#it doesnt make sense but like let me have this. they were like SONS to the guatrau. im OWED my organized crime au
baltears · 1 year
hmhmmmmm..... bsg au where joe married fidelia instead of evelyn and the adamas remained a mob family prior to the fall............
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irishmammonagenda · 7 months
How I Think The Obey Me Boys Would React to The Rumours™️
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Summary: Rumours have been floating around the Devildom. Rumours about a certain Angel and Sorcerer...how will the demon brothers react? Word Count: haha great question Content Warnings: probably just swearing tbh Disclamer: This will probably not make a lot of sense unless you've read this fic here for context, but ykw life doesnt make sense you do you <3
[dateables & co version]
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post dividers by @cafekitsune their post dividers r really cool check them out! (also sorry for the tag!!)
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You had left the Sorcerers' Society feeling quite flustered, but also extremely pleased with yourself. Take that Solomon. You grin. In all the excitement of the following days, you'd forgotten about the rumour you had accidentally spread around the Devildom. Perhaps you shouldn't've pretended to be Archangel Michael to gain entry....
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When Lucifer heard the news from Beel, he was in the student council room, he turnt his D.D.D off and just placed his head in his hands.
Was this some elaborate scheme by Solomon to gain a pact with him?
Lucifer wasn't sure he even wanted to know.
Sighing; he pulled on his coat and traversed to Purgatory Hall where Michael was staying.
"Michael." The Avatar of Pride stood leaning against the kitchen counter, everyone else in Purgatory Hall was at RAD, so the Angel and Demon were alone. "Oh Jesus Christ!" The Angel in question brings a hand to his heart in mock dramatics, "Warn a guy next time Lucikins!" "..." The Silence was palpable. "...Lucikins?" Lucifer gritted out, his eye twitching. "Michael. This is not the time for your games. I am the Avatar of Pride and a Prince of Hell, show me some respect." Michael merely raised an arched eyebrow, a shit-eating grin on his face as he quickly closed the distance between them, pulling the Avatar of Pride into an ironclad headlock, bringing his other arm over with a clenched fist and messing up Lucifer's hair. "I'm sure you are Lucikins, but you're still my adorable little brother." Lucifer pushes his hands out in an attempt to get away, but even he had to admit, Michael had always been stronger than him. "Michael." The younger protests, "I swear to Lord Diavolo if you do not let me go, I will-" Michael interrupts him, pausing his brotherly tormenting to wipe a tear from his ruby red eyes. "-Ahh! You must've missed me so much, poor Wittle Wucifer! Always so heavy on the teenage angst!" Lucifer growled in a way too similar to Satan when he first fell. Like father, like son. "I don't have teenage angst. Now unhand me you bastard!" "Oh please! The amount of times I caught you in the Celestial Realm listening to My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco on repeat speaks for itself! And the eyeliner! Just because the others were too young to remember doesn't mean I was baby brother! Don't think I don't remember the wolf-cut!" Lucifer's eye twitches so hard he worries for his socket. He cab't even refute it. "You are two minutes older than me! And besides! I came here to talk about the rumours of you dating Solomon!" "The What." Michael immediately ceases all noogie-ing, his grip loose enough for Lucifer to slip through his arm. He scowls, smoothing the wrinkles from his suit and beginning to fix his hair. He moves a safe distance away from his older (estranged) brother. "The rumours of you showing up during a Sorcerers' Society meeting and making out with Solomon on his lap. Ring a bell?" Michael, for the love of him, just looks confused. "But I've never even-" He blinks slowly a few times. "I am going to kill MC." Lucifer, even with the ego bruising he had just endured, laughs, partly out of sheer relief, he doesn't want to imagine what a Solomon Michael duo could be capable of. But of course it was you. It always was.
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This poor man's confusion is so strong.
He doesn't want to think about Michael's lovelife. Or Solomon's for that matter.
He immediately rushes to tell you.
"Oi! MC!" Mammon shoves his way into your room like he was auditioning for the walking dead, as per usual, he wasn't aware of the marvellous invention of knocking yet. You quickly closed you laptop lid, and placed the device down beside you on the bed, lest he saw the Archangel Michael/King Solomon 100k, Slowburn, Angst with a Happy Ending you were writing on HellO3. “Hi Mams!” Mammon scurries onto your bed like the floor is lava, resting his chin on your thigh and looking up at you with his usual puppy eyes. “Yer not gonna believe this MC.” He says seriously. "What's up?" You tilt your head, bringing a one of your hands to ruffle your First Man's hair, he leans into the touch happily before jumping up and acting like he wasn't. "Well, 'pparently Michael's after starting te date Solomon. Can ye believe it?" Mammon makes a face. "Michael...wi' Solomon...I don' wanna believe it...just...its mingin'..." You laugh nervously, "I don't think Michael's dating Solomon, Mams....someone must've uhh..." You hold in a laugh. "It's probably just a succubi or someone looking for chaos." Mammon nods seriously, laying his head back on your lap. "Yer prolly righ' MC." You pet his hair again, "Wanna watch a movie or something, Mams?" "Pffft- Of course ya would wanna watch a movie wi' the Great Mammon...alrigh' huma-...Angel...I'll allow it...!" He says with his usual bravado, it was almost convincing, if he hadn't nuzzled further into your hand, and he wasn't looking at you like you were the one reason his pulse was still going.
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He finds out after the first chapter to a certain Archangel Michael/King Solomon fanfic was published. Yes he is subscribed to your HellO3 account, and yes! he has emails turnt on.
What kind of person would he be if he didn't read his Henry's fanfics?!
He throws his phone across the room.
When he finally wills himself to get up and retrieve it, he takes a screenshot and starts texting you frantically.
You're lazing about on your bed dong nothing, you'd just posted the first chapter of THE FORBIDDEN FRUITS: A GAY ROMANCE STORY THAT TRANSCENDS REALMS five minutes previous when your DDD began vibrating at such a speed you almost made a very unfunny sex joke. You pick up your DDD and sure enough, its Levi, heh; so he is subscribed to your HellO3 account! Leviachan <3: MC WHAT IS THIS NDVNRO DID YOU WRIT E FNAFICTION AOBOUT MCIAHEL AND SOLOMOMN You grinned. You: Fnaf fiction? Good idea for an AU! Leviachan <3: VFIBNODNORNGVNO MC IM LOOKING ON FORUMS WDYM THERES A RUMOU R ABORUT SOLOMON AND MICHAEL DATING You: In my defense, it was Solomon's fault. There's no response for 10 minutes, until your DDD pings again. Leviachan <3: Why is the fanfic good Leviachan <3: I MEAN OFC ITD BE GOOD, YOU WROTE IT BUT Leviachan <3: ITS SO Leviachan <3: THE CHARACTERS ARE SO COMPELLING AND THE PLOT IS SO GOOD RJRGNVDON Leviachan <3: AND THE TENSION??!! You grinned, you could always count on your Lord of Shadows to hype up your degenerate fanfics. You: thanks <3 satan's helping me write it, wanna help? Leviachan <3: I don't think I could write as good as you guys, im just a stinky smelly worthless otaku :( You: nuhuh. >:( Leviachan <3: But if you wanted... I could maybe beta-read??? You: OFC YOU CAN LEVI TANK YOU <33333 Leviachan <3: Haha tank LMAO ROFL You: I can never mispell anything around anyone in this house You kicked your feet like a catholic school girl holding hands with a boy for the first time in her life, knowing Levi probably was too.
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This man has a web of connections.
He found out almost as soon as the rumour started.
Like Mammon, he immediately finds you to tell you
Unlike Mammon, he actually knocks
granted he knocks for a second before just opening your door so he could've just not knocked and it would've had the same affect.
"Hello MC" "Mornin' Satie...What time's it?" You rub your eyes tiredly, having just woken up from a nap, you sit up and blink at him slowly with sleepy eyes. Satan can't stop himself from cooing, he movies towards your bed and ruffles your hair like you're a cat, you lean into the touch. "Sorry for waking you, dear..." You yawn. "You're fine Satie...what'd you need?" "Have you heard the rumours that Michael and Solomon are secret lovers-" Suddenly you're wide awake. "Oh no. Oh no no no." Satan raises a brow, "What's wrong, MC?" You grin sheepishly, "I maybe might've accidentally not on purpose started that rumour?..." Satan laughs in your face. Handsome bastard. "It's not funny!" "It is a little funny..." You gasp, eyes lighting up mischievously, "We should write a fanfic!" Satan tilts his head, "And why would we do that?" "Because the world deserves a Slowburn Michael x Solomon fic?" "Nope." "Pleaseee Satan! I'll pay you!" "Nope." "It'll annoy Luci?" "Tempting..." "I'll give you a kiss?" "I'm in. Let's write the best Michael x Solomon the Devildom's ever seen." You shake Satan's hand. Maybe you should've been reincarnated as a demon.
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Finds out through one of his gossip circles relatively fast.
He wants to get more details so he can tell you later! <3
By far one of the more supportive brothers
So he finds Solomon, who knows maybe he could give some advice!
Michael was strange, but he was always nice to Asmo growing up in the celestial realm, he might as well make sure one of his best friends is treating his former brother right <3
"Hiya Sol!~" Asmo smiles excitedly, pulling the sorcerer in for a hug, pouting when he pulled away again. "I cant believe you never told me! Ugh~...you must've been scared I wouldn't accept you!~ Poor thing...~" Solomon blinks slowly, his usual shit-eating grin replaced with pure confusion, lost in his own rant, Asmo doesn't notice. "Well! You have my blessing!~" "For what?" "For your relationship with Michael, silly!~" Asmo giggles, Solomon takes a deep breath. "For my what." A pause pauses all sound for a moment, only for a moment, before like all other moments, they begin the cycle of movemnt again. Solomon nods rather calmly, "Maybe I shouldn't have turnt MC into a sheep....or maybe I should do it again as payback...." He says to himself Asmo sighs, so it was just a rumour then....
