#it can be a distressing and long process. and sometimes you end up with side effects you can’t avoid. and that’s the pits. but it’s a pretty
ziracona · 1 year
So apparently some medications for mental disorders have the side effect of the patient putting on weight. I headcanon that in the epilogue of In Living Memory Laurie manages to convince Michael to see a doctor in spite of his Dr. Loomis trauma and get medication. But how would Michael feel about the side effects and how would the survivors react?
Yeah medication can have lots of side effects. Weight gain is a pretty common one, but not all of them cause it, and if you’ve got a decent doc, they work with you to find a medication that works for you and doesn’t cause you any symptoms that distress you.
In post-ILM canon Michael does very eventually try medication, although only like a decade later once Quentin is a doctor and can prescribe medication himself, because he’s literally the only doctor Michael will ever trust at all. It’s super hard for him, although more emotionally and traumatic memory triggers than physically, and it’s a lot of spiking aggression and old habits to deal with that takes a bunch of time, support, and patience. But he doesn’t have any especially upsetting to him side effects. I think that was a big thing. Like, taking meds was hard enough. If he took them and they made him feel in any way worse, he’d have gone ballistic. A little weight gain could happen idk I haven’t thought about it, but I doubt he’d even notice bulking up a little more, much less be distressed by it or something. Mostly for him it’s just the whole having to take medication at all that’s hard. Does help with the symptoms some though so god bless his support system getting him to do it.
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cherryrainn · 7 months
Hi! Can I get some headcanons for Broly (DBS), Frieza, and Raditz accidentally injuring their S/O while they're having a nightmare? Thank you and I hope you're having a good day!
━━ ✧ 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; broly (dbs) + reader, frieza + reader, raditz + reader
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; ughhh i literally love writing for dragon ball so much thank you and i hope you're having a fantastic day as well!
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; accidental physical harm, injuries, nightmares
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broly's nightmares are intense, and sometimes he thrashes around in his sleep without realizing it.
one night, in the midst of a particularly vivid nightmare, broly accidentally flinches and throws a punch, hitting you in the process.
the punch isn't meant for you, but due to broly's sheer strength, it ends up causing some injuries.
you wake up in pain, and broly, still caught in the nightmare, is startled and immediately snaps awake when he sees you hurt.
broly's eyes would widen in horror, and he quickly tries to assess the damage, his usually calm demeanor replaced with genuine concern.
he's not great with words, so he apologizes in his broken earth language, looking genuinely distressed.
broly, despite his fearsome appearance, is surprisingly gentle as he helps you tend to your injuries, doing his best to be careful.
he stays with you until you're comfortable again, and even after, he's visibly upset about what happened.
broly becomes hesitant about sleeping next to you, afraid that he might hurt you again, but he still wants to be close.
over time, you reassure him that you understand it was an accident, and you work together to find ways to prevent it from happening again.
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frieza, despite being a tyrannical space emperor, has his fair share of nightmares.
one night, he's caught in a particularly unsettling dream, and in his sleep, he lashes out with his tail, accidentally hitting you.
frieza wakes up abruptly when he senses you're in pain, his eyes wide with shock as he realizes what happened.
frieza doesn't apologize immediately; instead, he's more focused on making sure you're okay.
he assesses the damage with a mix of concern and irritation, not happy that he inadvertently hurt you.
frieza's not one for verbal apologies, but he makes it up by taking extra care of you while you recover, attending to your needs without being asked.
despite his tough exterior, frieza feels a sense of guilt that lingers long after the incident.
he becomes slightly more cautious about sleeping close to you, but deep down, he still wants to protect you, even in his dreams.
frieza's attempts at comfort might be a bit awkward, but he tries his best, offering a mix of practical help and snarky remarks.
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raditz is known for his warrior spirit, but even he has his nightmares.
he's caught in a particularly intense dream, and in his sleep, raditz accidentally kicks you, caught up in the imaginary battle.
you wake up with a start, clutching your side where raditz's powerful kick landed. the guy's got some strength!
raditz, still half-asleep, quickly realizes what he's done, and his eyes widen in shock and concern.
raditz immediately apologizes, his voice a mix of genuine worry and awkwardness.
he sits next to you, running a hand through his unruly hair, feeling guilty about the unintentional injury.
raditz tries to make it up to you by being extra attentive, fetching whatever you need and offering an assortment of snacks.
raditz is surprisingly gentle as he helps you with any injuries, trying not to feel too bad about the accident.
he's a bit sheepish about sleeping close to you afterward, afraid he might accidentally launch you into orbit or something.
you both learn to laugh about the incident, turning it into a quirky story to share with others.
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otakusheep15 · 8 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 12
Prompt: Art
Pairing: Solomon x reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 849
A/n: Shout out to my bestie who is literally obsessed with this old man. I'm only tolerating this man for her. This does get a bit angsty, but I promise it ends with fluff.
Sometimes you forget just how old Solomon is. Yes, you know that he is immortal, but sometimes you just forget what that really entails. Pretty much anytime you bring up a topic from history, he can give you intimate details that only someone who lived through that era would know.
And, apparently, the same applies to physical objects from history, as you discovered when you took him to an art museum. He could genuinely recall seeing these paintings happen in person, and give detailed histories on each of them that most historians wouldn't even know. It was impressive, but it also freaked you out a bit. Just how long as Solomon been alive? How long has he been wandering the Earth by himself, absorbing all of this knowledge?
You kept your quickly darkening thoughts to yourself, not wanting to ruin this trip with your worries. Deep down you did feel for Solomon. You knew he must have been lonely for all of the years he's been alive. But you also knew that he was okay with that, plus he wasn't alone anymore. He had you.
But how long would that last?
The thought shook you, and you had to physically pause to process it. Solomon noticed your sudden absence from his side, and he moved back to where you were standing. Sensing your oncoming distress, he is quick to usher you to a private corner away from prying eyes and ears. Once he is sure you're in a safe area, he sits you down and focusing on helping you breathe.
Finally, after a minute, your mind clears and you stop panicking. You didn't even realize you were panicking until you stopped, and now you just feel sluggish and a little dizzy. Solomon is next to you, giving you just enough distance while also not straying too far away. You look to him in confusing, silently asking him what had happened. He explained that you had frozen up on him, and so he moved the two of you to a more secluded space until you calmed down.
Then, he asks you the same question. What happened to make you panic like that? Was it something he did or said? You reassure him that that wasn't the case. You simply just got lost in your thoughts, and they went a little too far for your liking. Solomon didn't ask you directly, but it's clear he wanted to know more, so you decided to tell him.
You explain that, as he spoke of the various histories of the art around you, you began to think about just how long he's been alive. You thought about how lonely he must have felt for all those centuries, but tried to calm yourself by thinking about how you were with him now. That didn't last long because your brain then provided you with a thought you never wanted to have. You thought of your own mortality, and how you wouldn't have much time with him. Even if it was a lifetime for you, it was barely a drop in the bucket of his life, and that upset you more than you thought it would.
Throughout your explanation, Solomon remained quiet, listening intently until you finished. When you did, he continued on in silence, clearly wanting to take the time to process your words and choose the right thing to say. After what felt like an eternity, Solomon finally figured out what to do. Instead of speaking, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. It was unexpected but not unwelcome, and you were quick to return the hug.
You sat there for what felt like hours, but could not have been more than a minute. He releases you but holds onto your shoulders, keeping both you and him steady. His gaze pierces into yours, and it's then that he finally speaks. He tells you that you have every right to worry over him, and that he appreciates your concerns. However, you should not swell on such topics, as they will only bring you sadness. He wants you to be happy when you think about him. After all, he only thinks positive things when he thinks of you.
It's a touching moment, as you rarely hear him speak like this. Both of you are on the verge of tears, but you try your best to hold it in. After all, you soon remember exactly where you are, and suddenly this whole situation is much more comedic than it was a few moments ago. Of course this kind of thing would happen to you while on a museum date.
Now that you've officially calmed down and got your anxieties out, Solomon stands and offers you his hand. You accept gratefully, and when you're on your feet, you don't let go. Instead, you use your grip to pull him along, intent to see the rest of the museum with him. He smiles at you as you do so, and you both think to yourselves that, in that moment, you're the luckiest people alive.
