#it doesn't show that much on the pics but
vrtvyg · 2 days
Body headcannons, based off of the ACTUAL character.
Soap: BEEFY. Have you SEEN the man's biceps? his neck? the way his chest casts a shadow in that one blue shirt? he's beefy. Full believer that his thighs ate just as thick, meaty calves, and a matching waist. every body has a bit of curve, but honestly he probably is mostly rectangle, some muscle showing on his stomach. I feel like his body wouldn't be SUPER hairy. like yes he has chest hair, leg and arms, but it isn't super thick. it's shorter, darker. he'd probably keep his pubes messily trimmed. not letting it become a bush but not caring enough to make it look pretty.
Ghost: honestly think he's a bit thinner than Soap. sure they both got muscle mass, but side to side, Ghost has the height and Soap has the form. more muscle showing but not super thick, just a leaner build, maybe a bit of chub on the stomach, arms, but not much. has minimum hair, it just doesn't grow. head a almost buzzed, arms have hair but it's short and almost too thin to see. same with his legs. no chest hair, some peach fuzz below the belly and his pubes are equally short. (I'm kind of debating this, dude might be hella muscular under all them clothes)
Price: Listen, I fucking LOVE thick price as much as the next man, but have you seen that slutty waist??? Big chest, thin waist, and a fucking fatty. he's the whole hourglass, minus the hips. Covered in hair, it's thick too. on his chest, arms, legs, thighs. probably has to get his nostrils and ears waxed, hair grows there too. probably has the thickest hair down there in 141, keeps it neat, but not trimmed. the snail trail is THICK.
Gaz: the definition of lean, the perfect cut after bulking. the long legs, thick calves, thin but muscular. He probably has a decent amount of hair, but it's only on his chest and legs (no happy trail, sadly). the hair on his chest is just ever so slightly curly, and his pubes are probably trimmed but a bit messy, like soap.
Graves: Ita giving skinny white boy. like don't get me wrong, he's a sexy mf, but I can't see him with buldging abs. he's not super thick has the biceps, thighs, and definitely ass, but his stomach is pretty flat, and his chest is flatter. no tits to grab at. I imagine he's pretty bare on the hair, and the hair he DOES have is too light to really notice. except his armpits, no idea why but they're so much thicker there than anywhere else. his pubes probably match his hair, a dirty blonde. probably shaves practically bald down there, regrets it everytime until it starts to flow again.
König: THICK. muscular, of course, but the softest layer of pudge wrapped around it. has that squishy tummy, love handles, and the HIP DIPS! the thickest thighs following, weapon harnesses squeezing around it so satisfyingly. and he's definitely a hairy man, but not in a soft bear way like price, more like a rough texture. chest hair, arm hair, thigh hair, leg hair, even hair on his toes. the snail trail is gorgeous. he doesn't really care to shave his pubes. a bit messy down there. the only time he trims is to make his dick look bigger before sending a pic.
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Ninjago Headcanons (Random)
Just some Random Ninjago Headcanons
Sleeps with a nightlight
Nightowl (Has trouble falling asleep)
Has to be reminded to drink water
Has to put alot sugar and honey in his tea
Sleeps with a bunch of blankets and then ends up kicking them off in his sleep
Hates the winter and snow especially after the events of the forbidden scrolls
Likes the beach to sun tan, and take beach pics only
Puts too much spice when it's his turn to cook meals
Carries hot sauce packets with him, when they go to restaurants beacuse he thinks the food is always too bland
Actually a really good house cleaner, and knows how to fold clothes really well
Always has some kind of candy on him, that he gives to the others
Usually in the kitchen getting midnight snacks, and probably has a snack cuboard in his room
Sleeps with a bunch of pillows
Thinks dolls are creepy
Probably wirtes poetry (It's actually really good but he shows it to no one)
Will often blast music too loud
Wears matching clothes with Nya
Sends memes to the other Ninja, and often will send pictures of cute animals couples to Nya. With the caption, (You and Me)
Honestly gives really good movie suggestions
Will often forget he placed things in the microwave and then have to reheat it later on
Occasionally makes beeps when sleeping, (sort of his version of snoring)
Likes watching cooking shows in his down time
Is the best Gift giver out of the team
Instinctively cleans messes, as well as other Ninjas' messes
Always gives really good advice
Tries to make sure everyone always feels inculded
Still tinkers occasionally and will often work with Pixal on projects
Almost always late to palces if she is showing up alone
Has broken many stress balls
Has taught a self defense seminar
Visits her father when possible
Probably knows alot of the teams secrets, as they will come to rant to her as she works
Even though she doesn't really need to eat, she always comes up to dinner
Has pulled many many overnighters
Is the teams event coordinator
Misty (OC)
Likes to volunteer at animal shelters
Nightowl, stays up with Lloyd and will bing tv shows together
