#it goes with the theme of all the recent movies for him having home in the title
cuubism · 2 years
actor hob, and pretentious asshole film director dream
[ this got so long and so weird and specific i'm so sorry ]
so hob is an everyman actor. a good actor, charismatic, funny, fan favorite, but not the type that gets cast in highbrow art films. mostly he does like romcoms, mid-budget action movies, feel-good family films, etc etc. and he's totally cool with that, he's good at what he does, and people enjoy those films, anyway. he might be getting a bit bored though, a bit stagnant. might be thinking it's time for some reinvention. and there might be a certain director whose ridiculous and nonsensical but dreamy films he's particularly enamored with...
dream makes REALLY pretentious art films. the types that get studied in graduate level film classes and have fifty different academic papers with fifty different theses trying to puzzle them out. dream is a master of themes and images and subtle construction. he is also a COMPLETE asshole and impossible to work with, an auteur in the most stereotypical way possible, he writes and directs, he micromanages all his projects, he asserts his vision and god help anyone who goes against it. nobody can handle him, nobody can STAND him, and the only reason he still gets funding for these projects is because they win awards, so many awards, and the studios want to ride on the coattails of those awards. but it's getting to the point where even his most ride-or-die producers are ready to give up.
right off the back of dream's most recent bafta, a rather naive Big Exec approaches him to direct the next installment of his Big Superhero Franchise. dream is immediately like fuck off with that bullshit but the exec pleads with him that the franchise is flagging and they really need something new to spice it up. plus the pay will be enough for dream to finance like 10 of his own ridiculous art films without having to rely on producers for money. and dream really is about to get cut off for being a complete insufferable asshole so he takes the gig. it kind of feels like prison though.
anyway, he gets to work trying to make this shitty boring film at least marginally less shitty and boring. he doesn't have a lot of leeway -- a lot of the story is locked in, half the cast is set from prior installments etc. dream immediately regrets taking this job, he'd rather die in actual prison than work on this mindnumbing piece of trash. it feels like it's taking an eternity and who could possibly stand an eternity of this???
well. enter hob, whose agent managed to snag him a 2nd-lead sort of role in this thing. it's not QUITE the reinvention he was going for but the pay and exposure are really good -- and even if they weren't, the moment hob saw that dream was attached he was immediately on board.
cue dream tearing his fucking hair out and basically being a complete menace and diva on set -- no that wasn't good, yes we have to do a 57th take, oh my god this dialogue is horrible give me that shitty script i'm writing my own thing, what do you mean the plot is linear???, wait there are how many cgi aliens????? i'm going to kill myself -- and Hob, pretty much Just Happy To Be There as always, takes one look at this beautiful dramatic emo asshole and is like oh. yes. i don't know what i'm saying yes to, but i'm saying yes. just immediately enamored with this bitch against all logic, he's like i've seen all your films i know how your mind works you brilliant nihilistic mess of a person. i'm on board. let's go.
first scene that hob's in dream is once again ranting about the atrocious script, which he did not write and is hardly allowed to change -- or, every change he makes is too weird and the studio keeps nixing it. everyone keeps sighing and being like oh my god can we please just shoot i wanna go home, meanwhile hob's like alright then. let's workshop it. and dream's just like. what. you aren't just gonna tell me to shut up? and hob's like no, youre right, this script is trash, but i know you're just going to write something really weird and psychedelic that they won't let you shoot. and dream's like you dare to speak to me that way??? and hob just puts his hands on his hips and is like listen, i actually know more about this sort of general audience family film thing than you do, mister arthouse, so are you going to work with me or not? and dream's just like what... is happening... because usually people who try to 'handle' him either just cave to his every demand like wimps, or just fight him on everything to 'prove' that they're in control, and hob is just kind of... not doing either of those? anyway dream doesn't know what to do with him.
so they workshop it. turns out hob actually DOES know how these sort of general audience all-follow-the-same-three-act-structure films work and how to improve things within those confines, and also he understands what like, normal people like, you know, casual feel good movies, not everything has to be a mindbender, jesus. so they bounce ideas off each other for like 3 hours until they finally get something that's okay enough that dream no longer wants to fling himself into the sun. meanwhile everyone on set is staring at them like 👀. then dream is like come back to my trailer we are rewriting the other 116 pages of this script right NOW. what else is hob supposed to do but follow.
then hob becomes the designated Dream Handler on set. dream starts using him as his barometer for what 'normal people' would like because he does not understand that at all. ("hob, will 'people' accept this?" "well considering youre spinning the camera around on a string i'm gonna go out on a limb and say no"). dream becomes kind of obsessed with him because his life is so like, normal, and he's okay with it?? he doesn't find existence to be an insufferable prison from which there is no escape?? and hob is like aw i know you're such a tortured artistic soul *pats him on the head*. plus, hob is actually a good actor, and he's able to put a lot of heart into even this mediocre big budget film, and kind of forces dream to confront the idea that there's more than one good type of story. that different stories serve different purposes and a straightforward happy story is okay, actually.
(and that the problem is the corporatization of the storytelling, not the story itself)
anyway the movie ends up being pretty good, dream still kind of hates it because he wasn't given full artistic license but he has to grudgingly admit that it has at least some merit. after the premiere hob is like (cheekily) so you gonna direct the sequel? and dream is like i did not write that to have a sequel. and hob's like it has a cliffhanger? and dream's like so???? and hob's like well theyre definitely gonna make a sequel. and dream's like i hate this planet. also no i'm not going to make the sequel. i'm going to fuck off to the woods and make a movie about teeth. do you want to star in it? and hob's like you're so fucking weird i'm obsessed with you i'm going to kiss you now.
so yeah, that.
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jell-o101 · 2 months
How dark could you see canon Super Mario Bros getting (either in the movies or the game's plots? The series has had moments where it's not all sunshine and rainbows (but considering the nature of Super Mario, it is sunshine and rainbows much of the time) The most obvious example I can think of is the recent movie where they dialed up the intensity of Bowser where he has a pretty strong bloodlust, a death row chamber, and a Luma who craves death.
Like I really don't see them going down the route of killing off a major character (without reviving them shortly after) but that does create a risk of cheapening death. One way they could do this is by making death reversible, but it still leaves deep seated psychological scars (think Steven Universe or Puss in Boots 2)
I also wonder if they could do a bittersweet ending sort of thing as well. I've seen some animated movies with a young audience in mind do this, but obviously they're not going go down the road of something like Grave of the Fireflies or The Little Matchgirl.
Ok ok so
Hers some random thoughts that the hardcore gamer in me thinks about.
We’re on the verge of a new console for the Switch. And that means a new 3D Mario game should be revealed soon after the new console is announced or released (stay with me, ok?)
In the personal opinion of a couple of people, Super Mario Odyssey was good! But it wasn’t AS GOOD as Super Mario Galaxy, which was a game that wasn’t really that dark, but had some moments that were out of place for an Mario game that had come before and after (not including spin offs, which seems to have the best plot of any Mario game than the mainline games).
If the next 3D Mario game is to be just as good, if not, BETTER than Galaxy, it needs to have an AMAZING story (gameplay is not my concern tbh).
As someone who enjoys a little bit of angst here and there, I had thought of two different ideas that could work for the potential Mario game.
Mario goes to a parallel universe where he lost an important battle and Bowser has taken over. Anyone who sees Mario would DEFINITELY not believe that it’s actually him and probably be enemies. And main characters like Luigi or Peach could be bosses. I imagine Luigi being the first boss completely in denial that Mario is right in front of him (imagine how cruel the realization would be SHJOSJKHSJASNOJ) and Peach could probably be the second to last OR final boss for the same reason. Idk it’s a neat idea in my head.
Another idea could be Mario accidentally being sent to the past. And I mean the FAR past before Bowser’s rein. Heck, before his birth! I see the way Bowser’s castle is themed after in Odyssey and I like to think that’s what Koopa culture looks like. I also just like the idea of Bowser being super formal when not in battle. Like the bowing, the utensil etiquette, etc. Bowser’s father, or grandfather if Nintendo decides to change it, could be the main antagonist and next to the throne could be a small nest of eggs. Mario’s goal is to use Kamek’s wand (or something magic) to get back home without changing the course of history or something. Yada yada yada, Mario learns more about Koopa culture, yada yada yada, he’s get destroyed except one, yada yada yada Mario gets back home,but Kamek catches a glimpse of him, setting up the plot of Yoshi’s Island (idk is that a good idea?) And Mario, after getting back home, just suddenly hugs Bowser and everyone is super confused. Idk I like the super sappy ending.
Idk it wouldn’t be TOO terrible in angst, but the slight change in tone for a Mario game makes the difference to me. Those are some ideas I had come up with (might draw them idk anyone’s allowed to draw this if they liked it so much) They might be terrible and overused plot points but it would be cool to see that in the next Mario game…
Did this…answer the question? I feel like I got off track 😅
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artist-issues · 15 days
What are the best stories you've seen that have a theme of forgiveness? If not strictly about forgiveness, then any themes along the lines of retribution, redemption arcs, or even "seeing through another's eyes" (I may or may not have rewatched Brother Bear recently lol)
Well, we’ve got all my old standbys. Cinderella, of course, is a story that really has forgiveness in it, because Cinderella wholeheartedly forgives her stepfamily for mistreating her. (Actually, she might be “forbearance,” not forgiveness.) But they’re completely off her hook. I think there’s a really great moment of forgiveness between Nick and Judy in Zootopia that gets overlooked. Frozen, with Anna and Elsa. Brother Bear is a really great example, truly! I love that movie.
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I think some of my other favorites include the original A Star is Born, or even the Judy Garland remake. (Those also might be more “forbearance.”) I think one of the best examples I ever saw of forgiveness was in Avatar: the Last Airbender, which everybody knows:
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And of course, ‘Til We Have Faces and The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis have some of the best-distilled forgiveness moments in any stories, ever. There are sweet ones in The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, too, though they’re not as dramatic. In Anne’s House of Dreams, by L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s repeated forgiveness of Leslie’s coldheartedness or rudeness is a really simple but awesome example of day-to-day forgiveness.
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I don’t easily think of a lot of good examples of it in stories. Brother Bear definitely has it, because without it, the story doesn’t work—Sitka wouldn’t help Kenai to learn from his wrongs, Kenai would’ve been killed by Denahi, Koda would’ve been left alone—but I don’t think forgiveness is the main focus of the movie. I think it’s a load-bearing component, but not the focus.
You’re making me want to see a movie that really homes in on that!
