#isis attack
ivovynckier · 2 months
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These nutcases did it for 0.5 million rubles ($5,400). (Where are the 72 virgins?)
$5,400 x 4 perps / 133 body bags = $162. That's how much a human life is worth to ISIS. Nice religion!
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melikemordemjaponi · 1 year
📌In northeastern #Syria, there are concerns that the Islamic State (#ISIS) may make a large-scale comeback, with locals fearing not only new #terrorist attacks but also a "ticking time bomb" due to the situation in the Al-Hol camp.
Via Medya News(+photo)
📌Suriye'nin kuzeydoğusunda "İslam Devleti "nin (IŞİD) yeniden canlanmasından korkan bölge halkı, sadece yeni terör saldırılarından değil, aynı zamanda El-Hor kampındaki durumun her an patlayabilecek bir "saatli bomba" gibi olmasından korkuyorlar.
Medya News aracılığıyla (+foto)
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head-post · 2 months
Moscow Terrorist Attack: Curious Collisions
On 22 March, a group of gunmen entered the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, where a music concert by the rock group “Picnic” was taking place. The terrorists shot the guests with automatic weapons and then fled in a car. According to Russian reports, 152 people were injured in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall and 133 were killed. In Moscow hospitals were taken 107 victims, including three children. It became the deadliest attack in Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege.
In the morning, the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Moscow were found in the Bryansk region near the village of Khatsun in the Karachev district on a section of the M-3 “Ukraine” motorway 100 kilometres from the Russian-Ukrainian border. 
In an address to Russian citizens, Vladimir Putin said that the terrorists “tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border.”
Ukrainian officials and media said that the terrorists could have travelled not towards Ukraine but towards Belarus. However, an examination of the place of detention shows that from there the direct road leads only to Ukraine, while they had already passed the turn to Bryansk (and further on to Belarus’ Gomel). 
Reuters immediately reported that the organisers of the attack were the Islamist radical group ISIS-Khorasan or ISIS-K. The social networks sparked debates over the fact the terrorist organisation had not claimed responsibility for the attack, while screenshots from the radical group’s social networks that appeared on the Internet turned out to be fake and may even have used outdated post design.
Russia rejected the version that the terrorist attack was carried out by ISIS-K and accused Ukraine and the Western bloc of its organisation.
Read more HERE
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healingordestroying · 3 months
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wanderrnest · 7 months
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This is 74 year old Canadian Israeli Peace activist Vivian Silver.
Silver dedicated her life to promoting peace. she co-founded Women Wage Peace, an interfaith grassroots organization, and was a board member of the human rights organization "Bzelem". she volunteered in "On the Way to Recovery," accompanying cancer patients from the Gaza Strip to hospitals in Israel. she was co-CEO at Ajik - an Arab-Jewish organization working since 2000 to support Bedouin society in the Negev and promote shared life for Arabs and Jews throughout the country.
When asked about her aspirations for the future of her grandchildren, she said, "May they have Arab friends, Palestinians. May they not be afraid."
On October 4th 2023, Silver helped to organize a peace rally in Jerusalem which attracted 1,500 Israeli and Palestinian women.
The last connection with her was on the morning of october 7th, when she hid in a closet and texted her son. she wrote "well, the terrorists are in my house". he wrote "i'm on your side". "i feel you" she answered.
She was believed to be kidnapped, but today, 38 days later, her body was identified.
May this kind soul rest in peace. The mind can't comprehend that this was her fate. Thank you for everything you did. May we will get to witness something of your aspirations come true in our lifetime.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 7 months
Maybe the reason we’re so angry is because your response to this:
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Was a whole lotta this:
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And now you have the audacity to cry about Israel striking back. We’re supposed to care about what happens in Gaza. Israel can’t “collectively punish the Palestinians”. That’s just wrong - how dare they.
It’s not like you collectively punished Israelis. It’s not like you collectively punished Jews around the world. It’s not like you’re wishing death on us. No - you would never do that. You’re not antisemitic at all.
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secular-jew · 25 days
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I’ve refrained from being political on this site for a decade. I’ve never posted about current events.
But If you think what’s happening right now in Israel are heroic “acts of resistance” please unfollow me.
Over 3000 rockets were fired, innocent people are being held hostage and killed in their homes .hundreds were injured and there are dozens of confirmed dead. The stories are mortifying and I could go on.
I personally was woken up at 6:30 am from rocket siren, terrified since then. And I’ve had it better than a lot of people in my country. How was your Saturday morning?
This is inhumane, this is unprovoked violence and war. You can blame my government, but not kill innocent people and run around the streets, guns a-blazing .
Dropping a bomb on an ambulance is not heroic. Kidnapping innocent civilians into Gaza isn’t heroic.
I will block any hate messages. Don’t try me today
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cimerran-714 · 3 months
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ashenpumpkin · 7 months
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ivovynckier · 2 months
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George W. Bush has announced that Saddam did it.
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melikemordemjaponi · 9 months
✻Al-Qaeda spinoff HTS(Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham) has entered Turkish-occupied Azaz, en route to Manbij to fight the SDF.
HTS' partner, NATO member Turkey, is orchestrating this.
via Lindsey Snell(+video)
✻Heyet Tahrir el-Şam (HTŞ) Minbic'a saldırmak üzere hareket geçmiş. Görüntülerde Türkiye'nin işgali altındaki Azaz'a geçtikleri görülüyor.
HTŞ'yi tüm dünya terör olarak görüyor. Keza Türkiye de HTŞ'ye terör diyor ama Kürtlere karşı işbirliği yapıyor.
Amed Dicle aracılığıyla
✻アルカイダの分派である*HTS(タハリール・アル=シャーム : ハイアト・タハリール・アッ=シャーム)は、シリア民主軍と戦うためにマンビジに向かう途中、トルコ占領下の街アザズに入った。
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glitzy-dynamite · 17 days
Shani’s body was found in Jabalia, one of the HAMAS’ last stands. They took her there as a “valuable trophy”. Eliminate these fucking barbarians. No ceasefire.
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healingordestroying · 4 months
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aviya932 · 8 months
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wanderrnest · 7 months
Go back to where you came from, they said.
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