#it can be 50:0 i dont care
lilietsblog · 2 years
my bot sniping criteria at this point, checked in order
1) followed me without interacting with my posts (lately real life humans have also started doing this and I BEG: please start liking the posts you like again! you’re interfering with my bot sniping!)
2) a username that isnt a coherent statement (ie vanesadsjfsh345 vs suckmygiantballs. one of these is a pornbot and it’s not the nsfw one)
3) real life photo as an avatar (basically the end of the line, busted fucko. i dont check anything else after seeing this. literally no-one alive on tumblr has a swimsuit model photo as an avatar, and if they do, they deserve the friendly fire)
additional clues, not in order:
- no posting history by an obviously real life human with opinions and interests (although, many who don’t are still people, so this is not real proof)
- no blog description characteristic of an actual tumblr user (again, lots of people don’t do these at all. though there ARE blog descriptions characteristic exclusively of porn bots. hot singles in your area and so on)
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bobacupcake · 1 year
anyways heres my twitter exodus social media rankings as someone whos income is tied directly to my following so i am stuck in this hell loop until i get paid enough to hire a socialmedia manager for our game studio
tumblr - i mean come on guys. ive been here for 11 years. i met th love of my life and became her friend via tumblr ask memes here. whats more to say. theres obviously things i would change but out of all of them this one is the one i feel most comfortable using. you guys always have my back 7/10
twitter - awful. awful. awful. i hate you. you took everything from me. we used to have cotweets. i was going to collab with my friends and post them as a cotweet. you bastard. 0/10
cohost - favorite out of all the new sites. in terms of functionality i dont have too much reason to use it because its ux is super similar to tumblr but the community and vibes are great. its run by actually cool people. you can put css in posts. i have seen so many cool posts. 10/10
bluesky - honestly not too bad from the usability angle. big thing keeping it down is its another VC funded thing so it will eventually become awful but for now its decent. its basically twitter but before it got bought out by musk and also you can pick the algorithm your feed runs on kind of like tumblr (so like you can make your default a completely linear timeline of only the people you follow. or a completely linear timeline of only your mutuals). if any of them become the proper "twitter successor" i want to believe it will be this one . not that i Hope its this one but i feel like if it isnt this one its going to be threads and i dont want it to be threads. 5/10
hive - it was mobile only and i needed to update my phone to use it so i never did. i dont know if people still use this one i dont think they do ?/10
mastodon - idk why i cant get into mastodon i have tried so many times i am just not feeling it. 4/10 for me but 8/10 objectively
threads - bad. bad. meta product. privacy violations so bad its banned in the eu. algorithm driven feed with 50 million celebrities i dont know and dont care about. mobile only. pleae dont let this be the one. please i dont want to use threads. i dont want to have to use threads. please. please. please you guys
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coldmori · 10 months
Do it. Ramble.
coldmori mod ideas ramble
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not only would it have a warm meter but also an affection meter
this affection meter would be invisible, but still effect things in game
there would be options to be more affectionate towards characters (hugging, holding hands, etc.)
and the more you do this the more this affectionate meter would go up
AM (affectionate meter) going up means characters will have higher attack/health/juice and the photos for them when tagging will show them being progressively more affectionate depending on how much the AM has gone up
also for fighting characters youve given affection to, their attack will be weaker towards you
characters may also speak to you more often or have more things to say
the AM can go down as well as up
such as if you pick hero as the taller brother, kels AM will go down (hero doesnt care too much so it wouldnt affect him)
you can't purposely be rude to the characters but you can just sorta make little decisions like that sometimes
at a point in game if the AM is high enough for kel, sunny may have the option to try and kiss him
why cant sunny kiss any other character? i dont fucking care about any other character
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warm meter is a visible meter that would probably always be somewhere on the screen while in rw
when sunny is by himself he can keep the warm meter from reaching zero with a blanket, candles, eating microwaved cat food, and staying in bed
when outside sunny can warm himself by hugging characters, holding characters hands, buying a sweater, borrowing kel's sweater, entering a building (other than his house or aubrey's), or eating warm foods
kel is always available to hug for any amount of time and will also not let your warm meter get empty when with him
when you get low enough kel will automatically hug you until the meter is full again
if the WM gets to 0 sunny will fucking die and be eaten by the frost
if AM is high enough, (rw) kel will buy a sweater for sunny as well as return all the money he owes
cold effects damage and health, dealing less damage and having lower health the more cold sunny is, so its important to be warm
when wearing the sweater kel bought the lowest the WM will go is 50%, and sunny has an extra health boost (this increases if your AM is up)
a regular sweater sunny buys with his own money will make the bar go down slowly but he can still die
stealing kel's sweater makes your WM only able to to down to 70% of the way and boosts attack, (this increases if your AM is up) but will make kel cold
kel wearing his usual sweater prevents him from dying, but just barely, hanging on by 2%
kel wearing a sweater sunny bought will increase health and WM will go to 50% (this increases if your AM is up)
if you swear the sweater you bought for a while, then give it to kel, both health and attack will boost and his WM will only drop to 70% (this increases if your AM is up)
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proudproship · 6 months
Ngl raising the AOC to 25 or 20 is kinda crazy of a thing to do. Like that would mean college students could get arrested for being horny and/or get arrested for taking pictures of their own bodies the same way minors already get arrested and registered as sex offenders for that. It's weird you could be proship and have such an incredibly puritanical view of wanting everyone to be virginal until the right age in your eyes.
I had a great sexual experience with a 50 something year old when I was 18, and he was one of the kindest most helpful people who did absolutely 0 damage for me but by your standards he would go to jail and since it was sexting I would be registered as a sex offender for sending porn of myself.
