#it is SO HARD to find flavorful food without getting ingredients that upset my stomach
lizzieraindrops · 2 years
Paprika Hendl alternate recipe for if you can't eat onion or tomato like me
Hey DracDaily club! Thanks for making the past several months such a unique moment in time, I've had a blast.
I made the famous paprika hendl but mercilessly modified it so I could actually eat it. It's definitely not traditional, but it is tasty. Thanks to @imaginariumgeographica for providing this traditional recipe from Hungarian Classics by Chefparade Cooking School Budapest, edited by László Kócsa:
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Since I can't eat onions, tomatoes, or peppers other than paprika (thank you SO much for introducing me to Hungarian paprika, everyone!!), I omitted them. I substituted celery for the onions. Instead of the tomato and yellow peppers, I added some pumpkin for extra veg/sauce texture.
Note!! If you can get a hold of it, hing (aka asafoetida) powder is a great substitute for aromatics like onions or garlic, but made from the fennel plant instead. You may be able to find it at an Asian grocer or somewhere that sells Indian spices. Personally, I find it very soothing on the stomach. It's a great option if you have acid reflux or something similar and need to avoid alliums. I sprinkled a moderate amount of hing powder (maybe 1/2 tablespoon) over the hot oil at the beginning before adding the celery. I highly recommend it to replace some of that lost oniony flavor, it's quite strong.
I followed the recipe for everything else, and it turned out great and very flavorful. Although I would recommend doubling the Hungarian paprika, it could easily take a lot more - this is a bit of a Jonathan version lol.
Happy Dead Drac Day!
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Second-Degree Burns (Dream Team one-shot)
~DreamNapFound (Established Polyamorous Relationship) ~ Warnings: Burns, Major Character Injury, Crying Nick wakes up to sobbing. It’s a rough morning. 
Nick woke up to sobbing. There was a long moment of him laying half awake while his brain revved back to life. While he blinked away the tiredness, he started to notice that the bed seemed short the weight of one person- someone had left. Suddenly he understood what had woke him up.
He shot straight up in bed. Something was very wrong. George softly snored beside him, oblivious. As much as he absolutely hated waking up his boyfriends, this was important. He hesitantly jostled the other boy’s shoulder. “George, wake up, something’s-” A metallic crash and another strangled cry from somewhere downstairs jolted both of them wide awake.
After flinching at the sound, George quickly propped himself up on his elbow. Still wiping the sleep off his face, he mumbled. “Where’s Clay?” The two shared a worried, blurry look. The crying continued. It clicked.
They were out of bed in an instant. With both of them in a frenzy, the doorway and stairs proved difficult to bypass without injury. Minor mishaps and panic aside, they had to find Clay. Now.
It was when the two skidded around the corner into the kitchen that they saw it. Their boyfriend, sitting on the floor and bawling his eyes out. His face was stained red, tears were just streaming right down his cheeks. For a brief second, all they could do was watch him shake with every sob. The sight was just... heartbreaking.
Nick cringed. The boy’s hands trembled in front of him, his fingertips were painted crimson while his palms were singed white. The room was warm with steam, sparkling hot water coated the floor. Not good, not good, not good at all.
In a second flat, George was on his knees and gently holding his trembling wrists. So audibly anxious, he pleaded “Sweetheart, what happened?” It was obvious what had happened, he still felt the need to ask. Clay tried to pull away, tried to curl in on himself and shut all sensory input out. His hands, his head, his chest, everything hurt. Despite the crying and tugging, George held firm.
He had woken everyone up. His hands stung, and so did his eyes, but he had woken everyone up, and that was so much worse.
George didn’t know what to do. His boyfriend was sobbing on the kitchen floor, what was he supposed to do? A hand came down on his shoulder. “Here,” Now Nick was leaning close beside him, a tense smile on his face. His voice was quiet. “Go clean up, I’ve got him.” George cast one more sorrow glance back before letting Nick take his place.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Nick was patient, and he didn’t get frustrated when Clay started shaking his head. He tried again, this time with his hands resting in the wounded boy’s lap. “Yes, it is okay. Let us help, alright?” He tried to ignore it- the sound of his boyfriend choking on his worn down throat. He tried to ignore it and focus on helping instead.
Eventually he was able to wrap his hands around the boy’s wrists without protest. Slowly but surely, the two got back on their feet. As soon as they did, Nick abruptly found himself caught in an awkward sort of hug.
Clay had draped his arms around the boy’s shoulders as best he could while keeping his far away from any kind of touch. He was still whimpering, still wheezing, and still way too overwhelmed. Nick could feel Clay’s chest shuddering. This was torture. He hugged back, trying not to squeeze too hard.
They were both standing up, so at least some progress had been made. While that thought was somewhat comforting, the boy’s hands were still scorched. Nick couldn’t help but grimace, he didn’t know how to treat a burn...why didn’t he pay more attention in health class? He hesitated pulling away, but ultimately decided that the physical safety of his boyfriend was a bit more important than emotional support. Even if Clay was now staring down at him, looking just about ready to fall apart all over again.
“Uhm, let’s go sit down, alright?” A solemn sniff was all he got. Nick squirmed underneath his misery flavored gaze. He bit his cheek and muttered a quick “Good enough,” mostly for his own peace of mind. Immediately, he ushered towards the kitchen table. Wood screamed against the tile as he dragged out a chair.
A few timid steps later, Clay flopped down in his seat. Although he had quieted down, he was obviously no less upset. Nick shifted on his feet. Okay, Clay liked seeing people happy, he knew this much. If Clay saw someone worrying, he’d worry too. It was one of his most endearing qualities, he just hoped it still worked under the current circumstances.
Lowering himself to his knees left him level with his boyfriend’s tear-stained face. Somehow, he managed to suppress his concern in favor of flashing a reassuring grin. “Hey!” It felt wrong to be smiling. Clay’s breaths were heavy and uneven, his face was all shades of red, his hands were singed, and Nick was smiling. Keep it together. “We’re gonna get your hands fixed up. Sounds good, right?”
A moment passed, filled with nothing but the sound of towels sweeping the floor. Then Clay started nodding. Nick almost deflated in relief, they were getting somewhere. He set his hands on the injured boy’s knees and started pushing himself back to his feet. "Alright, I'm gonna go get some stuff to-" Mid-way through standing back up, elbows came down on his hands. His heart skipped a beat as he somewhat stumbled back down to his knees. Nick huffed. "Yes?"
The low-pitched whimper that Clay gave, it only made him feel worse. He didn’t need to hear the words, Nick got the message just fine. Disappointed, pleading, upset eyes begging him please don’t go.
Internal conflict made his head spin. He wanted to do something more than sit pretty. At the same time, Clay’s elbows pressed on his knuckles. How could he leave? Except, duh, he didn’t have to. There were three of them.
Knowing what he was about to ask made his cheeks flush. He brushed his thumb over the hem of Clay’s jeans. “George?” A squeak of acknowledgement, a short hum of curiosity. The british boy’s stare was blank. Nick sighed, this was just pathetic. “Can you...look up how to treat a uh, hot water burn?”
To be completely honest, George didn’t look any more well prepared than he was. “Yeah, just let me get my phone, it’s upstairs.” The boy threw one last towel onto the tile and pulled it flat with a foot before speeding around the corner and out of the kitchen.
For the first time, Nick took a moment to assess the damage. The air was still fogged up with steam, every breath made his nose and lungs warm. A limited array of pots and pans sat in a heap on the counter. As he slowly shifted his gaze down, he couldn’t help but hold a little tighter- Because it almost hurt just looking at Clay’s fingers. It was all just ugly shades of pink, and splotches of red that looked like blood rushing underneath his skin. Hysteria was still on his face with the way his bottom lip trembled. Pale palms, puffed up eyes, not a pretty sight.
Nick took his time adjusting positions until he had his hands gently cupped around Clay’s face. “Love, what happened?” Green eyes stared back at him, dim and gloomy.
The next breath that Clay took shook like an earthquake would LA. “I just…” His voice was undeniably raspy, all sorts of unsteady. “I wanted to make you guys breakfast.”
Ouch. He should have figured that was the case, but still. Ouch. It felt like Nick swallowed a pity-guilt-cocktail, and now his stomach felt sour. Clay wanted to make them breakfast, the sweetheart. Sitting impatiently on his tongue were apologies, kisses, and all the soothing words in the world. The urge to collapse in a puddle of comfort was overwhelming. Unbearably enticing. His brain wanted nothing more than to break down in sympathy and smother everything with unhelpful affection.
He shouldn't. In situations like this, Clay was an emotional mirror. Suck it up, dude. Don't make him upset. Alright, new goal: Keep it calm.
Nick swiped away another one of his boyfriend’s tears before peering back at the kitchen casualties. He couldn’t help but wonder. “Hey,” The pained expression on Clay’s face quickly turned expectant. In the most casual tone that he could muster, Nick cocked his head and asked, “What were you gonna make us?”
The air hissed around them. Clay looked down at his hands. After that, the stove. Then he locked eyes with Nick’s again. His face became unreadable somewhere along the way. “Pancakes...and bacon.” If Nick were to guess, it was grease that did his boyfriend in. Tragic.
But he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. The smell of food was faint, and there was almost no trace of ingredients in sight. Unshelved plates and utensils, they were suspiciously absent. Nick shook his head with a snicker. “Doesn’t look like you got very far,” He teased.
What started out as a wheeze swiftly degraded into a coughing fit. In hindsight, humor might not have been the best route to cheer up someone who had just previously cried away the lining of their throat- but it worked nonetheless! Clay’s feet drummed the floor in delight as he pulled his elbows close to his side. He always did that when he laughed, an adorable idiosyncrasy.
Just as Nick began running a hand through damp and dirty blonde hair, another pair of feet came bounding down the stairs. With it came a subtly panicked voice, “Okay so it says we should run his hands under cool water, not cold, for about 20 minutes.” Eyes still on his phone, George carelessly caught his shoulder on the doorway with a thud. “Ow- uh, it also says we should go to the hospital. Just in case.” Nick twisted around, a frown quickly forming. That’s definitely not what he wanted to hear.
He only noticed that he’d been grinding his teeth when it started giving him a headache. While he himself felt sick with concern, George looked completely lost. With a sharp inhale, Nick did his best to mouth out “Will the water hurt?” It was hard to tell if the message got across or not, because all he got was an overly-bewildered shrug.
“Alright…” His voice held an undertone of dejection, almost defeated. Nick finally rose to his feet, making sure to keep a hand on Clay for solace’s sake. “That’s what we’ll do. We’ll go to the sink, yeah?” Green eyes stared up at him, afraid, vaguely betrayed. He tried to ignore it. A lack of protest would have to suffice.
It hurt walking away, it really did. But readying the sink seemed a little more appealing, even if it granted him only a moment of peace. Behind him: hushed words of encouragement, the sound of wood against ceramics, and slightly staggered footsteps. Cool, but not cold. He shook the water off his hand.
Three pairs of arms soon rested on the rim of the sink. A severely restless vibe buzzed between them. Seeing how Clay had himself hunched over with his hands hovering, wobbling above the water, something in Nick’s head told him yes. This would in fact hurt.  The morning was really off to a wonderful start.
Both Nick and George leaned so that they could share a look behind their boyfriend’s back. A look that said a lot. One that said ‘Do we really have to do this?’, and ‘I don’t want to hurt him on purpose...’ alongside a million ‘What if?” questions. Nick swallowed hard. Excuses sat in his mouth like lead. Set the timer, see if they had any gauze, go find his keys first. In the end, all they would do was postpone the pain- which was arguably worse.
With a deep exhale, Nick forced the words out of his mouth. He went ahead and took a hold of the injured boy’s forearm. “It’ll be alright, we just need to get you all cleaned up.” Except this is when Clay decided that he was no longer on board with this whole ‘having his burns be treated’ thing. He definitely made a valiant effort to tear himself away, but weakened and outnumbered, his boyfriends swiftly overwhelmed him.
“Sweetheart, let’s just get this over with.” Nick so badly wanted to cover his ears. The running water couldn’t quite drown out the sound of Clay hissing in pain. In an instant, the boy jerked his hands out of the water and was trying to wriggle his way back to the kitchen floor. Teeth grit, hearts already broken, Nick and George reluctantly pulled his hands back under the water. Twenty minutes of this? He didn’t even know what to think.
Five minutes in, and Clay was crying again. Crying, stuttering, muttering, tearfully giggling his way through the pain. Both other boys took their turns pointlessly gushing apologies and anything heartening that came to their heads. Everything went understandably unanswered. At some point, Clay had downgraded to shaking his head and shuddering, caught in an endless loop of flinching and twitching. While George’s chin lay resting on a harshly shaking shoulder, Nick decided it was time to pull something he for sure would consider a pro gamer move.
Things almost fell apart the second he stepped away. Taking his hands off Clay’s back alone earned him a metric ton of disapproval. Clay’s face whipped around to face him, blotchy, confused, every shade of frustrated. George on the other hand looked helpless beyond recognition. Looked dizzy with uncertainty. They didn’t want him to go but…
Nick held up a finger, silently saying ‘One sec’, before stalking away towards the living room. Despite every event that had occurred in this train wreck of a morning, they still had a failsafe. Something he knew would help (it always did).
Luckily it was right there on the couch. Sitting innocently with her limbs neatly folded under her, Patches. Wide green eyes stared up at him, blissfully unaware of all his human struggles. Her tail swished and curled behind her. Clay loved Patches. A lot. Every piece of bad news, every distressing thought, every failed recording ended with her in Clay’s arms. She didn’t seem to mind.
After scooping her up to his chest, Nick couldn’t help but plant a quick kiss on her forehead before carrying her back to the sink. It was impossible not to, she was invitingly soft. Adorable. Admittedly very huggable. And smart, too, considering that at the sight of her favorite person crying, Patches immediately began to wiggle out of Nick’s hold. He let her hop onto the countertop and watched her trot up to Clay’s face. She leaned far over the water, just to be closer.
Green eyes- they matched. They matched, both pairs of green lit up like sunshine would the day. Even when Clay went briefly silent, the water kept on running. “P-Patches!” Cool, just not cold.
Patches licked her nose, the white on her chest bristling. Both Nick and George carefully wrapped a hand around their boyfriend’s waist. One last sniff of precaution, and Patches rammed her forehead right into Clay’s face. She twisted and rubbed her ears against his cheeks before settling down on the edge of the sink.
For once, the sound of water was drowned out, and elated giggling took its place. “Thank you for the bonk, Patches.”
Second-Degree Burns
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference ch.14
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Overhaul rose from his seat, walking behind his desk to retrieve some keys, noticing Nanami was still seated.
“When I said ‘let’s be quick about it’ I thought it was implied that we’d both get up and leave. You can finish pouting when we get back.” She looked up at him, annoyed. He’d usually return the irritation, but realized he preferred this infinitely more than seeing her upset.
“You never miss a beat, huh? Let’s roll, bird brain.” She said in a huff, now marching towards the door.
“If anyone else spoke to me that way they’d be dead by now.”
“Well I’m not just anybody, now am I?” she responded, equal parts confident and oblivious.
“… No. You’re not.” He paused, unsure how to process the thought. Or was it a feeling? Shaking it off, he continued, “The car is this way.”
“R-right. Right behind you.” She stammered; grateful he was in front of her as she tried not to think too much about his response.
They continued through the base until arriving at the garage as she spotted a familiar, blacked-out car. They hopped in and began the drive to her place, Nanami glad to be seated in the front this time. It was silent except for the hum of the engine as Nanami stared out the window, becoming lost in thought. She’d decided to tell her work she’d be taking a last-minute vacation and to tell Hitomi she’d be too busy at work to make their date. Before she had time to wonder just how much more lying she’d have to do, they arrived. Exiting the car in silence, Overhaul followed close behind as they made their way up to her apartment. As she was getting her keys out of her purse, he moved in front of her, putting his hand out for them. He took a cautionary glance inside before letting her know it was ok to enter.
“You’ve got 10 minutes,” he warned.
“10. Minutes.”
“Saying it slower is not going to make me mo-- ”
“9 minutes.”
“Uuggghhhhhh” She groaned dramatically, but briskly walked back to start packing. It was especially difficult considering Nanami was a notorious over-packer. Without fail, she brought enough outfits for a fashion show and packed underwear as though she’d shit her pants every day. Better safe than underwear-less~
“2 minutes.”
“Ok, your counting down is NOT helping.” She yelled to the other room as she finished packing, emerging from her room in a huff. Plopping the bags on the ground, she stood triumphantly, waiting for his response as his brows began to furrow.
“That is… not the correct amount of bags for two weeks away.”
“What are you the bag police?”
“You know that’s not a thing. Take half of the bags you have and let’s go. The more time we waste here, the more likely we are to run into them, again.”
“Fine.” She abandoned what could have easily been twenty pounds in luggage, hefting the others towards the door. “Wow, you’re not even going to help me?”
“No. You shouldn’t have packed so much if you weren’t able to carry it by yourself. Consider it your strength training.” 
Groaning yet again, Nanami was reconsidering if it would really be so bad to be abducted by a different and possibly more polite yakuza.
The ride back was as uneventful as the first before the grumbling of Nanami’s stomach cut through the silence. She hadn’t been able to eat all day, having abandoned her plans for brunch with Hitomi earlier and spending the better part of the afternoon packing for an involuntary vacation. Her eyes widened in embarrassment as she became determined to keep them glued to the window. Through her periphery, Overhaul turned towards her as they had pulled up to a red light.
“Where should we stop?”
“I haven’t eaten today, give me suggestions on where to go.”
Is he… trying to be,-- dare I say it—nice? Nanami thought both surprised and intrigued. Not wanting to waste the golden opportunity, she tried her best to play along,” Well, SudohBucks is pretty good.”
“SudohBucks? A frappuccino does not count as dinner.”
“Um, they don’t just serve coffee—they’ve got pastries and some pretty solid paninis.” His eyes narrowed as though he wasn’t fully convinced, “If you don’t like it we can always stop somewhere else, there’s plenty of other places nearby. So whadya say?”
“I’d say what the hell is a panini?”
“You don’t know what a—oh my gosh, well it’s a toasted sandwich—usually on Italian bread—but really you can put anything on it. They’re warm, flavorful, and packed all neat so the ingredients don’t spill all over the place.”
“They’re ‘neat’? Hmm...”
“Of course that’s what you got from my illustrious description...”
“You’ve convinced me.”
