#is this not how the destiel wedding went
One of my ideal destiel weddings happens mid-battle. Dean is dodging this week's monster, Cas at his back fighting something else equally as sinister. There is, yet again, another apocalypse looming over them. Team Free Will (2.0) is once again backed into a corner. They don't think they're making it out of this alive.
Between slashes of his weapon, Dean asks over the noise. "Cas, will you marry me?"
Cas almost gets himself stabbed, but he says. "Really? Here and now? Out of every opportunity we had?"
"Yes! There's no need to bitch about it. I love you, yada yada, some end of the world crap about not having any regrets before we die."
"I love you too." Cas' angel blade finally pierces the enemy's skin. "And yes, I would love to be your husband!"
From across the room, or field, or road, Sam yelps over the sound of his own fight. "What?!"
"You went to law school, can you officiate for me and Cas?"
"That's not how it works, Dean!"
"Then fucking do it anyway!"
Y'know, like that one scene between Elizabeth and Will from Pirates of the Caribbean...
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bibellebibuck · 4 days
Finale Thoughts
This is a long ramble that I’ve attempted to categorise and form into something coherent - but bear with me if there’s any mistakes, I’m working rn and didn’t have time to proofread🙏🏻
I adore Madney and how inherently GOOD they are all the damn time. My favourite straights ever.
I know there’s differing opinions on this plot line but honestly I am glad that Madney are fostering Mara, for Maras sake. It’s a safe space her for where she’ll be loved and can keep in contact with Henren.
I do agree, though, that the constant struggles they put Henren through as they try to build their family is getting old and tired now, let them off the struggle bus, it’s time for a breather.
It’s a testament to how rushed this episode was that we didn’t even SEE the councilwoman at all. She just drops this bomb on the Henren family last episode and then disappears? No follow up? Okay.
My thoughts/hopes on these guys for S8 are; Madney will be left as they are once the Mara storyline is resolved (which I think won’t take long after the whole Gerrard situation is sorted) as they’ve had a lot going on with their wedding etc. I think they’ll be put aside for a while while other characters stories are expanded this season. I think it’s a possibility we’ll get another Buckley-Han baby after they see the sibling dynamic between Mara and Jee. Afterall, it was Maddie who commented on Denny and Mara “getting along so well” “like siblings”.
Henren specifically id like to see more of, I want Karen and DENNY! to have more screentime. Karen’s job is fucking interesting, SHOW US MORE SOMEHOW!! And Denny, what’s going on with his relationship with his dad now? This kids a great actor, give him a little more screen time.
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Now, Athena was bad ASS this episode. I love BAMF Athena with all my heart, that’s literally my mother. Her talk with Amir was emotional and I think well written (one of the few well written moments in this episode..) but it all went downhill from there. Amir’s rescue was rushed as fuck, I wasn’t tense at all, Athena basically showed up, burnt the place down and sauntered out with Amir like it was nothing. Ofc my girl is capable of this no problem… but it wouldn’t have hurt to have had more of a fight scene, maybe Amir being a little more proactive, then show them struggling to get out of the fire? Idk. Just SOMETHING to expand on the scene a little. I did like “I’m Mrs Bobby Nash” though, hell yeah you are <3
Oh also Yay! May sighted!! Love my girl, wanna see more of her in S8 I miss her sooo much :(
For S8, I think Bathenas marriage issues should be gently explored a little more, i feel this plot line wasn’t properly resolved during the cruise eps? Idk maybe I’m just a nervous child of divorce but I’d like to see some of their trust issues put to rest. I mean, just an episode ago Athena was terrified Bobby was going to off himself, and Bobby literally retired without telling her. It’s not healthy, I wanna see them work it out and get stronger together. I don’t want more conflict between them to cause this though, maybe they just start up a conversation when things have calmed down and agree to talk it out or go to couples therapy or something. Leaving them where they are right now will feel like a dropped plot line.
I want to see more of Amir but I sincerely doubt we will, I have a feeling he won’t even be seen in S8 at all to be honest. It’s a shame, he’s an interesting character that I’d totally love the see explored more. Someone suggested he could be a connection opportunity for the hospital? I like that. Tim, take notes !!
I also want them to stop murdering Angela Bassets hair. Let her slay, please.
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I wish I had more to say here, but sadly… I don’t. My heart is telling me we’ve been gently queer baited once again, but I think that’s just old scars hurting (Destiel and johnlock survivor ✊🏻), my head is telling me a lot of the hype was stirred up by us as fans giving journalists and actors comments a little too much credit.
This isn’t to say I don’t think Buddie is happening, i still have my naive little belief that if WILL be canon eventually. They’re just going to drag it out as long as possible for the drama and possibly to appease Those fans, and the older viewer base who won’t be pleased by buddie canon.
I was very disappointed by the scene after Chris left, where Buck just put his hand on Eddies shoulder. We can say all we like that the shoulder touch is Their Thing™️ but in that situation a hug was absolutely goddamn necessary. Idc about shipping, that man needed a hug from his best friend in that moment. I think Buck needed it too. They just said goodbye to their son for an indefinite amount of time ffs why are we standing here like absolute mugs.
S8 - I want gay Eddie this season. I want it.
I want gay Eddie and then I want them both to be single for a while and Then I want buddie. If they can fit this into season 8 while keeping a nice steady pace (I have little faith after this insanely rushed finale, but let’s give them the benefit of the short season doubt) then I want Buddie feelings realisation towards the end of S8.. possibly setting up canon for S9 or even ending S8 with canon and a cliffhanger.. maybe a good one this time though!
As much as I’d like to see Buck supporting Eddie as he navigates life without Christopher, I don’t think we’ll get many scenes between them at first. I think this is where Ryan is talking about Eddies isolation. He’s going to go to work, be with his family, then go home and be without his family, and it’s at this time that he’s going to be working on himself. To get better for Chris, and for his own mental health. This journey is his alone, and I think it (although a little painful) makes sense that Buck isn’t involved in this too much.
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To sum it up.. OUCH!
Eddie is an amazing father, and if you think otherwise just block me. He made a mistake with Kim, that does not make him a bad father. Him respecting Christopher’s space and choices in this ep was soooo healing and lovely to see, he called Buck because he knows Chris trusts and loves him and needed somebody to talk to, and knew he wasn’t the person for that right now.
I’ve seen some people bothered about how it’s unrealistic for the Diaz parents to have gotten to eddies so fast after the incident. To this I say, how are you not used to 911s complete disregard for timelines/timeline realism at this point? Just let it happen and move on, like it’s a fantasy land where time isn’t real. Now, I’m not American so maybe I don’t get the extent of the distance between LA/Texas - but still, I enjoy the show more I think, because I don’t overanalyse the timeline 😅
What I DO find unrealistic is that Chris would call his grandparents and not Buck. I’m not looking at this through shipping lenses either, I’m saying that when Eddie had his breakdown, Chris’s first instinct was to call Buck. When Chris was upset and scared at the Ana situation, he went straight to Buck. And now this, he doesn’t talk to Buck at all before calling his grandparents?
It makes sense that he wanted to go to Texas as if he stayed with Buck he wouldn’t really be getting much space from his dad, and maybe he’d be thinking that Buck/Eddie would be on his case trying to force forgiveness on him while he’s there. But I think he first instinct would still have been to Call Buck to discuss the situation first, to confide in him, ask for help. Then he’d call his grandparents.