Collects Tarot card decks (Gives scarily accurate readings)
Likes wearing heels but has trouble walking in them
Wants a pet cat (Can't because Wu's allergic)
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outrunningthedark · 12 hours
I dont think he needs to come out defending Lou - Lou can handle himself he’s a grown man and has taken ( I think at least) the best course of action (stay silent until the season starts back up again). However I do have a lot of mutuals who are queer men who feel little hurt by the lack of acknowledgement for this queer relationship. Like getting excited that your favourite show has a relationship that you feel represented (just like with Michael and David) only to have silence from the social media team and the actors (well we clearly know why Lou is currently silent -when he was active he did talk Beautifully about them) can be hurtful. I don’t know if this makes any sense at all. But I did find it a bit odd ( and this is not me assuming malicious intent - I like to give the benefit of the doubt) some of the patterns I’ve seen. At the end of the day everyone is free to do whatever they want - while at the same time fans can feel how they want to feel. I understand both perspectives.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense -it got away from me as I was writing 😂
I know what you're saying, and I agree. I think people are (I assume unintentionally) lumping calling out bad behavior and acknowledging the canon relationship together as the same course of action, but...it's not. (I mean, from what I saw of the reaction to my post there was a lot of hand-waving for why Oliver's "doing the right thing" because fandom is out of control.) I don't think Oliver needs to "defend" Lou or even Tommy as a character. (He didn't defend any of the women on the show until they were gone so why start now, honestly.) But there IS a way to take a stand without even saying anything, isn't there? Post a story. Post a pic. Share a fan edit. Captions not needed. The content would speak for itself. He's not staying silent because he hates the story line - sorry Buddies! - because he definitely knew that if the GA reaction went well BuckTommy was going to continue past those four episodes. He's staying silent because he lets these people behind a screen get in his head and make him feel like he has to walk on eggshells while "interacting with fandom". And listen, we all get it! He's gotta do what he's gotta do to protect his mental health! But you can acknowledge his feelings without dismissing the feelings of the queer fans who are only seeing a guy essentially do a 180 because public pressure is too high. How is he "representing" anybody if he doesn't even celebrate the story he's telling? [There's a quick-fix to all of this, btw. Get a fucking social media manager to do the posting so he doesn't have to see any of this shit with his own eyes if it's gonna drag him down that much.]
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mrsniallhoran505 · 1 day
Man these Kaia and Austin shippers really be something. When the rumors came out that they were engaged y'all ran with it. When the rumors came out that they moved in together y'all ran with it. Now that the rumors are that they split we're not allowed to discuss it and speculate on it. And we're not allowed to message our friends about it. We can't post those pictures cause it looks bad for Kaia.
News flash kiddies, we can talk about the rumors as much as we want. We can post what we want. And if those pictures were so bad for her why did she let them be taken. And don't give me that bs that they weren't supposed to be posted. Or that she didn't know. The camera is in her face and everyone knows if there's pics being taken there's a high near absolute possibility they will be posted and shared.
And don't come at me with it's innocent, it's just friends dancing. If they were innocent and just friends being friendly post them. Spread them. Show how friendly her and Marcello are. Don't tell others to take them down cause it's not good for her, they're just friends right.
And don't start with the "Zoe was there too!" She has nothing to do with what another grow ass adult does or doesn't do. Zoe being Austin's Co Star means nothing in this situation. If anything it makes kaia's behavior even more trashy. Zoe wasn't there to police Kaia and keep her in check. She wasn't an Austin stand in for Kaia. She was there for the same reason as Kaia. To party and have fun. Only difference is she knows how to conduct herself at events and parties so she doesn't get caught on camera in compromising situations with someone who isn't her fiance. Kaia knew she was there, knew who she was working with, and still acted a fool. Zoe's mere presence doesn't change the contents of those photos.
Stop coming to us and harassing us. Just cause you lived vicariously through Kaia/Austin and now you feel like you're being broken up with cause the relationship looks done and over with doesn't give you the right to be assholes on our blog's. I'm sorry Kaia cheated on you. I'm sorry Austin didn't go to your Disney land birthday celebration. Time to find a new couple to imagine you're a part of. Eat some chocolates, watch some romcoms, there'll be more couples for you to be delusional about. It's ok, you'll get through this.
