moonkhao · 5 years
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM Remakes: ISAK (Part V)
Robbe (wtFOCK/SKAM Belgium)
The Differences:
OK let me start off by saying this is the most turbulent Isak/Even relationship yet. They lie to each other (Sander & Robbe), they yell at each other (Robbe), and they call each other homophobic slurs (Robbe). They also say “I love you” a lot more . . . 
Instead of pawning the weed off on someone else, Robbe had the weed pawned off on him
Unlike Isak, Robbe is still going through the process of finding a place to live. His mom has just been hospitalized and his dad lives really far away from his school, plus they don’t get along. 
Also, instead of Zoe (the Noora character) being in London, it’s Lisa (Linn) who is studying abroad, thus making the room available. It was a bit like the writers thought “meh, this character is just window dressing” and replaced her with Zoe, and it was nice to see more of Zoe's interactions with all the characters since she is more central to the series. Honestly both Zoe and Milan seem to really look after and take care of Robbe, more so than the other incarnations of Eskild and Noora. 
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Milan is way more in your face about making out with men in front of Robbe than Eskild was. 
Both Robbe and Sander are in relationships with girls when they meet, however neither has been long term. Sander’s relationship with Britt has only been going on for six months, as opposed to four years with Even and Sonja. I think this is pretty significant because you could feel a lot of history between Even and Sonja and that is missing here with Sander and Britt. 
Robbe never lied to his friends in order to spend time with Sander, which was nice
But then he also totally freaked the fuck out after they kissed in the pool and went on the offensive with Sander, calling him a faggot and pushing him away . . . yeeek. I liked that Isak never took the hate for himself out on Even, never pushed him away. That Robbe did it here was understandable yes but I think I still prefer the orig. I mean Sanders face goddamn
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Robbe broke up with Noor in person instead of just avoiding her/generally treating her like shit until they just fell apart 
I also liked that while yes the boys were creeping on the dancing girls like in the orig, in wtFOCK they were actually invited to be there as part of an actual audience. It didn’t feel as gross here.
Robbe and Sander didn’t just ditch the girls before the bike/pool scene - the girls went off on their own earlier and requested to be alone. It felt a little less dickish this way.
And OH MY GOD THE VIOLENCE! There is very explicit homophobia in the form of slurs and an actual physical attack on Robbe and Sander. No other incarnation has experienced such blatant hatred from other people. 
And what the fuck, Sander??? Sander flat out lied to Robbe when he told him he had broken up with Britt. 
There is also definitely some homophobia on the part of Moyo/Madhi and Aaron/Magnus. I mean, they actually call being bisexual gross and say they would be creeped out to be around a gay guy because he “might be into them.” That’s more than just ignorance, it’s intolerance, something that wasn’t present in Madhi and Magnus. Moyo in particular is way more of a dick. 
The scene where Sander has a bipolar episode is a little different because Robbe never tries to contact Britt, but somehow she is still there? Also her opinions on whether or not Sander’s feeling for Robbe are real hold a lot less weight considering they were only together six months as opposed to four years. Then instead of Sander’s friends and family taking care of him, he admits himself to a mental health facility. Then Jana/Eva encourages Robbe to just give up on Sander. Eeesh. 
Instead of Aaron/Magnus having a bipolar mother helping Sander understand it better, it’s Moyo/Madhi. Moyo also gives the minute by minute advice to him instead of Britt/Sonja. 
My Favorite Parts: 
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I love the street art/graffiti subplot. I’ve always loved this type of art (when it is art). That first scene where Noor took Robbe to spray paint was so atmospheric, another song added to my playlist (
by The Bugg & Ina Copeland)Honestly any scene with Zoe and Milan was fantastic I liked when Milan readily admitted to going through everyone’s stuff when they weren’t home. I love the way Zoe is taking care of Robbe by making him food and just generally making him feel welcome when he moves in to the apartment with her and Milan. She was also really sweet when she made sure his wounds were disinfected after he was beaten up and making sure they were bandaged. Milan snuggling up to a sleeping Senna was great. I also really enjoyed the little taste of couple life from Zoe when she complained about Senna’s snoring. Zoe’s line was definitely on point. I don’t know how her relationship will end for her but this ideology is paramount to having a healthy relationship, period. 
“We’re a couple now but we also have our own lives”
It was really great and amusing foreshadowing when Noor replied to the boy’s saying all the chicks that go to the art school are hot with “
You haven’t seen the boys yet.
” Enter Sander.  
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When Robbe meets Sander and they go around the store riding the grocery cart. It’s so carefree and happy and while I miss the pure absurdity of watching Even take all of the paper towels this scene was absolutely wonderful
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The Halloween party was fucking epic.
Trick R Treat
by Josh A and Iamjakehill, added to playlistThe conversation between Milan and Robbe about Milan’s gaydar was really good, with the beginning of his response definitely tailored toward Robbe, and the look he gives him is so telling it’s uncomfortable. He was basically like, “I know you’re gay, bro.” Milan describes his gaydar as picking up on subtle signals, 
A certain look in their eyes. Or . . . It’s a bit like there is something in them that is desperately trying to get out. 