Me saying what I believe the AOC should be doesn't mean that I'm gonna say it's wrong for you to do "adult" stuff when you're not, in my eyes, a mentally matured person.
No, I don't think it's wrong or bad that the AOC is most commonly 16 to 18. No, I don't think it's inherently wrong that someone above the AOC in their area does things that they are legally allowed to do.
As long as you are at the AOC in your area then I trust you have the maturity to make serious decisions on your own. It's just that I personally believe that since at 20 you are no longer a teenager then I think that is when someone is considered matured.
And no, I don't think everyone should be virgins or holy or pure if they're below the AOC. It's extremely common in my state for teens to be fucking other teens and I dont take much issue with that. As long as nobody is taking advantage of someone, then I have absolutely no problem with it. Also, please use condoms if you are below 18. Please.
I also believe if the AOC was raised to 20 or 25, then Romeo and Juliet laws would need to expand in range drastically.
Also, I believe there should be some other law put in place that can determine if an age gap relationship between someone below the AOC and someone above the AOC is abusive. Doesn't matter the age gap, if a relationship is abusive then it should be taken care of, and if it's not abusive, then nobody should mess with it.
And no, by my standards he would not have gone to jail and you would not have been considered an offender.
Based on what you said, I believe your relations were healthy and I have no issue with it at all. Even if I think the AOC should be 20, I still think your relations with him should be considered legal and perfectly fine.
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eerna · 7 months
i loved oakwren,yes!Unlike most i readed tpt for them but especialy for wren because i related with her toooo much,i liked that oak finaly stoped being heir,yes.But why he didnt want to be heir?Because he didnt want to be king.Like it clear that oak would have a role in some future book in faerie because of his promise but i fell like it would have been beter to be wren consort(also the way the cidatel was described at the end,wren really did a cage for herself idk?it that linked with bogdana story about a girl and a boy living togheter in a cottage alone?)Yes wren gives oak a letter about how she fells and how he was the one to get her out of her forest but idk... Wren motivation to help bogdana was good because we were in her head so we know how much she loves her family but we dont get much screen time.Bex definetly was one of my favorite shes a badasss sister and i needet more from them.Her interaction with oak show how much she loves her she was like:YOU FUCKER WHO HURT MY SISTER(not caring that hes a prince or that he could hurt her)and the stop staring at her naked coment was hilarious.At the end wren choose to isolate herself again(we dont even know if she visit her family ha!)but oak comes and paraleling they 14interaction when oak wanted to stay with her,when wren was alone in the world.SO YAY SHE DOESNT HAVE FRIENDS SHES ISOLATED AND ALL SHE CAN DO IS READ ALL DAY BUT SHES WITH THE LOVE OF HER LIFE!(Im sarcastic)well feyre and wren should have a conversation about freedom(and oak was like im going to throw everything away and move north:))))
OH GOD I HATED THAT SOOOO MUCHHHH and also Oak clearly states that he doesn't want to live in the North because it would mean leaving everyone he loves behind... And then he does it. When he chose his family over his love for Wren like 50 pages earlier. Wren thanks Oak for getting her to move on, but then GOES STRAIGHT BACK, just a couple of years earlier. Make it make sense!!!! Bex was GREAT, the way she clearly trusted Wren despite everything to the point of warding herself against faeries with 0 context was so heartwarming. We truly needed more of them together.
We true TSH fans lost so much this book. I am genuinely shocked how upset I can get at fanservice that serves me myself. My poor daughter deserved so much better
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cloudcountry · 1 year
I just found out about this :'0 but why did you stop writing for twst?
i havent officially stopped!! but i feel like the reason should be obvious considering how many times the authors of this fandom have begged people to give them more engagement. i just got sick of writing to a brick wall and feeling like i had no audience whatsoever. its exhausting. so like i told an anon that i talked to about this like a week ago, if more than one person is going to miss my writing, i hope this fandom starts treating their authors better because my patience wore very thin. we've been trying to tell people to reblog and leave even a one sentence comment encouraging content creators and yet we still receive nothing. likes dont do anything. even though leaving a comment is better than a like, you should at LEAST reblog. but no matter how much we tell people this its like nothing changes.
to offer some perspective:
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these ratios were all taken from random requests ive written. none of those are favorable ratios. in fact, im surprised that the second post (the octatrio leg post) even HAS over 50 reblogs. i think thats genuinely one of the best terrible ratios you can have.
so yea, thats why. im just tired of writing content for people who dont really seem to care about what i do?
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I don't want your pity! Stop pitying me! It makes me want to shrivel up and hide in a hole and keep QUIET about my problems, not talk about them. I just want friends! People who actually interact with me and treat me like a person and a friend and not just someone they need something from or to have small conversation about shared interests that don't go much deeper! I want people who reblog posts saying shit like "if we're mutuals we're friends" and actually mean it for once! I want people to WANT to talk to me without me always Always ALWAYS being the one to try and do it first (not that it matter, since it gets ignored anyway)! Always saying they wanna talk about stuff, but when I try to, BUT WHEN I TRY TO, I never ever ever hear anything back from any of them! Stop telling me it will get better. Its been over a decade! Its not getting better. I hardly had any friends growing up and never had a best friend, now I am an adult with no friends. I am in my 30s and still dont have any deep or meaningful connections to anyone because nobody will even give me a chance. It doesn't matter if its offline or online. The results are always the same. I have people at work who share my interests, who KNOW we share interests, but there's 0 effort to try and do more about it even when I try to! Why do people act shocked when folks like me want to kill ourselves. People only care when its too late. And then lament they could have done something. And then it happens again. And then they lament they could have done something. And it happens again. And it happens again. And it happens again. "Things will be fine!" "It will work out!" "It will be okay!" Ok but when? when? when? When I turn 40? 50? I can't wait any longer on a "when" that's actually a "maybe." I need a "now" to know I can start LIVING or at least a "the truth is, it never will" so I know there's no point in continuing and wasting mine and everyone's time. I'm running out of time and refuse to waste any more of it being pitied.