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ilthit · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @keirgreeneyes
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
Not counting orphaned or anonymized, 297.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
803,155 words, and that includes co-author input. I've been a short fic, instant satisfaction kinda writer for most of this time.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently trying to finish something for Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, and editing the epic Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades campaign story with @minutia-r. I get really into a fandom and write a bunch for it, then I get out of the fandom and write whatever + original fiction, then maybe get into a different fandom. You know how it is.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bonus Material, The Makings of Fate, One Thing or Another, The Upstart King and His Golden Concubine, and Some Sugar for Daddy, all of them Scum Villain. It's definitely the biggest fandom I've written for recently. I used to write Discworld and LotR, which are bigger, but those are mostly not up on AO3 and none are very long.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do, especially for smaller fandom fics, not always. But even if I don't, I see and appreciate; I also see and appreciate the kudos. No pressure to comment, y'all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have written a fair bit with angsty endings. Maybe The Greyest Timeline (Community); or maybe it just felt angsty, because I wrote it to process my grief over Troy and Abed's separation. Also there may be some I anonymized... but that's my business.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What a question. 🤔 I'm not sure I can answer that one. I recognize a lot may have more mixed endings, but there are too many to think through.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely. I can't remember an incident right now.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not as a rule. My favourite of the few currently up is The Last Florentian, a crossover between Poirot and Jeeves & Wooster, in which Lady Florence and Miss Lemon fall in love.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Sometimes ones I really didn't think deserved it, but it's not up to me, is it? I always give permission.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Hehe yeah, the Lin Moniao series, which grew out of TTRPG.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Original works. My 60s LA gumshoe novel, the superhero comedy that in retrospect is probably not as funny as I thought it was.
16. What are your writing strengths?
🤔 Side characters with interiority. Ability to keep an entire world in my head, and invent on the spot. Flexibility. Sense of the shape of a story. Not getting too hung up on whether what I produce is popular (so I don't write stuff I don't care about just for the clicks, or get distressed if I get none).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Losing motivation in the middle of writing longer fic. Underthinking. Messy. Unable to edit effectively due to having lost interest. Self-indulgent ficlets that are more me speaking my thoughts out than anything designed for an audience. Piling my plate too high when I get excited for challenges. Occasionally I have to take a break in the Pit of Despair.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Usually not necessary. Fine if you like it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Not entirely sure. It was either Dragonlance or Ranma 1/2. Neither will be on AO3.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
If the Lin Moniao series counts as a fic, then it's the Lin Moniao series.
Has everybody been tagged? tagging uhhh @minutia-r
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impala-dreamer · 11 months
Captives of The Court - Chapter Ten
A Supernatural Series
~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that’s been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Series Warnings and Info may be found on the Masterlist Here 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Feelings were one thing, but facts were another, and while Dean Winchester could sometimes be a little compulsive, he wasn’t prone to murder unless absolutely called for.
Y/N convinced him easily enough, however.
For the next two hours, she laid out enough research to fill a textbook and explained her thought process. Sure, it wasn’t a given what was going on- she still wasn’t entirely sure whey the women were being held longer than then men- but everything was leaning, toppling over onto Bronwyn Cromwell.
Well after two a.m., the pair stood over the table, looking down at a papertrail that somehow made sense in Y/N’s head.
Dean chewed his lip.
Y/N’s nose was scrunched up tight.
“And how does the Sheriff and all the other creeps factor in?” he asked, floating a hand over the printouts.
She squinted at the blurry ink, her eyes too tired to even attempt figuring out shapes. “Well, like- they’re super creepy. So they have to be connected somehow.”
Dean frowned and scratched at his jaw. He needed to shave.
“So, basically, you want to round up the entire town and- what- open fire?”
“We do have a machine gun…”
“Do we?”
“We should…”
Dean grinned. “We should.”
She sighed, letting her arms fall to her sides. “OK, but seriously-”
Dean checked his watch. “I’m calling it.”
“What?” She looked up with a pained, exhausted expression.
“It’s almost three in the morning.” He pivoted and grabbed at her, bending to lock an arm under her knees. “You’re going to bed.”
Y/N yelped and clung to him as her feet left the ground. “But- no- we have work-”
Dean shook his head and eyed her firmly as he walked to the bed. “You need a few hours rest. They’ll still be murdering people in the morning.”
“That doesn’t make me want to sleep, ya know.”
Her head hit the pillow and she sighed with such sweet relaxation that Dean couldn’t help but drop a kiss to her forehead. “Sleep.”
He tried to back away, but she tugged on his shirt.
He sank down next to her and the next thing either knew it was morning and the birds were chirping, the sun splitting through the gap in the curtains.
“Well, damn.” Y/N sat up and stretched, still tired. “What time is it?”
Yawning, Dean scrubbed at his face and checked his watch. “Nine. Ish.”
“Why do I feel like I got zero sleep?”
Groaning, she laid back down and pressed herself against his chest. He was warm and soft and perfect. Her hand curled around the nape of his neck, fingers brushing over the soft hairs there and tickling lightly.
Dean hummed and ran his hand down her spine, fully waking up. He lifted his head and she met him in the middle with a soft kiss that soon exploded into something deeper.
Sunlight danced across her face as he held her cheek, kissed her lips, tugged the breath from her hot mouth. She shifted to lay on top of him, her warm body pressing down with just enough heft to drive him wild.
She bit his lip.
He grabbed her ass.
She licked at his ear.
He snuck a hand beneath her shirt.
She gasped. “Wait!”
The lightbulb above her head was back and her nose scrunched up. Dean froze, hand on her tit, brow twisted in distress, cock aching.
“What now?”
She sucked in a quick breath and dismounted. She raced back to the table and shuffled through a short stack of newspaper clippings and printed articles.
“I knew it!”
Dean pushed up on his elbows and looked over at her. The sheet was tented and his head was pounding. “Please explain so we can get back to breakfast.”
Y/N perked up. “Oh… breakfast. I could go for some pancakes…”
Dean snapped his fingers. “Focus!”
“Oh! Yeah. Anyway” She clicked a few keys on her laptop and brought up a website she’d been on hours ago. “So, remember when I said that Cromwell sounded familiar and you brushed it off?”
He scoffed. “I didn’t brush it off…”
She cleared her throat. “Ya did. Anyway- I remembered her name because…” Grabbing the laptop, she brought it over to Dean and dropped it on his stomach, narrowly avoiding his still semi-hard erection. “There you go!”
He squinted at the screen. “What am I looking at?”
“You’re looking at a sketch from 1658 of a young woman accused of witchcraft right here in Connecticut. Her name- Bronwyn Cromwell.” Y/N threw her hands up victoriously and high fived the air.
He looked closer. “So she has the same name.”
“She’s the same person!” Y/N grabbed the screen again and zoomed in as best she could. “I know it’s a sketch and a shitty one at that, but look- she looks the same. Descriptions match. Witch. Creepy. Beautiful. It’s her!”
“If it is, she’d be over-” He paused to count on his fingers. “Over three hundred and sixty years old.”
“Mhm.” She clicked through to another page. “And look at this- that damned coroner-”
Dean held up a finger. “Chief Medical Examiner.”
“Whatever- she’s in here too.” Her eyes lit up and she pointed to Alice Parker’s name on a list of accusers. “Aha! See?”
He licked his lips while clicking pieces together. “I bet if you kept going you’d find the Sheriff too.”
“Betcha I would. And a whole bunch of other folks in town.”
Dean sighed and pushed himself up against the headboard, clearly not on the road to fornication. He smoothed the sheet over his lap.
“You think they’re all in on it? Murdering couples for fun?”
She shrugged. “Fun or…”
“Or I don’t know yet, but…” She looked off at nothing as her memory churned. “Bronwyn did say something to me. Something like ‘love is power’ or ‘creation is power’ or something like that.”
“Sounds like we’ve got a winner.”
She nodded. “Yep.”
Dean leaned in and caught her attention, waving his hand in front of her face. “Hey, babe- wanna go gank a witch with me?”
She laughed and turned, sighing as she looked into his gorgeous green eyes. “Mr. Winchester, I would love nothing more.” She leaned in for a kiss and then paused. “Except maybe an omelet. Or a waffle, something. I’m starving.”
Dean grinned and held her face in both hands. “That’s why you’re my girl.”
His wink was arousing but her stomach was growling.
The sex could wait.
