#is this just a minish cap reference?
quibbs126 · 2 years
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I remember seeing these things (the little hole in the wall) during my first playthrough, and I was CONVINCED that at some point in the game, we would have a section, or more likely obtain the ability, to go small and go through these doors
But no, there is never any explanation to what these things are or why they’re there, they just are
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kiruamon · 2 months
Crossover - Minish AU
You are the strangest mouse Moon has ever seen. My brain after watching one episode of Zelda The Minish Cap on Youtube - and gosh do I still love this game even after all these years - was like: "What if the DCA would find a tiny Y/N? Maybe a Burrower from the movie The Burrowers or Arrietty. Or just straight up a Minish from the game itself." And with that a Minish it was.
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Y/N who had settled down inside the Pizza Plex was still fairly new to the area when he was found one month after his arrival by Moon who at first glance had thought he had seen a mouse scurrying around. Since that would have been quiet troublesome, because of the health code regulations inside the daycare he catched the little thing. Just to find out that you were not a mouse at all. Luckily for you Moon and Sun where both pretty nice once you talked with them about your situation and that you would stay hidden during the opening hours.
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Sun really adores you. You are pretty much the cutest little thing he has ever seen and he will constantly call you his Little Friend. He will also carry you around and lift you up to places that you can't reach by yourself. It's a lot of fun for you to freely explore the daycare with them after closing time.
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Moon playfully teases you sometimes. Calling you Little Thief when you take some lost items or other things with you. Nothing big. A pretty button, a few scraps of the colorful paper that where lying around or the stub of a pencil that was already too short to use for the children. Even while he teases you he won't stop you from taking those things.
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With time passing by you might even become friends with some of the Mini Music Men that run around the vents and follow you around sometimes.
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Also I thought about the fact that there are different kinds of Minish in the game and manga soooo... take your pick. You can be a forest Minish, a mountain Minish or one of the town Minish. (I myself am just a really big fan of the forest Minish. But they are all really cute.)
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It's also a lot of fun to imagine how it would be for Y/N to explore the Pizza Plex as such a tiny being. Mostly going on with their own buisness just to make themself at home there while becoming closer with the Sun and Moon. The AU could be fully just cute and silly comforting vibes or even go in the direction where you witness the events from the game unfolding over time. How would a small Minish like you be able to help your friends to get ride from the glitch? Could you sneak around to find out what's going on? But how much can you do when you are so small? It could be fairly dangerous for you. Well I think I have rambled enough for now. Hope you enjoyed the ideas and sketches for this crossover au.
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linkedin-offficial · 8 months
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love these idiots ( @raggedabstraction )
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froggtogs · 2 years
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minish cap doodles since i spent all day playing it
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cervideity · 1 year
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theyre so cute. now go on, kill god!!
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canonicallyginger · 1 year
i was rereading the Phantom Hourglass manga and honestly as much as i dislike the whole "actually Linebeck was honorable all along" interpretation it has, i respect that it cuts out like half the game's content in favor of giving Jolene an actual role in the story instead of just being the lady who Linebeck fucked over. She literally helps save the world and that's really nice to see. She was cool. Also the fact that Tetra was allowed to have her actual personality from Wind Waker carry over instead of barely having any presence except to be damseled. She was still damseled but like. she also got to have personality.
I also reread the Minish Cap manga, which is perfect and flawless.
Also i reread the Four Swords manga, which is really cool and good. I love the way Shadow Link is explored as just some guy who wants friends but has no reference for kindness and STILL TRIES SO HARD BECAUSE HE CARES. And also the fact that the maidens actually get to help the characters! also the fact that they perfectly replicated how completely dysfunctional a team the game actively encourages the players to be within the actual plot of the manga!!! it's so neat!
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h4wari · 9 months
Another one before the end of the year!!
This, as you can see, is Four in his Minish Cap era!! I had a lot of fun playing with his design!!
I wanted to add as many Minish references I thought was necessary, and im very happy with it, mostly his cape/poncho thing hihihihihihi!!
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They all got so many items on them how tf do they cary it all? 💀
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And ofc, to spice and show his personality a bit, a few doodles of him based on the poses of the game!!
...What you mean he doesnt point a gun at you in the game? Ofc he does you just missed it!!!
My baby is a pure menace and I love him!! I hope you guys will like him too!!
Also, I added on him his age but forgot to add Sky's age. I made him be 24 just in case anyone is wondering!!!!
Okay then, buh byeee kiss kiss kiss mwaaa!!
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spirit-tracks · 1 year
Okay SO. Theory Rush after finishing Tears of the Kingdom. Go.
The Zonai are said to have descended from the heavens to help found Hyrule. I can think of another race that descended from the heavens. Do you guys think the minish are native to the Zonai sky islands?
Does the Depths set look a little familiar to you? This along with Josha's theory that people once lived down there, I wonder if the interlopers were present in the Depths before being banished to the twilight realm.
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The architecture and robot designs from Skyward Sword have a distinct Zonai look to them! So that leads me to believe the Zonai were the race that created the Lanayru Mining Facility.
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It might even be that the Past from Skyward Sword is indeed the time period that Zelda was transported back to! Maybe the legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule goes back even further than the fight between Hylia and Demise: though I admit the early appearance of Demon King Ganondorf throws a wrench in this theory.
About secret stones and the amber relics in Skyward Sword: I want to say there's a connection between them, though amber relics don't seem to be as rare and important as secret stones, (we find them in abundance in Skyward Sword and they don't do much). Of course, i haven't played SS in a while so if they have any more significance it's escaping me at the moment. For the time being I'd like to think ancient hylians might have carried them around as good luck charms to emulate secret stones of their own.