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cultofsappho · 1 year
Trope Grading Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @cosmicalart !
This is like The Good Place’s point system and i’m living for it
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded 
0 - don’t care either way 
+10 -> very enticed 
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. 
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -10
Just no. It makes me uncomfortable like 95% so i usually skip it now 
Codependency: +8
Yesss every fic is better with a mutual “I need you like I need air” type of energy
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +1
I like a dash of it, but too much makes me ick
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +10
yes yes yes yes yes mhmm yes yes yes 
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
i'm on my hands and knees i swear to god yes! i want mess! i want complicated emotional turmoil that they’re falling for the absolute worst person to fall for and falling despite themselves! 
Friends with benefits: +1
VERY mid. don’t mind it dont care about it really, probably wouldn’t click unless other tags are good
Sex to feelings: +4
Can be very very good!! but if it's rushed it can be disappointing hahaha
Fake dating/relationship: -5
Nah, maybe, but nah
Friends to lovers: +4
yeah yeah yes
Found Family: +50
Gimme!!! Slaps every. damn. time!
Hurt/Comfort: +100 
HNNGNHUHHHHAWOOGAH I'm already cryingg
Love Triangle: -50
I don't have time for this
Poly, open relationships: 0
heavily depends on the ship. the only poly ship I'm reading lately is in the atla fandom, sokka/zuko/suki. and even then I've only read a few of these fics
Mistaken/hidden identity: +10
Yesssssssss addicted to this shit I'll read ten identity reveals a day and never get tired of it
Monsterfucking: -10
not my thing
Pregnancy: -9
also not my thing, but I've read it the past and felt very meh or ugh about it the whole time
Second Chance: 0
no strong feelings one way or the other
Slowburn: 0
lately I don't have time for long fics, I like slowburns, but they need patience which I don't have rn lmaoo
Soulmates: +10
FUCK YEAH and wanna write one sooo bad too
no pressure tagging the mutuals <3  @lazybug16 @penna-nomen @14carrotghoul @just-some-bookworm @rwrb2 @sherryvalli @rebelatnight @daisymae-12 @theresnothinglikethis @cosmicalart @fortunatefires and anyone else who wants to try!
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marunalu · 1 year
Hi! What are your thoughts about chapter 401? What do you think about AFO changing his blood? What about Stain? AFOs look?
Will AFO will reach Shigaraki? Or Toshinori will stop him?
Im pretty happy with the outcome of the chapter. Im a little dissapointed that we still didnt get a confirmation of afos bloodtype and I would have hoped that there would be some hint in the past that afo has a quirk with which he can neutralize stains quirk. It came kinda out of the blue. On the other side that means we dont have to endure a whole chapter of afo being paralyzed and Im happy he kicks stain ass. I still dont quite get if he changed his bloodtype (lets say from B to 0), or if the quirk just neutralized stains quirk effect. Because even if he changed it into 0 that would still mean he would have been paralyzed for at least a few minutes.
Honestly Im not a big fan of stain and I think he is a big hypocrite. He is right about that hero society is corupted and needs to change, but he killed dotzens of heroes who were actually good people and didnt deserve to be killed. He almost killed iidas brother despite that he was a great hero who deeply cared for the people. The only reason why he killed these heroes is because they arent "perfect" like all might is in his eyes and ironical its also stains fault that the heroes struggle so much now. If he hadnt killed so many of them in the past, japan would have more heroes in his arsenal and instead they have to rely on children now. His worldview and his ideals are terrible flawed.
About afos looks: he looks quite older then I thought he would look. I thought he would look like a 10 year old, but he looks more izukus age now, so around 15. He quite looks the way I imagined he would, I just had hoped his hair would be longer. He pretty much just looks like a baby version of his adultself, just with more delicate features. He doesnt have freckles, but Im fine with that. It doesnt debunk dfo, because a parent doesnt need to have freckles so their child would have them. The parent only needs to carry the gene, but izuku could still got them from one of his grandparents of either his fathers or mothers side.
Afo will definitetly reach shigaraki. The narrative made already clear that afo needs to perfect shigarakis fusion with the afo vestige. All might will lose this fight. Im still 50:50 if he will die or live but I could see stain sacreficing himself for all might or it will look like as if both died.
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abimee · 1 year
my attention seeking brain does the same except i get 0-10 notes instead of 30 so i always was jealous of u as an artist. it's nice to know that even artists like you get like, insecure about that stuff. except it's not nice because i don't want you to feel bad. sorry
dont qorry im the same way when i see people call getting 100 or less notes ''flopping'' to them i lose my mind cause my art usually does so bad that ive gotten used to celebrating when my stuff got like, 50 notes because that was A Lot to me not even 3 years ago. and no need to apologize i understand how jealousy can be so cruel and how much it sucks to experience it, i try to be open and honest and one way i do is talk about how i dont really follow artists for media i like (like ff14) because i have terrible self-confidence issues and so its a struggle for me to see people ''better than me'' and see how successful and loved they are and not take it personally. or take it personally when people like smthn i do but LOVE it even more when someone i know does it because they do it better than me
and i dont ever wanna make people feel bad for being good at something and being well-liked, its a personal issue for me alone to deal with that just comes from growing up under the heavy weight of ''if i cant be good at something nobody will care about me and ill be left alone'', which lead me to constantly being compared to others and being made to feel like my worth was entirely on my art. it was a really shitty thing and i spent a lot of time as a kid very alone and vying for attention through my art only for kids to point and go ''look, [classmate] can draw better than you!" and then being left alone at recess. and jealous children grow up to become jealous adults. and my mind just cant undo the connection it made to Not Being The Best -> Being Abandoned but i dont wanna be jealous anymore i wanna love things its just very hard. i want good things to come to you and me both and i want us to get better and feel better one day
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paralien · 1 year
Is it dual wielding 50% school and night shifts or is it me that's giving me at work panic attacks. is it a me issue? sorry I'm like barely holding back a world breaking anxiety/panic attack at work and using all my will power to sit very still and breathe normally so this might be a long one but like, is it a me issue? am I just bad at managing my time and myself and is it me that's causing the world to feel like it's ending?
