wordswhirling · 4 years
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creativeactionsyoga · 5 years
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Ishvara Pranidhana is surrendering. Surrendering the need to know all; Surrendering your ego; Surrendering to see your true self. #CreativeActionsYoga #yoga #ishvarapranidhana #eightlimbsofyoga #niyamas #yogaeveryday #namaste #lehighvalley #bathpa #northamptonpa #bethlehempa #nazarethpa #whitehallpa #coplaypa #catasauquapa #parklandpa #danielsvillepa #allentownpa #eastonpa (at Creative Actions Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ocmYYFdIv/?igshid=1b5jlkqi973db
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hiroco510 · 4 years
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【 🌈🌈11月より復帰します👟✨😊 】 ようやく来月から復帰させていただけることとなりました!😊🌅👟✨ (お伝えしてない方はなんのこっちゃやと思います🙇‍♂️)  今月半ば、 前兆もなく突然の膝の痛みで身動きが取れず ドクターストップとなり、 各レギュラー、イベント、オンラインヨガclassの突然の休講や代行が続き申し訳ございませんでした。  ご迷惑をお掛けしているにも関わらず、 労いの言葉を開口一番にくださり、 真摯にお客様へのご対応、ご協力をくださった各studio、アトリエ、教室運営に関わる関係者の皆様、支配人、店長、社長様、先生方ばかりで、。  このような尊敬できる方々と仕事に携われていること、改めて光栄に感じております。  ありがとうございます。* ੈ✩‧₊🌅🍀  そして、 各classのお客様からの " 1通1通 "がこの不安な日々を希望で乗り切る、Powerに変えるお守りのようでした。💌🕊🌴🌍🇯🇵🇮🇱🇨🇳🇺🇸🇮🇩😌  また療養期間には、 改めてヒトの底知れない思いやり、優しさ、 純粋さ、強さに触れ、 目頭が熱くなる場面や今後のvision、気付きもありました。🌅🐬✨🧘‍♀🌱️🌴🐘👣  一重に、 各classで皆さんと一緒に築きあげている目には見えない大切な絆、ご縁の賜物からです。🍀💎💐🌍  来月からも どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします❣🌈🌈🍁👟✨🌞🙌🐬  hiroco  #札幌のお客様から届いた一足早い紅葉🍁😊🤱💝 #北海道  #レジリエンスが試されるとき🌿🔬🎨🤸‍♂️🌞 #身体の悩みがありながらも心を整える  #感謝 #ご縁 #ヨガ #apprendre #resilience #yoga #yuj #love #peace #shanti #swadhyaya #ishvarapranidhana  #philosophy #asana #nature  #flowers #namaste #lokahsamastahsukhinobhavantu (この地球のどこか) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Wx2ghoxR/?igshid=ofdf71szswf5
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ginger-fresh · 4 years
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All Ways Love • Seeking the clarity and the courage to stay in my heart space and act from a place of love and authenticity, always • As both individuals and collectively, may we seek unity and understanding, especially within our own internal being and subconscious patterns #heartopener #yogaeverydamnday #ishvarapranidhana #trusttheuniverse #unity #satnam (at Lyons, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBi0jznFyl7/?igshid=13ei3210hgu5q
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theabundantyogini · 5 years
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Thank you @ladyjones360 for spending your afternoon with me! Posted @withregram • @ladyjones360 “That which we seek is already within” My mat is my safe haven! Great afternoon yoga practice. #Surrender #Namaste🙏🏾 #Yogi🧘🏾‍♀️ #YogaInternational #DianneBondy #Connect2theDivinityWithin #Yoga4AllBodies #Niyamas #IshvaraPranidhana @diannebondyyoga 🤗🧘🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8o1M_wHWH9/?igshid=131s4zgfolney
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thccbkn · 6 years
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Philosophy #1 To convey its spiritual message and guide sessions , yoga often uses the #imagery of a tree with roots, a trunk, branches , blossoms , and fruits. Each "branch" of yoga represents a different focus and set of characteristics. ● ● ● ● ● #philosophyofyoga #yoga #yogi #allabouttheniyamas #yogicphilosophy #yogaknowlage #yogainspiration #instayoga #igyogacommunity #yogafam #igyogafam #yogacommunity #yogagirl #niyamas #svadhyaya #ishvarapranidhana #planoly #savasana #bepresent #yogateacher #sukhasana #bikaner #spiritual #message #guide #sessions #imagery #branches #blossoms (at Bikaner) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1cIrihh04/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uv1g3ssv2kfk