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Guns blazing is a glorious fantasy.
In reality, there’s a lot of nervous energy flowing through your fingers making it hard to even load the gun let alone kick open doors and blast away the enemy.
Y/N was burning with nerves but it was a good burn. It helped her move forward, kept her from thinking too much. Thinking time was over, the plan was in place and it was time to execute it.
She grit her teeth and took a deep breath, letting her shoulders settle and her heels dig into the soft earth behind Cromwell Manor.
Dean stood a few paces away, a half smile cocked on his lips as he nodded to her. They were ready.
The house was a stunning testament to colonial design. Sitting on three acres of land in front of what used to be an apple orchard, the Manor boasted an exterior of cobbled stone and giant windows that looked out over an empty field and flourishing trees.
Y/N looked up at the house. Lights were on upstairs, but that didn’t mean much; danger could be anywhere. She held her breath and clicked the safety off on her pistol.
“You good?” Dean asked, voice low and teasing even before a fight.
She grinned. “What, you want some background music? Because I can pull up Sheeran in like two seconds-”
He laughed. “No, no. We’re good.” He exhaled a calming breath and drew up his shoulders, ready to enter the back door. “Remind me to reintroduce you to some good music when we get home. Think you need a little AC/DC refresher.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and moved closer to the door. “Well, Dean…” She looked back over her shoulder and winked, lifting her right hand to her forehead. “For those about to rock- we salute you.”
There was an expectation when she kicked the door open. A tingle of fear of being met immediately by a murderous and alluring witch who was sure to take them out. As it was, the back door led into an empty mud room which led further into a large but equally as empty kitchen.
They searched the length of the first floor, guns raised, focus strong, but they found nothing.
In the center of the house was a staircase and a door, one leading up and the other down. Lights leaked out from beneath the cellar door and the top of the stairs.
Dean looked up then down, then at Y/N. “Flip you for it?”
She looked at the door and shivered. “I’m not really in the mood for spiders today. Can you just- please?”
He cringed. “Spiders?”
“Well, I mean, maybe there aren’t, I just don’t want to find out.”
“And you think I do?”
She crossed behind him to get to the stairs, slapping his ass as she went. “Man up, Winchester.”
He thumbed the door knob and groaned. “Damnit.”
As Dean slid into the basement, Y/N took each stair carefully lest it creak and give her away. The wood was solid, however, and she bounded up to the top without making a single sound.
An antique lamp was lit at the far end of the hallway and she used it as her guide as she inspected the rooms around her. Each door was locked save one at the very end of the house,
Gun on the ready, she pressed her back against the door and slowly pushed it open. Lamplight spilled inside and Y/N peeked through the gap, finding absolutely nothing. Quickly, she slipped inside and scanned the shadows, but there was only an empty bed with an old wooden chest at the end. It was clean but smelled a bit musty, as if no one had entered in a long while.
“Well, shit.”
Just for good measure, she checked under the bed and behind the door. All was clear.
“This sucks.”
She gave the other rooms another try as she headed back to the stairs, even pressed her ear to one, thinking she’d heard breathing inside. She was alone on the second floor.
Back down the staircase, she held her breath, listening for Dean, but the house was still, silent as death.
“Dean?” Her whisper carried down the steps, but there was no answer. “Damnit, I don’t wanna go down there…”
Pulse throbbing in her ears, Y/N opened the cellar door a crack and peered down into the shadows.
An annoyed growl rumbled in her throat and she pushed the door open.
“You better be hurt,” she sighed, taking the first step down into the unknown. “OK, not really, but dammit…”
There was light glowing at the bottom of the steps, flickering like candlelight, but it wasn’t enough to calm her fear, and Y/N grit her teeth as she descended the exceptionally long staircase.
Halfway down, she hissed his name. “Dean!”
He answered, calling back with worry in his voice. “Y/N! Down here!”
A spec of relief flickered in her soul but it was overcome by trepidation. Quickly, and with her gun raised, she rushed down the stairs. Her boots hit concrete and her breath jammed in her chest.
The cellar was huge, dug out by hand the length of the house and beyond. The far wall split and Y/N could see what appeared to be a trio of tunnels, curving underground and into parts unknown. She cursed herself for not bringing a flashlight, but the tunnels would have to wait.
She spun towards the front of the house and saw him. He stood perfectly still and content by Bronwyn’s side. His stare was wide and blank, and a faint purple mist curled around his head, only visible as the candles behind him flickered.
“What the fuck?”
Y/N took a step and Bronwyn held up a hand, begging her patience.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” the witch said, smiling too perfectly for having a gun aimed at her head. Her golden locks were down and lightly curled, cascading like a waterfall past her bare shoulders. Her dress was pure white with strands of gold woven into the flowing fabric. Her breasts were bound and high, perfectly round and enticing. She cocked a brown and smiled again. “We’ve been waiting for you, Y/N.”
Her stomach lurched and her fingers tightened around the pistol. She eyed Dean but he was a blank slate, expressionless and clearly entranced.
“What did you do to him?” she yelled, voice echoing down into the tunnels.
Bronwyn lifted her right hand and waved it slowly in front of Dean’s face. He swayed with it, following the motion of her gesture.
“He’s fine,” she replied. “For now.”
“You put a spell on him.” Y/N sneered, body tensing to painful levels.
The witch nodded. “I did, yes. It’s kind of what I do.” She laughed and turned towards Dean. She ran her fingers down his stubbled cheek and he pulled in a slow, deep breath, his chest heaving, his lips parting slightly. “Don’t worry, he’s quite content right now.”
Y/N shivered. “Let him go.”
She sucked her teeth and lay her hand on Dean’s shoulder, polished nails gleaming against the canvas jacket. “No. I won’t be letting him go. Or you. You’re both mine now. Well, ours.” She grinned. “But you don’t need to worry about all that.” She tapped Dean’s shoulder and he sighed heavily, eyes fluttering. “You don’t need to worry about anything anymore. That’s the fun part.” Pushing up on her toes, Bronwyn whispered in Dean’s ear and his eyes jolted open. “Go on, Dean,” she sang, “get her for me.”
He slid from her side and stalked across the concrete floor, boots thudding loudly with each step.
Y/N had only seconds to make a decision. Even on his worst day, there was no way she could overpower Dean or even avoid his attack. Cursed and commanded, there was absolutely no chance she would get away. There was only one choice.
She cocked her gun.
She squinted, taking aim at the witch.
She exhaled slowly and pulled the trigger.
Dean was too fast, rushing at her and grabbing her arm in his rough fist. The gun went off but the aim was straight up and Y/N ducked as dust rained down on them, dislodged by the shot.
“Dean! Damnit, wake up!”
She tried to wrestle from his grasp, but he was too big, too strong. He twisted her wrist until the gun fell and she bit back a scream.
Within seconds, her arms were pinned behind her back and Dean had her locked in place, one hand holding her wrists, the other pressing down on the back of her neck.
She kicked backwards but missed his legs.
“Come on, Dean, snap out of it!”
Bronwyn laughed, amused by Y/N’s vigor. “He’s not going to snap out of anything,” she said. “He’s lost in a fog of good dreams, trust me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. No need for pain before death. Better to do things with an air of civility and kindness, don’t you think?”
Y/N raged, struggling against Dean’s grip, but it was pointless. She lifted her gaze to the witch and spat. “What do you want?”
Bronwyn shrugged lightly. “You, of course. Well, both of you. We need two or it doesn’t work.”
“What doesn’t work?” Y/N asked, trying to calm down and think. If she kept the bitch talking, she might be able to work out a way to get free.
“The spell.” Bronwyn crooked her finger. “Bring her here.”
Dean took a step, forcing Y/N to walk towards the witch. She tried to stand still, willing herself to be a statue, but he bumped her forward without much effort.
“What kind of spell? Maybe I can help- I’ve got some… experience with witchy shit.”
Bronwyn met them in the middle and held up her hand. Dean stopped instantly.
“Oh, but you are going to help,” the witch informed her. “I can’t do this without you two. There needs to be two, always. And the fact that you’re already in love does help move things along a bit. So, thank you for that.”
Y/N sneered. “You’re welcome.”
“I knew the moment you rolled into town that you’d be perfect. I didn’t expect you both to be so… beautiful though. That is a bonus.” Gray eyes glowed as they traipsed across Y/N’s face and Bronwyn reached out to cup her cheek.
