I don’t think there’s anything left to say,” Cas concludes and turns to go. 
Finally, Dean speaks. “Where you going?”
“Jack’s dead. Chuck is gone. You and Sam have each other. I think it’s time for me to move on.” Dean speaks not a word, doesn’t move a muscle, and Castiel turns and walks out the door. And just like that, Team Free Will fractures.
We’re back to Sam and Dean against the world, and doesn’t everybody just…feel great?
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Oh, My Still-Beating Quotes:
Get me close to the epicenter, find me a nice protected ghost free space. I’ll patch those crumbling walls right up and we’ll all be home for high tea.
I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some glorified fanboy get the last word
To put it in American action movie terms, you’ll be carrying the bomb, I light the fuse, you toss it in
Oh Cas, your voice, it’s like an angel
I’ll be a god. Or, you know, close enough
I know this in my bones. It has to be this way.
I know we’ve gotten quite fond of each other, haven’t we?
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spilled-feels · 4 years
Revenge and Guilt
  Ugh I don’t know why I wrote this but its some heavy angst man so be warned. Nothing too graphic but there is some death in this.  
     “You know this is a stupid idea right? Like not stupid as in hey you might possibly get hurt but stupid as in you’re going to 100 percent die a slow and brutal death?” You rolled your eyes and refused to look to your left and face him. Of course he would choose the last minute to voice his concerns, yet again. “Seriously Lexi I’m all for some payback but this is stupid and dangerous.” You shut your eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. You really hated that nickname. “First off stop calling me that and yes, yes I know birdbrain you’ve said this before and my reply is and will continue to be the same. I. Don’t. Care.”  He didn’t reply and you took his silence as resignation. You could just imagine the piercing look his golden eyes were giving you. The image made you smirk because usually the roles were reversed. “Shoes on the other foot huh Keigo?” You thought. You knew it was a stupid plan from the start though. One that would probably get you killed but you really didn’t care. You were currently in an area that looked like it used to be a small warehouse district, sitting on top of the roof of a three story building looking over the edge. Across from you was a smaller one story building and inside, your object of concentration. “Objects.” You corrected in your head. Four men. Four vile and shitty men that you planned to take care of for what they did to you. Took from you. 
     You looked away from them and knelt to your right where you began to rummage through your bag for what you needed. “Okay a lead pipe, my favorite knife and a gun with two fucking bullets.” You said and Hawks replied condescendingly. “Wow never mind we definitely got this.” You didn’t even acknowledge you heard him but you couldn’t help the dread that grew in the pit of your stomach. This wasn’t going to be easy but those men deserved to die. Even if it was the last thing you did. Tears began to fill your eyes and you sat with your back against the ledge you were previously peering over. 
     You looked up at the rain clouds that had begun to fill the sky and spoke. “You remember that day we first met Keigo?” You didn’t bother to look but you felt the small breeze against your left arm as he sat next to you apparently mimicking your position. “You mean in fucking highschool?” he laughed. “Yeah I completely wowed you with my boyish looks and charming smile.” You couldn’t help the smile that broke across your face. “Funny. That’s not how I remember it.” Suddenly you were 17 again and you could see the memory as if it was happening in front of you. 
     “Look Rumi I know I’m a new student and all but you seriously don’t have to hold my hand throughout the whole school day.” You sighed exasperated. You loved Rumi you really did but her personality could be exhausting. You both had been childhood friends and were basically inseparable until she moved away when you were both freshmen. Now however you had transferred to finish the year out with her like you both had always planned. It had taken a lot of groveling to your parents to let you live with your aunt so you could go to school with Rumi but eventually they relented. “What and leave my best friend to the damn wolves?!” Rumi laughed and you joined in. You both knew if there were any wolves in this place Rumi was the Alpha. “Look you know I’ve never been one to like too much attention and you screaming ‘New student here! Make way new student!’ every damn time I enter a room or hallway isn’t really fucking helping.” Rumi nearly doubled over with how hard that made her laugh and you couldn’t help but continue to laugh along. Her laughter was infectious. You'd give her that. “Fine fine I’ll lay off. Your next class is Geometry and that is across that courtyard there.” She pointed out some doors. “I’ll see you at lunch babe and I promise I’ll lay off on the new student hazing.” You gave her a look indicating that you, in fact, knew she was bullshitting and walked out the doors hearing her laugh continue in the background. “Why the hell did I come here? Oh yeah Rumi. Best friend. Graduate. Together.” you mumbled to yourself and you made your way across the courtyard. “It can’t be.” you looked to the direction of the voice. “Are you the infamous Alex I’ve heard Rumi going on about for the past 3 years?” 
