#it generally annoys me when im shorter than most people
the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 11 months
I am shorter than valkyrie and this annoys me greatly.
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despairots · 6 months
uhmuhm! can i be smile anon!!
i have a silly request, you dont have to write if you aren't taking requests but like,, gojou with like some kind of makima vessel reader
like how they would get along and stuff ^_^
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#BITE ME, g. satoru!
you weren’t known by gojo until you were introduced. surprisingly enough, he wasn’t the only one with charming eyes (and terrifying powers).
content warning: swearing, r! has makima’s abilities and eyes but they don’t necessarily look like her, gender neutral! reader, r! wears a white button up with a black tie, a black blazer hung around their shoulders, black dress pants and a bandage wrapped around their neck (honestly like 15! dazai), etc.
authors note: u absolutely can!!! <3 my requests arent open but i really liked this request :3 im sorry if this is bad or not exactly what u want but i tried :( and so sorry this is late!!
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knowingly enough, gojo satoru was known to be charmed and blessed with eyes that most people swoon for ever since he was a child. not only blessed with charming eyes but finally born with both limitless and six eyes, the first one in 500 years.
because of that, he was spoiled rotten (how horrible!) but no one can deny that he didn’t deserve it. after all, after 500 years of the gojo clan producing, they finally got a kid who changed the balance of the world.
after he turned the rip age of 28, he noticed a person always wake by his classroom with a man beside them. the one thing that caught his attention, was the energy they gave off.
not once did he notice the eyes that pierced through his black blindfolds.
the first time he was formally introduced to them, was that one time where nobara was introduced to megumi and yuuji. he didn’t notice it as first but he realized you were the person walking pass his classroom all the time.
time for the friendship headcanons!
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at first, gojo’s first impression of you, was how calm and collected your composure was with some joking antics here and there. you were mostly there just in case gojo wasn’t able to be there with them.
in general, gojo thought you were trying to compete with him because of how you came close to strongest sorcerer (selfish).
i don’t have a grasp understanding of how you two became friends, actually… i don’t think you would necessarily be friends, more like people who trust eachother, have eachothers back and holding respect for each but at the same time, you two don’t trust eachother.
it’s a weird friendship, though, sometimes you two got along, talking and joking around. the next thing you know, you two are ignoring eachother like you never even knew the other.
the concept of friends didn’t scream anything to you, friends didn’t come close to you with how you picture him. in shorter terms, you saw most people like pawns, a means to your plans. gojo was just there.
most of the times, he annoyed you a lot, you could see the way nanami didn’t want to step an inch to gojo (considering how he’s younger than gojo, yet looks older then him. how odd?).
despite everything you two go through as teachers and partners, there are no growth in your “friendship”, as both of your students call it. it’s not what you’re expecting but from the beginning, gojo has had an off feeling about you.
the first time gojo witnessed your technique, was during the shibuya arc; where he massacred a bunch of transfigured humans. you were there helping him, after all, what type of person would you be?
as i said, even though you’re not necessarily friends, you two still have eachothers back.
when time passes, there was a feeling in your stomach whenever you would hang around with gojo, that shoko would explain to you as ‘fondness’.
he was starting to look more like a friend than just a pawn, a nauseous (that didn’t change actually). though, he doesn’t automatically get a pass because the two of you started to call eachother actually friends.
the trio saw the way you two were always with eachother, technically glued to eachothers side and always being there for the other.
gojo, still ever being hungover his ex, saw just a glimpse of him in you, that was partially the reason why he grew closer to you but at the same time, he grew worried that something might happen to you.
without a doubt, even though he’s a complete cocky, egotistical, idiot of a man, his one weakness is his big heart. that’s the first thing you noticed about him. it wasn’t his looks, his energy, or how he was the strongest, it was his big heart that he so desperately tried to hide away.
there’s development to both parties.
you, started to think of him like an actual friend, someone you cared about, and no doubt about it, someone you would sulk over if he ever disappeared.
gojo, who— praying to the lord— for once, will try to get over his ex when he’s with you, there’s something about you that makes everything that’s happening disappear, he needs comfort, you provide that to him.
oh boy. why would you ever date him?
how did you even start dating him?
yet again, i don’t have a grasp understanding on how the dating started but i could give a brief explanation of how the feelings developed from there on.
the fondness you get from being around him developed into something where, if he ever got hurt or someone said something to him, you would go ballistic.
he’s someone you genuinely started to cherish and for someone to say or do anything to him would send you to a toxic state. it’ll have him a lot of time to convince you not to harm this person or curse.
eventually, the feelings than letter on developed into, again, what shoko would explain to you, as love. you had rejected the idea of love for ages because you thought you weren’t able to ever feel it. gojo proved that wrong.
gojo’s a nauseous to be around, but knowing him for quite some time made him into a pleasing nauseous. gojo started to pick up that your starting to enjoy bringing around him that he started to tease you about it.
you wouldn’t lie and say the teasing was annoying, it was but it wasn’t the same annoying as before.
when gojo started to fall for you, he quickly tried to bury it before it got out of hand. remember that breakup scene at the kfc? yeah… he doesn’t want that again. let alone fall in love again.
he already lost geto, he can’t lose you. everything he’s ever loved and didn’t want to lose, is lost the moment he gains it.
though, he’d drop signs, massive signs or just small signs, they’re there. even though of what i just said, he’s whipped for you. so down horrendous, my lord.
when you two do get in a relationship, gojo’s touch starved and it shows. he needs to have some sort of contact with you or he’ll sulk in a corner. for a matter of fact, if he doesn’t get atleast 5 kisses each day, he’ll ignore you out of spite until you do kiss him. that’s when he gives you a kiss attack.
i won’t go deep into the intimate details, you can dream about those yourself but i will say, he’s fucking crazy in there (and so are you!)
you’re absolutely spoiled by him, he loves you so why not just give you everything. regardless of that, he knows both of you don’t have enough time, so he tries to make it count by making you happy.
he loves the sparkle in your eye when he surprises you with gifts you adore.
the same goes for you, knowing he’s touch starved, you try and shower him in affection as much as you can before the two of you depart on missions that don’t involve you two partnering up.
knowingly enough, pda is a must in the relationship. though, gojo will stop if you don’t like it, he’s a dick but he’s a good dick (no pun intended).
even though, there’s not enough time and both of your lives are on the line since you’re jujutsu sorcerers, you’re both grateful you had enough time to confess.
oh, and gojo swoons over you, annoying megumi when you’re not there.
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dyeinggoosenoises · 6 months
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
legally, i cant, and i probably wouldnt even if i could
5: Do you take drugs?
nope (im assuming painkillers and stuff dont count)
6: Age you get mistaken for
i have had multiple people think that i was 17. i am not 17. also when i was 12, at least 6 different people asked me if i was 15
7: Have tattoos?
legally, i cant, so no
8: Want any tattoos?
maybe something small when im older
9: Got any piercings?
both my ears are pierced
10: Want any piercings?
i might get another ear piercing when im older
11: Best friend?
a girl from pathfinders :]
12: Relationship status
taken by the most amazing person in the entire world
13: Biggest turn ons
them being taller than me
14: Biggest turn offs
just generally being rude
15: Favorite movie
the princess bride!!