He does still post a link to your fanfic on his Devilgram story, because he's so supportive! <3
No one tell Michael, or Lucifer pretty please
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Being a member of the Anti-Lucifer League, Satan told Belphie who told Beel after taking a nap.
Beel, being the absolute legend that he is didn't really have any opinions on it. As long as they're happy :)
Belphie sits in on the fanfic plot planning sessions you and Satan host, with Beel sometimes joining and giving surprisingly interesting plot twists.
Belphie cackles when Beel tells Lucifer of the rumours, shortly before the first chapter of Forbidden Fruits is published.
Satan and You stand by the whiteboard in the attic, various spider diagrams and bullet points are written messily upon it, only this time, it's not a plan to 'prank' Lucifer. (Are they really pranks if they never succeed?) The sound of munching can be heard as Beel works away happily on a bag of crisps, offering everyone some as you work. "What if we made Solomon run after Michael in the rain." Belphie drawls out lazily, not even looking up from where he lies beside Beel. You stare at Belphie, "What is with you and the people chasing after people in the rain trope?" Belphie sticks his tongue out at you in response. Beel shakes his head. "That wouldn't be accurate. Michael hates getting his hair wet." Belphie smiles, "Good point Beel." Satan makes a sound of contemplation. "What if...we had Michael chase Solomon in the rain instead? The fact he hates getting his hair wet could show just how much he loves Solomon..." You laugh, imagining the scene in your head. "But why is Michael chasing Solomon?" Belphie smirks, "Because Michael said something bad about humans during a fight, Solomon got upset and ran like a maiden." Beel stops munching on his snacks, looking down approvingly at his twin. "That's really smart Belphie." "Thanks Beel." Belphie grins. "Yeah Belph, your angstiness is really paying off." You tease. "Oh shut up MC." He glares at you, but there's no real weight behind it. "Theyre right you know." Satan smirks. "I heard you blasting Paramore and MCR earlier." "Its good music!"Belphie says definsively. "Besides, it keeps me awake. Goodnight." He mutters, laying his head on his twins lap before closing his eyes. Five minutes of silence later, Beel opens his mouth, "He does wear eyeliner a lot when he's in our room y'know?" "Beel!" You and Satan laugh, Beel just smiles happily at everyone getting along. Belphie devises a plan to make you dream pigeons are going to take over the world tonight as payback.
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im on a Lucifer being bullied by Michael spree rn 🧍‍♂️ also you can't convince me that Satan and Belphie aren't soso similar to Lucifer bc at the end of the day they're all just angsty emo teens &lt;3
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces.
Batfam x neglected reader. Part 2
Warning: neglect
Summary: what went wrong and when did it get this bad.
( forgive me if its cringe and the mistakes it might have and also im sososo sorry if the time line doesnt make sense but just imagine it does )
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The first time you realized that you had became invisible in the eyes of everyone was actually surprisingly at a gala. Dick was 18 or so , jason was around 15 and you about 12 or 13( close to the same age as Tim) .
The gala was supposed to be for a promotion and advertisement . It was one of those important galas , where batman had to take a rest for the night. you cant even remember what it was really for but it got swarmed by the paparazzi as soon as they got wind that both of the adopted Wayne sons would be their making it their first public appearance together , something that the tabloids would eat up.
It wasn’t your first gala or public appearance but you still tried to look your best , wearing a stunning black dress that shimmered because of all the sparkles you so longingly begged bruce to get you.
Matching with bruce and your brothers which all had matching black suits with a red ross on the left breast pocket . you added a red ross perfectly place behind between your ears with the help of Alfred. Before you guys left for the gala bruce told all of you to enjoy the night and to be on your behavior .
when guys arrive you were swarmed by the flashing lights and clicks of the greedy cameras, well at least they were. You on the other hand were being pushed and accidentally shoving you out of the way, the only thing holding you in place was the lessening hand on dick but it didn’t take long before your hand broke off, sweeping you into the sea of paparazzi. The only one to notice your disappearance was dick and he couldn’t really do much because of all the eyes on him. You also couldn’t try and squeeze your way back in with them so sat idly on the side eating some food while you waited for them to be done. You didn’t think about it too much at the time but your heart ached for some reason. Each bite you took brung you closer to tears but you couldn’t cry even when most of the attention was focused towards them . Not right now. Not when the very few eyes that were on you looked at you with something you couldn’t really explain. It was like A mix of pity and mockery.
As your eyes swelled up with tears and your finally broke you couldn’t take it anymore . you ran out onto the streets of Gotham before anyone could see you cry . Luckly the people outside were too busy with their own life to notice a little kid running out of a giant building in tears . You ran until you reached the nearest alleyway scouring deep into the alley . finally relaxing you sat down on the dirty floor covered in dirt and other stuff , your legs collapse, giving your already flowing tears to spill faster and more intensely. It was nice to let tour feeling out for bit , not letting the expectations of being a Wayne hold you down.
At that moment you felt helpless , kind of scared , angry and disappointed. You didn’t know if the disappointment and anger was directed toward your father and your brothers or yourself. You felt angry because he left you alone , anger toward the paparazzi , your dad and anger towards dick for not holding your hand tighter. Maybe , just maybe if he had held your hand a bit tighter you wouldn’t be here, on the dangerous streets of Gotham on the dirty floor crying like a stray waiting for a miracle to happen and to get adopted. But you couldn’t stay angry at them , it wasn’t their fault the paparazzi pushed you away , its not their fault you are here in an alley all alone and crying .
Its not their fault , its yours , all yours.
It was pointless to wish( just look how it turned out for you, both in adoption and wishing).
You sat there for a few minutes with no plan of getting up anytime soon . You just listen to the rumbling of faraway engine and the busy life of padestrians as they walk by never noticing you huddled at the very end of the alleyway. It was oddly soothing and relaxing in a way.
You don’t know for how you sat the there or what you where even still doing there. Maybe you wished for one of your brothers to notice you were gone from the crowd of riches and snobs and come looking for you.
Holding on to the little bit of hope you had you stayed for a bit longer waiting for their footsteps offerone of them to call out your name. Your head had been between tour legs so when you heard footsteps you couldn’t see who had come but you had hoped it was them intil you released that the footsteps came from the dead end of the alley and not from the entrance of it. Too scared to look up you tried staying as still as you as if trying to magically blend into the background , shutting your eyes as if that would hell. Your breath became raged and unstable. You had always known that Gotham was never the safest place to be especially at night and alone and you knew that on your own you could never fight them you had seen the injuries and havoc they have caused, shown by your brothers and father with their daily bruses and cuts . This was definitely a time where you wished to be as good as jason in combat or as good as dick in acrobatics to escape from here. the person was now right infront of you, and curiously you peak your eyes open to find a pair of shoes in front of you. You tried to quickly figure out who they belonged to to be able to make the best decision of how to escape the situation till you were interrupted by their voice. You quickly looked to find……..
Part 3
Again im so sorry if the timeline doesn’t make if you guys have any idea on how old they actually have by this time pls tell( its a flashback)
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mazzystar24 · 9 months
My 911 hills I will die on:
Eddie Diaz is gay
Buck has ADHD- the writers could come knocking on my door and tell me that he’s not and I still would argue with them with a PowerPoint and everything
The Buckley parents deserve to go straight to hell and their redemption arc makes me foam at the mouth (negative)
More on that: the insistence of a show that is so deeply rooted in the concept of found family to constantly give shitty parents redemption arcs is so irritating
Maddie Buckley didn’t raise buck since she was 9 years old while dealing with her own trauma or give him her jeep and money (AKA HER LITERAL SAFETY NET TO ESCAPE HER ABUSER) just so people can sit there and call her a bad sister -I’m a Maddie Buckley defender and I stand by that
Both sides were flawed with the lawsuit thing and neither should be too harshly judged- Bobby kept buck out when buck already proved himself but he was doing it out of protectiveness in his own flawed way because let’s be honest he just saw the guy he considers a son nearly die in front of him three times in one year and saw the PT and toll it all took through the whole process and keep in mind he’s already lost 2 kids already but buck also shouldn’t have sued impulsively or disclosed such intimate information and should’ve tried to take a more rational approach but let’s also be fair and remember this is the guy THAT DID GO THROUGH ALL THOSE THINGS IN THAT SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME like no one would be okay mentally, no one would be rational, not when you spend a shit ton of time to recover only to be told (in his brain at least) that it’s not enough from someone you not only consider as a mentor, friend and father figure but also the same person who was motivating you through your recovery
The way Shannon spoke about Christopher’s cerebral palsy will never not rub me the wrong way I’m sorry to any who love her
The way Natalia spoke about bucks death is also just a no from me
I actually hated the whole thing with Hen and the madney engagement like idk why the writing felt it was appropriate to try to compare Hen CHEATING (granted it was ooc and in season one) with Maddie suffering postpartum depression make it make sense- they could’ve had the same level of hen and chimney friendship moment/ hen looking out for him without doing this type of thing which just made me a little angry with hen while watching it but ultimately deciding this storyline doesnt exist in my brain
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nothots-headempty · 2 months
Her Bangles
Anthony × Kate
Summary: Anthony doesnt mind people, especially when they are congratulating him on his wonderful wedding. But right now, he could use a moment alone with his lovely wife. Actually, he always needs a moment alone with her.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: fluffy fluffy fluff
Authors Note: ok not being shown the Kanthony wedding still makes me cry honestly. But ukw that doesnt stop me from writing scenarios. So hahahahahaha here you go
Also this is so not proof read. Deal with me please.
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The room swam before his eyes, his feet moving a little too slowly just to make sure he didnt tip over, fall on his face, make a joke of himself on the best day of his life.