Y/N growled and twisted away from her touch. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
The witch grit her teeth. “Hold her still, Dean.”
Calloused fingers tangled in Y/N’s hair and Dean tugged, holding her head straight.
“Get off of me!”
Bronwyn slid a single finger down Y/N’s cheek and the touch was like silk. Warmth spread across her face and Y/N exhaled slowly, her struggle against Dean’s grip easing.
“Repletus libidine, mente captus…”
The whisper flowed through Y/N’s mind and Bronwyn’s eyes seemed rimmed in purple light. She snapped her fingers and Y/N’s body went slack in Dean’s arms. He held her upright as the spell worked on her, sinking into her bones. She stared into the witch’s eyes as the air filled with purple smoke that smelled like fresh, warm bread and melting butter. It infiltrated her senses and Y/N smiled, letting go of the fight. She felt so strangely good; aroused and hungry. She drooped against Dean and he scooped her up into his arms as her eyes fluttered closed.
Bronwyn clapped gleefully, happy with herself. “Perfect! Now we can begin.”
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miroyuuu · 2 years
Okay talking about my headcanon that skwisgaar has ocd:
Gonna talk about his intrusive thoughts (warning for violence & sexual shit), fear of contamination and perfectionism.
First of all, for anyone who doesn't know, intrusive thoughts are a big OCD thing, these are disturbing or disgusting etc. thoughts that are obviously unwanted and distressing and frequently focus on certain themes.
Skwisgaar struggles a lot with really horrible sexual intrusive thoughts about his mother, one of the most common ones that keeps popping up in his head is the flashback of his mother when he was trauamtized by her as a kid. Its like reliving it all over again and it leaves him feeling sick and disgusted everytime.
Seeing his mother triggers it the most of course, and whenever she visits mordhaus, he obviously hates being near her for a multitude of reasons, one of biggest ones being how sexually explicit she is with no concern for boundaries or other's peoples comfort, and he'll vent to the other guys about it, but only to a very small extent, comments that we see talking about 'why ams she wearins that fuckins dress, ams she a strippers' etc.
Skwisgaar keeps it all to himself, disgusted by the thoughts and obviously never wanting to share them or talk about them. Maybe after so many years of knowing and living with each other, the more perceptive members start to get an inkling of what he's dealing with (if you wanna go the charles has ocd too route, maybe charles senses he's suffering with it too and tries to offer a bit of comfort without addressing the ocd itself but we know Charles isn't the best at comforting and skwisgaar isnt the best at allowing himself to be vulnerable around people)
Anyways, so you can imagine just how extra horrible all those serveta scenes are for skwisgaar, like the end of the cursed christmas special, and of course, when he moves back to sweden only to be retraumatized all over again. He keeps these thoughts secret for years and never intends on sharing them with anyone.
After Toki gets kidnapped by Magnus, he starts getting a lot of intrusive thoughts about Toki getting tortured etc, and the image of Toki hanging upside down, all bloody and beat and starved is burned into his mind forever. For a while after doomstar, maybe skwisgaar even avoids toki because seeing him triggers these thoughts even worse, and it builds up until Toki finally confronts him.
Now as you know I love skwistok lol and I think if they were at a point in their relationship where Skwisgaar chooses to trust Toki with Knowing him and all his vulnerabilities and struggles etc he would open up about it, sobbing and not being able to bear looking at toki but needing to explain what horrible shit is happening in his head and why it makes it so difficult. "It ams likes, my worst nightmares, yous just, gettins stabbs overs and overs, and Magnus ams deres and he ams doings... De worst tings to you... Sometimes it amnsts even hims, sometimes it ams mes .." you get it some real big angst hurt and comfort stuff. Toki understands, sees his distress and tries his best to reassure him that he knows him and knows skwisgaar would never want to hurt him and never want to see him hurt.
Okay, now for the contamination OCD side of things.
Skwisgaar takes really long elaborate showers, has a whole routine and process to decontaminate that he has to repeat over and over until it just Feels Right, and if he wasn't a god with life & healing powers (and a bunch of expensive creams and products) his skin would probably be scrubbed dry. The sheer grossness of dethklok and their party till you vomit lifestlye though acts as really good exposure therapy lol and over time he gets better and better with all his contamination ocd related compulsions like showers handwashing, and just generally feels less repulsed and anxious going about life than he used to. He's never felt so liberated getting nasty with dethklok lol
Alright, a big ocd thing too is this whole 'just right' thing, where you have to keep repeating something over and over until it feels right. It makes recording sessions even harder when he has to keep playing the same lick over and over until it feels right, even tho the guys swear the last one was fine.
He also has the whole perfectionist thinking (another big ocd thing) too, when it comes to recording sessions and obviously, releasing albums. He and Nathan kind of share this, and will keep rerecording, redoing, and rewriting trying to get things perfect until they get exhausted, and become too overwhelmed to finish. This is pretty much canon, we see this esp in Nathan deleting albums over and over and being concerned about it not being perfectly brutal enough. It seems like they're either working on the album really intensively trying to get it perfect, or not working on it at all and avoiding deadlines.
Im getting a headache staring at my screen typing this so gonna wrap it up there, hope you enjoyed!
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hi! this one might be a little heavy but could I get some comfort from ge saeran? so i have some brain fog as a long-term side effect of medical treatment i went through when I was younger. i have some degree of memory issues (my short term memory kinda stinks and a lot of my memories are really foggy) and a bit of processing issues sometimes (not helpful when coupled with adhd :/) and I feel like I'm not quite as sharp as I used to be. most of the time I don't think about it too much but sometimes it's really really frustrating, especially if I keep forgetting things or if I'm having trouble in college.
I imagine saeran probably has some similar side effects from taking the elixir for so long so I feel like he'd understand, even if the situations are different
GE Saeran knows the distress of losing time. It happened all the time when he was in that place. There are a lot of memories he can't even recall to this day. He isn't sure if he will be able to recover from what happened to him.
Some of those memories weren't the best and other ones might have been but he'll never know. That makes it difficult for him to deal with things day to day. Not because he knows that he'll never remember what he lost, but because he knows that those issues are still with him today.
Sometimes he gets worked up and it makes things incredibly hard for him.
He'll forget where his keys are, he'll forget where he set his wallet, he'll forget what he was supposed to be doing that day, or what have you. It's not hard to put the pieces back together because he does have a system to help with his memory, but it doesn't change the fact that it can be very distressing to go through that.
There is no way to put that feeling into words. A lot of people just don't understand what it feels like to lose control of your mind when you're overwhelmed. It's not something you can control. Your brain does it and no matter how much you fight it, you still have to navigate through it.
If you know what that feels like, then it's easy to understand what somebody else must be going through even If your circumstances don't align completely.
When it comes to you, his ultimate goal is to make sure that you feel comfortable in your own skin. You did that for him so why wouldn't he want to do that for you in return? Why would he leave you to have a hard time with your thoughts when you wouldn't let him do that to himself? It would be hypocritical and put into question everything you've ever done for him.
He wants to reciprocate your care. This is a partnership! It's not one-sided!
There are things he does he can share with you to make things feel easier. He's been doing a lot of thinking and practicing when it comes to his mental health. In the past, he coped in ways that weren't that great for him. But, now he's looking for things that won't hurt more in the long run. Like taking a nap when he feels afraid late at night, or going into the garden to shut off his fears with the sounds of gentle wind.
When he's confused, if he lets it consume him, he knows he won't be able to do anything. He writes things down so he doesn't forget the tasks that need to be done. He repeats mantras to himself to help his memories in his lowest moments. He looks to you for confirmation if he's afraid of his perception of time. You help each other that way. He can do the same for you.
On the flip side of that, maybe there's something you do that could be helpful to him. After all, two heads are better than one when you need to find an out-of-the-box thought. This is something where you can balance each other out. If you forget something, he can make a note of it so it helps you later on, or vice versa. 
But, honestly, what you're looking for might be somebody who is there for you in the most frustrating moments. When you are so frustrated because it feels like you're forgetting everything you know, you need somebody in your corner who can sit with you and remind you that it's not the end of the world and this is something that you can work through.