16: I’ll love you if
uh. idk. you make me tea
17: Someone you miss
my best friend. i wont see her till next wednesday :(
18: Most traumatic experience
witnessing a car crash
19: A fact about your personality
i can seem really grumpy before you get to know me
20: What I hate most about myself
there are quite a few things but especially how snappy i get when im overwhelmed bc i really dont want to make someone upset
21: What I love most about myself
my eyes :)
22: What I want to be when I get older
i dont know yet, but id like to study psychology
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
my brother is an irritating little shit and i hate him with all my heart but also i would die for him. my sister is amazing and wonderful and i would also die for her
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
they are by far the biggest assholes in my life but i love them
25: My idea of a perfect date
something cozy and quite, like pizza and a movie, or baking
26: My biggest pet peeves
when they chew with their mouth open
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
taller than me, dark brown hair, blue eyes, absolutely adorable, super sweet, the cutest accent ever, so so lovely
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
5ft3 and yet somehow shorter than me, brown hair with the worst fucking haircut ever, brown eyes, a fucking bitch, the most irritating voice ever
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
i dont lie very often to my friends, mostly just stuff like 'im fine' or 'it doesnt matter'
30: What I hate the most about work/school
oral presentations
31: What your last text message says
uhhh i dont remember and my phones in the other room, but i think it was something along the lines of 'i miss youuuu' to my friend from pathfinders
32: What words upset me the most
'youre annoying' or anything about something im insecure about
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
'i like when you ramble' 'you arent bothering me' or 'i like [something im insecure about]
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
somewhere nearby where i live rn
37: One of my insecurities
my skin and also just how my body looks in general
38: My childhood career choice
i wanted to be a dolphin trainer
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who wish I could be
i dont really want to be anyone else
41: Where I want to be right now
in germany with Blue
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
orcas used to be called 'whale killers' and over time it changed to 'killer whales'
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 4 months
To the person who sent this;
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The ask is just way too long and I don't usually post those. I get a lot of them, but I don't post them because it's kind of annoying and overwhelming. They're also redundant because I know everything you're talking about, I don't need a recount of every jikook interaction since 2020 because I know everything you know too.
I've also already said pretty much everything there is to say about them. I'm sure you can find some answers somewhere here.
In any case, the messages should be shorter next time.
I also wanted to point out how all the times you mention them hanging out, happened after June 2023, which is exactly what I say. That they didn't seem to hang out before that. Why do you think Jimin was seen with Hoseok all the time, they even talked about gaming at night together. They commented on each other stuff on weverse a few times. Jimin was seeing a lot of Yoongi and Hoseok until June 2023, and it showed. Then, Jimin was seeing Taehyung and Jungkook a lot AFTER July 2023, and that also showed when it started happening. Sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
You also didn't know that Jungkook was hooking up with women, and he would've never told you that. Because we were talking about mijoo too, when Jungkook did his vlog about the break in 2019, he only showed himself at the gym. But everyone knows he did a lot more than that, and met many people more apart from his trainer. So, messages like yours are redundant because no, you don't know everything about their lives and that could mean something "good", as well as it could mean something "bad".
Also the last part of this post
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Finally, I said this in another post too, but it didn't look to me like Namjoon and Jungkook were hanging out a lot either, just like he wasn't seeing Yoongi or Hoseok everyday. And I still believed they were all friends and loved each other. It's exactly the same with jikook. Them not hanging out regularly didn't make them enemies, it just made them not a couple. I don't think it's that hard to understand 😭
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swervestrickland · 1 year
Eddie is right and the favoritism is insane and champ MJF got really old really fast there’s no need to shove him down our throats every twenty minutes and people say ‘well that’s the difference between a babyface and a heel champion’ but that’s also bs cause Rosa and Hangman we’re both baby faces and it’s like aew couldn’t WAIT to take the titles off them and I’ll never forgive them for that
i understand a babyface champ having shorter reigns than heel champs. i really do. babyfaces will always be more interesting when they are chasing a goal. they thrive in suffering. whereas a heel champ’s journey to a belt usually happens in a shorter time (for various reasons - cheating or a general higher brutality than most babyfaces), so it makes sense that their reign be longer so they can be funny and mean and shove it in everyone else’s faces. but oh my god there are other people on the show.
and now that i say this, im reminded of sami and roman. they tend to have like, three to four segments per show? but the difference is the story is actually fucking interesting. granted tho, sometimes they gratuitously show them more, but the segments are short. the most interesting thing max did on wednesday was beat takeshita. that match was fabulous. i didnt need anything else. i sure as hell didnt need the backstage segment to be as LONG as it was. its just driving me crazy. im just getting annoyed at how long winded he’s getting without him actually telling me anything that drives anything forward.
im sorry to anyone that’s enjoying it, but im just getting annoyed. i know im biased though, so don’t take me as a credible source.
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n7punk · 2 years
We’re stl here! She ra fans are still here!! YOUR fans are still here and not going anywhere! I think a lot of fans are just horny and give more engagement for rated E stuff lol. Also I (personally) try not to bombard my fav writers when I can tell they have shit going on irl- and I know you have dealt with a lot of sickness/pain lately so I dont want to be annoying! Could be the case for others. But we are here :)
aw i do appreciate it <3 ive been having such issues this year it has shaped.... literally everything, from irl stuff to slowing down my writing and also making interacting hard not just with yall but with my friends and family. sometimes messages stress me because i know i cant answer them (especially when i really want to), but i also like talking to you guys a lot its just very difficult at times. ive been having an extended episode for like three weeks now so thats. fun and easy. but! honestly its good to hear that and it is very kind of you <3 rn im on the border where im a little incomprehensible but feeling good enough to kinda ramble.
i feel like i keep mentioning the fandom "shrinking" but honestly i usually bring it up because i know it discourages new people who want to start making art or w/e for catradora and feel like "they missed their chance" but like yeah, youre exactly right, we're still here! if you're interested in catradora, you WILL find other people who still are and we're glad to have you (two cakes, etc).
i don't think the catradora fandom is small by any means, or even shrinking fast, it is just a fact that we used to be very high on the list of top ships, and now we're number 38 - still a big number despite the difference (ive never been in a fandom that ranked before im sure). which is why i brought it up for locked fics now seeing more "engagement" loss than before and part of my motivation to keep working on my stories comes from you guys! because im adhd and struggle with motivation/staying on task lol, so if i cant do something quickly (which hasnt been possible for like a year, you might noticed some of my "long fics" this year are shorter than years previous, though thats also story differences. look at SaD, which i thought would be short, and, well....), hearing other people be invested in it helps to stir up my own investment and keep me going so that was the reason it was a con i had to weigh despite generally focusing on what i like to write/read (side adhd tangent, i love how i started in my fics being like "well i could write adora as adhd or autistic but i worry about my outside perspective" and even worrying about how i do autistic representation to now knowing full well im both and gaining a deeper understanding of my life from it /end). i do think the lock will be very temporary (most likely because the damage is done, but hopefully because of some improvement/we find something new)
i did not mean to harp more on that and i think this will be the last time i mention it im just very rambling right now. anyway this message was sweet and i appreciate you <3
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Get to know the author!
name : Bambi or Eden, most people know me by Bambi
pronouns :  she/her/hers
preference of communication : with the recent layout, probably d.iscord, but I'm open to discussion in the ims. I don't like to communicate through asks because its unreliable.