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The Legend of the Great Sky Island mini quest in has the construct telling us that the island was supposed to be where a hero will one day awaken to defeat the Demon King. I know our Link wakes up on this island, but there's definitely something eating at my brain about the Great Sky Island being related to (or perhaps even IS) Skyloft, and that the awakening of the hero is referring to Skyward Sword Link. (This potentially supports the theory that the Past in TOTK predates the war between Hylia and Demise)
There's a pretty good chance that Rauru and Sonia's child could have been named Zelda, after the sweet time traveling girl they practically adopted :) the first princess of Hyrule named after the last princess of Hyrule.
There is a giant dragon skeleton in the Gerudo Desert Depths, big as or even bigger than Farosh, Dinraal and Naydra. It is my belief that this mystery dragon became a dragon ala Secret Stone alongside the three aboveland, but was killed at some point in the Depths. I don't know what four people decided to become dragons, but my strongest theory is that Dinraal, Farosh and Naydra are the draconified forms of the oracles of the Golden Goddesses, Din, Farore and Nayru. So who is this?
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Seeing as the Lightroots underground are activated via Zonai hand terminal and each Lightroot lies directly beneath a shrine on the surface, I think the Lightroots are extensions of these shrines, having grown straight downward to light up the underground. This is probably obvious but I just barely figured this out 😅
Since Rauru, sage of light, and a new Temple of Time are in this game, I want to think that this person and location are more than just Easter Eggs to Ocarina of Time. I think that the sage from Ocarina of Time was named after King Rauru, though I'm not sure whether him being the sage of light would have been a coincidence or a direct inspiration.
What I do think is that he indeed did put the triforce in that very same Temple of Time and all the sky islands went to the Sacred Realm until Tears of the Kingdom, when they came back to earth and appeared in the sky. That's just a theory but why else would the sky islands be reappearing as if from nowhere?
Speaking of which, there were floating masses in the sky in Minish Cap, namely great big stone temples and fortresses. Minish Cap takes place during the early days of Hyrule, which would be pretty much right after the Zonai descended. Perhaps the Zonai are the Wind Tribe mentioned, and the people we see in game are their descendants, who look much more hylian than Zonai due to being crossed with full hylian genetics over the generations?
Anyway I need to retouch up on my Zelda lore to make sure I'm getting the details right, (that, and i haven't yet 100% the game so i may be missing some totk context), but I HAD to post my thoughts and get them out there! I'll add on later if I think of any more, in the meantime feel free to brainstorm!
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the0maski · 4 months
Late for the Update people Update!: Moving Forward part 2
Old wolfie revealed!!! Give Wild credits he doing his best to explain! I would love to see old wolfie and Twilight meet, and I am scared that once there will travel to Wild’s time, that old wolfie has already left…
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Those are really good questions, but Wild doesn’t know the end of Twilight’s life just that he was the inspiration for the divine beasts and a spirit!
On the other side Twilight does know what the future outcome of his mentor will be, setting Twilight and Wild experiences with spirit guide animals in a similar position, but also so different.
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From what I understand from this panel, Wild knew the wolf from before he died, right? He didn’t want to meet him after coming back to live, so soon. Meaning old wolfie had already tried to help Wild before the calamity started.
I’m unsure about the grave part. Is Wild talking about his grave, the shrine of resurrection, or about Twilight’s grave thinking the wolf was an unrest full soul?
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Shout out to Sky for 1: keep doing his task of finding the portal.
2: believing in Fi’s treasure-seeking ability.
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(Skyward Sword reference, that one useless ability: Dowsing)
Love how all of them clown at Wild, best part there can because their have transformed at some point in the games!
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(Four: can turn Minish size with a Minish portal. (Minish Cap) Split into Four versions of himself with the Four Swords. (Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures)
Hyrule: Fairy thanks to a spell. (The Legend of Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link)
Legend: Bunny form when he enters the Dark World. (In LU lore twilight magic can cause the same effect) (A Link to the Past)
Octorok with a Ring (Oracle of Ages and Season)
Moblin with a Ring (Oracle of Ages and Season)
Like Like with a Ring (Oracle of Age and Season)
Subrosian with a Ring (Oracle of Ages and Season)
Mermaid with a suit (Oracle of Ages)
Wall painting with a bracelet (A Link between Worlds)
Extra: In Oracle of Ages, when in the Ancient Tomb if Link gets hit by a blue Stalfo he turns into a Baby)
Love Time in this panels so much. He wasn’t even listening to the conversation, just heard his alias and said nope.
He really was the youngest of his kokiri siblings, spacing out and living in his own head. I die for young sibling Time as a headcanon.
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Young man, you have no right to make this face! You impersonated a dead Goron hero! And having transformation items himself Wild had rather asked another person…
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(Sadly the Mask of Truth doesn’t work with Epona in Majora’s Mask…would had make this more funny…)
More at part 3
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fourswords · 2 months
a reason i really love the minish cap figurines despite their ridiculous difficulty to obtain is because of how they add even more characterization to every single little thing within the game. hell, vaati's figurines tell an entire story of their own:
Minish Vaati: Before he became a sorcerer, he was a simple Minish. He had always been entranced by the evil that lives in the hearts of men…
Sorcerer Vaati: When the young Minish donned Ezlo's magic cap, he took this evil form. Now, he searches for the light force in his quest to become all-powerful.
Vaati Reborn: The sorcerer Vaati took this form after draining the power of the light force from Princess Zelda. The evil beams from his eyes are devastating.
Vaati Transfigured: Once Vaati's body has been shattered, this dark form rises up, all that remains of the evil sorcerer. Only the sacred Four Sword can defeat him.
