#it comes and goes as seasons change
bacchuschucklefuck · 16 days
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soon it'll be dawn again
transcript under the cut ⏬
page 01
Fig: no way? - you're still up?
Riz: Wh– yes?
Riz: Why'd I not be.
page 02
Fig: I me~~ean - that took.
Fig: whole day.
Riz: Yeah?
Fig: 'm beat.
Riz: you should sleep.
page 03
Fig: nah. my guy's still up
Fig: I wanna hang out.
page 04
Riz: That's really nice.
Fig: Hah! - Nobody ever expects an Archdevil rockstar to be nice.
Riz: … yeah. - 's just budget work tho. (the stuff I'm working on) - I've heard it's boring.
page 05
Fig: yeah, but you do it…
Riz: It keeps things going, right? - Nothing happens if nobody sits down and - does the thing.
Fig: That's right… - though. Yeah.
page 06
Fig: sometimes it's someone else who - doesn't want the same thing to happen.
Riz: … - mm.
page 07
Riz (off screen): …It took me a long time to get that not everyone likes doing what I do. - 's probably because you guys are so nice– - or. - kind.
Riz (off screen): to anyone too, not just. - the people you /love/.
page 08
Riz: that's not how it is elsewhere. - The world's– not. hostile. - but 's not like it's kind.
Riz: So I'm doing as much as I can now… 
page 09
Fig: Hey.
Riz: ?
Fig: Go dig some dirt with me.
page 10
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - oh you meant like - actual dirt. (not incriminating information)
Fig: o yea.
Fig: there's clay in the backyard soil. - sometimes when I'm sun deficient or something I go touch dirt for a bit.
page 11
Fig: here u go
page 12
Riz: uh
Fig: now we make a thing! - 'm pretty good at freehanding a bowl.
Fig: I'll show u
page 13
Fig: just– yep, flatten that out as evenly as u can, then–! - actually ur nails'd be so good at cutting out the strip. [larger than usual space] wait. - wait. wait u can carve patterns with them! we HAVE to try
Riz: uh - What. do I carve?
Fig: anything!!!
page 14
Fig: and– yep just seal the inside uh. seam?
Fig: yep that works - okay time's up! all contestant hands up
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - okay - wh. what's next?
Fig: haha - watch this.
(sound effect text): FWOO—MP
page 15
Fig: Now it's fired!
Fig: (actually it's just dry. if u add water rn it'll dissolve)
Fig: ok catch!
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - careful!!
Fig: dw no need haha
page 16
Riz (thought bubble): oh - it's warm…
Fig: now I want you to throw this.
page 17
Fig: u gotta do it - c'mon
page 18
Riz: wh– - It's like 3AM right now
Fig: oh it's not /fired/ fired it's not gonna make a loud noise
Riz: And then just? leave a pile out here?
Fig: pour water over it & it'll be gone I told u
Riz: but
page 19
Fig (off screen): RIz.
page 20
Fig: I've done all this before.
Fig: Can you trust that at least?
page 21
Riz: no, I– - I do. - I trust you.
page 23
Riz: okay what happens now
(sound effect text): glob
page 24
Fig: we do it again!
page 25
Riz: wh. [larger than usual space] What do you mean. (this clay's too wet also)
Fig: see! you're already learning
Fig: [blank speech bubble] - there are flows that are futile to fight. - The world changes.
Fig: Things change.
page 26
Fig: I've learned my lessons with "forevers". - But - as an artist
Fig: I can give you one thing: - You can always do it again.
page 27
Fig: most of everything depends on the rest of the world, - but this. - making new. - that's yours as long as you want it.
page 28
Fig: So?
page 29
Riz: Yeah. - Yeah! - let's make another one.
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#technically no spoilers in this comic but listen. I Will be gloating in tags. I will Never Shut Up#for the record!! this was fully conceptualized and sketched Before the finales. I started sketching this after the boat fight#and when murph closed riz's arc this season with ''maybe it's okay to change and welcome new things'' I pogged irl#I am simply the best at reading comprehension what can I say! (<- grown ass man with roughly the same perspective on teenhood as the player#fucked up that this became so long (almost 30 squares lol) that it took me this long to finish#lmao I say all that but. genuinely I am delirious and my feelings abt riz's arc this season are so big... I was getting psychic backlash#for a While lol. it was scary!!#had to sit down and do therapy on my own ass for a bit. the teenage apocalyticisation is real. that word isnt tho Im pretty sure#truly anything you do at that age feels like that's it that's all you've got going on forever. and its not true! its simply not true#you'll be okay my guy. you love your friends so so much but also there will be more to love out there#this one goes out to fellow aroaces and also folks leaving somewhere theyve called home for a long time#nothing lasts forever but that means new things come by too! ur ability to make new is infinite!!#there's no magnum opus people leave but new people come by too etc. I am too sleepy to remember what I wanted to say uhhh#well. thank u for looking at my art. I think thats the one pack it n ship it boys
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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I'm sorry I let down my guard.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#God DAMN this scene was brutal. Season 2 episode 2 is almost nothing but misery and anguish#Helena by Nickle Creek does not quite fit the comic's vibe but it is absolutely a Xue Yang song so I linked it.#The change from “Helena don't walk away...(gentle)” to “HELENA. DON'T WALK AWAY (threat)” is fantastic.#And “Don't waste your pretty sympathy - I'll always be just fine”. Xue Yang core.#Okay now for the real meat. Disclaimer first: *I really like XY.* I think he's a great character. I think his actions consistently-#come from a place of deep trauma. While his reactions and actions put him in a villainous role he is still human about his hurt#and what I'm about to say is NOT intended to be a statement of causality or villianize a group of misunderstood people.#So with that said...Man oh man does Xue Yang have a lot of BPD traits. More that just 'character who is chronically manipulative'.#The impulsivity and emotional reactions and seeking stability makes him feel like he needs that control. What other choice is there?#The part that really gets me is how he *wants* to be safe and happy. But his past experiences tell him how thats impossible#He's the kind of person who goes 'if you don't like me then you better hate me for something substantial". All (pos) or All (neg)#''Love me entirely or Hate me. But don't you dare leave me or forget about me.''#Not at all comfortable saying 'BPD coded'. Im not a psychiatrist. Just that he has TRAITS. Feel free to disagree or add your thoughts.#ppl with bpd also are not a monolith and everyone has very different experiences. Xue yang is very complex. People more so.
