#is this amount of thirst justifiable
Noi :)
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Despite the fact that Noi is someone who, previously, had a lot of energy for stuff, getting his magic drained kinda drained his energy too. For a few hours, he's good, but he's tired for the rest of the day. He's able to join in when everyone goes on their little adventures, but he knocks out as soon as he's somewhere comfortable.
He enjoys bright colours and lights, but he mostly hangs around in comfortable clothes. He can't be bothered to waste energy on menial things, like pulling on jeans, or trying to figure out how to button up a shirt. He can wear some of Ava's stuff, since she usually gets her pyjamas a few sizes up.
His horns and tail are metallic looking, and i would lie and go 'oh there's different kinds of daemos' (which there are) to justify it but nah i just got bored and shaded them that way lmao. Gonna keep it bc it's funky.
Even though he's the weakest of the Daemos, he's still quite intimidating to normal human dudes.
He enjoys things that are typically 'unhealthy'. He lounges about, eating junk food, drinking fizzy drinks, etc. He also, in his limited awake time, enjoys himself some videogames.
He's the best out of the bunch at videogames, and so he got some weird amount of respect for that. He obliterated them all at COD and since, well, it is warfare of sorts, they had to admit defeat. The others even tried to make a 'if you didnt get a scar it wasnt a battle' excuse but he did end up getting a scar from asch rage quitting and throwing one of the controllers at his head. so, well, battle.
That said, He played three seconds against Ava and got absolutely destroyed. Ava promised not to tell the others.
In Asch!Harem context, he first got a little bit of a crush on Asch when Asch first took him in as a knight. It was a pity knighting, but he appreciated it none-the-less. It's kind of a childish crush, but he's still very fond of Asch. He's happy just being Asch's friend, though he, uh... hasn't quite gotten there yet.
Slightly offended that the Empress Dowager (Lady Grandma) treats him like he's adorable when she thirsts over the others, but he does like how nice she is to him. She can be a little harsh, but she's the *Empress Dowager*, he can accept it.
Mrs Oats was the first person who ever obviously perved on him, and he honestly didn't know how to feel about it.
He has a fascination with Koi fish. "Their names are like mine!!!"
His ears are kinda fucked up. they're less elfy and more just.... weird.
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cocogum · 4 months
Find the odd one out.
Nox: “I was a hardworking man and made unique multiple gadgets to sell them to provide for my family. But I became obsessed with an alien artifact and forgot my responsibilities which resulted in me learning that my wife and children left only to be submerged by Ogrest’s tears. I’ve been living for 200 years now to steal as much wakfu as I can. It didn’t matter if I had to kill and steal. I just knew that when I’ll be able to have the exact amount of wakfu needed, I’ll be able to turn back time and erase all my mistakes to be with my family again.”
Qilby: “I am an ancient demigod who keeps getting reborn because I am a child of the Eliatrope goddess and the Great Dragon. Unlike my siblings, however, I remember every single parts of my lives which has led me to become insane by the repetitiveness of it all. My siblings never understood me which only made my mind spiral down even quicker. I purposely destroyed my original planet and was about to do the same to a new one but ended up getting my arm chewed off and got thrown into a timeless prison.”
Ogrest: “I am the only one of my kind. I had been created willingly despite the children's tales that people share saying otherwise. I’ve fallen in love with a demigoddess and did everything to make her happy and fall in love with me. Unfortunately, my life has been controlled by many people who thought they could use my power for their benefit. This has led me to lose my mind like how I lost the one I loved. I ended up flooding the world, killing a lot of innocent populations. My life has been used and controlled and turned me into a calamity, my existence turning into an urban legend to tell to children.”
Oropo: “My life is a lie. I am nothing but an incomplete fragment of my father, my own god that I loath. I have used my time in this world hating on my creator and assembling people who hate their divine parent just as much as I do. I manipulated, killed, sacrificed, and betrayed to wipe the gods for good and replace them with better ones. I ended up dying from my weapon with the one who’d been by my side for all those centuries instead. I reunited with my creator and became complete with him as I finally rest.”
Toross: “I used to be an adventurer, one of the best, to the point where I eventually found all six primordial dofus and reunited them. I even became king and had been considered the greatest hero of my world. But I always wanted more power and more control, and my thirst destroyed my planet because of this flaw of mine. The power I used out of the six primordial dofus completely wiped the whole world’s wakfu which left it in an empty sterile state. All my subjects have been turned into Necromes, living dead beings that have nothing but an insatiable hunger for wakfu. My planet has been left in the dust and ignored by the gods. I now roam on my dead world in search of something new.”
Aurora: “I was born in the royal osamodas family but did not learn how to properly rule a kingdom. I was promised to a prince and was meant to be by his side. I do nothing but obey my father and sit next to my husband. I do not learn about the kingdom’s customs, the very same kingdom that I’ve been told to stay in for the rest of my life, and I do not help in any way shape or form the people. I have my father do things for me whenever I need to justify myself and I have tried forcing my sister-in-law to marry one of my relatives. I fled from a war that could have wiped out the nation I was supposed to lead and I came back like nothing happened. I tried to kick out my sister-in-law, the only member of the royal family, from her kingdom when I could have just told her to give me the queen title. My pregnancy is the only thing keeping me relevant. I hold high regard for animals and insult servants. I quickly become enraged at the idea of seeing an alien race be welcomed by the very same people I ran away from.”
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alicedopey · 2 months
Kissable Lips
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Fandom: The Gray Man Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x reader (female) Genre: Romance, AU Warning: None (except Lloyd himself) Words: 940
A/N: @thezombieprostitute I am blaming you for this.
You were going to kill him…or maybe just choke him. Why did you accept to be partnered on this long undercover mission with Lloyd Hansen in Austria? Especially when you were supposed to play a couple during their honeymoon. 
Susan had warned you. He was a nightmare to work with. Truth be told, you already knew that. 
Having been an active member of the CIA for ten years now, you were aware Lloyd was not easy to deal with but his enormous thirst for blood and his high efficiency made up for his awful crassness and his lewd staring. 