The conversation between Jens and Robbe about how sex isn’t everything was a prime example of how to be a good bro and healthy masculinity and I fucking loved it
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The conversation between Milan and Robbe where Robbe admits to having feelings for another boy was super sweet. I feel like Milan was kind of taking on an Eskild/school nurse hybrid role here because he was mostly just encouraging Robbe not to keep everything inside and to be himself. His relationship with Robbe seems a bit more paternal and I love it for this version.
The scene where Robbe is actually open and honest with Sander about his conflicting emotions about his sexuality was much appreciated
The scene when Milan was describing a very butch guy on the bus becoming all soft like when he looked at him was great. Everyone melts for you, Milan 💋
Have I said how much I love Zoe and Milan??? Also I can’t wait to see Zoe and Senna’s story when I go through all the Nooras, Senna definitely seems like the best William so far. I know they break up in the last episode of Robbe’s season but I have hopes they will get back together.
It was absolutely amazing to watch Milan put Mojo in his place
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The scene where Zoe and Robbe go Christmas shopping is terrific. I just love watching their friendship 
The scene of everyone opening their Christmas presents together was also adorable 
Things I Missed:
The funny, quirky little moments like the metal leg conversation between Even and Isak right before their almost first kiss or the absurdity of the paper towel scene when they first meet
The scene where the whole boy squad is together and giving Isak relationship advice. In this one is was just Jens and I felt let down that Aaron and Moyo couldn’t be there as well. 
And a shout out for Noor, who gets my vote for best Emma
Noor (Emma) kissed Robbe after he complimented her, not after he insulted her. 
Robbe also seems to have more of an actual relationship with Noor than Isak had with Emma. 
Noor is definitely the coolest version of Emma so far, both in personality and appearance. I mean not only does she look fucking great but she was so sweet about how Robbe couldn’t get it up when they tried to have sex. 
I really love the development of their relationship in this and how much more complex it is than in the original.
I also love that she and Robbe seem to have repaired their relationship and can be friends by the end of Robbe’s story
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sivis2016 · 4 years
Will there ever be a purer, sweeter or more innocent moment in any tv series, movie or in any Skam universe ever, than Isak's face when he's asking the boys if he should add a 'Smiley?' texting Even?
Nope I doubt it😇
And that moment is also so telling for how Isak feels about Even and what kind of relationship he wants them to have. Isak just wanna be honest, supportive and so good to Even❤️
Yeah I still miss them.
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franzii · 4 years
It's missing them hours.
I need skam in my life.
I can't survive without.
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ofcourseyouloveme · 5 years
Incase you guys forget about this interview after that legendary kiss cam ❤️👌
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artbylauraeve · 5 years
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alt er love 💛
new art blog ▪︎ art insta: artbylauraeve
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dearvaltersen · 6 years
The first scene of book 3 of SKAM is of Even’s first day of school, from his point of view 😭
ISAKxEVEN translated it on Twitter!
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eniwyrrehc · 6 years
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pessmisticpizza · 6 years
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Me actually being shook everytime the different Evens show up w a gf
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sugahue · 7 years
It’s already been a year but the cinematography in this episode still has me shoOK.
Ep: O Helga Natt
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moonkhao · 5 years
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#interrupted in every universe
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM remakes: ISAK (Part IV)
Matteo (DRUCK)
Some of the Differences: 
OK first off, Matteo is way more depressed than any other incarnation so far. The very first scene of his season begins with him sitting by himself while everyone else seems to be having a great time at the party then sharing a very lackluster kiss with his girlfriend. He definitely gives off more an “I want to be alone” vibe than the other incarnations, even in regard to his friends. 
Instead of hiding weed in someone’s house to hide it from the cops, he hides it on A PERSON (wtf) who just happens to be this incarnation of Sana, Amira. 
Also, Matteo has a girlfriend?! Yep, instead of David (Even) being taken at the beginning of the season, it’s Matteo who is who has a girlfriend - Sara. It also seems like he still has some feelings for Jonas at the beginning of the season, something I also saw in SKAM Italia. 
It seems like Matteo is a little more in control of the interaction between him and David than Isak was in OG. Towards the beginning of their relationship it seemed like Even was the one to initiate most things, maybe because he was older. In this one they are the same age. 
It was nice that Matteo is an actual roommate with Mia, Hans, and Linn - he even has his own room throughout the whole series lol. In the original it felt like Isak was just thrown in there as a temporary replacement for Noora.
