#is true. so i’m lucky that i haven’t had a cold this bad/maybe at all at least since i graduated high school since that was pre covid times
ducktracy · 5 months
i am literally so mad that i have waited years to write this review of Daffy’s Southern Exposure and when i finally do i get the worst cold i have had at least within the past 5 years and am too sick to write a substantial amount. like come on. COME ON! i would almost rather it be COVID because that’s at least a valid excuse!!!!! sorry this post nasal drip made me nauseous and then i got mad that i was nauseous because i also had a bad stomach bug two weeks ago that also prevented me from writing. needless to say i hope you all enjoy the review when it’s out because my goodness it is giving me a hard time. thank you for your patience again 😤🙏
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@augusnippets day 11: escape
tw: implied physical abuse
“You need to leave.” Obi-Wan’s voice vibrates against Padmé’s side, quiet but urgent. “Get as far away from Anakin as you can. I can help you disappear, find somewhere safe for you to lay low until his anger blows over. It’s bound to eventually.”
He doesn’t quite sound like he believes that last part.
Padmé’s stomach turns at the idea of abandoning her responsibilities, her people, for something so selfish.
“I can’t,” she says, and her throat burns with the effort. “The Senate–”
“Will keep slogging through bills without you, whether you’re in hiding or dead.” The brutal honesty is gutting, but it’s true. “Better to simply be in hiding, I think.”
Padmé’s head is spinning, and she can’t quite get her thoughts to focus on anything beyond the cold air scraping against her raw throat with every breath, the throbbing of the bruises on her neck and face. Maybe the change in Anakin was a long time coming, but it doesn’t feel that way. The shift feels sudden, leaves her reeling, floundering in the uncertainty of the unknown. Yesterday, she was a senator aiding her husband and the GAR on a special assignment. Today, she’s a victim desperately trying to escape her husband’s—well, former husband, if she’s being honest—abuse.
Beside her, Rex clears his throat. “I think you should go with her, General.”
“Though I wish I could stay close–” Padmé’s heart skips a beat at Obi-Wan’s admission. She would feel better about the situation if Obi-Wan were with her, she admits. “I’m afraid that’s not possible. The Council will notice.”
“Forget the Council,” Rex growls, low. He pauses, as if weighing the cost of speaking, the sighs. “I overheard Fives and Jesse talking. General Skywalker purposely waited to send patrols out for us, and considering what he’s just done to Senator Amidala, I wouldn’t be surprised if there had been malicious intent behind that decision.”
Padmé can’t seem to get her lungs to work as her gaze fixes on the bandaged hand curled around her waist. A shuddering breath grazes the back of her neck, and when she looks up, Obi-Wan’s face is contorted in a grimace, a weary sort of resignation pulling at the creases.
Anakin’s choice words to Rex echo through Padmé’s mind, and she realizes with absolute clarity that absolutely everything Anakin has ever done has been perfectly intentional, designed to trap.
“We’ll all go,” she decides, resolute.
And it’s not abandonment, of her people, of the Jedi Order, of the war’s cause. Because someone needs to make it out of Anakin’s trap in enough pieces to expose him, to find some sort of evidence that will convince the Council to remove him from the Order and the GAR, from the power he’s been abusing.
Rex shakes his head. “I have to stay.” Padmé opens her mouth to argue, but he cuts her off. “I’ve been lucky so far, haven’t had it as bad as you. I don’t need to get out, at least not yet. Besides,” he says, a little rueful, “maybe if I stick around, he’ll direct all his anger at me and leave the rest of the boys alone.”
The thought makes her shiver, both the idea that Anakin would hurt anyone else and that Rex will suffer three times as much if he stays. But the look in his eyes is all guilt and vicious determination, and Padmé knows there’s no convincing him otherwise.
With a heavy sigh, Obi-Wan pushes himself to his feet, wavering slightly. “Anakin’s coming. I can feel the cloud of rage moving through the square.”
“Then you’d better get going,” Rex says. “I’ll distract him long enough for you to jump.”
Padmé extracts the hidden comm she keeps on her at all times. “My emergency comm code’s embedded in the encryption,” she says as she presses it into Rex’s hand. “Even Anakin doesn’t know the frequency.”
And she realizes as she says it that maybe she did always know his true nature; she simply refused to believe it.
Rex nods, hand curling around the comm, and he makes to move away, but she tightens her grip, slides her thumbs along his wrist. “Just be careful, alright?”
Rex squeezes back. “I promise.”
Reluctantly, they break apart, Padmé moving to peek out the tent’s flap to make sure the coast is clear. Obi-Wan slips his own hand beneath Rex’s, raising it up so he can bow and press a kiss to the back of his hand before following after Padmé. She can’t help but think the gesture looks disturbingly similar to when he’d offered Rex a glass of champagne not twenty hours ago, back when their world hadn’t yet fallen apart.
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imashoe69420 · 2 years
Under The Weather Headcannons☆彡
Rise!Leo X GN!Reader
Prompt: You’re sick and Leo tries his best to help you feel better (vice versa as well)
Relationship: Officially Dating
Timeline: Pre!Movie (season 2)
Requests are open!
• Generally, you never got sick. Most other members of your family had allergies or a constant cold/flu, and you were the miracle child who got sick maybe once or twice a year (barely having any symptoms except fatigue).
• After forsaking your vaccination almost a month into flu season, you began to regret it.
• One morning after staying the night in the lair with your boyfriend, Leo, you could hardly open your eyes. Your nose constantly ran and your eyes watered more than they ever had in your life.
• Leo automatically assumed the worst: you were dying. He tried to play it off like that wasn’t his first thought, but the turtle quickly swaddled you in blankets and made sure you were comfortable.
• “Leo, I’m fine. It’s just a cold.” You tried to reassure him, your voice muffled by your stuffy nose.
• But Leo didn’t care. “But I don’t want you to freeze. Just relax, Leon’s gotchu.”
• The blue clad turtle went to the surface raided your house for ingredients as he planned on making you soup from scratch, but soon settled on the canned ravioli he wasn’t sure was good to eat anymore.
• Canned stuff doesn’t go bad, does it? Surely not.
• The turtle quickly returned to the lair and heated up the pasta before making his way to his room where you had collected a pile of tissues next to yourself on the bed.
• You furrowed your eyebrows at the bowl. “Ravioli? I had soup in the pantry, too.”
• In all honesty, Leo had forgotten to retrieve soup entirely and had just remembered to get something canned. “Why do sick people even need soup? It’s all canned anyways.”
• That didn’t make sense, but you sighed and took a bite of the pasta. It was sour. Like, really really bitter. It definitely was expired, but the hopeful look on Leo’s face convinced you to keep eating.
• That was the biggest mistake of your life.
• The next day, you had the worst stomach ache of your life. Food poisoning.
• You wanted to be mad at Leo, but it was ultimately your fault for having expired food in your pantry.
• Said turtle would hold back your hair as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet. You haven’t been able to keep anything down since yesterday after you’d eaten the forbidden pasta.
• He felt guilty for not checking the expiration date, but you tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault and you’d feel better in a few days.
• “I’m gonna be ok, babe.” You told him as you flushed the toilet with a sigh. “I only got more sick because my immune system was already compromised.”
• Leo whimpers, his previous belief that this sickness would be your demise reentering his mind. “But it’s still my fault for making it worse. I was trying to help but everything backfired.”
• “Don’t say that.” You grab his hand and interlock your fingers with his. “You were trying to help and I really appreciate that.”
• Leo couldn’t help but smile at your comment. He leaned in for a kiss, and you pecked his lips without even thinking about it.
• A week later, you’d mostly healed from your illnesses. The only issue was your stuffy nose, but you were no longer lethargic.
• Leo, on the other hand, had fell ill and acted like a baby about it.
• “(Y/N), I can’t… breatheee.” He groaned as you laid another blanket over him. “I feel like I’m …drowning…!”
• You rolled your eyes at him. “Leo, you’re gonna be fine. Just change your position so you’re not as stuffy.”
• The turtle grasped your hand and placed it against his cheek. “The only think that’s gonna make me feel better is true love’s kiss. You’re the only one who can save me, babe!”
• You laughed, pressing a kiss against his cheek. “You’re lucky I’m already sick.”
• Throughout the next week, both you and Leo gradually get better.
• Strangely, Leo’s more loving when he’s sick. Usually, he would only cuddle when you two watched a movie or slept in the same bed, but sick-him couldn’t spend a minute without you by his side.
• When you held out your hand, urging him to give the empty bowl of soup to you, he only kissed the palm of your hand and smirked.
• You blushed and sighed. “Leo, c’mon, I have to wash these before your brothers get sick, too.”
• “I couldn’t help myself. The only sick I wanna be is lovesick.” He winked at you.
• “Leo, that was terrible.” You giggled anyways. “You better return my heart before you get cardiac arrested.”
• The turtle scoffed. “Like yours was any better!”
• Again, you rolled your eyes before hopping into bed with him and spooning him. “If I knew you’d be like this, I would’ve gotten you sick way sooner.”
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undinegeist · 2 years
It’s summer, warm, and we spend all our days by the pool; in a villa in a cow-riddled village, affordable because my so-called father is friends with the professor, a cultured one, cultured enough to not judge us, two gutter punks straight out of hell, Sid not that much more than me by then, between the lack of food and excess of drugs.
They take care of us like family; drag us out of our beds to the beach no matter how late our nights were, their son, only slightly younger than us, starts teaching Sid more songs on the guitar, actually succeeding through patience and endurance alone…we have breakfast, lunch, dinner, unheard of for us, used to only one meal a day, two if we got lucky.
Sid starts thickening up, less than total stick, and so do I; we tan, become normal, gradually, until we’re helping around the house, picking fruit, working through mail, earning our keep until we don’t pay at all…we share a bed, and it’s not weird, never weird.
His hair is longer, less spiky, mine’s bleached where I haven’t dyed it, the true color showing as it grows out, down to my shoulders…
We’re in bed one morning, when I wake to him playing with it…winding it around his finger, fingertips brushing over my skin, distracting.
“I like it now that it’s long,” his voice is a whisper, he knows I’m awake.
I stroke his arm, relax into him. “I like yours, too.”
“Would it be so bad for us to become…normal?”
“It doesn’t matter what we are anymore…no one’s watching.”
“I think sometimes I wish they were…but then I remember how hard it was to keep up the front, to…to pretend I hated everyone when mostly I just hated what we were. I don’t hate anything here, they care about us. I’ve never…outside of you and maybe Johnny, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone care before.”
“It never felt like enough for me either. It isn’t enough for people to care…they have to care the right way, to really love you…it’s fucked, I don’t know how we got it right.”
“It’s because we’ve always loved each other.”
“I don’t know that I loved you the night we met.”
“That’s okay, I can’t even remember the night we met…”
We laugh, hold each other, and it feels so nice, impossibly nice.
“How did we meet?“
It was raining, it was summer.
“I was in London because I had nothing better to do…there was a play on at this place by the river, but the rain caught me on the way, under the awning of a pub…you were there, cursing, I had no idea why, except you were wetter than me…it could have ended there, I was thinking of just going the rest of the way, but you grabbed my arm, said I was gonna fry.”
“You said you didn’t care…that you liked to fuck with lightning. That’s when I knew you were my kind of person…”
“That, and I spent all night watching Nancy try to fuck Johnny for your sake…”
He laughs, though I’d been scared to mention her. “She did, didn’t she? I’d kind of forgot that…”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
He shrugs. “No…I would have slept with you then if I could.”
“Why didn’t you try?”
“Try what?”
“To sleep with me.”
“I don’t know…I thought about it, but it was cold and raining too much and it was nice to just hold you. Besides…I thought you’d say no.”
“I might have said yes.”
“Just to get out of wet clothes?”
“Among other things.”
“Such as?”
“I liked your chest.”
“Do you like it now?” His voice is quieter; he shrinks, trying for invisibility, but I see him too well.
“I’ll always like it.” I hate the look in his eyes more than anything, more than I could ever hate the things we did to ourselves.
“I messed it all up.”
“Have you seen my arms?”
“Yeah, but that’s…that’s different. Yours are pretty, yours are fading. Mine will be branded forever, I won’t be able to take my shirt off anywhere that isn’t here…”
“Fuck what anyone thinks, Sid. Fuck them. We’ve let them lead us by the nose too long…it’s our turn now, to do whatever we want to, even if it makes them uncomfortable, because it makes them uncomfortable…this time, we do it for ourselves. Not for McLaren or anybody else.” I run my fingers over them, faint white lines. “I like them.”
“You couldn’t possibly.”
“Have I ever lied to you?”
“No.” He doesn’t hesitate; it makes me feel strange, even if it’s true.
“Then trust me.”
He nods, bites his lip, hugs me.
I pull back, and somehow I’m kissing the scars on his chest, until I’m biting his neck, the two of us wrestling all over the bed until our clothes are gone, barely anything…it happens so fast, so easy, I can barely believe he gets me off, a mixture of penetration and fingers, our bodies getting stickier…we come almost at once, he takes me the rest of the way, wraps an arm around me, rests his cheek over my head, my fingers around his dick.
“We need to get, you know…rubbers. If…if we ever go all the way.”
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, turn it into a reason to kiss him, rolling all the way over…he gets hard, right away, again; we’re still naked, will always be naked, I squeeze to finish him off…he slips his fingers inside me, asks if it’s good, though he knows how to do it, doesn’t have to.
We lie there, messy, fingers sticky with each other, his cheek resting on my chest…it feels the way it did when I sat with him in the hospital, back when we hadn’t been close…I’d never touch people, not even when I wanted to; it felt strange, unusual, threatening. But it was different with him from the first…the night we met we ended up at a booth, and he was so open and innocent, it wasn’t strange…I knew I could trust him, finally, finally knew there was someone out there I could trust enough to touch without fearing rejection. And now, we had forever.
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that-salty-ghost · 2 years
As Above, So Below | Chapter 17: Shameful Company | Viktor [Arcane] // Male Reader | Rating: M Throughout
// 🎧 Mood Music: Shameful Company by Rainbow Kitten Surprise 🎧 \\
The speed at which your gaze darts from Viktor to the woman in the doorway while they talk is almost dizzying.
You notice that her face looks a little flush and she tends to fidget with her glasses when Viktor speaks or even looks at her. She did just come out from a warm-ish building, maybe the cold air is fogging up her lenses or something…
“We must’ve had the same idea.” A soft grin creeps onto his face while he looks from her up to the top of the building. His brows raise while he examines how impressive the size of the structure is. Still, he seems genuinely happy that she got there before he did, even though that probably meant he lost out on renting the space.
“I guess so…” She sounds a little guilty about beating him to the punch. Must be a good spot for the work they’re trying to do. “Although maybe we could share it?” She looks over at the man that you assumed had been showing her around.
“Can’t, we need the rest of the space for apprentices—only have enough room for one extra.” The man looks over at you, almost sizing you up and you turn your head while you try to place where you’ve seen him.
Viktor purses his lips, shaking his head before he turns back to Sky. “That’s alright, I’m happy you found a place for your work.” His smile is warm, even sweet when he meets her gaze again and you can’t help but notice her eyes darting from him, downwards, back up—that looks dizzying too. “And I’m excited to see what you present.” You can tell he actually means what he’s saying to her and doesn’t seem put out at all. You think she must be a really good friend until you notice her body language.
She’s fidgeting with her glasses again, and unable to hold eye contact with him before she’s barely able to murmur “You too.”
…ahhh hell.
She likes him too.
“You’re The Butcher’s boy aint ya?”
All of the color drained from your face when the soot-covered man spoke. You feel both Sky and Viktor’s eyes on you while you swallow and try to quickly navigate how to handle this. Anytime you heard someone refer to your father as ‘The Butcher’, it definitely wasn’t a compliment.
“Well…Remy’s now.” You finally placed where you knew him, he’s one of the blacksmiths that helped forge the weapons your father needed years ago. You haven’t seen him since you were a kid, but this wasn’t exactly the time or place you wanted this reunion to occur.
He scoffs and his shoulders tightly pull the fabric of his shirt when he crosses his arms, causing the muscles in his forearms to bulge even more. You don’t remember him being quite this behemoth, but clearly a lot has changed…except for his pleasant disposition.
“S’pose that’s true. I’ll never understand why a guy like him would risk his reputation for that son of a bitch’s kid.”
You catch a view of Viktor over the man’s shoulder and his expression is one you haven’t seen before. His eyes are piercing, practically boring a hole into the back of the man’s head. His brows are knitted tightly and you make a mental note to never get on his bad side.
While you were thankful that he clearly wasn’t happy with how this guy was talking to you, you also didn’t want to see him upset. This was nothing you hadn’t heard before, but watching Viktor witness it was something that hit you harder than you were anticipating.
You gather your composure with quick inhale and address the man. Despite his words creeping under your skin, you brush off his comment and lean into pretending to feel small—which you’re sure was his goal anyway.
“Guess he’s a sucker for a charity case.” You pause when he takes a step towards you and you force a strained smile while you hold your ground. “Lucky me.”
The blacksmith takes another step and his massive frame casts a shadow as he towers over you. He had to be twice your size...you need to play this smart—you couldn’t take him in a fight and again, this isn’t the time or the place for any of this.
You notice Viktor start to take a step as well, but you subtly flex your fingers out by your side—silently asking him to stay where he is. He glances down to your hand and pauses. While his expression looks pained, he does as you ask and doesn’t move any closer.
“Listen, you both look like smart kids.” Even though he’s facing you, you know he’s talking to Viktor and Sky. “But this one’s got rotten lineage—bad blood.” The man doesn’t even flinch while he talks about you like you’re not even there. “This isn’t the company you want to keep if you want to go anywhere.”
“I’m afraid you and I don’t share that sentiment, sir.” Viktor’s voice startles you and your eyes widen when you hear how guttural it’s become. His mild demeanor completely ransacked by a low tone with sharp edges as his accent hangs onto the ‘t’s and d’s’ in his sentence. “And I’m capable of discerning the kind of company worth keeping.”
You glance over to see that this time, it’s Viktor that doesn’t flinch.
You can’t fight the faint grin that ghosts onto the corner of your mouth, your eyes are heavy with admiration and the visible anger within him slightly subsides once you catch his eye.
The blacksmith scoffs and turns to address Viktor one more time. “You’re better off sticking with her.” He motions to Sky and your poker face that you’ve maintained while under scrutiny finally falls away when he starts to walk back towards the warehouse.
“She’s got a good head on her shoulders, but that one...” He jerks his head back to motion towards you before finishing his unsolicited advice. “That one will bring you nothing but trouble.”
You knew he was mostly talking about Viktor’s career, but it felt so much heavier than that. You also knew there was a good degree of truth to his words. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you obviously weren’t about to make his life any easier.
But all of that feels contrived when Viktor’s eyes never leave yours. He barely even acknowledges the man that passes him, sending a message that he’s done talking about this and only responds with a calm and even voice.
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Let me know if you need help moving your equipment in.” The blacksmith talks to Sky one last time before going back inside.
You didn’t hear what she said in return, your attention is completely fixed on Viktor as he starts towards you. Your shoulders feel heavy, your eyes tired. A slow inhale is all you can manage to try and recover from the entire situation. That and Viktor’s gentle expression as he watches you come down from your adrenaline high.
“I’m not one to say I told you so.” You start, a smirk forming on your face as you huff a small laugh.