For S8 - I hate to be a downer but I don’t think we’ll see Chris this season. At LEAST the entirely of 8a, anyways.
As I mentioned earlier, I think this season will show Eddie growing and healing from this situation and becoming the person he wants to be, for himself and for Chris.
I think there is a lot of potential for us to finally get some Eddie & Maddie scenes, she could open a conversation with Eddie about her own struggles with feeling like an unfit parent for Jee - maybe Buck initiates this conversation, asking Maddie to speak to him?
I hope he will finally be able to put his insecurities about his parenting aside and stop trying to find Chris a mother figure, and accept that they’re a fine (wonderful, even) family unit as they are.
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Ooooohhh lord let’s get into it then.
It’s no secret that I hate this relationship. I do NOT hate it because I am a Buddie shipper, or because I’m homophobic (the fact that I have to clarify this is stupid, but the anon hate in my inbox means it’s necessary). When BiBuck became canon, I was OVERJOYED! I was excited to see Buck exploring his identity and enjoying a relationship with a new partner (I did want him to be single for a while originally, but it wasn’t a big deal, the Natalia relationship was barely a relationship anyways).
I initially had a bit of an ick from the way Tk kissed Buck to ~shut him up~ but I’m a bit of a hypocrite here because I don’t entirely hate this trope usually, but only when it’s between two well established characters who know each other well. At this point, Tk is still new to Buck so it did bother me a little. But, we move.
Then… the first date. I fucking hated this date, Tk almost outed Buck and then left him on the pavement like an a class ASS. I lost all interest in this relationship at this exact moment.
In this episode, on this date, we see Buck opening up about his relationship with Bobby as a father figure (WIN!! Let’s appreciate our small victories!!). Tk then gives us “but your fathers alive” which ?? What’s your point?? Why aren’t you comforting your partner right now?
And shared his own experience with having a shitty dad. We then get the daddy issues joke.
To detour for a moment; we all remember when Buck went to therapy and opened up about his sex addiction, right? How he was being vulnerable about his trauma/mental health, to the point that he was in actual tears… and then his therapist came onto him and slept with him. The show brushes this under the rug and even later makes a joke about it. We’ve all expressed our distaste for this in the past and rightly so. Aside from how morally wrong it was, it was also incredibly distasteful in a very real way.
We’re given a very close repeat of this situation in the finale. Tommy sexualising Bucks trauma is not only unfair on bucks character, but also a shitty slap in the face to real people in the real world too. How many times have we been sexualised for having “daddy issues”? The answer is a lot. This scene was Downright Offensive.
It’s so disappointing because in some ways this show is so progressive, and has handled some sensitive topics in such a great way in the past. But it’s really fumbled the bag with this one.
A large and hopeful part of me thinks all these tense/awkward/unhappy/unsatisfying BT scenes are a setup for BT bones in S8. If they wanted us to like Tk and be invested in this relationship, SURELY they’d make him more likeable & more supportive of Buck?
The awfulness of his character and the stilted scenes between him and Buck do feel intentional. And I reaaallly hope this is the case.
S8 - preferably, BT Bones off screen before the season even begins, Natalia style.
More likely, BT bones within 8a, due to Gerard’s return and the tension this will cause between him and Tk.
Most likely, BT bones by the end of 8b. I truly truly truly, with all my heart and head and hands, do not believe BT is surviving to season 9.
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just wanted to put in a little paragraph here about Buck specially, piggybacking off of what I’ve said about his trauma being sexualised etc.
They have consistently missed opportunities to flesh out Bucks trauma, and he has MANY to choose from. If they continue to ignore this aspect of Buck, it will be a great disservice to his character. I know we all joke about wanting Buck to go through more shit situations for the angst, and how we want him to have a big breakdown at some point but honestly - it really is overdue. I don’t just want him to suffer for funsies, I want his character to make sense, I want him to continue to be massively relatable, I want him to address his trauma and work through it and move on etc. etc. etc.
Here’s hoping we get the single Eddie and Buck arcs in S8/maybe 9 and both of them get therapy, properly.
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My boooyyy!!! The framing of that last shot, I do reckon Ravi will main soon. They didn’t drop his insane childhood lore, and built on him as a character (while Chim was at the academy with him) for no reason.
I am personally really looking forward to seeing him get a lot more screentime in S8. It’s what the people want!!!!!!
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Why did they act like this was such a major twist?? Like why else would they have shown him last episode..
I don’t really understand how he can have been made captain of the same firehouse he was removed from for bullying a crew that is literally still there.. but for the plot I guess we’ll go with it!
I look forward to him finally getting his comeuppance in season 8, but the asshole he’s going to be to everyone sounds less fun.
Let’s look at what we might have in store, hm?
-Racist to Chim, Hen and now probably Ravi too.
-Homophobic to Buck.
-If Bobby is around, no doubt he’ll be demeaning to him.
-And, i fear, if he somehow knows about Eddies current situation, will he make snide remarks about him as a father? Idk, I wouldn’t put anything past the bastard.
I’d really like to see the team take a stand against him though, I know he’s their captain for now and they will, to an extent, respect him (or at least do as he says). But it would be nice to see some firefam crew solidarity the face of his bigotry and bullying. It won’t be realistic if any of them just stand by and listen/watch while he makes shitty racism/homophobic jokes to their family.
Going to be a fun (🫠) few episodes!
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As an episode, this wasn’t horrendous, but certainly not great. As a finale, it was terrible. Underwhelming sums it up, disappointing emphasises it nicely.
I look forward to getting back to a full length season that has hopefully will be written a little more in advance than this one was. Let’s be optimistic, or this hiatus won’t be too enjoyable.
Can’t wait to spend the next few months binging Buddie fics and reading all your theories!! And don’t forget we get S8 BTS pics in just a few weeks 😭🫶🏻
Feel free to send me any asks if there’s something I’ve forgotten to mention that you’d like my thoughts on - or if you have any theories etc. I love to get asks from your guys 💛
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tiktaalic · 7 months
What was the destiel wedding?
After November 2020. The actors for ellen (owner of the roadhouse) and ash (guy who hung out at the roadhouse all the time) starting RP-ing running the roadhouse bar on twitter. Quote tweeting each other with stuff like dammit ash I told you we needed more limes! Etc etc. it was cute and silly. As we approached the week of February 14th 2021. Their roleplaying started talking about how they had a Big Event coming up. And how they needed to get pink and white balloons. Cake. Champagne. Etc. people went. Oh destiel wedding? Destiel wedding tonight queen? Destiel wedding? Only to get to Feb 14th and for the actors to both go You’re crazy we didn’t say ANYTHING about a destiel wedding anyway here’s my Etsy you can buy crystals off of. But at this point people had already started wedding posting. And destiel trended on twitter above royal baby announcement. So everyone went sad well we’re marrying them anyway and spent the day wedding posting. There were people making like mock up wedding invitations guest lists catering lists arguments over color scheme and flowers. There was an ensuing project where someone made post cards + letters from their honey moon road trip. There is a destiel wedding album on google drive which is mostly art but the dash was nonstop text posts about what was happening at the wedding what crowley and rowena claire jack Mary etc were doing at it. I think I have a tag called #wedding posting. But if you go to any supernatural blog archive for February 14th 2021 you will see all this. Which is how we arrive at. Valentine’s Day wedding anniversary
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Lesser Known Destiel Fics pt 2
Hi everyone! Here's the second part of Destiel fics which have fewer than 5,000 hits. I hope you enjoy them!