most active muse :  lt changes all the time, honestly, but usually Astrid, Sean, Cassie.
experience / how many years :  2018 on tumblr, but I've been rping since I was 10 on other platforms.
best experience : Too many to name.
rp pet peeves : I don't necessarily have a lot of pet peeves, but perhaps not giving me much to work with, anon hate, oc and female muse hate, and how sometimes single ship muses are treated. I know the ac fandom and rpc is really small and basically inactive, but I saw a huge dip in activity for Jacob when I made him single ship when the ac rpc was more active. I get it that people want to ship. I do have characters I would like to ship with, but it just got annoying to me on how Jacob was so full of activity, but when I switched him to be single ship, he had like no activity. It just kind of showed me that some people were only into Jacob for shipping purposes when he had all this development and thought I put into him. It just felt really unfair to me. This isn't really the case recently with him, but its just what I noticed.
fluff, angst, or smut : I enjoy all three, honestly. It just depends on the muse. For angst, it might take me a bit to get to things because I need to be in the right headspace and mood for it. I use all three for character development and exploration.
plots or memes :  I haven't been into memes so much, more into continuing them from others because I've been trying to focus more on my drafts. So plots? Maybe? Memes can be a really good ice breaker and a good start to a thread that can be added and worked upon.
long or short replies :  My replies tend to be long, but really long replies can take a while for me to get to because it just takes a lot out of me energy-wise. So those threads are often tackled later. Probably a good medium between short and long? I don't really write stuff shorter than two paragraphs.
time to write:  Recently, day time, but usually whenever I'm not absolutely tired.
are you like your muses : I wish tbh. A lot of the time I pick a muse that is so different from me, or have traits I wish I had. I wish I had Sean's charisma and confidence. I wish I had Evie's intelligence and bravery. I wish I had Hewlett's perseverance. In general, I'm most like Cassie with some of my family dynamics (hers are very, very extreme), some of her traits, and her predicament in life in trying to understand herself and finding connection with others. But I also wish I was more like Cassie.
tagged by: stole it
tagging: Whoever wants to!
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novieight · 2 years
writing random self insert imagines because i feel like it
oh yeahhhhhh
me getting overwhelmed and overstimulated at school by all of the people im not necessarily friends with so then callie whisks me away to a quiet place and helps me calm down
marie learning my favorite slow and soft vocaloid songs (meteor, deep sea girl, etc) so that we can sing together
pearl teasing me about my height (im two inches shorter than her; shes canonically 4'9 and im 4'7) but if i get too annoyed then she picks me up to make me feel taller
celebrating christmas with all of the idols (just generally, i would love that not even going into detail)
marina caring for me when im sick (im currently sick right now lol) and she keeps me company and makes sure im not in too much pain
big hugs from big man
frye beats me in tableturf so in order for me to get er back i have her play project diva and i easily win with the higher scores
shiver finds me crying and comforts me with lots of hugs and tickly back rubs and tells me im good enough and makes me feel like im deserving of love
bo letting me rant about vocaloid
callie calming me down during a breakdown/flashbacks
cheer up/reward tickles from literally anyone
kisses from callie
getting frye to let me sneak into the studio during a recording session of anarchy splatcast
tough love from captain 3
goofing off with agent 4 and agent 8
harmony showing me some old vinyls she has and letting me listen to them
pearl lets me look at her princess canon up close
eel taming lessons from frye
on october 14 all of the idols comfort me all day from the time i wake up till when i go to sleep (one of the most traumatizing and haunting events in my life happened on that day)
raina hugging me and playing with my hair
whenever i cant sleep pearl and marina will softly sing into the light to help me sleep and if i cry (it gets me emotional) then they just continue to comfort and cuddle me
platonic cheek kisses from shiver
dancing and hopping around with big man
just being with callie under any circumstance
i dont have obsession problems
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areislol · 2 years
♡ scaramouche having a shy! s/o
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are u sure u can put up with this teasing bastard?
• poor u.. what have u gotten urself into? • either way, u HAVE to be grateful bc ur "lord" accepted ur confession or u accepted his confession.. but enough abt that. • scaramouche will always tease u, no matter where, what time or whoever's next to u guys. • scara teases u a bit too much that it's kind of a habit now. he'll just say the most stupid thing to u and it somehow makes u red? like what? he'll just stare at u, but then he'll suddenly start to smile evilly at u. • u just stare in horror at this man lolll.. • anyways, he loves it when u shriek or yelp when he touches u, even when both of ur hands slightly touch each other, u begin to turn red as hell and scara just smirks at u.. • i feel like he would count how many times he makes u red/flustered • if he gets over 20, he expects u to kiss him on the lips as a "reward" • he lets u wear his hat in private, tho u might need help on asking scara.. • when ur feeing uncomfortable and scara's right next to u - u kinda just grab onto his arm and his first reaction is " girl wtf is u doing?" and is obviously annoyed at u(totally) but when he looks up and sees a person looking down at u in a.. weird way he understands • ur kinda just, trembling? and scaramouche is off with his duty(menacingly glaring at the poor person) and comes back to u with some food • most times, u hide behind scara whenever ur feeling uneasy. even if ur shorter or taller than him it doesn't matter at all. • he reassures u in a way, he just slowly and carefully caress ur arm and look at u, he has a soft look on his face WHICH u can only really see. everybody else thinks that he's just glaring at u but nope! opposite :) • he LOVESSS to see u all red!! it makes scara even MORE motivated to get u all flustered more often. • if u get TOO shy and flustered ur limbs will go limp and u just kinda fall on the floor? scaramouche stares at u and kinda gives u the "get up?? what r u doing on the floor??" look but in the end he helps u get up. • look, scaramouche can't rlly read emotions so whenever u wanna say something but the words just dont come out - scaramouche CAN notice u struggling cuz?? he can. • he'll speak for u. but will say the wrong stuff even though he knows what u want to say by the look of ur face. • "y/n wants u to go home." "what??? how would U know?" "are u stupid? im her L O V E R dumbass. now shoo." and when he says 'lover' he says it slowly and makes sure that ,that dumbass knows what he said. • u stifle a laugh.. • he kinda smiles cuz u laughed? idk man he just loves u sm • will be "annoyed" if u can't stand up for urself or say "no" but he understands( a bit.), he'll make u somehow confident in urself? • "listen y/n. i wont always be here to help u so HERE - i'll be giving u a teacher to help u say "no" or "go away", got it? or do you want me to teach u?" • u just sit there, like what? • but u reluctantly agree.. and to say the least, u do learn how to say no! it's not that u can't actually speak - ur just a bit shy when it comes to speaking in front of many people or just saying stuff in general. • he will never push u tho <3
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a/n: if u enjoyed this pls check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated.
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coolest-in-chaldea · 3 years
hello! im quite excited for this blog fate fic blogs are quite hard to find may i have some headcanons of merlin realizing he has fallen in love and what a relationship would be like hopefully thats okay good luck with the blog!