I mean, the world feels like it's ending for very many reasons that like, I refuse to properly share even on the over sharing website or w people i know which might be it like. I've got it in my head that as long as I just suck it up well enough it'll somehow disappear into a deep dark void never to be seen again and magically, somehow, my friends will talk to me again and I'll stop feeling so awfully world breakingly heart crushing lonely which doesn't even make sense. Because I'm currently living with my best friend and i love them so much so why do i feel so heart breakingly lonely and as if my life is irrapearily broken and destroyed and nothing will ever be well again?
I just, I have a 0 tolerance now for anything going wrong and it's making me isolate because I don't want to lash out but im also tired of the fact that all that'll excit my mouth is hi how are you doing I've been crying for a week straight ♡ like hello shut up shut up shut up what the fuck no one cares! that's stupid shut up! suck it up! I go to work i attend my classes I don't have any time to do my schoolwork bc all i do is sleep and then wake up for work and work and it has to be a me thing how can't I actually find the time to do it I'm supposed to have 8hrs free for school work but all i do is sleep.
I want to be kinder i need to be kinder i need people to love me and miss me and care if I'm here but I currently feel like if I didn't no one would even notice because why would they? I feel so awful. And i dont get it i try so hard to be nice and supportive and kind but does it matter? does it matter. does it? it's so childish. it's so insanely childish I'm in my mid 20s so how can I suddenly end up so unstable iut of nowhere? I'm exhausted of being exhausted and I'm tired of being lonely but I'm too terrified to reach out to people because if they don't do it first and havent done it first in weeks then why does it matter?
I want too much. I think that's what it all boils down to. I want too much and i can't have it and I can't speak up about wanting it either because how childish is that? how childish how foolish how absolutely ridiculous. how stupid.
I wish I could break into a million pieces and everyone would say how sad and they'd feel sorry for me but i can't those pieces are no ones responsibility but my own. how silly how foolish i just want attention but that's selfish so so selfish so i can't ask for it. I just want a hug. I want someone to hold my hand. I want someone to hold me in a tight embrace for hours until I feel steady again like i can breathe again and i think I had a realization and I can't I can't. I don't want to be selfish i don't want to be a burden i don't want them to grow tired of me. I feel like people have already grown tired of me. I've grown tired of me. and I've had a realization and I think ill take it to my grave because I cannot say it i can't how foolish. how absolutely folish. how selfish. how absolutely selfish you are
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
You’re posts have really opened my eyes and resonated a lot with me and I now find that I am in agreement with more radical feminist writings than I previously thought. I am interested in reading more and learning more about these topics, and I am someone who subscribes to trans inclusive feminism, but how do you walk that line and own your status as a radical feminist without people trying to group you in with TERFs?
hmm, maybe you wont find this answer too satisfying. people do all the time, i just dont care that much
because, heres the thing. in many regards its much like the "swerf" thing. you disagree with sex work or you question things and youre an evil bitch who hates sex workers and wants a genocide against sex workers and youre a prude and a conservative and also somehow youre a racist white supremacist too lmao and a fascist and a nazi andddd - ive fucking heard it all by this point. ive heard it all. i think its obvious by now that all that is bogus, and that "swerfs" dont exist, that im not any of these things and i dont want any of these things. i think its obvious now that these are baseless and exagerrated and insane accusations thrown around by people who lack the ability to understand or bear another viewpoint, lack critical thinking abilities, and find it much easier to throw around a whole bunch of shit to shut you up instead of coming with any half real damn argument or discourse. ive come across an incredibly small handful of radfems over the years who shame "sex workers" and i and many don't even consider them radfems, because how tf can you call yourself a radical feminist and shame women who are just trying to survive. every group has their looneys, every forest has its dry patches
thing is, as ive said many times on here before, liberal feminism is the way it is because it is postmodern and because it is quite literally a psyop of the cia to wreck class conciousness, which it is doing very well. when you fully get what postmodernism is, how it functions, and WHY exactly the cia found it to be the complete anthises of marxism and why it was "unconventional warfare at its best" and "an subtle covert operational carried out at the highest intellectual level" - the words of us government officials, many things about current day liberalism and wokeness and western culture and whatever the hell else click into place. m a n y. im not willing to shut up and play the cias game. i refuse. im not willing to shut up just because mostly priviledged western liberals who claim to be so open minded lose their absolute shit when you say anything at all outside of the narrative. ive lost friendships, ive had people threaten to beat me up over the "sex work" shit, had plenty of ppl online tell me i should kill myself or be raped lmao, i am very aware that quite literally at LEAST on a good day 40-50% of my university campus and probably more actually thinks i should be beaten up or whatever the fuck for not supporting "sex work." i dont give a shit. im still vocal about it both on here and at uni and wherever else. my women and girls are currently, as i write this, being trafficking and raped and some are even being non-sexually tortured and killed because of this ideology. a significant amount of my women and girls are stuck in slavery because of this, everyones priviledged 0-class-conciousness delusions detached from material reality aside. and ive personally been through way too much fucking bullshit and horror. i dont have the privilege of silence, no matter the sheer aggression, hostility, and violence that the western liberals have been deluded into