     You looked at the boy standing in front of you. He had wild blonde hair, golden eyes accented by black eyeliner and was around your height. You knew who this was. This was Rumi’s friend, the friend who took your place while you were gone. The friend she also always talked to you about, Keigo Takami, but you weren't about to let him know that. Petty I know but whatever. “That would be me and you are?” you deadpanned. His face fell a bit but almost immediately he covered it up with, what you assumed to be, his most charming smile. “Names Hawks nice to meet you. I’m Rumi’s bestie.” He held his hand out for you to shake and you just stared at it. You weren’t trying to be rude but he was just coming off so fake it didn’t sit right with you. “What kind of name is Hawks and why are you acting like that?” This time his face looked kind of shocked. Usually people were completely taken with him off the bat and no one ever called him out like you just did, well other than Rumi of course. He shook off the shock he was feeling and recovered. He let out a breathy laugh. “Well no surprise your friends with Rumi she basically told me the same thing when we first met. Though she was the one who actually gave me the nickname Hawks. My name is Keigo Takami.” 
     This time the smile that he gave you felt genuine and looked less forced. He held his hand out again and this time you reached for it. Before you could grasp it however a red chested bird just so happened to decide to take off from its perch on a tree nearby and fly over you both and proceed to defecate all over his hand. You both just stood there with equally wide eyes staring at his hand now covered in bird poop. That did not just happen. You thought and as hard as you tried you couldn’t stop the cramp inducing laughter that overtook your body. Hawks immediately reacted to your laughter, let out the most unmanly scream and ran to a nearby water fountain. “Shut up don’t just stand there and laugh at me! Help me!” He yelled as he ran his hand under the water. Your stomach was in so much pain from how much you were laughing at him you completely forgot you were on your way to class. He went from suave, ladies man to a boy screaming about poop on his hand while he frantically tried to wash it off. Holy shit you haven’t laughed that much in your life. By the time he deemed his hand clean enough he walked back over to you, face red with embarrassment. “Well now I know why she nicknamed you Hawks.” You teased and started to laugh some more albeit it was not as hard as before. He glared at you and opened his mouth to reply but before he could you heard the bell signally the start of class go off. “Oh shit, I’m late for geometry.” you said in unison. You both smiled. “Come on Lexi we have the same class together it seems.” Your smile fell, you absolutely hated that nickname. “Don’t fucking call me that birdbrain.” Oh you were going to have fun with the bird nicknames from now on. Hawks grabbed your arm and dragged you along as he started to jog across the courtyard. “What was that? Sorry I didn’t hear you? You could tell me later we got to get to class.” He was laughing when you began to cuss him out the entire way to class but you couldn’t help the content smile that spread across your face as Hawks turned on the charm, explained to the teacher that you were both late because a swarm of birds decided to attack the new girl and he stepped in to save the day. 
     You let out an airy laugh as you recounted the memory. After that you, Hawks, and Rumi were inseparable. The duo quickly turned into a trio and you honestly couldn’t have been happier. Of course you immediately picked up on the crush he had on Rumi and with some coaxing from you he finally confessed. You were happy for the both of them and you never felt like a third wheel at all around them. Your life was as close to perfect as it could have been. Your smile fell when you thought of how it all fell apart. Four years after that all three of you were attending the same college together when a worldwide virus, that spread like wildfire, appeared and destroyed everything. In the span of a year it came and went and took seventy-five percent of the population with it and the other twenty-five percent that were immune left to pick up the pieces. Rumi was part of that seventy-five percent. Losing Rumi was the hardest thing you both ever faced, but at least you both had each other. If Hawks would have died and left you alone or vice versa neither of you would have made it as long as you both did. Nothing existed as before, no government, no law, no fucking humanity. Nothing existed to you two except each other. That was five years ago. 
     You had tears streaming down your face as it began to lightly rain. You looked to the empty space to your left. God how long had it been since you actually heard his real voice or laugh and not the one in your head? Why didn’t you listen when he told you not to wander off alone? If you hadn’t done that and stayed with him like you always had, those men wouldn’t have been able to sneak up on him. They wouldn’t have been able to overpower him and leave him within an inch of his life. They wouldn’t have left you to be the one to find him in a puddle of his own blood gasping for air. If you would have listened he wouldn’t have died in your arms using his last breath to tell you he loved you and it wasn’t your fault. All for what? You don’t even remember what you were so determined to find when you left his side that day and that was the worst part. 
