#isn't that what most people do often though? fill in the blanks i mean
thoughts-reasons · 1 year
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practice makes permanent
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bird-inacage · 7 months
Love Sea the Series: Intro (First Impressions & Predictions)
Because I'm a huge over-analyser whose known for my lengthy BL essays - here are my takeaways from the very brief glimpse we got to Mahasamut and Tongrak. They gave us literally a 1 minute teaser, so as you can imagine, I'm filling in a lot of blanks at this stage.
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Tongrak looks like he's going to be an unapologetic menace. A very sexy and sassy menace. He has an air of blasé indifference which screams 'yeah and so what?' you're not the boss of me'. Someone whose clearly a bit prickly, petulant and headstrong. Writers are often independent or even loners, as it's a very solitary field. They have a very strong vision of what they want, which can mean a reluctance to compromise.
I mentioned that he gives 'I know I'm hot shit' energy. He exudes a confident sexuality which is shown in how assertive he is when flirting and the smugness in how he retorts. He knows he's hot commodity and isn't afraid to flaunt it. Probably is used to having people wrapped around his little finger. 'We play by my rules, I decide if I want you or not'. At worst he may even see people around him as playthings.
Based on the general premise of the series, Tongrak comes to the seaside for inspiration. Uppity cosmopolitan city boy thrown in to the bohemian outdoors. He looks very noticeably out of place in this setting. But he may use that to his advantage, knowing others are looking at him, dazzled by a prince in the middle of literal nowhere.
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Now what comes across most strongly about Mahasamut is that he's clearly very possessive. This is signposted multiple times in this brief introduction alone. He steals Tongrak away when he's flirting with someone else. He drags him by the wrist across the beach. I assume at this point they've not known each other long and he's being very handsy and grabby. He asserts that Tongrak 'will have to love him.' (Which could mean: I'll make you fall in love with me whether you like it or not, OR you falling in love with me is inevitable because I'm just too goddamn charming). Pretty presumptuous all the same.
This tells us that Mahasamut is equally self-assured. He has bags of confidence in his ability to keep Tongrak interested. Though he's being turned down, he doesn't appear dissuaded or phased in the slightest. Whether this is due to being generally a bit thick-headed, or putting on a front in order not to let Tongrak feel like he's won, is too early to say.
It's also worth noting that people who have such confidence in their conviction often haven't failed before. And there's a certain naivete in that. It's the whole 'through hard work and determination I can conquer all' mentality, which is not always the case.
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Now what really fascinates me about this collision of personalities is that these two are going to butt heads. A lot. Whether that's in a good-humoured tug of war, or a stubborn battle of wills. Tongrak is resistant in a 'I refuse to compromise' type of way. Mahasamut is persistent in a 'I refuse to let it go' type of way (like a dog with a bone). Neither wants to give in. Both are declaring, 'you're going to want me'.
So Tongrak and Mahasamut are not your typical match on paper. There will be fireworks (most likely good and bad). It'll probably take them much longer to find equal footing that goes beyond just sexual attraction or lust. This is why I've got a hunch the love scenes are going to pop off. We're going to get angry sex, I'm calling it now.
You could argue that Tongrak and Mahasamut do share some similarities with Sky and Prapai - particularly with the bickering and chasing - just dialled up to 100.
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ATMOSPHERE: The setting by the sea should prove to be a really interesting way of playing on tone. Watching those two interact whilst the wind blew around them, with the crashing of the waves in the distance was a whole mood.
CONTEXT: This feels leaps and bounds removed from the more grounded setting of Love in the Air. It almost feels like a summer fling. We're getting what appears to be a more adult backdrop, which I always greatly appreciate within the BL genre.
STYLING: Tongrak's outfits are going to murder me. The silky, drapey, billowy, low cut shirts with ample collarbone on show? CHRIST. Paired with the dainty jewellery. Kill me now.
Also, love the fact they were referring to each other as 'MISTER' and 'SIR'. Like SIR, DO YOU MIND? SIR, I'VE GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU. SOMETHING GOT YOU HOT AND BOTHERED, SIR?
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hornyf0ckers · 2 years
how would obey me characters react when a usually blank faced , cold mc starts smiling and wanting to pet them when they transformed into their animal form
I hope you enjoy this anon!
Cold MC acting softly with the brothers animal form
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AN: I didn't know if you meant their animal outfits or their representive animal form so I chose the second option! I Hope you like it!
Warnings/Tags: slight spoiler warnings(Chapter 16) on Belphegor's part, GN MC, pronouns: you
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He was always a bit intrigued by your cold demeanor
He always thought you were just usually like that
But oh boy was he wrong
When you started smiling at him in his animal form, he was in total shock.
Did you just smile at him??
Your smile was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen
To qanyone else, he would never allow anyone to touch his ears but to you? It's different
How could he refuse when your smile captivated him like a curse?
He let you pet him, but only in private
He thought your smile was the best but your touch? It was to die for
Expect him to try to win you over with animals in the future
He would definitely introduce you to Cerberus, but for a price ofcourse
He may or may not show you his animal form from time to time if you behave
And if he craves for your attention
He would take good pride in showing off his feathers to you
Maybe trying to court you with them too
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He was over the moon
He always thought you despised him
But when you started petting him he was so surprised and flustered
Ofcourse you want to let him, he is the great Mammon after all
And as such he shall grand you the wish of petting him
Please just pet him, he is starved for your attention and affection
Would snuggle up to you and peck you from time to time if you don't give him enough attention
He would see you from another light now
Back then he was lowkey afraid of you but now he has the courage to get closer to you
He sends his crows to look after you if he isn't available in hopes they help to strengthen your relationship with him
What do you mean? He's not Mammon, thay is definitely just another crow of his and totally not Mammon trying to steal more pets from you
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Total shock
You!? petting him??
He was too overwhelmed
Much like Mammon, he always thought you hated him, which he could definitely understand. Who wouldn't hate a shut in Otaku like him??
When you petted him he thought you did it over pity
But after seeing your face filled with adoration he began to warm up to you
He starts to compare you to anime characters that are similar to you
He would shakily ask you to play games with him after that
And whenever he is too shy to ask for attention, he turns into his animal form and wraps himself around your arm
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Did he knew you were going to do it?
Was he still surprised
He could read you like a book
He knew you weren't as cold as you claimed to be
He even saw the way you act around the stray cats
So when you petted him he was kind of taken back but quickly gotten used to it
But don't think his unicorn form is cute
Many people forget how strong is form is
He now has an excuse to take you to cat cafe's
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Ofcourse you'd want to pet him
He is as gorgeous in his animal form as he is in his other forms
But seriously, you petting him meant alot to him
He was a bit insecure, since many people don't like scorpion's and think they are ugly
He would definitely cling to you
Don't worry he won't sting you
But he will try to sting his brothers if they try to take your precious time away from him
Please pet him more
He would try to get your soft side out more often
Definitely brags about this infront of his brothers
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He was taken back at first
He thought you were going to crush him
But when you offered him food he came closer
The little boops of your finger surprised him
He too though you hated him, which made him sad
He was relieved that you don't
It made him quite happy that you don't find him disgusting as a fly
He definitely sits on your shoulder a lot
He will try to talk to you more
Even offering food to you
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He was confused
He thought you hated him
Which you had a good reason to after all that has happened
Definitely falls asleep to you petting him
He uses this knowledge to his advantage
You ignoring him? Transform into his animal form
You spending too much time with his brothers? Animal form
You wanting to leave? Animal form
If it takes for him to turn into a cow/bull for you to give him affection, he will do it.
He places his head in your lap and sleeps for hours
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Do you think that the issues with Imogen and Laudna ties into the campaign being more railroaded (compared to C2 specifically) and with less campfire conversations, shopping episodes etc. where more organic character development can happen? While I do find all C3 character's interesting on their own, I feel like most of their relationships with one another are more shallow compared to C2 (that had the Empire Siblings, Veth and Caleb, The Detectives etc.). Do you have any thoughts on this?
I don't actually think so!
I agree that we haven't had as much downtime - and that more downtime would help flesh out all the relationships - but Imogen and Laudna have talked frequently, and all of these things would have helped and wouldn't have taken up significantly more time.
They still don't really feel like they've known each other two years. I bring up that they have because I feel like that fact should be informing their relationship and that they should have the security to disagree with each other, but the fact remains that Caleb and Veth, Fjord and Jester, and Yasha and Molly felt like they'd known each other before the campaign and Imogen and Laudna...really don't. Like, we know they met in Gelvaan, people were doing something to Laudna, Imogen used her powers, they ran off, and they arrived in Jrusar a few months prior to the campaign, but that leaves the entire middle year-plus as a big empty blank. (For what it's worth, I'm also still like, yes, Laudna, I get that you were in the woods for 30 years doing crafts and making Pate, but like, make me feel it; why were you in a point of stasis? Ironically, I feel like Ashton has more sense of history even though the whole point is that they don't feel like that. Fearne was just bopping around at her Grandmas for 90 years and she feels like it. This is a whole separate post but like...this came up with Patia too; I feel like Marisha has a good sense of her characters in the present, but I don't always get a sense that she fills in the backstory in the same depth as much of the rest of the cast; and Laura also tends to work from something a bit more solid in terms of ambiance and vibes but often doesn't have a ton of intricate plot beats. Anyway, point being that Marisha and Laura fleshing out those two years would have done tons of work for the relationship, and that was pre-campaign and totally unaffected by the pace of the campaign.
Any one of these existing conversations could have been a turning point - ie, this is no more extra time. They could have leaned into the gnarlrock fight being a betrayal; when they spoke in the Calloway Getaway they could have talked more; Imogen could have actually asked Laudna to come back (or even said "it's your choice" rather than "I can't ask you"); Imogen could have actually asked Laudna how she felt and what would have been upsetting to her after she was resurrected instead of making assumptions and just telling Vex; last episode, as I said, Laudna could have quite literally just said "I want you to be happy but if you side with Otohan I can't come with you."
I think this is brushing up against something I really try to avoid, which is removing the agency that the women in the cast have. If Marisha and Laura wanted Imogen and Laudna to kiss last episode? they could have. They chose not to. As I mentioned before, Marisha decided to have Laudna have a drink with Ashton. On the airship to Yios, for example, the two of them could, in fact, have said "I go seek out (the other)," and they didn't. There is less organic time to do this the way there was in the Nein campaign, but that does not mean there haven't been opportunities. They've chosen not to take them.