there are many things ive said on here which would instantly get me labled a terf. many. being a lesbian really doesnt help with this lmao. i use the word female, i use it to refer to the female sex - including trans identified females such as nonbinary ones or transexual men, i still know biological sex exists which even that is controversial to some, i acknowledged that transexual women are male, i acknowledge that the opression of biological women is directly linked to biological sex, i dont use the word cis etc. i still call myself a homosexual. i critique femininity and masculinity - social gender - for what they are - social constructs of stereotypes assigned to the sexes build in a patriatchal system which are particularly made to opress the female sex. i have said before i want the abolishion of gender. yes, this makes me gender critical. im not willing to spend 90% of my time talking about endless individualistic relativity and language politics and "does such a thing as woman even exist at all ¿?¿" because this is postmodernism. all of these things ive said on here before one way or another and all are already enough to get me called a terf by plenty of people - because most of these dont mesh with queer theory at all (postmodernism) - i just stopped giving a shit. because this is feminism in 99% of the world outside of western liberalism. because we need to be able to have language which allows us to talk about important shit. because postmodernism be damned we need to be able to deal with the issues we have in Material Reality. because as far as im concerned only privileged westerners have the ability to sit around endlessly spending most of their time going on abt how "WoMeN DoNt ExIst" "FeMiNiTy is OpReSsEd nOt FeMaLeNesS" and calling this feminism. because frankly a whole lot of this was accepted even in trans circles like less than a decade ago before queer theory (postmodernism) took off
you say any of the above, and to many youre already a terf. you dont 100% agree with modern day queer theory, youre a terf or a transmedicalist or both or whatever the fuck else. you dare to question anything ever, and youre a terf. you dare to be 0.5% critical, and youre a terf. sure, whatever. im not playing this game and im not dancing to this tune. i dont care about performativity and i dont care about virtue signaling. what the fuck am i supoosed to do exactly, never be able to make the most basic feminist statements accepted everywhere else on this planet? nah. similarly - am i supposed to shut up abt that whole sexual slavery thing bc im gonna be called an evil swerf? nah. this is not a healthy culture, this is not a healthy discourse, this is not a healthy mindset or society or community. open discourse and critique is necessary. everything should be up for questioning, everything should be up for critique. when this stops being the case, we have an issue on our damn hands
no, i dont believe in queer theory for a long list of reasons. no, i do not agree with 10000% of modern day trans ideology. no, this does not make a genocidal fascist maniac. no, this doesnt make me a racist - this concept is ridiculous anyway because a) theres plenty of nonwestern cultures who never had, even before colonializism, any concept whatsoever of a third/other gender system, b) the nonwestern cultures who have third-gender systems (the balkans being included in this frankly w the sworn virgins tradition, which comes from sexism btw, most known in albania but spanning several balkan countries including my own) dont traditionally believe in modern day western liberal queer theory, and in fact i think its cultural colonialization and the importation of western ideas to lable those ppl and ways of understanding things by modern western understandings. theres Plenty of nonwestern third-gender people who straight up speak against this,,, and who speak against queer theory- sooo,,, yea..things are really more complicated than baseless accusations being thrown around. theres plenty of nonwestern/woc who are critical of queer theory so, yea, more complicated than baseless accusations being thrown around
does this mean i "exclude trans people" thus the (te)rf? or that i hate them or that whatever else? no. i identified as nonbinary and agender and demiboy for a good while there, i understand where people are coming from, i understand the workings of the ideology. i just dont believe in it now for a long list of reasons. this doesnt mean that i exclude female people who are trans-identified from my feminism, nor that i exclude transexual women bc as ive said in another post, while they do not experience opression on the basis of being biologically female, and while theirs is a different experience from being female, a transexual woman especially one whose passed for many years does experience a form of misogyny, and we do have shared experiences and struggles in common. as ive said before, sex dysphoria can be a very serious and debilitating and painful medical condition ive experienced myself especially when i was younger, and i have sympathy for those who are trying to cope and live their best lives.... why is it than i must agree 10000% with the new woke ideology which has barely existed for less than a decade and changes every 5 days or i somehow want people dead, apparently? hell, theres plenty of transexuals, especially older generation ones, who dont agree with it, and i get why, all my sympathy to them because they cant even talk about their Own issues without being dogpiled
again, i dont believe in postmodernism. i dont agree with completely rupturing class consiousness, completely denying material reality, and spending 99% of the time talking about hyper-individualism and language. do i hate people who believe in queer theory? no. in fact, i have several friends who still do whove ive had very open, very long conversations with on being gender critical, and guess what, we were able to hear each other out and disagree on some things and agree on others and see eye to eye and either fucking way, they understand that i dont hate them or want them dead or exclude them or whatever the hell, simply because i hold another point of view. some have come to agree with me alltogether, some havent. either way, all got that its stupid as hell to call me a "terf," because sometimes, nuance still exists on this planet.
