#is this adulting?
i haven’t been posting fics lately so no new ao3 comments however in response to a Very Long email i sent my boss yesterday she replied that it was “very well written” so i guess thats where i get my creative validation now
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wistsandmagic · 8 months
Is being an adult getting excited over a new tub mat that matches your and your roommate's aesthetic and future plans for your washroom?
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cantsaythetword · 9 months
Need some tkls to take my mind off this shit
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fuscorooni · 2 years
Listen. I don’t want to work today. I just want to write a dumbass story about Oliver Queen cursing in the Hall of Justice and giving Barry Allen a heart attack.
Let me be.
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paintedcrows · 22 days
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They do this every year...
Happy 25th to Dipdop and Lebam!! and Happy 17th to Hatsune Miku!! 🎉🎉
(comic continued: The M&M stands for...)
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skullchicken · 3 months
If you have achieved something, please remember to observe a mandatory period of basking in the warm glow of your achievement like a lizard on a stone, lest you teach your brain that effort is futile, actually, because it didn't get to enjoy its happy chemicals, so, naturally, nothing good ever comes of trying. (And no, avoiding punishment is not a reward!)
I recommend, like, 5% of basking time in relation to whatever time you invested into achieving the thing minimum. And if you can't make your own bask, friend-brought is fine (= tell your friends!).
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yujateaandpi · 1 month
y’all just— thinking about how excited Stanley must have been to host the twins— Alex says he smokes cigars but he doesn’t smoke once in the show— has a beer gut but he only drinks sodas in front of the kids— doesn’t swear when they’re around which must have taken INCREDIBLE effort— Stanley Pines, known crook, buying pancake mix at the supermarket and many bottles of syrup— learning to cook basic healthy meals and burning so many of them before he gets it right— buying new sheets, new mattresses— avoiding bunk beds because it reminds him of Ford— looking at the attic room he made wondering “is this enough will they like me”— trying to act aloof at the bus stop so he doesn’t betray the fact that he was there hours early— watching them goof around and thinking of New Jersey beaches— then the first night they’re there, he watches them debate running away and only stay because Mabel shook a magic 8 ball. That must have kept him awake all night.
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septemberkisses · 9 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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omgbeautifulboobs3 · 8 days
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bodhimcbodeface · 10 months
I really think they need to start teaching kids in schools that most blind people can see a little bit, most deaf people can hear a little bit, and most wheelchair users can walk a little bit. And they are still disabled.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying "I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store." The camera turns to show the viewers the grocery store in which almost every single older middle-aged man has a bowlcut and long robes. Camera turns back to show the teen's face which is expressionless and yet communicates all it needs to.
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