#this had me on the edge of my seat in the movie theater
medialog march 2k24
yes it's june don't @ me
dune 2 - a gorgeously executed commitment to a story i literally cannot imagine being emotionally invested in and find very silly. i had a great time seeing this in IMAX but was puzzled by how reverentially silent our audience was towards a movie that had me giggling from the opening title (he who controls the flow of spice controls all... hee!) and laughing out loud every time christopher walken appeared. i said this on letterboxd and it's still true: timmy & zendaya are in a muppet babies version of their own movie whenever they appear but it's basically fine. in a just world rebecca ferguson would be julia roberts in the 90s levels famous by now.
killers of the flower moon - i hate leonardo dicaprio so much i can't really figure out how i feel about the rest of this movie because i spent the whole time thinking about how much he sucks and can't act
anatomy of a fall - i went into this pretty agnostic about the oscar race and came out thinking it was super embarrassing for everyone involved that this wasn't going to sweep everything it was nominated for, although i think screenplay was probably the ideal trophy for it to take home. this movie combines two of my obsessions, one long-standing (the inherent brokenness of the way we talk about women's art & women who make art) and one more recent (the lies of forensic "science" as presented in the courtroom), and it also manages to capture something specific and maybe inarticulable about being a child forced into contact with the court system (family, not criminal, in my case, but either way: no one gets to be a judge because they're good with kids lmao), and it's also about an off-putting bisexual woman writer... i mean. i was truly never not going to love it! i have seen some people say that the prosecution seemed cartoonishly evil and like idk about the situation in france but my brief obsession with wrongful conviction longreads a few years back has led me to believe truly nothing about it was over the top by the standards of americans convinced they've got a murderer on display. relatedly, if you watched this movie and thought it was genuinely trying to cast doubt on the question of her culpability, you have true crime brain poisoning and should seek help immediately. what this really is about, IMO, and what unites the women & art strand & the true crime brain poisoning strand, is how badly people want other people's lives to "cohere" according to their own pre-existing expectations and assumptions about what "anyone" or any good person would do in a given situation, and the ways people have responded to this movie have really emphasized how unwilling people are to waver on this. (i found myself thinking about it again peeking in on some reddit threads about the rachel aviv article about the lucy letby case that were filled with comments that amounted to, "americans just tuning in don't have critical information, such as: she acted so weird!!!! only a murderer would act weird!!!!!!!")
love lies bleeding - this shit rocked!!!!!! what a fun fucked up tense horny time; i found myself truly on the edge of my seat, like physically leaning forward in suspense. i was a kristen stewart skeptic walking into this having only seen her in spencer, which i thought was pretty bad and she was terrible in, but this movie singlehandedly explained to me why she is a movie star and also convinced me she's hot. i can't believe the kids today can just go to a normal theater on a tuesday night and see kristen stewart suck on some buff lady's toe. like what a time to be alive for real
the godfather - this didn't quite click with me personally the way some other belated canonical classics have (citizen kane, lawrence of arabia, casablanca are the three that come to mind), partly because i always struggle to parse mob narratives and was pretty lost on much of the actual plot, but it's very beautiful to look at and has many great performances
the godfather part ii - i liked this one better than the first one mostly because it gets more explicit about the gender of it all, especially in the fight between keaton & pacino, which was my favorite scene in either one, and also because of the closing flashback, which is the kind of shameless manipulation i unabashedly support
problemista - we saw a screening of an unfinished cut of this AGES ago and i fell in love with it and have been dying to see it for real and was so happy to do so!!! the movie has a fairy-tale gloss but a genuine steel and some real anger at its heart and the way it combines those two elements was extremely effective for me. i really really love that this is a story about an economically el salvadarian immigrant struggling with the byzantine immigration process who comes to feel genuine kinship with a total nightmare of an entitled white american woman not because she learns or grows or softens but because he recognizes in her a hardness rooted in her commitment to her desires that ultimately he sees as a mirror to his own and something to admire. there's something about how staunchly it refuses common assumptions about who can or cannot understand or empathize with whom that i found so bracing. but also it's really fucking funny! i am so excited for whatever julio torres does next.
slap shot - i had never heard of this movie and kind of still can't believe that it exists and is like kind of famous apparently? and that paul newman did it? it's a story about a bunch of hockey losers but really it's just a satire about gender with the kind of ending that is astonishing in how it first shocks and then settles in as absolutely the only way it could have gone. like the movie is funny and weird if sometimes unpleasantly committed to a certain veracity about the language used by a bunch of idiot hockey goons in the 80s but the climactic sequence is a 100/10, all-timer hall of fame no notes movie magic moment.
god respects us when we wok, but loves us when we dance - 20ish minute documentary about one of the first love-ins and you know what? the hippies made some points and we all lose when we shrink ourselves to the demands of the god of cringe
sofia samatar, tender - samatar had vaguely been on my radar for years because her poem "girl hours" came across my dashboard ages ago and has made me cry like six separate times. tender, a collection of 20 short stories ranging from the very short to a proper novella, exploded my brain open in the best way possible (and also made me cry), such that i feel inadequate to the task of describing what makes it so awesome. she's so obviously fucking smart and so inventive with form and such a great stylist, adopting convincingly a wide range of styles but always feeling somehow distinctly like herself, and her imagination is so rich, that even the stories i didn't love were still a huge pleasure to read. these are stories that are engaging with history and playing with myth always in the service of wrestling with the question of what does it feel like to be alive, often specifically what does it feel like to be alive in the shadow or in the face of calamity and horror, with an insistent recognition of the fact that human beings react to calamity - they make choices, they tell themselves stories, they go deep into themselves to try to get at the truth. like she just Gets It. it's also a really well-sequenced collection in that it feels like her themes build on each other without repeating themselves, and in that as i went on i could tell that my response to certain stories was deepened by what i had read before. like, the first story that truly knocked me out was "walkdog," but i think i would not have been as disarmed by that story's youthful narrator if it hadn't come right after the learned tone of "ogres of east africa" (and both stories, i am only now realizing, are stories told in marginalia, essentially). my favorite story was the novella, "fallow," which is about a space colony of mennonites, and the final paragraph of which i will be thinking about for probably the entire rest of my life.
zadie smith, intimations - this is a collection of not-quite-essays released during the first months of the pandemic as a fundraiser and intended to serve not as a statement but as basically a set of personal snapshots from that time; it reminded me that zadie smith is reliably one of my favorite voices to let into my head. i would read her talking about literally anything.
kelly link, get in trouble - i honestly went into this book very excited having meant to read link for years on the recommendation of many people i know who love her but unfortunately i hated it! the prose was so clunky i could not get into the vibe at all. i almost don't want to say other things i didn't like because i disliked the prose so much that other things could have been good and i probably still wouldn't have been into it... but either way i didn't like other things either! it was like all the dumb bullshit of bad genre fiction combined with the emotionally withholding distance passing for sophistication of bad literary fiction (written with the banality of bad commercial fiction). the book felt very dark and unpleasant and cynical but not in a way that lent itself to like insight about or reflection of the way the real world merits this kind of description... just sort of off-putting for the sake of it. "edgy" one might say. not an actual character or believable relationship at ny point to be found. i did not at any point care about anything that was happening, even to be like "oh that's cool" or "oh that's fucked up." the hype around her is really rooted in her amazing imagination but her imagination is like quite literally not that amazing... i feel like multiple reviews or profiles of her i've read have alluded to the story in this volume where a teenage girl goes to a hotel that is harboring a dentist convention and also a superhero convention like WOW ISN'T SHE WACKY? but like none of the stuff about superheroes (in that or in the other EVEN MORE BORING superhero story) is nearly as weird as the shit that goes on in actual superhero comics... which btw also have absolutely engaged with the question "what if superheroes but also the normal world." like i don't even read superhero comics and i know this. anyway. the stories i disliked the least were probably the one about the demon lover, which was like a francesca lia block rip-off but more self-consciously jaded, and the one about the rich kids and the pyramids, which actually almost managed to be an interesting story about how growing up rich ruins your brain, but unfortunately was still badly written and also had this super fucked up chronology for as far as i could tell no reason at all and also did this dumb little typographical thing where names were always circled, which felt very cutesy. the best thing i can say about this book is really that usually when i find a book this boring it is very slow going for me (hello current book club book i have been reading for more than a month) but this one went down pretty easily.
isaac butler & dan kois, the world only spins forward: the ascent of angels in america - butler & kois expand their oral history, initially written for slate, to more than 400 pages, and i would have happily read 400 more. obviously on some level i just love this play and love to read people talking about it, so i am not impartial here, but for what it's worth i did think this book was very well done in terms of how it organized a mammoth amount of information and in terms of how it edited & arranged its quotes to highlight recurring themes and interesting frissons. the oral history format is well suited to the historical elements of this particular play (the sections that most directly touch on the outbreak of AIDS are devastating to read even if you're familiar with the history) and is also well suited a work of theatrical history, given that a play is a living thing and each production is its own work of art (more true of angels than of most plays, given kushner's famous eternal dissatisfaction with perestroika; i learned from this volume that the most recent major revival DID have an updated script published, meaning at some point i will have to buy a third copy of a play i already own two editions of). it's clearly a work of deep love for the play that also gives space to critical voices (including, at times, kushner's - i was struck by his comment that after reading an essay by toni morrison on a related topic, he reflected that he would have thought differently about making belize a nurse), and, like the play that it's about, explores big ideas while being unafraid to be an extremely fun ride.
kacey musgraves, deeper well - i feel like this album, which drops a saturn return mention in its title track, will be incredibly annoying to people who are allergic to the phrase "self-care" or anything that smacks of woo, but i found it really lovely and perfect for being in your thirties and in some ways so content with life that you're overwhelmed with tiny everyday beauties you can't believe you're lucky enough to have and also you are thinking about death and god, like, constantly. like this one really met me where i was at. i think i'm still not convinced she's ever written a better song than merry-go-round but after giving up on musgraves halfway through golden hour, which everyone loved and i found unlistenably boring, i was totally won back over by the sheer humble prettiness of her melody & her sparse accompaniments here. also writing a love song called "anime eyes"... real people's princess shit i have to say.
rosie tucker, utopia now - this album rules! you should listen to it! clever and weird and inventive and funny, not lacking in anger or even in bitterness but rooted in a sincerity that keeps it from being a downer or feeling cynical. some of the most interesting lyrics i have heard all year by a long shot. my favorite track is probably "gil scott albatross," which spends its first half touring breezily through contemporary gloom (the dark side of moon colonization, landfills filled with consumer waste) before announcing "i wanna turn the argument around" and declaring, in my favorite line of the year, "if you're holding for hope, then it's time for you to learn that where there's pain it means you still got nerve" - all before landing on a surprisingly sentimental tribute to the centrality of personal connection: "cuz i love you now and i always will." in less than three minutes! really cool stuff happening here.
beyonce, rennaissance - ok listen so i didn't have HBO Max when lemonade came out and i didn't want to listen without watching because i didn't want to do it Wrong and then i just kept never getting around to it and then i felt like i couldn't listen to any of her other new stuff and also i heard break my soul and it didn't grab me... anyway this album is awesome and i was wrong about break my soul
beyonce, cowboy carter - this album is also good and taking a friday long walk to give it a devoted first listen was a great time but i think for the most part i sort of admire its ambition more than i enjoy it
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gashofleastresistance · 10 months
her angelic voice, the build up, eric “could she be the one” run, his sexy prince-y walk, the transition, their gasps as they meet for the first time, followed by complete heartbreak. *GOOSEBUMPS*
best-moment-in-any-live-action-remake hall of fame.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
After Starcourt, Steve finally managed to get a date. He actually liked her, too. She was nice, smart, and completely smitten over the fact that he was fond of the kids he babysat. Apparently, she didn't take it too well that Dustin followed him onto his date. She left before Dustin came back from the bathroom.
"Hey, where's Lydia?" Dustin asked.
"Oh, her parents called the theater. Apparently, there was a family emergency," Steve shrugged.
"Oh, that sucks. You were really looking forward to it," Dustin frowned. "More popcorn for us."
He made his way over to the concession stand. Steve didn't have the heart to tell him the real reason why she left. Dustin's had a hard time lately since the mall, and from what Claudia told him, he's been having nightmares lately. He didn't have to say anything, but Steve figured the reason why Dustin's been clinging to both him and Robin lately was because he felt guilty about them getting hurt. Robin had agreed with him on that theory. He didn't mind it much. He loved spending time with Dustin, someone he thought of like a little brother, and he knew Robin had come to think of him like that, along with Erica. It was where Robin was currently at "babysitting" for the Sinclairs while they had their own date night. As much as she complained, Erica had wormed her way into Robin's heart. Once they got their drinks and popcorn, they found a couple of seats up front.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A voice asked.
