#it changed my brain chemistry im not even kidding
kindlecorner · 2 years
an impact is an impact, no matter how small
something you make could have a greater impact than you thought it would
so just create, have fun, and make what you love.
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igneouswyvern · 3 months
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ac rogue is so perfectly everything i would want from a franchise like assassins creed and it SUCKS because to play it i need to swallow my pride and download the ubisoft launcher and its horrible
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saintvainglorious · 4 months
My First Fanbind! A Black Sails Fic Anthology Series
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It took me a year (and a lot of anxious research) before I worked up the courage to bookbind fanfiction, and after months of on-again-off-again work, my first fanbind is finally done!
I knew that if I was going to bookbind fic, I had to bind something from the Black Sails fandom, aka the fandom and show that have had the biggest impact on my life. Y'all, I almost went into academia to study slavery in the 17th-18th century Caribbean because of this show - when folks say this show rewires your brain chemistry, they are NOT kidding. THEE show of all time. Happy 10th anniversary to Black Sails! This fandom is small but mighty. May we continue to get our hearts and souls blasted to smithereens by this show for many years to come.
Ao3 abounds with magnificent Black Sails oneshots, so I decided to put together an anthology of my favorite Silverflint fics under 20k, which I split into two volumes. Included are works by @justlikeeddie, @vowel-in-thug, @balloonstand, @annevbonny, @francisthegreat, @nysscientia, and more! Thank you, thank you all, you brilliant wonderful people, for gracing the Internet with such amazing writing. When I read the fics in these anthologies I want to fling myself into the sun.
More on the design and binding process below the cut!
Vol. 1 Page Count: 270 (12 fics) Vol. 2 Page Count: 248 (11 fics) Body Font: Sabon Next LT (10.5 pt) Title Font: Goudy Old Style Other Fonts: IM Fell English, pirates pw
The typeset (which I did in Word) took a while, mainly because I'd never done it before. Manually adjusting the hyphenation line-by-line was especially tedious. After making these books, I abandoned Word in favor of InDesign, in large part because InDesign gives you way finer control over your justification and hyphenation settings.
Regarding my actual design choices, I'm happy with how the ocean motif on the title page turned out (it's not the same pattern as my endpapers, but they're complimentary) and I'm very fond of my divider dingbats, which are little swords! Goudy Old Style was a fun title font to use, since it's the font that Black Sails uses as its logo. The stories in Vol. 1 are divided into parts based on what Silver WAS at that point in the show (cook, quartermaster, or king), and Vol. 2 is split up into comedies, histories (AUs set in the canon universe) and tragedies - befitting Black Sails' Shakespearean ~vibes~.
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I stuck to a flatback binding, as I wasn't feeling quite ambitious enough to try rounding and/or backing. I've learned that I ~Anakin Skywalker voice~ hate sanding, enjoy folding/sewing, and don't LIKE edge trimming but enjoy the results enough to make it worth it.
The real adventure was decorating the cover, which remained bare for months. After agonizing over Illustrator and experimenting unsuccessfully with HTV and lokta paper embossing, I ultimately turned to using stencil vinyl to paint on the designs. There was a bit of seepage under some of the stencils, but I was able to scrape off the excess with my Cricut weeding tool without damaging the coated surface of the bookcloth (probably Arrestox Blue Ribbon from Hollander's). Even though it was very time-consuming, I'm so happy with the end result of the stenciled paint job and I intend to stick with stencils for my foreseeable future binds.
Are there things I would change? Sure. It was humid out when I printed, so the pages have got a wave. There’s an extra two pages in Vol 2. that I have no idea how I missed, and I got a line of glue in the middle of one of my Vol. 2 endpapers. I’m pretty sure I didn’t case in quite right, since my endpapers pull away from the case at the spine. I think the inner margins are a bit too big, and despite going line-by-line there’s still some wacky justification spacing in the typeset. But man, am I proud of these books! It is so satisfying to learn a new skill - MANY new skills, if we’re being honest - and to make something both beautiful and practical. If I’m still binding in two years or so, I can see myself redoing the typeset in InDesign, cutting out the existing text block, and reusing the cases. I’m also already planning for Vol. 3, which will be Silverflint Modern AUs.
Thanks for reading!
