#it is SO hard to get to any picrews that look good AND have his hairstyle
sweeter-than-teafood · 2 months
My MC!
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Character design via this picrew
Name: Phoebe Clarke
Age: 27
DOB: 24/10/1997
Heritage: Solomon’s Lineage came from her mother’s side. Her mother was a proficient healer, who used her powers on her weakest patients, to give them a chance at recovery.
Nationality: British, but lived in South Korea for the first 10 years of her life
Childhood; Phoebe was a rather shy individual growing up, often hiding behind Minhyeok during social interactions. They were very close friends, but had to part ways when her parents moved to England for their careers. With hardly any close friends, she threw herself into her studies, often becoming the victim of various bullies.
Adulthood; Her hard work in school paid off, and she got accepted into university to study medicine, just like her mother. She bumped into Minhyeok, who decided to study abroad in England. They continued their friendship, as if they never parted in the first place. They got a cheap apartment together, to save on the costs of uni life.
The incident; During one of their study sessions in the library, Phoebe recieved a phone call from her parent’s neighbours. They had been brutally murdered in their home, though nothing had been stolen. This news caused Phoebe to become detached from her studies. She dropped out in her fourth year, staying in the shared apartment while Minhyeok balanced his studies and caring for her.
Solomon’s Awakening; In the months leading up to her journey in the war between heaven and hell, her eyes began turning purple. Her hair also began to change, although slowly; strand by strand. She would dye her hair regularly to cover up the purple hairs. She tried to cover her purple eyes with contacts, but found them too uncomfortable. She began to give off an aura that attracted people to her, and this caused her to put up a rude facade to deter anyone from staying too long.
The Fall: In order to keep Minhyeok from worrying about her, Phoebe took up a part time job working in Data Entry. It was dull, and left her with a need for something more fulfilling. This lead to her discovering porn, and soon she had some form of escapism from her otherwise boring lifestyle. That is, until Gabriel showed up one day, and thus began Phoebe’s delightful time in Hell.
Favourite Nation in Hell; She loves Gehenna, it reminds her so much of England, with its pubs and quiet natural landscapes. She doesn’t mind all the boisterous citizens, they make her think of the excitable football fans back home; all united in their love for something that means everything to them.
Sin that she commits the most: Gluttony. Over indulgence is her main distraction from life’s woes, whether it be porn, sex, food, alcohol, it’s all good in her books.
Things she does in her spare time: Due to her knowledge in medicine, though not fully qualified, she offered to assist in Paradise Lost whenever she can. She hasn’t got the hang of using any healing magic that she may have inherited from Solomon, so she helps with the basics, like triage and wound care.
Idiosyncrasies; Cardiophilia, Being tied up, Praise.
Devils that she gets on with the most;
Gehenna; All of the nobles, they’re family to her.
Tartaros; Valefor, Eligios
Abyssos: Another nation of homies, if any of the nobles are free and she’s in the area, it’s official; they’re partying hard.
Hades: Foras, Barbatos, Glasyalabolas
Paradise Lost: All of them, they’re her work colleagues, so she looks up to them.
Niflheim: Andrealphus, Beleth, Gusion.
Abaddon: Ronové
She gets on pretty well with the Kings too, aside from Leviathan, who she still is incredibly wary of after the kidnapping and threats of death. She’s trying to forgive him, though it may take a lengthy time.
Some alternative outfits, based on countries in Hell;
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Paradise Lost;
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Graveyard Flowers | A Few Stipulations
Warnings: 18+, horny Bj, death (obv), depression ment., no smut but lots of allusions to sex. Possibly ooc.
"Working" for Beetlejuice isn't exactly what Rosie envisioned, but things aren't always as bad as they seem.
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"So this is it," Beetlejuice motions to the office, "It ain't much, but the guys are pretty mellow, and I like to keep the atmosphere chill."
She gets a few waves which she awkwardly returns.
"And that brings me to the next order of business," He tugs on his lapels, "Your uniform."
