#it feels better and more natural than typing out a whole dish name
clarrolx · 1 year
can you give me some yusheng (shunde raw fish) facts please? he's my favorite but i didn't finish his event due to my weak team :(( thank you!!
Aaaaa!!! Thank you! For asking!
I'm sorry you didn't get to finish, but depending on how far you got some of what I'm about to say may be repetitive, sorry about that.
For others, Shunde Raw Fish is also called Yusheng in the event, and Hazel Grouse Soup is called Feilong. It's shorter to type, so I'm going to refer to them as that lol
During the latter half of the event, Yusheng and Feilong get body swapped, they both have a hard time controlling each other's bodys.
But it's when Feilong finds out just how strong Yusheng's body is that Yusheng shares that the reson he won't fight Feilong is because he once lost control of his strength and ended up drowning a whole village. He's been scared of his own strength ever since.
There's another reason as well. Once he fully accepts and uses the strength called 'The Dragon King's Will', his father, the current dragon king and leader of the Oceanids will pass on. Yusheng will get all the power and responsibility at once!
Anyways, that absolutely happens. I actually have the final chapter, before the epilogue recorded on my phone so I'll see if I can figure out how to upload it. It had a fully voiced song. The hype was very real.
Important because Yusheng tries to sacrifice himself at the end, but Feilong runs in and takes his place and dies and it was all very gay. Like if anyone wants to ship them, the material is everywhere
After everything in the event, we get to see that Yusheng has become the king of the oceanids. Also, mc was able to bring back Feilong by remaking the dish and using the Tale of Food. But it took a year, he also doesn't remember anything and immediately tries to fight Yusheng again lol
Other random facts I have gathered because I was lucky enough to roll him:
- He's a great cook
- He fasts intermittently due to the fish used for Shunde Raw Fish being starved for a bit for the dish.
- Yusheng has no qualms about using his sword for cooking, it's also good training to him apparently lol
- MC and Yusheng spar and train together.
- He rides dolphins around sometimes for practice balancing
- Both Yusheng and Feilong earned their way to becoming dragons. Though, Feilong was supposed to be a Phoenix but trained as a dragon. Sweet dumb boy.
Sorry this isn't super coherent and I don't have too much more. I haven't had the chance to up his affection much. I'll post the finale video soon, so if anyone wants to check it out.
Thank you so much for sending this ask. Please ask more if you want or jump into my dms, I don't bite ^^
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beevean · 1 year
(Same IDW Silver anon still) Yeah no actually I'm putting some more thought into the whole "No, genius. Whisper is her name." part, and what the fuck. There would have been SO many ways to make that line come off as less dickish; hell, the simple act of having Sonic playfully SMILING while he said it would have been so much better than the irked, annoyed face he pulls now. Sonic, that is your friend you are talking to, and I would call their circumstances at that moment hardly warranting of such annoyance towards Silver not understanding something that inoffensive. I'm thinking of 06!Sonic and Silver meeting with Silver's resolve having changed and him just bluntly going "Circumstances have changed. I need to rescue the Princess.". What does Sonic do? Nod, thumbs-up, and let Silver go along easy and with no fuss. No quips and jerkish statements that indicates he thinks Silver is being a dumbass, merely checking out the situation with a "You look like you're in a hurry. So what's going on?". If you look closely I believe you can even see Sonic smiling in that moment! With that in mind, I truly cannot envision that Sonic and IDW!Sonic to be the same person, legit. I read your response to my earlier post just now after typing the above, and yep, Sonic's thing about his 'over-eager friend' is just also kind of mean. And the literal panel on the next page after "No genius", wherein Sonic does his smug little bow and calls Silver 'Flatware' while asking him to open the door? Also that is yet another jab towards Silver (I think; I don't even understand what flatware is supposed to mean in this context. It's literal definition is something akin to cutlery, it seems? Regardless, I doubt it is anything kind-spirited). It's a shame because I can see so many ways wherein Sonic could have been more friendly while changing so little dialogue, and both he and Silver would have been much better off for it personality-wise.
I think the Flatware joke is supposed to be at best a pun about his name (because good flatware is made of silver) and at worst a jab at his quills that might resemble a fork. Probably the former. Still mean.
Sonic in that issue just sounds like that "friend" who thinks the height of humor is lowkey making fun of you.
"You had to bring the mood down", "I'm Sonic, and my over-eager friend here is Silver", "No, genius, Whisper is her name" (said with a cringy grimace), "care to get the door for us, Flatware?" (mocking bow). Silver even rightfully says "no need to rub it in". I'm sorry, I feel bad for him! Yes, Sonic is snarky and playful, but he never crosses the line where he sounds meanspirited, and if he does, it's when he's 100% sure that the other can dish back, like in that cutscene in Colors where he playfully states that he did all the work and Tails was like "oh I didn't see you build a translator now, did you?". That moment is nice because Sonic and Tails are very close friends and no one is offended. If Tails had been more insecure, Sonic would have immediately apologized and propped Tails up, because it's what Sonic does: he lifts people up!
And it's just with Silver, because he's actually pretty sensitive with Whisper! He immediately understands, without even knowing her, that she's a reserved person who doesn't like interacting with people. He's very respectful of her preference to stay on her own. So it's just an attempt of making Sonic sound a jokester, but the jokes aren't funny.
anyway sonic and silver should interact more and sonic should be nicer to him. I loved a recent fanart of the two discussing about nature together :)
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more thoughts about Wish:
Chris Pine has the best voice acting in this movie by far. Dude could be a legitimately scary villain if the animation wasn't so goofy
I'm telling you dude, the man is acting his ass off but the script and animation style are just ruining all the emotion he's giving
Alan Tudyk is also putting in the work but the script is not working in his favor
Evan Peters needs more lines. His character is legitimately interesting, a young guy who just gave up his wish and is now weirdly lethargic all the time, but they don't explore it enough
Speaking of the animation, it felt very inconsistent. With the King especially we'd get like... one cool moment (like him stopping the globes during his solo song) but then it's immediately cut by these goofy Nimona-as-Ballister type motions
The facial expressions are generally overblown, past the point of "animation stretching the rules" and into "this just looks goofy"
Like I said before, it feels like a patchwork of a dozen other, better Disney movies. My dad and I were watching this going "Tangled. Brave. Frozen. Peter Pan. Mulan."
The third act is like... Rise of the Guardians meets that one scene in Trolls where they sing True Colors
The music is just inconsistent. I think it mainly comes from the fact that they had a pop singer/songwriter do the music rather than a musical theatre composer, there aren't any consistent themes or leitmotifs and it leaves everything feeling very disjointed.
Some of the songs on their own are decently catchy but they just feel like they're trying way too hard
The dialogue is the same way. It serves a purpose but it doesn't quite feel natural or human. Some characters are worse than others and the VO work plays a role but the script itself is just awkward
I think they've just set up too many characters here. If they took two people out of Asha's friend group it would leave more room to develop the others. As it is, I don't remember their names and I have no idea what they want
Except for Asha since she's the main character and Simon because he's the only one who stands out from the rest (again, really interesting character! drastically underutilized!)
Feels like the talking animals are only a thing because it's a Disney movie. Valentino I understand, animal sidekicks are a classic, but the chickens and squirrels and mice are just too much
As a whole there's just... no substance in it. It feels like they've tried to make The Disney Movie and just started making it without even deciding on the themes or characters' journeys at all
It is a heaping pile of deus ex machinas. Every single problem in this movie is resolved in some cheeky little deus ex machina, solely for the sake of a stupid joke or a cheap reference to another Disney reference
If you're gonna copy Lin-Manuel Miranda's composition style anyway... just hire Lin-Manuel Miranda. At least he knows how rhyme schemes and leitmotifs work
This movie is so fucking trite it makes me legitimately angry
Good points I guess (because I refuse to dish on a movie without pointing out something decent about it):
Some of the songs are kinda catchy
There are a few powerful moments of animation, mostly with the King
There are little gold character moments here and there: the King's desperation for power, Simon's character as a whole, Asha's selflessness sparking the initial wish, etc.
Some of the voice acting is legitimately good!
The concept itself is interesting, a King who hoards wishes to make himself more powerful. It had the grounds to be a much better movie, it just didn't act on them very well
The diversity in this movie is genuinely good! We see various demographics of people - race, gender, physical build, disability, etc. - and there's not much "Disney same face syndrome" like we've gotten in other movies.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heat-seekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale?
There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favourites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…
Learn about International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Did you know that people have been using hot spices in their meals and recipes for more than 6,000 years? It seems that we have always loved a bit of spice! If you are a fan of curry or you love a bag of Flamin’ Hot Doritos, you’re definitely going to enjoy this day, as you’re encouraged to add some spicy food to your daily diet. There are so many different types of spices that are used to create hot and spicy foods today. This includes everything from hot chilli powder to paprika and cumin. Today is all about celebrating these spices. After all, our diet would be pretty boring without them, right?
History of International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Hot and spicy food has been traced back to recipes that are as old as 6,000 years! That’s a long time ago! While the dishes that we enjoy today may have changed, there is no denying that we still love spicy food. Not only has spicy food been adored for so long because it tastes incredible, but also because it offers a number of different health benefits as well.
Spices can help to kill bacteria. The likes of turmeric and cumin have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This means that they can be effective in terms of fighting any of the harmful bacteria in your body. Spices can also assist in fighting inflammation too. In Ayurvedic medicine, the inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger have been utilized for many centuries as a treatment for a number of different conditions, such as headaches, autoimmune disorders, and arthritis.
Spicy foods can also help to speed your metabolism up. There has been data drawn from a number of different studies that show that certain species, like pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin are able to slow down your appetite and increase your metabolic resting rate. Who knew that spices were so powerful?
How to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
When we think about hot and spicy food, we tend to think about Asian cuisine. You will see that chillis are regularly used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cooking. Why not host a themed night and have your friends and family around? There are plenty of different dishes that you can enjoy, ensuring that everything is not simply designed to blow people’s taste buds off!
If you are looking for the spiciest cuisine in the world, you may want to try Sichuan. It is a cuisine that is well known for its bold flavors. The spiciness of the food is what draws a lot of people in. However, it’s not just about heat, heat, and more heat! There are lots of exciting flavors in Sichuan food, and so you really are going to have an amazing taste experience with this cuisine. You could either try to cook some Sichuan food yourself or go to an authentic restaurant.
As the name indicates, this is a type of food that has come from China’s Sichuan Province. The provincial capital of Sichuan is called Chengdu, and it is actually deemed one of the best places in the whole country for food. It has an excellent reputation for fiery hot pots and spicy dishes. There are lots of exciting street snacks to try here too, with everything from savoury jelly noodles to poached wontons.
When people talk about Sichuan food, they tend to only focus on the heat. However, it is much more exciting than that. This is because the cuisine consists of seven basic flavors, which are as follows: aromatic, salty, hot, sour, sweet, bitter, and pungent. Therefore, you really are going to enjoy some exciting food. Of course, chilies are at the heart of the meals cooked. From pickled chilies, to fresh chillies, to dry chilies; they are all incorporated.
In fact, apart from enjoying some delicious hot and spicy food on this day, another thing you can do is learn more about the different chilies that are available around the world. There are so many different types, including Carolina Reapers, Ghost Peppers, Habanero, Red Cayenne Pepper, Serrano, Guajillo, Poblano, Peppadew, and much more. They all bring a different level of heat and a different type of flavor to dishes. It is definitely interesting to learn more about the different options that are out there, and we are sure that it will enhance your cooking skills as well!
Another fun way to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day are by having a cook-off with your friends. Invite a few of your loved ones over and see who can create the best hot and spicy dish! It is always fun to do something a bit different with the ones that you love, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to do exactly that!
You can all have fun trying out each other’s different creations. They may be a few disasters along the way, but that simply adds to the fun of it, right? If you are feeling brave, you could even have a chilli eating competition. You will need to get some different chillis and find out how they rank on the heat scale. You can then find out who is able to handle the most heat! Make sure you have got plenty of water on hand!
Of course, you don’t need to go all out and become the next Masterchef on International Hot and Spicy Foods Day if you don’t want to! There are plenty of different ways that you can embrace some spice without needing to cook a complex meal. We all know that a pepperoni pizza will go down well in most homes! You could add a few jalapenos to your burger or fajitas in honor of this day! Other easy dishes that will ensure you are part of the trend include spicy meatballs and spicy Mexican pasta salad. You can turn anything into a spicy dish with the right seasoning!
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clowncollectr · 11 months
Arknights - Everything between us, as it should be (Liang Xun / Lee) - Chapter 4
Rating: G
Word Count: 3649 (this chapter), 28397 (whole story)
Summary: It’s Liang Xun’s second time visiting Lungmen. The circumstances are much better compared to last time. There’s no rush. Familiar faces, new faces. More happy memories to join the old ones. Between him and Lee, things are finally as they should be.
AO3 Link
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
__________ Chapter 4: Lungmen's open secret The last few outings have been fun, but sometimes it was nice to plan things for just the two of them. Lee jokingly said that he wanted a day off from babysitting, but it’s not hard to read between the lines.
He talks about those three often in his letters, saying that they’ve only become more reliable with time. And about how he felt that nowadays, they were taking care of him more than he was taking care of them. All of this to say that he doesn’t really mean “I don’t want to spend time with those people” when he says it but rather, “I want to focus on spending time with you.” This is all assumption of course. Liang Xun wanted to entertain the thought that he might be receiving special treatment. But he knew that more than likely, this was simply Lee’s hospitality on full display, polished by both time and experience. This man gets along with others for a living. It makes sense that he would be a good host who was skilled at making someone feel like an honored guest.
Even so, Liang Xun is still grateful. He knows that Lee prefers home-cooked meals and small local restaurants. The place they were at today was a high-class establishment. The type only the wealthy and distinguished typically frequent. There’s no way Lee would ever choose to go to a place like this on his own.
Naturally, he tried to dissuade him and suggested they go somewhere else, but his friend insisted.
“Aren’t you used to eating high-class food all the time now? My agency doesn’t make enough money to be eating like that every day, but I can take you to a place or two. Won’t it be good to have some nice places in mind if you ever come back here on business? You can impress your coworkers.”
That’s what he said. Honestly, Liang Xun didn’t care much for that excuse, but he knew better than to continue arguing. Anyway, he could tell from the quality of this place. It was the type of place that needed to be reserved in advance to even enter. So he just quietly added this to the long list of things he needed to repay this person for. Yes, the same list he’d been told to stop keeping track of.
At least they could actually enjoy a meal together this time. The last time they went out to eat had been when Lee was angry with him. Compared to then, the current atmosphere was much better.
Instead of crossed arms and a frown, the person sitting across from him only looked at their copy of the menu with a curious expression. Occasionally, those golden eyes would dart up at him and he’d hear some random complaint, like how the names of the menu items were too vague for you to understand what you were ordering, or how they were using too many ingredients that didn’t improve the flavor of the dish at all.
This type of environment was comfortable. Pleasant. For some reason he felt that he was really satisfied.
Feeling content, Liang Xun also thought about what he wanted to order and eat. That simple goal preoccupied his thoughts for a while until a strange noise made his head snap up.
He heard something like a surprised yelp and looked up just in time to see his companion raising their menu higher. High enough to cover their face completely. It was like watching a musbeast duck into a nearby hole in the ground.
Did that sound come from Lee? It sure sounded like it. But it was very odd. He’s never heard him make a noise like that before. He wanted to ask about it, but it was clear from the other person’s body language that they didn’t want to talk about it. So he pretended not to notice.
Things were normal again for a short time. Now, Liang Xun certainly can’t match the perception skills of a detective, but he’s not oblivious either. In matters like this at least. Lee was trying to hide it, but after doing it so many times in the span of a couple minutes, of course it would be noticed. The way he keeps glancing at a certain direction.
After observing him do it a couple times, Liang Xun was finally able to follow his eyes and figure out what he was looking at, or rather, who he was looking at. A few tables across from them sat a very beautiful and elegant looking woman, who seemed to be minding her own business. By now, Lee had already glanced back at her table several times, looking very uneasy.
Liang Xun couldn’t help but speculate about who she was, and what her relationship to Lee must be to get an unusual reaction like this. Lee has always been on good terms with most people, and he tends to avoid unnecessary conflict even with those he outright disagrees with. Could it be that they had a difficult relationship? With such thoughts in mind, he began to consider the possibilities.
Could she be someone he dislikes? But I’ve never seen him hold a grudge against people he’s fought with. Or maybe, a past lover? Even that is strange. Lee isn’t as complicated as some people assume him to be. He has many good traits and he doesn’t really hide his bad ones. I can’t think of a reason why someone who was interested in him might change their mind. Even if the relationship didn’t end well, I can’t see him being the type to let bad blood stay between him and someone he cares about.
He could keep running around such thoughts in circles, but in the end, the only way to actually find out the answer was to ask. Of course he wanted to, but this involved Lee’s personal relationships. Someone who belonged to that great portion of his life which he wasn’t a part of. It didn’t involve him, and he felt it wasn’t his place to ask.
That didn’t stop his curiosity though. Now he was also occasionally glancing back at the woman sitting across from them. Liang Xun noticed that she was with someone, although he couldn’t see who it was from where he was sitting. He had another assumption, perhaps a wrong one, but maybe Lee simply didn’t like seeing his ex on a date with someone else. Something like that.
“Are you ok? You seem upset.” Liang Xun finally decided to ask him. A subtle offer that told the other person ‘I’m willing to listen if you want to talk about it’.
“It’s nothing. Thought I saw an evil spirit. Guess I’m too hungry. Now I’m starting to see things.” Lee answered back with a weak laugh.
His response was dismissive and an obvious lie. Neither the speaker nor the listener believed it. However, those words confirmed that he didn’t want to talk about it and that was enough of an answer. For a while, it left the two stuck in an awkward mood. Too distracted to talk about other things, but unable to talk about the obvious.
Fortunately, that awkwardness eventually began to die down as whatever was bothering Lee subsided. Even if it was still bothering him, he had at least regained his composure enough to hide such feelings.
When a waiter finally walked to their table, the two men felt a sense of relief, thinking that they could finally enjoy their dinner in peace. That relief quickly turned into confusion when the waiter informed them that he wasn’t there to take an order. Instead, he held out a bottle of wine.
