#islamic radicals
I find it disgusting that pro Palestinian and HAMAS posts have their comments restricted.
Many pro Palestinian and HAMAS posts talking about it's freedom and so called illegal occupation of Israel on Gaza have their comments shut or restricted. Because they want to spread their narrative, because, they don't want anyone to even talk about Israelis. They are shouting about Humanity and rights and their near sightedness has failed to recognise the fact that Israel has the right to exist!
Its a well known fact that Islam does not tolerate the existence of other religions in an Area where Islam is primarily spread. Eversince, Israel's creation, Islamic countries have been preying and attacking on Israel like vultures.
Wokes and leftists and Gen Z tik tokers fail to see that. They are living in their own world of reels not recognising the fact that Israel was attacked! HAMAS had launched 5000 rockets! Can't you understand?? Those rockets were meant for murder, meant for the kill. Israelis could die. But it doesn't matter to pro Palestinian idiots..they are ready to overlook, ready to sacrifice Jews of Israel for a terrorist organisation like HAMAS. I don't know about you fools but, HAMAS has a history with murdering people, raping women, tearing their wombs to kill the fetus within. But, you all will overlook it shamelessly. That's what you all are. This is your dark side, this is your ugliness. Must I remind you, Popular Front for liberation of Palestine (PLFP) used to behead people, and play football with the head of the dead body. This is what you support. You support these people. Shameful
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Farley Weiss and Leonard Grunstein 
Israel is on the front lines of a war against the U.S. launched by Islamic radicals led by the Iranian regime and its proxies, including Hamas.
Hamas and its supporters are not only antisemites. They also hate all non-Muslims, the West in general and especially the U.S. Their ultimate goal is to conquer the world and kill or oppress all those who do not accept their interpretation of Islam.
In the U.S., supporters of Hamas and its sponsors have placed the country under siege. They shriek their support of the Houthis, who attack U.S. shipping and naval forces in the Red Sea. They violently disrupt or attempt to disrupt time-honored American celebrations and holidays, such as public Christmas tree-lighting ceremonies, the New York City Thanksgiving parade and the Times Square New Year’s Eve festivities. They close down bridges, tunnels and roads during rush hour. They pollute once-proud U.S. campuses with racist violence. At a recent violent “demonstration” in New York City, a Hamas supporter spewed the “n-word” at the police officers who arrested him. The anti-Americanism of these thugs is as strong as their antisemitism.
There have also been reports that these pro-terrorist “activists” are well-paid and coordinate their efforts, directly or indirectly, with Hamas and its cohorts. Hamas is a U.S.-designated terrorist organization and materially supporting it or providing it with services is prohibited under the law (18 USC 2339). Local laws also apply, which accounts for some of the arrests that have been made.
These pro-terrorist campaigns have no legitimacy whatsoever and no place in the public square. This is obvious given the policies they support. For example, besides supporting the genocide of Jews, they are also viciously misogynistic. Women under the Hamas regime are legally second-class citizens. Domestic physical and emotional abuse is rampant and honor killings regularly occur.
In addition, Hamas is virulently racist. It still labels thousands of people of African origin “slaves.” They reportedly live in a ghetto area of Gaza called Al-Abeed, meaning “The Slaves.”
There is also rampant child abuse, child labor, sexual exploitation of children and slavery in Gaza.
In other words, Hamas supporters are projecting their own evil beliefs and practices onto others, such as their false accusations of genocide against Israel. While supporting genocide themselves—as well as racism, misogyny, slavery and child abuse—they spew blood libels at the Jewish state.
Thankfully, the American people have woken up to the danger posed by Hamas and its Iranian supporters. Recent polls report that an overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in this war.
It is time for the Biden administration to stop pandering to Hamas’s American supporters. They may be strident and vocal in their demands for an unconditional ceasefire and the elimination of Israel, but they do not represent a majority of American voters.
The mistakes being made by the Biden administration are similar to those made by Jimmy Carter when he was running for reelection in 1980. Carter faced similar challenges and his weak response to the Iran hostage crisis and equivocal support of Israel because of his disdain for what he viewed as Menachem Begin’s right-wing government are eerily akin to the errors being made by the current administration.