It wasn't the alcohol - he had hardly taken a sip off Benedict's glass, one that had been forced down his throat in the name of merriment, to be sure.
It wasn't that he was unwell either. Nor was he tired. It was just something about the crowds, the noise, the hand shaking and congratulations that had lost its familiarity quite swiftly. It's like he had been the centre of attention, the all-knowing, all-seeing source of gossip and now here he was just wishing for a quiet, alone, peaceful moment with the woman of his dreams.
Woman of his dreams. He liked the sound of that. Quite sly of him to just admit to himself the many sleepless nights his wonderful viscountess had once given him. This new honesty, it seemed to become him.
He felt a weight, a jingling in his pocket and smiled at the thoughts. Her bangles. The pretty, delicate, green adornments that remained imprinted on his mind as if part of her themselves.
Had she forgotten them? Had they been tainted by the hurt of that stupid, stupid day when he chose to break the heart of her sister, his betrothed? Were they touched by the kiss she gave him that evening?
He had no way of knowing. But the prospect of being visited once again by that beautiful and almost surreal smile when she saw the bangles, the smile that his wife bestowed only upon him, well that thought even made him bounce on his heels. In impatience. In excitement.
There was but a slight delay between the moment his gaze landed on Kate as he scanned the room and his feet took him to her before even his mind could process everything he saw.
The waiter handing out refreshments was easily dodged, Colin with a beauty on one hand and champagne in the other was ignored and forgotten as Anthony ducked under his arm to get to his wife.
His wife. His wife. His fucking wife.
How many times had he said these words to himself in the past hour or two? He had lost count.
"What are you smiling about?" He was used to being greeted with questions now. Questions, taunts, teasing retorts. All of it.
But presently all he wanted to do was kiss the woman in front of him. And that he did. His arm wrapped around her waist, he leaned in as Kate met his lips with a small laugh. He let himself settle into the feel of her, her scent rushing through his senses, the feel of her skin rendering all coherence impossible.
His tongue brushed along hers with a desire he had waited hours to unleash before she pulled away with an embarrassed smile and turned him towards his mother who looked at him with the kind of satisfaction that always set him at ease.
"I've finally done something right, havent I, Mother?", he chuckled. Violet Bridgerton, however, always with some rebuke for her eldest on her lips, held herself back this time. She had watched him be weary, tired, annoyed, helpless, broken? But this new glow he had on his face. The bubble of Marital Bliss that entrapped him now. She knew she wouldn't be the one to even pin prick through it.
So all she did was reach her hand out to caress the cheek of her daughter-in-law, a silent thank you for saving her son. "This is by far the best thing you have done, Anthony."
The smile on Kate's cheeks almost ushered a tear to her eyes but before she could thank her new mother for taking her in, Violet had turned and left the scene, leaving the newly weds with their moment of privacy.
Wiping the wetness on her skin, Anthony pulled her in for another peck, a short lived one this time, his hands settling something heavy in her palms as their mouths detached.
He was almost bouncing like a spring toy right where he stood and his energy was contagious. She pulled apart the draw strings on the bag, her teeth instinctively gnawing at her lip when she saw the green accessories before her.
A flurry of images - Amma bestowing the bangles to her, her fingers holding onto then a little as she responsibly handed them over to Edwina, Anthony's fingers and hers - they rushed through her brain like a tornado and left her stumped.
She looked up at her husband, the light of her life, who was now pulling the ornaments from her hands and slowly slipping them onto her wrists.
"I love you.", she whispered to him. And then looked away, back to where their hands were holding each other, just as they had on that fated day not too long ago. She let her fingers entwine with his, his chin resting on her shoulder, a low sigh of relief escaping both their lips as they let the reality set in.
"I love you, too.", he answered. More fact than instinct. Like he'd said it from somewhere deep within himself. She squeezed her eyes shut. Allowing herself to detach from the moment. From the people and the chatter and the fact that she was part of a new family and a new place and a new person.
She belonged to Anthony today. And he belonged to her. And his heart as it beat somewhere right next to her, told her that it would be that way till the very of end of themselves.
For better or for worse, in peace and to the very end of every argument, from the flowers at her desk to the jewels on her wrist. This was it. Her peace. Her life. Her husband.
And finally, she was ready to allow it to happen to herself. Something she had kept at bay for years.
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bladiegfs · 1 year
hello!! ur theme is so cute omg <3 may i request blade’s s/o (can be gn!) spending more time with a cat they adopted and he got jealous and he decides to cling to his s/o 😭😭 sorry if this doesnt make sense wiendidnf
take ur time writing it 🫶🫶
thank u!!! don't worry anon it makes perfect sense in fact it feels like my third eye was opened the moment i saw this on my inbox
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➵ warning(s) applicable: none
➵ wc: 1.1k
➵ blade has found his new rival— it came in the form of a dark-furred animal with four paws and orange eyes. he eyes it as you coddle it and sing a song. …it’s decided. this has gone too far. it’s his turn to be cuddled and coddled now.
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It was a mistake— no, this whole thing was a mistake.
At first, it seemed like a good idea to him. In fact, he was the one who got the idea— he knew you love cats. So did he; he found the little creatures interesting and maybe just a tad bit cute. But you, on the other hand… you frequently gushed (clutching your chest, cooing, everything) over cat videos.
Cat videos. On the screen. It’s not even the real thing right before your eyes yet you acted like this.
But he thought that the smile on your face was far too precious and that it would definitely make you happy to have a cat of your own or a ‘furbaby’, as Bronie calls it.
When he proposed the idea, you instantly nodded. Then, you reveal a sickening number of tabs open on your phone, all containing research about the best way to take care of cats. He recalls the time you were complaining about your phone moving so slowly; he was about to ask you how long literally hundreds of tabs have been open on it, but then you give him that beaming smile that he’s always (secretly) felt weak to, and the question gets thrown to oblivion.
And just a day after that, you two were home with a cute little bundle of joy (your words, not his) and you were smiling unstoppably. To him, the cat wasn’t anything particularly remarkable. However, its black fur paired with orange eyes has apparently intrigued you.
“What are you gonna name him?”
“Pepper,” You reply, looking down at the cat. “Isn’t it fitting?”
“Pepper? That’s more like a dog’s name to me.”
You only laugh as the cat peacefully curls up atop your lap, looking much like a bundle of darkness rather than joy. Blade’s spot, he thinks. That’s where he rests his head as he naps or simply absentmindedly scrolls through his phone, but he lets it pass— it’s good to let the cat become very accustomed to you. It shouldn’t be a challenge to get the cat to warm up to you; perhaps he was biased, but if you asked him, he’d say it’s very easy to like you.
Months pass and Blade does get proven right; Pepper has given his verdict as to who his favorite parent is and, predictably, it’s you. You and Pepper work in tandem half the time— whenever the cat isn’t asleep, anyway. Wherever you go, Pepper goes.
Now: Pepper did like Blade, yes, but the cat was attached to you to the point that you couldn’t even take a piss without it scratching at the door to be let in. And on the other hand, you’ve taken to affectionately calling Pepper your son.
And this son… is coming in between his parents.
You see, earlier this day, Blade had been minding his business. It’s a weekend, and he’s sitting in bed, watching a show. You were right beside him, leaning onto him as your eyes are cast on the screen before you. 
But after a while, before you two even knew it, watching turns into kissing.
“Ren…” You mutter against his lips as you lay below Blade. You were about to open your mouth to say something when suddenly, a walking nightmare on four legs slipped between Blade’s and your body.
And Pepper hisses at Blade.
“Aw, Pepper!” You turn to the cat, taking it in your arms. Blade parts from you, opting to lay beside you as you coo over your son, saying something about how he’s so adorable.
He watches as Pepper gets showered in kisses. “Aw, my cutesy, does Pepper want kisses too?”
Blade does, but that cat in your arms interrupted you two. He turns his eyes back to the television, slightly disgruntled. But once more, he lets it pass. After all, he did like Pepper too, even with all his kiss-stealing tendencies. Pepper was as much his… ‘son’ as much as it was yours.
He thinks that the cat must’ve sensed Blade’s somewhat lax behavior towards it; today, it’s really pushing its luck. 
Lunchtime? Pepper rubbed his head all over your legs until you decide to give him some of the food on your plate despite the fact that he already had his own lunch and finished it with much vigor. Oh, what about the afternoon? You spent it playing with Pepper until he fell asleep. Dinnertime? Same modus as lunch.
And now… well, now, as you sit in bed, Pepper laid on your lap as though it was his personal seat. You didn’t seem bothered about it, not even one bit— in fact, you hummed as you pet its head affectionately.
And Blade? He’s sitting right beside you, phone in hand as he side-eyes Pepper.
This has gone too far. Isn’t it his time to be coddled too?
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, making you lean towards him. You oblige with a smile on your face but eyes still on Pepper. With his actions, the cat turns its head toward Blade and he swears to everything holy that the cat definitely must be annoyed at him. The only thing missing is for it to hiss at him again.
Eyes narrowed and looking directly at Pepper, Blade presses a kiss against your temple.
The cat stares back at him.
His arm tightens around your shoulder and his free hand reaches for yours—
“Ren, you’re a lot more clingy today,” You comment, finally looking at Blade. Then, you notice the expression on his face. You follow his eyes and you find yourself looking right at your son.
You cannot help the laughter bubbling up your stomach. It was ridiculous to you; was Blade having a silent competition with Pepper?
At the sound of your laughter, Blade’s glare at Pepper finally breaks and he looks at you, asking, “What?”
“Nothing,” You answer, sparing Blade the shame of having to admit silently declaring rivalry with Pepper. “You want kisses?”
“...Why’re you talking to me like I’m Pepper?”
You repeat, ignoring Blade’s reply, “You want kisses?”
Silence. Then, “Yes.”
