#it does not exist in the actual canon timeline to twin sons
ardafanonarch · 8 months
Does canon indicate who is older: Elros or Elrond?
Birth Order of Elrond and Elros and Elrond
Good question. My instinct on this was no, canon does not indicate who is older, and indeed further research turned up nothing definitive. (If anyone has evidence to the contrary, please share it!) However, I uncovered a decent hint that Tolkien imagined Elros the elder.
[ETA: Please see this reblog for a revised answer that confirms the Elros theory!]
The fact that they are twins at all is not even in the published Silmarillion or The Lord of the Rings, which introduce them thus:
Bright Eärendil was then lord of the people that dwelt nigh to Sirion’s mouths; and he took to wife Elwing the fair, and she bore to him Elrond and Elros, who are called the Half-elven. The Silmarillion, ‘Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath’ The sons of Eärendil were Elros and Elrond, the Peredhil or Half-elven. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A
Here, the order in which their names appear does not help us as we get both options.
It’s important to note here that Elros did not even exist from the conception of the mythology of Middle-earth. Elrond son of ‘Eärendel’ does not appear in any of the Lost Tales, but he does show up in the 1926 Sketch of the Mythology, the ‘Earliest’ Silmarillion (one day I’ll make post summarising all these texts, but in the meantime Table 2 at the end of this bio has a lot of them!). Elros does not join him until the next version of the Silmarillion,* the 1930 Quenta Noldorinwa. Here he is added in revisions to the text. In those revisions, his name comes first (‘Elros and Elrond’).
(*When I do not italicise Silmarillion, I am referring to the whole corpus of drafts. Italicised means the published book edited by Christopher Tolkien.)
The same sort of revision is made to Annal 325 of The Later Annals of Beleriand (referred to as AB 2 and written between 1930 and 1937). Christopher Tolkien notes that his father pencilled a note to change the original passage (which only mentions Elrond) to:
The Peringiul, the Half-elven, were born to Elwing wife of Eärendel, while Eärendel was at sea, the twin brethren Elrond and Elros. The History of Middle-earth Vol. 5: The Lost Road, The Later Annals of Beleriand, Commentary on Annal 325.
Important! Christopher then notes, “The order was then inverted to ‘Elros and Elrond’.”
Note that the 1930 Quenta Noldorinwa is the main source for most of the last chapter of the published Silmarillion because Tolkien did not return to a full narrative of this section of the Silmarillion again. However, they are mentioned in the briefly sketched Tale of Years (1951-52), where it is again stated that they were twins and again they appear as ‘Elros and Elrond’.
[Added entry:] 528 [> 532] Elros and Elrond twin sons of Earendil born.* The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11: The War of the Jewels, Tale of Years, Text ‘C’
*[> 532] means this entry was revised to 532, the date you will find in the timeline on Tolkien Gateway (which defaults to the ‘most recent’ revision). Note that The Tale of Years (the published portion of which only covers the 6th century of the First Age) is actually four consecutive drafts: dates are revised and the entries become increasingly detailed, but each draft ends earlier than the last (e.g. Text A goes to FA 600, Text D ends at FA 527). Most of the timelines you find online attempt to consolidate all four drafts — but worth bearing in mind that Tolkien never finalised these dates.
Finally: upon investigating the source text for that one instance, from the published Silmarillion, of Elrond appearing before Elros, I discovered that this was actually an editorial decision. Tolkien himself, as far as I could find, always listed Elros before Elrond.
Now, this is not, as I said, definitive evidence that Elros tumbled out of the womb first. But I’d say it suggests that Elros was the elder, since I can think of no other reason to consistently list them in this order (it’s not alphabetical, for example). And this, indeed, seems to be the fandom’s general consensus.
But, strictly based on canon, you are free to put them in either order. In fact, if you are someone who only takes the published Silmarillion as canon, you don’t even have to make them twins.
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megamattzx · 1 year
Dragon Ball New Frontier's Son family tree:
Goku and Chi-Chi: happily married, and the happiest they've ever been in 100 plus years (Time Patrol kept them, their family and friends young, to keep them in peak condition for time Patrol work) All main versions of these two are together and both of them are in the Time Patrol.
Bardock and Gine: Goku's parents and Chi-Chi's in-laws, took time for Chi-Chi to get used to them being around after Goku saved them along with his counterpart Xeno Goku, two versions of both of them are mainly alive in this story.
Grandpa Gohan, Goku's adopted grandfather: despite being dead, Goku does still think fondly of him despite how long it has been since the last time they saw each other.
Raditz is Goku's older brother and Chi-Chi's brother-in-law. Goku's actually trying to reconcile with Raditz.
All versions of Gohan are the eldest son of Goku. In New Frontier, both present Gohan and future Gohan are both alive and well in the main timelines. Videl is married to the present Gohan and is Goku and Chi-Chi's daughter-in-law. Pan is their granddaughter from Videl and Gohan.
Goten in this story is one of the second eldest sons of Goku and Chi-Chi, raised alongside his adopted "twin"brother Goku Jr (alternate take of the character altogether.) Pranks his twin on a regular basis.
Son "Kakarot" Goku Jr: biological clone of Goku created through the dragon balls and first adopted son of Goku and Chi-Chi, Goku Jr is the second eldest alongside Goten and helps his parents raise the younger siblings alongside his brothers. It may be possible that Goku Jr may have an adopted son of his own. And thus following in the footsteps of his parents when they raised him as if he was their own flesh and blood despite being a pureblooded Saiyan.
Uub, Caulifla, and Kale are also surrogate children of The Son family. They train with the Son family on a regular basis and also spend a lot of time with each member. They pretty much view the Son Family as family. They were also unofficially adopted into the family as well.
Son Beat, Erito, Basaku and Viola: born after the current Dragon Ball canon, after the Dragon Team joined the Time Patrol, these quadtuplets, are the middle children of Goku and Chi-Chi. These are some of the altered Dragon Ball Heroes characters.
Son Tekka, currently the youngest biological son of Goku and Chi-Chi, Tekka is also one of the youngest of the Son siblings alongside the final adopted Son, Neko Majin Z.
Neko Majin Z, also known as Z commonly as a nickname. An artificial being created from cat DNA and Goku's DNA, Z looks like a Neko version of Goku with a mostly humanoid appearance. Most people would think he's a pet but in actuality he was adopted as an actual son.
It is possible for different versions of characters to also have other children as well that may or may not interact with Goku and Chi-Chi as well. This is just for my main three versions of the Son family tree. Other characters may be included in the future.
That also does not exclude alternate timelines where other characters may exist as part of the family as well. New Frontier does welcome OCs and alternate versions of characters. If we really think about it Goku Jr is a mix between an OC and a pre-existing character in my story.
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starthetripledevil · 10 months
Mario Legacy Challenge: Outtakes
So basically moments that happened during my Mario Legacy gameplay (1964-1990) that I took screenshots of but aren't really considered "canon" to the timeline.
Btw my headcanon ages for the premade characters from The Sims 4 don't even align with what they are in this save.
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Starting with the Robotnik household in 1964, before the Mario family even began, we have a fire starting on day 2. Colin is on fire, but fortunately, his uncle Geraldo is there to save him.
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And is Julian Robotnik protesting against (or for?) COVID-19? I'm sorry, but it's the wrong Tokyo Olympics for that!
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GeekCon is happening near Mario's new home, with his mother attending! 😮 I didn't think she even knew this place existed!
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But it's not just the Robotniks. The Vatore siblings are here too! Lilith Vatore seems to be... sleeping on a bench? Even though she's a vampire?
During the night this screenshot was taken, I also spotted Caleb and some random guy in a raccoon costume. (No, I'm not posting every instance of premade Sims appearing. The only reason why I even posted this is because Caleb and Lilith being around in this time period isn't really that implausible. But I still don't it's very likely they were in Mario's home dimension, so I'm not considering this "canon".)
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For some reason, Mario's evil grandma Jennifer keeps calling him (because she totally has his contact information and interdimensional phone calls are a totally normal thing in the 1960s). One particularly OOC call is when she wants to go on a date with Dennis Kim. Yes, the base game character. (I guess this is just what happens when you don't delete the premade characters.)
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When Colin ages up into a teen, the game seems to be making him into a furry for some reason... not shown here but he even has the Friend of the Animals aspiration. Could this have something to do with me placing the Robotnik lot in Brindleton Bay? Still, not really fitting for the character who's openly racist against Mobians.
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Regan wants to have a romantic relationship with Duane Talla, a premade Sim from Island Living (I didn't realize that at the time of taking this screenshot). Based on the timing of this, he must have only recently aged up into a young adult, since he's a teen at the start of the game. I said yes, but at least it didn't actually result in a relationship forming. (It never does, as far as I know...)
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During the Humor and Hijinks Festival (or New Year's festival to celebrate the start of 1970), Mario joins the jokesters. His enemy uncle (the main reason why he left the Robotnik family) is also there, of course on the opposing team.
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In 1972, Mario and Pauline go on a date, but are interrupted by none other than the infamous Agnes Crumplebottom, who for some reason decided to travel to a romantic dating spot in San Myshuno.
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In late 1972, Luigeena and Tony adopt a toddler.
I ended up moving her to a different household with no relationship with her previous parents. She is not considered "canon" to this series, as Luigeena and Tony's children are the biological twins born in 1973.
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And now a timeskip to 1981, when the Mario brothers have aged up into infants and Jumpman (Jumpman is the same Sim who was previously referred to as Mario, and "Mario" from now refers to his son - a similar thing also applies to his wife Pauline, who is now referred to as Lady and their daughter is Pauline) has been modifying the infant beds. While editing the apartment in build mode, one of the infant beds somehow ends up out of bounds. It can't be deleted and it's blocking the way to the Marios' home.
And so begins the bugged bed "subplot", where I spent an hour trying to resolve this glitch in order to resume gameplay.
Failed methods to get rid of the bed include going to manage worlds and back (which only causes Lady to leave work early), using a spellcaster Sim to set it on fire (it burns it somewhat, but firefighters arrive before it can be destroyed) and setting it as head (makes a duplicate). A kleptomaniac also can't swipe it if they have a low mischief skill.
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Finally, the problem is solved! Once she has mischief level 10 (which, yes, I cheated), Bianca Barov manages to steal the crib and save the legacy!
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In my main 1985 post, I included an awkward conversation between Pauline and Emmalyn. But here's one particular thing that happens: Pauline suggests that Emmalyn should get together with Kaori (who's already married) and she actually considers it! I actually tried to pick some random guy in the list of available Sims, but must have accidentally picked Kaori.
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Later on during the year, Jumpman catches Emmalyn apparently WooHooing. He asks Emmalyn if she knows Kaori (of course, Jumpman would have no reason to suspect that Kaori is there, but it's mostly just me being curious). Fortunately, she does say that she hasn't met Kaori.
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Kayla's pre-makeover look when she aged up into a teen (the light is just from aging up, it's not any CC).
During Kayla's visit in early 1988, she leaves the apartment in order to age up.
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After the whole circus plot, Harrison Gibbs (Jumpman's boss in the circus career) ended up getting married to a now grown-up Maira Watson (a premade character from Cottage Living). They live with Donkey Kong Junior and Cranky Kong (yes, I actually renamed him in-game, even though it's unlikely we're going to see him again).
Turns out Harrison also has 2 kids with random Sims (those MCCC kids generated between 2 Sims who don't even know each other), and it even connects the family tree with Lana Yee's family as well as Kayla (Pauline's best friend), Juanita (Mario's friend from school) and most of the premade characters from the packs I have.
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mercurydancer · 2 years
An Unexpected Chance Pt. 7`
THE TITLE IS GOING TO CHANGE!!! Keeping to my streak of not being able to keep with titles this segment will soon be called a Midsummer Night's Dream for reasons that will be revealed next chapter. Keep a look out for that.
That said...
On with the show
          Ahsoka was having the time of her life.
          While initially the adults had been content to just watch as they danced, eventually they had been pulled into it with the widest eyes and a reach of a hand. Anakin had shoved him towards them, and it had led to them taking his hands and following him back. Maul did not dance like the other kids that were his age. Maul understood rhythm, could feel it, and similarly had enough coordination that he could actually follow their movements.
          It…hurt somewhere in her chest, knowing that the only way he cold be doing this was… Ahsoka didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t want to think of the pain that must have been inflicted, the twisting that had been done in order to create such a perfect little weapon…
          Ahsoka knew now, she knew that that was what he was meant to be. She could see it in the sharpness to his movements, see it in the way he reached for them with such want even though he was so shy. He was very skittish around new hands, even as he desperately wanted to reach, always watching with wide eyes, even as he smiled and laughed… Maul was always alert.
          It hurt.
          But for now, she was not going to think about it, for now she was going to focus on the dance and the way that he was giggling, the way that he took her and Anakin’s hands as they swung him back and forth between them, up in the air, and back, his legs tucked underneath himself. Anakin was laughing aloud, and they swung him so high he was almost upsidedown, prompting a squeal of delight and laughter and Ahsoka caught him in her arms as Anakin let go with a wink, holding the weight to her chest and laughing aloud as he did, squeezing him close.
          Yellow eyes gleamed as they smiled at her and she smiled back with all of her teeth. He grimaced at her once, baring all of his teeth, and then allowed himself to smile. Ahsoka laughed, delight warm in her chest, momentarily driving away the pain.
          It was okay. They were here now; Maul wouldn’t get turned into a weapon. Maul would be okay.
          Maul would be okay.
          The weight in her arms yawned then, full, and long, his eyes blinking sleepily, and Ahsoka grinned. Looked like the sugar rush was finally wearing off. He reached up his little fists and rubbed at his eyes, looking at her sleepily. The music turned down slowly, and Maul blinked, looking over to D’una who smiled at him.
          “You feeling like a nap?” Ahsoka asked.
          Maul sighed. “I am tired of being tired,” he said plainly, looking at her. “I feel like I have eaten, and I have slept and that is all I have been doing.”
          “Oh?” Ahsoka asked, “and you didn’t have a milkshake at Dex’s?”
          Maul sighed. “I did,” he agreed, “but that is still eating.”
          Ahsoka laughed, Anakin stepping forward to smile at him. “Well,” he said, “do you usually sleep well?”
          Maul hesitated and then slowly shook his head.
          “How about eating?”
          Maul shook his head again, “I’m not supposed to have raw food,” he said softly. “That’s always what my Master gave me.”
          “Well,” Anakin said softly, “way I see it, you’re just catching up,” he smiled. “You gotta eat and you gotta sleep, and your body has lost a lot of both.”
          Maul took that in for a moment and then sighed, “I suppose,” he agreed. “I do not know…” he yawned again, nodding briefly in Ahsoka’s hold, and then blinking himself awake heavily. “Sleepy…”
          “Sugar-crash,” Ahsoka grinned, nodding her head knowledgeably, and Maul made a soft sound, even as his eyes drooped further, and slowly, steadily, he began to sink towards her shoulder, and Ahsoka was left holding a small boy who was dozing in her arms.
          “Thank you,” he breathed softly before he slipped into sleep, and Ahsoka felt her heart twist.
          Ahsoka looked to Anakin, who smiled at her warmly before walking her over to be by the Masters, who were smiling softly.
          “I think it’s time for a nap,” Ahsoka said, holding the little boy towards them.
          The door opened and Plo and Tiq were both standing there. Ahsoka beamed at Plo, immediately excited to see her Finder, smiling too at Tiq, who dipped his head to her with a wide smile. Plo had gone to retrieve Maul’s ship, and knowing that he was back meant that he had brought it back, too. Plo paused for a moment, taking in the small sleeping boy in her arms and Ahsoka instinctively lifted him towards Plo again, holding him in offer.
          Plo paused for a moment, his expression so still, before he reached and carefully guided the little boy into his chest, lifting his chin high so his antiox mask would not hit Maul’s head. As soon as Maul settled he lowered his chin once again, holding the small weight that snuggled closer involuntarily. Plo paused for a moment, holding very still, before softly, so softly, “oh.”
          Ahsoka beamed at him, and Plo smiled, looking to Mace, who dipped his head.
          “Before we disperse,” Tiq said softly, “Maul…left a message for us. The Council, Quinlan, Obi-Wan Kenobi and those attached to him, which I believe means Anakin, Ahsoka, and Qui-Gon, as well as myself, and Padmé Amidala.” He paused, “he would also wish for ‘whatever version of himself’ to be present as well.”
          “He knew,” Mace said, the words stiff, his chin tilting up. “He knew that something would happen.”
          “He did,” Tiq said softly, “or at least that is what I assume to be the case.” He paused, looking to D’una and Wan, and the smile on his face was warm, “thank you for doing this for him.”
          “Of course,” D’una said, the older girl tilting her chin up, her gaze firm, “Maul…he deserved better.”
          “We’re just grateful that we get to give it to him,” Wan agreed with a sharp nod. “Thank you for the opportunity, Masters,” they bowed. “Tell Maul that if he wants another dance party he can always ask.”
          “We shall,” came the agreement.
          “Maybe next time we can have more younglings around?” D’una offered.
          “Maybe after he is given the opportunity to meet them,” Mace said, “we should be doing so soon, we simply…wish for him to be more grounded first.”
          “Understandable,” Wan said, “that’s a lot of people very suddenly…”
          “It is,” Tiq agreed, “and they are…going to be very strange to him, I think,” Tiq said softly, and there was something so…sad about that, Ahsoka thought.
          Something so empty about finally being around children your own age and finding that they were nothing like you had thought. But maybe it wouldn’t be like that…maybe it would be good.
          Ahsoka could only hope.
          She could also only hope…that the message Maul left for them contained good things.
          Maul woke up slowly, finding himself once again in a bed. It was a bed he was familiar with by this point, kneading at the covers lazily as he lay there, blinking up at the ceiling. He lay there thinking, considering the idea that he was making up for lost time, that his body needed to heal… Maul had done that before.
          Maul had been forced to stay awake several times over the course of his training. His body had finally collapsed on him, and he had been unable to move, lying there still for what seemed like days… Deenine had always moved him to his room after that, lying him on the mat and leaving him there. Maul would always be woken up through something harsh, something violent, so the opportunity to just lay here…to not move…
          Maul had never experienced it before, and he found that he liked it.
          Maul wondered about the him that was, whether or not he would lay in his bed for a few minutes, or maybe even hours, just enjoying the sensation? Or whether he would be unable to…whether the memories of things being thrown into his bed, or being attacked suddenly would cause him to rise early.
          Maul hoped that he had been able to enjoy it.
          Maul now certainly did.
          After a moment he finally worked his way out of the bed, stretching himself out. Maul walked into the living room then, finding Mace sitting at the table, reading a datapad and sipping at a cup of tea. Warm brown eyes looked up, focusing on him with a slow smile, putting the padd down.
          “Hello, Maul, how did you sleep?”
          “Good,” Maul said with a nod. “I feel much better.” He paused for a moment, thinking of the giddy energy that had fueled him. He felt a little strange, but Mace pushed a glass of water towards him, and Maul took it in his hands carefully, sipping at it. The water was washing away the last of the giddy sensation, as well as the slight stuffiness that had lingered. “Thank you,” he said.
          “Of course,” Mace said. “Do you mind sitting; I would like to talk to you for a moment.”
          Maul hesitated before finally crawling up to sit on the chair before Mace, looking up at him. Maul…thought he trusted him. So far, Mace had been nothing but kind to him and his hands and his reach was always gentle. There were no burns, no hits, no breaks… Mace and everyone else in this Temple had been so…kind.
          Maul did not understand.
          Maul did not understand at all.
          Mace smiled at him gently, “how are you liking the Temple?”
          Maul thought about that for a moment, frowning. “I like it very much, sir,” he finally said softly, looking up at him. “Everyone is…they have been so nice,” he said, looking at him. “I have…liked being able to dance. And to…” he paused. “Anakin said yesterday…that I was catching up with what my body needed. That I…was tired and I was hungry a lot because I needed to both sleep and eat and I had not been able to.”
          “He is right,” Mace said with a nod. “You have been deprived of a lot. It is our job as your caregivers now to make sure that you receive what you need to grow and thrive, do you understand?”
          Maul was quiet for a moment and then slowly nodded. “But…” he said softly, “what must I do?”