The thing is, I guess, for forgiveness to be the focus of a movie, there has to be a character that 100% definitely does the complete wrong, inexcusable thing to another character. Something that he deserves to be on the hook for. Then he has to acknowledge that he did the wrong thing and want forgiveness. And then the other character, the one who was wronged, has to willingly acknowledge that wrong and then let the offender off the hook. It’s not just “we’ll pretend this didn’t happen.” It’s both parties acknowledging that wrong was done, and having an exchange that ends in reconciliation. It’s got grace and mercy wrapped up in it.
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Not many movies have true moments like this. Usually, one character is super sorry and the other character just seems to brush off whatever they did with like, a callback to an inside joke or something. (I’m thinking if Treasure Planet, to be honest.) Or, the situation necessitates that they put their conflict aside and work together, and then after the day is saved they sort of “get over” all that and swagger off into the sunset together.
As far as “redemption” goes—gee, all the old standbys! All the ones I mentioned above, plus Star Wars, plus East of Eden (the movie, not the book) plus, of course, my all-time favorite movie, Lilo & Stitch.
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In Lilo & Stitch, you have the ugly little creature who belongs absolutely nowhere, is by definition a blight on nature and an abomination of existence, who was actively created to ruin everything. And he does it, and he takes delight in it. But there’s this little girl who gets pushed down, gets her doll chewed on, gets rejected when she’s most in need of his companionship—and she just keeps on loving him anyway. Because she’s chosen to, not because he did anything to deserve it. And then that infects him. That idea of family—of someone choosing to love you, no matter how ugly you are inside and out, and by choosing to love you, they create a place where you belong. No matter what. And that changes him. A germ from outside of him changes him from a literal world-destroying, home-shattering selfish monster into something new, something adopted, something loved.
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I’d call it a story about committed love and grace, not necessarily redemption—because the focus of the story isn’t really “Stitch does something wrong but then through a process of pain and transformative struggle, redeems that wrong.” That��s not the focus of the story. But it’s still “bad character becomes good.” And I can’t help but talk about Lilo & Stitch once you get me started on it, sorry!
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I think the best redemption stories are some of the ones I’ve listed above, plus East of Eden, Beauty & the Beast, and really, truly Sydney Carton from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.
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And I think Kylo Ren was well on his way to being one of the best redemption stories of all time, if TROS hadn’t fumbled the ending so clumsily—but that’s another post for another time! I don’t know if this satisfactorily answered your question, but it was fun to ramble about and I’ll tag you if I make another post as more come to mind.
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seas-storyarchive · 5 months
Crazy au
Back when Danny and Jazz were little, Alicia's farm burns down, a forest fire that spread to her farm during the night - she got out okay. Her pride wasn't really as alright.
She moves in with Jack and Maddie, basically becoming nanny to Jazz and Danny. Look, it took her a bit to adjust. Taking care of kids, and her sister and her brother-in-law (Jack). Like, she just doesn't leave but the family is fine with it because it's family.
Breakfast, lunch and family dinners are mandatory. Alicia has shut off the power grid more than once, it's going into the high double digits, sometimes multiple times in the same day. Who let her be in charge of the house? She just took over so the kids had stability with their parents working and so Jack and Maddie didn't have to worry about their kids running wild.
Alicia put up a sturdy fence around the small yard of Fenton Works and turned some of it into a patch of garden to have tomatoes, potatoes and other plants (some on hooks, some in a greenhouse that no one put up a fuss about her having). Danny in particular, back then and to present day, helps his aunt in the garden. Jazz was more of the "wash the veggies" type of kid so that was fine
Gives the kids extra money with a wink ("hey, $20 extra for you to go pick me up some small," Jack/Maddie leaves the room "cheap chocolate, you keep the change.")
the years pass, and Jazz and Danny listen to Alicia moreso than their parents because it's always been that way - they still love and listen to their parents, don't worry, it's mainly when the parents are working
Jazz knows her home situation isn't normal, but loves and appreciates her aunt for the stability she's attempted to give her
Danny loves his aunt, she's the best! She's helped him fix his room over the years to match his interests and recently she gave him space wall-clings for his room (guys, is it manly to hang space themed wall clings on your walls? no? oh well, onto the wall it goes)
Alicia singlehandedly prevents the whole Phantom situation - Danny is given the options: be grounded for (attempting, at the time) taking people down there without hazmat suits and breaching the containment zone for doing that, or take his friends to the movies with some extra cash and curfew being extended 15 minutes (for Jazz too)
they guys all just hang out at the mall instead
Alicia likes Tucker the most out of Danny's friends. She has had many a problem with Sam - from her snide comments about her wearing overalls all the time, to her pitching a fit the first times she ate dinner there because she didn't know Sam was an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian but doesn't ban Danny from hanging out with her because aside from the comments made by a 14 year old being annoying, she's harmless and she'll grow out of it, right? Tucker's parents are at first confused when they meet Alicia ("wasn't she the aunt?" "I'm sure it's nothing too strange.") but they adjust to her and they like her company. Sam's parents HATE her (mutual, honestly)
and then Alicia met Vlad. It's a strange meeting between the two, with them being awkward around each other
but the meetings kept happening, and the Fentons began to see Vlad take an interest in Alicia - maybe he'd truly given up on chasing Maddie?? - and then it started to be reciprocated by Alicia after a bit
So yeah, Alicia/Vlad becomes a long-distance thing for a while with them going to visit each other (Alicia coming back with gifts for the family - Vlad bringing some too when he visits)
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kiyrian · 4 months
I love how Alan Wake II is so much more House of Leaves than the original was.
The theme of authorship, of authors being characters and characters being authors. Of echoes moving in time. Of mothers who try to ready their sons for the darkness.
And love. The love that doesn't save them but makes them push forward so they can save themselves.
For anyone ready to go on this journey with me, let's go.
So in House of Leaves, we have Johnny - our main character. He finds a book left behind by a recently deceased man. We get to read this book with Johnny adding his comments. Often those comments are stories from his own life. We get to learn how he feels observed and sometimes attacked by this dark presence. The book overtakes his life. He doesn't feel safe, he isolates himself from everyone. I see this part as what we can see in AW 1
It could be a simple story of being driven to madness by knowledge. Only Johnny admits that he is changing the original contents of the book. He outright says it with a not-that-important detail, but it makes us wonder - is he changing anything else? Are the parts that have been scratched out (!) done by Johnny or the previous owner of the book - Zampano. And here starts the journey explored in AW2.
But is Zampano even real? After all, Johnny also lies about the stories from his life (also a thing he admits to us). At the end of the book, we can read letters that Johnny's mother wrote to him when he was a teenager. He grew up with a foster family as his mom stayed in a mental hospital and his father died. His mom was hospitalized because of schizophrenia - in her letters, we can see her mental health fluctuating from better to worse, up until she commits suicide. During one of her episodes, she created a code she could use to communicate with her son without the hospital staff knowing. A code that can be also found in Zampano's book. There are other signs alluding to Johnny's mom in parts supposedly written by Zampano. So maybe it's not Zampano who is not real. Maybe it is Johnny. Maybe this is all written by a man who imagines someone finding his writing and commenting on it? Who created who?? An echo traveling back in time to change the future - a phone call from yourself that haven't happened yet. An author who writes a story with a poet in it. A poet who wrote poems about a boy who will come and continue his battle. A movie maker who may be a poet but isn't.
Johnny's mom tried to ready her son to face the world. She tried to show him the beauty of words, of reading and learning. She was always in his corner, ready to give him words of support to her best abilities. She told him the world may be hard but he is special and he will beat the odds. A mother that knows her son fears the dark so she gives him a light switch.
Okay. Fine. But what is actually Zampano's book about. A family of four moves into a new home - a photo journalist and his wife with their two young children. Only that this House is a little weird. It is bigger on the inside. Its hallway keeps on growing until a whole new area can be found. More and more dark corridors sprawl in this space that shouldn't be. Will Navidson - the photographer - travels through this space trying to document it. At a certain point, his wife takes their children and moves away. But Will is obsessed with this place - it is his journey to face his own demons. He feels so much guilt for only being there to photograph tragedies without helping people who suffered. (an analysis of his character could take another whole post). He goes deeper and deeper into the house, down a spiraling staircase, up until he fully loses a way out. He is stuck, no way out, waiting to die. Only... his wife hasn't given up on him. For all their problems (the house move was supposed to give their marriage a new chance) she still loves him. She creates a movie solely dedicated to the happy moments they've had together. She goes back to this haunted house and tries to find him. And just like that a way back for him opens. He crawls back from the darkness. His wife's love made her go back to face her own fears (she's feared the dark for a very long time). Husband and wife who struggle but still love each other. Who survive after facing the dark, facing their demons. Who pull themselves out of depths of despair. Wives who take time to memorize those happy moments since they know the men they love are more than their worst moments (more of AW AN moment).
I am doing a great disservice to House of Leaves (and AW2) by trying to sum it up in those few points so please, please read it if you haven't. But I want to show those points that I can see reflected in AW2. Besides, of course once again using Poe's song (sister of the author of House of Leaves who did an album accompanying the book. Haunted from that album was used in AW1). And the motif of Yggdrasil at the end of the book.
There are probably so many things I am forgetting. I need to reread this book. It's this time of the year again.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request rise raph with the prompts, 4, 14, and 29?
This is my prompt list for those who want to know. Sorry for the long wait, TMNT has been hard to write for me recently. Aged up as usual :)
This fic is a mutual relationship, it just takes place in an AU of after the movie where you attempt to help Raph through his unhealthy coping of trauma caused by the Krang. So expect dark themes even if it is short.
Yandere! ROTTMNT Raphael Prompts 4, 14, 29
Pairing: Romantic
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"I want to be this close... forever...."
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Trauma, Unhealthy coping, Imprisonment implied, Clingy Raphael, Delusional behavior, Fear of abandonment, Accidental manipulation, You have no idea your relationship is becoming toxic, AU of after the Rise Movie.
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Raphael loves his family. He's a family turtle and wants to love and protect his loved ones! He's hopeless when it comes to love and gets all giggly around the one he adores.
You can see it clear as day when he's around you. Raphael is so giddy when around you. The tall and hulking turtle towers over you but with innocent excitement. He just loves you so much.
Love makes some people act a bit irrationally.
Raphael wants to be super affectionate with you. Physical touch makes the large turtle feel loved. It makes him feel that you're safe....
Raphael has had trouble feeling safe ever since Leonardo's near passing due to the Krang.
He's quickly become overbearing. His hugs are a bit too desperate, crushing you in his strength. It's like Raphael forgot boundaries around you.
You try to rebuild said boundaries, only for him to tear them down.
He never means to, of course. Raphael's just dealing with a bit of... trauma. Trauma he needs you to help him get through.
His coping mechanisims are a bit extreme though.
"It's too dangerous in the world..." He starts, tears in his eyes. "You need me, you should know that!"
Raphael holds you close, arms tightly wrapped around you as you lay on top of him. He had gone into a mental breakdown when you tried to leave the lair. It's been three days... his mental health declining without you around.
