#isabelle lightwood x jace herondale
dhampiravidi · 1 year
hot take: it should’ve been Izzy/Jace & Clary/Simon! Spoilers thru The Dark Artifices…
am I the only 1 who read City of Bones & City of Ashes & thought that Clary would be better w/Simon, while Izzy should be w/Jace?
hear me out!
I should start by admitting that from the 2nd chapter of COB, I disliked Clary. Throughout the series, there are SO many times where her refusal to listen to her allies makes things harder. She yells at Jace a lot in the beginning, despite the fact that he kinda saved her life. But then, all of a sudden, we’re told that her take-no-shit attitude breaks through his façade of arrogance & she’s the 1st girl he’s ever truly loved—as if that’s not dramatic. & then in COHF they fuck (while in an equivalent to Hell), since y’know, all couples have to fuck at least once before they die. & don’t get me started on how they proposed to each other.
Basically, their whole relationship is just a lot of over-the-top shit. Felt like they were both the “saviors” of the Clave, so they were pushed together (mind you, the 1st series takes place in a matter of MONTHS). It’s supercharged puppy love.
I guess my main thing is, Clary & Simon knew each other for a long time. Yeah, she somehow didn’t notice his crush on her. But she didn’t have to date him just because she wanted to ignore her feelings for Jace. (Tbh it seems like she was using Simon in that way, but whatever.) I’m a fan of friends-to-lovers, because I think your endgame should also be 1 of your best friends. & weirdly, Clary finally seems to find Simon attractive once he grows out his hair & other girls (Izzy & Maia) show an interest in him. Also, there were numerous occasions where Simon felt intimidated by Izzy, even when she treated him as a part of their group.
I’m sure that the biggest issue people have w/the idea of Izzy/Jace is the fact that they were raised together. Yeah, well, Alec had loved Jace practically since they 1st met, but we focused on Alec’s struggle as a gay young person in a partly homophobic atmosphere (+ the unrequited nature of it all). That parabatai curse from The Dark Artifices wasn’t mentioned (or *cough* created) until that series.
Back to Izzy/Jace. She’s said to be the only 1 who can keep up w/him & unless the popular theory that she’s Valentine’s other child-slash-experiment proves true…that’s fucking awesome. Whips are extremely hard & dangerous to wield, especially when you’re running in heels. So she keeps up w/him in a fight. She also keeps up w/him verbally—Jace is known to be well-read & sassy, but she always has a witty retort prepared for him. & again, for those who focus on them being raised together…1) there were lots of unrelated Shadowhunters living under 1 roof & 2) Jace thought he was related to Clary, but aside from some guilt, they still got all hot & bothered about each other. Lastly, everyone seems to forget that Simon lowkey cheated on Izzy & Maia by secretly dating them both AT THE SAME TIME. Considering Izzy’s relationship w/her dad in TMI, you’d think that’d cross Simon off of her list. Jace, on the other hand, is ridiculously loyal. The only time he ever does anything to hurt his love interest is when he’d rather hurt their feelings than watch them die.
So yeah…
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starrieshq · 3 months
Jace: Why do you treat us like we're 5 year olds?
Alec, exasperated: WHY?!?
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My take on the shadowhunters TV show is that if you hadn't read the books you'd have no idea what's going on, but even if you did read the books you also have no idea what's going on
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amrubrum · 5 months
no i will not ever tolerate clace slander. y'all just don't get them like how i get them.
