#it involves jon being jealous
mkstrigidae · 5 months
tried to post a future APWH WIP scene here but tumblr is being STUPID and won't let me??? Anyways look for something tomorrow on the off chance this hellsite decides to work
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cherrrydragon · 2 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ ;) Damian and Jon are easy to spot, standing together near a large decorative display. Jon's bright smile is a beacon, and Damian's more reserved demeanor contrasts starkly with his friend. They’re standing in front of a window. It paints the image of being surrounded by snowfall as they chat away. pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: threats of bodily harm wc: 4.3k
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Nothing quite says party like a Tony Stark party. You distinctly remember your first one. You weren’t even planning to come, but when Tony saw you in bed with pajamas he bullied you into getting dressed. He said that you ‘needed to get out more’, which was bull, but whatever. As payback you drank as much alcohol as you could sneak. The scolding from Steve you got was worth it seeing Tony’s appalled stare.
This time, you intend to stay in bed.
Bruce Wayne has decided to throw a New Year’s Gala, for whatever reason. You think it doubles as a charity, but you don’t know why else he would throw it, nor do you care enough to find out. He did invite you, but you’re not too keen on being perceived by society.
“You look nice,” you muse, seeing Damian in his little formal wear. He’s made a quick stop in your room, for whatever reason. He’s a cute sight, so you’re not complaining.
Damian adjusts the cufflinks on his formal wear. "Thank you," he mutters, glancing away for a moment before meeting your eyes again. "You should come.”
You laugh softly, shaking your head. "Nice try, hun. But I’m really not in the mood to be around a bunch of snooty elites."
He sighs, looking slightly disappointed. "It would be more bearable with you there."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you tease, reaching out to straighten his tie. "Besides, someone has to stay and hold down the fort. Unless, of course, you’re asking me to be your date?”
He rolls his eyes but doesn’t dignify your comment with a response. Finishing fiddling with his tie, you step back from him. You see his hands twitch just a tad.
“Hi, [Name].” You turn to see Jon poking his head through your doorway, smiling cutely. He steps in, letting you see that he too is dressed up for the party.
“Well shit, look at you,” you grin, eyes roaming his figure.
He spreads his arms out, bashful. “Look at me,” he says, hands coming up to fidget with his tie. “I wasn’t sure about the tie, though. Damian said it was too flashy.”
You chuckle softly. “He’s just jealous he can’t pull it off like you.”
Jon laughs, shaking his head. “Maybe.”
There’s a comfortable silence as you glance between Jon and Damian, both looking unexpectedly nervous in their formal wear. It’s a stark contrast to their usual confident selves when they're out on patrol or facing down villains.
“So,” Jon starts, his tone casual, “are you coming with us?”
“Absolutely not,” you grin. “I do not have the energy to deal with people right now.
Damian huffs softly, exchanging a knowing glance with Jon before turning back to you. "You're missing out on Father's attempt at social philanthropy," he remarks dryly, clearly not a fan of the gala idea either.
Jon nods in agreement, his smile widening. "True, but I guess we'll have to suffer through it together."
You chuckle at their banter, appreciating their effort despite your reluctance. "Well, make sure to bring me back a good story or two. Preferably involving Bruce embarrassing himself on the dance floor."
Jon grins mischievously. "Deal. We'll keep you posted."
As they leave your room, Damian pauses at the door, looking back with a faint smile. "If you change your mind," he offers quietly, "you know where to find us."
You nod, blowing them kisses as they leave. You settle back into your cozy spot, grateful for the quiet evening ahead. From here, you can hear the chatter and glasses clinking from partygoers downstairs. You sigh and sink into your bed with no further plans for the night. Just as you start to drift into a more relaxed state, your thoughts briefly return to Damian and Jon.
Damian. Damian is so complex. So rich in character. He carries an air of absoluteness around him. Every now and again you have that realization that everybody around you is living their own complex lives. You guess that realization hits harder, since you had never entertained the thought of him being real. Foolish on your pat, with what you know.
Jon, Jon exudes a warmth that contrasts with Damian's reserved nature. His easy going manner and quick smile charm you so. Only he, who gets his powers from the sun, could shine so bright. He's the kind of person who can brighten any room he enters.
The sounds of the party drift up faintly, a reminder of the world outside your cozy sanctuary. For now, you're content to enjoy this peaceful moment to yourself, letting your eyes drift close.
“Hello?” a voice echoes out. It’s yours. An amalgamation of bright lights closes in on itself behind you. Footsteps echo as you walk down the alley. You don’t hear any civilians walking and talking or any cars going down the roads. New York is quiet tonight.
Swinging up onto a building, you began making your way across the city. The eerie silence is unnerving you. The usual hustle and bustle is conspicuously absent, replaced by an unsettling calm. In fact, New York is… completely dark. Not one apartment light is on.
Avengers tower looms over the city. It’s the only building with—some—light. The building… isn’t really a building. Half of it is gone, jagged and broken edges pointing skyward. Cracks litter the walls, glass broken.
Your footsteps echo softly as you approach the tower. The air feels heavy with a sense of desolation. There’s pieces of broken armor and weapons. Flickering lights casting eerie shadows.
As you move through the ruins, a faint voice calls out—a whisper carried on the wind. You turn, but there's no one there. The silence intensifies, punctuated only by the distant sound of your own breathing.
Suddenly, a figure appears before you—a spectral image of Tony Stark, his armor battered and glowing faintly. His eyes meet yours with a mixture of sorrow and determination.
"You were supposed to be here," he murmurs, his voice echoing in the empty chamber. "Where were you?”
You reach out, but your hand passes through his ethereal form. He fades slowly, leaving you alone. You see a broken red, white and blue shield in the distance. 
“No, no, nononono. This wasn’t supposed to happen–”
There’s a woman behind you. She seems familiar. “You left us.”
You left them. All to die.
There’s a piercing scream as you're sucked into an explosion of colors below you. You try to reach out, to grab onto something, but there’s no one there.
You sit up with a gasp, suddenly at a loss for breath. Your body is tense and sweaty and you’re breathing heavily. Your heartbeat is booming in your ears. It feels like it’s going to burst from your chest. The sensation of falling fades as you orient yourself to the familiar surroundings of your room.
You glance around, reassuring yourself with the reality of your peaceful sanctuary. The sounds of the party downstairs continue to drift up faintly, a distant reminder of the world outside your door. You rub your temples, trying to dispel the last traces of the unsettling dream.
Taking a deep breath, you reach for a glass of water on your bedside table, sipping slowly to calm your nerves. “Karen, how long was I asleep?”
“Only an hour.”
You bury your face in your hands, breathing. Sometimes you think your mind is your biggest enemy. You should’ve figured, really. You haven’t had a proper nightmare since you’ve gotten here. It was only a matter of time.
“Might I suggest heading to the Den to take your mind off things?” Karen's voice is soft, achingly so. It’s comforting.
You don’t respond verbally, only nodding your head. You throw off the covers sluggishly, still trying to ground yourself. You put on the first clothes you find. They’re definitely not gala material, but that’s fine. You’ll only pop in to tell someone where you’re going.
Titus is loitering the halls, but he comes to you when he sees you out and about. He sniffs you, gruffing like he’s disturbed by something. Maybe he can sense that you’re a little unnerved right now. You give him good pets before moving on past him.
The grandeur of the gala spills out into the hallway, the lights casting a warm, inviting glow. Chatter floods your ears as you arrive just outside the entrance to the grand room. The place is perfectly lit up and shiny. The sounds of laughter and conversation form a stark contrast to the silence of your dream, grounding you.
Damian and Jon are easy to spot, standing together near a large decorative display. Jon's bright smile is a beacon, and Damian's more reserved demeanor contrasts starkly with his friend. They’re standing in front of a window. It paints the image of being surrounded by snowfall as they chat away.
You hesitate at the entrance, your eyes drawn to Jon and Damian standing together. The way Jon's eyes light up when he looks at Damian, and the small, almost imperceptible smile that tugs at Damian's lips in response, speaks volumes. They stand close, their bodies angled toward each other.
Damian reaches out to brush away a curl from Jon's face. Jon smiles, mouthing something. He talks animatedly, eyes bright. Damian watches. Fondly, you realize, he’s watching. There’s even a little small smile on his face. It puts a matching one on your face. It reminds you of Pepper and Tony, the way they look at each other.
Like they’re in love.
Holy shit, they’re in love, aren’t they? Holy shit. How did you not notice? Well… you’re not often hanging out with both of them at the same time, are you? You know they hang out on their own without you. They were friends before they knew you of course. Since they were children. Oh God, you hope they aren’t, like, secretly dating or anything. You’ve been flirting with them, but it was playful! You swear!
God, what have you been doing?
You need to get home. You’re not supposed to be here. You should be at the tower, playing darts with Clint, or looking for colleges you want to go to. Not here, not pretending like everything is fine, everything is normal, everything is how it’s supposed to be. You’ve forgotten yourself, gotten too comfortable. You feel a sudden detachment, like a thread just snapped. This is a borrowed fantasy.
Like clockwork, you put on a grin, baring your teeth. You take a step back, the sounds of the party fading into the background. It's as if everything is moving in slow motion, every sound is distant and every breath is drawn out. The party fades away as you turn, making your way towards the exit. Each step feels heavy, like you're carrying a weight you can't quite name.
All you hear is a constant ringing in your ear as you swing from building to building. There are people in the streets, no doubt celebrating the incoming new year. The city seems especially alive, lights twinkling. You’re grateful you can’t feel the biting cold air thanks to your suit. You fear you’re already feeling too much right now.
By the time you reach the familiar tunnel, your stomach is in knots. You’re on autopilot as you move the rubble, climbing in. The cute fairy lights feel too bright now. Your mask retracts, letting you breathe in.
You grab a screwdriver, not yet knowing what you’re going to do. “You might be able to finish before midnight,” chimes Karen.
Really? Had you been that far along in your progress? Oh. Maybe you knew and just forgot. You don’t really know right now. Your legs feel stiff as you approach the particle accelerator, screwing in a part tight. You work methodically, hands steady despite the turmoil in your mind. Each screw, each connection, each calibration is a step closer to completion, closer to... what? A return to your old life?
Karen's voice interrupts your thoughts gently, "You're almost done. Just a few more adjustments."
You nod absently, tightening another screw. The particle accelerator is nearly ready. Your mind drifts to the dream again—Tony, the absence of life, your home that you don’t recognize. "You left us," echoes in your mind.
Finally, the last screw is in place. You step back, wiping a hand down your face, and take a deep breath. The machine hums with a soft, steady power. It's ready. You're ready. Or at least, the machine is.
You stand back, staring at the particle accelerator with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The steady hum of the machine fills the air, a stark contrast to the chaos in your mind. It's a portal, a bridge to another reality (the start of one, at least) another chance to set things right—or at least, to find some semblance of peace.
You insert a prism into it, making sure it’s secure. “Initializing…” hums Karen. The particle accelerator hums, lights flickering on and running down it. Sound whirls as you grab the little wheel you attached to it. “Approaching maximum power.”
The machine shakes as you turn the wheel. The prism turns, guiding a light. The light cuts through the space, producing fire and sparks where it hits. It cuts an old pipe in half. Whoops.
In front of you, lies an object akin to that of Tony Stark's arc reactor. Of course, it’s not actually an arc reactor, it’s just there to hold the new element. The light pierces and cuts until finally, it reaches its target. You think you hear the prism chime as the light hits the little triangle in the holder. You know that that’s the case when the chime gets louder as the light gets brighter. Brighter, brighter, brighter—oh.
You turn the machine off, looking at the glowing creation. The light fades, showing you the bright glowing triangle that is the new element. You sigh in content.
You duck under the particle accelerator, approaching the mimic arc reactor. Your fingers flex in anticipation, reaching out. The claws of your suit clink against the tiny triangle as you pick it up.
“Congratulations, [Name]. You’ve successfully recreated Tony Stark’s new element.”
You hum. “Well, couldn’t have done it without you and your awesome know-it-all abilities, my dear.”
A symphony of crackles, pops, and booms that fill your ears. Each pop rattles off as it fades. Oh, the fireworks. Is it…
“What time is it, K?”
“It is currently twelve AM, on the dot. I think this was an appropriate way to start the new year, don’t you?”
You chuckle, bowing your head. “Happy New Year.” You wonder if Damian and Jon… no. Probably shouldn’t think about that.
“Happy New Year, [Name].”
“...Happy New Year…”
You whirl around, fist tightly curling around the badassium. There’s no one there. Um. Were you imagining things? Oh, you see now, a figure there in the corner. A figure, somebody. Somebody that looks like…
Looks like…
“I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now…”
How did your senses not pick up on them?
“I… don’t know what I’m doing here myself.”
They’re stepping closer to you.
“I guess… well. I don’t know.”
It’s… it’s…
“But I do know… that I’m sorry. I was… I shouldn’t have done what I did.”
It’s the spider… the one from the warehouse. The reason why you’re here.
“You…” Suddenly, you can’t breathe.
They clasp their hands behind their back, looking around the room. Then they look at you. Stare at you. The eyes of their suit squint as they take in your face. “Pretty cozy place. More cozy than mine, that’s for sure.”
You put down the badassium, afraid you’ll break it in your fist. They turn to look at it, then at the particle accelerator. “You work fast. Faster than me. It took me way too long to make that big stupid thing. I didn’t have any blueprints or even confirmation that it would work, but–”
A scratchy yell erupts from your mouth as you pounce at them. They dodge, fucking spidey senses.
They hold out their hands. “Woah woah woah, wait–”
You don’t wait. You lunge at them again, claws swiping out to them. It lands, leaving behind red. They don’t have an armored suit like yours. You have the advantage.
They scramble out of your way, knocking over things as they go. “Please–”
You grab their suit at their collarbone, pulling them to you. “You!”
“Me?” they squeak.
“You’re the reason I’m fucking stuck here!”
“I know I know, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! I was being stupid! I just–”
“I don’t care,” you growl, showing your fangs. Your shoulders flex, releasing the nano spider legs. They emerge hauntingly, their sharpened points glinting, poised and ready to strike.
“You know, I’m not really like the other spiders. Most of ‘em anyways,” you drawl. “Apart from being the only [Name] I know, my moral compass is a roulette wheel. I’m a hero of course, I save who need saving, and punish who needs punishing.”
“Truth is,” you lean in, eyes wide and flickering with hot pink, “I am much more keen to violence than the others. I’ve killed people. A couple of people, actually,” you admit, voice low and intense. “Doesn’t make me a true good person, of course, but it does make the world a bit safer for those that are.”
They try to struggle free, but you hold them firm. "I'm going to figure out what you need. So tell me, what the fuck are you doing?”
They sniff, taking in a deep breath. “I never wanted to hurt you. I don’t hurt people.” Their hands quiver as they latch onto yours. “I just wanted to go home, and I thought you were gonna stop me–”
You growl and they yelp. “It’s not an excuse! I know it’s not an excuse, but it’s my explanation. I just.. I felt bad. I was…” they pause.
“I was working on this machine. A particle accelerator,” they sigh, oblivious to the way your ears start ringing. “I was messing around, and I got stuck in your universe. I tried to go back home. I tried for so long, acting like everything was normal, like I belonged but I… I had to go back home.” Their voice gets wobbly. “I spent so long there, I got desperate.”
They start sniffling, and you know they’re crying. “I thought, if I could find where you went… I could help you get back to your universe. So what happened to me won’t happen to you.” They take a step back. Oh, did you let them go? “I can’t take you with me. Other things can't pass through my portal without turning to dust, but…”
They reach into a pocket, pulling out a small, intricate device. It glows softly in their hand, emitting a faint, steady pulse.
“...What is it?” you croak.
"It's a catalyst," they explain, their voice still shaky. "It’s what I used to stabilize the rift. You know, so my atoms wouldn’t get scattered across space.”
Your gaze narrows, skeptical of the device in their hand. "Why should I trust you?" you demand, voice edged with exhaustion and anger.
They take a deep breath, looking into your eyes with a mix of desperation and sincerity. "You shouldn’t,” they admit. "But I know what it's like. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone."
You stare at the catalyst, the faint pulse mesmerizing. "And if this doesn't work? If you're lying?"
You feel their eyes on you through their mask, voice filled with regret and determination. "Then you can do whatever you think is necessary. But I promise you, I'm not lying."
Your silence hangs heavy between you. The sounds of the fireworks outside are distant echoes, reminding you of the world outside this tense moment. Finally, you reach out and take the catalyst from their hand, feeling its weight and the subtle hum of energy within.
“You really want to help?” you whisper, fist curling around the catalyst. “Find Miguel O'Hara from Earth-928.” Your grip tightens around the catalyst as you step back, letting the weight of the moment settle in. The stranger stands still, their eyes fixed on you through their mask. You can see the weariness in their posture, the heaviness of their own burdens reflected in their stance.
“Find him, and tell him where I am.”
They nod slowly. “I’ll find him. I promise.” Their voice holds a note of determination.
You step back and wave an arm. “Just go.” You’re well and truly done with everything at the moment.
They stand for a moment, looking at you. Looking through you. Then they turn away, and all you see is an eruption of bright and colorful light, before it’s gone just as fast as it came. The Den feels unfamiliar to you now.
You sink to the floor, mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. Sound is distant, the only thing you hear is a loud ringing. Your breath comes in ragged gasps, chest heaving. Your face feels wet. Ah, it’s tears. You’re crying. Why are you crying?
“–me]! [Name]! Come on, come back. I’m here, it’s okay–”
“Jon?” Is that your voice?
An arm curls around your shoulder and crowds you into his embrace. His warmth contrasts starkly with the cold dread that had settled in your chest. He holds you tightly, his presence grounding you. You cling to Jon like a lifeline, his warmth grounding you in the present.
“It’s okay,” he whispers, hand smoothing down your back.
Sniffling, you sink into his embrace. “What are you doing here?” you mutter.
“Where else should I be?” With Damian. “I stuck my ear out, heard your heart beating fast. And the sound of you… well.”
You sigh heavily, cheek against his chest, listening to his own heartbeat. It's strong and steady, everything you want to be. “My heartbeat?”
He nods against your head. “Your heartbeat.”
You sigh again, a mixture of exhaustion and relief. “Oh, Jon...”
"Shh," he soothes, his hand still moving gently along your back. "You don't have to say anything right now."
"I don't deserve you," you murmur into his chest, your voice barely audible.
Jon tightens his hold on you, his voice firm yet gentle. "Don't say that. Please don’t say that."
You take a shaky breath, feeling the weight of the night’s events settling over you. Jon’s presence is a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions swirling inside you. “I just… I don’t know what to do, Jon.”
He tilts your chin up gently, his blue eyes filled with concern and determination. “You don’t have to figure it all out right now. We’ll take it one step at a time, together.”
You don’t say anything, simply resting your head against him. His lips press against your forehead, gently and warm.
“In other news,” you sniffle, moving to get out of his embrace. He holds on to your for a moment, uncertain. But a persistent tug from you makes his arms drop. You reach up, grabbing the small glowing triangle. “Look what I made.”
He eyes the small thing in your claws. “What is it?”
“The badassium. The new element that I’ve created.” You rock it around gently. “I did it.”
Jon's eyes widen with surprise and admiration as he gazes at the glowing triangle in your hand. "That's incredible," he says, reaching out to gently touch the shimmering surface.
You nod, a small smile tugging at your lips despite the lingering heaviness in your chest.
He looks up at you, his expression softening with concern. "Are you... okay?"