"I trust you to protect me... but we need space." You try to convince him, turning to hold his face. "I'm here to talk although I want to go home-"
"This is your home! Home is wherever we are.... I don't want you to be hurt. Please... trust me! I'll protect you as long as I'm here!"
"Raph..." You sigh softly. "I can't always be here."
"Then I'll always be around you!"
"You can't do that either...."
Raphael holds you closer, not liking what you said. He's matured from when he was younger. It's just that the Krang attack really made him think of just how easy it is to lose someone.
He's scared if something goes wrong... he may lose you next.
"You don't know that! I'd do anything for you..."
He nuzzles himself closer. You feel like a teddy bear in his arms. Something to cling to when scared....
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
He gives you a nervous smile. He may be as old as you... but he still acts like a scared child. It saddens you... yet it's expected.
Seeing nearly all your home destroyed and your loved ones threatened would affect anyone this way.
"I just want you safe. The lair is the safest place I know! Why don't you want to stay here with me?"
"I want space and the ability to be my own person, Raph."
You comfort him softly despite his denial being evident. You sigh and pull him closer. You loved him, yes...
Love should not mean imprisoning your partner, however.
"I'll be here to comfort you... just please, let me go."
Raphael is silent, you swear you hear him sniffling. You stay still and allow him to hold you. You have a feeling if he keeps this up... your relationship may be strained.
"I want to be this close... forever...."
Your heart sinks at what he says. You allow him to roll you over and cage you into the couch. Nothing malicious... he just wants to feel your warmth.
Raphael is adorable to you... even if what he's doing is wrong. Despite what he does, you find him adorable. You have a feeling you can help fix him and bring him back to how he was before.
You have no idea that your love only encourages his obsession...
Or that he may only get worse if you give into his clingy behavior and not fix your boundaries.
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denimbex1986 · 2 months
'Last month, the BBC offered an apology of sorts after a red-carpet reporter at the Baftas asked Andrew Scott, star of the film All of Us Strangers, about fellow Irish actor Barry Keoghan’s appendage. This had been the subject of conversation thanks to Keoghan’s naked dancing in the film, Saltburn, in which Keoghan’s floppy bishop steals the final scene. To settle this nagging concern the BBC turned to a gay man. ‘There was a lot of talk about prosthetics. How well do you know him?’ the reporter asked an annoyed Scott who shook his head and walked away.
Had a female actress been asked to authenticate another woman’s breasts, the scandal that would have ensued goes without mentioning, but the BBC dusted it off. ‘Our question to Andrew Scott was meant to be a light-hearted reflection of the discussion around the scene and was not intended to cause offence,’ the organisation said.
The gynarchy has made clear that objectifying men is perfectly fine and, after all, what’s a little light-hearted homophobia when gay movies are having a renaissance? All of Us Strangers – nominated for six Baftas but ultimately snubbed, and Saltburn, nominated for five – joined a handful of other gay titles that studios have banked on attracting an audience beyond the 4 per cent of the population who might traditionally see those films.
Where the box office didn’t pay off, critical acclaim largely has. 2020’s Supernova, staring Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a 60-something gay couple, and last year’s drama Passages directed by Ira Sachs, have also inched into a market where such movies typically didn’t belong.
‘Why are gay movies always so sad,’ people used to ask in the 1990s. Thirty years later, nothing has changed. Gay flicks tend to have three themes – loneliness, death, and villainy – and this recent batch of movies is no exception. The miniseries Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, released last month and based on writer Truman Capote’s final years, nicely encompasses all three.
‘New film All of us Strangers centers on gay loneliness and trauma,’ a headline on NBC News read, as though that’s anything new. And while I don’t know what ‘trauma’ is, I do know that gay people have always fixated on it and, increasingly, so does everyone else. Gay films haven’t changed, but the audience has. Women are lonelier, more promiscuous, and more atomised than ever and now they’ve discovered a whole sub-genre of cinema speaking to that and aiming to nurture those anxieties. Just a hunch, but the ladies sobbing along at home to Supernova are probably childless and spend many hours a week on Zoom calls.
When a gay film meanders too deeply into gay insider baseball, like Billy Eichner’s 2022 romantic comedy Bros, it bombs. The most resonate gay movie of all time might continue to be 1970’s The Boys in the Band, but the 2020 remake flopped, probably because it’s a story devoid of hope and beauty, only messiness and casual destruction –something gay men understand but remains far too raw and excruciating for women to enjoy.
Then there’s the other side of it – the neutered gay fan fiction written by and for women, like Amazon Prime’s horrendously stupid 2023 film Red, White & Royal Blue, which offers women magical gay pets to carry around in their dreams. When I asked the feminist writer Louise Perry about these films, she said:
"These are usually gay relationships represented in a uniquely feminine way: intensely emotional, no casual sex, very unlike gay porn for men.
I suspect that young women find these gay fantasies attractive because they’re scared of the asymmetries inherent to straight relationships, in which women are always the more physically vulnerable party. So, they invent fictional gay men and give them a style of sexuality more typical of women.
She continued: ‘Will & Grace was obviously created for women because the gay male characters are weirdly asexual,’ reiterating something gay men have speculated for some time, noting that the bitchy and boozy, heterosexual Karen Walker was the only character they gravitated toward.
That’s not to say women can’t write great gay stories. Brokeback Mountain, the most critically acclaimed gay movie of all time, was based on a short story by Annie Proulx, who revealed in a 2009 interview her frustration with fan letters wishing the story had ended on a positive note. Those ‘idiots’ who want a happy ending, she said, overwhelmingly tended to be men.'
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
Chapter Eight
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“Will you have a Bailey’s dear?”
“Oh yeah, thank you, that’d be lovely.”
Claire’s mother Cassandra, who could genuinely be her older sister, strokes her hand down my cheek to my chin and makes an affectionate clucking sound in the same way that her daughter does. They’re alike in so many ways that it’s almost frightening, clones of one another, the understated beauty, the way they’re always touching you, the plump, pouty mouth. Cassandra is the most glamorous woman in Tullamore and everybody knows it. She’s soft cashmere and velvet, the colour champagne and the smell of vanilla, and tonight she’s dressed in beige and white, patient stiletto heels clicking across the tile in her enormous kitchen to get a carved crystal glass for my liqueur. 
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“She won’t be long, love.” She calls out to me as I perch on a settee by their roaring fire in the next room, its mantle adorned with eucalyptus leaves and a dozen white pillar candles. 
“Oh it’s fine.” I say. “I’m alright with waiting, your house is so cosy.”
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“Oh, thank you.” She replies, delighted, and hands me the glass, half a strawberry floating amongst the ice cubes. “We’re doing a white and gold theme this year for Christmas, since we had our walls painted in Elephant’s Breath last summer I thought we could keep it neutral.”
“It’s beautiful, you’ve done an amazing job.”
“Oh darling, you’re so nice.” She moves around the room looking for something, all long legs like a gazelle, and then peeps under the coffee table to grab a magazine. “I’m going to go into Barry in the other room, he’s watching a film if you’d like to join us.”
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“Oh, no I’m fine here.” I say, and she leaves me by the fire where I curl my legs up underneath me and watch the flames dancing in the dim lamp light, sipping from my glass while the logs crackle and I feel like a kid on Christmas in some 90’s movie like Miracle on 34th Street or Home Alone. It’s the day after Christmas so all of the presents have been opened, but Cassandra leaves fake ones under the tree. I think they’re just empty cardboard boxes but they’re wrapped in gold foil paper and tied up beautifully with silk ribbons with the kind of patience and care that I know I will never have for something so arbitrary as a Christmas present, never mind a fake one. I fantasise, the way I often do when I’m by myself in Claire’s house, that I grew up here and had this wonderful, perfect childhood where I got everything I ever wished for and life was always beautiful. 
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My phone goes off and I’m distracted from my daydreams as I take it out of my pocket to see a notification on my Instagram. I tap to open the app and read it, and it’s just Marnie commenting on one of my recent drawings. 
Ugh, so talented. 
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I hit the home button and the app instantly takes me to a picture Shane uploaded earlier in the day that I haven’t seen yet. I do a double take when I see it. It’s him and Jen. I stare at it for ages, taking it all in, the way that they have their heads smushed together in the frame, both of them grinning. The caption is: The state of us lol. 
It is disquieting to see it for some reason, and as I look down at my phone in my hand I remember my encounter with Jen in that cocktail bar back in November and how she’d mentioned some get together with all the old gang. Here is photographic evidence that it happened, and Shane went, even though he never told me that he did. I stare at the photo some more, Jen has commented underneath it, something about how bad they both look, and then I notice something else in the background of the photo. 
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It’s a hand on a table, the rest of the person off screen but I know instinctively who it belongs to by its long painterly fingers, my insides start feeling like something is bouncing around in my guts and before I can stop myself I have already tapped on Jen’s profile. It’s like my body is invaded by something, and it just takes over from my brain and starts performing automated movements, scrolling, tapping, scrolling, tapping. I go to her followers list and start trawling through hundreds of names, nothing familiar, nobody I know, until…
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I stop. There it is. NotJTurner. The little icon next to it is the back of his head, a black puffer coat on him, looking out over a winter sky streaked with clouds, and I want to snort with derision. He really is so pretentious, it pisses me off. I tap on the icon anyway. 
There are no photographs of him on the profile. The whole thing is this immaculately curated mood board, every picture taken with what must be some expensive DSLR camera, edited perfectly to fit the theme and capture city life. A man walks his dog while drinking from a takeaway coffee cup in the snow. Two girls climb out of a taxi on a wet night, the lights of the city smeared and reflected on the slick tarmacadam. A symmetrical shot of a skyline, a building with a hundred windows and then a vast expanse of clear cyan sky in the negative space it creates. The more I look the angrier I get and I don’t know why. All of these carefully selected pictures of this perfect Berlin life, everything so aesthetically pleasing, all of it so goddamned good. I hate that he’s good. He’s supposed to be terrible, he’s supposed to be as awful as the feelings he ran away and left me with.
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But I can’t look away. Dotted here and there among the street photography are pictures from exhibitions, some sculpture work he’s presumably doing at college and then like me, he’s photographed his sketchbooks, and they’re breathtaking. Deep, dark and moody, faces emerging from blackness on the page. The way he’s captured expression and movement would put stars in Ida’s eyes, and I linger on one page that just hands, some draped over the edge of a bathtub with wrists exposed, dirt beneath the nails, skin taut over the veins, knuckles rough and scabbed and yet they look like they’re ready to start moving off the page. He never showed me his work that summer, I never knew, he never told me it was like this, and I feel more humiliated than ever that I let him see my stupid, childish work that night after the graveyard. And I think of the way he looked at me and said these are really good. I huff out of my nostrils. What a liar. 