          “Do?” Mace asked softly.
          “Yes,” Maul said, frowning up at him, “what do I do to earn it? What…what am I meant to be doing?”
          Mace reached his hands across the table and Maul stared at them for a moment, before finally, slowly reaching out to take them. Mace took his hands in his own, holding them so softly. “You are supposed to be learning, and you are supposed to be growing…and considering the fact that you do this every day just by existing…” Mace smiled at him.
          “But,” Maul breathed softly, “I am not worthy of…”
          Mace’s hold on his hands tightened, not enough to hurt, but enough to draw Maul’s attention. “You are worthy, Maul.”
          “But I am…” Maul swallowed, “I am nothing…”
          “No,” Mace said, and his voice was firm, but the look in his eyes was kind, “you are not ‘nothing’. You are not filth. You are a Nightbrother. You are a little boy. You are good, and you are kind, and you are polite. You are a carnivore, a wonderful little hunter, and you love so much, Maul. You have no idea how amazing it is that you love as much as you do. You have no idea how much of a gift, how much of a blessing that is. For us as much as it is for you. You are loved, Maul. Your Master was wrong. You have never been filth. You are not ‘nothing.’”
          Maul stared up at him, stared at him and felt something…
          “Would you like to see what you are? See who you are?” Mace asked softly.
          “How?” Maul asked, his voice cracking softly.
          “The Maul that I know you to be…the Maul that exists as a twenty-six-year-old… He has left a message for us. He wants for you to see it.”
          Maul took that in for a moment, and then slowly nodded. “Please,” he breathed.
          “Okay,” Mace said softly. “We’re going to be meeting with the rest of the Council. A few of them you have not met yet, but they care for you a great deal.”
          “Why have I not met them?”
          “We wanted to ease you into meeting new people,” Mace explained. “We thought that too many at once would be…overwhelming. We wanted to try and get you as comfortable as possible with us before we began taking you to meet others.”
          Maul nodded his head. It made sense and the more he thought of it the more grateful he was. Maul did not think that he wanted to be surrounded by too many people that he did not know.
          There were more hands to follow, more things to watch and that grew tiring.
          They had not…none of them had hurt him yet, and Maul trusted that Mace would keep him safe, but he had not met everyone, and he was still so…tired.
          Maul was tired.
          “I want to see who I become,” Maul said softly, looking up at him.
          “Okay,” Mace smiled. “You will be meeting more Jedi but you will also be meeting a Force-Null.”
          “A Force-Null,” Maul repeated, blinking, “who is this?”
          “Your best friend,” Mace smiled, “her name is Padmé Amidala. She is working as a Senator, and she was your best friend the entire time you were within the Temple. I believe you kept in touch after you left as well, though sparingly.”
          “She is my best friend,” Maul repeated softly. “My Best friend?”
          “Yes,” Mace said, and he squeezed the hands that he still held, “your very best.” Maul smiled slowly and carefully stood as Mace did. “Now come on,” he said. “We will join the rest in the Council Chamber. We have a message to listen to.”
          It had been years since Jedi willingly entered the Senate building looking for Padmé Amidala, but as Padmé heard the call from a voice that she recognized, she found that it was once again time. Padmé turned to find Obi-Wan approaching, bearded face pulled into a smile, his eyes twinkling in that way that she knew meant mischief. It was something he vehemently denied, for Jedi did not make mischief, but she had known Maul, and similarly had known the rest of the Jedi quite well. She knew that they did.
          She also knew that this was important.
          “Do you have a moment, Senator?” Obi-Wan asked her. “We have received a message from a friend that has requested your presence.”
          Padmé immediately knew who this was. “Is he here?” she asked, unable to help the brief burst of excitement.
          Obi-Wan hesitated, for a moment his expression shifting in a way that she could not quite place. “In…a manner of speaking,” he said. “Truly, I believe it might be best, Senator, if you come with me. You shall see for yourself what I mean.”
          Padmé frowned for a moment before turning back to Sabé.
          Sabé looked from Obi-Wan back to her before smiling, giving a brief nod and a smile. “You don’t have any meetings until later, Senator,” she said. “Plenty of time.”
          “Thank you,” Padmé said, knowing that Sabé would take care of what needed taken care of.
          Padmé followed Obi-Wan to a speeder that would take them to the Jedi Temple, making quiet small talk with a man that she had not spent as much time with after Maul had left. It was only now that she found that she perhaps regretted it more than she had thought. Maul had been a bridge that had caused her to spend more time with both Obi-Wan and…Anakin… But it was one that she had thought would have stood after he had left.
          She had not expected to find this gulf that had somehow opened without any idea of how it had gotten there.
          “I missed you,” Padmé finally said, watching as Obi-Wan blinked, turning his attention to her more directly before offering her a smile that was more honest than she had yet seen.
          “We have rather lost touch,” Obi-Wan said thoughtfully, “it has been a while.”
          “I do not know why,” Padmé said, “it is not as though our only connection was through Maul.”
          “That is true,” Obi-Wan agreed, “but…” he paused, thoughtful, “Maul has a very different approach to things. Even as a Jedi he was…very willful and had a natural gravitation towards people.” Obi-Wan paused. “An understandable gravitation,” he said softly. “We…forget at times, I believe,” Obi-Wan looked to her. “I do not mean to have you carry the friendship entirely, but if you would…reach?”
          “I will gladly,” Padmé smiled, “I know that you are meant to let go. Maul talked about it endlessly.”
          “He was always rather bad at that,” Obi-Wan smiled and Padmé laughed.
          “Well,” Padmé said softly. “It will be good to see him.”
          “Padmé…” Obi-Wan said briefly, “the only thing I ask is that you…be gentle, and be careful with him.”
          “Is he hurt?” Padmé asked, worry flooding through her.
          “No,” Obi-Wan said, “I…it is very difficult to explain, you will understand when you see him, just… Please, give him a moment to acclimate to your presence.”
          Padmé took in the request for a moment, for a moment debating on the desire to dig into what Obi-Wan was telling her… But ultimately Padmé knew that this would not be something requested without reason and so finally, firmly, Padmé nodded.
          “I will do so,” Padmé confirmed verbally. The shuttle came in for a landing and Padmé followed Obi-Wan through the Temple.
          It had been a while since she was there and she dipped her head in acknowledgement and greeting to those that acknowledged her, smiling, and waving at a few others she knew more personally. They waved back. It was good to see that in a lot of ways things had not changed. It was nice to see that they still welcomed her.
          Obi-Wan led her to the lift that she knew took them to the Council.
          Padmé supposed that made sense. She was always very careful to stay out of Maul’s business. It was a particularly…well-known secret that Maul’s current activities may not be considered particularly legal, but what Padmé did not know did not hurt and similarly she had never expected for him to talk to her about his activities when he did contact her.
          That had grown increasingly rare as time had gone on, but she had never minded. She knew the reason. She knew what he was doing.
          Even so, Padmé found herself growing increasingly more excited as they drew closer. She had missed him. After all was said and done… Padmé missed him.
          And then the lift doors opened, and she was standing before the Council Chambers.
          Padmé took a breath, standing next to Obi-Wan before it, and watched as the doors slid open.
          Immediately, Padmé took a quick stock of who all was there. The Council, naturally, some in hologram form and others physically present, but there was also Quinlan, Healer Tiq, Anakin, and…
          Padmé stared down at the smallest little boy she felt that she had ever seen.
          Padmé bit the inside of her cheek so hard she thought she was bleeding, biting back the instinctive and utterly inescapable urge to squeal, staring down at the smallest…
          It was Maul.
          It was Maul.
          His red skin covered in the fresh black of new tattoos; his small stature squared towards her in a way that she recognized. Even now…even now…the smallest boy that she had ever seen with the widest eyes… His eyes stared at her with curiosity burning in their depths, his gaze so soft, and his mouth pulled in a frown. He was standing next to Mace Windu, who was looking down at his once-Apprentice with nothing but fondness, his hand threaded through his horns in a way that Padmé had seen again and again and again.
          Affection that Maul had long been deprived of.
          Affection that Maul had needed and had never received…
          Affection that he now was getting.
          Padmé felt the tears rise to her eyes, almost helpless to stop it in the face of someone so small, someone she had loved so dearly, and someone she had long wished had received a better start, had been able to be treated with the love and affection she had as a child… Maul stared up at her, and his little face was so serious, his expression so confused, and then slowly shifting towards alarm.
          Padmé watched as he walked up to her, immediately sniffing, and wiping away her tears, lowering herself onto a knee in order to meet his gaze better.
          Maul stared at her for a moment with those wide golden eyes, and softly, “Why are you leaking? I don’t understand…”
          Padmé’s face crumpled briefly, and she was unable to help the further trickle of tears. “I’m sorry, Maul,” she said softly, wiping her face. “I’ve missed you, and it’s…very good to see you again. Even if you are a lot smaller than the last time I was with you.”
          Maul took that in for a moment and then his expression brightened briefly, “You…” he said softly, “you are my friend? You’re the one Mace said was my Best Friend?”
          Padmé smiled, “yes,” she said. “You were my best friend. And if you would like…I think I’d like you to be my best friend now, too.”
          Maul stared at her with the widest eyes, and softly, “I would like that,” he said, “but…but I do not know your name?”
          “I’m sorry,” Padmé smiled, sniffing, “my name is Padmé Amidala. You may call me Padmé.”
          “Padmé,” Maul said softly, “it is nice to meet you.”
          “It is good to meet you as well,” Padmé said, and carefully reached out her arms. After a moment, Maul stepped into them, and she found herself embracing the tiniest Zabrak, feeling those little arms as they did their best to embrace her, letting her hand come up to cradle his head, threading through his horns as her thumb traced along the shell of one ear.
          She was very aware that she was crying.
          Padmé decided that she didn’t care.
          When she finally pulled back her eyes were dry and she wiped the remains of her tears carefully, taking Maul’s little hand in her own and leading him back to Mace, who was smiling at her with fondness in his gaze.
          “Thank you all for coming,” Plo said softly, drawing their attention. “If you would all like to have a seat,” he said, waving and indicating the other chairs that had been placed around the Council Room. “We have found a Holocron containing a message that was meant for each of us…each of us, and whatever remained of himself.”
          Padmé found herself looking to the little boy that had been her friend, the little boy who was hanging upon Plo’s every word.
          “We have, of course, found Maul,” Plo said, and gestured to him, “and we are blessed by his presence. It has been a gift that we are fortunate to receive.”
          And if there were truer words that had been spoken Padmé did not know them.
          “Maul nonetheless has left a message for us all,” he said. “I believe…it is time to know what it is that he says.”
          Plo held the Holocron in the palm of his hand for a moment, bright blue and glowing, Padmé having taken a seat next to Maul who sat next to Mace. The lights were dimmed, the screens lowered to block out the sun and finally with a click and a hiss.
          The Holocron opened.
          Plo took his seat.
          And a hologram flickered to life.
          Magnified to be larger than the typical Holocron hologram, there, in the center of the room sat Maul.
          Sprawling out on what she could not tell was either a backless chair or some sort of storage trunk, Maul sat with his elbows propped up on what looked like a bunk behind him. His shirt had been removed and was likely thrown on the ground somewhere out of frame, a long metal pike resting across his lap. He looked good, Padmé reflected, taking in the fact that his horns had grown out, crowning him sharply, his shoulders broad. There was no sign of malnutrition, he looked well… Ultimately, Padmé had to smile.
          It seemed like such a deliberately artless sprawl, like he was posing for something, but Padmé knew Maul.
          Maul was the most inherently dramatic individual she had ever met…and she lived on Naboo. She could picture him debating this message for hours, days even, before finally falling into it when he could no longer avoid his conscience.
          When he could no longer avoid the fact that he was about to do something he would not come back from.
          Padmé did not cry.
          But she did miss him.
          And then her gaze trailed over to the little boy who Maul is…as he stared at the man who Maul was.
          And she felt her mouth pull into the smallest of smiles.
           Maul stared up and up and up. The Holocron image before him was big, and the one he saw there, the…the man…
          That was Maul, that was him, and he was staring at a man in complete possession. Possession of self, possession of space, possession of even them…possession of the ones that were watching. His gaze was full of intensity and Dark, even through the Holocron, staring down at where he knew that it was recording. In that moment staring up at him it was almost as though he was staring directly into his own eyes. He was staring at a future, at himself, at…at something Maul had not even known to hope for.
          He was staring at someone broad and someone strong, someone who’s gaze was full of biting Dark as well as intelligence.
          Maul had never hoped…had never dreamed that he would sit there…scarred, but whole, alive, and so…
          Maul was in awe.
          And then he began to speak…
          Mace was staring at a man that he had not seen in five years. A man that he had helped train, had watched grow…had loved like the son that he would never have. Mace had watched Maul grow from the depths of agony and pain to the heights of compassion and warmth. It was something that he was always proud of, something that he would never stop being proud of.
          Maul loved, and he loved hard. Violently almost, but it was a love that he gave without thought, that he held out with open hands.
          It was something that Mace had never thought he would see, but something he would always remain proud of. Would always be proud of this boy who had come from so much…and now sat and had come even farther than Mace had ever dreamed.
          Mace knew what was happening in the Outer Rim, perhaps better than most. He knew what his boy was doing. He knew and he was proud.
          It was something he would breathe out, but for now he would bask in the presence of the man that had been his boy, and he would rejoice in the fact that in that moment at least, sitting there in a manner that Mace had grown so familiar with over the years…in that moment at least, Maul seemed whole.
“I was not going to do this,” Maul said, and they were words that Mace knew that he would hear, but nonetheless felt a pang at the sound of them. “I was not going to…but I realized that it would be cruel not to explain. It would be cruel to not tell you what is happening…what has been happening. Not just to you…but also, I believe, to myself.”
          Mace watched as Maul shifted, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, his laced together fingers placed below his chin. “I will not go into too much detail with what it is that I have been doing. It would do nothing for any of us and could even cause…complications.” He rolled his eyes expansively in a way that suggested that they knew why.
          Mace smiled.
          He definitely did.
          “I will…however…” Maul said softly, “talk about where I have…failed.”
          Mace stilled.
          “The one problem. The one thing that I still continue to find that I am unable to solve…is the question of the place of my birth. It is the question of Dathomir.” Maul paused, “forgive me,” he said softly, “as I had said I was debating on sending this. I found that if I did not make this message now I never would and this would be…cruel, and yet I was not prepared. How to condense a problem that has hung over me my entire life into words…”
          Maul sat back, thinking and finally, softly, “Dathomir would not be a problem, should not be a problem, except for the Witches. I have broken so many shackles, freed people, families, worlds…and I cannot free Dathomir. There are two reasons for this. One a frontal assault has already proven to be disastrous. All of the Brothers, all of us are born in the ichors and immersed in the ichors. We are born in their hold and this…is what they use to control. It is in all of us, it is in me!” Maul fell silent, closing his eyes. “This magick that they use to control is also in me. It is likely…that I could still be For Use.”
          “Oh,” Padmé gasped, “oh no…”
          Mace concurred.
          “Naturally, the question is then how to remove myself from use? How do I…strip something that is interwoven into the very fabric of my being? What can I do to free my Brothers?” Maul fell silent for a moment. “I have tried…many things. As I said before…the fact that the ichors are in my very blood and bone is only the first problem. The second is finding where to place them if I do free them. My first thought was the possibility of finding another Tribe on Dathomir…I learned…the hard way that apparently the Tribe I am from is…” Maul paused, giving a soft hum, “shall we say…fringe?”
          Maul laughed then and the sound was violent and almost unhinged, he bit it off, leaning back, “Extremist may be more likely,” he hissed, “though this seems to be the default state of Dathomir. I attempted to find another Tribe. I tried to find someone who would help… Upon recognizing me as being from the other Tribe, as being a Nightbrother…they attempted to kill me.” Maul gave an expansive shrug, waving a hand, “needless to say…I have given up the idea of finding help upon the planet of my birth. So, I began to look elsewhere…but where can I put them…where can they go if they will never truly be free from the Sisters? One or two may perhaps not be missed…but five? Ten? What happens if I manage to remove my Tribe entirely, would they come? And what would stop them if they did?”
          Maul sighed roughly, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I cannot…do this.” He said finally. “As I am, with what I have…I cannot do this. I cannot risk a direct assault for I do not know if there is a way to bind me before I even get close. Similarly, I cannot ask for help from another party…it has happened before. We all know what happened.”
          The thought of Titus, of the Brothers forced to kill Brothers, forced to destroy their only chance at rescue…
          “I therefore…began to seek other means, other…avenues. I researched deeper into the depths of Sith Lore, what exists of it…” he trailed off for a moment, his voice growling low, and then softly, “and I have found something…interesting.”
          Maul produced then the Holocron that Mace recognized. The one that he had seen shattered where his Apprentice had dropped it.
          “This is…old,” Maul said softly. “And it is one of a kind. There are no others that exist like it, for not only was this made by a Sith…it was made by a Nightsister.” Maul ran his fingers over it, and Mace could see the brief stirring of something…other, something that was not seen in a normal Holocron, something…Dark. “It took me a very long time to find it…and even longer to figure out what it was for and how to use it.” Maul’s mouth twisted, “I was forced to find Nightsisters that have left, that foreswore what they had become and left. It was something that I did not want to do for in some cases they are perhaps more hunted than a Nightbrother that has escaped. They are deeper in hiding and are often…violent towards the ones that may discover them. Though…they were much more willing to help me as soon as they saw what and who I was.”
          Maul’s mouth twisted slightly, and he heaved a brief sigh. “I have therefore learned what this is, and indeed how to use it. Though…”
          There was a pause.
          “I am…
           Maul’s grip on the Holocron trembled briefly before he tightened his grip and his gaze rose to theirs once again. “There have been others that have used it before. Others that have…tried to bend it to their wills. But this does not work through Will. It is not like the Force, it is more…like Magick.” Maul pulled a brief face, “I have learned more than I ever wanted about Magick. I have learned how to dabble with it, how to call it for my use… But I have also learned that with many things that change much, that twist things from their natural state…the price that must be paid is steep…”
          Oh no… Mace felt something twist inside of him, staring up at his boy that he knew…he knew… Maul would pay it. Maul would do it.
          “I will of course, be willing,” Maul said.
          Mace closed his eyes.
          “It is the only way,” Maul said, and his voice was quiet. “But the question remains what is the price that I pay. What is the price, and what can I do?” Maul frowned, “I have learned…that I cannot remove the ichors themselves, they are within our beings to the point that stripping the ichors would be to destroy us. But I can remove their control. I can remove their ability to touch the ichors within us, to give us the ability to run and to run and to never come back. So, I have been working with Iridonia. They have agreed to host several Nightbrothers, they are ready, they have ships that will take them, and similarly I have spoken to some members of my Tribe…never in person. But I have left messages and they have responded. There are many that are willing to leave, and they are simply…waiting for my signal.” Maul hesitated. “I am going to give it. But I have not yet told you the price.”
          There was a silence.
          “As in all things…the price varies,” Maul said softly, “depending on what it is that you ask of it. And so…what I ask is this, what I wish – from the deepest depths of my heart is this – freedom for my Brothers and freedom for myself. But this freedom…must be earned. Must be fought for, must be pulled from the grasp of the oppressor…and therefore it is something that must be once again…experienced.” Maul huffed a brief laugh. “There have been…others that have used this power. As I said before this is old…and the first I have ever heard of its use…was in the records of Darth Nihilus.”
          Maul’s face pulled into a smile then, twisted, almost bitter, and Mace found his eyes closing.
          “It was not his use,” Maul said, his voice quiet, “it was another’s. Another Sith, another Sister…and she said it was meant to grant them immortality. It was to grant them victory.” Maul tilted his head slightly, “for those of you that have gone to Malachor you will know that the dead of that planet are not silent. They live. And their forms are frozen in ash and in time. They gained their immortality…for a price.”
Maul’s smile had not shifted, still bitter so twisted when mace found himself looking again, watching his once-Padawan as he lazed against his bunk, staring at the Holocron in his lap.