"No," Steve replied with looking, and he almost did when he felt leather brush up against his arm.
"Steve?" Dustin asked.
"Your date stood you up because of me, didn't she?" Dustin asked.
"What? No!" Steve said quickly.
"You're a terrible liar, Steve," Dustin whispered. "But that's okay, Steve, I still think you're my brother."
"Well, you know, if she doesn't understand that my little brother is important to me, then she's not worth my time," Steve whispered.
"You guys are terrible whisperers," a voice from Steve’s other side said. "Also, totally adorable."
Steve turned and found that Eddie Munson was sitting on his other side.
"Do you know this guy, Steve?" Dustin asked.
"Eddie Munson," the man himself introduced. "Didn't know Steve Harrington had a nerdy little brother."
"I adopted him," Dustin replied. "Besides, Steve’s not just a jock. He's a nerd, too."
"No, I'm not," Steve scoffed.
"Please, I found the comic books under your bed," Dustin hissed.
"What the hell did I tell you about going through my stuff, you little shit?" Steve hissed back.
"You really are brothers," Eddie grinned.
"Hey, Eddie, you're a guy," Dustin said suddenly.
"That's what it says on my birth certificate," Eddie replied.
"Do you know why a guy would keep his muscle magazines with his playboys? Do you think it's a jock thing?" Dustin asked.
"Oh my god!" Steve exclaimed, mortified.
Steve could feel Eddie watching him with curious eyes, and he waited for his reaction.
"You know, it must be a jock thing," Eddie said. "I think if I were your brother, I'd give you hell for digging through his private things."
Dustin sighed and rolled his eyes, but Steve took this as a sign that he's thinking about how wrong he was. The movie was about to start. Suddenly, Eddie leaned so close to him that Steve could feel his hair tickling his cheek, his breath in his ear.
"It's not just jocks who put their muscle magazines with their playboys," Eddie whispered and paused briefly, moving in closer until his lips were brushing up light against his ear. "Big boy."
Eddie sat back in his seat, leaving Steve flushed. His heart was pounding in his ears, and suddenly, his crush on Eddie came roaring back. Steve cursed mentally as he tried to focus on the movie and not on the fact that Eddie was leaning more heavily against his arm. His pinky was brushing up against his. At some point, Eddie started running over his hand, drawing circles into his skin. His touch was setting him on edge, and it was making his brain go all fuzzy.
"Bathroom," Steve said gruffly and stood up quickly.
He was grateful that there wasn't anyone in the bathroom when he went it. It allowed him to catch his breath. It was crazy how one single moment could bring out all of the feelings that he shoved inside of him when he was just a freshman, a freshman who has seen the most beautiful boy ever. He honestly hadn't felt this way since Nancy, and honestly, it was baffling. Just one little moment, and he was crazy about him again. Suddenly, the door opened, and Steve looked through the mirror as Eddie walked into the restroom. They made eye contact, and he raised a questioning eyebrow at him as he locked the door. Suddenly, Steve was moving and pressing Eddie up against the door as he kissed him. Eddie pulled him closer by his hips as he kissed him back. Of course, it didn't last long before someone wanted in. They broke the kiss, and Eddie quickly disappeared into a stall before Steve could unlock. The man walked in and frowned at him.
"Uh, the door got stuck," Steve said.
"I heard the lock, young man," he said.
Steve slipped by him and hurried back to his seat. Eddie soon came back, a grin on his face. He pulled a pen out of his pocket and started writing his number on Steve’s hand.
"Call me when you're ready to have a date without your brother," Eddie whispered. "I really do appreciate people who collect lost sheep."
Steve grinned. Things were looking up. Suddenly, he was very grateful that Lydia stood him up.
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squoxle · 2 months
Omg girl I haven’t had time to write a damn thing yet and my drafts are piling up. But moots take TOP priority and I try to respond to asks as fast as possible. Anywaysss here you go and I hope u enjoy 🩷
Ride Me ~ L.HS
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pairing: Heeseung!bf x Reader!gf| wc: 1k | summary: Things take a steamy turn after your boyfriend shows you his new at-home arcade setup. | cw: 🔞MDNI!! unprotected sex, cumshots, fingering, clit stimulation, pet names [daddy, good girl, baby] <- 100% Heeseung coded [porn with a plot] Enjoy :)
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“Well babe, what do you think?” Heeseung asked as he uncovered your eyes revealing the mass gaming setup. “I figured I’d use this more than the theater room,” he ruffled his hands through his hair, anxiously waiting for you to respond.
“It looks great, but I’m gonna miss our little movie nights under the blankets,” you smiled as you walked up to one of the machines.
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You clicked a few of the large buttons, anticipating a pixelated image to flash across the screen. “Umm, how do you turn this thing on?” You asked as nothing seemed to work.
Heeseung placed his hand on the edge beside you, trapping you beneath him as he reached down to flick a power switch. You felt his weight slightly press you against the machine as he did this.
“I must’ve forgotten to turn this one on,” he met your eyes through his shaggy hair. Something about that state felt off, but maybe it was just you so you brushed off the feeling and proceeded to look at the other games he had.
A zombie survival simulator that came with 4 guns.
A claw machine filled with plushes.
A retro fighting game.
And a two player motorcycle game.
Eager to try this one out, you climbed onto the bike.
“Of all the stuff you just saw, im surprised this is the one you wanted to play,” Heeseung tilted his head.
“Yeah, well, I like racing games. Stuff like MarioKart, y’know,” Heeseung watched as you struggled to reach the coin slot from your seat. The opening sat just out of your reach.
Your tits pressed up against the leather as your cheek meshed with cold material.
"Let me help you," Heeseung whispered in your ear as he reached over to insert the coin. You felt him pushing himself up against you from behind which sent butterflies through your stomach.
You went to the loading screen and customized your bike, "If you wanna play, there's another bike," you said as you noticed your boyfriend was still straddled on the bike behind you. His hands gripped the back of the seat as he sat there with his legs spread open.
You had a bad habit of staring at the print in his pants, didn't matter if he was hard or soft. You craved to feel him inside of you.
"I know, but I wanna see how you ride," he smirked as he grabbed your hips, quickly jerking your hips backward.
Feeling the heat rush to your face you continued to start up the game. You chose a Tokyo map because of the neon cityscape terrain at night time. Though you tried your best to stay focused you couldn't shake the feeling of Heeseung sitting behind you like this.
"San, ni, ichi...sutato," the automated female voice called out as tri-colored traffic lights flashed across the screen. The aggressive rumble from the bike startled you as it took off.
You felt as Heeseung squeezed your hips again before leaning against you. You nearly crashed as his touch caught you off guard.
"Be careful baby," he said before placing a kiss on your neck.
"I-I'm trying. But you keep distracting me," you stuttered.
"Am I really that distracting," he asked as he slipped his hands around your thighs, squeezing and pulling at the flesh.
"Ngh," you groaned. "Yes, you are."
"Oh, but you like it when I touch you like this. Don't you?" Heeseung grinded his hips against you.
"Mmm," you moaned as you felt his budge pressing into you. "H-heeseung," you said letting out a soft breath.
"Keep driving baby. If you come in first place, I'll give you a little treat," he hummed as he reached his fingers in between your folds. Your growing wetness slowly seeped through the fabric of your panties.
"Ngh!" you huffed as he massaged your clit through your shorts.
He continued to tease you as you struggled to finish the race, barely coming in first after finding a shortcut.
As the gold star shot across the screen, Heeseung hummed a raspy "Good girl," in your ear before helping you out of your shorts.
At this point, you were only wearing your hot pink thong--something you knew Heeseung loved to use. "Show me that pretty little pussy of yours," he bit his lip as you pulled the small fabric to the side, exposing your wet folds.
He smiled as he palmed himself before pulling his veiny cock out only to glide it between your slimy lips and tease your sensitive bead with his tip.
You whimpered as you began pushing yourself against his hard dick, eagerly trying to force it inside.
He halted your movements by gripping the inside of your thighs, spreading your legs more, before telling you to "ride Daddy's dick like the good girl I know you are."
Immediately after he said those words, he shoved his dick deep inside of you, causing you to let out a sharp groan. "Fuck," he winced. "You're still so fucking tight," he said slowly pumping his cock into you. "Ngh," he moaned before leaning forward to kiss your neck as your ragged breathing filled his ear. "You sound so fucking sexy when you're taking my dick like this," he pecked your cheek as you finally adjusted to his length.
You started to grind into your boyfriend, stuffing his cock deeper into you as he held you from your waist. "That's it, baby, just like that," his words encouraged you to pick up the speed as he pulled your lips into his, gripping your throat.
He turned you over and fucked you from the back as your tits pressed up against the leather. You clenched around him as he let out a groan. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he gritted through his teeth before 3 long, hard thrusts. You felt his warm seed spill into you and drip out as you came with him. Fortunately, your panties caught the majority of the spill.
Exhausted, you laid across the bike as Heeseung kissed your shoulders.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @mimikittysblog @nikisdubblchococake @wonbinisbabygurl @hynjinnn1 @mrswolfhard3 @laylasbunbunny @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmoa
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nexysworld · 9 months
dude hear me out yall late night drive date with leon that ends spicy it been in my mind alll day
Hi Anon, thanks so much for the request!
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Summary: Leon's been antsy since the moment he returned, you just want to help distract him from his thoughts. Pairing: RE4R!Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Pussy eating, fingering, outside spicy time, overstimulation. Mini drabble. WC: 1.2K
Request Box || Masterlist
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You were concerned by his behavior – Leon had been away for an unusually long time this last mission, and he was restless. From the moment he returned home, he hadn't stopped moving for one minute, constantly pacing around the apartment, bouncing his leg when he sat.
“Are you alright?” “Yeah, I’m ok.” “You just seem on edge.” 
He shrugged it off. “I guess I’m having a hard time mellowing out.” 
You nodded in return, it was obvious whatever happened during the mission was affecting him, and you didn’t want to pry – you just wanted to help. Looking over at the clock it was well past midnight. “Why don’t we go for a drive?” The suggestion seemed to grab his attention, as he perked up a bit. “I know you’re probably thinking of your bike, but that drive-in movie theater opened back up and it’s 24 hours.” “The one all the way off the highway?” “Mhm. I figure, it’s late, you can drive as fast as you want and we can curl up watching the movie.” 
His leg movement stopped as he looked away in thought. “You know what? Let’s do it.”
The drive went exactly as expected, Leon whipping down the highway and a speed that would make a dare-devil cry. You held on to the door for dear life, holding back any anxiety you were feeling, he was in the zone and you weren’t about to stop him. 
You gasp when he halted the vehicle abruptly, tires squealing, as a deer ran past. His arm shot out, hand splaying against your abdomen to help with the recoil. “You alright?” “Yeah, I’m good.” His hand moved down to give your thigh a light squeeze, making you gasp involuntarily. He raised his brow in interest, but didn’t say anything about it, continuing the drive to the theater.
There were no other cars in sight, and the teenager who ran the booth was asleep, large screens were still showing the reels from the projector. Leon pulled to the farthest one at the edge of the theater, parking his Jeep right in front. 
You didn’t recognize the film, but he seemed to be into it – at least you thought so until it started again, his leg bouncing in his seat, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. You swore you’d even caught him glancing over at you several times.
Halfway through the showing, his hand made it back over to your leg, slowly working its way up from your knee to your thigh, before he squeezed it again. “Someone’s jumpy.” He cooed, giving it another one. “You’re one to talk.” “Mhm.” He moved it again this time, between your legs pressing two digits against your clothed heat. A mix between a whine and a hiss escaped you. “Lee! Not here! We’re literally outside.” He added pressure again, chuckling at your response. “No one else is out here sweetheart.” “The ticket booth –” “Is all the way at the front and run by sleeping beauty.” Removing his hand from between your legs, he gripped your chin and turned you to look at him. He connected your lips together heatedly, tongue lapping at your bottom lip before entangling with your own. “Please?” He whispered huskily. “Wanna make you feel good.”
You were never able to deny him – sighing you dared glance up into the blue gems of his eyes. “Fine…lucky I love– “ He cut you off again, leaning over the center console as he kissed you again. He pulled the level on your chair, making the seat fall back and he continued to lean forward not letting your lips go.
By the time he pulled away, you were left breathless and panting, the arousal between your legs throbbing with need. The positioning was awkward with the limited space within the vehicle, but he managed, pulling you so that one leg was dangling over the console as he helped you shimmy out of your pajama pants and undies, exposing you to the cool night air.
