#it at least calms my body down
ashtraysystem · 11 months
my brain and body's being fucky again.
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yk, its weird being Way Too Aware & In Control of yourself bc technically i believe im having a panic attack. but somehow i am Very Unbothered by this, bc i know whats happening and its illogical. my body's having an overreaction and i couldn't be fucked to join in
#im sitting here casually looking up symptoms to make sure this is a Panic attack and not a Heart attack#got those heart palpies got that chest pain got that sense of Derealization got that shortness of breath#i even feel a lil faint! ive even got a hot flash goin on! tightness in the throat! the whole enchilada#and yet! im somehow vibing...#my body's throwing a fit smh calm down bro its not that bad...#maybe you'll calm down if i drink some water and eat some fruit <3#shoulda known this was coming... was lying awake at 4 am with really bad palpatations s. m. h.#honestly! this is very annoying!#my vision tried to tunnel exactly Once but i fought it off. idiot meatsuit....#breathing exercises and internal mantras babeyyyyyy i got this shit on Lock#oh! and look at that! my heart is finally chilling out#still gonna eat water and drink fruit#yall should do that too. at least the water part#go drink water! go! shoo!#hydrate or diedrate! always pick hydrate!#absolutely unprompted#alright well that was fun. only lasted for about *checks nonexistent watch* over an hour#i dont think ive had one that bad before! it really tried to Get Me!#had to fight off the deep sense of dread and rising panic with a mental broom!!#finishing my rebels rewatch helped but still. damn. these demons have hands#my brain: OH WE'RE DYING WE'RE DYING ITS A HEART ATTACK WE'RE GONNA DIE AND ROT FOR DAYS BEFORE OUR BODY IS FOUND OH GOD ITS HAPPENING#hard cut to me vibing with a martini.... wii music on blast... hawaiian shirt On and Unbuttoned...#anyway. drink some water. get some fruit. Thrive!
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shoutsindwarvish · 1 month
my partner tested positive for covid yesterday
and me, i feel also not so good
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navree · 2 years
“the boy’s only two” well one betrothals are a thing and two you married a fifteen year old at age fifty so fuck you viserys
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melto · 2 months
in a i need to drop off the face of the earth headspace rn
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rivianaaa · 5 months
When I started to understand and ship the least like canon ship even though I like the fanon ship, I felt my morals are bending and my stomach churned and the urge to vomit was overwhelming. It's like my body is rejecting that thought.
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starbuck · 3 months
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daz4i · 5 months
suicide and general negativity ig
i hate that english doesn't have a good word for מיואש (filled with despair. hopeless? ig) bc this is how i'm feeling fr
there is just. nothing good. and there is so much bad - both BAD bad bc of the war but also mundane bad bc yknow, Life - that i'm getting so overwhelmed i can't handle anything
my whole month is filled with medical shit and there's probably gonna be even more bc i need more tests and they're all just. such a pain to do (it sounds whiny but genuinely i can't handle them. just thinking abt them makes me so anxious bc they all require lots of painful preparation, sometimes for a few days, and they're so gross and require being poked with needles which my medical trauma certainly isn't helping with. and even tho i did so many already they can't find shit and i'm so tired i'm so done with this body
and like. it'd be one thing if i wanted to live. if i wanted to make my life better or thought it was possible. but by now i know it's not and i know i won't so it just becomes infinitely harder. like if i compare life to being in prison, it feels like the warden decided to torture me just for fun to make it even worse
but there is nothing good there is nothing to look forward to bc everything is shit and nothing's worth it and i hate when ppl tell me to enjoy the little things bc there is nothing to enjoy about them either. i can't have most of them anyway. i wish i could. but this shitty ass body and fucked up brain won't let me
there is no future for me i know i'm never gonna amount to anything when i can't even do the most basic shit about being human, literally how am i gonna be able to fulfill my """"potential"""" when i can't even do stuff like eat or sleep normally. when i can't go outside. when i can't handle being around people. when my body crashes and burns after standing for a few minutes or walking for more than a couple hundred meters. what even IS there for me to achieve in such a state. the only win i can have is getting out of bed and it doesn't feel like a win because i don't. want. to live. i have fucking professionals, people getting paid to help me do at least some of these things, and i can't bring myself to even take the first step bc just thinking about it makes me clam up so bad i can't move or talk and everything starts hurting so much more
there's not even. mundane fun. or joy. bc no one i know has time or energy for that. bc that's just what being an adult is ig. not that there's much to do in order to have fun anyway. like i said nothing to look forward to everything is so shit and nothing actually brings me joy anyway and it's not like i can handle being around people enough to help with that
i was not meant to be alive i am not designed to exist and like at this point I'd assume my who knows how many near death experiences may have been the universe trying to correct the mistake that is my existence and for some reason not managing to pull through the final stretch
i'm so tired i'm so done with this i wish i could be killed in some certain quick way bc i can't. i can't handle any of this. this is too much
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sapsolais · 7 months
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penofdamocles · 9 months
Good news: the mark's gone forever and I have a new semi-temporary tattoo. Also my soul actually took the change instead of immediately turning back to its 'save state'.