           “There was another use of it before then, of course,” Maul said, “and there was a similar sort of twist, a similar sort of catch. But due to this similarity I believe…that I can guess what sort of thing will be done.” He stretched then, languid, unhurried, but the yawn he gave was the bared-teeth display of a nervous carnivore. “I will either be returned to the coma that I was in following my realization of what I was…what had been done to me… Or I shall return to the one point in my life when I was truly and completely oppressed and kept and unable to escape. And this…I believe is what will happen. For I am not afraid of that coma. I remember what it was like, and I remember still that…you took care of me. You were there for me, and I can…I can trust you to be so again. There is only one point in my life that I have felt true fear…and that was when I screamed the first time. No one answered me then. I have…hope, I believe…that you will answer this time. I have hope…that you will find me.”
          There was another pause.
          “I have missed you,” Maul said, and his voice was soft, “I have missed you…and if this is the last time that I speak to you as me…as who I grew up to be, I want you to know that I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. And I have thought of you every day.” He paused, “and if this is not the last time you see me, if there is a way to come back from what I was…then you will forget I said anything and I feel only annoyance and boredom towards you.”
          Mace laughed, unable to help it, a sound that they all fell into, happy and warm. It broke through the tears that were still running down his face.
          “To the me that is…” Maul was quiet for a moment, and Mace found his gaze turning to the small boy that was staring up at him and…and his eyes… “To the me that is, know that you were loved. Know that you are loved. Know that hugs are not a weakness and know that your Master lied. Know that you can trust the Jedi and the hands that reach for you. They are not trying to hurt you…they are trying to catch you. It will be hard sometimes; it was hard for me…but know that you can let them catch you. They will not let you fall. And know…that I love you, too. I will do my best to make sure that you are found.” Maul paused for a moment, and then gave a soft sound. “And now…I say goodbye. I hope it is not for the last. I believe…that the Magick wears. That there are…ways for the enchantments to break. Do not look for them. Generally, this does not end well…but there is hope.” Maul laughed, “I do not know what it is, or how it can be done, but you have managed to surpass all of my hopes and dreams before. Maybe you can do it again.”
          Maul gave a heavy shrug. “And alas, farewell.” Maul was quiet for a moment. “Look to Dathomir.”
          And then he was gone.
          And they were left in the Dark.
          The silence was only broken by the sudden patter of tiny feet. Mace stood, turning towards the door, watching as they were shoved open by a tiny figure that spared Padmé a single glance when she called out to him, and then kept running. Mace was only aware of the fact that he was running when he heard a loud, “WAIT!”
          They paused, and Mace realized they had all stood, and then he turned to Tiq, who was breathing hard, having raised his voice in a way that he usually did not do. He stood there for a moment and then softly, “Give him time. Give him…give him time. Some of us should follow him, but from a distance. We do not…he has had a history of hurting himself. It did…start early,” Tiq’s face pulled into a grimace. “We do not want to overwhelm him.”
          “I will go,” Mace said softly.
          “As will I,” Plo said, straightening, and Tiq nodded.
          “If you need me, call. You can feel him, follow him,” Tiq said softly. “Give him time to process.”
          They nodded and Mace left, Plo on his heels.
          They had a little boy to find...
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lokiitty · 3 years
https://screenrant.com/loki-show-sylvie-romance-incest-backlash-director-response/  Okay but this is super weird because... For a start she pretty much says the fans interpretation of it as incest isn’t invalid and for a second her own interpretation of it doesn’t really explain why its not incest in her eyes and furthermore it contradicts a lot.  We’re told countless times that Loki and Sylvie are “”the same.”” Shes literally a variant of him. I would have been content to NOT see it as incest if they hadn’t made sure to let us know (in easter egg form) that Sylive and Loki share like a genetic origin. She doesn’t come from some way out alternate universe where everything is different. She comes from a sister universe where Loki was born female. She has the same parents as Loki and if her timeline wasn’t pruned she would have the same family. 
The only other thing that makes her “different” from Loki is obviously the fact that her upbringing was different after the TVA orphaned her and she had to raise herself. That doesn’t change her origins. She can’t just rename herself and suddenly shes not Loki anymore and changing her first name doesn’t change the fact that she still has the same parents as Loki.  Like Id love to see this as not incest too but when you put them both down on paper as the children of Laufey its hard to ignore.  Like if her family didn’t get pruned imagine this: Frigga your son is in a relationship with your daughter. Thor your brother is in a relationship with your sister. Lauefy your biological daughter is in a relationship with your biological son.  ?????? But this is suppose to be ignored because they’re from a different universe even when the universes only real difference is one is male and the other is female????  There is no obviously drastic difference that indicates a different origin like what is the case with Alligator Loki and maybe even boastful Loki.  I mean you could at least argue boastful Loki might have had different parents to Main!Loki or at least ONE different parent. Alligator Loki is a no brainer because hes a completely different species.  On top of ALL THIS we were told multiple times in canon that Loki and Sylvie’s relationship was wrong. Sick. Twisted. Demented. Unnatural. Ect. This obviously comes from the characters recognising that Sylvie and Loki are in fact too closely related to be trying to hook up. Though they’re variants of the same person they’re also basically boy-girl twins. 
Having different personalities and different goals and upbringings does absolutely nothing to change that. Me and my brother have different personalities, goals and even upbringings in places because he lived with my mum for a portion of his life and I didn’t. But guess what?? We’re still siblings LMAO. Like I’m sorry her explanation is UTTERLY BIZZARE & makes NO SENSE.  Get me wrong I don’t think Loki & Sylvie's “”romance”” is sustainable. I wouldn’t think it was even if it was written better. I don’t see it lasting and in fact I kind of think its already ended. But this is still so weird. And the way the canon handled this ““romance”“ was so forced and half hearted. 
I seriously cannot get my head around why it was ever there. Like I thought maybe it was another part of the writing team trying to indicate to us that it was wrong but with Kate saying this now I’m just ????  Also don’t like to think Loki would just casually engage in incest / any cest period and before anyone sprouts shit about the Horse Story A) Did not happen in the MCU and B) the whole horse story is born of a specific sort of homo/transphobia that existed in ancient Nordic culture, do some research. But like ??? if they could give me a SOLID understandable reason for why its not BASCIALLY incest I’d eat it up bc IF I HAVE TO HAVE SYLKI as canon ID REALLY love for it to at least not be Incest.  Then maybe I could be “”okay”” with it. Id still have my problems with it because theres just a LOT of awkwardness even outside of the too-close-to-siblings for comfort, but it wouldn’t be a completely untouchable relationship. You could imagine it being OKAY if it was written better and not seemingly used to censor  Lokis queerness but. 
Like really the least they could have done was been like “Sylvie had totally different parents”. Its an AU. Sylvie's parents could have been anyone. Any frost giants could have stood in Lafuey’s place. If its a different universe the royal Jotun family could have been totally different. But no, no one wanted to use their brains for ten seconds and just rushed together this cringe m/f presenting romance with no deeper thought because yawn. Obviously Frost Giant Laufey doesn't have to be your father for a Loki to be a Loki (again see Alligator Loki )  And thats another reason why I’m pissed with this whole series. Because its just sloppy with little thought for anything. Now those of us who arent painfully straight and arent 2012 era fangirls who are just seeing Sylvie as a self-insertion vessel to vicariously live out their wishful fantasies of having Loki fall hopelessly in love with them, have to sit here and bang our heads on the wall bc none of it makes sense and its tragic for both characters and Loki’s actual fanbase.  Just.
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Describing it as being like home is actually pretty accurate yeah.
And YES! I am totally willing to talk about my modern AU.
I've been calling it the Adoption AU because Time ends up adopting all of the boys. It mostly started as, I saw an edit for a tweet someone did with Wars and Wild that involved Taco Bell (cannot remember the blog or post for the life of me though), and so I wrote a thing about Warriors sneaking out of his university dorm to pick up Wild, who snuck out the window despite his broken arm, and then got extorted by Legend in exchange for silence at 3am.
This was followed by a fic where Groose decided spray painting a public building was a good idea and got himself and Sky arrested, set earlier in the timeline.
So then I made a timeline. Twilight is Time and Malon's biological son, and he found Wild on the side of the road one day (Wild's backstory involves a bad car wreck and an underground hospital, but no conspiracy bullshit. Yet). Wild has no memory, so they keep him. Wild brings home Legend, who was told his uncle died at school before a holiday. They then also keep Legend. Malon finds Four in her barn one morning for complicated reasons, and they keep him too. Twilight finds Warriors, who is in his class, hiding in an alley one day after he ran away from an abusive home and brings him home too. SS Impa (who I've nicknamed Shield because there are enough prominent Impas here that they should get nicknames too) is a social worker who's trying to find Sky a home and has run out of options, and turns to Time, who has a record of successfully housing 'unhousable' youths, and asks if he can take one more. He can. Wild finds Hyrule and brings him home because 'Rule needs a shower even more than Wild does. Hyrule stays. Wind's grandma ends up with Wind and his sister but can't financially take care of both and so Wind ends up with the boys and everyone is +1 Grandma.
Twilight has a fic detailing how he knows Midna and Dusk and I ended up shooting him (oops) but at least their social project gets handed in on time.
Then I started hashing out Time's backstory and suddenly this AU had plot. And organized crime. And a conspiracy. And secret societies.
The summarized version is that the gems from OoT are like, Idk what they do yet. Haven't gotten to a point where I need to figure that out yet. But they are Important and have to be carefully guarded. The Great Deku Tree (just called Deku because he's not a tree here) was Time's foster father before Ganondorf killed him. Also, Ganondorf is Deku's half brother. Because. However Time 'stole' the Emerald and he and Navi ran until OoT Impa (Sage) and Lullaby found them. So Time got adopted into Lullaby's family. Ruto inherited the Sapphire from her mother who also died from mysterious circumstances, and Darunia has the Ruby. Lullaby got the Ocarina from her late paternal grandmother.
Then Ganon finds them and tries to steal the Emerald from Time, so Lullaby goes looking for help and thus finds the sages. Saria is an anonymous hacker who uses the screen name 'Kokiri'. Time reveals he didn't steal the Emerald, he was Deku's heir, and then Navi goes missing. Time is home worried enough that he's physically sick, and Ganon decides to try and attack the home. Only Lullaby's family is Olde Money, and they live in a big, old manor, so Lullaby as Sheik decides to play 'Home Alone' with the secret passages in the walls and they piss off Ganon because when did that brat get a sheikah bodyguard??? Sage and Rottla (Lullaby's mother, who is fully sheikah as well) rush home from a thing and Kokiri is running a play by play watching the security cameras.
I pull in my headcanon that Time was killed in the Downfall Timeline by getting impaled on Ganon's tusk and Ganondorf stabs him with the tusk of a mounted boar head and then Sheik shows up to protect his brother, and then Mama gets home and is not happy to find this man in her home attacking her kids. Time is fine, but Navi stays missing. (She's alive tho.)
Also, Time's foster dad was the last leader of a secret society known as The Order of The Lost Woods, and Time learns this upon meeting Tatl, who gets him sucked into another event that would probably make a good action movie. I have thought too much about the Order and it's hierarchy, but what's important here is that Time ends up with a standing job offer and Tatl and he remain friends and we find out how I fit FD into this AU. It's not pretty. This is where Time loses his eye too.
The AoC came out and I added that Link in as Wild's twin brother and he shows up during the main plot.
Which starts with Twi getting kidnapped. (I'm not really meaner to him than the others, I swear, he's just the most logical choice to be Time's heir. Which he is. He doesn't know this though.)
So he's kidnapped by Ganondorf, who broke out of jail, Zant, who shot Twi in highschool, and Ghirahim, who has some history with Sky I haven't fleshed out yet and a very public rivalry with Warriors over twitter. About six weeks later Sage finds him in an abandoned warehouse (because of course) with a shackle on his left arm and a lot of new injuries. He ends up fine, but he tells Time later in the hospital what happened and he's both message and messenger and Time is this close to just committing murder. Tatl talks him down.
Somewhere here is the half finished fic where I introduce AoC Link as Luke/Knight, and this is as far as I've plotted thus far.
Other tidbits: Wild and Lullaby/Sheik are both genderfluid, Lullaby/Sheik married Ruto, Wild has a very popular YouTube channel, Twi does drag racing sometimes, Sky has a pet bird, Four has DID to explain how the Colours are here too, and Wolfie exists in the form of a random wolf-dog Wild found and brought home that Legend somehow convinced half the family was Twilight. Also, Warriors has somehow befriended an entire sorority and he doesn't know how this happened.
This... got long. As you can see I have a lot of thoughts about the Adoption AU. It's gotten a bit away from me, I'll admit. This went from 'Wild does stunts on his motorbike and keeps breaking bones but somehow not the bike' to 'Twilight got kidnapped and Time is the target of a mafia that Ganon runs and also maybe killed a man once' and I don't know how that happened. Also, this is the condensed version of the summary. My actual summary/outline is much, much longer than this. So if there's any detail you want more on, feel free to say so and I'll happily go into more detail (there are so many things I didn't even mention....)
And yes, Robbie having a bong is very important to my best friend, for some reason. He has one in a modern AU and he probably invented one in canon. I happen to agree that this makes sense for his character, if anyone would invent a bong in LoZ it's Robbie (this is such an anticlimactic end to this ask after the stuff about the modern AU...)
Also, sorry for the long ass ask. I genuinely don't know how to condense the Adoption Au down any further. There's a lot of important plot beats to cover, and I still skipped things.
oh my GOD???? if you ever write and post this somewhere id love to read it, the level of "crazy" conspiracy/action movie elements implemented sound sosososo cool, from Ganondorf being Deku's half brother to trying to "send a message" via Twi and- just- all of this is SO good.i sat here and reread this ask like 3 times as if that would magically spawn more info about it ahaha
there's so much to unpack here but it's honestly so worth it i love every single detail!!! i can imagine the actual outline being way longer, nad honestly that just makes me the more excited/curious about all that might be missing from this ask - i cant believe it started with Wild and Wars going to Taco Bell of all things
also i can totally see Robbie making a bong, no matter the setting or AU. fits him a lot I'd say
and dont worry about long asks!! i adore opening up my askbox to see one ask take over the entire thing, it makes me really happy aha
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rkin413 · 3 years
All 77 of my current AUs
I’m probably going to instantly regret making this post but it’s four in the morning and also I desperately want to talk to people about these things.
This is just. Copypasted from my AU list page. Some stuff might be outdated in a week. Who knows. Not me.
Star Vs The Forces of Evil:
Monster Carvers (link) - Main Star Vs AU. Stomco endgame + Tom stays with Marco + Star raised by Monsters (specifically Buff Frog). The titular antagonists were originally going to disappear after the prologue what the heck happened???
Pretty Cure vs the Forces of Evil (link) - Exactly What It Says On the Tin, Pretty Cure x Star Vs.
unnamed Pirate AU - Star Butterfly has a perfectly nice, unbearably boring life as a high-class lady, with little to do other than wait to be married to her arranged fiancé that she’s never even met. A week before her wedding she sneaks on board a shipping vessel in the hopes of having an adventure. She gets a little more adventure than she bargained for when the ship is attacked by pirates.
“"Cannon”“ - A cannon-adjacent AU that started as a crossover with Monster Carvers
unnamed Infinity Train AU feat. human!Star and human!Tom.
unnamed Post-Cleaved AU featuring forced humanizations, amnesia, and one small time hiccup. Also Dave and Wrathmelior are missing, so that sucks for Tom.
unnamed AU where Marco goes to live with Tom for a while instead of Star during Lint Catcher
How to Train Your Dragon:
Outsiders (link) - Main HTTYD AU. Instead of watching the entire Berk fleet sail off to their dooms with Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid free the arena dragons and take Toothless while he’s being brought to the ship and then they all get the heck out of dodge. Dagur accidentally set himself adrift with Heather back when they were both small. Snotlout learns the hard way that being the Heir/responsibility kind of really sucks actually??? Stoick has to deal with his son going rouge. And Gobber and the Berk Teenagers have to deal with Stoick and Snotlout respectively.
Modern Riders/Time Travel AU - Modern!Hiccup is dragged by his cousin into an unwanted camping trip with the other riders and one electrical storm later, they find their cell phones aren’t working any more. Also are those flipping dragons?! On Berk, Stoick and the other vikings are shocked to find a group of teenagers in the woods who bear a shocking resemblance to some of the members of a dead generation of children.
Unsevered Bonds - Modern Riders (minus Hiccup) meet a time displaced Hiccup who recognize them as his reincarnated friends, even if they don’t remember their former lives.
How To Train Your Lusus - Everyone are trolls on Alternia. Hiccup is a brownblood who’s probably the only troll in existence to get a second Lusus (Toothless) after his first one (Stoick) is killed. Astrid is an oliveblood that Hiccup is flushed for, Fishlegs is a yellowblood, Snotlout is a blueblood, the Twins, Dagur, and Heather are all purplebloods. Dagur killed both his and Heather’s lusus so now he’s trying to take care of her even though she absolutely hates him (and not in a black way), and he had an unrequited pitch thing for Hiccup at one point before they flipped pale (and are actually Moirails now). That’s pretty much all I have for this one.
unnamed Harry Potter AU - Does not actually take place at Hogwarts. Everyone attends Dumstrang (possibly) and the topic everyone avoids is Care of Magical Creatures, because the local Dark Lord is Drago Bludvist. Main trio is Hiccup, Snotlout (Pureblood cousins), and Fishlegs (Muggleborn)… somehow.
Dragon Gang (link) - Mob/Mafia AU set in the vaguely 1920s in a Fake Country so no one can call me out on inaccurate geography.
Rebuilding Bridges - Set in a Multiverse where RTTE and The Hidden World are mutuality exclusive. (Pt.1): After dealing with Drago but before dealing with Grimmborn, Hiccup and Toothless once fought a witch intent on ‘harvesting’ dragons. Now ten years after the dragons have left her apprentice seeks revenge and kidnaps Zephyr and Nuffink, and a panicked Hiccup and Astrid are contacted by the Very Retired and Very Much Done With This Kid witch. Meanwhile in the RTTE-verse, The Dragon Riders only just got back from informing Berk about Johann’s treachery, when some crazy lady spontaneously appears in the middle of the Edge with two terrified children she intends to feed to dragons. Yeah, that’s not happening.        (Pt.2, spoilers for this AU I guess???): Zephyr and Nuffink and their parents have safely returned to New Berk, but their world has been shaken by what was and could have been. Zephyr and Nuffink, after bonding with Dagur in the other timeline, decide they want to try and help him in theirs. This was perhaps not their best idea. Meanwhile, the Nightlights escape the watchful eye of their parents to go exploring outside the Hidden World, and quickly meet the hatchlings of their dad’s brother! (so… their cousins, then?)
Something Wild (name subject to change) - Several years after Berk (along with most of the Archipelago) is attacked and taken captive by a far more advanced foe, Stoick is able to free most of his people but what he finds when they get manage to regroup back to their island is less than a relief- Berk ravaged and their elderly and children, left behind by their captors, missing. To make matters worse, the dragons are still out there, now with some kind of devils riding and aiding them. Now Stoick, Gobber, and the rest of the people of Berk must find safety and a way to fight back against they’re new foe, find what happened to those who are missing, and figure out who these dragon riders are and whether they’re friend of foe (gee i wonder where the Berkians went and who the dragon riders are golly what a mystery). (aka the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au i keep trying to create)
Lost (name subject to change) - Alternate attempt at the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au. Several years before the events of the movie could happen, a raid on Berk not by dragons, but by other people, leads to the destruction of an entire generation when the raiders manage to capture the Teenagers of Berk and ship them away. While in captivity, they meet and ultimately befriend the dragons that in another life would be their partners and together they all escape. Unfortunately, they’re Thor-knows-where, and with no one they can trust (or understand) except each other, getting back to Berk might take a while…
The Lego Movie:
Hero with Two Faces of Yellow - Another ‘Emmet and Rex share a body like Good Cop Bad Cop’ AU
Peacemaker AU - Main Lego AU. About a year after the Duplo aliens attack, Emmet is attacked and presumed dead, but he’s actually been taken by General Mayhem to meet Queen Watevra Wana'bi, who remembered and missed her ‘father’. Later, Rex ends up jumping into an entirely different timeline by accident (this one) and decides to try and play the long game by befriending Emmet, who’s now living in the Systar System. That probably won’t work out for him the way he wanted.
