#it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be posted
frostyhelltime · 21 hours
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Alastor Realizes He Has Feelings For You
Alastor x GN!Reader
AN: A lovely anon sent in a request for a few of the guys realizing they have feelings for the reader, and Alastor's got...so far away from me that I decided to give him his own post, and I'll link this in the ask I actually answer. I just had so much fun writing Alastor freaking the hell out once he realizes.
HERE is the link for the ask if anyone is curious to see this prompt with Lucifer or Vox.
In order of which of the guys notices first, Alastor realizes it dead last.
Which makes sense. He had long thought himself incapable of such feelings toward someone. There had never been anyone he had felt that particular inclination towards before, so he assumes at first that what he has with you is just…a very intense friendship, almost like him and Rosie, just with some odd caveats.
Once he does realize he'll immediately go to Rosie for some advice since it's…clearly not his area of expertise.
He doesn't even notice it, someone else points it out to him.
He's in a piss poor mood as he goes about the hotel. He hasn't yet figured out it's because you've been too busy to see him for the past four days.
Until someone gets mad enough at him to talk back.
Alastor is sitting in the lobby, impatiently tapping his foot as he wallows and waits, sipping a glass of rye as Husk made a point to only come over to his side of the bar when it looked like he needed something.
Alastor was struggling, trying to figure out why his mood has been so sour these past few days. Things had been fine, delightful even! The hotel was taken care of, his broadcasts went well, why he even went for a nice stroll in Cannibal Town to visit Rosie. By all means a perfect few days.
So why was his patience for everything wearing oh so thin? He sighs a moment and makes a sound almost like a growl to himself as he tries to puzzle this out. This was so infuriatingly perplexing!
It isn't much longer until Angel Dust is so fed up with Alastor ruining the good mood of the bar as he tries to flirt with Husk that he actually addresses the Overlord.
“Look Smiles. Just because you're all sad ya lovely little lover has been too busy to even say hi the past few days, doesn't mean you've gotta take it out on us. I'm trying to hit on the barman but your pissy mood is killing it.” Angel says, throwing a hand up from the other side of the bar. 
“Operative word here being try, not succeeding at.” Husk says dryly, closer to Angel’s side.
“Yeah yeah. You secretly adore me. Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.” Angel winks at him as Alastor tries to decipher what it is Angel just said.
“...Lover?” He asks, trying to clarify, tilting his head to the side. He's so flummoxed he even stops tapping his foot. He says it like someone sounding out a foreign word for the first time.
“...Are they not your lover?” Angel raises an eyebrow, putting his drink down a moment. “I mean the way you two act…I thought you were dating and just keeping it a secret.” Angel shrugs, and only then does it click Angel is talking about you. There's no one else in the hotel that he's consistently friendly enough with that that mistake could happen.
Once he figures it out he just cackles a moment, deep and loud, with his free hand over his stomach as he fails to contain his amusement.
“Oh my dear Angel, no!” He says, chuckling a little more before continuing, shaking his head. “They're just a very dear friend.” Alastor explains, waving off the idea. “Besides why would I be upset they haven't been around? I don't see Rosie every day and I'm perfectly fine.” He says, although he doesn't really need to explain himself to them anyway.
But it doesn't seem to convince Angel who just looks at him with skepticism.
“Surely you jest! What evidence have I possibly given to suggest they are more than a dear friend?” Alastor asks, sure Angel has nothing concrete.
“Well, for starters, they can touch you whenever and however they want. You let them in your personal bubble and you fucking hate people being in your personal bubble.” Angel begins to explain, holding a finger up.
“I'm the same way with Rosie, and Mimzy, to a degree.” Alastor shoots down that theory easily.
“You've been in an increasingly shit mood with  a short fuse since they've been too busy to see you.” Angel tries again, holding up a second finger.
“Preposterous. I don't know why I'm in such a frustrated mood, but I assure you it isn't them. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit of cabin fever and need to spend more time out and about in the city…?” The last bit is mostly Alastor's own suggestion to himself. "Perhaps too much time in the hotel..?" He continues wondering aloud.
Angel just rolls his eyes and sighs, rubbing his forehead with a free hand a moment.
“You get them presents! And do things for them without ever asking for a deal!” Angel tries again, holding up a third finger, but Alastor just shakes his head.
“I won't deny I do that, but I fail to see the connection between that behavior and them supposedly being my lover.” Alastor shakes his head, finding Angel's arguments far too easy to poke holes into.
Angel thinks he's about to scream with how absolutely daft this guy was in regards to his emotions apparently.
“You let them in your radio station, even when you're broadcasting, have picnics in your freaky weird swamp thing in your room, smile so much brighter as soon as you catch sight of them! You obviously have a big fat crush on them!” Angel almost shouts, standing and throwing all four arms up in absolute and utter exasperation.
"Am I fucking crazy or what? I can't be the only one who sees this?!" Angel sighs heavily as he turns to Husk who shakes his head.
"I'm not getting involved in this." Is all Husk says, although he stays close to Angel, as if to protect him should something go wrong.
“...None of that is something you would only do with a lover and not a friend.” Is all Alastor says through his smile. Not a denial of any of those actions, he has done all of those things. But he still thinks Angel is jumping to some rather far fetched conclusions.
Husk just knows Angel is right, but knows there's no way of convincing the guy unless it hits him right in the face, and Husk knows something you feel over a crush that you don't with a friend.
“I don't even know why you're bothering trying to set them up Angel. They already have a hot date this weekend anyway so what does it matter if he has a crush on them or not?” Husk says so casually, it comes across like it could only be true. He curses at himself in his head for saying he wouldn't get involved and then immediately doing so before Angel Dust could upset Alastor.
There's a loud pop of static that sounds off from Alastor's direction, and Husk thinks he's right on the edge of making him realize.
“No kiddin’? Man. That blows Smiles. Sorry.” Angel blinks, slumping a bit before sitting back down and drinking. “Huh. I wonder if that's why they asked me for outfit advice the other day? Said they really wanted to wow someone.” Angel taps his glass as he thinks, having absolutely no idea if Husk is lying, but playing along anyway.
“How’d they ask them out anyway?” Angel asks curiously, because if it's true he does want to know, and if it isn't he's sure the answer will rile Alastor up anyway.
“Some newbie sinner approached them while they were grabbing a snack from that bakery they like, and said something about having a crush on them and asked them out to some jazz show or something, I don't remember. They seemed pretty excited.” Husk says as he refills Angel's drink now. However Alastor's drink just shatters in his hand at this information and he just looks down in surprise.
He hadn't been holding it that tight, had he? He looks equally confused and irritated at the mess of glass and rye on the bar top and in his hands. But why was he upset? He was never upset whenever Rosie got a new husband. He couldn't actually be jealous could he? Just the very idea makes him want to scoff. He doesn't get jelaous. But the image of you on some date with some pathetic unworthy creature as you laughed at their jokes and leaned in closer, hand gently on their arm as you pressed your lips against thei-
He's standing up, letting out a deep breath to calm himself, clearly upset as he let his thoughts run away from him. He turns to look at the two there and sees them looking quite scared, and covering their ears. Oh. His static was exceptionally loud right now, wasn't it? He quickly fixes that and adjusts his jacket with tight hands. He doesn't even bother to think of an excuse as he melts into the shadows, appearing in the bog in his room, pacing rapidly.
“Surely…not?” He asks himself aloud as he paces amongst the trees, allowing himself to feel the full panic and upset now that he was behind closed doors. He's rubbing his chin as he thinks, trying to logically figure this out.
“Why do I care if they date someone?” He asks himself, gripping his head as if it hurts from trying to figure out this riddle. He thinks his head actually is starting to hurt, since the answer was beginning to dawn on him, and it was terrifyingly uncharted territory. “No, no. Impossible. I'm confused. Perhaps I'm ill?” He suggests, taking his hands down, bringing one hand up to feel his forehead.
“....That excuse sounds absolutely pathetic.” He grits out, fist swinging and demolishing a tree in his way. But it doesn't make him feel any better. Doesn't make him feel any more in control. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes that on the surface, his interactions with you and Rosie are a little different.
