#isayama i will come for you
bitchimasnake-sss · 11 months
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eren remembers; everything, everytime, all at once; and so, he can never be free.
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
AoT is finally over. I think I need a bit to process. And mourn. This series has literally changed my life for the better in several ways. I will miss all the stories with all the characters.
Or maybe I'll just rewatch the whole thing from the beginning.
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chocobox · 11 months
erwin and levi's horrific little dynamic and erwin smith's identity as a villain is such an underrated aspect of aot. even after he died he couldn't stop hurting people. heinous ass man. no sacrifice will ever change what he did, and he knew that.
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lucysarah-c · 4 months
Question: for Virgin! Canon Levi; how do you think that would go down? Like full blown sex one night? Taking it slow over time? Just how do you think reader would need to navigate it with him? Slow burn / build up, a passionate night, tipsy reader?
This is assuming Levi and Reader’s emotions are confirmed for each other
Hiiiii~~ How are you? What have you been up to lately?
Haha, honestly, I'm not entirely sure what caused this full blow-up of questions, but I'm kinda loving it.
Mhh, I think my answer depends a lot on two factors: "Levi's age" and "the experience of the reader." I know you said Canon Levi, but I wonder if you mean canon season 1-4 Levi, Underground Levi, pre-promotion Levi, etc. haha
I'll conclude that you meant "canon season 1-3" Levi. While I personally don't headcanon Captain Levi as a virgin during the "overall" period of AoT (I mean, since season 1, not ACWNR or Underground Levi), I think his reaction depends a lot on how much experience the reader has. Levi strikes me as one of those friends/partners who loves you, cares about you, etc., but hardly ever talks about themselves. In my humble opinion, even if Levi has feelings for you and you two decide to pursue a relationship together, it may take him a lot of time to open up about his past. I mean, this man gets along with Hange amazingly in the story; Isayama says that Hange is who "understands" or "gets along better with Levi," and yet Hange didn't know about Kenny.
So this may be a wild take… but I think Levi wouldn't tell you it's his first time, lmao. He may try to play it cool; you might notice he's not the most "skilled" dude out there ('cause let me tell you, no amount of Ackerman powers makes you seem experienced, lol), but he's not telling you it's his first time. Which, you know, everybody is entitled to their past. Perhaps if the reader is also a virgin and she opens up emotionally like, "It's my first time," Levi would feel she's opening up to him, and he would feel it's a good time to be honest too and be like, "Well… it's mine too, so I guess we will figure it out as we go."
About "how" it would be, I think the reader would have to set the tempo. Most men are READY to blow off some steam if you give them a chance, haha, so if the reader is also a virgin and they kinda want to test the waters before going all the way, Levi would be down for it, especially because it will give him time to catch a trick or two, learn what she likes.
I think that porn or movies make us believe how "sex" usually happens, and I mean, talking from my experience and my friends' experiences… none of us went from 0 to 10. Like, we kiss, we make out, then maybe we got a little handy, then riding on top of clothes, oral sex, fingers, etc. Especially because maybe you don't have your own place to crash at, maybe you two would like to talk it out before it happens. Buy condoms, get ready, etc.
Now, if you are curious how I think Underground Levi would decide to lose his V-card while younger… probably rather quick, steamy, and not giving it much thought, haha. He'd let the hormones talk and make decisions for him. In both occasions, I don't think he made the girl cum before him, which is something that happens a lot; we women are harder to please, it requires more technique than men who… well, let's say that they come rather easily, lol. BUT he will 100% offer to make her cum anyway, with fingers or mouth. Levi will be such a fast learner, give him a chance or two, and he will pick it up like a champ.
Though why can't I shake the idea of a younger Levi in the underground in his 18s, having something with a girl slightly older than him, perhaps 20, etc. And her saying between chuckles, "Slow down, boy."
God, I would pay to see his blushed, embarrassed face.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 @levicansteponme @galactict3a Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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httpxxg · 3 months
I find it really rude to some people say that they don't care about Gege's jjk exhibition and only care about wanting Gojo back
Okay i get it that it's really upsetting that our favorite character is officially not coming back but saying some stuff like they don't care about Gege having a jjk exhibition and only want Gojo to comeback is beyond fuck up for me because like seriously???? Tbh Gege deserve this because of how wonderful and tragically beautiful jjk is needed to be shown and how beautiful his hardwork and his team did so they deserve to have this exhibition and i don't like seeing authors getting the hate saying they don't deserve this and their work is shitty like what happened to Isayama and besides the jjk exhibition for gege is important because he said he's goal is to make visitors to think they can draw too and that's really heart melting for me and some artists that given up on art.
To some people please be respectful and be mindful of what you guys are saying, and i think y'all not even appreciating jjk storyline much and just focusing on Gojo wanting to comeback is too much.
For artists, having an exhibition is like having a dream come true, so I can't help but talk about it. Exhibitions are essential resources for artists working at any level. They enable you to exhibit your work in front of a viewing public so that others can see and enjoy it. Exhibitions frequently provide a great way to interact with visitors and Gege's goal is wanting for visitors to think they can draw manga too.
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bitchstrologyyy · 1 year
astrology observations from my notes lol
- if you have mars in 3H, you probably hang out with your siblings a lot or your siblings play a big role in your life
- mars 3hers also tend to be the eldest child in their family too
- is it just me or have i noticed that venus-ruled signs (libra and taurus) placements are the type to bring perfumes, small hair combs, gum, and etc with them? i’ve noticed this alot with the libra and taurus suns at my school, ESPECIALLY LIBRAS! they’re always taking care of themselves, and they care a lot about their physical appearance
- those with aries + taurus placements in their charts tend to be apart of the lgbtq+ community, or they’re comfortable with their sexualities
- negative moon-pluto (square, opposition) indicate a controlling, obsessive, unstable or mentally ill mother. the mother could’ve been secretive or prone to paranoia. especially moon square pluto!!