Once a Day by followthattardis (2.4k)
Castiel has just enough control left over his body and mind that he steps into the Ma’lak Box on his own.
L’Oréal Féria 1-Step Lightening System for Men by gayliens (2.5k)
His hair had been the same since he was eleven, a tight almost-buzz on the sides, a little longer on the top. Brown, unassuming, military-issue. Never long enough to fall in his eyes, not like whatever Sam had going on on that head of his. His face had been changed by thirty-something years of slicing and dicing, aging out of those delicate features. If he dropped dead now on the bathroom floor, the coroner wouldn’t call him pretty. But his hair stayed Ken-Doll-identical all the way through.
or: dean fucks up dying his hair. cas helps
Rinse, Repeat by Ias (3.3k)
He's killed Dean hundreds of times. What's one more?
Extra Sauce by anomalation (3.4k)
Cas confides in a poor unfortunate McDonald's cashier, who is a little shit and makes Dean jealous to prove a point. Nothing but fluff and gritty fast food realism.
Mary Winchester, Lesbian at Large by alectolee (4.2k)
Mary Winchester is a lesbian. She has no idea how to tell her children.
The Passion of the Christ (and his angelic ex-boyfriend) by Bzzee (4.9k)
Dean and Cas are happy in heaven until Cas's ex-boyfriend saunters in. Dean discovers you can be jealous in heaven and that, apparently, Jesus fucks.
New All Over Again by Castielslostwings (5.7k)
Dean and Cas as childhood sweethearts separated as teenagers who have been searching for each other for years without success. Against all odds, they reunite in the middle of Times Square at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
preaching to the choir by piesexuality (7.9k)
“So, tell us—are you a religious man?”
Steve grimaces. "It's, um. Complicated. Very complicated."
or, There's no way Castiel lived that close to BYU-Idaho without running into some Mormon missionaries.
Speak Silence No More by rea_of_sunshine (8k)
When Dean imagined this moment, it went like this:
Dean bursts into the Empty—guns blazing, chin high, righteous anger coursing through him. No matter what form his plans and fantasies and whiskey-drunk-whispered-promises took, he is always, always successful. When he imagined it, he was finally the hero Cas deserved.
The reality of the moment is this:
It’s fucking cold.
Veil by evol_love (8.1k)
Not that Ed keeps tabs on anyone from his past life as a paranormal investigator, but he’s about 99% sure he heard through the grapevine that Dean Winchester fucking died, so getting a text from him on a random Thursday inviting him to his wedding is in the top ten weirdest moments of his life. And that’s really saying something. Ed’s had weirder weird moments than most.
His first instinct is No, absolutely fucking not, why on earth did you even invite me we’re not friends and we haven’t spoken in six years, but. But.
Maybe he misses the weird a little.
the pie isn't a metaphor (it's just pie) by noviembre (9.3k)
“I watched the Garden of Eden grow out of the desert,” Cas informs him. “And I’ve read everything Stacy has written on Bumbling Bee Gardener dot net. But please, Dean, share your wisdom about apple horticulture.”
Every Road Leads To You by songbvrd (9.9k)
When Cas gets poisoned by a djinn and is unable to be woken, Dean gets sent into his head to wake him up.
While Dean is expecting something that's hard to pull Cas from, he never expected to find Cas married with kids and a dog.
Dean has to confront what all this means to him and Cas has to decide whether to stay or go.
Won't You Stay? by allmystars (18k)
A week before Christmas, a weekend with his brother, and a hike into the mountains shouldn’t change a single thing about Dean Winchester’s life. It’s just a trip, just to distract Sam from everything he’s lost.
But, when a blizzard blows in, stranding the Winchesters, Sam finds a crack in the rock-face, and everything changes.
A pit, and pain, and every broken thing inside Dean, discovered by angels.
Well, one angel. One powerless, exiled angel.
Angel Recovery Project by keylimepie (20k)
An ordinary woman attempts a very extraordinary spell and brings back the wrong angel. But he's here and he needs help, from sandwiches to love advice, so what else is a girl to do?
5 Times a Member of Team Free Will Kills John Winchester and the 1 Time he is Kicked out of Heaven by bisexualsharks & Hazloveshisboo & jeremycarver (21k)
The 5 times different members of TFW (and a few others) got the chance to murder John Winchester, and the 1 time he was kicked out of Heaven because it was too late to kill him.
These are all separate one-shots that are not connected or set in the same timeline.
No need for dreaming by AsphodeleSauvage (24k)
Castiel loves his job as a wedding photographer. He loves nothing more than to capture the pure love in a couple's eyes as they say 'yes' - soulmates or not soulmates, he doesn't care. Yet, he can't help wondering about his own soulmate and about the mark on his chest that promises him a love story for the ages. There is also the fact that he keeps bumping into the charming Dean Winchester at every wedding he goes to...
A Hard-Won Peace by patheticfangirl (28k)
“Afterlife” no longer means forgetting what happened during life.
In Heaven, Dean is tormented by peace and freedom until he reunites with an also-struggling Castiel. Together, they work through issues they couldn’t leave behind, hoping to find something resembling happiness.
Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe by TheBlackLagoon (37k)
Cas Novak can’t see an escape from the life of hunting. Even with the frequent pleas from Jessica to leave it all behind, where in the world is he supposed to fit in? Dean Winchester can’t see a life beyond pencil-pushing for the Men of Letter’s Midwest branch. Even with the responsibility he holds to upkeep his family name, is it really what he’s meant to do? The two duos meet on what appears to be an easy salt and burn but which quickly spirals out of control.
Just for the Holidays by Fallen_Angel_Meg (41k)
After going through some tough times, Jess, Castiel's best friend, decides the best thing for him to do is to get away for Christmas. She secretly signs up their shared house on a home exchange website and it doesn't take long for them to get some interest. Castiel ends up trading houses with Sam Winchester, despite his hesitations to do so. So now Castiel has to spend his Christmas alone in Lawrence, Kansas. Which isn't so bad because Castiel is looking for some alone time right now, not wanting to get romantically involved with anyone. That is, until he meets Dean Winchester and things get complicated.
And that's it! If you have any other fics with under 5k hits that you love — whether they be your own or your friend's — please share them with me! Often these fics are swept under the rug when the authors put so much time and effort into them, so I hope you enjoy reading them :)
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itsillyakuryakin · 9 months
I'd like to thank @kimissteeringwheel for the tag!
Pairing/Shippy list!
Here's the rules:
1. List your top seven ships
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favorite.
3. Name their fandom.
4. Supply photos for said people.
So here we go-
7. Jenson Button x Fernando Alonso [Ship Name: Buttonso / Jensonando]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reasons: Because why not? They have the chemistry, they have the potential, they have their own thing going on every now and then- give me a good reason to not ship these dorks.
6. Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin [ Ship Name: Napollya / Illeon]
Fandom: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. [movie 2015]
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Reason: Pure Grumpy x Sunshine trope. Illya is shot tempered and keeps himself isolated most of the time, but Napoleon knows how to get under his skin (👀) and adores his Red Peril to death. I mean, he literally jumped in those deep waters to save his life- what more prrpf do you need?
5. Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen [ Ship Name: Lestappen/Verleclerc ]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reason: Seriously? You need a reason? Aren't those subtle touches on Charles' lower back after the podiums, or even when they're close to each other, not enough? Isn't that habit of Max not being able to stand in one place after seeing his favorite Ferrari boy enough? Isn't their inability to not mention each other once in every interview ever enough? They're the definition of "Love is blind"
4. Mika Häkkinen x Michael Schumacher [Ship Name: Makkinen/ Mikael]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reasons: The classic Finn x German trope. They say they're not friends yet can't seem to leave each other alone. They basically defined each other's lives in the sport and outside of it by staying side by side in every battle. A win wouldn't feel like a win to any of them if not snatched by the other one.
3. Carlos Sainz Jr x Lando Norris [ Ship Name: Carlando / Muppet Friends ]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reasons: THEY'RE MY COMFORT SHIP!!!! They take care of each other, mention each other everywhere, go on golf dates (and dates) with each other, spend time with each other on family weddings/holidays and even after it's been three years since Carlos switched teams, their bond keeps on getting deeper and deeper. And these two were the ones people initially thought would not get along. They proved everyone wrong, and still are. I personally believe both of them progressed a lot as a personality after meeting each other. Specially in Lando's case- He's a big brother to Oscar now. Carlando for life!
2. Nico Rosberg x Lewis Hamilton [ Ship Name: Brocedes / Rosmilton ]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reasons: REASONS??? FOR WHAT EXACTLY??? Both of them come from two totally different worlds and background - one with everything and one with almost nothing. Nico grew up in a lavish lifestyle but he established that friendship doesn't care about your background. It's just friendship. And he had his fair share with Lewis, a little boy from the UK who found a friend in a place and time he least expected to be. They went on vacations together, raced each other as teammates - both in karting and F1, which was a dream they both promised each other of when they were practically babies. But the same dream tore them apart later in life and they're so close and yet so far. And the fact that it's not fictional is just tragic.
Honourable Mentions:
Destiel [ Dean Winchester x Castiel] - Supernatural
Cherik [ Charles Xavier x Erik Lehnsherr]- X-Men Universer
Stony [ Steve Rogers x Tony Stark] - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Johnlock [Sherlock Holmes x John Watson]- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Hannigram [Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter] - Hannibal.
1. Kimi Räikkonen x Sebastian Vettel [ Ship Name: Simi / Kibastian ]
Fandom: Formula 1 RPF
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Reasons: Who else has ever had the ability to make the Iceman smile bar the little unhinged sassy German that we all love and worship the most? Kimi is so comfortable with his surroundings when around Seb and actually laughs and speaks by his own will! They both spend time playing badminton and Kimi actually addresses Seb as his friend. Like- is this a dream? IT'S REAL!!!! Get yourself someone who smiles at you the way they both smile at each other. And after all- it's Sebastian. You can't resist his charm- no one can ✨
Like look at them:
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Uff. This was a long post but I enjoyed it. Thanks a lot to everyone who read it to the end.
I'd like to tag @thatquirkycookie, @sebbuh , @wdkzms, @rednyx-sf, @muppet-friends and @sainzinnorris to participate. And anyone who sees this post and wants to do this obviously. No pressure though. Do it only if you feel like it!
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nancylou444 · 9 months
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day/night/morning!
So, I I need to share my thoughts with someone before I burst, and you’re always posting your thoughts, current and past, on destiel, so I’m hoping you can sympathize. Of course, you’re free not to read or post if you don’t feel like it (and I know you don’t need my permission for that either 🤦‍♀️ ).
So, I’m currently watching a reactor watch Supernatural who ships destiel. I’ve almost quit a few times due to annoyance, but they are otherwise entertaining and generally try (or tried) not to bring it up too often, and it’s now on season 15, so I’m locked in until the end. They just watched the episode "Last Call" where Dean is suddenly a good singer. Of course, they mentioned "bi lighting" and "subtext" because of course Dean can’t hang out with a male friend, especially one John caught him drinking with and got "mad" without it being because he was caught doing something "gay." 🙄 Not just because it was, you know, stupid to get drunk on a hunt. Plus being hungover for a hunt isn’t exactly ideal, even if Dean was old enough (he might have been). .
Anyway, this person actually used the words "I’m winning" in reference to the episode because Jensen (not Dean) sang, Sam was hanging back with Eileen, and Dean was chilling under the "bi lighting, " apparently. All I could think was, I’ve been literally watching this destiel shipper turn into a heller before my eyes over the months. And of course, they ship Sam and Eileen and were so happy that Dean went off to give them time alone 🙄 . It’s like heller brains only have one accepted scenario, and once they get in too deep, they become a clone of the rest.
Naturally, they want the show to end with Dean and Cass off on a beach (never mind that Dean mentioned wating Sam in that scenario) and mostly out of hunting, but not to get away from Sam, no. He’s there, too. Somewhere. Teaching the new hunters with Eileen or … something. It’s so ridiculous that they think this will/should happen. 1) When has the show ever hinted at a conventionally happy, or even happy at all, ending? 2) Dean would sooner gnaw off his own arm than semi-retire with Castiel on a beach while Sam continues in the hunting world without him. 3) Dean hasn’t wanted a romantic relationship since Lisa. 4) People who think Sam would want to continue hunting, on his own, if Dean stopped or semi-retired haven’t been paying attention to the show. I even saw one of their idiot followers saying Sam was alway better at adapting to hunting while Dean has always wanted out. 👀.
Anyway, I got ready to write a reply arguing against their idiotic ideas, but then I stopped and realized there was no point. There is literally no point trying to talk sense into people who spend so much time looking for hints and parallels pointing to the things they want (less codependent brothers and destiel) that they ignore the very literal and easy to follow canon, or actual text, of the show. It was a breakthrough fir me. There. Is. No. Point.
So, I deleted my planned response and just thought to myself, "You just enjoy your 'winning" honey, while you can." Because they are going to absolutely HATE the end of the show, and I’m just petty enough to be looking forward to seeing it. Does that make me a shitty person?
I realize it’s my own fault I’m annoyed right now, but I can’t just quit watching something once I’ve gotten this far, so I’ll have to suffer through (not looking forward to Despair 🙄) until the end.
Anyway, If you took the time to read this, thank you. I just needed to share this with someone.
This was an enjoyable ask, my darling. ❤️
LMAO, yes it is amazing the way that hellers 'see' the show.
Even now, almost three years after the finale, they still think destiel became canon because of the dubs and THEY had a 'wedding'.