"Gotta have one."
"Okay... do I get one of those snazzy yellow blazers or-" He cuts her off with a snap of his finger and she feels a gust of wind. When she looks down her eyes do wide, "Oh, no. No, no, no! Beej what the hell is this?"
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(rough sketch)
"That's your uniform."
"This is barely lingerie!"
"Really extenuates your-" She slaps his hands away from her tits.
"I'm not wearing this!" She lifts her arm to try and cover herself.
"Uh, your contract says otherwise," He argues.
He pulls out the document and points to a part of the text she can't even read.
"Give me that," She tears it from his hand, squinting at it until he pulls out supernaturally strong magnifying glass, revealing a tiny illustration of the outfit she's currently wearing.
"See?" He gives her a lopsided grin, "But hey, if you're not feeling it, I can be flexible."
She feels the loose hem of her skirt tighten around her thighs, morphing into a stupidly short pencil silhouette.
"Are you kidding me?"
"You know? I might actually like this better," He palms her ass, suddenly behind her, and she spins around, slapping him.
"I want my clothes back."
"Can't do that," He shrugs, "Guess you're just gonna have to suck it up, buttercup-..."
He gulps when her glaring eyes light up and blood starts to weep from between her stitches.
"You're upset," He says, taking a step back, hands up in front of him, "Why don't we talk this out, I'm sure there's a compromise here."
He jumps when the blood forms and hardens into a straight razor in her hand.
The shrunken heads watch in shock as she strong arm's their boss.
"You want your clothes back?" He snaps his fingers, "There- well... kinda."
She looks down and she's in one of her comfy sweaters and a pair jeans from before she died.
He coughs, leaning back against a table, trying to casually cross his legs to hide his raging hard-on, "'S that better?"
She sighs and nods, the blade in her hand melting back to blood and flowing back into her wound.
"Good. Wouldn't want any little outbursts, now would we?"
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, "Just tell me what exactly you expect me to do."
He huffs a heavy sight of relief and pops up behind her, one arm slung around her shoulders, and adjusting his junk with the other hand.
"Nothin' much," He admits, "Tidy up here and there, take my calls, do coffee runs, stand there an' look pretty. Pretty standard fare."
"So..." She scowls to herself, "I'm your PA?"
"That a problem?"
"Well, it's not exactly how I pictured spending my afterlife."
"Aw, c'mon darlin' where's that smile?" His finger briefly catches her chin, "At least you're not in lock up anymore."
"I guess," She glances around the office.
She always thought once she died she'd get a little freedom in her existence, but this was worse than her job before she was murdered. She wonders for a moment if there was anyway to get a job haunting a bookstore or something.
"That's my girl," He steers her toward the one empty desk unaware of how that phrase would have her blushing if she could, "You can use my best buddy Bob's old desk, bless his soul- hah!"
His chest ignites in flame at his half-hearted sign of the cross and he quickly pulls away to put it out.
His goofy flailing makes her giggle and a wave of relief washes over him.
He would never- ever speak it into being, but he feels a weird sense of guilt over her death. He'd heard her try and call him that night, felt the urgency behind it, and it thrilled him, knowing his fleshie wanted to see him again, but when she didn't follow through he shrugged it off and went about his business.
Knowing she spent most of the last year in her particular torment makes his unbeating heart ache.
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Uh oh...
"Sweetheart," He grunts, tapping her shoulder. She's fallen asleep at her desk with her head on her arms.
She looks incredible sweet and peaceful and... oddly unnerving. He still isn't quite used to her being dead so her still, unbreathing corpse gives him chills.
"Rosie-" He holds her forehead, tilting her head back, but he jumps back when her eyes open, already glowing, and she takes a swing at him with a spectral blade, "Whoa! Hey now!"
She flickers to the other side of the room, her fingers tentatively touching her throat.
It takes him a second but he remembers how her uncle did something similar when he killed her, "Didn't mean to freak ya. Not this time, at least. You fell asleep."