He yanked your other leg up and over his shoulder, hunching over the console so that he was face to face with your pussy. You squirmed a bit, making sure you were as comfortable as you could be in the cramped position you were in, un-digging the seatbelt from your back. “Oh fuck –” You gasped when he dove in, not bothering with any teasing licks. He flattened his tongue against your clit, lapping at it as he gripped your hips to hold you in place. “Lee –” Maybe it was the distance from his last mission, maybe it was his eagerness – you weren’t sure, but it didn’t take much for you to cum the first time. He switched it up to circling your clit with the tip of his tongue before sucking the bead into his mouth. Instinctively, one hand grasped at his hair, while the other held tight to the door to ground you. You had expected to return the favor, or at least a break given the way the car must’ve been digging into his arms and chest, but he didn’t move at all. Not a moment later he was back to making out with your pussy like he would die without it – fucking his tongue into you to change the sensation before working his way back to your swollen and pudgy clit, sucking it back into his mouth again. If it weren't for his strong grip on you, you'd have been bucking and kicking with stimulation. Reeling from the second wave of heat that rushed over you, he finally allowed a small break, placing a few kisses to your overstimulated bundle of nerves. “So fucking good for me. Missed this pussy so much.” 
“Leon, please” You begged, hand still tangled in his locks, legs awkwardly splayed apart as they shook. “S’too much.” He looked up at you for the first time, mouth and chin covered in your juices – pupils blown with lust. “C'mon sweetheart, I know you can give me just one more.” Whimpering, your head fell back in pleasure as he returned to your needy cunt. A stream of expletives spewed from your mouth body white hot with pleasure. A crunching sound from behind you caught your attention, you ignored – until there was another, and another, and another – footsteps. “Lee!” You half yelled, half whispered to get his attention, tugging on his hair. He seemed to be lost in his own world, not realizing what was going on. The footsteps getting closer, made you panic and squirm. “Leon there’s someone coming over.” A flashlight reflecting back through the car’s side mirror mixed with the increasingly louder footsteps, finally seemed to catch his attention. He shot up, wiping his chin and tossing the jacket he kept wrapped on the driver’s seat over your lap as you closed your eyes pretending to be asleep. “Excuse me, is everything ok?” It was an older man with the theater’s logo on his shirt. “Someone from a few sections over reported hearing some...sounds.” “Oh yeah, we’re all good.” Leon shot the man a smile and a small wave. “We’ll just be heading out.” Once the sounds of footsteps retreated into the distance, you exhaled and sat up. “That was close, I told you –” “I know, couldn’t help myself though. It’s what I needed.” He leaned over and pecked your cheek. You couldn’t argue with that. “Why don’t we head home and finish things?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” He said as he started the engine again.
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thesmokingguns · 3 months
The Exorcist w/ Izzy Stradlin
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Izzy spits into my pussy, two of his long fingers pushing into my already soaked entrance as I bite the back of my hand, pushing his head down under the leather jacket he threw over my lap as a makeshift blanket so no one can see the way he's feasting on me.
I’m spread open, my legs over his shoulder, my ass at the edge of the fake velvet movie theater seating as The Exorcist plays for the midnight showing.
The local theater does a lead up to Halloween, playing all the classic horror movies for midnight showings and we've been going to all of them.
Tonight, after a late dinner, Izzy walked us into the back row, his mouth on mine as we made out more than watched the movie. Until he had said fuck it, looking around at the mostly empty theater, dropping to his knees in front of me so that he can taste me.
I was already dripping for him before he even lowered his lips to the swollen bud of my clitoris. My body vibrating with the need for him that couldn’t be contained.
“Fuck.” his curse word is dirty and delicious and the way he swears with pleasure as he eats me out makes me heat up all over. The way he wants me drives me so crazy. He wants me without caring how it looks. He doesn’t care who sees how the love we share consumes him like a drug.
I’m his favorite addiction and he won’t be kicking the habit of me anytime soon.
“Fuck me with your tongue.” His fingers curl upward, tapping like he knows morse code as my knees strangle his neck.
What a hell of a way to kill him. Would it be from suffocation from my legs or accidental drowning on my wet pussy?
I should know better than to tell him what to do but I can’t help myself.
“Izzy.” He pulls away, the wet sounds that his fingers are making as his other hand comes up to his lips in a silent hush sound. Apparently you can’t be loud when your boyfriend goes down on you in a theater.
Guess that's something you oughta know or whatever Alanis Morisette said.
His fingers slide out of me, pushing small circles around my clit as his tongue drags wet strokes over my slit, teasing my entrance as I think about how I’m rocking against his face, the chair under me squeaking like it’s going to break from the way I’m pushing it. At least I’ll have a soft landing on his face.
The tip of his tongue prods me as his hand slides around  my thighs before he pulls me forward, more on his face than the chair now.
“IZZY!” I scream his name as his tongue slips fully inside me, two fingers moving up and down on my clit. My orgasm overtaking any sense that I might have had.
I’m chasing my pleasure as his fingers that had been rubbing my clit are shoved into my mouth as a makeshift gag. The salty musk of my own body fills my senses as I moan around the digits. Izzy still tongue fucking me as Linda Blair throws up what looks like pea soup on camera.
The leather jacket falls to the ground and I grip Izzy’s hair. I can cum again. The feeling of a second orgasm is right there and Izzy is chasing that high with me.
I moan loudly, mouth loosening around his fingers as his eyes shoot up to catch sight of my hooded lust filled gaze downward. He wants to taste me cumming again. I can see the way he is waiting or it.
My back arches off the chair and I’m cumming again, spasming as he presses a hand against my stomach and holding me like I’m the one having an exorcism performed.
Izzy wipes his mouth as he slides into his seat, picking up a piece of popcorn and pushing the wet fingers and salty food in his mouth with an exaggerated moan as I try to remember how to breathe.
“Delicious.” I look next  to me, the way he gives me a smirk like he didn’t just try to suck the soul out of me through my pussy has me shaking  my head.
Reaching for my hand he presses it to the front of his black jeans, letting me rub up and down against the erection that is straining in his pants.
He’s so fucking hard for me, wants me so much that there is a wet spot from where his precum has been leaking out as he went down on me.
I should drop to my knees and go down on him in the theater but I’m greedy.
My hand pulls down his zipper, stroking his hard cock lazily as he watches the way my hand goes up and down, thumb rubbing over the wet head sucking on the salty precum that I collected before I’m sliding on his lap. My back is flush with his front as I lower myself onto his cock.
Izzy’s hand is on my hip, holding me as I seat myself against him, filling myself with his hard length, rolling my hips to get a tighter fit.
Leaning forward, my hands are on the seat in front of me, bracing myself as I rise and fall, riding him as the movie plays. Izzy watched me instead of what we paid to see, seeing where we we’re connected. Watching the way my hungry pussy creams against his cock , making a mess and sounds that people can definitely hear as I ride him.
“Naughty girl.” He grips my hair, hand snaking around my stomach as he tops me from the bottom, pushing himself in me as he rides me, just holding me along for the ride, “I can feel your greedy cunt trying to cum again. You want me to drain my balls in this tight little cunt, don’t you pretty darling?” I nod, overly sensitive from the two orgasms he’s already delivered to me. “Ask nicely and I’ll fill you with my cum, darling.” His breath is warm against my ear.
I don’t even know how to make my mouth move or how to form words but I need to please him more than anything. All I want is to make him happy.
“Please, Izzy. I want your cum.” His hand slaps my pussy, the sound lewd and loud as I buck. The hot wave of my orgasm washing over me.
“Good girl, darling. SO fucking hot squeezing around me.” His breath comes out in puffs as he groans out, fucking me on the squeaking chair until his cum is filling e, his cock throbbing inside of me as he fills me with hot swirls of his seed.
The sound he makes as he breathes in my air, trying to catch his breath after having fucked me makes me shiver.
“Need to get you home, pretty darling. I need more of you.” He helps me stand up as my legs trembled, “I’m going to have you holding on to me for dear life when we get home. Let you scratch my backup as you try to get a grip. But you’ll be my good little fuck doll, won’t you darling?” he kisses my temple as he zips his pants up, picking up the popcorn and grabbing my hand, leading us towards the exit.
I’ll be the best fuck doll for him.
My cheeks burn as we take what feels like the walk of shame through the theater but it was worth it. So fucking worth it.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
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Summary: Andy always seems to have trouble keeping his hands to himself during your movie nights...
Warnings: Smut, Andy Barber Being a Menace, Oral (fem rec), Wrestling, Edging, Over-stimulation, Funishments, Begging, Manhandling, Light Daddy Kink, Jealous Andy, Cursing, Bad Movie Titles, Questionable Actor Names, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated. All mistakes are my own.
“C’mon, baby!” Andy shouts as he sets a bowl of popcorn on the living room coffee table. “You’ve had me waiting in here all by myself for almost an hour!”
“It hasn’t even been fifteen minutes.” You grumble as you wander into the room a few minutes later carrying two glasses. “And I brought you a little something too.” You go to hand him his before leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his soft, full lips. “Consider it a reward for all your patience.” 
“Fuck that.” Comes Andy’s husky growl as he places the drink next to the popcorn. “I need a little more of that sweetness right there.” He tries to capture your mouth again, only to get frustrated when you pull away. 
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Poking your tongue out at him, you dance over to a nearby armchair. You take a moment to get settled, twisting your body in such a way so that your short legs are hanging over the side. 
“I repeat…” He peeks at you over the rim of glass as he takes a careful sip of the amber liquid, doing his best to keep it from sloshing over the side. “What are you doing?”
You shrug innocently. “Um, I’m about to watch a movie with my man. Now, stop playing and hit start already.” A light thrum of anticipation has you practically bouncing in your seat as you wait for the opening credits to roll. 
You’d been dying to see A Dark New World for ages – you had always been a sucker for a good alien invasion flick! 
You’re in the middle of reaching for your Shiraz when you hear him utter that one terrible word. 
No? What the hell did he mean, "no"?
“Andrew, sweetheart, please start the movie.” Pursing your lips, you cast him a sideways glance, attempting to gauge whether he’s being serious or not. 
“No.” Your man stubbornly grunts again before crossing his thick arms across his broad chest, prompting a low growl from you.
You’d already missed out on seeing this in theaters. And you would be damned before you’d allow yourself to be denied again whilst in your own home. Well, not “yours” technically, since you were spending the evening at Andy’s. 
But your man was really pushing for you to think of his place as being yours too. It had been almost impossible to miss the smile on his face the first time you had slipped up and accidentally referred to his space as “home”. 
That, however, was a story for another time. 
“Honey…please don’t do this to me right now. Because I can promise you that if I don’t see my favorite actor, Lloyd Evans-Drysdale, running across this screen” – you gesture at the television mounted on the opposite wall – “in the next five seconds, there will be hell to pay.”
Andy lifts one tawny brow in challenge. “I’m not doing a damned thing until you get your little ass over here where you, and it, belong.” He briefly uncrosses his arms long enough to pat his lap. 
Oh hell no! You weren’t falling for that one again.
“As inviting as that sounds, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass.” 
Maybe if you rushed him right now, you could take him by surprise and snatch the remote before he even knew what was happening.
As if anticipating your move, Andy slightly widens his stance, his palms coming to rest on his muscled thighs. “Why?” The impatient growl rumbles out from somewhere deep in his chest.  
“Oh, Andy Bear…” You offer him a strained smile as you begin to stretch, starting with the smallest, most unassuming poses you can manage so as to avoid arousing further suspicion. “I think we both know why.”
Okay, new plan. Obviously, you knew he’d already rented the film. And you had the login for his Amazon committed to memory. At this point, you weren’t above locking yourself in the bathroom and streaming the fucking thing on your phone. 
“I’m afraid I don’t.” Oops. Someone was beginning to sound awfully grumpy. 
“Ha!” A snort bubbles its way out of your throat before you can stop it. “You always get super handsy every time we try to watch something together. Yeah, I said it.”
Andy’s gorgeous blue eyes widen in surprise at your calling him out over his apparent inability to keep his hands to himself.  
“That’s right.” You continue as you stand up, ignoring the fact your man is growing increasingly unhappier by the second. “Happens every fucking time, buddy. You are an absolute menace. And normally I don’t mind, but this time Evans-Drysdale is involved, so…”
“Who even still gives a fuck about that guy?” He scoffs. “Thought he went and retired or some shit.”
You forgot just how touchy your boyfriend could be whenever you threw his fictional rival in the mix. In fact, you’d learned a long time ago that you were better off not even mentioning him at all. Especially not in bed.
Never ever mention Lloyd Evans-Drysdale while in bed with Andrew Barber. Because doing so might result with you being edged within an inch of your life. 
“I do!” You exclaim, suddenly feeling the need to defend the man who had, at one time, been the star of practically all of your fantasies – that is, until you’d met and fallen for your sweet Andy Bear. “And what’s not to love about him? He’s a great performer, he does all his own stunts, he loves dogs, and –” 
“And here I thought he was just some over-hyped actor who was allergic to shirts.” Andy mumbles into his bourbon before taking a drink. “My mistake.” His eyes you warily as you begin to approach him.