Please let me know how they reacted to the 'confession' and the finale. 😆
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bookdork1 · 2 years
INSANE INSANE IT WAS AN INSANE TWO WEEKS! the absolute chaos of november 5th with canon destiel, election madness and putin rumors. outsiders to the fandom swore up and down it was homophobic and a laughable scene but those of us in it were dying with vindication because! the angel was gay! and dean hadn’t answered yet! he had to answer! we just had to wait til the next episode or at the very latest the finale! we were fighting twitter memes and half funny half rude tumblr posts by the swordful, trying to convince everyone with their hot takes on superhell that THIS IS NOT THE END! THAT CAS WASN’T REALLY BURRIED YOUR GAYS HE’S COMING BACK OBVIOUSLY! and then! AND THEN HE FUCKING DIDN’T WE LIVED THROUGH A FINALE SO BAD IT MADE HIMYM’S AND GOT’S LOOK HALF DECENT!!! and the craziness did not stop there!!! the whole cast stopped tweeting half way through the finale! jensen supernatural-sick-in-the-head ackles went off the grid for months refusing to comment on the finale WHATSOEVER! the cw released a goodbye supernatural video featuring prominent cast members like jared padalecki but do you know who wasn’t in it????? JENSEN FUCKING ACKLES OR MISHA FUCKING COLLINS!!!!!!!!!!! how do you forget to have them participate???? YOU PHYSICALLY CANNOT THERE IS NO REAL EXPLANATION THAN THAT THEY DODGED THE FUCK OUT OF THE CW PR’S TEAM! and then not even two days later we are all whalloped in the head with LATAM DUBGATE CONFIRMING RECIPROCATED DESTIEL CANON! THIS OCCURRED TWO DAYS BEFORE US THANKSGIVING!!!! i was at my grandma’s house making an explanatory powerpoint on destiel two electirc boogaloo while close family members buzzed around. less than 24 hours later the fucking misha held-at-gunpoint-by-cw-snipers collins video telling us to calm down happened!!! people literally found the latam dub team and they had a zoom call with them in december! we went insane over a video of jensen apparently very badly shoveling snow! WE ENMASSE PLANNED A FICTIONAL WEDDING AND HELD IT OVER SOCIAL MEDIA ON VALENTINE’S DAY AND WERE BETRAYED BY TWO EXTREMELY MINOR CAST MEMBERS WHO HADN’T BEEN ON THE SHOW IN A DECADE WHO TOLD US WE WERE CRAZY FOR EVER THINKING THE WEDDING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GAY. quarantine era cons occur and nobody can get real questions past creation but we all wait with baited breath anyways for a destiel question to make it to jensen and they never did! script leaks are happening left and right making the whole thing so much gayer! also i forgot but before even that is happening bi!dean audience testing is confirmed to have been a real thing that was happening during s12 supernatural! AND ET TU BRUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! allllllll of that happened less than eight months post nov 5th confession and i’m forgetting so fucking much
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spacetiel · 1 year
happy wedding day destiel i wrote an orpheus eurydice fic
Title: no grave can hold my body down
Length: 6k
He thought of Cas’ teary eyes, the way he looked as the black tendrils of the empty collected him, and the way Dean’s mouth refused to move, stunned to silence like the rest of him. Castiel had had to push him out of the way. He knew that there would be very little that could get rid of him this time.
“Have you ever heard of the Greek myths?” Empty Zachariah questions. At his blank-stared confusion, it adds, “Orpheus and Eurydice to be exact.” ~~~ Cas is taken by the Empty. Dean is going to get him back.
Read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45023290
Preview under the cut!
It takes three weeks of Castiel being dead for Dean to find him. Three weeks of fighting, searching, and begging any being or creature he could find for some kind of answer. He had come up empty handed.
In the end, all it takes is falling asleep.
“Hello, hello, hello,” says Meg, blinking into existence. It isn’t the real Meg, though, because Dean went to sleep and woke up under a pure black backdrop, alone. He always kinda wondered what the Empty was like, having been through Hell. It wasn’t that damn impressive.
“Where’s Cas?” Dean asks, bluntly. He doesn’t really care about the hows or whys of the situation. They don’t matter.
“So impatient, Dean Winchester,” The Empty Meg drawls out, circling him, “It’s been a while.”
His sense of space is all out of wack here, so the second it steps out of his view it's like a goddamn black hole. It is far too early to lose focus. He tries to follow the sound of its voice.
“Where. Is. Cas.”
“In due time, Dean. For now, I have a question,” Empty Meg grins, peeking back around to meet his gaze. They aren’t what he remembers of Meg’s eyes. Instead what he meets is pitch black and swirling, the kind of darkness he’s afraid of drowning in, “Where are you?”
Dean takes a step back, “I’m not playing your goddamn games.”
The Empty takes a step forward, almost floating as it walks, “If you had to guess? Pretty please?”
“I’m in the friggin’ Empty,” Dean spits. Empty Meg grins at him, hands clasping together.
“Correct you are. Good job, you get a treat! Now, do you notice anything about this place?” Empty Meg lazily gestures around. He can’t help his eyes following the movement, Empty Meg is the only solid thing to focus on. He shifts his position with discomfort.
“Pretty hard to notice anything around here, it’s empty,”  Dean says as Empty Meg goes behind his back once more. He really doesn’t have the time for this bullshit. He turns his whole body to follow it, but the Empty is too quick.
“Except for you, that is.”
Chasing the noise only leads him to face himself. The Empty version of himself, at least. Empty Him wrinkles its nose with a mocking grin, “hard to be Empty when you people are always knocking around. You in particular. You’re human, you were never meant to be here at all.”
“You brought me here, that ain’t my fault,” Dean says, low and warning. He knows the kind of trouble multiple Deans can stir up, even if they aren’t both real. Empty Him rolls its eyes.
“You know what is your fault?” The Empty steps towards him, voice turned venomous, lip curling into a sneer. It knocks its fist against its forehead for emphasis, “You and your little God pounding at my door day in and day out, always crying out for Cas.”
Jack hadn’t said a word to him or Sam since he became God. He assumed- They both assumed that he was taking a lesson from Chuck’s hands-off approach. It isn’t like they hadn’t had problems before, either. He can’t blame the kid for stepping back, even if they’re  family. Turns out, he had been trying quite a bit.
Sam had been sad when Cas died, but it wasn’t the way Dean had been sad. He didn’t quite get why Dean couldn’t so much as look at a trench coat, or his stupid truck, or anything else that reminded him of Cas without trying to put a hole through the wall. Cas had been dead before and Sam… Well, Sam started to get over it. At least Jack understood. ‘Course he did, that was his dad. 
“Give him back then. Sounds easy enough.”
The Empty laughs in his face.
“Slow down, Dean, I’m getting there,” Empty Him grins. In the span of a blink, the Empty switches its shape from his own to the long-dead Zachariah, “I’m here to make a deal with you.”
“What kind of deal?” Dean demands, completely unable to hide his interest. Hope, stupid hope, is only quieted by knowing better. It’s all too good to be true and the Empty still has a lot of power. Even then, what lengths wouldn’t he go to to have Cas back?
He thought of Cas’ teary eyes, the way he looked as the black tendrils of the empty collected him, and the way Dean’s mouth refused to move, stunned to silence like the rest of him. Castiel had had to push him out of the way. He knew that there would be very little that could get rid of him this time.
“Have you ever heard of the Greek myths?” Empty Zachariah questions. At his blank-stared confusion, it adds, “Orpheus and Eurydice to be exact.”
“The name rings a bell,” Dean says carefully. Sam found a book of myths as a kid and didn’t shut up till Dad made him, but it was thirty odd years ago and he couldn’t be expected to remember all of them. That was Sammy’s job.