Because that is the only thing he was allowed with you, staring. You had made perfectly clear since the beginning that you hated mixing business with pleasure and that you were not interested in him in the least. He had tried and tried in vain. You had succeeded where Susan and more than half of the other female members had failed. The only problem was that Lloyd was considering you as one of his buddies now. It did not bother you when you were surrounded by other agents but right now, you were the only one listening to his crude stories about the latest woman – or in that case, women – he had fucked. And he was loud. So very loud. 
You could almost feel the glares of the other couples savoring a gastronomic dinner at the four-star restaurant of the hotel you were currently staying in and trying to share a romantic dinner, including the target you were supposed to keep an eye on.  
You had been here for a week and he could not have been more distant. You shared the same bed but he was always showing you his back and he spent an awful amount of time at the bar. When you were in public, he had not even tried to hold your hand or kissed your cheek. He had justified himself with a “some people don’t like PDA, even newlyweds”. You had agreed through gritted teeth even though the urge to slap him had been strong. He even flirted with other women on top of that. You were not the kind to get annoyed easily but it was not the best thing for your ego to see him act this was. Not to mention the fact that for the first time since you’ve known him, you clearly thought Lloyd was going to screw the entire mission.
You tried to listen as he shared another awful precise memory of his wild night then gave you a wicked smile. This brought attention to his lips and this damn moustache that you disliked so much – even though it had woken something else within you during those last few days. No, it was not true. If you wanted to be honest with yourself, this weird fascination had been invading your brain for a few weeks, even months. Clearly, your recent breakup and the lack of sex in your life were not helping. But you knew there was something else behind this obsession and you also knew it was not that recent. 
“What do you think?”
You blinked a few times and realized you had completely zoned out, missing his latest comments.
“About…about what?”
“If I should fuck them again or not? Don’t want to get bored, you know….”
Your lips fell on his before you could even consider not doing it. It was just a tiny peck but it was a kiss nonetheless, long enough to feel his moustache tickle your upper lip.
Lloyd seemed taken aback for a second but composed himself rather quickly and smirked at you. “What was that, sunshine?”
“I…I don’t know.” Frankly, you did not but the sudden urge to kiss him was back and you smashed your lips against his again. 
You pulled on his shirt to bring him closer and you felt his hand on your waist. Your tongue tickled his lips and he opened his mouth to let you ravish his. You groaned and put a hand on his head to bring him even closer. He groaned back appreciatively and the hand on your waist tightened before following a path up your upper body until it reached your breast and squeezed. 
The clearing of a throat startled you and you promptly disentangled yourself from him. Your eyes met the ones of the speechless and blushing young waiter who had just set your first dish on the table. You could also feel the glares of the other patrons on you even though this time, they were half-amused, half-shocked by what they had just witnessed. 
You shortly smiled at the poor young boy who just quickly gave you a tiny nod and left. You eyed your plate then a slightly disheveled but still smirking Lloyd and knew what you were hungrier for.
“What if…what if we went back to our room?”
“Hell, yes!” Your fake husband exclaimed and took you by the hand. He almost ran to the elevators and slammed the button to call it. He smiled down at you. “It was about damn time, if you ask me.”
The ding announcing the arrival of the elevator rang and you both stepped inside. Lloyd slammed the “number 6” button and pulled you against him. “Can’t wait to find out what goodies you are hiding underneath those clothes.” He groped your ass “Hmm…full, I like that. What about…?”
You set a finger on his mouth.
“Lloyd, I will do whatever you want but just…shup up, please.”
He smiled and licked your finger. “Make me.”
The door slid closed and you pounced on these infuriatingly kissable lips.
Tagging: @naaladareia (feel free to tell me if you want to be added or removed)
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
Defend your Blorbo entry
Okay, I have questions about Dracula from Castlevania. I know he's attractive if you like them tall, dark and handsome. I know the Catholic Church deserved it, but what about everyone else? What about Alucard? Did he deserve it? Are we going to justify genocide? Because The Catholic Church was horrible, and he was a good husband. I'm just curious because the amount of thirst I see for Dracula makes me concerned. He may have been a good husband, but he was a terrible father. The Catholic Church may have had it coming, but what about the innocent villagers? People are justifying genocide because he was a good husband, and everyone hates priests. So, can someone explain why this is okay?
Defend Your Blurbo #9
Please remember this post is about curiosity and genuine fandom discourse. Be kind with your answers because this is not a debate essay, this is a discussion between fans.
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For those who haven't watched Netflix Castlevania, you definitely should. It was an excellent show, this is Dracula
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And to partially answer the anon's question, He is ungodly hot in every scene, and Tumblr has a habit of excusing just about anything when dealing with a hot villain
So Castlevania fans, Defend your Blorbo. This should be a fun one since this is our first major villain
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thealogie · 11 months
One thing I always think about is how spending a decade getting gassed up on tumblr made Neil decide that his beloved classic characters were gay After All but I feel like no amount of tumblr exposure and clout could have ever made moffat or gatiss do that . Which I sort of respect them for like those two were so confident in their own bullshit 😭😭
exactly but the thing is they wouldn’t even have the patience to be on tumblr for 10+ years. Moffat would get in two fights over sexism in dr who and deactivate immediately. Gatiss would survive longer but ultimately he too would be fed up I think. And yeah anything they saw in that brief window of being on here would just make them go like “oh yeah we’re not doing fan service we have Vision.” Only Neil has the right thirst for woke points, genuine amusement at tumblr humor, and patience to deal with people’s well-justified crit AND stupidity to bring about this result.
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zestingbloodorange · 11 months
I understand people immediately saying "if this was an animal people would care" out of frustration, and I know most people are not ready for this conversation and I know most people don't even want to hear this because they don't care.and i know a lot of people think this is insane to say. but if you want to talk about empathy and compassion you have to understand this, and you need look deeper.
The reality is the majority of people don't care about animals if people cared about the living they wouldn't have reached this level of cruelty. animals are tortured for things as stupid as useless as makeup and to just look at them in a zoo and for films...etc basically just for human entertainment and financial gain.If people cared about animals we wouldn't have reached this point of global warming and this amount of animals going extinct.