Miraculous Ladybug
MiracuClass Knows AU - Prior to Volpina, each member of the MiracuClass finds out the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just sort of collectively become their secret keepers. Inspired by Epiphanies by PFTones3582 on Fanfiction.net.
Miraculous Sburb AU - The MiracuClass play Sburb and end up dragging a good chunk of Paris in with them when they enter the Medium. Marinette is a Light player, Adrien is a Doom player, and that’s all I got. Gabriel probably definitely dies.
One Is Silver and the Other Gold - aka the Marikimno Brot3 AU. I headcannon that Marinette, Kim, and Nino were close friends as little kids that drifted apart a few years prior to the start of the show. In this AU, that never happened. Also, Alya becomes Adrien’s best friend instead of Nino, and Nathanel becomes their friend too somehow? (someone help Alya, she’s an extrovert and both her friends have social skill levels in the single digits.)
The Ladybug and the Monkey - Main Miraculous Ladybug AU. My take on the ‘Fu chooses Kim to be the second Miraculous wielder instead of Adrien’ AU that I’ve somehow seen multiple times.
Sleeper Miraculous -  AU where instead of the Miraculous being handed out, they’re transported magically to their wielders after they’ve proved themselves somehow. The Miraculous still need to be ‘activated’ by the Guardian to be used on either a permanent or temporary basis, so Ladybug still has to go to Master Fu at first before she becomes the new Guardian, but she knows literally none of the other members of Team Miraculous’s identities. They have a chat group, too, where Ladybug updates team members on whose Miraculous she’s going to activate, and both Chloe and Kagami never blow their identities. Contains both mild Classmates + (even milder)Adrien salt and sugar. (define irony: wanting to punch someone in the face for being an a-hole only to realize that said a-hole is you).
Miraculous! Pretty Cure! - Another Pretty Cure AU. Yep.
Mesapia AU - Butterfly!Marinette AU with a few twists - 1) instead of just facing the villainous user of the Ladybug Miraculous, all of the Miraculous have been lost to villains (save for the rabbit). Marinette frequently empowers her classmates (+Adrien, who’s still under house-arrest in this AU, Luka, and Kagami) to fight the Miraculous Villains, who are also all fighting each other; and 2) This isn’t so much a Kwami Swap as a Kwami Scramble, no one uses their canon Miraculous here (except for Fu briefly, and Emilie had the peacock before what happened to her)!
Boys vs Girls AU (name subject to change) - Marinette vs Lila with the Boys (+Kagami) on Marinette’s side and the Girls on Lila’s.
Labyrinth - Almost the entirety of the MiracuClass go missing (+Lila, Luka, & Kagami, -Chloe) and on a related note, eight very young children wake up in an ever-shifting, monster-filled underground labyrinth and grow up together. And two of them have some special, appearance-shifting jewelry…
Mad Gabriel - Miraculous Ladybug x Mad Father, starring Adrien as Aya, Marinette as Dio, Gabriel as Alfred Drevis, Nathalie as Maria, and everyone else as the doctor’s victims (Lila is Ines).
Miraculous Royal AU - A fantasy AU starring the MiracuClass (shocker) spread out across three fantasy kingdoms.
Quartz Butterfly AU - AU in which Jagged Stone takes the role of (a significantly nicer but still villainous) Hawkmoth as Quartz Butterfly, with Penny taking on Mayura’s role as Songbird. (yes i know peacocks aren’t songbirds SHHHH).
MiracuTrio AU - AU based on fanofanimation’s submission to terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus, where Kim becomes a permanent member of the team after Party Crasher.
Mitterlicht - horror-ish AU inspired partially by various horror games, Lucidstuck, and Underbright (no, really).  After receiving their Miraculous for the first time, the temporary heroes start having less-than-restful nights. Things quickly go from bad to worse when fragmented, panic-inducing dreams turn into nightly (and solitary) trips into a dark world full of monsters that want to take something referred to just as their ‘light’- a bright light that acts as both a beacon to the hostile creatures and the only way to return to consciousness every night -which just so happen to be in the exact spot (and in many cases, are also vaguely the same shape) of their Miraculouses.
Mirakatsu - Aikatsu AU
Ladybug: Don’t Deal With Hawkmoth - (aka the result of listening to the Cuphead Rap Battle 50 million times) Cuphead AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir have to go around beating up akumas and collecting their butterflies to avoid getting akumatized by Hawkmoth.
Miracle Thieves - a phantom/gentleman thief au where Marinette and Adrien (who have been thieves for years) unwittingly steal a pair of magical artifacts and decide to team up afterwards. Includes Fox!Nino, Journalist-determined-to-expose-their-identities!Alya, and possibly Tiger!Markov.
unnamed AU inspired by To Live a Normal Life
unnamed Harry Potter AU
Merged Sessions AU - An AU where our favorite trolls and the Beta Kids are all part of the same session
Same Side of the Scratch AU - AU where the Beforus Trolls replace the Alternian ones, and when both sessions get scratched the Alternian Trolls end up in communication with the Alpha Kids
Same Side, Same Session AU - Combines both of the two immediately above AUs, The Beta Kids and Beforus Trolls have a session together that fails and gets Scratched, then the Alternians and Alphas play the game together while the pre-scratch players (all alive) travel to their session and have Meteorstuck Shenanigans.
Relief Was Just a Dream (name subject to change) - aka the mandatory Troll Rebellion AU, inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on A03. Sweeps after Karkat and Feferi are (seemingly) culled, Ace Legislacerator Terezi Pyrope -one of the best despite knowing she’s one wrong move away from being culled for her disability- is called in to investigate a series of traitorous attacks on more and more ships. Weirdly, the trolls seen most in the attacks don’t even seem to exist, all seem to bleed a painfully familiar cherry red, and have powers that even Her Imperial Condescension doesn’t seem to have. (not a no-game au)
Freetime AU (name subject to change) - AU where Bro leaves Dave on Dad Egbert’s doorstep, and Dave and John grow up as brothers.
Pokemon Network - Hub lives Pokemon AU with at least two protagonist teams. Team A: Lan, Hub, Mayl, Dex & Yai in Kanto. Team B: Roll, Glyde, Gutsman (Gus) in Kalos. What are Chaud and Protoman/Blues up to? ~Secrets~
Sailor Moon:
Inverse Corruption - When Beryl scours the Earth looking for her reincarnated generals she fails to find them, but she does manage to find the senshi instead. Sailor Moon has to unknowingly face the very girls who were supposed to protect her, fighting side-by-side with the Shitennou instead. (the boys are highschoolers to the girls middleschoolers)
Hazbin Hotel:
Infernal Relations - Why did Lucifer and Lilith wait so long to have a child? Simple; they didn’t. Unbeknownst to Charlie, her parents both had and lost a child thousands of years before she was born, a fact that will have far more of an effect on her hotel than she could possibly realize (even if she had known).
Apprentice Charlie AU - AU where Charlie gets into a fight with Lucifer and leaves before she ever thinks to create her hotel and Alastor ends up finding amusement by taking on an apprentice. (inspired by Helluva Teacher by Sol_Victoria on A03)
Phineas and Ferb:
Cursed Cats AU - AU based on the song Black Cats of Halloween. Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are cursed by a demon who turns them into black cats, save for on Halloween night. They’re then thrown into a world of magic and have to find each other, their way back home, and a way to break their curse, preferably in that order.
Online Gamer AU - no one dies/non-despair AU where no one is a super/ultra highschool level anything, no one has met each other in person, and they all play Among Us together. Junko always dies first and she’s low-key going to hurt someone over it.
unnamed AU where the murders of the killing game happen differently (aka the mandatory dr au)
unnamed AU inspired by ask-the-dr-reset-kids - After an incident that forces Hope’s Peak to temporarily close it’s doors, Class 78 all transfer to a different school. Junko is in jail, Mukuro is coping, Izuru is looming somewhere, the Ultimate Despair are waiting like sleeper agents to cause the The Most Despair Inducing Event in History, and Makoto is straight up not having a good time (and has very good reasons not to tell anyone).
unnamed AU where both Class 77 and Class 78, including both Junko and Mukuro but without Chiaki end up playing the Killing Game together.
Double Mastermind AU - similar to the above, both Class 77 and Class 78 wake up one day with no memories of their school lives. They’ll have to work together, somehow, to find out where they are, how to get back to civilization, and how to get back their memories. Meanwhile in the control room, Makoto and a sort-of-but-not-really-reformed Junko are working together as the Masterminds behind the mystery. Well, Makoto’s working, anyway. Junko just kind of wants to give Makoto daily migraines. Contains Junko/Makoto hateshipping.
unnamed Taka Lives AU where instead of switching roles with Hiro during the third trial he just manages to survive the murder attempt. He does not, however, get out unscathed…
another unnamed Taka Lives AU where Makoto, at Kyoko’s urging, decides to stay with Kiyondo the night he would have died, throwing a huge wrench into the would-be-blackeneds’ plans.
Asassain!Makoto AU: The Killing School Life - an au where Makoto is secretly the Ultimate Assassin.
Assasain!Makoto AU: The Killing Mystery - au that’s basically the one directly above but takes place in a non-despair (or maybe averted despair would be more accurate) timeline. After receiving and turning down a job to assassinate a certain up-and-coming politician, The Black Mask (Makoto) alerts his would-be victim, an old former friend, that someone is out for his life.
Remnants of Hope AU - AU that takes place after the end of School Mode, with the class not being picked up by the future foundation right away. (does this. does this actually qualify as an au i’m not sure.)
unnamed Class Swap AU
unnamed AU where Makoto and Kiyotaka are brainwashed into Ultimate Despair in addition to Class 77. Contains both sweet and very effed up Naeishi, as well as Despair!Makoto+Izuru friendship (or as close as Izuru can get, anyway). Technically another 2 (or 3, sort of) masterminds au.
Soulmates AU - In a world where most people are colorblind until meeting their soulmate, Makoto Naegi walks into Hope’s Peak Academy colorblind, blacks out, and wakes up to color. As it turns out, the same thing happened to everyone else!
Scrapbook AU - After entering into Hope’s Peak Academy, Makoto started a scrapbook/photo album of himself, his classmates, and eventually even the class above his own during their time on and off school. It soon became a class diary of sorts after being discovered, shared among everyone… then a chronicle of the events leading up to Class 77 going missing, The Tragedy starting, and Class 78 sealing themselves inside the school bunker, before returning to it’s original purpose as Class 78 lived inside their homemade bunker. In canon, Junko found and burned it. In this timeline, it’s an amnesiac Makoto and his classmates who find it, hidden under the floor in Makoto’s room.
Amnesia AU - A boy wakes up in a school(?) with no memories of where he is, how he got here, or even who he is. As it turns out, there are fourteen other people here… and all of them have the same memory loss he does! (may or may not be an IF Bad End AU)
Polychain AU - Another different Victims and Blackends au, that extends well beyond the original Killing Game. The Tragedy occurs very differently in this one… initially. Also features Junko escaping after the Killing Game, and Hajime and Shuichi being half-brothers and kids of the survivors.
Unnamed AU where Leon and Taka also attended Makoto and Sayaka’s middle school.
Ghost AU - After being killed, the victims and blackened are forced to stick around and watch the Killing Game happen, believing they'll be allowed to move on after they leave. Turns out, they're very much wrong- but at least after it's over their classmates can see them! Too bad they're the only ones.
Teachers Assistant AU - inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net. After Nagito blows up a building and gets suspended, Chisa is forced to take a Teacher’s Assistant or be fired. Somehow, a very reluctant Makoto gets the job, despite being in the class below her own. Cross-class shenanigans ensue.
Unnamed Timetravel AU inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net where Makoto and Alter Ego, the only survivors of the Killing Game, are sent back in time to Makoto’s first day attending Hope’s Peak - Makoto mentally and Alter Ego physically. Not as dark as the premise sounds, at least theoretically.
Dagla!Adrien AU - Adrien isn’t the son of Gabriel and Emilie Agreste, but instead his parents are a Modern Dagur and Mala. He still works for Gabriel as a model, but otherwise has had a very different upbringing (most notably the inclusion of a lot of people who have cared about him for his entire life, such as his best friend Zephyr Haddock) and acts more like Chat Noir both with and without the mask. He still befriends his canon friends, becomes Chat Noir, and falls in love with Ladybug. (HTTYD x Miraculous Ladybug)
unnamed Adventure Time x Star Vs AU
Miracutale - Lila pushes Marinette down a hole, Adrien tries to catch her but fails. Undertale ensues. (Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale)
Sailor Bella (name subject to change) - AU inspired by some art from Turning-the-Tides, Princess Serenity reincarnates not into Usagi Tsukino, but Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, and her Senshi are reincarnated into the boys. I have no idea who Endymion became if he exists at all in this AU. (Sailor Moon x Phineas and Ferb)
unnamed three-way crossover between Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug, and How to Train Your Dragon.
unnamed Steven Universe x Undertale AU - After returning from the Jungle Moon, Steven and Connie end up stranded in an alternate timeline where they meet what appears to be another half-gem going by the name of False Topaz (Frisk). Things get a little more tricky when it turns out that gems and humans coexist somewhat… on one side of a giant, seemingly uncross-able mountain range live humans, on the other gems, and after a war between the two a few centuries ago, both cultures have a kill on sight policy. To make things more complicated, gems seem to be very different in this timeline. (note: Frisk is not actually a gem, just disguised as one)
unnamed Undertale x Star Vs AU - There’s a new face at the Silver Bell Ball - Frisk, heir and ambassador for the Kingdom of… Monsters?! Star and Frisk are quick to befriend each other, but despite that, Star can’t help but feel that Frisk doesn’t like her… And Frisk may have more than one secret to share… or maybe to keep.
unnamed Miraculous Ladybug x Danganronpa AU - The Worst Most Despair Inducing Event In History was localized to Japan (but the effects are spreading), and the six survivors of Hope’s Peek, aided by Kagami’s father, whom Byakuya naturally has connections to, immigrate to France to pick up the pieces of their lives. Meanwhile in France, Ms. Bustier’s class gain five new transfer students after the events of Miracle Queen.
Games -  (everything)
Wild Things - (everything)
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lilatreus · 4 years
im new to the ac fandom and i didnt know there were any books should i be reading them?? or are there certain ones that i absolutely need to read or would i be okay if i skip them?
Yeah it’s okay to skip them if you want! They’re mostly there to give some more insight on some of the characters. If you want to read them but you don’t have to money to buy the books, you can read them here. I actually have all the books already on paper copy so I would definitely recommend buying them if you really enjoy them.
There’s also some comics and graphic novels about them too which I have included in on the master list. They actually follow the modern storyline of you want to read up on that. If you want to read them just do readcomicsonline. They have them all, only watch out for ads.
Anyway here’s the master list, it’s pretty long won’t lie:
The books, in order of strictly historical events:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey by Gordon Doherty (2018)
Basically this books gives the canonical story to assassin’s creed odyssey following Kassandra around Greece. If you had the “best” or good ending from the story then you’re probably going to be upset with the book. I actually liked it and if you were ever confused about the game then this is definitely for you to read.
Assassin’s Creed Origins: Desert Oath by Oliver Bowden (2017)
This book takes place years before Origins. It follows Bayek who a teenager at the time. We learn how Bayek and Aya start their relationship and it kind of explains some of the side missions that talk about Bayek’s past. If you love Bayek and Aya’s relationship you will love this book.
[ insert for whenever an ac valhalla book is written ]
Assassin’s Creed: The Secret Crusade by Oliver Bowden (2011)
This book is the one I’m currently rereading, so it takes place with the father of Marco Polo talking about Altaïr’s life. It talks about his—Altaïr’s—dad within the first few chapters, events that happened in the game, and then what happens after. It gives more insight on what happened between the events of ac one and the little bits of scenes we see in ac revelations of Altaïr in game. If you want to know how Maria and Altaïr got together you’ll like this book it’s very sweet and I love how smitten Altaïr was. If you love Atlmal (Altaïr and Malik) you’ll also like this book but it will crush you.
Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance by Oliver Bowden (2009)
This follows Ezio through assassin’s creed two. Literally just the book version of the game. Does talk about how Ezio and Cristina got together and a few of the memories you get to play in Brotherhood are in this book. I like it. It pretty much follows the game exactly so if you want to skip it, you can but still a really good book that I recommend reading.
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood by Oliver Bowden (2010)
Follows the plot of the game. It’s pretty similar to it as opposed to a few differences. While I like this book, I will always say the game is better than this book entirely. Still, it’s pretty good and explains a lot of plot.
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations by Oliver Bowden (2011)
It explains why Ezio is doing what he does in the game. Why he’s there and what is reasoning is. You get a little small bit about Claudia but that’s it. Ezio does, in book, visit Leonardo on the last few days before the artist dies :( that’s pretty much it. Only some minor differences to the game. If you’re looking for something about Desmond, you won’t find it in this book.
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag by Oliver Bowden (2013)
I’ll be honest I only read this book once so my memory is pretty poor on it but from what I can remember it’s about Edward and Caroline and how they got together. And then there’s something about Anne Boney and Edward towards the end I believe. Kind of explains his backstory from the little scenes we’re shown in the game I think? (Correct me if I’m wrong on this one but I’m certain that’s the gist of it).
Assassin’s Creed: Forsaken by Oliver Bowden (2012)
This one was the first assassin’s creed book I read. Now fair warning: if you do not like Haytham Kenway, I strongly advise you to not read this book. It is all about Haytham until the final few chapters and then Connor takes over the book once you’ve killed him in game. This book explains how he (Haytham) came to be apart of the Templars and how Edward dies. It talks about his relationship with Ziio and how he built the Templar order up during the seven years war. I’ll be honest it was okay when I first read it because I was like 11 and the only other thing I had read was like just percy jackson. Looking back on this book though, it’s not that great. I do not like Haytham at all so I, personally, would not recommend this book. I went in reading it expecting for it to be about Connor and I was very disappointed and upset that it wasn’t. So you can skip this book if you like because the only thing it does is give insight to a lot of what Haytham does.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity by Oliver Bowden (2014)
This is my favorite book. This is about Arno reading Elise’s diary after she passed. There’s little bits where Arno writes in here and there throughout the novel. It’s pretty sad I won’t lie. Explains how Elise grew up, what she did during the parts where we didn’t see her in game, and talks about how she felt during the parts where we did see her in game. Basically at the end of the book it’s Elise asking Arno to please help seek unity and stop the war between the Templars and Assassins.
Assassin’s Creed: Underworld by Oliver Bowden (2015)
This book follows Jayadeep Mir, also known to us as Henry Green. There’s two parts to this book. The first part takes place six years before the events of syndicate and you get to really learn about the twin’s father and then the second part takes place during the events of the game. It talks about Evie and Henry’s relationship during the second part and it’s pretty good!
There are no books about assassin’s creed chronicles (ac China, India, and Russia) if you’re wondering why they’re missing :(
The comics:
*most of these take place during the modern storyline I’ll try my best to explain when they come in and how it adds up to the new our modern storyline at the end
Assassin’s Creed the Fall
There’s three issues with this it’s just a graphic novel honestly. Takes place with the main character from AC Chronicles: Russia
Assassin’s Creed the Chain
Graphic Novel sequel to the Fall
Assassin’s Creed Brahman
Written by the same people who wrote The Fall and The Chain, however this focuses on Arbaaz Mir who is the main character from Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India.
Now from what I’ve seen, correct me if I’m wrong, but the templar and assassin comics pretty much take place around the same time.
Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire
Assassin’s Creed issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun
Assassin’s Creed issue #6, #7, #8, #9, #10
Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War
Assassin’s Creed Templars issue issue #6, #7, #8, #9
Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming
Assassin’s Creed issue #11, #12, #13, #14
Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
Common Ground Vol 1: issue #1, #2, #3, #4
Infection Point Vol 2: issue #5, #6, #7, #8
Finale vol 3: #9, #10, #11, #12
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (pretty much a stand alone I would say, focuses entirely on past assassins but canon to the templar comics).
Reflections 1: modern story focuses on Otso Berg historical story focuses on Ezio where we learn Ezio is implied to have hooked up with the woman who in the Mona Lisa painting.
Reflections 2: same thing for modern story but now Otso is looking into Altaïr’s story. We get to see Maria, Altaïr, and their son Darim.