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Durante io tragitto, mentre facciamo lo slalom tra un pedone e una cacca, scorgiamo in lontananza una mucca in mezzo alla strada. Macchine, motorini, bue e tuk tuk le sfrecciano attorno strombazzando e sfiorandola, ma lei se,bra non accorgersene neanche.sa che non le succederà nulla. Sa che le cose accadono e che se cerchi di evitare un motorino può capitare di essere centrati da un bus. Ishvara Pranidhana. #yoga #ishvarapranidhana #india (presso Mysuru)
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yogajivana-blog · 7 years
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Source: arjuna-vallabha.tumblr.com . . . . . #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #devotional #devotion #artwork #ganpati #ganesha #ganesh #art #icon #artist #hindu #hinduism #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogajivana108 #quiet #meditative #ishvarapranidhana
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creativeactionsyoga · 5 years
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Ishvara Pranidhana is surrendering. Surrendering the need to know all; Surrendering your ego; Surrendering to see your true self. #CreativeActionsYoga #yoga #eightlimbsofyoga #niyamas #ishvarapranidhana #yogaeveryday #namaste #lehighvalley #bathpa #northamptonpa #bethlehempa #nazarethpa #whitehallpa #coplaypa #catasauquapa #parklandpa #danielsvillepa #allentownpa #eastonpa (at Creative Actions Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gbfNPlkM4/?igshid=rn9aml4j3qyw
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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One of the most prominent ancient texts on yoga is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a series of 196 aphorisms written in Sanskrit around 400 AD. Patanjali describes yoga as an eightfold path, consisting of eight mind-body disciplines to be mastered. Working through these eight "limbs’"is believed to bring the practitioner to an enlightened state of consciousness known as samadhi, in which it is possible to experience the true Self.The eight limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are:    1.Yamas - Five social observances: ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness) asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity) and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).    2.Niyamas - Five moral observances: saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (self-discipline), svadhyaya (self-study), ishvarapranidhana (devotion or surrender).    3.Asana - Yoga postures.    4.Pranayama - Breathing techniques as a means of controlling prana (vital life force energy).    5.Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the senses.    6.Dharana - Concentration.    7.Dhyana - Meditation.    8.Samadhi - Enlightenment or bliss.These eight limbs offer a systematic approach to calming the mind and finding liberation from suffering. The final three stages, dharana, dhyana and samadhi are collectively referred to as Samyama (integration) since they are considered to be inextricably linked.As such, concentration practices are understood to be the path to truly meditative states, which ultimately lead to samadhi. By this definition, meditation is not a thinking or evaluative practice, but rather a state of complete absorption.Samadhi is said to be a blissful and calm state of mind, in which the practitioner is no longer able to perceive the act of meditation or define any separate sense of self from it. In releasing the self from ego and the illusion of separation, samadhi is undisturbed by emotions such as desire and anger. As such, samadhi connects practitioners to their true Self as one with universal consciousness. Samadhi by Miles Toland
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tyigoa · 5 years