All you wanted was to get your hands on the fucking remote and put an end this madness!
“Big Man, can we please play the movie now? Pretty please?” You offer him your best pout as you reach out your hand, intending to swipe the controller from his grip. “With sugar on top?”
“Is this what you want?” Andy holds the device above his head, dangling it just out of reach. “This thing right here? 
“Gimme!” And then you lunge – letting out a rather impressive battle cry. 
But then the handsome bastard dodges, sending you crashing into his much bigger body.
“OOF!” You both grunt at the same time as the force of the impact sends you sprawling backwards on the couch in a tangled heap. Believing him to be stunned, you decide to embrace your inner spider monkey and shimmy your way up his torso. 
“I said gimme, damn it!” You hiss as the two of you continue to grapple for the remote. Out of instinct, and desperate for a win, your teeth find their way into his shoulder. And then you bite down.
“Ow!” You shriek when one of Andy’s hands manages to connect with your ass with a sharp crack.
You release him, only to do it again, this time digging your fingers into his side, pinching him with verve and vigor. 
“Fucking brat!” He snarls, flipping your positions as he expertly wrestles your flailing limbs. “Hold still before I – ouch! Stop fucking pinching me, little girl!”
Instead of responding, you go to hook your leg around his trim waist so that you can try to maneuver him on his back once more. But that quickly proves damn near impossible since you’re dealing with two hundred twenty-something pounds of solid freaking muscle!
“Quit now, Barber, and we can end this whole thing peacefully!” You give up on pinching him in favor of going for his beautiful face, squeezing his jaw with just enough force to make him look ridiculous. “C’mon! I just want a couple of hours to quietly lust after my favorite movie star! Is that really too much to ask, you gorgeous hobgoblin?! Argh!”
“Hell yeah, it is! Cuz' if you think that I’m gonna just sit idly by and watch my as my lady drools over some fucking muscle-bound dimwit who probably can't string two sentences together...then you are dead wrong, baby girl.” Andy manages to shake off your hold before nipping at your hand, making you yelp. 
“There’s nothing wrong with a little, safe objectification every now and again, my darling Andrew!”
“I think you’re missing a very important fucking piece here, sweetheart.” He growls, blocking you when your knee almost grazes his goods. Fed up with your squirming, he relaxes his body so that he’s laying on top of you – making you to take his full weight. And then he makes surprisingly quick work of capturing your hands, pinning them above your head with minimal effort.
“Damn it, Andy!” You shriek as you struggle in his hold, bucking your hips this way and that. He decides to repay you tenfold by grinding his rapidly hardening cock against your panty covered pussy. “Why must you always be so freaking difficult?!”
You knew you should’ve put on a pair of shorts before joining movie night. And maybe some sweats. Or, perhaps, a whole goddamned snowsuit! 
You force yourself to bite back yet another moan as Andy continues to torment you with his exaggerated, lazy thrusts, reveling in your helplessness. 
“Because you’re mine, woman.” His free hand goes to grip your chin, making it impossible for you to break his captivating gaze. “And the only fucking man that my woman is allowed to lust after, long for, and/or safely objectify is me. That’s it. And I refuse to fucking share you.”
You go to reply, only to be caught off guard when his eager mouth slants possessively over yours. And he doesn’t hold back as his tongue sweeps past your lips. Andy groans into the kiss, taking his sweet time while he seeks to conquer every last shred of free will you own.
“God, Andy! I–I…” You rasp as he trails a series of savage love bites along the delicate curve of your jaw before nibbling his way down your throat. “Shit!”
“You know better than to forget who you fucking belong too, baby girl.” His fingers weave their way under the thin fabric of your t-shirt to cup your breast, molding and kneading your sensitive flesh. “And then you tried to withhold your cuddles.” His sharp teeth nip and suck at your pulse point. You had little doubt that you’d be covered in his marks by the end of the night. “All over some limp-dicked prick named Drysdale.”    
A soft whimper catches in your throat as the pad of his thumb begins toying with your nipple, his sensual ministrations making you shiver.
God, your man was good with his hands. Fucking menace to society!
“Apologize.” Andy whispers as he returns his attention to your mouth, letting his plush lips skim over yours in one featherlight kiss after another. “Tell me you’re sorry for attempting to deprive me of all these luscious curves, when you know full well that I like to have a little something to hold onto during our movie nights.” 
“I…I…ooh!” You whine when his hand leaves your cleavage to slip between your thighs so he can lightly pinch your aching clit. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Daddy!” He enjoys the sound of your apology so much that he does it again, and this time it’s accompanied by a dark chuckle. 
The fucking sadist! 
“I’m sure you are, sweet girl.” Your man hums before finally moving to sit up, taking you with him. “But I’m afraid you’re gonna have to do better than that if you expect me to sit through this shitty film after all this.”
Having said that, Andy then gently deposits you next to him on the couch before standing up.
“Show me how bad you want to watch your little movie, baby. Prove to me you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy again.” 
Heaving a small, breathy sigh, you slide your thumbs into the waistband of your panties -- slowly sliding them down your hips before letting them hit the carpeted floor below. Your boyfriend’s nostrils flare as his hungry eyes stray to your weeping cunt. 
“Keep going, princess. Be my good girl and give Daddy what he wants.” Comes Andy’s downright devilish purr. Wanting desperately to comply, you spread your thighs wide in a sweet, submissive offering. “There we go.”
Of course you allow him to look his fill. And only when he’s satisfied does he finally hit “play”.  
“Thank you.” You murmur as your focus briefly turns to the television, but at no point do you attempt to close your legs. You had a feeling that your Big Man was nowhere near finished with you. 
At least not yet. 
His wicked grin letting you know that you’re about to earn every minute of the entertainment you’d been pushing for all evening. 
One Hour Later…
“Ungh!” Your muffled cry splits the air as another spasm rocks you, effectively drowning out whatever the hell was happening on screen. “Oh, God – please!” Your hips jerk of their own volition as Andy continues to feast on your quivering pussy.
“I’m not gonna tell you again.” He snarls from his place between your parted thighs. “You’re the one who complained about my being too handsy, so that means you had better do a good job of holding yourself open for me.” His harsh tone brooks no room for argument while he watches you struggle to keep your tired arms hooked under your knees -- a thin sheen of sweat coating your skin as your entire body begins to tremble once more.   
His thick fingers dig into the material of his couch cushions as he goes back to enjoying his meal, humming in pleasure as his tongue traces feverish circles over your pulsating clit again and again. 
“I know, baby girl. I know.” Andy briefly pauses long enough to blow a cool puff of air across your overstimulated bundle of nerves. “But remember you brought this on yourself.”
“Fuckfuckfuck!” You hiss as your eyes threaten to roll into the back of your head, your empty walls greedily clenching around nothing.
“You better not – don’t you dare cum!” He orders, even as he feels you threatening to shatter into a million beautifully broken pieces.  
But it’s too fucking late.
Part of the reason you hated when Andrew used edging as a punishment was because you had such a hard time behaving for him. You almost always came without permission, no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
And unfortunately, this time is no exception. 
A hoarse sob spills from your throat as you spiral into bliss, unable to stop the surge of white hot electricity as it courses through your veins.
“Nooo!” You wail as you attempt to scramble away from his tender assault. "Please, no more!" But your handsome tormentor proves to be much too fast for the likes of a little brat like you.
“Well,” Andy murmurs, leveling you with a disappointed gaze before picking up the remote and restarting the movie. “I guess we’ll just have to try this again. And since you can't seem to cooperate…” He wraps his powerful biceps around your thighs, trapping you in his fervid embrace. 
“Looks like Daddy’s gonna have to use his hands after all, huh?”
Well, fuck!
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
today's nope post: thinking about how i read someone point out the way we expect a cut to black during the star lasso experience, because that's essentially what happened with gordy. we weren't permitted to actually SEE the chimp carnage. it sets an expectation for star lasso which is horrifically shattered as we watch the people get sucked up, squeezed, screaming. that scene felt so gratuitous seeing it for the first time. i was shrinking in my seat hoping it would end. never ever saw it coming. how spectacular.
then i thought about what my husband said to me after we left the theater, and i was so so affected and scared by that scene, and he was ok. he loved it. and i started to talk about it and dissect why we had such different reactions, and he said something that shifted my brain on horror, cuz i can't always handle horror and violence on screen.
he said, "when there's something scary i just think: this was made for me to enjoy. people worked hard on it exclusively for entertainment."
and THAT'S when i really started to fixate on nope!!!! like..... you're right this is for me to enjoy!!!!
so tying that back to the disconnect between gordy's violence being hidden behind set pieces, followed by jean jacket's violence being all too explicit, it works SO FUCKING WELL GRRRRRRR gordy is rooted in reality this has happened in real life to really people. but jean jacket??? terrible and horrifying as she is, she was CREATED, she was written, she only exists for ME TO ENJOY.
it's like the movie saying, hey. spectacle is a double edged sword, and we're all addicted to it. so look at THIS look at this shit we MADE for you. like let's make art the spectacle, not people. let's create let's collaborate let's not exploit real actual people let's make the spectacle
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vintagepresley · 1 year
His Favorite Jacket.... PART TWO.
Okay, here's part two of that Austin requested fic for my double d babes!!!
Warning: 18+ SMUTSMUTSMUT Y'all, this is going to get dirty, nasty, etc. Oral (f and m receiving), titty fucking, spitting, dirty talk, some praise??, cum on tits, cursing, etc
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Austin plopped down in his seat, avoiding eye contact with you now, staring at the movie screen, but not even paying attention to the movie, he was nervous, frantic and most importantly embarrassed, he couldn't believe that he really had said that out loud to you, his feelings had gotten the better of him and seeing you topless just pushed him so far over the edge, that even still as he sulked in his embarrassment he couldn't stop thinking about it. You on the other hand were just stunned, not even at the fact that he said that but the fact that he felt that way, that he wanted you, wanted to do things to you. You just wanted to hear him confirm that that was what he said, but you noticed that he had gone real quiet, not even looking in your direction. Which prompted you to sit back down as well, glancing over at him every so often, hoping that he would at least look at you, but he didn't. So, you turned your attention to the movie as well, playing with the collar of his jacket which felt so nice and warm, the smell of him linger on his jacket.
For the next hour you both sat there in silence, neither of you paying attention to the movie at all as the only things on your minds were each other, but neither of you brave enough to truly admitted to one another. When the movie finally came to an end you both stood up out of your seats, your doe eyes staring up at him, wanting him to say something to you, anything. "D-Did you enjoy the movie?" he asked quietly as he gathered up his trash. You wanted to roll your eyes at him. He can't be serious... "Yeah... It was great." you lied, not giving a damn about the movie. "What about you?" you asked. "Mm, it was good." he cracked a small smile, lying through his teeth, he didn't care about the movie, you were all he cared about, that and the feelings he felt the moment your top opened in front of him, the way your nipples brushed against his hand, the way you looked in his favorite jacket. He was crazy about you and those feelings became more intense.
You both gathered up your things and began to exit out of the theater, throwing your trash away and the two of you heading outside, you both looked at each other and you cleared your throat quietly, staring up at him, his eyes so soft as he looked at you. "Walk me home?" you asked him with a bit of a smile. "Of course." he nodded smiling back at you and the two of you began the journey to your place the streets becoming quieter as you both walked side by side, your hands slipping into the pockets of his jacket, that's when you took the opportunity to bring up what happened back at the movie theater. "Austin...?" you asked softly. "Yes?" he glanced over at you answering softly under his breath. "About what you said at the movies... Do you really want me? And...." you paused for a moment, biting at your bottom lip for a second before you finished your sentence. "Think about doing things to me..." you said softly as you felt yourself start to blush at the very thought.
You saw the nervousness creep back up on him and his face becoming flustered all over again, he knew there was no avoiding this question now and that you in fact did hear everything that slipped out his mouth, he rubbed at the back of his neck nervously, looking over at you as a soft exhale escaped him. "Um....Uh..." he began to stutter over his words for a moment. "Yes... I-I'm sorry I said that... I hope I didn't offend you or come off weird... It wasn't because of what happened with your uh..." he gulped a bit. "Your uh... Brea- Your top... Well, maybe that was part of it...But I uh.. I like..." he was rambling so much and just stuttering over every word as he continued to blush, you couldn't help but giggle a bit at how cute he was being, you finally arrived at your house, but you wanted him to continue with what he was going to say, so you just stood with him right outside your door. "I wasn't offended and I don't think you're weird. Now finish what you were going to say." you said smiling up at him.