Bad news: I'm not sure what I expected from being digitized but my vague assumptions didn't originally involve that much screaming.
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#so while my dad was living away from me i didn’t bother to keep him updated on my health#bc he lived four hours away and wouldn’t be able to do anything so why worry him right?#anyway since he’s living with me again he’s seen more of what i deal with and i’ve been more open with him#and i didn’t realize just how much it was freaking him out until he exploded on me today#i’ve been dealing with serious liver complications since friday BUT i’ve been closely monitoring them#and been very clear that if things get worse i will go to the ER (he wanted me to go right away on friday)#(but it wasn’t bad enough and i had work the next morning at 5am that i couldn’t get covered)#today i woke up dealing with extreme faintness and difficult controlling my movement bc of shakiness#which is something i deal with semi-regularly when my body isn’t processing food properly or i haven’t been eating enough#but my dad has never seen it first hand#he had asked me to go grocery shopping that morning and i said we could go around 2 if i was feeling better#at 1:30 he burst into my room and said if i wasn’t better by 2pm that he was taking me to the hospital#i said i wouldn’t go. going to the ER at 2pm would easily mean waiting at least 4 hours to even be seen by a doctor.#he said he would make me. i said no. he threatened to call the ambulance if i wouldn’t go with him.#i was distraught he was yelling and i was crying#it wasn’t his intention but he was punishing me for being honest with him about my health#i ended up screaming at him that it wasn’t his fucking problem#it’s mine and i’ve been dealing with it on my own for years#ended up having a panic attack from being unable to control my breathing and he finally calmed down bc i guess he saw that the way he was#acting was doing the complete opposite of helping#i told him i needed to be left alone and eventually he did and later came back and apologized and said he acted the way he did out of fear#i told him i understood that but if he wants me to continue being honest with him about my health he can’t use it to threaten me#things have gotten bad enough that i needed to be hospitalized in the past and guess what? i got myself to the hospital. i know my body.#i’ve been living with this for years. i have a medical appointment for next Monday. i am not going to die before then.#he needs to manage his emotions and not take them out on me or i will not be able to trust him#we had a decent convo and we had both calmed down but#it’s been a really bad day honestly#personal#health
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kashilascorner · 2 years
my conclusion after finishing the witcher season 2 is that they had a very clear storyline which is overall ok but the writing (especially on an episode basis) is weak at best
#props to the actors for working with what they had (esp yennefer fringila and triss)#yennefe's arc was..... i mean i know plenty of ppl don't like her s1 arc because of the whole motherhood thing#but i actually liked how it was focused and that it wasn't so much about motherhood itself but more about body autonomy#and the desperatr need of having someone to unconditionally love you and depend on you (at least that's how i saw it)#and her arc here had sooooo much potential but ultimately it was botchy in it's development#also jaskier. a beloved character. much needed comic relief but did nothing after geralt saved him#don't get me started on how fringila was far too naive at first and the moment she snaps out of it it's shown during a murderous spree#only to have her character dragged down AGAIN for being too naive. similar butchering to what happened to cahir's character in the end#only it's far far worse with fringila and hmmm cannot shake the feeling it's uh. racist writing actually!#idk. the dialogues weren't too good. ciri went through some good character development but she was very much the only one to do so#i mean geralt kinda did too but he's so stiff....... also tons of witchers around and they were all pretty useless for writing's sake#vesemir and geralt's relationship was good but felt underdeveloped. ciri and yen was good but rushed... ah#speciaf effects costumes sets & scenery lighting (the lighting!!!) were all very good#i think in the more technical department everything was pretty solid. can't judge the sound really because in dub it's a bit different#anyways at least i got to see 8 hours of very pretty ppl on my screen#laura watches stuff#also! you know those joke posts going around abt how shows actually need more s*x? yeah? well this is one of them lol#spicing it up a bit was not difficult wouldn't necessarily get in the way of the story and would actually help disipate the#storytelling tension given there is barely any comic relief at all for the most part (or any relief at all lmao all the calming acenes are#repetitive pseudo deep conversations between two characters lmao)
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gaycousinlarry · 2 years
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estoysugoi · 27 days
Since this account is “dead” im vomiting some spicy brain stuff here (deleting later):