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fluffyballme · 5 months
so here’s my take on this meme but main couples in TMI
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jace and clary
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magnus and alec
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simon and izzy
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mikaherondale · 1 year
“would fall under shadow”
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i’m probably overthinking this but under shadow… kit is also a shadowhunter
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bobabisch · 6 months
someone might've said this before but I didn't see it so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it "again". Cassandra Clare is a pussy for refusing to write gay nsfw scenes given that she was perfectly fine writing straight nsfw scenes. Isabelle and Simon make out for pages at a time, Clary and Jace had sex, Julian and Emma had sex like three times, Tess and Will had sex, but she refuses to write Magnus and Alec or Kieran and Mark kissing for longer than .5 seconds. like its so odd to me. the dark artifices in particular had so much nsfw shit its nearly gratuitous, but only with the straight couples? I guess the only argument against this would be that one short story where Malec got pretty close to having sex but Magnus stopped it before they got there (forgive me for not remembering the name of the short story or what book it was from its been a really long time since I last read through all the main series). Am I crazy? I seriously can't be the only one who noticed
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Happy Fourth of July to My Favorite Americans!
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Artists in order: @aliceduke @arudrawing @cassandrajean @ritta1310 (On Instagram) @lizthefangirl
Also, apologies to Church. Not trying to offend you, my dear Brit.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 9 months
Try and stop me Part 2 - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You seek some comfort for you newly festering wound.
Warnings: Changing clothes, pet names, angst, crying, heartbreak.
Pairing: Lightwood family x Adopted!reader.
Word count: 1,370.
Note: This may be a little angsty projection from me so I apologise profusely.
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I hadn't thought through this as much as I should have considering it was pouncing down with rain and I was wearing Jeans, black boots and a thin jumper. Most people would have grabbed a coat but I was so angry and aching to leave that I hadn't thought about it. So as I stomped through the streets, drenched and freezing I cursed myself thoroughly.
I had told Jace, Alec and Izzy they would know where to find me but I didn't even know where I was going. I let my mind zone out and wander, my feet carrying me wherever they felt like. Puddles splattered up my calves soaking me to the bone as I just walked and walked. All I could think of was how Robert was lucky I didn't reveal what I knew but my Mom didn't deserve the heartache of that so I had kept his filthy secret though every fibre of my being screamed against it.
The already dark skies blackened as the evening turned to night and I was violently shivering as I walked down the streets, ignoring the looks I was getting off Mundanes. My aching feet carried me down street after street, alley after alley until they carried me to an apartment I didn't care to pay attention to. Icy hands clenched as they knocked painfully against the wooden door that stood before me. I felt like my eyes had sunk into their sockets, long dried up from tears, and my lips were chapped from the cold and me biting them. I waited patiently as my head throbbed and pounded before knocking on much louder this time. A voice behind the door sounded extremely annoyed at the disturbance and the locks on the door jiggled and clicked open after a few moments.
"So help me if this isn't important then I will turn you into a hamster and keep you in a cage!" The door swung open and I lifted my head wearily to meet the gaze of the person, who was dressed in silk pyjamas. "Y/N? What on earth happened to you?" Magnus' voice softened considerably at my state and I just glanced down at Chairman Meow who wound himself between the Warlock's legs. My eyes welled up, much to my surprise, at the softness of his voice.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just, that I'm not welcome at the institute at the moment." I could barely speak above a scratchy whisper. "I just let my feet carry me and they brought me here. I was kind of hoping you would know what to do." My eyebrows furrowed as I spoke, confusing myself with what I wanted from him. Magnus' hand reached up and tucked a dripping straggle of hair behind my ear as I trailed off.
"Come in Cupcake, let's get you warmed up." Gentle hands guided me into the apartment and I stood silently as he wandered around getting towels and clothes for me. My mind was foggy until he stood in front of me and lifted my chin with his finger. My lip trembled as I stared into his eyes, willing myself not to cry anymore.
"He doesn't want me Mags, he never did." A look of confusion took over his features. "Robert doesn't want me. I'm not good enough. I tried to be, but I'm not." The warlock shook his head gently.