do i think there are radical feminism who are genuinely transphobic? yea. have i come across them yea? yea. i dont engage w them, i dont engage with anyone whose throwing around slurs or etc. do i think and know a whole lot of those women who get called ~terfs~ are just, get this, not transphobic but women (and some trans ppl frankly, there are indeed trans ppl who are radfems) who dare to even question shit or have a different opinion, but dont want anyone dead, or harmed, or see anyone as less human or deserving of saftey and care etc? yea, yea they are
so, to answer your question, i walk the line by not giving a shit anymore, and saying what the hell i think, because by this point if i didnt i wouldn't be able to say most things ive ever written abt feminism on this blog. radical feminism is not inherently trans exclusionary, it is not inherently transphobic, material analysis is not transphobic, most of radical feminism has a whole lot more to focus on than this particular issue anyway, and daring to have any sort of different opinion isnt trans exclusionary, either
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swanchime · 1 year
#1/2309482309482 posts about how fushiguro megumi and ryomen sukuna are girls (But Differently) no i dont have a good reason for the second one i simply know it in my heart
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(umineko voice) if you are viewing this with love in your heart then you may choose to believe me after all. if you are not viewing this with love in your heart nothing i can say will convince you.
do u remember..........The Swimming Anime. in that anime, there's a running gag how the swim team is all "boys with girl's names" (haru, makoto, rin, nagisa, rei). however, all of these are more thoroughly unisex names, as in, boys and girls have these names. a student of mine who was a japanese high school boy said that haru is probably a boy's name nowadays, but in the year of The Swimming Anime, it may have been closer to a 50/50 split.
im pretty sure there was a haru (girl) in Ye Olde katekyo hitman reborn.
anyway. this is not about That.
it's about how "megumi" is a 99th percentile probability of being a girl's name. it's not at ALL a mixed split. it's unambiguously A Girl's Name. but there's 0 gags about how megumi is "haha a boy with a girl's name" she's not even included in the "crossdressing" gag, and im pretty sure is deliberately excluded from that jujusanpo extra.
early on in jjk, megumi talks about how her father named her "without regard for her gender," because 恵 is the kanji for "godsend / blessing," but "blessing" means something different than it does in english as in "God (mr. christ or his dad or whatever)'s Blessing!" it means "from the heavens / heavensent / godsent" <-- from A god, not necessarily The One And Only Guy Up There Who Is A Cis Man And Also White Or So White Xtian USAians Love To Espouse To Everyone Who Will Listen
when you watch jjk, you have to do it the umi way. you shouldn't be looking at jjk as a mirror of YOUR (english-speaker / english-native) HEART. you should be looking at it as closely to a japanese perspective as you can, as a story borne from not just a human heart, but a japanese heart.
when you look at jjk, if you look at it like a mirror, only to seek your own reflection or what YOU can gain from it, you will fail utterly and completely / the mangaka's mirror will shatter.
jjk is the precious egg of akutami gege's heart. it is also their 天与呪縛 (tenyo jubaku), as muta kokichi (mechamaru) says. it is a mirror of their soul, and i firmly believe it should be handled with the utmost care and respect. and love, too. and love.
/end interlude
so when you look at megumi, you can't dismiss her as just "HAHA ANOTHER BOY WITH A GIRL'S NAME JUST LIKE IN THAT SWIMMING ANIME!"
megumi is a name borne from her father's spite and hatred of the zen-in clan.
(yes, i know the official transliteration is zen'in but i personally disdain the ' as a marker in names, so i use the - ; it is a translation decision. i disagree with most of the ones in jjk.) toji wanted megumi to inherit the famed jujutsu-shiki (curse technique affinity / ability) of the zen-in's despite toji no longer being one of them.
it's basically done with the intent of naming ur kid a huge FUCK U I HOPE THIS SPAWN OF MINE PROVES THAT I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG! but with 0 regard for the designated gender at birth of the child or any regard for the child as inhabiting a human soul and not just an object to prove a point.
of course, megumi DOES inherit the "ten shadows" --> i dont like this translation. it has no flair. my stylistic choice would be to translate it in an intuitive latin root way, since "invented words" in english stem from ancient greek/latin roots, so a stylish way that conveys the "oooh cool!" factor of the original japanese instead of dulling it down into nothing this blade would not even pierce paper, like trying to cut a piece of paper in half with a river stone. good luck! anyway
i would translate the 十種影法術 as (decima umbra). latin for 10th and shadow. it's intuitive to anyone who has read a lot of english, and it just sounds cool to anyone who hasn't, yet it looks like some kind of harry potter spell so it has that flavor to it.
ANYWAY the whole point of megumi's name is that toji named a """""cis""""" boy a 99th percentile girl's name bc he didn't give a fuk about the kid. it was just an object of revenge to him.
ON MEGUMI'S CHARACTER DESIGN AS REFLECTIVE OF HER 別に ATTITUDE REGARDING SEXUALITY AND GENDER AND HER (fear-based) NONCOMMITAL APPROACH TO...BASICALLY ANYTHING! but also inclusive of her keeping her own selfhood close to her chest and her hair (as the hedgehog's dilemma)
with bonus...................sukuna. he's also in there. did i say he was also a girl. yes he is. a very beautiful and wet meow.
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part 2 for the hottie-cutie! actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart. but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong... but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map... and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack... 'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you. 'that was a long rant' and i love every letter. im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!! and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great. 'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad. 'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions. 'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war. SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it. like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel. 'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true. thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn. but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge. omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me! so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie! have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
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im so annoyed with myself because i was almost done with answering you then i pressed cntl z and everything disappeared fml
now im going to be sad the entire time i type this fuck off tumblr why are you so glitchy
actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart.
T_T rip T_T HAHAAH wait its still so funny to me that 70 is average i gasped when i read this the first time T_T asian countries be like that ig HAHHAHH. i mean there are A LOT OF DUMB FILIPINOS TOO SO /: its fine theres a bit of dumb in the world but its so weird to me that our grades are so high standard. /: asians HAHAHA
but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong...
well now you know. people who are overconfident are airheaded /:
but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map...