“A gift from the couple at the table over there”, the waiter explained and nodded his head in a certain direction. Neither of them bothered to look. They were very familiar with that direction by now.
“Perhaps you’ve got the wrong table. We’re not here to celebrate anything. This doesn’t seem like it should be for us.” Liang Xun tried, hoping that the situation was a misunderstanding.
The man only assured them that no mistakes were made. Lee asked for the wine bottle. Once it was in his hands, he confirmed his suspicions and found a note attached to it. He didn’t read the contents aloud. Or even explain what it said. He only furrowed his brows and changed his usual relaxed expression into a scowl. Once he finished reading, he silently crumpled up the paper and placed it in his coat pocket. Then he thanked the waiter and sent him away.
Before Liang Xun could even ask for an explanation, Lee was ready with an answer.
“Just a bad prank. Don’t worry about it.”
Despite what he said, the carp was already starting to get up from the table even as he continued to speak.
“Uh, let’s head somewhere else. I’m a little uncomfortable staying at this place right now.
Liang Xun stood up and walked out with him. Even without an explanation, if Lee says he wants to leave, then he will follow. But there’s still a slight worry in the back of his mind. He wonders what was on that note to make the other man so upset. Worse yet, now he was starting to think about how there are people in this city who disliked Lee enough to harass him like this.
Maybe he was overthinking things. Maybe Lee dismissed it because it really wasn’t important. But Liang Xun disliked this feeling of powerlessness. Not only is he unable to help, he’s not even in a position to know what’s troubling his old friend anymore. Those worries continued to follow him, and it wasn’t until his surroundings started to look familiar that he realized he’d never asked where they were going next. By then, he didn’t need to ask anymore. They were headed for that same street food stand from his last visit.
The same young but tired-looking Ursus man was present this time as well. When the two had gotten close enough, Lee called out to the young man in greeting and the merchant regarded them with a small but noticeable smile.
“How’s it going, Jaye? Business good today?”
Lee spoke with a familiarity that suggested he frequented this place often
Jaye took a minute to finish up an order he was working on, but as soon as he finished, he responded with his usual monotone but polite voice.
“You came back. Together this time.”
“I’m surprised you remember.” Liang Xun answered back. He does remember being impressed by this person’s memory last time, but he’s still surprised Jaye was so well-acquainted with what goes on between his individual customers.
“It’s because I was thinking you two look happier when you’re together.”
“Aha…well…anyone would enjoy themselves more when they’re with a friend right?” Lee hastily replied.
“Yes, but what I mean is-”
“Sorry, it’s been a long night and we’re pretty hungry. Is it ok if we order now?”
It was rare to see Lee interrupt someone while they were talking. Liang Xun thought that he must have meant it when he mentioned how hungry he was earlier.
Hearing his request, Jaye postponed the small talk and began to focus on preparing them food. Because he gave it his undivided attention, the food was prepared rather quickly and remarkably. Not even three minutes had passed by the time he handed them both a set of three finballs each, which from the smell alone said all it needed to regarding the taste and quality of the food.
The power of delicious food shouldn’t be underestimated. Their night had been off to a bad start, but troublesome thoughts become easier to cast aside when you’re forced to confront more physical needs like hunger. To put it more bluntly, people who think too much benefit from having their brains turned off.
The surest sign of improvement was the fact that Lee had asked Jaye if he had any extra cups. The Lung waved the “gift” he received today around, now just another ordinary bottle of wine to be enjoyed along with food. So they did. No matter what city they were in, it seemed they were destined to spend their time together over a cup of wine. Not that it was a bad thing. Nowadays, it’s best to leave the crazy adventures to the younger generation.
Even though Jaye had finished most of his tasks, he saw that his two customers had settled comfortably in their idle chatter and decided not to interrupt. If anything, it was almost more entertaining to watch. He regarded both of them as respectable and wise seniors, so it was interesting to see the way they talked to each other. Whether what they had to say was rude or kind, both men seemed to only say exactly what was on their mind.
“That’s stupid. Don’t just let your superiors order you around like that.”
“It’s necessary. It doesn’t matter what you think.”
“Your spine’s going to be shaped like an S before you retire.”
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who hasn’t improved their posture even after all these years.”
“Don’t be difficult. I’m looking out for you as your friend.”
“You should start by befriending yourself first.
Jaye couldn’t tell whether they were arguing, concerned for each other, or drunk. Hard to tell. It looked like some form of getting along though, so it was probably fine. He considered the prospect of closing up shop, since the stand was unlikely to get many more customers at this time. Before he could make a decision, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps and looked up to find another customer.
She was a tall, green-haired Oni. The kind most people would be intimidated by. And for people with less than good intentions, they were right to be scared. But for Jaye, he only smiled and saw another person in Lungmen who was always looking out for him. The second one so far tonight. Another regular, too.
“Hope I’m not too late.”
Her voice is cool and composed. The exact opposite of what you’d expect from her appearance.
“I’m still open, ma’am, er, Miss Hoshiguma.”
“Like I’ve said before, you can drop the miss. I’m just another customer when I’m off the clock like this.”
“Do you want the usual?
Hoshiguma nodded, and Jaye began the process of preparing finballs again. Since she was probably his last customer for the day, he took it easy and made small talk with her while cooking. It was something Uncle Tung liked to remind him often. For a merchant, it’s not enough to have a good product. You need to be good with people too. He’s not sure if he could be considered that, but if the people who actually are good at talking to others will give him business like this, hopefully he’s doing something right.
Once Hoshiguma received her food, she walked over to greet the stall’s other two guests. Partly because she wanted to say hi to a familiar face, but also because she noticed that they had alcohol. Regardless of whether the drinking was cooperative or competitive, of course she wanted in.
However, as she approached, she noticed that there was someone she’d never met before.
A person who seemed well-acquainted with Lee. Probably not a Lungmenite from the way he dressed and spoke. Although he didn’t have the bearing of a common man either.
She exchanged greetings with Lee and the stranger. And when the detective finally introduced Liang Xun by name, she simply said “Ah, I think I’ve heard of you before.
By now, Liang Xun isn’t surprised at all. Too many people know him in this city for some reason.
He responded to her, shaking his head helplessly.
“I can only hope that Lee’s been saying good things about me.”
The Oni laughed and explained herself. She didn’t consider herself a nosy person, but many of her men from the L.G.D were.
The enigmatic Mr. Lee, who doesn’t officially aid the L.G.D but is often involved in many of the cases they were tracking. Supposedly a normal detective, if you completely ignore his influence, general aptitude for everything, and the fact that he always gets out of trouble without a scratch. Naturally, some people would get curious about his background.
But it’s hard to find out anything when the man has such a common name, and he hardly talks about such things himself.
Her men have tried asking him directly before. Apparently old Lee always said the same thing. Just that he grew up in an unimportant place to an unimportant family. And the only thing even remotely relevant nowadays were a handful of old friends.
In short, it wasn’t really a name that people were recognizing.
Hearing all this, Liang Xun didn’t know what to say. The part about Lee not wanting to talk about his past wasn’t a surprise. But at the same time, he didn’t realize that the carp considered him and Huai to be such a big part of it. He had to admit that he felt a little touched, and the thought made him feel both honored and proud.
Lee had stayed silent during the entirety of Hoshiguma’s explanation, but he did not deny a single thing either. When Liang Xun turned to look at him, Lee only nodded his head and closed his eyes, his face turning a slight red from embarrassment.
Hoshiguma watched the two as a gentle yet knowing smile swept her face. She had no reservations about sharing her impressions. “It’s easy for me to tell. Mr. Lee and Mr. Liang are friends the same way me and Ch’en are friends. The same kind of friendship. I’m sure of it.
He was not familiar with this person named Ch’en. Maybe just a vague memory of having heard the name before at some point. Nor does Liang Xun have any real context as to the relationship between the two. But at a surface level, it was clear that Hoshiguma’s words were meant to be a compliment.
Before he could give his thanks, he heard a loud cough. A sudden coughing fit had overtaken Lee, the severity of which was enough that the other two stopped speaking to make sure he was ok.
After a few seconds, the coughs died down. And Lee took the opportunity to change the topic of conversation.
“Ahem. Speaking of, how is Miss Ch’en doing nowadays? I heard she’s working for Rhodes Island now?”
A saddened expression appeared on Hoshiguma's face, then it was gone as quickly as it appeared.
“Correct. To be honest, when I heard Ch’en was leaving Lungmen, I became quite depressed. I was worried I might never see her again. But recently, I’ve learned that just because she isn’t nearby anymore doesn’t mean she’s gone for good. We frequently write to each other now. I’m even able to visit her sometimes because of Lungmen’s current alliance with Rhodes Island. Goes to show that even if you’re apart, it’s not the end of the world I guess.”
Her words were earnest. And when Lee and Liang Xun heard them, they couldn’t help but glance at each other, probably thinking the same thing.
Even if you don’t see someone as much as you used to, it doesn’t mean that old ties have to be severed. And even when you’re far from each other, it’s not impossible as long as you put in the effort.
If they were being honest, the realization made them both feel very foolish for how they’ve been acting around each other recently. Especially during Liang Xun’s first visit to Lungmen. Since when did things between them get so complicated?
There was a short silence between everyone for a while. Until Hoshiguma suddenly remembered the whole reason she had even walked over there.
She tilted her head towards the bottle in Lee’s hand. A more cocky expression overtaking the usual professional demeanor of the L.G.D’s Madame Oni.
“Any chance you’ve got enough in there that you’d be willing to share? I could even try to get us some more. Make it a competition.”
Fortunately, Lee was sober enough to have the foresight to turn her down, saying that he didn’t want to subject his poor guest to carrying his unconscious body back home. Also he kind of liked his liver intact. But when it comes to the prospect of sharing, yes he could certainly accommodate that request.
And so, the rest of the night was spent drinking their worries away.
When Lee and Liang Xun finally returned home, they were tired, maybe a little tipsy, but certainly content. The night hadn’t gone how they planned at all. A description that’s applicable to all of their adventures recently. But they didn’t mind so much. Because at the end of each day, there was always the same feeling. They had fun. It was a good memory. Just like before. It felt like the relationship between them was finally back to how it should be.
Feeling sleepy from the food and wine, they wished each other a good night and returned to their respective rooms. While he was by the bedside table, putting up his things for the night, Lee suddenly remembered the note that was stuffed in his pocket.
He took it out and read its contents again, the same unhappy expression on his face as before. He groaned miserably and rubbed a palm across his face. Under his breath, he muttered “Tsk. Ridiculous” before crumpling up the note again and tossing it in the trash.
There was no sense in getting hung up over difficult things. Better to go to bed and get some rest. __________________
Best of luck.
- Wei Fumizuki & Wei Yenwu
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suvashis · 1 year
Deliciously Gluten-Free: Baking Recipes for Everyone
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Do you wish you could enjoy baked treats without worrying about eating gluten? Then, look no further! Deliciously Gluten-Free: Baking Recipes for Everyone is packed full of delicious recipes that are created with ingredients that are free from gluten. No matter if you are a novice baker or an expert, you are sure to find recipes that are appropriate and mouthwatering. So, put down that gluten-filled baked good and get ready to explore the endless possibilities of a gluten-free diet!
1. Baked Goods You Can Enjoy, Gluten-Free
Going gluten-free doesn't mean it's the end of bakery goodness; a whole new world of baked treats can be explored! With a range of options out there now, it’s easier than ever to satisfy your sweet tooth, without any of the gluten. To make it easier for you to indulge your cravings, here is a list of baked goods you can enjoy, gluten free: - Cakes - From cupcakes to the classic carrot cake, gluten-free cakes can be made with alternate flours such as almond flour, buckwheat flour, and more. - Cookies - Indulge in some delicious gluten-free cookies, made with gluten-free flour and various nut flours. Delicious chocolate-chip and peanut-butter varieties abound! - Muffins - What's better on a quiet morning than a fresh, warm muffin? Enjoy the rich flavors of banana and blueberry with a delicious muffin, made to be gluten-free. - Breads - Rise up and enjoy your favorite type of bread, with many varieties now available in gluten-free options. Whether it be for sandwiches or toast, there’s something for everyone. So, next time you’re feeling like something sweet and delicious, look no further than the wonderful world of gluten-free baked goods. There’s something delectable out there with your name on it!
2. Unlocking the World of Deliciously Gluten-Free Baking
Are you gluten-free, but don’t want to miss out on your favorite baked treats? Then you’re in luck! There’s a whole world of deliciousness out there with gluten-free baking. Here’s how to unlock it: - Seek out recipes and substitutions: Plenty of blogs and cookbooks provide recipes that are naturally gluten-free or do a great job of adjusting traditional recipes. - Utilize gluten-free flours: Many of the most popular gluten-free recipes make use of ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, and oat flour. - Experiment with alternative products: In addition to gluten-free flours, there are also alternative products like a gluten-free baking mix or nutritional yeast. Take the time to bake and you can easily make yummy desserts, snacks, and even traditional baked goods without the gluten. Plus, gluten-free baking often doesn’t take a whole lot more effort, so feel free to experiment with recipes and tweak them according to your tastes!
3. From Sweet Treats to Savory Classics: Gluten-Free Recipes for Everyone
We're here to show you that a gluten-free diet doesn't have to be boring! From sweet treats like gluten-free brownies to hearty dinners like gluten-free lentil curry, there are recipes for everyone—and they all taste delicious. Here’s a list of gluten-free recipes for your cooking pleasure: - Baked Goods: gluten-free banana bread, oatmeal raisin cookies, chocolate chip muffins - Mains: gluten-free pasta dishes, vegan shepherd’s pie, creamy vegetable risotto - Desserts: raspberry crumble, apple galette, chocolate mousse pie Cooking gluten-free definitely requires a little bit of extra effort, but the results are always worth it. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can prepare tasty, wholesome meals that all family members and friends can enjoy. Whether you’re looking for dessert recipes or gluten-free mains to feed a crowd, you’ll find something tasty in the list above.
4. Delightful, Allergen-Free Desserts at Your Fingertips
Never again need you worry over the treat-time reign of terror that is preparing allergy-friendly desserts. With these delicious recipes, you can fast-track the entire process, taking the stress out of your day and replacing it with a delectable confection. Whether you’re looking to tempt taste buds, or are simply desperate for something quick to whip up, here are four recipes that are sure to be a winner. Alice’s Dreamy Dairy-Free Chocolate Fudge Cake - with her magical combination of dairy-free chocolate, ground almonds and agave syrup, this cake is sheer succulence. Serve in wedges, topped with a dusting of cocoa or a scoop of soya ice-cream for an extra touch. - 2 cups dairy-free chocolate chips - 2 sticks of margarine - ½ cup of agave syrup - 1 cup of almond meal - 4 eggs Eleanor’s Nutty Gingernut Biscuits - surprising don’t they taste just like the real thing! With sugars, treacle and a range of different nuts, each biscuit packs a punch. Perfect for a snack with a cup of coffee or tea, or dollop some ice-cream in the middle and serve with a drizzle of chocolate. - ½ cup of sugar - ¼ cup of treacle - 1 cup of almond meal - 1 cup of macadamias - 2 tablespoons of soy flour - 2 teaspoons of ground ginger With these scrumptious gluten-free baking recipes, you can indulge in a guilt-free dessert that everyone can enjoy! Whether it is a comforting cake, a delicious pastry, or a tantalizing treat, you can now fill your baking cravings without any worries. After all, everyone deserves a guilt-free sweet delight! Read the full article
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alberivh · 3 years
houesewives / househusband hc’s + Xiao+ Albedo + Kaeya + Diluc
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househusband headcannons! <3 pt.1
diluc , kaeya (seperate) x gn!reader (for diluc’s part, there would be scriptwriter readers and roleplays)
a/n : this is a pure fluff headcannons of genshin characters as househusband, there would be many cussing here so be prepared. i don’t have the energy to make one shot so accept this love xoxo AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH MIKA FOR REQUESTING THIS!! (I’ll make the other character in the next part since i have a very short time to do all of this; tyvm once again!)
Kaeya is a fucking menace. a househusband and a menace to your own household. This man could literally tease you as if his wrist were broken after cooking or running house errands so he could get some cuddles or help from you. It would immediately panicked you, but seeing you so worked up make kaeya concerned.
“dear, dear..why are you panicking? I was just joking..” picking up the bandages and medication supplies that you almost throw to his face, you exhale a deep breath before you cuss out his name. Kaeya fucking alberich, you bastard. he already ran away btw, so you miss your chance to throw the bandages into his smug ass face.
aside from getting you irritated, his wonderful cooking would make you forgive him in any second. He is a good chef, even better than his own brother to be specific. But this man could make you feel as if you’re going to be poisoned, because how unusual his food decoration is. It’s beautiful indeed but why does it look so..realistic?
He packs your lunch with love, no to be specific, questions. Kaeya would cooked you steak for lunch and goulash for the night…? You might questioned it but really, his unpredictable nature are the reason why’d you married him in the first place. Even sometimes, he would cooked you hashbrown for lunch and a classic inazuman’s delicacy, onigiri’s for the night. But really, if i have to say, the taste of his creations never failed to make you satisfied for the whole day.
His brain malfunctions at cleaning. He could clean basic household stuff and such. but sometimes, he uses the dish soap to clean the floor because he couldn’t found any difference between the smell nor the ingredients of both of the soaps. But don’t worry, after you lectured him, he’ll be more aware of this, or so you think..kaeya still needs your help at this subject, so please help him before he destruct your own resident.
at your birthday / marriage anniversary he’ll buy you plushies and treat you to a fancy dinner. He would teased you and showered you with compliment, you probably get home with a very radiant soft blush on your cheeks or messy hair because of kaeya’s headpat.
“your hair is very beautiful tonight darling…mind your husband destruct it?”
“No please don’t kaeya, it’s been 3 years since we’re married don’t y—“ and yeah, he did it. But don’t worry he’ll repay his apology with sweet kisses, so even if your hair looked messy your glance would always be neat as possible because of kaeya’s lingering sweetness. You turn into a flustering mess and kaeya…yeah he just laugh it off.
although, kaeya is a very kindhearted husband. If you need any help, you could rely on him. If you need a shoulder to cry, you could laid your head on his wide shoulders. And if you drown to a sudden exhaustion, don’t worry, kaeya is here to soothes you to rest. He assures your protection to be his number one priority. You are everything to him after all, he couldn’t bare to see you sick nor exhausted that would be horrendous.