She blinks at him, "I don't know why I'm so tired."
"That'll be the PD's little safety assurance they made me add to your contract."
Her sleepy little confused face is way too cute for a cold-blooded killer.
"To keep you from going off and rampaging the livin' they're insisting you're partially sedated," He explains, "No where near when you were in deep lock-up, but enough to keep you from becoming a problem."
"Well, stop it!"
"Can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Cause if I do they'll put you back in deep freeze."
She runs her hand down her face with a sigh.
"Hey now," He's next to her with his arm slung around her shoulders again, "Don't be so down about it, we can get you a little cot, make it all cozy, whaddaya say?"
She slumps against him with a huff and he stiffens, "Yeah, whatever."
"But until then," He snaps his fingers and suddenly she's straddling lap at his desk chair, "You can always use me."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"I'd like it better if you were wearing this," Another snap of his fingers and she's back in that 'uniform' as he so graciously called it, and his hands grip the back of her thighs, "That's more like it."
He hasn't seen her this timid around him since the first time they decided to fuck back when she was alive, and he is all for it.
"Someone's horny," He teases in a sing-song voice, hands sliding up to knead the flesh of her ass. He cackles when she slaps him and tries to wiggle off him, "Careful how you move there, you'll get me all excited!"
"Pig!" She wrenches herself out of his grip, and when she looks at him again his nose has morphed into a pig snout.
"You love it," He snorts. She flicks his snout and when it pops back to normal he scrunches his nose a few times, "Rude."
She just scoffs and walks back to her desk, not bothering to argue about her clothes.
A win for him, that's for sure, but when she passes out an hour later, cheek pressed against the musty wood, he pulls a blanket out of nowhere and wraps it around her shoulders.
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He's never seen a more ghost-like ghost.
For the past three weeks she's been practically haunting the office with her bad vibes. There's being dead and then there's acting like it, and she's been far too committed to the bit for his liking. She won't even snap at him for his risqué touches!
"Alright!" He hops off his desk where he's been watching her unenthusiastically talk to a potential client, "That's it, you're comin' on a job with me."
She somehow looks even less enthusiastic, "Two things Beej. One, if you think I'd ever let anyone else see me in this get up, you're delusional. And two, I can barely lift a phone I'm so tired, how the hell am I supposed to help you on a haunt?"
"Secondly, you're only sedated so you can't break out of the Netherworld, once you're out I can get rid of that. And first off, I've got a few options for ya," He slaps his hand on the desk and motions for her to stand, rolling his eyes and pulling her to her feet when she doesn't move, "If you could play along for just a few seconds that be great."
"Shut it," He warns, pressing his finger to her lips, but his playful tone pulls a smile to her face.
"Fine," She chuckles, "What kind of 'options'?"
"So glad you asked. To start, we have an old classic," He snaps his fingers and she's back the vampire hunter costume she died in, "Next up we have this little number."
She's suddenly in a black corset and pants get up that's oddly practical for her new boss.
"And lastly," Another snap and she's sporting a black pinstriped, white powersuit not too unlike his.
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"The first one," She says confidently and he pouts, "But..."
He perks up at that.
"I would rather wear the second around here its, more practical," She fiddles with the hem of the blazer she's wearing, "You mind?"
"Well, if you insist," He's in front of her now, fingers making quick work of the buttons before pushing the fabric back to reveal the black lace bra he's put her in.
All the shrinkers, who have been trying very hard to ignore this whole exchange, all look over at the loud crack of her slapping him. It's probably the hardest she's ever slapped him and he immediately feels himself start to get hard.
"That is not what I meant, and you know it!" She hisses.
"Mmm... yeah alright," He groans. He changes her back into those tight leather pants and long coat, eyes still fixated on the swell of her breasts, almost like he's hypnotized by them.
"Hey," She grabs his chin and tilts his head up to look at her, "My eyes are up here."
"They sure are, gorgeous," He basically purrs, melting into her hand.