Vaati's Wrath: This is the embodiment of purest evil, the final form of the power-mad Vaati. Its mind is consumed with a hunger for destruction. Find its weakness.
like. the pronoun switch from "he" to "it" in this context is genuinely kind of chilling. i think a lot about vaati and ezlo and i really do wonder what ezlo must've thought when faced with what vaati became. because on one hand, he absolutely and thoroughly denounces him throughout the game for his misdeeds. on the other hand, the fact that ezlo says that "vaati was only a boy" when he first took him on as an apprentice and also repeatedly begs vaati to just wait a damn second during their encounters in the game (the "why won't you wait?!" in the flashback is definitely something that makes me have a head-in-my-hands moment) is really kind of. telling. to me. because ezlo declares vaati to be evil SO annoyingly often that when you look at it from the context of their shared backstory, it almost starts to sound like ezlo is just constantly trying to convince himself that vaati is past the point of no return. especially when he has lines like "You haven't changed in the slightest." (like he was hoping for some sort of change) and "How...could he?!" (when realizing that vaati turned everyone to stone near the end of the game—even after everything, there's still disbelief within him) and "Hyrule Castle has grown dark... Perhaps this repulsive scene... is just a reflection of the evil lurking in the heart of my former student. ... ... Ah, what have I created? But don't worry about me, Link!" (which is clearly a "how could i have been so blind" internal ordeal happening. it's actually been happening throughout the entire game). and even though the figurine refers to vaati's final form as "it", ezlo still calls him "he" even after the battle is done and he's seen the absolute nightmare that vaati became. it's interesting to me.
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skyward-floored · 3 days
Of course I'd love to hear more about Courage of Ages! How do the Links meet? Which Links meet and what're they like in your story?
Aaah yes of course!! I’ll start with the how they all get stuck together:
This was all thought up before totk was anything more than singular teaser trailer so it likely doesn’t fit in with all of that, but it all starts with the Yiga. After the events of botw they’re believed to be mostly just a group of stragglers, and not much of a threat in anyone’s eyes. But they’re actually just underground, united by a new leader who wants revenge.
Link killed both their old leader and the calamity, and the Yiga want to take him out more than anything. But this new leader is smarter than Master Kohga was, and even more ambitious, and after finding some old records, has the brilliant idea that instead of taking out just this Link, they’ll take out every Link all across history.
It’ll be revenge for the countless times the hero defeated the one they worship and serve, his continued defense of the princess and protection of the land. All the Yiga need is a way to do this, and after a long and extensive search, the clan finally locates the Harp of Ages.
Which, combined with the spell they use to track Link, are going to use to forcibly bring all the heroes of courage throughout history to their time, then wipe them out all in one blow in honor and revenge for their old master and the Calamity. (Maybe even a sacrifice of that magnitude could bring him back!!)
...Problem is, the yiga kinda suck at figuring out how the harp works, and making it and their spell work together.
So instead of just bringing in all the Links in one go, the heroes are being yanked around to different times, pulled to each other like magnets, trying to figure out what’s going on and also Not Die. There are a few smaller Link groups that get formed before they all wind up together (...and then get snapped apart again), and those are the main dynamics that get formed. But they switch around a fair amount.
As for which Links? ...Pretty much all of the game ones haha. I have 13, or 14 I think? I wanted to play with a big group, and add in some Links that aren’t always in this kind of au.
Here’s a list of them all and some stuff about them :)
Cloud is skyward sword Link, he’s generally pretty chill and nice, but is really really annoyed he got dragged on this quest. He was in the middle of his honeymoon for Hylia’s sake. Has some white streaks in his hair from Demise’s lightning, the others say it’s because he’s old and refuse to drop it even after hearing the correct explanation.
Mini is minish cap Link, he’s the youngest out of everyone here. Gives off big innocent vibes, but he’s as fierce as anyone else in the group. Really nice and sweet, it’s surprising to everyone how good of a fighter he is. Doesn’t care too much about being seen as a kid, so long as it doesn’t cause any problems...
Kaleidoscope (Kal) is four swords Link, he’s one of the quietest of the group. He suffers some weird effects from using the four sword on his adventure, where his brain gets confused and thinks it’s running around in multiple bodies again. It usually doesn’t cause any issues. Usually. Also really good at sewing, which comes in handy quite a lot.
Sprite is ocarina of time/majora’s mask Link, and he is not happy to be here. He’s in the 12-13 range and it’s rather obvious. He thought he was done with time travel ever since that dumb war (hw) he got sucked into, and he doesn’t want to be here. At all. Especially since it seems like (at first) the one Link he wants to see again isn’t even here.
Gloam is twilight princess Link, he was the first Link to be sucked into this. Affectionately refers to anyone younger than him as puppy (which is most of the group), and sometimes has trouble not being in constant big-brother mode. Has a strange sadness about him sometimes. Worries a fair amount. Can also turn into a wolf, and while doesn’t stress about keeping it secret, he also doesn’t come out and just tell everyone. This gets confusing.
Light is four sword adventures Link, he’s a slight mix of the game and manga. He’s got a quick tongue and is seen as one of the more annoying of the group, but he’s determined to stop this threat, and one of the few actually good at working on a team. Also suffers some strange effects from the four sword, though his are more emotion-based than Kal’s. Sometimes his shadow looks weird.
Windy is windwaker/phantom hourglass Link, and he’s kind of just rolling with all of this. He already got plunked into an alternate world one time, this is kinda like that. Makes fast friends with pretty much all the others, especially Light (they’re besties lol), and can usually keep his big-brothering to a manageable level. Really good at navigation.