“Mm…well don’t start on my behalf.” Viktor’s tone is light, even amused while he straightens his jacket. “I consider that a bullet dodged. All thanks to your…ehh,” His brows twitch teasingly while a grin spreads across his face. “…infamy.”
You notice how quickly his anger has already faded and feel your own heartrate slow again. Just standing by him settles you down, and his playful energy only takes the edge off even more.
“You’re welcome then?” You joke, but when he pauses and glances up from buttoning his coat, the sly grin he gives you sobers your expression up immediately.
“That’s more like it.”
…send help.
“I’m so sorry, Viktor I had no idea.” Sky’s voice is rushed, breathy and sounds absolutely mortified.
…not exactly what you had in mind, but that’ll do.
“He was a completely different person until he saw…” She looks over at you and then back to Viktor.
“[Y/n]. And it’s not your fault.” He looks back to you and motions to Sky. “[Y/n], this is Sky. A…ah, colleague of mine.”
You hold your hand out for her to shake. “Nice to meet you, Sky.”
She smiles weakly, seemingly still shook up about what just happened before responding with “Nice to meet you too. I still can’t believe that just happened.”
Your nose crinkles while you shrug. “Sylas is honestly great; he trains some of the best blacksmiths in the undercity. You’ll have a good set up here.”
Viktor cocks a brow after you say the man’s name. He parts his mouth like he’s about to speak to you, but Sky responds first.
“You…know him?”
“Knew. But he shouldn’t give you any trouble. He’s harmless unless you’re…uh…me.” You give a crooked grin to lighten the mood but Viktor quips back dryly.
“Your definition of great is concerning.”
“Given the past 24 hours, that’s what you’ve found concerning?”
Viktor’s lighthearted chuckle is contagious and you can’t help but laugh as well while he tries to say “Fair point.”
You almost get wrapped up in the sound of his laugh, but manage to catch Sky’s expression shift.
“Sorry, just been a wild day already.”
“Same here. Have you two eaten? Maybe we can grab some lunch?”
You didn’t want to break the news that you both had a late breakfast and decide to leave that to Viktor.
Instead, you check your pocket watch and bite your cheek when you see how late it’s already gotten. “I’d love to, but I actually have a few things I need to go take care of. Thank you for the invite though.”
Sky nods at you before looking at Viktor. You catch her biting her lower lip while she waits for his answer and you tighten a strap on your bag so you can move better on the rooftops. Watching her crush on him doesn’t exactly bother you, but after recent events you don’t think your self-esteem can take another hit right now.
“You two have fun. Good luck hunting today, Viktor.” You tighten the last shoulder strap and exchange a grin with him before you start looking for an alley with a fire escape that you can reach.
You only take a few steps before he has you grinning ear-to-ear.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
A/N: Peep that pinned post for more chapters and good times <3
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edenmemes · 3 years
resident evil village starters
❝ oh, keep growing! one day your head might actually fit your ego. ❞   ❝ running will get you nowhere. ❞     ❝ you don’t have to trust my words, but do you have any better options? ❞   ❝ you shouldn’t be out here. it’s not safe. ❞   ❝ i know you don’t like to talk about it, but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn’t happen? ❞   ❝ well, what do you think? it’s hopeless, right? ❞ ❝ i wish it could stay like this forever. ❞   ❝ oh, such a disappointment. i thought we could join forces.  ❞ ❝ i don’t have time for this bullshit. out of my way. ❞   ❝ i don’t give a damn about your personal issues. ❞   ❝ it’s a pleasure to see you safe. ❞   ❝ just give up. flesh and blood will never win against me. ❞ ❝ quit acting so full of yourself. ❞ ❝ the clock is ticking. playtime’s over! ❞ ❝ ohhh, don’t give up! ❞ ❝ you think you can take me on? ❞ ❝ you should have never refused me.  ❞ ❝ these are the fruits of my power.  ❞ ❝ leave it alone. you are out of your depth. ❞   ❝ i’ve learned all i can from you. your worth as a lab rat has run out. ❞   ❝ no, no, this can’t be the end for me! ❞   ❝ i can’t escape from here... i can’t do anything! ❞ ❝ what are you talking about? you think this is a game? ❞   ❝ don’t get cocky. i’d kill you if you weren’t the trouble. ❞   ❝ hey, do you know anything about what’s going on around here? ❞   ❝ i’m not used to relying on other people. ❞   ❝ you’re the real deal. well done.  ❞ ❝ i gotta...keep going. ❞   ❝ i think it’s time you left things in my hands. ❞   ❝ my power is leaving me! ❞   ❝ do me a favor... try to stay under the radar. ❞ ❝ you don’t get it. you don’t stand a chance by yourself. ❞ ❝ alright, alright. i guess i owe you an explanation. ❞ ❝ you must be pretty tough, huh? ❞   ❝ all your power’s done is drive you nuts. ❞   ❝ i gotta say, i’m surprised you made it this far. it’d be a shame if something happened to you now. ❞   ❝ so you finally came to see me! everyone falls for me in time. ❞   ❝ it’s all i can spare. take it, take it! ❞   ❝ you’ve got fight, i’ll give you that. ❞   ❝ i didn’t want to keep it from you. i didn’t want to lose you again. ❞   ❝ i’d kill you if you weren’t worth the trouble. ❞   ❝ is there something you’re not telling me? come on, talk to me. ❞   ❝ you can hear it, can’t you? someone’s waiting for you. ❞   ❝ oh, careful what you wish for. ❞   ❝ i don’t want to die. oh, it hurts so much. ❞   ❝ don’t look at me that way. ❞   ❝ i told you to sit down. ❞   ❝ you’re the reason ___ doesn’t love me. ❞   ❝ hey, kiss me? ❞   ❝ if it’s for you, i would do anything. ❞   ❝ come on, it’s not that much further! ❞   ❝ you’re the only one to see me in this form. ❞   ❝ ugh, my temper got away from me. ❞   ❝ play with me some more. ❞   ❝ trying to get on my good side? ❞   ❝ i don’t know if it’s the scent of the flowers, but i feel light headed. ❞   ❝ in all my years, i’ve never been this overjoyed. ❞   ❝ look forward to what i have in store for you. ❞   ❝ mmm, that smells good. what’s that? ❞   ❝ you really should have taken my deal. ❞ ❝ truth hurts, don’t it?  ❞ ❝ i’ve waited so long. but dreams really can come true. ❞   ❝ you coward! come out and face me. ❞   ❝ quit hiding, asshole. i’m not letting you get out of this.  ❞ ❝ i won’t let you have it. even if you beg. ❞   ❝ this is my territory, and i won’t let you leave. ❞   ❝ damn, i’m so cold. my legs won’t work. ❞   ❝ local wine, too. but if you’re going to keep sulking all evening, maybe you shouldn’t have any. ❞ ❝ it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you. ❞   ❝ you’re the last asshole in my way, aren’t you? ❞   ❝ well, at least we’re together. ❞   ❝ hey, now. think positively, all right? we talked about this. ❞   ❝ come now, don’t be shy. show me your terror. ❞   ❝ i would’ve sliced you to ribbons if they hadn’t stopped me. ❞   ❝ it’s only a riddle if you don’t know the answer. ❞   ❝ shouldn’t we face what happened there so we can live our lives without it hanging over our heads? ❞   ❝ rest while you can, because i will hunt you, and i will break you. ❞   ❝ this village is full of monsters. we can’t fight them! there’s too many. ❞   ❝ a dead body? wait...there’s more... ❞   ❝ you’re a lot like your father, you know. ❞   ❝ it barely flinched when i shot it. i feel like it’s toying with me. ❞   ❝ it’ll be fine. it’ll be fine. it’ll be fine. ❞   ❝ listen. you’re being played.  ❞ ❝ too bad you’ll pay for it...with your life. ❞   ❝ please won’t you stay with me? forever? ❞   ❝ you are lucky to die before your child. ❞   ❝ quiet now, child! adults are talking. ❞   ❝ there’s nothing wrong with my memory. you’re just being paranoid. ❞   ❝ this is...this is just too much. ❞   ❝ awww, you’re blushing. ❞   ❝ how can a man be ‘almost’ dead? that’s a question for the wise. ❞   ❝ what kind of sick medieval shit is this? ❞   ❝ i’ve spent a lifetime creating this moment...and you try to take it away from me? ❞   ❝ i’m sick of fighting you! ❞   ❝ why didn’t you fucking tell me right away? ❞ ❝ shut your damn hole and don’t be a sore loser! ❞   ❝ but i’m not paranoid, i’m just cautious. ❞   ❝ don’t get close to me when i’m cooking, babe. ❞   ❝ anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you. ❞   ❝ i haven’t cut open a man in a while. ❞   ❝ we moved here so that you wouldn’t have to deal with any of that, remember? ❞   ❝ why? why would you do this? ❞   ❝ i knew you would want to be involved. and this job is hard enough without civilians getting in the way. ❞ ❝ oh? you have something to say? ❞   ❝ tell me what’s out there! ❞   ❝ you’re still alive...? impressive. ❞   ❝ hey, are you listening? hey! ❞   ❝ exactly how much do you plan on annoying me? ❞   ❝ oh, no. they’re coming! ❞   ❝ do you have a gun? please tell me you have a gun. ❞   ❝ it’s not---nevermind. i’m sorry. ❞   ❝ drunk or not, you are welcome---and safe---in here. ❞   ❝ you know how to push my buttons. ❞   ❝ hey, don’t i get a say in this? ❞   ❝ you wouldn’t know proper manners if it slapped you in the face. ❞   ❝ i won’t forgive you, you bastard! ❞   ❝ why...why do you treat me the same as them? am i not your favourite? am i not special? ❞   ❝ at night, i hear wailing, as if ghosts roam the halls. ❞   ❝ quit your whining; we’re almost there! ❞   ❝ i’m afraid you can’t return to your old world any longer. ❞   ❝ how dare you bare your teeth at me. ❞   ❝ you couldn’t save them. they were already gone. ❞   ❝ in life and death, we give glory. ❞   ❝ can you even understand that humiliation?  ❞ ❝ even i can get angry. ❞   ❝ what the hell is that thing? ❞ ❝ we will meet again soon. ❞ ❝ let’s just say parts of the human imagination are better left alone. ❞ ❝ some treasures still lurk in this village. ❞ ❝ my decision is final. there will be no argument. ❞   ❝ everyone leaves me. even you. ❞   ❝ there is no safe! every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half! ❞   ❝ come inside. the others are waiting. ❞   ❝ come with me. there’s something i have to tell you. ❞   ❝ what the hell is wrong with this place? ❞   ❝ the strong will destroy the weak. that’s the way of the world. ❞   ❝ no, we’re getting out of here --- together. ❞   ❝ but what i saw was...frightful. ❞ ❝ i suppose it’s what they call ‘the beauty of the grotesque’. ❞   ❝ you taught me so much and for that i will be forever in your debt. ❞   ❝ it is my curiosity that ties me to this place. ❞   ❝ please let me know if you’d like to strengthen your weapons. ❞ ❝ you’ll pay if i find out this is a lie. ❞ ❝ speaking of foolish questions, who --- what are you? ❞   ❝ if i don’t kill them then my life will never be my own. ❞   ❝ you are abominable. your deceit knows no bound. ❞   ❝ quit holding out, and get to the damn point! ❞ ❝ you’re the one who’s cursed. ❞ ❝ i hope you will be able to achieve your goal someday, too. ❞   ❝ that is why i had to leave you. i will regret never telling you goodbye. ❞   ❝ if i had but a little more time, i know i might be able to turn the tides of this battle. ❞   ❝ i can hear it shuffling about outside. ❞   ❝ and now you even try to steal my property? how dare you? ❞   ❝ ugh, just another simple little manthing. ❞   ❝ oh, good. i was just thinking of ways to pass the time. ❞ ❝ nowhere to go but up. ❞   ❝ where are you? show yourself! ❞ ❝ not without me, it’s too dangerous. ❞ ❝ shit, that was close. ❞   ❝ i heard explosions. what happened? ❞ ❝ you’ve dirtied my dress! ❞   ❝ you’re my daughter...now act like it! ❞   ❝ i don’t think we will make it through winter at this rate. ❞   ❝ the wounds are severe. i won’t last much longer. ❞   ❝ will you please stop talking in riddles? ❞   ❝ goddamn. it really is you. ❞ ❝ you sure of this? your body is, well, falling apart. ❞       ❝ how long have i been out? ❞   ❝ keep your distance. do not move until i give the order. ❞   ❝ i’ve got a tough guy here, i need some back-up! ❞   ❝ if my mom saw this shit, she’d think she’d died and gone to hell. ❞   ❝ shut your fucking hole! ...sorry about that. ❞   ❝ who are you? who sent you? ❞   ❝ please, be well. ❞   ❝ there’s more than we thought. watch out. ❞ ❝ to hunger...is to be alive. ❞   ❝ goddammit! why is everyone dying on me? ❞   ❝ hey! hey. don’t talk like that. ❞   ❝ my word, you truly are as strong as they say! ❞   ❝ don’t you love me? ❞   ❝ oh, you didn’t think i’d let you get away, did you? ❞   ❝ taken alive? dead? which would you prefer? ❞  
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
*crawls over completely exhausted* No Canon Lukanette... Need fluff... maybe salt too...
Luka gave Marinette's parents a smile as he waited for Marinette to come downstairs, though to say he was concerned was an understatement. He and Marinette hadn't been dating for long, but he knew something was wrong due to her song singing even more stress-filled notes than usual. He wanted to talk to her about it, but also wanted her to open up to him herself when she was ready.
Wanting to focus on smiling for her when she came down, Luka shook off the thought and stared up at Marinette's trap door. Seeing that she hadn't come down yet - understandable given that she had no idea he was there - he pulled out his phone and navigated to her contact. However, just before he could tap on it, there was an abrupt, loud, and unusual noise coming from Marinette's room, followed by the sound of Marinette yelping and presumably hitting the floor.
Luka gasped. “Marinette!”
Not even thinking, he hurried upstairs, phone clutched tightly in his hand as he pushed the trap door up and let himself in.
Over a dozen tiny kwami were speeding around her room, each with distinct voices and one of whom he recognized as Sass. He'd initially thought that the Liberty was chaos, and it was, but there was something different about fifteen little melodies all moving around simultaneously and wreaking havoc. They hadn't even seemed to notice that he was there.
There was also a ladybug-patterned ellipsoid lying on the table in the middle of it all, though Luka's eyes fixated mostly on Marinette lying there on the floor, now staring at him with wide eyes as he took in the whole situation.
"L-luka!" she greeted, voice forced. "W-what a surprise! I mean, you must be surprised at my toy collection! See, there's—there’s this magnetism thing going on that lets them seem like they're flying and—"
She was cut off as one of the kwami accidentally dropped something to the floor, making her flinch from the loud noise. Even the sound all around the room was overwhelming, the little beings ignoring Marinette’s panic in favor of playing with her things.
That's when the tears started, subtly at first until Marinette let out a whimper.
Ignoring all the revelations he just went through, Luka hurried to Marinette's side, helping her up and checking her for injuries. "Marinette, are you okay—"
"You know!" she cut in, running her fingers anxiously through her hair. "You're not supposed to know!"
He took a breath, recognizing that he was going to have to deal with these revelations now. "It's okay. I promise, I'd never—"
"No, it's not okay!" she argued, throwing her hands out. "I've been guardian for just a few days and this—this isn't—! I already—and now the kwami are out—!" She slumped and dropped her gaze to the floor, ashamed. "I'm a bad guardian. I'm a bad girlfriend. I couldn't protect you from knowing!"
"Marinette, you're not a bad girlfriend. You—" He paused, something occurring to him. "Protect me...?"
He hadn't been Viperion for long, but Luka remembered the importance given to secret identities. He understood that it was a form of protecting oneself and one's loved ones, meaning that a permanent hero like Ladybug needed to keep hers a secret the most.
"Is..." His stomach twisted in knots as he remembered all the dates she'd had to either miss or postpone. He bent down, trying to look at her face, and when he still couldn't, he gently cupped her face and encouraged her to make eye contact with him. "Is that why—"
"Yes! That's why I have to keep cutting our dates short, and not being there for you, and not going on patrols with Chat, and why I haven't had time to take those stupid Adrien pictures down! I can't do anything right!"
At some point, the volume of her voice had finally drawn the attention of the kwami, who all stared at her like children watching their parent having a breakdown and feeling awkward about it. Luka paid them no mind, his heart breaking as he processed all the information Marinette was telling him while all he could do was pull her into a hug and just hold her.
"I'm sorry I found out like this," he admitted, running his hand up and down along her back. "I'm glad that I know but I would've wanted you to share that secret with me instead."
"I-I'm sor—"
"Please don't apologize, Marinette," he gently begged. "I hate hearing songs with meanings I don't agree with. You don't have anything to feel sorry for. If I had the ladybug earrings instead, I would've had to do the same thing as you, and you wouldn't have asked me to apologize, would you?"
She looked up at him, expression pained and full of so many burdens that he couldn't believe he hadn't seen before. He brushed her fringe aside and rested his palm against her forehead, concerned about how pale she seemed and worried that she'd stress herself to a cold.
She leaned into his touch, then further until he was forced to move his hand away. She buried her face in his chest, surprising him as she hugged him tightly. Her song turned from the harsh wail of an electric guitar to the mellow tones of an acoustic, and he sighed in a mixture of relief and happiness.
"...Luka," she murmured, lightly clutching whatever fabric she could reach. "The movie. We'll miss it at this rate."
He hummed, half in response to what she said and half in content. "You're so much more important than the movie."
His heart skipped a beat when she actually giggled, her grip on him loosening and the hug turning to something she did because she wanted to, not for comfort. "More important than Jagged Stone?"
He chuckled, burying his face into her hair as he returned the hug. "Always. Even my idol can't compete with my muse."
She leaned further into him, her melody picking up hints off a bell chiming happily. She almost knocked him over from how much of her weight she was putting on him, but he didn't protest and even enjoyed it; it meant she was trusting him with her secrets instead of shouldering the weight herself.
"I know I couldn't have known," he began, "but I'm sorry that our dates took up your time. I never wanted to cause you any stress."
"But I wanted to!" she insisted, jolting up to look at him. "It's just—it's been a lot, and—"
He placed two fingers against her lips before she could start rambling. "Marinette, I don't need to go on normal dates to have fun with you."
She blinked, waiting for him to move his fingers before asking, "Y-you don't?"
He smiled. "Of course not. I can hang out here while you work, while you do important stuff."
With a small, amused snort, she pulled away from him and wiped any stray tears away. "You're 'important stuff.'"
He grinned like the love-struck fool that he was, then shrugged. "Well, I'll still be here anyway then, right?"
"That's true." She paused, glancing off to the side in consideration, then looked back at him as she asked, "in that case... would you help me with something?"
"Anything," he answered immediately.
She pointed, his gaze drawn to her wall full of Adrien pictures. "Like I said, I haven't had the time, and... I've been wanting to remodel forever."
He was more than happy to help, and there was a selfish part of him that considered it far better than any movie they could've seen.
It took a bit more time than either of them anticipated to take down all of the images, but between the two of them, it wasn't a hard job. The biggest time-waster during the whole thing was Marinette's rambling, but Luka welcomed it wholeheartedly.