He felt a bit of relief after you reassured him of those two things. "I've.. had a crush on you for some time now.. Well, a long time, I guess. I just never knew how to tell you in fear of jeopardizing our friendship in case you didn't feel the same. When I see you, I can't get you out of my head, I think about you constantly. Then tonight.. When the incident with your top happened.... I... God.. I felt like I was going to lose control." he said as his confession just poured out of him. You were smiling the entire time, chewing at the inside of your cheek, wanting to confess your feelings to him as well, but you did something even bolder than that. You stepped closer to him, reaching up to cup his face in your delicate hands, pulling him down toward you as you leaned up a bit to press your lips softly against his own. He wasn't expecting that at all, but you could feel his lips curling up into a smile against your lips and then he kissed you back, wrapping his hands around your waist, the kiss between the two of you deepening and then you pulled back from him, biting your lip as you stared at each other, his cute little smile still on his lips.
"That's my way of saying I've had a crush on you for a long time too and there's nothing that could jeopardize our friendship, ever." you beamed, knowing that you've felt this way for him probably since the first time you met, but didn't pay attention to those feelings until a few years ago, if there was anyone you would ever feel this way for, it would only be him. "Did you want to come inside? I wouldn't feel right keeping your jacket. I'll just throw a shirt on really quick." you said, taking your keys out and unlocking the door. "Sure, I'll come in." he said, smiling all of his nervous washing away knowing how you felt about him now. You got the door opened and he followed you inside, shutting the door closed and you threw your keys and your purse onto the coffee table. "I'll be right back." you said softly, making your way to the bedroom, but then soon getting an idea when you saw him take a seat on the couch in the direction that faced your room, you decided to leave the door cracked opened in an obvious way, hoping he'd pick up on your hint or would at least be looking into the room.
As he sat on the couch, it didn't take him long to notice the door was left a bit open, his eyes staring intensely into your bedroom, watching your reflection from the mirror in your room that you were purposely standing in front of as you slowly began to unzip his jacket, your breasts slowly popping out of his jacket and then you slipped it off your arms, sitting it on the chair of your vanity, smirking to yourself hoping he was watching, knowing how flushed the very sight of your d cup breasts made him, he had been watching the entire thing, practically drooling at the sight of you and the little show you were putting on just for him, he could feel the tightness in his pants soon develop. It was quite obvious that he was tit man, the very sight of them made him hard and he inhaled sharply when he watched you start to remove your jeans, making a show of taking those off too, then running your hands slowly over your panties, adjusting them a bit and wiggling your ass in the mirror just for him to see.
He smirked a bit as he watched you, shifting a bit in his seat as the tightness in his pants caused him discomfort and he let out a soft groan, he glanced down to see his cock was fully hard now, then when he looked back up he saw that you had disappeared from in front of the mirror, he was curious of where you went. You had climbed into your bed, carefully stripping off your panties, and lying back against the pillows, spreading your legs open, you weren't normally this bold but his words, "The things I would do to you..." kept replaying in your head, rather curious about what those things might be, giggling softly as you called out for him. "Austin.. Could come in here please? I need a little help figuring something out." you shouted.
"Uh, sure.. One second." he said as he got up from the couch, trying to adjust his pants in a way that his hard on wasn't so obvious and then he proceed to walk into your bed room and the moment he did his eyes widen at the sight of you, completely naked and your legs spread wide open, your pussy on full display for him and glistening already with your slick and you were propped up against the pillows in a way that your breasts were on perfect display for him as well, he licked his lips slowly, not able to take his eyes off you, his cock throbbing and begging to be released from his jeans as the tightness only made things more uncomfortable for him. "Uh... W-What did you need help with?" he said as he gulped thickly, feeling like the room was getting hot all of a sudden, his reaction causing you to blush. "Hm, y'know.. I was wondering if you'd show me those things you wanted to do to me.. Please?" you said softly, practically begging him with your eyes as you twirled a strand of your hair between your fingers, noticing the huge bulge in his pants.
"Oh... I..." he chuckled nervously, thinking this was all dream, he secretly pinched himself to be sure. Nope, not a dream... "Well? Are you going to just stand there or are you going to take what you've been wanting?" you asked, so turned on that it was making you impatient. "Oh, I'm going to take what I've been wanting, baby..." he mumbled softy, that nervous part of him gone as he was filled with so much lust for you and the way you were giving yourself to him like this. You watched with excitement as he quickly began to undress in front of you, almost struggling to get out of his clothes because he was so excited, you laughed softly, shaking your head at him. Once he was finally undress, you nearly gasped at the sight and the size of his cock, chewing on your bottom lip wanting him so bad, your toes already curling against the bed. "C'mere.." he whispered, gesturing you over to him with two of his fingers, ready to show you a few of things he's thought about doing to you.
You sat up in the bed, and slowly crawled over to him and sitting down on the edge of the bed, waiting and wondering what he could possibly want to do with you, as your eyes slowly casted down toward his cock and then back up at him, and he leaned down to kiss your lips, you leaned forward returning the soft kiss. "Can you get down on your knees for me... I want to feel your mouth around me..." he whispered softly against your lips, tucking some of your hair behind your ears a lips curling up into a grin. You nodded at his words, slowly sinking down to your knees in front of him, continuing to stare up at him with such an innocent look in your eyes, glancing down to see his cock directly in your face, you nearly moaned at the sight of it, feeling your wetness pooling between your legs, squeezing your thighs together to feel some sort of friction.
You reached a hand up wrapping it around the length of his cock, parting your lips just a bit, sticking your tongue out to swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, keeping your eyes on him, wanting to see his expressions as you pleased him, he let out a soft groan as soon as he felt your tongue on his tip, resting his hand on top of your head, as he watched you. You smirked a bit at the sound of his moan, licking up some of the precum that coated the tip of his cock, tasting the saltiness of it on your tongue and then you parted your lips open even further, sitting up a bit more on your knees as you slowly took him into your mouth, feeling his body shudder the moment you did, his groans growing a tad louder now was your mouth was wrapped around him, getting as much as you can of him inside of your mouth, pumping him slowly into your mouth, seeing his happy expressions as his eyes rolled back. "Y/N, fuck...." he mumbled under his breath.
You moved your hand that was wrapped around the base of his cock and moved it down to fondle his balls a bit as you pumped him faster into your mouth, feeling him hit the back of your throat the deeper you took him, soft gags escaping your mouth, spit gathering at the sides of your mouth and coating his cock, soft whimpers escaping you and coming out muffled around him. "Fuck... I love the way your mouth feels around my cock.." he grunted, he reached down to grab a hand full of your breasts, his large hands groping and squeezing them, you loved that his hands were big enough to manhandle the size of them. You relaxed your throat a bit and decided to take his cock down deep, obscene noises escaping your from your mouth as you did, gaging a bit louder and more spit gathering around your lips, dripping down your chin and onto your breasts as you held yourself down on his cock for a moment. "Oh shit..." he growled, his groans coming out in droves, and then he grabbed a hand full of your hair, pulling you off his cock roughly, and it popped out of your mouth, strings of saliva dripping from it and landing on your breasts.
You giggled softly, licking your lips as you saw his expression and he leaned down to kiss your spit covered lips. "Can I do something else I've dreamt about doing to you?" he mumbled with a smirk, watching the spit land on your chest, only turning him on more. You glanced up at him again, nodding at his words. He grinned at your response. "Sit up on your knees for me, baby." he said softly and you did as you were told, sitting up on your knees for him wondering what he could want to do, he positioned himself in a way that his cock was inline with your breasts, he grabbed them with his hands quite roughly and burying his cock in between them, holding himself in place with them as he squeezed your breasts tight around his cock, he let out a soft groan from how soft they felt around him, his cock already lubed up with your spit and the little bit that dripped on your chest, but he needed more and he spit down into your breasts where his cock was buried and you let out a soft gasps, finding all of this so fucking hot and getting even more turned on, you could feel the slick between your legs dripping down your thighs as this point.
Then suddenly he began to pump his cock right in between your breasts, his movements more steady as if he was fucking your pussy, his groans becoming louder once again the harder he plunged into them, you stared up at him whimpering softly as you chewed on your bottom lip and glanced back down to watch his cock moving between your breasts, he grabbed a hold of your hands forcing you to hold your breasts for him to keep his cock in place as he grabbed a hold of your shoulders, fucking them harder. "Fuck... they feel so goddamn good..." he managed to mumble out between his groans, your whimpers growing a bit louder the rougher his movements became, but then he suddenly pulled his cock from between them as he breathed heavily, you pouted playfully at him. "God your tits will make me cum in an instant if I don't stop.." he chuckled softly. You giggled softly. "Mm.. Would that be a bad thing?" you whispered. "Mhm... I'm not done with you yet... Now go lay down on the bed for me." he laughed.
You smirked at his words, standing up and climbing back onto the bed for him, laying down on your back, watching as he followed behind you, grabbing a hold of your thighs and parting your legs for him, he saw the slick that had dripped down your thighs, glistening against your skin. "Damn... You're so wet, baby.." he smirked, he moved himself in between your legs, laying down in between them and pressing his tongue against your right thigh, licking up every inch of your slick that coated it, you shivered beneath him the moment his tongue came into contact with your thigh, squirming a bit. "Austin..." you whimpered out softly, feeling his tongue suddenly on your left thigh licking up on the slick that coated that one. He glanced up at you, licking his lips. "Mm.. Nice and sweet for me." he grinned, not wasting a moment as you felt his lips on your dripping, aching pussy, his tongue parting your lips and licking, slurping and sucking up every bit of your juices, your legs trembling around him as your hands grasped the sheets beneath him. "A-Austin... Fuck..." you whimpered out.
His tongue pressing firmly against your clit, flicking it between his tongue and playing with the sensitive bud, sucking lightly on it and circling his tongue around it, groaning softly against your pussy as he tried to devour all of you into his mouth, wrapping his hands around your thighs and squeezing them tightly as his tongue teased your hole for a moment before he plunged his tongue deep inside of your warm wet pussy. Your whole body trembling before him, as you moaned his name out repeatedly, your eyes rolling shut and your head tilting back as you cried out his name as you felt his tongue fucking you deep, his face buried in your pussy, his nose pressed up against your clit and you slowly grind your hips up against him, feeling his nose brushing up against your clit, creating more friction, more pleasure, your moans only growing louder as your body squirmed and trembled, so ready to just cum all over his face right then and there.
But you felt him slip his tongue out of you and you let out a soft whine the moment he did and opening your eyes, not wanting him to stop, he lifted his head up with a smirk at the sound of your whine. Your eyes on him the entire time as you watched him climb on top of you, his lips pressing soft kisses against your messy breasts, showing them so much attention as your labored breath hitched a bit as you felt his mouth wrap around one of your nipples sucking softly, you were already so sensitive to the touch, that it drove you over the edge, then you felt him move over to the other, wrapping his mouth around it and sucking softly, and then he released it, kissing up your breasts and to your lips. "Ready for the next thing I've been wanting to do?" he mumbled against your lips. You nodded your head, whimpering softly as you felt him brushing the tip of his cock between your soaked lips. "Y-Yes... Please..." you begged him.
He smirked at your pleading words and he slowly guided his cock into you tight wet pussy, a soft groan leaving his mouth the moment his cock pushed inside of you, feeling you clench around him which only made him force himself deep inside of you, letting out a louder groan and you gasps softly, letting out a whimpering moan at the rough feeling of his cock. "Fuckkkk... You are so tight... I always wonder how'd you feel around my cock, baby..." he mumbled softly into your ear as he began to pump his cock inside of you, your legs wrapping around his torso and as they did he began to slam his hips into your own, every inch of him was slamming inside of you, stretching you out and forcing you to adjust to the size of him and taking him deep, your hands reaching up and clawing at his back as you held onto him tight as he plunged into you, your moans only growing louder, filling the room with your noises, your eyes rolling shut as you moaned his name on your lips over and over, like your mantra, like it was the only name you knew.
He was pushing you further and further into your bliss, and you were so sensitive and overstimulated from everything he had done to you, that you were already feeling your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, aching and begging to crash ashore, in between this amazing pleasure that you are experiencing you couldn't get over the fact that it was him Austin, your best friend, the man that you've had such a crush on for so long, the one person you trusted more than anyone and it just seemed so surreal that you were sharing your body in such an intimate way with him and how he knew just how to please you and make you feel good. Nearly having the wind knocked out of you as you felt him grab your hips as he slammed harder against you, his cock hitting places within you that had you shaking, he was moaning softly in your ear, nearly breathless as he was approaching his own orgasm. "Oh my... A-Austin.. I..." you could hardly get the words out, but you were about to cum, your orgasm hitting you with full force as your body tensed up, your body twitching. "I'm gonna cum..." you cried out against him.