Diluc would be the gentleman type of househusband, A literall polar-opposite to his brother, Kaeya. If he wants you to help him with errands or cooking he would do some sort of persuasions and as he expected, you would do it without any sort of hesitation. It’s a fair share of works after all, why’d won’t you do it anyways?
“It has been a while since i saw you cook..why won’t you try it just for this night?” , he pleaded to your ears. It tickles your fancy and flustering cheeks to a mess. Knowing if you stayed would just make your blush look more like a fresh apple near the winery state. He would ask if you need help or such, but maybe treating him for once would be great, so you decided to let him rest for a while, waiting for his treat to be cooked. Diluc is already a great househusband to begin with, so treating him with his favorite food and his lover cooking wouldn’t be much of a pain.
at your early marriage months, diluc is..very not so conducive with his now life. From a bachelor to a househusband, a whole new twist on his life. Actually, diluc is kind of a mess at cooking, so he needs you to teach him some of the basic to make the kitchen more in a manners instead of a mess. His creation are really good..but sometimes, it take him for about 2 hours to finish such a delicacy which you found to be not-so-efficient. Obviously, you still eat his food, lecturing him would be a waste if the food get cold sooner or after.
He’s a fast learner, so don’t worry. If you lectured him once, then there would be no mess for the second trials. He would learn about cleaning, house errands, and how to take care of his sweetheart gardens of flowers before he even proposed to you. Better be prepared for the future y’know, he told you.
He would give you tons of cuddles everytime you comeback late. If kaeya gives you kisses then, diluc gives you embracements and words of affirmation. He loved it whenever you reply back with kisses or simple words like ‘i love you’ . It’s enough for him to be happy. If you’re really tired and ended up sleeping in the dinner table, he would carry you to bed and sleep with you by snuggling his face to your chest. A habbit which diluc wouldn’t bare to change for the better.
Diluc has always lend you his jacket ever since he became a househusband and whenever you went to work. It’s not because he had no chance to accompany you to work, no..he just wanted to be cocky for once and it’s the only way for you to be protected. His jacket are known by the treasure hoarders, known to be the once darknight hero attire. He also wants the folks of monstadt knew who’d you belong to and why is it diluc ragnvindr? Donna who saw this almost fainted to the ground, but flora immediatly closed her eyes as soon as possible. “Use the jacket, they know who you belong to..always.”
EXTRA :: Diluc loves it when he had the chance to play with you aside from your work as a scriptwriter. Not to be a child-again or anything, he would just want you to be on his side. If you were in the mood to roleplay as a noble then he would be your servant. No fuck i mean, butler! The reason he thinks it nice to be a butler is the way they act so formally yet so elegant. Diluc has always been impressed with his butlers since he was a kid. So he always try to impress himself by acting the way they are. His acting are actually quite amazing, you who only watch the actors performance from your script are none to diluc’s play.
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TAGLIST : @mika-zuko , @zierx, @childeluv @urujiako , @chichikoi , @noirkkat
i love butler!diluc so much, in fact i still have another version of this brainrot
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staying home | pjs
↬ part of: 500 followers event <33 ↬ pairing: park jongseong / jay x reader ↬ genre: fluff | established relationship | teensy bit suggestive (just some kissing tbh) ↬ warnings: none ↬ w/c: 953 ↬ requested by: anon, no specific name ↬ a/n: i'm such a sucker for soft & fluffy scenes with jay 🥺 also, enjoy this pic that’s somewhat used as a reference in a later scene of this fic 
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Your consciousness was in the battle of waking up for good or going back to sleep and as your arms instinctively hugged your favorite source of warmth tighter, it seemed as if you were leaning towards the latter. Your actions earn you a light chuckle from Jay as you feel his lips kiss the top of your head while his hand cups your cheek.
“Wake up,” you hear him say softly.
“10 more minutes,” you mutter as you rest your head into the crook of his neck, not yet wanting to wake up. He brings up the blanket to better cover you both,
“10 more minutes, love.” Your response is a small “thank you” muffled into his neck and Jay knows that this is the only place he ever wants to be at, by your side. His heart clenches at the sight of you asleep on top of him, with your hand resting on top of his chest he wonders if you can feel how incredibly fast his heart is beating. Today was a rare day for him, one that he could spend the entirety of with you and you alone. Last night, he had asked you what you wanted to do. Offered up many choices like watching a movie, shopping at the mall, or a dinner date at the newest hyped-up restaurant, even all three. Whatever you wanted to do, whether it was one thing or multiple, he would’ve made the effort to go with it. But instead,
“I wanna stay home,” you answered as you ate a spoonful of your ice cream, your feet resting on his lap. He looked at you, somewhat shocked. A whole day with each other and you wanted to stay home?
“Really?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you replied with a smile. Well who was he to say no to that?
At the feel of you shifting to get more comfortable, Jay’s brought back to reality. He glances at his phone and realizes more than 10 minutes have passed but he can’t bring himself to wake you up. He wanted to stay like this, enjoy it for as long as he could while he still could. He stares up at the ceiling, deciding to himself that your day will truly start when you decide to get out of bed. It happens a little over half an hour later, you wake up for real for real. Only this time, you’re the one met with Jay’s sleepy face. You bring up a hand to cup it, the tip of your thumb grazing his bottom lip. You’ve bought your boyfriend lots of chapstick but for whatever reason, none of them seemed to be working. Suddenly, Jay’s teeth are on your thumb biting it.
“Yah!” you exclaim. He holds your hand, pressing a kiss on your thumb and with a smile,
“10 minutes, you said.”
“To be fair, you didn’t wake me up,” you countered.
“You looked comfortable.”
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Your day ultimately begins sometime before noon with the both of you in the kitchen. Jay allowed you to help him with the food prep but actually cooking was a different story.
“Let me help!” you say with a pout. Jay kisses you, teeth purposely (but lightly) biting your bottom lip as he pulls away.
“It won’t take long,” he replies. His nice way of telling you no. You end up setting the table but when you finish, Jay’s still cooking. Leaning on the doorway of your kitchen, you can’t help but admire the sight of his back while he wears his loose black shirt and gray sweatpants. His shoulders were broad and wide from all the working out he was doing. His back was like a canvas, one that you wanted to paint with scratches. You feel your cheeks heating up and shake your head while letting out a deep breath, now was not the time to thirst over your boyfriend. You go behind him, making an effort to keep your footsteps unheard. As your arms wrap around his waist,
“Yah! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” he says, slightly jumping up. Yet despite his words and despite how you can’t see him, you just know that he’s smiling to himself. One hand links itself with yours.
“How much longer?” you ask as you rest your head on his back.
“I don’t know, 10 more minutes?” You rolled your eyes but said nothing, deciding to enjoy just being in Jay’s presence for as long as you could. After eating came the dishes, something that you insisted on doing all on your own. Jay came up behind you this time, his chest covering all of your back and enveloping you in a type of warmth trademarked by him and him alone. While hugging you tighter you feel his lips tracing light kisses starting from your shoulder then leading towards your neck. 
“Jay, I’m trying to do the dishes!”
“I’m not stopping you.”
“You’re teasing.”
“And you weren’t?” You dry your hands with a nearby towel and turn your head so that you were looking at Jay,
“I hate you.” 
“You sure?”
“Mhm.” He smiles, tilting your chin upwards and as if it were second nature, your eyes close. It was meant to be a quick kiss but he couldn’t stop himself from taking it deeper. Your hands clutch at his shirt, his settling dangerously low on your back. He feels himself getting lost in the kiss, now knowing that home wasn’t the apartment that you shared nor was it the house he grew up in with his parents. Home was your warmth, your comfort, and your embrace. You were home and for as long as he could, he wanted to stay.
❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​ ) | main blog masterlist
↬ 500 followers masterlist (requests open until June 26, you don't have to be following to request !!) 
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
i was thinking but do you know the unsent project? it is this website where you can write a message to your first love that you never sent to them. now imagine steve writing one (or multiple) to bucky after he came out of the ice after nat told him about it... yeah
hello hi anon this broke me and it was too perfect not to turn into a ficlet klafjldskjfalskf thank you
Unsent Letters
Steve’s fingers freeze over the keyboard, the cursor blinking at him. It feels like it’s taunting him-- teasing him with the burden of choking out a name. What should he even say? The sender is anonymous, but how many people are named Bucky out there? Would anyone even care?
To: Bu
Steve huffs and backspaces, his hands trembling as he curls them into fists. He isn’t sure what provoked Natasha to tell him about this website. It’s a cruel tease to everything he wishes he could say-- wished he could say before Bucky slipped through his fingers. And now his only option is yelling into an abyss. The text box is black and daunting. He turns it yellow. No, too happy. Green. Yes, that’s fine. Bucky’s favorite color was always green.
His gaze wanders away from the screen of his hefty Dell laptop and out the window of his apartment. DC’s low rising buildings span out in front of him. His gut aches; he misses New York already. But he knows being there would only mangle his soul further, seeing his already alien home torn to shreds by literal space whales. He huffs, thinking of Bucky’s comics. His stories came to life after all. Bucky would have probably vibrated out of his skin if he knew there was other life out there.
To: My astronaut
How’s space treating you? It’s treating me pretty badly, if I’m being honest. If only you could see what it’s done to Brooklyn. I think you’d be pretty mad at it if you knew…
Steve hesitates, reading back over what he’s typed. It’s stupid as hell, and he cringes, but he doesn’t backspace. His fingers find the keys again.
I miss you something awful. I don’t think that even encompasses how much I’m hurting without you. I feel so lost right now-- space is much bigger and scarier than you’d think. I know you’d love it. I wish you could see bits of it, but god, I just want to go home. I want you to come home.
Steve freezes again and finds the screen blurry where tears have welled in his eyes. His jaw clenches as he pictures the way Bucky would laugh at him-- teasing him for his dramatics and ruffling his hair. He wishes he could be there now, rolling his eyes and nudging Steve’s shoulder.
“What’re you upsetting yourself for?” He’d say, gently closing the laptop and coaxing Steve into his arms. “I’m right here, pal.”
And if Steve closes his eyes, he can almost feel Bucky’s warmth enveloping him. But he’s not there. He’s dead, and Steve’s a goddamn ghost, drifting through a future that doesn’t know him.
He opens his eyes and stares at the text box, then clicks submit.
The screen loads, and his message is gone, his pain forever documented in the abyss.
For someone who fought aliens two weeks after waking up from his impromptu seventy year sleep, Steve’s life is pretty monotonous. He contemplates this unfortunate fact as he stands in front of his toaster, hair sticking up on the back of his head as he nurses a mug of coffee and waits for his toast to pop.
It’s 5:45 in the morning and he tries to remember a time when he didn’t rise this early. Before the war, perhaps. Though, he’s always been a bit of an early bird. His home life was sporadic to put it lightly and he’d learned from an early age that the sooner he was awake, the better it was for everyone. Vigilance is not a new concept for Steve.
He hasn’t always stayed up late, though. That’s certainly new, and he feels this fact viscerally as he catches sight of his reflection in the microwave. There are bags under his eyes that will be gone by mid-morning thanks to the serum. Dermatologists hate him, Natasha says. Steve thinks he’s pretty lucky that the serum more or less equipped him with a built-in anti-aging agent. His father had started balding by thirty.
His toast pops and he starts a little, blinking blearily at the slightly burnt bread as he pulls it out of the toaster with his thumb and forefinger. He spreads on the same raspberry jam and butter that he uses every morning and tries not to think of how bland it tastes in his mouth as he eats it standing at the counter. Another routine.
He tries not to look at last night’s dishes in the sink as he stacks his plate and silverware on top and doesn’t bother sorting out his hair before pulling on his sneakers and slipping out of his apartment. The sun hasn’t quite risen yet, only the beginning tendrils of light sneaking over the low tops of the DC buildings, and Steve vaguely regrets not grabbing a sweatshirt before he left. It’s not quite Summer yet and the mornings could still get pretty cool.
He’s about to take off down the street when he freezes. Natasha is sitting on the steps of his complex, wearing a pair of pink tinted sunglasses and tossing up and down the keys to her car. Steve blinks, rubs his eyes, then blinks again. Nope. She’s still there.
Natasha looks up at him and smiles. “Hello.”
Steve shifts, uncomfortable. “Hi. You need something? Is there a mission?”
“No,” Natasha says lightly, standing. “You’re not running this morning, though. Come on, I’m taking you to Starbucks.”
“Starbucks. You’re going to try it.”
“I don’t want--”
“Steve, you do the same thing every day. Step out of your comfort zone a little.”
Steve frowns, but Natasha’s right-- he really doesn’t ever stray from his routine.
“Fine,” he says, and twenty minutes later, they’re strolling into the nearest Starbucks.
He’s only been in one before, and that was to use the restroom while on a run. He’d bought a water bottle in an attempt to not be rude and use their facilities without giving them any business, but he hadn’t even considered the expansive menu. All the fancy names were too daunting.
They’re just as daunting now as he stares up at the board, heart hammering out of his chest as he’s faced with indecision. Natasha takes one look at his face, and reaches out to squeeze his arm.
“I’ll order something for you,” she says. “What kind of coffee do you like?”
Steve gives her a pained look. “Um… just coffee?”
Natasha quirks a smile and orders him something called a caramel macchiato. He’ll take it, he guesses.
The drink is too damn sweet and sugary and he almost gags. Still, he was always told to finish what he was given, so he drinks the whole thing.
To: Mr. Sweet Tooth
You’d fucking love it here. Everything is packed with sugar and sweetness-- enough to make even my teeth rot. I had something called a caramel macchiato today and it tasted like someone took your ma’s caramels and condensed them into a cup. I couldn’t stand it, but I know if you were here, you’d want at least twelve. I hope you’re enjoying all the sweets you can up in space.
Love, Mr. Boring
Steve’s fingers are stiff and frozen as he works at the straps of his stealth suit. The tangy taste of saltwater still sits heavy on his tongue, and he clenches his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering too harshly as he finally peels off his suit. It’s not much better, being naked, but at least the wet fabric isn’t clinging to him anymore.
The mission had been pretty straightforward until some alien tech managed to blast the quinjet to kingdom come, and they all free-fell straight into the freezing Atlantic.
Steve had managed to keep it together as they took down the goddamn mad scientist that fucked them over, but now that he’s home and alone, he can feel the adrenaline crashing.
He’s shaking from more than just the cold as he draws himself a warm bath, and he pulls his knees up to his chest, trying to breathe through the panic that wants to engulf his entire being.
He loses time for a bit, and comes back to himself lying in his bed, burrowed under several thick layers. He feels so cold, down to his very soul-- a chill that he can never seem to truly shake, even when he’s warm.
Not for the first time, he wishes Bucky were there to hold him. He slips off to sleep thinking old, comforting thoughts of Bucky rubbing his hands between his own, coaxing his head under his chin to engulf him in that natural warmth of his. He always was a fucking furnace.
But when Steve wakes an hour later, shaking hard enough to move the bed with the force of the nightmare he’d dropped into, Bucky is not there to soothe away the ice.
To: JB
im so cold and i cant breathe ever and nothing feels right. I dont know what to do, u were always the problem solver between us and i cant think straight right now and i just want you here please. I cant do this anymore, im so tired please come back. I need you please
The Winter Soldier file sits in front of Steve-- a horrifying nightmare wrapped up in a neat brown folder. Residual nausea swirls around in his gut as he comes down from the horrible high of reading through the contents. His hands shake where they grasp the thick paper. His heart clenches hard in his chest.
Bucky is alive. Bucky is alive, and he’s been unmade.
Steve doesn’t know where he is-- if he’s escaped, or if Hydra found him again. It’s been three weeks now since the helicarriers, and he’s only just gotten the courage to sit down and wade through the shit that is Bucky’s reality.
He just hopes he’s safe. God, he hopes.
Sam says he’ll help him look, and Steve needs to know he’s at least out of danger, but he barely knows where to start.
And he’s sorry. He’s so fucking sorry.
Blinking out of his reverie, Steve looks at his laptop. He feels strange and detached as he reaches for it and logs in.
To: Bucky
And yes, that feels right. He should use his name, since he suspects no one has for a long, long time.
I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I’m sorry that you’ve been hurting so quietly for so long. I understand if you’re not ready to come home-- I understand if you never are. I just hope that you know that there will always be a place with me that is safe. I love you so much and I’m here, forever and always.
Love, Steve.
He’s not naive. He knows it would be dangerous to submit that particular message, so he doesn’t. But that’s okay. That one’s just for him-- for them.
“Steve? What is the… Unsent Project?”
Steve frowns and pokes his head out of the kitchen. Bucky is sitting on the couch in the living room, using his laptop, because his own is having storage issues.
Bucky looks at him. “It’s one of your saved tabs. What is it?”
And oh, fuck. Steve had forgotten to remove that from his homepage-- it really wasn’t needed anymore. He blushes all the way to his ears.
“Oh, it’s-- nothing. Not anything important--”
But Bucky has already clicked on the tab.
“The Unsent Project,” he reads aloud. “A collection of unsent text messages to… first… loves…”
He trails off as he processes what he’s looking at, and Steve can’t quite read his expression when he looks at him again. His eyebrows are furrowed, and he’s looking at Steve like he’s some sort of kicked puppy. Steve shifts, uncomfortable.
“Were you sending me… messages? While I was dead?”
Steve swallows. “Um…” and now that Bucky says it out loud, it really does sound quite sad. He shrugs. “It’s Natasha’s fault?”
Bucky shakes his head, clicking on the search bar. He starts to type his name, but Steve shakes his head.
“I didn’t use your name.”
“Oh,” Bucky says, then frowns at him again. “What did you use?”
Steve blushes harder, sitting next to Bucky and taking the laptop from him.
“Um…” he hesitates, then types what he was sure he used as his first alias.
My astronaut
The screen buffers and loads, then fifty or so messages pop up. Steve scrolls down-- it doesn’t take long to find his.
They’re both quiet as they read, and Steve cringes. Jeez, he really had been pretty dramatic. Next to him, Bucky makes a hurt noise.
“Oh, honey,” he murmurs, taking the laptop back from Steve. He reads the message again, then once more, and reaches out for Steve. “Aw, I’m here now.”
