#israeli things
obsxssedwithstuff · 4 months
I just had a bad real-life experience for the first time, and my day has been ruined. I was at school, already not having a great day, hanging out with my friends and some from the year above us. As the break ended, a girl I didn't know, but who was friends with one of my friends, said something along the lines of "-and I'm not even German!" Which is completely fine, neither am I. So I asked her where she was from, and she said she was from Lebanon. In response, I told her that I really like Lebanon bc it's a cool country (at least in the 70's/80's). They also have great food but I forgot to tell her. (I genuinely do not have a problem with random arabs/muslims just living their lives. I go to hang out at the arab shop in town quite often, and they all know I'm Israeli but prefer to just say I'm a yemeni jew as that is also my heritage, which only bothers me a bit). Then the girl asked me where I was from, and I said Israel. Her response: "Oh, Palestine! Nice country."
I didn't really have time to react, or else I would've probably started discussing it with her, but as the break had already ended, I just said "yeah but not really."
I think that was really disrespectful of her as she literally just denied the existence of Israel, and tbh thats kinda a Hamas thing and genuinely just disrespectful to me when I didn't even remotely involve politics. Anyway, I hope I get a chance to discuss this with her cause that's just plain ignorant and wrong.
I'm not even angry. I'm just disappointed...
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 10 months
Meet Mohammed Nazzal, a Palestinian child. He was in administrative arrest (this means he can stay held captive without charge for as long as israel decides, also look it up for better understanding) without charge or trial in Israeli occupation prisons and was released yesterday as part of the hostages exchange.
"They shattered metal bars on me, beating me non-stop on my head, broke my hands. They starved me."
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unexplained-events · 14 days
can you also post or reblog fundraising efforts for Israel as well? The people aren't their government and it would be unfair to not care about them. Thank you!
Lol what!?!?
Yeah let's get more funding over to Israelis so they can ramp up their genocide of Palestinians????
Are Israelis running out of money to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land 🥺🥺 oh noooooo
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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Context: Israel “allowed” aid in the forms of flour bags to be airdropped into Gaza, waited for hundreds to congregate, and then opened fire into the crowd of desperate, starving Palestinians. 150 Palestinians were killed. Hundreds more wounded. This is being called “The Flourbag Massacre”.
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Meanwhile, over on the other side…
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shmreduplication · 11 months
Do Americans even know that the Israeli government is extremely right wing and essentially hijacked by an ultra-religious group who's a minority of the population that hates Muslims and Arabs, or are they too excited to stop suppressing their antisemitism that literally anything they disagree with that Israel does they just go "it's a Jew thing to be doing this" instead of "it's an 'extremely right wing government that has essentially been hijacked by an ultra-religious group who's a minority of the population and hates Muslims and Arabs' thing" ?
Because seeing some people say they're never voting for Biden again when the alternative is an American version of an extremely right wing government that has essentially been hijacked by an ultra-religious group who's a minority of the population and hates Muslims and Arabs tells me that Americans don't know. Also, you know, everything else about everything else tells me that too
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dinozaurtual · 11 months
its weird how as israelis, or even just as jews in general, as soon as you extend sympathy towards the people who were massacred on october 7th u immediately get blamed for "supporting israel" and "not holding your state accountable".
when its like. WE are the ones who have been fighting non-stop to make our government and military officials take responsibility for this. WE have been begging our leaders to take accountability while u guys are sitting there overseas typing out shit like "its actually okay to murder babies as long as theyre settler babies"
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Just appreciate the irony of this photo.
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fanchonmoreau · 27 days
Seeing a video of a hostage's grandmother shout the Shema into a loudspeaker on the Gaza border with the hope that her grandson might hear it...
What goyim don't understand is that Hamas didn't launch a war against Israel, or just Israel. It launched a war against Jews. It doesn't matter if we're shouting our prayers as loud as we can so our tortured loved ones can hear it or whispering them in a shul that got a bomb threat last week. The only difference is that Hamas militants are holding that grandson, and in the diaspora, they don't have to do the dirty work. Plenty of people are happy to intimidate and endanger Jews on their behalf.
And Hamas knew that and depended on it. I just hope one day people look back and see how a fascist, genocidal terrorist organization took advantage of them.
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
Friendly reminder that A Land for All is an excellent organization that is still, even now, working to create an equitable resolution to the conflict. Please check them out:
I also strongly recommend reading through their full proposal here.
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brrrkdslek · 11 months
im jus gonna leave this here
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favroitecrime · 7 months
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evergreen. protest, boycott, donate, & hold your representatives accountable.
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i-merani · 10 months
I was listening to an interview about Ukraine and the interviewer was talking how there's no empathy for russian soldiers "not asking for sympathy for the Russians as an invading force, but empathy for humans" is the direct quote and while yes empathy for humans should exist, highlighting this in this context is bizzare. He then follows saying that these are young soldiers and the west is celebrating when "they are sent to their mothers" (meaning celebrating their deaths).
And what struck me the most is him saying this: "Soldiers who've been sent to war not by their choice, they follow military, they follow orders". Quick question: how do you think defeated nazi soldiers were trying to avoid punishment for their war crimes? What "argument" was real popular, don't you remember? This exact "argument" is the reason why International Law actually explicitly states that if a higher ups in the war are forcing a soldier to execute unlawful acts, the soldier has the right and responsibility to refuse this order. In International Law "I was following orders" is not an admissible argument. If the Russian soldiers don't want to commit war crimes, they are, by law, obliged to refuse the orders. Yet the Russian army still stands, still committing war crimes in Ukraine. But yeah, poor russian young boys sent to their mothers…
Yes I do have empathy for brainwashed and indoctrinated youth of an authoritarian state, no I don't have empathy for war criminals.
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whitesunlars · 1 year
targeting civilians. murdering them, raping them, torturing them, and then desecrating their bodies. annihilating entire families. kidnapping babies as young as 6 months and Holocaust survivors as old as 100. shooting down attendees at a rave that was for peace. this is not freedom fighting. this is not liberation. and this will certainly not free palestine.
all this does is cause more suffering for both israelis and palestinians. all this causes is war and death and atrocities.
it is terrorism. if you try to justify it, you are supporting terrorism.
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vampelune · 15 days
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oopsies >w< i awoke the horrors and doomed the narrative :3 teehee woopsies
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months
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This is for those people who try to pretend that October 7th was the start of it all (or that the events of that day exist in a vacuum). People need to be reminded of the history.
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council-of-beetroot · 27 days
Well I think this Miku trend was ruined for me back to Hetalia posting.
Everyone on this site is low-key horrible
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