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sspidrwebz · 4 days
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this movie fundamentally changed my life, views, and brain chemistry im not even kidding bruv
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babkaboy · 2 months
👀 do you have any vaderluke / aniluke fic or comic recs?? I’ve never dabbled in the ship before but I live for your vaderwan art & i’m morbidly curious
i’m afraid it’s a short list bc i haven’t read that many vaderluke/aniluke fics but the ones i read changed the chemistry inside my brain:
La casa que construiste en las nubes by the love of my life @sputnikan, it’s in spanish but I DEMAND you read it with a translator bc everyone should get the chance to experience this fic. get your tissues ready btw bc im still hurting to this day (also i use this site for translation and it’s wonderful)
Sins of the Father by @starboundanon everyone into vaderluke/aniluke should read this bc it’s patrimony atp. it’s brutal and dark and SO FKING GOOD we kept losing our shits in the gc whenever it updated
also some wonderful fics where luke and vader/anakin’s relationship is platonic but it made me ship them so hard:
Black Squadron
In Fire this one is actually obikin. had me crying every night for two whole months i’m not even kidding. also might be my favorite star wars fic ever written? just be careful with the tags bc it’s dark asf
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zees-hat · 2 months
whats ur fav ships and why !!!!!!!!!!!!!
u just unleashed my insanity.
heads up im picky about ships and am not too big on multishipping BUT NOT CRAPPING ON MULTISHIPPERS YOU GUYS ARE COOL i like seeing the art and stuff :3 🫶🏻🫶🏻
will start with og and then reboot cuz YIPPEEEEE
Alenoah like ough they’re LITERALLY enemies to lovers fuck yeah the chemistry is great and the ANGST possibilities omg
GWOURTNEYYY omg they are so cute and the energy was there i swear. love that trope though like two ex girlfriends dating EACH OTHER LIKE FUCK YEAH
Ozzy because like they’re literally adorable and izzy is insane i love her. the world tour song owen sang about her is stuck in my brain 😭
Lyler. ohhhhh my god the cuties ever. Yall stay with me here when i say I HC THEM AS T4T LIKE FUCK YEAH ‼️‼️
Lesharold is cute but man it’s been ROUGHHH in world tour they’re sillies tho :3
Gidgette?? i swear that sounds so wrong for some reason but like whatevs 😞 they’re cute in season 1 but man they gotta work things OUT rn
Djuncan. holy SHIT i literally just learned about this ship TODAY and its already in my damn brain like not even kidding theyre real to me like the opposites attract is GIVINGGGGG
Rajbow OBVI like omg THEYRE SO CUTE :(( they literally light up when they see each other istg I WANNA SQUISH THEM AND PUT THEM IN A JAR
Damiwayne bc OOOOH THEY SNUCK UP ON ME A LONG TIME AGO. i used to be a juliayne shipper like right when i first started watching reboot but like changed my mind real fast 😭
Mkulia and oh my GOD i swear if they aren’t canon if there’s a season three there will be RIOTS i tell you, RIOTS. the villain gfs ever
Ripaxel i used to hate so so much but they GREW on me like GOT ME BY THE THROAT ripper is so pathetic and i love him, girlboss x actual loser
Chazee is where it gets more rare like this is such a crack ship but in an /srs way theyre GAYYYY i would write oneshots about them
Sillie. if u dont know its scary girl x millie now like this IS A RAREPAIR BUT LIKE HEAR ME OUT OKAY like girlfriend who does research x girlfriend who is an insane creature like do u guys get the vision 🙏
Nichemma oh my god they’re so cutesy i love them SO MUCH another rarepair but aaaaahhh i like it!! nichelle would be so much better for her i swear
thats all i got ‼️🫶🏻
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anonzentimes · 12 days
Hello im not sure if you did this before but could you share your favorite komahina fanfics 😭 I really really wanna read some but there are so many so I could use some recommendations from THE nagito fan
HI!!!! BEING CALLED THE NAGITO FAN IS SO SWEET OMG!!! okay, so, I haven't read like a MASSIVE amount of fanfics because I was nervous about reading fanfic for a long time! It's really funny because I finally gave in, and what was able to get me to actually read fanfic after being so anxious about being cringe for so long??? Breakup. I kid you not. I got broken up with and I was out here reading fanfic, specifically SONADOW FANFIC for the first time as a coping mechanism and it's just soooo funny to me.
