#is to be sleepy all the time and happy and cozy under covers. if u were truly sleepy then u wouldn’t be posting abt how you’re so sleepy you
fastasyoucan1999 · 2 years
i hope u all think of me as the mutual who goes to bed early and never posts x
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
HIHII i see yoy dont have obey me content yet,, want me 2 change that😼😼 HOPE IM NOT DISTURBING U OR ANUTHINGF AND ALSO HOPE URE HAVING A NICE SUMMERR
but anywayy could i req hcs(and maybe a small scenario🙇‍♀️) of solomon and simeon(MAYBE DIAVOLO AND BARBATOS IF U WONT MIND,, IDM IF U DONT THO HUHU) with an insomniac/sleepy s/o that accidentally slept over at their place😻 IM SORRY IF U DONT UNDERSTAND,, BUT AS IN THEY WERE INVITED TO THEIR ROOM BUT COULDNT HOLD BACK FROM SLEEPING SINCE THEY HAVENT SLEPT😞😞
sorrei 4 making this so long,,im chatty asf for an introvert omg😭😭 BUT YEYESY THAT'S ALL🤍🤍 LOVE UR WORK VHAI VHAI🙇‍♀️
      OBEY ME x gn reader
    『 solomon ,, simeon ,, diavolo ,, barbatos ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> side characters w/ sleepy or insomniac s/o
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, comfort
  — HIII OMG TYSM ♥️♥️♥️ glad to have my first obey me ask :) i am having a great summer 💪💪 though i start school next week 😭😭 so not too happy about that ,, tysm for requesting though :D i did all of them 😈😈 and its alr !! no worries abt being chatty 😝 i dont mind it one bit !! heres the request tho :) hope you enjoy <3
- solomon
| • he knows how the brothers run you ragged ,, and so he doesnt mind if you happen to fall asleep whilst staying over with him
| • if anything ,, it gives him an excuse to stay with you longer ,, stealing a few extra hours ,, and if one of the brothers do call he can say youre asleep
| • solomon did call you over so he can teach you more about a certain spell you had questions about
| • he'd pick you up from where you had fallen asleep and take you to his room ,, placing you under the covers so you'd be comfortable and warm at least
| • he'll place a kiss to your head and then go to the kitchen and make you something ,, until simeon stops him
- simeon
| • he wouldnt mind one bit if you happened to fall asleep ,, hes thankful for it really ,, since he knows how hard you work and how little time you get to yourself
| • he just wants you to be happy and healthy ,, and being well rested goes with that
| • simeon would make sure that youre comfortable ,, put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
| • whilst your sleeping he makes you a little snack for you when you wake up ,, so you can have something to enjoy and refill your energy with
- diavolo
| • he had finally gotten some free time with his tight schedule and didnt waste a moment before he invited you over to watch some movies from the human world he's been interested in watching
| • barbatos helped to make popcorn and other snacks for you both ,, and even gave diavolo a quick tutorial how to use the remote and the tv 💀💀
| • diavolo isnt too upset that you fell asleep halfway through the movie though ,, hes mostly upset you havent been able to take care of yourself and in result its made you lose sleep
| • he keeps you under the cover and all cuddle up though ,, pressing many kisses to your head as he finishes up the movie
| • he might also nap with you when he gets a little too cozy
- barbatos
| • he already knew how tired you were before he invited you over ,, really it was the whole reason he did
| • having a little free time to himself for a bit ,, after finishing his duties for the hour that is ,, he invited you over with the intention of you sleeping
| • he made a special tea blend that increases melatonin and is meant to put people to sleep or make them drowsy ,, really just in general help them sleep
| • he'll coax you over to his bed and let you sleep whilst he finishes his duties for the upcoming hour
| • barbatos also has a few treats left out for you on the bedside table ,, with a spotch of tea to help awaken you and restore your energy
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honeyhenry · 2 years
The Warmth Within
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Please enjoy! I haven't written in so long and finally I have the time :) no warnings just alpine being dramatic and sweet in the lovely house of Barnes <3
Alpine gravitates to the warmest parts of the house - in search of comfort, belonging, and peace.
At 6am, right after Bucky leaves for his daily run, she tucks herself in to his side of the bed, enjoying the coziness of the covers he leaves behind, with Bucky making her promise to look after you while he is gone. It turns to 8am, then 9am, and Alpine meows for food, before taking a turn around the garden, welcoming the morning brightness and keeping an eye on the ladybugs and sparrows in her line of sight.
The sunspot on the soft carpet is perfect just as the clock strikes eleven in the morning as she stretches out, basking in the warmth of the day. At noon, she curls up on the sofa, watching you prepare some lunch, or perhaps another snack. You sneak her a piece of chicken with hushed whispers of “don’t tell Bucky, okay?”.
At 2pm, it’s nap time, but Alpine finds a new sunspot in the smaller room upstairs. The door of this room has a large brass doorknob that twists and creaks just as expected in the sandstone house built on the history of the city, and so you and Bucky cannot figure out how she gets in. Nothing stops her. She finds a pillow to rest on, closes her eyes, and allows herself that small moment of serenity.
At 5pm, Bucky returns home. He’s always sharp and so Alpine knows it’s him who walks through the door at that very moment in time. She barely budged as you move around the kitchen, laying by the oven while you open and close the door to prepare and cook dinner. You fear one day she will hop inside without you realising. Bucky knows that Alpine is dramatic, but thankfully has a nice life provided for her, and so shouldn’t feel any such need.
When the human furnace - Bucky - returns however, Alpine greets him, wrapping herself around his legs as he makes his way to you. She gets her pets after a brief moment, reverting back to the oven door and watching the pastries rise slowly as her humans talk quietly in hushed, sacred tones only the two of them can hear.
At 9pm, you are sleepy. Bucky commandeered most of the sofa and you lay atop him, feeling completely relaxed and utterly comfortable as he plays with your hair, telling you about his day and all of the plans he holds for you in this wonderful life you share. Not to feel left out, Alpine hops upon you, making you smile softly as her white fur smooths under your hand.
Looking to find warmth, she rests atop your stomach, curled up in her natural resting position. Happy, content - not a care in the world.
You stroke her softly, knowing she has found her warmth, her home.
“I think she knows” you comment with a smile.
Bucky places a kiss to your shoulder, a wide grin shining across his face as he closes his eyes, finding his own peace. His home.
I hope u like ! lmk what u think !!
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
Hellcheer prompt you say? Yes please. How about its movie date night and Chrissy got to pick. Eddie thinks it'll be the worst movie ever but then he gets into it and he's gripping the pillow on his lap to keep from screaming at the leading lady about her life choices. Anyway, soft and sweet, everybody lived nobody died, and Billy's the one that first introduced her to the movie cause they are bffs.
thank u so much for the lovely prompt @racheld93!! 🤍 i hope you enjoy this, i had so much fun and it went waaay longer than I expected lol and i did make a small adjustment about Billy introducing her to the movie, I hope that’s okay
tw recreational drug use (weed) but other than that, this is pure fluff, all the comfort without the hurt lol
read on ao3
It’s Friday evening after cheer practice and Hellfire so that means--
“Iiit’s movie night!” Eddie grins as he wraps his arms around Chrissy’s waist, picking her up from where she’s standing outside of the school with her friends. He calls back to them from over his shoulder as he carries her away, “Sorry, girls! Gotta go!”
This isn’t new, not at all, but it still makes her giddy. Chrissy giggles and waves goodbye to her friends, promising to call them tomorrow as Eddie continues to carry her towards his van. Once there, he sets her down gently, smiling as she pulls on his vest to bring him closer. He’s pressing her into the side of the van carefully, staring down at her with a warm smile as she goes onto the tips of her toes to press a kiss to his mouth sweetly.
His heart skips a beat, as it always does, as he kisses her back before pulling away just enough to hum, “After I pick you up, should we go to Family Video for a movie and snacks? Then head to mine? Get cozy on the couch, maybe smoke a little?”
It sounds like heaven, and Chrissy agrees, if the happy little sound she makes means anything. “Yes, let’s go,” she smiles with a soft, eager tone, even playfully pushing on Eddie’s chest until he’s all but racing her around the van just so he can open the door for her with a playful ‘my lady’ that she giggles at.
She suspects that maybe he’s so chivalrous because of his fantasy books - all those shining knights on horseback, always ready to cater to a pretty lady in need. 
In her case, he’s a nerdy metalhead in a messy van. But, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once he drops her off a block from her house, promising to pick her up once her parents are asleep, she lets herself become excited. Their movie-date nights are every Friday either after her parents fall asleep or if she can get one of her friends to cover for her with a little white lie regarding a sleepover. And Chrissy did go for a sleepover, just not at her friend’s house.
Sneaking out is always something that makes her stomach knot. She’ll pack her bag quietly and then strain her ears for any little sound as she shapes her pillows under her blanket, biting her lower lip until it’s red as she slowly slides her window up. Bag first, then her, and then slowly lowering her window again - making sure it doesn’t latch when she does. Then, she’s slinging her backpack over her shoulders and running across the lawn, rushing down the street to where that familiar van is waiting, her boyfriend grinning ear to ear when she climbs in.
It’s scary and risky but so, so worth it.
When they arrive at Family Video, it’s late, and the parking lot is empty except for a familiar blue Camaro. The place is surprisingly quiet as they enter, the little bell going off over their heads as they let themselves in and glance around. No one is roaming the aisles or asking about extra copies of the new releases, no kids running around demanding candy or their favourite movie of the week - it’s just them. Then again, it’s later than most people in this ‘sleepy’ town usually stay out and it’s nearly closing time, so.
Eddie approaches the counter and loudly rings the bell there with a tap of his finger, Chrissy scrunching her nose a little at the sharp sound before a flustered Steve Harrington comes out from the back - straightening his green work vest and running a hand through his messy hair.
Before either of them can say anything, they watch Chrissy’s best friend follow Steve out from the back, looking smug as shit with a fresh bruise bitten onto his neck. Billy looks at her and wiggles his eyebrows playfully, which makes her snort a soft laugh with a shake of her head. Of course.
“Fooling around on company time, Harrington?” Eddie grins knowingly.
Steve rolls his eyes, trying to brush it off, but Chrissy can see that by the blush on his cheeks that the answer is ‘yes’.
She doesn’t hear Steve’s reply as Billy comes over to her and wraps a muscled arm around her shoulders, pulling her close in a half hug that they’re both used to. He smells like cigarettes and cologne, and Steve’s cologne, and it’s familiar and comforting as she wraps her arms around him in return.
“Date night with Munson?” He hums into her hair, letting her go a second later.
Chrissy nods, “Every Friday night is movie night, remember?” She’s only been telling him that for months, ever since she and Eddie had become official.
“Right,” he says quietly, glancing over at one of the aisles before looking down at her again, a slow smile spreading on his face as he asks, “You need any recommendations?”
At first, she wants to say ‘no it’s okay’ because she already has a movie in mind, but Billy’s never done her wrong with his movie suggestions. They’d watched plenty together before finally asking out their respective boyfriends, so for old time’s sake, she gives a small nod.
“Sure, since it is my pick this time,” she says, giving him another smile, “What do you have in mind?”
He leads them over to an aisle, browsing the titles before picking one from the shelf, “Your nerd might like The Princess Bride,” he shows her the front of the VHS, “It has all of the classic shit: a pretty princess, sword fights, romance—”
“We did watch that one,” she interrupts gently, “We liked it. He says he wants our Halloween costumes to be Westley and Buttercup this year.”
“Well, isn’t that just the sweetest damn thing I’ve heard all night,” Billy smirks, his blue eyes sharp in a way that means he’s amused, “Alright, if not that one, then...” he shoves the VHS back into its place and grabs another from the shelf, showing her the title. 
She gives him an apologetic look, “Watched it.”
He sets it back and grabs another, “This one?”
“I wasn’t a fan.”
They get through a few more before he holds up another that she hasn’t seen, but she does bite her lip a little in thought.
Billy shakes the VHS a little, brows lifting in expectation before he says, “Sixteen Candles?”
“Well, what? Have you seen it or not?”
Chrissy huffs and shakes her head ‘no’, but is quick to follow it up with, “My friend and I were supposed to watch it together when it came out in theatres, but we couldn’t find time to. And once it was out to rent, she kept suggesting other movies and I’d say yes.”
Billy blinks, his brows furrowing a little, “So?”
“So, I don’t want to watch it without her. What if she wants to rent it one day and I have to tell her I’ve already seen it?”
“Chris,” Billy sighs, his brows knitting together in that familiar way she knows too well, because it means she’s being unfair to herself, “This movie came out--” he glances at the back of the cover, “In ‘84. Two years ago. Which friend is this?”
“Well, fuck Gemma. She had her chance and frankly, it sounds like she isn’t going to ever watch it with you,” he lets those words sink in for a moment before continuing, “So, watch it with your boyfriend. Maybe he’ll enjoy it. And if he bitches about it, I’ll knock him upside the head for you.”
Chrissy laughs a little, shaking her head in amusement before she’s taking the VHS from him and playfully pointing her manicured finger at him, fixing Billy with what she hopes is a threatening look, “If he bitches about it, I’m blaming you and your movie suggestions.”
“Yeah, yeah, princess,” Billy snorts, wrapping his arm around her shoulders again as they head to the counter, “You haven’t complained about them before, so don’t start now.”
“Haven’t complained about what?” Eddie asks, leaning against the counter now with his chin in his hand, Steve still standing behind the counter with his arms crossed over his chest looking oh-so unamused.