I feel fucking boarderline fucking devastated i havent seen my friends in WEEKS, im afraid to reach out bc i feel like i did smth wrong or im not being a good friend but if i ask if that’s the case i risk making things awkward and/or upsetting them somehow and i dont want that and my brain is being spicy with bad thoughts and im constantly digging my finger into myself for not meeting my expectations as an artist AND a full grown ass adult there’s so many things i need but i feel overwhelmed about what to do and asking people i know for help feels like im burdening them and taking valuable time out of their busy schedules and they may not even be able to help me in the first place, which is one of the reasons why i barely ask my dad for help since he’s always busy and the rest of my immediate family either have their plates full or can’t actually help me for whatever reasonable reason so i need to learn how to do things myself i just dont know where to start or what resources to refer to. We live in an age where information is act ur fingertips and I STILL cant push myself to look for a simple tutorial i dont know whats wrong with me my brain is fucked up and im worried that i have some kind of executive dysfunction i dont know how to go about it outside of just setting good habits, like how we develop hygienic rituals everyday, i just need to put in the effort to build some kind of well planned schedule or something maybe then i can get a fucking grip at improving my life let alone my skills as an artist i keep taking so fucking long to do what feels like mediocre work and i want to improve so bad but for some reason i do all this thinking and imagining and planning ideas out but my body can never move something’s wrong with me and i dont know what to do i sometimes get scared if im not bottleing up anger towards myself as i just sit there and vegetate im just so tired of being tired and not doing anything worthwhile with my life i just want to be better i want to feel better and i just need to do better i dont know i just dont know how else to go about it aside from vomiting words like this there needs to be some kind of outlet for all this noise its almost like gossip through old walls with peeling wallpaper and i hate it i hate that i keep imagining the worst situations like im trying to prepare to feel ready and making plans for what i could do in hypothetical stressful situations. I think that’s just a by-product mechanism i developed after losing my mom suddenly, i kept thinking that she would be ok and come back from the hospital but things just got worse and more machines and tubes and wires filled her hospital bed until she couldnt take it anymore one day. There have been days where i could even feel what she experienced while being trapped like that its terrifying and im scared to think about it even if it comes from a habit of trying to understand others by placing myself in their feet and dont get me started what i imagined what my dad went through and my brother and my mom’s sisters and brothers and her mother i dont know how things didnt get worse than they did. Ok maybe things still turned sour but i guess thinking it could’ve been worse is just me excusing the circumstances that a part of me feel did me wrong like some kind of injustice i didnt deserve to go through all that and neither did my family. But i think whats worse was the divide that formed im part to blame for that but i dont know how to connect with people that are like 40 years older than me i dont know their past that well and they dont want to burden me with their pasts so im just left to pick up hints and pieces. But how can i find the help i need when im still overcome with an old desire im trying to let die finding a romantic happily ever after was never in the cards for me to begin with im not conventionally attractive enough for my type to be attracted to me nor am i in a good place to be dating or risking my heart to get broken again i just dont think i can bear that pain of loss in another form i fear it woul break me so now im-
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barkingangelbaby · 2 months
nothing like waking up having a panic attack ✌🏻😔✌🏻
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snapbackslide · 4 months
#i’m having trouble with food again everything makes me sick#i ran out of magnesium for a bit and as soon as i got back on it my anxiety calmed down#today it spiked but at least i have it a little more under control than i used to#still sometimes human touch or hearing my brother’s voice makes me cry#i’ve been taking really good care of myself so it’s frustrating that my body doesn’t always respond positively to that#but i know consistency is key and also as a woman i can’t be too hard on myself#it’s not my fault my hormones cause acne and nausea and depression sometimes#i’m so cold and nervous because tomorrow is kind of important and some decisions were made today#i asked my friend if she wanted to meet after work tomorrow thinking it would help my nerves about the day#then immediately got anxiety when she said yes because i remembered seeing my friends is never just about seeing them#i have to put on an act and 'perform' i have never been able to just exist because of social anxiety#and no amount of magnesium can just magically fix that#i wish i could just... be. and love my friends the way i want to. without feeling this unbearable guilt about everything ever#without all the overthinking and all these emotions i can't regulate#that picture the habs posted with kirby… he looks so good in it#but i looked for a second too long and he reminded me of **** so now that’s a trigger i suppose#unfortunately i cannot look at kirby too much anymore and i’m not sure how that even happened#it’s not so much that they look alike but they have the same look in their eyes and with the facial hair it’s worse#same kind of smile that makes their entire face light up and it's so soft and warm and comforting and i just..#i can't move on. there's too many reasons not to. and i don't wanna talk to anyone about it#the only thing would help is a distraction and there's a guy from my past lowkey flirting with me on instagram#so i'm hoping something happens there but i think for now i need to just delete dating apps off my phone and take a break#when i'm less desperate and needy maybe i'll try again#also i have a bruise on my knee and idk how it got there#and it’s weird because i can’t remember the last time i had a bruise…#i’m like extra sensitive and soft lately and i think i like me better this way#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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