Finding the nearest store with a drive-thru, Nanami ordered for them, earning a hum of approval when she correctly guessed he’d like the chicken artichoke. Salty people enjoy salty things, who would’ve guessed. She thought before reaching into the bag for her sandwich.
“Don’t you dare eat in this car.”
“Eat in the—just who do you think I am?”
“Dr. Watanabe; you’ve got hands steady enough to suture a grape but will undoubtedly still find a way to spill panini all over my car.”
 “Ok, firstly, it’s impressive how you can insult and compliment me at the same time. Secondly, thank you, but also kiss my ass. And lastly, I’m not some savage that would try eating in a car—the food smell just seeps into the leather. I’m simply checking if they got the order right.”
“… Close it as soon as you’re done.” He relented, rolling his eyes, eager to ignore the smug look on his passenger’s face.
Nanami 1, Overhaul 0 ~.
They drove past the spot where her car was parked, only to find it empty. “Where the hell is my car?”
“It’s trackable, we had to burn it.” He replied simply.
Her eyes shot wide as she turned to him, seriously considering fighting him then and there.
“That was a joke.”
“Stick to your day job.”
Ignoring her, they pulled into the garage, her car now there and the sun almost ready to set. Getting her bags from the trunk, he took the heaviest one before she could grab it. Too tired to fuss, she accepted the help as they made the long trek to… Where exactly am I going to stay, anyway… She hadn’t thought of it specifically before, only defaulting to the cell she was sure he’d made when he first tried to abduct her, except slightly more hospitable. Realistically, she knew it wouldn’t be a cell, but still hadn’t an inkling as to where they were going, the path they took ceasing to be familiar a couple turns ago. Just as she was about to ask, they came upon a set of stairs that resembled those at the main entrance, but she could tell they were different, the steps having much less wear on them. He paused a moment in front of her, but she couldn’t see his face to tell what he was thinking. After an audible exhale, he continued up the steps, opening the door at the top of the passage with a code he didn’t bother to hide this time.
The light was blinding as her eyes tried to adjust to the change. Blinking hard, she was now able to see a traditional home with minimalist, modern décor. It was cleaner than most operating rooms she’d seen and just as sterile. She would have assumed it was a model home no one had lived in before if not for the pair of familiar shoes in the doorway. Examining the room, she could tell they were in the kitchen and the secret passageway they came from had been in a large cabinet. On the island was a singular vase that had been repaired using kintsugi while the counters were clear, save for a kettle and tea bowl. Before she could look further, a glass door closed them into the space.
“Hold your breath.”
“Wha—” Just then a mist was blasted from all sides. She was about to panic, but she saw him standing there, relaxed as though this happened regularly. The mist stopped and the door opened once again as he casually took off his shoes and waltzed out the pseudo-cabinet. Finally connecting the dots, it hit her. “Is this…  is this your house?”
“Yes, now take off your shoes or I’ll leave you in the silo.”
“You don’t have guests over often, do you?”
He turned to her, his finger hovering threateningly over what she assumed was the button to lock the cabinet door.
“Ok, ok. Just gimme a second.” She hurriedly took them off, placing them neatly next to his, the sight causing her heartbeat to quicken. She’d never stayed in a man’s house before, and the thought made her nervous. Don’t make it weird. Don’t make it weird. Don’t make it weird. She thought to herself, hoping to regain objectivity. Just lab partners being bros, staying in the same house for a couple weeks to avoid being kidnapped for a bounty. No big deal. As she continued her inner monologue, she glanced up to see he was close, a confused look on what she could see of his face.
“What is it?”
“You didn’t hear a word I said.”
“That I did not.”
Sighing he began walking out of the kitchen and down the hallway. Willing herself to move and not wanting to be stuck in the mini decontamination silo, she sheepishly followed, setting the food down on the kitchen counter. At the second-to-last door near the end of the hallway, he stopped, opening it and turning on the lights.
“This will be your room.” He said plainly, gently placing her bags on a bench near the closet.
Among the questions now racing through her head, a singular one stood out. “Ok, not to sound ungrateful, but why can’t I stay in a guest room in the main base? I mean I highly doubt having anybody in your house is pleasant for you.”
He paused thoughtfully before responding, “The distance from here to the main base is much farther than you think; the passageways run for miles. If there was an attack, you might be dead before I could reach you. Here, you’re a room away. Having anybody else in my house does repulse me… but as you said earlier, you don’t fall into the category of ‘just anybody.” They were looking at each other fully now, Nanami swallowing harshly at his last statement coupled with the fact that she was now alone with him, in his house. Before her heart could race any faster, he quickly continued, breaking the now too-intense eye contact, “You’re an ally. Strategically, being near makes the most sense as your offensive capabilities alone won’t be enough to fend off the reinforcements they’ll send. At any rate, I have a meeting to attend.”
She felt a small pang of disappointment at his response but was both unwilling and unprepared to address it. “Oh, I see. Makes total sense!”  She said through a half-hearted, awkward laugh, “Very logical. Well, I’ll just settle in and uh look through some paperwork of my own. I’ll see you later then, partner!” Facepalming inwardly, she quickly took her bags, turning away from him to place her things on the bed. She kept her back turned, now very invested in unpacking.
After a couple seconds she could still feel him in the doorway and cautioned a glance over her shoulder to see what he was doing. She saw him attempt to begin a sentence but stopped, a conflicted look in his features as he turned away, leaving her alone with her thoughts. This is gonna be a long week.
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In 2014, Spray posted a long and detailed birthday event for Yuki on Twitter! It was the first major Twitter event to happen after the release of the game and they really went all out with the story. There was even a series of summer themed goods with illustrations that match the story, even though the items weren’t officially linked with the story. BUT WE KNOW.
Here’s the translation. :D (most of it is under a cut because it’s looooooong)
August 1
Sonoda: Hey, Yuki-kun, do you want to work tomorrow?
Yuki: Work?
Sonoda: Yeah. An acquaintance of mine who has a beach house, it seems his staff have all caught summer colds. He's looking for temp staff.
Sonoda: I've asked the people who stayed at the dorm who seem like they had nothing to do, but won't you do it too? I'll throw in my meals, and as much playing in the ocean as you want, and as much flirting as you want.
Yuki: I don't care about the flirting, but if I can eat your food, I'll go!!
August 2
Yuki: Today I'm going to work at a beach house as Sonoda-san's helper!
Yuki: We're going in this minibus...?
Chiba: Leave any watermelon splitting to me.
Kuya: Good morning, Yuki! We were waiting for you to arrive. Let's a have a fun day today!
Takato: You're helping Sonoda, aren't you? We can't just make Asahina work by himself, we're helping too.
Joker: I look forward to seeing Ace-kun in a swimsuit♪
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, thank you for coming today. I'll let you eat as much food as you work for.
Arata: If Yuki and everyone is going, I guess I can enjoy the ocean.
Tomo: Yuki, did you bring a swimsuit?
Yagami: Asahina, you hurting for money too? The band ate my savings, so I have to earn something here or I'm screwed.
Yuki: Wow! Everyone's here. Oh, even Professor Sakaki!
Sakaki: You're all underage, so I'm here as your guardian. I'll be guarding against you all getting out of control, and being anything other than model students.
Kuya: By the way, Yuki. What is the swimsuit Joker was talking about before?
Yuki: Sonoda-san said wearing a swimsuit is basic when you're working at a beach house. Huh? You don't have one, Kuya-san?
Kuya: Mine is a Hawaiian shirt!
Chiba: Mine is a Hawaiian shirt too.
Kuya: We match!
Chiba: ... If my clothes match with you, I'd rather be naked.
Yuki: Naked would be bad, Chiba-san! Isn't Hawaiian okay? It has a summery, ocean feel!
Chiba: I see. If you say so....
Joker: No. Hayato, I'm confiscating your Hawaiian one. Here, wear this.
Yuki: Joker-san, why is it no good?
Joker: Well, look at this Hawaiian shirt. It's in the worst taste.
Yuki: Ugh.... This is... a bit unusual... I guess....
Kuya: What an original pattern!
Chiba: Is it that weird?
Joker: Yeah. A bit. Well, if you're going to train, Hayato, a swimsuit is better.
Chiba: Yes....
Yuki: Arata-san, do you have your usual swimsuit?
Arata: Since I'm not swimming in the ocean, I brought a hoodie and shorts. With a hoodie, Maro can be comfy too. (kuku!)
Yuki: Maro's with you too. Let's have fun today!
Yuki: We're here! The ocean! Ocean!
Takato: It's good weather.
Yagami: Too hot. How many years has it been since I was at a beach? If it wasn't today, I never would've come.
Kuya: Masatsugu!? What's with those sunglasses? They don't suit you!
Takato: Leave it alone, please. It's too bright.
Sonoda: Then, I'll divide the work. To attract customers, Kiyo, please flirt with the customers and bring them here.
Joker: Okay♪ Leave the flirting to me. I'll bring so many bikini babes there won't be room for them all.
Kuya: Flirting! That sounds fun! Then, I'll leave the sexy babes to Joker, and I'll bring couples. Rather than one by one, I'll gather two times the customers!
Arata: Since I can't be with Maro inside the restaurant, I guess I'll attract customers on the beach. Since the goal is to attract customers, I'll try calling out to families.
Chiba: Myself will....
Joker: Hayato, flirting is impossible for you. Oh, why don't you attract customers by shaving ice with a Japanese sword?
Chiba: Understood.
Sonoda: Hayato, you're in charge of selling shaved ice and drinks. Then, the one who will help me with the cooking is...
Yuki: I think Tomo would be good!
Tomo: Why me?
Yuki: Well, you're surprisingly skillful. If you go off somewhere, you'll goof off.
Sonoda: Is that ok? You're not very likely to flirt in here. And so, you too Professor Sakaki. If I don't make you work, you'll just drink the whole time.
Sakaki: Sonoda, what do think I am?
Takato: Then, Yagami and I will be in charge of the remaining hall.
Yagami: Yeah. I can carry plates. Leave it to me.
Yuki: What should I do?
Sonoda: For now, help where it seems busy. First, do the cooking prep for me.
Yuki: Suuure!
Sonoda: Well, from here on, this will be a battlefield, so psych yourselves up. Professor Sakaki, you grill. Kasahara, you prep the shrimp. Yuki-kun, you wash all the vegetables here.
Yuki: Got it! ... Wait. Th, there's this many?
Tomo: Uwah, my shrimp is a huge pile.... Isn't this an Asian food restaurant? Aren't there too many types of dishes for a beach house?
Sonoda: In these times, it seems you can't sell just yakisoba. I've heard if a restaurant doesn't set itself apart, it won't survive.
Yuki: Besides, Tomo, I'm surprised you took this job.
Tomo: That's, well... I had time, and I heard you were joining, so....
Takato: I have an order. Green Curry, Ga-Prao, Pad Thai, Loco Moco, Yum Woon Sen, Mochiko Chicken, one each.
Sonoda: Roger. Here, Shanghai Yakisoba, Vietnam Fried Rice, ready.
Yuki: Wow, I don't even know what kind of foods those are, but they seem delicious. Besides, Sonoda-san, your cooking speed is amazing.
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, on top of drooling, your hands have stopped. If you have time to stare, get to work! When you're done with those, next is washing dishes!
Yuki: R, right! Sonoda-san, you're harsh. I don't even have time to stare at the food....
Tomo: (Sonoda-san is more mobile than he usually is in the school cafeteria. In that case, he could manage without at least me....)
Yuki: Tomo, were you just thinking that since Sonoda-san is working so hard, that you could goof off?
Tomo: I, I wasn't... thinking that.... (How did he find out?)
Sakaki: Kasahara, you should follow Sonoda's example.
Sonoda: Kasahara~~. In this situation, how dare you even think of taking it easy? I'm adding a hundred potatoes to peel.
Yuki: My condolences, Tomo.
Tomo: Oh no.
Sakaki: Hehe, that Sonoda, he's even more of a slave-driver than I am.
Sonoda: You're one to talk, Professor Sakaki. What is that you have in your hand that you're drinking?
Sakaki: Lao Jiu wine. It's pretty good.
Sonoda: You corrupt teacher.... You even added a peeled slice of green papaya that was for the Som Tam.
Yuki: It's better working diligently... but I can't stand the smell of the food Sonoda is making. It's been hours and hours and I've gotten hungry.
Tomo: Hm? What's that sound? It doesn't seem like the sound of Sonoda-san cooking.
Sakaki: Is it some creature's cry?
Yuki: It's, my stomach.... Smelling this scent made me hungry, and no matter how much I try to endure it, I can't stop it....
Sonoda: Oh, come to think of it, I promised you meals. You can eat this. It's my special Tom Yam Kung and Poo Pad Pong Curry!
Yuki: Thank you! Let's eat!! Fwaaah!! It's so delicious! The miraculous flavor of these spices blows away the heat! I could get used to the refreshing soup of this Tom Yam Kung. I'm so happy~.
Sonoda: I'm glad you like it. We seem to have enough people here, so won't you go see how the hall is doing?
Takato: Yagami, two Nasi Goreng, two Mi Goreng, for two tables please.
Yagami: Nasigo... argh, these all have annoying names! Two fried rice, two yakisoba, coming up!
Yuki: Welcome! Wah! Amazing, we're full!?
Yuki: Takato-san, Yagami, I've come to help.
Takato: Well then, I'm taking the orders, so Asahina, follow my directions along with Yagami, and please carry the food.
Yagami: That Secretary, he remembers it perfectly without taking notes. If you follow his directions, you won't make a mistake.
Yuki: Just what I'd expect of you, Takato-san!
Yuki: Alright! I wonder if could do it without mistakes....
Takato: Hmm. Asahina, you don't look bad in that apron with only a swimsuit on underneath. You look especially nice from the back.
Yuki: I knew it, Takato-san...
Yagami: I withdraw my praise from before.
Takato: I'm laboring diligently, surrounded by couples. Allow me the enjoyment of feasting my eyes.
Yuki: If you're okay with this, then feast to your heart's content. Well, let's do our best for the lunch rush and get through this!
Yuki: ... Oh, putting this and this on the tray, it's heavy.... You can really hold a lot, Yagami.
Yagami: Because playing an instrument builds up muscle in your arms. Look, my bicep.
Yuki: Your arm looks like a chicken drumette baked golden brown.... I want to take a bite out of it... *drool*
Yagami: ... I'm not food! Hurry and carry these!
Yuki: Riiight! Ok, I'll do my best!
Yuki: Phew, finally a pause.
Yagami: Those guys attracting customers got too carried away. Think about my capacity!
Takato: Since it seems we're running low on ingredients, it's time to refrain from attracting more.
Yuki: Then I'll go tell the group attracting customers!
Yuki: Everyone! How is attracting customers coming along?
Arata: Mm, I guess with that family I just guided before, that's 22 people. Since I have Maro, they all call out to me. (Kuku!)
Kuya: Amazing, Aratan! I finally got 10 people.
Joker: Well, Sagimori-sempai, since you were giving people directions and helping lost kids find their parents, you didn't attract any customers at all. Like this, I'll win the match with room to spare.
Yuki: Match? Are you competing? Yagami says to drop your pace a little.
Arata: That's right. It's bad to make customers line up too much. Maybe you should stop competing.
Kuya: But since Yuki is here, how about Yuki joins too and we have one final match? I aim to pull off an upset win!
Joker: Then, I'll give you a handicap. Yuki-kun, you'll start at +15. I'm in first place with 23, so if you can get just 10 people, you'll be at the top. There's something nice if you get first place, so do your best★
Yuki: Um, somehow I've ended up participating in a contest to attract customers? Oh well. Joker-san said there's something nice if I get first place and... oh. I found a group of tourists! Excuse me! There's a beach house with really delicious food, how about it?
Arata: Time's up. Well then, I'll announce the results! 2nd place Joker, 3rd place Arata. At the bottom with a decisive lead, O-Sagi-san. And impressively in 1st place is Yuki! Congratulations. ... This many in just under ten minutes, you're amazing after all, Yuki. You have a charm that draws people in.
Yuki: Haha, it's because the first group of tourists I called out to by chance said ok, so it was just good luck.
Joker: Then as promised, the person in first place gets treated by the person in last.
Kuya: Yeah, I'll treat you to anything! Tell me what you want to eat. Hotdogs? Roasted corn? Soft serve ice cream?
Yuki: Then, shaved ice. I've been hot for a while.
Joker: In that case, make it Hayato's shaved ice. He's been working hard by himself over there since before. Also, Sagimori-sempai, if you want to make an erotic overture, you'll have to do it better or it won't get through.
Kuya: Hm!? But Masatsugu said that swimsuit-clad cuties eating cylindrical things at a summer beach is the basics of eros in midsummer. Is that wrong?
Yuki: I want to eat those even more now....
Arata: Yuki, if you're going to eat shaved ice, can I come too? I had a plastic bottle of ice I was using to keep Maro cool, but it melted. (Kuu~)
Yuki: Then let's go over to the shaved ice. Chiba-san! How is it going over there... oh, there's so many people gathered around!
Kuya: Just what I'd expect from Chiba-sempai! He really is shaving ice with a Japanese sword!
Chiba: Asahina. You're here.
Joker: Hayato, a shaved ice for Yuki-kun. Oh, Sagimori-sempai will be paying.
Chiba: Alright. Watch from there. ... Huff! ... Done. What flavor do you want?
Yuki: Then, make it blue hawaii. Let's eat.... It's delicious! Chiba-san, you're amazing. This ice melts like fine snow in my mouth!!
Joker: Wow, really? Then, I'd like a bite of yours too, Yuki-kun.
Yuki: Alright. Here, say ah.
Kuya: That's not fair, Joker! Yuki, me too....
Arata: Somehow, O-Sagi-san, you're awfully greedy today. Did the heat get to you...?
Yagami: You jerks, don't be goofing off here!
Arata: Oh, Reo-Reo. Good work. Is managing the restaurant going ok?
Joker: Since we attracted that many people, it's like you should be grateful for a full house.
Yagami: You've got to be kidding me. We're over capacity. Asahina, you didn't forget you were supposed to tell them to stop attracting customers, did you? Just before, a group of over 20 tourists barged in. The Secretary is losing his temper, Sonoda's about to freak out, and the inside of the restaurant is a picture of Hell.
Yuki: Oh, sorry. I'm the one who summoned that group of tourists.
Kuya: We're sorry, Yagami-kun! Well then, let's quit attracting customers and help in the restaurant!
Yuki: Phew, somehow it's at an end.
Sonoda: We're almost sold out on ingredients for the restaurant, and we've met our sales target, so go play in the ocean.