You hesitate, unsure how to answer. Instead of words, you hand him the glowing badassium, letting him examine it closely. The warmth of his touch is grounding. He studies it, turning it this way and that, before looking at you again. He puts it down where it was, coming back to you to hold your hand.
“You’re incredible,” he breathes. You don’t have any words, so you keep your mouth shut. 
“...Wanna go home?” he asks tentatively. You nod. He slowly steps forward, kneeling down and hooking his arms under your legs and back when you show no sign of hesitance. Jon lifts you effortlessly, cradling you close as he stands. You rest your head against his shoulder, eyes feeling heavy.
“I'm not invalid, Jon.”
“Just let me take care of you.” He shouldn't say things like that.
He makes sure that the Den is properly blocked and hidden by the rubble. After that, all you feel in the cold air biting at your cheeks as he flies you across the city. The lights below blur into streaks of color as you soar through the night sky. You cling to him, feeling the steady rhythm of his flight beneath you.
People are still at Wayne Manor as you approach, lights shining bright. Jon serves around the side, pulling up to your room's window. You sigh in relief as he gently sets you down in your room.
You see Damian rush over to you both, suit jacket forgotten. Was he waiting here for you?”
“Where were you?” he demands, hands coming up to rest on your arms. His concern is evident, his eyes searching yours for answers.
Jon steps forward, his hand resting on Damian's shoulder. "It doesn’t matter now. They’re okay," he reassures Damian, who nods slightly, though the crease in his brow doesn’t go away.
"Sorry," you say sincerely, looking at both of them, "for worrying you." You gently push Damian’s hands off you and go to your bed. Your clothes are comfortable enough, you decide. The soft pillow feels heavenly as you sink into the mattress. Hands come up the pull your blanket over you, lightly caressing your forehead before leaving.
Hushed voices bickering are the last thing you hear before darkness pulls you in.
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notes: so... how we feeling? LOL
ngl i feel like the reasoning is cheap but how y'all liking the parallel? it'll make more sense later on, i promise ;)
also am i evil for using the "oh. oh." in that context? yes. yes i am
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rise-my-angel · 10 months
Heart of the Great Wolf
Interlude of Jealous Desires
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Pairing: Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader, Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader x Tormund Giantsbane
Length: 16.8k
Warnings: angst/hurt comfort, allusions to past rape, smut, outdoor sex, exhibitionism, jealousy and possessive tendencies, oral (f and m receiving), p in v, anal, f/m/m threesome (no m/m interactions), soft dom/sub dynamics
Notes: Tormund will not become a love interest or a consistent participant in Jon and the Readers relationship, his interest is much more casually physical. Takes place during as of yet unpublished chapters, but there are no actual spoilers for any future plot. Can mostly be read as a one shot, but the story does canonically take place in Heart of the Great Wolf.
It was turning into an obsession. What started as a fleeting jealousy, turned into a strange new desire that grew inside him until it burned bright into a need. But he didn't know why at first. Jon had been jealous before. Jealous about many things but he knew a lot were about you. 
He was jealous of how much time in your previous years in Winterfell you would spend working alongside Theon, when Jons duties were further away. He was jealous how he had to spend time with you entirely alone, just to be able to even hold your hand. Jealous that Robb would always be the one to escort you to feasts or events, because it wasn't appropriate that a bastard walked you arm in arm to your seat. 
But this was new. This kind of jealousy was one he never really had before. Part of him felt it a bit, knowing you were thousands of miles away from him married to Robb, but he didn't have to stand there and watch you two so consistently. Didn't have to see the look in his brothers eyes watching you. But he did have to stand there and see that wanting look shine in a different pair of blue eyes. 
Jon knew if he could, Tormund would've taken you for himself. It was obvious early on and it never really went away. He just respected Jon enough not to do anything about it. He would watch, and wink, and flirt and pull you close with an arm around your shoulder, though it never pushed a line that was too far. 
But it made Jon seethe all the same. 
Maybe once upon a time the insecurity would've hit, but the jealousy wasn't about that anymore. Jon was confident in what you two had now. There was an intensity between he and you that was impossible to tame, and he could rest easy knowing you both wanted each other deeply. But he was jealous that being so open with you came easy. That Tormund wouldn't hesitate to joke and smirk and flirt with you, when Jon thought he was bordering on too bold just kissing you in front of other people.
What started as a jealousy of the ease you had with one of his closest friends, turned to a strange taboo of wanting to fuck you out in the open, so whoever just so happened to walk by, could see what he did to you and now it all led here. Fighting against a possessiveness in his head, he wanted this, but he also hated it. 
Part of him felt guilty, he knew how you would react but Jon also was fairly certain he could gently coax you into it. You put a lot of trust in Jons hands during sex and that wasn't about to change now, but he also knew it sometimes was easier to come at you with a plan already in place instead of simple asking. 
He knew what you had been through, and he knew he Would never overstep what he knew were your limits, especially since you yourself didn't necessarily know those limits if asked. 
You technically were more experienced then Jon now. Once at the same level together, you surpassed him in marriage, as he was well aware Robb had experience. Spent enough time around groups of girls Robb used to be involved with and Jon learned quickly his brother clearly had a healthy drive for women. Then Robb married you and Jon only got hints in visions that you knew more of sex then Jon did. 
By the time you returned to him, the only experience Jon had was..well it was forced on him, and that was the end of him wanting to think about that. 
But you didn't go from just marriage to here, no. Things happened in between and now while you still were more experienced then Jon was, it fell into his responsibility to ensure you were safe the whole time. 
It all led here, Jon approaching a certain figure as he was leaned against the landing overlooking the training yard of Winterfell. Knowing what exact details he had been going over again and again in his head to ensure no room for mistakes would be left. But, perhaps it helped, that he trusted Tormund, and maybe that's why he was the only person in existence Jon would ever go to about this.
He could at the least, trust Tormund wouldn't hurt your mind or body. So, after a week of obsessing over it in the dark of night, Jon came to Tormund's side that afternoon. 
Both men looking out to the yard as Jons eyes naturally found yours, trying to navigate what you were doing around a young one vying for your attention. But you so easily let yourself be distracted by the little one. You did so for many of the younger children of the free folk, you had always been good at that. You spent years on and off, helping raise all of Jons younger siblings, and you once had Shireen too. You were easier going and smiled more with children then adults, and Jon loved that. 
So talking about you in such a filthy way as he watched you pick the little one up into your arms with a playful shout, it made Jon feel like a bit shameful. But as he spoke, arms crossed over his front with a low roughness, the second it was out there he couldn't not follow through to the end. 
“You want her.” 
Raising an eyebrow, Tormund slowly formed almost an amused expression as he and Jon kept their eyes both on the same person. “There a question in there, Snow?” 
But Jon didn't look his way, just at you and how bright your rare smile shined, even from up where he stood. “No. The way you look at her, talk about her, I know you want her.” His jaw clenched somewhat, a bit of, not quite jealousy, but something frustrated pooled out. “Lots of men want her. Hard not to, she's beautiful, smart, knows how to take care of herself.” 
“She's also quiet and sweet which is why you're so fucking sappy about her.” Both men smirked with a bit of a chuckle. No denying such a fact there. “And you're so damn territorial, I don't know why you haven't tried throwing me out of this place. Considering if you never came back, maybe I'd be the one fucking her good at night.” 
They had reached the point Tormund could make such a joke and Jon wouldn't take offence, but he didn't laugh, nor smirk. Instead a darker tint fell into his grey eyes as his face sat more like stone as hesitated before almost hissing it out. “What if I let you?” Tormund finally turning to look more at him but Jon didn't face his way yet. “What if I let you fuck her?” 
“Why would you do that?” 
Inhaling deeply, Jon barley could take his eyes from you. As if he had to be watching you to make sure what he was saying always had your best interest in mind. “You wouldn't be alone with her, I'd be there the whole time.” 
He figured the man could live with that, but he knew he was about to have to find the words to back himself up as Tormund smirked, looking back at you. “Little crow wants to watch another man take his woman, is that it?” 
But Jon said no. Short and almost angry as he inhaled and exhaled deeply to will his heart beat down once more. “At first I was only going to make you watch me fuck her. Knew you wanted her, I'd make you sit in the room and watch me take her apart all night, but you wouldn't be happy just watching.” Jons voice lowering even more as if a true secret, “And neither would I.”
Leaning against the wood railing, Tormund appeared far more casual and aloof then what the subject between the men was about. “Would be cruel making a man just watch.”
The agitations sat deep in his chest, but Jon knew it was something he would have to live with in order to follow through with this. He wanted this only slightly more then he hated the idea of sharing you with him, or anyone. “I'd have rules.” Tormund nodded, and Jon leaned forward to rest his forearms against the railing as the other man currently did. “You break any of them, do anything she doesn't like or want, or hurt her in any way-”
Tormund smirked, “Kill me, stab me, toss me in a dungeon. Got it. Your girl, your rules. What about hers?” Nodding to you, currently blissfully unaware as you stood in the yard chatting with Maege Mormont, one hand constantly moving to entertain the child you held, who almost tried turning getting your attention into a game. 
But Jon knew the way you'd look at him, the way you would cling to him when it was all over and even the moments Jon would take you hard and fast in the middle of the day you always held onto him a little tighter just before returning to the world. His heart sunk more into his chest, you put so much trust in him and Jon took every bit of it more seriously then any other. The worst thing in his mind would be to hurt you in any capacity similar to what you suffered through at Ramsay Boltons hands.
“Whatever she wants. But she won't have any.” Tormund glanced to him with a curiosity but it was much clearer that time around that it wasn't just lust bringing Jon to this idea, he was trusting Tormund with something important. “She'll do whatever she thinks you want. Means I need you to listen to what I say, beacuse she won't be confident enough to say no.” 
The two men stood for a little while going back and forth, finally coming to an agreement, and Jon knew there were a few more details to iron out before they parted ways. “You can't cum inside her.” Tormund did nothing but listen, thankfully as Jon lowly muttered out some of his own hard limits. “You can anywhere on her, or down her throat. But nowhere else. I don't care how close you are, you pull out of her, or I'll kick you out then and there.” 
To his credit, Tormund only smirked. In his own mind, he had no problems with Jons rules but it was amusing to him how stern and aggressive he spat them out with while his eyes were somehow soft while watching you from afar. “Anything else?” 
Exhaling deeply, Jon lowered his tone a bit more. “There's something I need you to do. Tonight.” 
You remembered the early days of your time in Winterfell. Late afternoons turned into evenings where you wanted to be away from people in relative quiet and many times you would end up in the small sept with your back against the wall. Legs sat in front of you as you made your way through whatever book found its way into you hands that time. It was always quiet, and you knew the few who visited would come at specific days and times. Meaning you would always be left in a peaceful quiet. 
It felt a tad ironic at the time. Many of your days on Dragonstone were spent finding new and inventive ways to avoid your septa. Septa Moelle in a way fit right in with the company on the island. A wrinkled face that was sharp as an axe, face always twisted in perpetual disapproval with eyes narrowed in stern suspicion and you suspected she hated you as much as you hated her. 
It was easier at first, you spent half of your lessons with her and half with Maester Cressen, and so it didn't leave her much time to sniff out what she disapproved of. Cressen was always far more kind to you, and understood your more difficult moments. 
He hadn't been a fan of Dragonstone as a place to live but he also had lived many years in Storms End previously. He was the Maester there and helped raise the Baratheon brothers, especially after your grandfather and grandmothers passing. Stannis wasn't as charming or wild as Robert and Renly and it left your father as his favourite, making the older mans fondness for you just as natural. 
When you had returned from Winterfell the first time, he was eager to build on what you had learned there and enjoyed that you were able to open up more now. Septa Moelle, was not. She got along with you far less after that. And every time you came back from Winterfell it got worse. 
She would call you difficult, scold you every time she thought you spoke out of turn, say that the Stark boys were teaching you to act like an animal. She was not unlike your mother in such a way during your more difficult years growing up. 
You had been pressed up against a wall listening to your mother speak to your father over their late supper, about Septa Moelle's complaints that you had not shown up for your embroidery lessons again. “She's a stubborn little beast.” 
Your father was quick as he was dismissive, barley looking to his wife and saying, “She's a child.” 
Shaking her head, your mother had her own exasperated tone. “You barley know her. You think because she smiles and listens the days you have her, that makes her sweet. She's sullen, and stubborn, and sinful. We need to stop sending her North.” 
You had felt the urge in your heart to burst into the room and protest, but you also knew you would only get lectured for spying on their conversation. Your father had yet still to change his dismissive tone. “Lord Stark has been a good influence on her education. And it's the only place our daughter has been able to befriend children her age.” 
Selyse shook her head with a dismissive huff of a doubtful tone. “They are a bad influence, nothing more. She shouldn't be spending so much time around boys at this age. It should worry you as well.” Your father asking what specifically should worry him, and you recalled at the time not having a clue what they were talking about. “How old will those boys be soon? Thirteen? Fourteen? Do you really wish for our daughter to spend so much of her young years around these Northern boys verging on men? Septa Moelle already has expressed that it might be prudent to start ensuring her maidenhood is in tact when she returns-”
Your father clearly grew impatient, voice raising. Not to anything close to a yell, but on a man quiet like him, the slight raise was with enough of a tone that it may as well echoed throughout the entire island. “Do you think Eddard Stark is a man raising his sons to violate a young girl, a ward, that we have repeatedly trusted in his care?” Your mother didn't say anything, but you could imagine she was tilting her head with a flatly expressed plead for him to listen to her, which he didn't. “I will not have her septa checking to ensure she is innocent just because you two disapprove of their company. Her attitude is one thing, Selyse. But it is another to say that they've done anything to her. She's more likely to be influenced negatively just being around Allard then she is the Stark boys.” 
That almost made you laugh. Allard was once Stannis's squire, and now was part of your household guard, normally assigned to watch you. He was rash and vocal about deeds you would listen to in as much shock as entertainment. He, each time you sailed North, had been there to accompany you. Telling you of the girlfriends he had in Oldtown, Kings Landing and Bravvos. He would laugh at your shocked expression and jest that were he and his father to have remained smugglers, his father said he'd likely have one day ended up sentenced to the Wall. “Now that's a worse punishment then I could ever imagine, tiny doe.” 
You had asked why and he didn't elaborate. Later when you had brought it up to Maester Cressen, he had laughed himself as he promoted you to continue the lesson he had you writing out. “If you don't know what that means, then I think we can assure Lady Selyse that the Stark boys are nowhere near as a threat as she worries.” He had then told you men of the Nights Watch would take no wives and father no children which is what Allard was referring too, and he almost laughed more at how you almost were more confused. 
“Why would he be thinking about girls like that when at the Wall? He would have more important things to think about.” 
Cressen rose an eyebrow at you, knowing it would pass you by. “If memories of what Robert was like growing up tell me anything, girls would be the only thing that boy would be thinking about.” 
But then you were older, hiding away for quiet in a little sept. Lighting a candle before The Maiden with the thought that if you were going to be here anyways, you may as well be honest about which of the gods would have issue with your actions most. 
It was different now, though. You felt no call to the sept, nor Seven. Especially not in the snows of winter. Now you would some days find yourself in the godswood by the Weirwood. You did not have obligations to the old gods in your words, prayers, or even actions as if always to be guilty. You could stand amongst them, and know they understood you were doing your best. Wondering who could see you here, what they were trying to say as the cold winds blew through your hair. 
Only, the ones which could see you were not quite that of the gods you thought you were speaking too,  and not knowing more then one pair of eyes was watching. 
“Hiding from me are you?” Your head turning quickly to the side only to relax at the sight of Jon approaching. You couldn't help but wonder how he wasn't cold. Not dressed anywhere near as layered or warm as he should, but somehow still managing to look cozier then yourself. Stepping back, your eyes glanced up to the red of the leaves before looking back to the snow and night. 
A small half smirk creeping it's way on to your features. “Actually, I was thinking about what a bad influence you have been on me.” Jons head tilting back in amused question as he repeats you, a smirk forcing itself off your face to remain impassive as you turn to face him. “If I recall I was an innocent girl before you came along and ruined all that.” 
His eyes narrowed a little, arms crossing over his chest. “And how did I do that, exactly? Remind me.” 
Just as he came a little too close, you sensed his ploy, and twisted and ducking under where he moved quick to grab you. Flipping around to face him with your eyebrows raised. “Such a brute, grabbing at innocent girls in the woods at night.” 
Jon only rolled his eyes trying to smother a great smirk, before this time catching your arm as you moved from his grasp. Just as he did once before, Jon took little strength to move you. Tossing your back right into the Weirwood tree behind you. Both of his own gloved hands pressing against the bark beside your head as he leaned himself in enough to look down at you. The glint in his eye almost ready to laugh more then it was lustful. “Maybe you have a point.” 
Your laugh almost caught him off guard, letting a hand slip down to run gently along your waist while the other toyed with your hair at the side of your head. Your own hands innocently finding his own waist as you leaned back a little bit more relaxed. “My father sends his kind, innocent daughter to Winterfell, and what does this strong, Northern boy do? Shove her against a tree because he has no reasonable way of expressing his feelings with words. I was never the same after that.” 
His voice low, more of a muttering husk as he glanced to your lips and up. “No, but you are more fun this way.” Your expression falling flat, and it became Jons turn to laugh. 
Trying not to grin nor melt at how little you felt you got to hear it, and how much his laugh and smile made him impossibly handsome. “No, I get it. The charmless, rigid, bore of a Baratheon girl had to be shown how to open up by brute force.” 
Leaning more into you, Jons breath could be felt dancing across you cheek as he moved towards your neck. “That boring Baratheon girl sure responded eagerly for someone who now says she didn't want to be kissed.” A breathy laughed shared between you as it melted away in you, feeling in place a shiver taking home up your spine as he so gently trailed his lips along your neck to up just below your ear. Pressing a tender kiss there before holding your waist tighter, free hand moving your hair from in his way. 
The exhale leaving you was shaking, Jon once more teasing you with light presses of his lips along your neck again. Both hands smoothing up and down your waist as he did so. For only a moment did your hands find their way up his chest before you tried pulling back. Glancing around with more of a flustered whisper. “Jon, you remember where we are right?” All he did was hum though, never letting his kiss do anything but tease against you right over where he knew your neck was sensitive. “You want to do this in the godswood?”
You felt the smirk, not even needing to see his face. Your hands against your better judgment drifting up and already tangling themselves in his curls. “These aren't your gods with all those rules, darling. The old gods don't care what a man and his girl do with each other out here.” 
Head tilting with a sigh, giving him more room. As his lips were gentle and soft, his facial hair scratched at your neck that he knew was the reason your breathing picked up. Another whisper as you tried to hold onto something sensible, “Anyone could come out here and see us,” 
If you thought that would do the trick, you were entirely wrong. Moving his hands to your hips, Jon all but growled into your neck, “Good.” Before shoving you roughly, your back flat against the tree as he pressed himself tight against you, teeth biting down. Keeping you flat and still as his teeth bared. Biting up and down without even giving you a light brush of his lips or tongue to sooth the pain, just marking your skin until it turned colour for him. 
His hips pushing into yours as much as he could, and you hadn't the mind to realize he was wearing far less and far easier layers to feel his cock pressing hard against you through. Doing so on purpose, knowing how easily you worked him up, could fluster you when he was bold about showing it. 
Your voice caught in your throat, trying to hold back whatever deep sound of need was brewing inside of you but your neck burned with how rough he was treating it. Everyone was going to see it come tomorrow morning you knew, but moving to your jaw, Jon gave the same rough scrape of his teeth before meeting your lips. 