I start scrolling faster through the images, blood rushing through me and throb in my face and I know that if anyone asked me I’d have no way of explaining this reaction and this flood of strange feelings that have crashed over me, how the meagre act of looking at someone’s instagram profile could make me feel with such intensity. 
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I stop dead with confusion when I see something else among the other posts. Is that… me? Am I looking at my own face? 
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I become still and look, and keep looking. Is it really? I stare at the screen and wonder if I’m just making things up out of self-obsession, but it’s undeniable that the face in front of me is my own. Or rather, the faces. Somewhere in the depths of his profile, way down near the bottom is a photograph of a collection of drawings. There are five heads all arranged on a page, each one with a different expression, confusion, scepticism, surprise, contentment, and another that I become transfixed on because I don’t recognise it right away. The girl on the page has bare shoulders, long, unkempt hair that’s coming across her forehead in loose strands over her low straight brows. Her eyes are bright and engaged, and sparkling, as you might even say if you were feeling generous. Her head is tilted forward and the corner of her mouth quirked upwards to create this cheeky, mischievous expression that I never knew I had. When have I ever made that face? 
He’s made me look so free and so easy and so beautiful that I’m sure he’s taken creative liberties. I don’t ever really look like that. These versions of me are from somebody’s imagination, like they’re a character who’s wearing a mask of my face and has enhanced all of the best parts and ignored the way that my shoulders are always hunched and there’s a line etched between my eyebrows. When did he draw these? Why did he draw these? I read the caption. 
Old work. 
That’s all. Of course he doesn’t say anything about who the girl in the drawings is, or what compelled him to draw her, but why would he? There’s a big piece of me that wishes that he’d shown me these before, emailed them to me, anything. How old are they? Are they from that summer on the beach, or sometime afterwards? My mind drifts back to my bedroom in Tullamore where there is a sketchbook hidden away in a big plastic box beneath my bed that contains my own clumsy attempts at drawing him. I remember doing them in the middle of some emotional episode and feeling like I was in some way creating a bridge between our distance, relishing each little zing of pleasure I felt as I remembered another little detail about his beautiful face that I could put to paper. But you couldn’t waterboard those drawings out of me now, never mind convince me to put them up on the internet. 
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When I hear Claire coming down the stairs I hastily put my phone back into my pocket. “Hello gorgeous.” She says as she sweeps into the room. “Are you ready to hit the road?”
“Yes!” I say, and I grab my half full glass of Baileys from the coffee table so I can gulp it down in one go. It doesn’t even make me wince. “Let’s get moving.”
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hi am a 7th grader and I was wondering how you don't get embarrassed bc in my school they make fun of me for things I like like dt and you really encourage me to ignore those people and keep liking what I like
I know it's long, but I want EVERYONE to read this.
Okay, this REALLY hit home, because even though I am just recently entering college(I'm 19), I still feel this way at times. But you know what? It's okay.
At your age, other kids in your school or even a little older than you will probably tease you about this, but not for the reasons you'd think. I mean- what? DuckTales is an amazing animated show about a family that goes through hardships and helps protect one another and all that they value. It's a reboot from an old classic revolving around Donald Duck- one of the most popular animated characters in the world(to be honest I often see him being more popular than Mickey even). Something about this that makes it so amazing, to help you not feel embarrassed? The show is made by adults. Not overgrown children: adults. These people are well older then even myself, voicing, writing, and animating anthropomorphic ducks for one of the largest and most popular film/entertainment industries in the world. This was made by adults, and it's enjoyed by adults. Most of the humor or context provided in the show can't even be understood by most children younger then you, which just goes to show that it's well loved by those even older.
It's not just a kids show. And even if it was- guess what? You get a larger excuse then someone like me even, because you're still a kid. You can like this and people don't have the right to say anything about it.
You said you're in seventh grade? Do me a favor then: show pride in liking this show, and if someone so much as gives you a dirty look for it, I want you to say "Well what kind of shows and movies do you watch?"
If those kids are honest, then the majority of them like watching Disney and animated films as well. If they don't, then it will still be a show meant for younger teens/kids. If they answer that they watch shows and movies that are rated R or meant for adults; then point out that they're still kids too and that their parents shouldn't be okay with that as it is inappropriate most likely. Watching DT17 though? There's is nothing wrong or embarrassing about that.
Like I said; it's made by adults, it should be enjoyed by adults. It's a kids/family show? Then it's enjoyed by kids and families! My mother doesn't care to watch Tv, but when I played the intro for her, she was so happy because it reminded her of her childhood watching the original show and she and my older family members like watching it from time to time because that's what reboots and Disney do. The show is meant to be enjoyed by people your age and even decades older- that's the pure beauty behind it!
If people give you a hard time on it, you know what's the problem? They're embarrassed themselves. I've seen it and received this issue in person myself. Other kids have teased me on liking "little kids shows", only for me to learn later on that they like something others would have found even more childish. They're embarrassed because they have an interest in either the same thing or something else, but they don't want others to find out and act rudely towards it to be kept secret. It's sad, and it's slightly pathetic, but it's understandable because they're just as embarrassed as you and me.
When I got to college, I was more nervous about it then I was even back in high school- but you know what? On the first day, I saw nearly twenty different students wearing clothes with animated characters on them- from Mickey Mouse to Batman, and from Stich to Bratz. The thing is; people stopped caring what others thought, and it helps us realize that others don't actually care. Think about it; if you saw someone at your school wearing a hoodie themed after Bluey or Hilda or Adventure Time, would you care? Probably not in the way you think others would. If people your age do care, its because they're reaching an age of "maturity" where they think they're supposed to grow up and out of these things, when these fandoms are actually aimed to them.
Unfortunately, I will have to admit that the acceptance of this doesn't really fade away early enough. People will act like they're too mature and grown for such things for a while, with the once in a while exception of that one kid you shows off their interests at every turn(this level of confidence is something I will always admire). This usually shows up as early as fourth grade, and it will mostly continue until you all graduate from high school. But when you become an adult and finally leave school, you'll look at the world differently, realizing that this is now your world too. The feeling will be real and you'll actually feel it after you graduate, and goddamn is it a scary but exhilarating feeling. But you know what happens after that? You'll look around and see that most adults won't care- you say you like Disney shows and movies; "Dude, same! I love watching the old classics and reboots!" I have heard this response more times then you would ever believe.
It's just how people your age feel because you're all growing up. But please for the life of me- don't. Don't try to grow up- not like this. If you do, then you'll push yourself away from the beauty that the world tries to give you as a child. I know you can't stop from growing up, but truly enjoy it for now, before it becomes expected of you.
If you like DuckTales? Then show it off. If people make fun of you or tease you, even if they're your friends? Then who needs them. Your real friends will understand and accept you, and the others are either lying to themselves; they grew up too fast and are making fun because they aren't as happy as you, not enjoying their childhood as much as you, and not letting themselves experience the world like you.
Your interests are your interests. Screw the haters.
109 notes · View notes
jahayla-parker · 2 years
Hi! I've seen you want some fluffy requests. I have one if you're interested?
Tom gets the news that he has to shave his head for cherry. He's worried because he knows how much his girlfriend Y/N loves his hair.
When he gets it done, Y/N is shocked but also likes it in a way because she can run her fingers on top of it. They spend the night cuddling.
The next day, Tom goes to the cherry set with Y/N so they can film. They already started filming a couple months ago when Tom hadn’t shaved his head. They film the scene of Emily and cherry reuniting after cherry returns from Iraq. When they're done filming, they're in bed in Tom's trailer and Y/N can't stop stroking the extra bit of hair he had put on.
Can you just add a bunch of fluff scenes as well? Just them cuddling, kissing etc.
Hope you like it! 💕
Buzzing Nerves: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom is worried his girlfriend y/n won’t react well to him needing to get a buzz cut for his role in Cherry. Y/n makes it a point to reassure him.
Warnings: some minor self doubt, a little suggestive, spoilers for Cherry, cotton candy level fluff that may cause a cavity, one tiny curse word.
Notes/comments: thank you for this request! Sorry it took so long, I wanted to do right by it 🥰
I did change it a teensy tiny bit from your request (namely the time frame between his haircut and the post Iraq scene, explanation is in the story), so I hope that’s okay!
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Tom paces back and forth outside a random sidewalk in Ohio, just down the street from the set where he’d been working for the last several months on his new movie Cherry.
He’d excused himself from set and wandered down here in a panic as to not embarrass himself in front of the Russo Brothers with his reaction to their recent decision.
Tom just received news that he’d have to get his hair cut for this film and to say he was nervous would be a major understatement.
His brother Harry was currently hunched over, clenching his hands against stomach, as he continued laughing at Tom.
“Mate, relax. You’ve had to do this before” Baz laughed slowly, finally getting himself together.
Tom nodded and paused his pacing as he considered the validity of Harry’s reminder.
Baz was correct; Tom had been required to change his hair for other projects in the past. And it had gone fine each time.
However, this time felt different as he was going to have his head completely shaved.
Tom knew his girlfriend Y/N loved running his hands through his locks and he was never one to pretend he wasn’t addicted to her doing that.
He kept wondering how was she going to react to him coming home with a shaved head?
Tom also wondered how he was going to manage not feeling her fingers trace through his hair in such a calming way.
This movie had already been a difficult one to get into character for given it’s dark theme.
Whenever he’d come home -which for the time being was a quaint Airbnb Baz, Tom, and y/n rented in Ohio a few miles from the set- he would be greeted with a hug from the brightest light in his life and everything would be forgotten.
Her hands would stroke his scalp as her fingers laced through his hair while she’d smile up at him, one hand around him to maintain her side of the hugging embrace.
No matter what he’d had to do that day or what was on his mind, he’d feel instantly better.
He felt safe and loved in her arms at all times; even before he started filming Cherry and was struggling with his mental health.
However, all of the things he loved about her and their relationship somehow meant even more to him when these changes took place.
It wasn’t that he ever took the things she’d do for him for granted. If he had, he knew he would have scolded himself to the point he’d never be able to make that mistake again.
Yet, when he started doubting himself and who he was outside of the movie, her love felt so much stronger to him.
As he processed these thoughts, he found himself beginning to pace again unintentionally.
“Tom” Baz said, placing his hand on Tom’s shoulder to stop him, “it’s just hair”.
Tom groaned but nodded, “I know Harry… but I… how is she going to react?”.
Harry raised a skeptical eyebrow at Tom, “y/n? Why are you worried about that? I’m ready to die from the disgusting sappy love between you too while crammed into the rental with you both”.
Tom blushed and laughed, his face reddening as he once again considered how loved she made him feel.
“She likes my hair” Tom sighed, biting his lip.