Due to not watching much TV, he honestly hadn't heard about what'd happened when Jagged Stone had been at the bakery and the camera crew had invaded Marinette's privacy, and he couldn't believe how much mental stress she must've gone through. After all, even though he and Juleka shared a room, there was still a divider for when they needed their privacy, so he wasn't unaware about how personal it was to have one's room recorded without their consent, even if nothing embarrassing got caught on camera.
It seemed cruel to know that Paris' supposedly lucky superhero was perhaps one of the unluckiest people he'd ever known.
Almost on cue, just when the last picture was down and Marinette was debating on what to do with them, her phone went off with a ringtone that sounded very much like danger. Looking over, there was a butterfly symbol flashing on the screen and Marinette's expression faltered at the sight of it.
"Akuma alert," she said flatly, with a pout that would've been cute had he not known what it meant. She hesitated, eyes flicking from him to her phone. "Um... look, I... I have to—"
"Go," he interrupted with a reassuring smile. "I'm not going anywhere, and I'll be here when you're done."
"But—" She frowned and glared at her phone, clearly knowing that she had to leave but not wanting to.
"I mean it, Marinette. It's okay."
She looked at him like she'd never heard those words from anyone else before, eyes vulnerable but fond. She gave him a nod, a brief smile flickering across her face before she turned away and rushed to the stairs. She shouted for her transformation on the way out and Luka watched as her clothes shifted into her ladybug-patterned bodysuit.
When she was completely gone, Luka felt a sudden unsteadiness and leaned against the table for support. It wasn't that he was shocked exactly to hear that Marinette was Ladybug, but he was still overloaded nonetheless.
As his hand rested on the table, he felt the heel of his palm brush something and looked down to see the pile of Adrien pictures next to him. It sent another rush through his body at the reminder that she'd asked him to help her take them down. He was dating her, sure, but he wasn't foolish enough to think that there were no lingering feelings for Adrien. He knew where she stood and he was okay letting her test the waters with him, as she did have feelings for him and who was he to complain if his crush wanted to date him? Besides, he couldn't help wanting to see if maybe it would truly make their bond stronger.
Looking at the wall now, clear of anything but the pink paint, he knew this was real and ended up wishing he'd brought his guitar.
Then, remembering the akuma alert on Marinette's phone, Luka pulled out his own and began to search, eventually finding what she already had: a direct link to watch streams and updates on whatever akuma or sentimonster shenanigans were going on. He knew well enough that he would only give himself anxiety from it, but he wanted to watch his girlfriend in action as a form of support.
Gosh, Ladybug was his girlfriend.
He took a deep breath to steady himself as he watched the footage, his eyes locked to the screen and only shifting when he felt various figures drawing close. He looked up to see that the kwami had all gathered around him, watching the screen closely.
"So..." the pig-looking kwami began, fiddling with their own paws like they knew they were being awkward. "Have you ever wanted to be a hero?"
There was a hiss off to the side, Sass cutting in with, "He already has me."
Luka wasn't feeling up to smile at that, debating with himself before sighing. "Marinette works really hard, and her song is full of sour notes right now," he said. Stepping away and heading for the chaise lounge, he sat down and added, "I hope you can figure out how to rewrite them."
The kwami all exchanged looks, some confused by the metaphor and others who perhaps understood but didn't know how to follow up on it. Luka didn't give them his attention, focusing on the akuma battle playing on his phone.
As he'd expected, it made him a little nervous actually seeing Ladybug in action due to now knowing it was his girlfriend fighting out there. He believed in her abilities and mentally cheered her on, but he just kept remembering all the akuma he'd known about and how stressful it had to have been.
Off to the side, some of the kwami joined forces to help pick up some of the items they'd previously dropped on the floor. It was only after Marinette's room looked as it did before that they properly joined Luka to watch the battle with him.
It was a start.
The battle between Ladybug and the akuma (and Chat Noir was there he supposed) seemed to be getting into its final verse when Luka heard the sound of the trap door being grabbed and clicked open, making him jump. He was only able to whisper a, "Hide," so the kwami could act before Sabine peered inside the room and took a curious look around.
Apparently, they all thought that huddling against his back was a great hiding spot, and he could only smile sheepishly at Sabine while attempting to ignore the weird feeling.
"You're still here?" Sabine asked. "I thought you were going somewhere, and..." She raised a brow, looking around once more. "Where's Marinette?"
"Ah," Luka began, his mind rushing for an excuse, "we actually decided to have our date here instead. Marinette just went up to her balcony to grab something."
It didn't feel good to lie, though he also felt a sense of accomplishment in protecting Marinette's secret. Was this what Marinette dealt with all the time; having to lie to people even if she didn't want to?
Sabine glanced up briefly to where the balcony was, then back to him, slightly confused but rolling with it. "Alright. Do you two need anything?"
"No, ma'am. Thank you though," he replied, hoping it didn't sound forced.
Thankfully, Sabine nodded and left without asking any further questions, the kwami emerging and clinging to Luka while they peered at the now-closed trap door. Luka breathed a sigh of relief, then went back to watching the akuma battle on his phone.
The rest of the fight took a couple minutes, and all that was left to do afterward was wait for Ladybug to return. Once again, Luka wished he had his guitar, making a mental note to get all of his feelings out when he got home, as typical music apps just didn't do anything for him.
An expected "thump" eventually came from the balcony, and the kwami drifting away from Luka as Ladybug descended and landed on her bed. She saw Luka staring at her and initially flinched, but it was clearly a reflex from people seeing her as Ladybug where she shouldn't be, and she hurried down to meet with him afterward. Luka hopped to his feet, not hesitating to meet her halfway and envelop her in a hug, earning a squeak out of her.
"Sorry," he murmured. "Just... I got to think about everything you must've gone through without m—" He choked off, suddenly embarrassed, then corrected, "—someone to help you."
She blinked, then giggled and hugged him back. "You're my boyfriend. You're apologizing for hugging me and being worried about sounding selfish?" She nestled her face against his shoulder and he blushed at how warm she was. "Don't. I like it when you're a little selfish, Luka. It grounds me; makes me feel like you're not totally out of my league."
Luka scoffed, nuzzling his head against hers. "You're in a league all your own. I'm literally dating a superhero."
"Trust me, it's not as cool as it sounds."
"I disagree. I think you're really cool."
She blushed profusely. "H-hey..."
He chuckled. "By the way, your mom came to check up on us."
Ladybug gasped, then pulled back, eyes wide and concerned. She was clearly about to apologize, so he cut her off before she could.
"I told her that we were having our date here and that you were getting something from the balcony. Everything's alright."
Her shoulders eased. She let out a sigh of relief as her head fell back against his shoulder. "Thank you."
He hummed contently, resting his hand along her back and keeping it there. Then, realizing when Sabine came up earlier and might do it again, he reminded her, "You're still Ladybug."
"Huh? ...Oh!" she said, though with less panic than normal and unwilling to recoil from the happy spot she was in.
He heard the whisper of her de-transformation phrase and winced as the light engulfed her, slowly turning her back into Marinette. He felt the spandex under his hand turn into fabric and Marinette's breath against his skin as she exhaled.
A kwami that Luka deduced was Marinette's flew a small distance away, eyeing Luka warily and semi-critically. Luka didn't blame her - he wasn't supposed to know - but he also knew that it was far too late to change anything now, and there was no way he was going to abandon Marinette or pretend he knew nothing. He imagined that the kwami knew that too.
"...I'm Tikki," the kwami greeted finally. "It's nice to meet you officially, Luka."
Luka gave her a nod in return, then stiffened somewhat as Marinette squeezed him tighter, burying her face further against him like she truly cherished him.
"It's still a lot," she whispered. "Is it okay if you hug me a little longer?"
"Of course." Though, he paused for a moment before adding, "Would it be more comfortable for you if we move to your chaise?"
"Hm?" She pulled away just enough to look down and realize that they were still awkwardly standing at the bottom of the steps to her bed. "Oh! Yeah, I mean—I didn't even—"
"Hey." He tenderly cupped her cheek, offering a smile. "I didn't complain, did I?"
She looked briefly surprised, making him wonder just how much she'd had to apologize in the past. They slowly made their way over to the chaise lounge, Luka settling down and opening his arms for her so she could settle onto his lap and snuggle against him. He leaned back against the chaise, throwing his legs across the length of it, then wrapped an arm around Marinette to make her feel secure.
"This is nice. It's... um—" She peeked up at him, then grinned shyly. "—melodic? Is that what you'd call it?"
He couldn't stop himself from snorting.
Marinette blushed in embarrassment. "H-hey! I'm trying, okay?"
"I know." He took a strand of her hair in his hand and stroked it. "You always try, and I love that about you."
She let out a series of whines at that, but doesn't protest the compliment either. She nestled against his chest, keeping her face turned away enough to still talk to him without her voice being muffled.
"I just... want to know more about you, Luka," she told him. "You're so sweet and I felt awful having to ditch you. Didn't it bother you?"
He gave a one-armed shrug. "You were busy. I unders—"
He stopped, meeting her firm gaze and knowing that he wasn't getting out of this easily. He sighed, admitting, "...Yeah, it bothered me, but it wasn't because of you or that I didn't trust you. I... see—my dad..." He rubbed the back of his neck, realizing that he'd never told anyone this story before. "I never knew who he was. I asked my mom so many times, but she never gave me an answer. Whenever you had to leave and lie to me, I..."
"Oh." She raised herself up more to meet him closer to eye level. "I'm so sorry—wait—sorry, you told me not to apologize—Sorry! I did it agai—ACK!"
He laughed, feeling warm and delighted by how much she cared about him and wanted him to feel secure in their relationship. He squeezed her shoulder in reassurance, wanting to nuzzle her for how cute she was being and just barely able to hold himself back.
"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you were looking out for me, but you deserve someone to look out for you too."
She pouted a bit at the heartfelt comment, then smiled and raised her hand to settle on his along her shoulder.
He hummed, pausing purposefully for effect before asking, "...So, what does the great guardian Marinette want to do now?"
"Oh my gosh, Luka."
He grinned, happy to compliment her until she was completely red. "How about the brave and heroic Ladybug then?"
He reached up to caress her cheek with his thumb. "But, if you ask me, I like the kind, sincere civilian Marinette best."
The rest of their "date" passed by smoothly, Marinette's parents having left them alone so as to not interrupt anything. Marinette had idly brought up the idea that the movie might still be playing - just at a different time than they planned on going - but Luka brushed off the idea and insisted that he was happy there and didn't need to go on a "real" date with her to have fun, opting to leave it up to her.
And... yeah, neither of them were willing to leave their current position and exchange it for having to sit in different seats at a theater with other people around. They opted to just stare at the ceiling and talk, the kwami having respectfully retreated to Marinette's bed to give them privacy.
Talks of their past meetings and when she left to become Ladybug soon turned into a game of finishing Jagged Stone lyrics. Luka, either by being the bigger fan or just having an easier time remembering them, ended up winning in the end, though he couldn't have expected Marinette to follow up by immediately leaving his lap. He'd held back a whine at the sudden lack of warmth and wondered if maybe she'd been teasing him with some sort of punishment by going away.
But then she'd returned with a tiny pink gift box, and inside was a guitar pick necklace signed by Jagged Stone himself.
"He came into the bakery the other day and I had him sign it for you," she explained. Taking it out to fully present it to him, she asked, "Do...do you like it?"
"I love it, Marinette," he replied immediately, reaching out to feel the guitar pick and properly appreciate it. "I can have this?"
She smiled in response, holding the necklace out in a gesture that made his heart skip a beat, realizing that she was offering to put it on him herself. He leaned close, feeling the light brush of her fingers against his neck as she slipped it onto him. He silently hoped that it was durable because he was absolutely never taking it off.
Marinette's hands lingered on the string even when the necklace was fully on, Luka meeting her gaze to see that she was looking at him with all the love he'd ever dreamed of her offering him. He didn't say a word and neither did she, but with a light tug on his necklace, he was pulled towards her into a kiss. It was definitely too deep for their first but also so nice that neither of them cared, and not even the Ladybug revelation could outmatch his surprise at being so readily smooched.
Luka reached for the hand grabbing his necklace, Marinette letting go of it so they could thread their fingers together. His song was going crazy as she leaned forward, clearly wanting more from him and him being wonderfully helpless to resist her. He breathed her in, his other hand finding its place on her side. Her own hand rose up so her fingers could settle against the back of his neck, and he couldn't bring himself to be embarrassed by the sound he made when she started playing with his hair.
She didn't even pull away when their kiss broke, merely pressing her forehead to his while they each caught their breath. Despite the boldness she'd just displayed, she somehow couldn't maintain eye contact and ended up looking elsewhere while all he could do was stare at her in a daze.
"S-sor—" She paused, remembering again that he told her not to apologize. "I-I mean, I'm... not sorry? I—ah—remembered you saying that music is simpler than words, so I just—I thought that maybe I shouldn't ask you with words and just... play it instead?" Luka could feel the heat radiating from her blush as she hurriedly added, "Um... is that okay?"
He answered her with another kiss.
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All My Firsts Were With You (K.SM)
Warnings : suggestive, swearing
Word Count : 2487
Synopsis : they grew up together, practically attached at the hip. they were each other’s first kiss, first time, first love, and if it was up to seungmin, she would be his last as well.
“I think the only thing I’ll miss is you.” She smiled at her best friend, holding back the tears that wanted to fall so desperately.
           “Don’t be so cheesy.” He replied, lightly poking her shoulder. She let out a laugh that almost made Seungmin’s heart stop beating. He studied her upturned smile and sparkling eyes, wondering why he suddenly felt warm.
           “I should board now. Don’t want to miss my flight. I’ll call you later!” She hugged him quickly, and in the next moment she was gone. And that’s when he realized; he’s in love with his best friend.
           She was standing in front of him, the same smile she always had adorning her face, the same face he fell in love with. He had to pinch himself to check if it was a dream, having her right in front of him, close enough to touch. “I missed you.” He was silent, studying just how much she’s changed in the three years she was gone. Her hair was longer, and she seemed to have lost a bit of weight, but she was still the girl he loved.
           “Seungmin!” Jisung called, throwing his arm across Seungmin’s shoulders. “Who’s this?” He smiled at the beautiful girl in front of them, holding out his hand for her to shake.
           “Y/N.” She smiled, sliding her hand into his.
           “Jisung. How do you two know each other?” Jisung looked between the two of them, wondering exactly how Seungmin, the same guy who never looked at a girl, knew this absolute goddess.
           “We grew up together.” Seungmin said before she could say anything. “Nothing special. Let’s go before we’re late.” He shrugged Jisung’s arm off his shoulders and took off in the opposite direction of her, leaving her standing there absolutely bewildered. She thought they’d always be best friends, but it seems like Seungmin had other plans.
           “How did you nail that choreography that quickly?” Felix exclaimed; his eyes widened in amazement at the new girls talent. “I’ve been practicing that routine for weeks now.” He added, walking over to her with a water bottle for her to drink from.
           “It’s not that hard when you break it down. Here, let me help you.” She handed the bottle back to him after taking a sip before immediately jumping into the routine, taking it slower to help Felix.
           “I did it!” Felix yelled in excitement, catching the attention of other students using the same studio. The two spent the last hour working out the kinks of the routine before Felix finally nailed it. “Oh shit, I gotta go meet my friends for lunch.” He said as he looked at his phone. “Why don’t you come with? Unless you already have lunch plans.” He smiled his infectious smile at her, and she couldn’t help but agree, grabbing her things and following him out of the room.
           “Hey Y/N!” Jisung beamed as he saw her walk up to the table he was sitting at, Felix looking between them wondering how they already knew each other. “I’m guessing you’re a dance major.” She smiled as she took the seat across from him, Felix sitting next to her.
           “Yeah. Dance has always been my passion.”
           “Listen, I’m sorry about Seungmin earlier. He’s not good around girls.” She giggled, telling Jisung it was okay.
           “I disappeared for three years, I can’t just expect to come back and everything is normal.”
           “I swear Professor Park has it out for me.” Seungmin cut off their conversation, slamming his lunch on the table, collapsing in the seat beside Jisung. “I studied my ass off and I only got a 92.” She smiled to herself while listening to her old friend rant, happy to know that some things do stay the same. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked when he finally met her eyes. His voice was cold, so different than the way he used to talk to her. It was as if they didn’t spend everyday together, experiencing all their firsts with each other, and it broke her heart more than she’d like to admit.
           “What’s wrong?” Seungmin asked her, cupping her face, and wiping her tears away. “Who made you cry?” His heart broke more and more with each tear that fell down her cheeks.
           “The girls in my class. They keep making fun of me for being 16 and not having my first kiss. It’s so dumb, but their words really hurt.”
           “Hey, look at me.” With his hands still on her cheeks, he angled her face to meet his eyes. “It’s not dumb it if hurt you.” He gave her a soft smile, wiping away another tear. “If it makes you feel better, I also haven’t had my first kiss.” He chuckled when her eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s true.”
           She sat there, studying her best friend’s handsome face, coming to a conclusion she was too afraid to say out loud. She knew why she hadn’t had her first kiss, and it’s not because guys didn’t like her like the girls assumed. It’s because of all the guys who confessed to her, none of them were Kim Seungmin. “Would you be my first kiss, Minnie?” She pouted, looking up at him.
           “You want me to be your first kiss?” She wanted him to be her first everything, and if she was lucky enough, her last as well.
           “Only if you want. I’d be your first kiss as well, so if you wanted to save it for-“ She was cut off by his soft lips pressed to hers. The shock quickly wore off and she kissed him back, taking in the feeling best she could, not knowing if she’d ever feel it again.
           “First kiss completed.” He whispered, his forehead pressed against hers, his hand still on the back of her head. And in that moment, he not only became her first kiss, but her first love.
           “So you and Seungmin grew up together?” Felix asked her the next day. They agreed to meet up at a café just off campus and walk to class together. “What was he like as a kid?”
           “Pretty much the same way he is now, but he was nicer.” She giggled. “He’s always been worried about his grades. If it’s not 100% then what’s the point.” She quoted words he told her many times throughout high school. She remembered sitting with him while he studied, amazed at just how smart and organized he was.
           “Was he always this cute?” Felix chuckled. She quickly pulled out her phone, showing Felix pictures of the two of them she had saved; some of the pictures taken from a photo album, whereas some she transferred from her old phone.
           “He’s always been handsome, yes.” She answered, heat rising to her cheeks when she realized what she had said. Three years was not nearly long enough to get over him.
           “Are you sure about this?” Seungmin asked as he hovered over her. Both of them were breathing heavy from the heated make out session they just shared, that slowly led them to the bed they were on now.
           “You’re the only one I trust enough.” She answered. Her arms were lazily wrapped around his neck, and she looked up at him with stars in her eyes. Seungmin could get lost in the galaxy she held in her eyes, and if he’s honest, he has many times.
           “It’s my first time too, so we’ll figure this out together.” He smiled before pressing his lips to hers again, melting into the kiss while he reached under her shirt.
           The next morning, she woke up wrapped in Seungmin’s arms, a feeling she could get used to. She smiled at his sleeping figure, tracing over his face with her finger, studying each part in detail. She wasn’t sure if she’d get to see him this close again, so she was going to take in as much as she could. “You’re tickling me.” Seungmin mumbled with his eyes still closed.
           “If you’re awake, we should get breakfast.” She laughed, trying to move from his arms, but his grip only tightened, bringing her closer to him.