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katierosefun · 3 months
modern family is all fun and games until you get to the scenes where you burst into tears because the once-vaguely homophobic dad now refers to his son's husband as family, and also the academically gifted daughter realizes that her dorky, clumsy dad was always really proud of her and just never surprised because he just assumed she could do anything, and also the eldest daughter who eloped comes crawling back to her parents' room and whispers that she still wants her parents to be present for her wedding, and also the anxious queer lawyer character admits that he was terrified that his husband would just leave him alone with their baby daughter, and also that the once-vaguely grouchy dad looks at his stepson and tells him that what makes a family is who sticks around, not who you're blood-related to and anyways what was i saying
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missingexaltation · 2 years
"Steve stays with Eddie at the hospital" this and "Dustin stays with Eddie at the hospital" that.
Where's my "Wayne stays at the hospital with Eddie, and gets inducted into the upside down shenanigans when the other adults hear the news while comforting their kids" fic?
Hopper isn't Eddie's biggest fan because of the drugs thing. The kid's a fucking nightmare to get through to, but Wayne's a good man, a vet, and he deserves to know the truth as to why his nephew is in the hospital. On top of that, he squares things with Wayne's job to make sure he's not fired for absence, and takes the time to explain the past few years of hell in Hawkins to him. The more they talk, the more Hopper realises what they've been through, and how much bad luck and prejudice has forced them into near poverty.
Joyce stops by with Murray, and between them they manage to get the Munsons the same governmental protection and compensation that they have bargained for. There won't be any fees for Eddie's hospital stay, their old debts are wiped, and they get a new home (a house!) to replace the one they lost. The government agents are good, but Joyce is better, and Murray is terrifying.
Claudia Henderson stops by with meals, treats and books, often bringing her son with her. Eddie saved her boy's life, she says, and she'll do whatever she can do repay them both. She's the one who gets Eddie his diploma, getting him graduated on a technicality, and Wayne cries when he finds out. She's sweet and unrelenting, and a wonderful, wonderful lady. (Wayne won't admit it, but he's very much tongue-tied and brain-soupy when she's around.)
It takes a few weeks for Eddie to wake up, and a few months before he can leave the hospital. In that time Wayne realises that he has a new network of people he can rely on. For the first time in years he's out of debt, has enough cash to spoil his nephew like he deserves, and an actual house for a home, instead of that fucking trailer.
Hell, he even has a garden big enough for growing vegetables now, and that's something he's dreamed of for years. And a porch to sit on in the evenings with whoever stops by (or Eddie, who seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet for once).
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bonefall · 1 year
Ok, I decided I might as well put out that Hollyleaf ask I mentioned. So I was thinking about your Hollyleaf and how while I love some aspects of her and think they are preferable to canon, there feels like there's something that I liked missing in her relative to canon Hollyleaf that I have suggestions on how you reincorporate. So what I really like: I love how you give Hollyleaf a political arc, with her constant musings on Clan life and the world being actually relevant to the narrative and her clearly going from one position to another based on her life experience, as opposed to canon where she's open-minded and fascinated by other cultures when the plot requires it and then a super conservative rule follower who believes the Clans' way of life is the only legitimate one when the plot requires that, without any clear arc of going from one place to another.
But one thing I like about canon Hollyleaf that I feel is missing from yours is the way she is a complete wreck by the end - she can't stand her birth being against the code, she can't stand the life she's build being broken, her guilt over murdering someone to make those feelings go away only drives her further into her broken mental state and leads her to ironically undoing the very thing she killed for. She is despairing about having any sort of purpose to her life, about being evil herself even as she tries to convince herself she is a hero doing what's right and thus has a right to punish everyone, and she runs away to get away from it all. And I feel like the fire scene (perhaps with the help of previous events) destroying the foundations of what she's built her life on has more of an impact than just her calmly, philosophically deciding "all right, I'm mad at my parents, I choose revenge and evil now".
