#it goes both ways with mischaracterization i find
littleseasalt · 10 months
"forever is a bad dad to richa-" SHUT UP!!!!!
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#qsmp#qsmp forever#qsmp richarlyson#id also add in the book he wrote for the egg museum where he talked again about forever being the one who took care of him the most#but i dont have the patience to find it in vods to screenshot it#also sorry but. some people on twitter have been stressing me out A LOT over their opinions on their relationship#ive literally been stressing about it since i woke up i needed to release this stress somehow#< also im thinking of doing a long post talk about what their relationship is and isnt#bc whenever theres angst/fight between them people take it as an opportunity to mischaracterize BOTH forever and richas#in a way that makes it clear that the person 1. doesnt keep up with forevers pov#and 2. only knows richas through one pov#like. ok#disagree with forever however you want youre free to do that#i myself think he was in the wrong in multiple situations (like the tallulah fight day)#BUT SURPRISE!! SAYING HES A BAD DAD IS LITERALLY SO WRONG!!#PEOPLE CAN MESS UP!! PEOPLE CAN MAKE MISTAKE!! NO ONE IS A PERFECT PARENT!!#NO ONE ALREADY KNOWS HOW TO BE THE PERFECT DAD AND THERES NO SUCH THING AS BEING A PERFECT DAD!!#PARENTHOOD IS SOMETHING YOU LEARN ALONG THE WAY!!!#AND LEARNING HOW TO BE A DAD IS A CORE TRAIT OF FOREVERS CHARACTER SINCE DAY ONE!!!!!!!#saying hes a bad dad literally goes against canon statements from richas#saying richas is uncomfortable with forever goes against canon#“oh but i mean in the emotional way” ok so you never watched a forever stream before#because when they fight. richas ALWAYS opens up to forever later on how he felt#the fights HAPPEN because richas is comfortable making drama in front of forever#if richas' didnt feel comfortable he would literally just “suck up” his jealously and not show it often but he does shows it often#if richas was uncomfortable after fights he would just apologize and never talk about his feelings#but after the tallulah fight? he told forever about how romero richas affects his body and how he feels#after the armor fight? he told forever about how he felt towards his own life#to which btw BOTH of these times where he opened up#he had never talked about that with anyone before
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sabh0 · 4 months
What's your opinion on the anime? I find it pretty funny, but I can't say that I am not disappointed to see so many scenes missing.
For exemple, I wanted to see Dazai cry laugh at Chuuya's young mistress act, show that it was a joke shared by both of them, rather than one made to us at the expense of Chuuya. They took a genuinely funny moment and made me cringe SO hard for no reason T^T
God i could go on for hours about how Bones ruined this series. I'm obviously thankful we have an anime adaptation but. Well just compare bsd anime to jjk one or smth and yeah.
I will be complaining more under the cut,,
First the overall writing choices:
-Deleting or changing skk scenes to the point im not even shocked when ppl think these two actually somehow hate each other.
-The way they portrayed Sigma. They deleted half of his personality and backstory. And just speedrunned the Sky Casino arc like if seeing that place was giving them nightmares. No wonder he gets mischaracterized now.
-Tachihara's internal conflict about belonging to either Port Mafia or The Hunting Dogs? Bones never heard about it. It's not like IT'S A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT.
-Akutagawa's whole character in the anime is just 'edgy and angry and bad grr'. In the manga he had some 'kind' or even seelf-reflection moments that were ommited in the anime. Like where he realizes defeating Atsushi didn't satisfy him (ship fight, season 1). Or when he gives files about the orphanage Director to Atsushi and says he won't fight him today because he lost someone impirtant to him. Sskk vs Fukuchi fight?? No scene where Sskk r helping each other walk. Instead we get Akutagwa just pushing Atsushi away. Won't even start on that last smile that looked more like another angry expression.
-THE WAY THEY CHANGED "DAZAI'S ENTRANCE EXAM" INTO SOME CURRENT TIMELINE EPISODES. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY LIKE. THIS NOVEL WAS SO GOOD. Showing both Dazai and Kunikida's characters and partnership so well. But no. Let's just??? Put Atsushi there. Let's delete the fact this thing happened 2 years ago. And let's delete everything that was actually important about it, too.
-also some changes in the Dark Era arc. Like. Lord. Dazai is so much more emotional in the novel. His expressions r described so well. But the anime either shows him from the back at those moments (him finding out Oda was almost killed by a sniper in Ango's room) or just deletes/changes the thing (Oda dying. This scene is so emotional in the novel. From the description u can tell Dazai was crying/on the verge of it as Odasaku died. But in the anime he looks calm and then we get a far aeay frame and he just. Gets up and that's it yeah.) They also deleted the scene of him visiting Oda's grave.
-The way they rushed seasons 4 and 5. Just to give us an episode that goes further than the manga and has the shittiest writing ever when it comes to skk's plan revelation (im so angry about this u guys have no idea. I sincerely believe that if this episode never came out, the manga would go differently bc there's no way that Asagiri who wrote things like Stormbringer suddenly thought that some dollar store vampire make up will fool a guy who's centuries old and literally lived next to vampires. But well!! Seems like these two speeches Dazai gave weren't important at all and now we can just forget about them yippiee)
I could definitely mention WAYY more examples of that but this is already long af. Like guys. I know u cant fit everything in an animated show. It takes time to make it and all but. Bro. The character's in the anime r so shallow compared to their original versions.
Now onto the artstyle of the anime.
Lord. U know? It was actually pretty in the first 2 seasons. The official arts at the time were also really nice to look at.
No idea what happened later. Why did Bones suddenly decide that those ugly turtle smiles r gonna become the main thing in the character design. Why so many fisheyes. Atp sometimes i look at the official art and i go oh lord even i could fix it. It really feels like they draw some characters ugly on purpose now (Chuuya being the main victim for unknown reasons).
Tho i must say they have their moments even now. Some last episodes of season 5 weren't really bad, especially the Meursault part (love them for animating Dazai and Sigma dancing so well. And for that 101 animation. And maybe for the heartattack they gave me with 109 and Chuuya shooting Dazai so many times.)
On some other things, i really like the music! Bsd openings and endings never miss,,,
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atrophiedemotion · 2 months
Castor how do we. How do we convince everyone in the whole wide world that Ivan isn't a masochistic individual that only wishes to gratify himself. How do we convince everyone that he wasn't trying to kill Till in round 6. How do we convince everyone that he didn't want to do anything to Till in that casino-karaoke-bar and was just trying to comfort Till and himself from what they just had to gone through. How do we convince everyone that Ivan is actually just very mentally ill and has trouble when it comes to interacting others and Till
Good anaylsis posts btw
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*cracks knuckles* you came to the right place, fellow ivan understander. that's honestly the main reason i make my analysis posts, to try to express the humanity in ivan. because he is an incredibly written character and all of those mischaracterizations you're describing are so far from the truth it hurts.
at a base level, there’s a whole thing to be said about the way people treat/view mentally ill individuals (especially those with stigmatized disorders) that plays into this (ivan has undesirable traits due to mental illness that many just decide to write off as him “being a freak” and romanticizing/sexualizing it instead of trying to understand) but i won’t get it into that here
i think the thing with ivan is that because he can't experience emotion or express himself in conventional or "normal" ways, it takes proper reading into (cough. media literacy) to understand his character. you can't just watch the content and immediately get his motivations and personality, it takes multiple watch throughs, knowledge of the extra content, and taking his past into consideration to get a clearer picture.