Which means I also think we need to ask ourselves: how do we know that this isn't how Marisha and Laura want to play it? Like, it is, actually, a very interesting dynamic, and the gaps in the backstory honestly work in favor of it if you see this as a codependence that came because both were so trapped in their own loneliness they became stuck rather than a fluffy cottagecore romance. Why assume these actors are aiming for something and falling short, rather than achieving precisely what they want?
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macbethz · 1 year
1, 10, and 15 for the choose violence ask game :)
THIS IS A LONG ONE SORRY. I guess I had violence in my heart.
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Ok im aware this is like the most predictable answer for me but its true. CLARA!!! People don't get her at all and it absolutely infuriates me, because she's pretty much the only companion in nuwho who is hated to this extent (ie, people saying mean shit about her on my posts ABOUT HER) Oh does she annoy you by having the exact same traits as the doctor? Do you not like her egotistical and controlling behavior? I wonder why. Perhaps there is a point there.
Sidenote - it annoys me when people will call her a mary sue and simultaneously get mad at her being an asshole and yk, having character flaws, as if those terms aren't mutually exclusive & her hyper-competence that gets read as "mary sue" isn't an intentional choice by the narrative and a result of her being DEEPLY unwell in other aspects of her life.
I feel like a lot of people judge her based on the second half of s7 which, to be fair, is awful and I don't think they knew what they were doing with her yet. But in the context of her whole run she is genuinely one of the most evocative characters to come out of doctor who for me, especially in the way she serves as a kind of commentary and subversion of companions as a whole. I genuinely could talk about clara forever but yeah I do feel like a lot of the hate comes from the fact that people Don't Get Her.
And then among fans who do there's always a risk that they see her as this blank slate twee girl to self-project onto which again, to be fair, is how she was written in season 7. But so many things from supposed fans of her as well that I'll read and be like she would not fucking say that. she does not have the emotional awareness to say that. and/or she is not like a uwu quirky shy girl she would fucking speak her mind about that. She is deranged and I love her. I have to shut up abt clara or this will be the whole post.
10. Worst part of fanon
I honestly cant get TOO annoyed with doctor who fanon because i am a comics fan AND a danny phantom fan and its surprisingly common practice for people in both those fandoms to be a "fan" of something they have not consumed the media for in any form, resulting in this horrible mess of fanon with no connection to what makes the original compelling. + doctor who is such a mess of canon anyway basically everything has been canon at some point even if its shit.
But I think in the end the worst part of DW fanon is, like all fanon, the flattening of really compelling characters to fit trope archetypes. I see this especially with tenrose, where they're just turned into this kind of generic ship that you can plug n play into any situation with little connection to the interesting ways they actually behave in canon.
As a kind of interesting reversal, though, fanon will often expand out dw's most generic characters (ie most chibnal companions. sorry), but only for the purposes of shipping and not in ways I myself find particularly interesting. Like imo Yaz is probably the least developed chibnal companion but pretty much the only one I see expanded on in this way because of the shipping potential.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
im probably gonna get slaughtered for this but i think maybe weve had enough crowley in doctor who outfits or 10 meeting crowley fanart. maybe im bitter because i dont really care about the GO show and I feel like it fills up the dw tag to the brim these days
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 9 months
May I Love You?
(A/N: I'm really on a roll with these Ranpo relationship reveals. This one contains some other couples too. No beta we die like that guy Mushitarou dropped off that building.)
(1,472 words)
Ranpo's Perspective
I deduced my boyfriend's– I mean rival's intentions days and days ago but he's been working on a new manuscript that I haven't had time to confront him about it. Ordinarily I would beat him to the punch but it's fun watching him be all shy.
A scratching sound from behind me brings my attention back to the office. I'd know that sound anywhere. Karl. My best friend. It's time.
I turn, and he drops the leather bound volume in my lap. I start to reach in my pocket but he skitters away before I can give him a treat. How odd? He's just as much a sweet tooth as I am, is Edgar mad that I haven't mentioned his recent project? I'd assumed he'd wanted space to work on it.
I open the volume.
It's blank.
There isn't a trace of ink or indenting on any of the pages. This is getting more confusing by the second, which is distressing because confusion isn't something I feel often. Then I sport it.
As soon as I see the note taped to the back, the situation becomes obvious. Ah, Edgar, you managed to stump me for a second! You really are my soulmate.
I start to get up but the amount of effort Edgar must have poured into this, given how shy he is, must have been immense. If he's asking this of me I really should respect his work.
Already itching to see the book's author, I turn over the last page and read the carefully scrawled note. Edgar's handwriting can appear at times somewhat messy, almost fevered, when his mind is supplying him with ideas much faster than his hand can move. But this note has been written in delicate decadent script, the characters almost taking on the appearance of English cursive as they curve elegantly. He thought about this, most likely writing several drafts until it was perfect.
It reads:
"I'm sorry, I know I should be doing this in person, but I'd be far too embarrassed with all of your colleagues present. I suppose this is what I get for being too impatient to wait until your work hours ended. And I'm sure by this point you've already deduced my intentions, however I do wish to do this formally, so if you have any intention of accepting my offer, meet me outside."
I'd been expecting this, I know I had but I can't help the way my heartbeat accelerates, pounding in my chest, filling me with butterflies.
I almost knock over Kenji as I run out the door.
Yosano's Perspective
I've never seen Ranpo run before.
Well, I have, but that was when we were about to be murdered. Other than dashing around when he accompanies one of us shopping, his pace is light and even, without a care in the world.
Now he sprints through the office, heading straight for the door. Last I checked there's no new murders he's been asked to help with. Does he even know where he's going?
I saw that Racoon, Kyle, I think its name is, drop off a manuscript from the Guild author that comes by often. Did something in the book upset Ranpo that much? And why didn't Ranpo get sucked into the book after the first page?
I hope we don't have to go look for him, especially since we're down four people. Kunikida and Atsushi are out on a reconnaissance mission and it's the Tanizakis' day off.
I start down the stairs after him, he doesn't even turn at my footsteps, and when I get almost out the door I see the raccoon again, and a sleek black car, an American company.
The author is here! I see . . . that means I should give them some privacy then. I google and creep as quietly as I can back up the stairs, so as not to disturb the two men.
Dazai is already standing at the window, looking out over the street below. I go to meet him, still smiling as I think of the detective and the author together.
Dazai looks over at me nodding to the boys below us. Even though they're older than both Dazai and I, I can't shake the feeling of watching two teenagers have their first love. Maybe it's because they're both so different from others of their age. Maybe it's because both our pasts have aged Dazai and I so much beyond our physical years.
We're silent as we watch them share an embrace and then a kiss.
I reach over to the desk and pull the manuscript from the table, a note falls out. My smile only grows as I read it. A love confession, or nearly. Ranpo has a boyfriend now.
Dazai sighs, turning away from the window, back still resting against the sill, looking back to the office. His gaze is fixed on me now, something like a smile on his lips. A smile different from the wide grins he usually flashes, it doesn't look so painted on. A smile tainted by all he's been through. Real but fleeting, never wide or bright enough because of a dark and twisted past. I don't think he minds it, he should, but he doesn't.
"That makes four of us with partners from opposing organisations" The chuckles that leave his lips is a twisting hollow sound, not unlike his smile.
"Yeah" is all I can say, trying to ground myself in the calm moment. I force myself to think only of how happy Ranpo looks, the rosy blush dusting his cheeks. If I'm happy for him I can't be sad for me.
Gentle footsteps echo, Kenji is at the window beside us. He stares at Ranpo and his new boyfriend.
"Wow! Ranpo-san looks so happy, good for him!' Kenji cheers.
Dazai pats the farmer boy on the head and presses his pointer finger over his lips, shushing him. "How about we keep this between us. Afterall, this isn't our secret to tell." 
Kenji's eyes widen in realisation and he looks around just to make sure the office is empty as he nods, "Alright, of course I won't mention it, you have my word." 
"Thank you, Kenji-kun." Dazai's words are so quiet I almost can't hear them and from there silence creeps in, the comfortable kind, the happiness still like a blanket over me even after we turn away from the window.
The warmth of the feeling only dulls when something occurs to me.
"Wait, earlier you mentioned that there are five of us dating those from other organisations, who's the fourth? Did Atsushi and Akutagawa finally get together?" 
But that would still leave one couple?
"Nope!" The grin is back on Dazai's face again.
I try to puzzle it out. There's me and Kouyou, Dazai and Chuuya, and now Ranpo and the Guild Author. Who's the last couple?
Finally I give up. "Then who?" 
"Not my secret to tell either." 
I feel the cool steady pressure of someone's gaze on me. There's only one person who could make you feel that just by looking at you, the only person I've ever met who has such an unshakably calm aura. The President.
I turn to greet him, but he's already walking out.
"Oh, President, where are you going?" I ask, because I'm a little embarrassed to be caught just staring out the window doing nothing during working hours.
He offers a small smile, "Just out. You needn't bother yourself, return to what you were doing. I'll be gone for the remainder of the day, but should you need me for anything you know where to contact me."
I watch him go, he's taking his bag with him. It's rare for him to leave early, whatever he's doing must be important.
Yukichi's Perspective
I shake my head as I head out the office door.
Yosano-kun and Dazai-kun have resumed their banter. I listen for a moment.
"Dazai, pleeease!" Yosano-kun drags out the words in hopes of breaking Dazai-kun's steel resolve.
"Nope!" I can picture that clownish smile of his, so like the look someone I know gets when he's about to pull something mischievous, only Dazai-kun wears it all the time. As if it was plastered onto his face or he put it on so many times he forgot to take it off, or forgot how.
I continue down the stairs, the last thing I hear being Yosano-kun's scream of: "You little shit!"
I know Dazai-kun won't reveal the name of the fifth agency member dating someone from another organisation. He's withstood far more gruesome torture with a smile on his face. Most of the time I can only hope he'll relax into a life in the light. I wish he would accept that he is truly safe now, but now I'm grateful. If that name were to get out it wouldn't be good anyone involved
Speaking of couples, I owe a certain surgeon money. 
Oh, my Ranpo, my beloved son, why couldn't you have waited another month to start dating Poe-san?
(A/N: Even Dazai doesn't know about Tachizaki)
(A/N: I've leaned into a sodter style for this one, because I liked the last one I wrote so much, and as I mentioned in my previous post I love writing fukumori so I wanted to included them. Also I like to think that this title has a slight double meaning. Yukichi wonders if it truly is alright to be in such a deep realtionship with someone from an enemy organisation, but love is love and it can't be helped❤️.)