All of which is to say, I had some ideas I wanted to suggest on how these aspects could be preserved in your Hollyleaf, which is incorporating some of a Hollyleaf AU I made myself adapted to your world. Since in Bonefall AU she learns about the prophecy at the same time she learns about her parentage, it could be both revelations that really impact her. She's always seen herself as the hero, wanting to be a medicine cat because that's the position where she gets to save people and be important and everyone appreciates her for it for example. And she's always wanted to be the good Clan cat who serves and is beloved by StarClan, even if she has varied on whether she wanted to do it by following Firestar's example and ideology or something else. So maybe finding out about the prophecy makes her horrified - she's some kind of abomination that exists beyond StarClan, who StarClan is terrified of, and in her mind that makes her evil, an abomination against the ancestors she loves and worships destined to destroy everything good. Then when you add to this her arc of diplomacy and Fire Alone going wrong, maybe it could not just be a sense of betrayal in play but also guilt; her diplomatic attitude resulted in something bad happening to someone else and she was already dealing with feelings of being bad and horrible for that which her ego and belief she had to be a hero couldn't take. And then there's how her parentage ties into this - while the rule wasn't originally about this, I would imagine in your rewrite the kits of medicine cats would have a cultural connotation of being cursed, evil, abominations from the fact that all of them in recent memories had been leaders who ended up in the Dark Forest (Ripplestar, Brokenstar, Leopardstar), so this could add to these feelings and maybe feel she should punish Leafpool for creating kits like her that would destroy the Clans and punish Squirrelflight for covering it up so the Clans didn't know the danger in their midst.
But of course, she can't take thinking of herself as wrong and evil, so her shame causes her to break down further and take drastic actions to punish everyone who did wrong before StarClan as if in her zeal she can make it up to them, prove that despite her birth and "curse" she can still be StarClan's favored "adopted child", and make up for the harm her previous "evil" support of Fire Alone has caused. Maybe if she punishes Leafpool hard enough she will defy her "fate".
And then you add in Sol, who is the antithesis of what she believes but yet seems to have some kind of connection with her, and maybe Sol plays on her feelings of shame and anger to try to get her to do what he wants. Then by Hollyleaf's Century, realizing she has Sol's powers now puts her even deeper into that state of feeling she has to make up for something, and now she thinks she will prove her nobility and heroism to StarClan by saving them all from their environmental destruction, showing she's such a loyal servant to them by implementing the Clans' way of life, the only good way of life, decades early, and never making the mistakes she's made in the past! Then maybe she wouldn't have to feel she is an abomination anymore, maybe she can make up for existing. All of which ironically plays into just what Sol wanted.
She could be contrasted with Jayfeather where she realizes with the benefit of 100 years of hindsight that her brother didn't care about pleasing StarClan, that he accepted his existence was in defiance of it and proudly committed sacrilege (so she knows about this, maybe he could confess what happened with Hazeltail to Hollyleaf thinking she would understand due to their shared experience with the prophecy, only for her to criticize him and want him punished, leading him to realize how much she changed) - and yet he was a better and more truly heroic cat than she ever was. And this helps slowly push her out of her mindset. Not sure how Bonefall Lionblaze plays into this since he seems a bit too similar to Hollyleaf in his reaction to having powers, though.
So what do you think of these suggestions for Hollyleaf?
They sound great! I think Cruel Season is coming together.
Cruel Season is going to be a book between the episodic Po3 and the narrative-driven OotS, where the majority of Holly's breakdown is contained. It bridges the gap between the casual tone of Po3 and the serious one of OotS. Here's the plan;
The prophecy is revealed at the end of Po3, and Cruel Season opens up with the three grappling with it.
This sets the stage for the following;
Hollyleaf worrying she is an abomination because StarClan is terrified of her,
Lionblaze concerned for what this means in terms of how he will protect ThunderClan if he is so powerful he could destroy it, and
Jayfeather confirming to himself that StarClan is full of assholes, telling his siblings that he fought Molefall to save Hazeltail.
ASHFUR LEARNS TOO, and puts together that the Fire and Tiger prophecy + Kin of your Kin prophecy = Disaster
This, plus the death of Brackenfur in the previous arc, causes Holly to start isolating herself. She doesn't know what to think. She's supposed to be a hero, a prodigy, but what does that mean if StarClan is already terrified of her?
There must be something else they know that she doesn't. And her siblings... Jayfeather IS a problem to them, isn't he?
But that's still her brother. Cracks are starting to form but she's not gone yet. This is when Sol pops back up, offering to be someone to talk to.
Harry is thinking this is for more manipulation, Sol itself is taking an interest in a possible new vessel as he grows bored.
This time, the Fire is NOT random. Unknown to the Three, this is a Dark Forest plot.
Thornclaw (knows the territory), Whiskernose (established as knowing how to manage fires in TNP), and Breezepelt (breezepelt) are creating a diversion so they can murder Firestar
Regardless, the Three are caught in it. Ashfur makes his infamous move, cue The Fire Scene
I mentioned before how it goes in the rewrite, but here is is again for newcomers, those who missed it, and people who want a refresher;
The Three are trapped in the blaze, Squirrelflight appears and is trying to kick a weak tree over so they can escape
They have a fight, Ashfur shouting about the prophecy, Fire and Tiger + Kin of your Kin = they are fated to destroy the clans, if Squilf has chosen him this never would have happened
Squilf is pinned, but reveals with passion, "BRAMBLECLAW'S KITTENS ARE DEAD, THESE AREN'T MINE"
Ashfur is confused just enough that she's able to muster a massive kick, sending him flying into the weak tree, knocking it over
Lionblaze races across this tree to help Squilf, smacking Ashfur across the face
It's a Moment, Lionblaze seeing his mentor both furious and terrified of him, blood on his claws
Ashfur absconds, leaving the Three with Squilf
Now this next part is important and is a big change of motivation from canon; I want it to be clear that Holly killing Ashfur is 100% her REVENGE. It's not about safety, nor about keeping the secret. So here's how it goes;
The blood on Lionblaze's paw, Squirrelflight’s wounds, and the absence of Ashfur is DEFINITIVE PROOF he tried to murder them
Brambleclaw, the deputy and defacto leader because Firestar is missing, is furious and declares that if Ashfur is seen on ThunderClan territory, he is to be considered a rogue and to be brought to justice.