this is true for every alnst character and video ofc, but the reason it's such a big thing for ivan is because his outward personality post meteor shower incident is a fabrication. the entire point of us getting glimpses into ivan's mind is so that we can see that he ISN'T what he portrays himself as. and this goes for more than just his charismatic personality- it goes for the unusual ways he expresses himself.
we see ivan as a contradiction. we see both the 'perfect' person he wants people to see and the extremely flawed person he sees himself as. neither are completely accurate. ivan's view of himself is so skewed it's unreliable. the only way to truly understand him is to put the work in to find out why.
this isn't exactly an answer to your question/plea, but i've been asking myself the same thing for months. ivan is a really complicated character, more complicated than most people care to fully dig into. in fanon (from what i've seen) he seems to fall into two categories: the persona he puts on, and an "obsessive insane freak". both are very baseline things we see, because that's how ivan sees himself. fake on the outside and a 'shitty' person on the inside.
to me, the point of ivan's character is to look past both of those. to question them and his actions, to wonder what his motivations are. once you get to the point of "oh wow, this was all either for the purpose of survival or because he literally has no idea how to interact with people", things become a lot clearer. we just have to hope people can make the effort to read into things, i guess.
(thank you! great ask, i've been rotating it around in my head for like an hour lmao)
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loopy777 · 5 months
Is Zuko a Gary Stu? A lot more people are becoming anti-Zuko especially after the comics. Thoughts?
Well, it depends how we're defining "Gary Stu." I tend to prefer a strict definition for it and "Mary Sue," that of a self-insert wish-fulfillment character. I also don't personally consider it to necessarily be a negative; one of my favorite fictional characters is George Lucas' Flash Gordon Gary Stu, Luke Skywalker.
But the common internet usages for the term typically translates to "character favored by the narrative and/or storyteller(s) to a degree that harms the story." So I'll address both definitions.
I don't think Zuko is any kind of wish-fulfillment character in the AtLA cartoon, nor do I think the narrative shows him any favoritism. In fact, I'd say the story goes out of its way to make things harder for Zuko than the basic character arc demands. It could've had him switch sides at the end of Book Earth, and I don't think there would have been much complaining. Likewise, the story could have had gAang come around to him a lot sooner in Book Fire, rather than spending entire episodes (and in Sokka's case a two-parter) reconciling him with the gAang one-by-one. I think his character arc is improved and given more impact by the desire to cover this extra rocky ground, although I also think 'The Boiling Rock' didn't need to be a two-parter and all of early Book Fire's filler episodes with the gAang should have been relocated to after Zuko's defection so that they'd have the added interest of showcasing the expanded gAang's new dynamic.
Ah, but then we get to the comics. I'm going to assume we're talking about Gene Yang's comics specifically, since Zuko has not appeared substantially in anything written by anyone else. It's easy to harp on these comics' use and treatment of Zuko, but I want to be clear that they're poorly written on pretty much every level. The dialogue is bad. Major plot threads are abandoned without comment. Everyone is mischaracterized. The humor is more juvenile than anything in the cartoon. What stories are told spin their wheels until they get wrapped up in a rush. There's bad, racist, pro-colonialism messages baked into them all. Etc and so on.
And yes, I do think these comics favor Zuko to their detriment and his. Gene Yang has admitted that Zuko is his favorite character in the cast. But even if he hadn't, we can see in 'The Promise' that the presentation has a lopsided preference for Zuko over Aang, the other main character of the story. Zuko is not portrayed as wrong for pressuring Aang to promise to kill him, despite Aang being uncomfortable with it and the whole idea being against Aang's major beliefs; compare that to the cartoon, where Zuko was portrayed as wrong and bullying in his attitude to try to get Aang to kill Ozai. In the matter of the former Fire Nation colonies, Aang and Zuko have opposing approaches, but rather than the story taking the stance that they need to compromise and mix'n'match their ideas, Zuko gets to utter the line, "I was right all along," while Aang has to be lectured by Katara, admit to being wrong, compromise with the Air Acolytes, and break off his relationship with his ghost mentor.
In 'The Search,' Zuko goes on to find his mother and learn her backstory, something that ends up not troubling or challenging him at all. She gives up her new identity to become his doting mother again and Zuko doesn't have a single doubt about it. He gets an adoring little sister in the form of Kiyi, despite her having a real problem with her mother choosing to become Ursa instead of keeping her familiar form. And his questionable treatment of Azula is not addressed; like Aang in 'The Promise,' she's the one who has to compromise (or in this case refuses to compromise).
You can see the pattern here of Zuko's presentation. This is where we can start to question if Zuko is Gene Yang's self-insert, but to do so, we would have to assume a lot of stuff about Gene Yang. For example, he breaks up Zuko's romance with Mai and then starts hinting at something with him and Suki; does that mean Gene Yang wants to date Suki? Then why bring Mai back so prominently in 'Smoke & Shadow' and then both go easy on her mistakes and break her up from Kei Lo at the end? Maybe Gene Yang wants a harem with both Suki and Mai, but if that's the case, then it's pretty odd that he ends his run on the comics with Zuko dating neither.
We could do the same for other aspects of Zuko's presentation (Does Yang want a tiny powerful Firebender as a little sister? Does he think all colonizers are awesome? Does he advocate denying first-amendment rights in times of danger? Is his favorite food to eat at winter time extra-spicy fire noodles?) But we'd probably run into similar questions we can't answer, leaving us to either assume way too much that would likely be wrong or admit that it doesn't matter.
Which brings us back to the much simpler idea of the character being favored beyond what is warranted. That helps with examining 'Smoke & Shadow,' where Zuko is actually portrayed as making some wrong choices for once in all of Yang's run of comics, like ordering his people's homes invaded and trashed on a vague hope that he'll find some information about Azula- but before that, he's somehow enlightened enough to make rainbow fire, and afterward, he solves everything with a quick apology to his people.
Usually, the narratives ignore Zuko's flaws and twist themselves into weird shapes to justify things. It's like Gene Yang started with the intentions of having Zuko make mistakes and grow over the course of the various stories, but then chickens out, so we're left with themes that feel incomplete or outright harmful. Zuko doesn't need to grow beyond his desire to have a Fire Nation elite (and their pet Earth Kingdom spouses and servants) rule over the former colonies forever, he gets to say, "I was right all along." He starts by locking Azula away in a straight-jacket, but then doesn't find a way to reconcile with her and treat her more humanely, because she goes fully homicidal and then runs away so he doesn't need to deal with her. But in 'Smoke & Shadow,' we get one example where, probably because Yang doesn't see it as that bad in the first, Zuko is allowed to temporarily be wrong before returning to a state of grace.
I think Gene Yang is trying to tell good Avatar stories. But, among his (many, many, many) mistakes, I think he's letting his favor for Zuko influence the stories he's trying to tell. He's trying to give his favorite character juicy dramatic material that lets him grow into an even more awesome character- but then he shies away from depicting his favorite in too harsh a light, ruining the whole thing.
The stories don't feel like they're going anywhere with him, despite him being a main character.