It doesn't control you, nor does it define your abilities, it's a part of you and it can be worked with as long as you take a deep breath and let it be. The more you struggle and strain, the harder it becomes for your brain. So, relax. Breathe. Let Saeran hold you when you need it and take care of yourself so that he can remind you how much he is in love with you! How much he wants to make sure that you feel the safest you can with him.
Saeran's advice is to "slow down, breathe, and let your head settle until you can remember again. You aren't going to lose memories or time forever. You need to be patient. Let's wait until you feel like you can remember what you needed, my love."
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mammonistheman · 2 months
Hellloooo! This is my first time requesting, and I hope I write this request okay for you to understand because English isn't my first language.
Could I, by any chance, request Casino Cups Mugman dating headcannons? Perhaps fem! reader who's a bartender at the casino? (a cat maybe as well of your comfortable with that? if not it's okay!)
Hope you have a great day/night!🫶🏻
Guys.. I'm back 😈😈 also thank u for requesting!! I literally love Mugman with all my heart oml and thank you luv, I hope you have a great day/night too!! And that you enjoy my headcanons :3
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Head cannons for dating Casino Cups! Mugman, with fem! Bartender! Cat! reader !!
First of all, we all have seen how he reacts and stuff with the thought of Cala Maria—it's absolutely adorable how he swoons and stuff just like that over you, before you two get together.
Before dating, he'll probably be a rambler and it would be a lot harder then his crush on Cala—seeing that you work in the same establishment, and with communication a lot for ur job requirements
I'd say you'd somewhat have the same vibe as Cala, like a mature, godly beautiful kind of thing? Does that make sense? Do ppl know what i'm talking abt 😭😭
But BOOM!! that was before you two were dating, and now that you are I wouldn't say a lot is different.
He'll definitely be a lot easier to talk to as time goes on, usually whenever he can— sitting at the bar and ranting about whatever is on his mind. Cuphead? The card tricks from King Dice? Some customers that were there not so long ago, that Mugman could barely bite his tongue at? At some point the conversation moves along or in a full circle, but trust there will be conversation about a new magic book he got his hands on or something at some point.
You're probably more of a listener and him being the yapper, in a situation where he can spurge all his thoughts out for you to here as your serving drunken customers or cleaning up the cups for the night.
And if it's in my more secluded area for the both of you, he may even get more personal like the details of his life with Elder Kettle—and how it was before the whole 'gamble and contact' situation, leading him to work for the Devil himself.
And everytime he gets reminded, he thinks of how your past must be like—especially with the chip in your upstanding ear and the little scar on your jaw. You basically cover your body from top to bottom otherwise, and he doesn't try to think too much about if you have any other scars underneath your clothes for obvious reasons.
There had been times where Mugman notices your feline tail, a part of him wanting to reach out and feeling the distressed fur but refuses to ever actually do it. He finds your cat features interesting, often when it's your turn to speak he'll take mental notes of the ways your ears twitch if Cuphead is talking in the background—arguing with another employee, or something along those lines.
But when you let him feel the fur of your tail, the first time he goes really silent and just seems to be analysising it, but only a moment before he perks up and begins speaking again—his touch still lingering on your tail.
Cuphead is forever teasing him of the both of you, but overall finds you alright to be around. You don't snitch on his harmless pranks, sometimes you even do pranks with him, and he appreciates the loyalty of keeping your word. You sometimes end up playing pool or a card game with Cuphead from time to time, which is alright if he wasn't so competitive, but funny to see him lose all his attempts against you. The difference between you two is that he's impulsive, while you're controlled on your gambling addiction.
Mugman always appreciates your words of comfort or reassurance, especially during a hard or overwhelming day. With your relationship with Cuphead, whenever he rants about him you drop little hints on both sides that's speeds up the process of whatever petty argument they're in currently.
But sometimes you are mysterious and sometimes unreadable to him, like when you two are alone you can be heartfelt and reassuring—but with those of your colleagues, like King Dice or the Devil, you can almost become withdrawn and only speak when you're spoken to.
It's difficult seeing the change, especially when you're so hard to read but when he brings it up—you don't have an explanation—but it gives him more insight on how to read you well, since he seems to be the only one that can really understand the small signals and ect.
Its a really sweet dynamic, I wouldn't say black cat x golden retriever, but I can say it's something along those lines.
And it's very different when the two of you are drunk, you both become lovedrunk and giddy fools—clinging onto eachother and following alone with Cupheads wild activities, that everyone eventually gets involved in willingly or not.
Overall, I say it would be a more talker x listener kind of thing, but the relationship would be based around pure communication—comfort used of both sides, and the two of you having an incredible understanding of eachother. Outside the Devils deals and Cupheads antics, there's a calm and true connection between you two that would be hard to be similar to anyone else's. There's a deep understanding for eachother, and a connection that makes you two seem almost made for eachother :3
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I'm sorry it was short but I'm still trying to get back into writing 😭😭
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 10 months
H!Sans and H!Papyrus: Skull and Sugar
Today it's Horror! Sans and Papyrus as legendary pokémon! Learn more about their home and the discovery of their fossils here! :)
Now Sans and Papyrus are from this long ancestral line of protector-pokémon, with them being the new generation. However, their family tree seems to be growing some odd branches…
You see, no one has realized that some of the excavated fossils actually belonged to the ancient ancestors of the legendary guardians! Not only that, but these two truly were pokémon of legend, having protected people during the cave-in of the underground and unfortunately having met their end doing so.   The names and legacies of these pokémon are unfortunately lost to time, but recently, a group of scientists has requested temporary access to the fossils for more accurate time dating, cross referencing their database with their DNA in order to determine their species, and collecting data on the fossils with equipment the museum doesn't have. You know, normal nerd stuff scientific proceedings.
  What they didn't tell the museum staff however, is that these fossils would be part of a new fossil revival program. You see, when a fossil has lethal physical damage they can't be revived using the normal method as the damage would be perfectly recreated and would kill the poor pokémon a second time. Therefore, an experimental method was used: a mix of cloning and the revival procedure used for other fossils. And to their credit: it worked! 
  However, the panic of waking up in a place that looks like nothing you’ve ever seen before, combined with your last vague but pressing memory being the panic of a crumbling cave system and the urgency of mass evacuation, meant that Skull immediately broke out of containment, broke everyone else out of containment and then rounded everyone up for evacuation outside. Once everyone was accounted for they took off, and instinctively the guardians found the place their species once called home: Mount Ebott. The group burst in from the top and hasn't left since.
Skull has trouble speaking fluently and has a somewhat slower perception, and the hole in his skull is,,, well, it's in a weird state, obviously. It's not healed (it CAN’T be healed), but it's not an open wound he could die from due to the revival process. He clearly has some memory problems due to both the revival process and the wound, and he needs to be stopped from scratching at it often, as it seems to be a subconscious move.    The distress from it gradually lessens as he settles into his new environment: he has his brother by his side, and though his memories are few and confusing they are still a great comfort to him. It does however influence his ability to transform: where Sans and Papyrus can use their magic to mimic pokémon and humans near perfectly, Skull does not have stable control of his magic due to the wound, resulting in skeletal versions of whatever he's trying to mimic. It's... an adjustment, for sure. Luckily the pokémon instinctively trust him a bit, so he won them over despite everything. Speaking of which:   Skull loves observing humans and pokémon as much as the others of his species, and although he misses the abundance/presence of people and the holidays, he gets fulfillment out of observing and interacting with the ghost pokémon (who seem to recognise him somehow?) and the new species that migrated into the mountain after the incident. They are just as curious about him as he is about them, and his gentle giant demeanor is immediately rewarded by lots of attention from the younger pokémon.