Capturing the sound in his own mouth, Jon kissed you deeply. Every breathe from you now poured into his mouth as you clung tightly with your hands in his hair. The feeling of him running up and down your dress before Jon just started to pull the material. The cold hitting your legs drastically, but the whimper only made Jon grow greedy. Hand it all over to him, his demanding kiss spoke. 
Pulling only far enough from your lips did Jon raise one hand up, biting the end of his glove before roughly pulling it off. You didn't even see where it ended up, Jon using that now free hand to grasp your jaw and tilt your head up to once more capture your lips. His were always so soft but he guided you with such a command that you surrendered to him. 
Letting your lips part open the second his tongue brushed against your bottom lip, and a needy moan gracing him as he slid his tongue in your mouth to brush against yours. His other hand, still gloved rose up to grasp the side of your face, holding you to him as he ground his hardening covered cock into you at how much you gave yourself over with ease. 
Your nails scratched at his scalp, something almost like a grunt vibrated deep in his chest, moving his uncovered hand back down to where he had yanked the skirt of your dress up, trying to will himself to part from your lips but always pushing you back for more the second he pulled away. Hand moving to the back of your neck, Jon barley tore from your lips, rasping deep against them as the slight trails of saliva still connected. Tempting him right back with each mutter. “You remember the first time I touched you?” 
Your head felt light, floating a bit as you nodded. One of your hands returning the gesture and scratching slightly along the back of his neck, voice hardly a whisper. “In the wolfswood..” 
Nodding, Jon bit your bottom lip, a hiss leaving him as he switched from a kiss to his teeth leaving your lip tingling as he slunk his hand over the thin fabric hiding you. “You have no idea what was running through my head, hearing you've never came before, knowing I touched you even before you did.” Another bite as he brushed his tongue against yours, fighting between a kiss and rambling deep against them. “Almost felt guilty, thought about you every night, trying to imagine what you'd feel like around my cock, knowing it wasn't even close. Only to have you tell me you've never touched yourself as if I wasn't going to lose my mind over it.” 
His fingers ran across the material, already feeling it was damp but increased the pressure anyways against you. Another sound deep in his chest as he held your forehead against his as his own breathing picked up. Voice still rambling, and you knew from how deep and almost mumbling it was, he could barley control what he was saying. “Gasping for me the second I did this,” his fingers slid under the fabric and brushed with purpose over your clit. Rubbing tightly against it, but this time unlike years ago as he recalled, Jon new exactly how to dangle you off that sweet edge right into painful and desperate  for him. “You wanna know what it was I really wanted to do? What I was thinking about while touching my beautiful, innocent girl for the first time?” 
You nodded, and Jon said nothing, skipping right to showing you.
Breath catching in your lungs, your back arched pushing your front right into Jon as he crowded you more. Two thick fingers sinking deep inside you, sliding right to the knuckle as you clenched around them already. His jaw clenched, breathing harsh through his nose as he watched your mouth drop open. As if nothing ever prepared you for when any part of him was inside you, you were tight but soaking around them. Sliding rough along a sensitive wall as he pulled them almost all the way out and sliding right back as deep as you could let him. 
The hand on the back of your neck turned you up again so Jon could watch your face, a slow but steady pace as his fingers moved inside of you. Your hands almost dropping instinctively to his shoulders but you knew he wouldn't let you hide there. It was almost humiliating how much Jon loved making you look deep into his eyes when some part of him was inside you. He didn't do it for that, but his insistent intensity over it always was too much for you. 
The coil inside your core spun and twisted as he sparked such burning pleasure inside you, your lips grasping at anything to say only to have something equally as humiliating come out instead, your hands grasping at whatever you could of him as you did so. “I never-” Your face almost twisting as the sting of a third finger joining interrupted you. But Jon ran his hand over the hair at the back of your head now gently, trying to prompt you. 
His voice was too low and sweet for how steadily his fingers fucked up into you. “You never what, darling? Be honest with me, it's alright.” 
You might have regretted saying it later, but you gasped it out in needy moans trying to follow along with it. “I never touched myself when I was with you.” His brows narrowed slightly as your hips almost grinded into his fingers with a strained gasp. “I wanted, gods, I wanted to do everything with you..wanted..wanted to give you everything..if, if I touched myself I'd be keeping all that from you and I didn't want that.” 
Fingers thick and as deep as they could to the knuckle, Jon leaned back to make you look at him with a slight almost shocked expression. “You never had an orgasm that I didn't give you?” When you nodded, Jon swore deep under his breath before roughly capturing your lips with his. 
Both of you knew that wasn't counting your time with Robb. But Jon never gave that any thought, the fact that during his most insecure years you trusted every single aspect of your pleasure only with him made his head spin. Thinking that maybe he really did ruin you, but that only made him desperate to do it even more. His thumb rubbing at your clit in right circles before giving up and letting the heel of his palm just grind roughly against you as his fingers ran along your walls. 
Jon knew he should've slowed down, but then he finally sensed it. Felt that feeling of being watched, and he knew exactly why. That growing urge to show you off, to prove how perfect you were for him with pride. Pushing you closer and closer to an orgasm, he felt you clench around him only to pull out of you the second he realized you were seconds from falling over that edge. 
Lips parting from yours, you watched his eyes so dark they were of black ink as they looked over you blown wide open. Your voice was small as the sting from losing it so close had you feel strained. “Jon, please..”
Shaking his head, Jon moved both hands under the skirt of your dress. Grasping the edges of your underwear he pulled them down. Kneeling slightly to pull them off one foot at a time. Looking up at your heaving chest, his fist tight around the material before he shoved them away on his person without a single intention of giving them back as he stood up.
Your hands moved, trying to undo things to pull him out but Jons hands were faster, and rougher then yours. Looking up to your eyes, he didn't even blink as he did so. Your hands laid useless on his waist, digging into the leather as your heart raced and screamed at you. Running them up to cup both of his cheeks, Jon finally moved, all but kicking your legs apart as he ran the tip of his cock along your soaked core. 
Still one hand on himself, Jon used the other to yank up your leg to rest at his hip. His palm sliding down  to force the material of your dress to pool against you, exposing your actions to that side of the world. Pushing his tip into your clit you whined just as he sealed his eyes shut with a hiss. Holding a groan he swallowed it down to his chest before ensuring you were looking at him. 
Letting it slid back down he just barley sat at your entrance, one tiny slip and he could inch inside of you but his eyes were too soft for that yet. “Tell me you still belong to me,” Your brows narrowed in confusion, but Jons head tilted slightly almost pleading you to be honest. “I belong to you, but tell me you'll always belong to me, no matter what,”
You felt confused but nodded, “I belong to you Jon, I always will belong to you, I love you.” 
Jons face twisted, almost as if conflicted with something before deciding on a path. Sliding his cock slowly but deeply inside of you. The burn from the stretch of his cock was more then his fingers and you shook in his very touch. Sliding just as deep you gasped as you leaned this time into him and he let you for a moment. 
Only a few times did Jon steadily slide almost out of you before coming right back. Your core right back to twisting only this time it was harsh and breath stealing. Hands grasping his shoulders and part of his neck you looked up at him, his mouth parted in need before he grabbed your other leg, not letting himself leave your warmth, Jon picked you up properly. 
Shoving you back into the bark of the Weirwood did Jon barley let himself leave before thrusting hard back inside of you. His cock dragging along that same sensitive wall but now with a roughness that were there nothing in his way, would have loudly slapped and echoed in the empty, cold night. You clenched around him tightly, your heart pounding in your chest as you begged his name. 
Almost having to gasp for air, Jon captured your lips again. His cock not pounding very fast, but hard and rough. Rough enough you felt yourself cry out at particularly painful ones that Jon didn't even realize bordered on too much, but you knew you were utterly soaking his cock each time wanting exactly that pain. Since connecting your lips, Jon didn't let you leave. Leaning into you the second it felt as if you were to pull away for air. 
Fucking up into you again and again, Jon growled in his chest, almost snarling into your mouth the harder he pounded. Chasing something deep inside of you, as you clung and arched into him with nothing to support you behind the clawing inside your core to snap. A burning despite the snow and cold air around, nothing leaving you that wasn't whines in his kiss. 
You both knew it wasn't going to last. But, what you didn't know, was that Jon had other ideas for you that would more then make up for it. Pushing tightly against you, Jon sunk his cock deep as he thrusted only to slide his tongue back into your mouth just as he did so. One hand on your thigh now free to hold the back of your neck, keeping your lips fused to his. 
So close, you soaked around his cock only for Jon to groan your name against your lips. His cock so deep and so rough this time around that as your hands tangled themselves up in his hair, you were begging his name something you weren't even sure you understood. A cry that had to trust whatever he gave you, and all Jon gave you was nothing that was yours.
Pushing you more into the tree, Jon tried to push your free leg more so it widened you to him. His hips pounding rough into yours and only increased in how much it both felt good and was a painful feeling that only Jon could make you desire again and again. 
Muttering against your lips, “Don't come, don't you dare come, darling. I'll make you feel better, I promise. But right now, you need to trust me and not come.” Your head hid in his shoulder, nodding obediently as it almost made you tear up how much effort it took to hold back.
Your name groaned from his lips freely, just as you felt his cock deep inside you throbbing before as deep as he could go, finally came. His cum always was quite warm, but compared to the cold around your skin it felt almost hot in comparison. A deliciously thick never ending sea of his seed pouring deep inside of you as Jon moved you to look you in the eyes. 
A thought coming to his head almost came out of his mouth, but it wasn't the time. Not when he was being watched, not even for what this was this time. Holding it back as Jon once more bit and greedily guided your lips as he came and came deep inside. Nothing would leak out with how much was going deep in you, your whine against his lips as he shook. 
It felt like minutes passed before Jons seed had finished spilling inside of you. Panting heavily against your lips did Jon pull back to look you over, your voice needy as you leaned your forehead against his own. His hands a little less tight but you felt the bruises no doubt already there. A whisper only he could hear. “I love you so much,” 
Lust mixing with the raw feeling of your genuine innocence, Jon hadn't left your warmth yet but wrapped his arms around you. Coming up to pull your head into his neck as he did your hair, smoothing over and over again along it. His voice rasping in your ear, “And I love you, so much, so so much.” 
It took him a good few minutes to convince himself to pull out of you. Forcing himself to remember that he didn't let you cum for a reason, when he could stand there and want to let his cock pound fast until you soaked him so much there was no hiding it. But as you gently helped put his clothes back into place, Jon held both of your cheeks and let another kiss go to your lips and then forehead. 
Your hands around his waist keeping him close to you. “Why am I not allowed to cum?” 
But his answer, almost would've made you laugh were you not so overwhelmed with how much of Jons cum spilled inside, how much of it was there. How you could feel how warm and thick it was, and how he was so deep, it barley left any trace on your upper thighs as he left your core bare under your clothes. Jons answer though, was rasping and low no room for questioning despite his gentle touch. “Beacuse your King said so.” 
You let a breathy laugh escape, and as Jon started to chuckle as well, he nudged your nose with his before a gentle kiss was back on your lips. Eventually, Jon would convince himself to guide you back into the castle. But for now, as you nuzzled into his neck, Jon looked back to the watching eyes he could not see. 
Jon would take you once more in his room, spreading you bare across the fur to taste you before the fire, still refusing every orgasm for you, and yet he still wasn't satisfied. And he wouldn't be until this happened, and despite all the rules, all of the back and forth and the possessive nature inside him? Jon couldn't stop thinking about what he had planned for you the very next night. 
He knew Tormund had watched, and now Jon would ensure the only other person he'd trust with you, got their fill of you. In a very literal sense of such a word at that. 
You had been trying to figure out what had him on edge all day. Nothing seemed to stand out, and no one else acted as if anything was wrong or out of place, yet Jon spent most of the day a bit on the short side with people. Taking more time then normal to hover over you to the point you had spoken without looking, when your eyes had been on the papers in front of you for too long. “Can I help you with something, your grace?” 
Only then did you glance up, something sat on the edge of Jon's tongue but he just shook his head. A hand pulling you somewhat close to press a kiss to your forehead as he passed you by and left. Almost huffing out a laugh, you had returned to the task in front of you and thought little more of it for the time being. Theon had given him a glance as he left, turning to you somewhat amused, “What's wrong with him?”
You had returned to looking over your task at hand, but that time you did smirk with a chuckle. “Rest assured, there is always something wrong going on inside Jon Snow's head. Best not worry too much about it, or you'll drive yourself up the wall.” Tossing him the stack in front of you suddenly you nodded to them. “Now help me sort through all of this before it drives me up the wall, myself.” 
When you had come upon him yourself, it was growing late into the day as the sun had long since set far enough the sky was mostly dim save for the horizon. Almost amused how the tides had turned, him sat in his study with his elbow propped on the table so he could rest his forehead in his hand. You could see a deep, twisting in his expression even from where you stood behind him. Maybe you'd have surprised him were Ghost not to perk up with bright eyes the moment you gently slunk into the room. 
Turning to see what caught the direwolf's attention, Jon had a much softer smile fall over his face then he had any right directing towards you. Reaching one hand out, you returned the gesture. Letting Jon guide you to rest on his lap, you sitting to the side now with your hands gently along his chest and collarbones, his keeping you steady by your waist. “You've been in a strange mood all day.” 
Jon hummed low in his throat, grey eyes soft as he let them trail what appeared to be in an innocent manner along what he could see of you. “Have I?” 
A small nod of your head, you leaned forward with a hand cupping his cheek. Meeting him half way to gently press your lips to his only for a moment, before muttering against them. “I know you have a lot on your shoulders, I just want to know what I can do to help.” You knew Jon had been keeping some of the more difficult parts of ruling from you, trying to give you easier things to focus on, or tasks that he knew you would enjoy rather then feel frustrated with. But now it meant you were watching his shoulders tense, and his mood struggle. 
Running his hand up to rake through your hair, he barley shook his head. “You are helping. You take care of the little things so I have the time to deal with the difficult ones.” 
A smile forming on his face as you sighed flatly. “We can share both of those burdens equally, you know.  Otherwise, I'm just going to assume that you like being somewhat miserable all the time.” Your face twisted, trying to keep a playful smile from it as Jon let his other hand at your waist pinch you. Giving hardly anything of a small shove to his chest before he left your hair to trap your hand against him. 
His eyes too easy to melt into as was his voice rasping and alluring. “And you worry too much about everything. I prefer you like this, relaxed at the end of the night instead of worked up.” Your shoulders dropped a bit as you let your other hand toy with the curls loose and long. Finding his eyes, yours were narrowed only slightly as they shined with a small ask to listen, but he didn't. “You've done enough, I want you to let other people do things for you sometimes.” 
Sighing out, you shook your head with a tired disapproval that you both knew wasn't serious. “And what about you?” His head tilted somewhat to the side, and yet the tenderness in his eyes grew as the frown growing on yours was much more genuine as you looked at him. “Doesn't feel right, letting you do all the heavy lifting. If those people out there are going to insist on still calling me Queen, then I need to be doing more then just stand beside you. I need to help you. I want to help you, Jon.” 
Jon watched you carefully, his face soft but fallen a bit into something harsher as he looked over the seriousness in which you spoke. “You fought and died for these people. That's enough. Spent your whole life doing things for other people, but I don't want that. I'm happy doing all this, long as I know your relaxed.” 
It was barley a smirk or even a lightness but you were close enough Jon caught both. “Not doing a very good job then, are you?” Rolling his eyes, Jon sighed and grabbed your hips to lift you up off of him, onto your own two feet. 
Pulling you into his side with an arm around your waist, Jon guided you out into the halls of the evening castle. “You're difficult, I'll give you that.” Your face twisting as you commented that you weren't sure if he was insulting you or not, the look on Jons face only added to the playful offence. “I'd never insult you. Only tease you.” 
Muttering under your breath with a shake of your head, “Relentless teasing, you mean.” 
Just as Jon had reached the outside of his chambers, he suddenly turned to you. Moving you by the hips against his closed door with a small thud, crowding you with a playful raise on an eyebrow to accompany the bemused smirk. “We both know this is nothing compared to what I could be doing to you. And maybe,” One hand moved to tilt your chin up gently to meet his eyes as he leaned in. “I have far better ways of making you nice and relaxed for me then I've led on.” 
Your hands trailed along his chest resting down more across the leathers on his stomach. “And what does that include precisely, Snow? Going to take a miracle to accomplish that with me of all people.” 
Reaching behind you, Jon opened the door before wrapping an arm behind your back to keep you steady. Yourself not realizing, he also did it, so you would not be able to turn around and see what his plan was before he could properly guide you into it. Slowly stepping inside, Jon only leaned his arm back to slam the door shut with a loud bang. Not wasting time after to run his hands along your shoulders before slipping your cloak off, tossing it off to the side of nowhere. 
Your hands now keeping steady on his waist as he looked down at you with a darkness creeping up and fast that matched the deep rasp of his voice as he held you tight to him by your hips. “Won't take a miracle, just doubling the amount of work it already takes to make you beg for me.” 
Lungs hitching the air flowing through you as Jon eyed you up and down, his grip feeling more like need then it did entirely intentional. But Jon wanted you just the right amount of worked up before he let this night happen. The other pair of eyes was willing at the very least for Jon to do so first. 
Not given much of a chance to respond, Jon trailed his hands up to the middle of your dress, hands hovering right at the small string of clasps that kept it together. Normally he would wait for you to nod before undoing them, but this time Jon only stood silent with his eyes never leaving yours as he unclasped them. Leaving your front open as only the thin, dark shift underneath would remain were he to shove the rest of it all on the ground. 
For now though, he seemed to have left it. Looking down at you, one hand now running along your neck gently, down the middle of your throat as he exhaled deeply through his nose at how you almost nervously swallowed at the sensation. “There's something you should know,” Your eyes flashing in an innocent concern, making Jon feel all the more like a lecher. “Last night, you were worried someone might see us out in the godswood?” 
You nodded, but the tensing in his arms was soothed as Jon traced a hand along your still covered breast while the other tilted your chin to look at him. His fingers tracing around the small bud before he could feel your nipple through the fabric. Not slipping his hand in to touch you, but never quite letting his thumb leave it as he watched your breathing pick up again, your eyes fluttering as you tried to focus. 
“Did someone..” Jon only nodded, stepping a big closer turning your head up better to look at him as he did so, running his other thumb in tandem over what he could reach of your throat. “Who?” You felt the nerves in your blood rising as it conflicted with the sparks of pleasure lighting a fire between your veins. 
For a split second, Jon glanced behind you with a sharper narrowed look and just as you thought you saw him nod he grasped your breast more roughly and pulling a light gasp from you. But one that was far surpassed by the feeling which followed. The loose fabric of the remainder of your dress was pulled from your body and tossed behind you as a low voice rumbled close to your ear. “Fucking cruel not letting a woman cum twice in a row.” 
Jon clearly expected the reaction, as soon as your heart raced in your chest you gasped loudly, turning around only to have Jon pull your back tight against his chest, one hand on your hip the other draped across your stomach to keep you against him as your hands grasped his forearm almost in defence. 
Many blue eyes haunted you now. Deep bright ones which were nothing but memories of sorrow, pale ones that some days you still felt as if right in front of you, and shining unnatural glowing ones like crystal that were coming for you all. But these ones, never were in the realm of intimidating until right now. 
Tormund was said to have the name of Giantsbane and whatever came about to give him that, could've easily come from his stature alone. He was as tall as he was broad and the aura which followed him was that of a man larger then life, but never before did you feel so small in comparison. His eyes ran down you as freely as they ever had, and he spared no care in hiding it in front of Jon. 