"Let's get you comfortable and then we'll talk. You'll get ill if you stay in these any longer. You're too fragile for magic at the moment so by hand will have to do." I was almost catatonic as he took me to the bathroom to change but I just stood in the middle of the room, not being able to move as my head was overloaded with thoughts. Eventually, he gave up and got me stripped out of the sodden wet clothes, incredibly respectfully, before slipping me into a pair of his grey bed joggers and a long-sleeved t-shirt. His warm hands then guided me back into the living room and onto the cloud-like cushions of the sofa. Within moments I had a hot cup of tea on the coffee table, a hot water bottle on my lap, a blanket around my shoulders and a very concerned-looking Magnus who had sat himself beside me giving me his full attention.
"We were having dinner as a family and he asked me why I hadn't been training so I explained how I'd fallen behind on the books and he started to tell me how I should have caught up because I'd had four years to get it done and that I'm lazy and don't work hard enough." My voice was hoarse and tired. "He never wanted me, Magnus, from the moment Maryse took me in he's looked through me like I'm a ghost. He told me I've never really been a Lightwood, that I take advantage of them." I clenched my fingers together as I spat out his words. "He wishes he hadn't let Mom take me in."
"Don't say that Pumpkin, of course, he wants you, you're his daughter too." I laughed bitterly as the first lot of tears slipped out.
"No, that's the thing. He said it, out loud, in from of Mom, Jace, Alec and Izzy. He said they didn't have to take me in and he was starting to wish they hadn't." I watched as his eyes widened in horror and his thumb brushed my knuckles softly. My lip trembled like a child's whilst my chest heaved.
"I just wanted him to see me. I wanted him to be proud of me and to love me like he loves them. I just wanted him to notice how hard I was trying, wanted him to see how everything I did was to make him happy." My voice broke and my vision blurred with tears. "I just wanted a dad. I've never asked them for anything. But I just wanted him to be my dad." Instantly I broke and my barriers released. My face streamed and I fell forward, letting Magnus catch me against his chest holding me as close as he could. My sobs and wails filled the room as my heart ached in my chest though it threatened to jump out.
The pain that I felt was nothing like I had felt before. Not even like what I felt after my parents abandoned me because this time I had lost someone that I actually loved. Lighting strikes of anguish struck me over and over, doubling me over to the point where I struggled to breathe from my crying. As my body shook, the force of it made Magnus' body shake too though he didn't mind. The Warlock held me, a hand on my back and the other cradling my head as his own tears dripped into my hair. I could hear myself saying the same words as I sobbed; He doesn't want me, it was like venom to my system, taking over and shutting it down, breaking me down by the second until I lay boneless in the arms of the Downworlder.
I didn't have the energy to cry anymore, didn't have the words to make myself feel better, didn't have the frame of mind to think clearly or the motivation to try and deal with this properly. My sobs had stopped and silent tears ran down my reddened cheeks and onto Magnus' already-soaked pyjama shirt as Chairman Meow nuzzled into my hands, providing his own comfort which I gladly accepted.
"Get some rest Pumpkin, we'll talk about this when you've got a little more energy." Magnus swung my legs up on the sofa and settled so I was lying with my head on his chest as he wrapped me up in a mountain of blankets. My skin was still cold to touch and I burrowed against his warm skin with a tired sigh as I closed my eyes and willed sleep to come. Eventually, I managed to drift off to the sound of the Warlock's heartbeat, his soft humming of an unfamiliar song and the gentle purrs of the cat that was curled up on his chest beside me.
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Clace❤️ Jace x Clary from The Mortal Instruments
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Arist: @cassandrajean on Tumblr
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a-sparrows-melody · 1 month
The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare
DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions. I do not mean harm - neither to the creator of this wonderful series, nor to the fandom and any of its followers. If you do not agree with my opinion, please do not engage merely to fight with me (I don't like it).
The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare is a mixed bag of brilliance and flaws, particularly when revisited with a more critical eye.
I'd started reading this during a reading slump, so the books seemed absolutely perfect - filled with fast-paced action, vivid world-building, and a character-driven plot that never felt dull. The relatable flaws of the characters, especially Clary's ideals and Jace's identity crisis arc, made them endearing (at least in the first four books).