Anyways, the point of my comical overshare is that I haven't actually read that many fanfics just yet. But! Out of the ones I've read I really love Warm Steel and Cold Hands by Fan_Seller (I swear it's good, just make sure to read the tags though or skip nsfw scenes if you're uncomfortable IF you want to read because the characterization is really wonderful) It's a post canon fanfic that's just overall really good! changed my brain chemistry fr fr if you haven't read it and you're interested I recommend it.
The other one I want to recommend is a predespair fanfic called A Little Less than Sixteen Candles by IIoer! I think Nagito at first is a bit too aggressive for my liking but the author does a good job evening it out and every scene afterwards I think is really really good and I have no issues with. I really like the fanfic overall and It's totally worth a read!! :)
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juni-ravenhall · 1 month
2, 20, and 21 for the ask prompt :3 x
hi toruq :3
What does your Starter Horse look like? What did you name it, and did you ever change that name?
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his looks are based on my imaginary heart horse since i was a kid. i saw a "black" horse with brown hair on a family trip to england and scotland when i was like 11 or something and my brain chemistry changed. i felt a huge bond to this horse i met for 1 minute on the side of the road. back then, i made a hobby horse based on that horse (sadly dont think anyone ever took a photo of it, the time before smartphones....) the only major thing different about his sso version to my brain version is that he has some kind of white face mark, but im not rly sure still what the mark looks like.
he didnt really have a name tho. i cant remember if i ever gave the hobby horse version a name or not. when i joined sso (as a random "lol ill try out this silly kids game" moment and didnt know i would actually keep playing) and had to decide a name for him, i went with Winterborn bc i love the winter and it just sounded pretty, and i wouldnt change it now, i think, esp bc i also tied it into his story (foal found alone freezing to death in the winter and getting rescued to south hoof). but i have other names for other versions of my heart horse, in other games and stuff. some other ones attached to it is Evening Star, Starlight....
20 i answered here
Which Soul Rider is your Favorite, and is there a reason behind it?
basically linda just bc i like her colour scheme and that shes a geek and has glasses. i think in ssl lisa might be my favourite, shes okay in sso too but theyre just all so cardboardy that theres not much to talk about. anne and alex share the last place (im sorry.....) not for any particular reason, except that i generally lean more towards non-blond characters due to sweden trauma agsdjfds
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strwberri-milk · 11 days
Do you have any favorite books (online—ex: X readers— or traditional) and/or authors you would recommend? 😊😊
under the cut for more YAPPING - its some fics Ive enjoyed recently/novels
i do recc that you pick up some antholgies as well!! i love short stories all bundled up bc its like. a good way to read a lot without needing to commit to several hundred page stories. i have a few copies of different books from broadview anthology so thats my exp w anthologies!
i recently [read - two years ago] read the invisible life of addie larue which i like bc i love that take on immortality and so i decided to buy three more books by ve shswab (?) bc i liked the prose/diction. im also a big fan of girl on the train - i reccd it to my coworker and she loved the book and spilled the tiniest little sodie on it and felt so bad she bought me an entirely new copy LMAO and so thas a good read 2 me too!!
i also really like the picture of dorian grey and if i dug around my tub of books im sure i could hunt down some other novels i liked but that would take too long. i also love like. problem novels which are like. definitely necessary to read if youre trying to develop media literacy which is dying atm i strongly believe people are becoming weaker readers and the death of media literacy will be the death of art in general
ive fallen behind on uhh once upon an eclipse which is a ragbros kaeya turns into a kid longfic but DEFINITELY reccomend it and angel and an alpha which is a redacted asmr fic but it Changed my brain chemistry (and got me in trouble w my manager bc i was reading it in the back before the store was even open so i think shes annoying ANYWAY) and between you me and the fencepost which is another redacted fic that i pray to update every day
also pls read mitosis by my bestie its an obey me canon x oc and sometimes my little oc shows up and says hi in it LMAO
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notedchampagne · 1 year
I love your Pyrrha posting keep up the good work (please)
thank you i kid you not tlt has definitively changed my brain chemistry for the worse. even during homestuck i was 70% prudish and 20% embarrassed but i think upon laying my eyes on the text of 1) pyrrha dve and whatever the hell shes on 2) griddlehark homomoments ive become. down terrible. every day i have thoughts. so im very glad youre enjoying the reaps
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liathgray · 1 year
Do you have any head cannons about your Green Screen AU?