His chuckle was deep in tone as he nodded up to Jon behind you, “That why you're always so on edge, pretty crow? Whats the longest he's not let you cum?” 
The fact that Jon hadn't said a word made you feel even more nervous, but as your mouth stammered for any answer and finding none, Jon squeezed your hip. His voice was low, quite low and felt much more rough and controlled then before. “You can tell him.” 
Breathing it out as if one word, it only made Tormund smirk a he stepped closer. “A week..” 
Glancing behind you, he raised an eyebrow with a deep, knowing accusation. “You keep her like this for a week, Snow? Don't know how she hasn't come running to me already, woman like her should be getting more then she can handle.” 
The arm across your stomach pulled you a tad closer, the feeling of Jons hardening, covered cock suddenly pressing into your ass with no shame as Jon grasped the edge of you dark shift, raising it up just slightly too indecent in other company, so Tormunds greedy eyes could look all he wanted. His voice though, wasn't directed at you. “You saw her last night, the way she clung to me when I filled her, imagine how good that feels when she cums around you after a week of denying her.” 
It was the way they spoke to the other about you, Jons hands so greedily all over you and Tormunds eyes seeking the rest, but then they stood there speaking about you as if you weren't even there that made you feel dizzy, but in that moment of quiet did Jon lean his mouth to your ear. “Do you want him too?” 
Something inside you was a mixture of difficult to ascertain feelings. Part of you felt utterly humiliated, nothing was even showing but in just a shift you felt completely exposed in front of Tormund, but you also felt nervous and intimidated the ease in which he was standing in the room getting whatever eyeful he was enjoying. But then again, that rushing of blood between your legs hadn't left even though you thought it should have. 
You didn't answer though, eyes wide and mouth agape as your chest clearly heaved along your heavy breaths, and Jon pulled you back to press your ass into his cock more. “It's alright, we're not trying to force you into anything. Just want you to be honest.” Your voice breathlessly asked about what, and Jon kept you in place as Tormund now stood close enough you could feel his own degree of warmth as he stood tall over you. “Do you remember what I told you about him? That thing you thought I was lying about?” 
Mouth moving to answer, Tormunds large hand tilted you to look up at him. His light blue eyes deep and so blatantly wanting as he rumbled low, “Speak up now.” 
Swallowing nervously, you felt still confused, not quite sure what was going on even though both men were so obviously on the same page. “He, he said if you had the chance..you'd-” Jon squeezed your hip and Tormund leaned down just the slightest as his touch had let to leave. “That you'd take the opportunity to be inside me if you could.” That certainly was a bit more formally stated then what came rambling out of Jons mouth that night, but it was the broad strokes at the least. “But he wasn't..it was only a..”
Knowing you were trying to grasp at your words to claim it to be a joke or an exaggeration, Jon stood firm behind you, letting Tormund run his hand along your jaw and neck with an almost smug shine in his eyes. “Your crow's telling the truth, been wondering how good you'd feel around my cock a long time. Would've taken you for myself all the way back in Castle Black, if he didn't come back first.” 
Just as Tormund moved to reach for the thin straps of your shift, did Jon from behind you glare something mighty, making the man stop mid movement. Almost challenging the other to keep going before Jon rasped out, “She hasn't said yes.” 
Tilting his head down to look over you, Tormund had a knowing in his eyes that you felt as if could see right through the little covering you had left and could see how conflicted the wetness forming between your legs left you, and he knew it wasn't Jons touch alone doing it. “I know want when I see it, Snow.”
But Jon this time, didn't do it to tease. Instead his hands moved to your waist and tugged you back almost half a foot as Jon did. His voice bordering on something dark. “I don't care what you think you see, she says yes or it all stops here.” 
As you quietly muttered, “Jon?” His head turned to look at you more over your shoulder as he realized with a bit of guilt, that you weren't grasping what was going on as well as he thought you would. He could tell you felt embarrassed and turned on to a degree but his heart fell heavy as Jon looked at your innocent confusion meeting the others eyes. “I don't..I don't understand..you want him to...” 
Sighing deeply to himself, on glanced up at Tormund a silent ask to give him a moment. Turning you in his arms to face him, he held you one hand on your upper arm, as it reached up to rest against his stomach, his other cupping your cheek as he spoke much more tender then before. “I just want you to feel good, darling. And I really think letting me and Tormund be with you tonight will feel good, he wants you, and tonight I want you to want him.” 
There were the nerves Jon suspected, flickering eyes to nothing before landing on his chest as you tried to not fumble through your words. “But I love-” 
Running his thumb along the skin of your cheek, Jon leaned down so your eyes met at the same level. “I love you, and you love me, I know you do. But it's okay to want things you don't expect. You're not doing anything wrong by wanting this. I'll be here this whole time, I'm not leaving you alone. I'm here to make you feel good just as much as he is.” 
Your head dropped in thought, Jon gently turning you again to face Tormund who at least looked a little less intimidating as he stepped close to you. He was warned you would be incredibly nervous before you said yes to it, but instead of being off putting as he thought, Tormund found himself rather enjoying seeing you so out of your element, between the two men. “Snow's trusting me with you, and that don't come easy, pretty crow. He's fucking possessive, but he trusts that I'll treat you right. You just have to let me.” 
Looking up at Tormund, you felt his large hand trailing up your thigh and hip and back. Toying with the edge of your shift as you glanced back to Jon. “Are you sure-” Letting a hand grasp at your jaw, Jon leaned over your shoulder as he tilted your head enough to capture your lips with his. 
Cupping the side of your cheek firmly, Jon coaxed you to follow his lips until you relaxed in his touch, him pressing one more kiss before nudging your nose with his. “I was the one who asked him for this. I wanted him to be here, Tormunds the only one I trust to touch you, even just for tonight. But you have to say yes, or it ends here. Either he stays, or he leaves, and I'll take care of you myself.” 
Turning you then to look up at the much more wild man, Tormund was allowed the space finally to grasp at your hip. Leaving only Jons other hand at your waist on the other side, being what kept him to you. “Believe me, pretty crow. I have plenty of ways to take care of you.” 
It was maybe out of nerves, but you knew him leaving this room now felt like the wrong option, so you nodded. Jon mumbling in your ear that he needs you to say it out loud, so you looked more confidently up to Tormund. “Okay, I want this..I..” Turning to partially see Jon in the side of your vision, “What am I allowed or not allowed to do?” 
Jons chuckle was dark, and so was Tormunds as both men now moved to keep you in the middle of them. Jon tilted your head by your jaw back to face the taller one with a whisper in your ear. “Do whatever feels right, he knows what he's not allowed to do.” A hesitant expression still looking up at the taller man, Jon finally gave you an easy prompt. “How about you start with a kiss. Show Tormund how sweet tasting your lips are. I'll be right here.” 
But right here, meant in the room. As Jon gave you a tiny push, you realize he had you leave his touch entirely, only to be grabbed by the hips by Tormund and pulled into his front. Initially your hands found their way on the wrists grabbing you, but slowly you looked up to his face. Willing yourself to calm down enough, and that maybe if you just followed Jons first instruction it would get easier. 
Which was exactly what Jon wanted. He knew part of him would hate this, and already he did, but another part of him desperately wanted you to enjoy Tormund tonight, needed you to feel good when both of them were touching you. Sharing you made him feel angry and possessive, but there was little that didn't make Jon feel that way towards you anymore. This was a step. He needed to work through this angry possessiveness before it frightened you away. 
Slowly, you let your hands drift up to Tormunds chest. The moment you even slightly leaned up, Tormund happily took the reins from you. One hand moving up to your jaw as he pulled you up as he met your lips halfway. 
Your nerves running ragged, his kiss was rough and aggressive. Keeping you dangling off an edge of out of control but never letting you fall. Kissing Tormund was entirely different from the only other three people who ever had to you. Something wild and overpowering as he kept you by your jaw and neck right up against him, distracting long enough to run his hands along your shoulders and shove the thin straps of your shift partially down your arms. 
Pulling away, Tormunds own breathing picked up as did the darker glint in his eye as he nodded to your hands on him. Pulling them away for a moment, Tormund let them free the fabric as he yanked the rest of the material off of you. Left in no clothes did he very freely stand back to look much easier all over you with something that you couldn't decide made you excited or nervous. 
It was a strange feeling actually, realizing that none of what was under mattered to him. Tormund knew about the scar, and the rest of the marks along you, most from Ramsay didn't even phase him as he pulled you right back to him. One hand rough as it grasped at one of your ass cheeks, digging his finger tips into it as he kissed you, only to move with the same ferocity down your neck to match the bruises and teeth marks Jon left the night before on the other side. 
Grasping at his shoulders, you unknowingly arched into the touch, a stuttering gasp leaving you as he pulled you closer, your hips to his with the hand still grasping your ass. The foreign feeling of who was doing it, the scratching of his beard and overbearing size you felt as if you'd be powerless against him. 
From where you were kept, you couldn't see where Jon was or even hear and it made your heart race nervously. You weren't sure what fear made you more uncomfortable. If he really had just left you with Tormund all alone, or if just didn't want to touch you while someone else was. You didn't want that to be the night.
It was like he could sense you though, realizing in an instant Jon had yanked you from Tormunds greedy hold. A soothing feeling as you felt his chest bare as you were. Turning you in his arms, he grasped both of your cheeks as he muttered angrily, “I'm not leaving you,” His lips biting and harsh as he kissed you, the much more familiar sensation easing the tension in your chest as he coaxed you to let him control the kiss. Hardly pulling from you as he mumbled, “We're both going to be inside you, don't you worry,” 
You were trying to interject, wanting to ask what he meant but Jon did not allow you the air. Your hands wrapped around the back of his neck into his curls while one of his own wrapped around your waist and back, pulling you into him. His lips stealing your breathe and leaving you lightheaded as he didn't stop. 
Trailing down the side of you neck he left marks on the night before, you gasped and jumped as he followed the exact same trajectory that left your neck so marked in the first place. The sting and burn mixing deeply with how much you arched into his touch. Nails scratching along his scalp and running the other down his chest. For once, his scars felt comforting. They were something you knew. 
Moving up to your ear, his voice was a strained husk, “Let him touch you, darling. He's always wanted to.” Moving so you turned around to where the bed was, that time you almost didn't contain the whine before it left your mouth. Pressing a kiss just below your ear, Jon ran his hands up and down your waist. 
“Maybe she's just impressed for once, Snow.” 
Jons hands tightened in something you sensed was much more possessive then he wanted to lead on, but he nudged you over to the now much more bare Tormund. By bare, you meant completely. Tall and large, giant was the right word for it and you felt yourself purposely trying not to stare but it only made the man laugh. 
Tormund closed the gap, grasping you by the front of your neck and pulling you up for another kiss as he in what felt like what would be much of the night, yanking you from Jon. “If you say sorry for staring, that's going to hurt a mans ego.” This time Tormund felt much more ready to continue, turning you to the bed and effortlessly picking you up by the hips to prompt you onto it. Half chucking you into the middle as he climbed over top you, eyes looking between your legs as they parted naturally. 
Without sparing any time, Tormund kneeled between your legs and spread them wider without a seconds thought before leaning a bit more over you as his hand cupped all of you. Shaking his head as he glanced to the side, “Wonder who all this is for more, your little crow?” Shifting his touch so that Tormund could sink a finger knuckle deep into your cunt, a gasp clawing from your mouth as your head leaned back against the soft fur, already clenching around at the suddenness of him. “Or the one actually touching you?” 
Voice failing you, one of your hands grasped at the fur beside you, as Tormund started steadily moving inside you before letting a second slip beside the first and sinking deep once more. Your other hand reached up as if needing something to hold onto more, only to have your lungs work again as a familiar hand grasped it. Interlocking your fingers with his, Jon had sat down on the bed now leaning across so he could keep a hand on you. 
His other tilting your head to the side where his lips hovered over yours as you stuttered out quiet sounds of need as the twisting inside you spun. “This is about her, Tormund. Not your pride.” Uncaring as to what his response was to be, Jon pressed his lips to yours. Keeping the hand on your jaw so you couldn't get pulled from his lips. A bite to your bottom lip, you instantly parted letting Jon slide his tongue into your mouth to brush against your own. 
Your whines into his mouth only made him kiss you harsher, but your insides twisted as Tormunds other hand grasped at your breast, twisting your nipple until you gasped out a cry into Jons mouth. Your free hand raising up to hopelessly grasp at Tormunds wrist but he twisted the small bud just as he picked up how fast his fingers slid inside of you. 
Ever so slowly, Jon left your lips not without returning for multiple smaller kisses before he helped you up, sitting more upright on the bed, Jon, just as bare, knelt behind you, one hand at your waist while the other grasped at the breast Tormund didn't occupy. Both men working in tandem to grope greedily at your chest. 
Working together now, Tormund moved from your breast to more pull your hips up so his fingers could sink deeper at more of an angle. The coil twisted and suddenly it twisted too fast as a hand belonging to Jon that wasn't at your breast, moved to rub rough and tight circles at your clit. 
One hand holding onto Tormunds forearm as the other reached behind you and threaded through Jons curls as he buried his head leaving presses of his lips along your neck. Both men fast and rough, their hands large and calloused but they sent you hurling towards the end of a desire that had you clench around Tormunds fingers. One more sliding to make three and you whined out with a breathy cry to follow. Your thighs tensed as they spread wide for him, and Jons touch to your clit rubbed at the same pace Tormunds fingers slid in and out of you. 
Propped up with a hand still at your waist, you were forced to sit upright as your head fell back as the coil snapped. Tormunds fingers now sounding much more soaked each time he slid them inside of you that you felt a flush work up your chest to your cheeks. Leaning forward as your orgasm gave you aftershocks as he refused to pull them out. Only slowing his thrusts instead, this time you leaned up to meet his lips as he picked the pace up again. 
Knelt behind you still, Jon seemed to shift as you felt his cock, hard as he could be pressed right into your ass and grinding as he rubbed your clit still. Not having the ability to trail down to your wetness as he liked, you started to almost try and flinch from his touch as it felt like a stinging rawness and yet you pulled from Tormunds lips, to let your head fall onto Jons shoulder at the pain that had you begging for more. 
You didn't even know if words existed for you anymore, your core so stinging and yet the sounds between your legs were so humiliatingly wet. Trapped on the bed between two large, warm bodies before between them they plunged you right into a second orgasm that had you writhing into their touch between your legs desperately. 
Slowly, Tormund begun to pull his fingers out of you enjoying your wide eyes as he moved them into his mouth to taste what you left on him. A nervous swallow heavy in your throat as you reached back more to Jon. His own hands now both moving to your chest, grasping tightly at them and pulling at the small buds just rough enough to have you gasp for him. His rasp low in your ear, “You going to let me taste you?” 
Not anything leading, just a gentle prompt that had you inhale deeply. Your eyes fluttering shut only as you did so, before nodding. Jon gesturing for Tormund, the larger man then grabbed you, moving you right to the edge of the bed, your legs hanging off the sides as you kept a noise inside your chest at your heart racing. 
Kneeling on the ground, Jon without any time wasted, gently draped your legs over his shoulders, as his hands on your hips tugged you to lay in the perfect place for him. Easy gentle presses of his lips along the inside of your thighs. Before he reached your soaked core, he moved back to the other thigh. 
Inching close to your heat, Jon once more moved your hips in his touch to just slightly raise up off the fur as he ran his tongue flat against you, running from your soaked entrance to your clit. Stopping to make small motions along it before sucking it into his mouth that had you arch against the bed with a moan, and Jon only repeated himself. Keeping you on edge as he never stayed for the same amount of time on either, always switching between his lips and tongue each time he heard your stuttering cries grow more consistent, he'd change it up. 
All you could see if you sat up slightly, was Jons dark curls between your legs and you would drop back to the bed with a high pitched sigh, sweat covering your body and dampening your hair. 
Tormund tilted your face to look up at him as he pressed his lips to your, now so eager. Covering your breathless sounds and muffled them in his own kiss, Jons hands on your hips grew tighter, the harder it became for him to hear your cries. Tongue slipping into your mouth, Tormund let one hand drift down to rest gently at your neck. No pressure put down but you felt it as his kiss grew deeper. 
Licking down to your entrance, Jon himself groaned between you at how wet you were, licking all he could reach with such fervour that he wished he could lay spread on the bed to at least let his cock grind into the fur, instead his cock sat leaking and painful at how deep his tongue had to run along inside you. Only making you even more wet as your hips arched to his touch and Jon would yank you closer to his mouth with a grunt. 
Your insides twisted, as your cries kept muffled, your hands reaching up to grasp at Tormunds shoulders as he half hovered over your top. Moving though to once more make a striking series of marks along now his side of your neck, rumbling low. “Those fuckers out there have no idea what they're missing, taste like heaven. Look at Snow, turned him into a starving fucking wolf between your legs, bet if he could chose where he dies again it'd be right where he is now.” 
Jons eyes almost black glared up at him without ever letting his mouth stop drinking from your cunt, a growl leaving him as he reached up to grasp at your breast. His eyes slipping back closed as he lost himself with how much you were soaking his mouth, how much of you was coating his tongue, and how little he ever wanted to do anything else. 
You grasped the hand on your chest, Jon not hesitating to let you interlock your fingers as you cried his name. Tormund wouldn't have been able to hear the deep growls into your cunt as Jons tongue licked deep inside you, only vibrating against you and making both his grip in your hand and on your hip tight. 
In only seconds did you have to realize your orgasm was about to wash over you, begging Jons name only to have Tormund put the slightest bit of pressure on your throat to grab your attention and bite into your lips with a kiss. Which only spurred Jon to move, yanking your hips up off the bed so he could more hold you and hear your voice instead, letting him lean down into you deeper then before. Forcing Tormund to have to follow and capture your lips in a demanding contest between them.
Your body burned as it flooded through you, something tight snapping that was white hot and too bright to even comprehend as you came, Jon drinking every bit you gifted to him with an eagerness that would've had you whine were Tormund not there to distract you and keep you tethered to the earth with his lips. 
Slowly, Jon ease up, tongue making smaller and less wide licks before pressing a kiss to your clit that had you almost jump. His own mouth soaked, Jon rested his forehead against your mound for a second as his breathing heaved almost painfully in his chest. Barley controlling himself, Jon suddenly moved back to kiss and suck at your clit, now just spreading your legs as wide as he could manage before moving his hands under to grip the cheeks of your ass tight, one in each hand. 
Part of you wondered if he almost forgot Tormund was even there, swearing low under his breath as he send you into falling tears as you snapped, another orgasm almost growing painful as was his greed attached to your lips, your cries in the open air the only thing having Jon finally come up for air. 
But using his strength to push you further up onto the bed before flipping you over. Your stomach against the furs as Jon knelt behind you, prompting you to sit up on your hands and knees, “Come on, up for me, there we go.” 
His hands grasped greedily at your ass, groping before pulling them wide in a stinging feeling. His own jaw set clenched tight as he looked at you. Tormund suddenly watching the utter dark greed in Jons eyes as they met the others gaze, Jons voice rasping low. “Here's what we're going to do, you're going to get her ready while I fuck her, then when I take her? Her cunt is yours.”  
Tormund nodded as you looked up at him and he smirked down at you, running a hand along your jaw with almost a condescending tone. “Your crow wants to fuck you a way no proper southern girl like you should want.”
Your chest lurched as Jons hands groped the skin there before a thumb trailing just over your ass, almost collapsing you into the bed at the feeling. “Jon?” 
But he didn't answer, not you. “You have it?” Whatever they spoke about, you watched Tormund nod as Jon continued. “Good, turn her around.”