The results of Carter’s folly speak for themselves: His share of the Jewish vote dropped from 71% to 45%. He lost decisively to Ronald Reagan and the rest is history.
Recent polling suggests that Biden should avoid Carter’s mistakes. For example, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Penn.) has seen his support rise since he disregarded concerns about alienating his progressive base and came out strongly in support of Israel.
This is the time for Reaganesque determination and action, not Carteresque appeasement. America’s military response to Houthi aggression was a good start, but more is necessary to prevent further attacks by the Iranian regime and its proxies. The U.S. must project its overwhelming power in order to reestablish deterrence.
Hamas and its cohorts must be prevented from committing any further atrocities and acts of aggression. The only way to do this is to unequivocally support total Israeli victory.
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formywriyinglalala · 3 months
this genuinely breaks my heart
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radykalny-feminizm · 1 year
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Another based TikTok woman being 100% right about religion, love the tendency ✊
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honeyblankets · 12 days
i saw a video discussing the lack of women’s rights in the middle east under islam.
the comments under the post were almost all saying that it is not oppression of women, it is just “culture”.
female oppression is not culture. female oppression is oppression. your religion is not exempt from being oppressive.
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caitlinjohns77 · 11 days
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you are actually trash
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vouam · 22 days
I love radfems that aren’t afraid to criticise certain religions.
I would like to see more of it tbh, a lot more.
I live in a country that is not very religious, and so sometimes feminists in my country don’t address it as much as they should. Think about the entire worlds population and the prevalence of religion in society, its impact on culture, the government, the law. Almost all of the oppressive ideology promoted by major religions is aimed at women.
Here’s just a few things that major religions promote/justify:
- Child marriage
- Sex slavery
- Purity culture
- Modesty culture
- Victim blaming
- Less inheritance for women
- Women’s witness testimony worth less than a man
- Silencing of women in public spaces
- Polygamy only for men
- Gendered stereotypes
- No financial freedom for woman
- Physical abuse
- Emotional and verbal abuse
The list goes on and on and on, this just scrapes the surface.
I honestly argue that these religions should be one of main things we address and fight against. They are the blueprint of modern patriarchy.
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athenawasamerf · 3 months
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Saudi Arabia never fails to send me into a rage. What the fuck do you MEAN sharia compliant scrubs??????? Do you know what the fuck the point of scrubs is??????? Can she run during a code?????? She’s a walking tripping hazard. That skirt will get caught on all sorts of shit, and will be sweeping the hospital floors all day long. It’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and ridiculously restrictive.
And of fucking course they took off all the pockets.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
Women in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan are facing significant challenges in their fight for survival and equality, yet some self-identified feminists, known as TERFs, do not acknowledge or support their struggle and revolution.
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she-is-ovarit · 6 months
"Taliban sending Afghan women to prison to protect them from gender **sex-based violence"
ISLAMABAD (AP) — Taliban officials are sending Afghan women to prison to protect them from gender sex-based violence, according to a U.N. report published Thursday.
Before the Taliban seized power in 2021, there were 23 state-sponsored women protection centers in Afghanistan where survivors of gender sex-based violence could seek refuge. Now there are none, the U.N. report said.
Officials from the Taliban-led administration told the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan that there was no need for such shelters or that they were a Western concept.
The Taliban sends women to prison if they have no male relatives to stay with or if the male relatives are considered unsafe, the report said. Authorities have also asked male relatives for commitments or sworn statements that they will not harm a female relative, inviting local elders to witness the guarantee, it added.
Women are sent to prison for their protection “akin to how prisons have been used to accommodate drug addicts and homeless people in Kabul,” the report said. The Associated Press contacted Taliban-led ministries about where survivors of gender sex-based violence can seek help, what protection measures are in place, and the conviction rates for offenders, but nobody was available for comment.