"God, you're pathetic," She scoffs and he almost topples over when she pulls her hand away, "What kind of job did you have in mind?"
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"That's it, sweetheart," He murmurs in her ear, his ands holding her hips from behind, "Y'know you're actually pretty good at this."
"Would you shut it?" She snaps, "I'm trying to concentrate."
"Right, right..." He leans slightly closer and nips at her earlobe, making her jump.
The startle cause a a lightbulb down the hall to pop and one of the window panels she'd been frosting to crack.
"Did you just bite me?"
"Wh-who the hell are you?"
"Great," She huffs, "He can see us now. Happy?"
The three of them share a look and Beetlejuice rights himself and straightens his suit, "I'll take care of this, toots."
"What the hell did you just call me?"
(Smut continuation)
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"And that's when the chandelier fell?"
Beej and Rosie are sat across the desk from Wolf, their clothes and hair still mussed from their earlier physical exertions.
"Yeah, something like that," Beetlejuice shrugs, trying not to grin too hard.
The detective pauses for a moment.
"On the ceiling?"
"She's a freak, this one," He chuckles and Ro doubles over in her chair to hide her face in her hands, "Took me by surprise too."
"Shut up, Beej!"
Wolf shakes his head slightly, "Hell of a way to die."
"Got a hell of a show."
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mellowwhumps · 3 months
oc introductions!
heyo! now that i’m finally done with june of doom (which was meant to serve as a basic version of this) here’s all my oc introductions! i cannot for the life of me make it sound interesting but hopefully my future content compensates for that…roles are listed from least to most, but may deviate at times since i love role swap!
i’ll make picrews or coloured references like literally any normal creator. someday. soon. (lies)
side note: their personalities do change a lot between AUs since yknow. choices influence actions so yeah!! same yet different love that…as another side not everything i tag as simply “AU'' is just the main one i usually use since that’s the most developed
i really recommend checking their toyhouses since it goes into a lot more detail :3
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haley !! 
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toyhouse (both original and AU)
quotelist + more in elowen’s quotelist
roles: whumpee-whumper (ex), caretaker
my scrunkly scrimblo…in a way i’d describe him as half living weapon. why half you may ask? because for the first half of his life he was treated as a human and then abruptly in the second half it just. changed. no more nice words. conflict between his ‘home’ and a neighbouring kingdom peaks, war comes, everything ends, though i mostly don’t focus on the war part haha. this guy knows he’s meant to be wielded and used, but just how much of a weapon is he? 
personality wise, he’s not a talker. despite his generally serious demeanour, he’s a much nicer person to be with than the one who raised him, caring about others because he thinks the world should just be kinder, and maybe if he cares enough he can repent for it all.
for the most part he shifts personalities quite widely between aus…
halcyon !!
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toyhouse (unfinished)
roles: whumpee (ex), caretaker
from the aforementioned neighbouring kingdom! she serves the queen as the captain of the royal knights, yknow the drill, there’s war and they started it. she’s the type of person who believes in what’s right but also won’t hesitate to rethink if her beliefs are wrong. her story is mostly about dealing with all the hard stuff like Feelings and the Aftermath because nobody likes doing that ew.
she’s trying her best. i respect this behaviour
elowen !!
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toyhouse (AU)
roles: caretaker turned (reluctant) whumper mostly but no fixed role
the guy that took haley in yeah. he cares. a lot. but sometimes his job matters more. he’s mostly there to drive the plot and then he literally just. dies. but that’s not the end is it? he lives on in haley’s memories, forever an enigma. their relationship is so complicated i wouldn’t do it justice in a short introduction…he’s alive and well in the AU and very relevant though
yes his intentions are good. yes he’s coping with it in the only way he knows how. he does genuinely care. he unwavers in his belief that he wants to give everyone a better life, wants to help more people than he possibly ever could. unfortunately, every decision has its downsides.
ria !!
