#islamic hypocrisy
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“When Muslims are in the minority they are very concerned with minority rights, when they are in the majority there are no minority rights.”
-- Unknown (frequently misattributed to Winston Churchill)
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jujusjunk · 4 months
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 7 months
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former-leftist-jew · 2 days
Yet another leftist hypocrisy that drives me crazy is the conflicting arguments that:
"Israel fighting back and letting 'tensions' escalate to 'all-out war' is always bad because war is the worst thing, and war is always bad, and war can never be okay under any circumstances--not even wars of self-defense against attempted wars of annihilation."
But then turn around and say, "Targeting enemy combatants in civilian areas without harming any said civilians is easy <3 lots of war-torn countries do it all the time! <3 but israhell doesn't care enough to even try. >:("
Like, which is it?
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studyingnstruggling · 4 months
Tonight, as usual, my dad accused me of wanting to be trans/a man and bringing “eternal damnation” all because I was wearing sweatpants, in my own house. And it got me thinking about how much I hate lipstick Muslims, and their liberal lapdogs. Conveniently, they never discuss ppl in my situation, and Ik I’m lucky I’m not in a Muslim country. But the pro hijab, pro Islam (hypocrites) who love to talk about how compatible Islam is with feminism, queerness, and liberalism, never discuss things like this. Technically, pants are “men’s clothing” and according to Hadith, not ok for women. 
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I kept seeing "At the height of American slavery, 78% of slave owners were Jews... 40% of Jews were slave owners" bullshit thrown around.
For start, that's so blatantly false that I have no idea how can anyone even believe in that. There were 380k slave owners at peak of slavery and roughly 150k Jews. For statement to be true, There would need to be at least 300k Jews, and every single one of them had to be a slave owner, which contradicts the second part.
However, then I realized the origin of this bullshit, NOI. So it was made up by black supremacist group and was then parroted by white supremacist groups like KKK. It's truly amazing how antisemitism can bring people together. Black and white supremacists holding hands and spreading malicious bullshit.
Dear anon,
I was thinking you were strawmanning me till you said NOI said it
because OF COURSE they did
truly any kind of ethnic supremacist hates Jews (including most Kahanists let's be real)
thanks for sharing (and doing my job for me),
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feministfang · 1 month
The audacity of Muslim women idolising taliban and taking pictures with them when they banned the whole existence of Afghan women. Called out the entire world’s hypocrisy for staying silent on p@lestine but won’t mind being the hypocrites themselves when it comes to women suffering in islamic countries. You can’t cry "islamophobia" each time someone proves you wrong when you’re busy doing your jihad work in west ‘my religion is the most feministic religion please convert to islam’. Ask the women who are actually living in islamic countries how much of a feminist religion islam is. You can’t be sitting in west with your privileged lives giving positive opinions on islam while Afghan women are wishing each day they weren’t born as women. You’re not free there because islam gave you that right, you’re free because of western culture that you ungrateful women love to shit on. I won’t mind if y’all get deported back to your countries. In fact, you seem to love Taliban a lot. Why don’t you move to Afghanistan and marry these bearded terrorists?? Y’all love your traditional islamic culture. I believe you won’t mind stuck in homes, wearing burqas/tents 24/7, cooking and cleaning for the m@les in your families. Please go to Afghanistan and switch places with Afghan women who deserve to live in west because they do care about their liberation and education. I swear if i see another one of you brainded muzzies barking "but what about p@lestine???" "what about gaza???" "boycott this!! boycott that!!" I am gonna send you the bill of my first starbucks order! I’m glad your muslim br0thers are getting bombed! This is what you get for advocating for the oppression of women in islamic countries. Karma!
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weemietime · 5 days
Y'all are stupid if you don't understand that the IRGC are directly responsible for a significant portion of current anti-Israel sentiment in the West. And their goal, in case you don't understand this, is to increase support for radical Islam.
The IRGC itself took over Iran and forced its citizens to adopt Islam, and it's so insidious that people to this day who cry about Israeli "colonialism" actively call Iran an Arab country.
I will give a shit about your Israeli "colonialism" when you give equal air space to Arab and Islamic imperialism and actual colonialism which is why Hamas openly says that their goal is to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab and Islamic ethnostate.
