#it had me on the edge of my seat
brightyearning · 4 months
why did no one tell me Arrival is a better movie than Interstellar?
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thecrimsondandelion · 6 months
I’m expected to go to bed and sleep?? After finishing Farewell, My Turnabout??
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carebooks · 2 months
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tubesock86 · 6 months
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finally watched marmalade
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purpleshadow-star · 8 months
Listen, Lin Manuel Miranda ate as Hermes. Anyone who disagrees is simply wrong. Idk what to tell you.
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idc how dramatic your tv show or movie or whatever is, nothing will beat Philza Minecraft rushing to the adoption center in seconds to retrieve his children, taking them home before most parents had even arrived, immediately checking them for damage, giving them food and checking all his chests to find bamboo to make tallulah a new flute
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cherry8maiden · 2 months
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Please excuse me while I be nostalgic but I recently rekindled my love for A Series Of Unfortunate Events and I wanted to draw some of the characters
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Also sunny best character bye
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exfil · 2 months
thinking about how soap and graves are in total sync before the betrayal in las almas. in agreement on how to proceed both with hassan (you can't be serious / let me finish this, actual) and el sin nombre (we came here to stop a missile, lets stop it / this is our one shot, so we take it) both rejoicing the same aspects of battle (it's a beautiful sight / you know i love that shit). easy comraderie, relying on each other (let's wrap this fucker up, graves / [soap], call me when you need me), complimenting each other (good eye, shadow-1 / need you with us, seargant), working in sync when disarming a missile (we gotta move, brother. alright?) casual touches and smiles on the bridge of the ship. seemingly aligned in motivation and action at every turn.
but then after the betrayal, and las almas, the confrontation in the tank happens. and it sets up graves and soap not only as enemies, but are narrative foils, interestingly enough, the contrast that becomes clear from their verbal spat is not about action, but about motivation. specifically, the meaning about being a soldier- they argue about the uniform (hiding behind that uniform / you wore that uniform), about loyalty to the army (i shed that skin / like a fucking snake) about being perserverance (you had to make your own little army because couldn't hack it in the real one) and about honour (knock that honour shit off, johnny).
and it reframes all their interactions before the betrayal - while they worked in complete agreement before, they arrived at the same conclusions from completely opposites angles. both see themselves as soldiers, as needing destruction for the greater good, even rejoice in it - but while both see violence as means to an end, but they differ but about the means. they don't disagree about the necessity killing, but about every aspect of what being a soldier while doing it entails. i'm up to doing my fucking job you should try it sometime. / my job is to kill the enemy. guess what you are. absolutely fascinating character dynamic, i wish we talked about it more
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standing-flowers · 2 months
watched the Deadpool and wolverine film recently, my only complaint is that Deadpool and wolverine didn't share a single on screen kiss
there were so many opportunities.
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shield-and-saber · 2 months
well that was.. an ending
( and by "an ending, i mean that was so good that i was shaking half the episode, screaming and gasping the other half. CAN U BELIEVE WE WERE RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING, HOLY SHIT. THE FIGHT SCENES. THE SWITCHEROO. SOL'S FATE. VERN'S APPRENTICE. EVERYTHING. OH MY GOD OH MY GODDDDDDDDD)
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viriv · 8 months
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@aquaquadrant Has officially lost parental rights to Timmy, He is now under my custody
Go read their Hels to pay AU its whats keeping me going right now
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batbabydamian · 7 months
🦇🐥 Batman and Robin (2023) #6 rambling and screaming crying throwing up about a single page
so right off the bat, i'm adding these panels to the Ms. Hall is Shush conspiracy board - the first suspect in mind for who could train Zach would be Principal Stone, but Ms. Hall is conveniently placed in the "teacher's pet" panel HMM
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Damian's history with Zsasz is mentioned again! any further reference to Streets of Gotham ends here once Damian and Zsasz face off, but i'm not complaining when Damian gets to kick his ass again LOL
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AAH SUCH A COOL PANEL!! i rambled enough about Cizmesija's impact shots last time, but this is just. SO COOL... DAMIAN'S POSE, the light streak from the eyes, the jittery effect at the point of impact from Zsasz's front to his back - LIKE DAMN, YOU KNOW THIS KID HIT HIM HARD
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ok i was gonna shut up about the impact shots but to accompany the Robin panel, THIS SICK BATMAN PANEL!! THE SPEED LINES ALONG HIS WHOLE ARM, the hilarious waves of that hit going through Zsasz's face asdfg, the cowl and cape silhouette in the back - and the KRAK SFX!! it's got a bit of that gritty splatter effect Cizmesija uses so either another smooth choice by letterer Steve Wands or extra kudos to Cizmesija!!
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i thought the action would be my favorite aspect of this issue, but it was THE EXPRESSIONS. from Damian's frustration here (his glare and his seriously gritted teeth) to the page that brought me to my knees lol
a breakdown of my breakdown for this page:
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DAMIAN'S WIDE EYED EXPRESSION AT BRUCE'S COMPLIMENT, THE SHINE IN HIS EYES!! what gets me about Bruce’s praise is how specific it is, especially pointing out Damian’s storytelling 😭 Bruce already knows Damian’s technical art skills are amazing!! storytelling through comics is a whole different skill and Bruce recognized that!! 😭 no wonder Damian is so touched, Bruce is paying attention 😭
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HOW HE BURSTS ABOUT HIS PROCESS AND THEN THE LIL ASIDE OF “I love those…” HE'S SO CAUGHT UP IN HIS JOY PLEASE I’M COUGHING UP BLOOD THAT'S SO CUTE 😭 happy Damian is my weakness i mean LOOK AT HIM OH MY GOD the wide smile his lil fist and the pointing, he cannot contain himself!! 😭
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his art is so fun, i'm glad we get to see more of this!! the shadow of Bruce and Damian over the pages is a neat touch too! Damian expanding from realistic renders to this manga style on top of these amazing comic layouts…Bruce is right his growth is crazy 😭
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to add on to Damian's progress from Bruce's eyes - Detective Comics (2016) #1003 was the last time Bruce acknowledged Damian's art!
the return of Flatline!! for this last bit, i'll be referencing Lazarus Planet: The Next Evolution (2023) since that's Nika's last notable appearance!