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alkenepunk · 12 hours
ABEFK or JFABE it doesn't matter because they belong to each other anyways
I finished the redraw. ERRRMMM.... I think you can see progress here but i'm not sure.........
they are husbands, they are canon as hell, they have to kiss, they are so gay
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VVVVVV aaaand i'll show the og pic below VVVVVV
MY OLD ASS POST that was made exactly 4 years ago
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again. i hate this. so much. everything's wrong with them. but it was literally my second try on drawing them...... ugly......
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rainbow--chameleon · 1 year
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another outfit from this year's WGT who is my 2nd or 3rd fav I wore there! as usual most of it is upcycling and old creations that I upgraded, I'm happy w how it looks ! for the first time I wore one of my headdress w my untied natural hair below and I think it looks rather good! the yarn it a good transition between my curls and the straight tubes of my headdress♥
made : headdress, fake eyelashes, skirt (with the help of my mother, 15 years ago), sleeves, top, white necklace, bracelet
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dkettchen · 9 months
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trying to figure out how to draw these fucks
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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RVBtober 6 > favorite character Colonel Sarge
all rise for the flag 07
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nero-neptune · 1 year
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“Good movies are always better when you watch them with someone.” - Ed Chigliak (Northern Exposure)
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morrigan-sims · 2 months
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the whole "family"
I made Rook's mom in the sims because I was bored and wanted to see what she'd look like. Gorgeous, as it turns out!! Which isn't surprising given her son is the most beautiful man of all time. Rook doesn't even know her name or anything about her, and has never met her, since she handed him off to Alistair at the first chance she got. Rook has no interest in meeting her because of that, plus the fact that in his mind, all birth/legal family is awful and fucked. As far as he's concerned, he doesn't have a mother.
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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every single poto unmasking (original book 1910, 1925, song at midnight 1937, 1943, 1962, night gallery's phantom of what opera? 1971, phantom of the paradise 1974, 1983, animated 1987, 1989, mini series 1990, phantom 1990, staller 1991, the canary trainer 1993, journey of the mask 2000, 2004, musical 2011, graphic novel webtoon 2021, phantom heart 2021, ghost on the roof 2022, angel's mask 2023, my rewrite 2022)
#testing out tumblr's new 30 pic limit with this one! ;D#there are 22 unmaskings here! :o#it's not every single one but it's still a lot! :o#this took 2 HOURS to make last night! :o#and today i added the full 'phantom heart' one (i had a google preview placeholder) and the graphic novel/canary trainer screenshots#so much time but it was worth it!#i used gifs from google to speed things up and had to make the rest myself#i made the 83 62 night gallery paradise 89 animated and mini series ones#i even whipped out the mini series dvd for it! ;D#i also took out some frames of the staller one so that's a half and half ;)#i had to condense the book and rewrite's unmaskings since they're long (especially the book!)#i took out the rewrite's face description since you can see it pretty clearly ;)#the most interesting one is 'canary trainer' since the unmasking isn't done by christine or the phantom... but sherlock holmes! ;D#62 is the lamest since he shows it for just a few seconds before dying#the animated one and 'song at midnight' are the funniest for the sounds#the book musical and 1925 versions are the most iconic (and the rewrite for me!)#the best ones for me are 1925 and 'ghost'#1925 for how quick and surprising it is and 'ghost' for how groundbreaking it is!#she doesn't pressure him and besides the reveal there's no horror to be found!#and instead of anger and fear there's sadness and comfort#instead of shocking moment it's a beautiful one :')#all of them are great in their own ways! :D#it's so neat seeing them all together! :D
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Pomme doodle I guess?
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glysaturn · 2 years
i was afk-ing during set up and then i noticed genji and cass standing right in front of me with some sus activity going on
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and it just felt like
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aroaceofthesea · 7 months
With one of my groups of friends we do this thing where we say good morning and goodnight every day (theres a whole story behind why we're acting like boomers ok) and it eventually turned into saying youre not ok when you need help like those days we just say morning or night and then we can try to make that person cheer up and idk its just nice to have a daily check in to know how everyone's doing and also imo it's easier to ask for help by not saying smth than by saying it so it's easier to trick the brain into actually telling the others
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rizardofether · 1 year
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They really said :V
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fatalglitter · 9 months
Ok so I was deleting some pictures and stuff and I have discovered that I saved some lmk art on tumblr almost a full YEAR before I even got into the show????????? HUH?????
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