You take Pepper in your arms, lifting him from your lap. You then put Pepper down on the bed before you turn your body to Blade. Your eyes flicker from Blade’s eyes and to his lips, then you lean even closer to finally kiss him.
His arms wrap around your body, holding you closer. Even as you pull away, he doesn’t let go of you.
So your hunch was right. With a smile on your face, you play with his hair, pushing his bangs away from his eyes. “I’ll make it up to you, alright? I’ll cuddle you and sing for you too, so you don’t have to sulk anymore.”
Blade defensively answers, “Who said I was sulking?”
“Oh? Do you not want me to cu—”
“I didn’t say that,” Blade interrupts. Then, in a quieter voice, almost as if he’s embarrassed, “I wouldn’t be jealous because of a cat.”
“I didn’t say anything about Pepper, though?”
“...Damn it.”
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sheluvv-gambino · 1 year
okay before i start i just wanna say how much i love your fics. they got me giggling, twirling my hair, yelling at the characters, all of the above. love you!!!
(my first time typing a request i’m so sorry if it doesn’t make sense 😭🤚🏽) do you think you could do a fic with 1610 Miles and black fem reader who are in a happy/stable relationship, but Gwen tries to break them apart/get miles to hookup with her? then reader finds out and doesnt stand for that shit? like, we beat her ass. i’m tired of seeing so many fics where we just brush it off or yell at Gwen. LIKE, BEAT HER ASS GIRL.
"Oh word!?"
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A/N : Yes I added Hobie in just because I absolutely love the man but I didn’t add him as the next romantic partner just because i feel like using hobie as a rebound is so icky.
pairings : Aged up!1610!miles morales x black fem!reader (aged up to 18 because what 15 year old his sleeping with someone under his parents roof.
summary : If it’s okay for Miles to cheat and hurt you then it’s okay for you to proceed with anything you want to do, no matter if a certain blondie with a bad bob gets in the way.
warnings : violence, cheating, weed, gw*n ( Yup she’s a warning in itself especially after the way she did my man dirty.)
There was nothing that Miles could do that would lead you to thinking that he would ever cheat on you until hangouts with Gwen became more frequent.
You’re not a jealous person by any means and you’ve never restricted Miles from having any female friends, you just weren’t built to have a pit of hatred here for another woman that has a friendship with your man.
You would be a hypocrite to not let Miles have any female friends considering how close you and Hobie were. Hobie has never and would never overstep on any boundaries, he respected you and Miles way too much to do that.
But what you were built for was not tolerating when another girl attacks your relationship like a pigeon finally getting access to bread after begging from strangers just to get food.
It wasn’t your fault that Gwen couldn’t find a man nor keep a man.
She took the only genuine friendship she had and used it against Miles just because of how naive he was in that friendship.
Miles had always been sweet to you.He never skipped out on dates and always made you a priority in his life even though he juggled being Spiderman, a son, and your boyfriend.
Miles truly let him be himself when he was around you. He put his full trust into you like you had done with him.
But with Miles being the most perfect boyfriend he thought he could be, he also realised the second he screwed up what he had with you just by entertaining Gwen’s antics which ultimately led to the two of them in bed together heavy breathing.
Of course you realised the second Gwen started acting different with Miles.
You had even talked to Miles about setting boundaries so that she understood her place in Miles life and not to cross a bridge she couldn’t come back from.
“Ion like the way Gwen’s been moving with you lately. It’s like she went from totally platonic to flirting with you with no care in the world.” You said whilst massaging Miles’ scalp as his lay on your chest.
“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I would’ve seen it.” Miles responded.
“That’s because my love, you are not a woman nor do you have the mind of one. You don’t see the way woman move behind closed doors.” You looked down at him lovingly.
“Maybe your just overreacting. I mean Gwen would never do that. Do you not trust me or something?” Miles questioned with pure disbelief in his voice.
“Nah I didn’t say that and you know it. Of course I trust, why else would i be with you. What I am saying is that right now I don’t trust her and her intentions. I’m telling you now if you don’t dead that shit she’s gonna use that as her way into snake this relationship and hurt us.” You told him now sitting up to have direct eye contact.
“Okay I hear you, mi vida.”
He obviously heard you he just clearly didn’t understand you.
You were walking home from Miles’ apartment when you realised that you left your purse that had your keys inside as well. So you decided to just walk back to Miles’ as you knew he wouldn’t have mind.
You were just there thirty minutes ago what could’ve changed in half an hour
Apparently a lot.
Walking back into Miles’ apartment you took your shoes off to respect his parents rules even when they weren’t here.
You knocked on his door before opening it and walked in.
You weren’t ready for what was in front of you.
They obviously didn’t hear you as they kept up the action on his bed.
“Oh word?! That’s what we doing now? You got that bitch in your bed after I told you how i felt about what she was doing. How incompetent do you have to be to loose a three year relationship over a girl that clearly doesn’t even respect you or me!” You said calmly, you weren’t going to let them know the bubbling tension you felt in your heart in that moment.
They quickly gathered themselves and Miles pulled himself from Gwen and made his way over to you.
Before he could even stutter a half assed apology you launched over to Gwen who was putting her pants back on and dragged her by her brittle hair down to the floor.
You couldn’t even hear what Miles was trying to say, you pounded Gwen’s head in numerous times .
Although she was stronger than you due to her spider powers she clearly had never been a fight without her suit before.
She on the ground trying to cover her head looking like a cockroach that had just been found.
She was bleeding from so many holes that you had given her.
You pulled her up just to slam how by the ridges of Miles’ bed to make her back hurt.
All whilst this was happening Miles was just standing in the corner having no idea what to do.
Sure he had just had sex with Gwen but that didn’t mean she didn’t deserve that ass beating since she was the one to initiate her and Miles’s interaction after you had left.
Finally you had come back to your senses and let go of Gwen.
You booted her with your foot just to be sure you left Miles to deal with a bleeding mess.
“That’s the bitch you put over me, just remember that. We’re done you dumbass nigga!” You looked a Miles as you dusted of your hands and darter out the Morales residence. Even though Jeff loved you like his own he was still a police officer and you had just broken up with his son so the odds weren’t particularly in your favour since you had just beat up Gwen in his home.
As you walked back to your house from Miles’ for the last time you decided to text Hobie.
“I am so bloody glad I popped over to your dimension.” Hobie laughed as he took in another drag of the joint the two you had lit up.
“Ha ha Hobie, yes me getting cheated on is very funny.” You glared at him and snatching the joint back into your hands.
“Nah I’m sorry lov’ i just weren’t expecting that is all, as cheesy as it sounds I’ll always be ‘ere for ya.” He said genuinely, slugging his arm around your shoulder to pull you in closer.
“Yeah, thanks Mr Hobart Brown!” You giggled, the weed finally hitting you.
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Azure Potion Chapter 2 Let me In
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Summary: When SMG3 accidentally drinks a truth potion he ends up confessing his crush on SMG4 to Mario and Meggy. Sworn to secrecy the pair come up with a plan to find out Fours feelings and get the boys together. 
Fic inspired by Indigo Secret by @lizaluvsthis Later Chapter Next Chapter Tags: fluff, humor, truth potion, love confessions, secret crush, first kiss, coffee and bombs!
The moment SMG3 landed on the showgrounds he bolted to his cafe, locking it and making sure it was sealed before dashing to his room. Meggy sighs watching him “I should have the extra pages on me still, maybe one of them has a cure.” she starts looking at the pages, Mario sighs not understanding why Three doesn't just confess already. Meggy was so focused on reading the pages that she doesn't notice SMG4 was stepping out of the castle, Mario turns, sees Four and panics, shaking Meggy “Mario im trying to read!” She turns to glare at the plumber only to notice a nervous expression.  “SMG4 hello!!” he waves exaggeratedly to keep the man's eyes on him while Meggy shoves the pages into her pockets.  
SMG4 smiles at them “Hey, how was the dark web you guys got everything?” He looks around trying to find his partner.  Meggy lets out a nervous chuckle “It went amazing right Red?” Mario started to sweat as he gave a thumbs up “Pingas!” Meggy sighs as she turns to face SMG4.  Feeling something was off he looked Meggy and Mario up and down “You guys sure nothing went wrong? Usually when SMG3 gets things for a  bomb he would kidnap me to show me how they work, how the castle is still standing is a miracle.” 
Meggy nods “He said something about Eggdog needing a bath!” Hearing this SMG4 relaxed, pleased to know his friends were okay he waved goodbye and returned to his castle to finish editing his videos. Mario cheered that the pair managed to avoid getting caught in their lie, Meggy on the other hand turned looking at three’s coffee n bomb concerned.
SMG3 sits on his bed frustrated, he knows the dark web like the back of his hand and yet here he is cursed with a truth potion for a whole week. Eggdog snuggles up to his father sensing how upset he is, Three looks down giving his son a small smile “Thanks Eggdog, today just isn't my day now those two idiots know about..UGH!” he throws himself on the bed blushing. They know he is in love with his long time rival, what is he supposed to do for a whole week. Keeping closed would lose him money, he can't open because if one right question is asked the truth will be free.  He hears his phone ding, taking it out he sees its a text from SMG4.
His heart flutters as he unlocks the phone and see the message “Hey talked to M&M happy to know things went smooth, can't wait to see those bombs your making”
He chuckles softly at the text picturing the other man's face while reading it, and it seems the idiots manage to keep SMG4 from suspecting anything. He starts typing away “Just you wait this bomb is going to blow your mind with its power!” After hitting send he gets up and sighs. He just needs to stay away for a whole week. How hard could that be? 