- negative sun-pluto (square, opposition) indicate problems with father or in the family
- virgos make amazing artists and writers. they also have a “dark” way of thinking— stephen king, tim burton, hajime isayama. very creative people
- if you’re an aries sun or have aries placements, you may like the blood aesthetic or the idea of ‘blood’ because mars rules ur sign. mars rules war, blood, anger, sex, energy, and action
- aries moons don’t get mad easily, and i feel like they’re very levelheaded when it comes to difficult situations. it takes a lot for them to get mad usually. HOWEVER they get irritated/annoyed over trivial things easily. for example, they’re trying to microwave food but the microwave isn’t working and they get mad ;-;
- taurus-scorpio axis means being materialistic and wanting things from other people/befriending other people if YOU get something out of it
- aquarius men tend to be incels, or they go through this yucky phase where they are incels 🤢
- aquariuses are on the internet too much lol pls go touch grass ty
- sagittarius placements tend to be mixed or there’s smth “exotic” abt you
- people love shit talking about leo women even if a leo woman has done nothing
- tw: autism, neurodivergence (?) im not trying to diagnose anyone or anything, but i’ve noticed that virgos tend to be neurodivergent or they’re more inclined to having autism. they might’ve had a family member who was on the spectrum as well
- scorpios are MAGNETIC. they attract a lot of people and have w rizz game
these are my personal opinions/observations btw
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leviismybby · 7 months
One note for some people
If you have a problem with people writing "Levi x fem!reader" because "knowing damn well Levi isn't attracted to women, Isayama said so himself" please do the research. He never said that, NEVER. Levi's sexuality was never confirmed and I know this person is talking about that q and a in 2014 that has 300 different translations and never a valid source. In fact in every translation he doesn't even say that Levi doesn't like women, just that he likes taller people. It's the most unimportant thing about Levi and his character.
Sick and tired of people coming for anyone who writes any kind of Levi x reader, grow tf up. Even if his sexuality was confirmed, people can still write him how they want because he is a fictional character. I got a few anons too asking me to confirm some kind of interviews where Isayama apparently says this and let me tell you again, he never did it with Levi or any other character for that matter.
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kelthebarb · 11 months
my favorite thing will always be domestic levi.
- waking up & seeing him buttoning his shirt in the mirror, having already showered before you due to his inability to sleep in.
- dragging him back into bed with you cus it’s barely 7:30 in the morning and you have all day with nothing to do.
- showering together, gently washing his hair and him kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
- him not knowing how to cook very well, but he can make good tea. you stick to the cooking, and he makes drinks. always.
- after the war, he’s not used to so much peace and quiet. he’d always been used to tons of work, always running around, and almost no downtime. most of the time, he has no idea what to do with himself. he found that he enjoys reading a LOT.
- he was very iffy on retiring at first, and it did take a lot of convincing before he finally decided it was time to leave the military and what it did to him in the past. he doesn’t cry a lot, but when he does, he cries hard. almost 40 years of pent-up trauma and emotion will do that to a man, even one as tough as him.
- you & him go to visit erwin and hange’s graves at least twice a month, and you find it slightly heartbreaking that he talks to them, the same way he did when they were alive. quiet and short conversations with what he hopes is their ghosts. you find yourself grabbing his hand and squeezing it when he starts getting shaky.
- sometimes when you can tell he’s in a bad mood, you say you need a hug, but it’s really him that needs it. he doesn’t like asking for affection, so it’s a way to help him get over a bump in the road.
- as most people say, he’s not big on pda, and it’s true, but he will hold your pinkies together when it’s crowded. you’ll think it’s because he doesn’t wanna lose you in the crowd, but he’s so short that he’ll be the one getting lost 💀
- with that being said, he hates it when you poke fun at his height. it’s not that he’s insecure about it, he just finds it annoying that that’s one of the first things people notice about him.
- i’m a firm believer in levi with a slight size kink. as isayama said, levi just likes tall people. i think he’d like it if you were able to manhandle him, toss him around, pin him to the bed, shit like that.
- he’s definitely a switch. he’s the softest dom - he’s experienced too much hurt in his life to hurt you in any way - and he’s the most adorable sub.
- when he’s the dom, he’ll be gentle with you. slowly pushing into you, stopping and giving you little breaks if you need them. never degrading, always the sweetest words coming from him. he groans a lot, frequently but quiet enough to where it’s just you that can hear it.
- when he’s the sub, he loves hates being teased. he’s a little embarrassed to beg, but he will if he needs it bad enough. he almost always cries a little, now matter how nice or mean you’re being. definitely louder as a sub, more whiny.
- it doesn’t matter if he’s the dom or sub, he will hold your hand. never fucks without your fingers laced with his. when he’s on top, he’ll have both hands on the sides of your head, holding yours gingerly. it works vice-versa.
- going back to the hurt thing, he’ll never hurt you. BUT. he does like biting. him biting you, you biting him, doesn’t matter. he does it pretty soft, though, but just hard enough to leave marks (very territorial tbh).
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canmom · 3 months
Do you think Hideaki Anno is right-wing or is it too difficult to tell from his works?
Haha that's a question.
I'll focus on nationalism rather than trying to get into, say, gender politics here, since that's the accusation that most seems to follow Anno around.