Women and girls have been increasingly confined to their homes since the Taliban takeover in 2021. They are barred from education beyond sixth grade, including university, public spaces like parks, and most jobs. They are required to take a male chaperone with them on journeys of more than 72 km (45 miles) and follow a dress code. A Taliban decree in July ordered the closure of all beauty salons, one of the few remaining places that women could go to outside the home or family environment. But Afghanistan has, for years, ranked among the worst places in the world to be born female. Millions of girls were out of school before the Taliban takeover for cultural and other reasons. Child marriage, violence and abuse were widespread. Rights groups warned that Taliban rule would enable violence against women and girls and decimate any legal protections for them. Women are no longer working in the judiciary or law enforcement, not allowed to deal with crimes of gender sex-based violence, and only permitted to attend work when called upon by their male supervisors, according to the U.N. report.
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this is your reality. You want Jews dead. This is what you are from inside. You are vile and your thoughts are so toxic, that you fail to recognise that JEWS HAVE THE RIGHT ON A LAND AND A COUNTRY.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
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cannibalspyre · 7 months
women & "feminists" who shut down discussions on how unregulated immigration of *males* from islamic countries *do* pose an additional threat to the safety and freedom of local women & girls are simply spineless.
this is not a "our males vs their males" comparison, which is unnecessary, considering all men harm all women around the world.
this is about opposing the import of potential rapists, which would only add to the existing population of them. they are men who disproportionately leave their women and children behind when immigrating to other countries.
women from islamic countries are aware of how men view the "western woman". we know about their rape fantasies. i will never prioritize my nationality or the comfort of foreign/familiar men over my loyalty to the protection of women & girls.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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vouam · 3 months
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(I believe this happened a few months ago, absolutely heartbreaking. Rest in peace.)
This tweet is currently going viral with (of course) a lot of men claiming ‘this is because of culture, not religion!’
They clearly lack critical thinking skills because while yes, the religion does not state women should be killed for showing their hair, she is still ordered to wear it by the Quran and threatened with Jahannam (hellfire). A woman revealing her hair is seen as a dishonour to the family - the exact motive for this case. Misogynistic culture obviously is a factor too. The entitlement to women’s bodies, control over their life or death, normalised violence. This case is clearly a result of both religion and culture.
Religion and misogynistic culture thrive because of one another. They use religion to justify their misogynistic cultural views and then claim ‘it’s culture!’ when something bad happens as a result.
In response to these comments from men, maybe do something about the mistreatment of women rather than play mental gymnastics because its culture not religion. Have some accountability. It’s still your culture and your religion, women are dying and you don’t care.
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eretzyisrael · 6 days
by Dr. Sheila Nazarian
My family immigrated to Los Angeles from Iran when I was a child, fleeing the religious persecution that Jews in Iran are subjected to.I’m thrilled to see the Persian community being recognized for what we bring to the table — for Jews and for America at large. I’ve said for a long time that the American Jewish community has a problem listening to its smaller constituencies, particularly Middle Eastern Jews who don’t vote, act, or look like them. Persian Jews usually hold more conservative positions than the rest of our Jewish counterparts, particularly with regard to foreign affairs and the dangers of radical Islam — but it is because we know these dangers acutely. It did not take the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust for us to see them.
We know these dangers, and have been sounding the alarm about them, precisely because we have lived through and fled them. My family fled Iran, hiding in the back of a pickup truck being shot at by border police, after the Islamic Revolution, when the ayatollahs took the sophisticated, cosmopolitan society I remember from my early childhood and transformed it in a dystopian theocracy that detests women and detests Jews even more. Along with the thousands of other Jewish families who fled, we were among the first victims of the jihadist wave that started then and is still crashing over the world today, with Iran funding the terrorist proxies — from Hamas to Hezbollah — that wreak havoc through the Middle East and hope to do the same to the Western world. 
This is why Persian Jews warn continuously of the evils of radical Islam — we know how it can destroy once-thriving societies until they are unrecognizable, and we know the way this destruction can spread. We understand the pressing, urgent danger that Iran poses to the West, and we understand the need to elect officials and back policies informed by this understanding, even if it means a shift from the traditional American Jewish party line.
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