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roles: whumpee (mostly emotionally i swear)
look. okay. i get to use at least one child for my found family agenda. once again i focus on the aftermath rather than anything else so it's mostly emotional whump
rogue. gremlin. she bites (sometimes) (affectionately) but she’s just dealing with how she simply is. she’s like the glue holding it all together as best as she possibly can, because she can’t even come close to understanding how bad it all was and sometimes that’s just better. can and will go through the five stages of grief before admitting that she cares and actually isn’t as independent as she thinks she is.
ida !!
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toyhouse (AU)
tiny quotelist (w. yuuto)
roles: whumpee, caretaker, whumper (rarely written)
right now i only have the AU version of him! his story’s about identity and somewhat also breaking free. oh and also semi-doomed yaoi but that’s not the problem here. he has a prosthetic arm and heart but that is 100% not his entire personality and just a few of the burdens he carries!! personality-wise he Does Not Care about restrictions but is also the furthest thing from impulsive when it’s most needed
i’m on a roll so this guy definitely gets more development in my writing than whatever i say here so!! check him out
ibys !!
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toyhouse (AU)
roles: whumpee, caretaker
right now i also only have the AU version of them although that and their current design might change someday…his themes are similar to haley (fate + past vs present) but they could not be more different in story and personality despite both being living weapons!! wanted to try a seperate route with them so this happened. they’re so serious but they’re working on it. so yes, since their story is directly intertwined with ida’s, their themes are similarly also about identity!!
the things i have planned for them are definitely more serious and whumpy than my other ocs (yknow. living weapon typical story) but sometimes that’s required for a good ending!! so bear with me and my little scrunkly scrimblo over here i swear they get nice things too
twelve !!
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toyhouse (both original and AU)
roles: whumpee
verrill and them are from a completely different universe than above^^ (some of my ocs were previously from their home city though)
honestly their story is just based off one of my favourite dystopian literatures but i change it up a little! sorry their quotelist paints them as such a romantic because i sourced most of them when i was obsessed with their crackship…anyway!! damn this guy (gender neutral) can hold so much trauma with photographic memory that’s literally out for war with them
i think the best way to describe them would be dull exterior colourful interior! they hold so much hope in them…no 1 hurt/comfort extraordinaire
verrill !!
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roles: whumpee/caretaker, pretty balanced
he's an adult he just has chronic babyface from my artstyle rip
the catalyst and the end of it all…this guy has Problems and refuses to deal with them. first attempt at a morally grey character, i suppose? extremely loyal, extremely caring, but only if it’s in his preference. loves playing hero but hates playing hero. walking contradiction. he cannot be described in a few words. he simply cannot.
roles of other characters that might be mentioned (once again, least to most):
mc/emmei: caretaker
naeri: whumpee (90% emotionally) but really just there to drive the story. may/may not use her
cerilux (previously unnamed character no 2): (whumpee), caretaker
unnamed character: “caretaker”, whumper
more by @/lemlem21 | @/qiuthewhumps, a whole load of other characters in a whole load of roles: yuuto, saora, chelo + more
oc asks
BECAUSE I WAS TOO SHY TO ASK PEOPLE TO. ASK. SO I JUST DID NEARLY EVERYTHING (please look at this to find out more i spent so much time on this it’s kinda insane) (still unfinished with spontaneous updates because i do whatever i want)
and of course, promoting my other completely unrelated oc introduction post here
anddd that’s it!! thank you for scrolling!! may or may not be extra ocs or content added later on but for now this is my final cast; feel free to send in whatever, whenever! inbox always open to prompts questions musings anything really 💥 please i get so happy if it wasn’t obvious enough by me maxxing out reblog tag limits for things i love pleasepleasepl
update: you can find my masterpost in the read more under my pinned post^^^
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goblin-iz-whack · 2 days
Terri Pines
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(Picrew by @potatolordofficial, hand drawn art by myself)
Yup, I made a Gravity Falls oc.