Anno's politics are... hard to pin down from his work alone, I think. He's like... a prototypical case of that generation of 'apolitical' otaku that followed after the Anpo generation, with Eva pretty much the definitive statement of the 90s psychological turn. But that said... I can definitely see the argument that there are nationalist themes in some of his works like Gunbuster, though I definitely don't buy every reading in this series (lots of dubious kanji reading). He definitely has that otaku fascination with war machinery and war media (apparently he's a big fan of The Battle for Okinawa and watched it over 100 times), which can easily blend into imperialist ideology.
But there's complications here. For example, the Animekritik series cites the setting of Gunbuster in Okinawa as something formative to the nationalist ideology they are trying to illustrate - in part in relation to the ongoing controversy over American military bases in Okinawa. Anno has at least been on record as saying he's disinterested in Western culture, and I can see the reading of Jung-Freud as an external Other who is shown up by the Japanese girls, somehow simultaneously representing the USSR, Europe and the States. But anti-Americanism in Japan can come in both left and right wing flavours (c.f. Anpo). Communists want the Americans out too! Portraying Okinawa as a military training camp in a Japan-led military coalition certainly comes across as a more nationalist take on that whole matter, but I feel like it's got about the same level of serious nationalist commitment as Doctor Who putting random British people all over space.
When Gainax has played around with nationalist imagery it's usually been in a kind of ironic sendup way - see Ash's writeup about the Aikoku Sentai Dai Nippon controversy, in which Daicon Film staff were disdainful at the accusation that their goofy toku film reflected a genuine nationalist sentiment. While Imaishi takes it further, a lot of Anno's work is also about playfully reappropriating past works. In Anno's case a lot of that is classic tokusatsu, Ultraman in particular, and also Leiji Matsumoto's scifi, notably Space Battleship Yamato, which, well... you know the deal there lol. But it's not so simple to go from that to 'Anno is a nationalist'.
Eva doesn't tend to attract these accusations, but I recall the controversy came back around with Shin Godzilla, though to my mind it's hard to find a straightforwardly nationalist reading of that movie. (It's a film about the experience of the earthquake and Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, and it's critical of Japan's bureaucracy, but equally one where the JSDF repeatedly get their shit handed to them and civilian infrastructure is what actually stops Godzilla - not to mention Godzilla is painted as quite a tragic figure here!) It all feels pretty tenuous.
I haven't seen as many of Anno's live action films as I'd like, so I can't comment as much on the more recent Shin films, Love & Pop, Shiki-Jitsu etc. And it's always possible for subtler allusions to slip by the anglophone viewer. Still, I don't personally think Anno's post-Gunbuster work is particularly nationalist in outlook. I certainly haven't seen any evidence of him favouring, say, war crime denial, anti-Korean sentiment, remilitarisation, etc etc. - he's definitely not as dubious a figure as someone like Hajime Isayama. But it's not like, anti-nationalist either! It's just kind of hard to read in those terms.
So I lean towards your second option, I'm not convinced he's a nationalist or particularly right wing. He happily associates with Hayao Miyazaki, who's definitely not a right wing guy. But Anno'll also let hilariously cooked stuff like whatever On A Gloomy Night was supposed to be into the Animator Expo. So I don't think he's particularly left wing either, he's no Ikuni! But Anno's fiction is very individual focused, full of psychoanalytic themes and internal conflict. He can vividly portray trauma and complex power dynamics. There's a lot to appreciate in works like Eva from a left-wing angle. I don't really know why this association of nationalism follows him around.
Idk, maybe there's a bunch of interviews I'm missing! Presumably you have a reason for asking this question...
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
It seems pretty obvious to me that Levi doesn't care about how other people perceive him.
I think a lot of Levi's so-called "rudeness" just comes from Levi lacking awareness of what's considered socially acceptable behavior, or what's considered a proper way of speaking, due to the deprived state of his upbringing. But I also think Levi just doesn't care to learn what would be considered the proper way to conduct himself or speak, simply because Levi isn't someone who feels a need for or is motivated by wanting others to perceive him positively. He shows no shame or embarrassment for the way he is, no insecurity for how he stands out or is made conspicuous by his lack of social sophistication or skill.
The only time we actually see Levi express any sort of self-awareness or concern for his lack of social skill or his blunt manner and speech, is when it inadvertently has a negative impact on someone else. Like when Mikasa got angry at Levi for "blaming" Eren for not being able to harden his Titan skin, and Levi went out of his way to try and explain that he wasn't blaming Eren, but just complaining generally about the situation.
I also think Levi can become offended when people make certain assumptions about him, like how Flagon assumed Levi was used to living in squalor in "No Regrets", just assuming he had no concept of cleanliness because of where he came from, or when Eren made his remark about Rod Reiss being a "little old man", and Levi, according to Isayama, felt a little offended at the thought that his squad saw him that way.
But in terms of having feelings of shame for the way he is, or feeling embarrassed by it, I don't think Levi feels any of that at all. And I also don't think Levi is at all motivated in his actions by wanting others to like him. He never attempts to modulate his speech or behavior in order to ingratiate himself to anyone. Making friends or making himself popular has never been a concern of Levi's. Others viewing him as good or heroic or in a positive light has never been any sort of incentive for him. He never seeks praise or acknowledgement for his heroic deeds, like, for example, when Erwin tried to thank him for helping to capture the Female Titan, and Levi told him he should be thanking the soldiers that gave their lives for it.
As an aside, I think it also demonstrates why Zeke's attempt to deflect from Levi's questioning of him over Ragako village didn't really work. Because Zeke is very much the opposite of Levi, in multiple ways, the need to be liked being just one.