Merlin Realizing He’s In Love Headcanons
note: hi! thanks so much for being the first request ever sent in!! Sorry this took so long to get to, I’ve been swamped with school and grinding on f/go for daysssss, 90 saint quartz but no 4 or 5 stars 😔💔 also I finally got on my laptop so anon is an option now for anyone wanting to request :D
- Merlin’s vast knowledge of pretty much everything happening at any given time is a little scary, so I don’t think he’s really the type to be dense. I think he’s more likely to pace around and talk to himself for a day or so while ‘deducing’ that his racing heart and flushed face are in fact indicative of falling in love. He’s not super serious like some of the other genius servants, he’s more-so just really awkward at handling social situations since he spent most of his life pretty isolated in his tower.
- Meanwhile, everyone else in chaldea are holding their breaths because the lack of Merlin shenanigans is starting to get suspicious..you and the Camelot servants especially are going ‘awww shit here we go again’ as you anticipate an elaborate scheme to come.
- Merlin definitely isn’t insecure, but I don’t think he’d have any plans of confessing at first because he’s never seriously imagined himself in a relationship. He’s perceptive enough to know that he likes you, but he doesn’t see any significance to it until it starts to get distracting!
- When he eventually starts interacting with you again, he’s 1000% more of a hassle than he usually is. He’s like that one kid in elementary school who just constantly bothers his crush. It doesn’t take long for you to grow tired of Merlin’s 24/7 bs, and when you finally retire to your room for the night you have a frustrated ‘why me?!’ moment. Tbh you’re just trying to figure out what you could’ve possibly done to prompt Merlin’s wrath, but the knights of the round table are painfully aware of why Merlin’s been constantly targeting you.
- Merlin’s an extremely talented mage, and I’m sure he’d switch around or transform some of your things, but I could also see him pulling some of the classic childhood pranks on you with the assistance of magic.
- You’re having a lovely conversation sitting across from Artoria, but when you get up to leave, you immediately trip and faceplant onto the floor. A very concerned Artoria asks if you’re ill and, trying not to lose your cool, you have to explain to her that SOMEONE apparently tied your shoelaces together with an elaborate series of knots in the shape of a flower. There wasn’t anyone else near you, but you both exchange an exasperated look as you know exactly who the culprit is.
- Merlin's flirting is still totally focused on annoying you and/or pissing you off. what can I say? it's just his favorite hobby! He's the type to believe than any attention from you is good attention, so he's more than happy to provoke you in order to put your focus on him. He's not that awful though, and he sticks to being a general nuisance and causing mild inconveniences as opposed to actually harming anyone. He does care a lot about you if he has feelings for you after all, he just has a...funny way of showing it.
- You will constantly be asking yourself 'is Merlin antagonizing me or flirting with me??' (the answer is both btw)
- If you're shorter than Merlin, he always interrupts your conversations by strolling over and using your head as an armrest. If you aren't, sike yes you are actually because the cheeky wizard is now floating to be taller than you >:)
- Merlin has literally zero chill and I think he'd continue to be chaotic af whether he's just crushing on you or you've been dating for years. He probably does like physical contact and cuddling, but he refuses to initiate it like a normal person. He'll eventually get comfortable enough to where he doesn't have to be affectionate via pranks, but don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that Merlin ever gets calm or discreet about it.
- Any time you're sitting on a couch, chair, the floor, or your bed, regardless of what you're doing, he will just come stand next to you and very dramatically fall on top of you (secretly careful not to hurt you of course) and just chill there sprawled over you in whatever ridiculous position you ended up in. If you adjust him to a more comfortable position (his favorites are sitting with his back to your chest and your arms holding him or vice versa and sitting tucked into your side with one of your arms around him and his around your waist) he'll be more than happy to comply, but how you deal with your beloved needy wizard is up to you!
- Tbh I could see a confession going one of two ways, both extremes on opposite ends of a spectrum with no in between. Either
A.) he never officially confesses, but you get the idea and you both come to an agreement of being exclusive to each other (or having communication as partners if you're polyamorous) as well as comfortably doing everything a couple would, just with an official label OR
B.) He's a total showoff and performs the most absurd, elaborate and extreme confession with magic the world has ever seen. I cannot get the thought of those brilliant wizard pronoun images made by iguanamouth out of my head-
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I'm imagining THIS but it's a confession like those 'will you be my date to prom?' signs people make 😳
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onigirisamu · 4 years
Good day!~ Congratulate with new blog! Can I ask you headcanons about being Inarizaki manager and boys are really simp for her?
thank you so much!! this req right up my alley HAHA
𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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pairing: inarizaki x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
a/n: im so sorry hahsjsj i tried to not get carried away hope this is ok??
general hcs:
• inarizaki never had a manager before but the workload for them suddenly became heavier and they decided to go look for one
• honestly they kind of tried looking for someone back then but they had to put it off, turns out most of the people who applied were just the twin's fangirls
• that is until you came along
• you were classmates with suna, you two got along well and was surprised he wasn't annoyed with you yet
• you casually talked to him about all sorts of stuff until you complained about your club shutting down because it lacked members
• "you should be our manager lol" suna jokes
• "wait a minute...you're a genius"
• but you're already running to the gym
• suna groans, sure you weren't a fan girl and was capable of doing job but he low-key didn't want his team mates to hog you
• cuz guess what he's a simp 4 u 😔
• the team that afternoon had a huddle talk with u waiting at the side of the gym
• "suna, that girl, she isn't a fan girl is she?"
• "trust me she isn't one of those idiots"
• WELL if suna says so 🤷🏻‍♀️
• after a trial day of being a manager, they saw that you were really capable and fit for the job so yay
• and after a week in, you were already doting on them like a parent 😭 you were so caring like??
• you would give them back pats after a hard days work and they would just melt ugh you would've given them head pats but you were probably shorter than these giants
• they'd give you the head pats tho!!
• after practice dinner with them at a restaurant is often tho so ur wallet might be dying but this gives them an excuse to spend more time with you
• they would literally help you with anything too, cooking?? kita and osamu got you, lifting something heavy?? aran is already grabbing it from your hands with a kind smile
• you'd make up stupid nicknames for all of them that you thought was cute but they don't mind!!!!! THEY LOVE IT!!!
• you would honestly find so many ways of making them blush for some reason lol like MF BREATHING
• havent they had a female manager/ nonetheless friend before?????? mayhaps
• or it's because they really like u 👁️👄👁️
• when someone makes you cry you bet that that person won't be bothering you again especially if those were the twin's fangirls
• atsumu and his scary aura is already on it
• they're not that great with comforting someone who's been crying but they do try to lighten the mood and your workload by helping you and making funny jokes
• best believe that training camps are the worst, mostly for you
• three words: so much testosterone
• kita is very protective of you, having you in the middle of the team so you won't get lost and hit on by other guys from other schools
• when you finally meet the other managers, you breathe a sigh of relief and join them
• the day goes by and all of you were having dinner, you left your table to get more meat
• "hey, aren't you inarizaki's manager?" he leans in curiously
• you backed away since he was too close to your liking, "aha...yeah i am"
• "oho~ got a boyfriend?"