Animals get tortured and killed by every age group for no reason and they die out of starvation and out of thirst and avoidable and curable illnesses. we take everything from them and abandon them in so many ways literally and metaphorically.
Animals get punished for existing with us.
And everytime someone does something for animals they get told they should've done that for humans instead,everytime someone speaks up for animals they get told there's more important things to care for whilst they themselves are doing nothing for those important things or helping other humans but the thing is people that actually do things for animals also actually do things for other humans.
Most cruel people start their cruelty with animals because animals can't tell on them and then they get hungry for more and start getting cocky and this has been proven by so many studies and cases.
A lot of people have no sympathy for animals because they genuinely think an animal's life doesn't matter and only exists for them so they can do whatever they want to them and if they have a little bit of shame they would use an excuse to justify what they do/did.
Maybe ask yourself if a person doesn't have sympathy for a living being that's basically lost in this world how do you expect them to have it for other humans ?.
And a great example for people with empthy and compassion is what you're seeing right now. people in gaza are taking their time to also help animals not just themselves and each other,they actually care and feel for the living.they respect life.
And in this time a very critical time I keep seeing some people saying why are people in gaza sharing their resources with animals they should focus on themselves and making jokes under posts of Palestinians giving a dog water for example saying "why are you feeding Netanyahu" it may seem stupid but it should make you think.
If you twist my words in any way to make this post malicious even in your head that's on you.
(Note : English is not my first language and there's a lot of better explanations to this available online)
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artist-issues · 18 days
i don't know man. I was feeling a rare flare up of empathy for Jezebel I guess. Because she was human too. A sinner like both of us. A sinner in power, unlike both of us. Does any human deserve to be torn apart by dogs? Solomon and David did similar things, and sure they did repent so maybe you could say it doesn't count, but would they have deserved an equal punishment? Take a man's wife, take his life (probably premeditated) if David hadn't repented, doubled down, at the critical juncture, would he have deserved that type of justice? Solomon doubled down, on the worship of idols spreading through his kingdom, but he repented a bit too late. As far as we know Jezebel was not an old woman when she died, perhaps mid fifties at the latest. Solomon lived longer.
And there are too many kings that allowed the worship of idolatry, did they get punished in the same manner? I know Athaliah was removed from the temple to be executed, but the boy king was even weaker than her, once his mentor the priest passed on.
i know there's lots of kings who got their own... comeuppance, in literature terms, over the issue of false worship, and some just as horrible. Jezebel's ending is not as unique in the greatest of schemes.
Like I said, it was just a flare up of empathy. I understand why she deserved it. I also think it was a violent and undignified death. And I also know she did the same to others.
But monarchs changing the state religion also murdered the religious in the way of their goals, so shes not unique. And Ahab was okaying a lot of her decisions anyway.
but the idea of who am I to question God who gave the prophecy to Elijah? Who are you? I think it's important to question. Not like an idiot atheist who wants to play word games to show how worldly and arrogant they are. But asking questions takes me to interesting answers. Even if it's just a new angle to the situation. I don't ask questions for the ultimate why. Because we are on earth at the moment. And I don't think on heaven the answers get less complicated. Just to see a bit more of the Truth. Which is comprised of many things.
This stone walling, in your initial answer, fine go ahead. I'm grateful for the verse, I didn't have a chance today to hunt it down myself. But I find it tasteless, this stone walling, who am I to question. If you don't care to engage with certain things, go ahead. I should also do the same, but I'm not there yet.
I question because I want to and I can. I think that if I was Jezebel I would have been in a shit ton of pain unable to think anything but beg for it all to stop.
I think that if God said my brother was going to rot from the inside like Herod I would think, fine, he deserves it. My brother caused me pain, I wanted to kill him myself once, I think he should have suffered, fine it's fair. But at the same time if I had to watch, if I had to know that my brother who I hated was in agony, I would have wanted a dignified death, a painless one for him, out of my weak and shallow capacity of love for all living things.
I agree that Jezebel should have died. I even appreciate that all that was left was a skull and hands. The amount of people she had put to death, the lives she ruined, she deserved less than a funeral. The hunger and thirst for righteousness is satisfied, because evil has been cut down at last.
But I am supposed to love my neighbor. And I think all my neighbors, deserve a swift death and a proper 6x5 grave. Or a pile of ashes.
Not to say I will do these things. I too am overcome by rage and hatred and also very capable of justifying to myself why an evil person should be thrown to the pigs.
....this is why I don't engage in empathy that often.
Okay, you gotta be really careful here, man. God did not give her a 6 x 5 grave, and you're saying that's what "all your neighbors" deserve. So was God wrong, not to give her "what she deserved?"
I mean, I can see where you're coming from with the whole empathy thing. Of course it's hard to wrap our minds around, being human, and seeing what God did to a similar human. Of course there's room for understandable mental wrestling, when, like you said, He seems to kill some horrible rulers in shocking ways, but gives grace to others. Of course.
But you didn't ask me a nuanced question. You asked a question about "deserving." And the bottom line is, God alone gets to decide who deserves what.
There's a difference between asking questions to better understand Truth, because there's something you don't know yet— and asking questions despite the fact that the Truth is already plain. The truth with what Jezebel specifically "deserved" is already plain: God gets to decide what people deserve, and God decided very clearly what she deserved, so she deserved it.
There comes a point where questioning something obvious isn't intellectual or empathetic. Because you're having to bypass the simple truth to even ask it. You can't be analyzing-from-a-different-angle something you're bypassing. You have to bypass the Truth "God decides who deserves what" to ask the question "did Jezebel really deserve to die like that?"
It's just "vain reasoning." Romans 1:21. You know the answer, but you're not focusing on it, which is tiptoeing right up to the line of "knowing it but refusing to believe it." That is a dangerous place to be, and an arrogant place to be, and I can say that to you because it is a place I've been and still wander to, except for the grace of God.