     It didn’t take you long to figure out who did it. Especially when you saw a man, in one of the quarantine zones about two months after Keigo was killed, wearing the leather jacket you got him for his 21st birthday. The jacket was meant to be a gag gift. You had found the jacket at a second hand store and it looked pretty cool but of course, you being the teasing asshole you were, decided to paint a pair of red wings on the back as a little nod to the first day you met. He fucking loved it and wore it everywhere. It took everything in your soul to not rip out the man's throat in broad daylight. Yeah this was the apocalypse but most quarantine zones had begun to have some policing. So killing someone in the middle of the street would have landed you locked up somewhere or equally killed because clearly you were a threat. Besides, because you had waited you found out that the man wasn’t the only one who attacked Keigo, they were actually bragging about it. So it was then you decided you were going to wait til they left the checkpoint and follow them and get real justice for Keigo if it was the last thing you did. 
      You heard noise coming from the building below that knocked you out of your thoughts, you wiped your eyes, and you turned back around to look across the street. Two of the men had walked out, one taking a smoke break and the other walking around the building to probably take a piss. Perfect I can take him out first, then get the one outside. That would only leave me with two and I got two bullets. “Now that would work in a perfect universe kid but in a perfect universe you wouldn’t even be here.” You clenched your fist. Why did his voice always pop inside your head at the worst time. In the back of your more rational mind you understood the reality of it all. That it was all your mind going into survival mode to keep you from making another mistake that could kill you. “Will kill you.” he mumbled under his breath. “Please just let me make this right.” You whispered. You clenched your eyes shut and you convinced yourself you could feel him put his hand on your shoulder and it wasn’t just the wind. “It’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself Lexi.” He sounded far away as he repeated the same words he told you that day he faded in your arms. You turned around and no one was there, you tried to listen for him in your head but nothing happened. It was just you, the wind, the rain, and those men below. You took a deep breath and grabbed your bag of weapons and started to descend the ladder on the back of the building and do what you came here to do. 
     You knew wherever Hawks was he was willing you to stop, keep yourself safe and not risk so much for something you couldn’t change but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop. The guilt was too heavy on your soul and that it outweighed every other emotion and rational thought in your head. You were going to go down there, kill those men for your best friend and if you manage to survive then Hawks could eat his words of how stupid this was. You steeled your nerves as you approached your first target.
      These men killed the wrong person and they were about to find out exactly why. 
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supernaturaltfwmeme · 5 years
12 Days of Dean Winchester. - Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
December 17th
“No y/n, the kid was last seen around 20:40. 40 minutes after we burned the sword.”  
“Shit.” you and Dean said at the same time. “So, we’re we wrong about what to salt and burn, or we’re we wrong about what we we’re hunting?” you asked what both the boys we’re thinking.
“I don’t know, but this one happened in a different location.” Sam explained.
“I say we check it out.” Dean said climbing outta bed.
You all got changed into your F.B.I outfits and headed to the new crime scene. This time a kid had been taken from their bedroom.  
“It’s stepping up its game, no clothes left behind though this time, maybe it took the kid and haven’t eaten them yet.” Dean said examining the crime scene.  
“Maybe but I doubt it, I mean it definitely took her, but why would it wait longer than it has to, to eat her. It doesn’t make sense.” You replied, searching the little girl's room.
“There has to be something here to tell us what the hell is going on.” Sam added looking through the cupboards. Dean was looking through the closet and you looked under the bed when you spotted something familiar. You pulled out a teddy bear from underneath the bed, it had a logo on its foot. You showed it to the boys.  
“I’ve seen this twice before, once in the museum gift shop and once...”
“In the evidence box at the police station.” Dean cut you off. You examined the bear in your hand something just feeling off, you had an idea. You squeezed the bear.
“Hey Dean can I borrow your pocketknife?” you asked not taking your eyes off the toy. The boys gave you a weird look before Dean passed you his knife.  
“Thanks.” You opened it and stabbed into the bear tearing down it stomach before pocketing the knife and reaching inside the cut, feeling your hands clasp around something. You pull the mystery object out, as soon as you see it you know what it is. You all do.
“Shit.” was all Dean and Sam said staring at the hex bag in your hand.