Joker: But if we're going to do that, I want some sort of prize. I know! How about the right to play alone with Yuki-kun on the beach?
Yuki: Huh, what's that supposed to be!?
Joker: Then, why don't we all play beach volleyball?
Kuya: That's a great idea!
Takato: Oh, that's not bad.
Joker: Hayato. You're on my team.
Chiba: Understood.
Arata: That's nice.... In that case, maybe I'll try to win.
Yagami: Then, will you be on my team? I don't really get the point of the prize, but I won't lose a match.
Yuki: Um, what about what I want...?
Tomo: Give it up. When Joker-san is enjoying himself like that, there's no stopping him.
Joker: True, maybe we should stop. Take a look at the ocean.
Yuki: Hm? W, what's that!? That's a huge wave... and is that a shark by it? Uh-uh, a giant squid?
Joker: An unknown creature? Oka-chan would enjoy it. Let's try catching it.
Yuki: Uwaaaah! It's coming this way!!
Chiba: Leave this to me, get back, Asahina!
Kuya: It's really big, but it's moving slowly. It doesn't seem that dangerous, does it?
Chiba: Perfect, there's a sword here. Then, I'll cut it...!
Yuki: What should we do? "Run?" "Fight?" "Catch?" I'll ask everyone watching on Twitter. What should I do?
Takato: I agree with "run." It's said a wise man keeps away from danger, isn't it?
Chiba: "Fight" of course...!
Kuya: I put in one vote for "catch." It's possible it might be a nice animal, right?
Yuki: Alright, then "catch" it is!
Tomo: Seriously?
Kuya: Roger!
Joker: Hayato, help catch it!
Chiba: Understood! Huh!? Asahina, don't plunge in alone! ... Sagimori, you go in from the left. Myself will go around from the right.
Kuya: Alright! Let's both back up Yuki! Don't let down your guard, Chiba-sempai!
Yuki: Caaaught yooou! ... Oh, huh? This isn't a squid. It's a giant squid-shaped kite. Man, and I wanted to eat it if it was a giant squid.... So disappointing. (note: Yuki is not just talking about a large squid, he is referring to the giant squid, genus Architeuthis.)
Chiba: ... It wasn't an enemy?
Arata: Is everyone ok? Is it okay for Maro to get close? (Kyuu...)
Kuya: Too bad! It can't be our friend like this.
Yagami: It wasn't worth all the fuss.
Sakaki: It looks like you don't have to be so disappointed. There's a lot of fish stuck in the fabric of that kite.
Yuki: You're right! Over here and over there, there's lots of fish! Are these edible?
Takato: It appears so. Squid, mackerel, flounder, turban snails, and there's even spiny lobster, it seems.
Sonoda: Then, shall we have a barbecue with these ingredients?
Yuki: Woohoo. Seafood barbecue!!
Kuya: Nice, barbecue! I couldn't agree more!
Chiba: Seafood barbecue, huh. Sounds delicious.
Takato: Then let's all help Sonoda. It would be terrible to leave it all to him alone.
Yuki: Riiight!
Yuki: Phwaaah, I'm so full, and so happy. Now that I'm full, I've gotten kind of sleepy. The evening salt breeze feels nice and listening to sound of waves is kind of... zzzz
Joker: Oh, Yuki-kun is asleep. Such a cute sleeping face. He's so cute, I want to carry him back like this★
Tomo: What's cute about him drooling and half smiling? That Yuki, he's dreaming about eating something for sure.
Sonoda: He worked hard, so let him sleep for a while. We also have preparations to make.
Sakaki: Anyway, someone carry him to where he won't get swept away by the tide.
Yagami: Geez, can't be helped. Hey, Chiba. You get his legs. ... Whoops, he's heavier than he looks, isn't he?
Chiba: You're just carrying him wrong. Give him here. You'd be likely to drop him on his head.
Kuya: No, no, Chiba-sempai. Leave this to me! Carrying Yuki alone will be a piece of cake! ... Why aren't you moving away?
Arata: Both of you, if you keep talking like that, Ace-kun will wake up.
Takato: Good grief. You should both carry him. Look, there's a bench in the shade right over there, so please let him sleep there.
Chiba: ... Alright. Don't drop him, Sagimori.
Kuya: Of course. Then, try not to shake him....
Yuki: Hm...? Ah! Shoot! Did I fall asleep? And it's already pitch black outside!!
Chiba: Asahina Yuki, happy birthday!
Kuya: Happy birthday, Yuki!
Takato: Asahina, happy birthday.
Joker: Ace-kun, s dnyom rozhdeniya!! (happy birthday in Russian)
Sonoda: Yuki-kun, happy birthday!
Arata: Happy birthday, Yuki.
Tomo: Yuki, happy birthday!
Yagami: Happy birthday.
Sakaki: Asahina, happy birthday.
Yuki: Huh? What?
Joker: Well then, let's have it★
Yuki: youtu.be/E0cd_8sjg6Y (fireworks)
Yuki: Uwaaah! It's skyrockets! Pretty!
Kuya: It's a birthday present from us to you!
Yuki: Oh, but the skyrockets are going really high...
Sonoda: So, that's why everyone worked hard all day to earn the money to buy the skyrockets with the sales at the beach house. It was perfect that the beach house was short on help.
Takato: The skyrockets were Joker's idea, but it wasn't a bad plan, so we all went along with it.
Yuki: Oh, so that's why even people who wouldn't normally participate came to work too.
Tomo: Yeah, I guess. I was a bit impatient for you to suspect.
Yagami: I didn't have any money on hand. If not, a touristy beach like this......
Arata: But the ocean was fun. I'm glad we celebrated Yuki's birthday here.
Chiba: Yeah. ... How was it, Asahina? Did you like it?
Yuki: Of course! I really had a lot of fun today. And the fireworks were beautiful.
Sakaki: The fee for arranging for a pyrotechnician and the launch was funded by my meager salary. Be grateful.
Joker: Actually I wanted even more impressive fireworks that would spell out a birthday message for you in the night sky, but it was over budget. But they were plenty pretty.
Yuki: Yes! I'll never forget it for the rest of my life. It was a wonderful birthday!!
Yuki: Kuya-san, Takato-san, Joker-san, Sonoda-san, Chiba-san, Arata-san, Tomo, Yagami, Professor Sakaki, thank you! And thank you everyone celebrating on Twitter!!
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petculiars · 2 years
The Perfect Ways to Cook Chicken for Your Dog
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/the-perfect-ways-to-cook-chicken-for-your-dog/
The Perfect Ways to Cook Chicken for Your Dog
A diet based mostly on chicken can be very beneficial to dogs with sensitive digestive systems, dental issues, or any other special dietary needs. Chicken is a great source of glucosamine, omega 6, and lean protein. If you’re feeding your dog a human-grade diet of fresh chicken meat his bones will get healthier, his skin more hydrated, and his coat will become a lot shinier. YOu might be able to find quite a few dog foods with chicken as their main ingredient, but of course, nothing is as tasty as some homemade, fresh, dog food.
While this is an undeniable truth, the way in which you prepare the food can make or break its taste. So how should you prepare fresh chicken the proper way for your dog and where should you start to make sure it will be perfect? Let’s go over the best ways in which you can cook chicken for a dog to make sure the taste is spot on and the foods keeps most of its nutritional benefits.
Important things you should know when feeding your dog chicken
There are some risks related to chicken that you should know about, even though it has a reputation of being a mild food:
You might also like my articles on whether dogs can eat hard-boiled eggs or spicy food and when it is the best time to feed your dog.
Chicken breast is the best for your dog. This is due to it being healthier and very low on fat compared to other parts. Foods that contain too much fat can lead to your dog developing pancreatitis.
Bones should be completely removed before giving chicken to your dog. Although there is no cartoon portraying a dog without chewing on a bone, these are in fact a choking hazard and even if they do get past your mouth, they will then become a puncture hazard for your pup’s intestines and stomach.
Chicken holds third place when it comes to allergic reactions from food for dogs. You should completely remove this ingredient from foods and get in touch with a vet as soon as possible if you believe that your dog is allergic to chicken.
Go for plain chicken for your pet. Try to stay away from garlic, onions, and any type of seasoning when cooking chicken for your dog.
Try to avoid bacterial infections like salmonella. You do this by cooking meat properly and thoroughly before giving it to the pet.
Chicken boiling steps when cooked for dogs
Although you might not like it, dogs will surely love plain boiled chicken. The palate of a dog will prefer natural flavors of chicken over seasoned meals and truth be told, their stomachs will have a really hard time digesting any type of seasoning and other powerful ingredients. Below you will find the steps necessary to create the perfect dish for your pup, without putting in too much work:
First off, put the chicken breasts with water in a medium-sized pot.
Then cover the pot with a lid and give the water a boil.
The chicken should be boiled for about 12 minutes or until completely cooked, whichever comes first, on high heat.
To avoid burns, let the chicken cool off and shred it into smaller pieces.
Dong give it to your dog in one go. Instead, feed the pet with just a small portion. You can store any leftovers for the next four days.
Some tips for dogs with sensitive stomachs
For dogs known to suffer from any stomach issues like upset stomachs, a very popular recipe is chicken and rice. All you have to do for this recipe is to prepare white rice without adding any type of seasoning and then mix it with the boiled chicken cooked as explained above. This should calm your dog’s upset stomach.
You should also know that white rice is easier to digest for dogs than brown rice, so when there’s a choice, always go for the white rice. Another important thing is to remove any garlic or onions from the equation. Although enjoyed by people, these plants are considered toxic for dogs and shouldn’t be part of their foods in any form, including powdered, fried, cooked, or raw.
Other possible ingredients
To add some taste and color to a dog’s diet and make his meals more nutritious and filling, you can always add some additional ingredients. Some of them are:
Vitamin supplements: For an immediate boost in the nutritional values of the food, you can always sprinkle powdered dog vitamins on his means.
Dog food: To give the meal a more familiar taste, you can mix the bland fresh chicken with dry or wet food.
Cooked veggies: You can also add some fiber to the dog’s diet with some broccoli, carrots, or green beans. Keep in mind that although healthy, vegetables shouldn’t make up more than 10% of the dog’s diet, to avoid any digestive problems.
Canned pumpkin: Another great source of vitamins and especially vitamin A, the pumpkin will also help with digestion.
Plain yogurt: Use it to boost your dog’s protein and calcium intake.
Other cooking methods
You can still get creative when it comes to the food you’re cooking for your dog. Can also consider baking chicken for your dog if you want to give it this type of meat but are tired of always boiling it plain. All you have to do for this is to put the chicken in a container safe for oven cooking, add a little oil so that it doesn’t stick, and then just cook the meat as thoroughly as possible for 25 minutes at 400º F.
How often should a dog eat chicken?
Chicken breasts are very beneficial for any dog that needs a boost of protein in a balanced diet. But this chicken should also be free of harmful ingredients, hormones, and additives. Although this food is pretty healthy, you will have to limit the consumption of chicken by your dog to a maximum of two times per week, especially if you don’t want it to start rejecting this particular type of meat.
Most dogs will love eating chicken. This healthy source of protein is great when you want to give your dog a special treat. The food bowl will almost always get empty if you fill it with chicken breast, a few veggies, and white rice.
Keep in mind that although healthy, you should always talk to your vet before making a drastic change to a dog’s diet, especially if you know the pet has a sensitive stomach.
YOu will always make your dog very happy when you’ll choose to give it cooked chicken instead of dry dog food. This meal will be not only delicious but also very nutritious and you’ll surely earn a lot of points in the eyes of your pet.
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how to handle upset stomach after a binge and when restricting or fasting.
[TW: eating disorders, laxatives, restricting, fasting, binging, emetophobia]
as someone with 3 digestive conditions, a relapse always manages to screw up my digestion and overall comfort. I'm sure that there are others who feel that sentiment strongly, so I'm gonna share some of what works for me.
general upper digestive system issues (heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, etc.): antacids are my go-to medicine. however, they come in a lot more forms than you might realize! if your symptoms are minor, regular tums will work just fine.
i also like to use alka-seltzer tablets mixed with water, mostly because the fizziness combined with the medicine really helps settle my stomach. (hint: if the taste of regular alka-seltzer is too gross for you to handle, put some lemon juice in there. lemon is a natural anti-nausea agent. even smelling a lemon takes my symptoms away sometimes.)
if you're terribly nauseous and don't want to vomit, the scent of rubbing alcohol helps, as does peppermint oil. if you're in public, it's nearly impossible to gag while humming or clenching your left thumb tightly in your fist.
if you have nausea associated with acid reflux, skip the ginger. ginger tends to make that a lot worse **when ingested**. However, smelling or topically applying ginger oil does help considerably.
for acid reflux, sleeping with your head elevated is a good idea. during the day, there are a bunch of OTC medicines that help. There are some purple capsules called Prilosec OTC, and the active ingredient is Omeprazole. They work like a charm and are usually inexpensive. I would always suggest capsules over tablets for acid reflux because tablets tend to make the back of your throat feel like it's on fire the second they hit the acid that's already there. 10/10 would not recommend. also, if you're gonna get non-gummy chewable antacids, please drink a bit of water before you take them. acid reflux can make your mouth feel dry and antacids combined with a dry mouth feels disgusting.
if it isn't reflux, ginger comes in many different forms. I find that anything that allows me to taste and smell the ginger as I ingest it helps a lot. ginger drops are good, but usually don't give long-lasting relief. ginger tea is better because it allows for you to sip with each wave of nausea and settles your stomach. ginger capsules are good if you're okay with waiting 30 minutes for them to kick in.
upper digestive issues after a binge: for me, the worst thing i felt when i habitually binged was the nausea. usually, the reflux got better when I binged and worse when I went back to restricting.
for nausea after a binge, Nauzene tablets are a lifesaver. they look DISGUSTING. they taste DISGUSTING. they work within 4 minutes. they're worth it.
emetrol is a liquid version of Nauzene, essentially, and it is NOT WORTH IT. it works within 15 minutes and wears off almost as fast. and it tastes like absolute horseshit. thats a hard pass for me.
i wouldn't suggest antacid tablets after a binge because you need to drink water with them, and drinking water after a binge makes you feel bloated, in my experience. gummy antacids, however, are a lifesaver. I would not recommend gummy antacids with a hard shell on the outside. they taste and feel chalky.
upper digestive issues during restriction or fasting: tea is a life-saver for heartburn and nausea while restricting and fasting. if calories concern you, drink with an ASPARTAME-FREE 0 calorie sweetener. I recommend Stevia. chamomile, peppermint, and lemon lavender are my personal upper GI go-to teas. just about any tea will work, though I would suggest avoiding citrus or cinnamon.
if it's night-time and your symptoms are severe, boy do i have a reccomendation for you: alka seltzer brand mixed-berry flavored gummy antacids with melatonin. these bitches will have you heartburn and nausea free within 10 minutes, and if they don't? that's okay, your ass will be KNOCKED OUT before you can even complain. these are especially helpful for getting through a fast, because sometimes, the best thing you can do for comfort is sleep it off. plus, they're sweet, and they have an added benefit of helping with low blood sugar and dizziness from fasting and restricting.
for lower body digestive system issues (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, pain) in general: when you're bloated, anything minty will usually help. peppermint or spearmint leaves (just chew them), a LOW DOSE (1 or 2 drops) of peppermint oil mixed into tea, etc.
for diarrhea, my best reccomendation would be to NOT TAKE AN ANTI-DIARRHEAL. unless you want to not shit for 4 days while feeling like you need to every few minutes, that's a nope from me, dog. nah, instead, I would suggest eating mild food. the BRAT diet is always my go to: Banana, Rice, Apples, Toast. A bonus is that those are all generally "safe" foods. they tend to be bland and easy to digest, which makes the loose stool stop sooner. also, make sure you're drinking enough water, because dehydration is the main reason why loose stools have killed people in the past. don't drink a ton of water at once, though. space it out throughout the day.
also, normal Pepto Bismol liquid is my favorite for bringing diarrhea to a stop without causing constipation. I would suggest keeping a big bottle of it in the fridge if you're prone to loose stools. I personally find Pepto Bismol tablets to be ineffective in handling symptoms as quickly as the liquid. the liquid coats your esophagus and stomach, which helps with upper GI symptoms too. DO NOT USE CHERRY FLAVORED PEPTO BISMOL unless it is literally your last option, because it tastes HORRID and you will never forget the taste. it will enter your nightmares and pervade your senses when least expected. you think I'm being dramatic, but I promise you, you would regret it.
for constipation, do not take a ton of laxatives. the last thing you need on top of all this mess is an accidental laxative addiction. laxatives don't do shit for weight loss, and they get your body dependent on outside help for digestion. don't even start it.
one stool softening pill is fine. if it doesn't work, don't try and jumpstart the process. instead, take the RECCOMENDED AMOUNT of a fiber powder, or eat some foods high in fiber (these tend to be low-calorie). a quick google search should bring up a list of high-fiber foods.
for abdominal pain, I recommend heat in some form. a hot bath, a heating pad, a hot water bottle. if you're out in public, there are these portable heat patches that you can buy in a four-pack. they're used more often for joint pain, but they help a lot if your stick 'em on your tummy too. if you are a person who gets periods, these help with cramps too, just as a side note. DO NOT USE HEAT PATCHES WITH CAPSAICIN IN THEM. THEY WILL BURN YOU. I don't just mean you'll feel a burning sensation, I mean that I left one of those on my stomach for maybe 10 minutes and sustained a first degree burn from it. nothing makes stomach pain worse like adding another layer of pain to contend with.
If you're restricting at any level, DON'T TAKE PAIN MEDICINE FOR ABDOMINAL PAIN OR ANY PAIN PLEASE I BEG OF YOU it'll make you so nauseous and it's honestly the quickest way to get an ulcer.
kaopectate is great for lower digestive issues but for the love of all things good keep it in the fridge and don't get the vanilla kind. the taste of warm vanilla kaopectate is beyond horrid. not as bad as cherry Pepto, but close.
Imodium pills are usually pretty helpful too. Kaopectate works better for me, but I'd try both to see which one is most helpful for you personally. In terms of overall effectiveness, they're equal, but Kaopectate works faster.
Final notes:
1. I am not encouraging anyone to develop an ED in these tips. I'm just trying to help people feel better. having an ED doesn't mean you don't deserve basic comfort and symptom relief.