"C-Cum.. for me, baby.." he managed to mumble out softly as he continued his rough movements, his name leaving your lips even louder as it felt like your body was exploding as you came all over his cock, breathing heavily and your head spinning as you finished, slowly riding out that high and he grunted lowly, his orgasm hitting him quick and he reached down to pull his cock out of you, stroking himself steadily, his eyes rolling back, his cock twitching and pulsing in his hand as aimed his cock at your breasts, warmth of his cum shooting out of him covering your breasts in the thick white liquid, milking every last drop of himself onto you, before collapsing onto the bed beside you, out of breath and his body trembling as he tried to collect himself, but you were feeling the same way, the room felt like it was still spinning as you laid there exhausted covered in his cum.
"I've been wanting to do that to you for so long...." he whispered under his heavy breath. You looked over at him, giggling softly. "That was so hot..." you said softly with a grin and and slowly climbed out of the bed, feeling his hand reach over to slap your ass and you let out a soft squeal, glancing back at him with playful glare as you made your way into the bathroom to clean the mess he made on your chest and strolling back into the room with a smile once you were done, grabbing a hold of his jacket and slipping it back on with a wide smile. He sat up on his elbows as he stared at you with a smirk, loving the way you looked in his jacket especially naked. You walked back over to the bed, playfully modeling yourself in his jacket before climbing on top of him.
"I bet you love this jacket even more now, hm?" you said softly, giggling.
"Mhm... It's my favorite, but it's my favorite on you." he said, leaning up to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss, wanting to go a second round with you was tempting as ever in that moment.
Taglist: @ccab @lindszeppelin @ilovehobi101 @peaceloveelvis @infatuatedharleys @pennyroyalcreep @krissy25 @purejasmine
tagging whoever wanted the part two. sorry if I forgot anyone!!!
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ordinarydoodles · 3 months
We don't talk about that
Maybe you'll be okay with it now People change, after all. Everyone changes. But I remember how I saw drag queens for the first time on some dumb daytime talk show And I remember thinking "That's weird but as long as they're happy" Until you sat down and calmly told me that they were not evil, but what they were doing was a sin Talking in your teacher voice I was confused, but I nodded anyways Wasn't a sin supposed to hurt someone? I remember how you watched the Oscars in a furious rage the year Brokeback Mountain came out Curled stone-stiff like a gargoyle at the edge of the couch, And how you sat back with a satisfied huff and said "Good, that's the way it should be" when it didn't win Best Picture You don't even care about the Oscars It wasn't even a good movie, it was just boring and sad and no one got a happy ending But, like, it's not about sad films about men kissing, or sins that don't hurt anyone It's not about women in wigs It's not even about hate It's about the ones called the fathers going out and living lives and the ones called the mothers saying home and getting fucked It's about the boy cousins getting multitools and girl cousins getting bath sets It's about me cracking a joke in first grade and the teacher going "quiet!" And a boy two seats over cracking the exact same joke five minutes later and the teacher laughing It's about someone taking you and forcing you, step by excruciating step, to recognize dirt and clean it, anticipate hunger and feed it, see a grown-ass adult man and know that your five-year-old child self is responsible for his care and upkeep whining and fighting and complaining every step of the way (while the boy cousins play Nintendo) and then later they have the nerve to tell you that women are naturally caretakers. It's about how I'm still not exactly sure if the devil scooped out my brain and stuck a stranger behind my eyes, someone who would adorn themselves in long lashes and hunger pangs, if you would even notice It's about how, until I was 19, the only words I had to describe myself were "girl, but wrong" It's about this guy randomly telling me he had feelings for me and me not feeling anything at all towards him, not one thing, not love or curiosity or boredom or disinterest or pity not one thing and I said "okay" because I didn't know what else to say (turns out that was the wrong thing to say) It's about being body-checked out of the way when some guy lurches forward to pull open the door that I was just about to open and he holds it open like he's announcing the fucking pope and he's half blocking the doorway and then he kind of glares at me when I sort of awkwardly wriggle past him and don't make eye contact and don't say thank you I didn't ask to play a bit part in your street theater improv I definitely didn't ask to be typecast It's about how being a woman makes you less of a man And you can always be less of a man But you can never be less of a woman It's about a game that isn't fun and no one wins and everyone has to play it forever And no one is willing to admit it's a stupid game And the people who do, the people who realize that it can be fun, all the players who say it's not a game want to kill them Like actual death I don't know if I'll ever tell you I never talk to you anyways and I'm pretty sure that if we went to some gallery that was unexpectedly displaying Electric Fan (Feel It Motherfuckers) That even if I explained the story behind it, the deliberate disregard, the lovers torn apart and denied a final comfort, the history of all the people who were erased by their families, (the unspoken question of what you would erase-and-replace on my gravestone) you would still wonder why I was making a scene crying in front of a stupid box fan You're embarrassing yourself Thank goodness we don't have any of that in our family
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sleepynegress · 2 years
I Just Watched Hulu’s PREY (the latest Predator sequel)... YALL #THIS IS A REC
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So, a little tidbit about me. Around 20 years ago, I worked on a rez.  They had a community center with a TV and a DVD player with popular movies the people liked.  Like any other people in America they had a collection of all the genres, including action blockbusters. But... there were only two or three actual Indigenous culture-based movies.  The rest were mostly Latine (I think owing to the fact of Latine cultures having a lot of Indigenous blood/culture within them). I remember at the time, it struck me, that even as a black woman, I was privileged in this.  NO PEOPLES have less representation in pop culture than the 1st Nations peoples... You hear me? And you can forget just a regular-egular Hollywood blockbuster movie. #PREY should have been that big Hollywood blockbuster sleeper 2022 summer movie theater hit, yall. It is now, my FAVORITE movie that has come out this summer. It gave EVERYTHING. Indigenous folks finally have a big great quality action sci-fi movie. 
And a Native WOMAN gets to be that badass (I tell u, I reverted to a kid cheering them big 80′s muscley yt men action stars from back in the day) It’s not gimmicky, quippy, or overly-faux-reverant of the culture in that cringey way yt media does with that ~wise magical NDN~ garbage...No they are just people living their lives.
It just does what it’s supposed to.  It patiently builds enough character so you care what happens to them. It gives that meaningful character journey, heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat and badass-bloody action, and a satisfying ending.
Which is all you want in a action film. And even tho I’m not Native, the fact that it’s also in genre (sci-fi) something I know some yt folks don’t think marginalized peoples have a leading place in (i.e. woke/forced b.s.), just gave me chills and made me happy in that way BP did, -that another marginalized group is getting space at the table too (long overdue tho it is). Naru is THEE SHIT. SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE YALL, espec. if you are an action movie stan, like myself and/or a Predator fan who has been waiting for the good quality sequel to the OG movie, and like believeable action woman leads. Just for the record, I like Predator 2 and Predators and don’t acknowledge the existence of any other sequels, except for that part where Sanaa and the Predator got along (I’m sorry yall, Predators are the Negroes of aliens in space, I don’t make the rules....They only gave trophies and ritual to the two black leads) But PREY????
...MUTHAFCCIN PREY??? It rivals the OG Predator, I KID YOU NOT. If you are planning to have an action movie night this weekend??? 
Cue this sucker up and get your popcorn. SEE IT!!
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
Link: A Robin’s Song Chpt Six
Two months ago
“I’m moving.”
The words shot through him like a bullet to the heart, leaving him stumbling back. All their after high school plans, their college coordination, everything that had gone unsaid that would now never be. 
He made a choked noise and dove for him, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Jon gripped him like a lifeline, shaking.
“Gonna miss you…so much.” he sniffled, feeling the hot tears gather where Damian was hiding his face.
“Don’t say that, please don’t say that…” Damian’s voice was muffled, hands bunched in Jon's shirt.
His world was breaking, his everything was gone. Jon was being ripped away from him despite his best efforts. He was desperate, clinging to his friend as if any second he would disappear.
“Thank you for being here with me, through everything.” His voice cracked and he curled in on the smaller boy, tears dotting their clothes. 
“You’re moving, not dying, idiot.” Damian muttered, eliciting a broken little laugh from the other boy.
“I know. Just…promise me. Promise me we’ll still be friends.” He held out his pinkie like they would do as children.
“I’ve been invested into this friendship for too many years to let it go out now.” Damian felt a pang in his chest, and an odd feeling of dread as they shook their linked fingers.
They wouldn’t know how quick the years’ bond could come crashing down, memories aflame.
Jon leaned back, pulling the shorter boy to his chest in a cuddling position. Damian’s cheeks flushed, and he blamed it on the tears, ignoring the flutters in his stomach. This was a moment for them, a moment to soak up every last memory that they could make in the time left. 
If he had looked up, just for a moment, he would have seen the rush of emotions on the other boy’s face, and the conflicting pink to his cheeks.
One day ago
“Two tickets for the 5:30 showing, please!” Damian snatched up the tickets, bouncing on his toes as he waited outside the theater. 
The girl manning the booth grinned at him, saying teasingly. “Got a date?”
He flushed, before waving his hands in the air. “N-No, he’s my best friend.”
“Sureee.” She waved him in. “Hope you enjoy it.”
He waited awhile, the clock ticking further and further towards the time of the start. He pulled out his phone, texting him again, deciding he might as well get concessions. 
Fifteen more minutes passed and he was on the edge of a seat facing the entrance and ticket booth, eating the popcorn.
There was no sign of him and Damian was starting to worry. This had been planned for months, and Jon had promised he’d be there. 
He called him once the movie started, still outside. It rang and rang, ultimately going to voicemail.
“Jon, you’re late, are you okay? Don’t tell me you forgot, we’ve been planning this for months!” 
“J, this is really messed up.”
“I’m not watching this movie without you and you know it.”
“Jonathan Samuel Kent-Lane, answer your goddamn phone!” 
Thirty minutes of calling once the movie was well underway, and he was still alone, the phone ringing and ringing, slushies melted and popcorn cold. 
The sympathetic looks were painful and the moment his phone buzzed, he jolted, clicking on it. 
A notification from Haisley’s instagram tagging Jon lit it up and he clicked on it nearly crushing his phone in the overload of feelings, looking at the high-quality picture of the two of them in the park, Jon flushed pink as Haisley kissed his cheek.
His jaw clenched and with shaking hands he pressed the call button again, waiting for the voicemail.
“You DITCHED ME for your GIRLFRIEND?” His voice was wrecked, an example of himself in the moment.
“Screw you, honestly. I can’t believe you, you said this was important to you and that you’d tell her and she’d understand!”
He screeched into his hands as the voice limit cut off, not caring that he was in public and getting several concerned glances. 
Damian pocketed his phone and began picking up, tossing the empty stuff into a trash can and taking the rest home. At least his siblings could enjoy them. 
“Hey, kid!” The booth manager beckoned him over and curiously, he went. “That was a shitty thing your boy did. Take this, and bring him back when he comes to his senses.” 
It was a voucher for two and he smiled a bit, thanking her for her kindness. She waved to him and he made the walk back home, tired and emotionally drained..
The heartache blossomed in his chest, the lull of the painful longing swirling together and coming out as something so hideous that he was ashamed of himself for feeling it.
                                                   Present Day
“Damian?” Tim prodded at his brother. “Damian, get up, you slept through the alarm.”
“Mmpf.” He mumbled, blearily rubbing at his eyes. Tim still had his bedhead and Duke was still searching for his hoodie, so he hadn’t missed much. 
Zombie-like, he stepped out of bed and dressed, slipping on his shoes and leaving the bedroom in search of the rest of his siblings.
His father was in the kitchen, still in his PJs, and when asked why, he responded that Dick had woken with a fever and was going to stay home.
The rest of the morning went by as usual, and despite the sick feeling at the bottom of his stomach, he shoveled breakfast into his mouth and walked the rest of the way to school.
Duke avoided conversation, opting to stay silent but presenting a comforting air that made Damian’s fists clench.
His first few classes of the day were spent avoiding Jon in the hallways, ducking his head if he noticed the blue eyes sweeping the long rooms for him.
He heard his name called a few times but brushed by, pretending he had not heard anything. It was petty, but he felt it was well deserved. 
The bell rang for lunch and he slunk out of the room, dread coiling in the bottom of his stomach. 
Just get your lunch, and go to the library. Damian chanted in his head, trying to evade the worst of the line and Jon’s eyes
He was nearly out when a hand clamped down on his shoulder, causing him to twist into a defensive stance and swing, narrowly avoiding Jon’s nose.
“Whoa, whoa, D, it’s just me!” he yelped, ducking.
“Sorry.” He said, avoiding his gaze. “You scared me.
Jon crossed his arms, waiting for him to look up. “Dames, you’ve been avoiding me all day. What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” Damian grit out.  Clutching his tray harder, he tried to walk past him, what little appetite he had gone.
“Then what is it?” He scowled, blocking the shorter boy’s way, the tray spilling its contents on the floor.
“Oh my gosh, i’m sorry-”
“Don’t.” Damian hissed. His self-restraint had been chipping away the last few months, the heartbreak and the longing and the anger swirling together and spitting filth at the one who was rooted in the cause.