I'm not saying that's where you're always at. I'm saying, that mindset is what your question sounded like. So while you call it "stonewalling," what I'm trying to do is simply answer with what's true. There really is nowhere else to go with your question, if truth is what you're after.
Please don't mistake my tone. I know it doesn't always come through online. I'm being firm, but I'm not being accusatory. You asked a question that indicates the above mindset. Maybe you didn't mean it like that, or I misunderstood. But I'm responding because I genuinely believe, and I think you genuinely believe, that what God says is all that matters at the end of the day, and we both need that reminder.
So when it comes to that, thank you for the question.
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What I think of you based off your favorite creepypasta
Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion !
Jeff the Killer
Anger issues much? And is that hot topic merch? Definitely an emo, but your music taste is amazing! You don’t back down from anything and you defend your friends a lot. Your also very opinionated, nothing wrong with that I guess. You definitely had a major crush on him and read those fanfics about him coming to your room and taking you to live in the slender mansion. Are you ok, mentally? I believe you like spicy food (every JTF fan I’ve met likes spicy food, so it’s now a stereotype). Also, your loud.
BEN Drowned
Fun fact : you cant cut everyone off and then expect to be mentally ok. You play video games not only because you like them, but you use them as an escape from reality. You probably hate it here on earth most of the time, but believe that there’s some good and something worth staying here. You had a weird childhood (FNAF, creepypasta, etc.) and might have been bullied for it, but now your cool and still like all that stuff. Your music taste is also great, but stop running from your problems. Honestly, I feel like if your a BEN fan, then you’ve been a fan of him for a long time now.
Eyeless Jack
Similar to BEN, you can’t just cut everyone off. Also books are not a substitute for people, go outside. Your definitely some kind of “special” student (like you know those gifted classes? At my school we called them special classes but they were the gifted classes it think. Anyways you were in those) and your burnt out. You probably want to go into medicine, or something really complex like that. Also, you thirst over this man so much, it’s a little concerning. Take a break from everything, just chill. Your music taste is ok, but you’ve got great taste in men. You might be a mom or therapist friend.
Ticci Toby
ADHD? Autism? Your somewhere on scale. How are those sensory issues? You seem like the kind of person who was “special” or “gifted” and you sat alone at recess picking at grass. Your competitive and enjoy the party when it’s people you know, but if it’s people you don’t know your not cool at all. Your awkward, but it’s ok! You probably had some kind of emo phase and at one point you kin him (that’s saying you don’t right now). Your music taste is cool. Also stop feeding the raccoons on your back porch and trying to justify it, I know your trying to build an army and it won’t work.
Tim / Masky
Two words : Daddy Issues. Like bro, take a chill pill. Your anger is violent, you probably have a hole in your wall where you punched it, but your working on it. You possibly smoke, or think smoking is hot. Your definitely a Marble Hornets (SlenderVerse in general) fan and have been for awhile. Your also really into the trope where the proxies have the personalities of the Heathers and your Veronica. You also really like true crime, like to a scary amount. Your music taste is cool, could be better I guess. Also, stop trying to hide from your problems, it’s better to face them.
Brian / Hoodie :
Your quite, but really cool. Similar to Tim, a big Marble Hornets / SlenderVerse fan. You like photography and urban exploring, as well as ghosting hunting. I feel like you had a Sam and Colby and/or Buzzfeed Unsolved phase at some point. Another true crime fan, but you enjoy fictional stuff like slashers more than real stuff. Speaking of, stop trying to hide from reality. It’s better to face it, but your smart and I’m sure you can figure it out. You find yourself in holes a lot, but you manage to get yourself out of them. Great music taste, your the dad friend, and overall super cool.
Jane the Killer
Your either thirst over her or kin her or both. You have great taste in just about everything, music, fashion, anything. Your probably some kind of goth, but if not goth then metal head. You had an Evanescence phase and don’t even try to tell me you didn’t because I know you did. A lot of people fall for you, and you have so many people on a leash, but you sometimes find yourself using them for your gain. I think this is something you don’t mean to do, and when you do it you feel terrible. Your an over-thinker, but don’t worry, your cool and look great.
Nina the Killer
Was invader zim your favorite childhood show? Or was it the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy? Either way your emo and scene, and your very proud to be one! Your proud to be who you are, and that’s amazing! Sometimes you get insecure, but I promise you looked great. Honestly, you strike me as the kind of person who either looks emo and listens to emo music, or the kind of person to look cute and soft but like to like grindcore and black metal. You hide from your own problems but jump head first into small issues. Take some time to yourself and just settle down. Don’t let anyone fuck with you or your style either, I love you and nobody should diss on the scene Queen.
Horray! Post! Sorry it’s longer than my normal content, I felt like writing more. Can you tell who my favorites are?
Request are currently Open !!!
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tina-armani · 5 months
A bit about me and what I'm doing here if anyone's interested 😉😊
I'm not a seasoned fan. I cannot say that I've followed his life and career since the Shield. Or even Justified. Yes, I'm a Justie. But it was only the beginning of July of 2023 when I first had that fateful thought "hmmm... there is something about this guy Boyd". He rushed into my life like a hurricane, with his larger-than-life personality, his 6D face, his radiant smile and contagious laughter, but at the same time with his calm and kind demeanor, comforting me with his velvet voice, touching me with his beautiful soul, offering wisdom and insight in every single interview, holding my bleeding heart gently in his big hands. Walton Goggins became more than a celebrity crush. He became a part of my DNA, penetrating every minute of every day, in all dimensions, on all the levels of my conciousness.
Tina Armani is not really my name. It's one of Walton's characters (originally Tino), who said something that became one of my favorite quotes of his, because it reflects in my own life: "Even the most hopeless of cases can change if what they are changing for has more power than the fear that is preventing this change".
And so, just like this, he changed my life, made me want to get out of my comfort zone, live more fully, express myself more freely. He awakened emotions in me that for different reasons I thought I was no longer even capable of. I would die for him and I would kill for him. The amount of love I feel for this man scares and inspires me at the same time and it is not fading, it's becoming stronger every day.