So if that fits with your definition of "Gary Stu," then yes, Zuko has become one in the comics. But he didn't start as one in the cartoon, and I don't think Gene Yang writes stories out of a desire for his favorite to marry Suki because Sword Girlfriend > Knife Wife.
Perhaps that's why he never got Maiko back together; he likes Mai too much to make her the one in the wrong, but then that would mean Zuko needs to learn and grow, and that can't be right. ;)
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Ugh, I was looking back through the visual novel for "No Regrets", and I was laughing, because people always talk about how bad Erwin's characterization was in the OVA, but it's nothing compared to how bad Levi's characterization is in the visual novel. It frustrates me especially because I often see people, mostly, it seems, Erwin stans, or eruri shippers, citing the visual novel as some sort of "evidence" of Erwin's influence on Levi, wanting to credit Erwin with Levi becoming a "better person" or with "creating Levi". They'll complain all day about how bad Erwin's characterization was in the OVA, but they won't say squat about Levi's characterization in the visual novel, and will instead use it to push their agenda of making Erwin seem superior to him, or more significant to Levi's development than he actually was.
This never gets talked about, but it's pretty clear that significant changes were made, both to the manga and the OVA adaptations, to fix Levi's characterization, because it's pure trash in the visual novel and they knew it. It makes Levi seem completely self-centered, to the point of not caring at all about what happens to Furlan or Isabel in his pursuit of his revenge on Erwin, which completely goes against everything we know about Levi. And no, this isn't down to Levi "growing" as a character or changing for the better later on. It's just bad characterization, which, again, is why they made so many fundamental and significant changes in the manga and OVA. They knew it was bad. They knew it completely mischaracterized Levi's core personality and traits.
A good example of how they fixed that characterization in the manga, especially, is that in the visual novel, when making his choice to go after Erwin, Levi completely dismisses Furlan's protests, snidely telling him and Isabel that if they stay together they can "at least handle one titan", and harshly tells him that he's the one who gets to decide, before dashing off without another word. He shows no concern for Furlan or Isabel's safety, no concern for the squads safety, no consideration for the reason they'd come to the surface in the first place, which was to give Furlan and Isabel a better life and actual opportunities to achieve more than just simple survival. It's so out of character, it's actually absurd. But in the manga, we see Levi's deep, internal struggle over his decision. It isn't a willful or irrational choice he makes. It isn't thoughtless. He cycles through all the various factors involved. He remembers Furlan's dream of coming above. He remembers Isabel's words from the night before, about how she understands why the Scouts do what they do, expressing a wish to find some similar purpose, he expresses his own concern for, not just Furlan's and Isabel's safety, but also Flagon's and the rest of their squad, ultimately concluding that if they all stay together, they'll be safer that way. He makes the decision to go after Erwin alone, and doesn't demand Furlan listen to him because "I'm the one who gets to decide", but asks Furlan to trust him, the way Furlan asked Levi to trust him and Isabel before. It isn't a power trip, or a revenge fueled blindness, or even pride that drives Levi to go after Erwin by himself, here, it's a desire to help Furlan and Isabel fulfill their own dreams, to give them that opportunity by taking the burden of getting the papers from Erwin himself, only implicating himself should he be caught. It's his desire for them to be safe, and for their squad to be safe. And yes, Levi felt a real hatred toward Erwin at that point, and felt a desire to kill him, but it wasn't that desire alone that drove him to make the choice he did. The visual novel frames it like it was though, and I absolutely despise it for that reason, and think it should be completely dismissed as a result. It's just one of the most glaring examples in it of Levi's character being completely butchered, but there's many instances throughout, which I talk more at length about in my analysis of "No Regrets".
But, again, Levi's characterization in it doesn't line up in any way, shape or form with what we actually know about Levi's character from the main, canon story itself. That's why I also feel like Isayama probably gave some input in the creation of the manga/OVA, because Levi's characterization is radically different in both, and much closer to who he is in the main manga. They made all of those changes deliberately.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in reading a more in depth analysis of all this, you can check out my thoughts here:
Also, here's my specific analysis of chapter 7, which goes into great detail about Levi's choice:
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st-severus · 9 months
9, 17, and 28 for the Snape asks!
Thank you for asking :) 9. One of your saddest [headcanons for Snape]? I like the idea that he got his Dark Mark for telling Voldie about the prophecy, the dark irony of receiving something he probably wanted for so long at the exact moment he wouldn't want it anymore. To be branded by his greatest regret. I also sometimes like to think that he was the one who invented the Dark Mark spell. I know canonically both Dumbledore and Voldemort invented things, but I don't buy it. They don't strike me as the hard-working types, but maybe that's not so much sad as twisted lol. 17. What rubs you the wrong way about how he’s portrayed in fanon/fan fiction? I don't read fan fiction so I don't know what goes on there, but like all snape fans I was always very irritated at mischaracterizations and/or exaggerations by snaters. In fact, that was the reason I made this snlog, to be able to look at the good stuff while avoiding the sh*t takes and insane nonsense. I'm slightly inured to it now though! But it was sad, seeing people misconstrue what is one of the best and nicest parts of HP which is Harry Potter choosing to honor the best of him and forgive the rest — part of growing up is realizing that adults were only human, but I guess that's something that a lot of people don't want to do 🙄 28. Did you make it through OotP, HBP, and DE not knowing what JKR had in store for Snape’s character? Or had those things been spoiled for you beforehand? I hated OOTP so much that I put HP away with childish things lol. I remember thinking, "Well we had a good run. I'll just pretend it ended with POA. I won't find out what's happening with and clearly that's going somewhere but oh well". So Snape killing Dumbledore was spoiled for me later, but I could not have cared less and I might even have forgotten it by the time I had nothing to do one day and picked up my sister's copy of HBP and ended up loving it so so much. I hadn't heard anything about DE by the time I read it so nothing was spoiled for me and I haaaaated it. Even some of the Snape scenes (I did not like the doe patronus, and there seems to me to be lots of inconsistencies or out-and-out errors in that book). Generally, I considered that it was obvious that Snape was going to be working on the good side because it would be a very boring twist for him to be bad, That is until HBP, when I thought there must be some third thing other than A) working for Voldemort or B) working for Dumbledore. Of course, I was wrong there but I did like most of the story especially after finally watching the last movie where I think his death scene is much improved from the book version.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 days
general dj octavio,
I just want to say - for what it's worth - that I don't blame you for anything. I'm grateful, actually. I know every time the fandom at large is reminded that you're around you tend to catch some flack, so... writing this is as much for you (assuming you read it) as venting my frustrations at mischaracterizations of you & our society at large.
everything you did, you did for us. I know this, unshakeably. there were no better options - it was martial law, or the extinction of our people. we never had enough power (when we tried to fix that, the inklings stole it back), and we never had enough bodies. by the time I was born, the vast majority of octarians had never seen the sun. you didn't do that to us. inklings, in a war way beyond my time, did. we did what we had to do. our shit lot in life wasn't your fault.
in a way, I think it was easier to be born into it. I never knew anything different. I had a life, with sisters and service to my people, that I loved. much has been said about ex-soldiers defecting and making their way aboveground (and I am only happy for them, to find their own path), but you remembered a time before the domes... you remembered open air and the sun and you stayed with us down there, despite. you stayed until there were no more octarians left belowground. when we went missing, you came looking for us. I can't tell you what that means to me.
thanks for kicking that bear into orbit. seeing you at the grand festival was a delight - I hope you enjoyed it! I did. for what it's worth, you'll always have my loyalty. I know it goes both ways.
regards, an octoling soldier.