Spirit (Dove) is spirit tracks Link, and he’s... kind of freaked out by all of this. Yeah he can fight pretty well, but trains are really more of his thing and it’s kind of overwhelming getting yanked around through time like this especially since that one guy is the Hero of Winds what— Can also see ghosts, which is... interesting.
Hibiscus (Hib) is a Link to the past/oracle of seasons/ages/Link’s Awakening Link, and is the most experienced person here. He’s the unofficial medic, has a pretty good guess as to how they’re all being pulled through time, is very sensitive to magical changes, keeps a level head, and... kind of never got over Koholint. Looking at him you’d never guess, though. He’s made some incremental progress in that regard, but it’s also pretty hard for him to be around Cloud, who talks about his Zelda a lot. He also gets time-travel sick. Lucky him.
Hue is a link between worlds/tri force heroes Link, and has an outfit for every occasion. Seriously. He’s learning how to be a blacksmith, but he wants to go into enchanted jewelry and other stuff like that someday. Magical items fascinate him, and though he sometimes focuses more on outward appearances then he should, he’s a nice guy. Even if the green hair streaks are a bit weird.
Brownie is the original legend of Zelda/the adventure of Link Link, and he’s just. Really stressed. He went from being hunted by one cult to another, and being in such a large noisy group puts him seriously on-edge. The most skilled with magic out of their group. He tends to keep to himself, but he gravitates towards the other more quiet Links, like Kaleidoscope.
Era is hyrule warriors Link, and due to all of his time shenanigans, he doesn’t join until a bit after everyone else. The oldest of the group, and visibly stressed by the fact that there’s only a handful of adults and he’s one of them. Was really close with Sprite in the war, it was terrible for both of them when it ended. Is also in a bit of a tricky political situation when he gets pulled away, one he really didn’t want to leave in the middle of.
First is the link from the manga in the back of the Hyrule historia (with some tweaks). He is a ghost. He doesn’t know how or why he’s here. Only Spirit and Gloam even know he’s here, they’re the only two who can see him (...that they know of, and Gloam can only do it as a wolf). He can’t physically interact with barely anything, and watching all of this go down is extremely stressful. He wishes he could help.
And Slate is breath of the wild Link, and he’s convinced that this is all his fault. He’s the entire reason the Yiga are screwing with time and dragging all these heroes here (...heroes who didn’t fail...) and he’s desperate to stop them. Aside from the guilt dragging him down, he’s one of the more upbeat Links. He’s the unofficial cook, is often humming something to himself, and is the best archer by a long shot.
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redspottedsheep · 1 year
So with the new update came one of my now favourite Four panels, so I figured I'd make a wallpaper for anyone who may want it!
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More under the cut
Feel free to use this! All I ask is that you
•Dont remove my watermark
•Dont repost or claim to have made it (Reblogging is great tho!)
The Four sword is from the title screen of Minish Cap, I simply pixelated it to give it the pixel art effect since I couldn't find one without the text but with the pixels
Note: I Iove how this is the version of the 4sword he uses in the comic, it's just so cool looking!
The background is stained glass found in the Minish cap's opening sequence that's been blurred, obscured and mauled
Of course the colour fade all around is a reference to well, the colours. I also put them as they are on Four's very iconic tunic because it's very neat
I may repost this with different versions or changes I make in the future, but if you have any ideas on other characters you may want, things to change about this one, just lmk!
As always, a few last things
Four's amazing panel and character were made by the one and only JoJo so credit to her!
Tumblr ruins the quality, so don't forget to click for HD
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR Rambles 13 reasons why Dark is the best character
I need to make a follow up to that "Blue's 13th reason comic" lmfao.
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Dark is just a master at obliterating people I love him.
Vaati still has a lingering piece of Zelda's soul from Minish Cap...Makes his seemingly infinite life make more sense. Also why he survived a blast from our current Zelda.
And again: Dark isn't saying this from a place of "This is what Dark Link thinks of Vaati"
He's just saying what Vaati FEELS about himself already. X'D
Vaati is insecure as HELL.
What Dark ACTUALLY feels: He finds Vaati sporadically interesting but overwelmingly boring as hell.
"I wonder what Vio's up too..." Dark you simping freak
and as if on que his hair gets more purple as he ponders if he should make it such. XDDDD
Vaati's gotta come to terms with the idea he made a huge mistake with this curse.
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Vaati, please stop physically abusing Dark.
Dark might have ACTUALLY gotten angry at Vaati with that 2nd panel.
Dark can just...poof. Assumably into the headspace.
Vaati reveals a horrifying truth about Dark: He's not SUPOSED to be able to read HIS OWN emotions. But can.
Mistakes were made. UwU
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...Uh Dark...Having a moment of self reflection?
Like it's pretty obvious he's speaking how he feels about himself to some degree through Vio's emotions.
Dark also casually forgets he has all the context he could ever want via everyone's emotions he can read's memories...
He's talking to Vio here without directly speaking to him which is...funny.
It's funny he continues to label Vio as "Smart" and wishes Vio would give him answers to things.
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Dark cuts himself off before he expresses how he feels about Vaati's behavior. Most of what you glen about Dark's feelings on stuff is through context clues.
On some level he WANTS Vaati to be happy but he just can't achieve it and it's making Dark feel...a certain type of way, considering he calls Vaati "Annoying" it seems Dark is feeling annoyed and exasperated with Vaati at this point.
He even compares Vaati to Blue but justifies Blue's anger with "At least he can't control it".
And then he ponders on who's having those thoughts about Blue. XD
It must be very confusing to be an entity constantly scanning and feeling other's emotions to fully understand your own.