As they both handled you like a rag doll, Jon pulled you up into his lap to straddle. His cock sat heavy and red between you, but he cupped your cheeks with his mouth slightly agape. “Look at you, haven't even been inside you and you're already a mess.” All you did was nod, wanting nothing more then for him to do whatever he wanted, both of them and Jon leaned in to kiss you again. 
Your arms wrapped around him, finding his hair to cling to as Jon wrapped his own arms around your waist and back pulling you to him. His kiss was purposely messy, tongue licking into your mouth to make you taste yourself from him, and rough bites of his teeth to your bottom lip that he hoped was going to leave a mark. Not once did he let you part from it, and as soon as he knew you felt it, one hand cupped the back of your head and kept you firmly against his mouth still. 
Tormund having spread some kind of warm oil along his fingers did he grope your ass just as Jon did before, only the second you felt him pressing a finger to your ass did Jon keep you with a hand at the back of your head to his lips. Tormund sinking a finger slowly inside your tight ass, a cry desperate to leave but Jon kept you right against him and his lips. 
You felt strange, the feeling of Tormund slowly moving in and out, you thought it should be awful, and yet? You clung tighter to Jons front at the feeling, strange moans leaving you that were as pleasured as they were confused. His other hand now, Jon guided your hips without breaking the kiss to hover over his cock and in one rough go, he had you sink down as deep as he could go. 
Barley able to groan your name into his kiss, Jon moved to let go to grab at your hips. Holding you in place for a moment, Jon pulled from your lips, soaked and saliva trailed between you as his eyes so grey they looked black bore intensely into yours. “Tormund?” 
Moving to kiss and bite at your neck, Tormund begun to slide his finger in and out of your ass at a steadily increasing pace. Jon tense as he held you on his cock, watching your face but the second you felt Tormund test letting a second join, Jon waited only until he was about to slide in before moving you on his cock again. 
The slap of your hips against his, only matched by how desperately you cried out. No ability to hide the watering in your eyes as you burned from how much he stretched you, but how much Tormund was as well. Your hands grasping at Jons shoulders as he bounced you up and down on his cock refusing to let you look anywhere but right at his tense expression. The sound already, the slap of skin almost felt filthy in front of someone else. But, Tormund kissed and bit at your neck almost making you tilt your head to give him more space, but his free hand moved you back to keep on Jon as his other started thrusting two fingers in and out of your ass at a faster rate. 
Taking over where Tormund held, Jon cupped your cheek as he pulled your forehead against his, raking his hand through your hair to the back of your head. Your cries nothing but music to his ears, eyes sealing shut as he hissed at the pressure around his cock. You knew you were clenching tight around him, Jon barley able to move but a few short inches as you were sat deep on him. 
Your hands draped down over his chest, pressing against the scars as you muttered out so softly all you could find words, “Oh fuck..Jon..fuck, I can't-”
Voice rough he nodded against you as he helped set your pace even rougher to push back how tight you kept getting around him. “I know, darling, I know, but you can take it I know you can.” Just as you felt Tormund creep a third finger to slip in, you cried out with a jolt a the feeling. Jon pulling you to hide in his neck as you all but collapsed into him with a shake. His voice rough, eyes peeling up from where he held you close to glare at the other. “Go easy, she's never done this before.” 
Tormund reached a hand around placing it against your lower stomach and pushing down making you dig your nails where you held onto Jon even more just as he pushed forward. “Your the one who wants this, Snow. I get my cock in her pretty, slick cunt and I'm a happy man, you're the one making demands of her.” 
You didn't have the right mind set to figure out what was going on with them, but both Jon and Tormund were well aware of what the problem was. Jons need was fighting with how possessive he was getting. How much he really did want this, but it was clashing aggressively with how much he hated anyone else even having eyes for you, let alone getting as much of you as Jon did. 
Tormund knew this was going to be a struggle the second he came to him with this idea, but in his mind, if the crow wanted this he was going to have to shut up and let Tormund take care of you. You weren't some quick fuck out in the North you were someone the man cared about and he knew Jon had to get over it. 
You peeled your head up, finding Jons eyes as he looked almost concerned at you but you smothered that with a kiss. Much more gentle and innocent then the situation called for. Your hands on his cheeks as his returned to your hips, moving you steady but at a slower pace as your heart calmed down. “Do you want to stop?” 
Jon almost didn't move for a second, something slamming him in the gut at the image. You were a wreck, grasping onto him, too overwhelmed by both mens aggresssive ways of taking you but you still found it in you to look so gently at him asking if you were the one pushing things too far. Worried his aggression meant he wanted to stop, himself. 
He didn't expect that to be the thing that brought him down to earth again, but it just made his heart grow heavy. Shaking his head, he pulled you back in for a kiss before muttering against your lips. “What I want is for you to cum for me. Cum on my cock, and if you're alright with it, Tormund's going to have his chance at feeling what a beautiful, perfect cunt you have. Do you want that?” 
Nodding, Jon finally shared a look with Tormund. His fingers thrusting deep caused you to gasp loud, leaning forward himself to somewhat drape your back against his chest with his free arm around you as Jon fucked up into you. Muttering in your ear, “Making him lose his mind over there, getting pissed at me just beacuse he wants his cock deep in your pretty ass.” 
One hand of Jons held gently at the side of your neck as he leaned forward to where Tormund held, kissing more lightly down his side of your neck as the other groped at your breast. One hand of yours raking through his damp curls while the other reached back to rake through Tormunds. Nodding, you could barley keep your eyes open at the fullness of both men in you. 
Jon muttered deeply into your neck as he moved down to run his fingers tight at your clit, “Let me fill you, cum on my cock and I'll fill you just the way you like.” Once more only able to nod your head as your core tightened and your orgasm waved over your nerves, in an instant you knew whatever sound came from you must have been loud, as Jons head flew up to cover it up with a kiss. 
Barley managing any more thrusts, you felt Jons thick, warm cum spill inside you as he kept you sat deep on his cock. Both of you shaking from the intensity. Kissing you until you felt the last of him fill you, Jon moved from your lips to your neck then up to your ear. “Can you take both of us at the same time?” 
Nodding, “Please, I promise, I can take it..” 
Jon pulled back, heaving breaths of his own as he ran his hand over your cheek before nodding. “Turn around for me.” 
Almost nervously exhaling, you felt both men pull from you at the same time, your hand grasping tightly at Jons shoulder at the feeling with a wince. You could see him leaning in to check on you, but you raised your other hand out, indicating you were fine. Slowly, Jon let you turn so you faced Tormund. 
The larger man wasting no time grabbing you and pulling you up onto his lap. One hand at your waist, the other grasping your chin to look down between you with his own smirk. “Your hands going to look that small around my cock, then they do normally?” 
One hand raking up into his hair, the other you reached down letting your thumb run over his cocks tip already with enough for you to run along him leaking. He kept his composure better but his haw clenched tight as his breathing heavied, watching with keen eyes as you slowly wrapped your hand more around him, letting what cum already there smear more down his cock. A chuckle left him, though. “She always this gentle when she's with you, Snow?” 
Finally feeling Jon press against your back, his own hand covering his cock with whatever warm oils Tormund had prepared you with earlier, as his other hand draped across your stomach over your scar, voice deep but a bit more collected now. “Makes me crazy, just makes me want to ruin her more.”
Your lips parted slightly, Tormund sat up to pull your hand away and guide you right over his cock. “Come on, pretty crow. Show me what makes your wolf so fucking obsessed with you.” Tormunds hands were on your waist but you felt Jons on your hips. 
About to find something to say, Jon shocked you by taking charge for your nerves, and pulling you right down onto Tormunds cock, a crying moan leaving you instantly as the man before you let his head drop back with a deep groan. Your own mouth agape, and you knew the strange lurch in your heart was how you truly never expected to be with the man this way and certainly not so suddenly. 
Not sparing any time, Tormund begun fucking up into you as he purposely sat forward catching your eyes as he did so. The slap of his hips against yours had you clenching tight around him and the degree of sensitive you already were from Jon, had you weak. Hands finding his shoulders your head dropped as you moved with him, getting used to who it was inside you as easily as it felt so good.
But then you felt him, you felt Jons hand on your hip  as he urged Tormund to stop. Pressing the tip of his cock right at your ass, Jon draped you with a hand by your neck back against him to mutter in your ear. “You sure you want this?” But you just nodded, and he kept you pressed back against him as the only one who moved was Jon.
Whatever Tormund prepared you for, you almost weren't ready at all for Jon, a flinch a the slightest press. The hand on your neck curling up to turn and rest your face partially against his, he shushed you gently. “Hey, hey, relax for me.  I need you to be calm, okay? I want you to feel good, darling.” You swallowed and nodded, taking deep breaths as Jon slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside you. 
Tormund sat forward reaching for the space between the pair of you and holding firmly at the back of your neck as he ran his fingers down over your clit in tight patterns. Allowing Jon to slip just a little further in before you winced again, but strangely even to you following up with a moan. 
They went slow, Jon easing inside of you as Tormund was there to distract you anytime you tensed up from how overwhelmed it felt. And yet, as soon as Jon was deep inside of your ass, he groaned deeply. Resting his forehead against the back of your head, looking down to where he was sunk so deeply before pulling out. 
The feeling was so strange, it hurt, it felt odd and yet as Jon sunk back inside your mouth fell open in a silent cry. Grasping onto Tormund as Jon started a slow pace, not pulling out very much when you found the the mans eyes. Instead of asking though, you had a feeling Tormund would rather appreciate you moving on his cock on your own accord.
And judging by the groan he let out as you were slow moving up and down his cock, you were right. Just as much as you didn't want to stop with him either. Jon slowly made you shake and clench as he started to test out a faster pace. Your insides felt as if you were burning up, something overwhelmingly hot and twisting inside you, and as you picked up the pace on Tormunds cock, Jon thrusted harder into you. 
The closer you got to another orgasm, the closer Tormund got as he met your hips with his own thrusts, the more you enjoyed Jons cock in your ass. A whine leaving your lips as you clenched tightly around both of them before you felt the shocks slam into your blood. Sparking everywhere the burning hot star burst inside you and you collapsed into Tormund. His arms coming around you as he fucked up into you fast, his own end being sped towards and you didn't even have the awareness to understand what was happening outside their touch, your mind was a fog of only the two of them. 
But Jon knew, his voice rough while his cock was in a vice as he fucked your ass. Eyes dark and angry as he hissed out, “Pull out of her.” Tormund swearing under his breath as he pounded harder, but in a split second Jons voice rose to something so close to a growling yell, “Tormund-” 
It all happened too suddenly right as you were still too high in the sky from your orgasm, Tormund pulled out of you quickly, stroking roughly at his own cock before you felt him cum all over your stomach. But as soon as he was the only one inside you, Jon suddenly lost his patience. His thrusts turned to pounding, your head falling back against his shoulder he turned you with his free hand to lean back even more as he pressed his lips roughly to yours. Hand on the back of your hair keeping you there, Jon groaned much more freely as you ended up pushing back against him. 
Fisting your hair tightly, Jons voice murmured together roughly. “Gods, you like this, you like my cock deep in your ass.” Almost in awe Jon kept you tilted so he could look down at you while his cock fucked into you as you moved back against him the force of it was felt across your ass cheeks. “Fuck, my beautiful girl, look at you. Taking Tormunds cock, taking mine like this? I don't deserve you, you're perfect, my perfect girl,” Rambling he kissed you again and groaned. 
Burying his head now in your neck, Jon neared his end, and he knew he wanted to cum as deep as he could. Shifting, Jon moved so that as he pressed your front down, your palms having to brace against the furs, he realize how close to Tormunds cock you were again. 
Looking at the other, Jon with a hand on your spine trailed up to your hair again. “You want her mouth?” You couldn't even tell what the two were saying as Jon guided your head to Tormunds cock as he continued to pound into your ass with his teeth gritting at the warm tightness. “Suck his cock, darling.” 
His hand moved you down to take him. Your wetness still on him and now covered partially in his own cum, Jon moved you up and down the mans cock without letting you stop to breathe. His other hand holding tight as he grew rough. Pushing you to take Tormunds whole cock, Jon beckoned the man to take over with a rough, “Keep her right there.” Your heart racing at the overwhelming pressure in your throat from keeping him so deep. 
But Tormund kept you brushing against the wild, orange coarse hair around his cock as you gagged against him. “Gonna swallow every drop, pretty crow. Don't you waste anything I feed you.” 
Moaning against him, you felt him throb inside your mouth just as Jon growled your name, pounding five, six, seven more times all the while Tormund came deep in your mouth. Flooding you with his cum, dutifully making you swallow every drop with a needy moan. Only to have that increased as Jon pounded one last time before pressing himself against your back, head resting in between your shoulder blades as he came deep inside you. 
Filled in both ends, sweat and cum it felt like stuck to your skin as both men thrusted into whatever hole they saw fit to spill into. As Jons hips slowed, you felt gentle presses of his lips to your shoulder blades. Jons hand reaching around to run gently down the length of your throat, the sensation easing the tension and making Tormunds cum a little easier to swallow so deep.
The sounds of you trying to drink every last drop of cum had both men hold tightly. Tormund in your hair and Jon at your waist. 
If you were being honest, you barley were aware of anything after that for a while. You felt the pain and over stimulation as Jons cock slowly left your ass. How you gasped for air as Tormunds cock finally left your mouth, but you didn't really register anything around you. 
Catching your breathe on your hands and knees, it wasn't until Jon noticed the third time you didn't even seem to realize he was calling to you did he move quickly. Pulling you up into his arms, he turned you onto your back, keeping one wrapped around you as the other ran down your hair, murmuring gentle soothing words as you nuzzled into him. 
Glancing up at Tormund with almost a worry at how far you had dropped, the larger man sat down on the bed. Running a hand over your hip gently. Voice low as to not startle you so close but looking with affection at you all the same. “Just keep talking to her, she'll come back to you.” 
Burying his face in your neck, Jon spoke soothingly as he glanced up to the wildling man now grabbing at his own clothes. “I didn't sign up for your neediness, Snow. You're her problem, not mine.” 
Before he could leave, Jon called his name. A genuine look of thanks as he ran his hand down your hair, “I'm not kicking you out.” 
But the man smirked, “Fucking your girl? I'll be here. Staying to watch you act all cute and sappy after? Fuck no.” They both chuckled, and both had a feeling a discussion about boundaries was coming Tormunds way at some point, but for now, Jon let it go. 
The door closing, leaving just the two of you he turned you better to face him as he just ran a hand through your hair with gentle words until you came back to him. 
Finding his eyes, you reached up to cup his cheek and pull him into a gentle kiss as your bare bodies stayed tangled together. “Jon..”
Nudging your nose with his, Jon smiled. “Rest, darling.  You did so well, I'm proud of you.” 
Nodding as you easily let the sleep take over, you curled into his chest with your hands draped by his collar bones. Your voice quiet and mumbling, “I love you..” 
Mumbling it back, Jon kissed your hair, but for now, that was all he could give while you were drifting to sleep. And until you calmly fell asleep, Jon watched you the entire time, only snuggling down into the bed against you did he allow himself to close his eyes. 
He was glad you enjoyed it, beacuse as much as he did too, a bigger part of Jon hated every single second he was sharing you and the likelihood of doing it any more, was slim to none. 
Jon Snow was far too in love with you to open this relationship up to other people ever again.
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helenofsparta2 · 2 months
One thing I’ll never be able to forgive Game of Thrones, especially the later seasons, is the way they warped the conception of so many characters, and completely dumped down their complexity.
Jon Snow is not my favourite character because he is this perfect, always noble hero, who is a great, badass swordfighter.
He is my favourite character because, while he is more morally righteous than a lot of other characters, he can be bitter, and sarcastic and ruthless. Because he used to be arrogant and thought of himself as better than his brothers at the nights watch because of his upbringing but learned to overcome his prejudices again and again and again, first towards the men at the watch, then later towards the wildlings. Because he has always been jealous of Rob and secretly dreamed of being lord of Winterfell, but still refuses Stannis’ offer to get legitimized because of his oaths and because he defends Sansa’s and Arya’s claims. Because he has a strong inner conflict between his intense, often romanticized, desire to someday have a wife and children, he could name after Robb, and his position as a bastard and as Lord Commander of the Night’s watch. Because he tries so hard to be a son Ned Stark would be proud of and tries to be as honorable as he has always been taught, but would still drop his oaths to save his family any day.
Because he makes mistakes as Lord Commander, which cost him his life in the end, but is one of the only characters who sees the big picture and whose efforts will be vital in defeating the Others. Because he is hunted by the ghosts of teh dead. Because he is a Warg, and deeply involved in the magical side of a song of ice and fire, but most of the time acts as pragmatic as possible. Because he is able to win the respect of Stannis, of Aemon, of Lord Commander Mormont, of many brothers of the night’s watch, in spite of his parentage. Because in a world, where bastards are mostly seen as deceitful and dangerous, and their existence has often caused rebellions and wars, especially within the Targaryen dynasty, he loves his family more than anything and is seen as a symbol of safety and home by Arya, Sansa and Bran. Because while Catelyn Stark feared he would someday endanger her children’s birth rights, he is the one, that defends it the most.
Daenerys Targaryen is not one of my favourite characters because she is a Targaryen queen who has dragons and burns slavers, but because she is a young girl who has gone through immense suffering, but still tries desperately to be a good queen.
She makes mistakes, she can be hypocritical and ruthless, she lacks wisdom and experience. She is the mother of dragons, and has close to no idea how to raise and train them. She is disillusioned about Viserys and her father, and is the antithesis to the entire Targaryen dynasty, but still clings to every new piece of information about her brother Rhaegar. She desires to have a home and a family, and wants power not for the sake of power, but because she wants the ability to make the lives of other people better and protect those who can not protect themselves. She wants her kingdom to be beautiful, full of fat men, and pretty maids and laughing children. She is one of the most powerful characters in the books, the one who brought dragons back, and will break the system, but often does not know how to do that and sometimes does not know how to deal with the consequences of her actions. She listens to the smallfolk and nobility alike. She is barely 16 years old in a dance with dragons but acts as an older sister figure to Missandei and a mother figure to her people.
Arya Stark is not one of my favourite characters because she is a cold assassin, and “not like other girls”, but because Arya “underfoot” gets along with soldiers and smallfolk alike and finds friends wherever she goes.
Because she has the wildness of the north in her, and is tomboyish, but doesn’t look down on feminine women and girls. She uses her list as a coping mechanism after seeing her father die. She tries to become this strong assassin, but clings to the memories of her family, especially Jon, and her home. She is (probably) the second strongest Warg in the Stark family. She thirsts for revenge, and doesn’t hesitate to kill, but still has a strong sense of justice, and doesn’t lose her ability to socialize.
I could go on and on and on. I could talk about how Cersei is no cold, calculating player of the game, but a delusional, unpredictable, but very entertaining narcissist, or how Tyrion is becoming a revenge-obsessed, bitter villain. I could talk about Sansa, or the entirety of Dorne or about Stannis Baratheon, or so amny other characters.
George R. R. Martin has crafted so many complex, and fascinating characters in this rich wolrd and narrative, and their treatment in the later seasons of the Tv-show adaptation really make my soul bleed.
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Dating Yandere Jon Snow Would Include:
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For starters, you should know that he's incredibly protective of the person he loves. He's possessive, obsessive, and extremely jealous. He's also prone to intense emotional outbursts, which can lead to him acting out in ways that may not be the best for either of you both. It's important to recognize that these behaviors can be toxic and harmful to the relationship, and in the end, he may end up driving you away.