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kyriaejiraiblog · 2 months
so quick disclaimer this isnt jirai stuff but it is talking about sh and its somebting that kind of pissed me off but i don’t wanna put it in my main
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so for context it was some skk video and the person said essentially “if you’re going to ship do it correctly, you’re mischaracterizing dazai“ (and mori but who tf cares)
so here’s my reply to the comment, and honestly the way they responded made me upset—because while they made a comment explaining their thoughts and i was fine agreeing to disagree, they felt they needed to add onto their own opinion? but honestly i feel like they are in a way mischaracterizing dazai more than in the original post (which i can grab the link for anyone who finds this and decides they want to see it to make their own opinion)
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“i can guarantee he doesn’t even cut discreetly.” problem i have with this statement is we literally have no idea what the bandages are for, however we know that dazai had easy access to various blades, primarily scalpels because of mori. the way that particular mental illness affects your brain makes the prospect of drawing blood very appealing. considering he had bandages before the pm, and how this person even admits sh was possible before dazai joined, i find it highly likely that he would continue such an act. sh is by no means easy to escape, and dazai was not in a supportive environment in the pm.
second, his words to atsushi—those kinds of words sound like something born from experience. that is something dazai has, and still suffers from in a sense. it’s like oda said, dazai will always be living with darkness and has to learn how to manage that emptiness. and plus, from my own interpretation, dazai sees a version of himself within atsushi, and wants to prevent atsushi from becoming him.
one thing i do agree is he doesn’t care about mori’a approval, never will. but dazai lives in such a perpetual state of self-loathing that it’s weird to say that dazai wouldn’t even think about sh. while my initial reply was about punishment through this means, i just didn’t have enough to elaborate my actual thoughts on what dazai’s motivations would be for this kind of self mutilation.
there’s a point where sh stops being punishment, if it even was to begin with. dazai feels apathy toward much of the world around him, particularly during his time in the pm. apathy like this creates a void, an emptiness that never truly goes away. cutting gives a chance to feel something, anything. feeling nothing is more painful than a blade running down skin.
and now i’m going to start being extremely personal. i don’t like pain. dazai states he doesn’t like pain. i cut every single day. that last paragraph is essentially my own experience with self harm. in my case. it does start out as sparingly used punishment. then it becomes addicting, and the only thing to pull me out of the emptiness and complete apathetic state where i have nothing but my own thoughts. this kind of thought process isn’t uncommon among people who sh. it almost feels like cutting is just simply a thing that happens.
and then about dazai looking down on people who sh—fuck off with that. while sh and suicide aren’t always correlated, they’re often connected. at best, dazai is completely indifferent to people with scars. otherwise, he’s one of them. dazai’s entire personality seems i consistent in many ways, and while i do agree that he probably has major depression, i wouldn’t say it’s too far fetched to say he might have bpd or bipolar. in fact, id even argue that he has both depression and bpd according to many of the symptoms displayed in dazai’s character (which if that’s the case, gj asagiri bc bpd is so heavily associated with women that people forget men can have it too)
which rambling more abt the bpd thing ppl with bpd are often queens of “it’s a slippery slope” and it’s already shown that dazai does drink more than a bit. which is one thing people with bpd are prone to, they so easily can get addicted to these kinds of things and they just can’t help it. another reason i argue it’s likely dazai would sh.
once again, referring to the second screenshot, people who hate pain aren’t excluded from self harming. i am one of those people, myself. i wouldn’t doubt dazai would attempt to cut his arteries as a suicide attempt as well, something i somewhat tried, but i still argue that dazai has likely self harmed. anyway i hope this was fun to read im done rambling lmao
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Yes, there are Astarion fans (and fans of other characters) who take the Astarion being soft thing a bit too far, mischaracterizing him in the process but to say that he can NEVER be like that and call most soft Astarion headcanon and fic authors racist for allegedly stealing this trait from Wyll is taking things a bit too far. What happened with that Twitter user who, besides being accused of racism, was even sent threats over that headcanon was deranged type of behavior.
In my opinion this goes to show how many Astarion haters don't even care to look at this character past act 1 if they think he has no soft moments of his own in the game OR won't ever be capable of doing a romantic gesture to a partner he loves. A lot of Astarion fans do the same, so the mischaracterization goes both ways: either he'll never be anything more than your average sexy debaucherous horny vampire or he isn't a jerk at all, he's just traumatized and actually he's prince charming or Wyll 2.0, if you'd like. Both are false.
Act 1 Astarion, who's donning his fake hedonistic mask, would obviously not do anything romantic like giving floweres, all he he's ever known is seducing people with sex and cringy pick-up lines and he does it again in act 1 because he thinks it's the only way to achieve protection.
But potentially being romantic on his good path, post Act 3? I don't believe it would be as OOC as some in the fandom insist. Yes, you'll show me the party banter in which he says he finds flowers gaudy. Okay, and? You can hate certain things, but if you are with a partner (or have a friend, family member, and so on) who loves one of those certain things then it's not out of the blue for Astarion to try to gift Tav some flowers if he knows that by doing this gesture he would make them happy. It's that simple. Have you ever not gifted something you had no interest in to someone significant to you?
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raccoonscity · 1 year
How Ada is being mischaracterized in the RE2 and RE4 remakes
I've been thinking about Ada in RE2/RE4make and how her character is so badly characterized. Ada is made out to be a selfish, manipulative villainess or whatever. Massive changes were made to the story and her character in both remakes, which fundamentally don't understand her character. Yes, she manipulates people, but most of the time it is the villains (Wesker, Krauser, Simmons, etc.). She is also made out to be selfish and heartless and that couldn't be further from the truth. She's morally complex but that doesn't make her a villain or inherently evil or selfish.
Ada's character was changed majorly in RE2make. In RE2, she's still a spy sent to retrieve the G-Virus, but her cover was a civilian looking for her boyfriend, John Clemens, who worked for Umbrella and was presumably in Umbrella's underground laboratory. In RE2make, her cover is an FBI agent sent to take down Umbrella and take the G-Virus as evidence. This change could work, in theory, but the problem with RE2make is that her cover achieves nothing but fooling Leon--when Ada first meets Annette, she immediately asks for the G-Virus and Annette does a background check on Ada she knows she's a spy. What is the point if the most important person to your mission can see through your cover immediately.
The other thing that was changed about Ada in RE2make is that in the original, Ada isn't really manipulating Leon at all. Ada never asks for Leon's help, he instead runs into her and chooses to help her. She always either runs off alone or, when she's injured, tells him to worry about himself because she'll slow him down. And even when injured she leaves where Leon left her to complete her mission alone. Ada didn't want him to get involved and is consistently discouraging him from following; even in their confrontation she says: "That's why I told you to leave without me. But you wouldn't listen." Checking her gun after she falls reveals that she didn't load her gun and never intended to hurt Leon if it had to come to that.
Except in RE2make, even though she initially doesn't want his help, after a certain point (especially when she's injured) she is actively manipulating him. The change in her cover story was made so Ada can appeal to his sense of duty as a cop, by lying and telling him the sample would be used for evidence. The kiss in RE2make is meant to manipulate but backfires, but the only kiss scene in the original is genuine, after Ada gets injured saving Leon from Mr. X.