When he gets Rosie presents it's just a simple “Here you are dear! I thought of you!” And then they share a laugh as she thanks him. But when he gives you a present, he waits eagerly, eyes scrutinizing every aspect of your being as you open it. His posture is stiff but practiced as he awaits your reaction, only relaxing when he sees the ecstatic smile on your face as you begin to thank him.
He doesn't mind Rosie touching him, and in fact on some days actually quite enjoys it. But with you he wants it, moves instinctively towards your touch instead of away.
Fuck. That stupid spider was right, he realized with a swell of panic and fear at this new unknown variable.
He…loves you? It still didn't sound right, but the more he thought about it the more he realizes it could only unfortunately be true. When had you wrapped him around your little finger so tightly? And how hadn't he realized?!
He's even more upset now at how far gone he was on you without realizing. The radio demon has a weakness. Even just thinking the phrase makes the sensation of bile rise in his throat and he has to sit down a moment to collect himself again.
His entire body is stiff and agitated as he tries to come to terms with this. Until he hears a knock on his door.
“Alastor? Are you in there? It's me. Husk said you seemed like you were in a sour mood. So I thought I would come check on you. Can I come in?” Your voice rings through the door crystal clear and he sucks in a breath and pays attention to his reactions now.
His stiff muscles began to relax and soften, the frustration that was so unbearable he had begun tearing apart trees seemed so…distant now. Surely an over exaggeration to lose his cool like that. He sighs and looks down. 
Angel had been right.
But…now that he knows…all he needs to do now is get you wrapped just as tightly around his finger as he was around yours. There is no danger of feeling jealousy or rejection or heartbreak or of him possibly being controlled by you or anything of the sort if he ensures you fall for him as splendidly as he has apparently fallen for you.
With that in mind he stands now, ready to face you with this new knowledge. He's dusting himself off and then opening his door, smiling at you in the typically charming way he knows had a tendency to make people swoon when he was alive, and even now in death. Just because he hadn't had an interest in dating didn't mean he didn't know how to charm someone. 
“How kind to come check on me.” He drawls almost sweetly as he snatches your hand as gently as possible before bringing it to his lips, eyes half-lidded as he peers at you, studying your expression. He feels confident from the sound of the slight intake of your breath and the small flush of red dusting your cheeks that he very well still has a chance to edge out any competition for your affections.
“Well now my dear I'm in a much less sour mood now that I have such exquisite company. If you're not too tired I would love to know what's captured your time so much these past few days. Come on in.” His smile is charming, a predator seeming to eye his unaware prey as he opens the door further to let you in, your eager smile mollifying him for the moment.
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gammija · 1 day
you know that post about how addiction isnt the only way to read Jon's journey in s4, there's also a reading where it's about what you're willing and ethically allowed to do to live (and several readings can coexist)-
it reminded of an older reading i havent seen around in a bit; that cynical lens, about what you do when you realize you're part of a system that benefits you only on the back of other people's suffering. Not the only or the best reading, but i did want to share it for people who might not have seen it before
So there's a way of gaining power that's maybe always been with humanity, but perfected by rich british men in the 1700s and 1800s. they made it into a science. the system has been used for centuries, by old rich families, organized religion, the police. And you, a young british man, have been set up to benefit from it nearly from birth, without knowing, without your consent.
And that doesn't mean it's kind to you; it will gladly feed on you if you don't play by its rules... but. play by its rules, and it will give you power.
This system only functions by the suffering of others. by the time you really truly understand what it's doing, it's unfathomable that you could break free from it. your well-being depends on it, the lives of the people you care about are shaped around it. so you perpetuate it. to live with it, you tell yourself; that it's really not so bad as it seems; that the hurt you cause is not in your control; that it's justified because you will use this power for the better; that you're not a bad person because while you harm these people just as much as the real monsters, you feel bad about it, and that has to mean something... right?
Eventually these powers cause the end of the world. the realization sets in that there is never a way to do good with this system, no matter who uses it or who is in charge: it must be destroyed entirely. but by this point in the story it's so interwoven with the world that destroying it causes terrible collateral damage - or you look away; once again; pass the consequences on, to people you will never meet.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 days
kime11e replied to your post “Oh my god. MICHAEL. What. Why...”
Tbh I really miss when Michael Sheen became chaotic on Twitter. Alas no longer.
@kime11e I miss it, too. I really don't think enough people know or were around to see what Michael was like on Twitter over the past five years, and how unique his interactions with fans were. And "chaotic" is the perfect word for it (especially given that it fits with my #bless his bisexual welsh chaos tag), because Michael's tweets were chaotic, but in the best way possible.
These are just a few of the most infamous 2019 tweets of his:
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The last one doesn't even have any text, but it was constantly things like this. Michael changing his username to "David Tennant" on April Fool's Day and posting a tweet that was just the eggplant emoji. Michael defending fanfic. Michael talking about liking being chained up. Michael doing ASMR videos, reciting poems, and almost obsessively retweeting and replying to GO/Ineffable Husbands fanart. Michael actively engaging with the fandom because he was a part of the fandom, and got as much out of GO as the rest of us did (if not more).
That's what I think makes me most sad of all. That Michael has been more or less pushed out of the fandom and people have somehow forgotten the way he used to speak for himself, on his terms. I know he's been nonstop busy with work for the last six or seven months as well, so maybe now he will come back to Twitter a little more, if he chooses to do so. I guess we'll have to see what happens...
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Since the post about gusion babysitting I've been thinking, do you think the nobles that raised the kings miss have a kid about? Like imagine Mc is playing with some of the remaining demon kids and we accidentally give the nobles baby fever (especially gusion, I feel like he'd secretly have a big soft spot for kids)
Whb nobles getting baby-fever
Paimon loved taking care of Satan when he was just a little boy and not the king of Gehenna. He kind of misses the feeling of raising a child, and the war prevents him from adopting. He spends a lot of time in the orphanage playing with the kids, but there's only so much you can do when there's a war outside. He would take you to the orphanage with him. Even though the children are too young to remember Solomon, they still have heard about the great sorcerer so they'll be very happy to meet his child. When you start getting along with the younglings, Paimon can't help but daydream of a future where the two of you run after a little devil of your own.
Even though Buer moved from his previous region, he still has fond memories of taking care of Mammon, even if he was a sickly child. Paradise Lost doesn't have children native to it, the closest thing being Gamigin, but he's too old to be considered a child in the traditional sense. In his case, you would be playing with some new born puppies and helping Buer nurse them. He appreciates your caring nature and the patience you show towards the little creatures... it even makes him think about possibly having a child with you. Once the war ends and the demand for healers lessens, he'll make sure to ask you if you're willing to co-parent alongside him a new generation of healers.
Since Bael knows the type of country he rules over, he tries to stay vigilent and make sure that the children of Abysos don't overdose on something fishy. They already have a population problem, the last thing they need is for the few children left to die from his own ignorance. When he sees you playing with some of the younger devils, his heart can't help but melt. He was blessed to meet you and he'll try his hardest to show you that in the limited amount of time he can spend with you. Bael will hug you from behind and put his head on your sholder before whispering softly in your ear. "I can't wait for the two of us to have a kid as well. You'd make for such a great parent."
Phenix is constantly in the baby making mood. His proximity to Asmodeus for all these years have insured that all rationality leaves his brain and he can only thing of sex and violence. But that's kind of the norm in Abaddon, and Phenix is loyal to his king so gets to babysit the newest prince of hell - Dantalian. Even though Dantalian is an adult now, he's still young in the eyes of many. If Phenix were to see you acting motherly to the prince, he'd cum on the spot. He's come closer to you and hump your thigh while blabbering about how good of a parent you'd be and how he wants to breed you. Maybe Dantalian will be nice enough to teleport you to a private room, maybe he'll just take this oportunity to sneak off to Heaven, maybe he'll join in. The point is, you're not leaving until you're fucked silly by Phenix.
