#it is 1am gnight
badlydrawn-brostrider · 9 months
You don't really want this. You don't need to be a puppet. You've come so far already, and Dave was just starting to trust you again. You can break free for the people you care about before it's too late- before you hurt them.
[ . . . You don't . . ]
BRO: . . . H el--
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[ You trust Cal, don't you? Of course you do. There's no need to fight him, he knows whats best. ]
[ Cal squeezes around your shoulders and neck. You think it's supposed to be a comforting gesture. ]
[ . . It isn't. ]
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employee052 · 3 months
might stream more art stuff on top of the 1k hr stanley run idk
i also updated my chat rules just so things can go well but i need to kinda revamp stuff for the stream itself but idk, the shoddy quality of my stream screens has grown on me
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bielsahours · 2 years
*gestures vaguely*
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caruliaa · 1 year
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feeling stupid + miserable + bitter mad whatever for reasons its nearly june 5th dont ask why thts relevent i dont wanna get into that with most people bla bla heres a bad poem abt being queer and outed and wanting to kill ppl when they mention god a bit WHATEVERRR rbs off and no transcript on account of it being bad sorry posting more as a vent than look at my writing tbh but also if u wanna comment on my writing i wont be offended or anything i just need to get a buncha shit of my chest ig good night !!!
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cyncerity · 2 years
!! 👀
Ok i have a favorite but i have to give an honorable mention first:
I absolutely adore Still the Wild Winds Blow cause i’m an absolute sucker for angst my crimeboys stories. Like, Tommy is scared for his own life enough to trust this random stranger to eat him?? That’s so interesting to me!!
For first though, it has to be We Will Abide. Again, I love Karlnapity. It’s angsty, it’s fluffy, and it’s got three of my favorite guys all at different sizes! What doesn’t it have? But i can’t be too shocked that I love this one so much since, plot twist, I was the anon who sent that ask prompt hskslsh. I’d honestly forgotten sending it but then you posted the story and I recognized my ask and I was literally happy stimming so hard that you took my idea and made something so good with it!
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dragon-spaghetti · 2 years
The cold weather is setting in I can feel it
And by 'feel it' I mean that sitting at my desk results in everything hurting and going stiff 😭
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weaponsdrawn · 2 years
image of glargan otoe and pasted over it is that one sparkle text font and it says “gay sex” but its not fully in frame so its like “gay s” and thats it 
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conivolos · 18 days
mkay bedtime
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beardedhandstoadshark · 11 months
Aw what happen to your reboggels tag?
A combo of being online at 3am and too awake to sleep but too tired to make coherent thoughts, wonky travel internet connection that might cut off at any time (gotta love dead zones) so I don’t write tags in case it dies on me while posting and I’ll never find it again, and reblogging from the same person multiple times in a row and not wanting to fill their notes because I’m 30% sure I got blocked by that at least once and don’t wanna have it happen again after rebogging from a blog that’s pretty cool
Tbh didn’t expect anyone to even notice, that’s pretty sweet of you X3
Originally made the tag cuz I kept other people making reblog tags, and thought it’s so people could filter for/against them, but that was before realizing that blocking tags used by followed people only hide posts behind a button instead of completely, and the search bar is broken so using it to look at reblogs without posts in between them doesn’t really work either…? Unless you straight up follow a tag, but then you’ve got the posts of every person using the tag ever…
So, idk, y’all can probably gauge if it’s got any practical use a lot better than me! But ig it’s still pretty neat to check how much is rebloggef lol.
Imma put some effort in to bring in in consistently again for now, j4u <3
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bengallemon · 1 year
i am a bored person w so many wips they're gonna drown me anyway
I already have an idea for the gay and bi flags but also I'd love suggestions from people happy pride
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magnus-cinis · 6 months
You are what you eat
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It is 1am and I git my daily doodle done I am going to pass out now gnight say it back
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housefreak · 4 months
ok its 1am i get to be scared tomorrow about emails gnight forever i hope i sleep through business hours
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chentastic · 4 months
Ah, yeah, sorry, I am a different anon from the first. I wonder how many of us see your pfp and think pikachu now
BROOO DJGJKFFJFN I'm laughing my ass, I don't wanna be "the pikachu pfp gal" noooouo I'm changing it asap (today after work it's lit 1am im eepy)
Gnight anon muah
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mellonnnnn · 1 year
SPITTERS can someone update me how the spitwedding goes I'm so goddamn tired it's 1am man gnight
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caruliaa · 1 year
okayyyy it is kindaa late like. late enough that i shldnt be in the habi tof going to tbed at this time on a school night sajbjbkakasna so imm gonna get to bed now but first i just wanted to say that omgggggggggg vcing today was sosoooooooo fun as it always is ofc but !! yeah i jsut rlly love spending time w u in any and every wayyy and i just love being ur friend sooooo much like you rlly are sososooo wonderful and incredible and lovely and good and u make my whole world so much fuller and better and more complete and provide sm joy and brightness in my life and world so !!! i just wanted to say how much i think that ur an amazing good lovely personnn strawb and how grateful i am to know u and just that !!! im here for u and pls feel free to tell me all abt ur exam and stuff and !! i just care abt u sm and i love youuu smmmmmmmmmmmm mwah (hugs u if u wld like !!💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💗💗💕💕🫶🏻💗💕💕)
nauurr not thee lateness love -__- i hope u were able to get in some good rest regardless of that though love and ough omg ur so so sweet love omg i hope you that ireally did have so much fun vcing too it rly was soso wonderful to get to chat and talk with you and just spend time with you it just was sos fun and lovely and im soso glad that its the same to you love and that i can be such a wonderful friend to you and make ur world better and fuller and bring u sm joy and brightness love bc u rly do desreve it soso very much and ireally do just want t o help make ur life better in every way i can becuase you really are soso very special and dear to me love so i hope you know that i really am soso very glad that i can and that uyou really are the same to me like youre such a wonderful kind caring understanding friend to me love who makes me feel soso very loved and cared for and just knowing you and having you in my life bring me soso very much happiness and joy and like !! agh i hope you know love you really really do just mean the whole while world to me and i really do just love you so so so very much *hugs you back sos very much love mwah mwah mwah !!!* 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞🦋💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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american-r0bin · 1 year
im having fun redecorating my ipad layout, but its 1am & i deserve 2 get good rest!! pinterest will still be there in the morning. plus, im so excited 2 clean my room!! im gonna get started as soon as i wake up, & ill go fix me breakfast & then ill get back 2 it :) im excited 2 go thru my old makeup <3
gnight!! <3
xoxo, kitty
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