When she is manipulating someone, it's the actual villains--Wesker, Krauser, Simmons, etc. We don't know a lot about Ada's true motives or backstory, but we know she never goes out of her way to make the other protagonists' lives/missions harder, and she's not out to destroy the world or cause wars.
She regularly helps the protagonists--not just Leon. In RE2, she will throw a rocket down to either Leon or Claire in the B scenario (even though she never interacts with Claire otherwise). She patches Leon up after he takes a bullet for her and will "die" protecting him from Mr. X. In RE4, she repeatedly tries to convince Wesker that Leon was not a threat and when Wesker tells her Krauser was sent to kill Leon, she does not hesitate to stop Krauser. Ada gets the jet-ski so Leon and Ashley can escape, and in a few instances Leon can find notes that Ada left behind giving tips. She agrees to help get Luis away from the Los Illuminados. In RE6, she helps Jake and Sherry fight the Ubistvo and helps Leon and Helena defeat mutated Deborah. She also gives Leon the evidence needed to take Simmons down.
But unfortunately, RE4make removed one of the key moments Ada helps Leon (saving Leon from Krauser after Wesker orders his assassination) and gave this moment to Luis. I do actually like this scene but it sucks that one of Ada's defining moments in RE4 was just given to another character. It also annoys me that the scene in which we see Ada talking over comms to Wesker, he doesn't seem to care at all about wanting Leon out of the way. In Separate Ways Ada tries to convince Wesker that Leon is not a threat, but Wesker knows otherwise, so Ada avoids Leon and lies about not being able to kill Leon. When Wesker tells her about Krauser being sent to kill Leon, she drops everything to stop him, lies to Wesker about what happened with Krauser, then finishes him off herself. Except now, Wesker doesn't see Leon as a threat at all? Wesker was the one Ada was working with in RE2 so he's well aware of who Leon is. So there's no threat on Leon and that removes a key part of Ada's conflict in SW, unless we're missing some context without a SW campaign yet.
Ada also left him notes in RE4 such as this one where she tells Leon how to remove the Plagas and warns him of the dangers (this role is also given to Luis):
Once a Plaga egg hatches, it's nearly impossible to remove it from the body. But if it's before it hatches, then it can be neutralized by medication. If it does hatch you might be able to get it out by surgery before it turns to an adult. But it won't be easy. There's a high chance you won't survive the operation. As far as I know the girl was injected with the egg before you. Her time is ticking. You should prepare yourself for the worst case scenario.
Now to be fair, Ada does still give Leon advice when they talk over comms, and it makes more sense for Luis to tell Leon about the surgery. Even then, Ada still helps Leon plenty. But why rewrite her story from RE2, why change and take these interactions from Ada, then say she only ever manipulates Leon? Ada never tries to convince Leon that saving Ashley is a lost cause either.
Again, Ada is not a heartless person. I hate that scene with Kendo in RE2make for that reason, because it exists so Leon can teach her to be sympathetic. She doesn't always have ulterior motives for helping others (most of the examples listed above she has no reason to do so and is doing it just to help, and in some cases she is actively putting her life/mission on the line) and is capable of being sympathetic. In RE6, she sympathizes with Carla and says: "If you had only sought vengeance against Simmons alone, I would have helped you." In Ada's reports, she says this about wanting to help Luis:
I'm the one who told the organization of [Luis Sera's] importance. I did it because I like him. His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared. It was a stroke of luck that I happened to intercept his e-mail for help. It seems he can't trust the police, so he sent the e-mail to an old friend from college. He must have thought his friend was still alive. At any rate, that's how I managed to find him. […] When I told him who I was, he practically begged to be taken into custody. He needed protection. He said, "I have no love for Las Plagas or this stupid cult. I want out. I just want peace and quiet again." I ordered him to bring me a master Plaga specimen - a sample - for evidence.
And then there's that ending scene of Ada and Wesker in RE4make. After Ada secures the sample, she talks to Wesker and seems blindsided by the fact that Wesker is planning something that will kill billions of people. This scene bothers me for two* reasons.
One: This is framed like Ada has just now had a change of heart and doesn't want to be complicit in the death that Wesker will cause... except that's what her arc in RE2 was. Ada expresses this in Umbrella Chronicles immediately post-RE2. After her conversation with Wesker, she narrates: "If the T-Virus did this [to Raccoon City], what would happen if the G-Virus got out?" The only reason Ada gives the G-Virus to Wesker at that point was because she had no other way out of Raccoon City. Why wasn't this in RE2make?
Two: Ada already knows Wesker is planning something horrible, even if she doesn't know the extent of it. The whole point of Ada working with Wesker in RE4 was to sabotage his plans and send him a fake sample. She and her organization want to take the sample for themselves and want to gain insight into his plans.
In Ada's last report regarding Wesker, she says this:
It wasn't easy, but I'd say the mission has been a success. Getting my hands on the sample was my initial objective after all. But I've sent Wesker a different present, just as the organization ordered. Pretending to work with him was entertaining. Albert Wesker… I wonder where he's headed next. Something tells me this whole affair was just a taste of what he's got in store. To him, Umbrella represented power. He used it to hide behind while he made plans of his own. And now the umbrella's been folded. With the sanctuary of their old umbrella ruined, those in power struggle to erect a new one. They are aware of their own crookedness and deceit as they engage in their personal war of light and darkness. That's why Wesker will stop at nothing in opening his new umbrella. The giant pharmaceutical corporation, "S" maintains medical and drug facilities the world over. We know for certain that Wesker has been in contact with them following Umbrella's demise. There's no doubt we'll next hear from him there. The organization must remain vigilant.
A quick note: "S" or "Seashell" was the working title for what eventually was made into Tricell in RE5. Ada and her organization already know that Wesker is in contact with Tricell and want to "remain vigilant" against whatever he's planning. We don't know too much about the organization she works for, what their goals are, and how she came to work with them, just that they research and sell viruses and bioweapons and work with people like Wesker--which sounds bad except look at everything Mia does while working with the Connections, but Capcom just ignores that. Yet Ada is the evil manipulative one 🤔
Some other instances of Ada working with villains include her history of working with Simmons, who she stopped working with specifically because he was involved in the decision to destroy Raccoon City. At the end of Damnation she hints that she won't hand over the Plaga sample to her anonymous buyer/Simmons.
The problem with Ada is that while Capcom has hinted since RE4 about her true motives, they've not touched on the subject since, and everything we know about Ada's backstory is vague. Is she just in it for money or authority? Was she forced to work with them? Does she want to destroy Umbrella and other bioweapons groups from the inside? Does she want to research the viruses hoping to find cures or vaccines? Ada's moral complexity comes from the fact that we don't know why she does what she does, but just because she mostly helps out in the shadows doesn't mean she's selfish or manipulative, and she is still considered one of the main heroes (or anti-hero) of the series.
*A secret third reason I hate this scene is it's so OOC for Wesker, it drives me crazy. There's no reason for Wesker to tell Ada any of this (they don't trust each other) and he's notoriously a strategist who works in the shadows and doesn't tell people his plans. Wesker didn't even have any doomsday/Uroboros plans yet because he only starts his plans after learning about Project W from Spencer, like two years after this. I hate this scene🙃
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hayakawalove · 2 months
What do you think about nanamis line about gojo being a jujutsu freak and only caring about self satisfaction and not anything/anyone else “protecting others” etc..