Teresa Ann "Terri" Pines (Née Ross) was born on February 14th, 1954 to Virginia and Howard Ross in Newark, New Jersey. She was the middle child and only girl of five children (Her brothers are Warren, Clarence, Leroy, and Seymour).
She was a pageant girl, her family lived pretty much solely off of the prize money she won.
She went to school for cosmetology in '72 (Her parents were not thrilled, they expected her to find a rich bachelor instead) and graduated in 1973 (Apparently, cosmetology school programs are pretty short!) . The money she earned doing what she loved wasn't good enough for her family and so she left home in 1974.
She drifted around, using her looks and charms to steal and con people, and met Stanley Pines in 1980. He was getting hassled by the police and she was like "Guess I'll use up my one good deed for the year" and helped out by pretending to be his wife ("Oh, honey, I've been looking for you everywhere! Sorry 'bout that, officer-"), and he evaded arrest.
Seeing her con artist ways and good looks, Stan was convinced that this was his dream woman- He tried to woo her for a bit, but she wasn't interested.
Because she's gay.
Even so, the convenience of having somebody that you can pretend is your partner worked for both of them, so they just went with it and slummed around the U.S., cartels and scams galore, what a wild ride.
Stuff went downhill, they were out of money and cons, when they were contacted by Stanford Pines.
You know the story from here.
Terri was kinda just waiting in the car when the portal incident happened, Stan came outside looking like he wanted to vomit and explained (through a very shaky voice) what happened.
They hid out in the house before running out of food, yada yada, Lazy Susan's eye is zapped, Stan takes Ford's name, fakes his death, you know what happens. Terri knows about the portal and all of Stan's secrets, she's his confidant and best friend.
In 1985, Stan and Terri got married. Partially because of the tax benefits, partially because they wanted the money and gifts that came with a wedding (Also, marital law says you can't be forced to testify against your spouse. Convenient!). Caryn Pines came to the wedding but Filbrick didn't (Fuck you, Filbrick). Terri's family also came but left pretty fast when they didn't get a hand out.
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel came to Gravity Falls. Terri is their Grauntie, she loves those kids. She also takes a motherly role towards Wendy, despite being pretty different in personality.
Terri is very similar to Stan, rough around the edges and always looking to make a buck, this is why he thought he was in love with her lol. She is a beauty queen, her pageant roots and love for cosmetology has always influenced her significantly. She is desperately trying to stall the effects of age (Hard to do that since she's 60 during the show), hence the spray tan and makeup and the hair dye. She also wears a corset (ooh la la!) and likes to join in on makeovers with Mabel and her friends.
She's also pretty badass- She has a lipstick taser and packs a mean punch. Being on the streets for so long has left her rugged and a bit grizzled and we love her for it.
A very motherly lady, she always wanted children of her own but the time was never right (Stan wouldn't mind being a donor, so long as he gets to skip out on any child support-). Wendy and the mystery twins fill that gap, she gets to mother them to her hearts content.
I will write up some unique episodes that center on her eventually, but it's 1 am rn and I need to get this done-
In Roadside Attraction, Terri flirts with Darlene alongside Stan. She's chill when Darlene only responds to Stan, she's a good wingwoman. It's also implied at some point that she went out with Lazy Susan before.
She was arrested alongside Stan in Not What He Seems, and escaped alongside him, also trying to stop Mabel from pressing the button.
Okay now here is where I deviate from canon pretty majorly-
So, I guess you'd say that Terri's whole existence in itself is an au. At first glance, the only difference would be her being there and extra interactions. That'd be wrong-
I know that the tweet about Ford being transfem was fake, but I still really love the headcanon. I headcanon Dipper as being transmasc and Ford being transfem would further the parallels between them without just making them a copy of each other.
So yeah, Ford is transfem here. She discovered it in the portal ("The author of the journals...my...sister??") I think she'd still go by Ford for simplicity's sake, though Stan suggested the full name of "Stanfordine" (Like Edwardine) which she goes with eventually.
Back to Terri and how she changes the series!!