Gusion is still a teacher as a part time job. He kills angels, he does the paperwork that Belphegor's supposed to be doing and he teaches the multiplication table to toddlers. The quickest way to give this man a boner is to be a teacher. He likes to think of himself as rational, so clearly he's not having 'baby fever' he's just found the perfect mate. You're beautiful, have great genetics, are good with children and you're smart enough to understand a subject and than teach it to someone else. He's going to send you a very long letter that boils down to "let me smash, babygirl". At least that's what Bathin told you it was, Gusion's handwriting is shit so you need a translator most of the time.
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codemiracle · 23 hours
Hello 👋🏻 hope you're having a nice day ^^ I just found this game today and really like the idea, i read all the posts on here to make sure I'm asking something new and unless I missed them I don't think these questions have been answered yet ^^ I apologize if they have
1. How likely are the LIs to harm the mc or even kill them? Either to get what they want or like out of jealousy, anger, in the heat of the moment or something like that
2. Would Seth ever grow bored of mc and get rid of them? Also since he is a machine I suppose he is immortal, so what will he do when mc dies?
Anyways that's all, have a nice week and remember to take care of yourself :)
Sorry if some things I've written don't make sense, english is not my first language ahah
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No: Dr. Kurosaki, Tatsuya. Psychological damage: Seth. Accidentally, would apologize afterwards: Yuuta. Yotsuya is the only one who would kill the MC but only if they cheated on him. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ Would Seth get bored of the MC? What would he do if the MC dies? No, he has his own reasons to find the MC interesting. He couldn't possibly get bored of them, after all, he chose them in the first place because Seth found them interesting. Death will be irrelevant when he creates his perfect paradise, there's no way he'd let you go. Once he manages to do it, he'll ensure you stay by his side forever. In the case you die before that, I'm sure he'd find a way to fix it, not even death can stop his love for you. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ How would they act with a sex-repulsed MC? None of them would mind, Seth isn't really interested in having sex, Yuuta doesn't like it either, and the rest of them would just accept it, and be really careful with sexual themes or touching you, all of them would respect their feelings. (Even these guys understand that consent matters!)
Thanks for asking!
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iboatedhere · 3 days
Hi friend! Thanks for asking for prompts!
I’d love to request a fic based on a prompt from the June list - Peaches 🍑 (any interpretation you like 😏). Can’t wait to see what your awesome brain comes up with! ❤️❤️
start with a little inspo
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"I'm having a full-on crisis."
"Henry, darling," Pez says over the line, "you'll have to be a tad more specific. You open a conversation this way at least three times a week." 
"This is the most urgent. This is the one that will have me change my name, grow a beard, and flee to the woods. It was lovely knowing you, Percy. Truly."
"I'm not entirely sure you could pull off a beard," Pez says. "Too blond and too pale. It'll just blend right in."
Henry groans.  
"Perhaps plastic surgery," Pez offers. "Although it would be a shame to cut up that gorgeous face." 
"I'm sure I could find you an excellent surgeon. Let me make a few calls."
"Please go ahead and do that because I'm hanging up."
"I'm sorry, I'll stop," Pez says with a laugh that negates his promise. "Tell me what's wrong. You'll feel better once you do."
"I might have, accidentally, slightly, sexually harassed a politician on Instagram."
"That's quite the adventurous statement," Pez says after a moment. "Care to elaborate for me, Haz?"
"I don't even know where to start."
"The beginning, love." 
"You know how dreadful I am at social media."
"Indeed. If I had a penny for every time you accidentally posted a screenshot or sent me a DM filled with gibberish, I would never need to tap into my trust fund."
"Yes, well, there's this man that I follow—."
"The politician? Haz, if you dare tell me that you've taken an interest in some old, white dolt—."
"He is none of those things. He's quite young, and I believe he's said his father is Mexican—."
"Oh, you believe?" Pez says as if he already knows Henry has hung on to his every word since he followed him. 
"He's brilliant," Henry continues, "and beautiful."
"But still a politician."
"He's pro all the correct things, Pez. Nobody is perfect, but he's as close as I've seen."
"And you sexually harassed him?"
"Slightly. Accidentally. And via Instagram, which I know doesn't make it any better."
"What is his name?"
"You do realize I can find him by looking through your followers. It's the price you pay for only following one hundred people."
"I like to keep my feed neat and organized. Plus, the fewer people I follow, the less of a chance I have of embarrassing myself."
"And yet here we are."
"Henry George Edward James Fox. What in the world did you do?"
"Well. He posted this photo to his stories, and I meant to scroll past it—."
"Did you?"
"I meant to screenshot it," Henry admits. 
"That's more like it. Do continue."
"I meant to screenshot it and then move on—."
"Wank off."
Henry hangs up. If Pez isn't going to be helpful, then they don't need to have a conversation. 
Thirty seconds later, Pez calls him, and Henry picks up against his better judgment. 
"Is his name Alex Claremont-Diaz?"
"He's not hard to find. Running for New York's 11th Congressional District. Originally from Austin, Texas. Yee-haw."
"Pez, please, I'm dying."
"Moved to Manhattan to attend NYU law, then relocated to Brooklyn where he decided to try his hand at politics. Seems to volunteer a lot and posts quite a few thirst traps. I'm telling you, Haz. A man in a well-fit suit is a thousand times sexier than one with his shirt off."
"Did you look at his stories?"
"Looking now. A photo of the Brooklyn Bridge. Basic.  A Goldendoodle in the park. Adorable. A little photoshoot. Oh. Oh my. I see."
Henry hums, knowing precisely what Pez is looking at. 
Congressional hopeful, Alex Claremont-Diaz, facing sideways toward the camera in a jumper and khaki pants. 
"Certainly has a body on him, doesn't he? What did you accidentally say to him?"
"I didn't say anything. But I somehow sent him the peach emoji."
There's a moment of silence and then bubbling laughter. "Oh, Henry," he wheezes. 
"I don't know, my finger slipped on the screen or something, and then that little bar came up on the bottom, and the peach emoji auto-filled. I tried to delete it, but I hit send instead. Then I tried to delete that, but I couldn't, and now I'm panicking."
"Oh, darling."
"I don't know what to do. I'm so embarrassed I could die."
"I do think you're overthinking this a bit. The hopeful congressman did post that photo for a reason."
"So you think he was looking for this kind of reaction?"
"He's young, gorgeous, and very clearly knows it if he's taking GQ photo shoots and posting them to his socials. Plus, the angle of this shot…I think it's safe to say he got plenty of peaches sent his way."
"Oh," Henry says, doing an awful job of hiding his disappointment. He spends entirely too much of his time thinking about this man, and in return, he's barely a blip on his radar. "Okay. I suppose it's not as dire as I thought."
"As long as he doesn't block you, I think you're just fine."
"Okay," Henry says again as his phone dings. He pulls it away from his ear and looks down at a new Instagram notification. 
"Oh bloody hell," he breathes when he realizes what he's looking at. "It's a message from him."
Pez gasps. "What does it say?"
Henry holds his breath as he opens Instagram. "He sent me a photo of myself. That ridiculous one you made me post from during our trip to The Hamptons."
"The one in your swimsuit? By ridiculous, you must mean how ridiculously hot you looked. Posting that was a public service."
"I beg to differ," Henry says as another message appears. "Oh. Oh."
"What?" Pez asks. "What?"
"He sent the eggplant emoji. What does that mean?"
"Oh, Henry," Pez says, "love. It means you'll have quite the story to tell the grandkids."
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izu · 3 days
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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sageistrii · 16 hours
Like Crazy is so special because it managed to do something BTS and the other member have been struggling to achieve for quite a while now. And that thing is to release a song that is both successful and of good quality. And as a bonus, since it has a korean and english version, it proved that 1) Korean songs can still be successful and 2) English songs can be good.
I also think Jimin is the only member that has all the attributes of old BTS at the same time. You know, the BTS people used to actually like and not just tolarate because of their previous attachment or just because they like the success BTS still has. That combination of good sounding music that suits fans taste (cause, unfortunately, we know rapline doesn't), with meaningful lyrics written by the artist themselves and grand dance performances. You remember that? You know, the things that made BTS popular in the first place.
And all that really makes Hybe look stupid. If they want to replace BTS, to invest in a soloist, they have the perfect guy already working for them. The only member that can replicate the old BTS that everyone loved, but they decided to pick the guy that replicates the new, post-dynamite BTS.