Although, deep down, he knew it was really himself who was to blame.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t apologize for things you don’t mean.” Jon’s face twisted into an unreadable expression, grasping that they were no longer talking about the fallen lunch.
“Dames, what’s going on with you?”
His fists curled at his sides and he looked up at him. “Jon, do you know what yesterday was?”
“N-no..” He pulled out his phone to check, clicking in his messages and visibly falling as he realized everything going on.
“I’m so sorry, Dami, i didn’t mean to-”
His nails dug into the soft skin of his palms as his eyes itched. “You went out with Haisley yesterday, knowing that it was the day we were supposed to watch our movie.”
Jon huffed. “That’s not fair, Damian, I forgot! My phone was at home, and you know that I have to spend as much time with her as possible now so that we can stay together when I move.”
His eyes watered at the implication but he blinked them back and held his stance.
“You told me, months ago when we planned this, that she’d understand. Why is it, that this girl you’ve been dating for a max of six months, who you don’t even like , is more important then someone who’s been with you your whole fucking life?”
The taller boy scowled, eyes reflecting hurt. 
“Shut up, you don’t know how I feel, and you don’t get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with. Are you jealous? Is that what’s happening right now? Because that sure sounds like it. You don’t like that I'm with someone else who’s not you, and that’s why you’ve been like this since Haisley. That’s real fucking selfish.”
Right on the money, but not in the way you think.
The rare curse from the boy made the quip die on the tip of his tongue, only further solidifying what they knew.
Everything, the years and memories and the hidden feelings had been lit aflame and would soon be crumbling to ashes over the simplicity of something missed.
There was more to this than either of them would dare to admit, and this would be the downfall to haunt them for the rest of their lives.
They stopped, watching each other. Damian’s anger and hurt were spilled on his face and mannerisms, curled in on himself but still rigid in a defensive position. 
Everything about Jon screamed defensive, from the way he was standing to the expression on his face, eyes guarded but still watching.
Tearful eyes stared down, circling each other while staying in the same spot.
“I was your best friend.” Damian spoke into the tense silence. “I gave you everything I had. I let you vent and offered advice and gave up the things that would have brought me nothing but joy because I wanted you to stay happy and stay with me .”
“I don’t care that you have someone, that you have other friends than me, or we would have been done a long time ago. I can’t….”
He inhaled shakily, heart wrenching out of his chest with the way Jon’s eyes overflowed, his own voices dangerously close to wobbling.
“I can’t do this anymore. This isn't an ultimatum, because I'd never make you choose. But I don't think that I can keep playing second fiddle and being ditched left and right because your priorities switch in a bat of an eyelash.”
His eyes shut as the pain-stricken voice he loved rang in his ears. “The ice cream and the songs and the jackets and nights out on your porch just all mean nothing to you?” 
“They mean everything to me.” Damian’s voice broke, hot tears burning his eyes. “And I will never be able to let them go…never be able to let you go, no matter how hard I try.”
“Then don’t let me go.” Jon pleaded pitifully.
“I have to. I have to for my own sanity, and for you, because you need to l et go. Let go of me, and this place, because you’re going to do amazing things, Jonathan Kent. You’ll move, and you’ll forget, i swear you will-”
“I won’t.” He sobbed. “I will never forget you, and I'll stay here and we’ll make up, and everything will be fine-”
“YOU WILL!” Damian screamed. “I’m replaceable, forgettable, and this only proves it. I’m leaving, even if it's just for now.”
“Damian, please -” 
He couldn’t hear the rest of the plea, whipping around and letting his feet take him somewhere far away, out of the halls and the schoolyard and down the streets until he wound up at his door, stumbling through with barely contained wail.
His father stood from where he was sitting on the old chair in the living room and rushed to pick him up. 
“Damian, Damian, are you okay? Can you hear me?” 
He choked on a sob and buried his face in his father’s chest. Bruce scooped him up and held him like he were five instead of the nearly eighteen.
When he was calmed enough, he began talking, wobbling through the events of the past few months, allowing himself to be rocked gently and held.
“I left school…I’m sorry.” He rubbed his eyes nearing the end of the story.
“I’m sorry, Dami, so sorry this is happening. It’s fine, I'll call you in, and you can stay home tomorrow too, if you want.”
He sniffled and nodded, sliding out of his father’s grasp but leaning against him on the couch.
A black-haired head bobbed up and into the living room, clutching a blanket. Dick’s nose was red and his eyes were puffy, and out of it enough to not question his elder brother’s appearance at home instead of school. He climbed between them and fell back asleep, warm from the fever.
The heat, no matter how worrying, was controlled enough that Damian’s eyes began to flutter shut as well.
He woke to a door slamming shut and sobs coming from whoever had just entered. The couch was empty, Dick back in his bed and his father in the doorway.
Looking around, he saw Tim in his father’s hold, crying. “I-I knew they were going, b-but it’s too s-oon, I d-don’t want h-im to l-leave-”
“Tim?’ Damian got up and went to the other side of the couch. 
“D-Dami,” He hiccuped. “It-s next w-eek-”
The words sunk in and the world around him crumpled. Rushing blood pounded in his ears, his breathing erratic.
No, no, no, no, please please please don’t let him leave me, he can’t leave with things like this between us still-
“Dami? Dames?”
Please. Please not like this-
“Damian? Damian, can you hear me?’
Oh, God-
The world spun, the tears he didn’t realize were running down his face, the sobs sucking the air from his chest. 
“Damian, breathe with me, okay?”
His emotions were consuming him whole, swirling around him as his surroundings blurred and he tasted the bile rising at the back of his throat. He clamped a hand over his mouth, barely reaching the trash can before his stomach lurched, emptying its contents.
He fell on his knees, the vile taste in his mouth the last thing he remembered before the world went dark.
Damian woke up a few hours later in his bed, Tim curled into his side. A disgusting taste was left in his mouth and he slid out from under Tim, slowly and painstakingly trying to avoid waking him. 
He made his way to the restroom and rinsed out his mouth, brushing his teeth twice to rid himself of the taste. He padded into the kitchen, the smell of cooking food making him nauseous.
“Hey Dames. Tim still asleep?” Duke’s voice came from behind him, his brother sitting on the table with a stack of homework. 
“Yeah.” He slid next to him, despite the angry rumbles of his stomach.
Duke ran a hand through his own hair, offering a tired smile. “You want something? Some ginger ale, toast? A hug?”
Damian shook his head. “I’m thinking I'll go back to bed.”
“Okay.” He leaned over and gave him a quick side hug in thanks before making his way back to the room.
Tim was slightly awake now, curling back into Damian as he laid back down.
“I think I loved him.” Tim whispered, eyes shimmering. “In some way. Platonic or other, but I know I did.”
“I know, Tim.” He inhaled shakily, tears burning his eyes. “I did too.”
“We’re all like birds, you know? A flock, and when some try to fly away with the others, most end up staying anyway.”
Damian buried his nose in Tim’s soft waves, humming softly. “I suppose so.”
The imagery stayed with him the rest of that day, and the next until words pieced themselves together and by the weekend, he had a whole new song. This one, titled Two Birds, would be the most painful for him yet.
He refused to open his phone at all, terrified of missed messages and calls from a certain someone. He wanted to leave it and pretend none of it had ever happened, but that would be impossible. The small flicker of hope telling him to fix what they had left before Jon left was small yet persistent. 
He was unprepared to let go, not ready to lose the steady constant in his life. For the thousandth time, he cursed his feelings, screaming, begging, for the past to be changed and to feel these things for someone else.
When he finally went back to school, he avoided everyone he knew at all costs, hearing his new song coming from more than one direction.
The time dragged on, but was simultaneously too fast. Too much time staring in his direction, too little time to say what he truly wanted to.
School ended much too soon, for that day. He dragged himself home, knowing that up the road was a big white truck, taking one half of his childhood with him.
“Damian?” Tim’s voice was small, having just come from the Kents with Bart and Cassie to give Kon their goodbyes.
“They…they’re still there, for now. If you wanted to…?"
In a fit of courage, he nodded, picking himself up from the couch and slipping on his shoes. The closer he got, the more desperate he got as well, pushing himself farther, too far. He paused, panting, before turning on his phone for the first time in a week and calling Jon's number. 
The phone went straight to voicemail, no matter how many times he called. He picked up speed again and realized with painful horror, that his number had been blocked.
Please, please, please-
He was almost there.
Damian saw the cars pulling out of the driveway and with his last bit of strength he chased after, dropping onto the pavement as they exceeded his limit, away from the house, way from the block.
Away from him.
And they would not be coming back.
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
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mooodyblue · 11 months
hi i’ve never sent a request before but i thought of one/ just a thought depending on what you’re feeling 🫶 but basically my anxiety has been really bad lately and today i had a breakdown in a restaurant bc i was convinced the waiter was mad at me LMAO and i was just thinking abt how elvis would handle a situation like that where his little really doesn’t want to go down but he can tell their anxiety is spiking / they’re starting to panic and he doesn’t wanna push them, but then something pushes them over the edge in public and he just comforts them and helps them drop and gets them away from the situation asap just very fluffy and comforting and yeah 🫶 that’s all 🫶
ugh i feel this 100%!!!!! loved this request vvv much i know this all too well. hope u enjoy! <3
wc: 1.3k
there was something off about you today, elvis couldn’t put his finger on it.
elvis knew you like the back of his hand. he knew your quirks, what set you off, what made you uncomfortable, and how bad your brain could treat you sometimes. 
you woke up with a weird feeling in your chest. maybe it was the way elvis sighed when he woke up or how his usual morning kiss didn't linger as long as it usually did. how did something so small cause you so much worry?
it almost worried elvis how quiet you were at breakfast. all you did was poke at your eggs. there was a slight tremble to your hand, heavy sighs leaving your chest as you refused to make eye contact with him. 
“you alright, baby?” 
you didn't look up at him, shrugging and not replying to him. 
he sighed, drinking his coffee and putting his mug down before asking the question that you absolutely dreaded.
“you feelin’ little?” 
honestly, there was nothing more you wanted than to finally drop. but it was his day off, he wanted to spend the day with you and his friends and he had plans, you couldn���t just ruin them so suddenly. not on the day of. he was already annoyed with you, at least in your head he was. 
“no.” was all you said, poking at your eggs again.
“well—i got the guys to come with us to the memphian tonight. got a good lineup of movies, you wanna go down and get that pretty lil' dress you saw a couple weeks ago?” he asked, trying to get your mind off of things. 
“sure, sure.” she nodded. 
damage control 
“whatever you wanna do.” she mumbled, pushing her plate away. 
he did buy the dress for you, amongst other things. he loved spoiling you. with how you’d been feeling, he thought you deserved a nice pick me up at the very least. 
it wasn’t until you both settled into the rented out memphian theater that you started feeling bad again. the guys were in a few rows behind the two of you, being loud and talking amongst themselves before the movie started. elvis had to tell them to tone it down a bit as if he noticed it was bothering you slightly. 
elvis wrapped an arm around your shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in your ear to try and calm you down. your leg was bouncing up and down quickly, trying to ease yourself of your running thoughts. “they don’t like me, elvis.” you mumbled. 
“sure they do, baby. you know how they get sometimes.” he sighed. 
they were just….so loud. and it was clearly affecting you and elvis was well aware of it so chances are; elvis was annoyed that you were frustrated and ruining his night with the guys. 
obviously, that wasn't even close to the truth. but your brain told you otherwise. 
you felt your chest start to hurt, just trying to keep everything bottled in and to yourself as your thoughts became worse and worse. 
“you gon’ start the movie or keep coddlin’ that baby of yours, ep?” billy yelled from the back. 
you sunk further in your seat, crossing your arms. 
elvis rolled his eyes, “it ain’t me man, be patient. they’ll start it soon. it ain't my fault we’re early.” 
there was an audible groan from the back, along with mumbles which you assumed were about you.
“it's my fault.” you muttered. 
his eyes widened as he turned to you, taking ahold of your hand. “not your fault at all, baby. you know that.” 
“i didn’t wanna go out for lunch ‘n now we’re early.” she grumbled.
“baby, we didn’t go out for lunch cause the guys were eager ‘bout comin' out here. you not wantin’ to eat didn’t play into that at all—you know how i am about you skippin’ your meals.” he frowned, squeezing your hand. “you hungry? i can go get you a lil’ snack, i’ll be real fast.” 
you looked at him panicked, “you’re gonna leave me with them?” 
“i’ll be super super fast, baby. i’ll bring you some candy, okay? you just wait.” he kissed the top of your head as he got up from his seat to leave the theater, leaving you alone a few rows ahead of the guys. 
you kept your eyes forward, refusing to look behind you. 
there was a small thump to the back of your head, followed by another and then another. that’s when you turned around, your cheek being hit with a piece of popcorn thrown from his cousin as he snickered to himself. you turned back around, your chest getting tighter as you felt your body begin to shake. why was elvis taking so long?