A knock on the door caught his attention, peeking he saw Meggy waving at him “Three i have a few pages maybe one can help!” hearing this he ran and opened the door for her and Mario. Once they were in he blocks and seals the door again, Meggy takes everything out of her pocket.  SMG3 walks to the counter for Meggy to go over the pages, Mario on the other hand gets distracted seeing the glowing blue flower. SMG3 frowns looking at the other pages “Love potion, red string potion, ew a frog potion geez what a fairy tale. Squid none of these sound like they will help with the whole I CAN ONLY SPEAK THE TRUTH!”
Mario shrugs “Mario doesnt get why you don't just tell SMG4, you both are super gay for each other!”
SMG3 lets out a bitter chuckle “Right, hey SMG4 I know we just became friends but turns out i have a crush on you. That's how you ruin friendships idiot plus we all know he is married to his youtube channel, nothing can or will happen.” Meggy nods thinking to herself, how did SMG4 feel about Three. The pair were always together these days, naturally they would hold hands without there being any danger. She swears that Four spends more time at the cafe than anyone else in the crew, she remembers in the past how SMG4 would tell her how he hated coffee. That's when SMG3 joined the crew and offered for the first time a cup, Four drinked it with a smile and suddenly he became a coffee drinker.
Maybe there was something there, she looks at the pages and decides to ask something risky “What if we ask SMG4 for help?” Three’s eyes go wide from that “WHAT NO! That idiot finds out he will have all the ammo on me!” Meggy crosses her arms staring at the man “You really think SMG4 is that kind of person?” SMG3 stays silent looking down, suddenly he opens the door kicking Meggy and Mario out “I’ll figure this out on my own!” He slams the door and goes to the back room. He sighs sliding down the wall, now sitting on the floor he thinks of Meggy's words. It was risky, if SMG4 is still that person from before, how can he be so sure his secret won't leak cause Four will say something stupid. 
Meggy glares at the cafe before picking up the papers, she looks around noticing the flower she had was missing. Deciding it wasn't important at the moment she put the papers in her pocket, she turns to the castle and walks to it “Come on Red we need to tell Four that Three is in trouble!” SMG4 sat there staring at the pair as they explained everything to him, silently he gets up and dashes out of the castle surprising the pair. Four was worried he knows how important privacy is for the man, being an open book is asking for trouble. He takes out his copy of the cafe keys and goes in,  knowing that Three wouldn't want to see his face he would be hiding in the back room. He walks over to the wall and  sits on the other side saying “Hey Three…are you okay i felt something off.” 
SMG3 hugs himself, feeling the truth bubble its way out little by little. “No, today has been a shit show and I don't want you here.” SMG4 hums thinking of a way to get him to talk which was tricky knowing about the potion. He wanted to ask something that SMG3 would tell him out of free will, he smiled to himself as he stretched his hand so it could be seen by Three “I get your upset..but don't freeze me out…please let me in.” Three looks at the man’s hand and looks away “I’m sorry…it's best if you leave me alone this week, get it? I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!”  SMG4 gets up and places his hand on the wall “SMG3 please, i hate feeling you in pain..i wont judge or hurt you arent we partners?” Three slowly turns to the wall placing his own hand on it, he slightly smiles as he feels the meme energy from the other side.
“I cant…it will ruin everything, so get out of here…baka,” with that he walks into the elevator hoping that Four wouldn't follow him. Four stands there thinking how he could gain Three’s trust, he walks out of the cafe and notices Mario smirking at him. The look sent a chill down his spine “uh Mario why are you looking at me like that?”
Mario hands him a bottle with a strange blue liquid “Is that the…potion?” he looks up to see a mischievous grin grow on his face. Mario’s plan was simple: if both men were under the truth potion then they have no choice but to finally admit how gay they are for each other. Slowly four reach and take the bottle “How..did you get this?” Mario takes out the recipe with a flower missing petals “Mario is very good at cooking!” The choice was now in SMG4 hand, if they both are under the potion  he could understand Three and help him last the week or come up with a plan for them to hunt for a cure. Then again Mario made this, can he really trust this wouldn't kill him or do something worse. As he stares at the potion he remembers the pain he felt from SMG3, closing his eyes he chugs the drink. 
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ainri · 1 year
hello! I'm the one who asked for one of illumi (yandere) could you make it headcanons?
illumi zoldyck as a yandere (hcs and drabble.)
•hunter x hunter
•yandere illumi headcanons + small drabble
•mostly fem oriented
•assasin/servant reader
•fic warinings: !dark content!, mentions of death multiple times including reader + reader’s family, insinuated character death at end, forced labor, undergarmnet theft, swear words, mild gaslighting, obsessive thoughts.
•a/n: this is my first request so ty!!! tbh i rlly like writing yanderes like its just so fun? anyways someone should really do a crime count because i had to put some extra stuff in the fic warning so that people wouldn’t go crazy on me or call me insensitive 🥰sorry for the wait i completely forgot abt tumblr…..🙊if it doesnt make sense its because i rushed it bc i felt bad for how long i kept my anon waiting (sorry anon pookiebear) and its 1:27am 😞😞
continuation of this post!
-how did you end up this position again?
-oh yeah thats right! your parents were also assasins who just happened to have ‘issues’ with the zoldycks.
-they had personal issues with silva due to a deal gone wrong between the two assassin families.
-how did silva handle getting played by your parents? by sending out an order to kill them.
-but silva is a higher class man with much bigger issues. who’s better to do the job than his son illumi?
-of course the original order was to kill you, your father, and your mother.
-when illumi saw you walking back onto your family’s estate something in him just snapped.
-he just couldn’t help it; he had to have you, no matter the cost.
-that was the moment he realized he couldnt just let you die or kill you.
-you were…special?
-that was the first mission he had ever failed… he just couldnt bring himself to kill you.
-after silva finished beating the shit out of him; illumi had an idea.
-illumi spoke of this idea to silva; to make you a personal servant in return for you and your parents’ lives.
-of course silva agreed, once silva privately told you of this ‘agreement’ you had to agree.
-best to not test the zolycks’ willpower and to not test the waters.
-working as illumi’s personal servant was fine, that was before your panties started disappearing randomly from your laundry bin.
-“master illumi, i hate to bother you with this but have you seen my panties?”
-“no. what are you saying servant?”
-he quickly retorted back, almost, no, way too quickly.
-of course, this all started to add up when the male zoldyck house staff started to ignore you + avoid you like the plague.
-apologizing profusely to you over the smallest mistakes or accidents.
-this was all bizzare…. you needed answers, as quickly as possible.
it was a calm day of cleaning when suddenly you walked in on it—illumi torturing your male coworker who helped you clean the atrium yesterday. “master illumi, what are you doing?” the servant asked horrified and confused,
“none of your business servant-“ he stopped himself to reword his sentence, “you know what? no! i was teaching him a lesson for speaking to you. besides you only belong to me!-right? right? say you belong to me! i killed all of those men—no, boys for you and you can’t even say, ‘thank you master illumi.’!?” he was yelling, now losing his temper.
“master illumi i didnt ask for you to kill for me! whats wrong with you? you-you-you psychopath! youre being completely delusional and irrational!—“
all you saw was black as you felt your vision go blurry with illumi hitting you in the head with skme heavy blunted off object.
“i don’t appreciate that (name), i don’t appreciate it at all. you ungrateful woman. all i ever wanted to do was love you. clearly you cant even allow me to do that much. what a shame.”
©2023 ainri; do not repost my work without credit or repost my work in a different language♡
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crayonverse · 3 months
details bout michael n eins dynamic. 2 me (cw physical/emotional abuse, cannibalism, suicide/suicidal idealizations, ableism, self-harm)
michael only refers to himself as eins father when he wants ein to do something, any other time hes just michael .
lets ein not refer to him as sir to make him feel more "special" .
after eins mom broke up w zack she sorta got a bit. out of it. she started neglecting ein and she became depressed. The First Step in ein distrusting others bc his mother stopped paying attention 2 him. michael used a small amount of his magic to control her and make her drown herself in the kitchen sink and then kidnapped ein, making it look like she had killed herself and ein had ran away. .
just as a small thing of me hcing ein as a transguy, michael named him ein bc the meaning of "ian" (which is what his name is just spelled weird) is "God is Gracious" as a constant reminder that michael "saved" ein. .
ein wasnt tested on w forever potions (in the early stages w the other kids) because michael absolutely could not let Zack know he had his other stupid kid. when ein found out about the testing he was extremely upset bc he wasnt "special enough" for it. picture ein 6 years old begging for medical malpractice to be used on him .
he was tested later but as a teen when michael got out, since he didnt have access to the other children. although he wasn't able to use the full potions since he didnt have access to emeralds at the moment, so he used diluted versions of the potions that weren't as powerful via syringes. ein gets a fear needles from it .
when michael n the other two idiots were locked in the pocket dimension ein went through a brief depressive period bc the One Guy he (thought) cared about him disappeared. when michael did get out he didnt tell ein immediately bc he . doesnt like ein but when he found out ein got arrested he told ein that he should stay in jail for a few months to "learn his lesson" .
slightly unrelated but when michael wanted him out of jail he also wanted ein to disappear off the radar so he faked eins death in jail. originally he wanted ein to die in like a riot but ein, sensing an opportunity, asked for it to say he killed himself instead. the opportunity being aphmau half way into her uni course looking up her old high school bullies to see what theyre up to and just finding out ein is Fucking Dead .
the potions michael uses on ein are mainly magic power related (like eins Green Laser) because he likes manipulating ein into doing things rather than using his magic because its "more fun" .
michael subconsciously views ein as his actual son (mcd travis) bc he feels like "this one is a better son" or whatever .
not a specific thing but mother knows best reprise from tangled is a Viewpoint on their dynamic 2 me .
ein is internally scared of michael but he never verbally says that and if anyone asks him if he is he denies it immediately bc he doesnt want pity. you can see it in his eyes though. elizabeth is really the only other person who mentions it but she mostly uses it to make fun of ein because she "doesnt think its that bad" (<- she is unaware) .