And I know the english trilogy gave BTS a lot of success, but that can only last so long. BTS is still mostly dependent on their fans to get that success, and while armys are way more lenient then they should be, eventually even they will get tired of the bullshit. Cause army's love and dedication was built from that old BTS, and that applies even to the newer fans, they might have been introduced to BTS through the english trilogy, but they stayed for Love Yourself, for Wings, for HYYH.
Really look at the fandom, they mostly survive off three things: 1) Old content they keeping revisiting. 2) Hope that 2025 will be like that old content again. 3) Chart obsession. And if the first two are gone, eventually there will be no fans around to care about the third.
We have been seeing things get worse and worse since 2020, but 2023 and 2024 have been a new low. The fandom it's not what it was when Dynamite first released. It's not gonna be easy to fix things in 2025.
If BTS returns but don't get their shit together a lot of fans will leave, maybe not immediately, but eventually. The same way that if Jungkook keeps releasing these shitty songs he will never get the attention Hybe wants for him. I think people doesn't realize that yet because not that much time has passed. There were only 2 years between dynamite and the hiatus, which is not really that long, so fans let it slide, especially with the promise of better moments yet to come in 2025. And Jungkook is just starting his solo career, so fans will let the mediocrity slide for now (and they don't take solo work as seriously anyway).
But there's a limit. If it keeps going, and going, and going people's patience and most importantly their dedication will eventually run out. And to BTS, and therefore to Hybe, fans = money. So Hybe should really take a step back and look at what was the thing that made BTS, amongst so many other groups, the success that they are. And once they identify that thing they should ask themselves which member of the group can actually replicate that. But from what we've seen so far, it isn't the one they picked.
Though, maybe is a blessing in disguise, considering what it means to be Hybe's pick. Really, Jimin doesn't have to be their pick (even if they are kinda letting gold get away from them with that), they just need to stop neglecting him, or worse, screwing him up.
Exactly. There will be a breaking point eventually. Armys are biding their time because they' have certain expectations from the group, the most important being their first proper Korean comeback since mots7. Because yes it's been 4 years and they've scaled by on English singles and Korean ballads. No upbeat Korean songs, no good concept photos, no choreography. The reception for run BTS should have been proof enough of what people want from BTS. They had kpop stans who unstanned them floored by the Busan performance.
They want the Korean boy group music with back breaking choreography, and if some of them are claiming to be too old to do all that then they should be moved to the back or cut off completely just like Jin wasn't part of the on dance break. I feel like as a boy band time is their biggest opp and would affect their career soon enough already for some of them to try and speed up the process by claiming to be too old at 30 years old.
And yeah I'm not asking for hybe to give Jimin the seven package because I don't want it, I just want the bare minimum. I want for them to do their jobs, especially when it comes to those little problems we tend to have during releases. They need to stop being neglectful.
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I am sleep deprived from the Dublin + Galway premiere (let's face it, I've been sleep deprived for the past 2 months) and I'm already experiencing withdrawals.
So, I am ranking Luke and Nic's outfits for the press tour. This is solely based on my emotions and opinions. I have no idea about fashion at all but I do love looking at beautiful things. This is also solely the press tour 'fits. I have purposely excluded the premiere/first look outfits when they have all the cast with them. There are also some outfits I've missed as I can't seem to find where to source them other than on social media posts and the quality is bad.
I love all the outfits and I think it's what's added to this World Press Tour experience. Nicola's courage to wear some of the outlandish outfits (as per her words) sparked something in me. And waiting for Luke to smile on the red carpet was like a secret game.
But the point is-- THEY ALWAYS SLAYED.
This is ranked from lowest to highest. I've put it under the line so as not to overwhelm timelines because this has gone longer than what I thought it would be.
Excerpt - 6th rank - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
They looked like they came out of a medieval play where she is the all-powerful mage and he is the most decorated knight.
8th rank - Milan, Italy
Their outfit in here looked so sweet. The simple colour aesthetic was so easy in the eye. I especially love Nicola's headband and Luke's chiseled beard. I don't know if anyone have pointed out his elven ears but they are adorable.
I rank this 9th because I've seen them both don similar outfits before and because this was coming off from the Australian premiere, my expectations was a tad higher.
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7th rank - Galway, Ireland before they went to the theatre
I love Nicola's blue coat and the nod to both the Bridgerton and Featherington colours was a nice touch. Luke looks handsome but I don't think brown is his colour as his complexion looks washed-out with this outfit. Again, just my opinion. Do not kill me.
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6th rank - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
There are a lot of people I saw who had a beef with their outfits for this leg but I actually really love both of their outlandish look. I have a weakness for long coats on men so this is already a win for me for Newts' look. But Nicola's dragon-esque dress wowed me. It looks good on her but I think the beef that people have is not so much about the outfit but the place and time where she wore it. BUT-- let me direct you to Zendaya's robot-esque press tour outfit for Dune 2 so to each their own. And don't come at me with how the dress doesn't accentuate her figures. It accentuate it very much and I'm so happy seeing her curves in all out display.
They looked like they came out of a medieval play where she is the all-powerful mage and he is the most decorated knight.
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5th rank - Toronto Canada
Gosh, I love NIcola's dress and red duvet (again, her words). I think, I always love it when Nicola wears a boob tube dress because let's be honest, her breast is her greatest asset. Not to be crass but I am a proud fan of her perfect breasts. I also wished that Luke showed his blue shirt because if you look at it closely, it's not your usual men's button shirt. I would've loved to see how it accentuated his long torso. I don't think full stripes flatters him because he is already looks long. But he did have that old hollywood look with this outfit.
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4th rank - Dublin, Ireland
Them matching is always a treat and it happened for the whole of the Ireland leg. They looked like that cool couple that you always see on your feed and feel equally in awe and jealous of. They both looked sooooo sexy with these outfits.
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3rd rank - Sydney, Australia
This was what got my attention on the whole press tour and started my sleep deprivation. I woke up and I was blasted with this gorgeous photo of them holding hands and the wave of chemistry hit me like a firetruck. What more, they were right at my backyard and I didn't know until it was already too late. That custom Richard Quinn dress on Nicola was utterly gorgeous. She looked like an angel to me. And again, Luke in a long coat with a white singlet?? Hwooo... it did wonders to my blood.
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2nd - Galway, Ireland
Knitwear is also my weakness and the fact that they were both dressed by the same designer was such a treat to see. I loved that they honoured Nic's heritage. And also, cmo'n, that hat on Nic was so cute. Also, anytime a man in a sweater always make me weak.
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1st - Dublin, Ireland (everyone's favourite, I think)
THEM MATCHING WAS EVERYTHING! It was like watching them on their way to their wedding. Luke's jacket, Nicola's custom dress, and the accessory nods to Bridgerton icons -- the bee and the flower-- made this matching outfit so special. Them holding hands is always a treat but seeing them so celebrated on Nicola's hometown was so touching to watch.
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I have never followed a press tour like I have done this one. This is the only press tour that has managed to grip my attention and I'm very happy to have been part of the whole experience.
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frozen-heart · 2 days
Sooo... Episode 6 is out...
For me this episode is the weakest we've had so far. And I need to rant a bit...
I don't even know where to start. Of course not everything was bad about this episode, like the pride party. I really loved that part.
But there are some icks...
Maybe I set my expectations too high, because I've seen a few posts about how there's a shocking twist, ect. But the hype really ended up going nowhere for me..
First of all, Noa and Jen..
So.. I wish they would just show us why Noa us so attached to Jen. Because all we see is Jen causing trouble for Noa and it sucks. And Noa saying that Jen and her are 'more alike' than her and Shawn felt like a bullshit excuse. And if she really feels that way, why not break off with Shawn right away? Instead she uses him, his money and then cheats on him. I could look past the cheating in Juvie, because Noa didn't know that Shawn would wait for her and that she was scearching for comfort in Jen. But this? This is just bullshit.
Even worse, Jen stole the money from Shawn's mother to give back to him?! Like what the fuck? And Noa is actually still considering a relationship with her after she got accused of stealing the money?