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iwanttobethevoid · 1 year
And you know what, I had no idea, no clue as a kid that it was so difficult to be understood. That it was so difficult to have conversations. That it was so difficult to just barely manage to make it alongside other humans. That most of our discourse and love takes place in wild confusion. That our dramas, our plotlines, our movements through time are punctuated by a bucketload of misunderstandings that can generally be solved with either more information or better listening. Be that to nature, to conditions, to history, to yourself, to other people, whatever...it is frankly, hilarious. It's funny. I guess I see that now? It's really fucking funny, why are we like this?
It is as though we enter life armed with vague notions of it that come from our histories haunting the underlying models in our minds. They fill in the blanks like our mind does our vision and then you have a world full of your own expectations, unable to understand anything but that. So you're just blind, all a bit blind. Annoying that then we have the gall to call that 'personality' as though our inability to see things is some kind of individuating gift, when it differentiates us only in that it limits us in what we can interact with.
It's funny, because I used to think that people predominantly argued over actual problems. That problems could be real. That we didn't cause all of them ourselves. What's disgusting to me about this is that 'problems' are the entire human race jacking off to itself in this kind of mind orgy in which we slither up against our slimy misunderstandings. Like when your internal monologue berates yourself but really isn't listening in on your own personal pains? Yeah, that's us, on a mass level. It's living in one large human mind, a mind that creates the conditions in which it moves and battles against them, but just can't manage to get outside of them. That's just...very disgusting to me, the lack of diversity.
I think this is why I so often seek to get out of it. But there is hardly any out when your life is tied to it somehow. The liberating parts of nature are perhaps their simply being, and being in such a way that they do not create the conditions by nature of your nature and by way of idiotically hilariously avoidable things. They do what they do because they do and it isn't more complex than that.
And sure, humans do that too, but the difference is there is an alternative to our stupid problem making lives. And we are terrible at it. We struggle to do it all the time. Most of our lives appear to be comprised of that struggling. Struggling against ourselves.
I imagined there was an entire world after that!! Do you not see what I am talking about? I mean a world in which you can see problems, real problems, ones we did not create, but ones that arise. A world in which people work together to solve them and a world in which conversations occur on the daily, I mean the ones where people mutually understand and feel heard. Conversations in which there is freedom in the sense that you can talk to anyone at any time and listening is so naturally woven in that bridges are built and built again and again with fear being a kind of foreign entity because within your own species there is a deep understanding of the meaning of existing as a member of it.
But nah, most of us live in this just...fucking hilarious anxiety that is simultaneously pleasurable (in that you are so special and the only one!) and horrible (in that you are all alone and you cannot be assured that anyone has experiences like you do). It is funny, see?
0 notes
I had a sensory overload today and cried on my boyfriend chest, so you're all getting headcanons so I can make myself feel better! Don't pay any attention as to how late it is!
-He has so little confidence in himself that it's actually sad
-Cannot be stopped from making self depreciating jokes, no matter how many times people tell him it's not good
-If this boy had a tiktok it would be blank. Maybe a cartoon pfp, but not a single video (Same bruh same)
-Out of everyone in the loop, she's the best at makeup. Doesn't mean she wears it all the time, but when she does good shit
-If she's in a bad mood, she can destroy you with words if she wants to. Luckily, this doesn't happen often, especially not to her friends. Random men that don't leave her alone on the other hand...
-For a while she had a "I'm not like other girls" thing going on, especially whenever Noor first came around. Not really there anymore though
-Do you ever get sensory overloads and cry? Then boy, do I have the cure for you! Cry while he hugs you. Automatic cure, I can confirm this right now from personal experience
-Sometimes he gets a little too focused on something and won't realize just how late he's said up until someone has to actually drag him to bed
-Gives the best and most thoughtful gifts. Oh? You collect pinned bugs? He's finding out where to get a rare pinned bug and giving you that on Valentine's day! Yes, that's what he did for me, I love him so much #justfictivethings lol
-Out of everyone in the loop, he has the most...complex feelings about his gender. Being so tied to bees, he's beegender, but with that comes some strange feelings. Most bees are female, so he does feel a strong connection to femininity. But at the same time, he still feels tied to drones/male bees.
-He tries not to think too much about it, and maybe keeps it bottled up a bit too much. Maybe it's because it stresses him out to ponder too much. Maybe he's embarrassed to talk about it. No matter what though, he does feel a lot of gender euphoria wearing skirts and confusing people about what gender he is.
-His sexuality is probably just as confusing to find an exact label, but it's not something he worries about. He just ends up using the term queer and calls it a day
-Fiona being plantgender surprises no one, and it never will. Same with her being bi. She just...you can just look at her and tell
-She's probably the least happy in a modern setting. Everything is just...too much for her. She likes the whole cottagecore thing, but she'd much rather keep to her usual ways. So still stuck in the late 1800's
-She has a way to talk to Hugh with just...looks. Slight facial expressions, body language, they just know each other that well. More often than not, they're flirting with each other like this out in the open
-Was put on kitchen duty once....Once. The peculiars don't talk about this often
-You can't pay him to play sports with the other boys. He'd sooner pull teeth
-I am voting him as most likely to have filled his homework with doodles
-He's not a fan of many things in the modern day, but he does appreciate a few things. Easier tools for cooking, Google, and easy access to fabric to name a few things
-What he isn't a fan of though? Fashion (obviously), dance trends, and the modern humor
-His scream could break glass
-HATES it when people call her a man for whatever reason. On bad days, it makes her cry
-She has a bit of hyper empathy with animals, especially baby ones
-A boy hit on her ONCE and she felt physically nauseous about it for a whole WEEK
-Says her favorite Disney princess is Aurora because her dress is pink, it's actually Cinderella because of the song "so this is love"
-She sees everyone in the loop as her siblings, but especially Enoch
-In a modern setting, she is addicted to those dress up flash games, bonus points if they're princess themed
-Sometimes she rolls her ankle in those big shoes, there are a lot of tears from that
-Has stepped on toes before! Bones were indeed broken!
-Master at finding lost items. No idea why
Bonus Victor!
-Horrible about confessing his feelings
-Makes horrible decisions when he gets nervous. It's like all critical thinking goes out the window
-Seems like the type with pencil graphite stuck in his hand permanently somewhere
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sabrebash · 3 years
Any tips for sketching?
Well, this one is difficult to answer. If by 'sketching' you mean getting started on a drawing, that can be very difficult, and it is often the point at which i freeze up. In general, the more common wisdom is the most useful: Start with basic shapes, mark where things should be, such as eyes, mouth, connections between limbs with balls and lines/tubes, etc. It is as if you are building a ball-jointed doll of your final figure, and SIMPLER SHAPES ARE STRONGER.
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You can get more complicated later with little details, but that thing that all character designers say is correct: You need to focus on the outline of the figure, and the same applies to poses and composition. That big red triangle was basically my main guide for this one. I think anteaters are made out of weird angular shapes and wanted to play with that. Start with the idea of basic shapes, and work from vague to specific, checking anatomy as you go.
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It can be way too easy to just tell you that, though; working towards specific shapes is much easier once you're more confident about your anatomy, but you'd be surprised just how much you can bend things to fit a better overall picture. This lady up top isn't the best example, as her anatomy is mostly made up and smashed together from various places, but you can see how the idea of the shape transfers.
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The more specific your previous sketch is, the easier your next layer can be, and don't be afraid to have 3 or more sketch layers if you need to. By the time you get to the most refined sketch, you might even treat it as lineart if you like it enough, a lot of people enjoy the sketchy look in their art, because it mimics the way real things shift and move around
In general: Sketches are your homework for the final picture, they are how you figured out where everything should go and why it's there. You probably have an idea of what you want to draw, but it's not really a complete image by itself, sketches are how you fill in those blank spaces. There are tons of formulas and techniques to decide how to do things, but the goal is always to create a map for yourself of how the picture should fit together, so don't be afraid to get really loose and wild with it if it helps you explore better while you're finding your shapes.
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puzzle-paradigm · 3 years
PSA: חנוכה/Chanukah/Hanukah is not "the opposite of Christmas"
I didn't think this had to be said, but I've heard it too many times for it to be some funny weird thing that only happened once. As happens frequently this time of year, I was asked what my Christmas plans were. The conversation went as follows: Them: So what are your plans for the holiday? Me: You mean Christmas? I'm Jewish so I don't celebrate it. I'm probably just going to work or something. Them: Oh, that makes sense. You must hate Christmas, since it's the opposite of Chanukah. Cue my shock, dear reader. Now this isn't a sentiment I haven't heard before, but to hear it so blatantly to my face was something new. Me: What do you mean? Them: Well Jews hate Christians, and since Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ you must hate Christmas. I was floored. The casual antisemitism this person felt entitled to was purely disgusting. Our conversation went a little further, with the use of the phrase "antichristmas" to refer to חנוכה, and using concepts like חנוכה bushes (not something I or even most Jews do) as justification (?) for my apparent seething hatred of Christmas and all things Christian.
So apparently people need to be educated, and I'm going to have to be the yid to do it.
Jews, as a whole, do not hate Christians or Christmas.
I personally hate Christmas music and the fake inclusivity and forced expectation of happiness and glee that is demanded of me during the Christmas season.
Antisemitic attacks spike around Christian holidays, especially Christmas and Easter, which creates a sense of apprehension and even fear for many Jews.
Judaism and Christianity are not opposites. Practically, Judaism doesn't give two hoots about Christianity, except when we're being attacked or our culture appropriated.
Chanukah and Christmas are not opposites. They happen in generally the same season (though often not as close as people tend to think). That is it.
Painting Jews and Jewish tradition as "anti-Christian" is antisemitism.
stop doing it.
Feel free to refer to this handy dandy list every time you have a question on the Jewish opinion on a Christian holiday. Fill in the blanks as needed. Nine times out of ten we really don't care.
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icyteaa · 3 years
[Being alive is the best, isn't it?]
Part 1
Part 2
—You really did well. You completely change the fate of this world.
Cale scowling when the first thing he heard after his conscious awake was that annoying voice. He didn't open his eyes just yet, because he knew he was still in a dream. Just like any dream he has after fainting for a long time. Because if not, he pricely would hear the children's voices. Often, it was their crying voices. It was not pleasant to hear, of course. But at least, that voices made him know, there was someone waiting for him; everyone still here and did not leave him by himself. Because of their voices, he knew he was not alone when he opened his eyes.
—You're a very amazing human. You go beyond my expectations every so often. Tell me, a human who changes the fate. What do you want as a reward for changing this world's fate?
Cale sighed. He planned to just ignore this voice until he woke up from his dream, but his mouth immediately said something after he heard what that annoying voice had asked. "Just don't bother me and everyone I know ever again. Your voice's very annoying, you see." Unfortunately, it looks like his curse just made that voice feel pleased, because it is now laughing so hard and makes Cale's ears feel sore.