“Eww mate, ‘m didn’t need to know that” Harry groaned, rubbing his face.
“Not like that you arse!” Tom yelled protectively before sighing again.
“Thank God. But seriously either way, she’ll be fine” Harry assured him, trying to direct him back to set.
Tom clamped his hands together in front of him as he reluctantly followed Harry.
“I hope so” Tom sighed.
“She loves you, she will be fine with it even though you’ll look ridiculous” Baz said, turning to smirk jokingly at his older brother.
Tom groaned and glared at the back of Harry’s head as they walked in silence.
When they got back to set, Tom realized his luck was even worse than he thought.
He learned he wasn’t even going to be able to have time to warn y/n prior to it being done.
The Russo brothers wanted it done right away so they could promptly begin the rest of the scenes where he had to have a buzz cut.
This meant he didn’t even get one last experience of his love’s fingers in his hair before he’d have none for her to play with for months.
As if that wasn’t enough, he also learned they’d be filming it taking place to use as part of the movie.
Even if she would be okay with the results, Tom was certain y/n would not like watching the scene where someone was to take a razor to the hair she loved.
Plus, it meant he’d have to ignore all the emotions he was feeling when having it done and focus on playing the role of Cherry and expressing Cherry’s emotions instead.
“There you are. Ready?” Anthony Russo asked as he noticed Tom let out a loud breath as he approached the faux military barbershop portion of the set.
Tom forced a fake smile and nodded tightly as he made his way to his starting position. He allowed himself one more moment of concern before composing himself.
“Love…” Tom called out hesitantly as he and Harry entered the Airbnb.
Upon not instantly being tackled in a hug and kisses, Tom began to panic. Her lack of response made him even more concerned.
Turning to face Baz, he asked, “did.. did you already tell her?”.
Baz shook his head no and shrugged as he hung up the keys to their rental car.
“Darling? It’s Tom.. and Baz.. are you home?” Tom asked timidly as he began walking further into their shared home.
Tom’s scrunched features and frown disappeared upon seeing the love of his life dancing by herself as she cleaned her work station.
She had AirPods in and was presumably listening to music on full blast; as always, despite Tom having mentioned his worries for her hearing.
Tom chuckled to himself as he walked over to y/n, her back still to him as she wiped down the desk they’d bought for her to work from while they were in Ohio.
Tom was silent as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, knowing she wouldn’t hear him anyways.
Y/n jumped a little at first but quickly calmed down upon realizing it was her boyfriend.
She squeezed his hands that were resting on her torso before lifting her hands up to her head to remove her AirPods.
“Hey baby” Y/n hummed peacefully as she relished in his embrace.
“Hey sunshine” Tom greeted, his chest simultaneously beating out of his chest in anticipation for when she turned around and also slowing itself down as he took in her presence and love.
Y/n let out a tranquil sigh and smiled as Tom twisted his head to the left in order to kiss her cheek while still standing behind her.
“Missed you” Y/N said, her left hand coming up to run through his hair.
Tom internally flinched as he awaited her response. His recently formed peace lapsing again as he began to panic all over again.
Upon feeling a thin, stubble-like layer of hair instead of Tom’s normal soft and thick hair, Y/N’s hand froze and she stepped forward and out of his arms so she could face him.
Gathering enough composure to attempt to comprehend what she was feeling, she swung her body around until she was facing her boyfriend.
“T? What.. ummm… what the h-… what am I looking at?” Y/n asked, trying to not let her shock become offensive as she took in the sight before her.
Tom bit his lip and rubbed his neck, cringing as he felt the difference himself.
“The Russo Brothers wanted the military part to be… authentic…” he mumbled.
Y/n nodded and let her eyes graze over him as if seeing him for the first time.
“Love… I.. I know, I’m sorry. I promise it’ll grow back though” Tom pleaded, worry creeping in as she remained silent.
“Tom, baby. You don’t need to apologize” Y/n says, her gaze dropping down from his hair to look him in the eyes instead.
“But-.. we didn’t discuss this. And I know you liked my old hair” Tom sighs.
Realizing how much he was beating himself up over something so minor, Y/n giggles softly and wraps herself against his chest.
Tom instantly pulls her closer to him and stares down at her, his nerves pausing momentarily as he notices the loving look she’s giving him.
“I did. I do. Tom.. but, I love you more” she smiles, stroking the side of his face with her thumb.
Tom blushes and smiles graciously at her.
“It’ll take some time to get used to, that’s for sure” she admits, laughing softly as she lifts her hand.
“But, I’m sure I’ll grow to love this hairstyle too T. Besides, I can feel your head more like this” y/n adds, her hands going back up to his head.
Tom watches his selfless girl attempt to accustom herself with his practically nonexistent hair.
“You really don’t mind?” Tom asks, deciding to break the silent calm they’d built while her hands continued to trace across his head.
While he relished the normalcy of this behavior, he couldn’t ignore his need to know her true thoughts.
“Tommy. Look at me” Y/n pleaded, her hands on either side of his hair head.
Tom lowered his eyes from the wall behind her and looked at the woman he has grown to learn he cannot live without.
“I really don’t mind” she said, reciting his question verbatim so he couldn’t interpret it incorrectly.
“Come on,” she says, her fingers prompting tingles to flow through Tom’s body as she mindlessly dragged her nails softly against his scalp while leading him down the hall towards their bedroom.
“Love?” Tom asks, following her but confused as to where this was headed.
While he of course had no problem with wherever the night was going, he wanted to be sure she didn’t feel she had to prove to him how much she loved him or had to prove that she was okay with this. Especially when he knew she was probably tired from her own day today.
He’d be completely content just holding her, or her holding him, while they conversed under the blankets until they fell asleep.
He just wanted to be with her.
Unbeknownst to Tom, y/n’s thoughts were remarkably similar. She didn’t what Tom to keep speculating that she hated his hair, but also didn’t want him to think she was faking her reaction to reassure him.
But she wanted him to truly understand that nothing, especially not a hair cut, was going to change her feelings for him.
Y/n crawled into their bed, Tom following suit.
“I” Y/n says, kissing his left jaw.
“Love” she continues, kissing his cheekbone this time.
“You” y/n says, her lips pressing an open mouth kiss to his temple.
“T” she mumbles, her hands taking in what was left of his hair as her lips moved down to the right side of his face this time.
“So” she adds, kissing Tom’s right jaw.
Tom’s arms had not let go of her since joining her in their bed.
Instead, his arms were wandering around her precious frame while he closed his eyes in desire as her lips trailed his face.
“Damn”y/n comments, her lips on his right cheekbone.
“Much” she assures him, kissing his right temple.
Before Tom could compose himself and his thoughts enough to respond, y/n’s hands lowered to his face.
“Hair” she says, continuing a sentence Tom thought was over.
Y/N’s lips press against the right side of freshly shaved head.
Tom’s eyes flew open to look at the beautiful woman hovering over him.
“Or” she adds, kissing the left side of his head this time, the tingling sensation she’d been causing Tom to feel this whole time, increasing yet again.
“No” she says, kissing various places on/around his scalp tenderly as one of her hands went back up to feel the stubble again.
“Hair” she finishes, kissing his lips finally; Tom somehow melting in her arms even more.
Tom’s eyes trailed over her as she pulled back to look down at him. He felt his face flush as he realized how lovesick he must look.
He smiled and grabbed her hand from his hair and used that grip to hold her hand above her head as he eagerly but tenderly flipped the two of them until he was towering over her.
Tom leans down and kisses y/n’s delicious smile as he begins to take his time showing her how grateful he is for her.
—— A few months after——
Tom held y/n’s hand in his as they approached set again today.
They were on the final week of filming and Tom couldn’t be more excited to be approaching the end.
His hair had begun to grow back slightly, although he had been thoroughly assured y/n hadn’t minded the temporary change.
He himself however, missed his longer hair.
While she’d gotten herself adjusted to playing with his shorter hair, he had missed the way she’d unknowingly tug on his longer hair while cuddling and resulting in them getting closer to one another.
At this point he -as was required in the filming process for the purpose of showing how much time had passed - had a decent amount of his hair back and the crew was going to be assisting in making it seem even thicker and longer for his shoot today.
Being on the last week also meant no more surprises or tense scenes he had to prepare for.
Plus, Tom couldn’t wait to be able to relax with y/n and his family back in London.
Today they were to be filming the last few scenes of his character in prison and then going back and re-recording his reacquaintance with Emily from earlier in the movie after Cherry left Iraq.
The rest of the week would compose of reviewing the other scenes and reshooting as needed.
However, the Russo brothers had assured Tom the scenes where he was required to have a full buzz cut were successful and not needing to be reshot; much to Tom’s relief.
“I’m so proud of you baby. I know how hard this movie was for you” y/n/n whispers as she squeezes his hand.
“Thank you sunshine. You played a much bigger role in that success than I know you’ll ever accept credit for” Tom grins, squeezing her hand back.
“Whew” Tom sighed, plopping down on the couch in his trailer.
Y/n giggled and pulled Tom up enough so she can join him and then rested his head on her chest.
Tom sunk in closer to her and closes his eyes as her hands begin stroking his head.
“You missed it huh?” Tom mumbled as he smirks up at her knowingly, his eyes remaining closed.
Y/n giggled nervously, making Tom’s heart flutter.
“A bit. To be fair, I never said I wouldn’t miss your longer hair” she reminded him, dragging her fingers from the top to the bottom of a single strand of his hair.
“True. I missed it too darling” Tom admitted in hopes it helps her not feel guilty.
“Mmm. You still looked hot” she promised, kissing his head, “but I do like the longer length more”.
Tom’s face reddened and he pressed his head into her chest as if concealing his blush.
“This fake hair is oddly realistic” Y/n said quietly, her fingers trailing over the extension portion of his hair.
“Mmm, wanting me to keep it in?” Tom asked, opening his eyes to look at her.
She kissed his nose and shook her head, “no, T. I can wait. It has grown back a lot already”.
Tom nodded, “good because it is itchy”.
Y/n laughed and shook her head at her insane boyfriend, “it itches and you were going to keep it in until your hair finished growing back?”
Tom bit his lip and shrugged, “if you wanted me to, yeah”.
“Thomas Stanley Holland, I love you. You do not need to do that, or anything else that makes you uncomfortable” she informed him, kissing his forehead.
“I love you too y/n/n, I just want you to be happy” he responded.
“I am T; I have you. That’s all I need to be happy baby” y/n commented, staring down at him.
“Good because you’ll always have me” Tom promised, kissing the back of her hand.
“We will be celebrating when it is done growing back in though” Y/n said suggestively, causing Tom to tilt his head up at her, a smirk on his face.
“Is that so?” He asked, intrigued.
Y/n hummed a yes and smirked at him before kissing his ear.