Chrissy steps forward from Billy’s hold and presents the Sixteen Candles VHS to her boyfriend, watching Eddie’s dark eyes take in the title and cover before a grimace grows on his face, clearly unsure about the selection.
Eddie looks up to her face again, “Chris, you know I love you--”
“--and if you love me, you’ll watch it with me,” she quickly butts in, blinking innocently up at him. Behind her, Billy stifles a laugh as he goes to sneak behind Steve at the counter.
Her boyfriend grimaces again, knowing that Billy had certainly taught her that little tactic, but she makes sure to pout her lips a little and that’s definitely something she picked up from Steve, so how is he supposed to say ‘no’ to her?
“Alright, fiiine,” he sighs dramatically, like a petulant child, before plucking the tape from her hand and sliding it across the counter towards Steve, glowering at him as Chrissy grins triumphantly at Billy, who gives her a wink. “But, if I absolutely hate it, we gotta put something else on - okay?”
“Sure,” she hums, stepping close to him to press herself against his side, slipping her hand under his vest to rest it at his lower back. It’s a familiar touch, the warmth of his skin against her palm, and it’s usually saved for when they’re in private but she has no problem being affectionate in front of their close friends.
Eddie glances down at her with a soft smile as Steve pulls up Chrissy’s account on the computer, wrapping his arm around her to keep her close, wanting to stay in that little moment where she’s looking up at him with those cute doe eyes and her lips are so pink and soft looking--
“You’re not getting snacks?” Steve asks with furrowed brows, because he knows they always do.
“Hm?” Eddie hums, turning his head before forcing himself to look at the other boy, his question registering in Eddie’s brain a few seconds too late, “Oh--yeah, these,” he says, grabbing a random box of candy and microwave popcorn that was near the till and shoving them towards Steve.
Billy can’t help but to smirk at the couple, playfully saying to his boyfriend, “And I thought we were bad, Stevie.”
“You’re worse, actually,” Chrissy teases back, tapping her finger against her neck in the spot where Billy had a fresh hickey.
It’s comical, how Steve fumbles with the box of candy as he seems to finally notice the mark he left behind when they’d been getting handsy in the back room. He puts the snacks and movie into a little plastic bag and shoves it towards them, “Here, have fun with date night, now get out.”
It’s always funny how bitchy Steve can get whenever his ‘alone time’ with Billy is interrupted or cut short; so funny that Chrissy can’t help her smile in response to that clipped tone.
“Way ahead of you!” Eddie says as he takes the bag, pulling Chrissy towards the exit but stops to face the other boys again, just to give Steve and Billy a bow, “But before I go, I must wish both of you gentlemen a proper good evening--”
“Oh my god, leave!” Steve shouts in exasperated amusement, he and Billy laughing together as Chrissy makes a show of pushing her nerd of a boyfriend out of the store with her own grin, waving goodnight to them.
The trailer is quiet when they arrive and it’s been like that for a few weeks, ever since Eddie’s uncle started his night shifts, but, it works out better that way. They know that Wayne has no issues with Chrissy coming over or staying the night, he trusts his nephew enough to be safe and he’s definitely old enough to know better than to cause any trouble. 
And, Eddie had told Chrissy that Wayne liked her. He thought she was good for him, and that had made her feel all sorts of happy.
“The castle might be a little messy,” Eddie warns as Chrissy steps inside first, feeling along the wall to flick on the light switch near the door to illuminate the room. It’s the same as always, the same scent of slightly burnt coffee and cigarettes and spiced cologne, but hardly ‘messy’. It was almost startling how comforting the odd combination of scents had become to her.
Chrissy glances back at her boyfriend with a small smirk then, eyeing him playfully now that they’re alone, “To the bedroom?”
An amused little smile grows on Eddie’s face, his dimples showing as his dark eyes shine, his tone low and just as playful as he shuts and locks the door behind them, “Eager, are we?”
“To change,” she laughs softly, playfully poking her tongue out at him before making her way towards his room, feeling him hot on her heels the entire way.
His room is the same as ever: a little messy, chaotic just like he is, with his many passions strewn about the floor and walls. She carefully sets her backpack down onto his bed and begins stripping out of her clothes quietly, feeling his appreciative gaze on her body. She glances over as she pushes her skirt down, seeing that he’s turned his back to rifle through his drawers, and she smiles to herself. They’ve been intimate already, plenty of times, but he still respects her privacy.
“I think I’m ready for a cozy night in with my lady,” he hums as he pulls on some sweatpants and switches his Hellfire Club shirt for something softer, an old shirt that’s worn thin but so comfortable, “You want me to get everything started?” He asks.
"Mm, not everything,” she says with a tiny smile, going over to his dresser where he’s standing to find her favourite sleepover outfit: a pair of baggy sleep pants and whichever band tee she can her hands on first. 
He glances down at her when she bumps her hip against his, his eyes unable to stop themselves from another quick glance down at her half-naked body. It makes her cheeks warm a bit, but he’s quick to look into her eyes again, tilting his head in question, “Then what should I get started?”
It’s not fair to make him do everything, so she considers the options for a moment before saying, “How about...you make the popcorn, since I always burn it, and then I’ll make up the couch like how I usually do while you get the movie ready?”
“Sounds perfect,” he smiles, leaning down to press a quick kiss to her soft cheek, “Take your time, there’s no rush.” And then he’s gone, clearly ready to get the night started.
It’s sweet, how eager he is to do things for and with her. No past boyfriends had ever shown much of an interest in her interests, or would ever agree to watching a ‘girly’ movie with her (even if he did whine about it a little). Eddie was everything she hadn’t expected, but in the best way.
After changing and loosely braiding her hair, she grabs the extra blanket from his closet and returns to the living room, catching sight of Eddie sitting on the floor in front of the couch - surrounded by a bowl of popcorn, a box of candy, rolling papers, and a small bag of weed. 
He looks up at her and grins as he catches sight of the shirt, “AC/DC? Nice choice, Chris.” And then beckons her over with a tilt of his head.
There’s no need to be shy anymore, not when they’re so comfortable and familiar with each other, but Chrissy feels her cheeks pink just a little as he moves the little rolling tray out of his lap and pats the top of his thighs in invitation. 
She sets the blanket down onto the couch and sits down in his lap carefully, feeling his chest against her back and how the warmth of his body seeps through their clothes - and then his arms are encompassing her as the tray is put into her lap. 
“Go on,” he hums, giving the side of her thigh a soft pat.
Her brows furrow as she glances back at him from over her shoulder, so close that their noses almost brush, “You still trust me after last time?” She asks, almost in disbelief, because the last time she had rolled a joint, the weed had fallen out before they had a chance to light it. It had been a little embarrassing, no matter how much he’d assured her it was okay.
“Obviously I trust you,” he smiles easily, so warm that it eases any worry she has, and then his hands are taking hers, “I’ll guide you, yeah? Consider this a...refresher course.”
That makes her smile again, huffing softly in amusement as her gaze returns to the tray, eyeing how his hands all but swallow hers up, “How thoughtful,” she teases back, but falls quiet as Eddie begins to guide her hands, murmuring the steps into her hair as they go. 
By the end of it, the joint is rolled tight and near perfect. She holds it up in front of them as Eddie wraps his arms around her tightly, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, “See? I knew you could do it.”
“You basically did it,” she argues, gasping with a squeal of laughter as he suddenly blows a raspberry against her neck, “Eddie!”
“Chrissy!” He chuckles into her skin, nuzzling it for another moment before she’s playfully pushing his head away and he leans back with a wide grin.
Almost as punishment, she smiles back at him and suggests sweetly, “Movie time?”
The groan of what she can only describe as despair that he lets out makes her smile widen as she pries his arms from around her, hearing him grumble about Molly Ringwald as she gets up from his lap to spread the blanket across the couch. The remote for the VCR player is in his hand by the time Eddie gets to his feet, the end of the joint pinched carefully between his teeth as they get comfortable together, his arm around her as she leans into him under the blanket.
“Chris,” He whispers around the joint with the remote pointing at the TV, “If you have any desire to back out of this movie in that big, sweet heart of yours...please tell me now.” 
She giggles softly and shakes her head ‘no’, just because she loves to see him suffer, just a little. He’s adorable like this, all pouty and whiny. “Nope,” she replies, popping the ‘p’.
The shick of a lighter makes her grin, knowing that Eddie’s accepted his fate.
“No, no, no, no!” Eddie gasps at the TV with wide, bloodshot eyes, smacking a couch cushion against his lap, “What is she doing, Chris?!”
“She’s helping a little nerdy guy!” Chrissy laughs, unable to stop giggling as she listens to her boyfriend lament over the main character’s choices, “She’s being nice!”
“Nice?! She gave him her panties!”
“Okay, well - then she was helping him out!” She smiles, amused at the turn her boyfriend’s attitude has taken in less than an hour.
When the movie had begun, Eddie had done his best to look bored, taking long hits of the joint before passing it over to Chrissy, the two of them sharing it until it was down to a stinger that was left in the ashtray beside the couch. He’d pulled the popcorn into his lap and ate quietly, his knee bouncing under the blanket quietly while Chrissy had popped a few pieces of candy into her mouth. 
But as the plot furthered, she’d caught a small crack of a smile on his face from the corner of her eye. Then, it grew and grew, until he was grinning with a peek of teeth, until finally, he began to chuckle and laugh along with her. By the time Sam was heading to the prom, Eddie had set the popcorn aside and sat up, even grabbing a little cushion to grip because he needed to keep his hands busy.
Chrissy wished she could record her boyfriend’s reactions to movies. She wanted to remember every smile and laugh, every little tear that he’d shed during intense emotions, or even to capture the moment he fell asleep when they started a movie too late. But, committing these moments to memory were good enough, for now.
By the time the movie is drawing to its end, Eddie has the softest smile on his face as he leans into her, his eyes never leaving the two teens on the screen as Sam blows out the candles on her birthday cake. Once the screen fades the black and the credits roll, she’s nudging him gently with her elbow, a knowing smile on her face as Eddie turns his head to look at her.
They stare at each other for a second, silently communicating with eyebrows and smiles, until Eddie dramatically sighs and flops down to place his head in her lap, “Okay, fine, it was good! It was funny and sweet and I’m glad you picked it.”
Chrissy can’t help the soft laugh she gives as her fingers go into his hair, gently brushing through the curly mess as she smiles down at him, “I’m glad you liked it, punkin.”
The pet name makes him grin, humming happily to himself as he leans into her touch, “’M kinda tired now,” he murmurs, pouting his lower lip pointedly.
“You? Tired?” She teases, because they both know that he has more than enough energy for the two of them on any given day, “Sure you are. You want me to carry you to bed?”
That makes him laugh out loud, amused and endeared by her, “Would you, really?” He chuckles as he reaches up to brush a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
“Um, yeah?” She scrunches her nose, “Duh?”
“You’re cute, Cunningham,” he grins, pushing himself up enough to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, his voice lowering in that familiar way that meant they wouldn’t be going to sleep anytime soon, “C’mon, let me take you to bed.”
And who is Chrissy to say ‘no’ to that?
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ushidoux · 4 years
gimmie domestic Ushijima pls
A/N: Here’s a domestic ushi Christmas drabble, fluffy and u wu vibes (~1.0k words)!
Ushijima let out a light but exasperated sigh as you stood just inches behind him while he worked diligently at the kitchen counter then set down his mixing bowl before turning to you, expression as stern as a parent scolding a child.
“You agreed to stay out of the kitchen, love.” 
His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back against the work surface, his expression unchanging even when you pouted at him. It was such a serious expression for someone wearing an apron a couple sizes too small for him but large enough to hide an endearingly hideous Christmas sweater, sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
But Toshi was always as serious as he was sweet.
Unconsciously you had gone from sitting impatiently at the dinner table to creeping behind him and peering over (or rather, around) his shoulder at what he was doing despite his instructions. It turned out that your tendency to micromanage your work and the work of others didn’t stop when you walked through the front door of your home. Even though you had yet to say anything, he could probably feel your eagerness to help as you practically breathed down his neck. 
He raised an eyebrow.
“Fine, I’ll go!” you huffed dramatically but before you could turn to leave, he pointed to his cheek.
“Kiss first, then you can leave.”
You narrowed your eyes at him in mock anger but quickly rose onto your tiptoes to peck him on the cheek before he turned back to his endeavor and you hurried out of the kitchen.
Settling on the couch instead of the dinner table so that you wouldn’t be tempted to stare oppressively at him from afar, you decided to turn on the television to a classic Hallmark movie so that you could focus on sounds other than whatever your boyfriend was fabricating in the kitchen. 
It was your first Christmas Eve since you’d started living together, and it would be your first Christmas away from home. Despite your apartment being warm, cozy and far more decorated for the holiday season than it had been for years prior (Ushijima had strung up lights the second December 1st rolled around by Tendou’s recommendation), you couldn’t help shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. 
You weren’t sure if it was the fact that you were surprised you had the day off, only finding out last minute that you’d get to sleep in on Christmas Day, or that you hadn’t had time to buy gifts for anyone as work had gotten excessively busy over the past two months. 
Or maybe you were just exhausted; Ushijima had been encouraging you to sleep earlier for weeks but you found yourself staying at work after hours and poring through books the moment you got home, and it had gotten harder and harder to crawl out of bed in the morning for work.
This morning when you kissed him goodbye before dawn, softly as to not wake him, he’d roused anyway, bidding you to drive safely and to not worry about preparing any festivities for Christmas and to leave it all to him. You weren’t exactly sure what that meant, but the day had been a whirlwind anyway, and so you hadn’t had a moment to have a spare thought.