Reflections 3: Otso is now looking into Edward Kenway.
Reflections 4: Otso looks into Connor and we see him with his daughter. It’s super cute this issue is my favorite.
Last Descendants
The Last Descendants (Novel)
Locus: issues 1 - 4
The Last Descendants: Tomb of the Khan (novel)
The Last Descendants: Fate of the Gods (novel)
Assassin’s Creed: the French Books (these have all been translated into english and theyre all graphic novels).
These books I would say to skip. If you want to read it you can, however the modern storyline has been said to no longer be canon anymore. The historical storyline however is still canon but not actually necessary to the plot of anything.
Cycle 1
Assassin’s Creed 1: Desmond
Assassin's Creed 2: Aquilus
Assassin's Creed 3: Accipiter
Assassin's Creed 4: Hawk
Assassin's Creed 5: El Cakr
Assassin's Creed 6: Leila
Cycle 2
Assassin’s Creed: Conspiracies
This takes place during WW2
Vol 1: Die Glocke
Vol 2: Project Rainbow
Cycle 3
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodstone
This takes place during the Vietnam War. A follow up on Conspiracies.
Vol 1: book one
Vol 2: book two
The last two I have listed (Conspiracies and Bloodstone) are canon to the comics’ modern storyline as well as the historical. Cycle one is not. They’re both graphic novels. Also I want to say that I have not read these two yet so idk if I’ll be allowed to recommend them but they’re there. I have no idea where they’re placed in terms of modern storyline bc these two are very confusing seeing as they originally were canon then told they weren’t and now they are again.
Other comics that I really have no idea where to place but they do exist if you want to read them:
Assassin’s Creed: Origins (mini series)
Four issues for this comic takes place following Aya and her journey. You get to see what happens with Cleopatra. I personally really like this comic you get some lore on the Brotherhood and Aya so it’s good. Read this after the video game. (Pretty positive it takes place after the game events but before the DLC: hidden ones)
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla: Song of Glory (mini series)
There are three issues in this. Haven’t read this one yet, however it focuses on Eivor. Read this alongside the video game.
Okay so for canon timeline purposes here is the exact order of everything I’ve listed and where they fall in for strictly the modern storyline:
1 The Fall and the Chain (also called subject four which is just the two of the books into one)
2 Desmond’s story
3 Brahman
4 Assassin’s Creed: Trial by Fire 1 - 5
5 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Black Cross 1 - 5
6 Assassin’s Creed: Setting Sun 6 - 10
6 Assassin’s Creed Templars: Cross of War 6 - 9
7 Assassin’s Creed: Homecoming 11 - 14
Assassin’s Creed Reflections (stand alone don’t have to read if you don’t want to but if you do, read along side the templar stories.)
8 Assassin’s Creed Syndicate modern storyline takes place here
9 Assassin’s Creed: Uprising
10 Origins modern storyline starts here and continues for assassin’s creed odyssey and valhalla*
*If you’re confused as to why Juno isn’t in the game plot anymore the comics explains it. Ubisoft has completely moved her story to the comics entirely and in doing so completely finished the story.
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raging-violets · 4 years
Cadence Nash . . . let's plot-bend a bit. Nora's arrival in season 5. (I'm assuming she doesn't exist, in your flash and flame series?)
Actually...she does! That’s who Alexis is! I just changed her name and some of her background, because Barry and Iris aren’t together in my series. (If this doesn’t actually answer your question, I’m sorry! lol).
I actually have a bit of this scene written out already so I’ll copy/paste that in for you!
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[Send one of my OCs + A Canon scene]
Barry stared at the ceiling, eyebrows pinched so tightly he was starting to get a headache. And yet, he didn’t move in fear of removing the arm laid gently around his midsection, hand brushing against his thigh. If he moved too much, he’d wake up Cadence, and if he woke her up, then she’d take one look at him and he’d have to explain why he had such a concentrated look on his face.
Especially when there was no explanation necessary.
He was a father.
Barry Allen was a father.
Not that he hadn’t been a father before, long before himself and others had realized it—Brady had certainly moved his way into his heart easily. Since first meeting the then eight-year-old in Jitters, who looked up at him over the muffin he demolished, only knowing Barry as his mother’s friend, and liked being around him long before he knew Barry was the Flash, Barry felt a sense of protection over the young boy that he’d quickly grew to feel was a son.
But, it was different to know he had a daughter who was, in fact, his. Especially when said daughter wasn’t supposed to exist yet. Wasn’t supposed to be known for a few decades. More importantly, the first thought that came to Barry’s mind was how was he going to explain her presence to everyone he knew and loved?
How much was there to explain when your future daughter appeared out of thin air—out of the future, from thin air—and said they were now stuck? Barry knew there was something a bit off about her when he met her at the wedding, saw his daughter for the first time and the way she grabbed his hand…
Barry gently lifted his head from his pillow, far enough to look at the ring that glistened on his left finger. Then he looked towards Cadence, who’s own finger was bare, save for the lightning bolt tattooed in its place. Nevertheless, as his wife lay on her stomach arm stretched across him, he could see the glimmer of the necklace around her neck, holding her ring.
Had it really been that long ago? He remembered it as clear as day, as if it were yesterday, as if nothing with DeVoe and his stint in prison had ever happened.
Inside the church, Barry paced, running his hands over his hair, muttering to himself. Just pre-wedding nerves. Jitters. Something that hadn’t struck him until the last five minutes. Everything needed to go perfectly. He needed to have good memories of something. Anything other than his being kicked from the CCPD and…DeVoe…and Demon…and…
“Sparkling water?”
“Excuse me?” Startled, Barry faced the waitress who stood behind him, holding a tray. She seemed to appear out of nowhere. Barry looked around, noticing the other guests all were holding onto glasses from her dwindling tray. “Oh, uh…” He hesitated. If food went through him that fast, a fact Diggle consistently wondered about, drinking too much wasn’t going to help before he got to the front of the church, either.
But he couldn’t get drunk, so that wasn’t much of an issue.
“I thought you might be a little parched,” The young woman said. She pushed her tray towards him, keeping a firm control of the pale liquid that sloshed around. “Jitters. Big day and all.” She gestured with her tray. “You’re getting married.”
“I am,” Barry agreed. He stepped back, eyeing her closely.
The young woman beamed. “Today.”
“Yes, I am. Today.”
The young woman continued to smile up at him. Her eyes sparkled, almost as if it couldn’t contain the mischief within her. Or she was laughing about something someone had told her before. Barry’s eyebrows came together. The young woman jumped at the change in his expression and offered the tray once more. “So, uh sparkling water?”
“No, uh, I’m good.” Barry waved her off. He quickly added a, “Thank you,” noticing her face fall.
Instead of going on to the next guest, the young woman continued to speak rapidly. Almost rambling. “Okay. So, uh, I’m really excited to be here. I mean, at a wedding. A-any wedding, it just so happens to be your wedding. But I’m happy. To be here. Today.”
Barry smiled a little. The energy and friendliness she exuded was unable to be ignored. She was already starting to make his nerves recede. “You…love weddings?” He guessed.
“I really do.” The young woman looked around. “I mean, this looks to be a little expensive for something of your guys’ taste. Not quite something I would’ve chosen for you. But, it’s still beautiful.” She chewed her lower lip, her smile growing wider. “I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it. You know, the whole wedding deal. Wedding day, wedding night…everything that comes with it.”
Barry could feel himself starting to blush, unsure if she realized the double entendre she managed to put into her words. “That’s cool,” was all he could manage to say, hoping no one around had the ability to read his mind.
The young woman blinked rapidly. “Not that I’m a weirdo or anything. I’m coming off weird, aren’t I?” She tapped herself on the forehead, as if reproaching herself. She sucked in a deep breath, shoulders slumping. Curling her fingers around the end of the tray she admitted, “I just love weddings. Some people call me a nerd for it.”
Her comment made Barry laugh. “Well, coming from the biggest nerd on the planet.” He gestured to himself. “I think it’s cool.”
“Thanks.” She smiled widely, obviously relieved. “I just…I don’t know. I feel like this is going to be one for the ages. I’m really glad I got to see it.”
Barry got a good look at her face. Something about her seemed to familiar. So much so, it was practically radiating off her. She looked to be an asian woman; no, he decided after a moment, biracial. Very youthful with hazel eyes that looked bluish towards the center. Her smile was wide, a mixture of what appeared to be shy and outgoing. She stood a bit shorter than him, about 5’6” if he had to guess. Hair hung low, past her shoulders in long waves.
“I…I’m sorry…” Barry tilted his head. Continued to watch her. Couldn’t shake the feeling. “Have we met before?”
“No!” The young woman jumped backwards. The sparkling water she carried threatened to slosh over. Both reached for it, but the woman expertly moved her hands and followed the momentum of the tray to keep it up. “No, I’m a complete and total stranger. So! Good luck up there.” She grasped his wrist, holding him firmly. Barry glanced down, feeling a tingling sensation run up his wrist. “Remember to say ‘’I do’.”
Despite his confusion, Barry managed to grin. “Have you been talking to Brady?” How many times had he been buzzing around him, pestering him to be sure he knew what he’d say for his vows?
“Not recently.” Once again, the young woman looked startled. Nervous. She dropped her hand from Barry’s wrist and took a large step back. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She turned on her heel and headed to the nearest guest she could find.
If Barry were more naturally suspicious, he would’ve said something then. Asked her more questions, let him know he was onto her. Onto her about what? He wasn’t sure of at the time. But now…to know what she’d done? To know how many lives she’d put in danger? To know what she’d done to the timeline. Or what was left of it? How did he know he wouldn’t wake up that day and Brady was no longer a boy but suddenly twin boys? Or that he’d married Caitlin instead of Cadence and he hadn’t just finished some sort of an illustrious affair?
At the thought, Barry shook his head, sitting up. He raised his knees, prompting Cadence’s hand to drop from his lap, and he pressed his face into his hands. His cheeks were warm to the touch. He’d hoped he wasn’t getting sick from stress.
He replayed the conversation from before. How she, Alexis, his daughter, barged through the front door at baby Jenna’s party and explained herself, speaking rapidly and enthusiastically to Barry’s question of, “Who are you?”
Alexis smiled awkwardly at her father, placing her hand on her chest. She took in a deep breath to steady herself and said, “My name is Alexis. And I’m your daughter…” she looked to Cadence. “From the future.”
Brady nearly choked on his drink. He sputtered, turning to the side to spit a mouthful of soda to the wooden floor. Joe and Cecil were too stunned to reprimand him for damaging their floor. Brady sputtered, coughing before he finally managed to squeak, voice cracking, spitting it out and coughing hard. “You’re what?” He demanded, glancing at his mother, whose expression rivaled that of his step-father’s.  
“Okay, uh...” Alexis ran her hands through her hair. She closed her eyes, collecting herself.
Barry took the moment to looked toward Cadence, who looked back at him eyebrows lowered, lips pressed hard together. She was angry, he could tell. Not enough for smoke to come from her ears, but angry. Barry blinked in surprise. There were many things to be in the situation; shocked, confused, curious, but not angry. She took her eyes from her husband when Alexis continued.
“Let me explain.” Alexis searched the sea of confused faces, looking for a friendly face. When she found none, she cleared her throat, wringing her fingers together. “I’m Alexis Nash-Allen and I’m the fastest woman alive. Where I’m from, 30 years from now, I’m the guardian of Central City. I’m a speedster.” She smiled at Barry, a smile filled with pride. “Just like my dad. People call me Overdrive.” She then paused and shrugged. “Or Flash Fire.”
At that, Cadence raised an eyebrow. Barry looked to her again. This time she was less angry and more curious. No, Barry understood now. She was watching Alexis closely, trying to determine whether she was telling the truth. He could see his wife’s eyes gently and subtly flicker back and forth over Alexis’s face hoping to find anything that’d prove her to be untrustworthy.
Alexis seemed not to notice as she continued. “Every day, I hope to live up to the legacy of the Flash.” She shrugged once more. “But I’ve still got a long way to go.” Silence punctuated the end of her speech. She looked at the sea of faces once more, smiling, giggling nervously.
Finally, Barry broke the silence. “You’re our daughter?”
“From the future?” Cadence asked to make sure.
“Named Alexis?” Barry continued.
Alexis smiled and nodded.
“Does anybody need a refill?” Cisco’s sudden and loud question broke the stunned silence that followed her admission. He jumped when all eyes turned to glare at him. “Just me?” He squeaked. “No one else?” He practically melted into the couch as he slouched. “A-are you sure? Okay, just me then.” He got up from the couch and headed towards the refreshments. He paused, glanced at Alexis, and grabbed a bottle of champagne, pressing it against his lips to take on a large, gulping swallow.
Alexis, on the other hand, continued to grin around the room. “Cisco Ramon,” she gushed. “Always cutting the tension with a well-timed joke.”
Caitlin finally came from her deep freeze as she listened to the future speedster. “You know our names?” She asked, voice soft with confusion.
“Of course!” Alexis replied. “I know all of you!” She gestured toward Caitlin and Ralph. “Caitlin Snow, my mom’s best friend. Ralph Dibny, my dad’s annoyance.” Ralph turned to Barry with a look that read ‘Really, Rookie?’ while Barry simply opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish. Alex motioned to Joe and Cecile. “Papa Joe, Mama Cecile, Little Auntie Jenna, Uncle Wally, Aunt Iris, and of course.” She beamed at Brady. “My big brother, Brady!”
Brady paled, looking like he was about to pass out. He turned to Cadence, who looked back at him, their faces screwed up in identical expressions of confusion. He turned back to his future sister, looking at her suspiciously.
“And your nickname is…Overdrive?” Wally asked. His voice sounded curious, but hesitant. Almost as if he were trying to test her name roll off the tip of his tongue.
“Uh, not really.” Alexis waved a finger in the air. “I mean, it is. Sort of. Overdrive is what some of the people of Central City call me. But some others call me Flash Fire…after my mom,” Alexis said, casting Cadence a look out the side of her eye. “Because I’m also a fire meta.”
Caitlin’s head jutted forward at the casual comment. “I’m sorry, what? A what?”
Barry lifted his hand to cover his mouth, then let out a sharp breath, running a hand through his hair. A speedster and a fire meta. A meta-hybrid. The first they’d ever come across. Just as Brady was the first half-meta any of them knew about.
Alexis ignored Caitlin and continued. “And, well, Overdrive makes sense. It’s sort of a nickname you guys gave me. Because, I always move so fast. I always move in overdrive. I’ve always been like that, overdoing things, getting in over my head.” She twisted her mouth to the side, kicking at the floor. “Like, recently. Like, when I helped you break, the STAR Labs satellite last night.” Barry’s eyebrows as his eyes widened. “I just couldn’t help myself from getting involved. But something happened when I did, because I can’t seem to go fast enough to open the speed force.”
Ralph loudly, made a disgusting sound that, maybe, could’ve sounded like someone clearing their throat. Jenna whimpered, her face scrunching up as Cecile quickly started to bounce her. Hoping to soother her cries. “Are we talking about actual time travel here?”
Iris groaned, tilting her head back. “Do you not ever pay attention to our briefings?” She demanded. “Even once? Even a little bit?”
“Wait a minute,” Wally interrupted. “You didn’t teach him about the Legends?”
“No one said anything about time travel,” Ralph pointed out.
At that, everyone started to speak at once, their voices rising over each other’s as they tried to get answers from each other and simultaneously ask questions. All the while, Alexis stood off to the side, smiling awkwardly, intermittently waving her hand and trying to raise her voice over the din that broke out.
It wasn’t until Jenna started to cry that everyone started to calm down. Cecile quickly leapt to her feet and left the room, bouncing Jenna up and down in her arms, cooing quietly as she went.
Alexis clenched her teeth as she grimaced. She waved her hands. ‘I’m sorry, I know how bizarre this must seem meeting your daughter from the future as an adult.” She turned back and forth from her parents to her brother as she spoke rapid-fire. “It wasn’t my plan at all. But I’m kind of stuck here now, and you’re the only ones who can help me so…maybe you know what to do?”
If we knew what to do, we wouldn’t be in this mess, Barry thought. Every time I’ve ever time traveled, I’ve never been stuck there.
“You’re forgetting about Flashpoint.”
If it were any time before, Barry would’ve been startled by Cadence suddenly speaking, voice soft with sleep. But since their powers merged, they’d seemed to read each other’s mind. Not to say it was an actual ability they had, but the hard work that’d paid off after having had to learn how to work together again once Barry’d come back from the Speed Force. A quick look in the heat of battle conveyed a game plan that they’d follow to the T. They didn’t have to look at each other before flinging themselves off a roof or into a dangerous situation knowing the other would be there in that split second of free fall.
They were a unified front, and in that moment, as Cadence turned and rested her chin on her cheekbone, pressing her elbow into her pillow, he truly felt it. He didn’t have to say anything about Flashpoint out loud, didn’t have to mention any of his thoughts about Alexis and the future, and yet she knew everything he was thinking.
“Flashpoint’s the only time you’ve ever been stuck somewhere,” Cadence reminded him. “Future or past.”
“That was by choice,” Barry reminded her. He took in a deep breath. “I decided to stay. Where things were…” he trailed off, thinking of the best way to explain himself. “Different,” he finally decided. Different, because, both of his parents were alive. He had the life he wanted. And, all the same, it was one of the worst lives he could ever had. His friends weren’t his friends, the love of his life didn’t know he existed, his powers were starting to fail. And the only way he’d gotten back was from trusting the person the hated the most in the world.
“Right,” Cadence agreed. Barry’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Cadence let out a quiet sigh through her nose. She looked away for a moment. “I’m just saying it sounds weird.”
“What does?”
“All of it?” Cadence shrugged. “That she’s our daughter, that she’s from the future, that she’s stuck here. It all doesn’t make sense.”
Barry’s eyebrows furrowed even further. He looked her in the eye, searching for an explanation. She looked back at him. Silently prompting him it was his turn to speak his mind. He parted his lips, hesitated. Then rubbed at his eye. “Time travel is a tricky thing. Messing with the timeline…it can have some of the weirdest effects any of us, let alone a speedster, could imagine.”
At that, Cadence lifted an eyebrow. She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, studying her husband. Almost in disbelief. “You believe that she’s stuck here?” Now it was Barry’s turn to shrug as he repeated, “Time travel is trick.” Cadence conceded that point, “Time travel is tricky, it’s dangerous, it affects a lot of things, but no one’s ever gotten stuck anywhere. Other than Eobard Thawne and the only reason he got stuck here was because his Tachyon device made it so he lost his connection to the Speed Force and it kept him stuck here. Alexis doesn’t seem to have that problem at all.”
“We don’t know that.”
“But it’s convenient, don’t you think?” Cadence insisted. “And you’re already saying she’s our daughter?”
“Did you see her? Yellow lightning like mine, a fire trail like yours? It’s definitely her.”
“But, I agree with you, I think we need to send her back to her time.”
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chrisemrysfics · 4 years
I woke up today thinking about my dgm mdzs crossover I want to indulge in, and just like that, I suddenly realized, “but if I do a split like Mana and Nea, wouldn’t WWX and MXY be babies???” and as cute as this would be, unless I change the timeline and figure out how they grow up, it would be a logistic pain.
Unless Allen feels that and come grab the babies and then I play with the Ark and makes it that time pass differently. Now that’s an idea... Maybe one of the what if side stories.
Yes my self control has gone off the window, but hey, how can I resist mixing my two fave fandoms, and how can I not indulge in the different versions of my initial idea of Noah!WWX.
For the curious, here’s under the read more the basic ideas I’ve had!
Which. Got long but. Yeah. Have fun with the thinking I’ve done for this. I’m pretty sure I do intend to write things, just might take a while so have fun with knowing the ideas!
(In which I ended up thinking I might just do a series with each “story” being collection of scenes for each different branching I can think of, because honestly I cannot choose between all the options).
(And I haven’t touched yet the idea of an actual full out crossover, where there’s actual dimension travel).
Worldbuilding is based on the idea that DGM canon happened millennias before MDZS canon, and at the end of the Holy War, there was a reset of the world, which allowed a new world to emerge and so this how I explain how the world for this went from what it is in dgm canon to how it is in mdzs canon.