2. if you have dogs or kids running around, do NOT let them get ahold of any minty essential oils. peppermint, eucalyptus, spearmint, etc. will all cause children and pets severe breathing problems. kids have died from smelling peppermint oil. don't use essential oil diffusers at all with kids in the general vicinity.
3. I am not a doctor. I'm a sick person with way too much time on my hands and a severe illness phobia. please don't take my word as law. if a certain medicine works better for you, cool! I'm just giving my personal experiences and trying to help y'all avoid the medicine mistakes I've made. also, if you're on prescription meds, ask your doctor before taking other OTC meds.
4. eating disorders suck. these symptoms that we have to deal with because of them suck. if you are in the initial stages of an ED and you're reading this, get help. if you're in the late stages, get help. it is never too early or too late to get help. no good therapist or doctor will ever tell you to come back when your symptoms are worse, and if they do, they need to have their license revoked. the mere presence of eating disordered ideation or intent is enough to merit treatment. if you think it's too late, it's never too late until you're dead. don't let it get that far, please. you can be happy. you can be healthy. you deserve to be happy and healthy and alive. you deserve to thrive. you deserve to be okay.
i love you all. if you ever need ANYTHING, I'm one message away. i hope y'all feel better soon. 💞
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petstutorial · 5 years
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Fromm Grain Free Dog Food Reviews Some of the ingredients in dog food recipes sound like a meal from a five star restaurant. It is hard for some people to believe that dogs deserve just as much quality food as humans do. Some dog food companies will go to many lengths to ensure that your dog gets only the best. One such company is Fromm’s family owned pet food company. The Wisconsin based company gives us yet another nutritious highly efficient dog food that comes with a blend of quality ingredients that at first glance you will assume they are good for you too. The dog food is Fromm Four Star Grain Free Dry Dog Food – Game Bird Recipe. We reviewed this product and came up with the following review. See also: [su_note note_color="#eff9de"] Fromm Adult Gold Dog Food Reviews Fromm Gold Large Breed Puppy Review Best Grain Free Dog Food Review [/su_note] Product Summary [su_button url="https://amzn.to/33bR9A8" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] Pros Consists of a highly nutritious diet made from a blend of different ingredients Recipe made from real meat with duck being the main ingredient Easy to absorb proteins Contains Wisconsin cheese Grain free recipe Ideal for all the stages of a dog’s growth Mixes easily with other Fromm recipes Gentle on the dogs stomach and digestive system Cons Expensive Fromm Four Star Grain Free Dry Dog Food – Game Bird Recipe [amazon box="B007D6W71O" grid="1"] Many of the dog recipes in the market come packed for various stages of growth for the dog. You will find meals specifically formulated for puppies, adult dogs, senior dogs, lactating dogs and so on. Rarely do you find a meal that suits all the growing stages of a dog. However, with Fromm, you can expect all the recipes you need including the above meal, which is ideal for all the stages of growth. The meal is highly nutritious and consists of a blend of quality proteins and other ingredients. The Wisconsin based family owned food company only manufactures holistic recipes that go into building the dog’s immune system, muscle strength and overall health. The grain free meal is all-natural, made from real meat. It does not contain any artificial preservatives, colors or flavors. You do not have to worry about your dig developing stomach upsets or digestive problems because the food is grain free. All the Fromm dog foods are safe to use on your furry best friends without worrying about any allergy attacks. If you are transitioning your dog from a different meal, you can trust this product to be one of the best to transition to. Ingredients The first main ingredient in Fromm Four Star Nutritional Game Bird Recipe Dog Foods is turkey. Turkey contains about 60% moisture but it is an excellent source of protein. The amount however reduces after cooking making it necessary to include other meat ingredients to the recipe to ensure that there is enough meat protein in the meal. Duck, cooked through the rendering process is the second main ingredient. Rendering the meat protein allows moisture to reduce which in turn makes the ingredient a condensed protein with the highest health benefits. Turkey broth is the third ingredient and even though it has minimal nutritional value, it adds flavor and moisture to the food. Lentil, the fourth ingredient is a diary fiber rich in minerals and Vitamin B. The ingredient provides the dog food with high amounts of plant based protein. Chickpea the fifth ingredient is a source of carbohydrate and rich in protein and dietary fiber. These five are the main ingredients because they contain the highest levels of nutrients. The other ingredients in the recipe are also as important as these five and they include pea, which belongs to the legume family and is rich in plant-based protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In the mix is also potato, which is a source of minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins. Potatoes make great ingredients because they do not contain gluten and they are common in grain free dog products. Next on the line is turkey liver, which is a high quality source of fat, vitamins, minerals and protein. Other ingredients worth noting are chicken meal, also produced through rendering, pea flour, dried tomato pomace, chicken fat, dried egg product, pea protein, salmon oil, sweet potato and chicken. Others are flaxseed, cheese, pheasant, quail, pumpkin, duck, and carrot among many others. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/33bR9A8" target="blank" style="default" background=" #fe8d2e" color="#ffffff" size="5" center="yes" radius="square" icon="icon: thumbs-up" rel="nofollow"]CHECK LAST PRICE[/su_button] Nutritional content Crude fiber 6.5% Crude protein 29% Crude fat 17% Moisture 10% Customer’s reviews On average, the dog food got a star rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars though many of the customers were happy with the results they saw in their dogs after consuming the recipe below are some of the reviews from satisfied customers. Murphy Mom from Idaho gave a five star rating and had this to say. “Murphy is a very picky eater and dog food does not excite him but he usually eats his food. I get the duck and game formula and I add Stella’s Duck Duck Goose on top. Fromm has beautiful packaging allowing them to reduce their pricing. Food for thought, I recommend you give this dog food a try as it is grain free and they use only quality ingredients” Another satisfied customer also gave the food five stars and said: “Kibble is a great size and seems to be of high quality. My 4.5-month-old pup is fairly picky but seemed to like this kibble. also great that you can mix together with other Fromm four star flavors, which helps keep our dog interested in eating consistently” Lisa from Palm Beach Florida also with a five star rating had this to say. “My dog loves this dog food, which pleases me since it is grain free and he has allergies, and this food seems to seriously help. Not many places carry this brand so I was beyond happy to find it. Thank you from myself and my happy dog” Lastly, Rileymom with a five star rating said: “I purchased this brand for my blonde yorkie puppy. we had been having eye stain problems and after a few months on this grain free blend, the eye stains were 95% gone, very little wiping necessary. After concerns have been posted about cardiovascular concerns related to grain free foods, I contacted the company and found this product is supplemented with Taurine. I am continuing to use this for my puppy who only gets the best of anything I can find for him” Verdict If you cannot take my word for how amazing this product is, then the above reviews will convince you. I would highly recommend Fromm products to anyone and this one in particular because you can mix it with other recipes for even better results it is affordable, tasty and highly nutritious. Wrapping it up There is something great about finding a recipe that you can feed your dog with through his or growth stages. This is what makes the above product stand out from the rest and all for good reasons. your dog will love the flavour and the meat in the recipe. The ingredients provide the dog with strength and the recipe is gentle on the dog’s stomach. Browse through our website to read on more dog foods that come with natural ingredients and many benefits. If you have any question to ask or anything to add to this article, kindly share your sentiments on the comment box and we will respond accordingly. Best Selling Grain Free Puppy Food  On Amazon: [amazon bestseller="Grain Free puppy Food "] This post has appeared for the first time in https://petstutorial.com/fromm-grain-free-dog-food/?feed_id=439&_unique_id=5e639460d6aee #pets_tuttorial #jane_brody #pet_blog #pet_training #pet_products_reviews #best_dog_products #best_cat_products
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mouseyfox · 7 years
An Untimely Friend
TW: Death, Murder, and Cults
Elowen was not made for the heat, or for travelling through sand. She still didn’t know how to ride a horse on her own, and as such had not bothered with the expenses of buying herself one. So, she was riding with Diantha like they had done before when their adventures first started. On the way to the desert town of Shade the scholar could feel the hot sun beating down on her and making her a very cranky bundle of nerves despite the gauzy light dress and special shoes she had bought for this journey in preparation of the heat. “I’m made for temperate climates, not all the snow of White Shadow, and the blasted heat of this desert,” she grumbled, earning herself a joyful laugh from Diantha in return.
“Don’t worry Elowen, we’re almost there,” Diantha assured her, and Elowen decided not to answer as she kept an eye on the horizon and the heat waves off in the distance.
Within the hour a large caravan full of merchants of different types, different families, and even different races could be seen heading away from Shade. Elowen kept her ears open as they passed, listening to the grumbling amongst the families and their intention to be anywhere but Shade. She could feel her stomach drop into the pit of her stomach at the grumbling. “That’s not a good sign,”  Elowen told her group quietly, turning to Ciaran and Jelani as the two also watched the caravan of merchants pass by them. “My father once told me that when the merchants move on you know a city has died. They won’t stay somewhere that won’t generate any profit.”
“How does he know that?” Ciaran asked skeptically.
“Because he’s a merchant, and it’s what he would do,” Elowen answered sadly, her eyes following after the caravans as they came into Shade. After an encounter with a wonderfully mothering innkeeper in which their group was able to supply her with several days worth of water they set out to inspect the marketplace for some answers on the cult that had moved into the town and was said to be abducting people.
It was there that Elowen made a friend. The old man who ran the only remaining stall offering only a few meager dried up vegetables was friendly despite having lost all of his family members to the cult. First they had abducted his son when they promised to provide food and water for an entire family in exchange for their work. Then his wife had been abducted within the last week, and all of his grandchildren had been taken by his daughter-in-law to escape the threat of the cult that was slowly killing this town. The party made sure to eat with him and give the old man as much water as they could despite his assurance that, “Oh no, don’t worry about this old man, it’s much easier to feed one person than it is a family.” He gave them a fierce smile before pulling Elowen to the side and handing her a sachet of some of the spices he had used to flavor their shared meal. “Dear I want you to have these-”
Elowen reached into her purse to try to pay him for the spices and he put a gentle but firm hand on hers, making her keep the money she had offered. “No dear, this is to say thank you for giving me something that I had almost forgotten - what it feels like to have a family. Besides, I think the big guy really liked them!”
There was a moment of pause as the little halfling stared up at the elven man, her eyes shining with unshed tears before she gave him a hug. “Please stay safe,” she whispered to him as he hugged her back and gently pet her hair.
“I’ll survive, especially if we have heroes like you here to help us and chase out this cult.” The old man promised as Elowen pulled away, even gently wiping away her tears and giving her a brave smile. “Now go on, you have things to do!”
“We’ll do what we can to help,” Elowen swore, “I promise we will.”
“I know,” he smiled at Elowen as the group called for her to hurry up so they could get to the pond that supplied water for the entire city. She made sure to wave to the old man on their way out, smiling and keeping an eye on him as they travelled to the pond...
What they found there was not something that Elowen would ever be able to forget. There was a horrible smell as they approached the water, one that Elowen did not recognize, but that caused Diantha and Jelani’s faces to harden and for Ciaran’s face to go blank, guarding her emotions once again. The little scholar didn’t quite understand the tenseness in the air, her mind working with magical formulas and scientific knowledge as she tried to think of any diseases or contamination that would cause water to produce a foul smell. Unfortunately the real cause of the smell was not something she could have predicted, and almost caused her to lose her lunch.
The pond that supplied the town with water was all but dry, producing only enough water to create a wet patch and about an inch of water trickle down the river that it had once filled. Surrounding the pond and staining the sand red were bodies. Dozens of bodies. Some had been there at least a week simply rotting in the sun, left there by the cultists either as a warning or just merely as a dumping ground. Others were merely days old, and some of them had even been tortured based off of the ways their bodies were bent, broken, and slashes to ribbons.
Elowen could hear Diantha start to pray for the souls of the dead and Jelani’s normally hard face had taken on a hard anger, his lips snarling in distaste as he observed the bodies of children that had been left behind with the dead. Even Ciaran was upset, the blank face that she had kept through most of the ride broken as she stood there with a hand held over her mouth, her capes rippling around her in the breeze.
There was nothing that Elowen could do for these poor people’s souls, and nothing that she could do to bring them back. Her eyes drifted over the bodies and she spotted a guardswoman who had been stabbed so many times that her entire torso was covered in dried blood, but the one thing that stood out was the purple piece of fabric that she had clutched in her hand.
“Look,” Elowen pointed out the guardswoman to the others and to the purple fabric in her hand.
“We should speak to her,” Ciaran offered, “she’s most likely to know what happened.”
Diantha nodded and started to set up ingredients for a spell while Jelani stood watch nearby. Elowen wasn’t quite sure what was happening but stayed nearby to watch this magic unfold. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck raising as the body inhaled the magic Diantha had cast, the woman’s soul returning to her body momentarily as she then opened her eyes and looked up at the sky.
“Does this mean we can speak to her now?” Elowen asked.
Diantha nodded, “Yes, but we only get five questions.”
“We should ask her who killed her,” Ciaran supplied.
So it went, Ciaran offering questions that would supply their party the answers it would need in regards to the murder that had taken place, what had happened to these poor people, and anything that the guardswoman might have known about what had happened to the well. On a few questions Ciaran and Diantha discussed the wording of the questions to make them as accurate as possible, with Elowen chiming up when she noticed something that might work better. In the end they found out that the guardswoman had come here with a dozen of her friends to investigate the pond and at sunset had been set upon by the cultists, each of them attacked and killed with their bodies left to rot in the sun. The guardswoman was still not sure why they had killed her, only that it had happened and that it had not been a pleasant death.
When the unearthly breath that had animated the woman’s corpse left her the group was left with an uncomfortable silence. Jelani’s normally stern face was livid with rage, Ciaran looked both disgusted and angry at the carnage that had happened here, and when Diantha knelt down to resume her prayer Elowen turned away from the sight of the bodies she could not help and focused on the one thing she could do something about. Ciaran accompanied her while Jelani stood watch over Diantha, and between the two of them they were able to get down to the pond without Elowen slipping and falling on her face.
Elowen did a few preliminary spells and was able to detect that the water had been drawn here magically at least a hundred years ago, and that something was siphoning the magic that animated it. There was nothing wrong with the water other than the lack of output from the water. “Well… at least they haven’t poisoned it, but I’m worried that leaving those bodies up there will end up leading to it getting contaminated.”
“It’s safe?” Ciaran asked, waiting to see Elowen nod before she carefully scooped up a handful of water to sip at once she had pushed the sand she also gathered out of her hand. After that the rogue looked towards the dimming sky and then over at Jelani with worry. “Didn’t the guardswoman say that they were attacked at sunset?” The group looked at one another and then began to find places to hide. Ciaran climbed her way up a palm tree around the oasis, Diantha hid behind one of the trees, and when Jelani tried to lay down and pretend to be a corpse Ciaran hissed, “Jelani! They’re going to remember that they didn’t kill a big orc.”
“I can’t hide behind the trees,” he protested, “they’re too small!”
“Just hold still!” Elowen hissed, using color spray to dose Jelani in red fake blood before she hid behind a tree herself.
It wasn’t long until the party began to hear the sounds of the approaching cultists. Elowen put her darkvision goggles down over her eyes and watched as the group approached, her stomach churning nervously as she noticed that the cultists were dragging something behind them.
“They didn’t even cry,” the shortest one complained, “it’s not worth it if they don’t cry!”
“Heh, yeah these ones were too easy,” the next tallest one answered, his voice sounding much older than the young punk.
“I just wanted to have some fun!” the smallest one started to stab one of the bodies they had dragged with them, laughing as he maimed the poor person further.
Elowen and Ciaran shared a murderous glance and turned back to see the largest of the three cultists take charge of the situation. “Enough!” he barked, “We’ve got to get back, we have work to do.” The younger one looked chastised for his actions and slumped his shoulders, making some statement of apology that Elowen couldn’t quite hear. When the halfling saw Ciaran’s knives go in towards the big leader she let forward a ring of a witch bolt to surround the smallest one. Then as she saw Jelani begin to rise from the ground after her witch bolt illuminated the darkening sky. As he began to rise Elowen used a minor illusion to make it sound like the corpses around him were shrieking with rage and pain from the murder that these cultists had brought down upon this city. The small cultist crumpled, succumbing to Elowen’s witch bolt and the final remaining cultist froze in place.
The group cautiously approached the sole remaining cultist, and only after Ciaran stabbed him in the calf without a single reaction did they sweep back his hood to find out that he was an old man, and that the fake screaming from the bodies and Jelani rising from amongst the corpses had been too much for his heart and he had died where he stood.
Next there came the next round of necromancy from Diantha, creating a zone of truth as they questioned the bodies of the leader and the smallest cultist for information on their cult, and this Leader of All the Hells they were following. Elowen knew very little about religion, devils, or the Hells so when she couldn’t think of who that could be she turned to the most logical person to ask out of their party, and the only tiefling amongst them, Ciaran. “Do you know who that might be? Maybe from some history teaching or something from your people? I haven’t the faintest clue who that could be-”
“No! No I don’t know who that is, and it’s not my history.” Ciaran snapped back, causing Elowen to raise an eyebrow in surprise at the venom she received in return to what she had thought was a very simple question. Clearly she had struck a nerve, but as Ciaran went off to help Diantha with more questions about religion, cults, and gods Elowen didn’t at all understand Elowen decided to put herself to better use by looking through the cultist’s things. She took their robes, their identical gold rings, and their daggers, hoping that might be able to get them access to the cult without having to lie too much about themselves or causing more bloodshed… though with what they had seen of the cultists so far Elowen highly doubted any of them were worth saving.
It didn’t take long for Diantha to finish interrogating the deceased cultists, and when she was done she returned to Jelani’s side, curling into his arms as Ciaran went through the bodies of dead villagers and Elowen went to examine the bodies that the cultists had been dragging through the sand behind them. One of them was a woman Elowen didn’t recognize, who seemed to have died of blood loss from the multiple stab wounds left on her body, and the other…
“They killed him,” Elowen’s voice was somewhere between a sob and a snarl as her eyes turned towards the body of the kind and lonely old man they had shared lunch with that very afternoon.
“Who are you-” Diantha asked and then the group turned to see who Elowen meant. Diantha covered a gasp behind her hand, Ciaran looked as if she had been kicked in the gut, and Jelani’s jaw twitched angrily, one fist clenching at his side.
“They’re not worth saving,” Diantha said almost to herself as she looked down at the cultists with disgust, “at least these ones aren’t.”
“I hope their leader’s soul enjoys the torment of being trapped inside Soul Carver,” Ciaran snarled, her hand returning to the enchanted dagger she had used to kill the largest of that small band. Jelani rumbled with agreement to Ciaran’s statement.