Zeke very much does seek to be liked. He wants other to perceive his actions as heroic and for himself to be viewed as a martyr, of sorts. He frames his horrific actions in a positive light, like when he murders people and says he's really "saving" them. He's very charming and knows how to talk to people, and uses those skills precisely as a tool to manipulate others into getting what he wants out of them. Undoubtedly those were skills he honed over time to become more effective in his ability to manipulate others. He's a con artist and a liar.
Levi is very much the opposite. If he wants you to do something, he'll typically either threaten you with violence, and resort to actual violence. He doesn't lie, or try to manipulate, or try to ingratiate himself to win you over. If he's attempting to solicit someone's help, generally, he'll level with you, be bluntly honest with you, and treat you as an equal by expecting as much from you as he would from himself.
That's why Zeke's comment about Levi's popularity wasn't the sick burn he thought it was. Because while being popular might be important to Zeke, it isn't important at all to Levi.
And again, I think that really demonstrates Levi's selfless and pure heart. That we only see him check himself and his behavior when he perceives it as having an unintentionally negative impact on others, and never in an attempt to make others like him, speaks volumes about his character.
He really does just want to help people out of the goodness of his heart, because he genuinely cares about them and wants them to live and be okay. He doesn't care what they think of him, as long as they're alright. They can hate him, and it's fine. That's also what his speech to the 104th shows, when he speaks about being willing to "play the role of a lunatic that kills people", as long as no one else has to go through it, too. It doesn't matter if others see him as a monster or a bad person, as long as it leads to them having better or longer lives. Ironically, of course, that only shows what a good person he actually is, that he's willing to take on that burden, that he's okay with people hating him, as long as they themselves are alright.
There's nothing egotistical about Levi. He really is just that selfless and kind.
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Attack On Titan: Babydaddy Headcanons
A/N: This is just me thinking about how many they'd have, the gender and how they would raise them, etc.
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-This man is a girl dad in the sense he only had one child and its a daughter. -It was a conscious decision. Whilst he loves you and would never deny you the joy of a child if you wanted to be a mom, he's also a man that lives a life of danger. Even if he's humanity's soldier, he has enough emotional awareness to know there are times where you or your daughter will worry and he wants to keep the number of people worried about him as low as possible. -He's not overprotective because she's an Ackerman but if someone even thinks of laying a hand on his daughter he'd chop their fingers off before they even reach her scalp. -As soon as she's old enough to fight, Levi will train her just like Kenny taught him because he knows the world is that cruel. However, any titan she interacts with until she's actually old enough to be a soldier will be none except for Hange's test subjects so she can see the danger she might choose with her own eyes to make an informed decision. -A secret reason he also shows her Hange's test subjects is that he wants to provide her with an example how not to interact with titans in Hange.
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-Was a girl dad until his final kid popped out as a boy. -Armin pointed out the funny coincidence of his family unit being inverse to his own childhood; considering Grisha used to be a boy dad until adopting Mikasa. -Low-key looked good whenever his daughters would do his hair. Sometimes you wonder if looking like Carla is why Eren looks good with the sloppy feminine hairstyles. -He doesn't loves his son any less though. If anything, the way his daughters act towards him reminds him of how Mikasa used to treat him so whenever his son feels smothered, he understands his son and has his back. -In this scenario, his titan form obviously doesn't come with the 13 year curse limitations so he's somewhat worse as Levi when it comes to harming his kids. Because Eren would just squash them like bugs in his titan form.
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-Only becomes a father because he got drunk with you, who he already felt conflicted about loving. So like Levi, he makes the conscious decision to keep it at that one kid. -I do think Zeke would have a boy though. -He would play baseball with his son every day and try to be the father Ksaver was to him. -Zeke's plans to euthanize the Subjects of Ymir morphs into a plan to mutate all Subjects of Ymir into the same condition as the Ackerman clan and destroy the titan ability itself which would leave him as the final inheritor of the Beast Titan (speaking of which I might someday make a post with all the alternatives to the Rumbling that Isayama couldn't think of when he wrote himself into a corner) -Because of his negative experience with education and indoctrination, Zeke actually is an advocate for unschooling to a certain extent. He will teach his kid to read, write and basics but he's not fond of certain subjects like history because its in their world just filled with propoganda that Zeke is tired of.
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-Was very insecure about becoming a dad considering his own was happily a deadbeat but once he started having kids he couldn't stop at one so he had 4 kids. -Has two boys and two girls. -Because he was raised by a single mom, he works extra hard to be a good husband and father not just for the sake of the kids or his love for them. No, its also out of his devotion to you and not wanting you to know the hardships his mother faced in the slightest. -The sort of father who proudly displays the artwork of his children around his Vice Chief office at the Marleyan governmental building. -Teaches his sons to be better men and not make the mistakes he did as he teaches his daughters not to allow men to use them for their bodies in the way his mother was used and discarded. The way he goes about their gender roles and preparing them for life can be quite feminist for the time period AOT is set in but due to his upbringing and knowing so many powerful women, it shaped him quite a bit.
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-A boy and a girl -Armin really wanted a mini you so when your first was a boy, he tried again and got what he wanted. -Not that he doesn't loves his son though, and thinks he's way cuter then he ever was as a child, which he reasons is your genetic makeup's doing. -Touch his children and he will find a way to poison you. He's way more clever and sneaky when it comes to taking revenge compared to Levi and Eren. -Similar to Reiner, he eats up anything his kids make and finds the most horrible drawings of a cat to be the best amazing artwork ever.