He hadn’t expected you to come home while he still was toiling away in the kitchen but while he was upset that everything hadn’t been laid out for you, he was still happy to see you.
As long as you weren’t anxiously breathing down his neck.
You weren’t exactly sure when you’d fallen asleep on the couch between texting your mother to see how things were going at home and trying to guess how adherent the movie you were only kind of watching would stay to the classic Christmas special formula, but you woke up to a soft nudge and olive eyes directly at your eye level.
“I hope you’re still hungry, sleepy baby.”
Your eyes widened in surprise at just how easily you dozed off and Ushijima rose from his squatting position, helping you up with a warm smile. 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I don’t know when I fell asleep… how long have you been waiting-” you started, rubbing your eyes, but Ushijima was already leading you to the loveliest Christmas feast you’d ever seen. 
You were at a loss for words. Again you asked yourself, how long were you asleep?
Somehow as you dozed off, he had managed to cover your table for two with way more food than you could possibly eat tonight or the next three days, including an elaborate chocolate dessert you can only imagine he’d learned to make step by step from his chocolatier best friend, topping a red tablecloth with golden accents. Instead of wine, he’d opted for homemade eggnog which you discovered later tasted much better than you’d anticipated for something made out of under-processed eggs, and the main lights had been extinguished such that the multicolored lights and the white candles in the center of the table were all that lit up your humble abode. 
You knew that every dish must have taken hours to prepare, possibly the entire day. As you’d been working hard to finish up so you’d get home to see him and not be absent yet again, he’d been working hard for you to feel loved and appreciated.
“Does it feel like Christmas?” Ushijima asked, already filled to the brim with pride at the teary-eyed smile that graced your face as he sat you down to eat. His hands rubbed your shoulders softly, but were already melting with affection.
You turned around to hug him tight, messy apron and all, unable to express your gratitude at his efforts with words.
Maybe you weren’t home with your parents and siblings for the holidays but now, here with your sweet Toshi, it was feeling very much like home.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Early Mornings
Summary: Your boyfriend Marcus wakes you up, and he’s clearly got something on his mind.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Reader *check A/N below
Word Count: 1.8k
Rating/Warnings: SMUT! Basically PWP. Morning sex, P in V sex, protected sex (proud of u bby,) fingering, almost getting caught in the act, a minor is mentioned but not in a sexual way (worried about Missy catching you and Marcus in flagrante delicto.) I push my language kink on the reader sorry not sorry.
A/N: Look, I just wanted to write Marcus Moreno getting some sweet morning lovin’. Is that a crime? *Also I mention that reader doesn’t understand Spanish - sorry to my fluent readers - but also that she’s sleepy and then a little preoccupied, so I think as long as it’s not your first language, it works? I don’t usually indulge my language kink, let me have this one.
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The bed was soft under you, a contrast to the muscular chest pressed to your back. You sighed contently, happy to be waking in such a cozy place. The chuckle from the man behind you reverberated through your own chest. You knew he was already awake, his strong hand massaging your hip under the covers had been what woke you in the first place.
“Good morning, carino.” Marcus sang, keeping his tone low in the quiet house. His voice was hoarse with sleep, and slipping that pet name in there… you should have realized quickly what was on his mind.
“Mornin’.” You hummed back. “Time s’it?” You couldn’t be bothered yet to open your own eyes to check.
“Early.” Marcus dismissed as he nuzzled your neck. His nose pressed against your pulse point, breath tickling your sleep-warmed skin. The hand massaging your hip moved to stroke up and down your thigh, playing with the hem of your sleep shorts at each pass. He began muttering praises in Spanish against your skin.
You sighed his name, feeling desire pooling within you at his ministrations. Barely awake, you fell for his charms quickly - not that you wouldn’t have fallen for them regardless. He knew what kinds of things got you in the mood, and he was pulling out all the stops. You were putty in his hands.
His fingers slid past the waistband of your shorts, caressing your bare hip. He pulled you back, your ass grinding into him. You felt his erection, hard and heavy against you.
“Marcus,” you sighed once again. He had you breathless already. “What about Missy?”
He paused his Spanish appeal to calm your worries. “Still asleep. We’ll be quiet.” He promised, lips tickling your ear as he spoke.
You blinked your eyes open. The sun was low, barely risen, but enough to light the room through the open curtains. You looked over towards the door, but your sight was still bleary. “The door locked?”
Marcus hummed noncommittally as he kissed your neck. You whined quietly, although you couldn’t tell if it was due to the man behind you or the answer he gave.
“Can’t you…” You waved your arm in the direction of the door. The rest of the question died on your lips as his hand slid between your legs. You gasped, dropping your hand to grip his forearm as his fingers slid between your wet lips.
Marcus hummed in approval, rolling his hips into you. “Already so wet for me.”
You cursed under your breath, arching into him as he stroked up and down your folds.
“Can I, hermosa? Please, baby.” He asked, finger teasing your opening.
“Please,” you nodded.
Both of you moaned quietly as his long finger dipped inside you. You gripped his arm tighter, rolling your hips as he fingered you. Soon, a second finger joined the first.
“Feel good?” He whispered against your shoulder. You nodded, worried that you’d be too loud if you spoke.
He added light pressure to your clit, his thumb circling the bud gently. You couldn’t stop the whimper from bubbling up in your chest.
“Shh, that’s good.” He praised, his soft, soothing voice making you tremble around him. “Can you stay quiet, carino? If I move these shorts out of my way and slip inside, can you stay quiet for me?”
You nodded frantically, wanting to feel him. “Yes, Marcus.” You promised, voice shaking.
As he slipped his hand away from you, you shimmied your shorts down your hips, kicking them off to be lost under the covers. Marcus busied himself in those moments, grabbing a condom from the bedside table and slipping it on once he’d freed himself from his briefs. He pulled your leg overtop of his hip, spreading you open for him as he ran his cock through your lips. You shuddered, arching backwards into him.
Your breath caught as he pressed into you, his own shaky groan echoing in your ear. He went slow, letting you both get used to the sensations without losing control. Once he was fully sheathed, his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly to his chest.
You reached behind you for him, leaning over your shoulder and pulling him into a kiss. It was a sloppy kiss, the angle not ideal and both of you struggling to stay quiet despite the sensations running through you. It was easy to lose yourself in each other, but you didn’t have the luxury of that this morning.
Tongues still dancing, Marcus began thrusting into you. He kept his pace slow and steady, trying to keep the bed from creaking. The pace was torturous. He dragged against your walls non-stop, in and out steadily, your nerves dancing with every pass. You had to break away from the kiss to focus on breathing and keeping quiet. The break in the kiss gave Marcus a chance to start whispering Spanish nothings in your ear.
You couldn’t make out everything he was saying, your mind too focussed on the pleasure you were feeling. Pet names like hermosa, mi corazón, and mi reina stood out. His voice changed, from a loving melodic tone to a growl and you knew the content changed with it. You didn’t need to know Spanish to know he was now spewing filth, talking dirty to you in a language he knew drove you wild.
You whined his name quietly in response, telling him how good he felt, how deep he was. Your voice shook with the struggle to not moan wantonly.
A soft clicking noise out in the hallway had both of you freezing in place. Marcus stopped moving, both of you stopped talking. The only noise in the room was both of your deep breaths and even that felt too loud as your ears strained to listen.
Missy’s door swung open and closed. You tried to move your leg from where it stretched over Marcus’, but he held it still. 
“Marcus-” You hissed, but he shushed you just as quickly.
“She’ll go downstairs.” He whispered in your ear.
“What if she doesn’t?” You whispered back.
“She will.”
You were so still you could feel the way your walls fluttered around him. You knew he had to be feeling it too. He buried his face into your neck, trying to hide the way his breath stuttered at the involuntary twitching.
You held your breath as her footsteps came to the door of Marcus’ bedroom but they didn’t stop. They continued down the hallway and downstairs. You finally let yourself breathe again as you heard the living room TV turn on.
“Told you.” Marcus’ voice was still low, but not a full whisper. You could hear the grin in his voice although his face was still in your neck.
“Fuck off,” you grinned, laughing softly as the tension left your body. You had to bite your lip to stop from moaning as he thrust into you with one hard stroke before stilling again.
“I’m trying.” He teased before picking up his previous pace.
The threat of being caught was lessened now that Missy was downstairs. Marcus thrust into you harder, not worried if a few springs started squeaking. You gasped and moaned softly, telling him how good it was, how deep you could feel him, how close you were getting.
You slid your hand down to play with your clit, your fingers grazing against Marcus’ cock as he pistoned in and out of you. Feeling your hand, Marcus tossed the blankets off of the two of you so he could watch you play with yourself. He groaned, telling you how sexy it was.
“Are you close, babe?” You panted, watching him over your shoulder. He was biting his lower lip, dark eyes staring down your body.
“Yeah. Almost.” He told you through grit teeth.
“Good.” You stopped rubbing yourself to move his hand under your thin nightshirt to your breast, quickly resuming your motions. He moaned in your ear as he palmed the flesh, pinching at your nipple that had peaked due to the cool air of the bedroom outside the covers.
“You first.” He ordered, clearly holding himself back until you came. You nodded, telling him wordlessly that you were close. He nuzzled your neck, his breath ghosting over your ear as you felt that peak getting closer and closer…
You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut as your vision turned white. Your body trembled in his arms as your walls milked him. He groaned loudly against your skin, following you over the edge. Your hand flew to his, still on your breast, holding him close as the waves of pleasure overtook your body.
You were glad the blanket had already been thrown elsewhere as you came down from your high, body overheated and sticking to Marcus’ with sweat. Still, you didn’t want to let go of him, or have him let go of you, just yet. Marcus seemed to agree, clinging to you as he also caught his breath.
You giggled quietly, disrupting the quiet. Marcus hummed inquisitively.
“Hell of a way to wake up.” You explained the reason for your giggles.
Marcus pulled out of you carefully, rolling onto his back and joining in your giddiness. 
You rolled over, resting your head on his chest to look up at him. His skin was flushed and sweaty, and you were sure you looked much the same. He cupped the back of your head and pulled you into a sweet kiss. You hummed softly into his mouth, enjoying the lazy kiss.
He broke the kiss to dispose of the condom in the trash next to the bed, luckily not having to leave the bed to do so. You turned to check the alarm clock, seeing it was just after 8 in the morning. You could probably get away with a few more minutes in bed, but you had worked up a bit of an appetite already.
“Shower?” You proposed, knowing the two of you couldn’t go downstairs looking or smelling the way you did. You weren’t sure what level of sex talk Marcus had had with Missy yet, but she would definitely be able to figure out something had gone on in this room.
“You say shower, I say round two.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
You laughed, smacking him lightly in the chest. “You, Marcus Moreno, are insatiable.”
“Only for you, carino.” He winked.
You sat up, groaning as you stretched out your muscles. You knew Marcus was watching you as you slipped out of bed.
“Well super powers or not, I think you need to come to terms with something called a refractory period.” You challenged as you stripped off your sleep shirt. The second the words were out of your mouth, you saw his eyes darken as his jaw set. You smirked at him before heading into the ensuite. You heard him jump off the bed to chase after you with a warning growl, and you were very glad Missy was watching loud cartoons.
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl @din-damn-djarin @thisisthe-wayson @insideafictionaluniverse @vonschweetz @driedgreentomatoes @computeringturtle​
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epicmusicplays · 3 years
I’m so happy for you!! 100 followers is a milestone! Congrats! For a prompt: 😴willex🥰
aaaa thank you!!!!!
(i have no idea if they’re already dating or not in this so read it whichever way u want, ig??)
wordcount: 630
Molina Family Movie Nights are always a highlight of Willie’s week, because of course they are, but he has to say that the best part by far is Alex-cuddles.
Every Saturday night, the whole extended family - found family, really, but who needs semantics - piles into the living room, spends at least twenty minutes bickering about what to watch, and eventually settling down into their not-technically-assigned-but-definitely-important-seats.
Ray, squished into the armchair with Carlos, holds the remote. Julie, Luke, and Reggie get one couch, and Flynn, Carrie, and Bobby get the other. There’s one more chair for anyone who’s visiting - Nick, or Kayla, or sometimes Tia Victoria - and Alex and Willie somehow always end up on the floor.
Not that that’s a bad thing. As they’ve already said, cuddle floor time with Alex is Willie’s favorite part of movie night. The coffee table gets pushed out of the way, and the entire space between the couches is covered with almost a foot of blankets and pillows to make sure it’s nice and cozy. They always start sitting up, leaning against the couch, but by the end of the night they’re always lying curled together on the ground.
Honestly, Willie has no idea how it happens, but - again - he’s definitely not complaining.
And he’s especially not complaining when the kids pick one too many movies after Ray goes to bed and all end up falling asleep before the credits roll, because that means Willie gets to wake up in Alex’s arms, and that’s… yeah. That’s good.
The sun’s barely up, so Willie has no idea what woke them up, and a sleepy glance around tells him that everyone else’s still asleep. Including Alex.
They shuffle around, trying to stay quiet, and snatch a blanket off the pile to his side. He loves this house more than anything else in the world, but it gets cold at night.
Finally settled comfortably under the blanket, Willie wraps both arms around Alex’s waist and nuzzles closer into his chest, pressing their nose into his neck to try and warm it up.
Alex flinches and makes a sleepy, whiny sound.
Willie pulls back to stare at him, then slowly leans in and pokes his nose into the underside of Alex’s chin.
“Wills,” Alex whines in a mumble. “Th’t’s cold.”