🧘‍♀️Yoga is a science of living. Whatever you do is going to give you results. Each and every step is essential, no shortcuts. This is described in the Ashtanga Yoga. 👉 The second Ashtanga Yoga is Niyama – Understand yourself, deal with yourself. There are five Niyama: ✅ Shaucha (cleanliness) purity of mind, body, speech, and soul. No negative thoughts. ✅ Santosh (contentment) acceptance and satisfaction of one’s situation and circumstances. ✅ Tapas (perseverance) continuous and persistent efforts to attain your goal or objective. ✅ Svadhyaya (self-study) self reflection of one’s own thought, actions, and speech. ✅ Ishvarapranidhana (devotion) to dedicate, devote or surrender to god. Call us at +919307047148 to speak to our Yoga experts and learn more about the Teacher Training and Better Living courses. #Niyama #AshtangaYoga #Ashtang #PatanjaliAshtangaYoga #PatanjaliYoga #Shaucha #Santosh #Tapas #Svadhyaya #Ishvarapranidhana (at The Yoga Institute Goa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B98PDANjIit/?igshid=b9x8cb3pe013
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hiroco510 · 7 years
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#雨の後の晴れの有り難さ⛈⛅️🌈✨ 明日は大阪に台風が上陸。雨がずーっと続いてますね☔️ 10月に入って天気予報では、 ”46年ぶりの寒い日❄️💁” とか、ハタマタ、 ”夏日です!🐳🌻💁” とか。 とどめに台風。😳 秋を知らせてくれる為とは思うけど異常気象は進んでますね。 こんな時は自律神経も乱れ易くて、普段怒らないようなことで怒ってしまったり、なんだか身体も心もだるく感じたり。 風邪も引き易くなるし、寝つきも悪くなると言われてます。 そんな時こそ、その事ばかりに囚われずに自分の呼吸や姿勢を見つめてみてください。😊🔎🌱✨ 呼吸がし辛かったら、スーッと背筋を伸ばして気持ちよ〜く深呼吸するだけでも気分が変わってきます✨😊🌼 嵐が過ぎた後の景色を思い浮かべたり、ただ何と無く過ぎる日常が実はすごく美しくて幸せである事に感謝です。 ──────── ⚫︎ 1つでも争いが消えていきますように🌅🐘✨ ⚫︎1人でも多くの人が満たされて笑顔になりますように🌼🍀 ──────── Lokah samastah skino bavantu◎🍃✨ 21st Oct,2017
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beecontentyogi · 6 years
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My sample Yamas and Niyamas mini journal for tonight's new moon mermaid workshop. My inner crafty mermaid is satisfied 🧜‍♀️🙏🌈 #yogajournaling #yamas #niyamas #journaling #journal #diyyoga #ahimsa #satya #asteya #brahmacharya #aparigraha #saucha #santosha #tapas #svadhyaya #ishvarapranidhana #yogaworkshop #yogaworkshops (at Bee Content Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_6bAGF0PO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12ydsadzs821r
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flordesagrada · 6 years
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Thank you! @lightyogapath for your lovely share 💗💗 Enjoy your cacao! 💗💗 Regrann from @lightyogapath - Highlights from @mbswellbeing ✨an incredibly inspiring masterclass and powerful #gongbath with the #gongmaster @conreauxdon ✨a heart opening #cacaoceremony with the beautiful @lisafearoncoaching ✨an amazing #soundbath with the lovely @anne_malone_oasis ✨a wonderful mantra meditation celebration with the super talented @antarmamusic ✨and uplifting music with the brilliant @samgarrettmusic ✨#weretooblessedtobestressed #allyouneedislove #soundhealing #yoga #meditation #transformation #lightyogapath #love #ishvarapranidhana #grow #heal #transform #vibratehigher #syncronicity #gratitude - #regrann (at Mind Body Spirit Festival)
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cyril-voci-yoga · 7 years
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Je me prosterne face à mes élèves qui m’enseignent chaque jour à partager l’amour du yoga. #ishvarapranidhana #prosternation #salutation #surrender #love #yoga #student #sharing I bow down to my students who teach me everyday to share the love of yoga
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pdxyogini · 7 years
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"Belief clings, but faith lets go." -Alan Watts #selfcaresunday #Grateful #Yoga #IntegratedMovementTherapy #IMT #faith #letgo #ishvarapranidhana #red #berries #autumn🍁 #tree (at Portland, Oregon)
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