Tom sighed deeply and kissed her through his smirk, “does the fake hair count?”
“No” y/n teased, suppressing a laugh.
Despite knowing she wasn’t completely serious about cutting him off until then, he knew he needed to head back to set and now he has a cheeky way to excuse himself.
Tom pouted before standing up eagerly, “well, then I better go get more of those biotin supplement things!”.
Y/n laughed and shook her head as her boyfriend kissed her cheek before rushing back to set.
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Tag list: @galaxyholland @spideysbae @mcushvft @fishingirl12
Please use the link from my page to add yourself to my tag list so you don’t miss future posts 💝
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fanfic-chaos · 2 years
Steddie Rockstar Fics
I have recently been obsessed with Steddie fics where Eddie gets out of Hawkins and becomes a famous rock star but still ends up with Steve in some shape or form and eventually gushes to the public about his boyfriend Steve (who usually has a completely normal job and is literly “just some guy names Steve”). Anyway here has some of my favourite fics with that general theme and if anyone knows of more please let me know!
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you  by  @greatunironic  (35k words)
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?”  Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding,  a funeral, and a birth. 
to build a home  by rocketshiptospace (27k words)
Steve snorts and shakes his head, and it hits Eddie, suddenly, that leaving Hawkins means leaving this too.
No more Steve showing up to his trailer in the middle of the night, no more annoying Steve during his shift at Family Video, no more movie nights with the gang, no more hanging out period. No more sleep overs after gigs, sleepy mornings, lazy afternoons.
Steve seems to have come to the same conclusion, because he tilts his head towards Eddie, a sad look in his eyes. “Promise me you’ll call, sometimes?”
Eddie turns his head, too, and their noses are only inches apart. The moment feels intimate, quiet. Safe. “Every day, if you want me too.” Eddie says, and Steve does that little huff laugh he does sometimes, and god, Eddie is going to miss him so much.
This is a story about home. Or, how Eddie slowly realizes Steve Harrington is his.
my way, your way (anything goes) by @ghostevie (25k words)
A guitar riff came out over top of all the other instruments and Steve froze in place, the smile on his face disappearing.
He knew that riff. He had heard it enough times over the summer of ‘86 to know it as soon as it started. Hell, Steve was there when it was written.
“Indianapolis, how are we fucking feeling?!”
The guitarist had run out from the side of the stage, wide smile on his face, strumming the riff over and over on his cherry red electric guitar as he spoke to the crowd. Eddie fucking Munson.
Rockstar!Eddie Munson au set in the summer of 1988 where Corroded Coffin opens for Guns N’ Roses after Eddie ran away from Hawkins. Steve sees him for the first time in over a year and old feelings resurface.
give those kids who get me a star to wish upon  by  @tactiletelekonesis​ (10k words)
Eddie Munson always hoped he’d make it out of Hawkins. He just never expected to be joined by Steve Harrington. (A tale of how Eddie and Steve got together just before Corroded Coffin made it big.)
home  by @peaktotheocean  (3k words)
Eddie was well aware that his ideas of romance were vastly different from that of the general population. Metal, for one-- super romantic music in Eddie's opinion.
His partner showing up to a metal festival after a twelve hour shift teaching/babysitting a bunch of five year olds, not even changed or showered from his day, covered in paint that he was never going to get out of his favorite sweater vest? The most romantic thing Eddie could think of.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
some weekend sweets : asian games, roborock, duck and double standards.
before we all celebrate 9/5, have some candy from the past days. 🍭 i hope you are all having a good weekend.
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1. Last friday, a statement from Asian Games was going around and it’s about them recognizing the film One & Only. People were quick to connect the fact that GG is the Ambassador for the HZ Asian Games and this is an indirect collaboration for our boys.
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this is part of the statement :
The Organizing Committee of the 19th Asian Games in 2022 plans and exclusively authorizes Ruyi Pictures (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. filmed the Asian Games-themed movie "One and Only" in 2022.
It started in Hangzhou on May 27, and was successfully completed on August 5. The film was directed by Dapeng, Huang Bo and Wang Yibo lead the cast, and Chen Zhixi serves as the chief producer. A new competition item, breakdance, will be added as a carrier, telling the story of teenagers who are pursuing their hip-hop dreams. Under the guidance of the coach, overcome many obstacles and shine on the stage of love.
The film integrates the beautiful image of Hangzhou city and the concept of the Asian Games into it. It lets the general public feel the charm of the Asian Games and the beauty of the city inside and outside the stadium, constantly deepen the understanding and understanding of Hangzhou at home and abroad, and enhance the popularity and reputation of Hangzhou city.
Turtles always ask when the boys will work together again or collaborate, and I think this kind of connection is what we will be having first. It may not be a direct drama/movie collaboration yet, but expect to see them be involved in the same efforts like this one. It is definitely on brand for them because they are all about representing their country and promoting things they love. This “thank you” from the asian games committee is decided by lots of people and takes into consideration that the film will be a good way to promote the games and the city. It’s nice that XZ/WYB are both ( in a way ) at the forefront of endorsing the games to the larger population.
I also remembered this bit today ( and thought about making a CPN post ) because in the let’s chat episode, Bobo was talking about the dance competition championship he watched. Then he said they have a better chance to participate in the Olympics. He really is serious in promoting street dance as a sport and i’m sure it’s no problem for him to lend his celebrity status to do so.
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I am excited to see their names pop up in other events together, where people don’t really have a choice but to shut their mouth and support whatever it is they are working on. The Asian Games are postponed because of COVID and is to resume next year. I hope it goes well and both boys get to be a part of it and represent their Country 🇨🇳
2. So funny because in SDC episode 4, we all saw Roborock as one of the sponsors. Not just roborock, but the G10s model, which GG recently endorsed. I’m not saying GG made this possible or what— it’s just a coincidence. Lol. Thank you Roborock for supporting this season of SDC 🙏🏼 and I think it’s a good thing they are gaining sponsors because it wasn’t that much when they started. Just shows that the program is popular so brands wants a piece of it.
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3. In the let’s chat episode 3, while everyone was busy playing — Bobo was fiddling with other things. Specifically, a Duck toy. Hmmmm. Why did he get that? Mayhaps, it reminds him of a certain someone who recommended it to use when you are soaking your feet. This is the kind of thing that only turtles will know because of what we know of them. ☺️
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4. I just have to spotlight this again! Ahhhhh!!!! I don’t remember the 🦴 necklace getting this much visibility before! and Bobo is extra happy/giddy in this episode. Having said that, I will be keeping an eye out on every frame of next week’s episode in case I see the reason why. Lol.
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5. Lastly, have some good old double standards in Yibo’s POV. 🤍
• When asked in his Cosmo interview how people often describe him, he says someone who doesn’t talk much. Well, not a new information, but with ZZ he is the most talkative. We see him interact with his colleagues and even on SDC, but he has to be prompted. Or he will say something and then it ends for a while. It’s not the kind of pestering he does with ZZ 😂😂
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I know I said I don’t like doing double standards anymore, especially like this, implying that Bobo won’t open up to anyone other than ZZ. We do like him having friends — and actually, what I think about is that his relationship with ZZ allowed him to be more relaxed in interacting with people. 💕
• A BAH bts showed one of his co stars asking him where his injury is. A normal question from a colleague, not really worrying much. Compared this to ZZ’s constant worrying even in the slightest chance that Bobo will get hurt 🥺
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AND OH, I noticed this in the Let’s Chat episode!
I don’t know what Bouboo’s relationship status is but his reaction and Yibo’s is making me 👀. Is he shy because he does not want to be put on the spot and talk? Or is it something else? I didn’t expect Bobo to do this. HAHAHAHAHA! He is like the kind of person who is in a loving relationship so he wants his friends to have a partner too! 😂😂😂 Bobo, not all of us can be in a sweet relationship like yours! 🙃
- END.
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rachelbethhines · 7 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - C. Baker 9th Review
Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives - Anthology Charity Book
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I have never heard of fan published charity books until I started watching Doctor Who. I know of no other fandom, large or small, that does anything like it; professionally publish fan-fiction and sell it for charity. I can only guess that such a thing is possible because of differentiating copy-write laws in the UK, because I highly doubt Disney would ever let you release a Kingdom Hearts or Star Wars book like that, even if all the proceeds went to good causes rather then yourself. Temporal Logbook III: Changed Lives, is the third in a series of charity anthologies. Modeled after the the various official short trips collections, such anthologies are perhaps the most common of the charity books. While there are full novels out there, anthology collections allow for better spread of the work load and so are easier to get printed. This particular publication features a bit of a theme. "Changed Lives"... each short story focuses on the impact the Doctor has had an individual, for good or for bad. Here is just a quick run though of what you will find.
A Forward By Yee Jee Tso : The actor who portrayed Chang Lee in the TV movie talks briefly of the impact of Doctor Who has had in his life
Fifth Doctor – ‘The Return’: After Tegan has recently left, a remorseful Doctor decides to check on another companion that also chose to abruptly leave him.... Dodo.
War Doctor – ‘Lament’: The Doctor lands on a memorial planet; as in the entire planet is a graveyard. There he meets a young woman who has recently lost her whole family, and he makes a startling discovery about the Time War.
Twelfth Doctor - 'The New Doctor': One of the Doctor's students stumbles upon the Tardis, but a quick trip to the planet of dreams quickly goes awry.
Third Doctor – ‘Technical Adviser’: They're making a Doctor Who movie! And the Doctor and Liz Shaw are asked on to be advisers to the film. But certain elements of the fictional story appear to be too close to real events for their liking. The Doctor and Liz go on quest to find the financial backer of the movie; a mysterious producer that seemingly doesn't exist!
Sixth Doctor - 'The Heart of the Matter': An old man re-accounts his adventurous life to his granddaughter, and tells about the mysterious stranger called the Doctor who kept turning up to redirect it constantly.
Eleventh Doctor- 'The Last Tomb': A lonely old man on the beach gets caught up in local family's vacation to a dying planet... more news at 11.
Fourth Doctor - 'Kiss of the Dybbuk': The Doctor and Sarah Jane land upon a ship who's crew is being tormented by the legendary Dybbuk. The creature can possess anyone, and so it's up to them to find the evil spirit hidden among the crew before time runs out.
First Doctor - 'Something at the End of the Lane': The Doctor has finally brought Ian and Barbara back home to their own time! The time travelers couldn't be more happy, but celebrations are cut short when a medieval knight shows up in a coffee shop.... and is that mastodon stampeding in the street?
Tenth Doctor - 'Consequences': When the Doctor makes the choice to save a little boy from dying... He lays out a path with dire consequences for his own future.