Ferncloud, Cloudtail, and the rest of Ashfur's associates are shocked.
Birchfall may try to ask "are you SURE?" But immediately regrets it, seeing the haunted look in their eyes.
Especially Lionblaze, Ashfur's apprentice. He's devastated.
When Hollyleaf hunts Ashfur down later, she is IGNORING the order to bring him to justice.
But before that happens... they discover the body of Firestar.
His throat is torn out. It's immediately assumed that Ashfur did it.
"He wanted to hurt Squirrelflight so badly he settled for her father..." -Ferncloud
Hollyleaf alone realizes that he had black fur in his claws during his vigil later...
And she removes it.
She speaks to Sol about this and he tells her that it was surely an omen.
It means SHE is responsible in some way.
She agrees and adds,
"I'll do what has to be done, I will prove I'm worthy! I'll exact justice on everyone who needs it, this black-furred killer, Ashfur, and the one who broke the code and set these events into motion with my birth"
Sol: "oh my me this woman is crazy i need to possess her"
Lionblaze remains very close with Squirrelflight, getting more of the truth from her. Hes confused and upset, but, accepts that she did it to protect them and Leafpool... even though he doesn't Get It yet.
(Squilf is always his mom and he has no doubt about this)
Jayfeather really doesn't want to hear it, having independently worked out that the only other parent they could have is Leafpool (since this wouldn't be a Federal Fucking Issue if it was Cloudtail) and... that evokes a lot of negative emotions.
Buuuuuuuuuut all this turmoil starts causing him to lean on Poppyfrost for escapism. He leans on her too hard and she got pregnant. JayFUMBLE.
Hollyleaf kills Ashfur. Raggedy from living on his own for several weeks, missing his Clan, hoping to face justice and find mercy for being unsuccessful, it wasn't a fight. It was a murder.
(This is important for TBC later, as Ashfur is allowed into Silverpelt over this while also making sure that StarClan isn't accidentally incompetent like canon)
Next on Hollyleaf's list; Leafpool
The Reveal at the Gathering happens
Bramblestar IMMEDIATELY demotes Squirrelflight from her deputy role for covering this up, breaks up with her, and disowns his children.
Assures the gathering that there will be consequences for Leafpool, and promotes Thornclaw to deputyship on the spot.
Jayfeather is now the only Cleric of ThunderClan.
Breezepelt, who was tense but friendly with the Three, has declared them his enemies because Crowfeather CAVED IMMEDIATELY and admitted he loved Leafpool, embarrassing him in public AGAIN by making it clear he was not wanted
"They're the reason he treats me like this! They're disgusting! They shouldn't have been born! I thought they were my friends but they were actually part of my torment!"
ThunderClan IMMEDIATELY starts treating the Three differently, because they are halfclan and cleric children
Lionblaze suddenly understands what Squilf meant by, "I did it to protect my sister, but also to protect the three of you"
"Sometimes keeping secrets is Good Actually," concludes Lionblaze
Opinions are split about Squilf and Leafpool,
"Squilf was protected by the Queen’s Rights"
"Leafpool still broke the code tho"
"That should have stayed between her and StarClan, she did the right thing"
"That law is stupid anyway!"
"Uhhh no it's not? Brokenstar? Ripplestar? Leopardstar? Helloo??"
"Are you saying Squilf's kids are tyrants? What is wrong with you?"
"I'm saying you don't respect the code you heathen!"
"She still lied to Bramblestar and needs consequences!"
"A halfclan cat is a halfclan cat! It was revealed and we must deal with it!"
ThunderClan is fighting, basically.
Holly has her scene later of trying to get Leafpool to eat deathberries, like canon Leaf is a queen who's like, "...girl you can't hurt me more than I already am"
And this is the point where Poppyfrost realizes she is pregnant. They're Jayfeather's. He is the only Cleric in ThunderClan, Poppyfrost does not want to be a single mother, it's a mess.
So they contact Cinderheart and Lionblaze and ask for help. They agree-- but preparing for the arrival of the kittens means they'd need to start saying they're mates.
Cinderheart: "hey uh Hollyleaf I'm, uh, mates with your brother now?"
"Youre McFuckinf What?"
Cindy, unable to keep a secret and not really being in love with Lionblaze, admits there are kits she needs to adopt. Hollyleaf does more deduction and jumps to the correct conclusion, Poppyfrost is pregnant because Jayfeather has violated his vow.
And she's going to do something about this.
Sol offers his services. Friendship ENDED with Harry; now HOLLYLEAF is my best friend.
Jayfeather needs to be dealt with. He has disobeyed StarClan for the last time
As he slips into the Tunnels to communicate with Rock, she follows him, planning to kill him quietly
Lionblaze intercepts this, defending Jay.