The first three books stood out, reflecting Clare’s meticulous research and captivating writing style, which skillfully incorporated advanced vocabulary. These elements created a strong and powerful narrative that resonated deeply, making the books a joy to read (especially during a reading slump, when you want nothing serious).
Simon's character was sort of relatable as well, and Magnus and Alec's relationship was really sweet. Isabelle was fairly fine as a character (mind you, I'm only talking about the first three books) - so no qualms for any of them (they were written as well as they could have been written).
However, the series' latter half falters. The fourth book was fine, merely as a check-in on beloved characters, but by the fifth and sixth installments, the story had fallen apart. The writing style had lost it's grip on me.
Clary's transformation into a Mary Sue (reminiscent of Bella from Twilight), was particularly disappointing. Her character became obsessed with Jace, reducing her personality to just her relationship with him (you know those high-school couples that make dating their entire personality?). Additionally, Clare’s portrayal of Clary’s victim complex was frustrating; in every battle, Clary does so little yet ends up needing the most care - which felt unrealistic and annoying.
Sebastian was just straight-up psychopathic (which was great - I love psychopathic antagonists) but he should have remained dead, in my opinion. The Lilith plot-line was just an unnecessary appendage.
A significant shortcoming of the series is its superficial treatment of human emotions. Despite being a character-driven story, the emotional depth of characters like Clary and Jace is often glossed over. Their traumas are mentioned but never fully explored, making their reactions feel shallow and disconnected from their experiences. For instance, the death of Jordan Kyle, a close friend, is barely acknowledged, with the characters quickly moving on without much reflection or grief (literally they're like: oh, that's sad. Hey, those are funny, undersized pajamas!).
The series also became repetitive, with a recurring plot cycle involving Jace getting possessed -> shutting down/running away -> Clary attempting to "save" him (read: putting more people in danger).
This redundancy, coupled with the lack of emotional realism, made the latter books feel like a letdown. Ultimately, the series should have ended after the first three books - which delivered a powerful message about a neglectful government and a flawed revolution. The decision to extend the series only diluted its impact, turning it into a disappointing follow-up to an initially strong start.
Yeah, I don't think I'll read the rest of the Shadowhunters mega-series
Trying books reviews for the first time! Yay! Any thoughts?
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starrieshq · 14 days
Alec: he got turned into a rat
Jace: and then a vampire
Clary: and then a daylighter
Magnus: and then proceeded to lose all memories of you
Isabelle: *stumbling* wHeRE
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urmango · 1 year
Isabelle Lightwood
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Here I've drawn Isabelle Lightwood, and added some extra elements of my own. I'm trying to experiment with my art more, and Isabelle is always so gorgeous!
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mayaheronthorn · 1 year
Simon: Babe, can you pass me the salt?
Jace&Isabelle: Sure
Jace: You know, I thought we took this bromance thing seriously, but now you're disappointing me Simon Lovelace
Simon: Does every Herondale has those gay tendencies?
Kit *in the corner*: yeah...
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ★ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
This is a basic Shadowhunters fan acc,where i will post headacanons and random things about the books and/or TV show! I've never read TCA or TLH,so please be nice w/ me if I don't know some characters!!
- ralf!
- im from italy :)
- minor.
- any pronouns
- Shadowhunters ★
- Billie bust up ★
- Gravity Falls
- The owl House
- Gossip Girl
- Dead Boy Detectives
- Percy Jackson TV
- Hamilton
- Ride The Cyclone
- Good Omens
- Sherlock
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mikaherondale · 9 months
so the new twp art doesn’t have kit with pointy ears but here me out… his powers aren’t fully manifested yet; he hasn’t tapped into his full fae side yet… what if kit has a different fae form but he needs to unlock that somehow??? god i’m so excited to read twp idek what to do 😭
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