The Second Doctor - 'The Harvesters': The Harvesters are supposed to mine for precious materials within the asteroid belt for their creators back home... and when a new metal 'asteroid' on rockets enters the belt carrying rare organic materials, well it's a prime opportunity for the Harvesters. Too bad the human crew doesn't see it that way.
Ninth Doctor - 'A Night in Santa's Workshop': She's the last of her kind... but not for long. Earth will make the prefect new home for her offspring. And they must feed... and the Doctor and his companion will be the perfect meal.
Seventh Doctor - 'Sepulchered Soul': Locked in a battle for a mortal's soul, who will win? The demons, or an angel called the Doctor?
Thirteenth Doctor - 'Emotion Quotient': A young woman is suddenly frozen in time, and no one can figure out how or why... not even the Doctor!
Eighth Doctor - 'Auld Acquaintances': The Master has escaped death yet again, and the Doctor's personal timeline is unraveling as a consequence.
Now of course this segment of the marathon is Sixth Doctor focused so, without spoiling too much, the most notable things about 'The Heart of the Matter' is that Frobisher shows up again, and the ending is indeed a mind fuck. Trust me, you won't ever guess how it ends. As for the Collection as a whole, it was really enjoyable and quite varied. My personal favorite story was 'Something at the End of the Lane' but that's probably my Ian bias talking. All of the stories with in were of very high quality and I absolutely would recommend checking out the whole novel. Fortunately, there are still copies in stock and for sell, and all proceeds go to SETTLED. A charity that helps to provide free and trustworthy information, advice and support in different languages to EU citizens in the UK. SETTLED helps to ensure that EU citizens gain Settled Status and to respond to the difficulties that they face in a post-brexit UK.
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Movie Review - The Pope’s Exorcist
When it comes to horror movies some of my personal favorites fall into the supernatural category, which often seems to include exorcism movies. With the sub-genre having existed for well over 100 years now, there have been many popular movies over the years within it but we often see similar themes show up between some of the best ones.  That can make a movie within the sub-genre stand out when it deviates from the standard formula, be it for good or for bad. The recent release The Pope's Exorcist certainly does seem to deviate in some ways, but they can’t necessarily be called bad. 
The first thing worth noting is that like many popular exorcism movies the tale is based in some part on real life. The pastoral protagonist in this story, played by Russel Crowe, is Father Gabriele Amorth, who was an exorcist of the Diocese of Rome for the Catholic church in real life, until he passed in 2016. He was one of the founding members of the International Association of Exorcists and claimed to have performed thousands of exorcisms. The role is certainly a departure from the norm for Crowe, who notably has not starred in a horror film until this role. In the first scene that you meet him, Amorth initially seems like your typical priest who’s on his way to assist in a late night exorcism. He’s quiet and seems kind as he walks through the streets, going so far as to compliment a nearby man on his boar. However, when he goes into the room and confronts the possessed victim, he sounds more like Zack Bagans of Ghost Adventures. He’s somewhat arrogant, verbally combative and seems to be doing his best to make it angry enough to change hosts to disprove his smack talk. We then see why he was so complimentary of the boar, as it’s brought in as a “vessel”, and once he seems satisfied that he’s completed his task in getting the demon to take the bait, it’s shot. This is one of the first ways that the movie seems to deviate from the standard formula, as this is not your typical exorcism and if his attitude is anything to judge by, Amorth is not your typical priest. 
We then get a reality check as the movie cuts to some time later, where Amorth appears to be at the Vatican meeting with other members of the Diocese as they want to investigate him and his recent “exorcism”, as it was not sanctioned. In a brief interaction with a kinder colleague, he again seems almost arrogant as he tells him that his faith “needs no defense”, when advised that he would do his best to defend him. He continues to show that he’s not your typical modest priest, as he defiantly explains, in Italian when English was requested, that he did not perform an exorcism, but he instead created theater for someone who believed they were possessed. We then come to understand that while he does claim to have performed thousands of exorcisms, many of the people he’s asked to meet with are not possessed but instead are victims of mental disorders that require appropriate medical attention - which he directs them to. He then pushes back and claims that he believes they are still investigating him for a case that he was unable to help in before storming out saying that they should speak to his superior, the Pope, if they have issues with his performance. 
The next scene we see that there is more to this man than his priestly swagger, as he meets with the Pope and receives his next assignment. He’s calm and respectful while he discusses what seems to be the possible possession of a young American boy. We see Amorth take the Pope’s warning with care that he feels that there may be something truly evil and powerful at play. He also gives Amorth an ominous warning that the site has given them problems before. And while all this is unfolding in the Vatican presumably, we also see the story that Amorth is about to be introduced to start to play out within the inherited home of an American family.  We learn that the new inhabitants of this home in Spain inherited it from the recently deceased father of the family, and that they are trying to fix it up before selling it to try and cover debts and then move back to the US. With that recent loss you see the members of the family dealing with what are normal issues, a defiant angry teenager, a silent young son and a mother who seems to be barely handling everything because she's in mourning. The move is clearly putting more stress on them, and when there is an explosion at the home, the crew working the site is pulled the same night that it seems that the demonic forces within the home take hold of the young boy, and demand a priest. We quickly see a young priest brought in, who is quite literally tossed aside before the demon tells them that’s the wrong priest. 
This is where our two stories seem to meet and all hell seems to truly break loose. When our very confident protagonist shows (on a scooter no less, to keep up with his already different personality) up to meet the distraught family he enlists the help of the priest that was initially brought in, even though he tells him that he is not trained in exorcism. The young priest, Esquibel, has heard of Amorth though and tells him that he has read many of his articles, to which Amorth asks if he has also read his books. Esquibel tells him that he has not and we again see Amorths personality shine through when he tells him that “the books are good too” as  he then takes a drink from his flask, blaming it on his throat even though he sounds fine. The two make multiple attempts to exorcise the demon from the young boy only to find that their efforts are in vain, and that its reach now extends to the boy’s sister. While they are trying to understand the reason for the possession so that they might be able to successfully exorcise the demon it tells Amorth repeatedly that it will be his downfall and that he’s taken the bait. Amorth and Esquibel are haunted by images of their past and sins; Amorth of his time in the war as well as the girl he failed to save as an exorcist, Esquibel of a woman he was sleeping with under the guise he was going to leave the priesthood, when he was not. Amorth makes it clear to the mother and Esquibel as their attempts fail that they do not have much time, as the boy will die if he continues to be possessed. As time goes on you can see that the boy is deteriorating, and it’s only getting worse. 
While we see the escalation of the events happening at the home where the possession is happening we also have scenes that cut away to show us the Pope still at the Vatican. While Amorth is investigating we see the Pope dig further into the information about the home in question and its history. He seems to locate paramount information about the evil they are facing when we see him fall ill and be taken to what appears to be a well outfitted hospital. 
Back with Amorth there is investigation that needs to be done and it leads to almost Indiana Jones-like plots. Amorth happens to notice what appears to be a closed well when he enters the estate and at this point decides that it is worth investigating, as the demon seems to have larger plans than the boy, hence it’s taunt that he’s taken the bait. Upon further investigation Amorth finds that it appears that it’s got a seal from the church on it and when he cracks it open he finds that it appears to date back to the Spanish Inquisition. He and Esquibel investigate further to find that based on the records they locate in the tomb the leader of the Spanish Inquisition was possessed by a demon long before starting it, and that all the actions taken by him in that time were in hope of attaining its goal. Their hopes seem to dim further once they find that the demon in question is Asmodeus, his goal was to unite 200 fallen angels as an army, and that he had only been stopped before by being trapped away, as all exorcism attempts had failed. Once this comes to light Amorth understands that Asmodeus is trying to use him to infiltrate the church and continue his plan and that the stakes are far greater than he realized. The two priests then make one more valiant attempt to exorcise Asmodeus, but unfortunately this fails and the demon takes possession of Amorth. He maintains control long enough to take himself down to the inquisition tombs while Esquibel takes the family, all now safe from Asmodeus’' control off the property. He returns to find Amorth in the tomb and after a battle of wills they are able to exorcise Asmodeus. Of course when this happens we also see the Pope make a miraculous recovery, as well as Amorth take another swig from his flask for his “throat” while Esquibel accepts his offer of a drink. 
As the movie ties up we are given the understanding that the church has bought the land the former home is on and that the family has moved back to the US. Amorth and the younger priest get pulled aside to be told that some of their colleagues of trouble are no longer an issue, and that they’ve been replaced by better, and kinder people. They are also given the news that the church is identifying the other sites like this one, so that Asmodeus’s plan can be totally stopped as each demon, or fallen angel is exorcised, and Amorth is asked to be the exorcist for all the related battles to come. He indicates that with some help from Esquibel it could be done, which leaves the opening for many sequels. 
Overall it’s worth the watch if you like horror movies in this vein. While it’s not the scariest thing by comparison to other movies like it, the personality that Crowe plays Amorth with almost makes it worth the time alone. Given he hasn’t done much in horror before, and he’s so good in this role it almost makes one hope that we get a sequel for that alone. It’s also worth noting that while it may not be terrifying, there are definitely images in the movie that will have you jumping at the first sign of them, or feeling a sense of dread at the tone they inspire, so it’s not totally off the mark with horror. The groundwork laid for the buddy-cop like nature of the two priests also makes for a refreshing injection of laughs in a normally serious kind of movie and does seem like it could be explored further into a mentor-mentee kind of relationship. While it does seem to suffer from pacing issues, it could be argued that because the tale being told is meant to be happening in a short time that it’s a tool itself to aid in the telling of the story. With the ending in mind as well, since this could be the starting movie for a series, it’s possible that later movies would have a better sense of pacing because there would be less introduction and groundwork needed for some of our characters. 
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lookthetart · 1 year
Child Ballads, rated (1-10)
Because I can :)
1, Riddles Wisely Expounded: 8/10. Dated at least 1450, the morning after a wild night, the knight puts the woman's wits to test. Only if she can answer the riddles he'll marry her. I like the contrast between the sweet melody and my girl fighting tooth and nail for a life of spouse support, and the riddles are actually very sweet.
2, The Elfin Knight: 7/10. It is ballad 1 on steroids. The elf knight makes a series of absurd request to the woman to marry her, she uses a UNO reverse card and makes more absurd requests to him. This chaotic energy conquers the knight, who marries her. Also, the Scaraborough fair (10/10) ballad is a more recent evolution of this and they have been classified as the same ballad! Minus: i don't like the "blo blo blo blo blo the winds blows", I hear blo blorbo blows and I'm not confortable. I may actually prefer Scaraborough Fair.