Steve huffs, embarrassed. “I know,” he says. “That was way back, like, three weeks after I woke up.”
Bucky stills. “You fought aliens three weeks after you woke up?”
“... More like two.”
Bucky hums. “Are there others?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, reaching out to type on Bucky’s lap, because Bucky is holding him now and he’s quite reluctant to move. He thinks for a moment, then types in the next one he remembers.
Mr. Sweet Tooth
Bucky laughs, and Steve finds himself smiling.
“I find this funny,” Bucky says. “Because caramel macchiatos are definitely one of my favorites now.”
Steve laughs, too, and butts his head against Bucky’s shoulder.
“If only I could tell that to myself back then-- he’d be thrilled.”
“I’m sure,” Bucky says. “Any more?”
Steve hesitates, thinking of the one he’d sent after that nightmare-- when he was low and hurting. Incoherent. He isn’t sure he wants Bucky to see that particular side of his soul, but Bucky has been more than generous in letting him in on his pains nowaday, and it’s not like Bucky hasn’t witnessed Steve’s own current nightmares.
He bites his lip and types in JB. That seems to yield a lot more results, and it takes a while for Steve to find the message.
He hides his face in Bucky’s neck as he reads. Bucky’s arms gradually tighten around him, and a moment later, he feels him kiss the top of his head.
“Honey, I hate that you were hurting so bad,” Bucky mutters against his hair.
Steve shrugs. “We both were,” he says, and it’s true. There’s something to be said about the guilt they both feel for not being able to save the other person at their lowest, but life hasn’t been kind to them. The vitriol, Steve thinks, should be directed at the goddamn universe for keeping them apart, not themselves for fucking dying. They’re working on it.
Bucky’s quiet for a long time. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he says. “Is that it?”
Steve shakes his head. “But I never sent the last one.”
“Why not?”
“I wrote it after DC.”
He feels Bucky squeeze him again, and he squeezes back.
“I just-- I wanted you to know that you didn’t have to come home. That I just wanted you to be safe; needed to know you were safe, but it was up to you. I just needed you to know I was here, if you needed me.”
Bucky pulls back then and cups his face, kissing him soundly. Steve’s surprised for only a moment before he’s kissing back.
“I did know that,” Bucky says against his lips. “I needed time-- I was lost-- but the first thing I knew when I remembered who you were was that you were a safe person, because you’d never force me anywhere.”
Steve kisses him again, then pulls him into a hug. “I’m glad you knew that.” It’s warm, where their chests meet, and Bucky is solid beneath him. Real. He isn’t speaking into an abyss anymore.
There’s a sticky note on Bucky’s pillow next to his head when he wakes up the next morning. Steve’s side of the bed is already vacant, and he can’t hear him downstairs. He must have already left for a run.
Propping himself on an elbow, Bucky plucks up the sticky note.
To: My Bucky
Thank you for choosing me to be your home, and thank you forever, for being mine.
I love you with everything I have.
Love, your Steve
Bucky smiles, heart light as he folds the notes. He’ll keep that one with him, he thinks. A little bit of home to bring wherever he goes.
anyway yeah fslkjflaskjfls i-- ouch. anything to do with letters w these two hurts me immensely
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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AOT characters with a black S/O (Zeke, Jean, Connie, Eren, Reiner)
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Synopsis: I think the title is pretty self explanatory 🙈
TW: none really besides mentions of food, African-American culture only for right now sorry my foreign babes 😕, not proofread
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Someone throw this man a black girlfriend with a dark or regular academia aesthetic P L S because he would love you to the point where he’s obsessed and treat you so good.
Loves finding neutral shades of beige, white, or brown that compliment your skin color nicely while the two of you are out shopping. Will literally come running from across the other side of the store with a brown jacket in his hand like “Look babe, this would compliment the brown of your skin so nicely 🥺 we gotta get Instagram pictures of you in this.”
He also enjoys finding academia type hairstyles and trying to make them work with your natural hair or braids. At least once a week he sends you a hairstyle he found on Tumblr and helps you later that night to try and achieve a black version of it.
The two of you most definitely have viral pictures floating around on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
He’s so soft and patient when it comes yo your hair because he has a beard, so he knows what it feels like having to keep up with something that requires a lot of work. He’ll often come into the bathroom to do his beard and offer you an extra pair of hands when it’s your wash day. His favorite part is to help you twist your hair because he likes seeing the finished product when you take them out.
He also uses your hair conditioners and oils in his beard because they make him smell otherworldly and he likes smelling like you. And yes, he has requested for you to braid his beard once but never again because you both thought he looked too weird like that.
Grisha is the awkward white dad who tries too hard to accept you and says stuff like “Hey, like the new hairdo 😃👍🏾.” Whenever you come around. Bless his poor heart, at least he’s trying and you know he means well.
Worships you and the ground you walk on like 24/7. He’s so in love with you and makes sure to let you know that on the daily multiple times. And he’s such an amazing lover and avoids doing cringey shit like calling you chocolate or Nubian queen goddess.
Hangs with your uncles and all the other black men in your family because he thinks he’s cool like that, but they don’t mind at all cause they love him.
His mom is the sweetest mother in law ever. She gets along so well with all the women in your family and they’re always swapping recipes with one another. One day time you and Jean pulled up for Christmas and she had a dish filled with collard greens on the table and they were good too.
He has two chains around his neck dedicated to you: one is your name and the other one is the date you two became official. You also wear his name around your neck and you have a ring with his initials on it.
Getting jewelry is something the two of you do together very often. Matter of fact, swap meets are his favorite place to go to in general and his mind was blown when you first took him to one.
Asks you to put his hair in French braids at least once a month because the process is so therapeutic for him. He loves laying his head on his lap and watching as you make his braids so neat and cute. But be careful though because he does like to “Can you braid my hair? 🥺” his way into some coochie.
Don’t brother teaching him how to braid because even if he does get the hang of it after a couple of sessions with you he’ll always request that you do his hair.
You two have random rap battles with each other alllll the time. It’s pretty split between who wins, but often you’ll call him out for trying to use lyrics from other artists.
Did y’all know me and Connie are blood cousins? Both his momma and daddy black and his full name on his birth certificate is Cornelius Demetrius Jones Springer, so take that as you will…
BUT REALLY, Connie fits right in with you and your culture that it’s nearly identical to dating someone the same race as you.
He has a fitted cap with your name sowed into it on the side with a cute heart right by it. It’s his go to hat and he points is out to everyone who doesn’t know about it.
Has most definitely dragged you along with him to go take one of those 2000’s-esque photoshoots with the airbrushed backgrounds. He even made the two of you dress alike and color coordinate because he’s extra like that and the photos are hanging all over your guy’s house. He carries around a mini version of his favorite picture in his wallet at all times.
You better not ever come around this man with messed up edges, visibly old braids, a too visible lace, etc because he will get on you bad and crack jokes about it the whole day because he’s a menace to society like that. No one besides him is allowed to do it though or he’ll get mad at them.
Do not ask this man to help you take down your braids unless you’re cutting them first because he will cut them crazy as hell and might even accidentally cut some of your real hair off too. He’s a master at dipping braids though, it’s something he takes pride in.
Literally a POWER COUPLE !
Eren will never have you out here looking wrong. The part on your lace is a little off? He’s telling your hairdresser to fix it! Thinks the hair you got looks too synthetic and shiny? He’s dropping big bucks to make sure you have some silky soft hair extensions.
Made you do him some baby hairs one day when he was wearing his signature ponytail as a joke, but now you’re obligated to slick up his edges for him at least once a week. He even has a silk scarf that he uses to tie them down with at night.
Is a master at finding filters on Instagram and Snapchat that don’t make your skin look Orange or pale so the two of you can have the cutest Instagram pictures together.
Walks around the house 24/7 singing 2000’s R&B songs at the top of his lungs because he’s a menace to society like that.
Supports all your financial needs when it comes to hair clothing or anything in general really. Need a new lace front? He’s wiring $700 to your account. Want a Teflar bag? He’s getting you one in every color. Some new shoes came out and you think they’re cute? He’s getting them for you !
Your aunties would L O V E a hardworking and burly man like Reiner.
He’s get so spoiled by them all the time whenever he comes around. Sometimes they pay attention to him more than they do you and best believe they slide him all the extra plates and desserts at barbecues. I just know he smacks down on a plate of soul food in like 5 minutes.
Speaking of soul food, you really lit up something in his Caucasian taste buds when you gave him a plate of soul food for the first time because now he’s OBSESSED. Every night he’s begging you to cook for him or asking you for the recipe so he can make it himself. His favorites are macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and yams ☺️
Will bust a move on the dance floor if your family pressures him to get on it at events. He did a two-step with your aunt once at somebody’s wedding and nobody in your family has shut up about it since because they were surprised at how good he can dance. You were equally as surprised as them.
The best person to ask to help you with your hair because he’s so patient and will make sure that your parts are straight and perfect or use his hands to slick your ponytails up to the gods. He’ll do it exactly how you want it to look too and he makes sure it’s to your standard by checking in with you every now and then.
Encourages you to buy clips or little jewels whenever you take him to the beauty supply with you because he thinks you look so adorable when you wear them in your hair.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Hi there <3 I've read some of your works and i'm in love with your writing. May I please request a fluff gojo x fem!reader? Like they finished their work in the evening and spend the rest of the night together at home💕 It could be a oneshot or a hc, whichever you feel to write. Thank you so much ^^ I'm sorry just in case my request is somehow not really clear☺️
Of course! here you go <3
Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: none! entirely fluff! this will quite literally rot your teeth. afab reader
a/n: this ended up being a little longer than I intended lol whoops
Word Count: 2.5k
Satoru Gojo is a busy man.
The strongest can't really take a break. He’s on call 24/7. People are pulling him in all directions simultaneously. With everything that's been going on, between the mess with Sukuna, and everything happening at the school, he’s been short on time.
He needs a break.
He's more tired than he lets on. He’s good at hiding it. Especially around his students. It's hard to pull him away from his work. He's insistent that he’s fine. When you’re around someone for so long, you learn to pick up when they aren't. He can pretend to be fine all he wants. You know otherwise.
Sometimes what the strongest needs is someone to boss him around.
He’s capable of taking care of himself. He’s proven that already. But worrying is in your nature. You care about him, of course you’re going to worry.
You were a first year when you met him, having just transfered schools after an incident involving a curse. In a matter of weeks your life had seemingly been flipped on its head. The switch took some time to get used to. Switching schools your first year, let alone switching to this one in particular, was never going to be easy. Getting used to the way Jujutsu society worked took a while. He was a year above you, and you remember absolutely hating him. Gojo was insufferable- or you found him to be such. But he was friends with Nanami, who was a friend of yours, so you reluctantly hung out with him. Nanami, being in the same year as you, was the first to help you out, extending a hand and helping you get used to the way things worked.
Spending time with him didn't do much to change your views. The two of you couldn't have been more different. You still are. But something about opposites attracts.
The first time you gave him the benefit of the doubt was the first time he saved your life.
It may be a bit of an over exaggeration. You’re certain you would have survived without his help, but that could also be an attempt to preserve your pride. You went after a curse, not expecting it to be as strong as it was. As far as you knew, it shouldn't have been stronger than a grade three. Being a grade two at the time, this should have been well in your ability. There ended up being more than one curse, and they were stronger than anyone had realized. You were in over your head.
It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known. It's not like you could pick and choose which curses you fought. As a student, that was decided for you.
You had resigned to your fate, separated from the others, injured. Nothing fatal. It left a cool scar, though. But you were well out of your league, put on an assignment far harder than you could deal with. You hate to admit defeat, but you had no other option.
Out of what seemed like thin air came Gojo, taking out both curses like it was nothing. Despite not liking him all that much, it was hard to not be impressed. He was strong. Stronger than you could ever hope to be.
You made it home in one piece.
It was three days before you’d finally confront him.
Getting him alone was hard enough. Being an underclassman, you didn't interact with him a whole lot. You didn't have any classes together. The few times you ran into him were when you hung out with Nanami, who was gone at the time.
When the opportunity presented itself, you took it, cornering him behind the school.
Even back then it was impossible to sneak up on him. He could sense you coming.
“Jesus-” he said, referring to you by your last name, “you look like you want to kill me.”
“You helped me out.” You said. “Why?”
He only shrugged. Not wanting to take that for an answer, you followed him. You were insistent you paid him back. You’d never let a debt like that go unpaid. The first debts are always the hardest to pay back. And when a first debt involves saving your life, well, you’ve got a lifetime to pay back. You only left once Gojo showed up. He needed to talk to Gojo about something, and although you were curious, you didn't feel like sticking around.
Gojo spent the next couple days scheming. You were determined enough you would do just about anything. He could have easily abused his power. It would have been even easier to force you to drop it, but something told him you weren't about to take no for an answer.
You wouldn't.
3pm in the bathrooms. It was hardly a week later. Your last class had ended for the day. You had snuck cigarettes in, blowing the smoke out of the crack in the window. You don't smoke anymore, but you went through nearly a pack a day in high school. There wasn't a specific brand you liked—you didn't necessarily like smoking, but you did it when you were stressed—you just used whatever you got ahold of.
You didn't hear the door open. Gojo wasn't the sneaky type, but he could be when he wanted. You weren't too hard to sneak up on.
If you didn't have contraband that likely would have gotten you expelled, you would have screamed when you saw him. He scared you, not to mention he snuck into the girl’s bathrooms. The two of you would be in equally deep shit if you reported the other. So at that moment you came to a silent agreement.
“You still want to pay me back?” He asked. “Cause I have an idea.”
You perked up at his words.
“Get me mochi from that shop just down the road. You know the one that just opened up?” He asked. “Bring me some and I’ll call us even.”
“That's it?” You asked. It was almost anticlimactic. But despite everything, he was insistent.
Gojo hasn't changed a whole lot since then.
He still has his sweet tooth. He still makes you get him mochi from that shop. It feels like you’re the ones keeping it in business nowadays.
You’re not quite sure who made the first move.
Soon you began spending more time together away from Nanami and Geto. You got along better than anyone—mostly you—ever expected. You weren't the most outwardly affectionate. While you were far from shy, pda wasn't really your thing. Gojo is the opposite. Even now, years after you began dating, he’s still clingy. You’ve gotten used to it. Gojo is possessive, he wants everyone to know you’re his. Not that they don't know already. He can't shut up about you.
Getting him alone has always been hard. Not much has changed in the past few years. He’s only gotten busier. Try to drag him away from work all you want, you rarely succeed.
Tonight he's come willingly. He finished his work early, and all you had left was stuff you could finish in the morning.
Nights at home like this—together—are rare. It feels like you hardly see him anymore. You often fall asleep alone, only to wake up to the other side of the bed being cold. He’s been so occupied with this business with Yuji, that he’s hardly had time for anything else. You sneak away during your breaks, like you’re teenagers again, stealing kisses between classes. You almost don't know what to do.
It almost feels like you should do something to celebrate.
The lights are off when you get home. Your apartment looks empty. Megumi must still be out with his friends.
“What should we do for dinner?” Gojo asks.
“Takeout?” You say. "I don't feel like cooking."
Gojo’s a decent cook, but he doesn't feel like doing so either. He’d get takeout every night if you’d let him. But that's not good for him (or Megumi) so you force him to do otherwise. Because you’re normally home, and you like baking, you’re usually the one to make dinner. There's not much in the fridge. You'll have to get groceries eventually. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. It shouldn't take long.
“How does Korean barbeque sound?" He asks. "From that place down the street?”
"Sounds good,"
You find a menu buried in one of your kitchen drawers, stashed with other takeout menus. You pick out something—two meals, plus some sweet buns for dessert—he calls the restaurant. You pay the extra cash to have it delivered. Neither of you feel like going and picking it up. It's more convenient than the alternative.
The tv drones on in the background while you wait. There’s not much on tv at this hour. News, some late night soaps. While you do like your occasional soap opera, none that you normally watch are on. Gojo changes it to the news. The weather. It looks like it'll rain tomorrow morning, but the rest of the day is supposed to be warm.
"We should go to the park tomorrow," you say, "having a picnic sounds nice."
Gojo hums in approval. As long as you make those tea cakes—the ones with honey drizzled on top—he'll agree to tag along. Maybe you'll go check out the bookstore too. It's been a while since you've last gone.
You strip out of your uniform, pulling on some more comfortable clothes; a pair of shorts and one of Gojo's shirts. It smells like him. You can't help but bury your nose in the collar.
When there’s a knock at the door, Gojo is the one to answer. He returns with your food. You gather napkins and utensils. Gojo never saw the point in anything other than stainless steel chopsticks. Or wooden ones—those given to you with takeout—if he wasn't feeling up to doing dishes. You, on the other hand, bought all sorts of colorful ones and stands that may or may not have been lifted from various restaurants. That's one habit from your teenage years you never lost. You'd pocket almost anything that wasn't nailed down. Your apartment has a rather impressive assortment of salt and pepper shakers. Not to mention the box of hotel soaps you never use, but took because you "might" need it. He enables you, taking some whenever he stays out of town, bringing them home for you. Gojo can hardly say no to you.
Gojo settles next to you on the couch, his shoulder pressed to yours. He can't keep his hands off of you. He’s possessive by nature. Everyone has to know you’re his. He always has to be touching you. Not necessarily with his hands, but he presses his thigh against yours while sitting next to you, or his body pressed against yours from behind in public.
The two of you eat in relative silence. Gojo’s attention turns to the tv, but that doesn't stop him from practically laying on top of you. Occasionally he’ll sneak bites of your food, and you of his.
When you’re done, you clear away the empty containers, sitting any leftovers in the fridge. Gojo sprawls out on the couch. He easily takes up any bit of space. The couch can hardly fit all 6-foot-something of Gojo. It hardly fits you. You've been meaning to look for another one, but haven't found the time to.
He opens his arms, and instinctively you go into them. You move so you can rest partially against the arm of the couch, Gojo's head leaning against your shoulder. His arms loop around your waist, his fingers lacing over your stomach.
It doesn't take him long to begin to drift off. He falls asleep in the crook of your neck. The low sound of the tv, combined with the warmth of his body makes you want to drift off to sleep. Sleeping on the couch like this isn't very good for your (or his) back, but you don't want to move.