I also don't get how Jen told Noa she doesn't need more on her plate and when she's confronted with her STEALING from Shawn's mother, she turns around again and puts pressure on Noa to make a decision?! Excuse me?
This is just peak self sabotage. She is considering leaving Shawn, who she has a really stable and healthy relationship with for someone who steals and causes her trouble. Are the writers even trying to make us like Jen?
And I expected Noa to get some backlash from the liars. Especially Faran. She always has strong opinions and isn't afraid to voice them, but she doesn't say anything against Noa cheating? This would've been the perfect opportunity to create some tension between the Liars. Not only did Noa lie to them about Jen, she's cheating on Shawn and playing with both of them, which could taint the picture of Noa the other Liars have of her.
Side note: Where is the scene of Jen and Noa that we saw in the promo pictures?
Also, I really hated how easily they just cut Jen off of their list for Bloody Rose.
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Next one, I saw some people say that they want Kelly to die a horrible death now. But I still don't want her to die.
What she did was horrible and hurtful to Imogen, but I don't think Kelly really had another choice. Her mom is abusive and she had to obey her and therefore the church to avoid further trauma and abuse. She has no other choice but to adapt to the view of the church to survive. And I think that's really sad.
I want her to get the chance to work through her trauma and redeem herself to the Liars, especially Imogen.
I hope they don't kill her off, because I feel like there could be a lot of ways to further explore her character, because she's so complex.
Side note: I can't take it when my two favorite girlies are fighting T_T Great acting from both of them!
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And it seems like we're really pushing Faran x Greg now.. And I'm not sure how to feel about it.
I really like the actors and they do have good chemistry, but I don't really know if I can like this ship..
I mean we could have Faran x Kelly. They're literally right there and would be better representation than Jen x Noa..
And now to the 'big reveal'.
First of all, Imogen's 'test' didn't feel like a test. (I'm also not convinced that Noa actually finished her test last episode.)
It was really lacking, but at least she had her moment last season..
I thought something was up from Davie, as I stated in the first post I made about Summer School. Imogen kept confusing Bloody Roae and her mother throughout the season, but the reveal still didn't really work for me.
We didn't even see her face. And we saw in the trailer that Imogen will accuse Dr Sullivan of being Bloody Rose in episode 7 or 8. We also saw Dr Sullivan saying she's putting on her face, as in becoming Bloody Rose, which will probably be another dream of Imogen.
Imogen has been hallucinating this season so I'm also not sure that we can trust her judgment on this. I hope they don't do the secret twin thing with Davie. That would just be boring, because we got that last season. I assume it was probably a mask to mess with her.
I just don't buy Davie or her secret twin being Bloody Rose and it would be one of the more boring plot twists, if they go through with it. I have read other theories that seem more exciting than this..
Where did Bloody Rose go anyway? And why didn't she kill Imogen? She clearly had the chance to. Wouldn't she want to kill Imogen to keep her identity hidden?
I'm sorry for rambling so much. But I needed to get this off of my chest.
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dont-leafmealone · 3 days
Jetko fic recs outside ao3
There's plenty of awesome fic out there if you know where to look! And as a bonus, most of these are from the early '10s/late '00s, meaning they have a pretty distinct vibe, especially the modern aus.
Perfect Information - modern AU; Zuko, arriving back to the US after an extended stay in Japan, ends up staying with his old friend Jet and his roommates, Long and Bee. As old feelings resurface, their friendship becomes complicated. unrated but falls in my opinion between M/E on the AO3 scale, 18 chapters (plus interludes), complete.
Something Else - Jet and Zuko meet after Zuko's luck takes a turn for the worse following his exile from the Earth Kingdom town. The two reluctantly bond, and Zuko learns there's more to life than chasing the Avatar. Oneshot, T
Ships In Space - Zuko gets forcibly adopted by a renegade space crew; shortly thereafter, their rare prize of a spaceship attracts the attention of a down-on-their-luck pirate crew. The captain and Zuko find themselves drawn to one another. Oneshot, PG
Euphoria - Jet finds Zuko in the Fire Nation before his coronation, sharing a bittersweet reunion. Oneshot, unrated but passes for T.
Compromise - Zuko, overwhelmed with his duties as Fire Lord, has a proposal for Jet. T, around 1k, complete. (Definitely go through this author's 'my fic' tag, you won't regret)
Closer - Iroh bails Jet out of trouble with the Dai Li, and gets him a job at Pao's tea shop. Jet takes advantage of this to do some spying on the firebenders, and - wrongly - concludes he was mistaken. M, 3 chapters, complete.
Rock and Island - Jet's determined to get the mysterious scarred boy from the ferry on his team. Featuring nightmares, heart-to-hearts and rejection. Oneshot, K+, complete.
Stop-and-Lock - An IOU on a cup of tea at Pao's leads to a more extensive relationship with Jet than Zuko bargained for. Oneshot, M, 20k
Insomnia - Modern AU; Zuko moves to a new university, and gets a strange new roommate, new friends, and a new lease on life. He no longer has to deal with fitting into high society; just lack of sleep, class divides, and his boyfriend exploiting his ticklishness. 3 chapters, T, technically in-progress but not updated since 2008.
Long Way Home - Jet doesn't see Iroh heat the tea, and forms a fixation on Zuko instead. Zuko isn't as enthusiastic about this as Jet, but warns up to him. 2 chapters, T, incomplete (see above)
Just Trying to Get By - Post-war and living in the palace, Jet is frustrated with his seeming inability to help make a difference. Oneshot, K
As usual if you have any recs to add I'm all ears!
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justallihere · 3 days
Not so much an ask so much as I just want to thank you for writing storm in the quiet. I've been re-reading it and seeing them slowly fall in love has just made me so happy. They really amd truly just got to know each other through whispers in the dark, and each moment made them stronger together.
With romance stories I tend to ask myself "why do they love each other?" So many stories tend to have an "they just do, trust me" vibe from the author, but storm in the quiet doesn't have that. I could see Xaden starting to fall for her as she was able to shoulder everything being queen and their marriage did, and she came out stronger.
And Violet fell for Xaden because he saw her and never thought her weak. How when she thought she was being weak herself, he still found her powerful and capable.
I'm not sure if I'm making much sense, I just wanted to say that you've made Xaden and Violet falling in love feel real to me. And I thank you for this story :)
Thank you! You are making perfect sense 🫶🏻🥹🥹
I love you guys endlessly for reading this fic a chapter at a time as I post it, but there’s something really special about reading it all together and actually seeing the progression of their relationship in one go instead of having those breaks in between. My biggest fear writing it has been that I wouldn’t be deliberate enough in how they fall in love and that exactly what you said would happen—it would feel like they only loved each other because I said so. But I’m really proud of the way I crafted those quieter, softer moments with them where they get under each other’s skin and support each other and make each other better, so thank you for this ask. I’m so glad you love it 🩷🩷
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irkimatsu · 2 days
I wonder how Husk could behave with a virgin, while maintaining the passion of a horny cat
>< ignoring the unfulfilled desires of an old Overlord
We all know that post-Overlord Husk is a total gentleman, especially in bed! Boundaries are so important to him, and he gets nothing from making a partner uncomfortable. If he knows it's your first time, he'll do anything to make sure it's wonderful. You deserve a good first time to remember... he'd love for you to remember a good first time with him...
...but fucking hell it's been years since he's been with anyone. He had a few unsatisfying hookups shortly after his fall as an Overlord, but he got bored with it all so quickly. Depression over his situation turned his feelings numb, and the alcohol abuse didn't help. You're the first person he's been truly affectionate with in years, even flirty, and the fact that you seem to reciprocate those feelings is igniting so many fires in him that he thought died long ago.
He cares about you. He knows you're inexperienced. He doesn't want to hurt you. But holy fuck he needs you.
Your first time starts out so sweet that you can't even tell he's holding back years' worth of pent up lust. He kisses and touches you so gently, assuring you that if there's anything you need from him, all you have to do is ask. Even if what you need is for him to stop. (He'd hate to stop, but he'd hate to hurt you even more.)