Elowen just stared down at the frail old man’s body, kneeling down beside him as she closed his eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, “but please know that they’re not going to get away with this.” When she stood up it felt entirely mechanical, as did the next bit she spent using a giant spectral hand to move the corpses into a pile for the villagers and another for the cultists. She didn’t have the strength or the time to bury them all at the moment, and she couldn’t chance that one of the bodies wouldn’t somehow end up in the pond and infect what little of the town’s water supply was left. So once the bodies were arranged she used a fireball to set the piles ablaze, leaving them to burn well into the night as the group prepared to return to the inn.
It was nearly midnight by the time they returned, and Ciaran made some sort of statement to the innkeeper about their tardiness before asking for rooms for the night. They were offered two keys, Elowen numbly took one, and Diantha took the other, but instead of last time where Elowen and Ciaran had shared a room the tiefling made sure Elowen saw that she turned her nose up at sharing a room with her, instead opting to sleep on the floor in Diantha and Jelani’s shared room. It wasn’t hard to see that Elowen had upset Ciaran earlier, but she was too tired, and too numb to get into what she was sure would be a rather loud fight. She decided to let Ciaran have the night to stew in her anger, and to confront her in the morning about whatever Elowen had done to offend her.
“Goodnight...” Elowen said quietly, Diantha giving her a look that mirrored the numbness she felt before Elowen returned to her room by herself. As usual she put an alarm spell on the window and then she changed out of the clothes that reeked of death. She threw them in the corner, making sure to scrub herself with soap and what water was left in her drinking canteen to get the smell off of her before she put on a nightgown and fell into the bed.
The little scholar laid in the bed on her side, looking out the window into the starry sky too tired and dehydrated shed more than a few tears for the kind old man she had only met today. After so long without any real family connections that weren’t strained Elowen had understood his loneliness… at least as much as she could. His smile had been more than payment enough for anything that they would have been able to do to help this town, but once again she was seeing just how much the use of necromancy and darker magics polluted and corrupted people the longer that they used it.
This cult would pay for their crimes. Elowen would make sure of it.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://websiteshop.network/episode-435-qa-with-robb-and-nicki-28-2/
Episode 435 – Q&A with Robb and Nicki #28
We’re back with more of the Q&A you crave!  Episode 435, Q&A #28
Submit your own questions for the podcast at: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/
If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.
  Show Notes:
1. Overeating On Keto [2:08]
Steve says:
Hi Rob,
I don’t want to take too much of your time. But going Keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been Paleo for five or six years and so has my wife. We have no kids at home so grains and junky carbs are not and issue or even a temptation. I am in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I am savouring because I have been making some mistakes.
I am 50 years old and work out regularly doing either mixed kettlebell workouts or if I do weight and resistance training at the moment I like to do whole body workouts 3 X a week and can mix in some cardio in between. I have kept fit most of my life, my goal is as I age to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple goal.
We live in Perth in Western Australia so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener in a private school, a job I love doing as I’m outside and moving all day, not as hard as say some sort of construction worker but that can happen on a given day just not every day.
Coming from eating paleo the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating my wife liked the sound of it so she hopped on board. She is doing great and in fact better than me. We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right.
My issue is, I love the food. For some reason it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also.
So I have blown it on all sorts of things. I have had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories and it is so easy to eat. I have blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
At first it was wrapping my head around the fat content. I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck but I feel like I am in a rut now and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit because I can see and have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology there seems to be no room for error.
I listen to your podcast and since listening I have gone to the ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat but some days I may have blown it by 5 or 6 hundred calories.
I have come so close to quitting as for me it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather the leaner.
I’m not sure that you can help and not sure what else that I could tell you. Diet wise I have intermittent fasted for 3 or more years with differing protocols. Doing 16 – 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I workout in the mornings and often don’t eat until lunch time or when I get home from work.
My diet hasn’t changed too much except I have eaten cream, which I am now over. Adding more fat to my meals. Cooking in butter eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that my diet is still pretty primal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s big ass salad. Which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussel sprouts maybe some Kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk Kefir but I try to keep that to a minimum.
If you have any suggestions that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue, going keto has made them fatter?
Really enjoy your podcast and thanks for all of the really useful info that you have put out. I have also read your books.
Best regards
  2. What’s Up With Fiber & Kids? [8:58]
Rory says:
As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Again assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her gut bacteria develop, and increase her overall health and resilience.
Is that actually logical?
And are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age-appropriate, or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset?
Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria, or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut (i.e. what would a cavebaby be most likely to eat chew on for fun?).
  3. Tips For Increasing Testosterone [13:07]
Mads says:
Hey Robb,
In a previous Q&A, you talked about how muscle gain/hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have High testosterone. Calorie surplus and PO is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use?
My testosterone is not low, but definitely not high either. I’m 27 and my testosterone is 640 ng/dL and my free testosterone is 16.36
  4. SHBG Elevated On Keto/Carnivore [19:47]
Eoin says:
Since switching to keto I’ve noticed an increase in SHBG levels which brings down my free test. Total test has stayed high normal but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up. DHEA is a bit low too. I feel great all in all but was just wondering what your thoughts are on that
  5. Are Chicharrones (pork rinds) a Healthy Snack? [22:47]
Isaac says:
Hi Rob,
Chicarones (pork rinds): are they a healthy snack?
I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary.
I’m an ultra-runner, and during peak training season will spend about 20 hours per week running.  In the bad old days I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening, or an enormous serving of lentils and rice.  But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar, and started looking for low-carb options to fuel. I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies, and as much meat as I can stomach.  So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement.
So are pork rinds okay?  I avoid the flavored variety – the bags I buy just say “fried pork skin” on the ingredients list, and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra 1000 calories. And the flavor.
Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy…?
Thanks!! Love the show.
After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realized that Robb’s answer might be ‘we’d need to see your lab work’…
So, in case it is relevant (and in case my question is selected for the show), here are some details.  (I’d be glad to share the rest of the lab results, if they’re relevant.) Thanks!
Cholesterol, Total: 249 mg/dL
HDL: 71 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 71 mg/dL
LDL-Cholesterol: 161 mg/dL (calc)
Apolipoprotein A1: 186 mg/dL
Omega 3 (EPA+DHA) Index: 7.1 %
Omega 6 / Omega 3 ratio: 3.7
EPA/Arachidonic Acid Ratio: 0.4
EPA: 3.0 %
DHA: 4.1 %
Lipoprotein (a): 99 nmol/L
Apolipoprotein B: 107 mg/dL
Nonesterified Fatty Acids (Free Fatty Acids): 0.12 mmol/L
LDL Particle Number: 1149 nmol/L
LDL Small: 116 nmol/L
LDL Medium: 229 nmol/L
HDL Large: 5144 nmol/L
LDL Pattern: A
LDL Peak Size: 225.5 Angstrom
HS CRP: <0.2 mg/L
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Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF)
Robb: Welcome back, wife.
Nicki: Hubs.
Robb: What’s new?
Nicki: A lot.
Robb: I always love asking that, because we just spin in the same four walls all day long.
Nicki: So, you know everything that’s new?
Robb: We have nothing new. Well, we’re in the process of packing, getting ready to move.
Nicki: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Kids are out of school.
Robb: Kids are out of school. So we’re swimming, and the kids are walking the dogs around on leashes, and basically torturing the animals. Nicki’s been watching the wild kingdom that is our backyard, and our cat slaughtering all of the baby birds in the backyard.
Nicki: We have this wonderful nest, a robin nest up in the tree, and I’ve been watching the parents come and feed the babies, and then yesterday morning there were no parents.
Robb: Silence.
Nicki: It was silent, and I think our cat slayed the whole family.
Robb: The cat’s been eyeballing this thing for probably a week, and I think he just waited for the baby birds to get fat enough to make it worth his while to climb the tree.
Nicki: Those ones I was particularly attached to, because I was watching them every day in the morning.
Robb: Oh, so the cat was pretty attached to them also.
Nicki: All right, let’s jump in on our questions. Okay. Let’s see. Our first question this week is from Steve. He says, “He keeps stuffing up and it’s driving me crazy. Hi, Rob. I don’t want to take too much of your time, but going keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been paleo for five or six years and so was my wife. We have no kids at home, so grains and junky carbs are not an issue or even a temptation. I’m in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I’m savoring, because I’ve been making some mistakes.
Nicki: 50 years old, workout regulAarly, doing, either mixed kettlebell workouts, or I do weight and resistance training. I like to do whole body workouts three times a week, and can mix in some cardio in between. I’ve kept fit most of my life and my goal is, as I age, to stay lean and keep mobile. Pretty simple.
Nicki: We live in Perth, in Western Australia, so we have great weather and lots of sun. I work as a gardener at a private school, a job I love doing, as I’m outside and moving all day. Not as hard as some sort of construction worker, but that can happen on any given day, just not everyday. Coming from eating paleo, the transition for me has been pretty easy. As I went low carb and increased the fat I was eating, my wife like the sound of it, so she hopped on board. She’s doing great, in fact, better than me.
Nicki: We aren’t really that worried about measuring ketones at this stage, it has been more about getting the diet right. But my issue is I love the food. For some reason, it has made me hungrier. Stocking our fridge and cupboards, I made sure that we had all we needed and I wanted to see what I liked to eat also. So I’ve blown it on all sorts of things. I’ve had days where I ate too much thickened cream, one tub has 800 calories, and it is so easy to eat. I’ve blown it on nut butter and blown it on cheese. I can’t believe it.
Nicki: At first, it was wrapping my head around the fat content, but I think I get it now. But I have put on body fat, which is so annoying. It’s not a train wreck, but I feel like I’m in a rut, and it’s hard to get out. I don’t want to quit, because I can see, I have felt the benefits. It’s just with the fat content and my physiology, there seems to be no room for error.
Nicki: I listened to your podcast, and since listening I’ve gone to the Ketogains website and worked out my macros. I was still tracking somewhat, but some days I may have blown it by 500 or 600 calories. I’ve come so close to quitting. As for me, it seems to have been an easy way to get fat rather than leaner. I’m not sure that you can help me, and I’m not sure what else I could tell you. Diet wise, I have intermittent fasted for three more years with different protocols. Doing 16 to 20 hours is pretty comfortable. I work out in the mornings, and I often don’t eat until lunch or when I get home from work.
Nicki: My diet hasn’t changed too much, except I’ve eaten cream, which I’m now over. Adding more fat to my meals, cooking in butter, eating nuts and doing other keto style things. Apart from that, my diet is still pretty normal. I love veggies. I have for years done a version of Mark Sisson’s, Big Ass Salad, which would be my daily staple. Evening veggies could be broccoli with brussels sprouts, maybe some kale and mushrooms. Also we do milk, kefir, but I try to keep that to a minimum.
Nicki: If you have any suggestions, that would be great. Are there others that have had this sort of issue where going keto has made them fatter? Really enjoy your podcasts, and thanks for all of the really useful info that you’ve put out. I’ve also read your books. Best regards, Steve.”
Robb: You know, it’s funny when we were going through this, when I saw stuffing it up, I thought it was going to be a sinus issue. Do you have any thoughts on this? Like shooting [inaudible 00:04:30]
Nicki: The thing is he didn’t mention protein at all, and he seems pretty focused on the fat, which as you talk about in the keto masterclass, fat is a lever. Protein is first, because it’s the most satiating macronutrient. You know, he says he’s hungry, so I’m wondering if he’s not getting enough protein.
Robb: Right, right. That’s kind of my first thought as well. The protein leverage hypothesis. It’s so hard to unpack this stuff, because a lot of people, if they come from a kind of a traditional western diet, they shift to low carb or even paleo, but let’s just say low carb. Instead of being on these carb roller coasters all the time, you just get this nice, even energy, even blood glucose levels. Whether it’s ketone fueled or not, it’s just like you’re not on the ups and downs. Generally, they notice that they’re not as hungry. But I think that that can kind of give way over time to being low protein.
Robb: Again, with that whole protein leverage hypothesis idea, whether you eat low carb or low fat, if you eat adequate protein, you’re probably going to be pretty good, you know, all other things being equal. But if you’re skinny on the protein, then your body is going to stimulate hunger and you’re going to tend to eat more food. There is kind of a reality that one of the dangers of kind of keto eating is that the bulk of the food is pretty calorically dense, you know? I mean, you could go pretty crazy on plain sweet potatoes or something like that. You know, I mean, just the calorie density is not any-….
Nicki: An extra wedge of cheese, depending on how you measure a wedge.
Robb: Right, yeah, wedge. Yeah.
Nicki: Is a significant number of calories.
Robb: A significant chunk of calories. So the protein would definitely be a thought. An additional thought, he seems to be kicking the bulk of his calories to later in the day. So I would, following a lot of Bill Lagakos’ work, and things that we’re learning around time restricted eating, I would try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day. All things being equal, it seems like people generally do better with that.
Robb: Then one final piece, is thinking about your electrolyte intake, in particular, sodium. So Tyler and Luis shot me an interesting paper the other day. So, there’s a lot of folklore in the keto world, which I kind of alluded to, that we get this kind of appetite suppressing effect while in ketosis and while fasting and stuff like that, and there’s definitely truth to that. But, when ketone salt had been studied, kind of head to head with ketone esters, it’s interesting, the esters produce higher levels of blood ketones, but they do not have an appetite blunting effect, not the way that ketone salts do.
Robb: Now, this is totally speculative, but one of the key features of ketone salts is they have a shit load of salt in them. We’ve often kind of joked that, you know, when people are like, “Man, I feel great using ketone salts.” It’s because they’re actually getting a decent wack of sodium, in particular, in addition to the other electrolytes. So, I would really be fastidious on protein, and then also make sure that you get at least that five grams per day of sodium specifically-
Nicki: Especially because you’re in a warm climate, you’re outside all the time, you’re … yeah.
Robb: Yeah. So those are some biggies in that. So I guess the three are be on point with protein, make sure that you’re getting your electrolytes addressed, and then finally, try shifting more of the calories earlier in the day, versus this later in the day eating schedule.
Nicki: Okay. So Steve, do all that, and then report back.
Robb: Ping back and let us know. Yep.
Nicki: Okay. So our next question is from Rory. “What’s up with fiber and kids?” Rory says, “As part of restoring my own gut health, I’ve used prebiotic fibers in various doses based somewhat on Grace Liu’s advice, and I’m curious if and when a supplemental fiber would be beneficial for my daughter?
Nicki: Again, assuming that she started off at a disadvantage because of the antibiotics, it seems to follow logically that prebiotic fiber would help her get bacteria develop and increase her overall health and resilience. Is that actually logical? Are there any cautions? Is there a certain dose that’s age appropriate? Or do I just slowly increase until she has digestive upset? Should I mix fibers in order to feed a variety of bacteria? Or are there certain fibers that are optimal for a young gut? I.e. what would a cave baby be most likely to eat or chew on for fun?”
Robb: Man, that’s a lot going on there. So, I think I’ve mentioned the Sonnenberg Lab a couple of times. I got to speak with Erica Sonnenberg at the event that Akil Palanisamy puts on each year with UCSF. They’ve done so many different things, but just consuming fermented food, this was one of the studies. Folks were consuming fermented food and they looked at their gut microbiome profile, the diversity, and the, you know, various ratios before and then during, and after the intervention of adding fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut, and stuff like that.
Robb: What was interesting is that the gut diversity increased while consuming the fermented food, but it wasn’t any of the bacteria that were part of the fermented food. It’s been understood for a long time, or at least somewhat understood, that that bacteria doesn’t necessarily play a role in populating the gut, at least not longterm, but it seems to tune the immune response, and perhaps creates an environment that’s more amenable for other organisms to occupy the space.
Robb: So that’s an interesting thing. It seems a little bit more holistic, and kind of leaves all the information processing up to the gut and the ecology of the gut, instead of trying to, you know, have this notion that we’re going to pinpoint, you know, fix anything that’s going on there. We’ve talked about this in previous episodes, supplementation with prebiotic fibers, it seems to be a little bit of a mixed bag. Some people do great with it, some people do terribly. The point about having a really diverse mixture I think makes a lot of sense.
Robb: Garden of Life, like Dr. Perlmutter’s prebiotic fiber, is a really nice spectrum. It has acacia in it, and lemon and orange peel pulp. It just has 20 different things in it. So, something like that could potentially be something that you add to maybe some apple sauce or something like that. I would probably keep the doses a little on the smaller side. I don’t know that I would really want to run a GI, you know, pressure test on that. But those are the things that I would noodle on with all that stuff.
Robb: If you’re doing white potatoes, cassava, white rice, going through the whole process of cooking it, chilling it, you know, improving the resistant starch profile, I think that stuff makes sense. But I would be a little bit careful doing outright supplementation beyond that. Do you have any additional thoughts?
Nicki: I got nothing.
Robb: Okay. Yeah. But our kids love both kimchi and sauerkraut. They eat it. If we put it out, they will eat it. We just sometimes, in putting out the meal, forget to, but most kids will gravitate towards that pretty well. So I think that that’s kind of a nice, simple baseline that you can have that-
Nicki: Just get the mild one.
Robb: Yeah, just get the mild one. Yeah, yeah. Every once in a while I mess up and get the red lid. Even though Sagan has a pretty spicy palateYup.
Nicki: Alrighty. Let’s see. Our next question is from Mads. Tips for increasing testosterone. “Hey, Rob. In a previous Q&A you talked about how muscle gain in hypertrophy is caused by calorie surplus and progressive overload. You also mentioned that gaining muscle is, without a doubt, easier if you have high testosterone. Calorie surplus and progressive overload is easy, but how do I increase my testosterone? You mentioned that there are a number of different tactics that you can use. My testosterone is not low, but it’s definitely not high either. I’m 27, and my testosterone is 640 nanograms per deciliter, and my free testosterone is 16.36.”
Robb: Man, this is a good question. So a young guy, it’s-
Nicki: His testosterone is lower than my dad’s.
Robb: Yeah, who’s 70.
Nicki: 70.
Robb: Yeah, yeah. Which he’s just kind of a stud, so you’re-
Nicki: Well, no, but, I mean, also, I know you’ve talked before about how our parents and grandparents generation, as a baseline, had higher testosterone than-
Robb: Yeah, Kirk Parsley has some numbers that he quotes that, my grandparents’ generation, both men and women, appeared to have testosterone levels about three times on average what we’re seeing today. So, yeah, I mean, it’s probably not optimal from a recovery standpoint. This is the thing, again, we don’t really know why this is changing. Is it xenoestrogens? Is it a change in the gut microbiome? Is it all of these things?