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-Just like Levi, being part of the scouts made him restrict himself to one child. -However, unlike Levi, he has a harder time as your child tempts him into wanting more of them as he loves seeing the union of yours and his features. -It's a boy -Hange often teases you and Erwin that he and Historia's daughter might become an item as they grew up together as babes of the Scouts regiment. -Has a habit of dropping asleep right next to his son after he's come home after a long day of titan slaying and reports about it.
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keischreiber · 8 months
Okay, okay. So, I think the fandom agrees that eventually, Reiner's gonna be trading his Herculean physique for a dad bod. Which makes sense given... y'all have seen his shitty father's body, right? According to Isayama, Reiner's fantastic build isn't because of his workout routine or training, but it's more because he's genetically meant to look that way.
So like... imagine how, he's trying to keep himself in good shape because he always finds it adorable and endearing how your stare chases after him.
Post Rumbling he gets into the more domestic life. While he does work, you make sure that he's well pampered. That includes him just indulging in your cooking. At first, he's very reserved about the eating. But he likes it when you cook, even if the food doesn't always come out the way that you want it too. He'd always be there to have the last piece, or the last slice, even when you tell him that he doesn't need to force himself to eat a "failed experiment". Instead of doing what you say, he instead gives you feedback on what he thinks of it, and encourages you to cook more because he enjoyed coming home to your home-cooked meals.
"I think I'm getting out of shape..." He mutters to himself after coming out of the shower and checking himself in the mirror. Pinching a good layer of fat.
There was an obvious layer of flab that wasn't there a month or two ago. With how taxing work had been, he hardly has the time to go over his workout routine due to being tired and would rather just cozy up with you and a good bowl of whatever it is that you made for the day than spend any more time away from you than he already does.
"What do you mean? You look fine." Was your only response as you looked at him.
"But don't you like the muscles... this thing right here?"
Reiner takes your hand and places it on his torso, letting you feel the abs that were at the early stages of its disappearance.
You of course blushed when he did this. Not because he called you out, but more because, he now feels more comfortable with your touch when... back then, he would flinch, not wanting you to touch the body of a murderer.
"Reiner, it's not about the muscles." You tell him, letting your hands wonder to his side so you can pinch his current dilemma. While the nice hard abs were tantalizing... the squishiness of his sides and getting a reaction from him... the small grunt, the whispered whine, the withheld moan that he just did when you gave him a squeeze or two... really did something to you. Not, forgetting of course, how his face looked when you did.
"I-it's not?" He tried confirming, a soft blush dusting his cheeks.
"It's always just been about you. Regardless of whether you've got Helos' physique or the newly installed Reiner love handles—" You were cut short for a moment, a small 'Ow' leaving your lips when he smacked your behind, mouthing off not to call it that. But you just giggled. "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me..." You continued.
"This? All of this is you. And that's all that matters to me. Besides, gives me more to love on."
"You want... more of me to love?"
"Of course I do. Why does that even sound like a surprise to you?"
He could cry right then and there. Reiner just ends up pulling you in a tight embrace, happily smiling to himself as he smothers you with affection. To be honest, he's still having a hard time feeling that he deserved love and acceptance, but thanks to being with you everyday... he was learning to do so more and more.
And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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bookishdreamer28 · 11 months
Levi falling head over heels in love with you ❥
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After Levi lost the most important people in his life, he thought he would never find something or someone worth fighting for again.
But when you first stepped in his office on your first day of work, his eyes couldn't leave you.
"Hello Levi! I'm Y/N! Hange told me to leave these papers in your office so, here you go." You handed the papers and looked at him with bright eyes.
He tried to keep his expression blank. Woth no emotion. But his heart was beating so loud that he was scared you might hear it.
"Ok thank you, Y/N. You can go now." He said a little hurriedly and made you frown. When you left his office, a little taken aback by his reply, he let out a breath of relief. Why was he even acting like that?
The next days, were a torture for him. His mind was thinking of only one thing and that was you. Everytime you happened to be in the same room, he was stealing glances at you. And it looked like you knew because eahc time, you turned your heard to look at him but of course he was turning his head elsewhere.
One night, he found you sitting outside, gazing at the stars. He heard you humming a song and he got hypnotized by your sweet voice. When he returned to his room, he fell to sleep humming your song.
He knew he was screwed and that there was no turning back. That's why found himself standing outside your room.
When he knocked on the door, he made the move to leave and just lock himself in his office, but you opened the door and there you were.
"Levi." You breathed. "What a surprise. Wait, is something wrong?" You asked hesitantly.
He shook his head and cleared his throat. To be honest, yes there was something wrong. Very wrong. And as much as wrong this was, he did not care.
You told to come inside and he followed you.
"I, just wanted to see you." He said in a low voice. You leaned back on the wall and stared at him. And he saw the way your chest rose and fell in shaky rhythms.
"Ah. And, now that you see me, is there something I can do for you?" You mumbled. Your tone gave something away. Something that made him think that you knew.
"...Kiss me." He said lamost desperately. Your eyes widened.
"Just...kiss me." He said hoarsely. You felt weak. Your knees almost gave up on you. And when he noticed that, he instantly approached you and held you close to his body.
"There hasn't been damn day where I haven't thought of you." He murmured brushing a strand of your silky hair behind your ear. "You consume me. You make me weak. You make me want to live again. Make me have a purpose." He touched his forehead with yours, his voice shaking with emotion.
"Levi..." you whispered and placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing it softly. "I love you too."
And with that he found himself grabbing your waist, pulling closer against his body and lips crushing together. You both sighed in the kiss, like you had finally found what you needed all this time.
His hand went through your hair and tugged them slightly, making you moan a little. You spent the night in each other's arms, your bodies hugging each other. Your warmth being the home you never knew you missed so much.