“I hate witches, they’re always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere...” Dean complained.
“Yeah well this one’s killing kids; the question is why?” You wondered out loud
“Who the hell cares, let’s just gank the bitch so we can go home.”  
“We need to work out who it is. Obviously, they have some sort of connection to the museum.” Sam added. Your mind flashed back to yesterday when you were there.
“Guys I think I know who it might be.”  
“Who?” Dean asked you.
“That bitch who was working yesterday. She hated kids. Remember how she wouldn’t let Ollie into the museum without an adult, and when he stayed with us, she was mutter about kids ruining what they touch and stuff. It has to be her.” You explained.
“Then let’s go pay her a visit.” Sam said as he started to walk out of the room, you and Dean following after him.
After doing some digging around you managed to track down the woman who worked at the museum. Patricia Bennett, you found her address and that’s where you were headed now.  
You pulled up outside a big house with a huge garden, lots of strange plants growing in it.  
“This is definitely the place.” Dean said climbing out of the impala and going around to trunk and pulling out a box labelled ‘witches’ and taking out the bullets to load his gun, passing some to you and Sam.
“I’ll take the back, you two take the front.” Sam said as you approached the house, you nodding in response and he walks away. You pick the lock and slowly make your way inside trying not to make a noise Dean right behind you. You look around your gun raised, you notice the overly obnoxious Christmas decorations covering nearly every inch of the hallway and living room.  
You go to walk into the kitchen seeing Sam in there when you stop suddenly dean crashing into your back.
“Why’d you stop?” Dean asks you confused, Sam looking around to see why.
“I didn’t” you say a little panicked.
“What do you mean?” Sam asks confused  
“I... I Can’t move from this spot.” Dean tried to walk past you to see why when he realised, he was stuck too.  
“Shit, me either.” Dean said trying to move, realising he could move on the spot but that was it.
“I think it might have something to do with that.” Sam said gesturing above your heads. You and Dean looking up at the same time and noticing the green plant hanging above you. Mistletoe. You both looking back down and making eye contact.
“Guys I hate to say it but I think you are gonna have to kiss.” Sam said trying to hold back a smirk. “I’ll give you some privacy.” He added walking back outside. You had yet to break eye contact with Dean, you could feel your heart racing in your chest. You couldn’t think straight, you saw him glance down at you lips.
“So, I guess we gotta do this.” Dean said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to kiss you because lord knows he did. But not like this. Not when he wasn’t even sure if you wanted to.
“Yeah I guess so how do you wanna...” you trailed off not really sure what to do or say.
“Fuck it.” Dean Said placing one hand on your hip and the other cupping your cheek before pulling you roughly to him, crashing his lips on to yours. You were a little surprised at first, as Dean went to pull back thinking he’d gone too far; you bought your hands up to tangle in his hair keeping him pressed against you.  Dean moved his hand from your face, wrapping it around your waist before running his tongue along your bottom lip. You parted your lips for him, but before you could take it any further you heard someone clear their throat. You and Dean broke the kiss turning to the sound.
You saw Sam was back in the kitchen once again motioning to the mistletoe above the door way. You look up seeing it had turned black like it had died. You reluctantly pulled away from Dean realising you could finally move from where you were standing in the doorway. You didn’t dare make eye contact with Sam or Dean walking to the other side of the room, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. If you had you would have seen Dean staring at you and not even trying to hid it from Sam when he ran a hand across his bottom lip thinking about the kiss.  
Suddenly you heard a bang and turned just in time to see Sam and Deans guns hit the ground as they were pinned to the wall. You felt something hit your head and everything went black.
December 18th
You woke in a dark basement. You assumed you were still in the witches' house. Glancing at your watch you notice it’s a little after midnight. In the dark you noticed Sam and Dean still unconscious nearby. You try to get up realising you are cuffed to a pipe. Before you can do anything about it you hear footsteps upstairs. The door to the basement flings open and you close your eyes pretending to still be unconscious. You hear someone walk down the stairs and feel something brush your hand, hearing metal hitting metal. Somebody was being cuffed to the same pipe you were. You hear footsteps going back upstairs and the door shutting before opening your eyes. Glancing next to you notice a Kid next to you. the next victim. Straining your eyes in the dark you realise who it is.
“Ollie?” You gasped.
Part 6
tags @supraveng
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imagine-nation20 · 5 years
Summary: Life is tough, and you find out just how tough it is when you’re forced to leave Central City. They think it's because of the Iris, but it is so much more than that.