—I know you will say it. But you will not wake up from this dream before we finish our talk.
"That annoying god..." Cale cursed under his breath before he opened his eyes. He then found himself in a familiar room. So familiar that it makes him freeze when memories come to his mind as he finds himself sitting up in that chair—the chair that was Kim Rok Soo's own when he was very weak, without any first grade abilities years ago.
—I will let you talk to the ones you miss the most for a short time. This is my gift for your hard work. So don't hate me so much, alright?
Cale's heart beat faster when he heard what that god was saying. He can't even focuses on the last sentence that god gave before the voice really disappears. He couldn't move himself as the emotions filled him. Talk to the ones he misses the most? He very well knows who the god refers to, and it makes him filled with excitement; but on the other hand, felt hesitation and anxiety too.
Cale knew, their deaths weren't his fault nor themselves. He knew they were happy now. But to talk to them again? He felt his mind gone blank and he didn't know where all the words he always had for them when he reminiscing disappeared. But when he heard footsteps behind him, he cursed with the fact that god didn't even let him think about what to say. Cale clenched his fist before letting it go and sighed once again. He turned up and saw very familiar faces greet him with a wide smile on their lips.
"Is this you now, Rok Soo?" Lee Soo Hyuk is the first one who greeted him. Cale can see Choi Jung Soo behind him but didn't say anything while his face shows how surprised he is right now. Their appearances are the same as the last time Cale saw them—not with their wound and blood of course, but the ages and styles they used were the same as that time, before that accident destroyed everything. Cale then finally realized that in this dream, he is in Cale's body. The one he lives on right now. Cale nodded while seeing the two men finally in front of him.
They first checked Cale's outfit and appearance because it was very different from what it had in their world. Choi Jung Soo pinch his nose and cheeks before pulling his long red hair. It was very annoying and Cale couldn't help but slap that rascal's hand out of his head. Lee Soo Hyuk laughed so hard because of that, but Choi Jung Soo just smirked, "Now I know this is really you. No one can be this rude to other people except you."
All anxiety and hesitation disappeared in just a few seconds in Cale's heart. They really are still the same as before; so-called annoying hyungs that Cale knows so well. Cale snorting and rolling his eyes because of what Choi Jung Soo said. He wanted to protest, but Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo grabbed his shoulders before he could do that. Their eyes glimmering and there is a cheeky smile in their lips, "So what kind of mess did you pull until you can make a deal with literal god, Rok Soo?"
That question makes Cale frown deeper. From their choice of words, it makes him like the one who causes trouble all over the world. No, he didn't do it, didn't he? He just wants to live a peaceful life, but it looks like the world and gods hating him and dragged him into trouble every so often. He snorted, "I never want to make a deal with that annoying god. It just drag me as it pleased."
Cale didn't realize that his face right now formed a very cute face for Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo. Soo Hyuk laughed again and Jung Soo joined in. Their hands roaming in Cale's cheeks and pinch it as they realize with this Kim Rok Soo's new appearance, Cale really seems very young, and they are his big hyungs with longer gap ages.
"Have you been well?" Cale turned toward Jung Soo again after finally success getting away from their irritating grasp. Cale can see affection in his eyes before the man hides his hand in his jeans pockets. "It is so unfair that Soo Hyuk-hyung had met you before me. Aren't I your hyung too??" Choi Jung Soo pouting, but Cale just frowned with act the man pulled. He sighed before answering, there was a few seconds pause in his voice, "I... have been well."
"Have you met another person that can save your ass when you're getting into trouble in your world, Rok Soo?" Lee Soo Hyuk pulled another question with a smirk in his lips, but Cale knows better that Soo Hyuk really means that question. He wants to know if Cale has someone he can trust and lean on in his new world.
His mind immediately remembered everyone that filled his days from the day he became Cale Henituse. He is now wondering how they have been when he was unconscious and has anyone got seriously injured because of the battle they pulled last time. He couldn't confirm it himself before because he passed out too fast.
But before he can say anything, something halt him from speaking. There are crying voices. Cale knows very well whose crying voices it is. Cale turned his head up even if there was nothing he could see there. He concentrated more just to hear the children cry because Cale did not wake up for too long between their hiccups. He sighed, just like any other time before, hearing their crying voices really not pleasant to him.
"It looks like we didn't need an answer. You are very loved there, huh." Lee Soo Hyuk smiled once again before hugging him. Cale could feel Choi Jung Soo joining in and they just hugged each other for a moment.
If it is the normal Kim Rok Soo, he will refuse this hug because it felt strange and weird to do it with them. But Cale knew very well. The chance to have this moment again with them in the future is very small. He didn't want to regret this moment again, just like when he regretted not speaking his honest feelings toward them before they died.
They let Cale free after that. Choi Jung Soo patted his shoulder a few times before stepping back to stand beside Lee Soo Hyuk. "We couldn't hold you back for too long because there are people who are worried about you, aren't we?" Cale clenched his hands once again. His eyes focus on two men in front of him and recording all the moments in front of him right now; their facial expressions, their voices and so their warmth in his memories before nodding. He could see himself faded as indicated he would wake up soon in his world.
"You still remember what I said back then, right?" Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo directed their fists toward him. Cale sighed, but he couldn't stop his lips from forming a smile for the first time in front of them and directed his own fist, "Being alive is the best, isn't it?" Cale can see their smile getting wider as he said that. And then, he really faded away.
He will never forget this moment for his entire life. And he will always be grateful for this second chance of life in this world. (Though he will never admit that, especially in front of the God of Death).
The first thing he saw when his eyes opened was the big black blob crying river in his chest and making his shirt very wet. Besides him, two other clumps stuck their heads on his arm and made another wet spot on his shirt. Cale sighed. His hand still has not regained its strength yet, so he can't comfort them as fast as possible. He roaming his eyes and scanning surrounding to find he was in his bed on Super Rock's Villa, before he stared again at the black blob that had gotten bigger than the last time he saw, "Why are you guys crying so hard?"
The three of them flinched instantly and looked up toward him. Cale shook his head twice before reaching one hand toward Raon and another hand toward On and Hong. His hand was still shaking, but it was enough to move his hand toward them and gave a stiff pat on their head. He can see they are freezing in their place, unable to respond to his question. Cale then hummed gently, still tried to pat their heads more smoothly and gave them comfort, "I'm awake now, so don't cry."
"CALE!!" They rushed toward his face and nearly choked him, but Cale tried to adjust this torture with a hug to calm them down. He could hear the children protesting to Cale that he was unconscious for too long; he can also hear Raon telling everyone in the Villa to come to the 5th floor as fast as possible because Cale is finally awake. They are crying again because of relief and there is nothing Cale can do other than pat their back gently.
Eruhaben, Molans Duo, Choi Han, Lock, the wolf siblings, Rosalyn, Mary and even Gashan quickly arrive in his bedroom. He still understands that. After all, they are all monsters with strong physics and magic. What he didn't anticipate was even Alberu, Henituse members family, Toonka, Witira, Litana, Hannah and Jack, and even Bud Illis together with Glenn would shortly arrive in his chamber after Raon announced the news. Aren't they having another things to do?? How can they be transported shortly here in the middle of day? And is Raon just told everyone—literally everyone they knew—about his consciousness?
"Uh... has everyone been well? Is there someone getting seriously injured because of the battle before?" Cale felt a bit flustered because how many people came to his chamber for a very short time. He cleared his throat before turning toward three bundles in front of him after seeing disbelief stares and glares immediately thrown toward him after he opened his mouth.
It looks like their viciousness is getting updated while he is unconscious. Because he felt very small just with all the death threats they sent from their eyes.
Ron approached him first and helped him sit properly with a pillow to lean on. He adjusted the position, so the three children were perfectly wrapped under his two hands and sat down on his lap. He turned up again after he heard Alberu's voice. "Are you really asking that right now?" His face is unusually more emotional than ever before. And Cale didn't know why he could see frustration in everyone's faces. Cale frowned out of his confusion but didn't open his mouth because he was afraid it would make them more angry than this.
Alberu sighed and rubbed his face with two palms. Cale flinched with how vicious Alberu looked after they facing each other again, but Alberu didn't give him time to turn away and immediately said, "You are the only one who had been seriously injured and unconscious for a year and a few days. Are you really in the position to ask us that question??"
A year? He fainted for a year?? He never thought it would be this long. Now he knew why the children in his lap got bigger and heavier than he ever remembered. And now he knows why everyone looks a bit different than they used to be in his memories.
Cale scanning his surroundings and recording all their new looks. He smiled with satisfaction when he finally ensured himself that everyone was healthy and good. There is no one who dies. He saves everyone. It was different from the last bad memories he had with Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo.
Cale can see another disbelief that shows on their faces because of Cale's smile. He shook his head a few times, facing them with more confidence while still patting the children's back, before saying, "But it was worth it, isn't it?" He saw they were all flinching because of that, but he just continued while holding the children more tight. "If I can make you all alive with just one year worth of living, I will never ask myself twice to do it."
Those few sentences successfully make everyone emotional. The wolf siblings and even Lily, crowded Cale as they cried hard while others stood in their position while having their bodies shake. The room is filled with children's crying voices. Cale flinched first because eleven children as reinforcement really made him feel loaded, but he just sighed after. It was understandable for children to cry in this kind of situation. And he didn't want to stop them, at least now.
He could hear Raon, On and Hong told him he was an idiot and weak that he should never do that ever again. And Cale just pat every head in his reach to calm them down. He then saw others silently shaking their bodies with wet eyes. "Thank you," Cale whispered as his head reached the children's head, but knew everyone in the room still could hear his voice, "thank you for staying alive."
Cale can hear a hiccup for them. Emotions filled them as they finally saw their precious family opened his eyes. They heard his voice, and saw that he is alive; sound and healthy. It felt like forever, but as much as they were frustrated because of Cale, they felt relieved too. Cale is okay. And Cale is still their idiot sacrificial self that they love so much.
There is nothing changed; except for the fact that, they finally felt like winning the war. It was because their hero had now finally woken up from his long unconscious stead.