They snort quietly. “It’s cold, hotdog?”
“Sorry. Is this cold?”
He twists one leg to press their ice-block toes to the bottom of Alex’s foot, giggling breathlessly when Alex screws his face up and pulls away.
“Willllllls,” he draws their name out, “wh’t’re y’doing.”
“What am I doing?”
Alex nods.
“I’m being mean to you, Lexi.”
Alex nods again.
“Really mean. ‘Nd cold. Go back to sleep.”
He doesn’t give them a chance to answer before he pulls Willie further into his chest, burrowing his face in their shoulder and holding tightly enough that Willie can feel their hearts beating in sync.
“Love you,” Alex mumbles into his neck.
Willie softens, feels himself flush. “Love you, too, ‘Lex. Sleep well.”
When the two of them finally get up several hours later and drag themselves into the kitchen to help the others make chocolate chip pancakes, Flynn cheerfully presents them with one already on a plate. Chocolate chips are across one side in neat letters, spelling “Cold?”
Carrie glares at them on her way past.
“Next time, just get a fucking blanket. Nobody needs to be hearing your dumb love confessions at five fifteen in the morning.”
Alex turns so red so fast Willie’s genuinely concerned about him. Despite the way they can feel their own blood rushing to his face, they grin teasingly at Alex and wrap both arms around his shoulders.
“Aw, babe, you love me?”
Reggie throws a pancake at them.
They kiss anyways.
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nishimochas · 4 years
❁﹝ enha!tegories ﹞
‣ ⒈  enhypen as some of my favorite cottagecore-esque songs.
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❁﹝ lee heeseung as like the dawn by the oh hellos. ﹞
“ and like the dawn, you broke the dark and my whole earth shook. i was sleeping in the garden when i saw you. ”
light crept through the windows over your slumbering figure, heeseung's eyes steady over your face, studying every curve, angle, every dip and crevice. a sigh escapes him, content, as his fingers brush over your features in a soothing manner. the soft simper he wore blooms into a smile as your eyes begin to flutter open. you share his smile with a sleepy one of yours and snuggle closer to his frame.
"good morning, sunshine."
the moniker is met with a chuckle as he leans in to press a gingerly kiss on your crown. your arms circle his frane loosely, savoring the warmth. heeseung's heart swells when his eyes meet yours. he knows he hasn't yet seen a more beautiful sight, and he doubts such a sight to even exist in earth.
to wake up next to you for all the mornings of his life, to have you as his first sight with each break of dawn – nothing would ever compare.
“ you were the brightest shade of sun i had ever seen. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ jay park jongseong as home by jacob banks ﹞
“ so baby, baby, won't you let me in? i'm knocking on your door so let me in. i just need someone to love, i just need someone to hold. ”
the afternoon had been quaint, pleasant and proper enough for a leisurely nap. you curled up within the blankets as your system drowns out the tv noise, thoughts drifting away. as if in instinct, your hand reaches for the mess of pillows by your side – where jay usually sits, limbs in a tangle with yours as you both doze off. you couldn't hold back a sigh; it wasn't quite like home without him there.
buzz buzz.
you check your phone for the notification. an immediate smile tugs on the corner of your lips upon reading the message.
[ from: jjongddaengie 😎 ]
i'm almost home, baby. wait for me?
and so you set your phone aside and envelope yourself with the soft fabric, fighting the urge to giggle in anticipation. as the white noise of the movie you half paid attention to lulls you to sleep, you enter oblivion in the knowledge that in not very long, jay will come back home and see you as you are. you know you'll be greeted with two arms around your waist and a kiss on the shoulder; and at that moment, you know you'll always find home right where he is.
“ i need someone to kiss goodnight, and to give my heart a home. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ jake shim jaeyoon as coffee by beabadoobee ﹞
“ don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed; i'll make a cup of coffee for your head, i'll get you up and going out of bed ”
nights like these, when it is calm and the winds are gentle, are best enjoyed with a cup of hot coffee. it's become a habit for you jake to lounge on your front porch, each with a steaming cup with hand as you two chat about everything there is under the sun and beyond. this night was not very different; same seat, same sweaters, same mugs, only this time, there was complete silence between the two of you.
you'd expected it to be tense, for an unsettling echo of quiet to descend between you. but much to your surprise, this... this was comfortable.
"yes, love?"
you breath almost hitches at his answer – no matter how many times he's been affectionate with you, it'll always feel special. different. like there was no other soul in the entire universe who could ever say it the way jake does.
you take a sip from your coffee cup and glance back at him, wearing a proud grin only he could ever give you.
"let's do this more often."
“ won't you come down and get me? i like it when you hold me tight. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ park sunghoon as yellow by coldplay ﹞
“ look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do; yeah, they were all yellow. ”
driving out at such an ungodly hour was, prior to being an impulse, something you and sunghoon have given much thought to. it was only when the two of you were still wide awake after having tried everything that you hopped into the car for your late night escapade. a song you weren't familiar with played in the radio station to fill the silence, but you were far too focused on counting the billboards to notice.
"twenty two... twenty three... ooo look, it's one of those ads about billboard ads–"
you roll down the car window to see further out, still counting under your breath each time you pass one by. he glances to his side and sees you; you two looked so cliche, almost straight out of a music video. he pulled over at an empty park and your displeasure was immediately made known.
"hey, i wasn't done counting..."
sunghoon chuckles from the driver's seat and pulls you in by the wrist, lips pressing softly against your temple in the most delicate of brushes.
"you can go back to counting when i'm done kissing you."
“ your skin and bones turn into something beautiful. do you know i love you so? ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ kim sunoo as strawberry blonde by mitski ﹞
“ i love everybody because i love you – i dont need the city and i dont need proof. all i need, darling, is a life in your shape; i picture it, soft, and i ache. ”
the sun was especially kind today – it's warmth remained watchful over the grass you and sunoo sat on, but through a veil of clouds so as to not be so glaring. the perfect day for a picnic, as he said so himself. he always goes all out for them; whatever you craved for, he had it all. you looked through his basket with a giggle, noticing a few delicacies he doesn't usually bring.
"why macaroons?", you ask while helping him set up the mat and the containers.
"didn't you say you wanted macaroons last week? i thought i should bring some for you! i tried baking them but they didn't turn out very nice–"
his babbling was halted with a macaroon to the mouth, sending you both into a fit of laughter. you'll never get tired of how considerate he is, how much he pays attention to the things you say and how much sunoo truly cares. you popped a strawberry macaroon into your own mouth and rested your temple against his shoulder. now, you couldn't help but wonder: would it have tasted better if he made it?
“ look at you, strawberry blonde – fields rolling on, i love it when you call my name. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ yang jungwon as santa monica dream by angus and julia stone ﹞
“ goodbye to my santa monica dream – fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine. you tell me stories of the sea, and the ones you left behind. ”
it's nearing three in the afternoon and jungwon's just about finished with helping you pack. he ushers the last suitcase out and into the car where your father waits for you. it wasn't difficult to tell that he was trying to avoid your gaze.
"hey..." you take his hand in yours, making him see you eye to eye. there's something quite crestfallen with how he looked at you; you had to go and pursue your dream away from home, he knew that, and he was happy for you. but you knew him better than that.
"i'll miss you, dork."
he could only give you a little smile, but it was more than enough. you look behind him and see the fridge door, battered with polaroids, receipts and letters. reminders of you, so he'll never forget.
you wave goodbye and so does he, not caring at all to wipe the tear streaking down his cheek. he'd miss you so and you all the same, but no matter where you are, or where you'll go – jungwon knows he'll be dreaming of you each and every night.
“ i'm singing songs about the future, wondering where you are. ”
× 🌼 ×
❁﹝ ni-ki nishimura riki as kiss me by sixpence none the richer ﹞
“ nightly, beside the green, green grass. swing, swing, swing the spinning step, you wear those shoes and i will wear that dress. ”
"hurry, we'll miss the fireworks!"
ni-ki half dragged you through the open venue, clad only in socks and you in his shoes with you broken heels in one hand. you could barely hold your laughter; you'd assume the punch had no alcohol, but given how giddy you were, it wouldn't have been surprising if it were revealed to be booze.
"cinderella! wanna get out of here?", he shouted beside you, the sentiment almost drowned out by the cacophony of fireworks and cheer. you took him by the wrist and maneuvered you two through the crowd. he'd figured that was a yes. you two found a cozy nook under the garden tree, spending the rest of the prom night watching from afar and laughing at his dirty socks.
"man, i'm seriously convinced that thing had alcohol in it." he laughs and nods along, peering over for a better view of your face.
"is that why you're so pink, then? drunk blush?"
immediately flustered, you hurry to cover your warm cheeks with two hands. another laugh escapes him – you almost expected him to tease you. but instead, ni-ki takes your hands away from your face, nudging your chin up so your eyes will meet his. you couldn't miss the smug grin he wore even if you wanted to.
"hey, kiss me."
“ lift your open hand, strike up the band and make the fireflies dance; silver moon's sparkling, so kiss me. ”
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❁ :: i'm honestly kinda disappointed in this HSHSB brain go brr, but i hope u guys like it 🥺💕 (edit: i really should have proofread this wow)
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thickwamuu · 5 years
can u pls do more pillarmen I really like the lab experiment one
Um… hell yes I can??
Self-indulgent cuddle pile with your modern!human!pillar men roommates.
Words - 1760 (not proofread)
Getting home, you could hear the sound of bickering of your roommates in the kitchen and not wanting to deal with it, you snuck into your bedroom for a nap- knowing you barely had enough time for a quick one before the blind date your friend was forcing you to go on later that evening.
Getting out of your work clothes and slipping into some soft shorts accompanied by your old high school t shirt, there was a knock at your door.
“Yeah?” You called, wondering what one of the boys needed to borrow this time.
“I just noticed you hadn’t said hello when you got in and wanted to check on you. Are you alright?” Santana’s concerned voice inquired from the other side of your door.
You opened the door, missing how Santana’s eyes drifted to your bare legs. “Just kinda fed up from work and didn’t want to deal with the noise at home on top of that.”
“Rough day?” He asked, leaning his toned body on your doorframe. You nodded and opened your arms pathetically, and as if he could read you mind, Santana happy wrapped his large arms around you, causing you to let out a long sigh as you nuzzled your face into his expansive chest.
You really liked everyone in the house but you undeniably shared the closest bond of all your roommates with Santana. Although he could be a bit overprotective at times, he was by far the most considerate of the four and had been the one who warmed up to you the fastest when you moved in. He said it was because he was no longer the baby of the group and that he could now stop being teased- despite that not coming true when it came down to it, but you knew your personalities just gelled well together as you greatly appreciated his observant, at times stoic and aloof low maintenance nature. You loved the way that when you spoke to him, he would listen intently, as if learning some new and revolutionary information each time.
“Can I braid your hair again?” You meekly asked into his pecs, the prospect of playing with someone’s hair already relaxing your tensions from the day. A chuckle resonated through the two of you. “Of course.”
Getting on your bed and splaying your legs open in a ‘V’ you patted the space between them and looked at him expectantly, combing your hands through his long, dark red hair in preparation for the braid once he was situated between them, head in your lap.
The momentary peaceful energy in the room was disrupted by the two overgrown children bursting in. “Y/N! Esi refuses to admit he cheated in mortal kombat and is acting like a toddler because I called him out for it!” Wamuu announced loudly, as if you could do something about it.
“Am not! Don’t blame me for your lack of skills and call it cheating!” Esidisi defended himself quickly, before widening his eyes at you and Santana’s intimate positions. “…what’s going on here?”
Wam snapped his eyes up to you and his mouth fell open.
You removed your hands from Santana’s hair and sighed, irritated. “I’m just braiding his hair, You knucklehead-besides what did I say about knocking first?”
“Looks fun, can I join?” Esi asked ignoring you, already striding over to your bed and taking a seat on your side. Looking smugly over at wam he grinned. “I’m not in the mood to win against you again, you can go play a game on your own.”
Wamuu looked at him angrily with a huff and an eye roll as he moved his gaze back to you. “Y/N, would you mind if I sat with you guys?”
Letting out another long breath, you were just thankful you decided to get a larger bed when you moved. “I mean, If you really want to, wamuu.”
Plopping himself down with a creek, he fell back onto your pillows, kicking his feet up and grabbing the remote on your bedside table before turning on the tv across from your bed, flipping through Netflix titles.
You resumed playing with Santana’s hair as Esi got comfortable laying down as well. “Why is your bed so much softer than mine?- oh shit wam I love that movie.”
Wamuu scoffed “It’s hardly a well written movie, the dialogue is laughable and the fighting scenes at repetitive, not to mention horribly choreographed.”
“Okay, tough guy.” You snorted out in a laugh as you let go of Santana’s hair, Esidisi grinning triumphantly from beside you at his rival knowing you were defending him.
Wam carelessly tossed the remote at Esi with a quick “whatever, you pick if it matters so much.” Before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down beside him, effectively locking you in a soft version of a chokehold. “Don’t think I don’t know exactly where you’re ticklish spots are! You’re 1000 years to early to believe yourself a worthy opponent of the great Wamuu!” He announced in a dramatic tone. “Luckily for you though, my generous self has taking a liking to you, and I do not wish to completely obliterate you- instead, I offer you my protection from the hideous old beast Esidisi, along with anyone else who tries to pursue you!”
The white haired male shot wam a look, “don’t lump me in with the animals chasing after Y/N. I may not have youth, but I certainly make up for it in class.”