"What happened to my sister?! Hollyleaf, this isn't you!"
"A black cat killed Firestar, and I've killed that black cat! Soon I will put an end to all enemies of the Warrior Code!"
"What does that MEAN"
The fighting destabilizes the tunnel, Lionblaze is able to push Jayfeather out just in time before the rockslide
Sol saves Hollyleaf's life by teleporting her 100 years into the past, so that she isn't killed by the collapse.
Lionblaze is a tank and rocks can't kill him, when the Clan digs him out, he's just bruised and unconscious
They never find Hollyleaf's body, or any remains at all. Not even blood.
The book ends with the birth of Ivykit and Dovekit, tension settling over the entire family, pain and mourning all at once. They chose not to tell anyone about Hollyleaf's betrayal, allowing her to die as a hero.
Cinderheart admits she still loves her, and misses her with her whole heart. Lionblaze can't understand why it happened. Jayfeather is expressing his pain through anger. Poppyfrost wants to put this behind her as soon as possible.
And thus ends Cruel Season, and begins Omen of the Stars.
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bugsbenefit · 5 months
scary that there's still Will bowlcut haters around. like... that's his core character design, it looks nice too. sorry to all the different hairstyle enjoyers out there but Will without a bowlcut simply wouldn't be Will to me. that's the side effect of them doubling down on that one single hairstyle for 8 years. they can style it different or make it messier sure, but he needs Some version of a bowlcut otherwise who is that
#Duffers did it to themselves#if they'd change the haircut Now i'll call the s5 hair department a flop no hesitation#not because it would look bad but simply because That's Not My Will that's just noah schnapp with a wig#also unrelated side tangent ik this is just about silly hcs but anytime i talk about Will's hair i get annoyed about how the#bowlcut became the minion meme equivalent of the fandom#i simply refuse to believe people actually hate bowlcuts that much that has to be some kind of moist phenomenon#i've never in my life seen someone irl make fun of bowlcuts or personally even noticed one as 'strange'#but go online and there's apparently consensus that bowlcuts are cringe or something? lmao?#you can probably imagine how surprised i was when i found the st fandom for the first time and everyone just kept talking about Will's hair#when it's literally a normal ass haircut#and meanwhile no one realized that Mike also had a bowlcut for 3 seasons. i swear 'Will bowlcut lmaoo' just became a meme#i'm convinced half of these people don't even know what a bowlcut looks like since they apparently can't recognize one#side tangent over this had nothing to do with what people are talking about actually 😭#my furstration about the way a fucking haircut out of all things became the funny stinger of the show apparently never goes away#and comes back out any time i type the word hair.... oh well#ignore the tags i was having a moment (flashback having nothing to say after a show besides 'the hairrr 😭')
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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knees weak, arms are heavy
#listen it's too late for me to be very articulate about it (and i'm only on s3 now; the rest of the show is kind of hazily blending) but#one of the things i find most interesting about the red john plot...or jane's pursuit of red john maybe#is how ...individualized? it is#obviously the characters have different opinions on it - is his mission right; is it justified; would it help him; would it condemn him#and you as a viewer can side with one opinion more than others (and the opinions change as the show goes on -it's dynamic#which is another interesting but separate train of thought)#but imo/iirc the show itself - the narrative i guess - never makes any outright statement/judgement/comes to any definitive conclusion#on the matter#idk it's just even this - obviously everything's part of the larger narrative but at the same time#his asking does illustrate at least some level of doubt that he didn't seem to have in the last two seasons#is it because of lisbon; and the team; because of kristina; because of the strain it's putting on himself#(probably not the last one; he is demonstrably cavalier when it comes to his own wellbeing)#and he just happens to have the perfect man to express those doubts to right in front of him#(and that man just happens to be noah bennet alskdfja)#had winter said no what would his reaction have been? would his doubts have gotten worse - led to him taking a step towards giving it up?#would he have doubled down? we have no way of knowing because for this man; for this character it was worth it#and that helps shore up jane's belief that it would still be worth it to him too#idk i'm not making sense but it just feels like there's a level of grey area/audience interpretation to this story#rather than a hard line being drawn (by the story itself) on whether the actions taken in it are good or bad and i appreciate that#character-focused vs a morality tale maybe but that's more of an extreme phrasing#anyway ignore me i'm -#tm
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infizero · 8 months
grian: "i'm not gifting you the heart, i'm giving it to someone SPECIAL."
scar: (hangs his head) "wow..."