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We see Jonas hooking up throughout this season was a nice switch from low key seeing Eva/Hanna and Chris/Samuel   
Matteo is just outright harsh/dismissive with his GF sometimes and then does an about face (like an asshole, hello Isaak) which I think provides a different dynamic between Matteo and his GF than Isak and Emma. This relationship seems more like a hybrid of the Isak/Emma dynamic and the Even/Sonja dynamic
David pulling away from Matteo wasn't a direct result of anything Matteo did, but because of David's own fears which was a nice change. Also he flat out said "I'm not into you" instead of just ghosting him.
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Amira is so much sweeter in the German version, and her relationship with Matteo feels warmer, easier, and softer because of it. She seems more like she's actively trying to help Matteo by encouraging him to be brave and take care of himself. 
“The fear inside you is only strength trying to get out." 
The scene where David is being stared at by everyone at school after being outted as trans was an interesting inversion to the scene where Isak is being stared at after being outted as gay. I feel like the original was more powerful than this one, probably because it is being shown from Matteo's perspective instead of David's. 
Favorite Scenes:
I liked the way Matteo was the one to initiate a conversation with David, as opposed to the original where (let’s face it) Isak didn’t know what to think about being in the same room alone with Even. 
It made me laugh out loud to watch David was talking nonsense to save Matteo from being busted for getting on the bus without a ticket
The way they giggled at one another before taking bites from their disgusting sandwiches was adorable
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The scene in the kitchen after the party at Matteo's was super sweet. It was so cute that David stayed after to help clean up on his own in a strange apartment, I suspect to boost his chances of seeing Matteo
When Mia is super sassy and says to Matteo after he disses her boyfriend "yes he was never your type."
The conversation between Matteo and Hans where he asks for advice on David is quite different because of the different dynamic between Matteo and David. I liked Hans’ line
“Either give him time, or move on” 
The scene when David comes out to Matteo is wonderful, and it means more to me because it's coming from a transman. 
"Some boys are simply boys. And girls, too. But sometimes it's just different. I was born in the body of a girl. But I'm a boy, I…. I'm transgender. I'm a boy, I just have to try a little harder." 
The dynamic between someone who has just started to come to terms with their sexuality beginning a relationship with a transperson is just so complex, I loved seeing it represented here. The issue of" Am I still gay/straight /whatever if my partner doesn't fit the typical role of who I should be attracted to" is addressed, and I feel like that's a really relevant topic right now given the increased visibility of alternate gender identities and transpeople currently. 
Matteo's face when Hans held out a giant bottle of lube and said 
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"Lube is the key to happiness" 
The scene when Matteo tells David that he will be right there with him when he's being discriminated against because he loves him
Also when David asked Matteo if it changed things if he didn't get bottom surgery and Matteo said "no, you're fine the way you are" was really touching
The conversation in the last ep when everyone is giving relationship advice was both funny and adorable. 
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The boys squad and girls squad coming together to show solidarity with David while he met with the transphobic PE teacher
When Sana never gave Matteo his weed back and Sam smoked it all
Things I Missed:
The conversation with Emma’s character about "not all gays" 
The staring at each other while kissing other people
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sivis2016 · 5 years
Sometimes I think about the fact that I have never related to a character more than I did to Isak. And even more amazing is it that I relate a lot to Even too..and also to Sonja.....
So maybe it isn't so weird that I love s3 of Skam more than any other tv show out there? But like I'm also straight...and according to Tumblr logic that means I'm only here to watch two boys kiss lmao. Except I'm not🤷‍♀️
It's a fact that I've never really thought of Isak&Even as a gay love story, but simply a love story. Period.
I think it's a huge testimony to Julie Andem and her writing and way of storytelling? And also tons of credit to the actors of course, for keeping everything so down to earth and real. The way Isak&Even's relationship was portrayed was simply beautiful. The kindness, the love and respect they always treated each other with? 👌
The fact that Julie chose to treat their relationship just like any other (straight) couple is amazing, and probably also the reason why I felt so connected to them? I simply saw two people in love and I'm pretty sure that's what Julie wanted? She simply wanted young people to see that two boys in love isn't any different than a boy and a girl in love? And for this to happen it's necessary to do exactly what s3 and Isak&Even did, normalize their relationship and the feelings they have. And don't make a big deal out of it👏❤️
And it's also amazing that even though the love story is beautiful, it's not really the main focus of the season? The story is always from Isak's POV and his journey to self acceptance is so powerful to watch. The season embraces so many important topics, like loneliness, communication, friendships, family, insecurities, mental illness etc etc
Ahh I think I just made myself very emo lol 😭and I miss Skam so much 😭
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rarachanisafreak · 7 years
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siriusblackdidit · 7 years
Dancing In The Dark  l  Chapter 2/5
Fanfic Summary: Isak moves to Bakka and Even must be his friend. They're in love but don't admit it. Lots of study dates, kebabs and stolen kisses. 
There’s the second chapter and it’s all about fluffiness! Enjoy :)
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laurenkmyers · 7 years
thank you so much for the link! ❀ made my evening ❤❤❤
Oh, you are more than welcome my darling @isakxeven how could I resist helping you? Much love!!
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