           “Ten more minutes. Just give me ten more minutes like this.” The feelings he thought he got over in high school were slowly returning, and he just wanted to hold her close a little longer. Mornings didn’t seem so bad when he woke up next to her. He hoped for many more just like this.
           But it was at that breakfast that she told him she was leaving. And within that moment, she was his first time, and his first heartbreak.
           She started spending more time with Felix, meeting him at the café every morning before class, and joining him for lunch, where Seungmin would ignore her existence as if she wasn’t there at all. She knew that the friendship she once shared with Seungmin was completely gone, and she knew it was her fault. If only she didn’t leave, then maybe Seungmin would still be hers.
           “Hey, Y/N, right?” She turned to face the stranger asking for her and was met with a handsome man from her dance class, the same one she shared with Felix. He brushed his long, black hair out of his eyes before introducing himself as Hyunjin. “I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me today? I really want to get to know you better.”
           “Oh, uh.” Before she could say anything, Felix was jumping in.
           “That’s perfect! I was just going to tell you I couldn’t do lunch today!” He winked at her. “Take good care of her, Hyunjin.” And with that, he left the room, leaving Hyunjin standing there awkwardly.
           “Looks like my lunch is clear,” She giggled. “Let’s go then.” Hyunjin picked up her bag from the ground before she could, and the two headed for a diner on campus.
           After getting passed the cliché questions, both of them started to open up more, and the conversation flowed better. She found herself enjoying his company, laughing at the stories he told her, and watching as he laughed at the ones she shared. “You and Seungmin seemed to have quite the adventures with each other.” He chuckled, taking a sip of the drink he ordered. “You talk about him a lot.”
           She blushed at the realization that every story she told Hyunjin included Seungmin. “Sorry.” She giggled, tucking hair behind her ear. “It’s just, we spent every day together growing up so all my stories include him.” Hyunjin smiled, shaking his head, and telling her it was okay.
           He walked her to her next class when they were finished eating. “I enjoyed getting to know you. Hopefully we can do this again.” He told her before she could walk into her class.
           “I’d like that, Hyunjin.” She smiled up at him. There was no doubt that Hyunjin was an attractive man, every girl at the school seemed to fawn over him, and maybe if her heart hadn’t been stolen years before, she would too. But unfortunately for her, her heart only beats for Kim Seungmin, even if he hated her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She just wished she could move on.
         “Where’s Y/N?” Jisung asked when Felix approached their table alone. A wide smile took over his face as he told Jisung about Hyunjin asking her out. “No way!”
           “She was going to say no, so I told her I couldn’t do lunch with her today.” Felix shrugged. “Her and Hyunjin would make such a cute couple.”
           “Talented too! They’d be the talk of the school.” Felix agreed as Seungmin sat down, asking what they were talking about. “Hyunjin and Y/N.” Seungmin couldn’t help but scoff.
           “As if that would happen.” He chuckled before realizing that she was missing from the table. Though he ignored her when she was around, he had gotten used to having her around again. And honestly, he couldn’t explain why he ignored her. He knew it wouldn’t help rid the feelings he’s had for her for years. They spent three years apart, and he was still just as in love with her.
           “It could. Hyunjin asked her out after class today.” Seungmin froze, his appetite completely gone. “You okay, Seungmin?” Felix asked as Seungmin threw his food back down, packing up his lunch and leaving. “You don’t think Y/N is the first love he told us about, do you?”
           “If she is, why is he so cold towards her?” The two boys sat there, staring in the direction Seungmin walked in, coming to the same conclusion in their minds; Kim Seungmin was an idiot in love with his childhood best friend.
         “Minnie, what are you doing here?” She asked when she opened the door, surprised to see Seungmin standing there. His hair was messy, like he couldn’t stop running his fingers through it, a habit he has when he’s anxious.
           “Please tell me you’re not dating him.” Before she could say anything, he was speaking again. “Please just tell me you aren’t dating Hyunjin.” A scoff came from her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest.
           “What does that have to do with you?” She asked, annoyed that her best friend has been ignoring her for months, but now he’s standing on her doorstep, begging her not to date someone else. Not that she could with how in love with him she was, but he didn’t have to know that.
           “Because I don’t want you to be with someone that isn’t me.” She could see him blink back tears. She could see how distressed he truly was over the idea of losing her to someone else. “I don’t have a right to say this, but I couldn’t hold back anymore! I have no excuses for how I’ve treated you these last couple months, but I’m in love with you.” The tears could no longer be stopped and flowed down his cheeks as he continued to speak. “I’ve had all my firsts with you; my first kiss, my first time, my first love, and even my first heartbreak! It’s all been you! And I want to continue having all my firsts with you. I want to have my lasts with you. I want you to be my only because I’m only ever going to want you!”
           She stepped forward, cupping his face with her hands, wiping away his tears with her thumbs before calmly speaking. “I’m not dating Hyunjin.” Relief flooded over Seungmin knowing he hasn’t lost her. “It’s always been you, Minnie. You stole my heart years ago, and no one else has had a chance since.” He wasted no time in crashing his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her as close to him as he could. This time, he wasn’t going to let her go.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Could i ask.
Your doing some fluffy stuff.
Could you maybe do one where Jaune has had a bad day, maybe Cardin or a few others have really picked on him and made him feel bad so he needs a pick me up.
Maybe that be Weiss being a ‘daddy’s’ girl ti cheer him up or even just some snuggles from May, Nora and Pyraa
This came out way longer than I meant it to.
There were days that he felt everything was going to be okay. Days where he was able to put a smile on his face even when he didn't feel like smiling. There were days though, that he felt he was at his absolute worse. Days where he would grab his scroll, put it in front of him and watch the video. Days where he wondered, why was he the one here? Days where he would fiddle with her sash, not his. Days where... where he wondered if everyone thought about it, thought that maybe they'd be better off if it was her and not him.
It was on those days that he missed her the most, missed the way she smelled of cinnamon. Or the way she'd smile at him, her dimples sinking into her cheeks, or the way she would reassure him that everything would be alright. There were days that he wished he could take so many things back, and days where he wished... just wished that he wasn't here.
This was unfortunately one of those days. 'Guess I'm just lucky I didn't have to watch over the kids today.'
Today was one of those days where he couldn't even get up in the morning. Where he couldn't change out of his stupid pajamas or find the energy to eat. It was one of those days where he didn't want to do anything, or be anything really.
'I should see a psychiatrist...'
He knew it to be true, but he also knew he wasn't going to do that. Still... at least he had the room to himself, no one had to put up with his mo-
A very loud thud broke his train of thought, the door to the room slamming open as one of his teammates barged in.
"Fearless leader! I'm coming in!"
"Nora... you don't need to yell."
"Nope! None of that! How can I shake you from your funk if I'm not full of energy!"
"I'm not in a-"
"Yes, you are Jaune."
Another voice, soft as snow and cold as ice, danced into his hearing. A tiny shiver coursed itself through his spine, his hairs standing on end at the almost angelic tone of his former crush.
"Weiss... I'm sorry... if she is trying to drag you into something I can assu-"
She made sure to cut him off as she closed the door behind her, her long braided hair swaying to and fro as she swiftly pirouetted back towards him. "She's not."
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed your… dour mood as of late.”
His lips thinned as he refused to meet either of their soft blue eyes, instead turning his attention towards the cold exterior just beyond his window, quietly wondering to himself if he could make that leap.
“She’s right Jaune-Jaune.” Nora quickly cut that train of thought as she jumped onto his bed, blocking his line of sight as if she were able to read his mind. “Even Ruby’s noticed how sad you’ve been, and well… she’s always got her eyes on Oscar so~”
Weiss softly took the spot to his right side, putting her opposite of Nora. “As she was saying, everyone has noticed.”
He tried to play it off again, tried to make it so they weren’t paying attention to him. “Look guys, everything’s fine. I’m just having… I’m just having an off day. We all get those.”
His back stiffened when he felt arms gently wrap around his waist. A soft translucent glow lit upon his cheeks as he turned to his left. The much smaller Nora had pulled herself closer to him, her incredibly soft body pressed against his side letting him feel the pillowy and sponge hills first hand. “Jaune… I know you’ve been thinking negative thoughts again… I already told you, we love you. And we don’t want to see you hurt yourself.”
He wanted to say something, to dissuade her from that train of thought. Only for Weiss to surprise him once more. The blue themed Angel gently pressed her head into his shoulder. Or at least as best as she could considering their height difference. A soft nuzzle was all it took to get him from saying anything more.
“She’s right… I may… have not shown it, at least not as much as I’d like to. But you mean a lot to me… you’re no longer that boy who chased me around all those years ago.” She apparently found herself hard of words, as it took her a few seconds to come out. “You’ve saved my life, you’ve been… you’ve been stronger than anyone has any right to ask of you.”
He wanted to say something else but couldn’t.
“So… I wanted to… return the favor… and Nora said she wanted to help.”
“Favor what ar-”
A quick thud caught his attention and a chill ran up his spine. He dared not turn his attention away from Weiss, dared not to look at Nora as another quick thud sounded behind him. “Jaune-Jaune~”
He felt the knot in his throat tighten as Weiss stood up, gentle and pristine steps found her coasting across the floor next to his teammate. His jaw nearly slapped against his lap as his brain finally caught up with his sight.
Nora, his friend and teammate, stood before him as bare as the day that she was born. He wanted to look away, believing that this wasn’t right, but found himself hypnotically drawn towards her contours. The way that her toned and chiseled stomach casted small shadows across the rest of her body. Or the way that her perk melon sized chest wobbled as she bounced up and down excitedly… he was caught by all these things… but perhaps the thing that frightened… no excited him thee most was the gentle crescent arcs of orange tuft just above her pristine sex.
“Nora… what a-”
Weiss wasn’t one to let a challenge go unattended. Her clothes hit the floor just as quickly if not quicker, the pair of blue ruffled and tossed off of her porcelain figure, landing next to the shaded pink of Nora’s own clothing. His eyes quickly glazed over her body. Her own stomach toned, albeit not to Nora’s level, her figure lithe more suited towards a ballerina.
He found himself awestruck as his eyes glanced at her up and down, drinking in her gorgeous beauty. Nipples as pale as her skin, almost indistinguishable from her pure white body. And once more… he found himself flabbergasted upon her lower region. Two soft arcs of powdery white hairs bristled in a cool draft.
“Jaune Jaune~”
Both girls were upon him before he’d had time to fully register. Weiss had taken a seat upon his right lap while Nora sat atop his left. Their eyes, beautiful soft blue eyes, gazed upon him with eagerness.
“So… how do we look…” Though Weiss tried to keep her calm, he could feel her trembling at his touch.
“Gorgeous… both of you…” He’d at least been able to muster the words, though they weren’t as robust as he’d hoped.
Nora’s cute giggles preceded what was to come, “See! I knew he’d love it~”
“Nora.” Even as they presented their beauty upon him, he couldn’t find it in him not to ask the next question. “What about Ren?”
A pout was what he got, “What about Ren? He won’t notice me anyways…” It was obvious that she spoke from a place of hurt. Though that tinge of regret was quickly replaced as she nuzzled into him. Her round squishy breasts pressed against his chest, molding together as she did so. Weiss followed her’s far firmer than Nora’s own.
The two girls watched him, eyeing him eagerly.
“Please daddy? Won’t you play with us?”
Something about Weiss’ tone really set him going… and… as much as he felt he shouldn’t-
His lips were the first to be used, capturing Weiss first. Their tongues swirled against one another quickly tangoing in a unified dance. His fingers slipped behind both girls, grasping and tightening around their voluptuous bottoms. Their soft flesh sunk between his fingers as his grip tightened, squeezing at them with vigor and want.
A soft pop was all Weiss got as he pulled away, a trail of saliva hung from her panting tongue. Her eyes glazed over as she tried to reach for more. “Fair is fair~” Were his only words as he turned towards Nora, the smaller girl eager to please as she pushed herself further against him picking herself up to capture his lips to hers.
Their bodies tangled together as Weiss hung herself against his shoulder, her lips pressed into his neck as she trailed gentle kisses.
All while Nora and him somba’d together. He could feel the eagerness in her kisses, the deep want to be touched by someone to have another’s hands upon her. She pressed herself, tightly squeezing every bit that she could into his fingers, into the rough touch he pushed upon her.
A tinge of wetness squished against his legs, moisture building between both of their legs. It was obvious at this point that he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this, not without satisfying them, if he could at least.
“There, do you feel better?”
“Ye…yeah…” He tried to catch his breath, however both their eyes stayed upon him, hypnotizing him into their allure.
He wasn’t sure when it happened, but Weiss and Nora stacked atop one another. Nora made sure she was on top as she used her legs to pull Weiss’ back. From his position it was almost as if the duo were in a woman on woman mating press.
The very thought was enough to drive him wild, so much so he hadn’t even realized his pants had touched the floor. HIs member pulsed, dripped, and twitched as their moist pussy’s called out to him.
“O…oh my…” Weiss nearly gasped at the sight of his member. Her eyes nearly popped from her head. “Uhm… we may…. Need to uhm practice to-”
“Don’t worry.” He really wanted this but… he also wanted to take things slowly. “I won’t put it in… neither of you.”
He turned towards Nora, who hadn’t said anything, instead her mouth just hung open as a trail of drool dripped upon the sheets. Some of it of course splattering against Weiss, who wasn’t in the right mind to complain.
“I’d like to… take it a bit slow? If that’s okay… maybe go on dates if uhm… either of you want to take it seriously.”
Nora, surprisingly snapping from her daze, seemed to become abuzz with color and expectations. “You want to date me?”
“Yeah well… I mean if you and Ren aren’t a thing I’d like to uh make it more official?”
“Yes!” The excited girl practically vibrated in place, which had the lovely effect of causing Weiss legs to spasm and her toes to curl. Their clits pressing and grinding into one another in reaction.
“I-I-I… wi-will! Take uuuupp oon that ooooffferrrr!”
Weiss at least seemed to agree, or at least he thought she did.
“That… that sounds good, yeah.” He shook his head, though- “Though, we’re not done yet.”
“We’re not?” Both spoke in unison.
“Can’t leave you unsatisfied, I want to take it slow, but it doesn’t mean I won’t help you both feel good.”
“What do you mean?” Nora’s questions as quickly answered as his throbbing hot slab of meat slipped between their soft folds. As Nora sat up, her pussy practically melted upon the touch of her lips spreading across the upper half of his shaft.
Her juices trailed across the length, making it easy for him to slip between the two. Her eyes nearly bulging out as he pressed his chest into her back, the sight of his length practically running all the way up Weiss’ chest was enough to cause a near total shock.
Weiss however, had practically fainted at the very idea. The thing had nearly ran her through, and if it had gone inside of her. Just imagining how deep and… and thick… and big and fat and large and how much it would mess her up inside. Oh her father would never understand how she could become such a… such a hussy! But as she looked at it, she knew that if it went inside of her, she’d be ruined forever. And… and she really wanted it.
Jaune grunted as he felt Nora slide back down, her belly pressing atop his dick and pinning the entirety of it between both her and Weiss made him feel extra warm.
He let out a small huff as he pulled back, his eyes never leaving Nora’s back. He couldn’t stop himself from admiring the contours of her toned and well built form. He’d know she’d taken care of herself, but actually seeing her without a shred of clothes, really did things to him.
Slowly he managed to pull the total length away from their prying bodies. The head rested between their combined folds, smothered in liquid pleasure. Warm fluids covered the tip as he gently nuzzled it against their entrances letting himself enjoy the near sexual experience.
Then he pushed it back, “Oh jeez Jaune Jaune! That… wowy~”
Nora’s arms tightened around Weiss, making sure to keep the two pinned together, letting Jaune’s experience become even more intense.
“It’s… it’s something… it’s quite grand if I must say so.”
Their pussies smothered the length of his cock, each vein dashed with a douse of sex juice. He felt them quivering, trembling and massaging his shaft as he pressed his hips against them as slowly as he could. Their combined softness was enough to make him explode at any moment, so slow and steady was the game.
His hands tightly pressed against the bed, his form hunched over the two of them as he pulled back again.
“You guys… wow… gotta.. Oh jeez I have to hold on.”
“Nope! Cum all over our tummies Jaune-Jaune! I want to feel all gooey on my belly!”
“Okay wow-”
“Yes uhm, please splatter me with your seed Jaune… daddy?”
He should have been turned off by Weiss’ odd attempts, but her words were oddly welcoming.
So he decided to obey, back and forth he stroked his dick against them. The three way masturbation began to heat up as the bed shifted beneath his movements.
“Oh yes! OoooOoOoh yessss! So big! Hot! I can feel it spreading on my stomach!”
To his surprise it was Weiss that was the most vocal of the two! Her hands tightly captured the bedding behind her as she shouted to dear heaven. Nora herself said nothing but let moans escape her lips as she pushed her head between Weiss’ shoulder and neck to stifle her screams of pleasure.
He wanted to be just as loud as Weiss but finding the attention to keep from exploding was all he could do.
Eventually of course, all good things had to come to an end. It didn’t take very long in all honesty. Though it felt like an eternity had come and gone, but only a scant few minutes had passed before- SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT.
Several thick loads of cum splattered upon their stomachs, a thick layer of goo formed as shot after shot ruptured upon them. Jaune’s chest fell and rose as he tried to catch his breath, his legs tightly locking together as his orgasm nearly sent him spiraling downwards.
The girls huffed and puffed as they caught their own breaths, air quickly entered and exited their legs as they kept each other close, almost afraid to separate at this point.
Their bodies ended up cooling off, Nora finally peeling herself off of Weiss, letting the white seed dripp between the two. The young woman quickly found herself on her back as her pussy still squirmed, her own love liquid slipping between her folds.
Weiss had no more words, instead simply staring at the ceiling in front of her.
“Oh… oh wow…”
Jaune admired his handiwork, though he was spent he felt that perhaps he’d get the chance to practice more. At least if their relationship really hit it off. Slowly he found himself face down between the two. Each one of them folding in on one another as they shifted to the closest warmth.
“Hey girls?”
“Of course!”
“It was- my pleasure.”
Maybe, he wouldn’t have to feel so bad anymore.
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swtki · 3 years
In The Dark - D.M
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw! Fem! Reader.
Summary: Draco gets lucky in a dark closet
Warnings: Smut, 18+ content, swearing, semi-public sex, underage drinking if you aren’t in the UK, party, SoftDom! Draco,praise kink, Hook up sex, no previous relationship between the two parties, Oral (m),.
All characters in this story are 18 in an AU where the war never happened.
The music drilled harshly into my ears, making me wonder why I even came to these bloody things. Sure, Slytherins were known for throwing the best parties with the finest firewhiskey in all the castle, but that didn’t make it necessary for me to attend. I hardly drank, I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of the other Slytherins, it would be in bad taste as I had an image to keep. The Malfoy’s could never be anything but perfect, but if everyone around me was pissed - did it really matter? It’s not like they would notice if I let loose a bit, or even if I nursed one small drink.
“Seen Parkinson ‘nywhere?” Blaises voice pulled me out of my thoughts, he had leaned in close to me and when I turned to his voice I was taken aback to see him so close. I turned my head back around, slumping in my chair.
“‘M not her keeper. The girl could be in Germany by now and I doubt she would’ve tipped anyone off, ‘s not unusual for her to disappear.” The tall man laughed, gripping my shoulder in a friendly gesture. “Why’re you so interested anyway? Didn’t think you wanted to shag the girl that badly.” Blaise shook his head.