“quit it, man! that ain’t funny!” and “you’re bein’ a real jerk, man.” were mumbled behind you and god, you just wanted to go home.
elvis returned to the room, his eyes automatically shifting to you as you stood there visibly not okay. he rushed over to you, rubbing your back. “what happened? what’s goin’ on, baby?” 
“my chest hurts.” you whimpered, your breathing suddenly getting heavier. 
he glared at the guys behind her, “what the hell did you say to them?” 
“man, i was just kiddin’ around!” billy defended, sitting up in his chair. “they’re just bein’ dramatic!”
“watch your mouth, boy.” elvis snapped. 
you felt tears begin to trickle down your cheeks, shaking your head as you covered your ears. 
elvis helped you up from your seat, looking back at the men, “enjoy the movie.” he spat before quickly ushering you out into the quiet lobby. 
“‘m sorry, ‘m sorry.” you began to cry, trying to control your breathing. 
“hey, baby. look at me, c’mere.” he crouched down and took her hands, holding them both securely in his as he looked up at you. “don’t apologize, this ain’t your fault. i got a group of fools as friends, don’t i?” 
you sniffled softly, shaking under his touch. 
elvis knew you weren’t having a good day and he wished you had brought it up, but you had such a bad habit of overthinking and bottling it all up. he wanted to take away your pain so badly, but all he could do was comfort you. 
“baby? you wanna go down a bit? maybe try ‘n forget about all of this?” he finally asked in a softer tone. 
you wiped your tears with the back of your hand, nodding as he brought you back to his car—immediately taking you home. 
elvis was good at taking care of you, always knowing what to do in situations like these. he gave you a nice bath, wrapped you up in a cozy blanket and put cartoons on for you in the living room until he returned with a plate of nuggets and a sippy cup with your favorite juice. he frowned upon eating in the living room in fear of you spilling something onto the carpet but at this moment he didn’t care. 
he rubbed your back softly as you drank from your sippy cup. “you okay, baby?” 
“mhm.” you hummed against your sippy cup. “thank you, daddy.” 
he gave you a soft smile, pressing a kiss to your temple. “you were so strong today, daddy’s real proud of you.” 
you turned and looked at him, your cheeks growing warm at the sudden praise. 
he smiled at your reaction, giving your cheek a small pinch as you erupted in tiny giggles, nuzzling into his neck with the sippy cup still in your hand. “my cute baby, you’re just so cute. y’know that? i ain’t ever lettin’ anyone be mean to you again. swear.” 
the puppy dog eyes got him, the look of love and adoration in your eyes as you looked up at him from his shoulder. he kissed the top of your head and brushed your hair back. “i could just eat you right up, baby. that’s how cute you are.” 
“daddy no!” you giggled, hiding your face in his shoulder. 
“alright, alright. not today.”
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walkawaytall · 8 months
I think this is my hyperfixation for the day:
How that terrible added scene with Jabba from the 1997 special release of A New Hope ever-so-slightly detracts from your viewing experience of the original Star Wars Trilogy
Okay, so I admittedly first saw A New Hope in 1997 in theaters, so my first experience with the series involved the Horrifyingly Bad Jabba Scene (HBJS), but my parents had told me there was a new scene with computer graphics added, so even at nine years old, I was able to clock the addition from a mile away. And the VHS boxset my grandfather gave us later that year was from 1995, so I believe it was the original theatrical release version. Either way, it didn’t have the Jabba scene, so I basically saw the Jabba scene one time in theaters and then didn’t see it again for like twenty years, so I feel more like someone who saw the original theatrical releases kind of the whole time if that makes any kind of sense.
Aside from the HBJS adding nothing to A New Hope storywise and being visually repugnant, I have come to firmly believe that it also kind of ruins this small, subconscious part of the viewing experience when watching the original trilogy. Think about it: for two entire movies, your favorite smuggler is low-key worried about the fact that some thug named Jabba the Hutt wants him dead. You have no idea what this guy’s deal is, but you know Han Solo has 99 problems and probably at least 48 of them are related to Jabba. It’s not a major mystery. Like, I don’t think anyone was sitting on the edge of their seat to find out who Jabba was, but he is kind of a shadowy figure. His name is mentioned like once or twice in A New Hope and once in The Empire Strikes Back, but the effect of his looming presence is massive for our non-Luke main characters.
And then the introduction to him in Return of the Jedi involves kind of a mysterious build-up. The droids take for-freaking-ever to get to the palace, and as soon as the palace doors open, you are greeted with visual after visual that is viscerally repulsive but none of it is Jabba. You still don’t know what this Jabba’s deal is, but you know everything in his palace sort of looks like it’s covered in a light layer of snot, so you know you’re about to see someone or something pretty heinous. And then you finally see him, and he’s just as gross as all the build-up has led you believe, but there’s also a sort of, “Wait, this is the guy who’s been causing so much trouble for four years?!” It’s like…a little surprising to see him in person after so long just hearing about him.
It’s not anything crazy, but it is a very satisfying realization of, “Ohhhh, this is the guy we’ve been hearing about this whole time!”
And all of that subconscious suspension and possible surprise gets a little ruined when you’re slapped in the face with literally any version of this:
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Does it ruin the movie? No. But I really like little surprising moments in media and I do feel like waiting until ROTJ to reveal Jabba is just a lot more fun than whatever the added scene contributes, and I do feel like its existence actively takes away a little bit of that fun.
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lumosatnight · 9 months
Untagged Fest 2023 favs!
Untagged Fest 2023 just ended, run by the HPFC Discord server! This was my second time participating and I had just as much fun as I did last year. It's always a new experience reading a fic when it's first published with absolutely zero tags. Here are a 10 of my favorites (listed by title)!
💜 hollow hearts by @girl-with-goats [Teddy/Victoire, T, 7.0k] — Fabulous world-building, wonderful imagery, packed full of colorful metaphors and heartfelt emotions.
Surviving in the post-apocalyptic, totalitarian world where emotions are banned from adults is not an easy feat. Victoire Weasley tries to navigate it and not lose herself in the process, all while falling in love with her best friend, Teddy Lupin.
💜 Just a Minerva in Time by @bluestringpudding [Hermione/Minerva, G, 6.4k] — Time travel, BAMF young Minerva, intrigue, romance! This fic has everything!
Hermione is going to need to remember how she got there, if she wants to go back.
💜 Master of None by @nanneramma [Cormac/Severus, G, 5.5k] — Hilarious and made me cry tears of joy. A masterpiece in comedy. Severus has finally met his match in himbo (and buff!) Cormac.
Severus tries new things, and meets someone unexpected.
💜 mephistopheles by @hang-the-deejay [Hermione/Harry, E, 6.4k] — Mind the tags!! Includes rape/non-con!! This is dirty, dark, and CRAZY GOOD. A dead dove fic that had me at the edge of my seat and yelling into the abyss (or in the Discord server).
when i'm at the pearly gates, this'll be on my videotape
💜 of all the gin joints by @northernroyal [Hermione/Dean, E, 2.2k] — HOT SMUT IN YOUR AREA!!! I am in love with this Dean. He is the new loml.
in all the towns in all the world, she walks into his.
💜 Oh, to be alone with you by @min1nova [Bellatrix/Luna, M, 3.3k] — The prose is stunning. Bellaluna is such an underrated ship and the author made me fall in love with them. Such a fantastical fairy tale AU.
Her grey-scale painted lips, darker than the billowing curls and sharper than her teeth, never turn down. They are lighter than the oily drip down her temples, glittering in her hair. She is always smiling. It surely is a marvel, to behold the presence of the Mad Queen. 
💜 Through the Middlegame by @sandervansunshine [Astoria & Peter, T, 6.6k] — One of my absolute favorite portrayals of Peter I have ever read. The dialogue, the characters, the angst. I want to tattoo this fic directly onto my brain. Perhaps my new fav fic of the year!
Two prisoners, both a little broken, set out in pursuit of their survival.
💜 Unspeakable Acts by @ladyvoldywrites [Rufus/Dolores, M, 4.8k]— A wild pairing with a wild premise! The banter is perfect. This fic converted me to a Dolores lover and I didn't think that was possible.
The death of a child. A stolen Time-Turner. In an effort to solve this heinous act, an unlikely duo falsify a betrothal to gain entry into an underground crime ring.
💜 who lives in the castle? by @luxuriousmalfoy [Cho & Harry, M, 2.5k] — The ambience, the vibes!! I loved the mystery and the world-building. And of course, I love my girl Cho.
A century after the abrupt disappearance of magic, they seek out the place they hope to find it again—only to find themselves wondering if it was worth the cost. Cho and Harry have one question. Who lives in the castle?
💜 You're So Vane by @patriceavril [Angelina/Romilda, T, 6.8k] — The perfect romcom fic. Romilda is such a hoot, and her antics are so on brand. If this was turned into a movie, I'd be the first one at the theater.
Romilda is determined to seduce her nephew’s Quidditch instructor, even if she has to get a bit creative.
And my submission for the fest!
💜 Such a Sweetheart by @lumosatnight [Fleur/Bellatrix, T, 2.4k] — a horror coffeshop AU!
Her shift starts like any other.
Read more in the collection on AO3!!
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
featuring austin butler
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public play (n): one or more persons performing a sex act in a public place.
warnings ; public play, fingering
note ; this is definitely…. something🫣 that’s all I have to say on the matter
There were a lot of ways you saw your night going — one of those ways not being your boyfriend’s fingers curled so deeply inside you, your slick coating the leather chair, head thrown back against the rest and the faint noises of the movie still playing in the background.
It was intended to be a typical date night with buttered popcorn, a trip to the movies, and your lover, who only seemed available once a day each month. The fact that your skirt was somewhat too short meant that it fluttered about the chair's borders when you sat down, making Austin do a double take.
But in your defense, he fell for the bait.
If it were up to him, he would’ve just taken you right then and there. Lifted up that pretty little skirt to reveal your dripping cunt. Lower yourself onto his erection and let himself cockwarm you until the movie was over. But, this option, with his fingers nestled into your entrance, pumping in and out, was better than what he had in mind.
Your hips lift off the seat a little, teeth gnawing at your lips so desperately you can taste the metallic flavor of blood stain your tongue. He’s so deep inside you, up to his knuckles, reaching that sweet spot inside of you that aches and burns for a release.
His hand covers your mouth at the sight of your eyes rolling back into your head. He knows just how close he’s barreling you towards that edge, but despite how loud the action movie plays in the background, he’s certain your moans could overpower the entire theater. “Be quiet, baby,” He coos into your ear, pulling his fingers out of you and mixing the fluids alongside your folds.
You jolt forward at the sensation, looking around desperately in hopes no one heard your seat creak at the sudden movement. His hands roam towards your throbbing clitoris, intermixing the fluids so that your entire core is dripping. It’s laughable how sopping wet the chair is, and you let out a wanton moan against his palm at the thought of it. “What did I say about being quiet, hm?” He leans into your ear, his warm breath fanning over the skin.
“Come on, be a good girl for me,” He rubs circles into your clit, lazily watching as you squirm in the chair. “What got into ‘ya, princess? Walking around with that fucking skirt on and you think I’ll keep my hands to myself?”
You shake your head vigorously, sharing a glance of desperation with him as the circles he’s rubbing on your clit become more sloppy, letting the juices drip down your entrance. He doesn’t let them stray too far before collecting them again with his finger. “Jesus Christ. Haven’t felt you this wet in a while.”
And it’s true for the most part. Something about the adrenaline of getting caught mixed in with the dominance of your boyfriend has you needy for him, has you pleading with your eyes that he’ll let you cum.
With his eyes trained on the large screen, he inserts two fingers into your core, his thumb still rolling around your clitoris. The stimulation becomes too much to handle, exhales of air fermenting into his palm and your fingernails gripping into his clothed thigh as you try to contain yourself.
He can feel your walls pulsate around his digits, has to restrain himself from letting out a moan himself. Blood rushes to his cock, eyes bulged out of their sockets. He smirks, appraising your fucked-out look, working his fingers faster. “Look so good like this for me. When we get home, you are in for it.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the promise of sexual intercourse when you get home. Your knuckles strain as you grip the armrests with all your might. “You wanna cum?” His voice is taunting.
You nod in distress.
You’re prepared to cum, to finally release all over those chairs as the people in the theater mindlessly watch the superhero defeat the villain. For a moment, guilt washes over you. But before you have time to feel anything else, to feel any sort of orgasmic come-down, Austin pulls his fingers out of you, leaning back in his chair. He glances at you and your distraught expression, lips curving upward.
He leans into your ear, moves the strands of hair messily tucked behind it, and says, “Bet you wish you didn’t wear that skirt now.”
masterlist + request
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