>> end <<
1. I should have told you this fanart link in the headcanon part 1 but I forgot I have seen this before. So here it is. Cale with blood really not good for us, isn't it 😢
3. I'm planning to make [Bonus Part: Multiple Hugs] to heal our souls after reading this emotional headcanon. It focuses on Cale's interaction with all his family after he wakes up! Hope you will like it too <3
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taylortruther · 3 years
hi I need to vent
I know this fandom stuff should not be like a serious issue in my life but I feel like I'm a bad person for not vibing with gaylor stuff on here
I'm bi and I think taylor's a bit gay too but I'm not interested in any ship and I don't like coming out theories and such because as someone who's closeted I think it's not fair to treat someone's queerness and how they publicly engage with as gossip or something scandalous cause like being queer is normal and coming out should not be a requisite for making queer art and engaging with queer stuff online
I know it might be different for celebrities but they're people who exist in the world with real emotions and stuff like not everything is pr etc
Also like there's like so much self righteousness like I think I'm probably jealous that people are so sure about what happened in a stranger's life and this goes for the entire fandom tbh but like Gaylor theories are very plausible in theory but I still don't believe most of them cause I can't bring myself to be like oh she lied about this or did this to cover that atleast I'm not able to bring myself to believe that every time and I think that makes me a cupcake?
I feel like I'm being homophobic for not being convinced that this celebrity went out with this other celebrity which is stupid but I also think maybe...I am cause everyone else seems to enjoy it and if I don't there's something wrong with me and then people who disagree with popular theories do get called that it just kinda re-enforces that but like I don't want to be you know a terrible person but also none of this bears any weight on my real life so like I should just stop engaging with the fandom
Anyways thanks if you read this all the way through, sorry I think you deserved something better to scroll through in your lunch break:)
hey anon - long story short: you're not a cupcake or a dummy just because you think gaylor theories aren't plausible. yes, most gaylor theories are possible... but are they believable? imo, not really. you're not wrong for thinking that.
you aren't the first person to tell me it feels like you're being 'gaslit' when you're told, very confidently, by multiple people, that taylor is bi/gay and you're an idiot/stupid/homophobic for disagreeing (and i know you didn't use the term!! just paraphrasing based on other asks i've gotten.) i don't believe the theories either, at least not the way they are presented here, even though i do think taylor's a lil fruity, and i feel like i sometimes have to jump through hoops with my wording in order to explain that i'm not a homophobe. so let's preface this post by agreeing that there is nothing inherently wrong with wondering if taylor is queer - there isn't! because being queer isn't wrong! i partake in some fun speculation at times. but if you agree with those things above, let's carry on.
here are my beliefs when it comes to navigating "possible theories" in the taylor fandom:
1) you are not obligated to prove what taylor has explicitly told us! she's the only one with any authority over her life and relationships. her word SHOULD carry way more weight than what any fan or media outlet says.
2) you don't have to "question everything." you don't have to "keep an open mind" about what MIGHT have possibly happened between taylor and another person. it's okay to just... assume taylor shared the truth. it's okay to just take things at face value. you're not dumb, or lesser, for doing that. as i've said before, it's taylor swift, not big government. you don't have to be a skeptic about everything!
3) become comfortable with not knowing everything. and be okay with not applying significant meaning to all of taylor's actions. taylor shares a lot with her fanbase but we know only a fraction of her actual life. and what a lot of these theories come down to is filling in the blanks with very limited and curated information.
for example: gaylor theories often hinge on things like instagram captions changing. instagram captions can change for a number of reasons, most of which are probably utterly boring. like SEO/social engagement. and just because someone said "this instagram caption has 13 letters, and taylor's favorite number is 13" or "this person went back 13 months to tag taylor in her photo" doesn't mean taylor is boinking that person.
4) remember that many blogs do not claim to be an authority. they may say things with confidence, but only because starting every post with a disclaimer isn't very fun. so keep that in mind, too.
also, here are two other posts that shared similar sentiments as you, in case you want to feel less alone:
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Lycoris Radiata Pt. 2 -Deku x Reader-
Inspired by the piano piece, "Lycoris Radiata," Written by Spikes, played by MusicalBasics.
Highly recommend listening to it whilst reading.
[1] [2] [3]
Word Count: 1.7k
When a childhood love shows up after being lost to time, it's unnerving to be presented by something so familiar yet different. Deku lost to his own love and presented with the stresses of life and unrequited love, it isn't easy to see the world with an unbiased gaze.
(This is for the entire series and not just this part)
BIG TW for death, suicide, abuse,
Minor TW for death imagery, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, toxic shit all around
A/n: I hope all of my little details are noticed by you guys because it did take a long time to take into consideration all of the details, I hope you enjoy this.
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After reuniting with you in that park, Deku found himself longing to hang out with you even more. Longing to hear your stories and longing to tell you his adventure as a pro. So, that’s exactly what he did.
Every time he had an off-day or a patrol near where you worked or resided. He would always stop by, say hello, catch up, talk about your day.
On not so rare occasions he’d also meet your boyfriend at the same place. When questioned about it he realized your boyfriend worked at the same place you did. It wasn’t very odd to him so he simply laughed it off and considered how lucky you were to be in the same place as your loved one very often.
“There was also this one time where they tripped and spilled the coffee on another barista! It was hilarious!!!” Your boyfriend laughed out loud behind the display of pastries, chatting with Deku.
You looked away rather quickly after he talked about that moment, “Are you ok Y/n?” Deku queried. “Ah they’re fine, they’re just embarrassed. I mean who wouldn’t be, it was their first day.”
Deku grinned and shook his head slightly, reminiscing about all the times he’s embarrassed himself with you in front of people or embarrassed himself in front of you. He smiled at it, without realizing his gaze slowly becoming pinker. Pinker with adoration and love for you.
After all these years, you still held the same grace in his eyes. Of course, you changed a little bit, people change over time. But to him, the best parts of you still remained. You were still the perfect person he would’ve loved to spend his entire life with.
He quickly darted his eyes away from your form making another cup of coffee for a customer, realizing the fact that your boyfriend had gone quiet. Most likely because of the fact Deku was staring at his lover.
“I’m sorry I blanked out,” Deku tried his best to apologize, “What were you saying again?”
For a split second Deku could feel rage beneath your boyfriend’s eyes, it was expected of course. No one would want their significant other to be stared at.
But just as quickly as that rage rose, your boyfriend switched the topics and went back to his chipper move. Though from his already pink-tinted eyes, Deku missed the way his hand gripped the metal prongs used to get the pastries, a little bit tighter.
The next day he came over to the café you worked at, and unlike usual you didn’t greet him from behind the counter. You stayed focus on your work.
Deku couldn’t help but stare once again at your adorable focusing form. Every time he looked at you, though he has yet to come to terms with it, everything else in the room disappears. His eyes, mind, soul, body, and heart all focus on you.
“You must really like our stuff huh?” Your boyfriend interrupted his train of thought and Deku had to mentally scold himself for staring once again.
You also seemed to snap out of your trance and locked eyes with him, you offered him a small smile before rushing back to take the orders of other customers.
Deku, like he would always every other day, ordered his usual. Talked a little bit with your boyfriend, liking him more and more by the day. Then leaving after he had finished his favorite red velvet cupcake you made and morning coffee, oddly enough without talking to you the entire day.
It wasn’t until the next week would he be able to come to your café again, exhausted, tired, and drained.
The week on his last trip to your café swamped him with terribly mentally draining missions and failures. He had failed to rescue the final person from being trapped underneath rubble, after saving her entire family, before he could run in the rubble fell. Instantly killing the person.
A sprout of red blood spilled from her body as her family surrounded it and cried. Deku knelt down and faced the family, his hands stained red from the blood on the floor. He cried and apologized over and over again.
The family stopped his apologies and reassured him it was not his fault.
After clearing out the rubble, the family went over to Deku and invited him to a burial ceremony that exact night. Since their Islamic tradition pushed them to bury the body as soon as possible.
Deku obviously accepted, realizing this could be a way to get through with his own feelings. As if reminding him that people die and that he couldn’t save everyone.
The ceremony was held in a gravesite extremely close to your café, a graveyard he didn’t even notice when visiting your café. To him, the entire thing ended in a flash and after once again apologizing to the entire large family gathered there. He decided to stay and apologize to the girl he couldn’t save.
He felt a foreboding sense of fear of this ever happening again. She was in the wrong situation and no one could’ve saved her if they wanted to save the entire family as well. From the corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful red flower blooming and immediately thought of you.
To him, it was extremely odd to find a flower blooming in a graveyard but he thought it was fitting. The flower had long red petals that curved downwards, red strings of stigma protruding out holding pollen on its tips. He didn’t know what the plant was, nor did he care honestly, he thought it was an incredibly beautiful gem to grow wildly in a graveyard.
Deku stood and plucked a few of them, putting some on the girl’s grave and leaving with a few to bring to you.
Though he found himself unable to go to your café since once more he was swamped with work. He placed the flowers in water, but they seemed to die rather quickly. So, he threw it out before he got the chance to give it to you.
At long last, he was able to visit you. He was rather ecstatic when he saw that your boyfriend was absent from his work. Meaning during your break, he got to have you for himself.
Obviously, he was exhausted and drained, though that would never stop him from babbling nonsense to you. Which he noticed you were enjoying yourself, but you seemed a bit more fidgety than usual. He asked you what was wrong, only to have you brush it off.
He found it slightly frustrating that despite how close you were together, you didn’t trust him enough yet to tell him how you felt. Then the topic of what he did the last week came up.
Deku told you all about the girl he couldn’t save and the flower he found. He asked if you knew the flower and if you could make it bloom right in front of both of you with your quirk. You laughed at his rather childish request but obliged.
“Of course I can silly.” You concentrated your mind to the middle of the table and slowly the same red flower erupted from the middle of the table.
Deku grinned ear to ear and complimented you on your quirk. “You’re incredible as always. I’ve always wanted to ask you so many questions about your quirk but I don’t really think I have the time right now since I have to patrol very soon. But OH do you know what flower this is by the way? I know you love red flowers and I just like the way it looks and how it’s so pretty growing in a place where dead things are you know like in a gra-”
Your sweet laughed cut his rambling short. “Izuku, breathe, I see you still ramble a lot. No, I don’t really know what flower it is, I've just seen it from animes.”
Before Deku could prod you further about the anatomy of the plant or if you could find the flower’s name for him. You quickly turned the subject to a different thing. Letting the spider-like flower in the middle of the table die out rather slowly.
“Hey Izuku, I’ve been wanting to ask.” Deku hummed in reply, “What do you think of my boy-”
But a shriek of pain suddenly filled the café. Deku’s hero instincts caused him to stand up and run immediately to the source. Everything in his eyes went in slow motion.
A woman froze in her spot as a truck rammed against her, just mere inches from Deku’s grasps. The woman immediately got run over just as the driver pressed the breaks.
Deku knelt down on her bleeding body, warm pools of red staining his clothes. Yet another life he couldn’t save. He looked around half expecting to see the looks of disappointment in people’s eyes, and yet all he saw was a pity.