STILL AS DISTURBING AS WHEN I REPLIED TO THIS THE FIRST TIME T_T these kids (boys especially) need to stop glorifying war i cant believe this was a trend T_T also the map thing is so true and i suck at geography but i could at least point to russia come one
also T_T although im annoyed i have to type this all over again, did you know russia is bigger than pluto. i love pluto lets talk about pluto more next time when im not frustrated with myself for fundamentally deleting my entire reply T_T
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and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack...
L war this is why feminism is important, little boys think war is the only thing that is cool enough to be their hobby because its violent T_T
'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you.
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'that was a long rant' and i love every letter.
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im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!!
i did a whole rant about sandman but T_T next time. I REALLY WAS SO SUPER EXCITED ABOUT WHAT I WAS TELLING YOU AND I WANT TO TELL YOU BUT IM SO SLEEPY AND I DONT WANT TO PUT OFF REPLYING TO YOUR P2 T_T anyway i actually returned the books i borrowed the next day (which was yesterday) without reading them because my mom said it was too dark and i agree so i did BUT LSHAH I WENT TO THE LIBRARY TODAY AFTER CLASS AND READ THE MEGABIG ENCYLOPEDIA HARDBOUND SANDMAN COMIC with like 10 issues in it (which had everything in the series) AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH IT MADE ME LOVE DREAM SO MUCH MORE T_T
and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great.
tell me about your daemon fic now IM SO CURIOUS NOW also as i said i zoomed read (and finished) that mega big comic book so im instead going to be writing sandman fics HAHAHH. i hope you liked my daemon x niece fic. i was surprised a lot of people seem to like it
'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad.
HAAHH this doesnt sound bad it so funny actually. also I LOVE THIS CONCEPT i love me a good dirty mafia boss [quietly writes this idea down in my head]
'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions.
#twinlife u like me for real
'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war.
SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it.
like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel.
i get what you mean. its fine dont apologize. and yes it is so very nice to see yourself portrayed in media
'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true.
thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT
AT LEAST YOU SAW and found it funny <3
yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn.
T_T imagine living in russia and still being hotheaded. chill /:
but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge.
omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me!
T_T I dont mean to be that person but im too tired to go on FUCK TUMBLR I HAD A WHOLEASS ESSAY ABOUT PLUTO AND AN ANALYSIS ABOUT SANDMAN CHARACTERS AND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL but now its gone and i want to sleep next time baby i wont cntrl z it T_T
so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie!
thank you my love <3
have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
good night baby <3 i hope you have a wonderful day <3 im going to sleep now
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obsessiveraccoon · 2 years
Hii! I wanted to send some asks for the game thingy if thats ok :> /g
1, 4, 5, 8, 21, 22, 31, 34, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50
Sorry theres so much, Im just really curious! Dont feel obligated to answer them all though <3 /lh /g
-🕯️(I hope this one isnt taken ah-)
and no need to apologize! i like questions! >:P
1. “do you ever wish you were someone else”
yes! very often :P
4. “have you ever dyed your hair”
yes! i love dying my hair ><, i just recently dyed it purple >:D
5. “what’s your eye color”
hazel! it’s like a muddy green with specs of blue and right on the outer ring of my pupil is like a brown explosion >:D!
8. “what would you say is your best quality”
probably my understanding (?) of people! like my empathy i believe is what it’s called! :D (words are hard man >:/) i can pretty much put myself into any and everyone’s shoes for the most part! :P
21. “do you believe in love at first sight”
yes!! i don’t really experience love the way others do (i’m aromantic) but sometimes i’ll meet someone or just like see them (online + real life) and i’ll get this strong pull to just protect them and care about them no matter what! :D
22. “do you believe in soulmates”
y e s !!!!!! all kinds of soulmates! i love it!!! even the tragic soulmates :< </3
31. “how does someone win your heart”
that’s a good question! hm! just be obsessed with me like i am with you, don’t be an asshole >:[! love me unconditionally and just bond with me, take time out of your day to spend with me and i’ll do the same (i’m quite overbearing though :])
34. “do you get jealous easily”
yes!! >:0, i’m a very jealous and possessive person >:/, sometimes i’ll tryyyyy to hide it, but where’s the fun in that? :P (i am pretty shy, i don’t like overstepping)
42. “favorite type of movie”
HORROR!!!! i love that shit! >:D! or animation (SCOOBY FUCKING DOO IS T H E SHIT >:D)
44. “are you good at hiding your feelings”
yes! unless i’m sleepy, super irritated, or around lots of people :P
45. “do you fall in love easily”
yes! i get attached very easily, it happens so fast i barely realize it’s happening, i love it :D
49. “where’s the most magical place on earth”
a playground :0, or a circus!! ><
50. “what’s your type”
yes. i don’t really have a set type, well, i like possessive, obsessive, kind, alt, <3 clowns <3, i think that’s all? this is a rough question for me :/ hehe
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alinktoana · 2 years
thoughts on playable faves getting older, the people who make them and the people who play them
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because comfy tracksuit slider dad kiryu is peak character design
spoilers for ps2 Y1/K1, Y5, assumptions about Y6 + Y7 + Y8 + Yakuza Gaiden
why is RGG so afraid of Kiryu getting older? I havent played Y6 yet but I have a feeling RGG is ok with Kiryu being middle aged. They did show some uncomfortable feelings about him being single in his 40s on Y5, but him behaving as a more mature individual is there, same as the rest of the cast (yes, even Majima, lmao).