His reaction to Green is very funny because he's 100% copying how Blue responded to Green's behavior towards him...Also we know Vio and Green are CLOSE so his response to blush at the deeper thinking about Green isn't surprising. XD
Him whining and kicking that he "Wants to get hugs in bed too" is a direct reference to Green comforting Vio after the Shadow Link debacle while in bed together lmfao. Who's position he wants to be in exactly, Green or Vio's is left open.
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I swear the further we got into this comic the more people got utterly confused by Dark's character.
He's complicated.
I think a question to ask: Why is Dark eating flowers?
For a few reasons: Him eating the flower here is meant to be funny, it's such a bad choice that results in him coughing up pollen and crying.
Alt answer: Flowers are beautiful symbols of innocence, purity.
And our villain for the evening is EATING them. literally consuming, destroying and in general just not caring about them. XD
Him eating something he's not supposed to also just shows he doesn't have the understanding some of the other characters do.
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He remembers he has smth to do.
He mildly wonders if Shadow and Vio are gonna kiss and then gets...angry...at the hug that's happening.
Sitting back down and sighing.
Which, his breath is still got pollen in it. XD
Our boy got jealousy DLC.
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The cloak Shadow is wearing to shield himself from the sun has a Greudo pattern on it.
You can either take this as a flashback to him looking around the area he dropped Green in or a Gannon memory take your pick.
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"Shadow, your Gannon is showing." sums up this entire page.
Dark's also sitting over there, seething. Lmfao. You can tell he's pissed.
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Okay reason the flashback was shown to Vio not saying sorry:
Makes his apology mean way more here with context.
Rewriting Shadow's death meant a few things:
I could make it feel more "unfinished" because...The sequel is right here lmfao.
It wraps up in a nice pretty bow because: Holy shit we have two volumes and we can't make the audience feel TOO bad lmfao. We got Gannon to fight still.
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Lol Vio's so emotionally constipated.
Fun note about Vio: he hasn't cried at all in this comic despite getting very close. XD
in OG FS He only cried when he got his foot almost broke. I just like to think it's hard to get him to cry.
Shadow was not expecting an apology.
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Hah. He was mad at the fire temple...OBVIOUSLY after the attempted murder lmao. But he's over it Vio. Totally. It doesn't bother him at allllllll-
Shadow's question's a fair one to ask lol.
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Things to note: Vio's method of "I can only rely on myself" lined up with Link's original ideals at the start of the manga TILL he literally couldn't do it by himself anymore.
Which...Was interrupted because of stupid reasons lol.
I really wish Vio's plan of working alone and how that ultimately FAILED was centered on Vio's fucking up. But he was messed up by TINGLE. And Vio's response to him being ANGER. Impatience isn't exactly a character trait Vio needed to grapple with before that point, and ironically: Someone ELSE fucked up Vio's plan.
Which still feeds back into "Other people fuck up what I'm doing"
Which had nothing to do with Vio's arc of learning he can't work alone. Vio would have killed Vaati and Shadow if TINGLE hasn't shown up. Like...Idk I wish somehow Vio would have messed up revealing he needs the other 3.
Idk how to describe Tingle being the thing that fucks up Vio's plan feeling cheap to me. Like I can't quite articulate why that annoys me to the degree I'd like to. It feels so "Comedic" and out of place for what the tone and vibe we were going for, doesn't feed back into his arc of learning to work with others, (Vio is the MOST stubborn in this area story wise.)
Anyway back to FSR and the dialogue in it:
Vio just vents his frustrations working with the other 3.
Vio's "I'll give us a 50/50 chance" is a sign of his pessimism (At least in the translation lol.)
He just wanted to save Zelda, which is a goal they all inherently shared and was the thing that brought all four together.
...Zelda's fine...so they don't HAVE THAT anymore as a motivator lol. Like in general they don't have a REASON to be the four heroes and not just Link right now. So their unifying goal doesn't exist at present.
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Haha okay we as humans who DON'T split into four people wouldn't understand this struggle...But
"Who the hell is Vio actually" is a reasonable question.
I stand by he's a character you gotta make a LOT of assumtions about.
He lies most of the manga or just doesn't state how he feels.
The four being so removed from Link after their journey as people is smth else I like the idea of.
Like at what point do they stop being Link and their new personalities begin? How much of Link is in all of them?
For Vio I surmise: Not much.
Art wise: Vio's bug eyes were a request to keep in from @james-p-sullivan who reads these in advanced often. XD
In the 3rd panel: You can actually see Dark's hand on Vio's shoulder hehehe.
Freakin' the goopy ass face is representivie of a few things:
Vio's identity is literally suphocating and non existent at the same time.
But also, the identity of Link weighs so heavily on him and he cannot escape that he doesn't line up with it.
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...This panel lines up REALLY WELL with what Shadow saw Vio as in the mirror.
They reflect on this moment in a very similar way considering all the context they BOTH have.
Vio would have KILLED HIM there.
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Anyways, Shadow laughing his ass of at Vio being genuine was smth I was gonna implement way earlier in the conversation.
I don't see it as Shadow being mean on purpose. Their entire situation is ludicrous and insane.
They're both stressed out and emotional.
Shadow cracked in the way of laughing.
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Lol Shadow could never be sure Vio just wasn't being cruel to him. Ouch.
Tho considering his relationships with Vaati and Gannon: He's used to being treated this way.
Hehehehe. Song quote go BRRRR.
It's from:
Because I defy you to listen to that and not hear Shadow singing to Vio.
If you're curious:
Band wise I associate FSR with songs from Artic Monkeys, IDKHOW, The Hoosiers, Conan Gray, Gorllaz, and Hozier just to name a few.