“Esi, you’re only a few years older than Wamuu, stop acting like you’re having a mid life crisis.” You chided, quirking up an eyebrow, hoping your stern face would stop the bickering.
“I’ll stop using my superior intellect to outsmart him when he learns the basic lessons you learn in kindergarten...” an impish gleam erupted on his face “like how to share your things.” Yanking you from Wam’s arms, he circled his own around your waist.
Tired and admitting defeat, you just allowed it as you began to watch the movie Esi had chosen, letting out a yawn before you felt Wamuu rest his head on your shoulder and Santana readjust so he could see the screen, head still lazing in your lap contently as your eyes drifted closed.
Groggy, you became vaguely aware of the front door slamming shut, knowing the ‘head of the household’ was home. Falling in and out of consciousness, you startled as the sound of someone clearing their throat impatiently snapped you right out of your sleepy mood, Kars standing at the foot of your bed.
“What the hell is this?” Kars demanded, gesturing to the mess of limbs on the bed.
Before you could answer, the phone you lazily tossed on your dresser dinged, causing Kars’ attention to divert from you. He grimaced. “Who’s Adam And why is he asking if you’re still on for tonight, Y/N?”
“Shit.” You spoke, attempting to sit up from beneath the now groaning tired mass of muscles tangled around you. “Kars can you pass me my phone? I have to let him know I’ll be late.”
His striking gaze turned cold. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Your roommates- now fully awake, observed the situation with watchful eyes, all interested as well in why you would be texting a man when they had clearly been trying to woo you for months now.
“Why does it matter to you.” You argued.
“Shall I take away your phone privileges?” He threatened.
“What the fuck? You’re not my-“
“Up.” Kars instructed, gesturing for you to stand. Fearfully, You obeyed as you knew how Kars got when you didn’t show him respect. Being the one to earn the largest sum in the household at his glitzy CEO office job and often covering most extra expenses without complaint seemingly making him overbearing and authoritative towards the other cohabitators.
To your surprise he settled himself where you had sat in between Wamuu and Esidisi, Santana Sitting at his feet as he still held your phone.
You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion at the sight of him in his luxurious dress clothes, surrounded by the other three in their casual tees and sweats, all peering at you. “Wha-?”
Kars motioned for you to sit down on the bed… right on his lap. With a blush, you shook your head making Kars give you ‘the look’.
“You seemed cozy enough when I came in here, am I not up to your standards? I sure hope this ‘Adam’ is a millionaire in that case.” You’re face turned multiple shades redder. “Perhaps we should give him a call and let him know you won’t be meeting with him tonight.” He teased, wagging your phone in the air.
You laughed, irritated but used to putting up with Kars’ bullshit. “Nice try, you don’t even know the password.”
Looking at you with a smirk and facing your phone screen towards you, he simply pressed his thumb to your home button, the phone unlocking first attempt with no issue.
Widening your eyes at the invasion of privacy, you lunged at him to retrieve your cellular device, Santana latching onto you as you did so to prevent you from clawing out Kars’ eyes.
“So you are useful for something Santana.” Kars remarked to the redhead, making him grumble and tuck your head under his chin to calm himself down.
Kars put his hands under your arms and lifted you from Santana’s grasp and onto his lap, the Younger man immediately latching to your waist and legs.
Hearing the dial tone through your phone behind you, you struggled to prevent what he was about to say to Adam. Your friend was going to have your head for this.
Kars held the phone away from his face. “Esidisi, Wamuu. Would you mind assisting me?” He inquired. Nodding, they trapped both your arms.
“You guys too?” You cried out.
Sheepishly, they shrugged as Esi spoke up. “Well..” he trailed off. “You know what they say, the enemies of my enemy are my my allies.” His words made you deflate, knowing you had no chance against 4 hulking men.
“Ah, yes hello.” Kars greeted when the call was answered. “I’m calling on behalf of Y/N… they’re a little tied up right now and won’t be able to make it tonight.” There was an angry voice on the other end, making you wince. “Calm down your pathetic babbling. Its not as if I’d let them go regardless, this is just how things are, I’d be more than happy to settle this with you face to face though, if you still insist on acting like a petulant child.”
More angry words were thrown at him before the beeps of a hung up call met your ears. Kars tossed your phone onto your night stand sighing as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, taking on a patronizing tone. “Some people have such a temper… it’s wildly unbecoming, but no need to fret over being set up with such a barbaric Neanderthal… you’re meant to be here with us anyways. You were already ours the moment you stepped through the front door.”
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Bang Chan Fluff Fanfic Recommendation Masterlist
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Hello! Welcome to my fanfic recommendations! If you would like to see other groups or other content in regards to this artist or their group, please click the links below! All of the masterlists/posts I’ve made will always be updated when I find new content or scenarios! Feel free to recommend me some blogs to check out! Also, you like my fanfic recommendations, please like and/or reblog so that more people can see it! I will release more groups as time goes on!
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4 AM Nostalgia: Things change so fast in four years, so when you arrive back in Sydney, Australia - your hometown, you’re a little emotional - but Chan is a source of comfort for you 
17: “Loving you just like when we were 17”
100 Ways to Say I Love You: Between busy schedules and cozy cuddles, you both knew just what to say in times of contentment
A Little Help: Sometimes People need a little help. Chan was no exception, but he never wanted to admit he needed someone next to him
Almost: You’re missing Chan and he has an idea
Anniversary Gift: Chan really is the type of person to make and perform a song on your anniversary
Anything Less: You’re scared to confess to Chan because of your age gap
Bothered: “Babe, I’m on the phone”
Bubbles and Cuddles: “Room for one more?”
Breakfast: Chan made your breakfast and it’s the most sweetest thing ever
Cafe Comfort: Cafe date during the winter season with Chan!
costume: Chan really likes the couple’s costumes
Comfy: Chan comforting you after work
Distraction: when you are competing, maybe playing video games or something so you press kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract them.
Don’t Let Go: Ice skating with Chan!
don’t talk, sing: just two people spending time together. few words spoken, many lyrics heard
 Everyday: Almost every day was spent with Chan, and almost everyday was the same. But you wouldn’t have it any other way, no matter what.
Favorite Variable: You worked with variables, but he was your favorite.
first time making out with chan: Minh has never made out before, so chan teaches them how
Forever: Chan’s cute proposal to you
Got Me Happy (slight smut): Having gone through a serious relationship and falling into this one seemed to perfect…cause he’s your soulmate and all that. 
Happy Birthday: It was your boyfriends birthday 
Happy Ending: Chan proposes to you 
Happy Two Year Anniversary: Chan always have the craziest of ideas for your guys anniversary
Hi i miss you: first love type thing
Home is Where You Are: Home was truly wherever Chan was, and right now, you couldn’t be more relieved to see him
It’s the small things that matter: You’re a bit... short
I Sea You: Beach day with Chan
It’s Not Even December Yet: You and Chan are just a tad bit excited for Christmas.
Just a Cute Date: “Why the fuck are we at Chuck E. Cheese?”
Late Night: Chan met you through a friend but he didn’t know he would fall this hard for you 
Late Nights: “hi baby I’m sorry for texting you so late but I’m at the studio and I have to finish this demo tonight but my heads just not in the right place. If you’re awake and it’s not too much, would you mind stopping by for a bit? I could really use your company”
Lazy Day:  My boyfriend has some good tits, like damn
lego house: “Hey, you look kinda hot shirtless and with an apron on.” 
Love song: You ask Chan to help you write a love song, little did he know, it was for him (Male!Reader)
Marry Me?: “You are that person”
mcdonald’s drive through: chan just really loves you 
Missing You: Oh how you’ve missed the boys who had quickly become your family
morning cuddles: Just a morning with clingy sleepy Chan
Mornings With You: Mornings spent with Chan are always the same but you wouldn’t trade it for the world 
Music to his Ears: Watching comedy movies was Chan’s favorite activity with you.  Hearing you laugh instantly made him smile and all his worries seemed to vanish just by hearing it
my angel..: just some sweet words with Chan
Nightmares: You have a nightmare and Chan is there to comfort you
Night Night: Chan helping you through your sleepless nights
Only You: “You didn’t have to ask”
paint our love: A game of truth or dare with Chan
Perfect: you have been asking Chan to cover Ed Sheeran’s Perfect for months. he finally decides to do it with a special ending. 
Please Don’t Leave: “Baby, you have to breathe. Listen to my heartbeat and take deep breaths. I’ve got you now, you’re safe. I’m not going anywhere.”
Pool Day: A day in the water park with Chan
Pregnant: You’re pregnant and Chan is now a bit more protective of you 
proud of you: You’re so proud of Chan and you want to make sure that he knows it
Scrunchies: You were looking for your scrunchie, but guess who had it?
Seven-Thirty: Tranquility: a concept that your boyfriend still did not seem to comprehend
Sit Next to Me: Christmas Movie Night with best friend!Chan
Sleep Tight: While doing Japanese promotions, Chan always found it hard to fall asleep. It got really bad this trip.
Sundays, Sun Daze: Your favorite mornings are the ones where you wake up wrapped in Chan’s arms.
sunrise: sometimes it takes a little push in order for love to blossom.
The Morning After, Bang Chan: You wake up next to a stranger, it’s Chan.
Throughout the Ages: An affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship
Thunderstorms: chan comforts you bc you’re scared of thunderstorms
Under the Mistletoe: “you know how my family keeps on setting me up on horrible blind dates? Well, to make them stop, I told them that I was in a relationship and now they all want to meet this mystery person so… can you pretend that you’re dating me and come to my family’s christmas party?”
Under Your Shirt: Chris had today off and we spent it cuddling with each other.
unenthusiastically: chan meets his best friends unenthusiastic younger sibling
Vocal Message: You go to a dance practice only to meet Chan
Warm: “You’re warm”
welcome back: You missed Chan after he flew to Australia to visit his family
while we’re young:  “In a few years though baby…we should just have fun while we’re young…” 
Wholehearted Love: Buried in the warmth of blankets and your boyfriend’s arms, you couldn’t ask for a better day than today
Worry:Cuddles with Chan
Yah! It’s Two in the Morning: Helping Chan through long nights of hard work
You’re so clingy. I love it: “Stay,” Chan mumbled into your neck. 
yours truly: you have a secret admirer and chan’s very grumpy. correlation? perhaps.
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Truth Pt. 9
Truth Master List
What’s up sug! sorry you’re struggling right now but I’ve come to help you If you could bring this to light for me I’d absolutely love for YOU TO DO JT So basically Bucky X Enhanced reader who are fuckin enemies. Hate each other to every last fiber of their beings bc Bucky is rude and she calls him out on it. AnywHs, they get drunk, truth or dare (go crZy baby) and LOTS LF dirty talk if u wanna do smut but if u don’t then buck taking care of her while she’s drunk cause she admitted her feelings
Pairing: Bucky X Reader (Enhanced)
Summary: Since The Avengers gave you a home the only blight has been Bucky Barnes, a ghost from your past that you can’t seem to shake. It makes you hate him. The feeling, it seems, is mutual. But… a simple game reveals that maybe things aren’t quite so simple. (Post Winter Soldier AU)
A/N: Like the warning says. We are cozy and soft with these two this week. Hope you’re enjoying it. 
Tags are open!
@midnightdream83 @mywinterwolf @disagreetoagree @breezy1415  @peachthatdrinkslemonade @wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @handplucked  @buckysstar @sam-jae @marauder–harder @for-the-love-of-the-fandom   @meg-asaur @jewelofwinter @fairislesheets @animegirlgeeky @lydklein1 @katecolleen @siriuslycloudy2 @zannemes @catvader1o1
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The sun is setting when your eyes open. Bucky lies on his stomach next to you, breathing steadily. You don’t want to wake him but you can’t help yourself. Gently you trace the arch of one of his dark brows.
Thankfully he doesn’t wake. For a few minutes you just kind of stare at him in awe, a feeling of warmth growing in your belly. You can’t quite name it, this certain breed of peace and comfort but… you like it.
Suddenly, you’re pulled from your gawking when you realize you just how thirsty you are. Slowly, you slide out of the bed. Slipping back into the boxers and hoodie, you sneak out of the room.
You down a bottle of water in about 30 seconds and crack open another, sipping it slowly. Looking around the kitchen you note the little pieces of personalization scattered around. A pithy dishtowel on the oven, the mismatched collection of dishes in the cabinets, some silly magnets on the fridge. It’s endearing and makes your place look stoic and sterile by comparison.  
To the left of the kitchen is a little office and you wander in. A plush rug covers the stained concrete floor. The wall across from the door is pure windows with a view of the city. Reds and oranges blaze brightly over Manhattan and while there’s a similar view from your own place, it’s still breathtaking. A desk sits up against the window with one of those big comfy desk chairs pushed up to it with a blanket draped over the back. This place oozes warmth and comfort. Very Bucky.  
The wall to the right is stuffed floor to ceiling with books. Damn near every best seller in the last century is here along with poetry, history, prose, fiction, and non. Some look new, some well worn and you wonder if he got them used. There’s even a scented candle tucked into one shelf. Leather and tobacco, it actually smells incredible.
Across from the bookcase the wall is covered in photos. After a second you realize… these are his photos. A slightly younger version of Bucky smiles that stunning smile with his arm draped across the shoulders of a smaller boy… of… Steve. You stare for a minute trying to find your 6’ 2” friend in the features of this slight person. He’s there, in the thoughtful eyes and crooked smile.