The next time your eyes open, some late night game show plays, disturbing your sleep with loud music. The clock on the wall reads some time past two. It's hard to read the minute hand. You gently shake Gojo awake. One of his eyes cracks open and he lets out a soft “hm?”
“Come to bed,” you say, your arms wrapping around his neck, “it's late.”
His eyes close, and for a moment you think he’s drifted back off to sleep, when his grip around you tightens, and he’s rolling over on top of you.
“I think I’ll stay here with you, mochi,” he says, planting a wet kiss to your neck. The feeling of his lips on your neck makes you shiver.
And though he doesn't move, there's a look in his eyes that tells you he has something planned. You only notice too late that his grip never loosens, and the mischievous glint to his eyes. You couldn't wiggle out of it if you wanted to. You're effectively trapped.
He litters your neck with kisses, sending you into a giggling fit, and he doesn't stop until you’re begging him to. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes from laughing. Your nails dig into your palms so hard they leave little crescent-shaped indents.
When you finally settle down, he’s pulling you into his arms bridal style, heading for your shared room. The bed is still unmade from this morning. Neither of you bothered to put it away. You were busy, and the thought slipped your mind.
Gojo shoves the covers aside, pulling you to lay on his chest. His fingers gently trace up the curve of your spine as he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest. Goosebumps prickle your exposed skin. He’s careful with how he touches you, loving, and soft. It's like he’s trying to memorize every inch of your body. His heartbeat is audible. Steady, and quet, acting as a lullaby. Your eyes shut, but you’re still awake. The intimacy of the moment doesn't go over your head.
He thinks he could die happy at this moment. Any moment, with you, really. Even during fights, or nights where he doesn't come home until long after you’ve fallen asleep, and you’re left irritated with his lack of time. As long as you’re by his side, he’s content.
He doesn't give much to the thought of settling down. His work will never let him. Neither does he think much about having any biological children. You practically have two already. Settling down isn't really an option for the strongest. This is the closest he’ll get to it.
For now, he just thinks about the park, and the blue sundress you always wear when you go.
Not many people can say they’ve changed who Satoru Gojo is as a person—let alone for the better—but you’ve changed him twice. Once in your meeting behind the school, and once again tonight. He’s found the one.
The first debt is always the hardest to pay back. But you've paid it in full.
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 1
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn 
Warnings: none right now, eventual smut,
Word Count: 7.3k 
A/N: hey yall this is my first ff im posting on tumblr :D im kinda scared to post but i hope anybody who stumbles on lil ol’ me will join me along the way :) also important!!! i made oc/reader asian cus i am lol (and this whole thing is basically a glorified self insert) so plz keep this in mind when reading!! oh god i didnt realize how slow this first part was sry... 
The cold silence of the room felt like stabs at your inside. You commanded your feet to stop bouncing up and down as you unconsciously started to bite off the dead skin of your bottom lip. The white corporate light from above reflected off your brand new lanyard hanging delicately from your neck. You felt the coarse blue fabric rub against your neck as you mindlessly fiddled with your lanyard; the newly printed photo of your face stared back at you with a smile. 
The creak of the door to your left was what broke you from your nervous fidgets. Whipping your head up from your lanyard, you immediately stood up ready to bow to whoever came through that door. 
It was a girl. She looked around the same age as you, if not older. Her attire was what gave her away. Her appearance essentially mirrored yours: hair tied back into a ponytail with a white blouse and black work pants. She also had the familiar blue ‘JYPE’ labeled strap hanging from her neck. 
“Hello,” you spoke meekly, scared to disturb the cold silence that had a hold on the room you were in. 
“Hello,” she replied. “My name is Choi Na-eun, I’m the new social media strategist intern and today is my first day.”
This is so relieving, you thought, another newbie to share the stress with me. 
“This is my first day too,” you perked up, “I’ll be starting as the new junior Chinese marketing assistant.” 
Getting the acceptance email from JYP Entertainment was definitely a high point in your life. The feeling of butterflies swarming your insides as you clicked the email open only to see your acceptance was immediately locked as a core memory. All the years of memorizing thousands of Korean and English vocabulary flashcards, the panic attacks before your finance exams, and the many, many late night coffee breaks were worth it the moment you received your first legitimate job offer, and from the esteemed JYP Entertainment company no less. 
“Chinese marketing?” Na-eun asked. “So you aren’t from here, I take it.” 
You shook your head. “I am from China. I completed my degree a while ago with a major in Language and a minor in Business. To be honest, I’ve done internships back home, but it’s been my dream to move to a new country.”
All of what you said was true. Up until now, your surroundings have never changed in all of your twenty-three years living. From the walk with your grandmother to daycare to the vast campus of your university, the view of your city has never changed. Your social circle stayed stagnant since you were able to talk and your love life was — for a lack of a better word — uneventful. 
It wasn’t until the day you decided to start applying for careers outside your home country that you felt hopeful. Hopeful that you could find an escape from your inert lifestyle and escape the burnout and stress that has been building up over the years. And so, on a day when you were feeling unusually confident, you gathered up the courage and spent hours sending out applications to organizations all over Asia that pertained to your specific degree. The applications were mainly for small jobs at small companies, however, your strange spike of motivation gave you the confidence to apply to the everso esteemed JYP Entertainment located in Korea. Of course you knew about this company — you and your friends played songs by ‘Twice’ nonstop back in highschool — but you didn’t realize the full power that this company had on the entertainment market until you did your full research. To say that you thought you had no chance was an understatement. This application was so far of a reach that you purposefully forced your mind to erase all memory of even applying. 
However, with your education, your work experience, and whatever tiny bit of luck you had, you somehow made it through the initial application process. Then the next. And the next. Then the interview. And now, you were nervously sitting in this white painted room with Na-eun, in a completely new country, waiting for your manager to come greet you. 
“So you’re from China? You’ve got to teach me chinese sometime.” Na-eun smiled. 
You giggled in return while nodding your head. You were relieved that you’ve met a potential friend so early in your career in this company. This was one of your big worries. With your social circle being so stagnant for the majority of your life back in China, you rarely had the opportunity to meet new people, much less make new friends. 
You were about to inquire more into Na-eun’s life when the door to your left abruptly opened. In the blink of an eye, three new people strutted in — two women and one man. They seemed to be higher status than you and Na-eun judging by their attire. All three were styled in some type of blazer and dress pants and there was no lanyard to be found on any of them. 
“Hello new employees,” the man greeted. Judging by his face, he looked to be in his late thirties at the least. His hair was styled back neatly and his lips slanted up, giving him a fox-like appearance. “I am Executive Manager Kim. Joined beside me on the left is Social Media Manager An and to my right is Marketing Manager Chen.” 
Both you and Na-eun immediately stood up to bow and introduce yourselves. 
“Hello. My name is Choi Na-eun, I’m the new social media strategist intern.” Na-eun said. 
“Hello. My name is y/n, I’m the new junior Chinese marketing assistant.” You repeated after her, copying exactly what she said. You did not want to screw anything up on your first day, especially your first impression. 
Manager Kim reached over to Na-eun, introducing himself and giving her a firm handshake. He then slowly moved over to you, and reached for your hand. 
“Y/n,” he gave time for your name to settle on his tongue as he gave a sly smile. “You’re not from here, aren't you?”
You shook your head ‘no’. “No, sir. I’m from China where I studied language and business. I hope to do well here as the Chinese marketing assistant.” You replied, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so timid. 
“I’m glad to hear,” Manager Kim chuckled, “I’m sure you’ll treat me and your other managers well.”
You felt an uncomfortable shiver pass through you as he brushed his thumb along your hand before letting go. This feeling was excused as nervousness, after all, this was your first day and your first time meeting your higher-ups. 
You introduced yourself to Manager Chen, assuming that she would be the one you were to assist in your time here at JYPE. Judging by her last name, you presumed that she was Chinese as well. 
“Forgive me for being so straight up Manager Chen, but are you Chinese?” You asked. 
“That is alright, y/n,” she smiled, “I’m not. My Husband is, but I’ve lived in China for more than half my life. I don’t want to brag, but my mandarin has gotten proficient over the past decade or so.”
Proficient? It’s amazing. You thought. This first day was turning out better than you thought. Other than the weird feeling you received from Manager Kim, everything was turning out splendid. A potential friend and a manager that could speak your first language.
“Since it’s about noon right now,” Manager Kim took a look at his watch, “What do you all think about some lunch?” 
The other managers nod their heads in agreement and gestures for you and Na-eun to follow them out of the waiting room you were in for so long. 
The whole building seemed so clean. With every corner lit, by natural light or artificial light, you could clearly see that every room, every piece of furniture and decor had been purposefully placed. You couldn’t help but have a stupid look of awe plastered on your face as you mindlessly follow your superiors over to the cafeteria.  
You turned your head over to Na-eun and gave her a tilt of the eyebrow, silently saying wow, this is where we work. 
With the turn of a corner and several silent strides, your little group made it to the cafeteria. 
The difference between your claustrophobic waiting room and this vast room was astonishing. With countless tables and romantic yellow lighting, this place almost resembled a five star restaurant. You’ve never seen a cafeteria as extravagant and clean as this before. However, to be fair, you’ve never had the experience of working with such a large corporation before. 
The managers led you to the serving station where you grabbed yourself a tray and proceeded to spoon small portions of rice and side dishes onto your plate. This cuisine was different to what you were used to, but nonetheless looked delicious. You were prepared for the small cultural differences, especially with the food, but from everything you’ve witnessed so far, the culture shock would be easier to overcome than what you’ve anticipated. 
“Have this soup y/n,” Manager Kim’s grating voice came from in front of you, interrupting your inner monologue. “It’s good for your complexion.” 
As Manager Kim hands over the bowl of soup, you feel the sleeve of his blazer brush up against your shoulder, causing the pit of your stomach to drop.
First day nerves. That was what this feeling was. You thought. 
You quietly thanked him with a small nod and walked briskly from the service line, trying to find where Na-eun went with the other two managers. Thankfully, they were just a step away and you quickly made your way over to the comfortable spot beside Na-eun. She gave you a small grin and you both followed your way to a table right in the middle of the room. 
Soon, all five chairs of the table got filled and sounds of chopsticks tapping and scraping against plates and bowls filled your ears. An awkward silence dominates your table as you start to pick at your food. 
“So,” Manager Chen cleared her throat, “after lunch I was thinking we should go to a meeting room and discuss Miss. Y/n’s role in our new project.”
“I was thinking the same for our new Intern Choi.” Manager An cut in, “What do you think, Manager Kim?” 
“It all sounds good. I will be accompanying Manager Chen to her meeting room as I wish to also further discuss the preliminary steps for our project.” Manager Kim looked from Manager Chen over to you. 
“Project?” You ask. 
“We’ve had a very successful year with our idol groups and we wanted to ride this success and start marketing in China. Recently, we’ve noticed a very large and growing Chinese audience for this group. I’m sure you’re very curious now, however we can discuss further details once we are in the meeting room.” Manager Chen replies while taking a sip of the water in her glass. 
Manager Chen appeared to be a very professional and respectable woman. With prominent collarbones and wide shoulders, she easily looked the part of a confident and adored manager. She needed minimal makeup to highlight her tall cheekbones, and even with a short heel on her feet she seemed to tower over you. However, her warm and comforting voice was what broke her intimidating demeanour. Just listening to her voice felt like you were back in your high school classroom with your favourite teacher explaining the motif of a sad love poem. 
After some more awkward conversations mixed with a few work discussions, the five of you finished the delicious food on your trays. 
“Please excuse me whilst I head to the restroom” Na-eun spoke up after your group finished clearing the table. 
“Please excuse me as well.” You quickly followed, bowing as you both ventured off to the washrooms. 
I should get her number so I’m not completely a loner in this place, you thought to yourself. And so, after a quick inner struggle to speak up, you finally decided to ask. 
“Hey, should we exchange contacts? I don’t wanna look like the newbie eating in the cafeteria alone after today.” You chuckled. 
“Totally!” Na-eun beamed. “I was actually thinking the same thing…” 
And so, you both quickly exchanged each other's contact as you made your way to the restrooms. 
The hall of the washrooms were narrow, hidden away from the main cafeteria. You walked in, deciding you only wanted to retouch your hair and makeup before your first official meeting. You carefully fix the loose hairs that somehow escaped the confines of your elastic and dab on a fresh layer of foundation before applying your lipstick which rubbed off while eating. Looking over at Na-eun, you see she’s quite in the zone redoing her mascara. 
“Hey, I’ll just wait for you in the hall.” You said. 
Na-eun gave you a disinterested nod back as she kept focusing on her mascara. 
You walked to the end of the hall, leaned against the wall, and pulled out your phone. Smiling, you opened the virtual Tamagotchi app and saw your little friend staring back at you, bouncing up and down. The bundle of virtual pixels happily bounced as you fed and bathed it, making you happier in return. Playing this game, you were so entranced with your phone that the abrupt closing of the washroom doors broke you out of your hypnosis fast, causing you to flinch and drop your phone. 
You looked up, only to see a brown haired man wearing a long sleeved black shirt. The hem of his sleeve fell, covering his hand as he bent down to pick up your phone. He stood back up, fully facing you now and you immediately recognized who he was. You weren’t a fool, of course you did all your research on the artists of JYPE before applying for the job. Looking down at you right now, holding your phone in his hand, was Bang Chan of Stray Kids. 
The wispy tufts of his brown hair bounced over his forehead as he stepped over to you. He smiled, his dimple poking out of his cheek, and handed your phone back to you. “I think you dropped this.”  
Blushing tomato red, you embarrassingly accepted the phone, trying not to make your shaking hands noticeable. It seemed like that failed, however, as you noticed him glance at your hands and dimple grow deeper. 
“Thank you.” You meekly chirped and lowered your head, still in awe that you somehow bumped into a JYPE idol in the bathroom hallway of a cafeteria. 
“It’s good that there’s no cracks.” Bang Chan said, looking in your eyes. 
You looked back into his eyes. His smile never left his face, and you physically felt the warmth radiating off his body like rays from the sun. Some boring, objective part of your brain knew this interaction only lasted a fraction of a second, but you swore that time froze.
“Hyung!” A distant voice called. 
Your trance was broken as Bang Chan looked over to the person calling his name. He turned back to you, politely bowed, and casually sauntered over to the man who called him. 
What just happened? Your inner monologue ran, still trying to process the embarrassing interaction. The scent of his cologne lingered, swirling the atmosphere around your body. 
Thankfully, you didn’t have too much time to dwell on this interaction as Na-eun finally opened the washroom doors and was making her way toward you. 
You and Na-eun trailed behind the managers until you reached the set of elevators. It was there where you had to unfortunately separate from your comfort work buddy as she hopped in the elevator across from yours with Manager An. The other two managers led you to the elevator at the end and pressed the button for your destination floor. The ride in the elevator was silent. You stood there, fiddling with your nails. 
Once the elevator gave the ding of arrival, the three of you headed down a hall where you presumed had the meeting room. 
Manager Kim took a look at the watch on his wrist. “We are a minute late, everybody should be there already. Enter silently and respectfully.” He said in a stern voice.
You reached the frosted glass door of the meeting room and entered through the already opened door. The managers followed behind you with Manager Chen being the last one in and closing the door. 
Your eyes widened at whom you saw.
There was Bang Chan, who sat in all his glory, staring right into your eyes with his mouth ajar. His shocked expression didn't last long, however, as he quickly composed himself to fit with the professional atmosphere of this room. 
But why was he here? You thought. He’s an artist, isn’t this a management meeting? 
Your inner monologue was broken by Manager Kim’s stern voice. “Y/n, why don’t you sit with me for today?” He asked with a slight tilt of the lips. His hand was hovering above your back, almost guiding you to the seat just right of the head chair. 
Your heart rate quickened. There was no way that you could handle sitting right beside a high position manager on your first day. You barely knew what your duties entailed, you definitely could not handle the pressure of this seat today. You whipped your head around to look for Manager Chen. She was already sitting in her seat, looking like she was right at home. 
“Manager Kim, if you don’t mind, I would like to sit in this position for today, '' a voice spoke up, “I have a lot of new ideas I’d like to share that are written in my notes.” 
Bang Chan.
He paused a brief second, eyes switching between you and Manager Kim, and raised his iPad to show the screen filled with words. 
“I don’t mind at all, go ahead.” Manager Kim monotonously replied. He then made his way to the head chair. 
You looked over at Bang Chan, trying to subtly send the most grateful facial expression over to him. He returned your look, slightly grinning as his fingers tapped on the screen of his iPad and sat down to the right of Manager Kim. You looked over to see Manager Chen gesturing you to sit in the chair beside her and swiftly made your way over. At your seat, she handed you a notepad and pen, both adorned with the JYPE logo. 
“Now, as of 1:02 p.m., September first, the meeting will officially begin.” Manager Kim clasped his hands together on top of the table. “As most of you already know, we are in the preliminary stages of planning a Chinese debut for our artist group ‘Stray Kids’. All we have right now is the estimated timeline, which is four months. We have a basic grasp of the concept we are working towards, however, as you all know, trends are always changing and growing. While we are working to create a new and original concept for Stray Kids, we also want the concept to gather as much audience reception as possible.” 
Wow. That was a lot to take in. Your hands struggled to keep up with writing down what Manager Kim was saying. You knew this relatively new group was really starting to explode in the past year, but a debut in another country? This group must work really hard to even have the company consider a step as risky as this. So this is why Bang Chan is also involved in this meeting. 
You peaked your head up from your notepad. Bang Chan sat across from you, one hand on his chin and the other one holding the pen to his tablet. 
Manager Kim then carefully discussed the duties that each group in the room would take. Many of the jobs were directly involved with developing the concept itself, such as producing music, concept art, and theme development. Your pen never took a break from gliding on the notepad as you hurriedly jotted down everything that Manager Kim said. 
Eventually, Manager Kim’s delegations moved to Manager Chen. “Manager Chen, I’ll let you take over from here.” 
“Thank you Manager Kim,” Manager Chen cleared her throat. “While my main job here was to market Korean comebacks towards the Chinese audience, this new project changes things up a bit. Now, not only will I be in charge of marketing to the Chinese audience, but I will also be directly in charge of the concept itself. I will be working carefully with our team in China to monitor the trends which we can incorporate into our debut.