Dark Link specifically here's some recommendations:
Christmas Kids, Haunted House, and Digital silence.
Anyway, Shadow's promise. It's nice.
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Shadow's comment about hurling them both in lava is so awful but it gets Vio to make THAT FACE.
That face is hilarious.
Shadow just wants to move on, to his detriment lol.
Buddy there's a lot you guys still need to work on.
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Vio you're gonna get kisses.
His response here to just vigorously pat Shadow's face is hilarious.
Vio...gasps...Acknowledges his mistakes.
Not so subtly admits he was running from his issues by being Link for so long...which just caused MORE issues...
Shadow comforting him is just nice. I like them.
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Hah. He still wants to be Link...
Smth to consider: It's not like Shadow could TELL Link there was no Gannon in that sword lol.
The Master sword being brought up is just funny. Because the CHANCE they had to pull a different sword and not free Vaati was an option...Lol.
Shadow's obvious nervous face at the idea of the Master Sword is pretty telling imo.
Shadow asking what Link/Vio would do after they're whole again just to conform:
Yes Vio 100% still wants to be Link rn. He just accepts putting off splitting was a bad idea.
Hey he's learning.
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Vio acknowledges trying to just shove the sword back at this point is stupid as hell, also that he needs to apologize to the other 3.
Shadow being in Vio's court for his emotional turmoil is just nice. Vio can actually rely on him, and as we've pointed out they have similarities.
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Hehehe...He's BOTHERED.
Vio hasn't been alone, like TRUELY ALONE in 7 years so his hesitance to let Shadow leave for a sec makes sense.
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Huh so he DOES remember he has the triforce of power and just isn't saying anything...Alright.
He's got a friend waiting for him outside.
Idk what he EXPECTED this night to be like but, considering how fucked everything has been who really knew how this would all go.
I just wanna point out how fun dialogue wise Dark can be.
Bro just starts this conversation in a way that makes no sense.
Like, no introduction no sense of them not knowing each other is given cause HE knows who Shadow Link is.
Shadow Link has no fucking clue who Dark is and has never seen him before but Dark knows Shadow pretty well at this point so doesn't really act like they've never met.
Also: Dark sat outside picking flowers because Vaati's vague instructions of "Go away" wasn't very specific.
Dark continuing to eat flowers despite choking on pollen shows he really just does not care about his own safetey lmfao.
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Reasonably: Shadow's fucking flabbergasted by this weirdo.
One of my favorite visual details is how Dark put a flower in his hair which I'll get more into in a moment.
Dark continues to let his actual personality slip a little through his dialogue: he says Shadow Link "has so much" but "So much" in comparason to who?
Reasonable answer: It's Dark.
Showing Dark's jealous of what Shadow's obtained in terms of life/character development.
Dark's already becoming unsatisfied with his life and situation it seems seeing what Shadow and the Links have.
Dialogue wise: Dark says a LOT here that he REASONABLY shouldn't know if he were normal so from Shadow's perspective here's things Dark shouldn't know but does:
He states he knows Shadow Link is "The Demon King" and considers Shadow a liar for not saying anything about it.
He seems to have further knowledge on the dynamics between everyone with how he describes Shadow "Taking" Vio from everyone.
Shadow instantly recognizes this guy as a demon, which is all he knows about this dude at the moment. The imbalance of information is staggering.
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Okay visual motif to keep in mind: Dark's physically mimicking Shadow Link in these pages.
His hair turns a diffrent shade of Purple, one matching Shadow's way more than Vio's.
Vio's being more blue undertoned and Shadow's being red undertoned respectively.
Smth I've stated about Dark before: His teeth are flat typically but they are sharp in panels 1-2 here.
Talk about the flower time:
Dark looked very cute and sweet with the flower in his hair, but it drops off his head the second he states with full certainty Shadow Link is NOT fine.
Dark's childish mocking of Shadow's insistence everything's fine really cements the dude as seeing through everyone.
Dark's creepypasta expressions seem to jar Shadow cause he takes a step back from him lmao.
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Smth I've seen people bring up "Is Dark making creepy faces on purpose or is that just his face"
Is a hilarious question to me to think about.
Personally: I just think it makes him more visually distinct from the others. In a comic where everyone's a Link and therefor have very similar faces having a character who has no bounds to how "unattractive" their face can look is really fun. Shadow gets to do this as well but to a lesser degree I feel.
Design notes for Dark's creepy expressions:
Mouth needs to be waaaaay to wide if he smiles. Teeth typically need to be human with too much detail. Human teeth are uncanny and uncomfortable to most. A similar creepy vibe can be used if his teeth are just, not there. Pitch black mouth looks creepy depending on how you use it. Pupils: Blown the fuck out. The white being in the center gives a "Camera" look that personally creeps me out lmao.
His features in general can just contort in a way that are unnatural. His eyes going way to large, squinting like in panel 4 here being weirdly squished.
My personal brand of Dark Link face horror: Uncanny valley.
Back to the comic itself:
Dark laughing at Shadow questioning who he is is pretty funny since you can almost assume Dark assumes Shadow knows who he is already since he doesn't answer the question.
Dark often talks like the person he's talking too isn't even responding or their responses don't matter.
Since he doesn't bother letting Shadow respond to HIS question "Why'd you lie"
instead making up his own idea why Shadow isn't telling the truth which...isn't fully off. XD
Dark's assumption Shadow wants people to like him is pretty on the money.
Visual wise:
Dark hugs himself here and then makes a face very reminiscent of the one Shadow made after he flung that sword at Blue.
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Dark lets his jealousy slip once again. He says "other people" but you know he's talking about himself when he says "Other people want to hang out with Vio too"
Shadow takes great offence to him stating very plainly "I like him too you know..."