Personally I found that really harsh and it’s also really ironic how the entirety of chapter 236 focuses and talks about how gojo has been misunderstood his entire life exp the flower scene and then nanami goes and yet again misunderstands him
I think they also misunderstood him, since getou at some point did start seeing gojo only for his strength and got the mentality that strength is what matters and can make a change
Alsooooo did you see gojos expression when he hears nanami say that ☹️What do you think it was? To me his facial expressions with his pursed lips and widen eyes looked like he expressed great sadness/ disappointment
Like… “oh I’m still getting misunderstood even after I’m dead”
ALSOO why do you think gojo said that “he was glad he died by a strong opponent and not by old age/diseases”To me it was so he could fully like up to the title of the strongest since it’s more fitting to die in battle than any other way since he’s the strongest and it’s the only way people/jujutsu society views him as…
Like I saw a post by a translator with 6K+ likes of them expressing how gojo was uncaring and a battle freak who ONLY wanted and was interested in strong allies do he wouldn't feel lonely and only looks after students who are strong so he can USE THEM???
PPL ALWAYS CALL HIM UNCARING and harsh words and if you defend him then say you’re babying him and being biased towards him BUT ITS THE TRUTH!!!
I’m sorry I’m getting to this very late. But.
I haven’t read that chapter so my opinion might be a bit off.
I think he’s a very interesting character. I do think he is a jujutsu freak, but not in a bad way. He didn’t really have a choice. There is no world in which he could have come out normal with six eyes and limitless. I do think he cares about people, I think he cares a lot.
I don’t think anyone can really fully understand him. There was a point in time in high school where Suguru understood him, they both had strong techniques and were on the same level. That didn’t last very long though. It’s really sad to think about how lonely it must be to desperately want someone to understand you, and for everyone else to think you’re this god.
In terms of how he died, I think he understands it wouldn’t have been fitting to die from a disease. In the world of Jujutsu, most sorcerer get killed. And he’s the strongest, so of course he’s gonna go out in style. I think he thinks it was a good ending to his story, it would have been boring if he was 70 and in bed surrounded by his loved ones, no matter how much he deserved it.
I do think he cares about strength, but not in a bad way. I think he purposely goes out of his way to help yuuji and yuuta because they are strong, and they don’t know what to do with it. I think he can see himself in other kids. There was a time when he was clueless.
I think he finds them and tries to aid them because he doesn’t want them to be used. I think he understands that sorcerers, especially strong ones, are used as pawns. He’s used for his strength, and his best friend was used until he was tossed away like trash, shoved aside to rot until he left.
So I think he does care about strength. I think he appreciates it, and wants to help those who are confused. Caring about strength doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
Plus, we see that he cares about people who aren’t as strong. Like Nobara. She’s strong yeah, but when you compare her to the likes of yuuji, yuuta, and gojo, she isn’t comparable. But he cares about her and thinks shes cool in her own way.
I think when people talk about his obsession with strength they make it out to be this hideous, nefarious thing when I really don’t think it is like that.
It would be a bit weird if he didn’t care about strength to me.
His whole childhood he was molded into something, everyone always talking about how strong he would be. Your childhood shapes you.
I think gojo cares so much it hurts sometimes, but he has to distance himself a bit. He knows people don’t understand him, and he knows that most people will die. I think he loves everyone, but he keeps an eye out for those who are strong. I think he wants to avoid watching them be used by the higher ups. He knows no one will understand him, but there are some people who might come close, and he wants to help them so they don’t get treated terribly.
Would he be as interested in yuuji if he didn’t have Sukuna? No. I don’t think so. I think he would still care, but he wouldn’t be as interested. Sukuna is a legend in jujutsu, so of course gojo is going to be interested. But also, he understands that yuuji was put in a shitty situation and he doesn’t know what to do and no one understands him either.
I think people don’t understand gojo which is really sad. Obviously everyone’s free to have their own opinions, but I think people who think he’s this killing machine are missing fundamental aspects of his character.
If he really was like that, why would he have left Suguru alive for 10 years? He cares so much about people.
If he only cared about strong students, why would he mentor everyone else? He does this because he wants the next generation to change everything, to not treat people awfully.
I really love him.
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psylunari · 7 months
For the ship ask game: kunikidazai, suegiku, atsulucy
NOTE: the post will be long as heck. I'll keep reblogging for every ship addition till I finish.
I'll preface this by saying, yes! I do ship all of these!
(nervous chuckle) buckle up, buttercup.
1. What made you ship it?
TL;DR: ironically enough, writing it made them take over my brain.
Mid-tier answer: It wasn't one specific thing. I watched the show and had 1 (one) plot bunny one year later (my most-read BSD fic). I was writing a MHA OC/canon thing at the time. While passionate about that OC/canon, it was a difficult fic, and I put it on hold.
Writing that knkdz fic proved itself easier. It was flowing. It forced me into a deep dive in their dynamic. The result is what you see.
Long answer: it took me 10+ years in fandom (legit) to like m/m ships. So it's kinda hard?? To watch things with m/m tinted glasses. AKA deliberately looking for m/m chemistry, or interpreting it always that way, or making it up in my head if I can't find it. If I come across a ship, I came across a ship. And I'm the same for any ship.
During my first watch of bongo straycats, I didn't ship much of anything. I looked at those two and went, “yeah, they're haha funny, if I were to ship something it'd probably be this”. I was done with the three seasons out, then, I “forgot” BSD.
I mean. Not that I forgot. I was in-between fandom phases with other stuff. So I didn't pay “the popular ships” much mind. They were there. A thing that existed. I didn't care for them.
Then it went like:
“Hey, I could use some change in my life, lemme style my hair like this anime twink.” “Fic idea for haha funny ship. What if instead of disappearing to commit the die, the anime twink was sick and didn't tell anyone?” ?????? “It is a CRIME that THIS dynamic is on the unpopular side, I'm declaring myself in knkdz hell till further notice and will do something about it.”
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
TL;DR: they are multifaceted, their relationship is a deep rabbit hole of symbolism, and a blast to write about.
Superficial answer: complementary personalities + look good together + attractive + hilarious banter + suspicious moments + annoyances to lovers.
Heartfelt answer: I look at them from a complete perspective. Never one without the other, never caricatures of themselves. There's the caring domestic side, the dumb disagreements, the synergy and mutual respect, the defiance of internal values, the angst past and present… They are complex. The more you dig, the more you find. It's entertaining. It made the brain go brrrrr.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It isn't often I come across interpretations I disagree with. Dedicated knkdz shippers and I are mostly in the same wavelength. My unpopular opinion, however, boils down to “I interpret both as some flavor of bisexual, not gay” and “mischaracterization”.
Will elaborate on the latter.
On Kunikida: headcanon as the fandom might, IMO, this guy isn't confident about love and sex. Let alone super liberated.
Picture this. Inexperienced + perfectionist + “dear diary, today I dreamt of my perfect wife” + “do girls not like me because I'm a nerd?” = pretty romantic, huh? And out of touch with reality.
Don't get me wrong. He does have carnal desires or kinks, I feel. I see him as shy and easy to fluster in the beginning. He takes time to relax and do his thing, being his own biggest critic.