Robb: The stuff that can definitely help, usually something that looks kind of akin to a lower carb diet tends to help, because people lose body fat. It’s interesting, on the testosterone story, specifically with men, being super lean is antagonistic towards testosterone. So once you get below about 10%, maybe 8%, as a baseline, your testosterone will tend to start dropping because of some stress response issues.
Robb: Some people run leaner and high testosterone, but this is, again, you know, kind of generalization. But then once you start cresting up above maybe about 14%, 15% body fat, you have enough fat mass, which contains an enzyme called aromatase, which can convert the testosterone into estrogen. The interesting kind of downward spiral with that is the brain doesn’t sense testosterone levels, it senses estrogen levels.
Robb: So with estrogen levels are high, the brain says, “Oh, we’re good with testosterone, I don’t need to stimulate luteinizing hormone, and, you know, ping the Leydig cells to, you know, release the precursors and co-factors involved with the whole testosterone production cascade.”
Robb: So someone who is overweight will have low testosterone, which tends to feed into overweight, which then elevates their estrogen levels, which suppresses testosterone production at the brain. Then even if they go and get some sort of testosterone replacement therapy, if the doctor is ham-handed with this, they just give them a big huge dose of testosterone, which further suppresses indogenous testosterone production.
Robb: So, with someone like this, some things like zinc citrate have been shown to be pretty effective, about 50 milligrams per day. You have to be careful with doing that consistently, because it can deplete your copper levels.
Nicki: So when you say careful doing it consistently, like once a week? Every other day?
Robb: You could do it maybe four or five days on, and then take four or five days off, and or you could use a supplement like Jarrow’s zinc citrate, which comes with copper, five milligrams copper. So, that’s something to do, is to make sure that you’re supplementing with that. If your body fat levels are north of about 14, 15, if they’re in there, then I would try to do some things to get leaner and see if that improves testosterone levels.
Robb: Sleep is going to be a huge factor. So, what time are you going to bed? What time are you waking up? What’s the sleep quality? Completely black room.
Nicki: Getting in bed before midnight.
Robb: Earlier is better. Yeah, yeah.
Nicki: As many hours asleep before midnight as possible.
Robb: Yup, yup, ideally. Which is harder in the summer months, depending on where you are, and what latitude you’re at. But improving sleep, improving body composition. Those are the places that I would look first, and I would really dig into the diet and lifestyle features first and figure out what if any bump you can get from that.
Robb: Only then, if we aren’t seeing favorable changes, do we start working with a knowledgeable functional medicine doctor, like anti-aging doctor. Starting with things like Clomid and some mild aromatase inhibitors and stuff like that to try to goose endogenous production first. Particularly someone that’s 27, you do not want this person getting into a, you know, a testosterone replacement therapy scenario.
Robb: I guess one other question is for Mads, has he ever suffered a significant traumatic brain injury? Sometimes you may not be aware of that, but if you played youth football, if you played hockey, if you fell off of a trampoline. So this could be something too that is part of the sleep piece. If sleep seems to be pretty good, but, you know, everything isn’t really kicking over, then there can be some sleep studies, there can be some brain imaging and some testing to look at what’s going on between the pituitary and the other elements of the story. So that’s kind of getting in another layer.
Robb: It’s going to be awhile, but we will have some material that’s going to really help people unpack this stuff in a completely systematic process, because there’s so much shitty information on this and it’s so confusing and you need a lot of nuance. There is never a one size fits all approach on this, other than maybe sleep better. That’s about the only one that, you know, that’s going to benefit virtually everybody. But occasionally, you have these outliers of people who have a particular type of depression or mania and they actually benefit from certain periods of sleep deprivation.
Robb: So again, there’s an exception to fucking everything. This is why when people just paint everything with these broad brush strokes, there’s just seemingly an exception to everything. So yeah, I know that I was kind of all over the map on that, but it’s a lot of stuff. We’ll be doing some work with Kirk Parsley in the future to get some materials so that people can really navigate this story in an effective way.
Nicki: All right. Let’s see. Our next question is on sex hormone binding globulin elevated on keto carnivore, and this is from Ian, Ian. I’m not sure how to pronounce your name. Ian says, “Since switching to keto, I’ve noticed an increase in sex hormone binding globulin levels, which brings down my free test, total test, or free testosterone. So total testosterone has stayed high normal, but was wondering how functional it is with the free portion bound up? The AGA is a bit low too. I feel great, all in all, but I was just wondering what your thoughts are on that.”
Robb: Yeah, and so the previous question, I should’ve mentioned the sex hormone binding globulin story as well. It’s interesting, generally when insulin levels go down on a relative basis, we tend to see sex hormone binding globulin go up. What’s unclear about that, is it’s somewhat similar to thyroid, specifically T3, decreasing on low carb, because you need more thyroid hormone to process carbohydrate. If you’re eating fewer carbohydrates, thyroid decreases, but is that clinically significant? We just don’t really know.
Robb: Another piece of this whole kind of androgen story, and again, this is true whether you’re male or female, is that you may have a particular level of a hormone that may look kind of low, but you may have particularly high receptor site density or receptor site affinity. So a little bit of the hormone goes a long way. The flip side, is that you could have quite high hormone levels and low receptor site density and or affinity, and so you’re still not getting, you know, an effective kind of story.
Robb: I’m not entirely sure how to fully unpack that, doing some side of full body radio immunoassay to determine what your receptor site density is. Receptor types change moment by moment too, they come online and offline all the time. So yeah, I mean, I guess the best answer that I have with that is that we could play around with titrating in more carbs, start with 50 additional grams of carbs a day, stick it in the post-workout window. Do you feel better? For both men and women, do you experience better libido? For men, do you wake up with morning wood and stuff like that? Whereas, perhaps previously you did not.
Robb: If we see those things improve, then we might make a case that the insulin levels were suppressed beyond what may be beneficial. So, we may have been getting an unfavorable elevation in sex hormone binding protein or globulin, whatever they’re calling it these days. So, those are some things to play with on this. These are the, you know, last 10% things for most people that we have to devote some time to unpack.
Nicki: Okay. Let’s see. Our final question this week is on chicharrones.
Robb: Cha, cha, cha.
Nicki: From Isaac. “Hey, Rob. chicharrones, pork rinds, are they a healthy snack? I’ve heard you indirectly mention them on the podcast some time ago, but I wasn’t able to infer whether your opinion is favorable or cautionary. I’m an ultra runner and during peak training season we’ll spend about 20 hours per week running. In the battle days, I would top off my calories with a gigantic bowl of cold cereal in the evening or an enormous serving of lentils and rice. But then I got woke, started monitoring my blood sugar and started looking for low carb options to fuel.
Nicki: I’m already having two salads each day, huge amounts of veggies and as much meat as I can stomach. So I’m just looking for some calories to fuel the movement. So are pork rinds okay? I avoid the flavored variety, the bags I buy just say fried pork skin on the ingredients list and I dip them in sour cream. The best part is how easy it is to get an extra thousand calories, and the flavor. Am I headed towards clogged arteries? Or are pork rinds actually healthy in the way that bacon is healthy? Thanks. Love the show, Isaac.”
Nicki: He says, “After submitting my question about whether pork rinds are an acceptable snack, I realize that Rob’s answer might we’d need to see your lab work.” So then he has his cholesterol and some of that stuff.
Robb: That’s doing some diligence. We don’t have an LEO. Oh, do we? No, we have lipoprotein, ApoB. Oh, he does, yes. LDL particle is 1149, that looks phenomenal. Quick triglyceride, HDL ratio looks great. C-reactive protein is tiny. Okay, cool. Those numbers we’ll put in the show notes.
Robb: So, this is one of these funny things. So, Rhonda Patrick, who I think is great, but pork rinds have been one of the things that she’s just gone after. She’s like, “Oh, it’s just still unhealthy, you know? There’s no nutritional value there.” Which I mean, there’s not a lot of vitamins, there’s probably not a lot of minerals particularly, but it is a really interesting source of collagen. When you’re in this kind of lower carb, unprocessed food world, there’s not much that’s crunchy. You’ll grab a piece of ice just to be like, “Oh, man, I want some sort of crunch.”
Robb: We’ll do some jicama thin sliced every once in a while. But you just kind of, you miss that crunch, and chicharrones are phenomenal for that. Typically, they’re cooked in pork fat. I guess you could make the case that maybe some of that stuff is producing some oxidized cholesterol. But I was just reading some stuff recently that people in ketosis, their liver preferentially identifies lipo proteins with oxidized cholesterol and removes them from the system.
Robb: So, it’s kind of an interesting story, where even though cholesterol levels, possibly even lipo protein levels may go up under a ketogenic or low carb diet, your body also seems to be more savvy about removing the offending particles that appear to be the most problematic. So, it’s kind of, you know, is that a wash? Is it a net win? A net loss?
Robb: With the option of always modifying my position in the future, I would say, in general, I can’t really see pork rinds in the context of a keto carnivore type diet being the least bit problematic. The cool thing here is that Issac has done the diligence of doing some good blood work that actually answers some questions. Even just glancing at it, it’s kind of like, okay, we’re pretty good to go. We don’t have any type of wacky discordance, we don’t have hidden insulin resistance.
Robb: There’s a few other things we could take a peek out if we wanted to. But from reading between the lines, it sounds like he’s looking, feeling, performing well, but he’s just kind of curious about like, “Hey, is this one thing that I’m throwing down the pie hole going to crush me?” So, I would just repeat this blood work, probably once a year or something like that, to just use as a baseline. Maybe at some point, additionally doing a coronary calcium, just so you’ve got that in your back pocket, and we can use that again as a baseline.
Robb: The CIMT can be handy also, but it takes a very skilled practitioner to do the CIMT well. So those are a little bit of a mixed bag and they’re a little more variable than the coronary calcium. But beyond that it seems good. You know, I will make a plug for the Epic pork rinds. They have a barbecue flavor, a sea salt and vinegar and salt and pepper.
Nicki: Salt and pepper is really good.
Robb: Yeah, and the barbecue one, the kids … It literally can-
Nicki: They have a baked one too.
Robb: Yeah, they do have a baked one, which I like less, honestly. I like the ones that are fried in pork fat. But either one of the flavors, but mainly the barbecue flavor will provoke the girls into a fist fight, practically, as they get down to the bottom of the bag. Which I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but they’re good, they’re tasty.
Nicki: The dog likes them too.
Robb: The dog definitely likes them too.
Nicki: The bag comes out and he hears it, and he’s right there sitting, pleading.
Robb: So Isaac, good question, and good on you for doing some diligence on your blood work. It’s incredibly frustrating when people spend time and money to go get an assessment that answers nothing. This is another area that we’re going to be dipping our toes into to help people make better decisions around the lab work that they’re choosing, why they’re choosing it. So keep your eyes open for that too.
Nicki: Making sense of it once they get it.
Robb: Yeah, because literally, 90% of the time, 95% of the time, people do blood work and they’re more confused by what is ordered than otherwise. It’s because it’s just not enough to really make a definitive call in general.
Nicki: All right. That was our last question for the week. Thanks everyone. As usual, if you have questions, you can submit those at Robbwolf.com on the contact page. What else?
Robb: Most of my online activity currently is over at Instagram at dasrobbwolf.
Nicki: D-A-S-R-O-B-B-W-O-L-F.
Robb: That’s it. So, thanks for the awesome questions. You guys are fantastic, and-
Nicki: We’ll be back next week.
Robb: We’ll be back next week. We may be a little bit hit and miss between now and August, mid August, because we’re going to be moving and stuff like that. We’re going to try to bank some of these so that we stay ahead of stuff. It’s possible that life may just grab us by the shorthairs, so in demand that that doesn’t happen. But we will do our best to stay on top of. Yup.
Nicki: All right. Thanks guys.
Robb: Bye.
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my-nameless-bliss · 7 years
nykiegh what are some good things to eat during anxiety attacks? i get bad anxiety and upset stomach so i have to force myself to eat some days. i usually stick with saltines, nuts, cheese.
My dude, anxiety-related nausea is basically my whole life. I definitely know how hard it is to make yourself eat when you feel like it won’t stay down anyway. So my goal during those times is to find something to eat that’s
Easy to make
Somewhat nutritious
Bland as hell
My go-to food on bad anxiety days is just plain rice, because it’s got very little flavor so it won’t upset my stomach, and most instant rices are fortified with some extra nutrients - so while it’s not healthy by any means, it’s still something. I usually use minute rice (white or brown), but if making something on the stove sounds like it’ll be enough work to deter you during an anxiety attack, there are plenty of rice options that come in microwavable bags. Plain rice is definitely for my worst days when I really feel like any flavor will make me sick. If it’s at all possible, couscous is a really good substitute for rice that is way higher in protein and fiber, but is still really plain and not likely to upset your stomach.
If I can handle a bit more flavor, I love peanut butter sandwiches. Unfortunately, I don’t have these very often, since I can’t go through a loaf of bread before it goes bad, so I don’t buy it very often. But if you already gravitate toward saltines when you’re not feeling well, putting some peanut butter on them would be a great way to get a little extra substance! Peanut butter is magical.
And when I really can’t manage to make anything, or even put two ingredients together, I go for protein bars. This is trickier because most protein bars are really flavorful, and a lot of them mess up my stomach when I’m not feeling well. So if it’s ever possible, maybe try out a few different flavors or brands to see if any work for you (they’re usually sold individually at gas stations or convenience stores and not too expensive). The one that works for me is the Special K Protein Meal Bar, strawberry flavor. I can always get through a whole one no matter how upset my stomach is, so I keep these around and they’re absolute lifesavers in any sort of nausea situation, not just anxiety attacks.
Mashed potatoes are also really filling and surprisingly nutritious, without being very flavorful. And instant mashed potatoes from a bag take just as much energy as instant rice. Buttered noodles or buttered toast are also nice and mild. 
Ginger is also really good for settling stomachs, and I really love making ginger tea during an anxiety attack because it helps my stomach and it’s really calming. I use some fresh ginger, mint leaves, and cinnamon (and orange peel if I happen to have some, which isn’t often), but there are also a lot of really good ginger teas that you can buy. 
But in general, the most important thing to remember is that anything is better than nothing. If there’s something you know you can keep down while you’re having an anxiety attack, it’s worth it, even if it seems unhealthy or pointless. I know how upsetting it is to eat something and just get sick afterward, but when you find foods that work with you, you’ll definitely feel better after eating something. And when you find something that works for you, make sure you always have it in the house!
0 notes
counternyccom · 4 years
Iams Wet Dog Food Review 2020
This article Iams Wet Dog Food Review 2020 was first published on the websiteCounternyc. #Counternyc #Counternyccom #petsfood #dogfood #bestdogfood
Iams Wet Dog Food Review
What's in Iams Wet Dog Food? There's a lot in it, which is why it's my favorite dog treat! There are no preservatives in Iams Wet Dog Food, so it's full of natural ingredients. That means it's safe for dogs of all ages. If you're worried about additives or flavors in other dog foods, you're not alone-most are actually made up of preservatives or artificial flavors.
So, is Iams Wet Dog Food safe for Poodles? If your Poodle does not have any food allergies that require special foods, Iams can be safe dog food for your Poodle. But, do not buy anything, before you read this IHS wet dog food review! IHS has designed many unique recipes for each life stage.
IHS Wet Dog Food Review
IHS is a large pet food manufacturing company based in Cincinnati, Ohio. They offer many dog foods and have earned a great reputation with their wet dog food. Their recipes include healthy ingredients that help your dog maintain a normal weight. And, since they use real ingredients, they are also very good for your dog's skin and coat.
If your dog is prone to digestive problems, it may be hard to give him regular dog foods. But, with Iams Wet Dog Food, your dog will be able to eat more frequently without any digestive trouble. Because of their high fiber content, he will have less gas and be less likely to suffer from colic. This product also contains many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and enzymes. These are good for keeping the coat shiny.
IHS also has many recipes to choose from and has a wide variety of food varieties in their store. You'll find all kinds of different flavors, textures, too. If you want your dog to eat more often but don't want to make your dog too hungry, this might be a great option for you. They even offer some non-preservative, hypoallergenic dog treats that won't upset your dog's stomach. and cause him to choke or gag.
The IHS website has a list of their dog foods available, along with information on how to shop for them. If you haven't tried one yet, take a look! IHS offers a free trial. It's important to try IHS Wet Dog Food to see if you like what you see. Because of all the good stuff they contain, you're unlikely to find something bad here.
Just remember that you don't always have to follow Iams Wet Dog Food reviews to be sure you like it. Read the labels to make sure you're getting the best product possible. IHS ingredients are natural, so it won't upset your dog's stomach. You'll also find helpful IHS Wet Dog Food Reviews.
IHS Wet Dog Food reviews will help you decide which is best for your dog. You'll also find other helpful things about IHS Wet Dog Food. Some people say that this product is too expensive, so be careful of those reviews. And, there are also some people who say that it tastes terrible.
And, don't forget about IHS Wet Dog Food's packaging. Because of the way it looks, the IHS is hard to miss, and doesn't smell that pleasant. It has a very distinctive smell, so if you have allergies, you might not be able to find a package that suits you.
One downside of IHS is that it can get pricey. They are quite pricey, which is a big factor for those who aren't sure they can afford them. And if you are considering buying more than one dog, you may want to consider buying the larger packages. because the price goes up if you buy more. Then, you won't have to keep replacing the food every month.
For many people, the IHS Wet Dog Food is their only choice, and that makes them happy. When they notice that their dogs are feeling better, they feel less guilty about spending money.
source https://counternyc.com/iams-wet-dog-food-review/
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Puppy Teething Schedule
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Nursing-puppies-milk-teeth-first-stage-of-teething.jpg There are a few things all dog owners worry about when they’re about to bring a puppy home.
My biggest worries were that Maggie wouldn’t like her toys, enjoy her food, or even adjust to her change in home.
The last thing on my mind was her teething schedule.
When it came to anything health related, I figured that her vet would fill me in if anything wasn’t looking right.
Learning about your puppy’s teething schedule is actually something that can help you understand and care for your dog better as they grow.
I wish I could have done more research to stay ahead of the game.
Here’s everything you should know about puppy teething and what kind of schedule it has.
Teething schedules aren’t the only important puppy schedules. Is your pup up to date on his or her shots?
5 Stages of Puppy Teething
Dogs have different stages of teething just like humans do, but they have many more.