“It’s not Parkinson I'm interested in. It’s her friend, she’s bringing a Ravenclaw girl.” I raised my eyebrow in suspicion, “She must be superb for Parkinson to overlook her house, no?” I tilted my head in an unsure response. We never invited non-Slytherins, hell sometimes we didn’t even invite Slytherins.
I stood from the smooth velvet chair, pushing my way past people as Blaise followed me. I poured pumpkin juice for myself in one of the crystal glasses. Blaise topped his drink off, I scoffed at him. “Don’t make me drag you back to the dorm when you get so pissed you forget your own name.” He frowned at me - unamused by my joke as it was a sensitive topic; The December Party Incident.
“There,” He calls out, I snap my head in the direction, “That’s not at all how I pictured her, you know, Ravenclaws aren’t usually into anything other than their own classes.” Blaise had a point, the girl who stood next to Parkinson wasn’t like the usual Ravenclaw. She wore a black dress that cut off at the knee and showed most of her collarbone. Though simple, she was striking in it. She and Parkinson walked over to us at the make-shift bar.
“Right, this is Y/N. She bites.” the more familiar girl said, stepping away to see to her empty glass.
“Draco Malfoy, a pleasure to meet you.” I say, scooping up her hand and laying a kiss to the top, like a true gentleman I might add. She pulled away from me, wiping her hand on her skirt.
“I know who you are, you made my life a living hell for years one through four. I’m not even one of the Potter Possy.” I fell pale, embarrassed at her comeback. Although, I found myself intrigued and impressed by how fiery she was.
“Potter Possy?”
“Are you surprised that Ravenclaws came up with that name?” she said, slyly. I decided I liked her in that moment. She was interesting, she was unlike the others I was so used to surrounding myself with. I offered her a drink, to which she declined and said she was one of Parkinson’s keepers for the night, and then we went our separate ways. I went back to my chair, and she went back to Parkinson. Except, I couldn’t help but keep an eye on the girl. Something about her made me want more - no need more. Her perfume, her eyes, the feeling of her soft hand in my own, I was hooked to say the least.
Eventually, she detached from the group and sat in the couch next to me, how convenient. She had her cheek propped up on her fist, looking around the room. “Why are people so bloody boring, isn’t the point of a party supposed to be for fun?” I laugh at her words.
“Yeah, suppose so. I’m just here because I have to. Any one of these idiots die and it's somehow my fault by proxy.” That was my comment that sparked a full on conversation.
We talked for hours, about her family, her home, her friends in Ravenclaw that would obliterate her if they knew she were there with me. I looked at the large clock on the wall. “Merlin, it's two a.m and these animals haven’t even begin to calm down.” I mumbled.
“Do you wanna maybe - get out of here? Not too far of course.” She winked at the last bit.
“Alright, not too far though.”
“Not too far, now come along.” I laughed and followed suit.
She brought us out to one of the corridors, cool air slapping me in the face. I followed her down, getting more and more confused by the minute. She stopped and turned towards me, a blank look upon her face. “Alright, what are we doing here, darling.” I quickly regretted my words as my cheeks went hot. The last word just rolled off my tongue. I saw her smirk in the dim light as she slowly walked towards me. I didn’t dare move, I wanted to see what she had planned.
“I just,” her soft hand slid up my torso, yanking my tie so that my head was level with hers, “thought we could entertain ourselves.” Softly, she kissed me. It was electric and suddenly the cold air around me was no longer there. I only focused on the brilliant woman in front of me. She leaned in close to my ear, “if that’s alright, Mr. Malfoy.”
Something snapped inside, leading me to grab her waist and push her into the closest room. It was pitch black, I’d guess a storage closet as there were no windows. Our hands roamed each others bodies, lips colliding in what I can only describe as a violent way. Her hands worked to undo my trousers as I worked on the top half of her.
“Can you get on your knees for me, darling?” I asked, blindly feeling my way around her tits. I felt her body shake slightly, she was nodding yes. She giggled, lowering herself onto the floor. My trousers were pooled around my ankles, the girl in front of me was working my cock with her hand.
I gasped, my hand flying into her hair, “Fuck, wish I could see what you were doing, I bet you wish you could see how good you’re making me feel.” I felt a wet and warm sensation on the tip of my cock, her hand was still stroking me. She made good use of her tongue, but I knew she could do more. “Come on, Sweetheart. I know you can make me feel so much better, just go a bit farther. Wanna feel your pretty throat around me.” her hands grasped my thighs, as she went farther, her nails digged into my skin. Slow at first, she bobbed her head, making a gagging noise that only drove me crazier. I couldn’t see her, but I had been dreaming of how she would look in this position all night. She drove her hands up from my legs to my lower hips, earning a low groan from myself. “‘M gonna cum, darling,” the tension in my stomach grew tighter, threatening to snap at any moment. She pulled her mouth off, giving me a wet hand job.
“Please cum on my face, give me your hot cum, Mr. Malfoy “ I lost it with that phrase, my hips twitching as I felt her stay still. The small space was filled with my desperate pants.
“Wow. That was brilliant. Merlin, I reckon you deserve a reward for being such a good girl” I grabbed her face and could feel the smile decorating it. She stood up, and I went down to the floor, making my way to her lower half. “Wearing a skirt to a Slytherin party, was that another Ravenclaw thing?”. She was going to answer, but within seconds she was putty under my tongue and fingers.
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pixy-stix-art · 3 years
Can I have hugs and maybe noms I'm really touch starved- anxious anon
Same anon. I almost cried the other day because my cat cuddled with me. Anyway….here’s a unedited really soft touch starved fic for ya. I’m surprised I haven’t written something like this before.
Finally safe
(Warnings: safe vore, talk of past trauma)
Ranboo sighed as he huddled up in his bed in the walls. The weather was getting cold again. And even with all the extra blankets he had now, it was still too cold. He shivered wrapping the blankets around himself.
Ranboo wanted to be warm. And he knew he could ask Tubbo for help. But he already asked for so much, he didn’t want to be a burden. He had always been a burden to others. The other borrowers he had been raised with had made that clear. He was born differently, with half black and half white hair. Along with odd black spots on his skin. He was different and that was bad.
He frowned remembering all the harsh words and nights spent alone as a kid. After his parents had their accident, he was left to fend for himself. Never getting the hugs or affection he wanted so bad. He had gone this long without any, he didn’t need them. Once he was claimed to be old enough he was kicked out of the colony. He found a good home, but was then found by a cat. He moved again and found Tubbo’s home.
He was injured from his run in with the cat and passed out in the middle of Tubbo’s floor. He was lucky Tubbo didn’t step on him. He was definitely surprised to wake up, let alone wake up to a young goat hybrid hovering over him looking worried. He was scared but soon learned to trust Tubbo. Even after Tubbo scared him really bad that one time Tubbo’s dad almost found him….. that had definitely not been fun.
Ranboo did his best to be well behaved and and always laugh and joke around with Tubbo. He didn’t want him to regret helping him if he realized how broken Ranboo was.
Ranboo gave up trying to get warm sitting in his bed. He wrapped a blanket around himself and walked down the chilly, dark and dusty path to Tubbo’s room. If anything he could distract himself from the cold by talking to Tubbo.
He stumbled out of the small exit he had carved out underneath the bed in Tubbo’s room. He could already feel it was warmer. He walked out from underneath the bed looking for Tubbo.
“Tubbo?” He called out to the hybrid.
Tubbo’s was working on home work at his desk when he heard his name be called. He smiled recognizing the voice. Ranboo. He turned around to look down at the ground to his his little friend wrapped in a blanket.
“Hey, what’s up?” He smiled happily. He wanted to scoop up the borrower, but ranboo had said he doesn’t like being touched. But Tubbo thought otherwise with how Ranboo leaned into him anytime he did pick up the borrower.
“Not a lot.” Ranboo said walking closer.
“I’m just doing homework if you want to sit on the desk while I work?” He asked.
“Yeah. That works.” Ranboo nodded.
“Want a ride?” Tubbo hesitantly offered his hand to Ranboo.
Ranboo was going to say no but, he could feel the warmth comes off his hand. Maybe he could get a ride just this once. “Ok.” He nodded stepping onto Tubbo’s hand.
Tubbo was pleasantly surprised when ranboo stepped into his hand. He couldn’t help but notice how chilly Ranboo was though. He picked up and set back in this chair. He didn’t want to set down Ranboo with how cold he was.
“Umm… Tubbo?” Ranboo asked when he wasn’t set down like he thought he would be.
“Why are you so cold?” Tubbo asked getting to the point.
“W-what?” Ranboo stuttered. He shook his head. “No, I’m not cold.” He tried to hide his shivers.
“I can feel how cold you are. And you’re shivering….” Tubbo frowned.
“I- I guess it’s a little chilly…” Ranboo shrugged trying to play it off. “You don’t have to worry about me though.” He smiled.
“But I am worried, why wouldn’t I be worried about you?” Tubbo questioned.
“Because…..” Ranboo trailed off. They where friends why shouldn’t Tubbo worry? Is that what friends where supposed to do?
Tubbo frowned softly. “You ok boss man?” He asked gently bringing him closer to be held.
“I- I don’t know…. You shouldn’t have to worry about me. I probably already take up to much for your time…”
“Take up my time?” Tubbo shook his head. “No, that’s-” he shook his head. Is that really how Ranboo feels? “You could never take up my time Boo, I love spending time with you.”
Ranboo paused looking up at Tubbo. “Really? I’m annoying and useless though…” He mumbled.
“What?! Who told you that?” Tubbo curled up his fingers at the idea of someone saying such hurtful and untrue things to his friend.
“My colony, the other borrowers I lived with. I was different and I couldn’t borrow the right way…. So I was useless.” He said like it was a fact.
“You are not useless Ranboo….” He said sadly gently using a finger to pet Ranboo’s head. “And whatever else those people said to you, it isn’t true.”
Ranboo crumbled as Tubbo put a finger on his head. The soft pressure and warmth made him melt. He looked down at his hands realizing Tubbo really and truly cared about him. That fact made him start sobbing. But for once, it was happy tears.
Tubbo panicked as Ranboo began to cry. Had he hurt him?! “Boo?” He softly asked holding him closer to his face. He jumped a little as Ranboo latched onto his face giving him a hug. He gladly cupped his hands over his back hugging him back. He used his thumb to rub Ranboo’s back as he sobbed.
“It’s ok, I got you now. Your ok.” He mumbled softly trying to comfort his smaller friend.
Ranboo hugged Tubbo tight. He had needed this so bad. A hug, someone to talk to, and a real friend. He slowly calmed down. He pulled away from Tubbo. “S-sorry…” He mumbled.
“You don’t have to apologize.” Tubbo said.
“Oh….” Ranboo blinked looking at Tubbo. He almost said sorry again.
“It’s ok.” He smiled still holding Ranboo close.
Ranboo sighed leaning back in Tubbo hand. He let himself curl up enjoying the warmth.
“You are still cold though.” He curled his fingers around Ranboo.
“Better then before.” He replied.
“I still need to get you warmer Boo.” He shook his head. He hummed thinking of a easy way to keep him warm.
Ranboo didn’t want to be alone right now. And he just wanted comfort and warmth from Tubbo. He frowned getting a idea. Would Tubbo even be ok with that?
“You got a idea?” Tubbo asked seeing the look on Ranboo’s face.
“Kinda? I don’t know if it’s a good one though.” He shrugged.
“Well, what is it?” Tubbo asked.
“Um… you remember how you hide me from your dad that one time?” He said hoping Tubbo would catch on.
Tubbo froze realizing what Ranboo was suggesting. “Are you sure about that? You where so scared before.”
“I was scared because you just ate me. But now I know it’s safe and I trust you.” He smiled softly.
“Aw, you trust me that much?” Tubbo grinned. He was glad Ranboo wasn’t scared of the idea anymore.
“I do.” He giggled. “Plus it’s warm and I’ll be able to rest while you work.”
“True…” Tubbo nodded. “So you really want to do this?”
“Yeah I do.” He said making his decision.
“Ok, just tell me if you want out at any point.” Tubbo said before carefully placing Ranboo in his mouth closing his teeth behind him with a click.
Being gentle placed in was definitely better then how he was shoved in before. He smiled feeling the warmth from Tubbo. He was so focused on the warmth he didn’t panic like he thought he would.
Tubbo gently licked over Ranboo feeling just how cold the little borrower had been. It was like sucking on a ice cube. He slowly tilted his head back and swallowed Ranboo.
Ranboo froze as gravity shifted and he slipped back into Tubbo’s throat. He struggled a little but forced himself to be still not wanting to hurt Tubbo. He soon slipped into Tubbo’s stomach. He went completely limp at the feeling. He was surrounded by soft muscle gently hugging him as he leaned back. It was a amazing feeling.
Tubbo sighed as he felt Ranboo slip into his stomach. He pressed a hand to where he was. “You ok?” He asked making sure Ranboo was alright.
“Yeah….I’m ok.” He replied. He was getting sleepy from being so cozy. He hadn’t been able to really feel what it was like in here before, he had passed out from his panic. But now he was calm and finally warm.
“Ok, just making sure. I’m going to keep working. Let me know when you want out.” He really hoped Ranboo would want to stay for a while. He liked having him so close and safe.
“Mmhmm…” He hummed snuggling against Tubbo more. He didn’t have to worry about anything in here. He could just sleep and not wake up worrying about bugs or the cold. He was safe. With that thought he finally was able to sleep.
Tubbo continued to do his homework and smiled softly feeling Ranboo get comfortable. His small weight got heavier as he fell asleep tucked away deep inside where he could keep his friend safe. Tubbo hoped they would do this more now.
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lipstickstainz · 3 years
true lies - s. r. (10/15)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Series Summary: Spencer is furious, when you rejoin the team after a year and after you left him, when he got arrested. Little does he know, that you leaving him was the only option to ever get him out of prison.
Chapter Summary: A case brings you back to Cat Adams - and there’s a lot she has to say.
Warnings: angst, be prepared
Word Count: 1.9k 
A/N: I’m sorry it took so long and it’s so short, but.i tried really hard. hope you enjoy. gif not mine.
Series Masterlist
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previous part
Annoyed, you slap the steering wheel with the flat of your hand as if it will magically make the traffic jam in front of you disappear.
Ever since you ended the friendship between Spencer and you, the universe seems to want to punish you. First, a pipe broke in your apartment, flooding your bathroom. Apparently, it was fixed so well that two days later, suddenly no water arrived in your apartment, right when you were in the shower. Yesterday morning, none of your three alarm clocks rang, which is why you were way late for work.
And now you've been stuck in traffic for about an hour, and even though all the lights are green, you're not moving forward at all. You are lucky that you left an hour earlier than usual today and apparently you had a good nose. In the next few days you would leave nothing to chance.
The only positive thing about your bad luck is that all the stress doesn't leave you any time to think about Spencer, and since he's currently still teaching and not on BAU, you don't have to see him either. You wouldn't be able to stand wanting to be close to him without being able to. Even though it was your choice to turn away from him. But that doesn't mean it's any less painful.
When you finally get to the office, you head straight to the round table where everyone is already waiting for you. Even Spencer is sitting at his seat, and as your eyes meet, your blood freezes in your veins. What is he doing here? Did you miscount the days he wasn't supposed to be here? Or are you just unlucky again?
Emily stands next to Penelope next to the screen. In her hand she holds a file that looks very familiar. "Top secret" is written on it, and the fact that you're all here now - even Spencer - is definitely not a good sign. "Married men have been found dead in several states," she begins to speak, and Penelope shows the crime scene images on the screen. "They were always shot at close range."
"Seems personal", JJ says.
"What about the wives?", asks Tara. "Were they unhappy marriages?"
As the team speculates, you look more closely at the photos on your tablet. One of the men is wearing an expensive watch; another has a black American Express in his wallet.All of the men are dressed fancier, as if they had been on a date, but apparently not with their own wives, because they all had water-tight alibis.  Something about this case feels eerily familiar.
You take a look at the family pictures that had been sent to you. Some of the men had children, others didn't, but they all lived very luxuriously. Big houses, several cars. Bigwigs. Their lives seemed perfect. Maybe a little too perfect.
"So the killer is targeting rich, married men?", speaks up Luke. "But why these particular men? There are no connections between them, and I doubt they were chosen at random."
It wasn't random, you add in thought. Somewhere in your brain synapses link and it lays on the tip of your tongue, but you can't name it. The thought is like an itch you can't get rid of and you'd love to rip the hair off your head, it bothers you so much.
"Who throws themselves at married men only to kill them?", asks Matt. "An avenging angel who kills cheaters?"
You glance at the bank statements, and the scales fall from your eyes. Running a hand through your hair, you look first at Emily, who gives you a knowing look before casting a furtive glance in Spencer's direction. But he's already looking at you. Is he thinking the same thing you are? Has he figured it out, too? Does Emily know? Is that why she called him in?
"That's impossible", Spencer says without taking his eyes off you. The team looks at him before their questioning gazes move to you. Apparently, they haven't figured it out yet. "She's in jail."
You interlace your fingers in your lap so they don't see how much you're shaking. Just the thought of it makes you shudder. "It has to be a copycat", you return, to which Spencer's eyes narrow.
"Who are you talking about?", JJ asks, putting her hand on his arm, but he's so focused on you that he doesn't even notice.
Emily clears her throat and everyone looks to her except for Spencer and you. "Cat Adams."
"I talked to the warden", Emily says when you're in her office. She stands leaning against her desk while Spencer and JJ face her. You've taken the seat on the couch against the wall, elbows propped on your knees, foot bobbing up and down.
Really bad. Really, really bad.
"Adams is ready to talk. But only with you, Spencer."Though her words are directed at him, her gaze is calmly on you. Apparently, she wants to make sure you don't throw up on the floor.  You can't promise her. "In twenty minutes, you'll be flying out. As soon as the three of you find out anything, I want to be informed immediately."
Spencer's whole body tenses, but he doesn't respond. The two of them leave the office while you stay behind. Emily sits down next to you on the couch and grabs your hands.
"I'd rather you didn't go with them, Y/N," she begins. "But I'm afraid you have to go with them. You know why."
You look at her, her expression concerned, and you'd like to hug her as an assurance that everything would be okay. "It just doesn't make things any easier, unfortunately."
During the flight, no one speaks a word. You each turn your attention to other things to calm yourselves. JJ watches videos on her phone, Spencer reads a book about astronomy, and you close your eyes, trying not to think too much, but each time you do, you see her face.
The streak of bad luck continues to haunt you.
The warden takes you straight to the interrogation room. He says something, but you don't listen to him. You're far too preoccupied with the fact that everything could go to hell in a minute. To say you're scared would be an understatement.
The three of you stand in front of the glass, allowing you to peer into the room. Cat Adams looks worse than you imagined. Her hair hangs stringy and disheveled from her head, there are jet-black shadows under her eyes, and her overall appearance could be straight out of a horror movie.
"Are you okay, Spence?" asks JJ, but Spencer doesn't answer. "Take all the time you need. No one is forcing you to talk to her right now."
"The longer I don't talk to her, the more potential victims there are," he replies coolly and firmly, looking to his blonde friend. There's a hardness in his gaze that's only been directed at you lately. So that's how much he despises you. He puts you on the same level as a man-killing psychopath.