So this means I can then add the fact all humans still are descendants of the Noahs, but the gene is dormant and the Noahs don’t mean to ever wake/reincarnate again.
Thing is, spiritual energy pretty much is the “descendant” of Innocence and resentful energy is the “descendant” of Dark Matter.
Other thing is, humans ended up viewing spiritual energy as the “righteous” path and haven’t touched resentful energy, or anyone who did try, never really managed to.
So, enter Wei Wuxian who is the first human to actually use resentful energy, cultivate with it, handle a large amount of it, and also who first contact with it is being thrown in the biggest amount of it and surviving and taming it out of pure willpower.
Then he uses it in large amount during the Sunshot Campaign, including the very powerful Stygian Tiger Seal. He never stops using it, if not as deeply as during the campaign, and eventually, he goes live in the Burial Mound again.
So what I mean is, from the moment he is thrown in Burial Mound, he has been in contact with deep, deep level of resentful energy. And not only is he the first human to do so, he also is without a golden core or spiritual cultivation, which means he has zero “descendant” of Innocence in him.
Then he dies, in Burial Mound, however his soul isn’t actually destroyed. I always kind of headcanoned that his soul was “kept safe” in the Burial Mounds, and in this case, it’s even more true.
So his soul, who has been already exposed to resentful energy since he was thrown to Burial Mounds, stays years directly exposed to resentful energy.
And then Mo Xuanyu calls him into his body via sacrifice ritual.
And the thing is, all that resentful energy had already stirred Wei Wuxian’s Noah gene, but this is a final drop. Because what it does to Wei Wuxian’s soul is to feel like he’s being reincarnated into a host, which is how Noahs would reicarnated.
And so, when Wei Wuxian is called back into Mo Xuanyu body, what he doesn’t know is that his Noah’s gene has been triggered, and he is fated to go through a Noah’s Awakening and become a Noah himself.
And because he is the first Noah since the world reset, and all Noahs were dormant, there is only one Noah that he can be as the first: The First, the Millennium Earl, Adam.
Initially, I just thought he would be super confused and a little scared, thinking something is wrong with the ritual, because he would be in lowkey Awakening process from the moment he wakes in Mo Xuanyu body. He would feel pain and headaches and feverish often, and at some point, he would go actual Awakening with it being really painful and high fever, and probably not super long but not quick either.
Then I had the idea of how Adam split into Mana and Nea in DGM canon, and so Mo Xuanyu actually survives the ritual because they kind of split rather than Mo Xuanyu being erased; and so yes Mo Xuanyu is fated to Awaken too because both his and Wei Wuxian’s body are “marked” as Noahs (with Noah gene triggered).
My idea is that they do end up like twins, with their appearance a mix of Wei Wuxian’s physical traits and Mo Xuanyu’s physical traits. Basically, for a brief moment, there is one body that has both of their souls, so this body is both of them, and then it splits, into two “twins”.
Which does mean they both have both of their bloodline. So both of them are the sons of Wei Changze, Cange Sanren, Young madam Mo, and Jin Guangshan, by blood.
Pending to decide is whether WWX inherit Mana and MXY inherit Nea (or vice versa, WWX inheriting Nea and MXY inheriting Mana) with Adam existing in both of them; or WWX inherits the whole package and MXY is considered a new Noah (without a Noah’s Memory; considered the first generation of 15th Noah?).
Of course, it did help in MXY case that he touched such a ritual, as again, resentful energy is the “descendant” of Dark Matter. But you know who else deeply touched resentful energy? Xue Yang.
Now the thing is, it is only when WWX (and MXY) awakens that other Noahs can awaken. Now the question I still ask myself is if XY start to awaken at the same time (slower process?), not long after (slow process still?), or only when he comes face to face the first time with WWX (and/or MXY).
And the thing is, Noahs value each other deeper than anything, on an instinctual basis. WWX hates what XY has done, but as a Noah, who can sense a fellow Noah, he feels kinship. As for MXY, he has mixed feelings, and he too would feel kinship, and because he does, it’s even harder for WWX to hate XY himself. At the same time, XY feels, well, Adam is considered the Patriarch, lowkey the father figure of all Noahs, the leader for sure, so XY instinctively doesn’t want to disappoint WWX.
There’s no escaping that XY is Awakening too, so WWX end up objectively thinking, okay, he’s a Noah, he’s mine, so I’m now responsible for him. And ultimately, between XY own wish for someone to care for him (which he views as “someone to give him candy every day”) and his Noah’s instincts who takes delight in being cared for by Adam, WWX manages to bring XY to grey-er area.
Which Noahs does XY Awaken as? I have not yet fully decided, but honestly, Joyd seems like a good match. It also helps that Joyd, and the previous incarnation, Tyki, is actually pretty grey, loves having both white and black, and Tyki himself did have affection for some humans and was pretty laid back. Joyd would be able to “balance” XY and bring this more balance, more grey personality.
Also yes, Allen is meant to show up, I still haven’t fully decided if Nea is in fact still within his body, and so like, whether WWX or MXY is meant to be “Nea”, they really need to find him so they can be complete, so they would also poke awake Allen. That or just, Allen wakes?
Okay but the thing is, I also loved the idea that Nea was indeed still hosted by Allen, so only Mana is hosted by WWX, and when WWX awakens it becomes a big issue because he’s not stable as he’s missing a part of the whole package.
So yeah I need to decide who host who, and how it plays out.
To be fair, that particular issue of not being complete can play out easily in the what if side stories, as it’s only in this main story (default story?) that there’s this whole split.
Now about the side stories/what if fics
WWX and MXY actually splits as babies, the same way Mana and Nea in dgm canon split from Adult!Adam into two “twin” babies. Allen senses it and find them, and raise them. Problem to figure out is timeline. Also once they’re adult, it goes pretty much similar to how I would view the main/default story, I think. Maybe. For now this is really just the faint idea of them actually splitting into babies and Allen grabbing them. Parental Allen to WWX and MXY.
WWX awakens as a Noah when Wen Chao throws him in the Burial Mounds. Probably, he does start to work on cultivating resentful energy, but he also Awakens, and in this context, he’s... more Noah than human. And by that I mean he’s easily more bloodthirsty, sadistic, and merciless. And a good dose of not mentally stable. It can smoothe out though, as a Noah he really values “family” and so his siblings can stabilize his mental state. But also, he’s way more into protecting the Jiang, his “clan”, and especially his siblings. He won’t want to leave them, he would rather make it clear you are doomed if you so much as plot against them. But also, he’s more likely to be less closed off to his siblings.
WWX awakens at some point during the two years (in my timeline of MDZS) he lived in Burial Mounds. Give a good scare of the Wen, especially Wen Qing who has no fricking idea what is happening to him and everyone lowkey afraid he’s just. Dying. Maybe Wen Ning actually “feels” something though? Like he can tell he’s not, and he’s like, “Jie, I think he’s... transforming?” and that’s another scare because they think he might be becoming a demon. But yes, eventually, he awakens, and the thing is, he becomes a Noah when he has a whole group of people under his care. He has a “clan”, a family, a son, and siblings. So in this scenario, it’s the Noahs familial instincts that are stronger, and WWX really wants to protect the Wens, but also wants his siblings. And so, well he’s still deeply protective, but he actually also kind of, manage more peaceful approach. He wants to reconnect with the Jiang, and for that, he is aware that he needs to not make it harder, which. Is totally the influence of Mana too.
WWX awakens when he means to die with the backlash of destroying the Seal, and that idea demands in itself branching off ideas. Because A) he can awaken in front of everyone and A-1) vanish into the Ark and everyone kinda knowing he probably didn’t die or A-2) he doesn’t vanish and everyone like “now what”; B) he awakens precisely as he’s being eaten by the corpse which, B-1) might mean his corpse start getting “scared” when they sense his Noah aura (and so everyone kind of see something is going on) or B-2) it’s agony because for a few moments he’s just being eaten and also regenerating, and then B-2-a) does he do a power blast and everyone like “what the heck” or B-2-b) does someone notice he’s not dying and maybe it’s JC and maybe he’s like “okay wtf no” or B-2-c) No one notices so maybe he slips off (unless he vanished with Ark). And then C) whether he vanishes into the ark and/or no one notice he’s not dying (and manages to slip off to hide), he would want to go take A-Yuan and so C-1) does he manage to do so when everyone thinks he’s dead? C-2) does he manage to do so but also everyone is aware he probably didn’t dit? C-3) is there a time lapse between his “death” (or escape) and when he gets himself to find A-Yuan and so Lan Wangji shows up? C-3a) does LWJ see him?? C-3b) does he not see him and WWX decides A-Yuan might be better with LWJ??
Why do I do this to myself, I don’t know, but it’s fun to think about it all. Maybe some might be collections of scenes and such, rather than a proper storyline. Even if main/default, I kind of have to decide when the Awakening actually completes (aka how long WWX is lowkey always sick), as then it can vary greatly what happens if he’s already an awakened Noah. There can even be post canon awakening soooo.
Maybe it’s not that I’ll have “main/default” and “side” stories, maybe I’ll just have a series that has a “basic worldbuilding” one shot and then stories that are collection of scenes and each story has a specific type of settings?? Honestly I probably need to do that, to first have properly and all clear the worldbuilding, then also the few points where WWX could awaken and the different branching it can do, and then give a nickname to each branch and write scenes for each however inspiration come.
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inquisitorhotpants · 5 years
okay let’s just get this out of the way.
i didn’t like it.
If you liked it, I am honestly jealous of you! I wish I did. But I am really uninterested in any attempts to convince me to like it.
TROS review, with spoilers, below the cut
So I walked out of the theater very “meh” on it. Almost everyone else in my friend circle seemed like they loved it, so I ruminated on it for a couple days and came to a conclusion.
I’m not meh. 
I really, really don’t like that movie. I will likely never turn it on of my own volition.
These are not in any particular order, just as they come to me.
The pacing is absolute shit. 
JJ’s “Lost” buddies got more lines and screentime than Rose, an established character they promised was getting a bigger more impressive role in TROS. 
Everything important Rose did got cut. That lightspeed hopping Poe was doing? Rose worked it out. But I guess we didn’t need to know that.
There are more effective ways to communicate in a movie than having Poe stand around reciting exposition about things he shouldn’t know about, but clearly JJ Abrams is uninterested in any of them
So many unearned emotional moments that mean nothing to the characters but JJ slaps in there to mash the dopamine button because HEY REMEMBER THIS YOU GUISE
So just to be clear, Leia can fucking FLY THROUGH THE VACUUM OF SPACE but just mentally communicating with her shitty kid kills her, sure jan
Rey would have just fucking killed Palpatine if he’d just shut the fuck up but no
Someone banged Sheev Palpatine.
Who also managed to somehow survive the second death star FUCKING EXPLODING.
You had the chance to show a fucking sith cult and went with “have Poe recite exposition about a sith cult”
The universe shows up for Lando, but not Leia??? 
Do not get me wrong, i adore Lando! But I really feel like even Lando and Chewie would have been like, “what the fuck??” about this?
JJ Abrams is a fucking shit writer
Pretending everything in TLJ doesn’t exist - except for some halfassed R*ylo, apparently - is shitty
Rey felt grossly OOC this whole fucking movie.
In theory, the Palpatine thing could have been good in the right hands; JJ Abrams was not the right hands.
All it took for Kyle Ron to stop being a space fascist was thinking about his dad telling him to be nice? THAT’S IT? Well hell, why are we punching Richard Spencer when we can just ask his dad to tell him to be a good boy??
Why the hell did we bury the lightsabers on Tatooine? All Luke ever wanted was to get away from there. It meant nothing to Leia. It meant nothing to Rey. It was literally only there so that viewers could go OMG I LOVE ANH and get teary eyed
So after that frankly excellent acting where Rey tells Kyle Ron to leave her the fuck alone, we get heart eyes and “Ben!” and a fucking kiss? 
When she doesn’t even know who the fuck Ben Solo even is??
Neither do we because he has no fucking lines??
Finn is the glue that holds this fucking trio together and he’s reduced in half the movie to running after Rey. Gross.
We seriously took the member of the trio with the most established backstory and most filled in timeline in canon, played by a Latino actor ... and made him a former drug dealer. really? not a single person went “hmm maybe this looks bad”?
Fic writers will do hours of research so they don’t get something wrong in a PWP smutfic, and you can’t research Poe’s backstory for four seconds?
please enjoy your three minutes in each set piece, keep all hands and arms inside the screaming traincar at all times, and ... nowwww we’re going to slowwwww dowwwwwwwn so Rey and Kyle can Force Skype for no apparent reason
there are no actual stakes
“Chewie died!” just kidding
“threepio is gone!” just kidding
“we don’t have a fleet!” just kidding
“kylo ren, head fascist, is dead!” just kidding
“Final Order” is dumb as fuck
so much finnrey baiting
this covers the part about unearned emotional moments much better than i ever could 
Good thing Vader eliminated that galactic menace, amirite? oh wait
“closes the entire saga” hey jj you know there are NINE movies in the saga, right? cause there sure wasn’t fuckall about the prequels in there.
this “trilogy” doesn’t feel like one. at all. 
it’s so checkboxy. “they want r*ylo, check! no r*ylo, check! use that leia footage - shit we’re out, give her the weakest death imaginable. twin suns! palpatine! let hayden say a couple words so the prequels fans shut the fuck up! ‘everyone’ complained about rose, cut her out! cameos out the ass!”
The Knights of Ren were boring af.
rey gets no character growth
Are we just gonna make all the black folks in the movies related? Lando & Jannah already are, so do we get a short in a couple months where we find out Finn is his son and they’re all related to Mace Windu? 
It just felt very “i didn’t like your movie so i’m going to make 2 and 3 in one smashed together mediocre movie”.
I just cannot get past shit writing and shit pacing and a hack job at “homage”
Now i’m stuck looking at a hundred hot takes on twitter about how “this is ben solo’s trilogy! he’s the real hero! he’s the poor abused boy and no one else has ever had it worse in the entire star wars sagaaaaaaaaaaaa and how dare rey get everything while he was abused and neglected and had NOTHING” thanks jj
Y’all I love this cast and they deserved so much better than what they got from this trilogy.
I suppose there were a couple of things I liked.
the music was phenomenal, as always. Palpatine’s theme done in the style of Rey’s theme was great. 
space horses!
the bickering scene. I got my hopes up after that. They were quickly disappointed as Rey quickly went off into OOC-land
Dark Rey and that little snarl at the end
I thought the new force powers were cool af. It’s about time we do something with the Force beyond jumpy jumps, zoomies, and the jedi mind trick
I’ve only known D-0 for 4 days but if anything happened to him ... you know the rest.
i actually enjoy the theme of “you are not your bloodline” but it was done so much better by Claudia Gray.
Anytime the trio was together was good.
As much as I am super “eh” on Kyle Ron as a character, I appreciate Adam Driver as an actor, and the scene where Rey passes him the lightsaber and he does that little shrug with the smirk, that was good. I liked that quite a bit. 
The problem is that cool setpieces do not a good movie make.
I started The Witcher the day after I went to the movie, purely to stop thinking about this shitshow of a movie, and that show is great. xD
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shirokodomo · 4 years
[Hakudōshi Verses]
With my new blog theme I can’t provide a link to the verses page as before, therefor I will also post about them here. 
This is a rather long post, so you can find the verses under the cut! They will be divided in three categories: Main, AU and Canon Divergent.
More verses will be added to this post and to the blog itself as they are created.
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AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: Canon Universe POSITION: Naraku's servant / Plotting to overthrow Naraku The canon verse everyone is familiar with, in here Hakudōshi was originally Naraku’s human heart, the Infant, before being split in half by a dying priest, from which the right half of it grew into Hakudōshi. He is a deceiving, manipulating little devil that doesn’t hesitate to kill his preys but also enjoys to play games and torture them, he often gets his hands dirty and doesn’t mind it and appears to be an incarnation who is almost as loyal to Naraku as Kanna is. He is also very clever and usually is several steps ahead from his enemies. He has, however, his own agenda and eventually plots with his other half to overthrow his creator and take his place. Interactions with this verse will vary between the Hakudōshi that is a loyal servant to Naraku and the Hakudōshi that is already plotting the betrayal with his other half, it will all depend on the plot of the thread. I am fine with the interactions between our Muses being hostile and harsh, Hakudōshi is a villain after all! Since the canon material with him isn’t much, a lot of things will be headcanon based, especially when it comes to his betrayal towards Naraku as personally I think the reasons for his betrayal were a bit bland and empty.
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AGE: 11-12 TIMELINE: Early 2000's POSITION: Heir of the Makai Company, one of the most wealthy families in Japan. An AU where the series characters are all humans and no demons exist. Hakudōshi Makai is the 11 year old son of Naraku Makai and Kikyō; the couple went through a complicated and harsh divorce but through the corrupt system, Naraku gained the full custody of his son and made it so his now ex-wife could never see their son ever again. Prior to these events, Hakudōshi was extremely close to his mother and thus her leaving left an empty feeling on the boy. This and Naraku's manipulation over him lead to Hakudōshi believing that every relationship is meant to be doomed sooner or later and that the concept of a happy family does not exist. The Hakudōshi of this verse does not possess the same manipulative and cruel nature of his canon counterpart, however, he can be cold and even distant sometimes. He eventually opens up to others but it takes time. During free time, between Junior High School lessons and education regarding the family's business, Hakudōshi practices kendo and also horse riding lessons, he has a horse of his own a white mustang named Entei, he has owned it ever since it was a foal, and it was a gift from his mother. It is a gift he treasures dearly.
Variations of this verse may be created.
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AGE: 19 (Biologically) | 12-13 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: x784 POSITION: Half-Demon | Former slave of the Tower of Heaven | Independent Mage An AU created for interactions within the Fairy Tail universe. Hakudōshi is a half-demon who during his early childhood was captured and taken by a Zeref following cult, for the same purpose as the other kidnapped children by them: build the Tower of Heaven to resurrect Zeref. During the rebellion led by Erza Scarlet, Hakudōshi escaped by using one of his abilities: Teleportation, once he was freed from the Magic Stealing Stones, instead of joining the rebels. After escaping, Hakudōshi set on to his main goal: find his twin brother, Akago, whom he had protected and prevented from also being captured by the cult. Due to his half-demon genes, Hakudōshi's body grows “slower” than the average human or demon, although his age keeps up with that of a human, his current appearance is of a child. This often leads to other people, wrongly, looking down on him when he takes up job offers. Although he possesses other abilities, his main magic is named Reversal Magic which is essentially a magic that allows Hakudōshi to absorb Caster type Magic into a barrier and then redirect it back to his opponent. It doesn’t work with Holder type Magic. With training, Hakudōshi develops other minor abilities which are connected to his demon side.
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AGE: 19 TIMELINE: 2010 onward POSITION: Vampire turned by Naraku | College student An AU verse in which the main focus is supernatural stuff, this means, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, etc. It is loosely based on The Vampire Diaries/The Originals series. Hakudōshi is an adult in this verse and his features remain the same as his canon counterpart: white hair, pale skin, violet eyes. Hakudōshi prior to his transformation was a normal boy, 19 years old, who had just entered college. Distant, not very social, generally quiet but quite intelligent those were the words that described him. His life turned completely upside down when one day he stayed till late at the school’s library, studying, and at some point heard noises, moans and what appeared to be screams coming from one of the classes. Upon investigating, he caught one of his teachers feeding on a student, literally feeding. The teacher, Naraku, realized the extra company at the room and decided to silence the boy. But Naraku realized who it was, one of his favorite students and instead of simply killing him, he decided to toy with him. Feeding him his blood and then snapping his neck, the vampire left Hakudōshi alone at the school along with his now dead victim, blood dripping to the floor. When he woke up from his temporary death, it was night and Hakudōshi felt an inexplicable thirst, not for water but for blood. He saw the dead student and without being able to control himself drank the remaining blood but it was not enough, it only made him more thirsty. This lead to him going to his house and murdering his family, only coming to his senses when it was already too late. Naraku watched him the whole time in delight and attempted to approach his most recent creation, to gain control over him, but Hakudōshi rejected his control and escaped, using and discovering his new inhuman abilities. With his emotions extremely amplified and still not understanding what had happened to him, he soon discovered he could no longer walk in the sun, it burned him and so he had to hide during the day and hunt at night, to quench his thirst. His path eventually crosses with that of Kohaku, a supernatural hunter trained from a young age to kill especially vampires like him. Despite having been taught to hate and kill these bloodthirsty monsters, Kohaku noticed the despair of the vampire and choose to help him control himself, teaching him a new diet not human based and eventually provided him a ring which allowed Hakudōshi to walk in the sun. Hakudōshi, after turning into a vampire, becomes extremely sardonic and doesn’t easily trust anyone. Being ironic is what he does best, he berates others, mocks them. This was his way to protect himself and the only one who succeeded so far in breaking that shell was Kohaku, although that only happened because he spared his life.