After you fell asleep, Levi stayed awake, admiring you. Thinking just how lucky he got. Cause he couldn't believe that you were actually here. With him. Together.
He carefully rested your head on his chest, trying not to wake you up, and laid back on his pillow. He placed a lingering kiss on your forehead and xlosed his eyes, enjoying the moment.
And for the first time in a long time, Levi found himself smiling.
I don't think this turned out the way i wanted, but I hope you'll like it either way ♡
After I watched the finale of AOT, I just Had to write something with him, because he deserves the world. I love him sm TwT
As a manga reader, I knew what was coming but seeing the anime adaptation, made me cry even more. Can't believe this story came to end. Thank you Isayama 🙌
all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, translate, or claim my content as yours.
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clare-875 · 2 months
Until the End (Levi x Reader)- Prologue
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A/N: Posted on Wattpad (@CLARE_875) but also decided to post here :) The image above does NOT belong to me
"You can push me away, but I will still fight by you, and I will still follow you… until the end."
The ever-so-stoic Levi Ackerman has only ever known the terrors that living in a cruel world could bring. This all changed one fateful day when he encountered [y/n]; a girl renowned for her looks and abnormal speed. As they escape the confines of the Underground together, they soon discover that freedom doesn't come easy in a world full of Titans. As they rise through the ranks, [y/n] becomes known as "Humanity's Angel", a beacon of hope to humanity as she melts the walls Levi had built around his heart. However, she has her secrets too, and a dark past that might just threaten to pull them apart.
The storyline and characters of Attack on Titan do NOT belong to me, but all to Hajime Isayama; however, I do own this story, and all that occurs disparate to that storyline.
[Series Masterlist] [Chapter One]
Warnings: Some descriptions of sexual harassment and abuse, blood, violence
Everything was cold. Everything hurt. But you could hear a heartbeat clouding over the deranged sound of the wind, giving you warmth. "I'm sorry [y/n], I'm so sorry." As you clung to the figure that had you wrapped in their arms, you felt the coolness of the air that latched onto your skin. The taste of salt and an uncontrollable rocking took over, destroying any sense of stability. You could hear shouts from nearby strangers, a hushing voice above you as they ran by. Constant apologies were muttered as you rocked back and forth, and stared into the [e/c] of the woman's eyes.
You look up to the ceiling, hoping to catch a glimpse of the starry sky that you can only imagine lies above the unsettling and revolting place known only as the Underground. This is how it has been for as long as you can remember, yet memories would still flash between the darkness of the day and the night. The smell of salt and pungency, the cruel wind, and a warmth. You removed your gaze from the sight above you and looked to the stairs cascading down from the only way out of this place. But there was no use. To get out meant money, and getting out meant having to live, yet living up there in poverty seemed just as cruel as living down here in disparity. You felt the coolness of the breeze move mercilessly against your skin as you lay clad in stolen clothes on the roof of an abandoned dump of a home. It had been your refuge ever since you escaped an orphanage at the age of 5. If you could call it an orphanage. Constant abuse and shouting were all you remember of that place. You can only imagine what warmth feels like, what freedom feels like. The freedom to eat till your heart's content, sleep without worry and run without someone chasing behind you.
Hearing the all-too-familiar sound of your hunger raking through your stomach, you stand up and get ready to fight for another day. Your small, malnourished form may seem weak to others, but your time in the Underground has taught you to be tough. Your body may seem small, but you were agile and fast, so much so that you would often be able to take a loaf of bread with the only trace of your being there, the breath of the wind. Though the Underground was depressing and miserable - many people concerned with their own lives - you were not invisible in this place. Your beauty often caught people off guard, but the unusual way your visual traits stood out in this dark place caused problems in their own way. Men covered in filth and grime, old and battered with age and trial, often corner you, perverted intentions in their hope to overpower you. It was one of the many issues you had whilst in that orphanage. Your speed, however, made up for your lack of strength as the momentum helped you retch free from their filthy grasps again and again. Today was no different.
Succeeding in taking half a loaf of bread and a handful of apples with ease, you shove them into your makeshift bag and prepare to sprint. However, after barely three steps, you feel yourself get dragged into the darkness of an alleyway and away from the business of the open streets. As your vision consorts back to normal, you look up, only to see four men taunting you with the worst intentions brimming in their eyes, the only spark being lust over their lifeless, filthy forms.
"Well, well, well, lookie here, boys, it seems we caught the gem of the pack," a man unusually muscular and large in such a food-deprived place towered over you, seemingly the leader of this pathetic gang.
You tried to keep your cool. You had gotten away from worse before; it would be alright. Two more men rounded the corner, grinning as they emerged. You scoffed in realisation and disgust but felt an unfamiliar chill rip through your spine. This seemed worse. "Imagine the price we'd be paid to have you bought after we're done with you ourselves, of course." The man moved close to your face, hand tight on your wrist. The crowded stench of alcohol and grime suffocated you, but before you could wretch free from their grasp and sprint away, the grasp on your wrist loosened, and when you looked up, the man, taunting you just seconds before, had fallen.
He was dead.
Suddenly, the tension in the air changed as eyes filled with lust turned to confusion and then anger. Shouting ensued as the men sought the source of the stone now ingrained in the head of the man who led their disgusting activities, but as their grasp left you to pursue someone else, you found yourself unable to do anything. Despite living in this barren place where death was as usual as each breath you took, you had never had it done so swiftly and in front of you. But before you could dwell on the fragility of life much longer, you heard a slam and a groan beside you. There was a boy who seemed only a few years older than you, and he had 2 grown men on the floor, bleeding and beaten. He continued fighting ruthlessly, and despite the mounds of death that surrounded you, your gaze did not falter at the way he fought. The way he looked at them.