But I am only a woman, after all;)) I wonder what regular people think when they first see him, because I lost this capacity. I look at his face and every fucking line on his forehead makes me wanna weep with desire. I am on my knees begging for mercy, but I am enjoying this sweet torture, in a weirdly masochistic way, fully realizing that I can never be with him, but still desperately wanting him and wishing that it doesn't ever end.
So this account here is mainly for expressing these feelings, the ones I would never dare showing anywhere else, on his Instagram or anywhere where he can actually see it. Mostly out of respect for his personal life, but also I would never wanna make him feel uncomfortable... If he ever sees my posts here, well, he came to my space, enter at your own risk, so to speak ;)) Here I can thirst for him, kiss his beautiful mouth and make virtual love to him all I want. I am not embarrased because I know most of you feel the same way. So welcome to my Walton's Vault. It is definitely safe to love him here, in every possible way, even if the whole world goes to hell. ❤️
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 4 months
I am so glad anon brought that up cause boy howdy...I was apart of the ghost fandom a few years back and eventually left it. The people in this fandom are some of the most hateful people who love to play off as if they're accepting, loving, open minded people, but the moment you dare have an opinion they don't, they resort to bitching and sending death threats. It is common enough I feel safe generalizing the entire fandom, which is why I left it. Music is great, fandom sucks.
Also the amount of incest defending and mental gymnastics they go through to justify shipping family members together is insane. Not to mention they get pissed when you say that their Papa III x Ghoul ship is taken out of context, the things Papa III, a het man as..heavily proven since his only personality trait is fucking women...said about the ghoul? He was speaking as if we was the women in the crowd to make fun of them since they thirsted after him so much. But obviously the brain dead fandom takes this as proof of them being in love and harasses anyone who disagrees. Despite the fact this guy doesn't like the ghoul at all and their entire ship is taken out of context.
Either way, the music is absolutely amazing but the fandom is going crazy on Twitter and tumblr and I'm enjoying watching it burn 🍿
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I’m not reading any of that, get better music taste and log off twitter. And stop sending me terminally online brain rot discourse about fandoms I have zero interest in learning about. Unless one of the members is actually into Incest or pedophilia I could not care less what is going on in that fandom. This is like sending me updates about drama in the MLP fandom you could not pay me enough to care.
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blackcat419 · 1 year
Rha!yra stans : we hate rapi*ts !!!
Their queen allied with one married one and she approved of sending two ra*posts after her own sister and her niece nephews she litreally is a ra*pist her self Dalton greyjoy is the one I mean with allied
The amount of displeasure I have with Aegon’s character is immense. Why wasn’t a absentee dad that spent his time drinking and whoring but when the going got tough came back to defend his family to the death not enough? Why do we need an even worse version of Mushroom’s account of Aegon???
They made show Daemon a lot less creepy (still creepy and should be in jail) than his book counterpart. In the books, that brothel scene happened when Rhaenyra was 13/14!!! And the line about him wanting maidens 🤮
I don’t have high hopes for Dalton’s character either. In the books he’s the Red Kraken cause he kills so many people and by the age of 19 he had 22 salt wives, better known as women forcibly taken from their homes to be raped and serve as servants. He was killed by a girl only known as Tess while he slept and she disappeared to the sea like an avenging mermaid! (Mermaid Tess headcannon?) and the iron islands were wreck by Tyland Lannister’s widow Joahanna Lannister who wrecked their shit! This is the true story of women fighting back against their oppressors in the dance. Tess is one of the bravest characters in the story and deserves to be represented as a woman getting justice on her abuser instead of a jealous girl killing her lover. I really hope they don’t make Dalton a Casanova archetype and really focus on the horror raiding does to people.
Blood and Cheese are the absolute worst. Killing a kid, forcing a mother to choose between her children, and forcing a grandmother to eat this horror is some of the worst things anyone can do to people. This is on Daemon and they better not turn it into Mysaria doing the whole thing or Jaeheary’s death being an accident.
But my hopes aren’t high. Even if the show shows these subhuman monsters as what they truly are, some fans will thirst for these cretans. I can only hope it’s a small and ostracized minority who know they are terrible characters instead of justifying their actions, but again, my hopes are low.
Also I stand by Criston Cole being raped by Rhaenyra. I was a Resident Advisor in College and we taught that any sexual activity without enthusiastic consent is rape. Criston was not enthusiastic and he never verbally consented.
I hope the show can actually engage with the themes it’s bringing up but the show runners seem willfully blind to their own story.
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no0285 · 2 months
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cw : // mention of familial death, mention of murdering, sensitive descriptions, blood mention
if it was one thing that inoske kenji stood on before his death was that it was easier to make ends meet the less…desirable way than it was to find a well paying job. he hadn’t wanted to be a blue collar man playing with hextools, he wanted a moderate life with a quiet luxury for him and his family. and working for the golden tears, made that an easy to do feat. even if his childhood sweetheart would rather not look over her shoulders, or find the best recipe to remove bloodied stains out of her families linen, she was grateful for the life they’d created for their daughter and the son they had on the way. 
but one thing insoke kenji hadn’t held much thought on, was the consequences blood shed would be on his family. there was an absent-minded, cockiness, to his exploits that seemed to be the reason for his downfall, and ultimate demise. had no one told him the countless tales of those who take lives will befall a death justified only for murder? ones actions always produce consequences, and setsuki supposed her life as she knew it, was the ultimate consequence, cursed to continue the cycle, and find the selfish joy of doing so. call it avenging, and honoring all you want.
the same fierceness to honor and avenge is what led to her father being lost, her mother too, gone at the hands of someone who needed to do the same things  she felt deep in her ever darkening soul. had it not been for their father’s best friend and the family’s long time neighbor maximus, she and her brother too would have fallen victim to the horrors that come with the insidious need to honor the fallen. slaughtered, dismembered and their home pillaged, just as her father had done to many others for the sake of his golden loyalty and circumstance. leaving the children clinging to life. dropping in on the family wasn’t out of the ordinary, even more so as an honorary affiliate of the golden tears himself. the only ones he could save were the children, and he did his very best to do so.