Shadow tries to stay focused but considering this entire nonsensical interaction it's hard to pick what to focus on XDDD
Dark not so subtly eats a flower while staring directly at Shadow Link while blushing.
What I intended from these two panels is that Dark is gauging Shadow's response to him eating the flower since Vaati responded very poorly to him doing that lmfao.
Shadow doesn't respond at all to him eating the flower (Likely not knowing what the fuck you do with those either X'D)
Smth to note: Dark Link doesn't look QUITE like Link. He's different enough for Shadow to just say he "Kind of" looks like Link. This is a comic with same face syndrome everywhere so if you're thinking from an IRL situation:
If they were live actors Dark would be played by a completely different actor than Link if you catch my drift. Vaguely look alike but not quite.
Since Shadow's not responding to his crap, Dark switches to focusing on his hands. Which he changes his nails to match Shadow Link's.
Shadow's figured Dark out at this point, asking point blank if Dark was the entity Vio spoke too.
At the time Shadow assumed Vio wasn't talking to anyone/anything in particular but since Dark's made his presence known the ability to assume is there.
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Okay I don't remember if I've gone into this on tumblr at all:
Dark tends to use honorifics to fuck with people.
If you've ever wondered why he sometimes calls Vaati "Master" it's because that's what Vaati called Elzo.
Here, he's calling Shadow Link "Your highness" and "King" because he knows it bothers the absolute fuck out of him.
Because despite being mostly blank slate: Dark has a personality and it shines through in how he has no TRUE respect for ANYONE.
Sticking his tongue out while making THAT FACE at Shadows prodding about Vio.
Dark continues to let his true personality show: HE LAZY.
Okay not really, but he doesn't WANT to be doing work right now and chastises Shadow for not doing his job while Dark has to work. Showing he's jealous of Shadow's ability just to do fuck all.
Dark visually circling Shadow Link like an orca matches with how he's the meanest most sadistic behavioral wise fucker in the comic at the moment. He even matches orcas in color scheme sooo-
Motifs motifs: Dark touches people way to much lmao. He has no personal space boundaries.
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This whole interaction makes me laugh because it's so silly.
Dark just, hugs Shadow Link no warning and Shadow has no idea how to begin responding to that shit.
He always initiated hugs and physical touch in the flashbacks with Vio, to an extent, that's STILL how it is. So Dark initiating hugs while saying incredibly mind fuck shit is just the kind of dichotomy between Dark's words and actions that make him a fun character.
Smth to note: The "ineffectual" line Dark's referring too is smth the ORIGINAL PIG GANNON said. Not Shadow Link. Dark seems to think they are 100% the same person with no separation.
Which either implies Dark would act this way around Gannon, or just knows he can mostly get away with this behavior around Shadow Link due to what he's seen of him.
His line about Shadow "Wearing the skin of Link" really pisses Shadow off since: This is just Shadow's identity lmfao.
Dark is objectively wrong in his assumptions as Shadow lived his whole life assuming he WAS just Link's shadow.
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More mimic fuckery:
Shadow's pissed off so Dark mimics his pissed off nature.
The punch was so ineffective that Shadow's not even sure if it hurt by the "?!?" after his "OW!" XD
He threw that punch by the way BECAUSE Shadow pushed him. Dark just made him hurt the same way he hurt him.
Dark throws a temper tantrum and the aftermath of said temper tantrum is one of my favorite shows of his character so stay tuned for that.
Freakin' reached the image limit on this post.
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arecaceae175 · 4 months
pride requests! i was thinking something with a trans/nb minish cap link! maybe just something sweet about coming out and being accepted by his grandfather and zelda? because i cannot imagine either of them being anything but super supportive. i just think that would be really cute, if you feel up for it! thank you!
:D!!! Absolutely yes
Summary: Link comes out as non-binary, even if they don’t know what it means quite yet. 744 words, fluff. Minish cap!
"They're all packed up! I'm sorry you had to come all this way."
Link was sitting on a chair by the door, swinging their legs since their feet still didn't touch the ground. Grandpa said they would have a growth spurt soon, but Link was starting to get skeptical. It hadn't happened yet. Link was curious if their Minish transformations had anything to do with it, but when they asked Ezlo he said not to worry about it.
Link tried not to worry about it. If they were small, they were small. Plus, they did not want to give up piggyback rides from Zelda. If they grew up to be big and tall, how would Zelda give them piggyback rides?
Link shook their head. They did not want to think about that possibility, so they forced their attention back on the conversation.
"I'm behind on deliveries, but I should be able to get it to the castle by this evening," Grandpa said.
"That will do. I'll tell my father," Zelda said.
Link perked up. "I can take them."
Zelda's ears wiggled happily and she smiled. "Oh, would you? I've been wanting to show you a new book at the library! We can stop there after you deliver the swords. And maybe get a treat?"
Link jumped off the chair and flapped their hands excitedly, nodding vigorously. "Can I?" They asked Grandpa.
"It's your day off, but if you want to, I don't see why not." Grandpa clapped Link on the shoulder and squeezed. "Good man."
Good man.
Grandpa was always calling Link things like that. Most of the other villagers called them boy. Zelda never used words like that. Ezlo didn't either. Ezlo called them kid, usually.
Gender had been on Link's mind ever since they met the Minish. The Minish didn't use words like man or woman or girl or boy; they didn't even use gendered pronouns! The minish were all they, and that's how they referred to Link, as well. At first it was strange, since Link had never heard of that before, but then they realized they liked it. They more than liked it: every time one of their Minish friends called them they or them, they got the happiest feeling in their chest. It felt good and right.