While I'm sure there are different ways to handle dating a yandere, I would recommend focusing on understanding the source of his behavior and being mindful of triggering him.
In addition to obsessive and violent behaviors, he may use emotional manipulation to try and control your actions. The constant fear that you may leave him can quickly turn into guilt-tripping and gaslighting. He may also use threats of suicide or self-harm, as well as stalking and defamation, to keep you under his control. In short, he will do whatever it takes to keep you to himself, even if it means hurting you in the process.
Dating him as a yandere can be emotionally draining, as he might often act out in rage and other extreme emotions. He may also exhibit controlling behaviors, such as limiting who you can interact with or spending every moment with you. His extreme jealousy and possessiveness over you may cause you to feel trapped or smothered. In addition, his constant need for approval can wear you down, emotionally speaking. Ultimately, dating a yandere partner can be a rollercoaster, leaving one walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around his unstable emotions.
In addition, he can be unpredictable and impulsive in his attempts to keep you to himself. This can involve a range of behaviors, from manipulating or bribing others to interfere with his lover's plans, to threatening or physically harming those who get in his way. He may also become overly clingy and demanding of you, seeking constant reassurance and not allowing you room for yourself. The obsession he has for you can take a toll on your mental health, and result in a damaging codependent relationship.
He is also highly unpredictable in his mood swings. He can go from loving and doting on you, to angry and violent, over very small issues or misunderstandings. In order to 'protect' your relationship. He may even resort to illegal acts, such as stalking and kidnapping, to ensure that you stay with him.
He is extremely jealous and possessive. He feared that you might leave him for someone else, and this could cause even more extreme emotional distress in him. He may resort to all kinds of extreme and controlling behaviors in order to keep you from being in situations where you could fall for someone else. This can include threats, manipulation, and even violence, in order to ensure that you stay with him. He may also become obsessed with the idea of you leaving him, and become paranoid about any signs of you losing interest in him.
While he can become obsessive, jealous, and controlling, he can also be highly affectionate and loving. He may love you intensely and become emotionally dependent on your companionship. He may want to spend as much time as possible with you and seek out your affection and approval. He may also seek out more physical intimacy from you when like this, and become clingy and possessive in his affection.
He may become overly dependent on you for his own happiness and self-worth. He may be extremely clingy, and become emotionally distraught when you are apart. He will not let you out of his sight or be out of contact with you for long periods of time. The obsessive nature of his jealousy and possessiveness may cause him to isolate you, and become controlling in order to ensure that you don't have contact with others who may take you away from him.
Going on dates with him can be a very intense experience. He may plan the most elaborate dates, and shower you with gifts and affection on the date itself. This could entail romantic meals, activities, and even surprises, in order to keep the day as exciting as possible. However, his obsessive and possessive nature may make him overly clingy and protective on the date. He'll become jealous of others who might get in the way of your enjoyment, or become overly controlling in order to ensure that the date goes exactly as he had planned.
He'll use rewards to reward good behavior from you and to punish bad behavior. This can involve gifts, praise, and even physical affection. If you had done something to make him feel jealous or insecure, he may punish you by withholding affection or being cold and standoffish. He may also resort to manipulation and threats in order to prevent you from misbehaving. On the other hand, if you have done something to make him feel loved and secure, he'll reward you with presents, praise, and physical affection.
His obsessive and manipulative behaviors can often be difficult for others to stop, as he has a tendency to react very strongly to any intervention. If someone tries to interfere with his relationship, he may resort to extreme and potentially violent measures in order to keep them away. He may be verbally abusive, or try to manipulate or physically harm them in order to protect his relationship with you and ensure that you remain with him. Any attempts to break you and him apart will be met with his blind rage, and could potentially lead to catastrophic and serious consequences.
Marriage to you likely represents the ultimate expression of his true obsessive nature. He wants to be permanently entangled with you, both emotionally and legally. For a yandere, the idea of owning their partner and ensuring that they have no escape or other options can be extremely appealing. In a marriage, he would expect you to constantly acknowledge or respect him as your owner, and be subservient to him in all matters. He may even become obsessive about the marriage, and seek to control all aspects of your life even more than before, both inside and outside your household.
He may see having children with you as a further manifestation of his ownership and possessiveness over you. He may be obsessively protective of your children, and seek to ensure that they are raised according to his values and preferences. He may even try to enforce rules and restrictions upon them, and be very strict and controlling in his parenting. His obsession may become overwhelming and could end up damaging your children's mental well-being.
He may not take the news of your not having children well. He is known to react violently to any perceived threat or loss to his relationship, and you not having his children might be perceived as such in his mind. He may get angry, or become verbally abusive towards you. He may even blame you for what in his mind is infertility, and try to force you to seek medical treatment or other means of having children. He may even resort to physical violence or manipulation to make you comply with his wishes.
He'll become obsessive about your health, and seek to protect you from any signs of sickness or weakness. He'll become extremely concerned and worried about your well-being and may take control of your healthcare and recovery. He'll also become overprotective, and seek to shelter you from any stress or risks to your recovery. He may even try to control your diet, activities, and even medications, in order to ensure that you get better as soon as possible.
He would react extremely negatively to your desire to leave the relationship. He may feel deeply insecure and abandoned, and his obsessive and possessive tendencies would come into the forefront. He would be likely to become extremely manipulative and controlling, in order to keep you from leaving him. This could involve threats of violence, emotional blackmail, and even physical force. He'll also try to convince you that you are better off with him than without him and that you are not capable of surviving on your own.
He can be extremely manipulative in his attempts to keep you to himself. He'll use guilt-tripping, blackmail, or emotional manipulation to ensure that you do not have the freedom to choose your decisions. He may also use love bombing, sex, or other forms of pleasure to control you and keep you with him forever. His obsession with you can lead to even more controlling behavior and the destruction of trust in the relationship. The manipulation he'll use can be destructive to your mental health as well as your relationship.
He may also experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, and abandonment when you don't give him the attention he desires. This can lead to a cycle of emotional extremes, from extreme sadness and depression to extreme jealousy and rage, where his feelings consume him. He will also find himself struggling to process and express his emotions in a healthy way only on good days, as his obsessive and controlling behavior takes over. In addition, he may also struggle to form new relationships outside of you, as he relies on you for all his emotional needs.
He can also experience deep emotional distress when he feels that you are distancing yourself from him or drifting away from him. This can trigger more of his obsessive and controlling behavior and can cause him to become emotionally unstable. This may result in him doing things that are dangerous or unreasonable in an attempt to keep you from leaving. He may even resort to self-harm or suicidal thoughts due to his extreme emotions and inability to handle them. These intense emotions, while powerful and overwhelming, are ultimately unhealthy for both himself and you.
It is possible that he might just listen to you, but it would likely only happen in limited circumstances. If you made a reasonable and logical argument or request, he may be willing to listen and consider it. However, if you make a request that goes against his wishes, he may be reluctant to change his behavior. If you persist, he may resort to manipulative or abusive tactics in an attempt to control the situation to his preferred outcome.
He enjoys sensuality, intimacy, and passion. He likes it when you are turned on and give him positive responses. He likes it when he can take things slow and build up the tension until you can't hold back anymore. He enjoys building up the passion and then releasing it in explosive and powerful ways.
Beyond dominance and submission, he also enjoys exploring power dynamics in relationships. He enjoys exploring the many ways in which power dynamics can play out, both in and out of the bedroom.
It should also be said that Jon pre-wall and Jon post-wall are two very different animals: even if it shares a lot of similarities. Jon post-wall is a lot more dominant and confident in himself: if he wants something he asks for it and he lacks the hesitance he once did in his youth. He’s learned the importance of not wasting time and willing yourself to be bold. 
He likes the idea of exploring new and exciting ways to experience pleasure with a partner and finds the dynamic of switching roles to be a major turn-on.
Role-playing is an enjoyable way to explore different dynamics and adds an element of creativity to sexual arousal.
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anthroposeen · 2 months
tmagp 22 relisten notes
tmagp 22 spoilers below the cut! proceed with caution! this is a longer one!
this is a continuation of the night of episode 20 and 21, judged by gwen and lena's conversation and sam's confrontation of alice
- she repeatedly throws hooks at sam to get him more interested in the magnus institute, the opposite of alice's approach to this. rather than encouraging ignorance, celia pushes sam towards curiosity.
- "i might have come across some important names ... jonathan sims and martin blackwood." girl you literally met them! aside from the obvious implications (that celia is from the TMA universe and is referring to the people she met in that dimension) she could also be referring to the tmagp-verse jon and martin. so far, we dont know anything about them, so they coukd have been involved with the institute (though this may be unlikely, considering their ages would be different to that of tma)
- he noticed that someone edited his caseload, and confronts alice about it
- "youre trying to control me, again" -> interesting because it gives us insight to their past relationship, and why they might have broken up
- "im done trying to placate a jealous ex" sam seems to be interpreting alice's actions as purely made out of controlling and jealousy. from his perspective, she cant get over him, and has been disrupting his work to regain a place in his life.
- sam is a person whos been heavily controlled in his past, we know that his parents shaped his education and career paths and we can infer that his relationship w alice ended poorly bc of her controlling behaviors. it makes sense that hes not willing to sacrifice freedom once he has it
- "im in. all the way.", this is the first time since the series started that sam has thrown himself fully into this investigation. every other time he was confronted with it, he would claim to be moving on or uninterested. but now, hes accepting that hes involved with it.
- she admits to sam that she edited his caseload, and that she believes the computer is intentionally giving him cases related to the magnus institute
- she says that shes stuck around the OIAR because its easy money if you can ignore the bad qualities, and she enjoys having the seniority. shes been the only steady employee for a long time, and has the most experience, so she has a place of value in this job and she enjoys that trust and authority. she thought that by training sam, she could teach him how to ignore the creepy stuff like her, and she would be less alone
- she also comes off as upset that sam is choosing to continue his investigation with celia, both ignoring alice's advice and choosing celia over her
- she appears upset that gwen ran away from both ink5oul and [error]. she refers to [error] as "the watching figure", but thats based on gwen's description of the entity. i dont think lena actually knows about the entity (after all, its very new to the scene), she was just using gwen's description as its title for now
- "you didnt get any contact details from them?" this referring to [error], not ink5oul, further showing that lena isn't familiar with them
- gwen's behavior has convinced lena that she cant be trusted to interact with the externals and keep the situation calm. so far, she's been prone to instigating more conflict with them and has now actually harmed a civilian in the process (the man that ink5oul ripped apart).
- she claims that she doesnt want gwen to die, but her death would be simpler to manage than a dead bystander and 2 "uncontrolled" externals. here, she refers to both ink5oul and [error] as externals, despite them not working for the OIAR. this might be the tmagp-verse equivalent of avatars. she also puts emphasis on them being uncontrolled, implying that under the management of the OIAR, externals exhibit different behaviors, or are less likely to be disruptive. (im betting that externals without management are more likely to tip the balance of things)
- she doesnt seem concerned about gwen's blackmail, so either gwen doesnt have that evidence anymore, or lena doesnt think that gwen will go through with her threat
- she removes gwen from her duties as externals liaison, but allows her to still have the title, but also offere her the opportunity to quit. this is the first time quitting is brought up in this episode, still under the guise that it is possible, yet gwen denies the offer.
- references a "ministerial visit", so we'll finally be meeting lena's boss, potentially the man who colin would mention (the man who wants the OIAR to have a functional app, and colin suspects him of also supervising them)
- lena is married! (to me)
- "i see what you're doing. you wont get rid of me that easily." she seems dead set on holding on to this position despite hating it and continuously complaining about it. i dont think she cares about the work that they do, shes moreso focused on climbing the ranks to earn respect, and not having respect from the externals or lena is deeply upsetting her
- instead of fighting harder to keep her role, gwen accepts her demotion (though she seems upset about it) and goes so far as to almost be polite to lena, "of course, mrs. kelley" after this interaction it feels like gwen might be intimidated by lena
narrated by augustus at sam's terminal
- letter from dr. berger detailing the results and descriptions of his recent experiments with the human mind and consciousness
- he was experimenting on a man with a skull deformity, which allowed him to measure pressure, cognition, and electricity shifts within the brain. he was inserting wires directly into the man's skull to take measurements
- after feedback from a fellow dr, he switched to using silver wires in the subject's skull. he measured the electrical output of the subject and received encouraging results.
- dr. berger read on the concept of the hemispherical bridge and the center of self, a collection of fibres near the middle of the grain, which can separate the left and right sphere and create differing consciousness within one body
- he inserted the silver wires directly into the subject's brain, positioned to find the hemispherical bridge.
- the subject was asked questions about himself, such as who he was and what he wants. this disrupted the normal electrical readings, though the subject seemed undisturbed.
- dr. berger experiences a dream where below him is a deep ocean full of "dark secrets", where above him flew radio signals that were "unknowable". he laments that these two things will never meet, emphasizing a separation and balance in their natures
- the dr created a new device to read the electrical signals from the subject's brain, which resulted in the telegraph mechanism clicking. each time he asked a question, the clicking would increase, though his verbal answers didn't change.
- while he was playing with the telegraph waiting for the rest of the equipment to be set up, he started asking the questions again. this time, there was a pause of silence before the clicking began again. the clicking responses increased in intensity
- his wife and assistant, ursula, dropped equipment and looked scared, asking if he could hear 'the sound'
- after this, the subject began to seize and scream in agony as the telegraph increased in intensity. the moment the subject died, the telegraph stopped
- upon reviewing the tapes and records of his experiment, discovering the ominous answers of the subjects split consciousness
- upon asking what the subject wants, it says "help, need, help out, we out" and as this response continues, augustus's narration rises in intensity.
- "its probably the horrendous porn you've been downloading." - alice, lying to sam about why his computer must be messed up
- "i can look after myself." -sam
extra comments:
- the biggest takeaway from this episode for me, is that jmj are likely conscious inside of the computer system, and are experiencing this consciousness in a disjointed and painful way. they seem to be speaking to the OIAR employees and audience with the answers to dr. berger's questions, pleading to be helped and let out.
- this statement also goes to support a small theory im working on, that most of the incidents we've heard pertain to balance and separation of self. excepting the incidents that resemble tma statements or provide character information, many of the cases we've heard revolve around forces finding balance or there being a separation of forces at play. i think this will tie in to the grand ritual that the magnus institute attempted, and how the ties to alchemy will be expressed, since finding balance seems to be the center of many operations within the tmagp universe.
- i fear that im biased, since ive kinda disliked celia from the beginning (and i do mean the very beginning, i never liked lynne hammond) but i feel like she's intentionally dragging sam into the investigation without considering if thats beneficial for him. and i dont trust her motives. i dont think this makes her evil or an unsympathetic character- shes been put into a very complicated situation where there likely isnt a simple good solution. but i dont trust her to be involving sam for any 'good' reasons, especially since we know shes hiding information from both him and the audience (im not referring to her being from a differebt universe, i mean that she knows more about the institute and alchemy than shes letting on).
- i think that the ministerial visit that lena references will be the major event in the season finale. it would make sense for there to be an incident during the visit that results in some sort of conflict (im betting that it will involve either colin interfering with the computers, an external that has poor relations with the OIAR (ink5oul, [error]), or gwen's blackmail coming to fruition)
- i also think that we may see/meet tmagp-verse jon and martin before the season ends (assuming they're alive), this would normally feel rushed, but this series has been decently fast paced in terms of revealing leads, so we may be getting a tease for that
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rebeccasteventaylor · 7 months
Trembling with excitement, I am listening to the new Magnus Protocol…
I avoid reading the summary beforehand but I just glimpsed the word ‘bone’ - Jared?
Oh, I love the dedication….
So Sam is writing a book? Or was that a joke? And now he has paperwork about the 1 2 1…and it wants to know all Sam’s past - he is being auditioned to be this world’s Archivist? Cos that what it sounds like…(and look at Celia getting all involved). Is it maybe - Jon asking the questions? Or Jonah - if it’s Jonah…
It’s a Magnus Institute casement!!!
Gary? Do we know a Gary? Whoever Gary is he’s being cursed by an artefact.
Is this - is this an actual statement to the Institute? To Gertrude perhaps?
Are these the dice from Burial Rites or Cheating Death?
Oh, that’s evil….
I genuinely gasped….
Bloody hell, that statement gripped me. That was very early Institute. I half expected Jon to say it was a load of rubbish.
So Gwen has a mission…Nigel Dickerson.
Old internet sounds and Teddy! I knew Teddy would be back. It seems people can’t get away, even when it seems they have. Oh, I know he’s isn’t back yet, but his job was doomed - he’s coming back.
So Alice does think Sam and Celia are together and she’s jealous…(ok, I may have to ship Alice and Sam, it’s usually a jealous moment that kickstarts my shipping)
Sam and Alice going to visit the Institute! Yes! Very excited now!
Ooh, joint writing, both Jonny and Alex
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
getting war flashbacks to the bobs burgers fanfic where louise is doing math homework in the restaurant when nobody else is around and then bob has a heart attack </3 that shit was TRAUMATIZING
love linda shouting four whenever there's a math problem or anything related to numbers. best recurring joke. FOUR!!!!
you can do it gene :D also im so bad at math I 100% would not be able to help either. dumbass rep family
bob trying to help gene with his homework is cute. even if he is Not very good at it. he wants to be an involved dad :(
gene im not gonna lie that math question has gotta be fucking with you. rhat is not a real question. i could NEVER do that not if i was given 100 hours that shit is fake
see this is where when I was in math class i would just write a random number and move on bcuz im never gonna figure it out anyway im not gonna waste time. so that's my advice gene. just Give Up
he says "maybe your mom or tina could get you started" because they're older but I genuinely think louise has a better chance of helping bcuz she is so smart. if she'd WANT to help is another question entirely
because I'm stuck in a safe 😐
teddy I think his guy is gonna murder you im gonna be so real right now
unfortunately im kinda following teddy's logic now like. it isnt like fischoeder isn't doing this type of shit everyday just for fun. rich guys are just like that BUT getting their money is nice
"gene was doing homework?? that's new"
"Why did you tell me the whole long story about the sandwich in the drawer if you're running out of battery LOCKED IN A SAFE??" "Context!!!!"
also bob and teddy have such great comedic chemistry lmao they bounce off each other so naturally
louise isn't lying she Does have a certain set of skills 😭 if anyone could find him it WOULD be her the lockpicking genius nine year old supervillain
miss you. see you soon. gotta go!!
has he gotten a new cellphone since that MIDDLE OF THE DAY AND YOUR PHONE IS AT 23% argument or is it that same shitty 2008 blackberry phone that dies almost immediately lmfao
bob is a real one for doing this bullshit for teddy he did NOT have to. they're ride or die fr
I'm not entirely unconvinced that gerald isnt a serial killer but thats okay <3 men can have hobbies
also I'm choosing to believe this gerald is the same one from the taxes/weed cookie episode even though it ABSOLUTELY is not bcuz i think that would be funny. by day he's a regular tax agent by night he is a creepy rich kidnapper who pulls mind games on all his handymen
OH I FORGOT THE SUBPLOT FOR THIS EPISODE IS ABOUT SPORTS PEOPLE why did they do the whole thing with gene's homework then.... are they connected. what is the gameplan
i love how bob is apparently the only thing keeping his family from going completely off the fucking rails like. he's the only thing standing between his family and their restaurant burning down with everyone inside fr
your dad never loved that dream :/ because he's a hater :/ AND SO JEALOUS :/
you're not gonna break the world record. another hater. STOP THAT
I might be having a panic attack 💔 I CANT TELL BECAUSE IVE NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE OR IM ALWAYS HAVING ONE soo real teddy
aww I love them all wearing their lil aprons <3 (crappy photo of my tablet bcuz the app im using to watch this episode doesn't allow screenshots)
Tumblr media
sorry this episode has so many good ooc quotes FJDMDJSKSKKM
gene STOP calling him father
bob is being like a whole ass detective meanwhile linda and the kids are currently making The Worst Decisions Ever
h jon benjiman is doing such a good job voicing bob in this episode idk it has so much personality and sounds natural. or it's always like this and im just now appreciating it but either way A+ work
cute bob and teddy moment ❤️❤️
(ignore the awful camera quality. nothing I can do there) also love the fact that teddy can easily lift up and manhandle bob. Good to know
there's so much going on w/ this gerald guy I dont even know WHERE to begin. what a guy. wow
this is so cute and sweet im so happy!!! YOU DOUBLE FAKE WALLED HIM :D YOU SMART SMARTIE. YOURE A GENIUS BOB
"I knew I asked the right person to come help me. Yeah. Mort wouldn't answer."