maximus had done many backdoor surgical procedures for the golden tears and others alike, merging his ingenious knowledge of cybernetic upgrades and things of that nature.grafting a new vessel for the soul that will share the same onyx hue. he did the best, and thankfully the damage done wasn’t enough to stump him on either child, adding them to the list of bodies he altered in order to save their lives; 0285 and 0286 now his own children to raise.
finding her way to the golden tears wasn’t hard. maximus’ adjacency to it made it easy for her, and starting off as a simple errand runner and informant, she played it safe there for a while, learning the ropes of the organization, as much as they would allow even as kenji’s princess. but there was a thirst for more power, and a way to show her father that she found it respectable what he did to make sure they got by. she needed to get by too, and what better way than to dip into the bloodshed that he began. but it wasn’t an easy endeavor, she climbed her way through being a runt of the group until she could show them what she was capable of, and when she did, there was no doubt where she’d fit. 
it wasn’t lost on setsuki how she looked, and it was easy to use it to her advantage. beauty was never fleeting and when turned heads the way she didn’t mind that it’d slowly fade away. though she was used to eyes on her, it became something that made her stomach queasy. when she could use it for her gain, she could overcome the disgust for insidious gawking. her wanting to gain that control back led her to nexos, in between the times the golden tears needed her, she could use the stares to gain a hefty amount of cash, without needing to do much more than dance or let some rich cyborg yap her ear off. her prices are high, but the value is much more, and that’s the only way she can feel good about all eyes being on her.
these days she spends a lot of time dancing there, splitting that with working for the golden tears and making sure her brother doesn’t follow in her footsteps even if she deems them morally correct. 
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you can find her pinterest here
Quote: "I'm a glutton for punishment."
Label or Archetype: the hedonist
Tropes : (List one-three trope related to your muse.)
Media Parallels: georgina sparks (gossip girl), cheryl bloom (riverdale), catwoman (batman), black widow (marvel), maddy perez (euphoria), yumeko jabami (kakeguri), power (chainsaw man)
Theme Song: armageddon- aespa / typa girl - blackpink
strength - 7 dexterity - 7 constitution - 5 intelligence - 3 wisdom - 4 charisma - 6
Positive Traits: adroit, alluring, charismatic, altruistic, captivating, dauntless, dexterous, incisive, meticulous, resilient,
Neutral Traits: masochistic, deceptive, cute, determined, dreamy, effeminate, mystical, self-conscious
Negative Traits: hedonistic, sensual, stubborn, pretentious, brazen, callous, decadent, egocentric, haughty, perfectionist, self-deprecating, sadistic, sly, volatile, vindictive
Peeves: people being late on her time, being patronized, being ignored, a lack of praise for her achievements
Fears: she says she’s not scared of anything
Skills: dancing, witchcraft, short range weapon combat, poison concoction, intel gathering, spying, crowd blending, medical information, biological information, baking, sewing, beauty
Goals: to live up to her father's reputation.
Faceclaim: minatozaki sana (sana of twice)
Height: 167cm
Eye Colour: dark brown
Hair Colour: naturally black, currently sandy brown.
Clothing Style: suki's idea of fashion is something flattering and eye catching. if she can capture the room in it, that's what she's going to wear. this means a lot of one piece and form fitting clothing, corset like tops and see-through fabrics. she likes knitting/weaving/pinning pieces together to show skin and often alters the clothing she buys to fit her aesthetic. she often wears the colors red and orangey brown colors along with blacks and blues. a visual representation as well as outfit ideas can be found here: atiren
Jewellery: tends to wear a lot of whimsical and cult like jewelry. likes dangling chains and jewelry that accentuates the parts of her body its on.
Tattoos: japanese characters behind her ear to hide limb activation system, her families surname in traditional characters down her spine, little red hearts in random places
Marks/Scars: panel seems that make up her arms and legs that are programed to work as her limbs. a small circular scar behind her ear thats an activation mechanism, scars at her main joints where they link and various scars from her attempted murder.
Modifications: artificial/robotic limbs and nervous system attached to her brain to match
Scent/Fragrance: think of the smell of arabic perfumes and oils, mixed in with the most light and fragrant vanilla scent. that's satsuki inoske. something you can't quite place, and surely couldn't find if you weren't of the affluent variety. she likes for her scent to linger in the minds of men and others. wanting to be a silhouetted in an elevator or staircase just where she last was, making you search through the crowd for the woman that could possible match such a magically alluring, and sexy scent.
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rosehippiefield · 3 months
For the ask game I am curious about 20, 23 and 24 (yttd and undertale)
20. your very first fandom!
My first fandom was Fairytail and gosh I have so many memories about it. While I have my reservations about fanservice and story plot holes, the power of friendship actually (mostly) made sense and the found family that is the guild is very sweet. I was mesmerized by all the magic types and many likable characters. I even used to tell fanfics to my friend who got me into it (yes, "tell" because I had no idea what fanfic was, so I just imagined random stories. I never thought them out or finished them but it was incredibly fun).
However, I didn't really see the fandom until later, when third season came out. It was light-hearted, memey and fixated on power scales and ships. I didn't exactly join it because I never interacted with anyone (given some hot takes of mine maybe it's a good thing) but there was plenty of material to read and analyse. And I was obsessed so I count it as my fandom
Also my second most powerful hyperfixation, Freed Justine. It was awkward waiting for this guy to appear at least somewhere while majority of fandom was into ships and main characters. But then I saw that someone wrote fanfics about him, there were plenty of fanarts. My thirst for information was more or less satisfied. He became so inspiring that I ended up creating oc based on him (partly because I didn't like his canon character development but hey I shouldn't be negative here)
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
There are many like Dungeon Meshi, Omori, Parties are for losers and School bus graveyard
Dungeon Meshi seems comforting for some reason, maybe due to Senshi (that's his name, right?) and how he promotes healthy eating habits. And memes about characters being different kind of autistic. If I join this fandom know it was power of autism all along
I know some events from Omori but not the whole story. I heard it's depressing so I don't want to be sad, I have real life and yttd already. But at the same time I'm intrigued by its fighting system and well, sometimes I'm attracted to tragedy
Parties are for losers is something I have googled and read about but ultimately I didn't watch anything. So maybe once I'll finally give it a try
And I have read a bit of school bus graveyard but I decided that one hyperfixation is enough. Even though it is an interesting webtoon.