“This is my new assistant, y/n,” She turned and gestured to you. You politely nodded your head. “She will be gathering information on useful trends and reporting back to me, as well as some translating. Please report any ideas that you deem useful to her by the end of every week for her to sort through and deliver to me.” 
You almost want to call Manager Chen crazy for giving you so much power, after all, you were only starting out as her assistant. Despite this, however, you were determined to go above and beyond with the new responsibilities given to you, after all, you knew that choosing to work in an organization as big as JYPE would take blood, sweat, and tears. 
After some clarifications given by Manager Chen and a few more questions directed at her, Manager Kim took the reins back in his hands. 
“Now, as I’m sure you all know, this is Bang Chan: the leader of Stray Kids. Although our management team is in charge of this debut, we like to include the opinions of artists whenever possible. He will make an appearance whenever he can and act as a representative of Stray Kids, sharing their ideas and opinions.” Manager Kim explained. 
Bang Chan politely introduced himself, and quickly went on to express some concerns of his members. He made sure that each concern was answered thoroughly by Manager Kim before moving on to the next. 
“As for our concept ideas,” Bang Chan’s soft brown eyes met yours, “will I have to report to y/n?” 
You felt your ears redden. 
“You could, yes,” Manager Kim straightened his back, “but if you find the weekly deadlines too much of a problem, you may just report to me or at any subsequent meeting.” 
“No worries sir,” Bang Chan’s eyes lingered on yours for a fraction of a second more before grinning at Manager Kim, “I’m always punctual.”  
The rest of the meeting consisted of more introductions and preliminary plans. After about an hour, everybody seemed satisfied with the contents of the meeting and were starting to pack up all their clutter on the table. You looked over at Manager Chen, silently asking what should I do next? 
Manager Chen smiled. “Let's head to my floor. I can give you a quick tour, you can get settled at your desk. I have some paperwork that I’m almost done with; I’m sure you’ll have no problem finishing it for me.” She already was standing up and straightening over the creases of her jacket. 
You stood up as well and followed behind Manager Chen like a lost baby duckling. You both made your way over to Manager Kim to bid farewell. You politely thanked him, said your goodbyes, and were about to leave when he stopped the two of you. 
“Manager Chen, let’s go out for drinks tonight.” Manager Kim took a look at the intricate watch on his wrist. “With our whole team, of course. It’ll be a welcoming night and we can get to know the people on our team better.” 
“That’s a great idea, Manager Kim,” Manager Chen nodded at his idea in approval. She turned on her iPad to quickly get a glimpse at her schedule. “What do you think y/n? Can you make it tonight? I know this is very last moment, but I think it’ll be a great opportunity for you to get to know your coworkers better.” 
“I should be able to make it.” You definitely could make it. You had no plans anyways. 
“Am I invited to this top secret party you’re all having?” A now very distinguishable voice came from behind you. Bang Chan stared at Manager Kim with a very mischievous expression. 
“Would your manager allow it?” Manager Kim questioned, knitting his eyebrows. 
“I’m on a diet, so I can’t drink alcohol or eat anything,” Bang Chan’s nose scrunched up in annoyance, “but I want to be as involved as I can. Just because I’m an idol doesn’t mean I can’t help behind the scenes as well.”
“Very well,” Manager Kim nodded with a fixed expression, “Let’s all meet at that restaurant about a block away west. I’ll go tell the others.” And with that, Manager Kim left you, Manager Chen, and Bang Chan to stand in awkward silence. 
“Well,” Bang Chan cleared his throat and clapped his hands together, “I’ll get going as well to do some work now, but it was nice meeting the both of you.” 
“You as well.” Manager Chen replied for the both of you and Bang Chan left soon after. 
Manager Chen then led you to the elevators again and you headed up yet another few floors to reach your destination. You nervously fiddled with your hair as you silently waited behind your boss, looking up at the smooth lines of her blazer every few seconds. The elevator doors dinged, letting you know of its arrival. The two of you swiftly headed out the elevators and walked to what you presumed was Manager Chen’s office area. You kept following behind Manager Chen in silence before you stopped in front of a set of doors that looked identical to the ones at the previous meeting room. Manager Chen opened the doors for you, and you headed in. 
You paused a step in, looking wide-eyed at the interior. The office was clean. A big glass desk sat right in the middle of the vast room in front of a huge set of windows. There were a couple of soft looking chairs placed right before the desk with a huge rug right underneath it. Over to your left, you spotted a water dispenser with a kettle right beside it. You stared at the room a bit longer before realizing you must have looked very stupid with that astonished look on your face. 
“Is this your office, Manager Chen?” You asked. 
“Yes. It seems that you like it,” She chuckled. You felt the heat rise to your ears. 
“Since you’ll be working so close to me, I’m sure you’ll be happy to come here more often.” 
“Thanks.” You awkwardly laughed. You blamed your bad response on the fact that you still weren’t familiar with the language, not your blatant awkwardness. 
Manager Chen made her way over to her desk, picking up a small stack of papers. “These are some letters I’ve received from several designer companies in China. Since we are still in the very preliminary stages of this project, we would like to keep our options open for the stylists here.” She picks an annotated letter from the pile. “I’ve translated and created a summary of the main points of this letter. There are a few more left which I believe I can trust you with. Just do as I did with this letter and add the sample pictures along with it.”
You quickly complied, taking the stack of papers from her hands. 
“I’ll show you to your new work space.” She led you out of your office and over to a cubicle that wasn’t too far away. It was considerably smaller compared to Manager Chen’s office, but you thought it had a certain coziness to it. Plus, working close to your coworkers could also boost your motivation. “Here is your desk, it’s not the most exciting thing, but you may bring photos or whatnot to decorate it. Now, I’ll let you settle in and get started on your work. You can meet me at my office around six, I can double check your work before we leave.” 
You thanked her before she left and immediately got started on your work. You diligently translated the whole of the letters before picking out the main points that matched with Manager Chen’s example. After this was done, you included the photos that came with each letter and slipped them into their own cozy folder. This work was monotonous, sure, but it was something you needed on your hectic first day here. 
You were so captivated by your work that you completely forgot about the time. The sun was starting to set, and you only remembered to look at the time after you tucked your last letter neatly in its folder. You briefly panicked, praying that you weren’t making your manager wait. Thankfully, it was only a quarter until six. You took the next fifteen minutes double checking your work, making sure to also check the time every once in a while. At exactly six, you left your desk and scurried over to the big doors of Manager Chen’s office. 
Knocking a couple times, you waited patiently to be let in. 
“Come in.” 
You let yourself in, handing the papers to your manager, then sat quietly in one of the chairs before her desk, crossing your fingers together. You fiddled with your thumbs, patiently waiting for Manager Chen to speak up. 
“Not bad, this is some decent work.” Manager Chen announced as soon as she finished glossing over your work. “I’ve noted some places that you can either fix or improve. I’ll scan them and hand you a copy tomorrow.” 
You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. A tidal wave of relief washed over you as you let yourself relax further into your chain. Not bad, this is some decent work. You proudly repeated this moment in your brain. Although you were disappointed with the mistakes that you let slip through, to get somewhat of a compliment on your first day meant a lot to you. 
“Shall we get going now?” Manager Chen asked. 
You grabbed your bag and stood up. “I’ll let you lead the way.” 
It seemed like all you were doing on your first day was following Manager Chen around like a lost puppy. The situation right now was no exception either, as you tried to copy her confident strides over to the restaurant a block down. You watched the busy rush hour streets and sidewalks fill with people, some people going home after a long day, some people going to party just like you.
Soon, after a few more minutes of walking, the both of you arrived at the small wooden doors of the restaurants. It seemed like the both of you were a bit late as Manager Kim was already waiting in front of the entrance with the rest of the team. Bang Chan was also there, head down looking at his phone. 
“Sorry we’re late, have you been waiting for long?” Manager Chen somehow sounded confident despite making everybody wait on her.
Her voice seemed to have caught everybody’s attention. You watched as Bang Chan swiftly turned his head up from his phone, his eyes making contact with yours. You immediately focused your eyes somewhere else, trying to casually play off the fact that your eyes subconsciously drifted to him. 
“We’ve only been waiting for a couple minutes.” Manager Kim gave a tight smile. “Let’s go in before you all get too cold.” 
Your little group of around ten people slowly entered the doors, filling the restaurant. Manager Kim called over a waitress, signaling that you had ten people in your group, and let the waitress lead you all to a long wooden table. 
The restaurant was nice, nothing too fancy, but that’s how you could tell the food was good. With dim lighting and tightly packed tables, it made you feel fuzzy and warm on the inside. 
However, your thoughts on the restaurant were soon broken by a hand on your shoulder. 
“Y/n, why don’t you sit with me?” Manager Kim’s lips curled up, “After all, this is a work gathering, how good of a boss would I be if I didn’t even treat my newest team member to a drink?” 
Your brain was in shambles. You seriously didn’t feel comfortable sitting with him all night. However, the logical side of your brain was saying something different. He’s just being nice as a boss. You don’t know how people in this country act anyways, stop being paranoid. 
It seemed like your inner turmoil was taking longer than necessary, as you heard another familiar voice speak up. 
“Manager Kim-” Bang Chan called out. 
“You don’t need to sit with me here, Bang Chan.” Manager Kim chuckled as he stared directly in Bang Chan’s eyes. “I’d rather not talk about work outside the office.”
You watched as Bang Chan’s eyebrows furrowed, looking back to you in reluctance. You smiled at him before turning your attention to Manager Kim. It was just one night, right? Plus, there’s no harm in establishing a good impression with your boss. 
“I’ll sit with you, Manager Kim.” You smiled, “thanks for offering.”
And so, you took your seat next to Manager Kim at the table. Bang Chan, who was to your left, looked askance at Manager Kim for a brief second before his facial expression did a complete 180. His familiar, boy-ish smile was plastered on his face like it was the most natural thing. 
When the menus came, everybody at the table — including you — started to order onslaughts of food and alcohol. After brief moments of casual chatter about topics such as the weather or how good the food was here, everything that was ordered arrived at your table.
You grabbed a can of beer and started sipping on it. You’ve drank before — of course — with your old friends at university, but it’s been at least a year since you last did. Better ease myself in. You thought. 
However, your preconceived plans were ruined when a small glass of clear liquor got pushed in front of you. 
“Y/n, surely you aren’t going to sip on that can all night.” The ends of Manager Kim’s lips curled up. 
“Wasn’t planning to, sir.” You replied while tipping the glass up and into your mouth. The bitter liquid burned your throat as it went down. You took a moment to recollect your surroundings. Seems like your tolerance was higher than you thought. 
“Bang Chan, do you not drink? Why not eat something then?” Manager Chen pointed to the food on the table. 
“No can do ma’am, I’m on a strict diet. My manager would kill me.” Bang Chan pointed to his glass of water. 
“In that case,” Manager Chen filled another glass, “Y/n, have another drink.” She slid the glass down the table in front of you. 
You gladly accepted your second drink, downing the alcohol in one go. Your eyes instinctively squeezed together as you felt your throat burn. From the tips of your ears to the ends of your toes, your whole body felt warm and alive. 
You lost track of the time. As your conversations got livelier, your head got fuzzier. You stopped counting your drinks after four, especially since so many people were eager to offer the new employee a drink. Although your vision was starting to blur, you could still think straight. I can still think, you thought to yourself, still — what a powerful buzz.
Your thoughts ran rampant in your mind as you stared at the lightbulb across the room. What a pretty light. So bright. Warm. 
Was the light calling your name? 
Your eyes focused again and snapped away from the lightbulb. Where was the voice coming from? You slowly turned your head. Bang Chan.
“Hi.” You smiled. 
“Hi.” He smiled back. So bright. Warm. “It’s been hours and I haven’t even offered you a drink yet.” 
You tried to focus your eyes on his face as he slid the glass over to you. One more drink wouldn’t hurt your buzz, right?  
You gladly accepted, slowly moving your hand over to the glass to pick the clear liquid up. It went down in one go just like all the others. 
Huh? Was this water? 
You struggled to focus your eyes on the person who offered you the drink. “That was yummy.” 
“I bet it was,” the talking blur chuckled, “How about another one?”
You nodded, then took the glass he slid towards you. It’s funny how water flows even when in a cup. Water. You needed to pee. 
“Hey,” your words dragged out, “where’s uh, where’s the washroom?”
“Follow me. I’ll show you.” Manager Kim stood up and reached his hand out towards you. You didn’t want to take it, but it seemed like nobody was noticing his offer. 
Reluctantly, you took his hand and stood up, only to stumble down again. Did your knees not want to listen? 
“Whoa there, better hold on.” Manager Kim said. 
“No, I can walk. I-I can walk.” You let go of Manager Kim and tried to focus all your brainpower on moving your feet in a straight line. This tactic only worked for a second, however, as your knees gave in and you stumbled down. 
“It’s obvious that you can’t.” Manager Kim’s lips turned up. “It’s time for you to go home. I’ll take you back.” 
What? No. You didn’t want Manager Kim to take you home, not after all the awkward events of today and the general vibe from him. You tried to express your thoughts, but nothing came out of your mouth. 
“Manager Kim, you’ve been drinking!” Bang Chan’s voice came from some part of the room. “It’s not safe to drive, I’ll call a taxi for you.” 
“What about Y/n here? I’ll get a taxi for us both.” Manager Kim said. 
“I called my manager earlier to pick me up, we can drop her off along the way. It’s not a good idea to put two drunk people in a car. I’m completely sober right now, so let me do all the work.” Bang Chan grinned, patting Manager Kim on his shoulder. 
“Is that what you want, Y/n?” Manager Kim glared. 
You dizzily nodded. 
“Alright. In that case, I can call my own taxi later.” Manager Kim grimaced. 
“Stay safe, Manager Kim.” Bang Chan smiled. He turned to you. “My manager’s been waiting outside for a while now, do you want to leave now?” 
You nodded. You tried to start walking again, but your damn knees just wouldn’t listen. 
“Do you want to hold on to me?” Bang Chan knitted his brows together and held out an arm.
“I,” you slurred, “can walk.” You tried to start your feet again, only to end up stumbling down. 
“I know you can,” Bang Chan said as he reached his hands out to stabilize you, “but — ah —  I’m really tired after today. Can you hold on to my arm so I won’t fall out of exhaustion?” 
You agreed to help him. Bang Chan waved to everybody still at the table before leading the two of you out to a black SUV. He allowed you to stumble your way in the back seats first before sliding in himself. He asked you for your address, which took many tries for you to accurately type it into his phone. 
You leaned your head against the window, staring at passing blurred lights as Bang Chan’s manager started driving. Just being away from the loud and bright environment seemed to have cleared your head a little, but the pounding would not stop. You cursed yourself for being so irresponsible on your first day, especially because you were still alone in this new country.   
“Hey,” you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, “want some water?” You looked over to see Bang Chan holding out a plastic bottle with the lid screwed off. 
You languidly reached your hand out for the bottle and gulped down as much water as you could in one breath before handing it back to him. The street lights started getting blurrier as you tried to fight exhaustion, the muscles in your eyelids starting to get more and more uncontrollable. 
“Don’t fall asleep yet, we’re almost there. Ten more minutes.” 
You couldn’t hear anything after that, however, as you felt your eyes give up on you and your body fall into a deep sleep. 
“Y/n… Y/n.” A familiar voice called.
You fluttered your eyes open, your head pounding. Not knowing where you were, you surveyed your surroundings in a panic. It seemed as though you were in the back of a car… Parked outside of your apartment building? 
“Hey, you’re finally awake.” Bang Chan’s voice entered your ear. It all came rushing back to you; the restaurant, the drinking, entering the SUV. 
“How long have we been parked here?” Your groggy voice sounded inhuman. You had to clear your throat a couple times. 
“It’s only been twenty or so minutes. I’m not allowed to leave the car, are you able to get home alone? I can ask my manager to go with you.” Bang Chan scratched the back of his neck. 
“I should be fine.” You mumbled, a bit embarrassed to have fallen asleep in the car of a person you just met that day. This wasn’t even his car, it was his manager’s. 
“Hey… can I put my number in your phone?” Bang Chan avoided your eyes. “Just so you can tell me when you get home.” He quickly added. 
“Okay.” You awkwardly handed him your phone with your contacts already opened. He quickly typed his phone number in before handing it back to you. 
“Text me when you get home. Remember to lock your door, okay?” 
You thank both him and his manager before hurrying back to your apartment. Your head was still pounding unrelentlessly as you pressed the elevator button for your floor. The events of today were still unprocessed in your brain. You met a potential friend, which was a highlight. However, you also met two higher up managers and an actual idol, only to get hilariously drunk in the presence of. At least it’ll make a good story to tell my mom. You thought. 
In no time, you made it in your apartment and locked the door behind you, remembering what Bang Chan told you in the car. You texted the new number in your phone. 
Y/n: Hi. It’s y/n. I just entered my apartment.
Not even a minute later, your phone lit up, signaling a new text message. 
Bang Chan: great!! remember to lock the doooor hahaha ( ◕ω◕✿ )
You subconsciously grin at your phone. Cute. Throwing your phone haphazardly on your bed, you begrudgingly began your night routine. After washing up and throwing on a random shirt from your closet, you fell on your bed ready to sleep. You were about to close your eyes when your phone lit up again with a ding. It was another text.
Bang Chan: Hey… Just so you know, if you ever feel unsafe around the office just tell me okay? I’ll always try to help you in whatever way I can.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Death Note/GN!Reader — Nicknames
I can’t say what you’d refer to them as, since you control that, but I can sure as hell headcannon what they’d call you and why. Mello’s is the only angsty one I’m sorry my boy’s just going through it I guess.
My god, around his mafia guys expect to be called anything that signifies that you are his and only so. Something like ‘My Love’ or really anything with ‘my’ in front of it. You’d think he does this because of his natural protectiveness, which is only partially true. It also serves as a way to let all the mafioso know that you are in fact dating Mello and that harming you will directly go against the code of loyalty. However, after the explosion, you find these nicknames come less and less, limited only to the times the two of you are alone together. His view on nicknames becomes similar to his view on PDA, except rather than “I’d look like a fool being seen next to you” it’s more of a “I don’t deserve to call you mine” type mentality. Still very similar, and a similar approach can be taken to assure him that you don’t think that way at all — calling him by affectionate names yourself, especially some dumb ones just to make him laugh.