3, The Fause Knight upon the Road: 3/10. Not even a beautiful rendition (fiddler's dram) can save this ballad from being boring. The child doesn't fall in the devils tricks and goes to school and listens to his parents... boring, 0 edgy. Strong stranger danger rethoric
4, Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight: STRONG 10/10. First murder ballad!!! The princess is feeling naughty, she steals gold and horses from the castle and runs away with the elf. But here the elf knight is actually a serial killer!! After bringing her to the banks of the sea he reveals that he has already killed 6 of the King's daughters, Isabel is to be the seventh. She asks for a last kiss by him, and takes her chance to throw him off his horse and tosses him in the sea 🥰 he begs for his life but my girl is all "lie there, you false young man, lie there instead of me, for if six maidens thou hast drowned here, the seventh has drowned thee" 🥰🥰 Honestly SLAY Isabel! In some versions she returns home and her parrot (wtf, barbie animated movie moment) helps her to keep the story from her father
5, Gil Brenton: 0/10. Difficult to find a decent adaptation, also not a fan of the "cutting the breasts of the wife if she is not a virgin" theme. The plot twist that he was actually the one who raped her earlier in the woods doesn't make things a lot better and it's unclear how they manage to not recognize themselves. Eww.
6, Willie's Lady: 9/10. Sweet ballad. The witch mother of king Willie (his mother did him dirty already with the name) despises the foreigner woman he married. The mother (who has always voted Tories and supported Brexit) curses the daughter in law to be always pregnant, but never deliver. She tells her son to leave his wife to die and remarry, but the son will not tolerate his mother's bullshit further. He comes up with a plan: he creates a doll of wax and invites her mother to the christening. She doesn't realize the trick and is furious that somebody undid all her spells, and in her rage reveals how to actually undo them.
7 and 8, Earl Brand and Erlinton: 3/10. Not tragically bad, but unremarkable. The Earl loves the lady, they cannot marry, they run away together. Her brothers pursue them, wound him, in Earl Brand he dies, she dies of sorrow, in Erlinton they escape. Already seen, next.
9, Fair Flower of Northumberland: 11/10. This late 1500s ballad screams that people have always been people. The support of the mother to the daughter (even if she broke all social expectations by freeing the prisoner, stealing from the parents, running away with him, "her love was easily won" ) actually moves me. The contrast between her begging the scotman to either kill her or use her as a servant in order to not face shame at home, and the mother welcoming her home with a smile and reassuring her she is not the first to make mistakes, and she'll have everything as it was (bread, wine, silver for a marriage) and that she is STILL the fair flower of Northumberland moves me to the core 🥺🥺🥺
10, Two Sisters: 9/10. Murder ballad that has everything: family drama, hauted instruments made of human bodies, an interesting relationship with many similar ballads in Scandinavian countries.
For this post that's all, but I may continue to review them when I've time
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undertheknightwing · 2 years
GarJon for the fluff alphabet, please <3
Fluff alphabet template
You're really spoiling me, huh? lol 
I can not pass up any opportunity to talk about my boys and the MANY headcanons I have for them 🧡💚 
So it doesn't turn into the longest post on my blog I'm not gonna go into much detail because believe me I could and split the answers up between the boys and keep em in bite sized chunks
Alright,, let's go!
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
> Jon absolutely adores how much Gar can talk. He could sit and listen to Gar talk about his favorite things forever, even if Jon doesn't add a word in and just listens the whole time. Seeing Gar excited about something makes him happy. And when Gar's excited, his ears twitch constantly, Jon thinks that's pretty cute. 
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
> Honestly, probably arms just because he loves hugs. Sad? Hug. Happy? Hug. Annoyed? Hug. It doesn't matter how Gar feels, he wants a hug. He finally got an unlimited supply of physical affection and he's gonna use it. And he loves to be held as a cat. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
> It depends on the situation. If they're watching something, Gar will lean his head on Jon's shoulder and stretch his arm across him, but Jon is usually the big spoon when they sleep. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
> While Gar loves bringing Jon along whenever he goes to see a new movie, it's not the ideal date even though he gets the classic "boyfriend putting his arm over your shoulder" move each time. His perfect date would be traveling somewhere since he's a big fan of road trips and spending the whole day wherever they went together, talking about whatever is in their heads that day and holding hands. 
He cherishes every date they go on, but if he had to pick one to be his favorite it'd be a tie between their unofficial first date which was attending one of Jon's football games then getting ice cream together afterwards and one of their official dates that was going to a fair in Smallville. (Fairs being one of Gar's favorite places to visit.) 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
> Growing up Jon rarely showed any emotion other than happiness and kept any negative ones to himself, never expressing them around anyone.. until Gar that is. While he's still hesitant about being open with his family, he'll walk up behind Gar, wrap his arms around his waist, and press his face into his boyfriend's shoulder if he's sad. 
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
> Definitely. After being married for close to a year, they were babysitting baby Mar'i so Dick and Kory could have a night to themselves. The idea of bringing a new addition to the family popped into Gar's mind as he watched Jon being all adorable with Mar'i. Very dad material. And eventually (like a year or so later) Paxton Kent with his fluffy green hair and ice blue eyes, pointy ears and tiny fangs, was added to the family. 
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
> Jon loves to see Gar's face light up with a bright smile when he surprises him with a gift. He usually buys Gar something animal or 80s themed gifts but will buy flowers and candy as well. 
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
> Gar loves to hold Jon's hand whether they're out in public or at the Tower/Kent home snuggling on the couch while watching a movie or show. If he's nervous, he'll grab Jon's hand, it's a major source of comfort for him. 
When they're snuggling, he likes to rub his thumb over Jon's knuckles but as of recently has to do carefully, even though Jon can heal much faster than a human he isn't indestructible so he's busted up his hands while having to punch walls and other things as Superboy. 
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
> Jon will drop whatever he's doing and rush over to Gar's side if he's injured. Even if Gar reassures him, reminding that he has enhanced healing and the wound will heal on it's own, Jon insists on dragging Gar to the nearest bathroom to patch him up. 
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
> This is Garfield Logan we’re talking about, he absolutely jokes around. He likes to make the dumbest joke at the worst time and by worst I mean leaning over to whisper a joke into Jon's ear during a movie and smirk proudly to himself as Jon tries not to laugh out loud in the theater. He also likes to ask the most nonsense questions out of the blue just to make Jon go quiet and take a good few seconds to figure out what the hell Gar was talking about. 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?) 
> Jonny-boy is a very affectionate person and smooches his boyfriend a lot, so there’s not any specific way he kisses. But he has “Spider-Man” kissed Gar before by floating upside down, he ended up getting dizzy and unbalanced after a few seconds though.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
> Gar doesn’t understand sports, but he adores Jon and wants to learn about his interests too. They'll share a bowl of snacks and eat pizza together as they snuggle on the couch and watch a football game, Gar happily listening to Jon explain what's going on. 
M = Memory (favorite memory together?) 
> Definitely their first kiss. Jon had the whole date planned out, took hours to make sure he looked his best, and practiced what (cheesy thing) he was gonna say before finally having their first kiss and to his surprise, Gar kissed him first. So Jon’s plan went out the window but it was okay because he got to kiss Gar back after they both laughed about Jon having a plan in the first place.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
> Jon leaving him, and not in a normal break up kind of way, but in a Gar lost control of his powers, harmed Jon, and now Jon is terrified and wants nothing to do with him kind of way. Gar would be destroyed in every way possible if the word "monster" was ever spoken by Jon and directed at him. 
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
> He rarely ever takes his gold chain necklace off (only to sleep and shower) and throughout the day he'll mess with it out of habit, like while having a conversation with someone, not even breaking eye contact, he'll twirl it around his index finger or pull it in circles around his neck.
He ends up messing around with his wedding ring in similar ways which makes Gar nervous because he thinks Jon's gonna lose it.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
> Gar calls Jon "Starboy", and sometimes teases by calling him a bear just because he does things that remind Gar of one, like scratching his back on doorways, plopping down into bed, and eating a lot of berries. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
> One of Jon's favorite things to do with Gar is taking a drive to the nearest gas station, buy some slushies, and hang out at the park, whether it's in the middle of the night or the day. They're both busy because of what's going on in their lives and don't always get to see each other in person so Jon's always happy to be able to get Gar away from the Tower for a few hours to enjoy the day.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
> "This Side of Paradise" by Coyote Theory gives me Gar pov/focused GarJon song vibes 
"Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?)
Our fingers dancing when they meet
You seem so lonely (are you lonely?)
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonely, no need to show me
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me 
Lonely (are you lonely?)
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely (are you lonely?)
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing
If you're lonely, come be lonely with me." 
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
> It took Jon about two months into their relationship to fully open up. He's told Gar little things before they officially got together, but kept a lot of his childhood and trauma to himself.
I would go into detail but this is the fluff alphabet, no angst allowed.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
> Around three months after they met. The Graysons were attending their first Kent family cookout and a giant crush formed the moment Gar saw Jon walk out of the house in his Smallville Crows tank top. He didn’t think Jon would pay any attention to him since he saw Jon as completely out of his league, so when he came up and introduced himself, Gar's heart about busted out of his chest. Before the visit is over, they give each other their phone numbers and their relationship begins (and quickly grows) from there. 
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
> It's pretty for Jon to tell when Gar's upset even if Gar's doing a good job at hiding it. His powers react to emotion and Jon knows this so if he thinks Gar is acting a little different, he'll pay close attention to his hands because usually they'll start turning green and forming into something before anything else.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
> Sometimes when out in public, Gar will show Jon off by locking arms with him and wearing his letterman jacket. Kind of like he's announcing "My boyfriend is an amazing, very talented athlete. He's also hot. You can look at but he's mine." without needing to actually announce it. 
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
> If you've seen Superman and Lois you know exactly how Jon feels about fighting. If you're being an asshole to someone he loves, there will be fist connecting with your jaw. Jon knows Gar can easily protect himself but also knows Gar doesn’t like conflict and won't fight unless it's absolutely necessary, so if one of them is gonna be grabbing someone by the shirt collar and shoving said person into the nearest garbage can, it's gonna be Jon.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
> Before Jon began to open up, show more feelings than happiness, Gar would pick up on little things that made a big difference. If Jon's not talkative, mainly replying with hums, it usually means there's a lot in his head, stuff he needs to talk about. He also knows when Jon's gonna smile big or laugh because he'll tilt his head and face will scrunch.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
> On a surprise hiking trip, on top of a watch tower that overlooked the prettiest area destination the trails led to. He was already anxious about proposing but it didn’t help that he couldn't get the image of Dick glaring at him with his arms crossed out of his head from the night he asked the Grayson parents if he could ask their son to marry him.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
> Gar’s probably his calmest when he’s outside since that’s where he feels the safest, his powers are connected to wildlife around him so he’d be able to sense danger outside a lot easier than he could inside, but if we throw Jon Kent into the mix, it’s more than perfect. Hiking is fun but it’s a lot better when you’re holding hands and laughing with your soulmate.
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