He squeezes JJ's hand before giving you a quick look that says more than a thousand words could. Then he opens the door and enters the interrogation room. Spencer sits down across from Cat at the table and folds his hands on the table.
"Spencie. It's been a long time."At the sound of her voice and nickname, Spencer barely flinches, and you want to flee.  But even if you could-you wouldn't let Spencer go through this alone. No matter what might come.
"It could have been a lot longer."
Cat leans back in her chair, relaxed, and looks at him. "Your hair has gotten longer. It suits you very well."
"Thanks." You can't see his face, but you're pretty sure he's raising an eyebrow. "We're not here to exchange pleasantries or compliments, though."
She nods curtly. "That's right. From what I hear, there's someone running around outside who gets as much pleasure out of killing married men as I do." She bites her lower lip, which makes her look even crazier than she already does. "I never thought there'd be a copycat of me. It's kind of cool, though. I have to admit."
"Do you know anything about that?" Spencer's voice is cold. Apparently he wants to get out of there as fast as he can, and you can't blame him.
Cat's gaze moves from Spencer's face to his hands. Slowly, she reaches across the table and untangles his fingers so she can look at his left hand. "From what I can see, you're not wearing a wedding ring at all, Spencie. What happened to your fiancée?"
You inhale sharply, and JJ's hand rubs your arm reassuringly for a moment. It was only a matter of time before she asked, but secretly you hoped she wouldn't.
Spencer's back muscles tighten under his dark blue shirt. "She left me when I got arrested."
Cat can't help but grin, and you'd love to punch her right in the face. "I'd say I'm sorry about that, but it's not like we're lying to each other." She plays with his fingers like it's the most normal thing in the world. "Must have been pretty hard for you."
"It wasn't easy."
"And you haven't heard from her since." It's more of a question than a statement. When Spencer doesn't answer, she drops his fingers. Her expression darkens abruptly. Your heart slips into your pants. "Right?"
Please don't say anything. Don't go into it.
"I'm not here to talk about her or me", he finally replies, and you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. JJ looks at you in confusion, and a faint smile creeps onto your lips. But your moment of relief is short-lived, because Cat doesn't seem to want to give in.
"I want answers as much as you do, Spencie.  If you give me some, I'll give you some. A fair trade," she grins, leaning back in her chair again, arms crossed in front of her chest. "So?"
"She came back a few weeks ago", he replies coolly, and Cat's eyes widen as if she really wasn't expecting it.
"Oh, no. Really?" Again she leans forward, so curious is she. "And what did she say? Did she apologize? Or told you the reason she left?" Her grin is so wide it almost reaches her ears. It makes you want to throw up.
"She said she didn't love me anymore."
"And you just believed her?" She shakes her head, but waits for no response. "I thought you were a better profiler, Spencie. After all, you cracked me. You should have realized something was up."
"What do you mean, something's up?" he asks.
Your whole body tenses with panic, but inside you're screaming, pleading, and a small part of you is sinking into a black hole right now.
"At least one thing she stuck to." Cat's grin is false, and sly and insidious as she speaks. "She didn't tell you about our deal?"
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kakyoingdom · 3 years
hey i found out how yo ask:D now my request is praise kink,daddy kink and orgasm denial +3+ madara and hashirama
The Lucky Ficlet, 08
this is the last one! and, anon, i hope you like it from the bottom of my heart! i wrote that with a fucking smile and it made me soooooooooo happy! i mixed Hashi and Madara into the same scene and yeah, threesome. sorry if you don't like to read it tho :(
but thank you for asking it, all of you that helped my with my first event! mwah <3 <3
it seems i don't like following my own rules omg but
your surprise ficlet match is: madara and hashirama + daddy kink and praise kink + 3: bedroom floor | 4,416 words
warnings: nsfw. unprotected sex, praise kink, belly bulge, daddy kink, "babygirl" used, oral (both f and m receiving), creampie, madara is a respectful man to hashi's wifey, face sitting, doggy style, that one position i can't remember the name that feels so good but hurts so bad.
“Are you sure both of you are not going to think of me like a whore after it?”
“You trust me, don’t you?”, Hashirama murmurs, his chin resting on the top of your head, holding you tight against his chest. He is so tall over you, protective and lovely. His hands caressing your high back and nape, you feel small and a little bit relieved. “I know he seems to be mean, but he’d never disrespect my darling. Neither would I, I was the one who came up with that idea and I’d never ask you if I wasn’t sure of you well-being”.
“Hmm”, you nod, still concerned about sharing your room and bed and body and— with Uchiha Madara.
It all started the day Hashirama, by your side on your bed, late night, looked at you with hesitant eyes. He held your soft hands, kissing your face and neck like every night, but he was too silent. Maybe something was wrong with the Leaf Village, or with his Hokage tasks, so you didn’t press him to speak. At his time, he’d tell what he wanted to. It worked like this for a couple of years and was good enough for you.
But Hashirama said his day was great. His job is quite tiring, but he loves to see his dream becoming true. Nothing seemed to be wrong or different from the other days besides that strange silence from him. He asked your questions and, after making sure you were good and had a nice day too, stopped talking. You could only hear his breathe, his nose on your neck, like he loved to do before falling asleep.
“My love?”, he called when you were already with closed eyes, wondering about nothing important. “I know you are very open-minded and everything but, oh”, you could bet his cheeks were rosy against your skin. His fingers traced incoherent draws on your collarbone, a shiver going down your spine. “Would you consider letting Madara join us one day?”
Your hands started to shake. You wanted to say a casual yes — how could you deny? You did have an open-mind, never getting too astonished about sexual things that Hashirama (or even you) wanted to try every once in a while. Yet you hesitated. Was this a kind of test? Why this suddenly? You couldn’t even imagine Hashirama ever thought about sharing you with his friend, so you got a little confused.
“Don’t need to answer me now”, your husband said when you opened your mouth to say you didn’t know and needed to think about it. To be honest, you never thought about it, Hashirama being the only one for you was more than enough. Madara was nice and everything, but you didn’t know if you could handle the fact of those scary eyes watching your naked body, you didn’t know if you would be attracted to that man. Your eyes were Hashirama’s only, nothing more.
You did hope to try a threesome one day — for experience? — though you didn’t want to mess everything up and be the third wheel between the other two. The more you thought, the more confused you got. Hashirama could feel your tension about it and was on his way to tell you to forget about it when you finally said you’d give it a chance. Just a nod and a casual “okay, let’s try it”. Nothing more. He got amazed by the lightness of your words, the tiny small making him trust you even more. You looked so brave and carefree that when the day finally came, your nervous eyes really made him wave and ask if you really wanted to continue.
And you did. It was nothing, right? Just taking clothes off in front of your husband, but he’d share you for a few moments. It was so dirty, but this only made you more excited, yet your concerns kept in your mind, ghosting all your thoughts. It would be good, Hashirama promised you and you trust him with your soul.
“Hm, right, what do we do now?”, you look up to face his gentle eyes, pretty mouth in a casual smirk. You touch his chest under his robe, the firm muscles making you way more vibrant about having him. You are not thinking about Madara anymore, letting things just happen. Hashirama doesn’t answer you, kissing your parted lips after pulling your body next to him. He kisses you deep, his tongue exploring your mouth as his fingers squeezes your waist and pulls you in his direction, and you’re now on tiptoe. He presses his thigh between your legs and you rub yourself on his flesh covered by the light fabric, letting a whimper out of your mouth.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”, he mumbles, moving his leg between yours. You nod with a pout, needy eyes that he loves to see and can’t just ignore. Hashi knows you need his fingers, his tongue, his cock, and he is eager for giving all you want. But you knew you’d have to do what he wanted to, obedient and submissive. He gives you another small kiss. “Behave when Madara comes, can you do it for me?”
You make a face at his words, but nod again. You body tenses a little when you hear steps coming from the door of your and Hashirama’s room. Hashirama caresses your inner thighs over the fabric of your blue nightdress, your skin burning wherever he touches. You left a muffled mewl, putting your forehead on his chest, not wanting to look back and see Madara. But soon you feel an extra pair of hands on your waist. Madara doesn’t walk forward, you notice. Was he waiting for a sign from his friend? You look up and Hashirama is moving his lips, “come on, she’s a good girl, she’s not going to push you away”. You feel tempted to chuckle with the thought of Uchiha Madara actually hesitant to something he wanted.
Then he seems to agree with Hashirama, because his hands reach your boobs, pressing them together. You exhale in surprise, your orbs looking for Senju’s at the same time. He kisses the top of your head and gives you a comforting smile, his thigh close to your panties rubbing your skin softly. You know Madara is approaching, his firm body against your spine causing to tense even more. He sighs loudly, taking his hand to your collarbone and lower neck, surrounding it in a very daunting way. You gulp and hold both of Hashirama’s shoulders, almost uncomfortable. You never got any man touching you besides your husband and it was weird as hell, though his rough strokes were making you a bit interested on what he could do to you.
“I thought you had her open to our ideas, Hashirama. I can only see a scared girl. Didn’t you train her well?”, he says, playfully.
The thought of relaxing soon left your mind, his words sounding so mean you had to look back and stare at Madara with stoic eyes. “Fuck you”, you say back, your voice firm and neutral. “I’m not scared. Haven’t you learned that you can’t just hold my neck like I’m your whore?”
Hashirama presses you tighter against his body, his leg no more touching your inner thighs. You feel like complaining about it, but keep in silence as he stares at you with those joking eyes, but his mouth is in a serious line. You roll your eyes discreetly as you man answers Madara, almost happy with your words.
“Go easy on my baby”, he puts his hands on your neck as well, both of them stroking the sensitive skin. “I did train her to behave, but she’s used to being only my whore”, he completes, talking as if you weren’t there. You get wetter with his words — you aren’t that into degradation, but sure he knows how to use bad words and yet make you feel like a queen. You enjoy his other hand petting your head, waiting for a kiss that never comes.
Instead, Madara laughs and takes your nightdress off effortlessly, Hashirama lifting your arms so he could throw it away. You instantly feel the cold wind of the night, the window open helping it and cross your arms in front of your body.
“So, Hashirama, control that tongue of her”, he pinches your nipples over the thin fabric of your bra. He was absolutely pleased to see you from behind, though he couldn’t wait to watch your boobs wiggling while your cunt is fucked deep by him. Your ass looked so good, the skin ready for having his palm print. “Or I’ll do it myself”, you whine when he presses his hard cock between your booty cheeks and pushes your nipples with no mercy, as you stare at Hashirama, waiting for him to do more than just help you to keep on your feet.
“Do you want something, baby?”, he puts one of his fingers on your lips and you get it with your tongue, sucking slowly. He knows those eyes of yours, so pitiful and needy. You shake your head, ready to speak, but he puts another finger into your mouth. “Tell me, then”, his words are so, so mean. When did he become so bad? You knew that if you stop to suck his fingers he’d make you beg for it once more, but he was telling you to answer! What are you supposed to do?
Madara squeezes you tits harder as his mouth finds its way to your neck, licking your skin. You moan against Hashi’s fingers and begin to mumble “I want you touching me, daddy, not him”, your breathy voice making your sentence way rude. His nails reach your throat and you almost choke, a few tears filling up your eyes.
“Repeat it for me?”, the Senju says. You don’t do it, so he takes his touch off you and walk backwards, a playful smile ghosting his lips. His lips, you want them so much, why is he acting so mean with you? You feel a little bit sad when he says he’s disappointed. “Didn’t you say you were going to behave? I’m not seeing it”. You pout, but accept what he is saying with a sad look.
“What can I do to—”, you begin, but Madara decides it is a good time to make you kneel. You sit on your legs to counteract what he wants you to do. Hashirama sighs and tells you to kneel and stay quiet. Madara chuckles devilishly. “So she just obey daddy?” You nod, but he is not looking at you. His friend, you husband, is agreeing and adding mean, mean words. You can’t help but complain about it in your mind, since a loud complain would leave you with lots of trouble.
“Call him daddy too and obey him, right, sweet girl? If you do it as he tells, he is going to be gentle”, he lowers his voice. “If you want to stop you know the sign”.
You frown and don’t answer. Madara walks and stop in front of you, his tall silhouette making you lean backwards. He pulls your hair gently — you feel genuinely surprised with his slow moves — until your face is almost touching his bulge under his pants. His thumb caresses your red cheeks and you enjoy it, before his palm softly hit your face. You inhale. Why are you feeling aroused by him? Fuck, the only man you’d ever let slap your face is Hashirama, but why your clit pulsed and your wetness grew?
Madara freed released his cock from his pants and underwear and you bit your lip, kind of nervous. You did want to have your tongue controlled but Hashi should do it! Not him, not his cock. You cried a little when you saw his dick, but the arousal grew up once more. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You didn’t want to think about how good it must be to have him inside you. Or call him daddy too.
No. No way will you do it.
It takes less than a minute to make you change your mind. Madara doesn’t seem to care about your stoic ass face or your mouth closed. He knew and could bet you are dripping to feel his length inside your mouth, to take him and let his tip reach your throat.
“Suck it, little one”, he uses the petname with a smirk you can hear. You try to deny, but you want it as bad as he does, so you think twice. You block guilty thoughts when Hashirama, his voice making you melt and stop acting like a brat, tells you to do your best. “I promise you’ll get your reward before finishing it”.
Reward is a good thing, always. Pretending it is the reason you’re giving in, you let his cock enter your mouth slowly, licking every inch of it like a good girl. Like his good girl, you think and close your eyes. No. You’re doing it because Hashirama said so. You trace his veins skillfully, easy to get to a point you can’t get more, his red tip deep into you. Madara groans as his hands guides you softly, in and out of your mouth.
It doesn’t last, though. He is too aroused to keep it easy, besides all Hashirama’s warnings. He wants to make you cry with his cock, rough and unstoppable. Madara would never let this opportunity run through his fingers — he didn’t think neither Hashirama nor you would accept it so easily. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, seeing that face of yours struggling to take his flesh. Madara could see anger in your eyes, but lust as well. His finger strokes your eye, getting a tear that was threatening to fall.
“Now I see why Hashirama is so proud of his girl”, you hear him praising, his hips violently making his cock go in and out of your mouth. Your legs shake a little more when you have to stop and breathe deep so you don’t choke for real. “Her mouth is a small piece of paradise. Bet her cunt is way better, uh?”
You don’t usually like it. Having him speaking as if you are somewhere else, not right there, sucking him off, should have made your ego hurt and your heart break. You don’t like to be ignored. However, listening to it made your cunt pulse and stretch against nothing. It is driving you crazy, Hashirama and his friend gladly praising and using you.
You don’t know when he got there, but you felt known lips against your full cheek, still receiving Madara’s length. Hands perfectly squeezing and pressing and printing its mark on your ass, on your thighs, on your tits, everywhere. You couldn’t help but moan loudly when Hashi’s fingers unkindly reach your panties and, pushing the fabric aside, one finger enters your cunt.
“Keep sucking him off, you’re doing great, baby”, Hashi whispers on your ear. You like the way it sounds like a secret of both of you. Happy, you put your hands on Madara’s strong thighs and lick all his flesh, kissing and making it wetter with your saliva. The Uchiha sighs loudly and groan when you whine against his dick. He can hear Hashirama’s digits going in and out of you, lewdly noises coming off it and his own cock being worshiped by your precious mouth. Fuck, he is going to feel jealous to the rest of his life — you have a pretty face, gorgeous body, a fucking nice mouth that fits him so well. You’re just fucking perfect.
Hashirama knows it. It’s so exciting for him to see Madara almost angry because he knows you can’t be his. You are being shared with him, but the man that gets your velvet tongue every day is the Senju leader. Hashirama’s fingertips abuse your sensitive spots inside you, his curled fingers driving you mad. It is too much, you think when it becomes too difficult to keep giving attention to Madara’s cock with all the pleasure you were feeling.
You don’t when it happens. You feel dizzy and fall back to Hashi’s lap, your fingers pressing Madara’s skin as he seems to look satisfied? And you look up to see your husband’s face, his fingers slowly fucking you, your clit being stimulated by your inside walls. Too sensitive, too painful, too good. You had that especially dumb ability of not knowing if you had come or not, so he had to show you his fingers — white, wet and going to Madara’s mouth. You mumble incoherent words when you see his fingers being sucked by the other man. He is… Tasting you. “Tasty cunny, girl”, Madara says. It felt illegal to watch, so you close your eyes just to open them again as another pair of fingers invade your cunt.
You whine immediately. Those fingers are thicker than Hashirama’s, calloused and rough. A finger — you know it’s Hashi’s now — rubs your clit as fast as he was doing when you were sucking off Madara. The floor is not comfortable, but you can’t ask them to stop. You don’t want to — it is feeling so good, your body falling down until your legs are around Madara’s body.
“Daddy”, you whisper, hoping Hashirama answers you. “Let me suck your cock too… I miss it fucking my mouth, daddy”
Your voice tone makes both Madara and Hashi stop suddenly. You cry, but soon Madara holds your body carefully bringing you to your bed. However when you are about to cry another phrase, your ass is up to the air, your tits pressed against the mattress. You couldn’t help — being all on fours is the way Hashirama loves to see you when you’re crying over his cock.
“Good girl”, is Madara that praises you, yet his voice is tough. “Sit on my face, now. I want to hear you calling my name while I taste you”, he puts his head under you and pulls your hips down. You try to keep your eyes open as you watch Hashirama takes off his clothes. It is the most damn beautiful thing in the world, his skin exposed, his strong chest and abs, his arms, his thighs, everything. Is there a way you can love him more?
You roll your hips against Madara’s mouth, conscious of his tongue licking your juices shamelessly, but he grabs your body and makes it hard to move. “Be quiet for daddy”, his voice is breathy, raspy and implies a punishment if you don’t obey him.
And you don’t try to move again, whimpering lowly, even when his touch leaves your hips and goes to your ass, grabbing hard. At the same time, you look down to Hashirama’s cock — hard for you only, his hand slowly stroking himself as you stare at it with pleady eyes. Hashirama grabs a fist full of your hair and forces your head down. You tease him a little, sucking the tip as your hand jerk off the length that isn’t in your mouth. He pushes your head up and gives you a smile that make you shake and moan loud. Madara is also craving for your attention, uh?
“Do it properly, babygirl. Daddy really wants to fuck your pretty mouth, but you gotta help me”, he doesn’t wait for you to reply, and you put the maximum you can of his dick inside your mouth. You curl your tongue against his hard flesh, appreciating in a different way you were with Madara. There’s passion on sucking him, letting him control all of your moves and thrusting his cock with no mercy.
You feel the most loved woman in the world.
At the same time, Madara keeps sucking your clit, forgetting about your dripping cunt. He is really focused on making you moan loud with Hashirama’s cock inside you, stimulating you until your limits. You let your head moves being commanded by Hashi’s hands, feeling weak. You notice you can’t fucking feel your legs, the touch of the Uchiha man being the only thing that makes your body firm enough so you don’t fall on his face. Not that he’d complain about it.
You finally give in — moaning loud, this time you know you’re having an orgasm. Numb head, messy moves, your teeth even hits the cock in your mouth by accident. Madara enjoys the sound of your struggled cries, heavy breathe and his name. Madara-sama, he could swear it was what you said. His hard cock felt a little bit harder, painfully eager for being inside you.
If it wasn’t dangerous territory, Madara would have taken you that moment.