Matt calls you whatever will get on Mello’s nerves the fastest. And, if he’s feeling particularly bratty, whatever gets on your nerves the fastest. Basically his goal is to annoy anyone and everyone with your guys’ relationship, even you. He’ll go for all the strange ones — sweetums, love duckling, one time he called you “heart shaped walnut” and that was your tipping point. Whenever Matt goes on a tangent of bad nicknames Mello will just roll his eyes and put on his headphones, but you don’t have anything to save you. What you do have is a choice — fire back or look for absurd ways to block him out before he calls you Daddy.
Near isn’t the type to deviate from your name unless he has been told that it’s alright to call you something different, even if you are romantically involved. If you give him the go ahead, he’d have to try out a few different ones at first. He’s never really gotten to call someone by a nickname that he makes up before, so he wants to make this one count. He’s made a list. A list of different nicknames that he wants to try out at some point in time. Sometimes he’ll call you the nickname ever so casually, wait a few moments for your reaction, and then pull out the list to make notes as to what said reaction was and if he should use the nickname again based off of that. You truly appreciate his effort. When he finds the right one, he is not deviating from it.
Not a lot of people would expect L to have any nicknames for his significant other, even when he’s as devoted to you as he is. So imagine your and everyone else’s surprise when he starts calling you things like Honeybunch or, on the weirder side, Fruit Loop with a completely straight face. One time he called you Tator Tot which made everyone malfunction for a split second. You think he’s doing it to get a rise out of you (and more likely the task force) but it seems like he’s having fun and it gets fun seeing what he’s gonna call you next. The pattern you notice is that they’re mostly food related. Eventually it gets to the point where you don’t even know what the food is, as it must be a dish from a different region that you’re not familiar with. He would be most delighted if you were to fire back with your own insane nicknames, both as a fun joke between the two of you and as a way to tell if his advances in your relationship are being well received.
He would come up with a different thing to call you every time he sees you, no repeats. He doesn’t want you to get bored of him and, although that would never happen and he knows that, there’s still this part of him that wants to make your relationship exciting in every aspect, even if it’s in something as small as what he calls you. Due to his “no repeat” rule, the nicknames start to get a little...odd. They went from “beautiful” and “honey” to “love nugget” or “best bean”. You still don’t really know what that last one means. The interesting thing is that he then begins to like the strange ones better than the generic ones, so he takes inspiration from everyday life in order to come up with new ones. He’s reading the newspaper? Guess who’s getting called his ‘Times New Roman-ce nugget’?
Misa can and will call you anything and everything under the sun and moon. She usually sticks to the cute ones like honey, darling, love, all that good stuff. The task force’s reactions are actually pretty wholesome because unlike L, Misa’s initial instinct is to call you something cute and not something ominously random. Like, she’ll kiss your cheek and call you “pudding” and Matsuda will all go soft for your relationship, effectively making Misa only want to do it more to get more reactions like that. It’s a whole cycle. Soon she starts stringing together a bunch on different nicknames in one sentence. She barely ever uses your name anymore, even when referring to you to others. Perhaps that’s for the best, though. Don’t want to get you killed by Kira, now do we?
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Hi, everyone!! This is a part of the Citrus Dome Snowed In collab! I’m so thankful to be a part of this round and super grateful for @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten and @tomurasprincess for letting me be on the masterlist! I’m so excited, but I’m not super proud of this one, so please feel free to give feedback.
Masterlist Here!
Go see everyone’s super awesome fics and art pieces they worked so hard on!!
ART BY @brttpaige on Twitter🖤 Go check out her artwork, she’s fantastic!
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Warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, AGED UP (mid twenties), fluff, insecurities, smut, body worship, chubby kink, marking (hickies), Papi kink
Pairing: Sero Hanta x reader
The local news station hailed it as “the storm of the century,” and they weren’t wrong. You’ve watched the snow pile up beyond the window, building from a light dusting on the grass to literal knee-high drifts. And it shows no sign of stopping.
The place you’re stranded is stocked up on groceries, you’d charged every electronic device to your name, and you’d cranked the thermostat as high as it would go until the inevitable happens —
The power goes out.
So now you’re stuck indoors, with only a certain someone for company. The same someone you’ve been pining after for ages. Snow stacks up higher and higher outside. As the cold seeps in, and you both drift closer, you realize this was somehow the one thing you hadn’t thought to prepare for…
The snow outside was pretty at first, but now with the doors and windows to your small cottage-type home half covered, it seemed almost oppressive. With the power outage, there was no television to drown out the quiet, only deafening silence and the movement of your new roommate, Sero Hanta.
It didn’t start this way, you hadn’t always obsessively paid attention to his mannerisms. At one point in time, he was just a hero working for the same agency you provided medical care for. You were just support staff, until a dumb villain thought you were “important” and kidnapped you, leaving the heroes you saw as coworkers to rescue you. After that, the agency wanted you to live in the adjacent apartments, but you refused. Magically, two days later, Sero Hanta approached you asking about your spare room under the guise of his lease running out. You thought it seemed a bit suspicious, particularly that this gorgeous man had “nowhere else to go”, meaning no significant other to take him in. Of course, you agreed, being a nice person and maybe bit naïve. He moved his stuff in, didn’t make much of a fuss, and mostly left you to your own devices. That is, until you noticed some... abnormalities. The lingering glances, the newly installed security cameras, the not-so-subtle ideas to spend time with you of having meals together or watching movies, making sure you’d eaten or slept... He cared too much. He was so perfect- gorgeous, tall, easygoing, had similar goals as a rescue hero, funny, and he cared. He cared for you, which made living with him so much harder. You found yourself enjoying nights with him, wanting to sit a little closer, wanting to impress him with new dishes to make for dinner, ditching your ex’s sweatpants for cute sleep shorts, relishing in fantasies of his protective nature and dominating stature with your hand between your thighs... You thought you were going to choke when he started walking around in only gray sweats or a towel after his shower. You tried your best to keep eye contact, not stick around too long, not encroach upon his comfort in his own house. You failed to notice the smirk on his face when you quickly excused yourself or when you turned away too fast after being caught staring.
Sero had originally taken this as an assignment, although he did have a bit of a crush on you from the times you’d patched him up after rough shifts. He thought of himself as your own personal hero, but that mindset soon turned into more than just an assignment. He was protective over you, and he found himself getting defensive if you even mentioned another guy. He had tried flirting within reason, just making dinners and watching movies, but he got cocky when he had walked past your door one night and heard your little whimpers. He decided to test his theory, wearing his sweats lower than he normally would and walking back to his room in a towel, and delighting in strolling past your room to hear your muffled moans and the vibrations of the toy you never used to use. You were getting desperate, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t boost his ego to hear his name through the walls. This, however, was NOT something he’d planned on.
Everything was fine, being stuck in the house together was nice, until the power went out. The heat somewhat remained in the house until night, when you curled up on the couch under every blanket you had and he layered on an extra hoodie and lounged next to you. He looked cold...
“H-Hey... Sero? Um... You look cold. Do you want a blanket?”
“Hmmm, but then wouldn’t you be cold too?” He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
“Well... Maybe... But that’s okay! You need to be warm too!!” God, you’re so sweet.
“I mean... You could always come over here, we can be warm together!” He stretches out his arm and beckons you over, inviting you to curl up next to him. You shift over, spreading the blankets over your roommate and hiding your blushing face under the pile of softness, keeping at least 3 inches of space between you before he rests his arm behind your head.
“Thanks, y/n, this is uh... nice!” He hides his disappointment at your perceived rejection, going back to look at his phone.
After 20 minutes of scrolling, you can’t take it anymore. He smells so good, and you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“I’M GONNA GO TO BED NOW. Uh, goodnight!” You basically shouted, too loud to be natural. You abruptly stood up before slightly shrinking from the frigid air. When did it get so cold in here?
“Hey, it’s really cold... We don’t really have a ton of blankets, and I’m worried you’re going to freeze, so maybe we could sleep in my room tonight? Just for, ya know... body heat?” He sounds nervous, like he expects you to freak out and reject him completely.
“Well... I-I guess that’s smart... You’re right. So... Let’s go?” Holy fuck, you are so nervous. You were originally escaping to your room like you normally do, too horny to continue hanging out with Sero and retain your sanity, but now you’re sleeping with him?! What the fuck are you thinking?!
He gathered the blankets and lead you into his room, holding the door for you before plopping down your nest of fabric. You stand awkwardly in the center of the room, waiting for something you have no idea what. Sero unceremoniously strips himself of his hoodies and sweats and climbs into bed, seemingly out of habit, before turning his attention to you and holding the blankets open.
“Are you coming?” He smirks, putting on a confused voice that doesn’t quite match the mischief in his eyes.
“I-...” FUCK, he’s beautiful. Lean muscles flexing with every movement, shaggy hair falling over his face, and holy... The tight black boxers are NOT helping the whole “too turned on to function” situation.
“Oh... Sorry, I read somewhere that skin-to-skin contact is better for warmth. You’d probably know better than me, I guess.” He grins, as though this entire thing is nonchalant and completely normal. “I can help you if you’d like~”
“Uh nope, yeah, you’re right!! I’ll uh just... Can you close your eyes?” You are panicking. Every insecurity you’ve ever had is coming to bite you in the ass. You’re suddenly hyper aware of how much space your body takes up, remembering everything those stupid bitches in high school said about you.
“Y/n, you’ve seen me in that skin tight hero suit and you’ve patched up most of my body. It’s totally fine! PLUS, you’re sleeping in my bed, am I gonna have to close my eyes the whole night??” He jokes, not knowing that your shyness isn’t rooted in principle, but fear. Upon seeing your face, his smile falters and he autocorrects, “You know, I think you’re beautiful, but if you want me to turn around, I promise I will.”
“No, it’s-it’s fine. It’s okay. Wait- did you just call me beautiful?” You try to cover your shocked expression as you take off your sweater and slide off your fuzzy pajama pants. Sero is thankful your head is stuck in your sweater as his jaw practically drops. Oh fuck, he’s screwed. His eyes follow your curves from your chest, down your sides, to the pouch of your tummy and the plump fullness of your thighs... If he thought he was having trouble focusing before, there’s no way there’s gonna be enough blood in his brain when you’re half naked next to him... Speaking of... Shit, he’s hard... Okay, it’s fine, just tuck it in your waistband like you did back in school...
You climb into bed as quickly as you can, still keeping a few inches between you and Sero until he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. You squeak in surprise and he chuckles, “You can’t be warm unless you’re over here! C’mere.” He nestles his face into your hair and splays a hand across the curve of your lower back. Feeling very naked and very nervous, you shift in his hold and snuggle closer to the heat he gives off, but halt your motions when you feel him twitch against your thigh. Neither of you are breathing, praying the other didn’t notice the rock hard length pressed between your bodies. Somehow, in the time you spent essentially playing dead, you both fell asleep cuddled together.
Over the course of the night, you had shifted to straddle your leg over his torso and he had turned on his back with his hand resting on the space between your thigh and your butt. Sero was the first to stir from his slumber when he felt you move against him, a small whine escaping your parted lips as your hips rolled against his. Oh... OH... Is y/n-? oh fuck y/n is dreaming... and grinding on me... fuck, this shouldn’t feel so good... He tries his hardest to go back to sleep, but the feeling of your sleeping body brushing up against his cock keeps him wide awake. He was trying to stay perfectly still until he heard your tiny whisper “Hanta~”... His hips involuntarily thrust, drawing out the most sinful moan from your throat as the head of his dick added friction on your clit that woke you up. You start to move away, embarrassed and hoping to check that he’s still asleep, but Sero’s grip tightens around your thigh and presses you harder onto him.
“Good morning to you, too~... If you needed my help getting off, you could’ve just asked, babygirl~” The lust and sleep clouding his voiced, combined with the steady roll of his hips makes you whimper and tuck your face into his neck.
“Awww so shy~ You were moaning my name earlier. Why don’t we see how loud I can make you, princess?” He speaks lowly as he flips you onto your back, hovering over you.
“I- I... Please.” You breathe wrapping your legs around his waist and stare up at him, wiggling your hips and sliding your hands up his biceps.
“Can I- Can I kiss you? Are you sure you want this? I’ve had feelings for you since before I moved in and I just... I never want to hurt you.” Cupping your cheek and searching your face for any hesitation, Sero starts succumbing to his own insecurities. He never wants to hurt you, and he knows he isn’t the flashy hero some of his friends seem to be... He needs to hear you say it.
“Sero... Yes~. I want you, please kiss me... I feel the same way. Please~...” Upon hearing your confession, Sero slotted his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet, gentle. Breathing each other in felt so right, so natural, and you followed his lead when he slid his hold to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. His hand drifted down, following the curve of your breasts, tracing your sides and resting on the pouch of your tummy. Just as you were starting to feel self conscious, Sero groans and moves to kiss your neck, mumbling “You’re so beautiful, y/n. Fuck, so perfect. You feel so soft, I need you so bad~” The whimper he draws from you when he sucks a deep mark into the column of your throat is absolutely lewd, you can barely believe it came from you. He kisses his way down your body, leaving hickies along your skin and squeezing every inch he can get his hands on. You look down at him, his eyes dark with lust and admiration as he leaves opened mouthed kisses along your inner thighs, making you more needy than you thought possible. He strokes his thumb along your clothed slit and moans at your wetness.
“Fuck- you’re so wet for me, angel. I want to taste you, you’re so cute like this. Let’s take these off, yeah?” He looks to you and hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties, asking for permission and grinning like an idiot when you lift your hips to help him. Before you can say anything, he’s prying your legs open and diving in, moaning as he laps your slit and sucks your clit into his mouth. You run your fingers through his hair and grip him, pulling him into you and grinding against his face. His groans send vibrations straight to your core, pinning your hips with one arm and sliding two fingers into your dripping cunt.
“M-more!! Oh god, please Sero, just like that- I want more!” You moan so prettily for him, but he wants something more. He releases your clit with a pop and leans up, stilling his fingers inside you and wrapping his free hand around your neck. The pressure and dominance has you clenching around his fingers, and he takes notice.
“You either call me Hanta or Papi, nothing else. You understand? I want you to say my name when you cum.” He commands, and sends a shiver down your spine. “Oh you like that, huh?~ I can feel you squeezing my fingers. Why don’t you tell me what you want, baby?~”
Your brain goes hazy when he leans in and places little love bites on your neck and collarbones. “PAPI~! Yes, I love it! Please fuck me, I want to feel you, I need moreee~” You pant as he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you unbearably empty.
“Oh baby, I’ll fill you up, don’t worry. But first, why don’t you suck my cock?~” He strips himself of his boxers and flips the two of you, pulling you on top of him. He’s so long, just thick enough to stretch you and reach every amazing spot inside of you. The sight of his hard length has you drooling, anticipating feeling the weight of him on your tongue. You give the head a few kitten licks, relishing in the way he groans and twitches in your hand. He laces his fingers at the base of your head and lets you set your own pace, wrapping your plush lips around him. Bobbing your head up and down, running your tongue along the vein on the underside of his dick and swirling it around the head- you love seeing his reactions. The way his breathing increases and his hips buck when you hollow your cheeks. He looks so pretty like this, you can’t help but rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. Luckily, he notices how desperate you’ve gotten and pulls you up to straddle him with one hand still on your hair and the other gripping your hip, calloused fingers digging in and massaging the fat there.
“As much as I want to cum in that perfect little mouth, I think my baby needs to be filled, yeah?” He fists his cock and strokes the head through your wetness, gathering your slick and making you involuntarily grind against him. “Beg for my cock, babygirl~, tell Papi what you want.” The smirk on his face is utterly sinful, teasing you and enjoying the fucked out expression on your beautiful face.
“PLEASE I want your cock, I wanna be full, just fuck me already!!! Please stop teasing me Hantaaa~” Just as you grind your hips down onto him, he thrusts into you, cutting off your pleading with a needy moan. “Ah~ fuck- so full, so full, oh my god! Yes Papi~!”
“Oh shit angel, fuck- you feel so good.” Hanta grabs your hips and helps you slowly fuck yourself on him, “Just like that, baby, just like that. Ride my fucking cock. Fuck- you’re so tight...”
The dirty talk pouring out of Hanta’s mouth, combined with the stretch of his hot length stirring up your insides, you find yourself embarrassingly close to climax already. Your first orgasm hits you like a train, completely knocking the air out of your lungs and causing you to collapse onto Hanta’s chest. He seizes the opportunity to flip the two of you, holding you underneath him and fucking you into the mattress.
“Ah ah ahhhhh~ Hantaaa~ I can’t! I can’t, I just came, it’s too much!!! oh FUCK Papi!!!” You feel the tears welling up in your eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure.
“Yes you can, babygirl. You’re taking me so well, you’re such a good girl. I know you love it, I can feel your pussy flutter around me. So honest, angel. You’re so perfect like this- fuck.” Hanta grips the back of your thighs and pushes your knees to the bed, hitting even deeper within you. The head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust and makes you scream out, nails digging into his back, and egging him on.
“Come on, mi amor, cum with me. I know you can, I can tell you’re so fucking close... Cum on my cock, that’s right. Cum for me.” His long fingers reach down and rub quick circles on your clit. He leans in to sink his teeth into the junction of your neck and your shoulder, sending you over the edge into your climax. Your vision goes white and you clamp down around him, cunt spasming as you squirt all over his thighs and abs.
“F-fuck!!! That’s so fucking hot~ I’m gonna- Ah~” He fills you to the brim with his sticky release, the warmth spreading through your core and coating your walls. Hanta releases your legs and lays on top of you, sweaty bodies pressed together until he comes down from his high.
“That was so amazing, angel. You were so good for me. Such a pretty baby, all mine...” He pulls back to kiss your temple and rolls over, petting your hair and lightly scratching your back.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me... I always want to be yours.” You giggle, bubbly at his claim on you and still buzzing from your high. You curl up into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and holding him close. “Mine.”
“Mmhmm, all yours.” He breathes a chuckle and places a kiss to your hairline. “I’m glad I can warm you up, lovebug.” He smiles as your breathing evens out, falling asleep with you in his arms.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heat-seekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale?