Sugar used to help set up celebrations with everyone. Therefore, he knows the place like the back of his hand!! Or rather knew. Where Skull sometimes has trouble remembering the past, Sugar has trouble not remembering it. He keeps feeling like something should be right here only to find the spot empty or unreachable. He could be of great help to archeologists, but it is very confusing for him. Due to both this and his somewhat poor eyesight, the pokémon surrounding him help him navigate and are very supportive.   They tried to help him recreate some of the older celebrations, but it just isn’t the same without human aid. They all got an A+ for effort though! Which means handmade festival treats for everyone! He knows recipes long gone, but he can't always get every ingredient. What he does manage to make (sometimes with help, as his body does not always do what he wants) is loved by most, except for the bitter medicines he sometimes ends up making.   Sugar can regulate his magic much better than Skull can but he, too, has some wonkiness to his transformations. Namely, his form seems just a little stretched, and if you look closely, you can make out some crystal formations on the left side of whatever creature he’s decided to become. As he practices the transformations more it becomes subtle like glitter, but it definitely is still there. Despite all of this, he actually tends to use a skeletal form as well, in solidarity to his brother. “Look, we match!”  Their memories are hazy, but they definitely remember evacuating everyone from the mountain as it rumbled around them. Any movement in the rocks sets them on edge, and they check the walls for cracks whenever they can. Not finding evidence of current instabilities in the main area combined with the tales of the pokémon currently living there helps to soothe their nerves bit by bit.   Eventually, when they are calmer, they start recalling earlier, far calmer memories: bouts of laughter between siblings, the pride of the youngins who pass their trials, the kindness of a flower handed to them in good faith. And also the rougher, but necessary things: Tussling with each other, mending wounds with bitter recipes, distracting upset children with stories. The rush of fighting off alpha pokémon who encroach on their territory. Sleeping the tiredness off in a warm corner of the temple.   The brothers are quite content now, living with each other and the next generation of pokémon in their glowing mountain. Life is good.
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Hello, how are you today, darling? I really hope you are very well today. I love what you write and especially everything that has to do with ABO, it's simply fascinating!!!
I wanted to submit a request for Alpha!Steve Rogers x omega!Reader. She was imagining that reader has finally become pregnant with Steve's puppies (of course this is like an alternate ending). I imagine that reader gives birth in her wolf form, since it's safer for her and the pups (just imagine it but she likes the sound of that). Then she goes into labor and moans in pain and all that, Steve as the good and soft alpha that he is stays by her side in her human form to give her support and watch over her so that nothing bad happens during the birthing process.
The puppies are born and everything is fine until that moment, however one of them is born without breathing (dead), then she realizes it and begins to howl in pain and anguish that she feels, Steve tries to calm her down by telling her that everything will be fine while try to revive the pup by rubbing it ( they treat pups that are stillborn, sometimes it works). Steve can feel the pain that she feels, but suddenly the puppy begins to moan and breathe which makes her begin to wag her tail with great happiness.
It's too long I know but he would really like something written like that and you're the only person who writes too well on this kind of subject that I know of on Tumblr. With great anguish!!, I am a fan of reading this kind of thing. Have a great day. Love u 😽💗
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This certainly would be an alternate universe from The Pack, but I can picture a lil snippet going like this-
You whined from the depths of your nest, distressed as your nose nudged at the littlest pup. Steve knelt next to you, a hand buried in the thickness of your fur while his body was wracked with your pain. He hid it though, knowing you didn't mean to unleash your grief in such a way.
Your whine and cries grew panicked, the other pups in the liter squealing in surprise as you shifted closer, your nose pressed to the littlest still runt, waiting for him to inhale between hard licks in your attempt to make him squirm and squeal. "Can I take him?" Steve asked gently, knowing better than to try to take him from you. Your ears flattened, worry and fear making you snarl enough to show your fangs warning your Alpha back but when you looked at Steve, nothing but love and support filled you in waves.
It made you retreat in trust. Allowing Steve to gather the pup in his palm, the little body still warm but limp in his hold. "Come on..." He muttered as he started rubbing vigorously, looking for anything that would signify their pup was still alive. You curled around the other pups, your ears flicking back continuously listening to your mate try to encourage a breath.
Steves's thumb slid over the most perfect tiny muzzle and over his face while he breathed air into his nose, feeling your heartbreak and his own start to meld together. It wasn't uncommon to lose the runts, he himself almost didn't make it and there was a part of him that felt it was his fault they were losing their son.
"Omega... I'm-" He cradled the pup, about to confirm the worst when a small squeak sounded from his hand. "He's alive!" Steve held the little pup up to his face and sure enough, another loud-pitched squeal confirmed their runt was indeed a survivor.
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blue-bower · 2 years
My dad passed away a few days go. And I'm having... A lot of conflicting feelings about it.
Very long and very personal rambling/venting below the cut. I just feel like I need to get this off my chest.
I'm sad, obviously; I have never been able to handle death well. I keep talking about him in the present tense and it hits me with an empty feeling. Seeing all his stuff and photos around my mom's house was like a punch to the gut and I couldn't stop the tears forming.
But I've been finding that I'm mostly just... Angry. Angry that I had just been over there not even two weeks ago to visit them while he was bedridden in the hospital, given false hope that he was starting to recover. Angry that he went in such a painful, unceremonious way, afraid and alone in a rehab center instead of getting to come back home and go peacefully with the company of his wife and dogs. Angry that I never really had the best relationship with him... Ironically because of my mom.
I was never really that close to him. And most of the memories I do have of him are...not good ones. He was borderline - sometimes outright - verbally abusive, and controlling to the point where it ingrained me with paranoia and performance anxiety. He was insensitive about topics that were distressing to me. He was the classic sexist, racist, homophobic Southern Boomer stereotype.
But I always wonder if I could've had the chance to improve that relationship with him..If not for my mom, who tried to turn me against him. Tried to make me take her side on every dispute. Their marriage was in a very rough patch through my early teens & twenties. My mom always vented to me about everything, painted him in a bad light, despite the fact that she turned out to be even more of an emotionally abusive manipulator than he ever could be. I more or less took the role upon myself to be their marriage counselor because I was so terrified that they would seperate. No child should be put in that position. She pushed me away from him in the most formative years of my life, and... I don't think I can ever fully forgive her for that.
But even then... There's a big part of me that feels like she doesn't deserve to be alone like this. When we moved our seperate ways, their relationship started to mend. I saw them genuinely happy together for the first time in forever, and I was so happy for them. She was so, so scared when he ended up in the ICU. Begged him to come home.
She still has her dogs, and her neighbors are super supportive of her and socialize with her very often. But I can't imagine what it feels like to lose a partner of 40+ years.
I have a lot of regrets regarding my time with him when he was alive. Now that he's gone, the good memories with him have been resurfacing. He was more supportive of my nerdy interests than my mom ever was. He liked watching me play video games. He got me into Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. We went to the theaters to see Star Wars, Avatar, Jurassic Park, we watched some Star Trek together. He respected that I wanted my own personal space, instead of barging in whenever. He actually made efforts to apologize when he knew he hurt me, instead of gaslighting or guilting me. He never meant anything he did to anyone in our family in a malicious way, unlike my mom who's always been very openly passive-aggressive and two-faced; he just had trouble showing how much he cared, because of the hardships he faced in his own family.
I'm still very worried about my mom, who is the type to hide her pain to the point of self-destruction instead of letting herself open up and be honest with her emotions. I'm scared to go through the grieving process again, after having lost grandparents, uncles, cousins, and long-time family pets.
But... I'll get through this. If you're somehow seeing this, Dad, then... I'm so sorry. I love you, and I hope you were able to see that, despite our conflicts.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 14 days
Building your family – where do you start?
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/building-your-family-where-do-you-start/
Building your family – where do you start?
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Sam Everingham talks with two parents Tim and JC who created their family through surrogacy. Each had experience with both local and international processes. They, along with six other gay dads will share much more of the ups and downs of the process at Growing Families Sydney Conference on June 22-23, 2024.
JC and his husband completed their first journey in Australia. In this environment, intended parents need to independently find a suitable egg donor, surrogate and coordinate with IVF clinics.
Navigating multiple aspects of the journey independently can be challenging and time-consuming. Domestically, the most challenging part is finding an egg donor and surrogate – pure luck plays a big role. But luck was on their side.
For domestic surrogacy, their newborn’s birth certificate listed their surrogate as the legal parent. It took six months and a court order, for a new birth certificate to be issued.
For JC’s second surrogacy journey – everyone seems to want a sibling – they chose Argentina, given it offers a more centralized and supported process through specialized agencies who manage all aspects of the journey, including identifying egg donors and surrogates, plus IVF clinic coordination.
Buenos Aires legal framework simplified things by directly placing the intended parents’ names on the first birth certificate. To JC this seemed ‘a more straightforward path’ than the Australian model.
“In Australia,” JC reflects, “the process took us approximately two years from getting an egg donor up to the child’s birth whilst in Argentina it took us one year and three months from signing up with an agency up to the child’s birth.
“In Argentina the most challenging part was the long travel and no family support at the … birth.”