“Stop now, babygirl”, Hashirama tells you. You obey him and look at him with dizzy eyes, not knowing where to focus on. “Madara, fuck her cunt the way you prefer. But wait for her to beg for it. Wait her words, and then she’s your doll”
Madara raises an eyebrow, devilish smile on his lips. Hashirama smirks too and you see both of them in a secret conversation. Madara gives in with a sigh.
“She’s my wife, Madara. What would happen if she gets pregnant and the baby born an Uchiha?”, he justifies and you make an ‘o’ face. So he wanted to cum inside you? Your cheeks become hot with the thought and Hashirama sees it. His hands are soft on your cheeks. “Though I think she’d love it. Don’t worry, right? Daddy is going to fill you up until the last drop”.
“Shut up, Hashirama. How do you think I can tease that lovely whore?”, you feel his tip threatening to enter you, but the moment never comes. You know what you have to do. Call his name, beg for his cock, lets him use you as he pleases. However words don’t come. You can’t think properly, just look at him with big doe eyes.
“Put just a few centimeters inside and let her beg for more”, Hashi suggests, so mean. You pout. “It never fails”.
It is true. Whenever he wants to punish you a little, or even just listen to your shaky voice crying for his full length, he does it. Madara’s tip enters you with much effort of his, fighting against the reflex of going deep and fucking you dumb. You close your eyes and bite a lip so you don’t speak anything. Hashirama is not happy about it, so he continues.
“Rub her clit.”
You feel it right after his sentence. You exhale and look at Hashirama.
“Daddy, please, stop teasing me”, you whine. His finger points to Madara. “I’m not able to change it”.
“Hm. Madara-sama, please, stop teasing me”, you say, but your voice is not convincing. You roll your hips.
“Oh, I think she doesn’t want me, Hashirama. I’m offended”, Madara pushes him inside you a little more. You moan and cry his name once more. “Please, please, please, fuck me until I can’t remember my name, I just need it so bad”, you cry, low voice. You feel a smack on your face, gently, as another, rough, goes on your ass.
“Louder”, Madara says as his cock goes deep into your wet cunt. His hands go to your waist and pull you. You moan loudly, but seeing Hashi, you call for his name. You receive another slap from the two men, and you smirk. Good, good, so good. You could cum just with that lustful glance deep in your eyes. You are feeling hotter than never, having the most powerful men fucking you in different ways. His pace, after you calling the Senju’s name, is fast and hard. Roughly he takes his cock out of you and pulls it back into with a delicious moan.
As he uses you, you lay your head on your husband’s lap, his cock by your side. You continue to suck him off but with all your body trembling and shivering, you can’t do much more than passing your tongue against his flesh. You love the feeling of being stretched by Madara’s cock, yet thinking and remembering about Hashirama.
That’s why your walls squeezes Madara’s cock so strongly. He moans loud as he buries himself into you. “You have a delicious whore here, Hashirama”, he whispers, taking strength of nowhere to stop fucking you. You cry a little when he gets out of your needy cunt, too weak to form a decent phrase.
“Calm down, babygirl. This time is daddy that is gonna fuck you. Ready?”, Hashirama says, pulling your body and being on top of you. He puts your legs on your shoulder and enters your cunt rapidly. He has no time for teasing or joking, but he looks to Madara by his side. “Learn how to end with this girl”.
It hurts when he goes that deep into you, though is good as hell. His tip abuses your g spot then go further as he kisses you messily. Your nails on his back almost hurt him, yet he sees as a way to make his hips moves faster. Your muffled moans against his mouth are making Hashirama goes deep inside you, with all the strength of the shinobi god. Fuck, fuck, fuck, all you can think of is the feeling of your walls burning, probably his cock evidenced on your belly. And he knows it too, pressing it just to test something, he thinks.
And you’re done after less than five minutes. Hashirama feels his dick firmly squeezed by your cunt, as if you wanted him to stay like this forever. And you do want this. “Daddy”, you mumble, happily. “I love you. Thank you”, you look at Madara and thank him too, Hashi’s cock still into you. Madara uses one of his hands to enjoy and press your tits, the other one rubbing your clit just the way he did before.
You are going to die, aren’t you? Why does it feel so painfully good? Orgasm after orgasm you feel your voice giving up, raspy moans being the only thing you can do to make sure they understand you’re having a good time.
When Hashirama finally comes, his seed into you, and Madara jerks himself off on your tits, you have no strength to look at the men in front of you. Just a tired smile and you fell asleep. You’d thank Hashirama for it later.
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Want a *really* unpopular opinion? I not only *liked* the Incense Burner extras but found them sexy, as a portrayal of two dorks using potentially dangerous magical R&D as a tool for exploring their past feelings and history and negotiating consent by trial and error and error and error.
ANON YOU FUCKING GET IT | STRONGLY AGREE | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
slams hands on table  C O R R E C T
you know what, i’ll do you one better, not only did i like them and find them sexy, i ALSO found them extremely meaningful and important!! i will defend the incense burners unto death, you can pry them from my cold dead hands!!!!
not to get super emo and personal about like, kinda silly smut, but you know what, it’s that kind of night so let’s GO oversharing time, and maybe it will help someone along the way!!! isn’t that what vulnerability is for!!!!
i don’t know if it’s common knowledge that i have ocd -- i haven’t made a secret of it or anything -- but: i suffer from pretty terrible intrusive thoughts and when you add that together with intense moral scrupulosity issues + a complicated relationship to shame and sex, you get some pretty rough thoughtcrime, self-hatred, and sex-related neuroses. i was so completely horrified by the idea of wanting sex that I thought i was ace for like, the better part of my teen years. i’m really grateful to the ace spaces i was lucky enough to find in that time because they gave me a place to feel safe while I was still figuring shit out, and I still feel a lot of kinship with them because even if i’m not ace, sex is still Difficult for me as a concept and aspec people Get It.
together with just my generally really fucked up thoughts, plus the rise of purity culture etc, i have A Lot of fear about my inner self being perceived because there’s a part of me that is convinced that if anyone really knew me, they’d find me disgusting, that they’d think i was a genuinely bad and dirty person beyond redemption. that no matter how hard i tried to be good, i was doomed to fail because there was something wrong with me internally and inherently. that like, no matter how kind or helpful or dutiful or accomplished or smart or thoughtful i tried to be, it wouldn’t make a difference!!!
im getting over it lol don’t worry
but the point is: the incense burners, especially the one in the library, really embody the ultimate fantasy of a person you love seeing your most shameful thoughts and desires and not only NOT abandoning you, but saying “oh shit, that’s hot”. can you understand the palpable relief of that!!!! ;A; and!! to take it one step further, it’s not even a big deal! wei wuxian laughs and is like ohohoho?? hanguang-jun? like this secret that lan wangji was carrying and fearing was just like. kinda cute and funny. that there was nothing to fear at all.
screams into my hands
i joke about being shuangbi kin all the time, except like, it isn’t a joke. the moment when wei wuxian notices that lan wangji is tense, when lan wangji says, “stop looking,” and tries to leave -- idk i just. i felt for him so hard there. stop looking at me. what if you don’t like what you see?
but wei wuxian does like it! and wei wuxian doesn’t think any worse of lan wangji, doesn’t think he’s fallen or disgraceful. lan wangji is still lan wangji, still hanguang-jun, still upright, still 雅正. and the narrative does the same: it never implies that lan wangji is any less of a good person because of this. it’s just an inside joke for the other extras: that lan wangji looks like the sort of person who’s a perpetual virgin because that’s what people expect from someone of his character and demeanor, but he isn’t.
i can’t like. begin to explain how much i treasure this dumb smut. it’s not the best smut i’ve ever read, not by a long shot, but it’s not anywhere near as terrible as a lot of people make it out to be. just. i got to read this thing. where a character i already identified with had his fucked up thoughts about sex perceived and accepted and loved, and it was a character who looked and sounded and thought like me!! down to the obsession with rules and fairness. a chinese character!!! and someone the narrative pretty consistently positions as a sympathetic and lovable person!! mdzs was my first danmei, so it’s entirely possible this isn’t revolutionary whatsoever. maybe this is a super common trope! idk! but it was really revelatory to me. that these really intensely complicated characters we’ve just spent like 500k learning about and falling in love with are also weird kinky dumbasses who don’t know shit. and that both can be true! and that’s presented as a fun, delightful thing! god!!!! i care them! i am so grateful to mxtx for it, regardless of anything else, i am grateful that she gave me this.
anyways, thanks for giving me this outlet anon and also like, letting me experience a version of that relief: oh i’m not alone!
🍵 ((un)popular) opinions meme
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blackwidow-bby · 3 years
A Case of You -Alcina Dimitrescu x Maiden!Reader
I’ve been wanting to write something based on the song ‘A Case of You’ by Joni Mitchell. Alternatively the K.D. Lang version is also very good and meaningful to me. Also who better to write with than really tall vampire mommy 😭
As always feedback is appreciated highly! Thank you for reading 💙
Warnings: blood, and smut (18+) little babies
You had been polishing the silverware reflecting on the years that you had been in Castle Dimitrescu. 3 short but eventful years. At the beginning it was hectic, bouncing between all of the orders from the daughters and those of the Lady herself. Cleaning up countless messes left around as if they were guests in their own home. Clothes here, blood stains there, broken plates and cups everywhere. It had been as if your birth in the village was a curse, born to feel ashamed of poor class. A majority of the women that lived in the village knew that the only fate of their futures was to be sent to work for Castle Dimitrescu until the end of their days. Once the fair young women reached 18 that was where they were sent. Of course not all of them were so “lucky”. The rest of the women and all of the men were left to the struggles of the small village left to the devices of the surrounding lycans of the other lords. Or worse, kidnapped never to be seen again.
Most of the villagers rumored that those that disappeared were taken by the holy Mother herself and experimented on. Everyone knew what she could do, but for all of the bad sometimes holy Mother Miranda brought some good. One time before sweet Imelda lost her leg to a lycan attack, she saw the fainted mark on the side of its face. The same mark her husband had upon his face on the same side, before his disappearance traveling back to town. As she was dragged back safely by a couple farmers who managed to kill the sickly beast, the only sounds that all of the inhabitants could hear were her screams of her husbands name. Utterly distraught that she could become so unrecognizable enough to his dead eyes that in his transformation could still cause her deadly harm. He never had an angry bone in his body, but if that rumor was true, the experiment had created a monster of a once calm man.
All of your years weren’t as hectic as the first year. Eventually the lady of the house had taken a liking to your work. Always quick to come and cater to any mundane request her and her daughters had demanded of you. Actually now that you think, you can’t remember the last time any of your orders came from the daughters. They only came from the head maid or Lady Dimitrescu herself. A small quirk of your lips found it’s way thinking of your Lady.
Shortly into your second year she began to request you privately into her bed chamber. The first time she asked for you, you had been scared that your end had found it’s way sooner than you would have liked. Your heart was racing in your chest, begging your feet to be just as erratic on the way to her room. Somehow you managed to compose your pace but your heart insisted on faltering you. You knocked three times on her door upon arrival. You were unsure if she had heard, the doors of the castle were solid wood and although your hands were not soft due to the amount of work you were asked to do, your knuckles certainly weren’t hard enough to evade a slight throb from the hefty door.
Her voice crooned from with in, “Come in, my dear.” You opened the door to her chambers carefully as to not slam the wood open and not damage whatever might be on the other side of its radius. She smiled down on you very sweetly. There was something in here eyes. It felt almost like an admiration. You wiped that thought from your mind as quickly as it came. Why on earth would she ever admire you.
She sauntered toward where you stood and slowly lifted her hand. The fear you harbored for the Lady caused you to flinch at her movement. She had never laid a hand upon your person but that did not mean your time would not come.
Your flinching halted her movements. Her expression changed but only slightly. “My dear, I am not going to harm you in such a way.” She had lowered her voice in the close proximity of your bodies. You opened your eyes once more to see her gently place her soft gloved hand upon your head. Gently she moved it down by your ear and caressed the side. “Come to me little one.”
You followed her to her vanity. The space was tidy with neatly placed powders and lipsticks and other make up you had never seen any of the women of the village actually own. She sat down on her chair in front of the vanity. All of the furniture you noticed was made to her size in this dim room. None of the maids were ever called to clean this space, it made you wonder if she even used it at all. Maybe the Lady chose to take care of her own space in a way she knew no one could ever recreate or perfect to her liking. She hummed and pulled your hand to her. In her glorious size, she picked you up and placed you on her lap facing the large mirror. Your eyes shifted between her and your own height. Even perched on her Lady’s lap, your height was still shorter than her own.
Her eyes never met yours even as she slightly moved about to gather a soft brush and place it closer within reach. Your heart was still bounding in your chest trying to make sense of what was perspiring at this moment. The Lady removed her gloves by pulling one finger at a time until they could slip off smoothly. She then reached up and began to undo the clean French braid your hair was done in. She was being so kind and so soft with you, you were baffled. She started to unwork the three strands until she reached your scalp. You moved in tandem with the Lady as she reached again to grab the brush and began at the bottom of where your hair reached. Her ministrations were so soft it allowed your heart to calm. You kept your hands in your own lap, not daring to speak before being spoken to or move before being asked to move. Your Lady focusing solely on brushing the tangles from your hair allowed your own eyes to look about the space you sat. Her only task to groom your tresses, allowed you to get a good look at her face. Her lips and cheeks looked so soft. Her face wasn’t stoic but content in the space. She certainly didn’t look as nervous to have you here as you did to be here. Occasionally her hand would come around the underside and her knuckles would gently brush against your clothes back.
Everything she did was so calm and planned and relaxing. You took the rest of the opportunity to admire her further. Her raven dark locks meticulously curled in their places. Her hat always cocked to the side on her head, you wondered if it ever got in the way. She certainly never let it bother her if it did. The sudden speaking of her voice caused you to jump due to how silent it was seconds before, “I had been admiring you from afar for a while now. I’m sure you have an idea of why you had been called to my chambers after not being asked to before.”
Your voice betrayed you, you had been silent for too long. “Y-yes my Lady. I think I know why I’m here.” She hummed again. You felt the brush finally make its way to your scalp. The bristles were so soft and comforting they made your eye lids heavy. Seeing that she was done with her work on your hair, she placed the brush back in its spot and made eye contact with you through the mirror. She looked at you for a couple minutes more until she spoke again. “You’re always so quiet and kind around everyone here. My daughters can have a way with making the maids end up with either tougher skin or breaking their calm façade.” She was now running her fingers down the length of your back over your uniform. “But not you. You are still the same as you were when you showed up. Quiet and composed.” You weren’t sure if you should thank her for the compliment or be offended by being told that you haven’t changed. You felt like you could handle anything after the tortures her daughters could put maids through.
You could feel her hands moving back up your back and over your shoulders. Her cold slender fingers found your collar while the other hand swayed your hair over your left shoulder no doubt to expose your neck to her. This is it. This is how you end. What a lovely way to die. Her faced inched closer to your exposed neck and you could feel her breath inches away from the space. Your eyes couldn’t seem to move away from her though. You watched the whole thing and how her face never changed emotion. Everything she had done with you was in admiration. Like she longed for what you could offer her as if she didn’t have everything she could want in this castle.
Her face inched closer until you felt her lips press against the spot she was just eyeing. She lightly kissed you and reveled in the sounds you let escape. A chill ran down your body and found purchase in your stomach. You could feel the butterflies going crazy. Yes truly what a lovely way to die. You braced yourself when you saw her go to bite. Braced yourself for the white hot pain to shoot across your whole body but it never came. Instead the only thing you felt was pleasure. She continued to suck in the same spot for moments more. It all made you feel a growing knot down lower. Her strong arms encircled around your waist to hold you tightly as if you could slip away at any moment. You felt them hugging you tightly. The embrace soothed every part of you. You had never felt so cared for.
Unconsciously you noticed that your hands found purchase upon her own. Her face lifted from the crook of your neck, not a smudge to be seen or hair out of place. You could feel her lips by your ear. “I could drink a case of you, and still I would be on my feet.” She whispered and it made you visibly shudder in need. What kind of affect was she having on you?
“You must never speak of this with anyone”
She requested you many more times and each one was just as delicate and sweet as the last one.
“You’ve been polishing that spoon for an awfully long time, dear.”
Your head whipped around at the Lady’s sultry voice. Your Lady, you thought. “What is it that has your mind occupied?” She questioned.
“Nothing my Lady. I was simply thinking of you.”
She smiled a genuine smile at you and reached her hand toward you. You walked up to her and laced your fingers with hers. Every moment you spent with her you cherished since the first. She reserved so much kindness for you. Internally she ached for the next time she would request you again. Thinking of the way your blood tasted on her lips. So bitter and so sweet. She couldn’t help but want something slightly different this time.
You both made your way to her private chambers once more like clockwork. She allowed you to enter before bending her way inside. You immediately walked over to her vanity as that was where she always fed from you right after brushing out your hair. You turned to her and smiled but she stopped next to her own bed. “Come here to me, my little love.” You walked up slight confusion on your face. “If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I want you to stop me. Can you do that for me, draga mea?” You nodded slightly. She sat down on the edge of her bed and reached her hand to wipe the wrinkle that etched on your forehead in your confusion.
“My little doe, you mean more to me than you could ever know.” She pulled your hand to her and moved both of you to the head of the bed. Gently she cupped your chin in her large hand. You closed your eyes and suddenly you felt her lips press against yours. Gods they were so soft but so cold. You reciprocated her kiss. Alcina had craved this for too long but she needed to pace herself. She has the rest of the afternoon until the night to indulge in anything your freely gave to her. You didn’t move to stop her and she took this as invitation to continue further. Keeping your lips pressed to hers, her hands roamed your body lower than just your back. She relished in the soft skin of your thighs and the way you felt under material that had softened from years of wear and wash. She couldn’t help but think of how your bare skin would feel under her own hands.
Your own arms snaked their way to her face as you cupped the sides with both hands. Your lips continued to move in tandem with her own letting soft whimpers escape here and there. Her hands grabbed the hem of your dress and slowly made her way up to removing the garment. You whined when she separated the kiss to completely remove the dress. “Are you still okay, little doe?” You answered with a small yes and moved to undo the buttons behind her own dress. Once the buttons were undone enough to slide her dress down you moved the sleeves down her muscular arms. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of looking how small your body was compared to hers. How soft and unblemished your skin was. All she wanted was to kiss every soft inch. Even the one side of your neck that she fed from ceased a single indent. She always made sure to feed carefully as to not rise suspicions.
She pulled you back into her slightly laying over you and began to kiss you once more as her hands roamed to your chest. She wrapped her hand around to undo your bra carefully to free your soft tissue from their confines. She separated once more to look at all of you that was exposed. The gods certainly took their time in creating such a spectacular woman she had thought. Her whole hand moved down to palm your breast lightly. She could feel the bumps raise and your nipple harder under her touch. You let out a little moan under her touch. She could spend eternity doing anything to hear your little sounds. Little sounds only she could make you release. She looked into your eyes creating the distraction for her hand to move to your underwear. You stared deep into her golden orbs never breaking as she sought out your core with her finger. Your breath hitched when you felt her slide down your soft folds and move back up to your clit. You were warm and wet and all for her. Alcina’s sweet little doe. She pressed a small peck to your lips then moved her mouth down to your breast that her hand had just been. She began to suck as she teased the entrance to your tight hole. She relished in the feeling of your most intimate parts and the sounds she could draw out from your delicious mouth. You were arching your back into her wanting nothing more than to be so close to her.