"What? You called Mort first?"
HE ASKED MORT???? LMFAO big win for tedmort shippers. I fucking guess
MORT NEVER DOUBLE FAKE WALLED ANYONE why is bob like genuinely jealous of mort and teddy right now 😭 chill out man you've got a wife at home
"let's just say it's twelve" FINALLY bob follows my very smart advice when it comes to math homework smh
ALSO THIS IS TECHNICALLY THE FIRST TIME WE'VE SEEN THEM EATING BOBS BURGERS FOR DINNER OR IN GENERAL!!! I mean it's a giant hamburger loaf but it technically was served at bob's burgers so it counts
aww this episode was so fun and cute!! I love the more adventure-y type episodes where they explore a new location so this episode was great and very stressful lmao. also very funny. I love bob and teddy's dynamic/back and forth throughout the episode and the weird mort mention at the end felt like they were soft launching his and teddy's relationship even though I KNOW they aren't actually. mort could replace kathleen if we believe. very solid 8/10 episode :)
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How would it be if Maven was the eldest brother? I'm really curious 🤔. Imagine him being crown prince but people would probably like Cal more because of his strategic mind and charismatic personality. The thing that I'm wondering is, how would Maven's personality be? How would that affect his relationship with his parents?
Jon: *moves chair 2 inches to the left*
Good question, I will now dump my mind vomit on you but in a sorta sorted kind of way.
First of all, how would Maven be the older Calore and Cal being the younger Calore play out?
In this timeline, Tiberias VI married Elara after she was selected in the Queenstrial.
Their marriage is very formal and loveless, but they don't resent each other (yet.) A year later, Maven was born. He was described as, "A small, pale child with striking blue eyes and a small tuft of dark curls sprouting at the top of his head. His face scrutched up in anger, sqealing at the hands of the midwife. The little prince only silencing once the Queen held him against her breast. "
The birth of his son brought Tiberias VI with satisfaction and relief. In addition, he could finally be with the woman he longed desired, which was Coriane of House Jacos.
It was a surprise to most of the people in court of the King's choice of consort. As Coriane was a simple beauty from a small house.
Elara did not appear upset with his choice of lover as they already have a son and heir. Seeing her as a toy for her husband to use and be bored of soon.
Coriane and Elara were rarely seen attending the same event or speaking to each other casually. Which was enough proof that neither women were fond of each other.
In less than two years, Tiberias VI and Coriane's love bloomed into a baby boy, named Cal Jacos. "Cal was a large, fat baby with cheeks as plump as apples, eyes as bright as embers and a laughter that echoed warmly through his mother's heart. The jolly child was filled with energy, his hands reaching for his father's fingers, a pround smile spread across his face."
Maven and Cal's Childhood
Crown Prince, Maven Merandus Calore, was four years old when he first meet his half-brother, Cal Jacos, who was only two years old at that time.
It was an amusing site, seeing the younger Calore follow his older brother. His chubby hands outstretched, excitedly waiting for a hug.
The young prince, awkwardly held his baby brother's hand, lightly shaking it in greeting. The awkward gesture made the young Calore chuckle in glee, wrapping his short, chubby arms around his older brother.
In response, Maven patted his head, not knowing what else to do.
Maven and Cal's childhood dynamic is something you would compare to a Leader and Follower relationship. Maven likes talking and telling people what to do and Cal was an obedient child,so he does what his older brother say, cause it makes him happy and it makes Cal happy.
Maven plans a prank on one of his teachers, he then uses Cal to do the dirty work. Since Maven was the crown prince and Cal was an adorable toddler, they only got a light tap on their wrists or no reprecussion at all.
Their relationship was not perfect but they were content.
The First Crack
As time passes, each boy started to develop their own interest. Maven under the guidance of his mother, has shown great understanding in court politics and is an eloquent speaker. Earning endless praise from his teachers and other lords and ladies in court.
Cal, although baring only his mother's name and held no royal titles, was still given the same lessons and training as Maven. Elara was not pleased with her husband's decision. Wasting time and resources on her son's little servant. Her disapproval echoed on her son, who was annoyed at his father for doing so and felt jealous that his father is more involved with Cal's education.
Cal is a fast learner. Quickly pick up the day's lesson and eagerly studying for the next. If he finds a lesson being challenging for him. He would approach his mother, his Uncle Julian and his older brother Maven for help (Maven likes being asked for answers, it makes him feel smart, but sometimes he would slam the door at Cal).
The Cracks Widen
Years past, both boys started to take on more difficult lessons, as well as physical training. With each honing their specialized skill.
Maven with his sharp wit and clever words. Could neutralize disagreements in court and set terms that were mostly favorable to him.
Cal with his strategic mind combined with his physical strength earned him praise from the other Silver elites and a satisfied nod from their instructor.
Even Prince Maven, never earned one or even a raised brow from him.
One day, Rane Arven wanted to see which was the stronger Calore. Maven insulted to be paired with someone younger and less experienced. Cal was nervous but eager, to prove himself.
Their sparing commenced, Maven taken on the offensive, throwing fireballs at Cal, nearly burning his little brother's brows in the process. Cal in turn, dodged each one with calculated steps, each move got him closer and closer to Maven, til he corned his older brother and burned his shoulder.
Maven fell to his knees with pain, his burnt suit sticking to his skin, adding to the scorching pain.
"Healer!" Prince Maven yelled to anyone.
But no one moved, even their instructor. Even Cal.
"Send me a healer! Are you deaf, Arven?" Maven hissed at his instructor, gripping his arm, covered in burns and was starting to drip blood.
"Did your little brother broke your legs as well, my prince?" Rane asked flatly
Maven fell silent. His pale cheeks turning a bright silver, as his looked somewhere else. "No."
"Then you can walk yourself to the infirmary, your highness." Their instructor motioned his hand towards the exit.
Maven stood with unsteady legs.
"Maven." Cal called out to him, his voice a laced with guilt. "Let me-"
Cal's sentence cut shot, as Maven turned towards him. Blue eyes glaring through his black curls, mouth twisting in a bitter snarl. They stared at the each other for a moment. Then Maven walked away.
"Cal Jacos." Cal looked up to his instructor.
"Yes?" His voice unsure, not knowing what to expect.
Rane Arven's usual plain face decorated with a half-smirk.
"Well done." His voice echoing through the training room. The echoes reaching Maven's ear.
Through the Years
As the Calore boys grew into their strengths. So was the distance. They barely talk to each other. Maven finding ways to prevent his brother from approaching him. Surrounding himself with his crownies from house Arven, Merandus and Samos.
Even if it was only Maven and Cal, the older Calore did little to hide his annoyance. Making snide remarks about his name, his mother and his strange uncle.
Cal, although hurt from his older brother's words, still hoped that they would still get along.
The Front
Both Calores were sent to Corvium, where they see first hand the on-going war between Norta and the Lakelands.
Maven having not much interest in war strategy, struggled in the Choke. To add insult to injury, he watched as his little brother charmed most of the soldiers and military personels with his brilliance.
His time at the Choke only made tolerable with the presence of his new found friend. Thomas.
However, due to the explosion caused by a Lakelander assassin. Prince Maven had to travel back to Whitefire palace. The king and queen, worry for their heir's safety.
Which left Cal in the front. As he grew into a fine soldier and a vital part in Norta's military strength.
Cal Jacos was given titles and medals for his contributions, but a letter was handed to him by a high ranking general.
Coriane Jacos, his mother, was gone.
The Final Straw
Consort Coriane's mysterious death cause a strong ripple of grief to those who loved her and was loved by her.
Cal stayed in his bedchamber for hours on end. Barely talking.
On the other hand, Prince Maven although was not close to the late Consort, he still visited Cal in his room. So he could talk to him, console his little brother. He knew how it felt to lose someone dear to him and that kind of grief broke him.
After so many years, they were together again, even for a moment.
A few weeks after Coriane's burial. The King held a small banquet with his family and close advicers.
Cal was seated closer to his father than the standard protocal. Which puzzled Maven and alarmed Elara.
Tiberias Calore VI, in honor to his beloved consort. The love of his life, annouced Cal Jacos' legitimacy before the small court.
In the king's drunken grief, he unknowingly severed the string he had with his older son and heir. Causing a stain in Maven's competency as future king and a power struggle between brothers.
Start of Red Queen Timeline
Over a year, since Cal becoming a legitimate son of house Calore.
The bond between brother was nearly gone. Maven shown blatant dislike towards his little brother. When they are alone together. Maven never fails to point out Cal's flaws, how gullible he is and comparing him to a lap dog who was eager to please.
In public events, Maven would pretend to be a loving and caring brother. Who under the facade of a perfect older sibling, still manage to deliver backhanded remarks that only Cal and a few of Maven's crownies would understand.
Maven's cruel words, his mother's death and his father's expectations slowly took a toll on Cal's self-esteem. Even with Cal being half a head taller than Maven and larger in built. He still moved quietly and carefully around him. Keeping his mouth shut, as he fear that he might say or do something that he might regret.
However cold Maven was, Cal never stopped hoping that they will be brothers again.
As Maven took on the role of his father's unofficial adviser. His focus gearing towards ending the growing rebel group that was slowly becoming a nuisance to the crown. His father, still in his druken grief, only cared for the war between the Lakelanders and invested more on his little brother's plans.
While Maven was busy trying to reason with their father. Cal was busy, going out at night to see the small red villages and bumping into a curious looking girl with stealthy hands.
How the First Book would play Out in this Dynamic
After Mare's shocking entrance. Mare was presented to the royal family. Tiberias wanting her dead and any footage of her erased. While Elara reasoned that Mare might be of use to them in the long run. Which spared her for now.
Maven chimed in that Cal should wed her, since he was the reason she fell in the shield in the first place. Cal only looked away, embarassed. While Mare glared at Maven for his suggestion.
In a short period, the young Prince Cal, started to develop deep feelings for Mare.
Mare felt attraction towards him as well, but knows that he can't find out that she is with the Scarlet Guard.
Maven and Elara are aware of her being part of the Scarlet Guard. Not because Maven pretended to be her friend. Elara simply read her mind and wanted to gather as much information from Mare, about the scarlet guard and newbloods.
If we are still going for a Love Triangle
Maven annoyed with his fiancée, Evangeline Samos and his father still disregarding his advices.
Prince Maven decided to take it out on his little brother, who was clearly smitten with Mare.
Maven pretended to befriend Mare, in the hopes of making his brother jealous because "he was given everything and he didn't deserve any of it."
Mare at first was cautious, given he was the son and heir to the throne and dislikes him, for his obvious resentment towards Cal.
But Maven played the stressed older brother, whose achievements gets overshadowed by his younger brother.
Mare understood the feeling all too well and they bonded over that.
Maven, overtime, started to appreciate Mare's spontaneous nature and he likes how genuine Mare is around him. He starts to see why his brother is attracted to her.
Mare and Cal got along well, and you know for a fact that they would sneak around to dance.
Mare likes Cal, enough that it made each letter, each Scarlet Guard meeting more diffucult to seat through.
Once the Scarlet Guard attacked, Mare quickly snuck away and went into hiding. After the damage done, Maven finally convinced his father into getting rid of the Scarlet Guard.
Maven would command Cal in organizing a search and arrest of Mare Barrow and other Scarlet Guard members. As well as secretly searching for newbloods like her, to turn into weapons for war.
Cal would then track down Mare, with the hopes of convincing her to leave the Scarlet Guard and come back to him.
Mare, Farley, Shade and the other newbloods manage to go as far as breaking into Corros prison where Maven held the newbloods. (No Silver Elites since Maven is the rightful heir in this timeline.)
Mare and the others manage to free most of the newbloods. However, Shade gets killed by Ptolemus and Mare gets capture, as she try to hold off the Sentinels while the others escape.
The conflict between the Calore brother rises, as the other would disagree on how their prisoner will be treated. Cal would prefer "talking" her out of being a rebel and Maven would threaten her for more information while having "tense" moments with her, since he is still attracted to her.
Mare on the other had will be stubborn and only hope that she'll get rescued soon.
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fazedlight · 1 year
mel!!! your cat grant & max lord interlude ficlet got me to thinking - i was wondering if you had any thoughts on if they had kept maxwell lord in national city when lena luthor had arrived, what would that look like if he were a ‘tech industry’ foil instead of/in addition to morgan edge?
Oohhh yes!!! (Ficlet for reference.)
I honestly really liked Maxwell Lord’s character on the show. I was not digging the Max/Alex romance that seemed to be brewing (I just don’t think it’s possible for Alex to develop interest in someone with such clear disregard for her sister), but I really liked him being the tech foil. I think he makes a far better one than Morgan Edge, who was just a boring old out-for-himself psychopath.
Maxwell Lord, on the other hand, did feel driven by a mission. He had a deep distrust of the government due to his parents’ deaths, and I do genuinely believe that he wanted to do good in the world. But unlike Kara, he is much more cynical and practical in his approach. And much more willing to allow for collateral damage.
It kind of reminds me of the difference between Lex and Lillian. Lex is just power tripping (Jon Cryer absolutely kills it in this role, otherwise I’m not sure I’d like Lex nearly as much as I do). But Lillian is the much more interesting Luthor villain, because she genuinely thinks she’s doing good for the world - her view of the “world” is just very narrow, because it only focuses on humans, and she’s perfectly fine being a bigot. If we take it a step further with Lena’s villain era, she really served as an anti-villain - Lena’s cause was fundamentally good, but her methods were deeply misguided.
I’m trying to imagine how Max and Lena would’ve gotten along. I think, like with the Daxamite invasion where Lena and Lillian kind of team up, we could see reluctant teamups between this pair as well. But unlike Lillian, Max doesn’t really have a reason to hide the truth of Kara’s identity from Lena. Would she have figured it out sooner? Would he specifically have left clues that led Lena there?
He might even have walked in assuming that Lena knew, before realizing that she really didn’t. And from there, maybe he would’ve driven a very different type of wedge, maybe try to sow distrust. Canonically he starts out as a powerful business man, and eventually becomes involved in Cadmus...
Hear me out, but it might’ve been interesting to watch Maxwell Lord sliding into darker territories (working with Lillian, Cadmus, etc) and trying to take Lena with him. We know he’s attracted to powerful women (like Cat), and he’s smart enough that Lena might’ve found him initially interesting (like, let’s be real, this would’ve been a far more interesting romance arc than Lena/James… though in this case, I’m imagining more of an antagonistic FWB where Lena starts to see some of his points).
Lena would never join Cadmus, she’s not anti-alien. (Max might not be overtly anti-alien, but it's not important enough for him to avoid either.) But she has blind spots that it takes time for her to see (eg the alien detector), and maybe she feels more and more sympathetic to Max’s positions over time.
That puts Kara - who is more than a little in love with her best friend - in the tough spot of knowing that Max joined Cadmus, knowing he’s basically trying to seduce Lena into darkness (Kara is definitely not jealous about his other successful seduction nope nope nope it has nothing to do with that!!), and while she knows Lena would never set out to cause harm... she’s falling into a trap.
So what does Kara do? She tells Lena she’s Supergirl, and Lena now knows that both her best friend and her fuck-buddy-sometimes-romance have been lying to her all along.
I’m not imagining a villain era for Lena here, because I still think that was mostly prompted by Lena’s murder of Lex (you can see a clear delimination in my fics of when she is vs. isn’t angry about the secret, and when her anger is vs. isn’t leading to a villain era).
But she might try to go it alone, close up again and avoid people. She’d dive deep into her lab work, trying to cure cancer or something, improve humanity without interacting with anyone. The lab is safe. Science doesn’t betray you. Statistics don’t lie to you. (Statistics do lie, but she has character flaws.)
She’s content to live her life as a science-inventor-hermit…
Until Kara shows up bloodied at her door, and says “I need your help”.
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ladyofsnark · 8 months
Garrus wasn’t jealous.
He liked Lex. He respected her–admired her, even.
And true, he also thought Lex was beautiful. He didn’t have a human fetish, but there was something about her that went so much deeper than appearances. The way she commanded attention. The way everyone turned to look at her. That kind of presence–that power–was intoxicating in its own way. He was cocky, but he knew what to be cocky about. He knew his strengths and played to them. Lex played to everything and anything with a devastating amount of self-assuredness. Or suicidality. It was hard to tell sometimes.
He glanced back out the windows that looked down into the shuttle bay. They’d created a makeshift firing range there to test their weapons and help the team blow off steam in between missions and long stints at the Citadel. It was Kelly's idea, since half of the ground team needed anger management lessons and this was as close as they would get.
There was no real danger to it. Nothing short of actual AA guns could pierce the Normandy's hull and they used soft-polymer rounds for safety in close quarters, so the most anyone was risking was a painful bruise. Of course, Lex loved it. She cared for her rifles like they were her children and she never wasted an opportunity to tinker with them.
But she was practicing with Thane.
Garrus sighed and pushed away from the window. It bothered him and it bothered him that it bothered him. Lex also practiced with him and with Grunt and Zaeed and she and Jack challenged each other to trick shots when they weren’t being supervised.
Hell, he liked the assassin. Respected him, even. It seemed like there was a sore lack of good people in the universe and few tried half as hard as Thane did to be one.
So why this? This irrational annoyance. This irritation. He couldn’t help but think back to Oraka in Chora’s Den moping over Sha’ira and it didn’t do great things for his ego.
Garrus was so distracted he didn’t even hear the elevator ping. 
“Hey, I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” Jon said as he stepped off. “I looked in the main battery and thought something must have gone horribly wrong to drag you away from your terminal. What’s up?”
Garrus straightened, looking away quickly from the shuttle bay. “Nothing,” he said. “I just came down here to talk to the engineers about the power draw from the new guns.”
Jon leaned against the opposite bulkhead and then glanced out the window, at his sister who was listening to Thane explain something to her with rapt attention. “Uh huh.”
It was more of a grunt than words, loaded with as much skepticism as the older of the Shepard twins could muster.
Before Garrus could make good his escape, Jon spoke again: “You two are a lot alike, you know.”
Garrus gave him a dubious look. “How?”
“Well for one, you’re both dumbasses,” Jon said, surprising a laugh out of the turian, who then reached up to rub the sore side of his face. The man smiled, only half apologetic. “My sister tells me everything and I can count on one hand how many times she’s said she loves me. So, if you’re waiting for her to make the first move, you’ll be waiting for a while.”
Spirits, they were so unmistakably related. Jon might have been the diplomat of the pair but that was only by default, because Lex’s idea of diplomacy involved a dictionary of curse words and probably at least one explosion.