grian: "aw ok i'm sorry- no no i'm not even gonna fall for this, i got guilted into helping you out last time, and you got a ton of stuff! i'm not being fooled"
#jaw kind of dropped when grian said that bro. UNCALLED FOR#anyways theres something so interesting to me about. grian being mean to scar and then as soon as scar acts hurt#grian's instinct IS to apologize. but then he changes his mind and is like no no im not gonna be guilted im not gonna be fooled#<- WHICH TO BE FAIR. this is scar we're talking about here. but also#its very interesting to me. with my little ''grian does care about scar he just has Emotional Issues from 3rd life that never really#went away'' mindset. this feels like progress. from just being mean to scar and not caring about it#its a little thing but the fact that he goes to apologize at first. makes me think things are looking up#i feel like they're already on much better terms this season which um. considering how last season ended is a little surprising#but not really considering. scar never seems to blame grian or get mad at him for anything he does#and idk if grian feels bad about his ''betrayal'' at all so to both of them its like not an issue and therefore doesnt affect#their current interactions#NOW. this could age very poorly. im still not over the bait-and-switch that was last season w barely any interactions and then That#they could act all niceys to each other this season and then later down the line when everythings crazy something terrible could happen#and i'll go insane over it. but for right now im uncharacteristically an optimist when it comes to these two. maybe they can finally just#be niceys to each other the whole time. i doubt it but maybe!#serena.txt#serena.live#slsmp spoilers
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cptnbeefheart · 8 months
work has been WAY less dreadful lately and i feel like im finally connecting with my coworkers because im not as shy & ive gotten more comfortable there and feel more adult in general but idk i think im just feeling down or something because i just cried about not being able to find a clean bowl in this stupid house i haven’t eaten since lunch and theres nothing here that i want/ wont make my stomach hurty except soup and thats going to be so unsatisfying its so dumb but i AM dreading work tmrw we have a meeting which always makes me insane anxious i hate being trapped in a room and having to sit there and not be visibly anxious have to appear cool calm collected but not trying to throw up at the same time like im gonna be anxious all day which means i wont eat much because im afraid of puking and then ill feel worse because im hungrys im going to rip my skin off AHHHHHH!!!! <- thats me screaming
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
This might be my most Controversial post and if you're someone who's genuinely rooting for tom and greg to have their happily ever after in canon then you might not want to read past this point. Just to be perfectly clear I do love tomgreg in both their canon and fanon forms and absolutely no shade to the unironic requited tomgreg truthers, you're the backbone of this fandom and I love your work etc. But. I'm still skeptical of an actual romantic relationship going canon and even more cynical about it actually ending well so, uh. Dead Dove Do Not Eat and all that
I think that Tom being unable to make a really definitive bold choice is intimately related to why I think canonical tomgreg would end in acrimonious divorce (at least with how the characters are at the end of season 3… obviously character development is real and could hypothetically shift the equation). Tom is the literal human embodiment of that fable about the kid who reaches into the cookie jar and gets a huge handful of cookies but then his hand get stuck and he can’t pull it out and he starts crying until someone explains to him that if he lets go all but one he’ll be able to get it out. Except he’s never realized that last part and he’s so afraid of ending up with no cookies at all that he can’t let them go and instead crushes them into dust and tries to eat the crumbs and goes “this is what I wanted actually. This is fine. This is what normal well-adjusted people do and I am Happy.”
It’s deeply rooted in fear and that’s because Tom’s other fatal flaw is being a little bit of a coward. I say this with utmost affection but he’s always hedging his bets and trying to make the safest choice. This is not always a bad thing, but sometimes you do have to make the bold choice just to learn things about yourself. (Or simply because it's the Morally Right Thing To Do but uh. We don't need to get into that right now re: Tom). You have to make a choice and sacrifice something in the process and that’s how you learn what will make you happy and what won’t. Except Tom is so afraid of being unhappy and making the wrong choice that he can never let himself do that, and that’s why he doesn’t really know who he is and what he wants and instead lets himself be defined by societal images of wealth and privilege. He likes expensive things because that’s what he’s supposed to like. He wants to be CEO because that’s what he’s supposed to want. I think if he actually became CEO he would be miserable, in part because of what he’d need to sacrifice to get there but also because being CEO means being bold and taking risks and I think that’s actually his own personal version of hell.
That’s part of why I’m skeptical of tomgreg going canon because I think leaving Shiv for Greg would be an incredibly bold move and I don’t think Tom’s capable of that. Maybe if his marriage fell apart Tom would go for Greg, but then I think he’d very quickly find himself in a “grass is greener” situation. I don’t think he would really actively choose Greg, internally, so much as stumble into that relationship because Greg is there and Greg is the person he’s closest to, and eventually this would eat away at him. That’s NOT to say Tom wouldn’t have very genuine feelings for Greg, but I think stumbling right from his failed marriage into a relationship with Greg would set the whole thing up to crumble and collapse, especially once the weight of Tom’s emotional baggage sets in. There’s going to be a part of him asking himself “do I really love Greg or was he just convenient,” and rather than making the decision to really commit to Greg and see if the relationship can work he’ll start developing an emotional affair with someone else without even realizing what he's doing, because the problem with really making the decision to try and commit to Greg wholeheartedly is what if it ends up being Shiv all over again? What if he decides to be vulnerable with Greg and open up to him and give Greg his emotional fidelity and Greg ends up letting him down?
And because he's incapable of having an emotionally honest conversation he just starts tallying everything Greg does in some mental T-chart of "he loves me/he loves me not". Meanwhile, I do think Greg would be largely taken in, at least initially, by the idea that Tom threw everything away for him and when he realizes that Tom's marriage to Shiv was going to crumble into dust on its own merits anyway he's going to start feeling like a consolation prize and start pulling away and that's going to make the whole situation worse. When the relationship finally breaks down it will be acrimonious because both of them are going to feel upset and betrayed and misled. And that doesn't even begin to factor in Tom's uglier possessive and abusive tendencies and the pressure that remaining at Waystar would put on the relationship and whatever unresolved issues Greg still has around his gay homewrecking dad. Theoretically, they could go to therapy and start working through this shit and improve as people and make it work but tbh I think that they're far more likely to cannibalize each other first and not in a romantic way.