Your hands gripped anywhere the could. Her arms, shoulders, neck, hair. Everything she was doing made your brain go crazy. You did everything you could to find where your hands fit best. Her soft tongue swirled around your nipple while the tip of her finger pressed deeper into you. She was losing patience in having more of you and it was taking everything in her body not to devour before she was content you felt as good as she did all those times she tasted your blood. But damn did she want all of it. He finger pressed deeper until she was down to her knuckle. Your soft panting didn’t give any indication that you were in pain. She started to move her finger in and out at a slow pace to get your body use to the intrusion. Your panting grew louder and so did your moans. You wish you could feel this way everyday from this moment on. So cared for, so deeply wanted. Alcina kissed her way up from your breast to your neck. Leaving light nips and soft kisses near where she could feel your pulse quicken. He finger moved faster inside of you, pressing at your soft walls until she found that spongey spot that would surely get more sounds out. She had to take her time though.
‘Ohs’ and ‘ahs’ were all you could really get out along with all of your sickeningly sweet moans. Alcina never expressed out loud but she wanted you to say her name. Moan her name out from your lips, cry to the gods or whoever would listen that she could make you feel bliss like you’ve never felt before. No one ever got this much want out of her. She never wanted anyone the way she wants you right now. The way she’s been wanting you since you came to the castle. Her little doe unraveling under her half naked body. You were finding it harder to contain any noises and began to moan louder the faster her finger moved. All of a sudden curled her fingers, hitting that one spot. “My Lady!” It made Alcina hummm. “Tell me little doe, do you know my true name?” It took every fiber of your being to come up with an answer for your Lady. “N-no my Lady. T-the maids, they d-don’t talk.”
It was amazing you could come up with that through your haze. The Lady was sucking on your neck while she curled her finger more to get you to come undone the way she wanted. “It’s Alcina little one. I want to hear my name fall from your lips.” The knot in your stomach grew. You were getting very close from her sinful fingers buried inside your tight hole. Alcina could feel your Wales tightening around her. As she felt you get closer she bit down on your neck to drink from you the way she had truly craved. The knot broke and you came hard on her fingers, screaming her name to the high heavens. She continued to feed through your orgasm and once she felt your walls stop pulsing she lid her finger out and detached away from your neck.
You were sweating at this point. Utterly spent wrapped up with your Lady holding you tight. She wiped the little droplets that formed on your neck and pulled you onto her as close as she could get you. Your head rested there on her chest still panting. She would go to the farthest parts of the world for you. Hopefully she would have all of the time to prove it to you now.
“I could drink a case of you.” She whispered into your hair before placing a kiss to your crown. You mumbled a little getting more comfortable and sinking into Alcina’s chest.
Sleep began to take over you. “I would still be on my feet.” Was the last thing you said before slumbering in your Lady’s arms.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Distance II
Characters: Ningguang, Zhongli, gn!reader
Word Count: 3,605
Warnings: None
Premise: What other explanation could there be? Surely this is the one logical answer. Even if it hurts, even if it doesn’t make sense.
In which the reader’s s/o assumes the reader is no longer interested.
Author’s Note: Though Ningguang is hands down one of my favorite characters I find her surprisingly difficult to write. She just seems so much more in control than I am. Perhaps though that makes writing her in conflict all the more rewarding.
Sometimes Ningguang wondered if she wasn’t accidentally proving her detractors right by not caring.
Being the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing it’d be nearly impossible for her not to hear the rumors that circulated about her, the not-so-quiet whisperings of people who found her too cold, too callous, too closed off to have any genuine feelings. Nor were such incidents limited to the murmurings of coworkers or the blunt admissions of Keqing. Ningguang had long ago lost track of the times she’d passed someone on the street, only to find someone proclaiming how unfit she was to represent Liyue, she who had no genuine feelings.
Of course, Ningguang couldn’t truly complain. Even if people saw her as aloof and shallow, she was still given the respect due to her position. Nor could the privilege and power of being the Tianquan be overstated. Really, being isolated in such a way was just the price she had to pay for her success. What did it really matter what the general population thought of her personally as long as they respected her competency? Besides, she didn’t have time for close interpersonal relationships.
Perhaps it was this thinking that had ruled her for so long that made you so special in her eyes. Though you would later admit that you had worried your feelings had been one-sided, Ningguang had been just as captivated with you as you of her. Incredibly competent at your job, as devoted to Liyue as Ningguang was, and deeply empathetic on top of it, how could Ningguang not grow somewhat infatuated with you? She had never expected the same emotion on your side, just as you had never expected such a thing of her; not because you saw Ningguang as made of ice or stone, it was merely the natural nervousness that always came with love. Perhaps that was the part of your confession that Ningguang appreciated the most. To you she was just as normal as anyone else, with a heart made out of the same flesh as all the other residents of Liyue.
Yet being in a relationship had proved a much greater challenge than Ningguang expected, and in the place one was least likely to think about. Her love for you was never in question, the devotion you two shared towards one another was something spelled out plainly in front of her eyes. Nor did she worry about providing for you, or you for her. Being both high ranking members of the Liyue Qixing, the two of you were incredibly lucky, and finances and worries about saving was never something that Ningguang had to lose sleep over. No, it was none of those normal things that Ningguang had to worry about, instead it was herself.
She had expected that all the whisperings about her emotional capabilities would have left once the word of you two being partners got around. Instead the whispers seemed all the greater, swirling around her at every turn. Though logically that could not be the case, Ningguang found that logic ultimately played a very little role in the matter of love and affection. Even when she wasn’t haunted by the whispers of others she found herself more and more facing her own words. How could someone so closed off and reserved be a good partner, her mind seemed to whisper, how could she possibly give you the affection and warmth you deserved? Ningguang never told you these thoughts of course, her anxiety seizing her whenever the idea so much as passed through her head. Still those thoughts lingered.
And then work got busier; well, busier for her at least. For you things seemed to remain about the same, and though Ningguang was somewhat grateful for that – knowing that overworking oneself was a bit of a theme for members of the Liyue Qixing – she still found herself uncomfortable at the new schedule. Now instead of the two of your finishing up at around the same time, it seemed like you always had to hold back and wait for her. It was embarrassing, really; more than that it felt unfair to you.
“Should I reschedule the dinner reservations tonight?” Your question hung over the desk that separated the two of you, paper piled up like a wall between you and her.
“I’m afraid so, I’m sorry darling.” Ningguang offered an awkward smile.
“Don’t be sorry! It’s not your fault that you have so much work. I’ll go down and tell the waitress during lunch break, we should be able to get a refund, and maybe a reschedule. After all, we haven’t been out together in so long.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” you leaned over the desk, too blocked by the papers to give her the traditional comfort kiss on her cheek, “you have a very important job, and no one could fault you for it.”
Despite your words Ningguang couldn’t help but feel somewhat chastised. Bowing her head she whispered a soft “thank you”, wondering how much you were hiding your true feelings. Keeping her head mostly down at her work for the rest of the morning the Tianquan was startled by the realization she hadn’t noticed you leaving for lunch.
“Unfortunately I was unable to get a refund,” your apologetic voice floated through the air as you reentered the office, “so I was wondering whether or not I could bring a friend out to dinner tonight? Of course I would pay for the whole thing myself, and we could still reschedule. Although maybe next time let’s pick a restaurant without an all-or-nothing view on payment.”
“A good idea about the payments,” Ningguang smiled awkwardly, ill at ease despite your slight laughter, “and of course you may invite a friend out for dinner. I know that we’ll find another time.”
“You’re an absolute darling you know!” You walked around the desk giving Ningguang a fleeting kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
“How could I not be when I’m the reason we can’t go out this evening?”
“Well, I don’t know. Some people aren’t so nice about those things you know.”
“I hope to never be involved with those people.”
“You’re right about that!” You laughed, bringing a small smile to Ningguang’s face. Still, a part of her felt leaden, her embarrassment and guilt weighing her down like a rock.
Afterwards it seemed that a bit of a routine had been found in your life. After your work was done and your errands finished you laughed awkwardly, gave Ningguang a short kiss, and went out to spend time with your friends. Not that Ningguang begrudged you the time you spent with others, she wasn’t about to ask you to spend all your time with her, especially when most of it would be spent staring at her reading. Still it was hard not to see these continual outings as further proof of how little affection Ningguang was giving you, how much she was failing at providing you all the love and emotional support you needed.
Walking down the streets to your house Ningguang took in the sight of Liyue in the evening. It was her favorite time of day; the lanterns turned the normally drab grey stones into burnisheds amber, basking the buildings with a soft orange glow that gave the illusion of perfect domesticity. It was easy to forget the troubles of Liyue in the evening, easy to be wrapped up in the landscape in front of the Tianquan, easy to ignore her troubles. Passing by the docks Ningguang breathed in the scent of a trading city at work. Smells, sights, and conversations mixed together in a familiar dance, lively despite the lateness of the hour.
“Did you see the Tianquan’s partner was out again this evening?”
Ningguang found herself standing perfectly still, unsure if the words that she had just heard weren’t a figment of her exhausted imagination. Turning towards the stalls she was careful to keep her pace as even as possible, hoping that her presence would go largely unnoticed.
“Oh yes, I saw them walking along the shipyard with a few people. You could tell it wasn’t on business.”
“I feel bad for them,” the first voice piped up again, voice heavy with authority, “to have a block of ice as a partner, it must be very difficult.”
“You’re right, the poor dear. Honestly I don’t know why they decided to become partners with such a person as Lady Ningguang, I heard that she was the one confessed to even. Why anyone would actively cultivate such a relationship, I don’t understand it.”
“Neither do I. They must be very used to living without affection.”
“You’re probably right, it always ends up that way with those types of relationships.”
Although the conversation showed no signs of ending Ningguang found herself turning around and leaving. The words had felt like a slap in the face, and she felt almost feverish in her wish for the conversation to have never happened.
Once she arrived at your home Ningguang rushed to the bedroom, collapsing onto the soft sheets. You, she realized that she wanted you; wanted to tell you what had just happened, wanted you to assure her it was all false, wanted all this insecurity to go away. And yet, how could she be sure that you weren’t thinking a similar thing as those people Ningguang had overheard? How could she be sure you hadn’t come to the conclusion that she was indeed without feeling. There was only one way to figure it out really, no matter how painful.
“I’m home!” Your voice was bright and cheerful, a stark contrast to Ningguang’s current emotional state.
“Welcome home dear.”
“Oh I’m exhausted, I think I’m taking a bath and going right to bed tonight! You should probably sleep too, you’ve really been overworking yourself!” You chastised, giving Ningguang an impatient sort of smile as you put away your things. Taking a deep breath Ningguang prepared herself.
“Before you do that, there is something I’d like to ask you.”
“Ask away! Unless you’re asking for me to cook, I think I’m too tired for that.”
“It’s not about cooking. It’s, well, it’s whether this relationship is fulfilling or not to you.”
“What?” The happiness leeched from your voice as you stared at Ningguang.
“I heard some people talking today, saying that I wasn’t a worthy partner, that I was too emotionally detached. I know that you have never expressed such an opinion, but I cannot help but wonder if I’m truly giving you what people want in a relationship. You said yourself that we hardly spend time together anymore, and I know how much you value quality time. As such, I feel that I have to lay out all your options. If you feel that this relationship is no longer viable, then I understand.”
“Ningguang what in Teyvat are you talking about?” You burst out. Swiftly closing the distance between you two, you intertwined your fingers with Ningguang’s. “You don’t really think that I would share the opinion of some people who know nothing about you and us do you?”
“It’s not just them!” Ningguang pointed out. “I’ve heard the same things from colleagues. Besides this wasn’t brought on all of a sudden. For a while now I’ve been wondering if I truly have the capacity to make you happy.”
“Well let me clear that up immediately, the answer is yes.”
You stared into Ningguang’s eyes, expression one of stubborn surety. There was no sense of doubt in your posture or your voice. For the first time in a while Ningguang found herself somewhat calm.
“Let me tell you something Ningguang, relationships aren’t the same for everyone, nor is love. Some people need huge declarations of love, need to always be attached to their partner, need a constant supply of affection. And some need only small gestures, shorter periods of time, a softer form of support. Neither of these are inherently better than the other. Just because we don’t go out to eat every night, just because you place care and effort into your work and choose to spend your time on it, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you any less, or that your love doesn’t reach me. I’m proud of your work, I’m proud to call my partner the Tianquan; and if other people cannot understand or accept that, then frankly I don’t care.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!” You let out a laugh, throwing your arms around your partner. “My mind is very made up on this. Besides, you’re much more affectionate than you let on.”
It was as if she’d been suddenly freed from a cage, so immediate was the relief that washed over Ningguang. Returning the embrace she sighed softly, overwhelmed by the love and confidence in your words.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Don’t thank me for anything, you would do the exact same for me.”
“Perhaps you’re right, but thank you nevertheless. Thank you.”
“Well then you’re welcome; though I would do anything for the woman I love.”
“I love you too.”
There was nothing more to say.
“I hope that it ends soon.”
Those words had sent Zhongli spiraling, reeling as the ground crumbled beneath him and he plunged into some dark unknown. How had he gotten here, it didn’t seem to make sense.
He hadn’t wanted to step upon your freedom, to limit you in any way. Though Zhongli wasn’t perhaps the greatest expert on human feelings, he knew that in one way they differed greatly from archons and adepti. Humans always vied for freedom. The freedom to choose, the freedom to do, the freedom to go or stay. While the gods always found any sort of profound change incredibly difficult, an erosion on their power and their influence, humans craved the ways that time waxed and waned, the world with it.
As such he didn’t attempt to put any sort of confinement on your relationship. Being the first human Zhongli had had any meaningful emotional contact with, he was absolutely determined that your relationship should be framed around your needs, which were certainly more demanding as a human being than Zhongli’s could ever be. Not that he ever found himself lacking, indeed it seemed sometimes to the ex-archon as if you were more aware of what his wishes were than he was of yours. When he needed assurance you were there, when something required some sort of explanation or reiteration you were glad to provide it. No matter the time or the place or the setting you were liberal with your love. Zhongli could only hope he provided the same for you.
Perhaps that was why your words surprised him so much. Zhongli knew that your friend was coming over for tea, and had made an effort to leave the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor earlier than usual, much to the annoyance of his pseudo-employer. Though he expect you to be earlier than him, he certainly hadn’t expected your sudden volte-face, the sudden revelation that all was not well.
Not that he could ask about your statement while your friend was visiting, the ex-archon knew that you hated a scene as much as he did, and he doubted he’d be able to get an honest answer out of you with an audience watching. So as he entered, making sure to make as much noise as possible to alert you of his arrival, he tried to bury the sentence in the back of his mind, hoping that it would stay put as long as possible.
Thankfully for Zhongli it is much easier to be patient when one is an immortal former deity. Though time certainly seemed slower than usual, the conversation you and your friend had more difficult to follow than usual, it was nothing that he couldn’t handle. Letting you and your friend chat about anything from work to pets to weather, only interrupting when asked about the tea, Zhongli spent the afternoon turning over your words in his head, and wondering what he was going to say.
Finally the sun dipped behind the buildings, and as the long shadows of evening began to cast themselves down your friend left. Keeping himself as formal as possible during the entire encounter Zhongli let out a soft sigh when the door closed behind them. Even if what was to come was not something he was particularly looking forward to, Zhongli had long ago learned that immediate pain is better than drawn out suffering.
“You were awfully quiet this afternoon.” You pointed out, going to clear up the plates.
“I, I had not noticed. I am sorry.”
“It’s fine, I know that they’re a bit of a talker anyways. Still I was hoping you might say more, my friends already ask me about your reticence, and I don’t want to feed their imaginations.”
“My apologies, I will try to do better.”
“Don’t sweat it really, I’m just rambling.” You smiled as Zhongli began to put away the tea set. “I always love watching you clean the china, it’s so peaceful to watch.”
“I am glad you enjoy it so much,” Zhongli replied, careful to keep his hands from trembling. The conversation loomed ahead of him, dark and unfamiliar, and he didn’t want to break anything in the process. “I, uh, I noticed that you were discussing something when I walked in.”
“I’m sorry we started before you, I didn’t know how long Hu Tao would hold you up. She’s surprisingly persuasive, at least when she’s not selling coffins.” You let out a giggle.
“In light of your conversation, I would like to offer you something.”
“Yes?” You furrowed your brow, evidently puzzled.
“I would like to offer you an end to our relationship.”
“Excuse me?” Your mouth dropped open as you jolted up suddenly in your chair. “What, why? I… what?”
“I do not wish to cause you any pain by forcing you to draw this out. If you wish for things to end quickly, then you ought not to worry about stalling. I promise that I will not contain you.”
“Zhongli, I don’t understand what you’re saying?” Your voice sounded very raw. “Are you saying, are you saying that you don’t want to be in a relationship anymore.”
“No.” Zhongli replied slowly, feeling as if the situation had altogether managed to reverse itself. “I am only saying that if I am tying you down, that if I am no longer making you happy, then you do not have to continue this relationship.”
“Zhongli, I don’t understand why you would ever think that I would want that.”
“But you said ‘I hope that it ends soon’.”
For a moment you stared at your partner, but then something seemed to overtake you and you began to laugh, an awkward sound stranded between relief and humor.
“A commission I was talking about a commission! There’s this tradesman who is trying to set up some sort of security measures with the Guild while he’s stopped in Liyue, and it’s taking up most of my time. It’s why I haven’t visited you at the Funeral Parlor recently as well. Believe me Zhongli, I would never want to break up with you, the idea of doing so makes me miserable.”
“Ah, I see.”
Zhongli wasn’t sure whether he should feel overwhelming relief or embarrassment. That question was put off however as you walked over to where he was sitting and threw your arms around him. Returning the embrace Zhongli pressed soft kisses all over your face. Relief washed over him, and he felt almost dizzy with relief. Though he had tried to tell himself that he wouldn’t let his own emotions rob you of your agency, now that the moment had passed the ex-archon could admit how truly shaken he was, and how much the idea of his days spend utterly devoid of your presence seemed unbearably lonely.
“I still don’t know how you ever jumped to such a conclusion.” You mumbled, leaning over to press a soft kiss on Zhongli’s lips.
The rest of the evening had been spent in a revery of frantic relief, both of you unwilling to stray very far from each other’s arms. Now the two of you lay tangled in bed together, overlapping limbs a solid reminder that all was well with the world.
“I do not want to rob you of your agency,” Zhongli replied, “I fear that I will tie you down. I know that the gods are old and staid, and unlikely to change. I know as well that humans often find such atmospheres stifling, and I fear that one day such a thing will come to pass.”
“Just because humans change their minds easily or want to travel or grow or whatever doesn’t mean that they don’t need an anchor,” you pointed out, voice heavy with fatigue, “we all need somewhere to go back to, we all need a home. You’re my home Zhongli, I never want to leave you.”
“You are my home as well. And I wish not to leave you either.”
“I’m glad the matter is settled then.” You smiled softly, before finally closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
“As am I.”
Zhongli lay awake a while, listening to the soft cadence of your breath. You had said it was humans that needed an anchor, but perhaps immortal beings did too. After all, you were the thing that kept Zhongli tethered to the world and the humans around him, and he loved you all the more for it.
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