I mean technically yes BUT >:))) its my AU so these are unofficially canon RAPID FIRE WAHOO!
- the first few years after Splints escapes are spent rebuilding his career and doing a lot of small things, interviews and guest appearances, letting the industry and audiences know hes back
- he has a singular friend who is in the know about this and will watch the kids while hes out, but its never longer than a few hours. The kids are all usually waiting at the door by the time hes home
- raised on soups and stews because its one of the few foods everyone in the house can agree on, plus easy to make!
- what im saying is all the boys know how to make a bitchin soup by age 8 just by virtue of helping in the kitchen
- mikey enjoys cooking, but its really raph who takes to it. Loves the process for being calming, loves the results even more cause yippee!! They liked what he made!! :D
- Leo and Donnie discover musicals. Its terrible for everyone. They love it.
- several occasions of them trying to sneak out to Broadway and getting caught until dad caved and snuck them into a private box to see Phantom. It changed them as people
- mikey gets an art wall at around age 6 because he’d painted one too many doors without asking and Yoshi kinda just figured fuck it give him a free canvas! It gets more busy and full ever day. Wouldnt change a thing
- Donnie’s introduction to the sciences came through watching mythbusters and having his brain chemistry permanently altered.
- the Hamato household suffers through several attempts to recreate mythbusters explosions.
- Leo got into the opposite aspect of mythbusters, which was the showmanship and SFX used for movies, thought it was all really cool and was like hmmm well dad is a preformed what if… what if i try too…
- oh god here he comes. Theatre kid Leo with a thirst for preforming under visual and special FX
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xenon-demon · 1 year
💝: fave trope w/ rec
This isn’t from the list, just offering it up to give you the chance to talk about it if you’d like—no pressure!
ok. so. It’s very hard to pick an ULTIMATE fave trope buuuuut a very strong contender for the title is time travel fics. More specifically, time LOOP fics. (What can I say, Doctor Who had some significant effects on my preteen brain chemistry.) I love a good time loop fic because it lets you hit a lot of my favourite things all in one: timey wimey nonsense, getting to Fix whatever canon bullshit you need to, having all these little character moments where you can explore different dynamics and do character studies - especially if people other than the looping character start to change/remember things as the loops go on??? MAN. I EAT THAT SHIT UP. Also the potential for calling back to previous events or repeating an event with a subtle twist to it each time, it’s suuuuuuch good shit. I also find stories about the importance of trying - even when it’s difficult, even when you don’t want to anymore, even when it may not actually change anything - really resonate with me. Which is major time loop vibes, yknow? I am a certified Time Loop Enjoyer™.
I know there’s a lot of good time loop fics out there in the ST fandom (especially steddie fandom), which, duh, Steve and Eddie and the events of season 4 are practically BUILT for a time loop. Because of that (and because the fic I really wanna rec for this trope is A Lot and Not For Everyone), I’m going to rec TWO time loop fics for you.
1: echo by CaptainHoney (~30k words, rated E)
Warning - READ THE GODDAMN TAGS. CHECK THE ARCHIVE WARNINGS. I AM NOT KIDDING. This fic starts out going full tilt balls-to-the-walls and it does not stop once. It’s emotionally intense (lots of angst), the events of the fic are intense, it’s a heavier take on time loops than a lot of other fics in this fandom, and you Will feel like you’ve been put through an emotional blender by the end. But there is a happy ending (I’m a sucker for happy endings, I can’t read anything more than ~5k without one), and like I mentioned above this is a story about Trying. Trying even when it’s hard, even when you don’t want to anymore, is such a powerful story theme for me and I really like the way it’s explored in echo. Plus, it’s a love story of course, and a damn fucking good one - both the love between Eddie & Steve, and the love their whole extended found family have for each other.