“The point is, I’m letting you walk out of here, Castiel in tow, with two simple, simple conditions. Think you can do that for me?” Empty Zachariah looked at him as if it was talking to a child, cruel sharpness still lingering in his eyes. 
He didn’t want it to, but hope still hung around his heart. It was a hand, reaching out for what he wanted. Too good to be true.
“Depends, what’s the catch?” Dean narrows his eyes, trying to stay aware of his nonexistent surroundings. If this is a trap, he isn’t gonna fall for it.
“Well, if you were smarter I’m afraid you would already know,” Zachariah says, patting his head mockingly, “I’m going to provide a path out of here, and you are going to lead Castiel out. However, rule number one: you cannot look at the angel until you have gotten out successfully. Rule number two is that no matter how it goes out there, you and that little overpowered nephilim agree not to bother me ever again.”
The story starts to sound a little familiar. Dean steps out of Zachariah’s reach, “So, what? I can’t look at Cas or you’re going to come drag his ass back into the quicksand or something?”
Empty Zachariah smiles, “Or something. No matter how it goes, you agree to leave me alone for all eternity. I’m very tired, Dean.”
“If you’re so friggin tired, why not just let us have Cas back? What’s with all the friggin pageantry?”
Empty Zachariah hums while pretending to think, “Consider it a punishment for annoying me. Besides, I would never cave that easily. Usually I would demand a trade, be grateful I didn’t.”
The mention of a trade with the Empty still stings in Dean’s chest. He’ll be back soon.
“Do you agree, then?” The Empty asks, holding its hand out, “Do we have a deal?”
It had been over the moment a deal was even mentioned. He knew his answer. If he was being honest, he would know what his answer is even if the Empty had demanded a trade. It was too, too easy.
“Fine,” he says, taking its hand, “whatever it takes.”
“Good,” the Empty grins, and disappears.
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crackers4jenn · 1 year
Someone please write a last of us/destiel fusion where it's Dean in the Joel role and Cas in the Ellie role, except Cas isn't a 14-yr old kid he's Dean's age. The back story is pretty similar: instead of losing a child, Dean loses Lisa when shit first hits the fan; 20 years later when Dean and Cas first cross paths he's still wearing his wedding ring, only now he's basically emotionally hardened into endverse Dean. Cas lost all his family, too, at the start of the infection - except for a few brothers who went rogue and turned into raiders and slavers - and he's been living a life of solitude pretty similar to s9 human!Cas. He gets infected but is immune and when the rebel group, The Seraphs, catches wind, they find him, lock him up, and try to smuggle him to the Healers for a cure of the infection. Enter Dean, who's trying to get a battery for the car he wants to steal so he can head out West and find his brother, Sammy, who's gone off the grid and hasn't been responding to his radio calls. Initially Hannah, the leader of the Seraphs, was going to take Cas to the Healers, but she gets hurt in a clash with the government soooo who's to take him but Dean, smuggler extraordinaire??? Cue the "Cas is cargo" exchange, and a bitter and reluctant Dean agreeing on the condition that it's a quick trip and he gets that car battery.
THEN CUE Dean and Cas crossing the country together and all the high stakes danger and drama that entails. Dean learns very early on that Cas got infected and he reacts like a dumb lil bitch because he's seen firsthand what the cordyceps does to people so how did Cas get spared? And why? Cas is just as untrusting of Dean; he's been betrayed and abandoned by family, Dean's a dick who's in it for himself, and he doesn't understand either why he never turned after getting infected. BUT SLOWLY THEIR WALLS COME DOWN, starting when they get jumped by a group of men and Cas saves Dean's life with the blade he keeps up his sleeve. From freaking pacifist to deadly, he stabs a guy that's choking Dean. Doesn't kill him, just disarms him enough Dean can do it. This doesn't automatically forge a bond between them but it does shift some of the responsibility to the middle, where it feels like they're equally aware the only way to survive is by protecting the other.
By the time they make it to Jackson, Wyoming, there's this sort of metaphorical tether around them that loses a lot of its slack when they stumble into the safe zone Sammy's at. The Dean and Sam reunion is cut short, though, when Dean finds out Sam's got a wife and budding family of his own - that Sam found as much of a picket fence lifestyle the apocalypse can afford and didn't bother to find Dean and invite him in.
On the Cas side, the Sam and Dean reunion pushes him back into being an outsider, to feeling like he's about to be cut loose because what other purpose did Dean have being by his side besides using Cas as a means to Sam? And here Sam is. So if Dean can't use Cas anymore what use is he????
ETC ETC eventually Dean and Cas fall in love, the end. And no one dies. The other end.
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
What was the destiel wedding situation I wasn't here for this and I'm dying 2 know???
ohhh anon clearly you missed out on a LOT! it's a long story, but i'll try to summarise it bc it's fun looking back on the whole thing.
basically 2 years ago, a few months after the spn finale, chad lindberg and samantha ferris (two actors who hadn't been on the show since like season 2) started making these role-play tweets as their supernatural characters, putting on fake events at the roadhouse. they'd done one for dean's birthday which went down really well. and THEN they started hinting that they were going to put one on for valentine's day. they mentioned weddings, so everyone put 2 and 2 together and got the impression that they were going to host a destiel wedding on valentine's day. chad and samantha replied to and liked a bunch of tweets from people who thought they were doing the destiel wedding, which we all assumed basically confirmed it. meanwhile they became super popular and gained a bunch of new followers (chad lindberg was also used the attention to advertise jewellery he was selling or something, i think?). we all got super hyped up for the wedding - it was the pandemic, we were still disappointed about the finale and it was something fun to look forward to!
anyway after all that hype, valentine's day came along and chad and samantha just basically made some generic roadhouse tweets. nothing about the destiel wedding - but the thing is, by that point the fandom was so amped up and excited that we barely even noticed. we all held a collective wedding, with a bunch of posts, amvs, art, tweets and other creations, and it was great! it trended so high on twitter that they had to write a little summary of the event. it was like this massive online party we were all holding together for fictional characters we loved, and it was so fun!
but THEN two days later - plot twist! - chad and samantha suddenly made a tweet like, what wedding? there was no wedding! understandably the fandom was confused, and then chad and samantha start getting all defensive, going on about how they never baited that there was going to be a destiel wedding (even though they did), and how they never would have done something like that because it "ruined the integrity" of supernatural or some bullshit. it was major drama - but ultimately it didn't matter because we'd held the fake online wedding ourselves without them and had a great time and now dean and cas are married. the end <3
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shinydixon · 1 year
hellooo i'm a multi fandom survivor here to tell you guys not to worry about the article, the journalist and the stans. this shit show has happened in every single fandom. and it will always happen because some people are unhinged and out of their minds. it's happened with adam driver and daisy ridley. their fans swore left and right they had an affair, swore he had divorced from his wife, swore his wife was cold and not right for him. turns out not only adam and his wife were still pretty much married, they also had had a secret baby. they managed to go two years without anyone knowing they had a little one. we all thought we'd be able to finally enjoy the fandom when that happened because surely the stans were going to stop. nope. they raised the bar by saying the baby wasn't adam's and when that narrative didn't work, they then changed their minds and claimed adam was only with his wife because of the baby. the fandom then decided to just carry on and enjoy our fics and fanarts because there was no stopping the stans. happened with the supernatural cast. stans shipping jared and jensen together, wishing ill on their wives, on their babies, saying they were just trying to protect their relationship so they had to hide their true selves behind their women. when misha got cast and destiel became the iconic thing that it is now, the stans were angry to the point of becoming dangerous. when it was clear jensen and misha had become very close friends, they harassed misha to hell and back because they said he was breaking jared and jensen apart. lucifer was a bit calmer but there were some stans there that couldn't accept the fact lauren and tom weren't dating in real life. it almost went downhill when lauren posted pictures of tom and his wife at their wedding but it all turned out fine. lauren was bullied a bit though and deleted her twitter. when lucifer was cancelled, they kept harassing her because she was quiet about it and posting her art on her instagram. everybody with half a brain understood that the woman had just lost her job and she was trying to go through it. the larries, obviously. anyway, honestly, don't worry, don't panic, let them talk, let them call a hundred journalists, let them do whatever they want. they always crash and burn and i promise you Joe is well aware of how adored he is by his sane fans and he knows that some bad apples don't stand a chance against the good ones.