bc of michael ein absolutely hates unwarranted physical touch. he reacts violently if anyone grasps his shoulder from behind or touches his upper arms. the only touch he usually allows is people lightly touching his hair/head bc he still registers it as headpats (grabbing his hair usually results in him biting) .
michael usually physically threatens or abuses ein to reprimand him but sometimes he throws ein into the Metaphorical Torture Box for entertainment .
basically most of the things michael does to ein is for his own amusement .
he also heavily dehumanizes ein to convince him to do evil acts, rationalizing it to him as "you arent a person so is it really that bad??" ein does not view himself as an actual person at this point more so as a nameless soldier, a weapon, etc .
i used this for an old fic n stuff too but also michael makes ein commit cannibalism to forcibly dehumanize him more. he wants to make ein feel entirely disconnected from humanity (like michael feels for himself) so ein will basically be a "mini michael" .
ein also consciously copies michaels mannerisms/speech. only really elizabeth n zack notice it however and it just fucking freaks zack the hell out (elizabeth is also freaked out by it but mostly ignores it) .
theres just a general theme of a loss of control for ein in general. he gets a small allowance from michael and hes not allowed out overnight, all his communication is usually internally with the researchers or guardian forces. most of the time ein self isolates from them, viewing them as beneath him and michael. when they try to talk to him its a 50/50 whether he'll tell them to fuck off or he'll hiss at them .
another specific detail is pre s4 ein fucked up a potion and instead of his usual reprimand, michael used pliers to defang ein. in his head its the one thing ein can't rationalize about michaels actions (the one "seed of doubt" he has). he usually makes excuses for michael's actions towards him but being defanged is the only one he struggles with since he knows that michael knows how important his wolf side is to him .
pre s5 and just like at the end of s5 (when ein was seen on the bridge) he was going through another depressive episode bc he missed his ears and tail. he was mainly just going through the motions of his daily life but he was barely holding on. michael repeatedly discouraged ein from committing because the plan would be messed up because of it (michael said that directly to him) and he would imply that ein would be a traitor if he went through with it. .
michael actually flipped between discouraging and encouraging ein to commit to see what he would do. .
he's caught ein self-harming before, w ein attempting to either drown or smother himself. michael doesnt like doing this regularly but most of the time he lets ein hug him so he feels "comforted". other times michael just scolds him and tells him to not do it again. .
i also hc ein as a low empathy autistic (bc # me) and he used to stim very openly and loudly but michael disliked that part of him so he "trained" ein to not stim in public which just results in him being constantly overstimulated, a contributor to Ein being fucking mad all the time. hes like a hair trigger away from a meltdown at all times .
the only method of stimming ein can usually get away w is when he scratches his arms/scabs. unfortunately he doesn't trim his claws and it usually results in ein making himself bleed or reopening scars. michael has attempted to get him to stop doing this but its pretty much a compulsion for ein at this point.
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All We Need - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader - Part 3
A/N: Here is Part 3 to the Jake x reader series, sorry for the delay! Also thank you everyone who has commented and reblogged the last few parts! as always any feedback or requests are always welcomed! x
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!pilot!benjamin Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Angst, Fluff, Naval Inaccuracies
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‘Uncle Ice, what are you doing here shouldnt you be with Sarah and Daisy.’
‘We are heading to the zoo later but i thought I would check in on you first after all it is your first time back in the air.’
‘You didn’t have to Ice, Jake and I are coming over after work to pick Daisy up.’
‘Doesnt mean i cannot come check on you plus i needed to make sure Mav hasn’t been fired yet.’ I let out a loud laugh which makes Ice smile, I always thought growing up dad’s were the most protective person when it comes to there daughters but however thought that has never been the only girl born into an aviator family. Ice, Slider, all of the ‘86 team all had sons except my parents so naturally I was the daughter of the group none more protective over me than Ice though, all my training graduations, the first time i ejected due to a birdstrike every achievement in my career Ice was the first one there, it was a running joke that I was secretly his daughter.
‘Thank you Uncle Ice, but i did well up in the air and managed to shoot them both down.’ That made him smile mumbling ‘thats my girl’ under his breathe.
‘And how about the other thing.’
‘I know in my head that Loki’s death wasn’t my fault but i can’t help blame myself.’
‘Have you spoken to Jake about it.’ I shake my head to which Ice gives me a seriously look.
‘He has enough on his plate with this mission and Daisy, I cannot be another distraction. I need to focus on making sure everyone in that room comes back alive.’
‘And that you come back alive Y/N.’
‘And that you come back as well.’ He said in a stern father like tone.
‘I will try Ice but if it comes down to me or a member of that squad as team leader i know the choice I have to make.’
‘Y/N….’ I hear behind me turning to see Phoenix and Bob holding their helmets.
‘Phe, Bob how much did you hear?’ 
‘Only the stiff about the mission and you making the choices to protect the team.’ Bob replies quickly. I nod and they walk past mumble a quick Sir as they pass Ice.
‘I think you should go check in on Mav, he just went up against Rooster .’ He nods and turns away
‘This conversation is far from over but some advice about Loki, talk to Jake you may think you would distract him but if he senses something is wrong with you that will distract him more.’ And with that Iceman walked off to find Mav, i took of running down the hall to where Phoenix and Bob were standing.
‘Hey, can you guys not mention what you heard to anyone especially Hangman.’
‘Athena, is what you said true that you not expecting someone to walk away from this.’
‘Yeah, its true, but it is also true what i said, I am doing everything in my power to train you guys to come home and on the mission I will do everything in my power to make sure everyone comes home.’
‘Including you, we can’t lose you Athena,’ Bob mumbles and i pull him into a hug which Phoenix soon joins
‘I will try for you guys okay. Now whose up in the air?’ And we headed off towards the rec room both of them throwing the occasional glance at me.
After going up in the sky a few more times against various pilots and remaining undefeated it was Mavs turn to go again this time against Hangman and Rooster, listening in on the radio I could hear snide comments from Jake’s Hangman persona as i like to call it before listening to Mav and Rooster fighting in a cobra formation, I look at Phoenix who looks mad and concerned when we hear Rooster get caught by mav and sent back to base.
‘Phe can i talk to him first.’ She nodded knowing I may be the only one Rooster will actually talk to. I run down toward the tarmac where he is getting out of his plane.
‘What the hell Bradley!’ I yell and shove his chest
‘It is none of your business Y/N.’
‘The hell it is not this is my team remember and on top of that I just had to listen to my brother and uncle get in a near deathly formation both to damn stubborn to pull up!’ I continue to yell at him and before i could stop what I was saying I yelled toward him
‘Mav didnt pull your papers because he thought you werent ready!’ Bradly stops in his tracks and turns to face me anger across his face.
‘What do you know Athena.’
‘Bradley listen…’
‘Your Mum asked Mav to pull your papers before she passed, she was scared for you to be an aviator after what happened to Goose.’
‘She what..’
‘I was there when she asked Mav, and she begged me not to tell you so I didn’t’
‘Yeah well you should’ve told me!’ I look down,
‘I know but I was 12 years old Bradley and terrified, what did you want me to do?’
‘Tell me Y/N you were my sister! I can’t talk to you right now.’ I stood frozen as he walked away from my Phoenix looking at me confused before taking off toward rooster. Mav came running over to me followed by Jake I hadn’t even noticed tears welling in my eyes for the second time that day.
‘I told him Uncle Mav.’ I said in a small voice before Mav pulled me into a tight hug he was speaking to Jake behind him but I couldn’t make out what was being said before I knew it I was out of Mavs arms and into Jakes who gave me a tight squeeze before leading me toward the locker rooms to grab our kit. 
‘Jake, I am sorry i kept that i was an Ace and got a promotion from you.’
‘I know and its okay but Y/N what is going on with you, up in the air you are cool calm and collected like always but the moment you are on the ground something just changes I haven’t seen you like this since we learnt Ice was sick.’
‘The mission I got recalled from, it was a tough one, and rattled me a bit, i just need to get my focus right then i will be fine.’ 
‘Y/N, lets say i believe you, you know you can tell me anything. Want to start by what happened between you and rooster.’
‘I told him why Mav really pulled his papers and that it only happened because his Mum asked.’ 
‘How did you know?’
‘I overheard the conversation when I was 12 years old.’
‘And you never?’
‘I have never told anyone until today.’ Jake nods.
‘He won’t be mad forever, he just needs to process it.’
‘Can we got get Daisy, Mav has dismissed everyone, I need to see her after today and make up for leaving this morning.’ Jake smiles and nods. As we start walking to our cars I head towards mine before Jake picks me up over his shoulder taking me towards his, causing me to genuinely laugh which in turn made Jake smile.
After a short drive where Jake was updating me on what had been happening while i was gone we finally pulled into the driveway next to Ices car, before Jake can even put it in park I jump out of the car and run toward where i see Ice, Sarah and Daisy, Daisy sees me and starts running as she jumped into my arms. Ice and Sarah smile at the sight before Jake walks up and wraps his arms around both of us.
‘Don’t the look so happy Tom.’
‘If only they would open their eyes and see it.’
After an hour we left Ice an Sarah’s we headed home. As we walked through the door I had Daisy in my arms and Jake was holding pizza and ice-cream, we headed into the lounge room where Jake put on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ knowing it was mine and Daisy favourite disney movie, as the movie went on we finished the pizza and ice cream we moved onto the couch Jakes arm wrapped around me, me curling into his side and Daisy in the middle of us. My thoughts drifted between the movie and the mission before thoughts of how at peace i was in this very moment started to drift in making me smile. What I hadn’t realised was my shirt had slowly crept up the red scar that was slowly fading on my side catching Jakes attention making him crease his brows before he pressed a kiss to my forehead. As the movie ended i moved to grab the rubbish from dinner as Jake scooped up daisy moving her to her room.