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Nika calling Damian out on not contacting her asdfg she mentions something similar before, and i could only imagine it's been months since then considering that issue came out a whole year ago 😭
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besides Nika meeting Bruce, the most important thing that needs to be addressed is if Damian's aware that she resurrected Ra's and finally, what they could have discussed??
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ending note, upgrade from earbuds in Batman and Robin (2011) to headphones haha wired earphones only!!
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her angelic voice, the build up, eric “could she be the one” run, his sexy prince-y walk, the transition, their gasps as they meet for the first time, followed by complete heartbreak. *GOOSEBUMPS*
best-moment-in-any-live-action-remake hall of fame.
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kopifox · 1 year
“Big Week” is a masterclass on the danger of misplacing your emotions rather than processing them. Roy and Beard. Rebecca and literally everything with West Ham and Rupert. The ENTIRETY of AFC Richmond leaning into aggression about Nate and the BELIEVE sign. Only Ted and Jamie weather the storm and try to do better. Nate’s only starting to figure his way out.
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somuchbetterthanthat · 5 months
(Insert disclaimer here that I'm really not trying to judge or decide if there is "one person obviously wrong" in this interaction, because i'm here to enjoy the MESSINESS and the ANGST of humanity, i'm eating the delicious food and drama provided to me)
The thing is, on the one hand, Sam is completely within his right to set that boundary with Alice - not being comfortable talking about his new building relationship with his ex is like, yeah, a very normal thing to be uncomfy about, there is nothing irreasonable about him asking Alice to back off about prying into it, and Alice should be able to respect that;
on the other hand, if they are friends, and they truly seem to be friends (Sam affirms they're friends! And I believe it after the 13 episodes we saw of them!), AND Alice is the one who reached out to help Sam out of a very bad mental (and probably financial, by that point) situation, helping him get a job, then, yeah, the word professional used in that context is NOT the good word to use at all, and obviously Sam realizes that, and obviously that's what really gets to Alice, beyond the new boundary trying to be established.
At the same time, Alice is clearly digging to get more infos and Trying to be the Cool Friend while being somewhat masochistic about it, since by now it's plain to see she does have lingering feelings for Sam, and the way she goes about it is not always nice, so she's hurting both herself and Sam by pushing and pushing about it and not listening to Sam giving them both a out from that.
BUT ALSO, Sam saying "I know you're not happy about me and Celia" means that he knows that she's hurting herself each time she talks about it; means that he KNOWS that she still feels something for him that he doesn't anymore, and that means that this beautiful, warm, sweet, lovable, people-pleaser of a man has been purposefully using those feelings to get her to do something she didn't want to do literally three episodes ago, and with no shame at at all about it.
THE POINT IS. They're so MESSY. They KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL. They LIKE each other. They're going to have SUCH A BAD FALLOUT ONE DAY AND ITS GOING TO BREAK BOTH THEIR HEARTS (and mine, while i cackle from the pain).
(oh, and yeah: "We dated in uni, I tried to help her after her parents died, then we lost contact" ??? What a summary, Samama. I'm sure NOTHING is hiding behind those lines.)
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mummifiedgoose · 1 year
Finally saw Dead Reckoning again and here's a fully self indulgent thought that only works in fantasy land where plot isn't important.
You know how it comes down to Grace or Ilsa? Someone Ethan cares about has to die, blah blah. No offense to my girl Grace but there is NO reason she should be in that situation. Yes I know she's got The Plot but like, Ethan met her like a few days ago and she's done nothing but betray him repeatedly since then. She is absolutely NOT on Ilsa's level when it comes to holding importance in Ethan's life.
You know who is though?
Benji. Through Fallout and Rogue Nation, Benji and Ilsa are CONSTANTLY compared, put in the same situations, put on the same level, they have about a thousand parallels between those movies. This would be the ultimate version of that. One last comparison, one last "who means more" that would result in a death that holds importance to the franchise. Not to say Ilsa's death isn't important, it absolutely is, but you know from the second this problem is presented to us she's the one who will die. If Grace dies it holds no meaning because like Ethan, we just fucking met her. Ilsa dying is a whole other story. Benji dying is a whole other, other story.
Additionally, with how Benji and Ilsa keep ending up in the same life threatening situation? They keep surviving together, they've survived Lane together, whoever dies here is going to feel incredibly guilty and lost (btw this is why we should have seen more of Benji mourning Ilsa beyond him sulking in the corner for two minutes).
And I PROMISE you. Had Benji been a woman? He would be counted as a love interest for Ethan. That's why Grace is put in this situation here, it's cause she's a pretty lady Ethan could potentially kiss not because there's any real emotional attachment. That and she has the key or whatever but ignore that. DO YOU SEE THE VISION????
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