ALSO. I’m a feral creature for fun narrative choices and echo is told both non-linearly AND from multiple POVs (don’t let that scare you, it’s always really clear who and when we’re dealing with. You’ll see if you read the fic). It’s absolutely fucking delicious. I don’t see this fic talked about much (literally ever, actually) and I think that’s a SHAME. That being said, I do recognise this fic is Very intense and not for everyone, which is perfectly fine! Take care of yourselves, and don’t read something that you’re worried might put you in a bad spot mentally just because I’m hyping it up here. 💙
2: you are young and life is long (and there is time to kill today) by heartofwinterfell (~70k, rated M)
This is a fun one. This is technically a series, with the first fic being ~18k from Eddie’s POV as he goes through the loops, and the second is ~52k from Steve’s POV as he lives in the time loop without knowing it’s a time loop. Yeah. I really love that perspective, you don’t often see a time loop fic from the perspective of the other character, and it’s done really well here. PLUS the second chapter of Steve’s fic goes into time loop aftermath and recovery, which is one of my favourite things to explore that often doesn’t get addressed in great detail.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon, I really loved getting the chance to ramble a bit 💙
Ask me for a fic rec!
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twiggyart6 · 3 months
collecting short funny things to write under fanart of characters you really love
please feel free to add more thank you :3
(this is long as shit be prepared)
looking at them
my friend :)
I can't believe this
brain blasted
what a little freak
do you even care
be so fucking for real
your kidding
what a weirdo
a wonderous creature
consider this
from my personal collection
what the
I'm so normal
I'm not normal
why are they like that
evil swag
I'm gonna frow up
yeah this is pretty cool
pretty fucked up dog
have you seen this?
my beautiful princess
I'm ill
oh good heavens!
my son. he has every disease
this shit aint nothin to me man
I laurve them
just a little bit. as a treat
tell them to stop
me when I GET you
the psychic worm (wohwohwohwohw)
good lord
cuteness aggression towards them
what the fuck ever
im feeling something
me when the
im fucking serious
love it when they appear
its becoming unhealthy
go white boy go!
your never gonna believe this
worst guy ive ever seen
their just so ... drawable
sorry guys
i saw it in a dream
she is very gorgeous to me!
i see them when i close my eyes
my little scrungle
be so fucking for real
i can do whatever i want
my baby girl
my little kitty meow meow
they've done something to me
i gotta get outa here
my favorite white man
full of joy a whimsy
going cray cray!
heyy gurl wasup
she is beuty she is grace
aaaaanything could happen
just like me fr
its time
divine retribution
so was foretold in the prophecy
their so ... woah
god. fucking. damn.
they understand me
you are not immune to propaganda
Explodes character with mind
Forgive me
I would tell them my most depraved thoughts
for the win!
my treasure my beloved
oh yeah woo yeah
thats it thats the post
this above all else
had to get it out of my system
you absolute baby buffoon
but make it epic
dont question it
gay baby jail
mwah <3
i want to make them into bread
no guys you don't get it
i got nervous
every fuckin time man
[puts face in hands and groans loudly]
no way
take a deep breath
stupid little bow wow
cringeposting once again
abandon society, embrace insanity
god has let me draw another day
had to do it
changed my brain chemistry
so the thing is-
im going to make you so girlfail
pathetic wet cat
their neat idk
or something like that
i have the disease and its terminal
shrimply amazing!
hits you with the beam
smile :)
send help
oh hi didn't see you there
no i will not elaborate
the creature is demonic in nature
i think there's something wrong with them
i think there's something wrong with me
its fine
woah woah woah
do you even realize what you've done
very cool
do you see my vision
whatever the fuck this is called
the strugler
oh i got you dont worry
nobody move
character on the brain always and forever
#1 hater
funny you should say that
nature is healing
imagine a guy. now imagine them again
ooo mama
get drawn idiot
get obsessed over idiot
if only they were real
post this character instantly
your honor i need them
ive got some notes
A juicy morsel
I want to push them down the stairs
They wouldn’t dare
(Eyes wide and mouth frothing) yeah!
my beautiful wife <3
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shinkaishoujo103 · 11 months
smiles. leo for the ask game!
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Oh you. You. You think youre so funny huh. "JUST KIDDING" I DONT CARE! YOURE ALL GONNA BE SUBJECTED TO MY LEO RAMBLING NOW! Never ever enable me even if its a joke. Never ever. If anyone wants someone to blame for whats gonna happen next, blame ashe :3c /j
(im also gonna reply to your other ask with naru later on dw!!)
(ask game here!)