I checked my phone seeing some messages from the squad saying they all decided to skip the Hard Deck tonight which i was grateful for. I grabbed a beer from the fridge before heading to the back deck on the swing chair Jake had installed. Too lost in my own thoughts i barely heard Jake come back out before i felt him sit on the chair and hesitantly wrap his arm around me. I felt a few tears escape my eyes.
‘I lost my wingman.’ Jake straightened up tightening his grip around me. ‘Loki and I were on a routine mission when we were intercepted by three hostiles, it was a dog fight the whole way back to the carrier, I managed to take out two but before i could take out the third which Loki was going up against he was shot down, he never even had time to pull the ejection handles. I disobeyed orders to get out of there to go back and get the third jet and i did it made me an Ace and somehow disobeying the orders earned me a promotion.’ I took a breath holding in tears. ‘I shot down the enemy but not before they got off a few good shots my plane was so damaged I am honestly not sure how it was still flying enough to take down the last one. As i hit the other plane they hit me, i was forced to eject and caught shrapnel of the plane in my side. The rescue team was quick to find me but i spent just over a month in a base hospital recovering, it was touch and go for a while.’
‘Why wasn’t i told you were in the hospital.’ Jake asked with tears in his eyes.
‘I asked everyone not to tell you, the only people who know are Cyclone, Dad, Ice and Mav. And Mav and Cyclone only know cause today was my first day back in the air.’ 
‘I wish you had told me I could have helped.’
‘I wasn’t going to tell you Jake, we need to be focused on this mission, i didnt want you to be worried and distracted by me.’
He didnt respond straight away instead moving to kneel infront of me. ‘I worry about you everytime you go up in the sky as for a distraction I was more distracted when I knew something was wrong but didn’t know how to help.’
I let out a small laugh which caused jake to look at me confused. ‘Ice said the same thing.’ He also laughed before moving back to his spot beside me. After a while i drifted off to sleep felling Jake pick me up and walk me towards the bed rooms. As he put me down on my bed he went to leave, before he could get far i grabbed his hand and asked him to stay, he slid into the bed beside me. Before either of us could fully get to sleep we felt a little body snuggle between us and mumble a few words which made me a Jake open our eyes wide and look at each other.
‘Love you Daddy, Love you Momma.’ Neither of us said anything just gave Daisy a quick kiss on the head before going to sleep.
The next morning, neither of us mentioned anything and Daisy had gone back to calling me Aunt Thena, there was a slight pang in my heart but I also reminded myself I wasn’t her mother despite being the closest thing she had to one, i missed the sadness on Jakes face every time she called me Aunt again, Jake secretly wishing she was my daughter. As the morning went on Sarah picked up Daisy and Jake and I headed to work. We had been there a few hours Jake in the air with Coyote and Mav myself and the other squad member listening in the rec room when I heard my name being shouted out i turned towards the door seeing a concerned Ice holding a crying Daisy in his arms. I shoot out of my chair and run over to them. 
‘Ice whats…’
‘MOMMA!’ Daisy screams and tries to launch out of Ices arms and into mine, I could feel the stares of the squad members as I took daisy into my arms looking at Ice for an explanation. I turn Rooster had followed me to Ice, he had apologised for his outburst yesterday as had I for keeping the secret, Roosters face had confusion and  concern written all over it.
‘Rooster, I need you to get Hangman back on the ground.’
‘HANGMAN! What Athena, what the hell.’
‘NOW ROOSTER!’ Without any argument he ran to the control tower as myself and Ice headed to the tarmac Jakes plane landing minutes later.
‘Athena what the hell why did you….’ His sentence cut off seeing me holding Daisy in my arms flanked by Ice. He dropped his helmet and sprinted over to me and tried to take Daisy out of my arms. ‘No I want Momma.’ Jake and i looked confused this was the 3rd time in 24 hours that she had called me that, sure shes called me it before but never this frequently. Ice gave myself and Daisy a quick kiss on the forehead and Jake a pat on the shoulder before saying he would meet us in the rec room. Coyote jumped out of his plane seeing myself, jake and daisy before running over to us concern written on his face.
Back in the hanger all the daggers had come to see what was going on looking very confused about the scene in front of them. Before Fanboy broke the silence.
@dory-98 @djs8891 @brooke-stinson
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realcatalina · 3 months
This is interesting info about languages Elizabeth of York spoke
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This is excerpt from Most pleasant song of lady Bessy, and it is the part where Bessy(Elizabeth of York) manages to convince Lord Stanley to betray Richard and to contact Henry Tudor.
But he is scared, he thinks he cannot trust any scribe to write essentially treason. But Elizabeth turns around and says-oh I can write the letter. My father had me and my sister Cecily taught by a man from London. I can write well, in both English and French, and SPANISH!
(It is bit strange that the poem doesnt mention Latin, though correspondence from late 1490s strongly suggest Elizabeth knew Latin grammar too. But, we cannot rule out she learnt later than 1484/5. Or maybe she wasnt very good yet in that time and later gained confidence. )
However Bessy knowing Old Spanish/Castilian would make sense if she was intended to wed to Iberian peninsula. But we only ever hear about Richard III intending to wed her to Portuguese royal family. His reign is too short time for her to learn the languaeg.
I never heard that there were any plans to marry her to Spain specifically. But maybe as with Catherine of Aragon learning French to use at English court, maybe Elizabeth of York was learning Spanish to use at Portuguese court. Because it would make things easier for her at least a bit.
If it was true it might have indicate Edward IV already intended her for Portugal.
It is bit weird that the matter(her spanish) didnt get brought up later. If Elizabeth of York was confident enough to write in Spanish, why not write to spanish royals in her own hand in Spanish? Why not converse with Catherine of Aragon in Spanish? Could it simply not get into records?
It is but strange that only spanish wikipedia mentions Elizabeth's education. As source there is book Elizabeth of York by Arlene Okerlund.
But this what it says on their wiki:
When she was bethrohed to dauphin, her father arranged her to have language tutors from France, Italy and Spain.
Although she spoke French, it was not fluently.
(-yeah, in comparison to Henry VII probably not. He was master level.)
Schollars from Oxford taught her classics and experts in calligraphy(handwritting) from Scriptoria at Westminster Abbey instructed her. In other words she had greater education than most men in 15th century(except those ment for church), let alone a woman.
She was also instructed to read and write in English, learnt math, household management, embroidery or sewing, horse-riding, music, and dancing.
You know on first glance it looks overexagerated, but it would make sense given how educated Henry VIII was and his upbringing was mostly dedided by his mother.
If she was so well-educated as woman, it would make sense her son got even better education.
I know the poem might be propaganda. Just sneaking out to meet Stanley in private, would be very difficult. Although if both were at court...maybe. Elizabeth seems to have been given greater deal of freedom by Richard at court, than you would expect. Considering the man had her mother proclaimed whore, Elizabeth and her siblings bastards, and her brothers "dissappeared" in his "care".
But still it was originally written in late 15th century, likely after 1487/8 when Cecily became lady Welles. (First surviving written versions are from c.1600, it was passed on orally it seems-it was a song.) But i dont think we can just throw it away.
But we aware that part of the poem is Elizabeth pleading is her telling Stanley her uncle was making plans to poison his own wife and son.(Which if true, would mean he was starking mad.)
-But it might be that part of the poem is true and part is propaganda.
But the poem is wonderfully written and the dialogs are so logical.
Elizabeth keeps trying to remind Stanley that his titles, lands were given to him by her father and that Richard had no right to the throne, that her brothers disappeared and were not even buried in any sacred ground, that Richard got rid of his original supporters and he might well get rid of Stanley after his usefullness expires.
And he keeps telling her no, there is no real support for anybody else and thinks overthrowing him are foolish dreams etc.
But she keeps going. And revealing more. And big part of it is her saying her uncle wants her to come to his chamber and be his love and wife. And she is extremely oposed to the idea. I mean she lists all the suffering she would rather endure...than to come to her uncle's chamber.
Towards end of her pleading, when Stanley keeps rejecting to help her and wants her to leave, she starts crying, she throws away her headwear and says they will find her body in Thames, where she will drown, her bones shall lay on sand, fishes will feed upon her and that will be her destiny.
And that is what breaks Stanley.
There is of course more-it is very long poem. But I get why currently with the Ricardians trying to restore Richards image this is not being spread around. Because this was probbaly major inspiration source behind Shakespear's Richard III.
-of course it is entirely possible this part of poem is overexagerating/lying. Perhaps other parts too.
Tell me what you think, do you think it is possible she spoke Spanish?
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kitty-meowskers · 4 months
scar playlist drop wooooo (will probably add more songs)
lets go through some of the songs!!!! because i am. gay and not okay.
1) Blood // Water - grandson
ok listen. i havent listen to this song in AGESSSS but i came across it again and oh. my god.
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DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN??? first of all: lamb reference. not gonna lie if the vibes were good that couldve been enough for me to throw it in butttt thats not all. THE PRICE OF YOUR GREED IS YOUR SON AND YOUR DAUGHTER???? get me out of here.
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scars whole thing is about how the system 'the shepard' would never free the lambs. it wouldnt bring them any peace or freedom, it wouldnt make their lives easier. the 'look me in my eyes, tell me everthings not fine' implies that he (or the black lamb in his story) knows even if the rest dont want to admit it.
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lmao this is just that hes done with the shepard. hes done with the white lambs accepting it and playing along with the game. he joins the fractsidus!!!! yipeee!!!!
2) Hayloft II - Mother Mother
OHHH boy. okay, i know the og song is about two lovers doing the silly and the father of the girl killing the guy and then the girl goes after her dad but look.