Two more men were on the ground before you could even blink, red smearing their chests as the boy's knife was now stained with blood. He didn't hesitate. He didn't even blink. Then, as he took on the final man, you noticed a glint of silver in the corner of your eye. One of the men, already on the floor, desperately grasped his wound with one hand, and in the other, a gun aimed at the boy, still distracted as the final man refused to fall.
A second passed. Then, two gunshots. Then a moment.
The boy stared at you, a brief look of shock in his dull eyes. The final man he had been fighting fell limp to the floor along with the man in front of you, his gun lying useless on the floor before him. The next moment felt long and thick as you realised you had actually killed two men. Two disgusting, filthy, corrupt men. But living men nonetheless.
"You killed," the boy spoke, breaking the silence.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, you scoffed, staring at the gun you had stolen from another dead man in the moment. The gun you had shot two men with. "So did you." you looked up and met his eyes. As they narrowed, he turned to walk away, but you decided you were not done with this situation. You had questions and you wanted them answered. "Wait," you spoke, voice wavering despite yourself. "Why... why did you come here? Why did you kill them?" You half expected him to ignore you and walk off, but to your surprise, he turned and looked straight at you.
Moments passed before he replied. "My mother," he hesitated, but looking into your eyes, he continued, "I just didn't want you to have the same fate she did down in this goddam place." With that, he continued on his way. "Wait," you stopped him, voice firmer now. "Tch," he turned, but his eyes went from annoyed to surprised in an instant as he caught an apple you had thrown him. This time, you hesitated. "Thank you," You muttered, giving him a smile. His eyes widened slightly; this was the first time anyone apart from his mother had shown him a shred of kindness in this place.
"What?" you asked, confused at the randomness of the word. "My name, it's Levi," he muttered. Your eyes widened. I must have really seemed shaken for him to sympathise with me, you wonder as you figured he seemed someone closed off and invulnerable. "My name is [Y/N]," you smiled, "Thank you, Levi." He said nothing and walked off, but at least he didn't refuse your tribute. You decided that this time, you would sprint straight away to avoid any more unwanted attention, never thinking you would see him again.
As time passed, you were surprised by how often you saw his face, seemingly more so in the middle of fights on the streets or stealing food. It seemed he was just as noticed in this place as you were, hearing flickers of his name uttered in the streets, followed by curses and threats. He started to notice your name being spoken in the streets too, either filthy men upon your beauty or vendors' irritation on your speed.
As you both heard the other's name uttered more often, you also bumped into each other more often. When, at first, each meeting was only a brief look of recognition, it was followed by brief greetings, then conversations (more from your end) as you found yourself intrigued by the man who had saved you with his underlying strength. He also found you curious, though he would rather die than admit it, intrigued by your strengths and your story. Soon, you both found the walls you had built around yourselves after years of grief and turmoil gradually breaking as your unlikely acquaintance turned into companionship which turned to friendship.
As years passed, you both shared multitudes of conversations, he taught you how to clean properly, you brewed tea, and you both supported each other. You would find yourselves sharing the same spaces, sharing the snippets of your past you have never shared, him surprising you with brief stories of his own. Of his mother, who had died many years ago, and of his prior caretaker, Kenny, who had abandoned him a year before. Your friendship grew with your trust, and you found yourself surrounded by the feeling of warmth, something you lacked for most of your lifetime, all thanks to Levi. Even as people you came to meet left you, even when people joined the both of you. The reassuring gestures, the way he had your back, the way he spoke about how he was "gonna get out of this shitty place." Levi gave you hope that maybe you'd find freedom with him.
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
There seems to be a bit of debate within the fandom about whether Isayama stated that Erwin is handsome while Levi isn't, or if Erwin was based on Captain America, and so on.
What I'll offer you is my personal take on the matter, as someone who not only happens to be a woman but also, sadly, a woman who likes men (lol) but also as someone with plenty of friends who share that preference.
Let me preface this by saying that I don't intend for this post to be seen as definitive proof or canon, derived from specific panels or interviews. No, this is simply my humble opinion, based on one thing: my perspective as a woman.
Now, if Isayama believes that Erwin resembles Captain America due to his care for his appearance, and thus is deemed more conventionally attractive, that's fine. But let's remember, Isayama is a MAN. When has a man ever accurately grasped what women truly find appealing?
Sure, Erwin may be tall, handsome, and blond. I'll admit, I even find Erwin attractive. But do you know any girls who go wild over that? No, girls aren't going to Marvel movies for Thor or Captain America (well, maybe some are). They're there for Loki, the Winter Soldier. Men seem to think girls thrist over Captain America's abs, when in reality, I've witnessed more girls giggling over Bambi's dad and his deep voice. Girls don't fantasize about Captain America; they're watching Peaky Blinders or Pride and Prejudice, yearning for a Tommy Shelby to size them up, cigarette and whiskey in hand, with that Birmingham accent asking, "Are you a whore? If not, you're in the wrong place." We want Daemon Targaryen beheading someone who dared insult us.
In my own fanfic, I don't deny that characters like Mike, Erwin, Reiner, Zeke, and all the "conventionally attractive guys" are attractive. But Levi? He's known as the strongest thug in the underground, yet he's also the man who rescued a young girl lost in the streets. In a den of violence and depravity, Levi was both tough and compassionate. I'd wager Levi had the bitches making lines.