People use the term ethnostate to apply to Israel when Israel is the single most diverse and liberal country in the Middle East while ignoring that every single Arab country around it is an ethnostate that rejects those who aren't Arab or Islamic.
I will give your arguments weight when you can point to a country in the Middle East other than Israel who have a 20% Jewish population with equal rights as the Arab citizens. I'll bring some popcorn and then starve to fucking death before you are able to do so.
The Houthis perpetrated a genocide of 200,000 people and the IRGC actively encourages Westoid idiots to make Tik Toks saying shit like "based Houthis," and then "I oppose genocide" lmfao, gooooooooo fuck yourselves.
Zero Jews in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. All Jews ethnically cleansed or murdered. Israel has a 20% Arab population with equal rights as its Jewish civilians but Israel is the ethnostate, and y'all don't even realize that this rhetoric you are spewing comes from an Islamic imperialist state who actively work to destroy Iranian and Persian culture.
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jewelleria · 4 months
So are you saying that Islamophobia is a problematic term?
Because using it to mean "anti-arab racism" is SUPER problematic but
Idk if we should just get rid of the term with nothing to replace it with
Same as maybe we should drop antisemitism entirely and go back to Judenhass because why are we still using a term coined by a eugenicitst
that’s exactly what i’m saying. it’s not just problematic—it doesn’t exist. you cannot be racist against a religion. you can be racist against arabs, and you can be racist against black folks, and you can be racist against jews. but you can’t be racist against muslims or christians because they are religions that are not exclusive to race or heredity.
islamophobia is not a thing, and it’s a weapon used to shut down anyone who tries to point out that, hey, maybe it is super weird that the founding prophet of islam married a six-year-old girl but no no no he wasn’t a pedophile!!! he waited until she got her period at age nine to fuck her so he was actually so amazing and kid!!!!!
now, anti-muslim prejudice, white supremacy, and xenophobia most definitely all exist and are terrible. labeling a woman with a hijab walking down the streets of new york as a terrorist or a threat to america simply because she’s muslim is anti-muslim prejudice. discrimination against people from another country, often poorer immigrants who don’t speak english and don’t look white, is xenophobic and racist. and white supremacy is self explanatory lol.
i don’t think we should go back to judenhass. it seems rather odd to refer to jew-hatred in german. i don’t know, call me weird, but i think we should just stick with antisemitism. that wilhelm dude will rot in hell anyway so who cares if he invented the word or not lmao
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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secular-jew · 4 months
"Free speech is at it freest, when it's hate speech against the Jews."
Sadly, he's right.
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Translation: “I don’t understand secular democracy.” Messy as it is, what’s going on in the UK at the moment is secular democracy at work, where mechanisms exist to remove unfit leaders from power. On the other hand, in Islamic theocracies, you have to literally go to war with the regime to make change.
Reminder: Roshan Salih is the same UK-based Islamist who celebrated the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban last year.
It’s notable that first-world Islamist fanatics like him never move to the kinds of countries that they want to create.
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cavalierzee · 4 months
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“Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia,” Israeli Ambassador to Australia Naftali Tamir said in a 2006 interview with Haaretz.
“We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don’t have yellow skin and slanted eyes.
Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not—we are basically the white race.
We are on the western side of Asia, and they are on the southeastern side.”
Tamir was recalled after word of his remarks spread, and he was later stripped of his ambassadorship.
Upon return, Tamir was cleared of any misconduct.
If you don’t possess the characteristics, then you are outsiders, a foreign entity that Invaded the host and are occupiers!
You don’t belong there!
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 5 months
Seeing all the people who say "I'm not antisemitic, just antizionist" celebrate the Iranian strike on Israel do not know how fucking hypocritical they sound. This was VERY CLEARLY meant to kill Jews, and you support it. That is antisemitic.
Y'all are such pigs.
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former-leftist-jew · 3 months
Christianity and Islam both say, "Only those who follow our religion go to The Good Place after Death; the rest of you sods will burn and suffer forever in The Bad Place as Punishment for not following OUR direct dogma."
Yet, it's JEWS who supposedly WE'RE the Special Chosen Few?
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aliya-din · 9 months
the "prophet" muhammad encouraged his soldiers to rape married women. pass it on.
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