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AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: Post Ep.1 of Inuyasha: The Final Act / Chap.370 POSITION: Escaping from Naraku and The Infant This verse starts with a twist on the first episode of Inuyasha: The Final / on chapter 370, in this verse Hakudōshi doesn't die at the hand of Miroku's Wind Tunnel. Instead of losing his mind and trying to kill Kagura at any cost, Hakudōshi uses his miasma in order to escape from his enemies while his body keeps regenerating to its normal state; later he reunites with the Infant and Mōryōmaru in order to set up a new plan to get their hands on Kohaku's shard, the wicked Infant however has other plans for his "brother". With Naraku now being aware of their betrayal, the Infant states that he no longer needs Hakudōshi's help and that it is time for them to become one once again by having Mōryōmaru absorb him into his body, just like he had intended to do with Kagura. Hakudōshi refuses and they engage in a battle which ends with him barely escaping but successfully retrieves the jewel shard in Mōryōmaru's belly. The demon child is now completely alone, no allies and a lot of enemies with two of them constantly trying to capture him and kill him (Naraku and the Infant); this leads to Hakudōshi not trusting anyone he crosses paths with and being even slightly paranoid especially after he realizes the Infant is trying to enter inside his mind, to take over his body as well, and that he also has some sort of control over his regenerating abilities, slowing it down and making it far more painful. Hakudōshi eventually sets on a goal to find a way to create his own heart so that he can sever his connection to the Infant and eventually kill both his other half and Naraku.
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EXCLUSIVE WITH: konosesshomaru AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: Between the events of the Devil’s Crag and Kagura’s death. POSITION: Traveling with Sesshōmaru's group A variant verse of "Abandoned". Naraku discovers earlier Hakudōshi’s and the Infant's plans to overthrow him; he absorbs the Infant back inside him and to make his former right hand man physically suffer, gives him a heart of his own so that real wounds -that actually take a long time to heal- can be inflicted on the child. Hakudōshi has no choice but to flee for his life as Naraku's demons chase him and he ends up being rescued by Sesshōmaru, who then makes the decision to take him under his wing at least until the boy's wounds are healed. Afterwards, he leaves it up to Hakudōshi to decide if he wants to stay with them or not. With Naraku now constantly chasing after him, Hakudōshi chooses to stay and travel together with Sesshōmaru and his group.
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EXCLUSIVE WITH: thecursedpriestess AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: After Hakudōshi was pierced by Kikyō's arrow POSITION: Loyal to Kikyō | Travels with her After being pierced by Kikyō's arrow, shot by Kagome back in the Underworld, Hakudōshi is sired to the priestess due to her spiritual power having made some sort of connection with 'the Onigumo in him' instead of killing him -since his heart was somewhere else-. Afterwards Hakudōshi begins to feel strange whenever Kikyō is mentioned and no matter how hard he tries, he can't hurt her neither physically or emotionally. He eventually realizes what happened and though initially he hates the idea of being sired to the woman he was supposed to hate, the more times his path crosses with that of Kikyō's, the more loyal he seems to become to her. Hakudōshi, at some point, stops resisting and chooses to stay by the priestess's side. The bond becomes so strong to the point the child is willing to die for her; however what he doesn't understand is that the bond stopped being a 'sired bond' and has become one of a mother and her child.
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AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: After Kagome's permanent return to the Feudal Era POSITION: Brought back to life by a demon named Kirimi Not long after Kagome’s permanent return to the Feudal Era, a demon going by the name Kirimi (切り身, ‘Cutting Flesh’) begins an attempt to revive once powerful demons. They pretend to follow the steps of the deceased Urasue and even surpass them by improving the technique. Kirimi starts by reviving minor demons, at first to merely appreciate their work from afar and even see the need of improvements. Then they move on the next step: start reviving the deceased incarnations of Naraku. Unlike Urasue’s creations, Kirimi doesn’t use ashes and clay instead they use: an object that once belonged to the demon intended to be revived and that retains said demon’s “essence”, Kirimi’s own blood to create the connection between them and the revived demon and the heart of a sacrificed human. To revive Hakudōshi, Kirimi used the blanket that once belonged to the Infant’s right half, the one who later regrew into the child incarnation, and the heart of a human child. Thus instead of being a body made of clay like Urasue’s creations, Kirimi’s revived demons have a body made of flesh but only possess one organ inside them: the heart of the sacrificed human. Hakudōshi is then revived but he doesn’t appear to possess any memories of his life before his first death. He only reacts to his name and the reason seems to be that because Kirimi used the Infant’s blanket, an object worn by Hakudōshi only prior to be being cut in half and shortly after his body regrowing, therefore the “essence” within the blanket doesn’t “possess” Hakudōshi’s memories in the child-like body. Kirimi allows him to go so that he can retrieve his memories, once that is done they would be able to control Hakudōshi as their personal weapon along with the remaining incarnations they intended to revive. Hakudōshi then wanders through the lands, vaguely remembering the face of a woman carrying an Infant (Kagura) and the killing of monks. Believing that is how he will recover his memories, the newly reborn incarnation begins killing monks in the same way him and Kagura did in the past.
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AGE: 20+ | 8-11 (Permanent Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: Hanyou no Yashahime & onwards POSITION: Lives isolated in a mountain | Independent Demon Slayer After Kirimi’s death, Hakudōshi eventually recovers all of his memories, not just of the person he used to be but all the people he has hurt. Regret is a strong word for him, does he regret anything? He doesn’t, he did what he was born to do. Regret won’t bring back those who died at his hands or those who were hurt. He is capable, however, of apologizing despite knowing the most obvious answer is that he isn’t forgiven. That is fine by him. To his surprise, Kohaku asks him to come train for a while at the new Demon Slayer village. The boy hasn’t forgiven him but his kind nature doesn’t let the former incarnation simply go. He goes and after becoming a skilled Demon Slayer, Hakudōshi retires to a mountain and only leaves it when there is a dire need. He gains the title of The Demon That Slays Demons. This is where he will stay and watch as the new generations are born, grow and eventually surpass the old. The entire experience changes his personality to somewhat more calm, less brutal and cruel, the sadistic incarnation of Naraku is no more, but he is still Hakudōshi, the White Child.
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EXCLUSIVE WITH: @adversitybloomed​
AGE: 8-11 (Physical Appearance) TIMELINE: After the Infant was split in half POSITION: Adopted by the Hua family | Doesn't know his connection to Naraku
After the Infant was split in two, the right half of it was supposed to remain dead while the left half regenerated back into its original form. In short, the right half was supposed to be nothing but dead meat. Given this, Naraku ordered Kanna to look after the left half and get rid of the right one. The incarnation did as she was told and abandoned the half on a river, allowing the strong stream to take it away. Something unexpected happened and the right half regenerated just like its left but it was completely alone. Although still a demon, the baby appeared to have lost its memories and even its previous speaking ability, therefore the only way to grab the attention of anyone passing by was of a normal baby: cry. And so he did and soon enough he was found by Hua Mulan. She knew he was a demon the moment she set her eyes on him and even so still took him. She took had demonic blood in her. Having lost its speaking abilities, at least for now, Hakudōshi spoke to Mulan through his mind ability but could only tell her his name as he didn’t remember anything else. Mulan decided there and then to officially adopt and raise the little baby as if he were her own son. Because of his demon origins, Hakudōshi grows and develops much faster than the average child; each month he grows more and more although at some point it should stabilize. He is happy, he loves his mother and has a big respect for the Hua family, never does he want to tarnish their name. But danger lurks around every corner and unknown to him, his life is still connected to that of Naraku’s and thus it is threatened to be taken should his infant counterpart meet his demise...
These are the current verses. I also have a verse for Crossovers but I am a bit selective regarding the fandoms I accept RPing with in this verse.
#[verses]#about Hakudoshi#{ 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕞𝕪 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 } 𝕄𝔸𝕀ℕ 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔹𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕥𝕙𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 } 𝕄𝕆𝔻𝔼ℝℕ 𝔻𝔸𝕐𝕊 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔽𝔸𝕀ℝ𝕐 𝕋𝔸𝕀𝕃 | 𝕄𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔 𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤 } 𝔻𝔼𝕄𝕆ℕ 𝕄𝔸𝔾𝔼 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 } 𝕄𝕀𝔻ℕ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 𝔽𝔸ℕ𝔾𝕊 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔹𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕪𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕪 } 𝔸𝔹𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕆ℕ𝔼𝔻 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕠 𝕒 𝕡𝕦𝕡 𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕖 } 𝕎𝔸𝕐𝕎𝔸ℝ𝔻 𝔻𝕀𝕍𝔼ℝ𝔾𝔼ℕℂ𝔼 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝕀𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨 } 𝕎ℍ𝕀𝕋𝔼 𝔹𝔼𝕃𝕃 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔻𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕟𝕠 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 } ℝ𝔼𝔹𝕀ℝ𝕋ℍ 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ ℝ𝕠𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 } ℙ𝕆𝕊𝕋 ℝ𝔼𝔹𝕀ℝ𝕋ℍ 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕤 } ℂℝ𝕆𝕊𝕊𝕆𝕍𝔼ℝ 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼#{ 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕖 𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖 } 𝕊𝕆ℕ 𝕆𝔽 𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℙℍ𝕆𝔼ℕ𝕀𝕏 𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕊𝔼
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true canon: an explanation
True Canon is set in a typical High Fantasy D&D ye olden age world, with monsters and magic and dragons galore. It started out focused entirely on Eve and Viktor and a few others’ travels through a country called Witherhurst, and as we made more characters and stories and kingdoms, we expanded the scope of WotOG (the original D&D game) to cover all of them, until we had a nice world built up around the characters. Since not all of the stories related to the events of WotOG (and WotOG part 2: Electric Boogaloo), we decided to change the name to True Canon, so we knew which universe for sure was the foundation upon which our Many AU’s Stand. Here’s a quick n dirty timeline, for reference:
(much more under the cut)
-Eve, Viktor, and a few others that aren’t relevant to the story travel around Witherhurst on a job or something from a lady who’s Definitely Not Important At All (Her name is Prenella). At some point Prenella ditches the party and they’re stuck without a cleric for a while
-They make it to a big city, and through shenanigans that include travelling the city for fun and also almost dying to a pack of rabid dogs, Eve convinces Intem to join the party.
-Eve, Vik, and now Intem (plus one more pc) unravel a cult plot, something about the end of the world, blah blah nothing really important there. They end up taking out the cult and fighting Prenella, the cult’s leader, who also happens to be a dragon. Neat.
-After that horrifying ordeal, the party reconvenes and decides, ‘fuck it, let’s go find a new place to travel together’ and thus board a ship that they then steal from the captain (after Intem’s “pet” eats said captain).
-So begins the few years the party spends as pirates.
-Things happen, they end up fighting an eldritch god for world-ending rights, and go on their merry way.
- Intem falls into the role of reluctant (but no less ruthless) pirate captain, with vik as his first mate and eve as navigator (despite the fact that she can’t read. they figure it out)
-This is around the time Intem goes from lilac-haired sunshine boy to disgruntled cynic who’s Done With Your Shit, Viktor.
-Eventually the crew docks, and picks up Therai and Pippin for a while. Eve also brings up the idea of reviving Vik’s old travelling companion, Dante (two bros, chillin in a tavern, no feet apart ‘cause they’re so gay), and Intem’s like “Sure why the fuck not” and they set off to find his grave or whatever.
-Hatch and Xander are in the area and end up getting picked up by the crew.
-Dante gets revived, and for the next year or so, everything is fine.
-Eventually the crew docks near Therai’s old home kingdom, and he dips, taking Pippin, Xander, and Hatch with him (he really only meant to take Pip). They spend a while travelling to his kingdom, Aer-Vinn, and encounter Hatch’s long time (boy)friend Aerglo. He joins the party, at Hatch’s request.
-A little while later (vague time frame I know but exact years don’t matter here), there’s some Good Therai Angst when- Shock! Horror! - they end up stumbling upon Tal, who shares ~history~ with Therai. Not the good kind, mind you. They leave soon after meeting Tal.
-There’s a few more encounters with Therai’s old companion before Tal eventually softens up and joins the party, hell yeah. Warren joins too, because he was nearby and Also shares ~history~ with Therai and Tal. (They were all in a party together before this)
-AT THE SAME TIME THIS IS GOING ON: Rain sets out on a holy mission from their church to prove themselves worthy of being a Paladin of the Church.
-They meet Rosemary along the way, and after a small adventure together, they decide to help Rose out and find Catherine with her, because a while back Rose accidentally turned Catherine into, well, a cat.
-They do find Cat, after she’d gone through some Shit in an alternate dimension featuring a Sun Goddess and her complete mental breakdown. Cat Killed A Goddess (or two, we’ll see how the campaign goes), and made friends with the cousins Mikhail and Valentine. Mikhail doesn’t matter to the timeline right now. 
-Anyway, Rain and Rose find Cat, and settle down in a little seaside village where they work together to turn Cat back into a human.
-They Succeed!!!
-Uh-oh there’s a stranger at the door- Oh! It’s just Rain’s Cleric friend from their church, Rahon! Turns out Rain kinda went MIA and everyone back home is having a Panic, so Rahon’s here to make sure Rain is alive and well, or collect their belongings if they’re not-
-But they’re alive, so Rahon calms down and decides to stay (after sending a message back home, of course), to keep an eye or two on Rain.
-Rain is Delighted :)
-The party (minus kal) were traveling somewhere, kal ended up going the same way, and they ended up in the same city for a while. rahon saw her Up To No Good, so he kept an eye on them and saw them getting stabbed, and decided to nurse her back to health, and thus Kal Joins The Party. Rahon is an absolute sweetheart to them
-Eventually Rose, Cat, and Rain head out to a nearby cave system bc of Reasons, and end up kinda sorta stumbling into a system that leads to this world’s version of the Underdark. They need help navigating, because Fuck These Tunnels Are Confusing, and come across a little hermit drow who’s living his “best” life in his underground hut with tattered clothes and ratty books and cracked glasses.
-He just wants to see the surface but is terrified of how the world will treat him if he goes up alone, so he offers to guide everyone through the Underdark in exchange for them taking him up to the surface. Everyone agrees
-Astralus, little hermit drow lad, does so, and soon finds himself stumbling out into broad daylight. He’s got light sensitivity and everything Burns, but he’s so fucking happy oh my gods. Also he’s crying but it’s okay, he’s kinda really emotional.
-Aster joins the party! And they find out he’s cousins with Rose, who practically adopted him as a brother anyway let’s be real.
-Somehow Val learns of Cat’s whereabouts, and pops by to say hi to his trauma buddy. Cue shock as he sees her as human for the first time. Aster develops an immediate crush, and takes to following Val around like a lost puppy.
-Val is having a Time because, Aster looks just like a person he knew in an alternate universe and things didn’t turn out well for them. Yikes.
-Val joins the party, if only to tease Cat and finally have a place to be for a while
-MEANWHILE: Bree finds an abomination living in the abandoned mineshafts near her village. She decides he could probably use a friend, since the entire village is pretty scared of/hostile towards him, and becomes that friend. She finds out his name is Ve, and he’s a sweetheart. She makes immediate friends and he teaches her sign language, because he Literally Doesn’t Have A Face, he can’t speak.
-A few weeks later, either Ve or Bree decide to leave bc Fuck This Town, except they don’t say Fuck because they’re both softe beans (they both legally cannot say fuck. and i actually had an idea for how they leave ovo). Either way, they leave, and through shenanigans, they pick up Three More Tieflings, what the hell, which is kinda funny because previously, Bree didn’t think tieflings existed at all. 
-Tarvaii and Trancey are travelling together as a Chaotic Mischief Duo, and end up joining the party because Bree made friends
-Same situation with Chaym, though he was alone and depressed because his entire village got massacred. Bree made friends, and Chaym joined the party
-Chaym also ended up teaching Trancey magic, specifically Necromancy, which is kinda really stupid dangerous but it’s fine, Chaym survived, why shouldn’t Trancey? (flawed logic but okay Chaym)
-Cut to a few years later, back with Eve and Co.
-They’re in a tavern, Eve sees a depressed tiefling at the bar. What does she do? Immediately go try to cheer him up.
-She finds out he’d left his pregnant girlfriend on a mission to go help out somewhere, and ended up stuck in a weird place where time passes differently for him. It’s been 26 years, though to him it felt more like a handful of weeks. He’s scared and confused and would very much like to find his family, but he has no idea where he is.
-Eve’s heart breaks bc! he’s so sad and his girlfriend is pregnant and he’s got a family and just wants to get back to them, how could she not want to help? and thus she decides to help the tiefling, Viren, find his family.
-Through a series of events, the find out Viren’s family was living in a beautiful city built into the mountains, that fell quite a few years back. Luckily, his girlfriend left beforehand, and moved to a small mining town, where she gave birth to, and briefly raised, their son. She named him Ve, after his father, who she assumed was dead.
-There was a fire at one point, and Angelica, Viren’s girlfriend, died saving Ve. Viren is absolutely devastated when he finds out, and Eve offers to resurrect Angelica, y’know, bring the family together again, even if for just a short time.
-Vi agrees, and they do so! Woo! Also Eve and co. meet up with Ve for a while so the family really is back together.
-Intem, doing a sneaky trick, makes it so Angelica’s soul keeps the body and just, lives until the body dies, be it natural or unnatural causes. He only tells Eve and Angelica about it, and waits to see how long it takes Viren to realize ‘oh shit I’m not losing my fiance so soon’
-Also Viren and Angelica get engaged! Woo!
-A little while passes, Viren and Anne join the party, and Eve gets pregnant with Intem’s kids. At this point the party’s stopped adventuring, and they all settled down somewhere nice. Anyway Eve’s pregnant and gives birth to twins, Olive and Evergreen (Evan for short), but Olive looks more like Therai than Intem and it’s kinda weird, but nobody really minds because the twins are just, so cute. Also Therai (and co) came back and built the party a nice house, so, yeah.
-Olive and Evan grow up, and Evan takes an interest in Druid Magic. Vik lets Evan access his Giant Library and teaches him general magic stuff. Olive scares her whole ass family by taking an interest in Necromancy, and eventually someone gets in contact with Chaym (and by extension Trancey), and has him come over to teach Olive.
-Olive becomes a necromancer! And then heads off with Evan in tow to start their own life of adventuring. 
-Eve has another kid, Avery, with Therai
-Olive befriends a Whole Ass Dragon, gives him the nickname Jade, and introduces him to Evan. By the time the trio make it back to Jade’s hoard, Avery’s taken on the role of Fighter and heads out into the world to do her own thing. She also meets Clover, another fighter, and they travel together for a while before joining Olive, Evan, and Jade. 
-That’s it, that’s where we stopped on the timeline of True Canon. It’ll go on, of course, but, here’s the general timeline in 4 pages
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t-citurnity-moved · 4 years
A (Simple) Ship Timeline
Today’s Subject: Mysterious Intent && Demonic Instinct
AKA: Crowley’s Very Bad, Not So Good Time.
AKA: I Said I Was Gonna Go Feral (And Here We Are)
It’s a wild ride, so buckle up folks. (And not simple by any means.)
Oh! And here’s some music to listen to while you read. Because it really DOES fit the ship and kinda shaped some parts of it. For like... both sides, surprisingly. You’ll understand.
These are just little snippets that uh. Well. You’ll see, but basically I couldn’t find a way to incorporate them into a fic, so you get them here instead! Bullet pointed. Not all of it is canon, so things may change, buuuut I like how some of it sounds, sooo.
Crowley and Vergil meet sometime in DMC3.