First impression
Okay, my VERY /FIRST/ impression of leo was very. Not accurate to who he actually is at all BECAUSE all i knew when i learned about leo is that something bad happened to him ("because of eichi" i quote, thats what i read, i know it wasnt totally eichis fault, i know)
So i kind of. Ended up having an idea of How leo is Before Even Correctly Meeting Him
And how i thought he was? Absolutely not like he actually was! I thought he would be more...calm? in a cool way? and more mysterious
Actually, it helped a lot that shortly before, i knew of another leo who was kinda like that
But anyway, later on, i ACTUALLY met leo in !! Era main story and would the masses believe me my very first thought upon meeting him was "oh he's actually a weirdo"
...hits past me with the metal pipe You Fool. You Absolute Fool. Oh You Did Not Know What Was Coming For You Next At ALL
But its oki! Because with time i actually started appreciating leo more, thinking he was funny! Then it came...
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(know that at the time i only knew leos bad past as "eichi did something bad to him")
...the moment i wanted to learn more about leo.
My downfall.
At first, i planned to read rebellion, but at the beginning of it i realized it was basically the knights story who got adapted in the anime, so i just decided to skip that and...
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...checkmate. (in an emotional voice)
I. Decided to read checkmate.
My absolute downfall.
Anyway, while reading checkmate, it made me appreciate leo, sena, izuleo (heck i didnt even know about them until checkmate), and knights more, until...
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(ough, i really was a newbie here, you can tell. Also my old typing kinda makes me cringe ngl)
Until the angst hit me.
Checkmate inflicted me so much emotional damage it changed my brain chemistry forever and ever and here i am now 👍
God i even remember explaining the leo angst to laly </3
But anyway, after that, i decided to read more stories about knights and leo!
I think in this order it wasss rebellion (yes ended up reading it anyway, newfound knights obsession was too strong) -> horror night halloween -> requiem -> a dark night's passing (df debut, ik! But theres some leo in it!!) -> next door
(also read setsubun festival in between all that, fun! /s)
And then slowly but surely...i became the insane & crazy leo & izuleo obsessed knightsP i am today
...this is only first impression and its already so long. you are all in for a ride.
Current impression
...how even am i supposed to express in words how much he means to me? He's my sunshine, my light, my sun, my star, my world, my universe, my galaxy, my everything...is this going too far? But he genuinely means everything to me
Surprisingly i dont think this part will be long, because i genuinely struggle putting in words what i feel about him, because its So much. What i said above resumes it pretty well honestly? He's my everything, literally. He lives rent free in my head, and he WONT GET OUT!!! I cannot stop thinking about him, i have so many thoughts about this little dude, that often i end up rambling, and i very often keep bringing him up everywhere even if its unrelated, i think you can all confirm! I get excited and happy about literally anything about him, like when he's brought up, and all and all. His silly and funny moments never fail to make me smile, to make me laugh, and would it be a bit cheesy of me to say i genuinely find him handsome...?
He's such a comfort character to me, too. I actually look up to/admire him a lot...because i relate a LOT with his depression. Which just makes his story of healing even more beautiful to me...and it gives me hope, that maybe one day, i would be able to fully heal too
Oh...i was able to express myself a bit, in the end!
Favorite moment
...cant i just say all of them?
No because i genuinely...dont know?? I seriously love every single scene/moment we get of him, every single time i see him on the screen it makes my day??
So...im not sure what to answer??
Idea for a story
Haha...since im a huuge leo yume, you are alll gonna get attacked with that one leo x reader fic idea i have~~ (that ill never write)
Basically, when leo went depressive, he did not only lock himself away in his room, but also ended up running away...to either the other end of his town, or another nearby town, just somewhere far enough but not too much as to be impossible (a place possible to go by bus, tram, or train...)
As he ended up roaming aimlessly in the streets, it started raining, but he didnt feel like sheltering himself (where could he go anyway?), so he just sat down under a tree and...well...had a breakdown
Meanwhile, we have our dear mc, who's around leos age but already live alone in an apartment due to shitty parents...i actually made up a whole backstory for them, and they definitely didnt have the best childhood...but it has purpose to the storys meaning, promise!!
Anyway, at that time, mc was ofc outside, heading back home after buying some groceries, when they see leo...the general idea of their personality is that theyre not the most sociable person, but still had a good heart (all ties back to their backstory), so after biiit of hesitating, they went to see how leo was doing
Obviously, bad, he was even biting his hand yet again...and mc, seeing that, well was ofc /very/ concerned. They asked a bit about leo, what he was doing there outside the rain, and that he should go home unless he got sick, but leo didnt really feel like replying...