"Link?" Grandpa shook their shoulder.
Link blinked back into awareness. They must have zoned out. Grandpa and Zelda were both staring at them.
"Sorry," Link signed.
"What's on your mind, son?" Grandpa asked.
"Um." Link cleared their throat. It felt thick, like the sounds were moving through the thick swamp water in the Castor Wilds.
Zelda grabbed their hand and squeezed. "Are you okay?"
Link nodded. "I have something to tell you."
"You can tell us anything!" Zelda said.
Link took a deep breath, then forced the words out. "I'm not a boy."
Zelda blinked in surprise. "Oh! Does that mean you're a girl?"
Link shook their head. "No, I'm not a girl. I think I'm neither."
Grandpa rushed forward and pulled Link and Zelda both into a strong hug. Grandpa gave the best hugs.
Link wrapped their free arm around Grandpa's back and squeezed the hand still holding Zelda's. Grandpa pressed a kiss on the top of their head.
"Thank you for telling me," Grandpa said. "I love you and I support you. I'm so glad you figured this out."
"Well, I'm not sure I have it totally figured out yet. I just know I liked it when the Minish called me they, and I don't really like it when you call me son or man, or when other people call me boy. But I don't think it would feel right to be called girl, either." Link could feel themself rambling. They shut their mouth and swallowed the nervous feelings fluttering in their throat.
"That's alright," Grandpa said. He pulled back from the hug and rubbed Link's arm. "You have the rest of your life to figure yourself out, and you have me and Zelda to help you.”
"Yeah! This is awesome," Zelda said.
Link giggled and smiled so widely it hurt. "Really?"
"Yes really! This is so awesome. We can come up with a bunch of new words for you that aren't boy or girl or Miss or Mister or— wait, so no he or she, either, right?"
Link nodded. "Can you call me they and them?"
"Yes!" Zelda said, bouncing in place.
"Anything you want, Link," Grandpa said.
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livixbobbiex · 1 year
My Theory for Tears of The Kingdom's timeline placement
This post does contain some spoilers. I will not be discussing the ending of the game or major story twists with the exception of one late game spoiler (which I will clearly mark). Other than that I will reference some details you get in the memories and the stone tablets. The TLDR version is that the ancient past in Tears of The Kingdom occurs after Skyward Sword, but before Minish Cap. My specific evidence for this:
The stone tablets and Mineru herself reference doing research into methods to help the hero and describe raising the islands into the sky. If it's not too long after Skyward Sword's history, this kind of action makes perfect sense. The idea of Skyloft would have been well documented.
We hear Fi's theme playing in some Master Sword cutscenes and the sword 'talking'.
Skyward Sword Zelda never actually founded Hyrule as a Kingdom, unless I'm misremembering. I believe she just wanted to protect the triforce. This leaves room for Hyrule to be founded later.
If Sonia is herself a Hylia descendant, it actually makes perfect sense that she would have initially been a priestess in this scenario, if the main role involves protecting the sacred realm. It also makes sense that her name isn't Zelda as that convention wasn't really a thing yet.
Rauru and Mineru are explicitly the only Zonai left. Now, Hylia raised the hylians into the sky. The Zonai appear to worship other gods. Plus with their technology they could have independently gone to the sky as a race. We don't really get enough of Rauru's backstory to go much further.
I also believe the Zonai could have been present on the surface before Skyward Sword happened as it would perhaps explain the Lanayru time stuff. I mean… a bunch of robots mining a special type of ore eventually left abandoned?
Koloktos also makes a LOT of sense in this theory. In fact the entire ancient cistern weirdly gels perfect with Zonai motifs (lotus especially)
The actual rock in the Breach of Demise area of the map looks suspiciously like the stone texture found around the depths.
Hyrule castle is not yet built. So Rauru being the 'first king' could be a situation like how people consider William I the first king of England, even though there were many, many before that. Essentially, the kingdom is re-established.
Now. The Ganondorf of it all calls this into question. My explanation for this is that, even according to Breath of the Wild's lore, calamity ganon arose after being reincarnated and then defeated on multiple occasions until eventually assuming the malice form. This, to me, makes it possible that the Ganondorf we see in Tears of the Kingdom is NOT the same man we see in Ocarina of Time, in the same way not all Zeldas and Links are the same character. The precedent for this also exists in Four Swords Adventure which features a different Ganondorf. If Tears of the Kingdom past takes place before Ocarina, it also explains the lack of triforce. At that point, nobody really knew about it because it was sealed and hidden in the sacred realm. We don't see it in the cutscenes because Zelda is drawing from a different power source, whereas in the Zelda's Awakening cutscene in Breath of the Wild, it's explicitly the triforce we see on the back of her hand. I still believe Breath of the Wild takes place in the Downfall timeline as it makes the most sense to me from the standpoint of beast form ganon. However, Tears of the Kingdom actually provides a perfect way to re-combine the timelines and finally explain the lore inconsistency. MAJOR TEARS OF THE KINGDOM SPOILER WARNING FROM HERE If the ancient past is before the timeline split, but Zelda originates from only one of the three branches, this creates a paradox. In that, she would also be existing as an immortal dragon in the other two branches where the events leading to her birth never took place. This would create some sort of rift forcefully combining all the timelines. Therefore, the presence of all timeline references in BOTW makes sense. It would be like Hyrule's own version of the mandela effect. Yes, I know it isn't perfect, but to me this is the closest we might come to a sensical explanation.
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asticassia · 2 months
ough i wanna replay zelda the minish cap....its one of my fave zelda games if not fave games Period. as much as this word has become annoying when used to refer to media it's just very cozy to me
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