Thank you so much for assuring us🤍
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hikari-ni-naritai · 1 year
do prime numbers^^
curses, my crimes have come back to haunt me u_u
2. How old are you?
29! soon im going to be very old
3. When is your birthday?
march 2
5. What is your favorite color?
really depends on the current vibe but i do really like sky blue
7. Do you have any pets?
we've got 3 cats in the house. Little Boy, Little Girl, and Destiel Cannon Spanish Dub. technically theyre not 'mine' though theyre my brother's
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
uhhh i wanna say........ 3? i have the pair i actually wear, i have an old pair that i havent thrown out, and im PRETTY sure i have the cream converse i bought in college for my 10th doctor cosplay.
13. What talents do you have?
im pretty good at ff14 raiding. everything else is like. skills ive never been talented at but ive worked on for years.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
if this is like a 'who' as in an example of a person, i dont have an answer. but if its just describing someone, it has to be a girl who's nice to me, can spend a lot of time with me, and it needs to be an exclusive relationship. im a very fragile, very lonely, and very jealous person and ive learned that i cant compromise on these things or ill just get myself hurt over and over. beyond that, it would be good if shes a better person than i am so i have something to aim for. anything else is like, just unnecessary benefits? it would be nice if she'd raid with me, it would be nice if shes a redhead, but like. its fine if not.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
thats a hard question. i do wanna get married someday and i dont wanna just go sign a paper at the courthouse but i dont have any connection to the church anymore but i do like the idea of committing blasphemy by being a trans lesbian marrying a woman in a church. who knows. id probably just get married somewhere else.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
i dont think so!
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
with this obscenely dysphoric body? hell no
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
on my left side, wrapped around hanako daki lol
37. Favorite swear word?
huge fan of fuck, personally
41. Are you a good liar?
im SOOO bad at lying. unbelievably bad. i can hardly even say lies. ive learned to avoid telling the truth if necessary but even that im bad at.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
if ive got a script to read! i did a lot of accents when playing through ace attorney. cant guarantee they were good or accurate but like. i did them. EXTREMELY bad at german though. had to keep doing that for fucking klavier. awful time.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
the aforementioned 10th doctor cosplay for sure
53. Favorite foreign food?
there was a fuckin pasta stir fry i had in israel when i visited and it was the best thing ive ever eaten but i have no idea what it was or how to make it.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
both, im very impatient and i love biting
61. Do you sing to yourself?
i do!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
if i had 50 blank spaces i could probably fill them. im not going to do it here tho.
71. What makes you nervous?
Basically Everything! people and strangers especially.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
less often than i used to! its very rarely appreciated or wanted so i dont.
79. Who was your first real crush?
ive talked about her a lot but it was this cute redheaded girl when i was in 8th grade. it did not go well! i was so so so bad at socialising in school and i freaked her out and she didnt like me. i have evidence that we became friends by late high school but all my memory of that disappeared when i went to college. she got married a few years back. shes still both my ideal gender and gf appearance.
83. How fast can you run?
im surprisingly fast when i need to be. my legs are the only part of my body that has any muscle mass in them. dont have much stamina though anymore.
89. Do you like your age?
the hell does this even mean lol. its okay i guess
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
i dont think so! no idea what my dad's side of the family got up to back in the day though.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
19. is there a ship you used to dislike, but now you like?
A Little Turtle Talk || Accepting
I thought about this for a while now, and honestly, I can't say that I dislike ships on principle, because I'm a fandom ancient cryptid ancestor spirit and in the decades I've been in various fan groups I've always maintained the idea of not yucking anyone else's yum, even if it's not for me or something I'd bother with. I guess the closest thing I have to this was the whole Destiel thing until it became canon, and I mean, who am I to deny Cas? Or maybe the Hulk and Black Widow. Not because they can't be attracted, not because I am jealous, but because the MCU version of it made absolutely NO SENSE. Comic Books otp Bucky and Natasha. The MCU sure went out of its way to hint at Clint and Natasha, and I loved their dynamic. So her thing with Bruce Banner was totally out of left field for me and I just couldn't get behind how flat and forced it felt. Okay and then there's Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister and she deserved so much better than she got, and that's an entire thing all of its own. I am sure I will have to amend this in the future once I go, "...Oh, yeah, this other thing over here."
{{Like...the Wyrm and...anything, really. Or me not really getting FrostIron or Stucky but y'all do you and I'll make the wedding cake.}}
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solarcas · 2 years
4, 11, 27, 30 for the ask game? ☀️
Idaaa hii hello thank you for asking!! <3
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw: hmm, idk if you could call it a "subject" but one thing I struggle with *always* is feet. I never know quite how to position them so they don't look awkward jkhfdsj so I tend to cut of character drawings around their thighs/knees (which means I never get any practise drawing feet so I am stuck in a loop forever </3)
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what? yes, mostly youtube videos or podcasts! I can't listen to music bc that will make my mind drift of to daydreamland and I also can't focus on shows or films while drawing or the plot will just loose me
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with? I usually don't warm up because I'm not a big sketcher anyway, anything I draw has to end up somehow finished jdhfkjd
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated? There's a bunch from the early days of my post-finale spn hyperfixation, that naturally went under the radar because I barely had any followers, that I really enjoy to this day and think deserve more, like this destiel wedding Wimmelbild, and also the first time I ever drew Cas in a dress (why did this only get 10 notes tf I feel like that was low for me even then)
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A Saileen wedding on March 17th? Yes please
Wow. Two weddings in one month. I’m not sure I can keep upright with all of these amazing and fabulous celebrations going on. I have to be honest, I’m still recovering from Dean and Cas’ wedding on Valentine’s Day. 
Rowena challenged me to a drinking contest, saying she could hold her own after 300 years. I thought I had it in the bag. Needless to say, I passed out in the corner after shot #whatever. But not before Charlie and I rocked out to “Walking On Sunshine”, which we made a shy and unsure Cas join us at the end. Dean rolled his eyes and resisted us calling him over but once the song ended and a slow one came on, he ninja’ed Cas away from us for a dance of their own. 