Either because he’s partnered with Lady at the time and they get dragged into the Twin BS. Kinda shocked that Dante’s involved in this whole mess, but whatever; it’s REALLY nothing new.
Or because he’s been Dante’s demon hunting partner for awhile now.
Either way, Crowley knows and is good friends with Dante by this point.
Crowley has NO PROBLEM threatening Vergil if he touches either of them, because he and Dante are close AND because Lady is human, so she doesn’t need to be involved in this.
Vergil genuinely thinks it’s funny that a HUMAN is threatening him.
But he doesn’t find out Crowley is a witch (and thus can do magic) until they actually fight later on.
Something something something here, not sure how it resolves, but either way, no one dies.
Probably Crowley kicking Vergil’s ass, but refusing to kill him because he knows Dante would be REALLY upset by that.
Even heals Vergil’s wounds with whatever magic he has left.
“I’m impressed. You’re rather resilient for a human.”
“Resilient implies you’ve been able to actually lay a hand on me.”
DMC1 rolls around.
(And this is where the details get fuzzy, cause I remember fuck all about 1 and 2. And like hardly anything about 4.)
Dante and Crowley are at it again!
Except this time, it’s even weirder.
“Who the FUCK is that dude that we keep running into?”
“I mean, seriously, he’s a demon, right?”
It’s kinda fucking stupid, because Crowley SHOULD be able to sense it, but like... he’s dealing with his own problems.
Like a message from his mother, who he thought was dead. And OOF. Boy oh boy.
Eventually they find out that Nelo Angelo is Vergil!
And Crowley is PISSED.
ESPECIALLY when Dante doesn’t seem to notice who he is!
“Dante, don’t you fucking SEE who this guy is?!”
“Fucking idiot, nevermind.”
Even more upset when it takes seeing the amulet for Dante to realise.
But mostly, Crowley’s kinda sad. Probably because he knows how Dante must feel.
But they carry on, cause well... what else can they do?
Vergil’s dead now for all they know.
Crowley was pretty much non-existent during DMC2 and DMC4.
He had his own personal problems to deal with, but it’s very obvious by DMC5 that he’s NOT as human as anyone thought.
Short run-down time let’s go.
Crowley’s mother sent him a message sometime between the post events of DMC3 and pre-events of DMC1. He previously believed her to be dead, so this was weird.
He didn’t tell Dante about it at all until the events of DMC1 are over.
And then leaves to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Despite Dante’s protests. Despite Dante thinking he’s going off to die somewhere.
Plot twist: He doesn’t.
He returns sometime shortly after the events of DMC4.
Fucking adopts Nero, you can’t convince me otherwise.
Nero calls him ‘pop,’ and Crowley calls Nero ‘kiddo,’ ‘my boy,’ ‘my son.’
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two-baes · 5 years
Just gonna, leave this here for myself.
Main Batfam (ie; the ‘core’ fam) :
Athanasia - Sparrowhark - 14
Barbara - Batgirl - 29
Bruce - Batman - 42
Cassandra - Black Bat - 19
Claire - Gotham Girl - 18
Colin - (work in progress) - 14
Cullen - No superhero identity - 17
Damian - Robin - 14
Dick - Nightwing - 27
Duke - Signal - 16
Harper - Bluebird - 20
Helena W.- Huntress - 21
Jason - Red Hood - 22
Matt - (Flame) Robin - 13
Maya - Nobody - 15
Maxine - Oracle - 20
Stephanie - Spoiler - 19
Nissa - Batgirl - 16
Terry - Batman - 21
Tim - Red Robin - 18
Extended Batfam (ie; cousins / like family) :
Basil - Clayface - 37
Beth - Brightbat - 40
Bette - Flamebird - 24
Carrie K - ‘Robin’ - 13
Charlie - Misfit - 17
Helena B. - Huntress - 26
Jean-Paul - Azrael - 27
Kate - Batwoman - 40
Kitrina - Catgirl - 16
Luke - Batwing - 30
Maps (aka Mia) - No superhero identity (as of yet) - 14
Mary - Strix - 19 (physically)
Selina - Catwoman - 35
Tiffany - Sugar Glider - 12
Outer (ie; not quite Batfam but Batfam adjacent / Batfam friends) :
Calvin - Falcon/Falco (I’m undecided) - 31
Lonnie - Anarky - 20
M - Midnighter - 36
Tatsu - Katana - 33
Violet - Mother Panic - 21
Zatanna - 39
Other (ie; people I haven’t decided what to do with yet but they exist) ;
Lincoln (aka Thomas Jr) - Owlman - 39
Thomas - (currently undecided) - 62
Breaking things down a bit - The inner fam ;
Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassandra, Harper & Cullen, and Maya have all been officially adopted by Bruce in this universe
More or less in that exact order.
They’ve all kept their respective last names, but will occasionally hyphenate and tack on ‘Wayne’ to the ends of them.
Maya was brought home one day by Damian, who insisted Bruce take her on as a ward. Bruce was more than happy to oblige, tho noting how close of a bond the two children already had (and how they were already referring to one another as ‘brother’ & ‘sister’), he decided to just adopted her.
Barbara and Stephanie are not adopted
Steph is however a ward.
Bruce did ask to adopt her but she feels that it would be too weird for her to be legally adopted, since her and Tim are dating. ---She is however, considered by most of the family (in particular Harper, Cullen, & Cassandra), to be an ‘honorary sibling’.
Barbara’s father is still very much alive, altho Gordon and Bruce often joke about shared custody. (Also Babs agrees with Steph in that it would make dating Dick awkward)
Bruce still thinks of them like his own, and they’re considered as a core part of the family by everyone else.
Both also have their own respective rooms at the manor. Steph because she lives there, and Babs because she visits so often.
Claire is more or less an unofficial ward of Bruce’s.
In this verse he took her in after the death of her brother, and has been helping her to get the help she needs to recover; she’s been healing slowly but surely.
She’s formed a close bond with Duke.
She’s been getting training so that she feels less inclined to use her powers and won’t shave any more years off her lifespan.
Duke and Colin, while not officially adopted by Bruce, are his wards
Duke’s parents are still alive (though Jokerized), in light of this Bruce has offered to adopt him, but Duke politely declined. The offer remains open should he ever change his mind, however.
Colin similarly has been made an offer to be adopted, but turned it down for unspecified reasons. (ie; I haven’t decided yet if I want to go the ‘Tiny Boyfriends’ route w/ Dami&Colin in this AU, so I’m holding off on making them adopted siblings)
Helena, Damian, and Athanasia are all biologically Bruce’s children
Helena is from the future (or at least a possible future) in which Bruce and Selina have a child together. She refuses to tell them what year she’s actually from, or reveal much about her timeline.
Damian is Bruce’s son by Talia. He came to live with Bruce when he was 10.
Athanasia is Bruce’s daughter by Talia, although she was more ‘created’ than ‘conceived’ (ie, very much like those spare clone babies Talia had floating that she showed to Damian in the comics).
For clarification, she isn’t a female-clone of Damian. Talia used a sample of her own DNA and a sample of Bruce’s to create a new embryo.
When Damian was sent off to join his father, Talia had Athanasia born; aged up to ten years old to match her brother. She kept her a secret, hidden from Bruce and Damian, training her in the ways of the league for the next three years, before having a change of heart and sending her daughter to meet her brother and father.
Terry, Matt, Nissa, and Max are all from a future timeline that was wiped from existence somehow, they managed to time travel back to the past to survive.
Terry and Matt are (because of genetic tampering done by Waller) biologically Bruce’s sons. Terry is aware of this information. Matt is not.
Since they didn’t arrive with them, Terry and Matt believed Nissa & Max had died. However it turned out that their device had been damaged somehow, causing the timing of their arrival to be off by a year.
Breaking things down further - The extended fam ;
Kate and Beth are identical twin sisters, and are Bruce’s cousins.
In this verse Beth recovers from her ‘Alice’ persona and adopts the mantle of ‘Brightbat’, working alongside Kate as a vigilante.
Bette is the youngest cousin of Kate, Beth, and Bruce.
Jean-Paul isn’t related to anyone, nor is he adopted by, or a ward of Bruce.
He does however work closely with the family, and is considered an extended part of it. He’s like an honorary cousin more or less.
Luke also isn’t related to anyone, but works closely with the batfamily, earning him a spot as an honorary member, even if he's not a part of the core family.
Tiffany is Luke's youngest sister.
She's taken to training with and helping him out on the field. Don't call her his sidekick though, she hates that.
Helena B. has close ties to the batfamily, although she isn’t part of the core family, she is always welcomed by them, and in turn will always aid them when they need it.
She’s particularly close w/ both Barbara & Dick, as well as Cass. She also gets along well with Jason.
Mary isn’t officially integrated as a part of the core family, but she does live with them, having been brought to the manor to live by Babs, who she has grown close to.
She appears to be around 19 years old, in actuality she is much older. Because of the process she underwent when being made into a Talon, she doesn’t age physically.
She was taught sign language from Cassandra, although she still prefers writing as a means of communication.
While Babs fills the role as an older sister type figure for her, Mary seems to have latched on to Secret Six team-member Thomas Blake as something of a (reluctant) paternal figure.
Charlie isn’t exactly a full fledged part of the Batfam, so much as Babs has taken her under her wing and started to mentor her.
She lives with Barbara, and is generally introduced as her cousin.
Carrie is Barbara’s second cousin on her mother’s side, who randomly showed up on her door one way after finding out she had a relative in Gotham.
Eventually she discovered Babs was Batgirl and pleaded for her to mentor her.
Basil has gone from a former Gotham rogue, to a redeemed and trusted member of the batfamily.
He's particularly close to Cassandra, and has become somewhat of a second father figure to her.
Selina really is on the family friend/extended family cusp, with Helena’s arrival edging her a bit closer to the latter. --She’s not quite a part of the core family, but with a daughter from a potential future timeline showing up her dynamic definitely changes.
Her and Bruce have, as you can expect, had a thing. They have in fact, had several things. They’re very on-and-off.
When they’re 'on’ their relationship is sometimes left open (bc y’all kno I’m all about that poly)
Selina being the alleged long-lost daughter of Carmine Falcone is canon in this verse.
Kitrina isn’t quite a part of the batfamily on her own, however as Selina’s protege she’ll make appearances here and there during times of need at her mentors side.
Kitrina is Selina’s niece (unbeknownst to her, tho Selina knows.)
Maps is one of Damian’s very best friends, and has taken full advantage of that to worm her way into the (at least somewhat) inner bat circle.
She’s is --as Damian keeps reminding her -- a vigilante in training and is always asking him to mentor her so she can join in when he goes on patrols. She's even volunteered to be the Robin's sidekick.
Breaking things down even more - The outer fam;
M is for lack of better explanation, like that close family friend you have who is sort of like the cool/fun Uncle. He helps out here and there, gets along w/ most of the fam, and pops into the manor uninvited every now & then to get a rise out of Bruce.
Gets along well with Dick and Jason. (Tends to team up with the latter to tease the former)
Cullen seems to have taken a real shine to him, and has asked if M would mentor him since starting to consider becoming a vigilante. (M however is unsure he's the right fit as a mentor for the kid, since his crime fighting methods tend to be a bit brutal)
He’s not married to Apollo in this verse, though they do have an on-again-off-again type relationship (so I can occasionally hook him up with other people w/o leading to drama).
Zatanna also falls into the category of close family friend.
Her and Bruce have been friends since childhood, making her one of his oldest and closest friends.
Also her and Bruce have had a thing once upon a time. (There might still be some feelings on both sides, I’m keeping options open here...)
Violet isn’t part of the core batfamily, and she doesn’t work quite closely enough with them to be considered part of the extended fam either, but in this verse she’s close friends with (and maybe dating) Harper. which has lead to her working a bit more frequently with the bats than she usually would otherwise.
Calvin is an ally of the Batfam & comes to help them when called upon.
He gets along really well w/ Dick. Circus boys gotta stick together! ...No really, they've got like a whole act worked out together.
Tatsu is another close friend and trusted ally of the bats. Though she doesn't work often with them under normal circumstances as she usually has her own things going on, when they're in a real pinch they can call on her, knowing she'll answer.
Lonnie's position within the batfamily is...complicated, as he doesn't always see eye to eye with some of them.
Despite not always getting along (with Bruce in particular), he does help out the family from time to time when they have need for him, and has admitted that he prefers being friend over foe.
Gets along best with Stephanie and Harper.
Had somewhat of a rivalry with Tim when they were kids. They're both (mostly) over it now.
Sort of awkward around Jason since it's highly possible Lonnie's biological father is the Joker... in this verse it totally is canon
Whatever is left to break down ;
Lincoln - aka Thomas Wayne Jr - Bruce’s younger brother that he was unaware most of his life that he even had.
(I’ve not really decided what to do with him yet, he’s only been fleshed out in this verse far enough for me to have decided that he definitely exists here, his backstory will mostly follow comic canon but after that I don’t know yet)
Thomas is Bruce (and Lincoln)’s father from an alternate timeline where he didn’t die (so, again, also not a huge divergence from comic canon, except this one isn’t an asshole who tries to ruin his son’s life and break his spirit whilst claiming it’s to help him...)
(I haven’t decided yet what to do with him. Do I want him to also be Batman?? Do I want him to have retired??? We’ll see... He, much like Lincoln in this verse, hasn’t been fleshed out beyond ‘he exists’, yet.)
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
((SO. This AU has gotten way more off-canon and hectic than I intended waay back when I first started this blog, so under the cut is a crash-course for this AU and how it differs from canon and other things to take note of for folks that are new and/or who don’t keep up with every single little post. Confused? This should have answers :3c))
FIRST OFF, AN IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE Is that this AU has been going since just after Chapter Two, and a lot of it was planned between chapters two and three. Also, this blog PREDATES and TOTALLY AVOIDS canon. There Is No Bad Ending. Only Happy Times(tm).
It’s heavily implied the studio is in New York in-canon, but I can confirm here that the studio is indeed in New York in this AU.
The toons are really Joey’s creations, they’re in no way stolen from anyone else.
I made and characterized my Joey before we got his first log in chapter three, and for me, voices need to sync to their characters. As such, my Joey doesn’t at all sound like he does in the game. I haven’t found who the voice belongs to, but I’ll update this when I do. Joey’s the only character in the AU with a voice different here than in-canon. (For anyone curious, he’s actually in the realm of sounding like a slightly more masculine Blue Diamond from SU xD it’s very light and gentle like that)
Joey’s a bit out of his mind in this AU, but he’s not uncaring. He’s still into rituals and the occult, but he’d never harm his employees or the toons.
He thinks of the toons as his children, and they think of him as their Papa Drew. They’re a very cute oddball family.
Joey has no (human) family of his own, he lives in an apartment in the studio with the toons. It’s right behind his office.
Henry has not been with the studio since it started. Joey started the studio on his own, and only met Henry later. He was too young to hire at the time, so it was several years before Henry actually got to join the studio staff. Henry and Joey stayed in close contact, though.
Speaking of Henry, he’s more Joey’s apprentice and surrogate son than business partner or anything else canon implies.
Henry’s wife is actually named Dianne here, because I accidentally made him a wife before we knew anything about Linda. Linda still exists somewhere in the city though, she’s just an ex. She broke up with him because of his work habits.
And speaking of Family, I don’t have a lot of family headcanons but here’s what I’ve got in a list: Joey just has the toons, Henry has a wife and a baby, Sammy’s an only child, Susie’s got an oldest brother and an older sister, Wally’s got six other siblings, Norman has five kids (and something like 20 grandkids iirc), shawn’s got a wife and two kids, and thomas had a wife and a kid but she left him and took the kid with her (now he only has his dog, poppy - she is his everything). susie and sammy go on to get married in a year and end up having twin boys, Stephen and Stanley Lawrence, in late 1940.
The toons were made in the first half of 1936, making them all around two years old as of when this was posted. They were made as-is so they were never babies, and they only age mentally. They were “born” with incredibly limited knowledge and experience, and with the way they learn at about the same pace regular human kids would they all have a tendency to act like small children. 
Naturally they do get smarter and wiser as time goes on, but they still act pretty childish and toony even 100 years from now.
The toons weren’t made by individual human sacrifices. Joey bonded his soul to the ink machine so it could produce possessed ink, which can then take on the form and personality of a toon in a ritual. The rituals still need blood, but Joey uses his own.
Speaking of that, that means Joey lacks a soul. This has had subtle influences on him as a person, both physically and mentally, but they’re very subtle.
Also, The Ink can manipulate things that already exist, people and objects included. Even inhaling too many fumes from it can cause one to act goofy. Physical contact or consumption of The Ink will lead to anything from toonish (childish/goofy) behavior to going full toon or ink monster, depending on quantity. explains why wally’s such a darn goofball, with how much of that stuff he cleans up all the time... this boy has inhaled Too Many Ink Fumes
Related to the above, but if The Ink gets into your system and deems you “incompatible”... it’s rare, but it’ll just outright kill you with ink poisoning instead of trying to do something Fun to you. it’s rare, and it hasn’t happened yet, but it can happen. Joey is the only one that knows this.
A handful of items in the studio are possessed by now after coming in contact with The Ink from leaking pipes or other spills.
The toons are ink all the way through, unlike their canon counterparts that have bones and organs. If you tried you could literally punch straight through them, and it wouldn’t hurt them all that much. It’d heal right back up as soon as you moved your arm. In fact, the only things that can harm them are water, religious symbols, and types of paint thinner (acetone, turpentine, etc etc. bleach will probably do it too.)
Because ink can take on the physical properties of other materials, that means the toons don’t just feel like ink - hair and fur still feels soft, fabric feels like fabric, etc etc... but everything’s got a subtle chalky texture to it, especially skin.
The toons have a lot of toon-superpowers, including but not limited to: shapeshifting, toon physics, hammerspace, consuming ridiculous amounts of food, teleporting through ink puddles... If it’s Classic Cartoon Slapstick(tm), they can probably do it.
Toons only really need to drink possessed ink to survive in day-to-day life, they need it much like humans need water. They can (and do) eat food for enjoyment but they don’t have to. They can also eat things that aren’t actually food, for some reason. Bendy’s really the only one that does this. the worst offender is pens, don’t leave your nice pens laying around he will eat them
The toons are all technically imperfect for in-universe unknown reasons. Bendy has a tail, Boris also has a tail and is fluffier than his cartoon counterpart, and Alice’s horns are just bits of hair that stick up. She also has holes all the way through her hands, and a longer dress. (The meta reasoning for this is just that I found it more fun to draw them these ways, they make them a little more my own ;P) (plus we didn’t know what alice looked like from the waist down until ch3 so uhhhhhh I Winged It)
This AU parallels Disney heavily, also they are technically Disney so that means they’re producing a lot of non-bendy related things alongside the Bendy cartoons. This includes full animated feature films that are more or less just like their disney counterparts. Yes, they did a snow white.
Studio never bankrupts in this timeline, it mirrors Disney’s success as well.
This also means that the theme park that was being worked on in-canon actually doesn’t exist for another 20 or so years, as Disney got to their first theme park in the 1950s.
Blog progresses in real-time, minus 80 years. There are slight tweaks to the exact time of day and the studio’s hours of operation exclusively for the ask-blog feature, however. this is why sometimes characters are answering asks at 9PM, when everyone is actually home in-universe
This is more meta but it’s a fun-fact, I try to simulate the ‘late 1930s’ vibe as well as I can, I do a loooot of research. More than I should, given this is a silly AU ask blog. I find history fascinating though so I go overboard.
The studio uses a mix of the current in-game layout, and the pre-ch4 updates layout. For example, there’s that new animation room behind henry’s desk here, but the ink machine and it’s room are still relatively undramatic.
Regardless of what I end up doing with Allison, she will not replace Susie as Alice’s voice. Susie is still and always will be Alice’s voice actress.
Susie’s also not nearly as... insane as her canon-counterpart, but that can be said for just about everyone here.
Alice was actually modeled after Susie. Joey was inspired by her incredible voice talent and general personality, so he made Alice as a character not long after Susie started working at the studio.
The studio was founded in February 1928, and they released the first Bendy cartoon in August 1928.
This will be updated as time goes on, and I’ll put those updates below this note so folks can find them easier instead of trying to remember what changed! c:
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