• a few tables away was your team, watching the uncomfortable exchange between you two, they were silently fuming
• almost all of them walked behind the boy who was making you uncomfortable and suna tapped on his shoulder, they simultaneously glared at him
• "leave her alone"
• he scrambles to leave, hella weirded out by the amount of guys who came up behind him
• you almost cried how they noticed that you were uncomfortable
• HUGS ALL AROUND and a lot of thank yous huhu you were so lucky your boys were there to save you
• maybe suna accidentally joking about you being manager was the best mistake he ever made even if he does have to share the attention with his teammates
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svankmajerbaby · 3 years
ok i absolutely adored west side story, as i knew i would, but as much as i loved it (and its truly a net positive i think, like its mostly just really damn great) i do have a few tiny complaints i want to air because im annoying like that
good ole US perceptions of what latine is came back. now i dont know the ethnic makeup of puerto rico, but as far as i know, like most latinamerican countries, its probably pretty varied in skin colors. and i guess the movie did a pretty good job at that, with a generally good assortment of types in the crowd scenes, and with the casting of magnificent ariana debose as anita (who is almost invariably a darker-skinned woman than whoever is cast as maria, though this is basically a shitty detail that comes all the way from the beginning of the musical's roots. just to keep that in mind). it did become sort of amusing in a way when theres a good amount of background shark members who are pretty white, or at least "white-passing"... and of course rita moreno herself whos pretty white. theres this little moment in which anybody taunts a jet member for being italian, which like. he doesnt look at all different from either the jets Or the sharks. so its clearly not so much an issue of "race" (until it is, of course, when considering that the jets have nobody "less white" than an italian in their ranks while the sharks are a lot more varied) as a cultural one. not to say that the jets arent motivated by xenophobia and discrimination, because they obviously are. but its more like its once again an example of hollywood and US people in general not really getting that latine doesnt mean "brown", like officer krupke says at one point. then again, hes an asshole and an idiot (even if it was toned down a lot from the original 1961 movie), so it figures he wouldnt know the difference.
its obvious to me that spielberg loved this riff actor, mike faist. apparently everyone does and yknow??? i get it. shit, he was amazing and a delight to watch. his physicality, the way he carried himself, even his rather nasal voice somehow made up this character in such a realistic and interesting way. he was great in this, the best male actor in the movie by far. so my issue is... why oh why wasnt bernardo, my beloved, given as much care? i thought david alvarez, bernardos actor, was pretty good too -even though he was given a lot less of a chance to shine. alvarez is kind of the gene kelly to faists fred astaire, being this heavier, shorter guy who still has this massive energy and lightness to him, and especially at the gym dance scene it really showed how amazing he was. america was really ariana deboses number, and i sort of wish it was a bit more split between her and alvarez. apart from that, while alvarez was definitely better in all senses than the other bernardo actor from the 1961 movie, i feel like he was made all the more... unlikable? what with him being a lot more outwardly sexist and having these expectations for anita and maria to what they must do with their lives -anita to be a housewife and give him six kids, for maria to marry a nice puertorrican boy. and i knooow, theres this belief of a certain amount of traditional/conservative mindset expected of latino men, and the jets get a few moments in which they are shown as sexist pricks as well, especially in regards to anybody (my beloved), but its different with bernardo, in a way?? since hes supposed to be madly in love with anita (also boy these two had amazing chemistry) and i sort of hoped they would show how much they respected the other and felt comfortable with the other. i get that its for the end goal of making maria and anita more defiant and proactive by arguing with him and showing they dont take his shit, but like... i dont know. i always loved bernardo and thought he was the most interesting male character in the musical, as someone who both wanted to succeed and move upwards in society while also being homesick for puerto rico, in a way that maybe chino and anita dont quite get. if only there had been a scene between bernardo (also why did nobody call him nardo??? wheres the cute nickname??????????) and chino, talking about their relationship with being immigrants and their expectations of their lives in the US... i dont know, there ws so much untapped potential, and the fact that riff got the chance to be a deeper character and bernardo not, even being given the role of controlling patriarch in the anita-maria-bernardo household... feels not great. i wish kushner would have given my dude some more scenes to truly shine. the moment in which he taunts tony and claims he only wants to date "a brown girl" felt somehow both very in character and also extremely sexist for some reason. i mean, we dont know if hes wrong, but theres still something icky about it all. maybe im just exaggerating but i think its a shame, especially with how in the original 1961 movie bernardo is portrayed as much more level-headed and a more responsable leader to his community. i wanted more of him, generally, and i feel that especially when comparing his screentime to that of riff he really got the short end of the stick.
i love chino!!! so much!!!! and i adore how he was given this little moment in which he told bernardo that he wanted to join the sharks, that he wanted to defend his barrio from the jets. there was something really interesting in how he helped tony push up the gate to enter the rumble place, showing how he has... Had a certain code of ethics, knows the importance of mutual help, and that he wouldnt just fuck him up for being a jet, not at least until they all get in the rumble. and then theres the super cute moment in which he really wants to dance at the gym dance and does this silly little dance thats not half as showy as the one the other sharks are doing... its super sweet and how he actually does want maria to like him even if it seems like he doesnt actually "love" her and its doing it mostly out to please bernardo.... i loved that so much. and his actor (cant remember his name) was great. i love chino so so much and the first half of the movie was just. chefs kiss. each time he showed up i grinned. but then... when bernardo is killed, he kind of does a one-eighty?? like I Get it. they were best friends. chino wants to join the sharks and protect his community. he has a very rigid code of ethics and that probably means he believes in eye for an eye, so it makes sense for him to think, hey, this dude tony should totally get killed and pay for what he did to bernardo. but still... it felt weird?? like there was so little to suggest chino could really be able to go ahead and kill someone. i dont know if there was meant to be a scene in which this was meant to be tackled but was cut, but i really felt that his murderous side came kind of out of nowhere -or, if not nowhere, at least could have been given more room to develop.
lastly, i think this may make me seem crazy since its the accepted take by almost all critics it seems, but i thought *nsel *lgort was pretty damn spot on casting for tony. this comes from someone who finds tony bland at best, and annoying at most, and who Loathes that actor. but, like in baby driver, *lgort made him at Least understandable. its still a goddamn mystery what maria sees in him, but i guess thats one for the ages. the adding of that tiny tiny scene of maria and tony actually having!! a Date!!!! made wonders for me to actually grow to like him. hes still pretty entitled and more than a little bit of an ass, but actually taking maria out to a date, making an effort to learn spanish, having a conversation with her that isnt only declarations of endless love... it just helped me a lot to see them as actual kids in love instead of just romeo and juliet expys who are going through the motions. his development was pretty good, i think, and the adding of both him almost having killed someone else/going to juvie/that being the reason he split from the jets, and of him having valentina as this sort of maternal figure, and of the Cool scene being rewritten to be about him trying to get riff to "cool down" from engaging in the rumble... it was all just excellent, a reminder of how good tony kushner can be as a writer. it just made me a bit more bitter to compare all of this excellent development when compared to my favorites, bernardo and chino :(
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
annoying revali anon again... im sorry but I want to ask more, your post about link's age was really thoughtful, even though most of the info is in the game I didn't think about it and I never saw other people talk about it (even if so many people are always aking guesses about link's age!) so I want to ask, do you know Revali and Sidon's age too... please and thanks...
Ok, Sidon is easy but Revali is a tough one! And I don’t have the time to source properly. I’ve actually been writing a post about the ages of all the relevant BOTW characters (that’s why I had this info at hand for that other Link post too!) but adding quotes, screenshots, etc. takes a lot of time.