On Dazai: he isn't helpless and definitely has an edge. I have a catboy agenda to set. Think like a cat's claws. Can and will scratch if unhappy, they're part of him, do not declaw the catboy. The feetsies are soft and adorable. They're also a part of him.
In the love aspect: when he LIKES someone, Dazai goes “brain.exe has stopped working” and does/says the stupidest shit. I think he orbits them out of no idea how to deal with it. Staying in the same space, wanting closure, not asking for it. Literal cat behavior again.
Now, in sex matters, he's shameless for… the most part. Not vulnerable all the time. He can flirt when it's for meaningless flings. What IMO WOULD make him cry is emotional stuff. Which may be tied to a sexual moment. Just not necessarily.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Leftists are genuinely so transparent with their misogyny, it baffles me. Someone made a point about how Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi are very close in age but only one of them constantly gets hounded about their competency and ability to be a politician, and these people are like "hm but Bernie Sanders thinks everyone deserves healthcare and Nancy Pelosi doesn't" what??? Where does that information even exist beyond the smear campaigns the leftists have made up in their heads to insist the Dems (Pelosi, in particular) suck and justify hating them? It's like... even when the Dems do something good, and take the right position on an issue, these people are just waiting to find some way to rearrange it to fit their narrative that they actually hate them and it's only people like Bernie Sanders who genuinely give a shit.
not to mention thinking everyone deserves healthcare and actually working to make that happen are two different things. Bernie can have all the "correct" ideological positions in the world, but it doesn't seem like he's done much to advance most of them lol
Well, yeah. That's why they are useless dickweeds at best and and unrepentant enablers of fascism at the worst. They gleefully latch onto any lie, mischaracterization, exaggeration, or other bit of propaganda that makes the Democrats look bad and themselves feel Exaltedly Special and justified in not sullying their hands with a flawed democratic process. They don't give a shit if the actual world goes to hell, as long as they still have the Bestest and Most Special Ideas. Which serves the aims of both the actual right wing machine that feeds it to them and the organized Russian troll farms that feed it to THEM. And yet.
Give me a hundred Nancy Pelosis, arguably the most effective Democratic politician in living memory, over Bernie Sanders, he of the blindingly obvious once-a-month Guardian op ed and literally nothing else in the way of substantial policy, while tacitly or openly encouraging his supporters to withhold their vote as "punishment" for any candidate not him. I will say in Bernie's favor that he has changed his tune ahead of 2024, but it is the least of what he owes everyone for contributing to the clusterfuck of 2016 as substantially as he did. So.
And lol yes, the Online Leftists, known for their radical compassion and empathy to all people! They're too busy policing fellow leftists for Thoughtcrime or any other impulse to actually take a tangible action (which might therefore be Morally Problematic) to ever actually once apply compassion to a real person, let alone those who don't agree with them in some part already. In fact, they are perfectly happy to let the people they are supposed to be caring about suffer the increasing effects of nationalized, racialized, homophobic, misogynist, xenophobic white supremacist fascism, as the proper punishment for not being Leftist enough and voting for the Democrats, who they (as noted) eagerly sabotage and undercut far more than the Republicans. So yeah.
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asherisawkward · 1 year
Update to the Relapse AU
In this AU, Caleb drags Philip to a lake for them to relax and have some fun, but they end up falling into the Boiling Isles and meeting Evelyn. Initially, both of the brothers are suspicious and on guard around her, but Caleb starts opening up to Evelyn, and they become friends.
They don’t know quite where there portal back is, so they live together for a little while. Philip is begrudging tolerates Evelyn while they search for a way home. As they spend time together, Caleb and Evelyn start to bond and develop crushes, but the former refuses to move further until Philip is okay with witches to prevent any feelings of betrayal. It takes a lot of effort, but they figure out foods that humans can eat and keep those in stock.
Philip is being the slowest pot to ever boil, but he’s warming up one micro-degree at a time. Then he gets the common mold. I headcanon Philip as the type of child to get the flu every year and almost die each time he gets it. And when Philip gets something his body isn’t used to handling, it goes really badly. Evelyn tends to him while he’s sick due to her resistance to the illness, and Caleb finally locates the portal home. After consultation, the three of them decide that they will wait until Philip is better to go home so nobody gets sick in Gravesfield.
Caleb packs and prepares obsessively, fine tuning a story of how they got lost in the woods and came across a cottage belonging to a woman who rescued them. Evelyn sees that Philip isn’t better and, without talking to Caleb, administers the medicine given to witches and demons that get the Common Mold. In this AU, Hemlock is commonly used in healing potions. Philip gets drastically worse, and Evelyn calls Caleb in.
After a lot of probing about the ingredients, Evelyn tells Caleb everything in the potion, and Caleb sees red. He believes that after all the time they’ve spent in the demon realm and the difficulties they’ve had with finding things they can eat, Evelyn should have NEVER presumed to give anything to Philip without checking with him first. As such, he mischaracterizes her negligence as intentional harm.
This perceived attack on his baby brother has him going back into full witch hunter mode, and he carries Philip to the natural portal and runs back to Gravesfield to get a doctor. He doesn’t realize that he’s carrying a corpse by the time he arrives until the doctor says there’s nothing he can do. With that, Caleb explains the whole story, buries his brother, and sets off to the Boiling Isles to get revenge.
Due to his view that Philip was a victim of witchcraft, he harbors no ill intentions for the situation and refuses to defile his baby brother’s body with witchcraft. Caleb has no such reservations about his own humanity. It’s a quest for vengeance, and he isn’t hiding from that fact.
Over time, he starts manipulating the people he comes across and behaving as he did with Evelyn. This prevents a trail of bodies being led back to him. Caleb has no interest in going back to Gravesfield, instead focusing solely on finding the Collector for access to magic.
He mutilates his body with Wild Magic by replacing parts of his body with various elements of magic—including ingesting Titan’s Blood and surgically implanting a Galderstone inside of himself. This results in a curse of his own, but there are no sentient voices, as he never consumes Palismen. Caleb amasses power and creates a cult by claiming he’s essentially Titan Jesus. The glyphs and Titan’s Blood in his veins are proof, and it gives him a way to explain his unusually long lifespan to the populace.
Meanwhile, he’s fond of the Collector, who reminds him of Philip as a child, and spends a lot more time interacting with him as a form of projection onto them and regression to ease his grief.
Collector (affectionately nicknamed ‘Collie’) begins noticing this and creates an empty shell of Philip’s childhood self, represented as Mindscape Belos. There’s no intelligence behind it, and it’s not even truly sentient, but Caleb latches onto it obsessively, though he doesn’t reveal him to the public.
By this point, Luz is arriving to the Boiling Isles, and Caleb becomes focused on getting her away from witches and demons so she won’t be hurt. As such, he makes a proclamation that all humans found are to be brought to him, and adds another excuse to criminalize Eda (also using Sigils like Belos). This means that Luz and Eda would have to play it very carefully.
There is, of course, lingering resentment towards the Clawthorne sisters do to their relation to Evelyn. He never caught her, so Caleb frequently stresses or torments Lilith as displaced vengeance and makes Eda almost unable to go out in public.