What advice would JC offer?
“Prioritise open and honest communication throughout …. Building a strong and trusting relationship with the agency or any parties involved is crucial for navigating the complexities and emotional challenges
“Also, you just need to trust the process and never forget to enjoy the journey.”
Tim and his husband Sasha
Tim and his husband Sasha (pictured above) started by joining Surrogacy Australia’s Support Service Two months after submitting their profile, their surrogate Lizzy came into their lives.
He triple-checked just to make sure it wasn’t a scam – everything happened so quickly. As a team, they attended the 2022 Growing Family Conference where they decided to work with an IVF doctor – from the US. Here they also selected a counsellor and surrogacy lawyer.
So how did Tim and his partner support their surrogate without an agency?
Tim discovered that their surrogate’s needs changed at various stages of the pregnancy. Her support needs were, he admits “even more complicated” in the months following birth.
“Sometimes, it might take you a few attempts to work out how to best support your surrogate,” he advises.
“Know that surrogates often don’t want to bother their intended parents and try to do as much as they can before asking for help. The goal is to avoid that and build a network for her to rely on.”
“There are times when IPs can’t physically be there to help, so make sure you can pay for help such as cleaning, takeaway food, childcare or transportation”.
“From first introduction to the birth…, our journey took less than two years. However, (a domestic) journey doesn’t end at childbirth. ….your surrogate will need you more than ever during the ‘fourth trimester’”. How long that lasts depends on your surrogate’s recovery.
For Tim, the most challenging part was seeing their surrogate in pain or distress due to pregnancy. “You often wish you can take the pain for her but you can’t.”
Advice Tim would give to those contemplating domestic surrogacy? “There are many ways of finding a surrogate. Social media, ASC Facebook group, family connections, friends, Surrogacy Australia. Pursue every one of them.
“Help sometimes comes from the most unexpected place.”
Growing Families’ Sydney Conference on June 22-23
Meet with Tim and JC as well as plenty of other parents, surrogates, donors, and local and international experts at Growing Families’ June conference in Sydney.
Teens brought up by gay dads will speak about their sense of self and disclosure. Surrogates and donors will speak about selecting recipients and support expectations.
For more information click this link.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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art-of-manliness · 4 months
A Guide to Shrinking Levi’s 501 Shrink-to-Fit Jeans
I wouldn’t call myself a denim-head, but I do appreciate a quality pair of jeans. A type of jeans that I’ve experimented with in the past is raw denim jeans. What’s raw denim? Most denim jeans you buy today have been pre-washed and treated with a process called “sanforization” to soften up the fabric, reduce shrinkage, and prevent indigo dye from rubbing off. Raw denim (sometimes called “dry denim”) jeans are simply jeans made from denim that hasn’t gone through this prewash/treatment process. The big selling point of raw denim jeans is that they start their life as a blank canvas that becomes personalized to you. While mass-produced jeans come with faux fading and distressing that is the same for every single pair, with raw denim, the fading and distressing are created by your body type and how you wear them. Also, the fit of raw denim becomes tailored to your body. Each pair ends up being uniquely yours, with a more custom look and feel. If you want to try out raw denim jeans without breaking the bank, Levi’s 501 Shrink-to-Fit (STF) jeans can’t be beat. (Note: I don’t have any affiliation with Levis, nor is this a sponsored post.) They’re an American classic (your grandpa probably owned a pair of Levi’s 501s), they only cost $50 on Amazon, and they’ll last you a long time. Because 501 Shrink-to-Fit jeans haven’t been pre-washed, you have to go through a special sizing and shrinking process to end up with the right fit.  Levi’s provides some guidelines on how to go about this process. I followed them with mixed results.  Below, I share what those results were and the tips I gleaned from my experiment in shrinking Levi’s 501 STF jeans. How to Size Your Levi’s 501 Shrink-to-Fit Jeans The key to getting the right fit with Levi’s 501 Shrink-to-Fit jeans lies in understanding the sizing process and accounting for the shrinkage that will occur. The size you choose will depend on the shrinking process you plan to use. Levi’s provides the following option-dependent guidelines:  * For the old-school technique, buy true to size in the waist and two sizes up in length. Wear them in the tub and keep them on to dry. * For those who want to machine wash and dry the jeans, we recommend ordering up. For your waist, increase 1″ for sizes 27″-36″, 2″ for 38″-48″, and 3″ for 50″ and up. And for your inseam, increase 3″ for sizes 27″-34″ and 4″ for 36″ and up. * For purists who like their denim unwashed, no need to size up. Buy them true to size. To figure out which sizing/shrinking method provided the best results, I tried all three methods. Below are the results. The Old-School Shrink-to-Fit Method The old-school shrink-to-fit method requires you to buy 501s that are true to size in the waist and two sizes up in length. You then wear them in the tub and leave them on to dry. I usually wear 33×32 in jeans, so this method required me to purchase 501s that are 33×34. Instead of simply wearing the jeans in the tub, I opted for a more involved process that I’ve seen on other menswear sites that people claimed provided equal results without having to wear soaking wet jeans and drip indigo dye around the house. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Soak the Jeans Fill your bathtub up with hot water. Turn the jeans inside out to minimize the amount of indigo dye lost during the soaking process. Place the jeans in the tub, ensuring the hot water fully covers them. Allow the jeans to soak for approximately 45 minutes to an hour.  The indigo dye that came off during the soak. Step 2: Hang Dry Remove the jeans from the tub and hang them up in the shower. Let them hang until they’re no longer dripping with water. Step 3: Towel Dry Once your jeans have drip-dried, place them horizontally on the floor between two towels. Step on the towel-covered jeans to extract as much water as you can. Flip the jeans right side out and repeat stepping on the towels. Step 4: Wear Your Damp Jeans While the jeans are still damp, it’s time to put them on and let them… http://dlvr.it/T3RNQn
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dramaticshcwcase · 5 months
Man I really do want to answer all the flicker questions but my memory is so iffy that I can't remember most of the flickers I've had. I flicker from almost everything I engage with to some extent...
I think for #2 it would be Yuuta from that one Enstars fangame specifically. It's so niche. Has anyone else ever flickered from it? I have no idea. I was just consumed by such intense guilt for what happened during it that even now, years later, it still feels iffy listening to one of 2wink's songs because of a part it played in the fangame. And it lasted a week, which is actually on the short side when it comes to most of my more-intense flickers, it was just... a very vivid week.
For #4, maybe Shun Tsukiuta? Like I also had a kintype crisis with him before it became more of a temporary soulbond situation (or. something like that. I don't even know at this point) because he's like, a demon in a human body, kind of, who remembers his past lives and those he loved in them; his whole situation is very kin-like, to be honest.
For #5, the Red King. If you know you know. But it was a pretty distressing flicker to have because of the type of media it's from, where I was genuinely concerned how I'd process and discuss it if it ended up not being a flicker, and what categories it fit in exactly.
For #12, possibly Aki ZENO...? I'm waffling on whether it's a good answer or not. I do think we're quite similar, in that we can both be quiet and analytical, and very excitable and have a love for examining living beings, yet also sometimes don't consider our own well-being when we're trying to help others. And have a questionable taste in clothing.
For #15, probably Izaya. I still don't understand if he's a fictotype or not. It's complicated and very long-lasting in my brain, recurring and often in the background. For now I've tentatively labeled whatever's going on with him as a constel, but... I seriously don't know. Izaya could probably also double as an answer to #8.
But also? #15 could be almost every flicker I've had. I get intense kintype crises for flickers due to their strength.
I guess I'll add onto this if I can remember any of the other flickers I've had that would fit the prompts... My memory is failing me.
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Hi, so first of all I would say this is actually kind of urgent because it's really distressing me and I have nowhere else to go to and no one who can help me, but I wouldn't classify it as an emergency or crisis situation. I've just been having a very difficult time dealing with this, it's extremely disruptive and general advice like "Name 5 things you can see" or "Just do yoga" isn't cutting it right now, my job is at risk, and I feel like if things don't improve then I might have a breakdown.
Trigger Warning: Binge eating, weight mentions, chronically ill mom, verbal abuse
Looking for: Advice for my specific situation
Currently cannot access therapy, nor do I have access to caregivers/nurses or family members who can help me.