After all, he was a hero, he had to be ready to be able to deal with these situations. Even if it meant forcing himself to get used to the red tint on him from all the blood.
“Y/n look!” A middle-school Deku urged you to look at his hand, a tiny little spider crawled on it. He found the little critter rather adorable.
Yet you found it a little bit more terrifying than him. “How could you hold it so calmly Izuku!!!” You almost shrieked in horror as he tried to pass the spider over to you.
He laughed and continued observing the spider. “Where did you find it anyways??? There are barely any spiders here.” You questioned him further.
Deku merely shrugged, “I found it on that tree, it had pretty red flowers I want to give you…” Realizing what he just said his face turned red and quickly backtracked, “Because you got that perfect score in that final test!!! I just wanted to give you a gift and I know how much you liked red flowers and I’m going to go to a separate school very soon. I don’t know where you’re going, but you know I’m going to UA and going to be the number one hero after I graduate. But I wanted to give you a gift and red flowers seem really cute and if I picked them myself it would be even cuter and I know it's weird and I hope you don’t think I’m we-”
His rambling stopped when he felt something warm on his cheek. “It isn’t weird at all Izuku. I think it’s really cute. Also don’t think so much about that kiss. You seemed too lost in thought so I wanted to snap you back to reality.”
Your funny and mischievous ways of toying with him made his heart ache a tiny bit more. He knew you didn’t realize what you were doing to him was making him fall deeper and deeper to the depths of love.
“Anyways put that spider back on the tree, I want to tell you about this guy that I met the other day.”
He closely listened to your rambles about a boy you seemed head over heels for. He just smiled and agreed to everything. He tuned out every time you gushed about him, the ache in his chest growing heavier and heavier.
He had to be selfless.
After all, if he was going to be a hero, he had to be able to control his emotions. Even if that meant pushing down the urge to tell you to be with him instead, deep inside.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 years
For the ask game, would you please answer questions numbered 2, 8, 14 (all of your titles have such cool names), 18 (I hope Abditory isn't one of them as that story rocks), 21, 24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 44, 51, 62, 76, 82, 85, 88, 90, and 98.
Sorry for asking so many, but I love your work! Entombed gave me so many feels! I found your stories because author Breanie said to read them in her author's notes. Best rec ever! Thank you for answering.
Wow, that is a lot of asks! Thank you so much for wanting to know so much about little ole me. I think I hit them all in this and my apologies if I missed one. Let me know if I missed one. @breaniebree is awesome and my writing BFF. She is amazing, and I love her.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
So, I’ve written for The X-Files, Supernatural, and Harry Potter. I currently only write for Harry Potter. I would say Harry Potter has always been the most fun.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Random shit. Brontide came to me because I was browsing the HPFanfiction subreddit looking for a story suggestion and someone asked for a story where Harry was addicted to Felix. Only one unfinished dimensional time travel story was listed. It idea sparked me to write my own version. Entombed came to me because I was rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy was buried alive. I knew I wanted to bury Ginny alive. As I stated in the author’s notes of last Kalopsia chapter, I drew inspiration from the Djinn storyline in Supernatural. I write about things I know, too. I have young kids at home so I like writing the Potter children as young because I can mimic their mannerisms in my writing. I’ve even asked my kids to say certain words to emulate their speech pattern in my writing if I’m writing that age group.
14) How did you come up with the title for the XXX? You can ask about multiple stories.
I HATE coming up with titles. My newest trend has been to literally Google “unique words”. There are a ton of Pinterest accounts who make fancy word and definition pictures. I scroll through all these little unique words and pick out ones I think fit a story. Sometimes I Google a unique word for BLANK and see if I can get a cool version of that name. @breaniebree actually helped me with Entombed.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Sadly, I would put Abditory in this category. Never say never though. I think about it from time to time. Honestly, I abandoned it due to such a negative response I was receiving and the lack of positive response. I became discouraged. It wasn’t even negative response due to my writing, it was literally a bunch of “why would you waste your time writing a story about the biggest plot hole in the books? JKR butchered the whole SK storyline and it’s unbearable to read.” So, basically, my reviews and PMs were filled with JKR hate over that plot point in the books. They heavily outweighed the positive reviews I received. Honestly, I think that’s why a bulk of stories get abandoned - lack of positive reviews or enthusiasm for a story. If I didn’t get so many great reviews for my stories, I don’t know if I’d be able to finish them or continuing writing new ones. Fanfiction is free, (as it should be) but it’s a lot of time and hard work. A little appreciation goes a LONG way. So, my advice, review everything you love reading and encourage writers to keep writing. I always say in my authors notes that reviews make me want to write and inspire me. That’s the truth. The moment I stop getting reviews will probably be the time I take a writing break again.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
@breaniebree. I mean she’s dedicated years to a single story with so many plot lines and characters that I’m amazed she did it. She’s a fantastic writer, and I definitely consider her my writing BFF. I feel like I’ve learned a lot from her and enjoy talking about writing with her so much. I’m so glad we’ve become friends.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Horrified. Anytime I get a little steamy in my stories, it goes immediately to @breaniebree who usually adds way too much smut and then I cut it down to still be somewhat PG-13 in order to appeal to a wider audience.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I feel like Kalopsia isn’t getting as much love as my other stories. I’m way behind in my normal review count per chapter. I wonder if it’s just the confusing storyline or if it’s just not as fun to read? But I was definitely worried it wouldn’t get the love I thought it deserved when I started writing it and it’s lived up to that expectation.
30) In contrast to 29, is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Cronus Rising. People still recommend it occasionally and I still get random reviews. I’m like, “why????” Its horribly written and a stupid plot line. I literally was getting back into writing after not writing for a good five years, so it’s abysmal. I’ve often wanted to rage delete it.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
When someone tells me I should write an original novel and they’d buy the hell out of it. I do have some original novel ideas floating around (one I’ve been writing since I was like 15), but crippling fear of rejection from publishers have stopped me from ever actually finish an original novel.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I got some criticism in Brontide for having drama for drama’s sake with no real purpose or goal for said drama. I felt my drama served a purpose, drove the story along, and I add a lot of fluffy and cute family moments. I feel like in real life, when you to your loved one is going through sometime, it feels like nonstop drama and bad news and like a dark cloud just follows you. I wanted to emulate that in real life. So Harry’s POV was often drab because HE was the one going through something horrific and it was all doom and gloom for him.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
“You never think I listen to your ramblings, but it’s kind of hard to block out, mate.”
51) From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Um... I’d say a 3. I think I have some good and unique plots for stories but sometimes I struggle on how to execute those on paper effectively. I struggle with descriptions, action, and showing rather than telling. But I do think I’m good at dialogue and capturing a character’s personality. So, 3.
62) Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
A lot! I have a Teddy/Victoire stalker story in the works that I’m excited about. I have (this is going to sound weird) but an outsider rom-com planned where Ron/Hermione breakup right before Hinny’s wedding and Hinny struggles to get them back together before the big day. I have a Potter family vacation fluff/comedy story planned. I have a game night one-shot planned. I have a short story about Luna’s wedding. So many that I want to write and don’t know which one to write first!!
76) Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I’d say no. I’ve always tried to write my ideas down. Some I’ve never finished because inspiration peters off and some I plan on finishing once my newest big project is done.
82) Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
Harry goes through some shit, and Ginny is his soulmate.
85) Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I don’t understand why people don’t ship Harry/Ginny more. I don’t understand the Harry/Daphne obsessions (like just why???) or the Harry/Hermione ship at all. I always see people asking for story recommendation and they specific say “no Harry/Ginny”. They are literally perfect for one another and they are soulmates.
88) If you could ask one other fanfic author three questions about their writing, writing process, or works, what would they be and who would you ask?
@breaniebree .
1.) How do you organize all your charts? Send me the ALL the charts. Because I don’t understand how you keep everything straight!
2.) How do you write so much? You’re like a little writing machine in a cute little package.
3.) Where do all the ideas come from? In a dream? Just thinking? Driving? Do you write everything out in your head like meeee? Can I have some of your writing mojo?
90) How do you process and deal with negative reviews?
I obsess over them. I analyze them. I may get bummed out and not write for a few days. If you don’t like what I write, then don’t read or review. It’s a hobby. I do this for free. I’m not asking you to critique me. Give me a nice review or ask me a question, but don’t be cruel or mean because you can hide behind a keyboard and be a bully to make yourself feel superior.
98) If you had to give up either snacks and drinks during writing sessions, or music, which would you find more difficult to say goodbye to and why?
Music. I grew up with three older brothers. My house was always rowdy and loud and obnoxious. I need it to be loud. I can’t stand the silence or focus when it’s silent. I need music to help me think and write. When I’m home alone, I always turn on the TV or music, because I can’t stand when it’s silent. I think I’d go insane.
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lorepunkin · 3 years
So. As a newbie to kitaro who has only watched the 2018 anime so far and plans to watch Hakaba kitaro next, do you have some insight on how they compare to each other? I think I'd get whiplash otherwise djdjjdjdjdj they seem like very... different iterations. (Also the TV tropes page says "With how corrupt Kitaro gets and how tragic things become; this isn't the easiest story to get into, especially if you are more used to the more widely known version of Kitaro" so like. I'm scared dnfbxjb X'D)
~Ask originally submitted by user midnightstarhunter. Thank you for your inquiry, I’m doing a better job this time. Haha!
Hakaba Kitarō vs. Sawashiro (2018) GeGeGe no Kitarō (Character Study)
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I feel absolutely, positively mournful of just how different Kitarō is in the 2018-2019 series. I believe he’s fine with the help of the supporting cast (except for Nezumi who was done dirty for most episodes). Sawashiro-Kitarō is one I often compare to Hunter x Hunter’s Kurapika, and not just because they share a voice actress (though in anime, the voice actor truly makes the character). He shares more in common with Kurapika than other versions of himself, for crying out loud! I like Kurapika so I like Sawashiro-Kitarō, but something always feels off when I watch him.
Sawashiro-Kitarō, as much as I want to like him with the fervor I do other versions, bores me incredibly much. He’s an interesting character when submitted in an angsty story, but tends to miss the mark unless he’s biting off more than he can chew. The same can be said as a common critique for this iteration of the anime in general, but I digress. Hakaba is what we want to talk about today, and what makes him so different from Sawashiro. I will be filling in blanks the Hakaba anime does not answer as well that are in fact noted in the manga, just so you can get a better picture of what makes him tick.