Your eyes wander to the left. Bucky stands with three young girls, all in Sunday best attire, smiling posed smiles. They have the same thick dark hair and you wonder if they’re related. A woman with a vibrant smile, so much like his, standing in a kitchen. Your lips pull up at a photo of Bucky with three men, all in some kind of military garb, cigarettes in their mouths smiling; WWII you suspect.
A little farther down your heart constricts. Bucky, in full Service Uniform, posed for his photo, smiling. He looks so much like the man sleeping in the other room and yet… different. That’s when you notice the shadow box filled with damn near every military honor that can be granted to a fallen soldier and the flag. It’s folded in that recognizable triangle, the little plaque with his name, James Buchanan Barnes, rank, date of birth and… death.
“Steve thinks it’s morbid to keep it,” his voice cuts through the silence like a knife and you jump, a touch of power pulsing under your skin.
“Jesus,” you gasp laughing a little.
“Sorry,” he’s holding up his hands, a little grin playing at the edges of his lips.
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m sorry, I kind of invaded your space.” Bucky takes a few steps forward hands resting on your hips pulling you to him. His expression is soft, still sleepy.
“You’re not invading,” his eyes search yours, “I’ve got nothing to hide from you.”
His words nearly suck the breath from your lungs. For two people who lived a normal life this likely would have been a passing thing but for two who had spent decades of their lives in the clutches of Hydra… these words speak volumes.
Your right-hand curls around the back of his neck and you pull him to you. The kiss is soft, not hungry or desperate. When you break away he buries his nose in your hair for a second before taking a deep breath.
“Did you get enough sleep?”
He snorts a little laugh, pulling away a touch, “Never.” Metal fingers caress the side of your face, “I noticed you were gone, just wanted to make sure you were ok.” Worry flashes in his eyes and you melt a little.
“I’m great,” you hold up the water bottle still in your left hand, “just parched.”
Turning back to the wall leaning into him you can’t help but wonder, “How did you get all these?”
His arms wrap tight around your torso, pressing you flat against him, “After Steve and I… well… died so to speak, our personal effects went to my family. Steve didn’t have anyone left.” You can relate.
“My youngest sister,” he points to the picture of him with the girls, “Jo. She has a son who’s still alive, Eric. He inherited it all and when they found Steve, S.H.I.E.L.D. contacted him.”
Your eyes scan the wall, taking in all these pieces of him. A past and a family you’ll never know or really understand. “You still have family…”
“In a way, yeah.” His right fingers tangle with your own, “It’s… strange.”
“But, Bucky,” you turn to face him, “that’s amazing. I mean… I’d be happy to still have…” Anyone, but you don’t say it.
His eyes study the photos behind you, his mouth a hard line, “It doesn’t feel like mine.” When his eyes meet yours, they’re stormy, “Not anymore.” He takes a shaky breath, “But I feel lucky that they kept this stuff for me and Steve’s sake. Eric even gave me some albums.”
He pulls away and walks to the book case. One by one he takes four old photo albums from the bottom shelf and sets them on the desk. They’re all clearly from different eras.
“This is one my Ma,” his voice cracks as he opens the oldest one. You set your bottle down and wrap an arm around his waist.
“You don’t have to show me,” your eyes look up at him, cheek pressed to his left shoulder.
“I want to,” his smile is melancholy but there’s light in his eyes when he looks at you.
Clearing his throat he flips to the first page, “My Ma had one of these for each of us kids. She kept everything.” There’s clippings, notes, drawings, a few photos. Some things are carefully paced while others are held in with rusted paperclips. You notice it’s not just Bucky here but Steve too.
“Your mom must’ve liked Steve,” you laugh.
“Like he was her own,” Bucky nods pointing to a photo of her beaming with Steve in Captain America garb. You reach out and flip closer to the front. A gangly boy with shaggy dark hair and a megawatt smile holds a woman’s hand. It’s adorable.
“Is this you?”
“Mhm,” he plucks it from the worn corner pieces that hold it to the page. “James, 1924, so I was about 7 here.”
“May I?” You reach for it and he hands you the old square photo. He’s there in that smile, the way the nose scrunches. “You were so cute, James,” playfully you pinch his cheek.
Bucky pulls back laughing, “Oh god, please don’t call me James,” he groans snatching the picture from you.
“Who started calling you, Bucky?”
He shrugs, “My parents always called me, Bucky.”
You look back to the wall, to the photo of the woman in the kitchen, “So, is this your mom?”
“Yeah, in ’55 I think.” So after she lost him.
“You look like her.”
The look on his face is so tender, “Really? I think I look like my Pa actually.” He flips through the album and points to a picture of a teenaged him and a hard looking man. The man’s beard is full, tiny tufts of grey by the chin like Bucky’s. Other than that though you don’t see it.
“Nah,” you look up at him, touching the soft laugh lines by his eyes. “You’ve got a face for smiling, like hers.”
There’s no way for you to know what those words mean to him. He can’t say he agrees. His Ma was the kindest person he ever knew… He can’t see that in himself. It’s a nice sentiment though.
“I sit in here a lot… looking at everything.” He sighs heavily, “Still trying to get it all… all of me, back.”
It had only been a little over a year. The team’s medical staff was shocked at what he managed to recover given the time he had been with Hydra. He felt like most of it was back but there were still little things he’d suddenly remember, or a story Steve would tell him and he’d realize that there were still parts of him missing.
Your brows knit, “Yeah, I get that…” You turn back to the wall of his memories. He sees the tension in your shoulders, the way you try to stand straighter, hold you head higher, anything to steel yourself against whatever it is you’re feeling.
Worry settles like a stone in his gut. He doesn’t know much about your past before Hydra. All he really knew when they were about to go after you was that you, like him, hadn’t been a willing participant and that according to Fury your father was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He reaches out and gently takes your left hand in his right, he can feel a slight tremor passing through you. Your eyes lock onto his and he smiles.
“Who’re these guys,” you point to the picture of him with the Howlers.
“The Howling Commandos,” a touch of sadness squeezes his heart. “Mine and Steve’s unit in the war.”
“Tell me about them.”
A little laugh trips over his lips and he looks at you questioningly. “You really want to hear war stories from an old man?”
The smile you give him takes his breath away, “I really do.”
A few hours later the two of you have built a nest in the small office. Couch cushions, pillows, every blanket in the place all culminating into a soft warm pile up against the wall. It’s not that the apartment is overly large but there’s something about being in this small space that seems to comfort both of you.
There’s a stack of pizza boxes, you’ve both torn through two large pies already with little signs of slowing down. Photos and other bits of memorabilia are scattered all around like pieces of a puzzle. Bucky brought his record player in along with his boxes of records.
He’s surprised how much he’s enjoyed talking about his past. Telling you these stories is different than reminiscing with Steve or the forced shared moments with his therapist. He want’s to give you these parts of him. You can’t help but be endlessly amused about stories of Steve before the serum, when he was just a scrappy punk with more bark than bite. And the picture he paints of Brooklyn and New York in the early 19th century fascinate you.
Glen Miller is playing right now, the sound of the brass sending him back almost a century. He loved to dance to this music once. You’re nibbling a slice kneeling in front of one of the boxes of records. You bob along to the music as you flip through to select the next one. A small noise comes from you as your hand freezes over a battered orange album cover.
“Sinatra got big after my time but damn if he doesn’t have a great set of pipes.” You don’t respond, just stare. Faint tendrils of light swirl under your skin, the air in the room getting a touch cooler.
“Doll?” He leans over resting his right hand gently on your shoulder. Your mouth is open just a touch and tears glitter in your eyes. “Hey,” he plucks the slice from your hand, laying it inside the open box.
You snap back shaking your head, “Sorry. I, uh…” You slide Sinatra’s Songs For Swingin’ Lovers out of the box, holding it in both trembling hands. “This… this was my Dad’s favorite. Well one of them. He loved Sinatra…” A tear slides down your cheek, Bucky brushes it away. “I… I would groan every time he put it on but… secretly I loved it too.” A few more tears sneak out but you briskly wipe them away sniffing hard.
“Let’s put it on,” he says softly. You bite your bottom lip hard, not making eye contact and nod. He takes the record from you and stands up walking the short distance to the desk to change the record.
The first song, You Make Me Feel So Young, seems strangely poignant. You were younger than him, hell he was old enough to be your father. But neither of you looked close to your true age. You looked it, sure. Inside though… As Frank croons the first line he turns to you, your chin resting on your knees, staring out into space.
Bucky heads back to your nest. He sits with his back against the wall, holding his arms open, “Come here.” You look back and crawl over, settling between his legs, pulling a blanket from the pile wrapping the two of you in warmth. The feeling of you pressed against him, in his arms, is damn near too good.
After a few songs, you lean your head back onto his left shoulder, looking up at him, “Do you like to dance?”
“I used to,” his eyes wander to where your hands connect, “I loved dancing.” Suddenly you’re up and out of his arms.
“Dance with me,” you’re holding out a hand smiling bright.
“Seriously?” He looks around the crowded space, “In here?”
“Yeah,” you move by the door, “there’s enough room. Come on.” You wave him over. Laughing he shakes his head and follows your orders.
You take his hands, “Wait, not this one.” The opening notes of I’ve Got You Under My Skin start. “Now.” Effortlessly you two fall into a tight foxtrot, giggling as you bump into things or stumble over the steps a bit.
Near the end, Bucky spins you, unintentionally, straight toward the blanket nest. You lose your footing and both of you tumble down, laughing.
“Color me surprised,” he leans up on his left elbow looking down at you, laying on your back giggling.
“Why’s that?”
“I didn’t expect you to know that dance.”
“I will have you know I am an excellent dancer,” you laugh mirroring his position.
“Yeah falling down demonstrated that perfectly,” he teases.
“Hey!” You toss a small pillow at his face, “I wouldn’t have fallen if my partner didn’t spin me toward disaster.” He laughs.
You shake your head, “I swear I can almost hear my Mom scolding my form,” your accent turns softly germanic, “‘Well liebling if you were paying attention to your feet…’”
“Was your Mom German?”
“Austrian,” you sigh and fall to your back, “and I was going to be her perfect little All American Girl. Dancing, sports, music, academics, I had to be the best. Always.” You turn your head to him, “So, any dance you throw my way. I guarantee I can kill it.”
“Maybe I’ll put that to the test.” He does like the idea of dancing, dancing like he used to, with you.
You spend the rest of the evening listening to music. He tells you more stories from his life, even remembering details he had forgotten. Eventually, you drift off in his arms, snuggled in the little blanket nest.
For a moment he thinks of carrying you to the bed but it’s comfortable and warm here. He feels… safe he realizes. Happy even. Instead, he buries his nose in your hair and follows you into sleep.
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jaeminlore · 6 years
Life’s Preparations | Ten
summary: life has prepared ten for a lot, including parenthood. he’s not sure it’s prepared him for you and the onslaught of feelings you bring to him.
words: 2.1k
category: single dad!ten, F L U F F
based on this prompt: “you've been sleeping at mine because your house is being renovated and we aren't even dating, yet every time you wake up to the baby crying and sigh, "i'll go" i feel like we might as well be married”
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mom i love him
There are many things, natural things, that life prepares you for. Ten believes this with his entire heart. His gymnastics lessons as a child helped him become more flexible when he became a dancer. His mother starting a part-time job taught him how to be responsible and care for himself. His part-time job at the supermarket taught him how to have patience, no matter the situation.
So he believes life has prepared him so far. Even the rocky years of college, when his one night stand had gotten pregnant and put the baby up for adoption, he had wondered what lesson life had for him this time.
Then his buddy opened up a dance studio and asked Ten to be his business partner. Ten would have the money to support him and his child, if he chose to ask for custody.
As the weeks went by, Ten realized that he wanted nothing more than custody, especially after seeing the sonogram. There it was: his child. He wondered if life had prepared him for single parenthood. He wondered if it was possible to finish school, co-own a dance studio, and take care of a newborn all at the same time.
Then the baby came, and Ten brought his daughter home to the nursery he had prepared for her. He was secretly thankful he had asked Renjun to help him paint the walls, because the mural of stars looked a lot more realistic after the younger's help.
The two become inseparable, to the point where Ten is never seen without little Jamie. She's his one surety in his life, and throughout the few months of knowing her, he's realized that life has prepared him — somehow, he marvels often — for a baby.
Because learning how to do the laundry taught him how to clean the numerous rags that Jamie loved to spit up on, and learning how to do the dishes prepared him for multiple bottle-cleanings a day. He's thankful for the business class he took, because formula is expensive, and he needs to budget for that sort of thing. He thinks of the singing lessons his mom used to make him take, and how much he hated them, but now he feels like he should thank her for giving him an arsenal of lullabies to sing to his daughter.
Even his job complies with his new addition as his partner, Taeyong, adores children and doesn't mind if Ten leaves the baby sleeping in the break room.
There are struggles, and there will certainly be more as Jamie is only a few months old, still struggling to conform to the bright world around her.
So yeah, Ten thinks life has prepared him for a baby. There seemed to be a missing link in his life for so long, and then Jamie came along to fill it. He feels full and happy with his life, and with what the universe has granted him.
It's kind of funny, the way the universe always seems to keep one in check. Ten marvels at his luck, until Jamie's fifth month hits.
Ten is •tired•. He's argued day in and day out with Taeyong about taking a week or even a day off because he just can't bare to think of coming off track. But Jamie starts teething and it's hard for Ten to keep her from the pain. It's hard for him to see his baby cry this much, especially when she's usually so quiet.
It scares him a little bit.
So he calls his mom, and she offers coming over to help, but even that makes Ten anxious. What if he's overreacting? After all, it's just teething. There's really nothing besides numbing gel that will help, and Ten's gone through two tubes of that already.