There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favourites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…
Learn about International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Did you know that people have been using hot spices in their meals and recipes for more than 6,000 years? It seems that we have always loved a bit of spice! If you are a fan of curry or you love a bag of Flamin’ Hot Doritos, you’re definitely going to enjoy this day, as you’re encouraged to add some spicy food to your daily diet. There are so many different types of spices that are used to create hot and spicy foods today. This includes everything from hot chilli powder to paprika and cumin. Today is all about celebrating these spices. After all, our diet would be pretty boring without them, right?
History of International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Hot and spicy food has been traced back to recipes that are as old as 6,000 years! That’s a long time ago! While the dishes that we enjoy today may have changed, there is no denying that we still love spicy food. Not only has spicy food been adored for so long because it tastes incredible, but also because it offers a number of different health benefits as well.
Spices can help to kill bacteria. The likes of turmeric and cumin have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This means that they can be effective in terms of fighting any of the harmful bacteria in your body. Spices can also assist in fighting inflammation too. In Ayurvedic medicine, the inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger have been utilized for many centuries as a treatment for a number of different conditions, such as headaches, autoimmune disorders, and arthritis.
Spicy foods can also help to speed your metabolism up. There has been data drawn from a number of different studies that show that certain species, like pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin are able to slow down your appetite and increase your metabolic resting rate. Who knew that spices were so powerful?
How to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
When we think about hot and spicy food, we tend to think about Asian cuisine. You will see that chillis are regularly used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cooking. Why not host a themed night and have your friends and family around? There are plenty of different dishes that you can enjoy, ensuring that everything is not simply designed to blow people’s taste buds off!
If you are looking for the spiciest cuisine in the world, you may want to try Sichuan. It is a cuisine that is well known for its bold flavors. The spiciness of the food is what draws a lot of people in. However, it’s not just about heat, heat, and more heat! There are lots of exciting flavors in Sichuan food, and so you really are going to have an amazing taste experience with this cuisine. You could either try to cook some Sichuan food yourself or go to an authentic restaurant.
As the name indicates, this is a type of food that has come from China’s Sichuan Province. The provincial capital of Sichuan is called Chengdu, and it is actually deemed one of the best places in the whole country for food. It has an excellent reputation for fiery hot pots and spicy dishes. There are lots of exciting street snacks to try here too, with everything from savoury jelly noodles to poached wontons.
When people talk about Sichuan food, they tend to only focus on the heat. However, it is much more exciting than that. This is because the cuisine consists of seven basic flavors, which are as follows: aromatic, salty, hot, sour, sweet, bitter, and pungent. Therefore, you really are going to enjoy some exciting food. Of course, chilies are at the heart of the meals cooked. From pickled chilies, to fresh chillies, to dry chilies; they are all incorporated.
In fact, apart from enjoying some delicious hot and spicy food on this day, another thing you can do is learn more about the different chilies that are available around the world. There are so many different types, including Carolina Reapers, Ghost Peppers, Habanero, Red Cayenne Pepper, Serrano, Guajillo, Poblano, Peppadew, and much more. They all bring a different level of heat and a different type of flavor to dishes. It is definitely interesting to learn more about the different options that are out there, and we are sure that it will enhance your cooking skills as well!
Another fun way to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day are by having a cook-off with your friends. Invite a few of your loved ones over and see who can create the best hot and spicy dish! It is always fun to do something a bit different with the ones that you love, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to do exactly that!
You can all have fun trying out each other’s different creations. They may be a few disasters along the way, but that simply adds to the fun of it, right? If you are feeling brave, you could even have a chilli eating competition. You will need to get some different chillis and find out how they rank on the heat scale. You can then find out who is able to handle the most heat! Make sure you have got plenty of water on hand!
Of course, you don’t need to go all out and become the next Masterchef on International Hot and Spicy Foods Day if you don’t want to! There are plenty of different ways that you can embrace some spice without needing to cook a complex meal. We all know that a pepperoni pizza will go down well in most homes! You could add a few jalapenos to your burger or fajitas in honor of this day! Other easy dishes that will ensure you are part of the trend include spicy meatballs and spicy Mexican pasta salad. You can turn anything into a spicy dish with the right seasoning!
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reluctanx · 3 years
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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝘿: neito monoma, itsuka kendo, sen kaibara, ibara shiozaki, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, reiko yanagi, setsuna tokage
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 (𝙎) : n/a [?]
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-Neito Monoma
!! 🧺 | he’s actually very sweet, just a bit playful with you
!! 🧺 | he cracks joke just to make you laugh because your smile means EVERYTHING to him
!! 🧺 | i’m pretty sure he’s a nerd at color theory and would ALWAYS point out how beautiful your eyes are. even if it has a darker shade, he just knows that it’s a beautiful color that he loves so much
!! 🧺 | he doesn’t let other people touch his bunnies besides kendo, you may also be the exception
!! 🧺 | overly dramatic because he knows you can’t possibly, truly handle his bullshit
!! 🧺 | his teenager crush on you is so adorable, because he’s always in denial. or refuses to admit he have a crush on you
!! 🧺 | seeing that you’re not comparing him to a villain because of his quirk, wether it’s a joke or not. you automatically gain a part of his trust and respect. deadass
!! 🧺 | he bullies people for a reason, and you better deal with that
!! 🧺 | very argumentative, trying to fight with him with controversial topics is useless
!! 🧺 | LET. HIM. TOUCH. YO. HAIR………. pls
!! 🧺 | even if he tries, he can’t keep up late at night. HE WILL fall asleep, so sometimes you’ll be left on read accidentally-
!! 🧺 | when texting… he’s a total different person omg
!! 🧺 | no because if your seat is next to his, he will pass you the answers for the math exam.. (don’t lie, i know you’re a total dogshit at this subject. )
!! 🧺 | he’s a real big fan of Vlad king so you better be prepared seeing some of his merch in his closet
!! 🧺 | seeing you in his clothes makes him feel weird. he’ll try to make fun of you but he’s just really flustered to look at cha’ i swear
!! 🧺 | it’s rare to see him swear, so when he do so.. dear god..
!! 🧺 | “you love me o’ sooo much it makes you look stupid.”
!! 🧺 | “don’t tell kendo about this, but i like you. for real.”
!! 🧺 | pronouns first with this man, pronouns = priority, pronouns respected. period.
!! 🧺 | he would be such a simp for you..
!! 🧺 | not obsessive or possesive, per se just jealous in a healthy way
!! 🧺 | “i’m literally a low quality version of bakugo.”
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-Itsuka Kendo
!! 🧸 | she acts like your big sister sometimes.
!! 🧸 | she’s so shy and intimidated when she gets to date you bro..
!! 🧸 | your hero name? your hero costume? gives no shit, she find everything about you AMAZING.
!! 🧸 | you’re the little spoon, don’t prove me wrong, you’re the little spoon
!! 🧸 | she finds you so cute (especially if you have chubby cheeks, cause like uuuUhhh…)
!! 🧸 | she dresses you up when ya’ll get a girl days
!! 🧸 | she doesn’t know how to cook, depending on your cooking skills; either you get to cook or ya’ll order sum shit idk
!! 🧸 | she have a whole romantic cottagecore playlist dedicated for you whenever she thinks about you i swear.
!! 🧸 | you participates in her activity of : “knocking-down-neito-whenever-hes-been-an-ass”
!! 🧸 | can’t even afford to scold you the first time ya’ll meet, you’re so beautiful *sob sob*
!! 🧸 | if you’re in a social group space, you’re her favourite person, ya’ll are the duo of the friend group
!! 🧸 | “can’t sleep? that’s okay me too.”
!! 🧸 | picky, very picky eater. ya’ll may have trouble ordering something.
!! 🧸 | you’re the ticklish person, she’s the tickler. if you’re not, she’ll helplessly try to tickle you..-
!! 🧸 | “SPIDER, SPIDER!!”
!! 🧸 | your luck booster, i stg
!! 🧸 | she likes seeing you with fake cat ears, you look so adorable in her perspective
!! 🧸 | fast typer when texting.
!! 🧸 | you’re her angel, you are.
!! 🧸 | wants to be a make-up artist somedays.. so you better be ready and prepare to be a mannequin.
!! 🧸 | “you’re so weird *faces you* you’re so weird.”
!! 🧸 | she wants to be a princess, your princess
!! 🧸 | “why are you so pretty 🥺’
!! 🧸 | cottagecore lesbians :)
!! 🧸 | holding your hands + kisses + pecks on the lips, physical affection <<<<<<<<
!! 🧸 | gives you her stuffies, trust me she have LOADS of stuffies
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Sen Kaibara
!! 📢 | you don’t understand, the amount of love he holds for you is HUGE!
!! 📢 | fairly confident when he’s fighting by your side, you give him confidence..
!! 📢 | bad habits to compare your beauty with his
!! 📢 | trying to make him blush? oh honey, you don’t have to try once you have a relationship with him..
!! 📢 | his smile <<<<<<<<<<<<<
!! 📢 | usually quiet but tends to be talkative ONLY to you
!! 📢 | his heart beats faster and faster when you get close to him, but his face says 😐
!! 📢 | “kiss me already, dummy”
!! 📢 | really likes anime actually, ya’ll watch animes or read mangas sometimes :)
!! 📢 | *strokes strokes, scrubs scrubs your hair gently*
!! 📢 | thinks you look so cute in his clothes but doesn’t mention it
!! 📢 | secretly tries to get one of the things you crave for (an item, celebrity’s autograph idk sum shit)
!! 📢 | mockery against you? not on his watch.
!! 📢 | his love language is physical touch *sobs sobs*
!! 📢 | rubs your hand gently to calm you down when you feel anxious
!! 📢 | old times french love songs of edith piaf is his jam..
!! 📢 | hopeless romantic :c
!! 📢 | insecure? not on his watch,
!! 📢 | gives you his juice box to you and only to you
!! 📢 | you’re his first kiss
!! 📢 | the type to put your hair behind your ears
!! 📢 | “you’re my everything..”
!! 📢 | loves to feel euphoric, you make him euphoric
!! 📢 | you get the blower during summer lmao
!! 📢 | buys you loads of icecreams during summer
!! 📢 | go to the heater side during winter, right now, right here.
!! 📢 | everything you ask somethinh, he’ll answer instantly
!! 📢 | want something? dont worry, sen gotchu’
!! 📢 | SIMP
!! 📢 | wants to be someone truly meaningful to you
!! 📢 | you make him feel special for doing literally nothing
!! 📢 | he loves you, so so much.
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Ibara Shiozaki
!! 🌱| literally the momo yaoyorazu of class 1-b but more theatrical
!! 🌱| you kinda just already knew that she have a preference for girls
!! 🌱| “mo- mother nature? what kind of silly things are you spouting out of that mouth of yours…”
!! 🌱| you are literally babied by her
!! 🌱| good baker and easily make your favorite dish/dessert
!! 🌱| you’re her top priority, and she carefully pays attention to you. deadass, she’s the type to wipe your mouth with her favorite tissue while she’s talking about a serious matter with her teamates bro
!! 🌱| she’s such a nerd in the rom-com industry, and gets pretty shy when you proceed to do something that is similar to a scene about one of her few rom-com movies. (ex: kadebon)
!! 🌱| she laughs so easily..
!! 🌱| “you’re so precious.”
!! 🌱| she showed all the symptoms of “crushing” back then, and you already knew that.
!! 🌱| everytime you hype her up, she smiles widely
!! 🌱| she’s so gift giving, she can’t leave you without giving you a gift first
!! 🌱| all the gifts you gave her stays safe and sound in her room
!! 🌱| “i might never be your hero, but i’ll be the winner of your heart.”
!! 🌱| she wants you to wear her clothes so ya’ll can match :)
!! 🌱| she’s quite wealthy, so she buys you some expensive gifts that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| always wrap her arms around you everywhere
!! 🌱| teases you but a lot
!! 🌱| she likes to do gardening stuff with you
!! 🌱| full knowledge on plants, every flowers she offers you was because of a characteristic that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| her efforts to be committed in your relationship is so visible
!! 🌱| always slips a little ‘I love you” everydays
!! 🌱| your love, affection and attention is enough to repay her for her consistent efforts.
!! 🌱| gets easily jealous but tries to hide it, but you obviously can tell due to her uncontrollable blush
!! 🌱| as she is so gift giving, you’ll try to argue with her saying she doesn’t need to give her this much gifts
!! 🌱| she gets overwhelmed when you make out of an exam/mission
!! 🌱| loves to give you a head massage while reading a book
!! 🌱| come and stargaze with her >:|
!! 🌱| kisses the back of your hand
!! 🌱| show you off when she have the chance to
!! 🌱| compared to what you may have assumed, she puts a lot of trust in her words when showin’ you off.
!! 🌱| “everyday and everynight, you make me happy just by thinking of your silly little face.”
!! 🌱| she felt insecure about her hair, so the fact that you had he audacity to pet her head made her fall inlove with you.
!! 🌱| gets genuinely confused when you laugh at her dramatic behavior
!! 🌱| her humor is kinda bad, so she may laugh at the stupidest thing ever
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Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
!! 🦈| oh boy, everything would be so wild with him
!! 🦈| you cannot leave the room without giving him a hug first
!! 🦈| awkward, like really
!! 🦈| “you’re the most coolest— beautifulest—…uuh.. person!”
!! 🦈| doesn’t academically succeed a lot, but puts a lot of efforts in his works. every praises you give him makes him smile
!! 🦈| makes you laugh without him knowing
!! 🦈| please, he probably starts to laugh when you start talking too fast because he doesn’t understand-
!! 🦈| in summer, he turns his arms into steel so you can grip against it (since steel is usually cold)
!! 🦈| probably have adhd
!! 🦈| loves to caress your cheeks
!! 🦈| sometimes kisses your little fingers for fun
!! 🦈| buddies to lover trope :D
!! 🦈| uses kaomoji than emojis
!! 🦈| his favorite song is teenage dirtbag
!! 🦈| he requires a good listener as his s/o, because he is a very talkative person and bring numerous topics and persons at the same time when talking to him
!! 🦈| “you’re extra-beautiful..”
!! 🦈| offers a fish related plushie
!! 🦈| shows off his abs for you
!! 🦈| two dumb hoes doing shit trope
!! 🦈| “you kinda remind me of an otter..?
!! 🦈| “wanna be a teenage dirtbag with me?”
!! 🦈| he calls you the popular girl of the school for a reason.. 😭
!! 🦈| calls you tetsutetsu junior when you wear his clothes
!! 🦈| openly admit that ya’ll are in a relationship to everyone
!! 🦈| is actually ticklish himself-
!! 🦈| loves to kiss your forehead
!! 🦈| loves to point out how cute you are
!! 🦈| definitely introduces you to fatgum and kirishima
!! 🦈| he can’t really came up with a petname.. so he’ll give you stupid ones
!! 🦈| as you can tell, he’s clearly not experienced but he tries, for you :)
!! 🦈| okay but power couple
!! 🦈| “if you steal the blankets, i am about to put my cold feets on you.”
!! 🦈| gets out of hands when he’s too excited
!! 🦈| gives you back hugs when you’re not feeling well
!! 🦈| best caregiver 🥺
!! 🦈| adores you
!! 🦈| play games with you :)
!! 🦈| sends you stupid note under the door whenever you’re taking a shit-
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Reiko Yanagi
!! 👻|| you managed to get on her soft side when you told her that she wasn’t weird in any ways
!! 👻|| very quiet and patient with you
!! 👻|| really doesn’t wish to disturb or scare you, but she can’t let go of you — you were so nice
!! 👻|| when you tease her.. she’s a blushing mess
!! 👻|| you’re the only person she hangs most of her time with
!! 👻||she thinks that you’re so, so cool.
!! 👻|| doesn’t know how to react to all of your compliments, just knows how to cuddle
!! 👻|| she makes you listen to her favorite genre of music
!! 👻|| she tries her best to make your relationship with her dynamic as possible!
!! 👻|| with that say, praising is one of her top quality
!! 👻|| as much as she doesn’t know how to handle your praise, she can slap you back with her
!! 👻||”hey.. how abour we kiss? uh- um.. if- if you want to.”
!! 👻|| is actually a good kisser-
!! 👻|| her only way to calm you down was to kiss you when you get overwhelmed
!! 👻|| reiko is a really good listener and would literally listen to your 5 hours long story as she stare at you the whole time
!! 👻|| when you mention that her bags were really cool… good job bro, now she loves you
!! 👻|| unexpectedly good in video games
!! 👻|| “w-whoa.. i didn’t expected you to wear my clothes..you look adorable..”
!! 👻|| gets truly passionate when talking about paranormal facts
!! 👻|| she loves to play with the strands of your hair
!! 👻|| quality time <<<<<<<<
!! 👻|| would always remind you how beautiful you are
!! 👻|| once you have her sweater wrapped around your body, it’s officially yours now because she says so
!! 👻|| soft spokesperson with you bro..
!! 👻|| seems more confident when texting
!! 👻|| she loves taking pictures of you
!! 👻|| she probably wanted to make you visit the beach during the sunset
!! 👻|| she’s so proud of you..
!! 👻|| “oh, you deserve all of the praises of the world.”
!! 👻|| can’t even look at you in the eyes,, you’re so CUTE!!
!! 👻|| never leave you alone, never will or would
!! 👻|| always grips on your shirt so that you don’t get to be lost in a mission
!! 👻|| regularly checks up on you
!! 👻|| gives you LOADS of snacks during lunch
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Setsuna Tokage
!! 🐊| literally takes you out everywhere on ya’ll date
!! 🐊| don’t be shy, skateboard with her
!! 🐊| literally asks to be partnered up with you during the sport festivals
!! 🐊| will do everything for you
!! 🐊| have a reptile pet, you’re the only person knowing about that
!! 🐊| “my sweet sweet pumpkin pie!”
!! 🐊| “let me kiss you until you can’t handle me anymore, darling.”
!! 🐊| she loves snuggling to your neck and leave soft kisses
!! 🐊| eyes contact is important
!! 🐊| you’re her favourite person
!! 🐊| ya’ll be ruining your sleep schedule for each other
!! 🐊| you guys always wear something that matches with the other (a hat, item, shirt.. etc.)
!! 🐊| setsuna announces her relationship with you to the class as if she proposed to you in a mariage
aight ya’ll, bye!
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