He may get a little cocky about your inexperience, and take joy in getting to teach you how to please him and how he can please you. You don't need to try very hard; he enjoys all of your efforts, and he's having fun talking you through it.
"Can you go a little deeper? Mmmm..." He half moans, half purrs as he leans back on his hands. "Not too deep, don't push yourself... that's it, that's perfect... now suck- ah... yeah, like that... use your tongue more- lower- fuck..." He doesn't care how clumsy your movements are, seeing you between his legs is enough to get him off on its own. He didn't realize how fucking badly he needed this release...
It's so hard for him when he's finally on top of you. He likes plenty of positions, but for your first time, he'll take you in missionary; he wants to be able to watch your face and see how you're doing. The wild animal buried deep inside, the one who used to prey on guests at his casino, is struggling to break free, to take what it hasn't had in so fucking long, but he's restraining himself so far, sliding in and out of you slowly, giving you time to adjust to his size and texture.
"I know it's a lot to take, baby... you doing all right? ...good... fuck, you're so good..."
You're so hot inside he could melt, and fuck, the way you pulse around him on every thrust forward... he's struggling for breath, but keeping his senses. Even as you moan his name, even as you dig your nails into his back...
"Can I go faster...?" his voice is so desperate, and he almost doesn't wait for your approval. Almost doesn't, but he does; knowing you want it as badly as he does only fuels his drive. God, the way you're moaning and practically babbling... do you even realize what you're saying?
"Faster? Babe- I don't wanna hurt you-" he says it, but he speeds up at your request, and those filthy sounds coming from your throat assure him that you're taking it just fine. Your head rolling back, your chest heaving with uneven breaths, oh god the way you just said his name-
He can't fucking take this anymore. He lets that beast take over, pounding into you with only the smallest bit of sense remaining.
Please tell me if this is too much...
You tell him no such thing; on the contrary, you've adjusted well to his body, to his need. He has to say, he's impressed.
"Fuck me, Husk!"
He could never refuse a request from you. He won't stop, he'll never stop-
He's so close already, but he can't stop yet, not until-
You scream so hard that tears prick your eyes as you clench around his cock, as your body shudders up into his. Is it too much? Do you need a break?
"Don't stop!"
He's delighted to hear that, because he doubts he could stop if he tried. His release is so close; all he needs to do is focus on your face, your voice, your heat, and it'll rush in any second-
It's his turn to nearly cry with overwhelm as he cums inside you. He still can't stop, no matter how overstimulated he's getting. One more thrust, one more thrust, he needs to keep feeling you-
He collapses on top of you, gasping for breath like a man nearly drowned, when he finally has no more to give.
"...was that... okay?" he asks with a dry laugh. You hugging him close and peppering his cheek with kisses is all the assurance he needs.
He'll be able to provide much more romantic nights for you after that, now that he's not fighting against a beast who doesn't know when his next meal after this will be. Slow, soft nights with jazz music and candles, kisses and massages, all the tenderness a beauty like you deserves.
But he still likes indulging that beast occasionally, and he's so excited to know that you enjoy that side of him just as much as his romantic side. The fact that you saw that side of him for your very first sexual experience, and not only did you not regret it but you soon came back for more... you're a keeper, he's not letting you go for anything.
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volturiprincess · 2 days
Death Flower
Jane Volturi x Fem human mate
Summary: Jane contradicts a lot but a simple "my little death flower" and its all over.
A/N: I wanted to post this on May 31st since that marks half way to Halloween but I forgot about this WIP. I got some ideas brewing for when October comes around. Its short but anyways....Enjoy💙
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“No? Why not?”
‘I said no and that is final, so stop pestering me on this”
“Come on my little death flower, let's not be like this”
She stopped walking away and stood on the spot. Here's the thing about being mates with Jane, yes she can be quite difficult to convince to do things, such as cuddling under our favorite open field, but I know a certain trick to persuade her. I noticed this a while ago, she was going to leave for a guard meeting that would start in 30 minutes, but she wanted to leave early but I wanted her to cuddle with me. She’s still not used to affection, which I understand, she took a month to even just hold my hand so I understand that and I respect her boundaries. But as she was getting ready to leave for her meeting I sleepily called out to her “My little storm cloud” and she halted her movements and was instantly in bed with her being the big spoon and I the little one.
I didn't dare to question her sudden change of mind but from that whenever I wanted to “get my way” with her I would casually call her some clever nicknames and she goes with my idea. I of course never call her out in front of the others, actually one time I called her my “little rain cloud” in front of Alec. He instantly looked at Jane and started teasing her and would call her the same nickname for days until Jane threatened to use her ability on him, that for sure shut him up. I promised to her that I would never call her said nicknames in front of others. 
Jane also from what I can say is she doesn't like being called the traditional nicknames, once in a while I do call her darling or my love but it doesn't get the same reaction as when I call her my other nicknames. It's just so amusing to see her halt her every thought and movements when I call her such names, but what makes my heart flip is when she looks at me and you can see a very small smile spreading onto her angelic face. 
“What is it that you wanted to do again?”
Oh man I got her so good, I almost feel bad in kind of manipulating her with my nicknames but man she always gets her way a majority of the time. She always gets the final say but I guess it does feel nice to finally be able to have a small win with her. And gosh that smile she does is so sweet, it's hard to imagine her being able to cause such pain with her gaze when she has such an angelic smile. 
“Oh right, um I wanted you be my Morticia to my Gomez”
“But Halloween is not for another five months?”
“I know but that's going to be our couple costume”
“Hmm we will see”
“Come on Jane, it ill be perfect, I already treat you like you are the only person in my life, I even call you the nicknames that are very similar to what Gomez calls Morticia”
“I said we will see”
I know she likes the idea, she just won't admit it. I think she would make a beautiful Morticia, but in this case she will be a blonde Morticia. In no way will I make her wear a wig to cover her golden locks that I love so much. In my case I would be a female version of Gomez, I'm also at the point of convincing the others to be characters from “The Addams Family”. Felix will definitely be Lurch no doubt, but for some reason im stuck with the thought that Alec and Demetri would be a great Pugesly and Wednesday. They will be my next victims to convince them to go along with my crazy plan. I grabbed her hand to place a gentle slow kiss on it, I felt her literally melt at the touch.
“Fine we will do it, but you dare make me wear a wig I will have Alec use his smoke on you”
Shivering at her little “threat” which I know she will never do, she has said that many times in the past and has never once done it to me.
“I would never want to cover your blonde locks my dear thundercloud”
Being Jane’s mate has its downs but if you play your cards right it can have its perk. 
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codenamesazanka · 1 day
I'm worried the problem of Deku being dissatisfied with the outcome will ultimately be resolved by Horikoshi just bringing "Tenko" back just so that Deku can still have his win and won't have to deal with the consequences beyond feeling bad for a bit
You're gonna love this post I wrote yesterday:
Deku can feel happy about not having actually have killed the guy. All the stuff he did - like how he had never actually made a plan, never argued against a tactic labeled SKY COFFIN DEATH ARENA, never talked to Shigaraki, ultimately smashed his way into Shigaraki's open psychic wound to pry open his "most delicate and malleable" place of trauma, all the parts where he didn't act Heroic and didn't actually act like he was trying to save someone and that accumulated toward Shigaraki's death - miraculously doesn't matter as much anymore! Second chances. Or was actually part of the saving. Whatever.
That's something that really worries me too! Like, it's not just that Deku didn't save Shigaraki at the last minute. It's that he's been fucking up the entire Act 3, starting from the moment he asked Muscular five questions and shrugged when he couldn't get through to him. He didn't actually try to understand any Villain; he didn't actually challenge any of the dehumanizing beliefs toward Villains around him (except for the one time Shigaraki call himself more than human); and his methods were brutal and violating. I feel very strongly this is why he wasn't able to completely save Shigaraki. And I need that addressed.