And i wouldnt go into this tangent if they hadnt dropped that Y8 footage
(correct me if im wrong, lmao) but it’s not often that people get to play franchises that span through decades of people’s lives, like (you guessed it) Yakuza. I love that. I had been avoiding the newest RGG trailers, and I still havent fully watched The Summit™️, but I watch highlights a couple weeks ago, and it took me some more time to work on this puzzle. Most Japanese people (and other ethinicities, as far as i know) look youthful well into their 50s, when compared to white people (I’m Brazilian, so I see the ethnic mix and match everyday (on my own body lol) and how that affects people’s looks). Of course there’s levels of overall self-care, sun exposure, yadda yadda. I’m fairly certain Kiryu doesnt have a skin care routine other than washing his face everyday lmao but he takes care of himself, he exercises constantly (lol), so that helps. His face is fine, awesome beautiful skin (even though i much prefer the Y5 style, compared to dragon engine botching everyone*, but he looks great). If everything is fine and dandy. Why is that a thing?
Not only are they still bringing him for 8, and we dont fully know what that will be like, but 7 was already a cameo, so giving him more screentime on 8 doesnt make sense at all but go off, i guess. We will never fully understand why RGG has been saying goodbye to Kiryu for 6 games already and not fully letting him go. I say 6 games bc I’m considering the last 6 mainline games (6, 0, K1, K2, I’d say Y7, and apparently 8?). Gaiden and Ishin are fine, and I’m so happy about those decisions. I honestly think it’s a much better decision to keep them in spin offs if they still want bank on his brand, and give space to new characters and adventures in the mainline games (and judgement!). But then I look at that grey haired mess and im so puzzled.
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And we’ve joked about him looking like a boyband member, whatever that is. *We still dont know if that’s a disguise or a midlife crisis. And if it is a midlife crisis, and they actually take that angle of him struggling with age, i’d give them all the kudos. That would actually be a bold, beautiful move.
Is milking Kiryu just a marketing tactic, or is it something deeper within RGG? Again, correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve speculated about this before, about them being uncomfortable with their character’s age. But are they also uncomfortable with handing the story over to new characters? Do they feel trapped with Kiryu being the (middle aged, totally not elder) face of the franchise?* Or maybe theyre afraid the franchise is not gonna be relevant anymore because it isnt full of lolis and shotas? When that’s never been their goal in the first place? Yakuza has always been about having fun well into your 40s, because life isnt over once you turn 30. And japanese people fully know that. The west is very anxious about the teenage dream, the live fast die young mentality. Majima has that underlying feeling, he has talked about it here and there. And I would love if they went in on that. It’s not like Y7 wasnt successful, it was the introduction to so many people to the franchise. We know it made bank. We know people love Ichiban + the new crew. We know RGG is moving on. The bat has exchanged hands already. So Kiryu being on Y8, looking like that, on promotional material? It’s such a step back…
As of 2022, Kiryu is 54 years old. Majima is 58. There’s only so much flashbacking RGG can do so they can hide their anxiety about their mascot almost being an elder. Are they afraid of growing old themselves? NPCs have been calling Kiryu an old men since yakuza 1, and that did bother me bc *I was just playing as this baby on Y0, how dare you call him old? he’s 30 D: And I’m almost 30, so I understand my own qualms, so I can only imagine what goes on on the majority of the 50 yo department heads on RGG. And for gods sake, we know they can model awesome older characters.
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The most beautiful model Kashiwagi has ever had is his Y7 one* (Sources are kinda confusing because apparently he was born in 1948? So he’d be 71 in 2019? I mean, good for him if true!! lol) (also yes, this is the asterisc. As far as I’ve looked, Kashiwagi is by far the character who’s aged the most beautifully. I cant do anything but clap lmao) Kazama is also very handsome, and he was born in 1945, so he is 60 in Y1/K1. A more apt comparison would be Sera, who was in his 30s in Y0 and 49 on Y1. He has some streaks, you know. And then there’s Kiryu, botoxed to the gods at 51 on Y8.
We know they can do this. Majima talks about being an old man in Y5, and he was 40 then. If you wanna tell me Majima dyes his hair black because he doesnt wanna see his reflection greying, I’m 100% ok with that. But it’s about time. We’ve been playing those characters for almost 20 years, we have seen almost 40 years of their lives. These are conversations we* could be having at this point, even if it’s substories. But not all hope is lost though!
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I dont know if it’s the lighting, but his model on Gaiden does have some some grayish bits. And that’s 2018 (before Y8 even but we can let that slide bc technology, lol they can retroactively grey him). And given that Gaiden seems to be a lot more personal and small, maybe we could have that age talk then. I can only hope. TLDR: RGG. Buddy (lol). We are still gonna love Kiryu even if he’s no longer young (he is still beautiful). Please recognize the fact that we are all aging up, our bodies and our skin. And so are the characters we play with. Kiryu isnt gonna stop being a good avatar because he’s older. And also, let go. Ichiban is the new avatar. And people love him. Move on. We all have. If you (as people who make the company) are uncomfortable about getting older, use that opportunity to talk about that aging anxiety. We (the fans) will need that when we get to that point (whether we’re pushing 20, 30, 40, 70, 80). Because that white haired monstrosity needs to mean something, you couldve gone without it. Pls. Dont let that be a hair disaster like Y4 Saejima. You had the ps3 excuse then, you dont have that now, you know how to do hair lmao. Pls lmao
TLDR2: All I’m saying is. That white hair on the Y8 raises way too many unnecessary questions but then again Gaiden looks fine? I’m lost&confused pls help lol PS: I've rewatched Our Flag Means Death 4 times now (lol) and gray hair as a topic was never something I really thought about in entertainment, but when we think about ageless character on animation/games, I dont know, it seems like a relevant topic. Because, again, we've known Kiryu + Majima + the gang for almost 20 years. We've seen 4 decades of their lives. This is a longer timespan than... I dont know, british soap operas that go on for ages lol.
edit: Anyway yeah lol thanks for reading this long ramble! let me know what you think bc yeah, loads to think about
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