I couldn’t stop snickering when Benny went on about his bromance with Dean in Purgatory for Crowley’s benefit after the latter had been going on about his summer fling with Deanmon. “And when I needed blood, Dean dropped everything to come running. Brother, I didn’t even really need to ask. He was just there. The worry on his face, mon cher...I hadn’t seen that level of concern since we were looking for the angel in Purgatory.” Crowley’s expression and Benny’s smug smirk was hilarious. 
I briefly remember at one point making out with Adam in the corner with a very furious Michael watching us, there for everything. What a kinky son of a bitch that stuck up angel turned out to be.
Garth and Bess (when not running after the kids) might have asked Claire and Kaia when their wedding was going to be and we couldn’t stop laughing as we watched Claire unable to form words for once. And then Jody and Donna surprised us all by announcing that they were planning their own wedding for Mother’s Day. 
Eileen, Jo, and I then may have drunkenly braided Sam’s hair while he was passed out at the table after taking on Rowena (before I did). Kevin may have handed us a can of hair spray and directed said braids, and then drawn a pornstache with a Sharpie on Sam’s face, making us all laugh as we took pictures. We scrambled away pretty quickly once Dean and Cas started to make their way over. (that reminds me, I still have to send Dean the pictures, he said he wants it for “leverage”?)
John tried to crash the wedding at one point but Bobby appeared out of nowhere and shoved him into a locked closet. Before anyone could react or Dean could notice, Bobby was back in his seat, watching the vow exchange along with the rest of us, ignoring any muffled yells coming from the back of the room.
I may or may not have hit on Anael who glared me down until I slunk away, feeling quite rebuffed, thinking I’d try my luck with Anna instead (I have a thing for gorgeous redheads okay? sue me), until I was pushed up against a wall and had a kiss planted right on me, followed by “I like Burberry, lots and lots of Burberry. Are you good with that?” At my shocked nod and stuttered out answer of “You’d look good in blueberry, it’s a nice shade of blue” she let out a ladylike snort and muttered “You’re an idiot” and then kissed me again. Apparently, Burberry is a very expensive fashion line and they make great handbags. I should know. In my drunken haze, I apparently charged about seven of them to my credit card. Bonus though, I have a date for the Saileen wedding and we now have coordinated outfits!
Jo told me that I burst out into sobs when Elvis’ “Can’t Help Falling In Love” came on and Dean and Cas danced to it, with Dean discreetly singing it to Cas as they moved. She said that I rambled on (something about Thursdays), asked Gabriel if he dug Elvis when he hit on me, and overall made quite the scene. I don’t really remember this so I can’t be that embarrassed but apparently Dean and Cas felt so bad seeing how upset I was (while not really understanding why) that they made a special request of the DJ and I danced with both of them, hugging them tight, to Elvis’ “Solider Boy”.
Sam talking with his Sharpie pornstache that no one told him about when he Eileen woke him up so they could leave was freaking hysterical. He didn’t care for the braids though. We may have gone a tad overboard:
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Eileen sent a picture like this to me. Sam tried to grab my phone to delete it but Eileen snatched it up before he could and then sent the picture to the group chat so we all have it. Eileen’s my girl. 
Watching Jimmy and Amelia be introduced to Kaia by Claire was sweet. They were genuinely happy and supportive, and kept talking about what a nice girl Claire found herself.
Ellen and Ash tried to kick us out of the Roadhouse at one point, upset that we were making such a mess that they would have to clean for events they had booked that week (apparently, rainbow confetti and glitter are a real bitch to clean when mixed in with cake, pie, spilled alcohol, and all the gay everywhere). Dean got really pissed, but before anyone could do or say anything, Jack growled “Not my dads’ wedding day, not my Heaven, and not my roadhouse that I rebuilt with my own two hands!”, went all wrathy, and whooshed those two into the closet with John and soundproofed the door so no one could hear the yells and banging on the wood. Dean smiled at Cas and jumped on the bar, yelling out “Now it’s really an open bar! Who wants refills?” Everyone rushed over and he laughed, helping Cas up next to him and kissing him hard. I don’t think I’ve ever cheered so loudly. My hands hurt for hours afterwards from clapping so hard. (and I may have helped myself to a few refills, like 5 or 6)
Jesse and Cesar showing pictures of their ranch and horses to Dean and Cas was adorable. Which turned funny as hell when Dean started talking about how he rode a horse as a cowboy that one time *insert Cas’ ‘here we go again’ expression here* and then showing Jesse and Cesar pictures of he and Cas in cowboy hats and their family trip to Dodge City.
Balthazar started the train on the dance floor and of course, I was the caboose. I have yet to go to a wedding where I don’t end up the goddamn caboose.
Cutting the wedding pie was very cute. Dean fed Cas tenderly and then Cas, at the last second, smashed the pie into Dean’s face which caused Cas to laugh. Dean’s face softened (I think, it was hard to tell through the pie filling) and when Cas started to lick off the pie, encouraged by the crowd, it led to a very pie-filled kiss initiated by Dean, and then followed by clapping, loud cheers, and whistles from Bobby. Jack and I exchanged looks and then we both made a break for the cake next to the pie. He got the two-bee topper and I promptly smashed cake in his face. A food fight then ensued and everyone got into it. Jack’s laughter and then us teaming up against Alex and Patience (we won) is what I remember most. We may also have snuck over to the closet John, Ellen, and Ash were locked in, opened the door on 3 and blasted them with cake, before closing the door and locking it again. As they yelled, we giggled and ran back to the party.
I think I glanced Benny and Rowena slipping out of the room. Which is interesting because Benny seemed to merely tolerate Rowena when he first met her. And it was even more interesting that Gabriel was slipping away with them.
Apparently, there was a trap door in the floor of that locked closet, that opened up and became an expressway to Hell, sending those inside straight down. Jack couldn’t stop grinning as he told me. I may have giggled and mentioned that we should turn up the heat. He didn’t say anything but laughed and snapped his fingers. I then pulled him onto the dance floor with me when “Locked Out Of Heaven” came on, both of us chuckling nonstop as we danced like idiots.
A very sweet yet polite slow dance happened between Bobby and Mary while they discussed how proud they were of the boys. Jody and Donna appeared next to them and they got in on the conversation, agreeing how happy Dean appeared to be and how silly Sam’s hair looked. 
I changed Sam’s contact photo in my phone to his “new” one and keep texting him to call me since I might have a lead on a new case. When I pick up the line, unable to talk or breathe from laughing so hard, Sam gets annoyed and says “You guys suck” and then promptly hangs up. Every time. It’s still funny. 
Dean overrode the settings on the group chat and made that same picture Sam’s avatar, chatting out “Sammy, time for a wax, no?” I nearly pissed myself laughing when everyone agreed that he should start with that villainous caterpillar above his lip. Charlie sure has a way with words. I then fell out of my chair guffawing when the words “Sammy has left the chat” appeared soon after.
Drinks were drunk, fun was had, and most of it I don’t remember. I can’t quite party like I used to but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever stop trying. Even if it has taken me almost a full week to recover. Now a wedding on St. Patrick’s Day -- we’re going to take this crazy fun and turn it up about 10 notches. More info on this post about the ceremony but hell yes, I will be there, liver and all. I can’t wait to see what Eileen does with Sam’s hair for this one (that was all her idea btw). ;-) 
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