Garrus glanced back down at the shuttle bay, at Lex. “I’m sure she wants something closer to home…”
“And closer to home is someone else with scales? And hallucinogenic saliva?” Jon snorted. “Garrus. Think of it like this. You’re up here pining for a woman who would have thrown her whole life–her whole career–away to go with you to Omega. I can tell you right now, Lex wouldn’t do that for anyone else. Maybe not even me. So the only thing in your way is you.”
He had a point. He usually did, but this was a particularly annoying example.
"You're her brother, aren't you supposed to be threatening me? Not trying to set us up?" Garrus asked, with humor.
Jon laughed. "When we were sixteen one of the Reds decided to cop a feel and Lex almost beat him to death with a datapad. I don't need to come to her rescue. Yours, maybe. But not hers."
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
GRRM cuts off Sansa’s connection to the magical storyline in AGOT with Lady’s death, meanwhile the rest of her siblings are rediscovering their family’s magic, Jon, Bran, and Arya still have their direwolves and are becoming powerful wargs and skinchangers and are the subject of prophecy and have dreams and visions too, and Sansa... Well....
No wonder that her illiterate fans hate magic and think it’s evil or unimportant, they’re just extremely jealous. Sansa isn’t and will never be a main character, deal with it guys.
Day 23848 of wondering why these people engage with a fantasy series when they don't like magic. I don't know who needs to hear this, but you can stop reading the books at any point and find a story that you actually enjoy. Just a suggestion.
What's really funny though is that they switch between hating magic and trying to make Sansa's story magical. On one hand, magic is the evilest thing ever, everybody involved in it is doomed, the starks have lost their way and they need Sansa to be the "normal one" (literally saw someone say that Jon needed Sansa to be his human tether which is just gross). Then it's Sansa is actually the most powerful warg ever, she's been telepathically charming people, she's been chosen by the old gods, and oh she also has singing magic. They really like covering all of the bases with their fanon. And that's what really separates the Key Five from the other main characters, they're involved in both the magical and political plots. It's pretty obvious that the magical plots are going to be incredibly important to the rest of the story. They just can't stand the idea of another character being important in a way that Sansa isn't.
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kellyvela · 2 years
Sansa and Lysa = have sisters favoured by their fathers
Sansa and Lysa = fathers kill someone very close to their daughters. Hoster forces abortion on Lysa and Ned kills Lady. Both fathers dedicate their last moments to their daughters.
Sansa and Lysa = shift blame towards the wrong party. Sansa blaming Arya instead of Joffrey and Cersei for Lady's execution. Lysa blaming Cat for her trials and tribulations in life.
Sansa and Lysa = both trapped in unhappy marriages to men considerably older than them.
Sansa and Lysa = both manipulated by Littlefinger.
Sansa and Lysa = acting as Lady of Eyrie
Sansa and Lysa = being mothers to Sweetrobin
Sansa and Lysa = both having fondness for singers
Sansa and Lysa = both using a certain milk to nourish SweetRobin. Lysa using breadtmilk and Sansa administering sweetsleep to prevent his seizures.
Sansa and Lysa = both involved in plots related to poisoning of Lords of Vale
Of course Arya has parallels with Lysa with the jealous younger daughter thing and some of Sansa's arc can be drawn in parallels to Lyanna. But in truth Sansa's parallels are directed more towards her maternal aunt and Arya's are more towards her paternal aunt.
Thank you, Anon. You missed this one:
Sansa and Lysa = Called radiant. Lysa by Catelyn the day she married Jon Arryn. Sansa by Jon Snow the day she walked with her future betrothed Joffrey Baratheon entering to Winterfell's Great Hall.
Also some of those can be summarized in just one and most of the rest are foils. More in this post that already said it better.
Then I have to return the favor:
Here's a list of Sansa/Lyanna paralells.
Bonus: The Blue Winter Rose connection.
Thanks again :)
Anon's message was an answer to this post
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chainsawcorazon · 8 months
"What if Jon is Flamebird?"
GLAD YOU SAID THAT. Because thanks to Albi (@/drenched-in-sunlight), I have been obsessed with the concept of Flamebird!Jon for years.
Because listen. LIST EN. That boy is so fucking fire and death and rebirth and destruction-coded.
He was born during Convergence when a struggle of survival was happening between Pre-N52 Metropolis and Flashpoint Gotham. He was conceived in a city that was the last remaining piece of its universe, and was born in a city whose world's birth is heavily based on life and death of certain individuals, whose death gives birth to a brand new world.
At the end of his birth story, he and his family are the last survivors of a world that no longer exists. Jon is the Last Birth of Pre-N52.
When he and his family move to the new world, New 52, their arrival causes the universe to shift and move. He witnesses the Final Days of N52 Superman. He gets trapped in a burning shack with his mother and finds out he isn't human— like he suspected before. He is rescued from that shack as a brand new Jon, the Jon White of the Past already burned to ashes. Added bonus: the men who tried to kill him and Lois actually perish in the shack's explosion— so more death being involved in his rebirth.
Jon's first intentional encounter with his powers ends with the fiery death of his cat, something that would haunt him for a long time.
The Eradicator almost kills him. He witnesses (again) the 'death' of his beloved father and his dog. Explosions and fire are behind him as he stands up with Krypto's cape and eyes aglow. Everything ends with explosion and an introduction. Hello, Superboy. Added bonus: the whole Kryptonian spirits within the Eradicator, more connection to death.
Jon visits a location named Dead Man's Swamp, where he meets Maya and eventually, Damian. When Clark comes to rescue him, he arrives with fury and nearly destroys the Batcave. Jon bears witness to a side of his father he had never seen. There are also a lot of red and fiery motifs in the scene, plus Damian pissing Jon off by mentioning his cat.
Black Dawn happens. Jon's world is up in flames again. Everything he thought he could at least rely to be true and pure turn out to be a lie. His only friend turns out to have been his friend for ulterior reasons. He fights with his father and some of the pedestal Clark was on crumbles. Black Manchester breaks him mentally and rebuilds him into something else. Then that boy is broken again, and something else is built. Flames and fire are once again very prominent throughout the saga. Added bonus: destruction and rebuilding of the town, again a rebirth of sorts.
(One can argue that the events of Black Dawn are what eventually gave Jon the insecurity and fear to be convinced by Jor-El to travel with him, again symbolizing his new rebirth as a scared Superboy.
Also, Jon gets involved in a lot of war and death with Jor-El, one time sitting by a pile of corpses and not looking affected by it anymore, so you can say death follows him to wherever he goes.)
When Mr. Mxy kidnaps him, he uses blue flames to steal Jon away. He accidentally causes the death of Pre-N52 Clois in an attempt to rescue them, and instead revives N52 Clois. (I also cannot overstate it enough that Jon somehow had the power to disrupt a fucking 5th Dimensional being's powers— if that's not a sign he is more than meets the eye, I don't know what is.) Then he convinces them to sacrifice themselves for his parents, and he gives birth to Rebirth era. Jon is the catalyst behind it all. Goodbye to Jon Smith, and hello to Jon Kent.
What makes this saga interesting to me is that Mr. Mxy was actually pretty invested in the idea of Clois becoming parents, once famously visitng them to give them hope for a child after Clark and Lois had a fight about becoming parents. (The Adventures of Superman #638). So him becoming jealous and/or trying to make Jon disappear makes no sense, even with the idea of slight insanity from Mr. Oz's imprisonment and writer's characterization differences involved.
There is also the Last Days mini-saga where Jon witnesses the death of a world and its people, and asks many questions about belief and deities. It also ends with Superman and Jon taking the yet-born children of the scientist to a new world. Again, more death, fire, and rebirth.
At last, we have Earth-3— it's actually what really made me give weight to the idea of Flamebird!Jon because he actually goes to New-52 Earth 3, despite timeline being Rebirth (biggest indicator being Ultraman addicted to and powered by kryptonite, which is an N52 feature IIRC), and where he noticably has no powers (due to Ultraman putting the sun in a perpetual eclipse, no clue how that works for the world's survival). Unless there is unreliable narration being involved, Jon should be as weak as a human, yet he is able to handle not just Ultraman's punches, but life in a freaking VOLCANO for years, managing to grow up as healthy as can be when being physically and mentally abused by a mad man and fed on a diet of pigs brought to him by Ultraman to fucking BUTCHER.
Jon manages to escape by making the volcano erupt, a feat that also heavily injures him, according to his narration. Again, he SHOULDN'T be able to survive this, yet he does. This whole situation, along with symbolism that can be placed in, is at the end what I see makes Flamebird!Jon very plausible.
Less important and shaky details that can be used are:
- N52 Superboys somehow seemingly not existing in Jon's N52. Both Superboys would sacrifice themselves for their friends before Jon's arrival. You can say their deaths are what led Jon to be able to take the mantle of Superboy "first" as far as his world is concerned. (There is a hint that N52 Kon did exist as seen in one of Jason's books when he and Bizarro travel to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. but that leads to, heh, nowhere). Plus OG Kon disappearing because the universe had a fart.
- During Clark vs Sinestro mini-saga, Clark fears his neglect of Jon would lead him into destructiveness (shown by Damian and others dead around him). (Jon is just seen as a loose fucking cannon, huh)
- Jon's very first solo story starts with him in a forest fire, trying to reach to the perpetrator— again, more fire. I don't like SOKE much (I think it was full of wasted potential with its plotlines and characters), but I always loved that scene. Plus any time a hero is disappointed by the armed forces and law enforcements is a good time for me.
- Jon being very bothered by the lack of an alter ego, hating that there is no line between Jon Kent and Superman/Superboy. In a way, he spends quite a long time mourning the death of Jon Kent (both the boy and the identity). Then his secret identity returns, and he is so freaking happy about it.
I honestly think Nightwing has gone dormant in the Phantom Zone. There has never been a proper reason given to the gods possessing Thara and Chris to being with, instead of being reborn with them as their vessels.
(Although I am very murky on the details, it's been too long since I read their origins, and honestly, I dislike the whole Thara/Chris situation too much to want to subject myself to it again).
Anyway, since Thara died, Flamebird has no host, so no reason for Nightwing to be around and awake. So he goes dormant, waiting for Flamebird, and Chris thinks the gods left instead.
Now, where does that leave Rebirth Lor-Zod?
May I introduce you to: the concept of Vohc!Lor-Zod.
Because listen. Mythology is a weird field. It changes from city to city, language to language, culture to culture, people to people. Even if they all belong to the same nation. We all have a version of mythology the most widely accepted, but that's not the only version that exists and can be believed in.
So in one myth, Vohc is the villain, the one who tried to break the cycle of creation and destruction he was a part of with Flamebird. The one who betrayed his sister and her lover for the former destroying his most cherished creation as her nature. He became the first heretic, the first to denounce Rao, the first Sinner. That's the most accepted and known, popular version.
Yet what if there are other myths out there, where Vohc is depicted as more heroic? Just like how the Greeks' Ares was different than Spartans' Ares, who was their chief god. You know that they exist.
But which one is true? Hard to say when the people that had the records of such myths are all dead and there is only one direct source left in the hands of Superman, supplemented by Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van, and Kara, who only knows one version.
Anyway, sorry for the long ramble. I just saw "Jon" and "Flamebird" together and it rewoke up something in me. Hope you have a nice week, and I'm so sorry for subjecting you to this.
Forgive me anon for my delayed reply, it's been an insane week at the office(⊙o⊙)
thank you for the thorough read-through (maybe you have a manifesto somewhere that i'd love to read!). unfortunately i do not know much about jon pre-bendis, but i believe you, and tbh, you may have convinced me into reading the pre-bendis jon stuff since i've been putting it off since last year LOL!
but bendis and beyond, i definitely see the Themes and Parallels. i think part of the reason why jon's character gives me the flamebird vibes is because he definitely has the Unwell But Lit vibe that thara had goin on back in the day, but clownery aside, i think the fact that he not only survived ultraman's volcano but also seems to have some connection to fire in general.
in terms of dormancy, i think all the gods went dormant, but i think the current iteration of flamebird COULD be jon, which is hilarious since nightwing is his mentor and older brother figure.
and that is a VERY cool take on vohc!! personally, i think the myth for him was pretty run of the mill, but my preference is nightwing sticking to lor simply because that was one of the highlights of the chris character for me back in the day. myth-writing can become difficult in a medium where there are sixteen competing backstories at any given time, but lorebuilding is so important to me and so fun!
as for rebirth!lor, i see him less antagonistic and more...... ripe for growth. like he's the son of zod now, but before he was the son of clark kent and lois lane, and now he's on his zuko arc ready to join the space version of the kids from slumdog millionaire. i think lor has the MOST opportunity out of all the blood children currently being propped up for future state stories.
thank you for sharing your wonderful thesis! it was a good read 😁
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regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Yet Another Missed Opportunity: Why Bryan Danielson should have been the one to cause chaos in BCC instead of William
(At least for a lil bit)
Sup hoes, I'm back with another ramble!
(*pets Bryan's head*) this is nothing against you boo this is against Khan yet again missing the obvious potential for a decent storyline involving BCC.
CW: betrayal, Anarchy at the Arena, Chris J*richo, M*xwell Jacob Friedman
Okay, so this is Bryan Danielson, right? Look at him.
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I think he's a lil neat
Bryan is not only one of the members of BCC, he's one of the three founding members. Him, William, and Jon.
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Ah the good old days before everything went to sh-
Now you're probably wondering. Why would Bryan "turn" on BCC? Arguably he's the most loyal member if the whole group, even going after M*xwell after he attacked William, even though William betrayed Jon?
Easy: Peer Pressure and Ego.
Let's circle back to when the group first formed, their first few matches. How William constantly sang Bryan's praises, calling him one of greatest wrestlers of this day and age, everything he wishes he was when he was still active, etc. Etc. Imagine hearing that everyday from someone you looked up to for not just years but decades. That's gotta put some pressure on you right? To always want to perform well, to be seen as a star pupil and a leader.
Let's talk about Bryan and Eddie Kingston
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Hi Eddiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee, ily
Remember how much they hated each other? I mean , you can argue neither of them like anyone but they were constantly butting heads before Anarchy at the Arena. Almost like... what if Bryan saw Eddie as an interloper? What if he was resentful at Jon for having BCC help him, Santana and Ortiz? They could be going after tag gold or the AEW and FTW championships? Why were they devouring to help Eddie in his insane fued against the J*richo Appretion Society/JAS? (or as I like to call them: the No Bitches Brigade djsjejdu). Maybe, just a bit, he doesn't believe Jon is taking the group as seriously as he is.
And to him this group is part of his legacy. Of course people will remember Jon and William, but will they remember him after he finally retires?
Now let's add Bryan's relationships with Wheeler and Claudio into the mix.
To Bryan, Wheeler is beneath them. He may be their teammate, but he is not on their level. He is their pupil, not their equal. And then he slaps Wheeler the moment he shows that he has a mind of his own. He lost his cool. To him he believed he's been disrespected, that Wheelers being ungrateful. Hmm.
And Claudio? Oh, deep down he sees him as a rival. Of course he stands side by side with him but he kind of envies Claudio for how... effortless everything seems to be for him. He's Claudio Castignoli. Williams’s last (tv) opponent. He's one of ROH champions. Bryan still hasn't gained a title months after the group formed.... HMMMMM.
So how would it happen, and how long would it last?
I can't see Bryan being jealous if Jon being AEW champion, I think after AATA is when things begin to crumble. A combination of feeling guilty for being the one who got pinned/lost them the match and being mad they were ever in the match to begin with would cause him to spiral. He's losing his peers respect! He's losing his mentors respect! Of course, its all in his head. The boys still see Bryan as the American Dragon Jake Long and are worried about him. He's lashing out more, he's distant. He's opting out of tag matches, letting the other boys go instead.
And one day... maybe he does participate in a tag match he's at ringside for. Maybe it's after his argument with Wheeler. Maybe the argue a bit more during the match. Wheeler's on the mat, trying to reach Bryan...
And Bryan just jumps down from the mat, walking away from the ring. Letting him get pinned. The boys are confused. The crowd is confused.
He's confused.
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Bryan Does the Unthinkable: talks about his feelings!!!
He's confronted by Jon and William, Jon's pissed, Williams’s clearly confused and disappointed, and he justs...snaps. He pours put about how hard it is keeping up the guise that he's confident, how pissed he was that they had just formed the group and Jon was already involving them in shit that wasn't their business (even though Eddie is his bro tf was he supposed to do keep letting him get jumped?), all that stuff.
It's not so much of a turn as it is a confrontation, a discussion. William realizes how much pressure he's accidentally been putting on Bryan, Jon wonders if he only joined BCC to get Bryan off his back and to be taken more seriously be he and William. Wheeler wonders why he really turned on Best Friends and if he joined BCC to better himself or for glory. And Claudio? He becomes a bit distrustful of Bryan after learning how envious he gets of him.
Of course, in the end they all accept him back...but it opens up questions.
Now, why would this have been ideal rather than what went down between William, Jon, and MJF?
Personally, I think it would have added a lot of depth to not just him but everyone for him to be shown struggling with being a leader and keeping up his status as one of the best wrestlers in the company, even making his dynamic with William more nuanced instead of him just being a teacher's pet. And also...
(*deep breath*)
And even if it was because of his fued with Dean in FCW (which Khan couldn't even begin to understand how complicated it was) that makes no fucking sense unless the goal was to have William and Jon fight one more time, considering the fact Dean only won because William was no longer able to compete! THE ONLY POSSIBLE-
(*deep breath*)
Anyway in conclusion that's why I think It should have been Bryan okie bye ♡♡
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thegoobiedoober · 2 years
The Collector is a normal little guy, was jealous of the others because he didn't have any friends to share his creations with.
Simple, but eerily relatable.
The Negativatron was pretty much manifested from a Bad Temper, Bad Self-Criticism, Vanity, Depression, Self-Absorption, and Insanity being blended up and put into the form of a vacuum. At least, that's what The Negativatron themselves said.
I'm guessing it would be vastly... unpleasant to be The Negativatron. I've felt like this during quarantine. Almost made a very drastic choice at one point
The Cakeling is a cake with a brain crane, mostly a remnant of The Negativatron
Warden Crumbs... I can't say I know enough about the guy. Sorry.
A guess of mine involves The Titans being the manifestations of family tensions between the Pud Family (or the manifestations of Newton's fear warped thoughts). Their origins are very well unknown, and all we have is little details here and there to work with.
Fear does tend to warp our perceptions of the people around us, and if you let it, it will control your choices. Communication is key
Haven't played Karting in a very long time, but The Hoard is driven by Greed or something.
Something something, seek help? idk
Franklin Wadsworth Emerson was thrown into a sort of internal turmoil when people booed at him, making some choices that he had deeply regretted, and trying to fill the holes in his heart by trying to make replacement friends after losing them.
This story got really dark, actually. Grief is something that is very destructive if you let it get out of hand. Especially so if you feel absolutely horrible because the grief was caused by something you have done when you weren't in your right mind.
T-Rex is... an odd one. Never played Prehistoric Moves, unfortunately
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Wait, wtf? Er... ok?? huh. Found this while trying to find the psp antag, but this is fine. There might not even be a PSP antag at all.
a guy from metal gear spams levels because he wants to be loved
that's not how you gain people's love, jon
Where the heck is Vex from SABA? Well, he's just a natural occurrence since Nightmares exist and there's not much you can do to stop them from happening. Gotta do a little study into nightmare stuff to see the why
If there is any detail I have missed, please reblog with the details I have missed. I didn't really include too much licensed stuff since that has varying levels of canon
(the exception of MGS because that's the only one i can vaguely remember the antag motives)
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