I would love to see it though. I really would. It would be an absolute nightmare but it would be amazing television and I would eat that shit up. Jesse Armstrong are you listening to me. Jesse Armstrong answer my calls
#I hope I don’t have to turn in my shipper credentials for this one#idk why but I’ve been a bit of a tom cynic lately. I do still love him though#also hopefully this goes without saying but absolutely no shade to the people who do think sweet requited tg is a real canon possibility#more power to you and follow your heart etc#what am I but a random person putting her half-formed opinions out on the internet#to be honest for me this comes back to the whole 'succession is narratively a tragedy'. they've all come too far for a truly happy ending#bittersweet maybe. but given that both tom and greg are knee deep in their corruption arcs i do think#that its unlikely theyll go start a vegan bed and breakfast in connecticut#best case scenario tom has a sudden moment of clarity and aborts before he permanently damages every remaining relationship in his life#(which at this point is just greg)#and actually I do think that's a possibility if the kinds of hard choices he has to make going forward are too much for him and he breaks#but even then I think that he's too far gone now to be really happy. we're past the tragic climax. I think he's ultimately sealed his fate#and as we move forward he's going to feel that fewer and fewer things are actually within his control#as he starts to really suffer the consequences of his actions in the first three seasons#so I think even if he gets out it's going to be too little too late#that's typically how narrative tragedies end. especially dostoevsky and shakespeare which I know are major influences for succession#and jesse armstrong has talked about how he doesnt believe people fundamentally change. its just that their circumstances change and so#their response to the circumstances change#I could be wrong though
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
Personally, I envisioned The Flash's series finale involving a scene with Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco all teaming up in the field again, with Iris on comms in the Cortex, Kamilla and Joe helping somehow from the S.T.A.R. Labs van, close to where the O.G.s are doing their thing, the JV Squad being Somewhere Else, idc where, just not in this scene, Mark being long gone past the point of anyone mentioning or thinking about him, and Starlight by Muse playing in the background.
#The Flash#O.G. Team Flash#Killblaine#and then the music changes eventually of course but Starlight would be GREAT for getting the action started#O.G. Team Flash can either all be fighting the villain(s) together or they can divide and conquer#maybe it starts out like the would-be season 6 finale and then transitions into something more like the season 4 finale#(next-to-last episode of season 4?)#(whenever they stormed A.R.G.U.S. idk)#or maybe they start out split up and then all come together for a fight scene#maybe Kamilla's job is directing Cisco through a large facility where he has to hack/take something#and Caitlin is either off freeing hostages or fighting off villain henchmen trying to get into the building#while Barry confronts the Big Bad head-on and fights them/keeps them monologuing long enough for Caitlin & Cisco to do what they need to do#Caitlin has ice powers in this btw#with the turn the show took a few seasons back it wouldn't have been doable anymore#but I'm still attached to the idea that Frost was just Caitlin's repressed side#and Caitlin would eventually figure herself out and come into her own#taking on Frost's powers and confidence and becoming a balanced combination of both sides#who likes dressing like a high school principal AND a badass club-going gal#(RIP Caitlin's versatile style)#also yes this goes along with the scenario(s) I imagined for the Reverse Flash's last stand#whether or not he's a part of the season-long plot he'd still be a vital part of the finale#and be taken down in a way that makes sense and is significant to his history with Team Flash (in particular Barry and Cisco)
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hallasimss · 1 year
If you aren’t able to fast because of health issues, you can fast from something else other than food! Or have your food be as bland as possible and go without the nice flavors. The purpose is to abstain from something you take for granted and there’s several options for that if it’s something important to you and traditional fasting isn’t an option <3
tysm anon!!! i never really considered that but i think i'll give the spice suggestion a try <333
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gaytobymeres · 1 year
The sun is out today and the sky is blue and it’s too cold to sit outside and everything is wet because it’s been rainy the past few days but I can’t wait for spring to come and for me to be able to have a cup of tea outside and feel the gentle breeze and the sun warming my face and see and hear all the small birds and watch the insects and buds and leaves and flowers start to emerge
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angelhummel · 2 years
Yesss babe thank you so much <3 Just what I needed to day. Also omg how could I forget Cassie in that regard?? Shame on me
Also in 4x21 she literally gifts Cassie with a cane likeee. Literally might just short circuit if I think about that too much 👀🤤 And in the same scene she also compliments her abs and also says "I'm so nervous, Miss July. I've never wanted anything more in my whole life" and who needs context for that?? Not I
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#glee#rachel berry#cassandra july#julyberry#asks#my thoughts#hopefulobjectmiracle#4x21#episode: wonderful#season 4#okay but rachel comes to cassandra's classroom after hours for a little Private Lesson#hamming it up like ohh miss july i just can't seem to get these moves down maybe you could give me a little extra help??#batting her lashes and being super obvious but also obviously cassie doesnt care#she goes to lock the door and rachel takes off her coat and she's just in a leotard no tights#maybe one of those whispy little overskirt things. and she changes into her pointe shoes#and cassandra tells her to go over to the ballet bar for warm up stretches like they always do#and is very generous in giving rachel tips on her form and guiding her into all the right positions#until its time to practice the actual dance moves and cassandra runs through them once and expects rachel to follow perfectly after but#rachel is super flustered and keeps messing up and eventually cassandra reaches for that cane and rachel is just like 👁️👄👁️#and rachel messes up again and cassandra spanks her with the cane and tells her thats whats going to happen until she gets it right#and that thing was THICK lmao so it would bruise more than sting and rachel ends up with quite the collection of welts on her backside#until cassie realizes rachel is screwing up on purpose to get her 'punishment' and abandons the cane in favor of#yanking rachel's leotard off of her and leaving her in nothing but her lil pointe shoes and making her stay on her toes while cassie#bends her over her desk and fingers her and eats her out until she's a whimpering lil mess uwu#then obviously makes her return the favor#oh and ofc rachel has her pristine little ballerina bun that cassie gets to ruin 😈#but thats just one idea <3
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percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
Hi I loved put your lips close to mine! It’s still my favorite fic, do you have plans to write any more hellcheer fics?