The perfect example of this is Zeke admitting he's "not popular with girls." It's like the guy who posts a frustrated TikTok because his gym crush is dating someone edgy. He's the type who wonders, "Why that twig and not me?" Well, sweetheart, because that "edgy" guy is caring and probably knows how to make a woman come better than you. He's so secure in his masculinity that he doesn't need to prove it.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Levi embodies the female gaze because he's what girls want. I'm not claiming this as gospel truth or canon. I'm simply explaining why it seems obvious to me that Levi would still be attractive and desired within the walls—just like how many girls these days prefer Cillian Murphy over Chris Hemsworth.
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quillsandblades · 3 months
What could be the reasons for Hange's death?
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I’m not best at doing these analysis posts, but I’ve had this in my mind for a while now and it needs to get out.
As a sort-of writer, I know there’s always reasons to kill off a character, especially if they're well-developed and play a crucial part in the story. So what could’ve gone through Isayama’s mind when he decided to kill our precious Hange? Here’s what I think.
First of all, reading the manga I really felt like her death was forced, staged. It didn't seem right, didn't seem to fit. Now I don’t know if the rest of you felt this way but I sure did. And that's why I'm gonna talk about why I think Isayama killed her.
There are four points in this post and each explains a potential reason:
1. To make the readers cry
Many characters are killed just to give a truck load of emotional damage to the readers. And sometimes authors enjoy it — don’t get me wrong, we love the characters, it’s just what even is a good story if devastated readers aren’t sending you death threats for killing their fav fictional pookie? Such characters often possess some or all of these qualities: Lovable, witty, humorous, determined, has big goals/dreams, you get attached to them easily and if they have a love interest that you’re invested in, and they both got plans to *ahem* live peacefully once a certain war is out of the list of duties, it’s over for you (IFKK 😭).
And who do we know that holds nearly all these characteristics, and died?
Maybe Yams was in killer mood the day he wrote chapter 132. I wonder if he’s doing the evil laugh somewhere, thinking how we’re suffering every day.
2. It’s crucial to the plot
These kinds of deaths aren’t in the author’s hand, and they really hurt us sometimes. I have a few characters very close to my heart and I hope I never have to put them to death cuz I may not have the willpower to write ahead if I do. It happens when you get dead-ends (yes you can get dead-ends even in fiction as well, at least that’s what I think because the setting or world you create has to have some limits), when the rules you have set up to make that world start to cage you in. And sometimes there’s no option but to kill them. Their death is important, it’s a key point, or maybe it’s part of what their personality demands. It’s needed, and it hurts.
But coming to Hange, I can safely say that’s not the case. Her death could’ve been avoided. In the manga she barely managed to get much time. Yes the plane made it, but it’s Hange we’re talking about and she has a big brain. She could’ve made a less harmful plan to stop the Colossal titans right there, I don’t doubt her intelligence at all. Or someone could’ve helped. The part about titan shifters saving their strength was a flimsy excuse Isayama, cuz taking out a Colossal isn't such a back-breaking task for the Shifters - they’ve had worse and done better.
3. Some other character needs to take the spotlight
This happens when our character is in the way of someone else’s glory. They need to be taken off the stage so the next one comes up.
For Hange I’d say, that was Armin. I think Isayama might have wanted to give the stuttering blonde kid a glow-up, and I gotta say it worked well. I’ve seen countless posts where Armin back then and as commander is compared and people are like, ha! Y’all used to laugh at him cuz he was a timid, scared little thing but look at him now, Commander of the scouts and such.
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I’ve seen him get a lot of hate for not being strong enough, not being confident and such things. So what does Isayama do? He takes that character and upgrades him to Commander. I think he’s wanted to do this for a long time, to show just how much potential the kid has, and take it as a character development. He was chosen over Erwin and then Hange. He couldn’t be Commander after Shiganshina cuz Hange was named successor. He got his chance in ch 132 and took it. The only way to make Armin Commander was to kill Hange and so we had to part with the crazy genius we loved. (I don't hate Armin though, it's Isayama's fault not Armin's)
But here’s the thing, she could’ve still come back. Battered and bruised, and Armin would still be Commander as the title was already handed over. Then why go all the way and kill her? Here’s why.
4. External reasons
This and the 3rd point, In my opinion, are the main reasons for Hange’s death.
The external factors here include her relationship with Levi. The man has a HUGE fanbase and he’s shipped (and shippable) with so many characters it’s concerning. And the most popular ships are Ereri (this one doesn’t even make sense) and Eruri. As a character that’s so popular among fans, I don’t think Isayama wanted to confirm anything related to his love life as that would only create rifts among fans or even drop his popularity. By keeping it vague he kept the fanbase up. But what has Hange living got to do with it?
Well, we all heard her ‘Let’s live here together’ confession. It’s probably the most romantic thing anybody said to Levi canonically and no one can deny it gives hints. Then comes Levi's double meaning statement of ‘Unrequited titan love’ and I’d say that pretty much sealed the deal. ‘Devote your heart’ was the cherry on top and now if Hange returned they both would be so canon.
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But for the sake of argument, let’s say all of that meant nothing romantic. But if Hange’s still alive we all know she’d never leave Levi alone in his impaired state after the war. She’d be the one pushing his wheelchair around and since they’re already veterans and very close friends, Levi would only tolerate having her around him at all times. So if someone’s gonna say that all of those ‘confessions’ meant nothing, then these facts are proof enough that after the war Levihan had all the chance of being canon. So if Hange had lived these two would have been a sealed deal - but that isn’t possible in reality due to Levi’s popularity.
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So, Hange dies and Isayama avoids a ton of mess for himself.
All of this is entirely my take on breaking down my fav character’s death, not saying it’s 100% legit. Just a harmless analysis.
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