So here is a very informal answer until I manage to compile everything:
- Adult Sidon is, canonically, older than 100 (obviously XD) but younger than 130, I estimate around 110ish since we know he’s much younger than Rivan (who’s over 130). Sidon is also canonically considered more on the “young adult Zora” side than on the “middle aged Zora” side (for comparison, Bazz and Gaddison are confirmed middle aged). Zora a bit younger than 100 are more or less already considered adults or late teens (like Dunma) so Sidon might had been an adult for a while. I hope this made sense lol.
Regarding the current twitter drama: Zora mature in a very different way, much slower in general, and not necessarily perfectly proportionally slower than the other races. You can’t equate Zora age to Hylians, don’t ask “would that make Sidon around 23 in human age” that makes no sense... he’s a +100 young adult by Zora standards because he’s a Zora.
- Revali’s most likely just barely an adult, and somewhere around the same age as Link (17-19). For reference, this is everything I had to say about Link’s age / LINK /. Anyway back to Ravioli Pasta Boy, we can only make a good guess about him being around that awkward age between teen and adult. I’ll try to explain as short as possible:
- I’ll start saying that, unlike the case of the Zora, Rito age and life expectancy are the same as for Hylians. We can infer this from Revali’s own dialogue in the Champion’s Ballad, as well as from Creating a Champion. The book also tells us that Kass is considerably older than Teba, but we have nothing to compare them to Revali, that I have found. While the Zora talk a lot about their age (since it’s relevant to Link’s past and his old bonds with them) we have no numbers to compare for the Rito, sorry. STILL, go on and read:
- Revali uses “boku” to refer to himself in Japanese. It would be very awkward for anyone other than a male child/teen to use “boku”. An adult man would use boku in some settings, not in the way Revali does in my opinion (I explain why on this other post) but some people disagree... so I won’t say this is conclusive evidence on it’s own BUT I can stack this hint with the next few ones:
- Urbosa's Diary: “Revali is of the youngest Rito generation” (the diary has different wording in the different localizations but ultimately says that).
- Urbosa’s diary putting Zelda, Link, Revali and Mipha in the same age group (yes, Mipha too, don’t ask me I didn’t write this game lol)
- Revali’s considerably shorter than the other Rito adults (and I’m not even talking about Teba who is actually taller than the other Rito men).
- Other more speculative hints: 
- Revali still has the same face markings as the Rito children. It might be just a design choice but why not mention it. A lot of the stuff in this game is very deliberate, so yeah.
- Revali’s emotional immaturity; 
- The fact that he was designed to be Link’s rival (stated in Creating a Champion); 
- The fact he didn’t have any descendancy, unlike Urbosa or Daruk, even though he loves his homeland and his people so much, he gets along with children, and all he ever wanted was to see the Rito thrive. One would think, he didn’t have the time to have a family :(
- The age gap between Revali and Teba matching the trend of the other co-pilots in which one is an older adult (Urbosa, Daruk, Teba and Sidon) and the other a youngster (Riju, Yunobo, Revali and Mipha). Creating a Champion says Yunobo is “a young adult Goron still growing” and I think all of us can see how that’s very possibly the same case with Link, Revali and Mipha.
- Creating a Champion also highlights how adult/big/confident Teba is that he isn’t bothered at all by criticism, being mostly aware of his own shortcomings, feeling no shame and just working hard. A big contrast with Revali, who while being just as hard working, is a bit of a bratty kid and an overachiever who hates being caught in what he considers “a moment of weakness” (a moment of shame). So, again, deliberate decisions while designing the characters.
I might be missing something big but that’s all for now! I’m confident most of the facts are correct (please notice that I mentioned when I make estimations and when I speculate, versus when I’m giving actual canon data and quoting!). Again, I haven’t put together all my sources yet, the quotes are from memory an paraphrased, double-check before quoting me on this ;D
Also! Do what you want with this info, make your own conclusions. Link and Sidon’s age frames are a bit more restrictive and Zelda literally turned 17 the day of the Calamity (I think the only character with her age set in stone lol), but otherwise the game and book would be like “eh, Riju was designed to look around 12 but Gerudo mature faster... Paya was designed to be around Link’s age, between 18-20... Purah is, uh, 120, kinda......... Link found the Master Sword when he was 12 or 13, maybe........¿¿?...?” like, what do you mean, does Link not fcking remember if he got the sword when he was 12 or 15 lmao!!!! Assholes!!! XD  
So like, yeah ahahahha. You think Revali is 17? The game says Sure Why Not. You say Revali’s 24 and a short king? Perfectly possible too honestly. We stan short King Revali, wow much sass in such smol birb. Big bow go brrrr
Last thing about Teba and Revali because I wanted the Age of Calamity SPOILERSSS at the end: 
 - In Age of Calamity *SPOILERSSS*  Teba’s dad instincts kick in on a couple of occasions... there are many battle combos I haven’t seen yet, but at least once Teba goes to Revali to give some emotional support (in the battle before the last, I think); in another occasion to help him speak his true feelings (as in literally voicing them in Revali’s stead because Teba is that blunt and Revali is... you know, like he is.) As it happens between the other co-pilots, the older one often reassures the younger one (Mipha and Sidon still have an older sister/younger brother dynamic even if Sidon came from the future and is now literally older than her lol so the rule still applies! XD). So again, I feel like the age difference between Teba and Revali is noticeable, even though Teba is still a young dad himself... but I honestly feel that if someone wanted to say both Revali and Teba are like, 25, no one could tell them that the canon says otherwise XD
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night-rhea · 3 years
Sorry, me again! I’m not sure if you’ve done this before, but can I have some general headcanons about Night? I’m really curious about them aaaa
Hii! Dont say sorry my friend its alright! I actually got so happy when i see you here again. Let me tell you few headcanons ✨
-Night has many accessories that were gift from their friends. Mostly rings and earrings because thats what they use most.
-They are not a morning person, almost everyone knows that... But what most people doesnt know is mornings are also the only time Night can be so soft. If you woke them up with soft voice and not in a rush, they will be literally child who looks at you with half open eyes, hugs you if youre close enough and murmurs 'gmornin' while try to sleep more.
-Night likes reading, but not as much as Rowan. When they sit and read together in silence, its always Night who got bored first. Then they will start annoying Rowan just a bit so they can both get up and can go to have some tea.
-I said tea, i should continue from tea. Night is having regular trips to tea shops. They mostly go alone, because that place is their also Legilimency practise place. But if they see you while they were on their way there, they will definitely ask you if you would want to join them. İf you join, im sure Night will be really happy.
-Night's most embarrassed crush was on Felix and that crush actually helped them hide their more real crush on Talbott. Because they really needed to hide it, thanks to their 'trying to help them get together with their first love' friends..
-If youre shorter than Night, they will lovingly bully you. And then will take you on their shoulders make you tall. If youre taller than them, they will keep saying you have no right to be taller than them. Sometimes i myself even dont understand them...
-Sometimes Night forgetswearing their pronoun bracelet or just feel lazy to find it. And when people ask about which one to use they will give creative answers. "Dont use any pronoun for me im not something alive." "Im a dragon today so no talking for me. İm a rawr rawr." "Uuuuuugggghhhhhh*shrugs and put their head on table* i dont knooow." as you can see its mostly happening when they are in full gremlin mood.