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lets say the lovers are the black lamb and the white lambs. yes im using his story again because theres no way in hell that story wasnt somehow related to him.
the white lambs got 'shot' aka dragged into the shepards game, slaughtered one by one. all while the black lamb (scar) got the blame. ill bet the people tried to kill him but he made it out alive and then he obviously eventually joined the fractsidus.
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hayloft is the white lambs here (yes again. just bear with me). once the shepard ran out of lambs he left, on his way to find a new group excepttttt
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scars had enough.
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the shepard took away his family from him, his people/lambs. therefore 'eye for an eye, a leg for a leg' but it wasnt enough killing the shepard. he couldnt let something like that again (so much rage in him) so now he has this whole extreme and crazy ideology of how the world could be better, how he could make it better.
3) A Lesson In Dramatics - Jhariah
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this is just scar and rover fighting in my head. may the battle scene commence.
4) Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off
do i really need to explain this??? okay ive been sucking at words so far but here we go
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man this whole thing is JUST about him and the shepherd story isnt it? im just gonna be repeating myself again lets continue-
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AHHH ok lets also talk about the way this is said in the song. personally, i think this man has A LOT of 'suppressed' rage. suppressed like that is because it doesnt out as rage necessarily i dont know if i make sense but yeah. he's crazy, but angry isnt something you'll spot at the surface because he hides it away. while the lyrics convey his rage the way he sings it does not necessarily
i have so many thoughts on the other songs too but like. I CANNOT WORD THEM. THE VOICES JUST SCREAM NONSENSE IN MY HEAD AND IM LIKE. YOURE RIGHT. even though i cant explain it..... this was not proof read btw LMAO- i just rambled kind of
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sukirichi · 2 months
I need to stop reading your updates when im in my shift pause cause damn... 🥲🥲🥲🥲
So obviously Rin lied about everything to hurt us and make us hate him.... What i honestly... I 'understand' but at the same time... Oof... And yes ill refuse believing all that shit when he immediately after admits he wanted to marry us, and while telling iris to abort (honestly thank fuck even iris doesnt want the kid) he said let out he didnt want that to ruin his marriage.
Rin is an idiot, a confused idiot who got ruined by all this royalty shit. He didnt have a normal childhood, he didnt know what feelings actually were, convincing himself he liked iris when it was never her and now hes doing what he can to push us away so we can be happy with another, while still wanting to keep the marriage, while still aching to be with us.
Hes an idiot who didny really have to end it just cause hes not the son of the king, we would still love him.. And honestly thinking about it... Maybe it was us telling him how he liked him better when he was himself than when he was in his 'princely' mode that made him tell iris 'dont ruin my marriage' cause hr might have realized 'she loves me regardless the title.. Unlike iris'
Anyways im still hoping for Rin endgame 😭😭🤡 gotta feel like all my tears were worth it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for another incredible update, sorry if i didnt make much sense in this ask ahahahah
he’s so confusing isn’t he!! but also that scene when he told iris ‘i’m not letting you ruin my marriage’ AFTER he’d told us he wants a divorce, its his way of like saying that . . . his marriage is his own completely, and its something he wants to take responsibility of - including its downfall. if the marriage is gonna fall apart, he wants it to be on his own terms, and not bcos iris was ‘messing’ with it. idk if that makes sense but rin has a mindset like that (very possessive man, oof.) and yes so true! he never had a normal childhood and was introduced to society late so there’s a lot he truly doesn’t know about </3 the queen kept him that way too, made sure he’s be innocent and naive so he wouldn’t get very absurd ideas that would be misaligned with her goals
AND OMG yes i’m so happy you noticed that detail! in their flashbacks there has already been some foreshadowing hinting that dtd!yn wouldn’t care if he wasn’t really a royal! like when she said ‘i liked you better when you more yourself and dropped the prince charming act’ + that scene when rin was like, “so you wouldn’t give me your time if i wasn’t a prince?” and we replied very vaguely, alluding that we were more interested in the man himself instead of the crown prince everyone knows! so knowing all this, maybe a sunayn endgame isn’t so impossible after all 💫🌷 they really need to just communicate fr
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While it's understandable why they are telling him to stop the Todorokis including Shoto never make it seem like they want Toya back but only ever project the family's problems onto him. Like even when Endeavor finally sees Toya it is only when Toya can't really see him anymore and is in a delusional state due to his fire frying his own brain. I know they are finally releasing their pent up feelings but why is Toya always on the receiving end?
BTW I feel they see Shoto as the family hero because he actually puts in the emotional labour into actually reuniting the family and NOT looking away while the rest of them always looked away until now.
I hope Toya gets a happy ending and not simply seen as the family scapegoat/regret.
@rainygirl2399 Yeah.
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Though, i think they all want Touya back, i think Shouto and Rei are the only ones who actually have hope for this. Fuyumi and Natsuo love their brother and they clearly were traumatized by his death. Thats why Fuyumi said she doesnt want to lose anyone else and thats why Natsuo felt guilty for not listening his brother even after all those years. For them, Touya is still dead.
I do understand why they couldnt help Touya in the past though, Rei was loosing it because she was treated as baby making machine and kids were just kids. They did their best in their own way at that time but i hope they can start seeing that Touya being Dabi is hope for them to become a family again.
But for Rei and Shouto, its different. Which makes sense. For Rei, she is not Touya's sibling, its his mother. She had a mentalbreakdown and hurted Shouto without meaning it so she know what its like to loose yourself. She knows that she let him down, and she wont make the same mistakes again. Thats why she still refered him as his son and apologised for his actions. Thats why she is here to save him.
And with Shouto, one because he was Earlyroki before so he knows that 'dark, revenge feeling' personally. He is hero who has job to save people so for him dealing with villains is part of the job, especially if it his brother. And once again, he is hero because he is familiar to the world of villains more than his family. Meanwhile his family are just civillians, normal people.
I think they all want Touya back, even Endeavour but they dont seem to have much hope, except Shouto and maybe Rei too. And once again, he is the black sheep of the family.
'Dont take them away too, big brother because you are dead anyway'.
'Stop causing any more trouble, brother!'
'You are not gonna hurt any more people!'
'Just kill me, Touya, make me the only one you kill'
Like, if they really want to stop him, they should use better words to reach out to him, instead of leaving him behind again.
And Rei's Shouto is our hero speech....even though, Fuyumi and Natsuo did their best to help their mother all of those years....they should be considered as hero too. Touya is the only one who stand up to Endeavour and the world that Endeavour get away so he is a hero in a way too. Not only they are putting the burden on the 'golden child of the family' but also, making others seem less heroic only because they didnt become hero as job or because they didnt born with right power. This is why Rei and others going to help Touya together is a lot meaningfull than Shouto's doing everything alone because anyone can be hero.
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whence-the-woody · 4 months
Not willing to rewatch coz s1 I'm not a huge fan of and s2 is too much emotion for me rn but trying to remember Colin's character through the show. Coz in this season he's definitely all over the place.
Like in s1 I guess you could characterise him as a bit hopeless romantic, quick to fall in love, impulsive, kinda goofy. Definitely a younger brother. You could say easily embarrassed then but honestly the way he acted was hella fucking embarrassing, I'd hide too. Could be a sweet son. Not a bad friend but incredibly oblivious. Held grudges for sure.
Then s2 he was undebatably INSUFFERABLE after his travels. Pretentious and annoying. Not understanding of boundaries or able to let things go (the Maria visits). An experimental drug dude, which yknow good for him. Still v little bro energy, mocking his brothers all the time. Not alot of empathy. Very privileged - I mean they all are but compared to Anthony's level of responsibility he clearly had none. Showed some positive protective instincts, helping out the featheringtons. So in some ways shown to be a better friend but in others WAY worse - talking shit on Pen: unforgivable. So still easily embarrassed. Kind of a little shit but not particularly funny I wouldn't say? That's bendict. Not very opinionated, that's Eloise. Francesca has passion he didn't. Idk just kinda nothing in terms of ways to describe him.
Then s3. Oh boy. Suddenly after yet more travels hes a chronic flirt - no hate just a weird 180. Discovered the joys of group sex at some point - again no hate but tells me nothing about who he is. He doesnt seem to be looking for marriage? Doesnt mention any goals or interests? He says he doesnt care what others think of him but that majorly contradicts everything that came before. Then he says hes been trying to be what society wants - so contradiction again. He considers himself a flirting expert out of nowhere? Okay dude. In a desperate attempt to make them compatible hes suddenly also a gossip? Sure. Also suddenly has a study and is a writer?? Other than writing letter to Pen, where the hell did that come from? Just everyone getting completely sick of hearing his stories? y'all had 2 previous seasons to make them seem compatible, why throw this stuff in now? He's not a romantic, doesnt seem to understand why Pen wants marriage - even though was so quick to get engaged two years ago. He still doesnt have a lot of empathy really. Still easily embarassed. Not much showing him to be a good brother. Still a pretty sweet son and obviously idealised his parents relationship, that's something. Absolutely impulsive - interrupting that dance, good god sir. You could argue he was jealous in s1 so that checks out. The romantic dialogue really paled in comparison to previous seasons but maybe that is in character?
But still I try to think of his personality and Im kinda like ??
Smug. Jealous. Pretty unserious. Privledged. Sometimes protective. A newfound gossip and writer. Self conscious most of the time but other times completely oblivious to peoples social cues. Impulsive for sure. A sweet son. Meh brother. No friends, goals or talents.
I just feel like Daphne and Anthony, by this point in their seasons, were really fleshed out characters and personalities. You knew who they were, their motivations, their histories, their huberis. Its been 3 years and I still feel like we dont know Colin. Maybe because the focus is on Pen? But even then I dont know if they've hugely expanded on her character thus far.
I guess I wonder that for the people who are huge fans of Colin - why? Who do you think he is? What is his character? Do you think its consistent? Does the inconsistency make sense to you somehow? I cant be invested in this dude when I still dont know who he is (also when the actor is okay at best lbr)
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