In total, dogs go through five stages of teething that owners can keep an eye on:
Stage 1: 2-4 Weeks
When puppies are born, they don’t have any visible teeth.
Their teeth stay hidden in their gums until around three weeks of age, but can start coming in as early as two weeks.
Puppies get 28 milk teeth, or deciduous teeth. They’re tiny and not very sharp, which means that any teeth that do descend during the first few weeks won’t hurt the mom when the pups nurse.
Stage 2: 5-6 Weeks
Between the fifth and sixth weeks of life, a puppy will start to develop their canines and pre-molars.
Canines are the long sharp teeth that will help them bite into food, and molars will assist in chewing.
At this point, they’ll start being weaned off their mother, since nursing will be much more difficult with the sharper teeth descending from the gums.
Stage 3: 8 Weeks-3 Months
When your pup comes home at eight weeks old, they should have all their teeth.
This is good, because it means they’ll more easily be able to eat soft foods.
At the same time, they go straight into the next teething stage, which is when they lose their baby teeth.
By the time they reach three months old, they’ll have lost their entire first set of teeth.
Stage 4: 3-6 Months
You may notice that your pup doesn’t have a strong grip when they bite.
Maggie wasn’t able to play tug when she was this young, and that’s because it takes until stage four for the roots to absorb into the gums.
That doesn’t mean the teeth are permanent, but it does mean that their bite will grow stronger.
As they chew and bite things more forcefully, the baby teeth will continue to fall out until they reach six months.
Stage 5: 6-8 Months
At six months old, your dog should have lost all their puppy teeth and grown into their adult teeth.
Some pups may need until they’re seven or eight months old to do this, as the growth period can be different depending on the dog and their genes.
By their eight month birthday, your dog should have all 42 adult teeth that are relatively all the same size. Any teeth that are noticeably smaller are probably leftover baby teeth and should be removed by your vet.
What Are the Main Puppy Teething Concerns?
The first immediate concern you may have for your puppy is their level of discomfort.
Cairngorm McWomble the Terrible, showing both retained milk teeth and adult teeth! Photo by Ebweir (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Do their gums hurt all the time, even on the first day you bring them home?
The truth is that dogs have strong survival instincts, so even if your pup is hurting, they’ll do their best not to show it.
At best, they’ll have on mild amounts of discomfort when growing in and losing their milk teeth.
Another concern is that your puppy may not grow all the teeth they need. As you take your pup to the vet, they’ll keep an eye on this with oral checks at every exam.
One other teething issue that some puppies deal with is not losing their baby teeth.
Sometimes adult teeth begin to form, but the milk teeth stick. If you see this happening, let your vet know as soon as possible, so they can surgically remove the baby teeth if needed.
What to Do When Your Puppy is Teething
Child resistant caps do nothing when puppies can chew straight through the plastic
Puppies are known for chewing up anything they can get to, and that’s because for most of their first year of life, they’re teething.
The most important things you can do for your teething pup is to always give them access to toys and puppy proof your home.
You’ll learn what your puppy is interested in chewing in your home as they grow, but here are some basic preventative measures you can take:
Lock the lid on your trash can.
Put medicine in cabinets.
Hide cleaning solutions behind doors or locks.
Minimize loose electric cords.
Anything that may have a scent, be within reach, or look like fun to a curious puppy will be at risk of being chewed while your dog is little.
While you won’t escape the puppy years without your dog chewing anything, hiding away dangers like food, medicine, and electric cords is essential to do.
How to Help a Teething Puppy
I would have assumed that the best way to help a teething puppy would be to give them some kind of pain medication and limit their access to chew toys.
In reality, letting them chew on their favorite toys is the best way to help them through their teething process.
It’s a way to relieve their aching gum while also loosening up teeth that need to fall out.
If you’re concerned about the pain that will still be left after a good chew session, you can always buy freezable toys and let them gnaw on something frozen.
It’s like when you put an ice pack against an injury. It will reduce their swelling and numb any pain.
Products That Can Help with Teething
I remember wanting to get Maggie the right toys for her teething besides the stuffed animals I had set up all over her crate.
Thankfully, there are a lot of options out there for teething pups to enjoy.
Teething Toys
It may seem like the opposite of what you need to get, but avoid bones and buy any hard rubber toy instead.
Puppy teeth will gnaw bones into tiny fragments that end up upsetting their stomachs.
Instead, invest in hard rubber toys like Kongs.
They’ll last a long time, can hide treats, and can even be put in the freezer. Frozen toys will help cool aching gums during teething.
You can also look for hard nylon or thick rope toys.
They’re also durable against sharp puppy teeth so you won’t need to worry about cycling through tons of toys.
Nylabone has chew toys for puppies, but are they safe? Click here to find out!
Anti-Chew Sprays
Sometimes you can’t hide everything away from your dog.
There were some cords and electronics that Maggie could sometimes get access to.
I checked out a few anti-chew sprays and found that they can actually work. This will take some trial and error, but you’ll eventually find a flavor that your dog won’t enjoy licking.
Maggie loved the first bitter blackberry spray I bought, but she wasn’t a fan of sour apple spray.
See what works with your dog and call your vet if you have any questions about a product’s ingredients.
Puppy teething isn’t as scary as it may seem.
With the right training, toys, and attention, you and your dog will both make it safely through their first year at home.
After Maggie turned a year old, she stopped chewing on things like magic.
With some time and the right toys, you and your puppy will conquer their teething.
When do puppies start teething?
Teething really begins during their third stage, which is when they have all their baby teeth and now the adult teeth are starting to grow in.
It’s an uncomfortable period for your pup, but nothing to be afraid of.
When do dogs lose their puppy teeth?
Puppies start to lose their teeth almost as soon as they get brought home at eight weeks old.
Their teeth will be so tiny, you’ll most likely never find them. They can get lost in carpets and even swallowed while your puppy eats.
Do puppy teeth fall out?
Puppy teeth begin falling out as early as eight to ten weeks old.
Once all their milk teeth have grown in, it’ll be time for the adult teeth to begin to form.
How many teeth does a dog have?
Puppies have 28 milk teeth as their first set of teeth, but by the time all their adult teeth come in, they’ll have 42 in total.
What are some symptoms of my puppy teething?
You may notice that your puppy chews more often on toys, gnawing on them instead of ripping them apart.
They could also have gaps in their mouths when their teeth fall out or be sensitive to being touched around their mouths.
Does teething hurt my puppy?
Teething isn’t fun for any puppy to experience, but they won’t be in any immense amount of pain.
They’ll mostly have an uncomfortable sensation in their gums, which can be helped by frozen toys.
The post Puppy Teething Schedule appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-facts/puppy-teething-schedule/
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/how-i-got-started-with-herbs-and-you-can-too/
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
When my daughter was a baby, she had chronic diaper rash.  (And eczema, and diarrhea, and….)
I didn’t yet know anything about natural health.  At all.  We ate fast food, and packaged meals.  We had lots of over-the-counter (OTC) remedies around the house that we used any time we didn’t feel well.  I had absolutely no clue.
I tried everything to help her diaper rash, which would start with a bright red bottom, and progress to open, bleeding sores.  I slathered her butt in the white cream constantly, let her go diaper-free when I could, switched her into disposables until the rash cleared and cleaned my cloth diapers well.  Nothing really worked.
I did what all good parents do — I took her to the doctor.  I showed the doctor the rash.  The doctor took a cursory glance, told me it was bacterial, and prescribed an antibiotic cream.
I filled that prescription, and put the cream on her that night.
The next morning, not only was her diaper rash not any better — not even slightly — but the her eczema had flared up a lot.
I was disgusted.  I threw the cream in a drawer and never used it again.  I was sure that I could come up with something that could do a better job than that.  There had to be a better option, that actually worked, and that did not make things worse!
Looking for a Better, More Natural Option
I knew nothing about herbs.  I searched online, trying to get a feel for what my options were.  I came up with comfrey leaves and calendula flowers being good for skin healing.  I knew nothing else about them…but decided to go with it.
I made a ” tea” with water and herbs (totally guessing on all of this), then blended it with sweet almond oil, beeswax, shea butter (to make it thicker), coconut oil (because it was anti-bacterial and anti-viral), and lavender essential oil.  It wasn’t perfect — I later learned that using water was a bad idea, because it could separate or mold without other ingredients in it, but, it was the only way I could think of to do it.  It felt super weird to use a thin, clear cream instead of a thick, white cream like I’d always known…but I had to try.
But it worked.
It cleared up the rash in one diaper change.  It didn’t stop it from coming back, because it turned out she had a bunch of food allergies that were causing the chronic diarrhea, which led to the rash.  Once we cut those out of her diet, we were able to heal the rash for good.  (That’s a long story — you can read about it here, with an update here.)
That was my very first foray into using herbs.  I had no clue what I was doing, no one to guide me, nothing at all…and still I found something that worked.
(If you’re curious, this is the diaper rash salve I make and use now.  It works, too, and I promise it’s easy.)
How I Got Started with Herbs (and You Can, Too)
I learned more about herbs over the next several years.  It was a lot of trial and error.  I searched online when I needed something, and began to gather a list of things that worked.  I started buying herbs in bulk, first in tiny amounts, and later in large amounts.  I regularly have 10 – 15 lbs. of different herbs in my kitchen now!
It was hard to learn all the herbs I could use, how to use them, how to prepare them…and more.  And I still often feel like I’m only at the tip of the iceberg on herbal knowledge.  I hope, someday, to study for a Master Herbalist certification…but that will have to wait awhile longer.
Trial and error wasn’t a terrible way to learn.  But a lot of people aren’t really into that.  It’s nerve-wracking, to be with a kid who doesn’t feel well and not know what to do.  To worry about if you’re doing the right thing…or if you could even be hurting your child by misusing herbs or essential oils.  A lot of moms, despite really wanting to get into natural remedies, just won’t take that risk.
I totally feel you.
I’m a self-starter, an experimenter.  It’s just kind of my personality that I don’t let anyone else tell me what to do (sometimes to my detriment!) and I always have to learn the hard way.
But many of my friends, they’re not like that.  They want a plan to follow.  They want to know exactly what they’re getting into.  If someone hands them a book and says “Make the recipe on page 30, and use it like this,” they will do it.  They need clear directions, and a few successes to get them feeling comfortable with natural remedies.
Is that you, too?
I can help!
The Ultimate Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle
This is a really cool collection.  It’s called the Ultimate Herbs & Essential Oils Bundle.  It’s a very focused library of herbs and essential oils resources from beginner to advanced.
There are 21 different resources in this bundle.  Some of which I’m using for myself, to learn even more!  (I’ve already begun the Vintage Remedies ecourse, Herbs & Oils: Beyond the Basics, which is normally $197.)
Today I want to highlight just some of the most basic stuff.  The stuff that you need to get you started and feeling confident in treating sniffles, coughs, and similar things…right away.
Safe EO Labels
This bundle includes a set of 30 essential oil safety labels, created by Lea Harris, certified aromatherapist and one of THE top EO safety experts.
Each label tells you:
Whether it can be used on children, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, and or dogs and cats (inhaled and topically)
Maximum ‘strength’ for topical use (correct dilution)
Shelf life
Contraindications for use
Latin names
  These are labels you could easily print out and wrap around 10 – 30 ml bottles so that safety info is immediately at hand.  Or, slip the entire sheet of paper into a folder, or clip to your fridge.  No need to look up safety info in many places or wonder!
Value: $19.99
Essential Oils: Separating Myths From Truths
This is written by Kristen Smith, who’s currently studying to become an herbalist.  Plus, I’ve met her and some of her children in real life and she’s very sweet and very passionate about all of this.  She showed me an awesome little nursery and herbalism store!
If you’re confused about essential oils, and don’t know who to trust, this is a great book.  Kristen is not a rep for any EO brand, and does not discuss any brands in the book.  It is completely coming from a neutral point of view.
This book addresses such commonly-heard phrases, like:
Therapeutic-Grade Oils
Scent Indicates Quality
There’s No Research
It’s All Placebo
Pure & Natural Means Safe
There’s an Oil For That
Flavoring Water with Oils
Perfectly Safe for Moms and Littles
…and 17 more
  Basically, if you’ve heard it passed around as “advice” on social media, it’s addressed in this book!
Value: $9.95
Common Sense Home Remedies, #1, #2, and #3
Laurie Neverman of Commonsense Homesteading wrote these short books.  I haven’t met Laurie in real life, but we are friends on Facebook and I really enjoy her humor. 🙂
There are three of them, each focused on one specific topic.
#1 — Skin Remedies
Perfect for summer!  Starts with sunburn remedies (a whole bunch of them).  Then, it’s bites and stings.  After that, splinters, warts, acne, and even dry skin!  (That last one is probably better for winter.)
#2 — Tummy Troubles
This is possibly better for winter (which will come before you know it), but is really good year-around.  There’s help for upset stomachs, acid reflux, nausea/vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and gas.
#3 — Head, Throat, and Chest
This book is excellent for the winter yuckies!  There are sections for headaches, canker sores, earaches, sore throats, coughs, and congestion.
Each of these books is laid out with several remedies listed very simply in each section, with a description of how, when, and why to use it.  They’re very folksy, down-home type books — not medical advice, but what you really need to know to treat the “basics” at home, naturally.
Value: $8.97
The total value of just these three resources is $38.91.  They’re only three out of twenty, including that almost-$200 ecourse I mentioned above.
The bundle sells for only $29.97…which is a total steal, whether you’re really only interested in these three books, or if you were interested in several others.
There’s also DIY Lavender Creations.  This one is neat, because it focuses heavily on just one herb.  It has sections for facial care, body care, hair care, bath recipes, cleaning recipes, recipes (food) with lavender, anxiety and stress remedies, headache remedies, sleep, crafts, and more!  It’s really thorough.
Just a small sampling of the recipes/remedies you’ll find:
Foaming Facial Cleanser
Lavender-Clay Face Mask
Dry Shampoo
Lavender Body Oil
Soothing Bath Salts
Bath Fizzies
Lemon-Lavender All-Purpose Cleaner
Moth-Repellent Sachets
Honey Roasted Chicken with Lavender
Lavender-Infused Chocolate Truffles
Quick Apple-Lavender Jelly
Raspberry-Lavender Soda
Calendula-Lavender Healing Salve
Insect Bite Soother
After Sun Spray
Simple Lavender Soap
…and tons more
  It would take you a year or more to actually try all the recipes in this book!  That’s pretty action-packed.  It retails for $5.99 (which is way too low for all that’s in here!).
Mama and Baby Herbal Wisdom
This is my brand-new book, not available anywhere else!  It’s all about herbs and natural remedies that are safe during pregnancy, and with our most precious little ones.  I’ve been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for over 9 years now, so I pretty much only use herbs that are pregnancy and breastfeeding-safe!
In this book, you’ll find beginner info, like the 10 easiest natural remedies chart (using things you probably already have at home), plus how to make salves, tinctures, teas, and other basic preparation.
And, tons of awesome remedies, like:
Herbal Magnesium Lotion
Cramp and After Pains Tincture
Simple Pregnancy Tea
Postpartum Recovery Tea
Nipple Butter
Mastitis Salve
Colic Tincture
Teething Tincture
Good Night Lotion
…and more!
  Some of these are my favorite.  We use the teething tincture and good night lotions often!!
The book retails for $7.95.
The Bonus Offers
In addition to all of these books (plus several I didn’t mention), there’s an offer for 50% off your order with Golden Poppy Herbs.  What’s neat about this store, is that they sell their bulk herbs in 1/2 oz. quantities, so you can get tiny amounts to try and not commit to having a ton of something around if you don’t know that it will work for you.  It’s a pretty good deal, to get 50% off too!
That bonus is available to anyone who purchases the library.  But I’m also offering an additional bonus, that is exclusive to Modern Alternative Health readers!
This bonus is a short set of printables.  They’re your cheat-sheets to using natural remedies quickly and easily.  The pack, which is called the Quick Guide to Natural Remedies, includes:
Tummy Remedies
Respiratory Remedies
General/Misc Remedies
When to Call the Doctor
  Nothing in here is medical advice, it’s based on my own experiences as a mother of 5 children (and some advice I received from some excellent doctors I know). 🙂
The Bottom Line
So basically, what you’ve got here is an awesome package.
16 awesome books + printables + ecourses + bonuses (buy here).  It’s worth hundreds…but it will cost you only $29.97.
Seriously, don’t waste your time experimenting and hoping for the best like I did.  Why would you, when you have this amazing collection at your fingertips?  You’ll have the info you need, right now, to help your family to better health.
If you’re not quite convinced that natural remedies are better — maybe you think they’re a good idea, but when your little one really isn’t feeling well, you still reach for the Tylenol — definitely come back on Friday.  I’ll be explaining why that’s not a good idea, and why we don’t use any OTC medications anymore.
Of course, this collection is the perfect answer to “what to do instead,” so no worries! 🙂
Do you use herbal remedies yet?  Why or why not?
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greeneyedguide · 7 years
Following your passion requires vision, commitment, persistence, and long hours. October challenges your vision and commitment because it brings shorter days, midterms,  the distractions of a looming Holiday Season, and the time crunch to meet End of the Year company objectives. This month, we review an energy drink-in-disguise designed to “complement your work hard/play hard lifestyle” with green coffee beans, monk fruit, erythritol, and coconut water.
The Energy Drink of the Month for October is Clean Energy Organics
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There are four flavors available at the time of this review. Lavender Lemonade is my favorite (and not just because I’m a sucker for puns and alliterations).
Who is This For – Ingredient Preferences and Phobias
Is this drink for you? What ingredients do you look for (or try to avoid) in an energy drink?
Low Calorie, low sugar
Sweetened by cane sugar and also monk fruit and erythritol
Gluten Free
BPA Free (referring to the plastic bottle)
NO stereotypical energy drink ingredients (such as taurine, carnitine, glucuronolactone, and guarana)
NO vitamin fortification
NO Stevia – some people get a bitter-metallic aftertaste with this natural sweetener
NO artificial colors or flavors – the flavor is natural and the color comes from fruit and vegetable juices
Key Ingredients
Caffeine from Green Coffee Beans
Green coffee beans are regular coffee beans that are spared the roasting. The caffeine is extracted without having to roast the beans, which means they do not give that typical roasted coffee bean flavor. Green coffee beans are a natural source of caffeine that gives a beverage a different taste than beverages with caffeine from green tea extract or guayusa. Once it’s in your body, caffeine is caffeine is caffeine. It won’t kick in any faster or give you a weaker or stronger buzz than the same amount of caffeine from another source. One of the benefits of getting caffeine from a natural source is that there are often other molecules (such as antioxidants and phytonutrients) that come with the caffeine when it’s extracted. It’s like getting a diamond ring versus getting a diamond ring in a Tiffany’s bag. Sometimes the package makes it that much more special.