Aw, thank you so much 💖 I have so much love for that fic and the fandom, and this is so lovely of you
I absolutely do plan on writing more for those two, though as always with me I'm not sure when I'll get around to it! I always have lots of wips I sporadically work away on, and I've been writing fics for a few other fandoms recently. I've also been really busy with work lately, which means i haven't been writing much fic at all.
However, I still have tons of inspiration for these two and lots of ideas. I think I have around 7 or 8 plot bunnies on the go for Eddie and Chrissy, and I'm hoping things will ease up soon so I have some time to write and post them! (I have a short additional ficlet to put your lips close to mine planned, and a fwb fic, and a few more. Plus @yourstrulytaaay and I started a Good Place Au for them, which I am SO excited about, though we haven't worked on it in ages tbh)
Thanks for the ask and for checking in 💖 I promise I haven't given up on hellcheer, I'm just taking a bit of a break from them atm
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
Legit though, we should start turning ecosystem restoration and work to make our world more tolerant to the effects of climate change into annual holidays and festivals
Like how just about every culture used to have festivals to celebrate the beginning of the harvest or its end, or the beginning of planting, or how whole communities used to host barn raisings and quilting bees - everyone coming together at once to turn the work of months or years into the work of a few days
Humble suggestions for festival types:
Goat festival
Besides controlled burns (which you can't do if there's too much dead brush), the fastest, most effective, and most cost-efficient way to clear brush before fire season - esp really heavy dead brush - is to just. Put a bunch of goats on your land for a few days!
Remember that Shark Tank competitor who wanted to start a goat rental company, and everyone was like wtf? There was even a whole John Oliver bit making fun of the idea? Well THAT JUST PROVES THEY'RE FROM NICE WET PLACES, because goat rental companies are totally a thing, and they're great.
So like. Why don't we have a weekend where everyone with goats just takes those goats to the nearest land that needs a ton of clearing? Public officials could put up maps of where on public lands grazing is needed, and where it definitely shouldn't happen. Farmers and people/groups with a lot of acres that need clearing can post Goat Requests.
Little kids can make goat-themed crafts and give the goats lots of pets or treats at the end of the day for doing such a good job. Volunteers can help wrangle things so goats don't get where they're not supposed to (and everyone fences off land nowadays anyway, mostly). And the goats, of course, would be in fucking banquet paradise.
Planting Festival and Harvest Festival
Why mess with success??? Bring these back where they've disappeared!!! Time to swarm the community gardens and help everyone near you with a farm make sure that all of their seeds are sown and none of the food goes to waste in the fields, decaying and unpicked.
And then set up distribution parts of the festival so all the extra food gets where it needs to be! Boxes of free lemons in front of your house because you have 80 goddamned lemons are great, but you know what else would be great? An organized effort to take that shit to food pantries (which SUPER rarely get fresh produce, because they can't hold anything perishable for long at all) and community/farmer's markets
Rain Capture Festival
The "water year" - how we track annual rainfall and precipitation - is offset from the regular calendar year because, like, that's just when water cycles through the ecosystems (e.g. meltwater). At least in the US, the water year is October 1st through September 30th of the next year, because October 1st is around when all the snowmelt from last year is gone, and a new cycle is starting as rain begins to fall again in earnest.
So why don't we all have a big barn raising equivalent every September to build rain capture infrastructure?
Team up with some neighbors to turn one of those little grass strips on the sidewalk into a rain-garden with fall-planting plants. Go down to your local church and help them install some gutters and rain barrels. Help deculvert rivers so they run through the dirt again, and make sure all the storm drains in your neighborhood are nice and clear.
Even better, all of this - ESPECIALLY the rain gardens - will also help a ton with flood control!
I'm so serious about how cool this could be, yall.
And people who can't or don't want to do physical stuff for any of these festivals could volunteer to watch children or cook food for the festival or whatever else might need to be done!
Parties afterward to celebrate all the good work done! Community building and direct local improvements to help protect ourselves from climate change!
The possibilities are literally endless, so not to sound like an influencer or some shit, but please DO comment or reply or put it in the notes if you have thoughts, esp on other things we could hold festivals like this for.
Canning festivals. "Dig your elderly neighbors out of the snow" festivals. Endangered species nesting count festival. Plant fruit trees on public land and parks festival. All of the things that I don't know anywhere near enough to think of. Especially in more niche or extreme ecosystems, there are so many possibilities that could do a lot of good
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