Funnily enough, life has a way of throwing curveballs to those who are already on the ground.
For Ten, it's you, his sort-of-close friend who lives just across the street. He's lived in this little gated neighborhood of townhouses for awhile now, where he hopes Jamie will stay safe, and so far he's met many lovely people. You included.
In the two years he's resided here, you and him have become rather close. He remembers the nights when you'd come over with ice cream and let him excitedly tell you about the doctor's visit that day. He remembers calling you first when he came back from the hospital so that you could see little Jamie.
He owes you a lot, so when you guys are meeting up for your bimonthly coffee and you casually mention that you need a place to stay while your house is renovated, he doesn't hesitate to offer his own place.
Somehow, you agree, which is peculiar to Ten because he's got a teething baby with an irregular sleep schedule, and you've got work. Still, it's kind of a relief, because somewhere in the back of his mind Ten has missed having another adult around. Last time he wasn't alone had to be his first two years of college, in a cramped dorm with two other boys.
So imagining having breakfast with someone besides a sleepy baby makes him feel a bit giddy inside.
Life hasn't really prepared him to be a host. He's used to it being just him and Jamie, so it hadn't even occurred to him that you'd need a place to sleep. His couch barely seemed comfortable enough, covered in old blankets after the amount of chewed up peas that had been smushed into the cushions. He couldn't let you sleep there — he had much more class than that.
You didn't seem to opposed to sleeping in his bed anyways. You dropped your pillow onto the side not obviously slept in and went into the bathroom to place all your toiletries onto the counter.
Ten had agreed to let you stay for a week, so he finds it cute that you seemed to have overpacked. Then again, he remembers his first trip with Jamie, where he brought nearly three suitcases to his mother's door. He's learned since, and he knows you will too, but for now he enjoys watching you try to figure out if you need two sweatshirts for bed or not.
Jamie is asleep in her crib, as it's her nap time, so Ten speaks quietly while the two of you chill on his bed. "I hope you're ready for a sleepless night."
You chuckle. "I'll be fine. I like Jamie."
"What about me?" Ten finds himself teasing, which is strange, because he rarely teases you.
"I like you too," you say, a brush of pink spreading across your cheeks.
Cute, Ten thinks.
Ten can't sleep. This time — surprisingly — it's not because of Jamie. It's because sometime between eleven and twelve, you grabbed Ten's arm and pulled it closer to you.
It's been awhile since he's cuddled, and Ten can't really remember or pinpoint exactly when, but he sort of misses it.
His body reacts pleasantly; he finds his chest filling with warmth and his stomach turning a quick somersault before it settles again. He falls asleep with the scent of your shampoo lingering in his mind.
It's not three hours before he's awoken by his loud daughter.
You groan and turn around in your sleep, which makes Ten chuckle. He remembers when he wasn't used to the crying, but now it's almost unnoticeable — just a quick reminder that he has things to do.
He picks up Jamie and holds her close while he gets a bottle from the kitchen. He heats it up and makes it warm before he takes the baby back into his room and sits up with her.
She'll go back to sleep after her bottle — she always does. Then Ten wakes her up for his morning classes at the dance studio. If he's lucky, the rattles and teething rings attached to her little walker will keep Jamie occupied until he's done, and then they can go home for a semi-relaxing evening.
Jamie falls asleep in Ten's arms almost as soon as the bottle empties, so Ten turns on his side and lets the baby rest between you and him.
You stir and turn, eyes blinking rapidly until you find yourself awake. "Hey, baby," you whisper it to Jamie, voice still coated with sleep.
Ten's breath catches in his chest at the sweet sentiment. For a moment, he feels most content, knowing that someone else is here with him and Jamie.
You sit up and smile at Ten. "I've got to shower and head out. Text me if you need anything, alright?"
Ten whispers something of an affirmation and watches you kiss Jamie's head.
He has a few hours before work so he slips back under the covers to sleep. Jamie stirs and coos in her sleep. When, still asleep, she wraps her little hands around Ten's finger, Ten wonders how his entire world could fit in the crook of his arm.
When Ten arrives home, he smells like formula and sweat. Luckily for him, Jamie fell asleep on the car ride home. He walks into his house and places her in her crib, setting her teething rings close by in case she wakes up and wants them.
He starts when he notices you on the sofa, curled up with a blanket around your shoulders. He looks around the room and realizes you must have cleaned as soon as you got home from work.
"Y/n," he taps your shoulder and is rewarded with a sleepy smile, "Is pizza okay for dinner?"
You nod and stretch. "Yeah, sorry. I got cozy and fell asleep before I could make dinner."
Ten finds himself confused. "You don't have to do all of this stuff, you know."
"I know, but I'm here for a whole week, so I feel like I should do something. Also, you stink. Go take a shower and I'll order the pizza."
Ten laughs and agrees under the term that you'll get him extra pepperoni.
Wednesday comes quickly, but Ten marks it as the day he thinks he's in love with you.
Jamie woke up as usual, ready for her breakfast. However, before Ten could do anything you were scooping the baby up into your arms. "Go back to sleep," you say, and it takes Ten a full minutes before he realizes you're talking to him. "I'm off today. Jamie can stay home with me."
Ten feels a sort of discomfort in his stomach, as if he should say something or do something, but he just can't figure out what. Maybe it's gratitude, but then he thanks you, and the feeling still doesn't go away. Instead, his heart seems to flutter and his chest seems to seize up, because you're cooing at his baby like you're her parent.
Some part of Ten's brain reminds him that he likes you, and he sort of always has.
He heads for the bathroom to get ready for work. Maybe that's an issue for another day.
It's the weekend, and you come out of the nursery with a prideful sort of grin on your face as you place the baby monitor on the counter. "Asleep in ten minutes. My best record."
"Please," Ten waves your excitement away, "I've gotten her to sleep in three."
You roll your eyes. "It's only because she's more comfortable with you. Give me a few more shots with her and it'll be like I'm the parent in the house."
Ten pauses, as do you. "Renovations are done tomorrow, aren't they?"
Your entire visage seems to deflate. "Yeah. Which I guess is nice, but I'm kind of going to miss this cute little family thing we've got going on."
Ten bites his lip to stifle a smile. His stomach does a small flip and to calm himself, he fiddles with the placemat. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me one day?"
"Like, a date?"
"Yeah," Ten whispers, eyes anywhere except on you. "Only if you want."
You walk over to Ten and kiss his cheek. The pink that spreads across his neck makes you giggle. "I would love to."
Ten isn't sure life has ever prepared him for this new feeling of affection that appears in his mind, but for some reason he thinks he liked diving headfirst into a relationship with you. He likes thinking that life could never prepare him for someone as wonderful as you.
And when you fall asleep in his arms at night, he is sure that the universe is on his side.
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Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better. Answer the provided questions.
i was tagged by wonderful @songparade​ thank you hunny 💛💐
Nickname: back in time (academy era) it was Maestra Starsign: FEARFUL BI DISASTER GEMINI What I’m Wearing: ugly blue sweatpants (probably ripped on my crotch) + old black jumper that has more lumps than an irish sheep in her natural habitat Dream Job: I wanna run a successful design company (just like Hoodzpah)  Favorite Quote: omg my friend here put one of my quotes from Little Miss Sunshine, so I’m not gonna copy that, although I want to... But anyway, recently I’ve been really into poetry and lyrics, so my current faves are (I’m sorry, it’s gonna be a little long): - First of all, I have to quote that mad man from Ireland because he really snapped with the lyrics in his new album and my brain is still processing all of this beauty, honestly:
 “When the stench of the sea
and the absence of green
are the death of all things
that are seen and unseen
Are the end but the start of all
things that are left to do
Wasteland, baby! I’m in love, I’m in love with you
- I love this one mostly because of the phonetics and the sensations that he depicts. Also that whole song is amazingly written, if you ask me, and it owns a very special place in my heart:
“True that I saw her hair like the branch of a tree A willow dancing on air before covering me
under cotton and calicos over canopy dapple long ago” +
“With the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet Like the ashes of ash I saw rise in the heat
Settle soft and as pure as snow
I fell in love with the fire long ago”
- “I’d be the last shred of truth
in the lost myth of true love
I’d be the sweet feeling of release
Mankind now dreams of
That’s found in the last witness before the wave hits marvelling at god
Before he feels alone one final time and marries the sea
Imagine being loved by me”
- This one id from “The Song of the Happy Shepherd” by W.B.Yeats
“For words alone are certain good: Sing, then, for this is also sooth.
I must be gone: there is a grave
Where daffodil and lily wave,
And I would please the hapless faun,
Buried under the sleepy ground,
With mirthful songs before the dawn”
- From “The Human Abstract” by William Blake:
“The gods of the earth and sea
Sought through nature to find this tree,
But their search was all in vain:
There grows one in the human Brain.”
- More Blake from “The Little Girl Lost”:
“Frowning, frowning night,
O’er this desert bright
Let thy moon arise,
While I close my eyes.”
- And of course I have to quote Oscar Wilde:
“You kissed his mouth with mouths of flame: you made the hornèd god your own:
You stood behind him on his throne: you called him by his secret name.”
- And of course Rainer Maria Rilke: “Understand, I will slip quietly
away from the noisy crowd
when I see the pale
stars rising, blooming over the oaks.
I’ll pursue solitary pathways
through the pale twilit meadows
with only this one dream:
You come too.” 
Favorite Food: sushi, tomato and corn salad, POTATOES in any shape and form Favorite Movie: ugh too many to mention, honestly... Let’s say that I usually go for nice visuals, interesting stories and well written dialogues (but that doesn’t change the fact that I also can have a blast while watching stupid rom coms lol) Favorite Sport: hmm I don’t practice any sport anymore but I like watching volleyball and soccer. Dream Trip: *bangs pans and pots* I R E L A N D Languages: english, italian, polish Favorite Song: please don’t do this to me asjhdghdf Favorite Book: Letters to a Young Poet by R.M. Rilke, The Shadow of the Wind by C.R. Zafòn, Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien; I also love Edgar Allan Poe, so consider his tales and stories as my favourites too. And of course collections of poetry by William Blake and Rilke. I’m currently digging more into Yeats and I’m enjoying that one as well, very much :’) What Do I Hate?: homophobia, lack of empathy, CAPITALISMGDKJGHD  Random Fact: I’m an intelligent dumbass and I love eating dry ramen noodles! (Antoni Porowski is having a seizure on the other side of the globe, I’M SORRY MY LOVE) Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: blazers and coats, black jeans (or basic mom jeans), brown boots, vinyls, cozy blankets, blues/jazz music playing softly in the background - but also opera when I feel like conquering the world, countryside, champagne, acoustic guitar, hands dirty from oil/acrylic paint, freshly baked bread, soft kisses, wild flowers, second-hand books... I could go on :D Do I Get Asks?: sometimes... Most of the times I have to make a public announcement that I want asks lol Other Blogs: @cottonandcalicos - here’s my side countryside kink blog Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw baby Patronus: Pottermore says it’s a black and white cat and for once I fucking agree Favorite Characters: Salem Saberhagen Relationship status: single Top 3 ships: damn last time I shipped somebody it was in 2016 and I don’t even remember what ship that was. Anyway, I ship myself with italian gelato.  Lipstick or Chapstick: both Spell out your name in songs: I’m gonna do my blog name because it’s more fun:
Q - Questione d’Orario by Appino
U - Ugly by Sugababes
E - Early Autumn by Ella Fitzgerald
E - Everyday Robots by Damon Albarn
N - No Plan by Hozier
O - Only a Fool Would Say That by Steely Dan
F - Fireside by Arctic Monkeys
B - Better Man by Leon Bridges
O - Our Time by Johnny Hartman
H - Hammer to Fall by Queen
E - Every Time the Sun Comes Up by Sharon Van Etten
M - Martha by Tom Waits
I - In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier
A - A Trick of the Light by Villagers
I’m gonna be that lazy bitch and I’m virtually tagging all of my 900 followers :’)
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izurukuras-blog · 7 years
sdr2 boys and an ideal date with their s/o?
thank you for requesting love!!! this was soso cute im glad i could write about it~
sdr2 boys and their ideal date
note; i’m pretty sure they’d all be happy wherever it was as long as it was with you, but this is based on things, in my opinion, i think they’d be most comfortable and happy to do!!
hajime hinata (video game night date)
his favorite thing??? with his favorite person???!?!
picks out stacks upon stacks of games next to the multple consoles for you both to play
would order in pizza and get a ton of pillows for you two to sit on because he wants it to be somewhat nicely prepared okay blesshim
iNdiReCtIvElY cOmPeTiTivE
won’t admit defeat for the life of him
thinks its cute when you lose and you are all huffy and puffy
“one more round… pleaSE i wASN’T EVEN TRYING THAT TIME”
if you beat him again,,, be prepared for lovetackles
nagito komaeda (late night park date)
poor nervous lil komaeda
i mean he’s nervous about everything related to you
he still cant believe you go on dates with trash like him
but he’d love night park dates
because you could hold his hand while you two looked at the trees
or hug his side if a cold breeze blew by
he totally doesn’t think about this all the time
overall he just adores you in general
he thinks little talks while walking with you are the best thing too
he just stares at you lovingly while walking
byakuya twogami (cosplay dates)
okay lisTEN
as cheesy as it is
his favorite thing in the world is to dress up with you
it doesn’t even have to be out somewhere extravagant
you could be both just at home in some cute little cosplays
and he’d be absolutely content
sometimes he’d do absolutely laughable ones
like he’d walk out into the living room with a Full Ass Mario Cosplay with the geekiest smile EVER
and you’d just go
“…just tell me where the peach costume is”
you two would just end up playing mariokart in your cosplays for hours
gundham tanaka (dog cafe date)
he’s going to combust??? you and ANIMALS??