Hence my dislike of 'Mystery Person is Tenko' theory, especially the track where he's lost all his memories (so he's cute and vulnerable and trusting and not a ideological threat to Heroes; they can throw him a concert and make him smile and after that, if he gets his memories back, he can be like, "wow, now that these guys have been so nice to me (because I was cute and vulnerable and trusting and not a ideological threat), I can see that things have changed, and I feel loved, so I will convert to Heroism"), despite my extremely strong desire to see Shigaraki back. I love him. I need him back. But I want him back as Shigaraki, the guy who stayed the League's leader, a Hero for the Villains, who's challenging Deku to continue his destruction. I don't want Deku's precious Crying Child to come to life. That was the whole problem, his tunnel vision for a ghost, for a perfect victim. Or, that's what I'm assuming this storyline is going.
If Shigaraki comes back, it's only satisfying if it's after Deku has faced the consequences and tried to fixed all the things that Shigaraki and the League and the Villains had a problem with. Or at least know of them (and then maybe Shigaraki can return to help fix.)
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thatscarletflycatcher · 5 months
I might be interested in that “Sherlock writers/producers power trip” stuff 👀
Calling it a power trip was a bit dramatic of me XD but I do think the creators of Sherlock had a... weird relationship with the character of John Watson. He gets two different and incongruous characterizations, and I don't understand the rationale behind it.
The most clear example of this for me is how this changes between the Unaired Pilot and A Study in Pink. The Watson of the UP is self assured, practical, intelligent, competent, moral (if somewhat grim and with a veneer of darkness lurking beneath the surface) and mature. The Watson of ASIP is insecure, impractical, rather dumb, extremely loyal to a person he just met for no reason, a failure of a petticoat chaser, and essentially an adrenaline junkie. And these are two versions of the same story.
On the UP, the first meeting between Sherlock and Watson is marked by Watson's curiosity and earnest admiration about Sherlock's deductions; the same scene in ASIP shows us Watson being taken aback by Sherlock's behavior. When they are at the scene of the crime and Sherlock asks Watson if he's aware that he's speaking his appreciative remarks out loud, UP Watson just calmly asks if that bothers Sherlock; ASIP!Watson hurries to apologize. And in general he hesitates, apologizes and feels out of place much more across the latter version.
In the UP, what "cures" Watson's limp is that he notices that something has gone wrong with Sherlock's attempt at dealing with the cabbie, and he jumps to go help/save him. Watson is a doctor, his vocation in life is centered around helping and saving people; his psychological symptoms are caused by a sense of purposelessness, as he's been discharged after being wounded, and lives on a military pension. Now that he has met Sherlock and realized the ways in which Sherlock is self-destructive, he has found new purpose. ASIP, by replacing this for a foot-chase, replaces this element of characterization (intelligence, moral fiber, decisiveness) with... John is just an adrenaline junkie -and doubles down upon this through Mycroft words, and by removing from the ending scene the lines where Sherlock calls Watson "my doctor", and Watson tells Lestrade off by reminding him that Sherlock must eat if he is to be useful in future. In both versions we have the set-up of the gun Watson keeps in his drawer (that he may come to use to kill himself) and the payoff (that he ends up using to save Sherlock's life); but whereas in the UP it is of a piece with the characterization I mentioned above, in ASIP it feels like a leftover they couldn't remove because it was so deeply baked into the plot.
The framing of Watson's killing of the cabbie is also different between UP and ASIP: in the UP, we only see Watson leaving the restaurant, then the cabbie dying, and "realize" with Sherlock who the shooter was. It is implied that he guessed where the cabbie was taking Sherlock, called the police, made a detour to pick up his gun, and then headed to Baker Street where he chose the vantage point of a house across the street, from which he watched the cabbie and Sherlock, and waited till the last possible moment to shoot, in case bloodshed could be avoided. This shows that he can keep a very cool head under pressure, that he underwent military training and it stuck, and that he is moral and practical, grounded and efficient.
ASIP!Watson picked up his gun after his interview with Mycroft -the implication that he means to use it as protection/defense for Sherlock and himself from... MI5/6. Now that does give some credence to Mycroft's insult that Watson is brave, but bravery is what people say when they mean stupidity. You were in the army, Watson! You should know better! (the Mycroft subplot also includes two painfully awkward attempts at hitting on one of Mycroft's underlings, a woman clearly much younger than him. As I was saying, Watson loses maturity between the UP and ASIP). Watson then only follows Sherlock and the cabbie because of the phone setup that had been previously solved by Sherlock (so no application of intelligence here), does not think of calling the police, and then we watch him desperately searching for the room where Sherlock and the cabbie are, then when he casually lands on the room across that one, he screams Sherlock's name to the top of his lungs, and as he is not heard, he ends up shooting the cabbie as a last desperate effort. No planning here, no cold head, and some very stupid decisions (had the cabbie been armed for real, and he had stumbled into the room or been heard, chances are one or the two would have ended up injured or dead).
I think the contrast between the two versions of this other scene showcases this really well:
ASIP: Sherlock: are you alright? Watson: Yes, of course I'm alright. Sherlock: you just killed a man. Watson: Yes, I... That's true, innit? (pause) but he wasn't a very nice man.
UP: Sherlock: you are alright? Watson: of course I'm alright. Sherlock: you have just killed a man. Watson: I've seen men die before -good men, friends of mine-; 'thought I'd never sleep again. I'll sleep fine tonight.
The unaired pilot plays more with setting up a "dark side" to Watson; his profession as doctor makes him mainly caring and helpful, but it can also make him clinical and detached at points; I don't think it is a coincidence that Donovan tells Watson to take his distance from Sherlock because "One day just showing up won’t be enough. One day we’ll be standing round a body and Sherlock Holmes will be the one who put it there", but by the end of the episode the police is standing around on a crime scene for which the killer was... Watson. This last thing, again, carries over into ASIP because it couldn't be taken out without breaking the plot, but has been removed from the rest of Watson's characterization in the episode. Mind you, I don't think "exploring the dark side of John Watson's personality and maybe turning him into a villain or a conflicted antihero" is a good idea, but it was set up in one, discarded, and not replaced in the other.
I could write another post with the differences in the characterization of Sherlock between the two tellings of the story, but exploring that here would make this answer way much longer than it needs to be. I'll summarize it by saying that UP Sherlock is written to have some complementarities with UP Watson: Sherlock is rather juvenile/childish, too focused on "the game" to take care of himself, assess risks or evaluate how his behavior affects others. He has a hard time understanding the feelings of others, and that coupled with an enjoyment of tricks and disguises and games is what makes him difficult for other people to deal with. Basically, Sherlock is very intelligent in a rather theoretical, detached way, whereas Watson is a grounding presence because he's full of common, practical sense. ASIP Sherlock is... an asshole. It's not that he doesn't understand the emotions of others, he despises them. It's not that he's reckless, it's that he's super cool and dangerous (and suddenly is a master of combat what). He's basically a sort of pop culture übermensch?
The ASIP characterization for both characters dominates series 1 and 2 of Sherlock, and develops through two main dynamics: one is the "Watson as a silly wife in a bad 1950s sitcom", that is particularly intense and weird in The Blind Banker (which, in all fairness, was not written by mofftiss).
The first Sherlock-John scene in TBB is a juxtaposition between Sherlock having a skilled fight at the flat, while Watson is failing miserably at... checking out groceries. The following scene is poor silly woman Watson with her his silly little homemaking problems cannot understand the huge work and problems her husband Sherlock tackles when she's not looking. Watson is worried about having money to pay the necessities, Sherlock cannot be bothered to mind such pedestrian things.
This depiction of Watson as """"feminine"""" (derogatory) pops up here and then. He gets kidnapped three times for just being... careless (again, doctor, yes, but war veteran and human being that has been kidnapped before). It may not sound like A LOT, but when you consider the whole series is just 14 episodes, of which one is a short and another happens exclusively inside Sherlock's head... well...
Magnussen literally calls Watson Sherlock's damsel in distress in His Last Vow. His feelings upon discovering Sherlock is alive in The Empty Hearse are treated as over-reaction by Sherlock, Mary and the narrative. In general the whole Mary arc is filled with this sense that Mary and Sherlock relate to each other and understand each other and cooperate with each other on a level that Watson can't reach, and he's therefore relegated most of the time to a figure to be protected from both truth and evildoers, and then to give Rosie to, because man carrying a baby emasculating or something? (Sherlock's single interaction with Rosie is about his trying to reason with her, but he never touches or holds her, and she virtually disappears as a being once Mary dies).