Just wait, my dear mutuals, I'll join these fandoms someday. Probably
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life? (Yttd)
Right now I adore our fandom! It is so cozy and funny and I'm glad to be part of it! Honestly, before I began posting I was afraid of hate or that my takes were wrong etc, but people were far more accepting. I argued only once about my opinions and even then it was a civilised discussion. Some tumblrinas followed me, I followed back and I got to know those people better. So even if my life is hard I know that there are people here that care. It's heartwarming to know
If I'm talking about yttd as a game it's going to be too long but in a nutshell it really makes me think. What is good, what is bad, what is justified? What makes us human, what is weakness and what is strength? It is not black and white, yttd shows how different perspectives define our understanding of these concepts. And one of many conclusions I've come to is that we should believe in ourselves and try to stay true to our beliefs as much as possible
Also, English language practice. English is nowhere near my mother tongue so I make ungodly amount of mistakes. But with practice I am improving little by little. And I'm grateful that there's absolutely no semblance of hate due to grammatically incorrect sentences and the like
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life? (Undertale)
I didn't actively participate in it but it was so creative! So many AUs, so many ideas. I loved listening to musicals (which also helped me understand English orally). I am still inspired to do something like this. I dream of creating musicals for my favorite games (I've tried to write lyrics for battle of wits from Exit/corners but I have no idea if the result is fine). And some of my ocs come from Undertale's souls because I loved the concept of souls and their abilities
This comforting game also made me think about forgiveness and the whole complexity of monsterkind's situation. I really sympathise with overwhelming majority of them. Is violence an option? Is it the last resort? Such lessons are impactful even if you're the one choosing the answer
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idrisofficial · 3 months
if this were a fandom, where would the discourse be
discourse would be EVERYWHERE.
i think the biggest flares would be around brinne and rowen because that’s where the political meat is and also where the decisions become the most morally gray. the people love their ship discourse too, and i think brinndrian would quench their thirst more than enough.
brinne is a very mentally ill young adult given an extraordinary amount of power immediately following a lifechanging traumatic event. she is a terrible ruler and cannot bring herself to care about the people she oppresses. but she also has no support system or anyone to help her be better; if anything, everyone around her only encourages her worst tendencies. especially considering how she’d be working against centuries of propaganda and cultural bias, hope for her improving idris as she once wanted to are virtually futile in these conditions. essentially: she doesn’t stand a chance.
of course, fandoms generally cannot handle nuance like that. there’d probably be two camps, one that excuses brinne’s actions as a result of her mental illness and trauma, and one that entirely vilifies her and her decisions. brinne is a product of her parents and idrisian society, as well as of the trauma artemis gave her. her actions are absolutely explainable, but far from excusable. reading people’s takes on brinne would probably kill me.
i think something similar would emerge with rowen. people would either fully agree with her tunnel vision philosophy or lose all faith in her because some of her actions are morally reprehensible. rowen is acting in the name of an extremely benevolent group. but like- she mutilated a teenage girl who she thought was already dead just to make a symbol of it and relish in her victory. she works as an assassin because it brings the rebellion greater resources than other jobs. she manipulates vulnerable children into joining her rebellion. that’s really awful shit!!! and again, i don’t think fandom could handle it. rowen is the hero of this story. but she is also a terrible person.
brinndrian would also be super controversial because of the Everything, but mostly the power dynamics. by virtue of being the monarch, brinne has a lot of political and social power over adrian. this majorly impacts their relationship and adrian’s feelings of needing to please brinne throughout their adolescence. eventually it also contributes to the dynamics of their sexual relationship. however, by virtue of being the high priest, adrian has religious power over brinne. this doesn’t really affect anything during their adolescence, but once he is actually named the high priest and brinne tries to become more devout, it absolutely is impactful, especially considering that this is a time where adrian desperately craves contact with her. they have some fucked up chapel sex about it. so again, fandom wouldn’t take that too well.
other more minor discourse points include: vanta and octavius’s weird subtextual gay thing going on because vanta is 15 and octavius is 18. brinne and kori’s arranged marriage because kori is 17 and brinne is 22. the grace/natal/lennox incestuous love triangle. the power dynamics of rograce. whether lennox is justified in his usurpation. if all the nobles deserve to die or not. author’s political views.
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pharahsgf · 2 years
Getting cozy, snuggling up, ready to read all your takes on JC once again because it absolutely sheared my eyebrows off when I came to tumblr after finishing the series and saw people not just defending him but doing so in a way that villainized other characters to an absurd almost reality-bending way. I like JC's chatacter because of what he represents and how his character develops into an antagonist despite him clinging to his own justifications and excuses that become more and more transparent as every lie is unraveled. This next statement may be loaded but I genuinely think if JC wasn't pretty, people would not defend him as much. My theory is that people want to justify thirsting after him so badly that in order to do so they need to rewrite the entire story to paint him favorably. Or, more accurately, they need to defend his decisions to the death because that is the only kind of person who JC could arguably ever be with. Which is hilarious since the reason why he will die a virgin in canon is because he is so difficult to be around that nobody wants to be with him. In CANON, there is nobody who fully agrees with and sides with JC who isn't ALSO a villain or manipulating him. Even Yanli didn't fully agree with him, seeing how she refused to cut wwx off the same way he did. These people need to realize that if they were to ever meet JC in real life, they wouldn't like him nearly as much as they claim, and if they didn't, then they are narratively placed next to the other villains in the story. Own up to your own villain nature. Stop babyifing JC. Fuck him as he is, a bitter and petty indiviual who lashes out at others due to his own unwillingness to self-reflect. Why must people change him in order to like him? At a certain point it's like, that's not even JC anymore, of COURSE you like this version you painted him out to be because it's not REAL! The REAL JC sucks! Stop quivering in your boots about being attracted to an asshole and at least embrace your terrible taste!!!! I don't know.