I love Hakaba Kitarō with all my heart, so do note my biases. I by no means want to bash Sawashiro-Kitarō in this essay, but I do believe if you really love something you probably ought to critique it. His place in my heart is just not as deeply entrenched as Hakaba’s, and so without further ado, let’s dive in with this character breakdown!
Hakaba Kitarō is a lot like his manga counterpart when it comes to food, which is a huuuuge departure from nowadays apparently. He’s bullheaded, pigheaded, and can’t tell when people are deceiving him or not. He’s very cartoonish in that he will be blinded by his hunger and motivations, and it’s something easily taken advantage of by his adversaries.
He’s the happiest little toad whenever somebody gives him a meal and would die for them even if they’re a corrupt politician because he truly loves cake more than his own rights (or in the Hakaba anime, mashed potatoes and gravy). Kitarō does not have a Japanese citizenship despite being brought up in Tokyo, making him a minority from a lost race. Hakaba reflects this upbringing and satirizes the changes 60’s Japan went through, the westernization and all. He represents the corruption, the technophobia, the xenophobia, and internalized racism of the time. He acts precisely how you’d expect a little child with more power than he knows what to do with that he never asked for, and that’s…kinda ungrateful! You’d expect a kid to be an ingrate when his needs aren’t being met and he’s burdened with power and his parents’ shenanigans (bringing people back from the dead as zombies, Medama-Oyaji undoubtedly influencing Kitarō to kill people that could out him as a yōkai, and so on).
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Also he makes this same exact facial expression when eating every single time, while Sawashiro has the usual 😗 face. Hakaba has a lot more quirky faces than his other counterparts. If you expected to learn a lot of scarier, creepier things about Hakaba, he’s actually got plenty of other subtle qualities lost to time that make him really charming to watch. He revels so much when he gets to eat something, and Sawashiro turns down sweet treats like chocolate or cookies, even stating he doesn’t like them. It just doesn’t quite match up with most iterations of the character. I may just be nitpicking, but it feels incredibly out of character, at least for my standard of what makes Kitarō himself. Over time, GeGeGe no Kitarō became more morally palatable for general audiences at least, but he’s still retained a lot of what makes him Kitarō in most other anime adaptions.
GeGeGe no Kitaro (the manga) is a different beast from the anime iterations, at least when you talk about his attitude (which changes depending on what fits the the story). Kitarō’s Night Tales is another example that’s more like Shigeru Mizuki’s original Hakaba Kitarō with a change in art style. Hakaba Kitarō is only 6 years old at the start of his series after the time skip from the events of his birth, which is different from any iteration of GeGeGe no Kitarō. GeGeGe no Kitarō is usually depicted as a 350 year old yōkai boy and his personality is that of a child forced to grow up too soon and escapes human conceptions of age due to immortality, while his backstory and circumstances of his birth differ depending on the adaption.
Hakaba likewise has powers granted to him by his ancestors that make him nearly indestructible but he’s truly a little child and can’t hold his own in a fight (unless you count Takeuichi Kanko’s Hakaba Kitarō, but he’s no longer Shigeru Mizuki’s Hakaba Kitarō). A lot of his power is incidental and he’s not a fighter in the slightest. Most of the time he’s too weak from hunger to even accomplish much, which also explains some of his pigheadedness and his greed. He’s also not as clever as he likes to let on, which again checks out that this a truly young Kitarō that doesn’t have the wisdom or awareness other ones do.
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Instead of Sawashiro-Kitarō’s mere cold fish expression when observing or enacting a human’s retribution, Hakaba Kitarō has that and an attempt at a duping smirk (I say attempt because he uses a lot of half truths rather than outright lies when luring wicked humans to Hell). Typically the demise of Hakaba’s victims is ironically a result from their own stubbornness.
He cackles often, both in mean spirited ways and out of habit, which can lead to some goofy moments. It’s a release for Hakaba to laugh, which is something that the franchise as a whole held onto for years. Sometimes the franchise is called “Cackling Kitaro” in English, for example. This is a staple for any Kitaro, really; he giggles sadistically and likes observing the peculiarities of the human ego (or the helplessness of any yōkai he’s fighting if we’re talking about GeGeGe). Hakaba doesn’t understand all there is to the world and is at first too bitter to initiate, but becomes increasingly curious and lighthearted as he ages and mingles with humans (mostly from a scheming standpoint as he is often one to flex his own ego by competing with Nezumi-Otoko, who is a more scholarly type than depicted in 2018).
The Hakaba Kitarō anime is not as graphic as some of the scenes in GeGeGe no Kitaro 2018, forfeiting blood and so on, but there is lynching/suicide imagery within, it’s really up to interpretation what those visuals mean. They’re not as potent as scenes with Mana in the 2018 anime, but make sure you’re in a good place mentally when going in because Kitarō’s attitude can be jarring if you look at it from a psychological/moral perspective rather than a spiritual (rebirth) one. Other times his attitude is refreshing because instead of acting as if he knows everything a human is going to do and condemning them for it like Sawashiro would as a wisened person, Hakaba watches because he doesn’t know. He gets surprised often and that’s what inspires him to observe the way he does. He gives his “victims” a way out, a choice to make, and will let them go if they keep their promises to him. He may not believe they deserve mercy, but he doesn’t care enough about them to go back on his word.
A lot of Hakaba Kitaro is spiritual/political social commentary designed from 60′s Japan, so it can be either a boring watch or a fascinating one if you happen to enjoy dissecting some spiritual ideals as well as period-typical sociological struggles. In Hakaba’s case, I even think a lot of the point is examining twisted Buddhist ideals that he doesn’t necessarily live up to (I would argue that Neko more or less became the figure for those ideals, hence her tragedy). His slice of life is not happy and he acts out often, some of which the anime reframes to become more palatable to the audience, but Shigeru Mizuki’s Hakaba Kitarō was always meant to reclaim some kind of autonomy for Japanese audiences (in my opinion), so he’s a much softer character than he was in the old timey Kamishibai days.
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(Hakaba KO’d by a bunch of old grannies)!
I don’t find Hakaba Kitarō to be scary, despite his willingness to commit darker acts that don’t discriminate; human or yōkai, it’s not a good idea to try and get in this kid’s way. Nonetheless, he’s not stupid but he’s not wise either. He’s always in over his head while stubbornly acting as if he’s some master manipulator (he’s not, he’s the most unskilled liar ever), but as Nezumi-Otoko and other yōkai often say, “he’s a pushover.”
The fact the shōnen genre’s beloved hero started as a wimpy, whiny, sad little boy is kind of funny, because even though Kitarō has changed a lot from his Hakaba days, he’s still much more reserved and melancholic than most shōnen protagonists to this day. I quite like that about Kitarō, in general. He’s very relatable and even if he’s indestructible, seeing him get hurt still makes you feel for him. It’s a safe way to experience horror, and Hakaba is actually not so different from GeGeGe in that regard!
As the show moves on, Kitarō has a fascination with girls and women that becomes quite uncomfortable to witness. He’s very much implied to be a creep, especially around Neko. He’s not a boy that’s had a stable mother figure in his life and he certainly is a little delinquent for it. One thing I’ve come to appreciate about Hakaba Kitarō’s political commentary though is that even though he’s motivated by selfish reasons, he at least could grow out of his sexism.
In fact, I find Sawashiro Kitarō much more disappointing than Hakaba! The anime Hakaba at least, since a lot of things were reframed in that show in a way that people like me can draw wild conclusions and theories about Kitarō’s character direction. Hate to say it but Shigeru Mizuki just wasn’t the best at writing about sexist issues and when his works get adapted some of that sludge doesn’t get buffed up well.
Sawashiro-Kitarō and even manga Kitarō in general just nodded his head when some woman was in danger of being taken advantage of. Umibozu took Sekiyo and announced he would make her his pet and Sawashiro-Kitarō was totally okay with it simply because he found her troublesome, enabling Nezumi-Otoko and Umibozu. The entire Kitarō family then attacked her like a gang, and yes they are the Graveyard Gang(tm) but that’s just a cheeky thing. Sekiyo wasn’t a good person but my point is that the framing of the narrative made me feel terrible for her.
Hakaba Kitarō actually did something different for the sake of the woman of Nezumi-Otoko’s interests even though he owed a debt to him and another monster. Hakaba warned her of the dangerous men that were after her and was proud of himself for it, as if he was growing as a person. Only a little though. He still has some period-typical sexism internalized, likely from his role models that don’t do him favors (Medama-Oyaji and Nezumi-Otoko).
The tragedy of Hakaba Kitaro is that of his upbringing. The Hakaba anime doesn’t show it off as brutally as the manga does, but Kitarō’s eye loss could be triggering to some. Also the way Medama-Oyaji herds his son by using a rope like a leash, how Kitarō’ licks Mizuki’s hand like an affectionate puppy despite what he did to him, etc. was especially brutal and heartrending. However, it makes him so memorable and you can’t help but hope he comes through it all.
Hakaba Kitarō is implied to have a kindhearted nature. All of this makes his corruption very hard to watch if you’re not in the mood or if you sympathize with him too much. However…I didn’t find it as hard as watching 2018 Kitarō get slapped by Neko for not trusting her enough (really cheapened his angst and the drama of the matter for me) or Neko being creepy instead with her weird crush and the double standard of how that’s played as attractive/tsundere. I love Neko’s prowess but I don’t love when she’s watered down into a moody tsundere.
Some describe the Hakaba Kitarō anime as joyless, and they’re entitled to their opinions of course. It’s largely a thematic and prototypical work and it is by no means perfect. However, I find a lot of joy in watching Kitarō do his best while also being a little shit at the same time. He’s a gremlin boy in every sense; cute, mischievous, and dangerous. He has a lot of character quirks that have been lost to time that I miss, and he’s sometimes regarded as “The Best” version of Kitarō by some of my friends (the other “best” version is 1996/Matsuoka-Kitarō).
It’s my opinion that Hakaba Kitarō’s rep as difficult to get through isn’t because it is scary like it’s marketing will have you believe, it is because it’s a different genre and it’s not tailored to western audiences. It’s a satirical slice of life tragic comedy with a folkloric horror aesthetic, so it’s only natural that it isn’t going to please everyone. It isn’t trying to do that and it’s not for you, then. There are cultural as well as political boundaries there and little fan service to speak of. Kitarō isn’t simply heroic or villainous, he can’t usually hold his own, and even gets whiny if he’s hit in the head a lot (he’s very ashamed and embarrassed of this).