I hope you like these! Whenever you want, you can drop by and can even say just hi. I hope you have a good day/night ✨
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Nemo darling! ❤❤❤🥺 hehehe thats height tag is so cursed, freaken exposing how much taller i am than all my best boys //pouts🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 hehehe so here im to spam my favorite cutie❤❤🌈 could i pretty please with sprinkles ontop request a Hc with ma best bois (Theodorkus, Napoleon, Kenshin, annnnd Yuki❤❤❤) reacting to one tall bean s/o🥺❤❤🌻😆 here is some inspiration for ya 😆😳😳😳
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This damn cursed chart! Why can these bois eat more candy to grow big and stong 😆😂😂😂
Hehehe love you lots nemo dear❤❤❤🥺🥺 hope ya getting plenty of sleep and eating all the candy❤❤❤😳
Can’t relate. I never have to worry about someone being shorter than me. 🤩🤩🤩 No, I’m not gonna share my chart with Tumblr. 
Donate some height to the ones in need? 🤪🤪🤪
Also, Zeta-dearest, Theodorkus already got HC’s versus a tall!MC, remember? Though that has been almost a year ago, so ... 🤪🤪🤪
(I also gave him some extra attention to make up for bullying you so much last night, love ya Zeta-darling! 💖💖💖)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire & Ikemen Sengoku
Characters: Theodorus van Gogh, Napoleon Bonaparte, Yukimura Sanada & Kenshin Uesugi 
The modern age came with many advancements that improved life and with that improvement came gradual changes. Most notably the average height. While short people still existed you were not to be counted amongst them. You were an outlier of a different kind, being taller than most and much to your dismay that meant travelling back into time made you stick out even more.
“Hey vuurtoren.”
The unflattering nickname came from a certain Dutch. Where most of Theo’s nicknames were usually small and somewhat cute he was an absolute nightmare to you, sparing no chance whatsoever to remind you of your height with the starkest names.
“Yes, you bonenstaak!” Theo called as he approached you.
Rolling your eyes you didn’t want to give into Theo’s creative naming, continuing to stride away as you heard his step quicken.
“Hey, I was calling you!” the man grabs hold of your arm once he catches up, pulling you to a halt as he eyes you up, a frown on his face signifying that he very much knew what you were playing at, “seems like some—“
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you all the way down there,” you respond airily, confounding the man who stares at you first in surprise and then with a deepening frown.
“What did you—“
“Better take some distance, little one. I might trip over you,” you continue to interrupt the guy as you pat the top of his head. Two could play the game.
“Also, looking sorta out of breath, did you run to keep up?”
The smile you flashed at him coloured him a fine red as the man was thinking on how to get back at you the next round.
The little general, as he was lovingly nicknamed by his troops, was used to being surrounded by people taller than him. After all, the nickname did suggest his fair share of neck craning and the man knew himself to average in height and tall enough. You being the same height as him didn’t even cross him as strange.
“Snnrk,” the snort escaped the man as he listened to you putting Theo back in his spot. It was no secret that you had your fair share of retorts, proud of the height you had reached and knowing that it came from a place of envy from the other. That didn’t mean that it didn’t amuse him however.
“Don’t worry, you will always be my petite bouffon,” the man tells you jestingly.
He had noticed how he had to lift his eyes up ever so slightly to meet your eyes. It was a fact that did not escape him, nor did Kenshin miss out on the fact that your shoulder was positioned just a little higher than his as well. Yet, it didn’t bother him, not even in the least.
“Extra fabric? What happened to the ordered piece?” Kenshin’s eyes narrowed at the maid when he was informed that your present had to be patched up with an extra row of fabric, for they had not measured it well and made it too short.
“The measurements were clear and so were the instructions. Remake the kimono, I’m not going to gift a patchwork because of your inability to adjust.”
At times Kenshin reminded the whole castle that it was not just his sword that he kept sharp and that size and height did not matter when one carried an air such as his. The room was too small anyway when one managed to annoy the warlord, especially when it came down to you.
“What’s going on?”
Yukimura appeared from behind you as he arched his neck to look over your shoulder. The crowd was quite thick and the shoulders bumped into each other, it had been an honest unconscious reaction, but one that earned a wide blush on his face.
“Oh geez, step aside,” the male bristles instead, a frown on his face as he shoves himself between you and the crowd, effectively pressing you against his chest when he finally got a more comfortable space to watch from.
“For someone as tall as you, you certainly are clueless on how to protect yourself,” he tells you. The warlord would never admit how your height made him a little self-conscious of himself, leading to a need for compensation, silly as they are.
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
May I have a my hero and ohshc matchup plz
I'm a short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. I have a very kind heart and sad stories or ones with very happy endings make my heart happy or hurt like crazy. But even though I'm kind that doesn't mean i am nice all the time. I am extremely grumpy and have a short temper especially on no sleep or if I just woke up. I also do have adhd and some anxiety I dont like being touched randomly unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. As for dreams I'm not sure I wanna be a voice actor but not too sure if its right for me as I don't know how to edit or even have the equipment. I want someone who can just listen to me as I ramble on about things I love. I want someone to understand that I think differently then normal people. I also want someone to be able to understand im not the most affectionate person but I can be if given time but I will help someone if they are touch starved like I am.
[🌄 @cutelittleriot requested one (1) regular My Hero Academia matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
YAYYY!! First bnha matchup!! I gotchu bud 👍 I’m thinking about trying something new for the bnha fandom in particular. So, I’ll try it out and see what you think! Also, I got a little carried away with this one, so if it doesn’t seem characteristically accurate to you, please tell me!! 😖
And, the lucky person is:
⛰Eijiro Kirishima⛰
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Quirk: Dragon
Dragon is a mutation quirk. It manifests slowly over time, until the user becomes about 60% dragon-esque at around 15/16 years old.
Scales and tough skin appear on the arms, legs, and face. Sharp teeth and claws grow in. Horns protrude from the forehead. A tail grows from the spine. Finally, wings grow from the back.
Flesh becomes twice as tough in places where scales are.
Depending on the user’s body type, wing usage is limited. (Since you’re generally shorter than average, “flying” and gliding comes easier to you.)
When the user consumes pressurized carbon dioxide, their stomach converts it into flammable gasses. Which allows the user to breathe- er...burp...fire.
Fire must be carefully used however. The smoke produced can accidentally be breathed in, causing lung damage.
🌱Humble Beginnings🌱
I’ll start by saying this: Being bullied is never fun. Being bullied over something you can’t easily control or change? Rub salt in it, why don’tcha?
You weren’t sure what the select few kids in your grade thought was so hilarious about your quirk. But, they managed to find enough wrong with it to do their damage for most of your time in school
First, the patches of scales that showed up on your skin were “too weak”. Then, your awkward transition stage with growing horns, wings, and tail was suddenly “ugly”
By the time your quirk fully manifested, the jeers finally devolved to “freak-ish”
Like a river carving out the Grand Canyon, the work was slow and wore you down over time. But, the impact was a lot bigger than even you’d initially thought
While you managed to somewhat heal and learned to guard your emotions against such hurtful things, that’s all you learned to do: Guard yourself. You were a shield with no spear, since you never fought back
With the help of supportive parents and teachers, your self-esteem wasn’t so low, but you did often downplay or underestimate your abilities
Like, Bitch??? You can burp fire??? Know your power???