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voiceofsword · 2 years
that made me think about this ask again. what is with people saying characters would call you a slur not even in a overly familiar, friendly (?) way that some people do because im pretty sure when people say those things they want to mean that said characters are homophobic. like what do you get out of thinking that way about characters other than mischaracterizing, and possibly a quick laugh... 😭 as a queer person i dont find it funny, just exasperating, so i guess i want to know other people’s perspectives on it. is there something i’m missing?
also thinking rinne is homophobic is silly. rinne wants to marry niki and when niki goes “its not legal because we’re both men” he doesnt gaf? and even if it’s not niki he makes enough throwaway comments towards other male characters and not once does he see it as anything “wrong” — that’s just how he is. so no rinne would not call you a slur. rinne’s kind of like. the gay, confident older brother who knows youre queer before even you realize and tries to help you with any trouble you might have adjusting. 
like if i was a high school freshman or sophomore hed be a gay senior id look up to that would seem like a jackass but getting to know him you realize he’s patient, and accommodating — because hes so out and loud and unapologetic about himself and who he is that everyone knows that if they have doubts, or that if they need help, or if theyre in trouble, that they can come to him (and he might be teasing! he might be a little mean! but in the end, he will always help)
idk. Basically amagi rinne is gay and wouldnt call you slurs. so stop that  
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spider-jaysart · 5 months
What was the last comic you read & your least favorite?
Last comic:
Supersons haha, because I love rereading it
Least favorite:
Ooooh sooooo many!!!😤
(Incoming spoilers about some of them btw, in case you plan on reading some of these)
1. The comic that Bendis wrote, which caused Jon's whole age up and then changed everything for him in his life in main comics after that
2. The Supersons comic that starred the older, current version of the boys, because even though it was supposed to be like "Oh look fans! The boys are back!!", It just wasn't the same since DC already messed things up. And there were also some ooc moments inside the book too in a way where it felt like they swapped a bit of personalities🤨, which was pretty odd and didnt help so much for the enjoyment either
3. Don't know if you know this video game series or not, but it's called Telltales the walking dead games, and after the series ended, a comic series called Clementine was released a while after that and it's all so horrible, because it ruins everything about Clementine (the main character) and the good ending she had in the last game, making all the struggles she went through in her survival journey over the years to keep living and hopefully find peace one day seem like it was all actually for nothing. The writer doesn't understand her at all and mischaracterizes her so much that it's super annoying!! I HATE that book so much!!!😤😤 That is not my Clementine, just Tangerine
4. The Legion of heroes comic where they met Damian, because the way they treated and spoke about him, especially right in front of him and also Jon who they know is his friend, was just so disgusting to see and I was disappointed in the way Jon handled it and how he still joined their team after that AND the fact that he still dated Saturn girl too. His written reaction during that moment just wasn't enough, because I believe he should've been way more mad about it all, lost some respected interest in their group, and have his feelings on Saturn girl really changed up afterwards, which he would've been right for and it fits his character better because he's protective of his loved ones like that
5. Marvel zombies. I've never read it before, so I can't say if anythings wrong with it, since I don't know how most of it's story throughout the series goes to actually say if it has good or bad writing, but I just hate whenever I see it, because it's all just really gross and too messed up for me. Don't get me wrong though, because I love apocalypse stories, they're my faves, it's just that looking at this series and the stuff that happens on page feels a bit too much for me
6. Beast Boy by Kami Garcia.
Idk if this counts enough to be added into the list, cause the book was good, it was fine, it's just an annoying thing that stuck with me that changes my view on the book whenever I reread it now, because Beast boy seemed like he was genuinely really into the popular girl in the story, but then at the end it turned out he was actually just using her to get the feel of being popular and that just didn't sit so well with me when I read that part, because that just only makes it look like that's all he ever really wanted from her now and wasn't actually interested fr, even when he did look like it. Then he just runs off onto an adventure in the end after admitting to his friends that he didn't actually care that much about her anymore, just when he had finally gotten her invested in him and it's like, dude, what the heck??? That's how you handle it????
7. "Beast boy loves Raven" and "Robin" both by Kami Garcia
These are both also fine stories, it's just another thing about one of the romances, which doesn't let me really get through the books so well the way I want to. Damian falls for Raven's sister in "Beast boy loves Raven", a little too quickly tbh, and soon starts dating her, which is continued in "Robin" (because ofc he does, he can never just be a single kid that's not being set up everytime with whatever same age girl they can throw at him or just can't be left not crushing on some mature woman who's way too old for him, which is just icky whenever that happens). It feels weird because he's instantly into her the second they meet without him getting to know her, he's flirting right away back with her when he doesn't actually get like that in canon and mostly keeps his feelings to himself when it comes to crushes since he's reserved, and then he begins dating her after not too long and then they're pretty close and so cutesy playful as a couple, which should be fine, but it's just the way it's done that feels off to me loll, and I'm not so sure how to exactly explain the vibe, like it's too overly sweet in a way that's just not fitting because it was kind of quick and Damian seemed way too expressive with it a lot??? Probably not the right way to say it, idk lmaooo, but a friend of mines also understands and feels the same on the whole topic here. Like, it all just feels ooc on Damian's part the way his character there handles the whole thing. And this is not because I'm a Damijon fan loll, cause even if it was Jon in the love interest role instead of Raven's sister in the two books, I wouldn't want it to be rushed either. I would want Damian to have to get to know him better too before actually developing any romantic feelings and showing any signs of interest in him, and after a good while of getting to do that, then he grows more comfortable around him and they start dating later, cause that would fit his character better and would make the cute, playfulness feel more fitting in the relationship and seem more natural since they've already gotten close enough to be that way. It's one of the reasons why I like Damijon lol, because they're both already so close in their friendship, that dating could work between them so well. Once again though, this is all just my opinion that I'm expressing
8. I am not Starfire
That book is just so dumb lmaooo, only the art is good. Mandy, the daughter of Starfire, is an annoying, spoiled child who only envies and disrespects her Mother, makes everything about herself, gets too mad about everything for no good reason, and she doesn't even share any Tamaranean features with Starfire in looks either, except for the green eyes and very normal looking ginger hair, like seriously??? Dick is obviously the Dad, but he won't step up to get involved at all and pretends this isn't his problem, and I hate that this a trope that keeps happening whenever Dick and Starfire have kids with eachother, one of them gets taken away or either just leaves the other on their own to deal with everything, which sucks, because they should be able to be a happy family all together already where the kids grow up with them both in their lives, not more of this. Anyways, besides those mentioned things, everything else in this book is also very annoying and makes no sense too and it's not worth the read at all because of it
9. The Injustice crossover with Jon
Most of that book was annoying, like for example when Injustice!Clark broke Jay's arm and then Jon threateningly went into Ultra power mode just to....give Clark a hug for it. Like wtf lmaoooo???? He was overly playing pacifist and it was so, so stupidly silly. And I don't even know what's going on in that universe now after he left it, like that's how much of nothing he did in there, except get sassy with everyone and try befriending Injustice!Damian lolll, which made things feel like a literal waste of time in the crossover when it seemed like he would actually try changing things up in there somehow
Okay, so I think that's it for now, cause I can't think of anymore books at the moment lol, so thanks for the ask, crusher! I like that I got to express about some of these! :)
(I apologize if these rants were a bit much btw, I just get like that sometimes because I don't get to do it enough😅, so, sorry about that, unless you're fine with it though and actually like reading that, which is awesome then, cause then I've got a good listener loll)
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