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(Hakaba’s reaction to making a friend for the first time)…
A lot of other fans find him to be adorable (and pinchable), especially because of his buck teeth and whiny but ambitious attitude. Rather than compare him to a rat or racist caricature, I adore when people draw him with bunny eared hats and acknowledge that he’s more than a trickster to people. I’m guilty of calling him a little bastard a lot of the time but I do appreciate him as more than a trickster stereotype. He’s just as capable of being sweet and kind, because he’s superficially intelligent; but in actuality he’s more trusting and gullible than he appears, and still a child. In other words, he has time to develop emotional intelligence and exceed his potential if his story were ever about character development. It isn’t, but we can all appreciate him just as we do our older Kitarōs!
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
Green-Eyed Monster ~ Semi Eita (Haikyuu!!)
Requested By: --
A/N: me: *wails about why Aone Takanobu is not getting love*
also me: *proceeds to write for Semi Eita*
anyways-- i decided to check out haikyuu!! and whoops! into this new hellhole i go! asgsjdjsjdnsjdnjsdb was honestly trying to write the third chapter of FLIRT but like, a certain bean wrote a thing for Koganegawa Kanji (here it is, please check it out) and i got inspired to write for haikyuu!!
i want to write for Aone and his thicc thighs but like, apparently the gremlins in my mind is still crying over having my internet stopped while i was about to watch the last episode of Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno match avshjdjsjdnsjdndnndbf
so yea, here's a pretty setter though because agshjsjdnsbfnsbfjsjdbdjbfb
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Eita narrowed his eyes as the usual scowl on his face seemed to deepen. The ash blond male with dark tips gritted his teeth in seething anger as he watched Kenjirō casually talked to [Name]. Granted, the [Hair color] haired male was the team's manager with past experience of playing volleyball back in his middle school, and that Kenjirō definitely has the right to talk to him, but Eita just didn't like it. He didn't liked it one bit.
Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Eita tried not to look at the two males who were chatting on the edge of the court and tried his best to nail another serve. Just because he wasn't the setter now doesn't mean he can slack off with his sets and serves. But as Eita practices, he would occasionally spare glances at the two males who seemed to be lost in their own little world and it brought a surge of bright seething anger into Eita's veins.
The ash blond didn't know why but it honestly pisses him off to see Kenjirō can just casually talk to the [Hair color] haired third year with blatant disrespect. [Name] didn't seemed to mind Kenjirō's actions though. But Eita? No, no he can not. The ash blond already harbors a very strong dislike at the second year setter for taking his place as the setter of Shiratorizawa's official line up. And now this copper haired second year is taking their manager's valuable time on assisting the other players to himself?
"Shit!" Eita angrily cursed as he has hit a serve to powerful that it went out of bounds from the sideline of the court. Clicking his tongue in annoyance again, Eita grabbed another ball from the ball casket and immediately went back to serving. The memory of [Name]'s smiling at Kenjirō who shrugged and seemed to snarkily reply at whatever the [Hair color] haired male was saying seemed to flash into Eita's mind and the surging anger in his veins returned. Throwing the ball high, the ash blond jumped and then smacking it hard with his dominant hand. The ball was out of bounds again and the ash blond male let a huff of anger.
"Oh? Is Semisemi having trouble?" The sing sang voice of Satori made Eita turned to glare at the middle blocker.
"Shut up," Eita growled at the red head who mockingly raised his hands in a mock surrender but that stupid grin on his lips was there. It honestly pisses Eita off because he knew the male wasn't going to relent on targetting him with his non-stop teasing now.
"Awe, is Semisemi having an off day?" Satori mockingly asked with a very obvious false worry in his tone. Putting his hands down, Satori looked at Eita then the direction where the ash blond was sparing glances whenever he served. The red haired male's lips twitched into a more larger grin as he saw a certain [Hair color] haired manager and a copper haired setter talking. "Oh?"
Eita did not liked that shift of Satori's tone. He did not like it one bit.
Satori turned to look at Eita who was glaring daggers at him then back to [Name] and Kenjirō's direction, then back to Eita again then shift to [Name]'s. It went for a couple more until Satori picked up the rest of the puzzle pieces and had put the pieces together. "Oh."
A cackle was bubbling inside the red head's chest as he connected the dots on why Eita seemed to give more powerful serves and getting them out of bounds or how the red haired middle blocker noticed earlier that Eita seemed to be looking at a certain direction and have a more prominent scowl on his face.
"Is Semisemi jealous that Manager-kun isn't paying attention to him?" Satori mockingly asked as he cackled at Eita's expression. The ash blond's expression twisted into one with horror then with deep anger, just directed to him. Ah, Satori enjoys messing with the ash blond so much. Semi Eita was so easy to read.
"Shut up! I am not!" Eita hissed as he angrily grabbed another ball and was about to continue his serve when he saw Satori seemed to be unbothered by his answer. Instead, the red haired male seemed to be conspiring something against him. Eita knew it and it is causing a bad feeling inside the ash blond male's stomach.
Satori saw the look of dread that Eita had, and Satori enjoyed it. Giving the ash blond a mischievous smile, Satori immediately turned away from Eita. The red haired did not mind the calls that the ash blond was giving to him as he happily skipped towards the direction of the [Hair color] haired manager who was happily talking to Kenjirō. Eita's blood ran cold when he realized what Satori was doing.
"Yoohoo," Satori sang as he skipped towards [Name]. "Oh Manager-kun!"
The said male stopped talking to the copper haired male beside him to turn to look at the one who had called to him. A look of confusion plastered on [Name]'s face as he saw the red haired middle blocker come towards him.
"Uh, yes Tendō-kun?" [Name] had asked as he smiled at Satori who had reached him and had gave a pout at the choice of calling him by his last name but then brightened up. "Is there something you need?"
"Oh, yes there is Manager-kun!" Satori purred with mischief laced in his tone. The copper haired male who was talking to [Name] awhile ago about doing serves turned to look at Satori and raised a brow at the red haired middle blocker. Kenjirō knew something was up but it was not in his place to say something. Besides, he doesn't have the energy to entertain this weird third year of his anyways.
"What can I help you with?" [Name] had asked with a smile. Satori seemed to brightened his grin at the [Hair color] haired male's response. Oh [Name]. Sweet, innocent [Name]... Satori sometimes wonders how the team came across with this [Hair color] haired male who, despite how large his height and stature are, was a huge softie with a heart of gold.
"Did you know?" Satori had asked as he took a quick glance behind him to see Eita stood frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. Eyes widen in horror as he watches the red haired middle blocker gave him a teasing grin. Satori took pleasure at the horror palstered in Eita's face. The ash blond's body was shaking it what seemed to be anger and Eita was desperately holding the volleyball in his hand hard. It was hilarious!
Looking back at [Name], the grin never left Satori's lips. The red haired male wasn't one to come into people's lives to destroy them... that often. But he was bored and that both of the coaches weren't here to yell at them for slacking off or anything since they were in a meeting, so, Satori had to find something to mess with.
So why not the ash blond male who was so very obvious of his displeasure at watching [Name] and Kenjirō talk? It was bringing him enjoyment to mess with Eita and also, who knows, maybe Eita and [Name] can actually hook up or something. After all, Satori was sure that Eita wasn't the only one sparing 'secret' glances at the other. So, it's like killing two birds in one stone!
With a being happy with his thoughts, Satori continued. "Did you know that a certain someone likes y-- ACK!"
"Oh fuck, is Tendō-senpai dead?"
The red haired middle blocker did not get to finish his sentence as he was hit by a volleyball straight onto the back of his head. Hard. The middle blocker fell down to the floor in pain as both [Name] and Kenjirō looked at the culprit who threw that ball, only to see that it was Eita who was still in the position in the aftermath of a serve as his right hand outstretch to their directio and was looking like he wanted to murder the red haired middle blocker who was moaning how his head hurt on the floor.
"What was that about?" [Name] asked, his tone willed with amusement as he turned to the ash blond male who had a blank look on his face. The [Hair color] haired male raised a brow at Eita who had his face turned into a scowl when he remembered earlier ago on what happened to Satori.
The ash blond had no choice really. He immediately just did a very strong serve straight into the red haired middle blocker's head because Satori pissed him off. And it was also to save him from furthur embarrassment from the [Hair color] haired male. But besides that, Satori was about to out him and Eita does not need that right now.
Of course, the ash blond was not let of off the hook by what he did and that when the coaches had arrived, coach Washijō (aka demon coach) had made him do a hundred serves as punishment. 'It was worth it though.' Eita had thought as he gripped the strap of his bag tightly. God, he hated Satori some times... most of the times...
Eita let out an angry huff as a taint of pink flush was on his cheeks as he turned to try and not let the [Hair color] haired male look at him. The two were walking side by side each other, having to be neighbors to their dorms and all. Eita took a quick glance at [Name] and saw that the male was still looking at him. Waiting for him to answer his question.
"It was nothing..." Eita has said as he turned to look in front of him. The ash blond tried to fight back the heat that was creeping in his cheeks when he heard [Name]'s laughter.
"Hitting Satori-kun in the back of his head with the intent to murder him was... nothing?" The [Hair color] haired male asked as his [Eye color] eyes filled with amusement. Eita only huffed at him and tried to look away. [Name] smiled at the ash blond's actions.
With a smile, [Name] took one of Eita's hands and intertwined their fingers together. The [Hair color] haired male sent a soft smile at Eita when the ash blond turned to look at him in surprise by his actions. Squeezing Eita's hand, the [Hair color] haired male turned to look in front of them.
"So, did Satori finally figured us out?" [Name] had asked as Eita rolled his eyes but let a hum leaving his lips. Ah, right. The two had been dating for already a month now. And so far, no one has known a out it since the two had decided to keep it a secret. Well, Eita wanted to keep his relationship with their manager in a down low for a bit because who knows what and how will the team react and how he will be teasesabout it. Especially from Satori. But it seems like the red haired middle blocker was seemingly close to be on to them. Or at least, Eita liking [Name].
"Probably," Eita said. "That guy's a monster anyways," the ash blond muttered in annoyance as [Name] heard his words and let out a chuckle.
"Well, he isn't the only monster here," the [Hair color] haired male has said which caught Eita's attention. Looking at [Name] and sending the [Hair color] haired manager a confused look, the ash blond only got a cheeky smile in return from [Name] as the male stopped walking which made Eita stopped aswell.
"Didn't think I didn't see you got visited by the green-eyed monster, did you Eita-kun?" [Name] had said as that cheeky smile still never left his lips. Eita's face flushed bright red at the [Hair color] haired male's words.
"I did not!" Eita weakly defended himself as [Name] only laughed at him. The [Hair color] haired male then came close to Eita and placed a soft kiss on the ash blond's forehead. His actions only made Eita more flustered and was yelling at him.
"Sure you do, Eita-kun."
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