The people you were on good terms with seemed to see a potential that you either disregarded, or didn't know about all together
They saw the way you treated others with consideration and forethought. How, despite (or because of) your anxiety, you remained hyper-aware of the problems of others and how to accommodate. And while your anger did have its vices, people knew how hot your righteous rage could burn
It actually took a lot of convincing for you to even apply to U.A. 
Outside of your other aspirations for the future, you didn’t particularly feel worthy for the job. Of anything you could be, you weren’t a fearless, upstanding, unshakable individual, not even giving a second thought to throwing yourself into danger for the good of others. You weren’t your alleged definition of a hero, and that was enough to deter you
But, whenever you recited your polite (well-rehearsed) decline, most gave you the same weirdly optimistic retort:
“Just try, maybe you’ll do better than you’re giving yourself credit for.”
So, here you were at an entrance exam full of people you hardly knew, wondering how you even rationalized to yourself that this would go just fine
The written exam went okay. As well as you could for literally guessing what to study to pass
All you had to do was do your best on the physical exam, and you’d be done for the day
But, your issue was in the people around you, not the exam itself
You were aware of the high amount of attention the moment you walked onto campus. The way other kids measured you up from a distance, studying everything about your not-so-human body. Watching your every move, especially the way your movements were strained from soreness (A short period of intense training tends to do that to you). You assumed they also wanted to see if your disposition was as powerful as your quirk suggested
((You specifically noticed a coltish, green-haired kid muttering to himself, questioning if your wings could actually support your body weight))
Even now, as the prospective heroes-in-training warmed up, you felt the stares burning into you
Half of you wanted to lift your eyes and rhetorically ask what the hell they were looking at, only feeling more annoyed as you snorted and returned to what you were doing. The other half wanted to fold into yourself until you disappeared (If only it were that easy)
But, you had enough (Roughly, one billion) worries on your mind to put confrontation on the list. Shaking off your anxious shivers as you lowered your head and continued with your “stretches” seemed so much easier
(A.k.a. Staring off into space as you held your limbs in awkward positions)
The time to begin the physical test was drawing near, and your self-doubt hadn’t eased up. Maybe this was a mistake. You didn’t belong here. Not when so many other students could fill the space you’re wasting so much better. Maybe if you slipped through the back now, you’d save yourself the disappointment of not living up to your own standards
“Hey, brown-haired girl! With the horns!”
You heard a gruff whisper from not to far behind you, from the left. You tensed for a moment, wondering what the voice could possibly want from you. But, the sight you saw was rather unexpected
The voice definitely matched the body, bulky and slightly rough looking, a little taller than you. Matched with a sweet face, sharp teeth, and bright, spiky, red hair. The smile he showed you instantly calmed your thoughts
You gave a short response, not wanting to jump to conclusions yet
“I saw you looking kinda psyched out over here, so I thought talking to you would make you less nervous!”
You felt a warm and fuzzy sensation in the pit of your stomach. As much encouragement as you got to achieve things, you didn’t see much of it to consider how you felt. How you could feel better. You liked it, which was surprising, considering the encouragement came from a perfect stranger
“Oh, uhh…thanks then. But, I’m fine, I promise! I’m no more nervous than you are.”
“Well, that’s also why I came to talk…I’m kinda freaking out too…”
This boy’s transparency was almost scary, but on the other hand, very comforting. You didn’t catch him trying to stare at your mutated parts once as you talked. Your eyes were the thing he seemed the most focused on, and while it made you embarrassed, it was the good kind (if that makes sense)
But, soon enough, the announcement for the beginning of the exam came over the loudspeaker, and you and your acquaintance had to look out for yourselves. But, before you parted ways, the redhead turned to you
“I’m Eijiro Kirishima, by the way! See you when I see you, Shortie!”
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
The beginning of Kirishima seeing you as a romantic option happened not too long after parting ways at the physical exam
He was almost completely cornered by one of the machines students could disarm for points. And just as that was happening, you had just turned the corner after shaking off another one
You saw Kirishima, but he definitely didn’t see you, trying hard to look tough, but struggling to stand his ground
It quickly dawned on you that Kirishima didn’t have a quirk that could easily deal with the hostile device. And if he did, he was too scared to use it
You vetoed the idea of charging in head on first. You didn’t feel like getting yourself or Kirishima hurt. Especially without a plan. You needed to be smart about getting your only acquaintance out of this situation
Your heart raced and your execution was all but clean, but you ended up using your fire breath to weld the robot’s wheels to the concrete
Before you let your inhibitions get the better of you, you climbed the machine and punched out the camera on the front. From atop the beast, you hung your tail over the edge low enough for Kirishima to grab. You didn’t dare look down at the ground
“Dammit Eijiro, grab on!!”
Once you felt a weight on your tail, you used your wings to propel you both forward. Obviously, away from the robot
You were too high on adrenaline and fear to notice, but Kirishima stared at you like you were the embodiment of Heaven on Earth. The stars in his eyes almost seemed inappropriate for the situation 😅
You looked just as—if not more—afraid than he was. But, you seemed so okay with the fact that you weren’t fearless, and acted like a true hero anyway. He admired, dare I say loved that about you
And he didn’t even know your name
As soon as you found out that you and Kirishima were in the same class, you felt instant relief. At least you were familiar with someone at U.A.
You guys’ friendship developed rather fast, like and extrovert adopting an introvert
Kirishima quickly noticed how fast you opened up once you got comfortable around him, and loved you all the more for how bright and vibrant the unfiltered you was
He found himself picking up on your sense of humor, telling dad jokes you whisper under your breath to the Bakusquad (Much to Bakugou’s dismay 😅)
Don’t worry, he always gives you the credit 😉
As time went on, Kirishima learned to appreciate how blunt you were. He realized that he needed someone to tell it like it is (“It isn’t manly to sugarcoat things! 😤” he says)
And while Kirishima prefers physical activities over video games, he loves to hype you up while you play before classes
It was only natural a mutual crush would form :D
Kirishima finally worked up the guts to ask you out after the U.S.J. Incident
You and him had gotten separated (You had gotten trapped with the cold son of Endeavor. And you both took out the villains with an awe-inspiring display of fire and ice)
Kirishima was faced with the reality that either of you could lose each other at any moment. And while both of you came out alright, he realized he couldn’t be wishy-washy about his feelings for you
He told you on your way to school the next morning:
“Look. What happened yesterday really scared me. Normally, I wouldn’t say that, but I think you deserve to know. Because…you mean a lot to me!! More than I can put into words. I love when we have fun together, and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I never got to tell you how I felt…”
“Basically…I like you!! Like…in the romantic way…”
Your early morning grumpiness dissipated almost instantly, replaced by momentary confusion and disbelief, then embarrassment and joy. Was this really happening…? The boy that took a chance on you since the beginning, confessed that he had feelings for you…? Even though you didn’t question your relationship, you always assumed the nice things Kirishima said, the way he looked at you, was all part of the pleasantries. You questioned if you were even worth all of that
‘But you are.’ The little voice Kirishima helped you develop said. ‘And he would say more if he didn’t look so embarrassed.’
And so, you accepted Kirishima’s confession. And he saw the sweetest smile you had ever given him since the first time he complimented your puns 😊❤️
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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