Requested By: @disneygirl2202
Request: Request for Barry Allen? You’re dating Barry Allen shortly after you left the League of Assassins. Well they start threatening you and such around the same time Iris realizes she’s in love with Barry. So you use that as a cover up for you leaving despite Barry’s protests. Well a few years later, him and Iris are still figuring things out but Cisco and Caitlin let it slip that you’re back and Barry runs off to find you. If possible can I get an fluffy/angsty ending? Sorry if too specific.
A/N: Um… I have not written for tv barry ever, and I haven't watched they show in a while, so this probably gonna be so inaccurate. Sorry. but no, actually it isn't too specific. This actual really helps for getting back into writing for barry.
You were having a really shitty day already. Not only had your boss yelled at you for a mistake that your coworker made, but you had received yet another note. This one came exactly like the rest. An old, worn envelope on your front doorstep, the same wax seal keeping it closed. You had only recently left the League of Assassins, with the help of Oliver of course, and he had sent you on your way to Central City. Yet they were still as persistent as ever.
That was also, of course, how you met your wonderful boyfriend Barry Allen. The adorable speedster had somehow wormed his way through the walls that years of League drilling had built up and nestled into your everyday life. You, in turn, thought you had taken the place of his significant other as well.
That is, until the topic of Iris came up. You weren't jealous of her, or intimidated. No, you knew Barry wouldn't cheat on you.
Leave you, however, was another story. You knew what he felt for Iris was more than what he felt for you. You knew his feelings for her were much more deep-rooted than his feelings for you. They had the time to burrow further into his heart after years of growing up together, and you were only a placeholder. A circle in the square-shaped hole he had made for her and her alone.
So, the letter in your hands was the final blow. The last fearful word that ended up being the straw that broke your tired camel's back. The only question now was, how far did you have to run, and how would you tell Barry.
The answer was, you wouldn't. Barry didn't need one more problem put in his shoulder, and you didn't want him to feel obligated to help you. No, you were an assassin trained under Ra's al Ghul himself. You would handle this. 
It was the whole reason you hadn't told him about the letters in the first place. 
And, if you were correct, he would soon be over it and crawling into Iris’ waiting arms. No one would miss you after a while, and things could be better for team flash. They would go back to how they were before you came to them.
This was the right choice. You were so sure.
So, to not make everyone worry, you packed your bags while Barry and the others were out, not taking much since you were on the run, and left a note.
Barry got home late. Iris had wanted to meet him at Jitters, and he humored her. She was confused, he was too, and this conversation went like all of them did.
She told him she was blind, and he told her she was too late. 
For years and years, Barry had waited for her, he had wanted to hear what she was telling him now. However, she was just a few months too late. It had taken him years to realize how much he loved Iris, but in a matter of weeks, he realized he had loved you more. Somehow, you had done the impossible and reshaped the hole in his heart for yourself. You weren’t trying to be Iris, you weren’t there to fill her space. No, you had healed it, made your own space. One that, if left unfilled, would leave his heart more broken than anything else ever could have.
He opened the door to their apartment, seeing the darkened living room. He was confused, since normally you waited up for him no matter what. He flicked the light switch, shaking the odd feeling off and looking around. Something was off, he could feel it. It wasn’t until he moved to their bedroom and noticed the open closet and drawers with your missing clothes that it finally clicked.
You were gone.
He panicked, rushing back out into the living room and spotting the note you had left. He had never moved so fast, reading through the letter with tears building in his eyes. His head shook with every line he read, realizing the mistake he had made.
He was so stupid, how could he not realize what was going on. If only he had been more observant and not so focused on Iris. He looked back to the table, seeing a conveniently placed receipt. 
Central City Metro.
He sped out of the apartment, not caring to lock the door behind him.
You stood silently, waiting for your train to arrive. You hoped it would be here soon, as you were sure Barry would be done with whatever he was doing right now. Your mind wandered to picturing him with Iris, not caring you were home alone, planning on leaving.
Your train arrived, cutting off the depressing thought. Getting your duffel bag over your shoulder, you clambered onto the car and remained standing, as all of the seats were taken. You could see straight out of the car, the way you came from.
The doors began to close, just as a flash of red and yellow zipped into the station. As the doors closed the last few inches, with wide eyes, you watched as Barry called out to you in tears. You didn't have time to reply or even react before the doors shut and the train took off.