If niacin is my favorite B-vitamin then monk fruit is my favorite sweetener.
Monk Fruit
If niacin is my favorite B-vitamin then monk fruit is my favorite sweetener. It’s a natural sweetener extracted from Luo Han Guo. The molecule responsible for the sweetness is “mogroside V”, and many Luo Han Guo extracts provide ~50% mogroside V. (Can you guess what the other ~50% is? Yummy, tangy monk fruit particles!)
Pronounced “irr-ith-rit-all”, erythritol a natural alternative sweetener like monk fruit and stevia. Except erythritol is is even better than stevia because stevia gives many people a bitter metallic aftertaste. Instead of a bitter taste, erythritol and other sugar-alcohols impart a “cooling sensation” in the mouth.
Erythritol is 60-70% as sweet as sucrose (table sugar) and has a very similar taste profile. While it’s non-caloric, it has a molecular size that gives it more mouthfeel. Think fruit juice versus fruit smoothie: the fruit smoothie has a heavier “mouthfeel”. If you remove sugar from a drink, it can make the drink feel very thin and watery, so using something like erythritol can help give the liquid more body.
Erythritol occurs naturally, like monk fruit and stevia, but it’s made through natural fermentation. It’s a sugar-alcohol, like the Xylitol often used in sugar-free gum. With xylitol, however, too much of it can really upset a person’s stomach. With erythritol, a person could consume twice as much – at least 0.66 grams per kilogram of body weight – before they started getting same stomach issues.
Another benefit to erythritol is that it has been shown in some studies to reduce the risk of cavities or “dental caries”. Dental caries are a huge complaint against Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Replacing that sugar with something tooth-friendly like erythritol is a win-win!
Reference: clinical trial indicates erythritol’s superior dental benefits
While tasting Stevia extracts can be considered a form of hazing (see “The Linger – A Food Science Horror Story”), tasting monk fruit extracts is like tasting home recipes for pina colada. There’s something about monk fruit that makes it taste…tropical.
Coconut Water
Coconut water can help improve hydration by providing electrolytes like potassium. If the Fall season has you sneezing and coughing, you might find yourself more dehydrated than you realize. It’s harder to stay hydrated when it’s cold outside, but hydration is just as important in the Fall and Winter as it is in the Summer and Spring.
Citric Acid, Tripotassium Citrate, and Gum Acacia
These “other ingredients” don’t have a giant role in this product, but that’s not to say they’re not important. Citric acid and tripotassium citrate can also contribute to the “tanginess” of a drink while controlling the pH (acidity) to prevent spoilage microorganisms from growing in the product. The gum acacia helps with the thickness of the drink, making a liquid solution of all these different ingredients taste like one homogenous, smooth beverage.
When to Consume – The 5 Levels of Fatigue
An energy drink is like your favorite song: what works for YOU may not work for ME, and what works for you on a Monday morning may not be your Go-To for Friday nights.
The 5 Levels of Fatigue is a system I developed to help people pick a drink which matches their situation. This system categorizes products using factors like juice content, carbonation, delivery method, and caffeine content. This system beats caffeine tolerance and dependence. This system prevents people from using caffeine when they’re really just tired from dehydration. This system helps people consume caffeine safely.
Since these drinks have 80 mg caffeine per bottle, this drink is suitable for FATIGUE LEVEL 2. That is when you know you’re not just tired because you’re dehydrated, but you also know you don’t need a super-strong caffeine drink. You want to save those highly caffeinated drinks for when you ABSOLUTELY NEED THEM. A super-strong caffeine drink is one you only want in rare cases of energy emergencies like all-nighters and double-shifts. A Fatigue Level 2 drink like CEO is something you can drink multiple times a week.
For comparison, you can view all the other Fatigue Level 2 beverages I’ve reviewed here
Bottom Line
If you’re constantly pushing yourself to your limits – whether it’s in the gym or with your “side hustle” – you want an energy drink that won’t damage your diet or put you at risk of caffeine overload. CEO is a terrific tasting energy drink with a great blend of Organic ingredients.
CEO Homepage: http://www.drinkceo.com/
Get your copy of MY BOOK: “Are You a Monster or a Rock Star: A Guide to Energy Drinks — How They Work, Why They Work, How to Use Them Safely”
Explore the CAFFEINE INFORMER database
Need help with quitting caffeine? I HIGHLY recommend this Caffeine Informer guide: Awake: How to Quit from Caffeine for Good
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  Energy Drink of the Month – Oct 2017: Clean Energy Organics Following your passion requires vision, commitment, persistence, and long hours. October challenges your vision and commitment because it brings shorter days, midterms,  the distractions of a looming Holiday Season, and the time crunch to meet End of the Year company objectives.
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princesfitness · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2017/05/22/a-great-life-starts-with-great-nutrition-2/
A Great Life Starts With Great Nutrition
TIP! When traveling, keeping some healthy snacks, such as protein bars, packed in your bag is a great idea. If you have been in an airport recently, you might have noted that a good meal is a little hard to find.
There are many more people out there who would like to eat healthy, than there are people who actually do. Out of the two groups, which are you? If you’d like the switch from the former to the latter, read on! Getting into nutrition is actually fairly simple. Here the changes start to happen right away with some ideas here that do not require major changes to your diet.
TIP! Whole grains are important to incorporate into your diet. In general, people are healthier when they eat foods made with whole grains rather than refined carbohydrates.
Salads have long been thought of as health foods; however, the dressings many people use are unhealthy. Creamy dressings can add fat and calories to an otherwise healthy meal. Choose, instead, a vinaigrette or a home-made version with vinegar and some olive oil. Another great idea is adding cranberries and walnuts to a salad.
TIP! Many high processed foods have a lot of trans fat, and that is what you need to stay away from. You can really up your chances of heart disease and other health complications from eating foods with a lot of trans fats in them.
Fiber is very important. Fiber can help make you feel stuffed, and that can help you lose weight. It can also help you lower your blood cholesterol level. Fiber can also decrease cancer risk, as well as risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
TIP! Make it a habit to consume foods that contain calcium on a regular basis. High-calcium foods include cheese, sardines, dried beans and nuts.
By eating foods that are organic you can make sure that you have more nutrition in the diet you’re on. Scientific evidence points to the fact that nutrients are higher in organic foods and nitrates are lower. Focus on the organic building blocks of an essential diet, direct from the earth itself. Once you taste one, you will understand.
TIP! Have you tried a healthy puree of peaches, pears or berries? This sweet spread can be used to dip pretzels or pita chips. Try different kinds of fruit.
Make sure you observe moderation in eating so that you are always feeling the best you possibly can. Overindulging can introduce excess nutrients into the body, causing an uncomfortable sensation of fullness and fostering the accumulation of additional fat. This can harm your internal functions and health.
TIP! Switching out your ground beef with ground turkey has a ton of health benefits, though many people complain about the dryness. Adding a dash of olive oil can help to enhance the turkey’s flavor.
When you do your shopping, give your kids a chance to choose some of the foods. They are more likely to consume foods that they have chosen for themselves. Your kids could even try some new foods, particularly if they notice fruits and vegetables with bright colors.
TIP! Try cutting grains out of your diet. Throughout human history, we have always lived off eating meats, fruits, nuts, beans and vegetables.
Try to include variety in your diet with whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, nuts and various fruits and vegetables. This makes sure you get the essential nutrients without purchasing supplements.
TIP! When preparing a meal, make sure it contains foods that will give you all the nutrients you need. Humans require many key nutrients if they are to function efficiently, including minerals, vitamins, essential acids, and fats.
Pears, berries and peaches all make for quick and tasty puree. This allows you to create a spread that tastes sweet on chips and is also good for dipping pretzels. You can try using a different fruits to add variety.
TIP! If your goal is to cut down your sugar intake, you need to avoid foods that have corn syrup in them, because that is a form of sugar. Corn syrup is often used to flavor condiments.
Ginger is a wonderful, natural way to relieve motion sickness. You can get ginger as a capsule. One hour prior to the trip, consume ginger, around 1,000 milligrams. Repeat in three hour intervals. Ginger can relieve nausea and prevent stomach upset during travel. Ginger also comes in delicious teas and candies for those who do not like taking pills.
Canned Salmon
TIP! Do not simply assume that the food you are eating is healthy. Chances are you will not find any whole-grains in seven-grain bread, so it is actually not as healthy as it may seem.
For a tasty and healthy kind of different meal, buy some canned salmon. Canned salmon is a great food choice because it is high in essential minerals and low in nasties, including sugar and fat. Eat a wide variety of foods to keep yourself from getting bored with healthy eating.
TIP! Their neutral flavor and soft texture make them wonderful foundation ingredients for dishes such as garlic eggplant tofu, eggplant parmesan or babaghanoush. Not only is it very versatile, eggplant has folic acid, manganese, potassium, and many antioxidants within.
Diabetics face a very complex and unique challenge in fulfilling the body’s needs. Those needs can be handled by being sure to eat regularly to keep blood glucose levels in the right range. They must eat a lot of vegetables, dairy products, fruits and whole-grain foods without a lot of fat. They have to eat about the same time each day.
TIP! Try getting rid of unhealthy foods in your kitchen to avoid unhealthy snacking. Give yourself only good food choices.
There are a lot of people who are unaware of the small changes they could make to have better nutrition. After going through this information, you probably won’t belong in that group anymore. The simplest changes can really improve your nutritional value and health.
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Everything About Honey and How it Helps you in Weight Loss, Skin and Hair Problems
Are you someone who has just started on the path to a healthy life? That probably means avoiding refined flours and refined sugar, right? So what is the next best alternative for sugar? Honey, of course! But not the one you get at the supermarket, laden with sugar; we mean completely unrefined, raw and full of natural goodness.
You probably have your honey with lemon juice first thing in the morning, or with your morning breakfast oats, but do you know about the health benefits of honey?
Probably not! You will be surprised to find that honey is not a mere sweetener, but also loaded with all kinds of nutrients that are great for your health. Food for thought, isn’t it? So, let’s discuss the numerous benefits of pure, unadulterated raw honey.
Benefits of the Power Food – Honey
Bees swallow, digest and bring up nectar known as honey. This nectar is packed with almost 600 compounds.
No wonder it has been labeled as a superfood. Honey has been used for its healing properties for ages; in fact, it’s earliest mention was made by Aristotle as early as 384 BC.
The Greeks, the Romans, and the Egyptians have all used honey in some way or the other.
Honey finds a mention in the Bible too, as King Solomon had mentioned, “My son, eat thou honey for it is good.”
So why is honey so loved? Probably because it is a power food loaded with antioxidants that tastes delicious as well. Most of the power foods we know can be associated with health, but taste? Well, we are not too sure! Check out the other reasons why that golden liquid resting easy on the shelf of your larder has more roles to play than just a sweetener!
1. Aids in weight loss
Now, this is reason enough for all of us to make this natural sweetener a part of our diets. It contains 69% glucose and fructose, and is a pretty healthy reason not to drink our drinks bland! It is one of the healthiest sugar substitutes around.
Surprisingly, it has more calories than sugar, but what works in its favor is the fact that it mobilizes the fat around your body when consumed with warm water.  Probably why warm lemon water and honey has earned brownie points from health connoisseurs all around the world.
2. It is a great energy source
Now that we know that honey is a great energy source, it makes sense why we feel so kicked about our long day ahead when we down a glass of lemon water spiked with honey. Try to incorporate this into your morning routine and you’ll see the change!
One tablespoon of sugar has 15 calories, but one tablespoon of honey has 64, but these calories can be changed to glucose and easily digested.
3. It is a great source of vitamins and minerals
Unlike most other sweeteners like sugar, which is stripped of all essential nutrients, honey is surprisingly rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium. This is why you need to make that all important swap from sugar to honey.
4. It improves athletic performance
Honey is great to boost the performance of athletes. It is mainly because honey has ergogenic properties. It activates muscle regeneration and glycogen restoration after a power packed workout and maintains your blood sugar levels as well. Here is why you need this after an invigorating run in the park or a sweaty session at the gym.
5. It is full of antioxidants
Antioxidant is the buzzword in the health world today, as it helps us fight the scavenging free radicals which undermine our health. In fact, conditions like cancer and heart disease are a result of these scavenging free radicals.
Honey has neutraceuticals, a potent antioxidant which removes antioxidants from the body. This helps fight many chronic diseases. That is why honey is such an important weapon to combat most diseases, and its empowered role as a natural panacea cannot be ignored.
6. Antibacterial and antifungal properties
Besides its obvious beneficial properties, honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and must find a place in your emergency kit since it is a natural antiseptic found in traditional medicines. Wound management becomes all the easier, because of the effects of honey.
7. Honey impacts your blood in the most positive way
The red blood count of your blood is impacted by honey in a beneficial way as it enhances the oxygen-carrying properties of the red blood cells. When the capacity of the RBC’s is markedly reduced due to certain health conditions like anemia, we need the health-enhancing effects of this natural elixir.
8. A skin and hair specialist
Honey is a must include in your beauty cabinet too! It is a natural moisturizer. Finding a good moisturizer is as hard as looking for a needle in a haystack, and most people would agree to this. But a teaspoon or two of this organic goodness can pretty much bring back that glow on your face. It is time you brought back your faith back to natural products, especially honey.
Honey is great for treating certain scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. Applying honey on the scalp, when it is affected by scalp infections, can provide quick relief from itching and scaling. This is a great remedy for most scalp infections.
Let us explore the different ways of including honey in your daily life to reap the maximum benefits.
5 Major Benefits of Honey for Weight Loss, Skin, Hair and Scars
You must have already started with the honey and lemon therapy or sweetening your green tea with the natural sweetness of honey. Here are other health drinks which can be greatly beneficial for you.
1. Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss
What is so great about this combination of honey and cinnamon? Though it is not backed by any scientific evidence, cinnamon is said to contain fat burning properties. It is said to mimic the biological activity of insulin and also boosts the metabolism level too.
Since spiraling blood sugar levels lead to a greater percentage of fat storage, cinnamon can help prevent the excess of fat storage and also helps you drop the unwanted pounds pretty quickly. Honey is an able ally of cinnamon in this respect and enhances its weight loss effects.
Here is what you need to do first thing in the morning, in fact just half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, and also at night right before you hit the sack. Add a teaspoon of honey to half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to warm water and drink up!
You can also add 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to a cup of water. Bring it to boil and simmer it until it becomes smooth. Cool it down, or you can even consume it warm.
2. Honey and Ginger for Colds
This concoction is incredibly good for those annoying colds which are so difficult to get rid of. This drink is good to soothe an upset tummy too, so all in all, it’s a great drink that’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial too. If you are down with a cold, make sure you keep having this all throughout the day. It gives your sore throat the palliative care of ginger and honey.
It flushes out toxins from your body too, giving respite to pains and niggles. This drink is more soothing than any over the counter medicine and is also devoid of the side-effects.
Pour 1 cup of honey into a saucepan and add 1 tablespoon of finely minced gingerroot. A pinch of ground ginger will also do. You can add a small pinch of ground ginger if you are a fan of strong flavors. Heat the mixture for 10 minutes. When it is done, let it be infused for 2 hours or store it up for at least 2 weeks in a glass jar, with lid closed tightly. Strain it and you’ll have a perfect sipping drink.
3. Honey Concoction for Great Skin
When we have a breakout on our skin, we try to stay as far away from oily moisturizers as possible. But honey being a moisturizer is still different from the other conventional moisturizers. The rich enzyme content of raw honey keeps the pores clear of all the oil build-up and hence, keeps skin scrupulously clean. So in order to control skin problems and imbalances, try this effective antibacterial concoction of honey along with jojoba or coconut oil to heal your inflamed skin.
Here is what you can do to reap the benefits of honey on skin; stir one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of jojoba oil or coconut oil until you get a mixture which can be easily spread. Apply on clean, dry skin, and massage with circular strokes, leaving the eye area. Rinse with lukewarm water.
4. Honey to Fade Stubborn Scars
It is now time to ditch those creams which promise to erase away every mark on your face, but seldom lives up to their tall claims. Honey has certain properties which lighten skin, and its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties minimize the appearance of scars to a great extent, accelerating tissue regeneration. The moisturizing properties of honey and coconut oil or olive oil will revitalize your skin, and gentle massaging will enhance cell regeneration.
Here is what you can do, stir one teaspoon of raw honey with one teaspoon of either coconut oil or olive oil. Apply gently on the scars and massage with the tips of your fingers in a slow circular motion for a minute or two. Place a warm washcloth on the affected areas of your skin, and keep it there until cool. Do this regularly for stunning results.
5. Honey to Restore Vitality of Hair
Looking for that elusive hair product which can bring back life and vitality to your dull tresses?  Well, don’t pick the next hair gloss serum you see, but choose honey over this artificial stuff. The enzymes and nutrients in raw honey can rejuvenate your hair without making it too oily. The other ingredients in coconut oil penetrate deep into the hair shaft to condition your hair and also smoothen the cuticles, giving your hair the much-desired shine and luster.
The nutritional benefits of honey can revive your crowning glory like no other.  Blend one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of coconut oil. Massage your hair thoroughly, start with the ends and work yourself up. Let the mixture stay on your hair for about 20 minutes and then rinse off well with plenty of water.
How to Select the Right Honey
Though it is touted as a power food, it is also one of the most adulterated foods. Mostly it is sweetened with sugar and corn syrup, so beware those harmless looking bottles adorning the shelves of your neighborhood supermarket.
Go for raw organic honey, read the labels properly so that you know whether the one you are buying is not full of antibiotics, as is the case with most honey available in the market. The right honey no doubt can improve your health, skin and hair, but the wrong one can do exactly the opposite.
Also, just because it is healthy, do not mean that you can indulge in large tablespoons of this golden elixir. Consuming it in moderation is the key here, as is the case with most healthy foods.
So while a teaspoon or two on your morning oats or your green tea is okay, keep it at that! So, explore the medicinal benefits of honey and revive and rejuvenate your health in the best way possible. Is honey your favorite sweetener too? Tell us how you have it in the comments section below. Till then, stay healthy and stay happy!
Originally at :The Fit Indian – Daily Health, Fitness and Diet Tips Written By : Deblina Biswas
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