SCREAMS i don't know about the self shipping argument but you're right that none of these people would look twice at jiang cheng if he was ugly.. like su she's ten times the pathetic meow meow jiang cheng is but he looks like shit so no one cares. i refuse to believe jc apologism is 100% thirst based though bc he literally is not hot enough to justify the amount of effort ppl put into pretending he's a good person
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Plethora's Pleasant-mas Advent Calendar: Day 24- Secret Santa Fic
Words: 1162
This is my Secret Santa fic for @ranxiaolong from the Thirsting for Thirteen Server. (I am so sorry this honestly feels so OOC and almost like a crack fic lol, but I hope you enjoy at least a part of it!)
Warning: tense relationship between Master and Reader, Sleezy Man and being forced to interact with him, Death by TCE, threats
You rolled your eyes at the Master as he fiddled with his suit for the millionth time this night while you both waited for the perfect time to make your entrance. Waited. Outside. In the cold. 
“Stop being so overdramatic,” the Master reprimanded you.
Now taking to finger combing through his own hair. It already looked fine.
“Well, Master,” you sweetly began. “You’re not the one stuck in a fancy but thin dress for your little game of dress up and fail to dominate the universe.”
Your tone was backed with steel by the end of your retort. His scowl doing nothing to stop you from continuing.
“And if you don’t like my thoughts, stop listening to them.”
“I should leave you out in the cold and go enjoy that party by myself. No appreciation for a dress perfect for the occasion that cost more than your planet is worth.”
“You call the Earth worthless all the time,” you dryly replied.
“Even coal the size of a planet is worth more than you’ve ever made in your life.”
You hoped that he couldn't see your small smile in the building’s reflection that he was using to fix his outfit. While it seemed hostile you knew that your shared banter was filled with hardly hidden fondness. Still sometimes you worried he still had no sense of what was survivable for humans, no matter how fond of you he was he never seemed to bother to learn.
“It’s cold, Master,” you reminded him after waiting another minute for him to decide it was finally time to go inside.
“Oh alright, impatient aren’t you. Just can’t wait for me to act like a lovesick fool.”
With a flourish the Master offered his arm to you. For his plan to work he insisted that you needed to be his date, to be clearly seen as an item. Otherwise there was no hope for his clever plan. He had teased you that with your clear and justified infatuation with him that you would have no problems pulling off a lovesick puppy following him around. You had shot back that you were a great actor and he was an idiot to fall for your act this whole time. The attempts to tell him he was wrong were only met with laughter. So the two of you had not practiced at all how to appear as a couple. 
You had tried to ask what he would be doing differently to sell the act on his part, but he hadn’t bothered to respond. 
The ballroom you entered was glamorous but honestly not the focus of your attention. No, the diamond and gold that adorned every surface were secondary to your relief that you could once again feel your fingers and toes. Gliding across the floor with the Master you were led to greet multiple couples, glasses of some sort of champagne thrust into your hands by waiters adorned with gold leaf. The bubbles tingling against your tongue, small horderves taking the edge off of your hunger. You had been promised ramen after the Master stole whatever he was looking to steal. It would be a far better pretend date than this one was. The glamor and stuff atmosphere doing little to help your growing boredom. At least the small amount of food was good, if miniscule. 
You turned back into the Master’s conversation with the man across from you right in time to be outraged.
“Any chance I can steal your date, she’s a pretty thing. I promise to take good care of her,” the sleeze was talking as if you were a commodity and not a person. 
“Sure, why not,” the Master responded.
Oh you were going to kill him. You were not an object to be traded around, you did not care what his plan involved. It was not going to involve this. Before you could slap him, the Master released you and backed away. Practically sprinting away as if he knew that you were going to murder him. He was a dead Time Lord once you got your hands on him. You would make sure to force him through multiple bodies before you would forgive him. 
“Shall we dance,” your closer victim asked. There was no doubt in your mind that you would find a way to kill this man too for the audacity to treat you this way.
Possessively the man dared to grip onto you. It would be one of his last mistakes. Ignoring your impulse to break his hands you allowed him to lead you to the dance floor. It wouldn’t do to get thrown in jail tonight by being hastey. You would come up with a plan to eviscerate this man in v your own time. Song after song you spun around in amateur circles.
“Would you like to go somewhere, more private,” the man’s breath smelled horrid as he leaned in to yell his question at you as if it was a secret. 
“I don’t want to be here with you surrounded by people, why the hell would I go to a secondary location with you,” you dryly responded.
“She’s joking. Of course she would love to go with you,” the Master interjected. 
You shot him a dirty look for only choosing now to interfere. And he wasn’t even interfering to your benefit. The man dragged you down several hallways flashing some sort of security badge at numerous doorways to get through the halls. Stopping in a room that had made him enter a password along with his card that held some sort of odd jewelry. Your eye drawn to it, over and over. Something was important about them, but that could wait. Right now you needed to be insulted by the fact that the man had started to take off the restricting  jacket that had his badge. Surging towards you with open arms. Gross.
Hands wrapped around your waist pulling you back as with a flick the Master shrunk the man down into a doll.
“Sorry if you were attached, love. But we can’t have that man kissing you, not in front of your date. A complete faux pas, mortifying really. I wouldn’t be caught dead committing one like that.”
If you had the time you would wipe that smug smile off of his face.
“I get that you needed him to get us into the room, what I don’t get is why that involved loaning me out like a favored toy,” you deadpanned back to him humorlessly.
“He’s known for being fond of a pretty face,” the Master responded as he shoved the jewelry into his deep pockets, picking up the security badge from the floor.
“Aw, you think I’m pretty, Master?”
He gave you a look of confusion, “ that’s what you’re focusing on?”
“Slapping you wouldn't be productive so I’m choosing to think about something else. Now let's go, you owe me a lot of ramen dates for this.”
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