My mom is permanently bed-ridden. She has binge eating episodes but doesn't want to get help. She is overweight but the problem doesn't have to do with her weight so much as the mental impacts it has on her, like feeling of a loss of control during binge episodes, getting into dramatic moods during binging, and it's almost like a drug (she'll be going through a 'high' during the binge and then once it's over with she goes back to being unhappy and taking things out on people). When other people criticize her, she automatically thinks what they are criticizing is her weight rather than the mental aspect and how wildly she behaves, and she'll say things like "They shouldn't talk about me when they weigh even more than I do!"
Because my mom cannot get out of bed, I'm the one who has to cook everything for her. She starts asking for strange foods (like wanting me to cook things for her that aren't usual for us to eat, or that I've never prepared before). And she'll start adding on more and more details, so I can't really 'meal prep' because it always ends up becoming unpredictable. For example, today, first she wanted me to make her meat with rice as a side dish, which I'd consider a normal/simple meal. But then she kept adding on more instructions and by the end of everything it turned into a total different meal that I had to cook 5 additional things in order to complete. She comes up with the instructions spontaneously ("Oh, I want you to make this other food and then add it to the dish, too!") so it interrupts the cooking process and a lot of time also gets wasted reheating food since (quote from her) "I need to have my food very hot."
Afterwards, she will ask for an equally complicated dessert, have me make hot drinks for her, sometimes bring her more food, and literally keep eating and eating for HOURS, until she gets bored of it. And she's even admitted herself that she "does it out of gluttony" so she's not even hungry anymore at that point and admits it but she doesn't care that she is making me go through a lot of work just to appease her.
Now. The problem is that I have a job where I have to concentrate in front of the computer... and it feels extremely impossible to concentrate in front of the computer for long periods of time when shit like this keeps going on constantly. I had a friend suggest setting boundaries with my mom, but clearly my friend does NOT know what my mom is like (my mom doesn't give a fuck basically because she thinks everything needs to revolve around her). Also, I am chronically ill myself both physically and mentally, so often times, I'll be feeling completely drained. My mom is verbally abusive and says "My food takes no time to make, you just don't want to work and then blame everything on me, you are so ungrateful and useless." and constantly mocks me for supposedly not doing enough for her even though I don't know how many other people would spend hours every single day making ridiculous foods their mom starts craving on a whim. I am fucking tired to death, I am sorry but I just feel like I am reaching my limit with this. Like I woke up so motivated to work today and now it's all gone to shit because I'm TIRED and my mom doesn't even appreciate what I do, she gets pissed off at me for not looking happier while helping her, she thinks my job is stupid anyway, and God I'm just sick of all this.
Anon with the binge-eating bed-ridden mom again. Want to add an update. TW self harm. So last night I thought my mom was asleep and I ate something, which turned out to be like the greatest sin I could have committed and threw her into a rage. She got mad at me because I ate without telling her (whenever I eat or drink something, the "house rule" is to always offer my food/drink to her, which I would've done as normal except I thought she was asleep and didn't want to wake her up). She began screaming at me, and when I said "I didn't know you were awake, can I bring you food?" she refused it. But even though she didn't want the food she kept bringing me down while I was eating, to the point I felt so sick I couldn't finish my food. I know you might suggest "Go eat in another room" but I share a room with my mom in order to help her, and I really didn't think it would blow into a big deal because like I said I was sure she was asleep. I may try to avoid her while eating my own meals from now on even when I think she's asleep but yeah at the time I just didn't think of it because I would've never guessed this was coming. Because of all the guilt-tripping and feeling like a shitty person, I self harmed before I fell asleep. (And also today because of the next thing I'm going to describe) Thought my mom might be over it today, but actually she was even angrier than before, she was still screaming at me, telling me I'm trying to imitate girls who disrespect their moms because I think it's cool/trendy to act disrespectful and that eating my without offering it to her was a sign of disrespect to her (EVEN THOUGH LIKE I KEEP FUCKING SAYING, I WOULD HAVE OFFERED IF I THOUGHT SHE WAS AWAKE). And then after yelling at me, she jumped straight into making me cook things for her to binge eat again, and I still haven't been able to get the work for my job done, which is due very soon. It's not getting better for me.
Hi anon,
I'm genuinely sorry to hear about the situation you're in. It sounds super controlling and exhausting to live with. It's incredibly frustrating to hear about the way your mom treats you. It's normal not to offer food to people and it doesn't make you disrespectful. It sounds like she puts such incredibly high expectations on you that it's costing your mental and physical health, and it sounds like it's also starting to encroach on your job responsibilities as well.
Perhaps this is something you've considered, but is there anyone else you could stay with? It sounds like this environment is extremely toxic and taking a toll on your mental health. I know you said you don't classify this as an emergency or crisis situation, but for the sake of your health it is worth thinking of it that way. It may be worth involving the authorities here. I'm not usually so straightforward but you cannot afford to live like this. Here is a list of international crisis resources, ranging from suicide to domestic violence and child abuse.
If anyone has any suggestions or insight, I strongly recommend sharing your input here. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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wishesmsg · 1 year
What Does Seeing Soup in a Dream Mean?
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What should be the dream interpretation for a person who sees soup in their dream? You can find the answers you are curious about in this article compiled from dream interpretation books.
Meaning of Seeing Soup in a Dream
It symbolizes relief, both in material and spiritual aspects. Drinking soup in a dream represents peace and happiness within the family. Seeing soup in a dream indicates a long-lasting love life. It symbolizes abundance in the household and puts an end to bad events. It is interpreted that a significant portion of the earnings will be spent on charitable deeds. Meaning of Making Soup in a Dream If the dreamer sees themselves making soup in the dream, it signifies that others might be envious of their achievements. Making soup in a dream also represents acquiring power. The dreamer will have a strong attachment to their family and approach their relatives with empathy, always aware of their responsibilities. Interpretation of Seeing Soup in a Dream It denotes the resolution of complexity and an increase in material gain. Consequently, it signifies relief and the resolution of complications. Seeing soup in a dream indicates that the relationship with family members will always be good. The meaning of drinking soup in a dream suggests that you are going through a period where your work and personal life are intertwined. Although this complex situation may cause distress to the dreamer, it will start to improve in the near future. Additionally, it is believed that for the dreamer who drinks soup in their dream, their fortunes will open up. If the soup is clean and delicious, it signifies that good fortunes and opportunities will be presented, and if they are utilized, life will become more enjoyable. Meaning of Drinking Soup in a Dream If the taste and appearance of the soup being consumed in the dream are good, it brings good luck. However, if the taste or appearance of the soup is unpleasant, it signifies illness. Drinking a delicious soup in a dream is interpreted as the resolution of many problems. Seeing oneself drinking soup in a dream indicates that the dreamer is deeply attached to the people they trust. Meaning of Seeing Meat Soup in a Dream Seeing meat soup in a dream symbolizes healing and achieving desired things. If the dreamer expresses gratitude, they will eventually attain their desires. Their family will always be by their side and provide them with trust. This process will play a decisive role in many aspects for the person. It is interpreted that earnings will increase and problems will be resolved. Meaning of Spilling Soup in a Dream Spilling soup on yourself or on the floor is interpreted as experiencing negative developments and distressing situations. Seeing oneself spilling soup in a dream suggests that the dreamer needs to be more cautious, especially towards the people around them. Spilling soup can sometimes be interpreted as ruining things. This situation will be upsetting. Meaning of Overflowing Soup in a Dream According to dream interpreters, this dream signifies an increase in the dreamer's debts and exhaustion due to the difficulties and hardships they face. It also suggests that there may be people among their relatives who wish them harm during this period. The person should be careful and trust others less. Meaning of Cooking Soup in a Dream It indicates confusion in business matters. Cooking soup represents abundance within the household. Peace increases, and problems gradually decrease over time. If the dreamer is unable to cope with their problems, they receive support from their family. It also symbolizes engaging in good deeds that will lead to an increase in earnings. Meaning of Drinking Hot Soup in Summer and Cold Soup in Winter in a Dream Drinking hot soup in hot weather and cold soup in cold weather signifies sadness. Meaning of Offering Soup in a Dream Offering soup to guests indicates that many people are interfering in your affairs, and you are uncomfortable with the situation. Meaning of Stirring Soup in a Dream Stirring soup in a dream signifies abundance and blessings in lawful earnings. Read the full article
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