So mc decided to take leo home with them, and take care of him a bit, because thats what someone else who was close to the mc (that they admired, too) would've done <3
They made leo a nice warm bath, and some nice warm chocolate, and gave leo some temporary new clothes from their dad (that were probably a bit too big) while his own were drying, and all and all~ mc is actually very caring beside being mostly a loner
Mc and leo ended up talking a bit, though leo still not saying much, and it was decided leo would stay in for the night since it was getting late, and his home was too far away
Except...leo ends up staying longer than expected...because he absolutely /didnt/ wanna go home just yet...
And thus, start a story about two broken young people who learn to love once again together...a story of healing...thats what i want it to be :3c
I didnt put all the details, or else it would be too much, but thats pretty much the gist of it! I would love to actually write something about, but dont have a good enough plot, eueueue....
...can you tell i just wish that i couldve been there when leo needed someone the most?
Unpopular opinion
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Gonna try to elaborate 🫶
By Something i meant he was actually an ass. A little bitch. An asshole. But it was because he just came back to yumenosaki!! He just got out of his trauma, and was still hurting from it!! But i feel like most people tend to forget, or not even know about that side of leo, because we now see the more wholesome side of him since he fully healed now??
But he wasn't always just a ray of sunshine. Heck, in war era, yes he was definitely a victim, but why? Because the other students ended up hating him. Why? Because knights would always crush their opponents in dreamfes. Why? Because, yes, leo is definitely naturally talented, a genius, of course he would easily win, but he was also crushing those people on Purpose. He /was/ being Aggressive /on purpose/ in war era, because he was fighting for senas dreams
But anyway...basically, what i meant, is that leo can be a little aggressive bitch sometimes
Favorite relationship
I think we all know the answer already. Come on. Its soso obvious. Do i even need to say it. Okay i will anyway.
What a surprise! Nobody expected this! /s
Favorite headcanon
Okay, i have a lot, but the first that come to mind is...mostly a joke hc? But ill share it anyway
Basically, leo is a big danganronpa fan, and saiouma are his absolute otp (me projecting? absolutely not) and like. eventually he starts writing songs inspired by dr and one day sena comes up to him and is like "hey, why're your songs recently so...idk...creepy?? kinda??" "wha? no! theyre not creepy!! theyre just inspired from that one franchise, danganronpa~!"
+ other old funnies i came up with,,, (WARNING, VERY HEAVY DANGANRONPA SPOILERS!)
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BUT ACTUALLY!!! I have another, less jokey hc to share...since its leo he gets to have me share two hcs
I like to imagine he's very passionate about space! Mostly because he believes in aliens and stuff, but i also just believe...it would fit? Idk, i just can really see him loving space and all
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sankyeom · 1 year
i agree children of divorce WAS AND STILL IS one of the top smau in enha tumblr im not even kidding so u can imagine how devastated i was after reading it and lurking around on ur lovely blog that u have not written anything for hee else I WAS DEVASTATED and ive been waiting AND THE OPPORTUNITY FOR IDK A YEAR! AND IT IS RIGHT THERE but sadly (for now 15.06) hoon is winning so im gonna yet myself, im not hoon hater lik don't get me wrong i love him my cutie but best friends to lovers is so heejake coded TO ME at at least
fr tho that smau changed my brain chemistry forever LIKE THANK YOU, i reread it every few months and it always gets me!! AND THE WAY U WRITE OMG ITS SOOO GOOD!!!!!
so in my head ur awesome brain plus hee plus a longer fic = A MASTERPIECE
yes this is serious to me, wishing u all the best im just being dramatic and i will read the fic anyway but yeah 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
that is so kind and extremely generous of you to say!! i really loved the relationship and characters i wrote in children of divorce so i’m really happy that you enjoy the fic so much 🥹🥹🥹
honestly i see best friends to lovers as something jakehoon coded for some reason???? idk i feel like they’re both more shy but with people they trust/are close friends with they really let loose and are more extroverted which feels SO best friends to lovers
there’s still around 5 days left for the poll so i guess we’ll see who it ends up being!! but just because one person wins the poll doesn’t mean i won’t ever write best friends to lovers for the other members 😉
THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!! you’re so sweet and i’m so happy you love children of divorce as much as me 🥰
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