you two would get your cute little drinks and then go into the play room with all the doggies
he’d melt seeing you squeal at the pups
would 10/10 take pics of you holding/petting the dogs
because he can’t resist i mean lOOK HOW CUTE YOU LOOK
would just watch you full of admiration
he’d make sure to meet each pup and give them all equal amounts of attention
but if one had taken a liking to you specifically and saw how perfect you two were
he’d step aside to the manager and be all like
“how much is that dog going for”
you two cuties would probably end up taking one home ngl
kazuichi souda (shopping spree date)
he’s absolutely in love with you
so treating you like the prince/princess you are is his favorite date in mind
he’s so cute he just wants u happy ugH
would love seeing you try stuff on
“souda..does this look okay?”
this sweetheart bless him he thinks you look absolutely stunning in everything
if he sees you severly eyeing something
he’s gonna either get it secretly or make you try it on
blushes so hard if what your wearing shows skin
its his weakness poor boy
teruteru hanamura (home baking date)
you guessed it
would ask you what you wanted to make before hand
would make sure everythings set up and ready to be prepared because he wants to make it the least stressful for you and him
you can be sure he’s going to try to come up from behind you and help you with whatever you may be doing
rolling the dough???
filling the baking tins???
mixing the batter???
he’s snaking his hands around your waist and directing your hands claiming “he’s helping you out”
he just wants to be all cute and close to you
my heaRT
fuyuhiko kuzuryu (buzzfeed unsolved binge date)
i feel like fuyu baby doesn’t like to do too many outdoor activities
partially because he thinks “all stereotypical dates are stupid”
but a cozy, casual night in????
watching two guys go into haunted places that have intense crimes and/or murders involved??
he’s in
it wouldn’t be set up with food or pillows and stuff
i feel like you’d be watching it on your laptop wrapped up in bed or something and he just
subtly slide under the covers
and peer at your laptop
after a while he may pull you closer to him
it wasn’t subconciously
nekomaru nidai (movie night date)
he’s a very casual guy who’d love to just be lazy with you
that’s why he loves movie marathoning with you
lets face it
his favorite movie would be the rocky franchise
so of course he’ll convince you to watch it with him along with the others you chose
he’s a cute mushy romantic alone with you
so he’ll be that stereotypical guy and slowly inch his arm around you while yawning
its so cute tho pleaSE
knowing him if he sees you getting sleepy
he’ll offer you one of his infamous massages, from the ultimate masseur himself
such a silly and caring boy bless his heart
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katrinawritesthings · 8 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; Sand; PG
when ur at the beach nd u ask ur babe to bury u
Jonghyun smiles up at him, sleepy and lazy, lifting one hand to shield his eyes from the sun instead of lowering his sunglasses from the brim of his big hat.
When a large piece of seaweed decides to just latch onto his leg and slime all over him is when Taemin decides that he’s had enough of the ocean for today. Or for now, at least. Maybe he’ll want to come back a little bit later, but for now, he kicks away the seaweed with a shudder, ignores Jinki and Kibum giggling at him, and sloshes back onto the sand. He’ll switch out with Minho and keep Jonghyun company at their little setup for a while. It’ll be nice.
From what he can see in the distance, Minho has already noticed that he’s leaving and is standing up and dusting himself off. Taemin snorts. Tall and eager. If he didn’t want to relax with Jonghyun yet he should have said so earlier. Jonghyun doesn’t look bothered, though, and Taemin smiles to see him smile. A pretty pretty babe, snuggled against a nest of towels with his little flame print gym shorts and big floppy hat. He had on a light tank top earlier, but it looks like he’s ditched that for the time being. He’s wiggled out from under the shade of their big umbrella, too. Probably just trying to get his lovely golden tan back during one of the few times a year he’ll willingly sit in the sun for a few hours.
Minho meets him halfway and sticks out his hand for Taemin to hold for a second; Taemin reaches further and boops his nipple, then squeezes his forearm gently while he’s still squeaking in confusion. Nice.
He doesn’t glance back to see Minho’s continued reaction, but the amused little grin Jonghyun has as Taemin walks up to him is enough information. Taemin grins back, waving lazily.
“Hey,” he says, coming up to the edge of their picnic blankets and accepting the towel Jonghyun gives him.
“Hi,” Jonghyun hums back. “You’re so wet.”
“Yeah,” Taemin grins, laughing softly as he looks down at himself. He never knows why it’s so much funnier to be dripping wet at the beach but it is. He dries his hair first, squeezing out excess droplets while being careful to not drip anywhere near Jonghyun. Jonghyun smiles up at him, sleepy and lazy, lifting one hand to shield his eyes from the sun instead of lowering his sunglasses from the brim of his big hat. He looks so cozy down there, nestled into the soft sand, little feeties buried under and forearms lightly coated in dust from all of the playing with it he does. Taemin wants to be in the sand too.
“Hey,” he says again, dropping to his knees without drying off his body. “Will you bury me?” he asks. Just a little bit. Jonghyun whines instead of answering, though, reaching for his knees and then drawing his hands back to pout against his fingers.
“You’re still all wet,” he says, worry obvious in everything about him. Taemin shrugs. He’s aware.
“I don’t mind,” he says. He’ll probably fall asleep in the sand and be out long enough for it to be dry and easily cleanable later. And there are the showers up by the boardwalk anyway. “Please?” he asks. He wants to be warm and cozy and hugged by the earth. He loves the earth.
“Mmm,” Jonghyun hums. He plucks another towel from the mountain he brought with them and hands it over. “Around your waist,” he commands. Taemin smiles at his little authoritative voice. He’s too cute and sweet to be commanding. Taemin obeys anyway, first patting off his thighs and then wrapping the towel snug around his hips. No sand getting into his shorts and entering his asshole or whatever. Not today. He smiles and pats the towel, showing Jonghyun his accomplishment; Jonghyun smiles back and waves for him to lie down. Taemin flutters his other towel down and rests his head on it, nuzzling into the soft sand under it with a happy sigh.
The sand under his legs and chest already gives and conforms to his body, warming him up everywhere it touches. He breathes slowly, feeling it move and shift under his stomach. Mostly he smells the sunscreen they all shared when they got here and the ocean, but with his face so close to the sand, he’s picking up on it’s scratchy smell as well. It fills his nose and makes him hum in contentment. It’s so good and wonderful.
Jonghyun starts slowly burying him, first sprinkling warm sand over his back. Taemin hums lowly at the added warmth and slides his hands up under the towel under his head. He might fall asleep earlier that he thought like this. Cracking his eyes open just a bit so he doesn’t, he watches Jonghyun work fondly. He’s gorgeous, from his round nose to his dark eyes to his sharp jawline to the little mole between his collarbones. The muscles under his golden skin shift and move through his motions and he slowly pushes and piles more sand on top of Taemin.
Taemin’s eyes slide shut again once Jonghyun has his back and shoulders fully covered with his towel tucked protectively around his neck so nothing gets into his hair. This is the most relaxed he’s ever felt in his life. The sand is a subtle pressure all over and Jonghyun’s hands are so gentle and smooth as they pat it out even. As his consciousness fades out, Jonghyun’s soft voice fades in, singing a quiet song that Taemin recognizes as one of the ones he’s been working on lately. It’s soft, breathy, and soothing, and Taemin falls into a blissful sleep after just a few lines.
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whoopsimwitchy · 4 years
Chapter 3 Posted!!!
I thought I’d start posting the chapters on here to help expand my audience, enjoy! 
The foosball table landed with a crash. Then his desk chair. Then there was a stomping up the stairs followed by CDs and books being thrown and obliterated. 
Adrien remembered what it was like when his mom died.
He was alone. And he struggled to accept the new life he was being shoved into. He knew what he was in for, and he couldn’t accept it. But it swallowed him whole and he was forcefully used to it soon enough. 
His father was quiet, and didn’t seem to care. Adrien knew he did, but it still hurt to be ignored and alone. No one had been there for him, except for Nathalie and his bodyguard of course, but besides them he was left alone to wallow in his sorrows.
Now he stared down at Marinette, curled up in the blankets of her bed, shivering and trying to sleep. 
Adrien knew exactly how she felt and what she was going through, and he was not going to let what had happened to him happen to her. He was going to be there for her. 
He sat at the edge of her bed, feeling quite awkward and a little stuck. Should he get leave? Say something? Hold her hand? Or is that weird?
He decided that he would tell her goodnight and leave to let her sleep. He wasn’t abandoning her. No, he was being there for her by leaving so that she could sleep. That’s the right thing to do. Right?
His eyes traveled over her one last time and he sighed, “Goodnight, Marinette.” He turned to make his way towards the ladder, then hesitated. Maybe…
He flipped back around and leaned towards her face, lifting a hand to sweep the hair away from her forehead. Then he lowered his head and left a soft kiss on her forehead. His hand rested on the top of her head and his lips lingered on her skin maybe a moment too long. 
Then he quickly pulled away and nervously clamored across the mess of blankets to the ladder. He was about to drop to the ground when a soft hand grabbed his. 
One foot already down the ladder, he whipped his head around in surprise and saw a sleepy, bleary-eyed Marinette holding his hand. His face softened, giving her a small smile and squeezed her hand, thinking she just needed a little extra comfort before he left, and he was happy to oblige.
But the surprise returned to his face when she yanked him back, with an unexpected amount of strength, towards where she sat. “Wha-” His question was muffled by the blankets when he suddenly landed on her legs. He immediately pushed himself up, face flushed, “Ah! I’m so sorry!” They were closer now. He had landed at her knees and so his arms were on either side of her, one still holding Marinette’s hand. 
Worried he’d crushed her, he let go and frantically started babbling, “Oh my gosh, Marinette I’m so sorry, that was so inappropriate of me, I- I shouldn’t even be in your bed! Not that I don’t like it here I mean you’ve got a-a nice cozy atmosphere here, what am I saying?! That’s stupid I-I’m sor-”
His wide eyes locked on hers as she pressed a finger to his mouth and giggled, clearly amused. His heart did a fluttery thing at her giggle but it dropped as soon as the exhausted, sorrowful look returned to her face. She still held onto a sweet smile, though.
“Oh shut up,” she mumbled and he didn’t have time to say something or laugh back because she wrapped one arm around him and the other flew to the edge of the blanket to push it back. Then she pulled him down next to her against his will and trapped him in with the comforter. 
His face turned three shades darker, ‘’U-um, what are you doing?” He stared at her, watching her busy eyes flit around as she fixed the mess of blankets around them.
 “I was cold,” she swung her legs on top of him and used the other one to pull him closer. This was so out of character. She must still be in shock. What does this mean? Duh, it doesn’t mean anything, she just said she was cold.
His thoughts whirred, but he ignored them because then she nuzzled her head into his neck and he was overwhelmed by adoration for her. The protectiveness that he was now very familiar with kicked in again and he gladly wrapped his arms around her. 
She wasn’t shivering anymore, thank goodness, but then her shoulders started to shake. He pulled away to look worryingly at her, “Are you okay?!” 
She didn’t look at him, “Yeah,” she chuckled softly, “I’m just… really grateful. For you, I mean.” 
She clung to him and his eyes stung. Was it possible for one’s heart to beat this fast? Oh no, could she hear it? She probably could. Shit.
His whole body felt warm and he just wanted to hug her and hold her closer, so that’s what he did. One hand slid into her hair and the other cradled her back. She cried into him, once again releasing all her pain and gratitude and whatever else she’d been holding in. He suddenly had to resist the urge to kiss her forehead again, or tangle his legs her hers, or rub her back. That seemed weird. She was just a friend after all.
Oh that felt weird.
. . .
He forced his eyes open to find himself in a room that wasn’t his. Adrien then remembered what had happened and groaned, releasing Marinette hair and reaching around her head to rub his eyes.
Oh right, Marinette. He inwardly chuckled because he was quite pleased with this scenario. Marinette was cuddled into him with her legs over his, her arm on his torso and her head in his neck, snoozing away. 
He had grown to really like her these past few years. Well, he’s always liked her but he’s recently noticed some of her more hidden quirks, like the way she swirls her ankle while she’s doodling at her desk in class. Or the way that unintentionally rolls her eyes out of habit whenever Chloe or Lila do literally anything. He’d always found them amusing and quite cute if he was being honest.
After begrudgingly getting up and tucking Marinette in (who was NOT happy about him leaving), Adrien had sleepily found his way down to the bakery where Sabine was staring at her phone which was rapidly buzzing.
She glanced up at him. He could see the dozens of emotions welling up in her eyes as she got up and walked towards him. Before he had time to prepare for it, Sabine crushed him in a hug. He didn’t need to say anything, he understood.
He hugged her back and they shared equal gratitude with each other. Sabine muttered a simple, “Thank you” and when she pulled away Adrien could see the tears flowing over her already tear-stained face.
He nodded, “I’ll always be here. OKay? Just call me if you need anything and I’ll be here.”
She returned the gesture with a sad smile. 
The rain pounded his face which made it quite difficult to see, but one he was outside the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he turned around to squint at Marinette’s bedroom window.
No light shone through, and he knew she had stayed asleep. And part of him, well, a huge part of him, wanted to run back up to her, climb under the covers and stay with her for the rest of the night. 
He didn’t, but oh how his heart fluttered. 
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