This concept of Sherlock as idealized pop culture übermensch and Watson as a failure of a man takes the rest of the time a strange tone of aggressiveness, not only in the occasions in which Watson beats up Sherlock (A Scandal in Bohemia, TEH, The Lying Detective), but in smaller ways in Watson's pointed acting like he's not interested in the case or in explanations... and his dating women for apparently no other reason that to try and stick it to Sherlock (which makes it extra out of nowhere when he's not only so deeply affected by Sherlock's death, but that he tells to his grave "I was so alone and I owe you so much". Wait, what? You've spent most of your time being annoyed and feeling threatened by this guy).
Watson's relationships with women is also part of the weirdness of his characterization. He dates several of them one after the other in what seems an effort to show Sherlock that at least in this he's more competent than him; he doesn't seem to really care considering he mixes up their names and neglects them. However, the series also wants to make him also a very awkward and poor flirt with no standards (like trying to get the therapist in The Hounds of Baskerville, starting an emotional affair with a woman who just smiled at him on the bus, gets very mad at a tabloid calling him confirmed bachelor), and that the women that DO actually get into stable relationships with him think him beneath them one way or another (the series makes a pointed joke about how his girlfriend in The Great Game won't have sex with him or make him breakfast, Mary uses him first as a cover and then calls herself the best thing that happened to him as a joke while he's very seriously trying to propose to her). It rounds up again to that subtle "not man enough - feminine" undercurrent.
Then there's Watson's general incompetence. On my first draft of this answer I had written a list, episode by episode, of all the times Watson is being sent on wild goose chases, makes mistakes that no one with his background should, stumbles upon clues by sheer dumb luck, is generally useless, and his ideas are treated as extremely dumb, but it was very long and boring. So here are the ones I found to be the most notorious examples:
In TBB, he does not comment that left-handed people do in fact learn to shoot with their right hand (he is himself a left handed person who does that as established in ASIP); on that same episode he daftly stands by with a paint can and gets caught by the police and can't say anything to defend himself despite the high unlikeness of his being.... a street artist (his worrying about the charges is, again, framed as silly.)
He leaves the witness they need and who is in danger, alone, so he can go "help Sherlock" (which meant just... running out of the scene so she could get killed).
Watson's date is better than him at the brawl that happens at the circus somehow. He cannot tell a delivery guy from a ninja and gets kidnapped. He's scared witless because an old lady is pointing a gun at him (HE'S AN AFGHANISTAN VETERAN).
In TGG, Watson has kept the gun with which he killed the cabbie (against UP, and also, you know, incriminating evidence). Watson, a doctor whose CV specifies surgery, is jumpscared and upset by a head in the fridge.
In ASIB, he doesn't even know how to punch properly. The guy who is an ace with a gun in ASIP, is reduced and held at gunpoint like nothing here, and contributes nothing while badass Sherlock and Irene kick the goons asses. Falls for a dumb seduction trick because he's an idiot. Cannot tell apart real shock from Mrs Hudson just pretending.
In The Sign of the Three, Sherlock realizes Mary is pregnant before Watson, WHO IS A DOCTOR does.
These characterizations I have been talking about are very dominant through series 1 and 2, but then something curious happens on s3: without any warning or connection, the series starts acting like the characterizations of the UP have been the show's characterizations all along.
It begins with Sherlock's characterization; he's back and itching to see Watson, not realizing that he would have moved on in two years. Mycroft tries to warn him to break the news softly to him, but Sherlock doesn't understand; all he can think about is what a lark it will be to show up out of nowhere! There's no real meanness in it, just childish joy. This goes on through TsotT, with his anxieties about his speech, his difficulty to prepare and deliver it and following through the ceremonies, his surprise and emotion at being chosen as best man and called Watson's best friend, his promise to keep Mary safe and his efforts to save Watson in s4, and even his realization about Eurus' emotional needs in the series finale.
Not that the original ASIP characterization doesn't show up here and there again and again, through things like Sherlock's edgy comments about religion, his complete distraction and lack of attention at Rosie's baptism, his mysoginy and use of Jeaninne in HLV, etc.
Same happens with Watson. The narrative keeps doing its mockery thing, and will lay VERY THICK the whole "Watson is just an adrenaline junkie" with Mary's secret and how Watson married her because he's attracted to danger and that makes it all his fault somehow... it will also show Watson being bored by his job at the surgery. BUT the main storyline of the Sherlock-Watson relationship only makes sense through the UP characterization. It is, in fact, spelled out loud in TsotT: Sherlock solves puzzles, Watson saves lives. The back-cases of the episode show Watson being intelligent, competent, and helpful, specially as a doctor. Sherlock believes that he's been saved by Watson through their friendship. The case at the end is solved through both Watson's saving of lives and Sherlock's solving of puzzles (we are even shown that Watson has another friend! who is also a recluse!). Watson is at peace in his relationship with Harriet. We are even shown that Watson is secretly drinking more alcohol during his bachelor bender, to not disappoint Sherlock's calculations about his alcohol tolerance, and so "ruin" his fun and the work he put on it.
This goes on through HLV as well; Watson gets some PTSD flashbacks, then manages firmly and competently the "rescue" of Isaiah Whitley, and even shows some of that colder and a tad cruel side that was hinted in the UP. He has authority enough to make Mycroft leave when he tells him to. He's in on the plan to reveal Mary's past as a spy, and even later on is the one to suggest Sherlock puts a tracker on her before she drugs him and leaves, which shows both practicality and foresight. He even jokes with Lestrade about Sherlock being like a baby!
Even though The Abominable Bride only happens in Sherlock's mind and therefore doesn't really count towards Watson's characterization, it is worth noticing that in it Watson is so much more involved in monitoring and containing Sherlock's drug problem than he has proven to be till that point (sure, Watson got Molly to test him in HLV, but nothing came of it, and the treatment of the matter in TLD is even worse).
The only way to make some sense of The Six Thatchers and TLD, Watson-wise, is to play along with this idea of Watson as supremely practical, competent, and mature. His being rather checked out about Mary (he spends the whole morning (9 hours) of what seems to be one of his free days just proving with a balloon that Sherlock doesn't need him, while his wife is dealing with a very young baby, for example), and his emotional affair are to be understood not as part and parcel of the character we've seen through series 1 and 2, but as a moment of weakness of the character they say he is in s3.
It's not just the only way to understand not only his intense guilt, but the way the narrative tries to present the infidelity as "well, it is what it is, we are all human" down to Sherlock telling Watson that even Watson is human. That's not what Watson actually is, though, through most of the series. He's a callous, violent, horny idiot, which the narrative calls human, and that's the resolution of the opening scene of TLD about things being wrong and being able of calling them wrong. They are just what they are and we are all human.
The finale is all about Sherlock and Eurus, and so Watson's development ends here.
And the thing is, that I would have liked to see much more of the potential the characterizations in UP showed. That would have been an interesting dynamic. I think the casting of Martin Freeman for Watson was great, and that he elevates whatever he's in (yes, even The Hobbit movies), but was ultimately wasted, and for what?
Maybe it is that the BBC demanded those changes to bring in a lighter tone and comedic relief. Maybe they really wanted a sort of loose remix of House M.D. (which is what the Sherlock-Watson dynamic is most of the time in this show) instead of the Sherlock Holmes adaptation Mofftiss wanted to make. Maybe only after the show became wildly popular they were allowed to do what they wanted that way. But it was too little, too late, and mixed in with a steep decline of the quality of the writing of everything else.
Even within the limits of that generous reading of what happened, it is still stories they wrote and signed, where what could have been a compelling character with many interesting things to explore, from an actually accurate portrayal of PTSD (and not the "actually it is civilian life that is giving him PTSD because he's an adrenaline junkie, surprise!), and a war injury and physical disability being taken seriously, to his grounding role in Sherlock's life, a development of his deductive abilities, a more equal and complex relationship with Mary... we got an idiot whose function in the plot most of the time was narrative punchbag and high contrast to Sherlock's übermensch.
And that's such a pity.
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