--Two years later--
It was the same old routine. Barry would save Central City, be congratulated by his team. Turn down a drink or meal with Iris, and go home to an empty apartment. 
The pillows on your side of the bed no longer smelled of your shampoo, and they hadn't for a while. Your coffee cup had been pulled from the cabinet and packed into the small box of stuff you had left, which was tucked into the back of the closet. A picture of you and Barry was still resting on the nightstand, but as he stumbled into the room after a long day, only to see it and be reminded of the pain, Barry picked it up and chucked it across the room. It hit the wall and shattered, tumbling to the ground as Barry climbed into bed.
If he was honest with himself, he didn’t even know what he got out of bed for anymore. The city seemed safe for the time being, and any other reason he would have to get up had left on that train two years ago. He could still picture the look of shock on your face as he stared at you through the closing doors. It hurt him to think that you were shocked because you thought he didn’t care enough to run after you.
He saw the looks of pity from Caitlin and Cisco. They had both been devastated at your departure, but had also moved on recently, realizing that you weren’t coming back. Barry, sadly, had not. When you had first left, he had kept track of every train that came in or out from Star City. Sometimes he would wait at the station.
Cisco was the one that let it slip.
“She’s back, in Central City. Here on a mission from Oliver.” Cisco explained, catching Barry’s arm as the speedster tried to turn and leave. Caitlin piped up.
“Are you sure she wants to see you now? After everything?” Her voice was soft, and she bit her bottom lip.
“I have to tell her. It might not fix things, but she has to know.” Barry stressed. He took his arm out of Cisco’s grip, leaving his friends in the lab to share worried glances.
You were in the motel when you heard the knock. It was frantic, quick, like the person was nervous or in a hurry. Grabbing you sword next to the door, you unsheathed it, ready to attack whoever was on the other side. The chain slid from the lock with ease, and you yanked the door open, sword hidden behind the door. 
You faltered.
“Barry?” His name came out in a whisper, shock wrinkling your brow. He looked halfway dead. His eyes were heavy with lack of sleep, the dark purple bags visible even in the shade of the motel. He looked thin, thinner than you had ever seen him, his shirt hanging off his body.
“I know you don’t want to see me, and I know your upset, but please, just hear me out,” He pleaded. You straightened, a mask of indifference slipping over your face. You moved aside, letting him through the door and shutting it behind him.
“Make it quick, I don’t have all day,” Your voice was cold, and Barry watched as you sheathed the sword.
“I know you left because of everything going on with Iris, but you have to know, it wasn’t what you thought it was,”
“Wasnt? Is it now? Why are you even here, Barry?” You asked, placing the sword on the dresser. He sighed, rubbing is forehead.
“No, it isn’t. I…” He paused. “There hasn’t been anyone since.”
You paused, turning to look at him. He continued.
“I used to love Iris, I won’t lie to you, but that pretty much ended when you came to Central City. I never once, not even for a second, thought of leaving you,” There was another sigh. “(Y/N), I loved you. I still love you, and I’m sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t.” 
He stood up, not meeting your eyes.
“I’ll let you get back to your life now,” He said, moving towards the door. In a desperate attempt to not let him walk out of your life, you tugged on his shirt, pulling him back into a hug.
“It may have been partially about Iris, Barry, but I always trusted you. I didn’t want to put you in danger, so I omitted the other reason,” You admitted, tears welling. Barry pushed back slightly to look at you.
“What do you mean?” His question came out soft; understanding.
“I was receiving death threats from the League of Assassins. It was only a couple at first, but they began to be more frequent, and more violent,” A pause for breath. “I left to protect you Barry, all of you. I thought if I left, you would be happier. You would go to Iris, and you wouldn’t have to face the League. I thought I was doing the right thing. I’m so sorry, Barry.”
He pulled you into a hug, so tight you almost couldn’t breathe. Tears dripped from his face to your head, wetting your hair.
“I don’t think it is possible for me to be mad at you. Upset and worried, yes, but not mad,” He took a shaky breath. “Can we go home now?”
You nodded, moving to grab your stuff.
“Only if you help me take out these guys Oliver sent me to get,” You said, a smile stretching onto your face.
“I’d be stupid to turn down an offer like that.” He took your hand, leading you from the room.
You were back home.
This request has been in my inbox for forever, and I’m finally posting it. I hope it was good, since haven’t seen the show in years. Probably will end up taking it off my list, actually, but idk.
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