Mabel and Dipper are pretty shocked that she knew everything, they're definitely mad as well. This is also the reveal that Stan and Terri are only really married for legal reasons.
Here's that reveal, written out:
Stan: -and then me and Terri got married. But we're just friends with benefits.
Dipper and Mabel: *Disgust*
Terri: What? The tax benefits! Duh!
Ford addresses her briefly but the rest of the episode pretty much goes on as normal except for the ending, Ford and Stan would both mention her.
"Okay, Stanley, here's the deal. You and Terri can stay here for the summer to watch the kids. I'll stay down in the basement and try to contain any remaining damage. But when the summer's over, you give me my house back, you give me my name back, your wife and I divorce, and this Mystery Shack junk is over forever. You got it?"
"You really aren't gonna thank me, are you? Fine. On one condition: you stay away from the kids and Terri; I don't want them in danger. Cause as far as I'm concerned, they're the only family I have left."
Well, Ford didn't listen because she and Terri get together (I call it "Terriford" hehe). I don't have their whole romance written out, but Ford has no clue how to date and tries to woo her with stuff she learned in other dimensions. Hilarity and cuteness ensues. And hey, legally Terri is married to Ford anyways, so it would work out in the end! Yeah, Stan isn't a fan of all this-
Weirdmageddon goes down, she hides in the Mystery Shack with Stan. She's pretty damn worried about Ford. She's part of the zodiac, her symbol is lipstick. Blah blah blah, she gets turned into tapestry like the others and then everything goes on as usual. She joins Stan and Ford in their adventures.
Boy that took ages to write. It was fun though! And I hope you guys like Terri as much as I do!
(My dear friends @ghosty-seapancake and @i-overanalyze-musicals helped loads with creating Terri! So much love to them! The timeline I referenced is by @fordtato so lots of love to them as well!!!)
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reallyghostlypost · 4 days
Remade Thad's backstory! 🥳
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(Technically the image is from a picrew, but it got deleted at some point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
late 20's - early 30's
really tall and slender
vary pale, to the point where he looks unhealthy and corpse-like
soft wavy hair that won't sit in any way no matter how much he tries
pitch black hair and eyes (eyes so dark you can't distinguish the pupil from the iris)
as he'll start controlling his magic better his hair will start to turn purple from the tips up and his eyes will start getting purple flecks until they completely change colours (but that will be decades after moving to the valley)
Detailed backstory:
Thad moved in the valley after causing massive chaos both at Joja and the Ministry. (Not his fault, he did exactly what he was told to do.) Not that the townspeople know that, or anything about him, really. He lives alone deep in the woods and visits the town rarely. Despite that they consider him a helpful and cheerful neighbour. He's a good listener but will carefully avoid saying anything about himself. He also pays really close attention to everything that goes around him, has a really good memory and will dig through everyone's personal objects, but most people haven't figured out that yet. (Old habits die hard.) He's very curious and always down to try or learn new things.
Had a mutually beneficial deal with the Ministry while working at Joja - they help him get out of there while he helps them investigate if Joja is illegally messing with magic. (Of course they were.) An agreement everyone at the Ministry ended up regretting after it was revealed that multiple mages from the Ministry were secretly helping Joja. Part of the reason the situation in the Badlands got out of control this horribly was because everyone at the Ministry was busy with the fallout of the newly discovered corruption within their ranks. They also regretted getting Thad out in general, since they're pretty sure he's not even human any longer, but Thad considers it payback for forcing him to work at Joja in the first place.
He and Magnus already know each other since it was Magnus who 'hired' him to help with the Ministry's investigation. (Magnus is also now responsible with keeping Thad from messing with magic too, but everyone already know that's not going to happen in a depressed acceptance kind of way.) Every mage and adventurer knows about him and about the whole mess, and a few blame him directly for all the paperwork and investigations they had to go through.
His presence in the Valley causes weird things to happen due to his contradictory and unstable magic - life/forest and void/death. (Qi and Grandpa are to blame for the odd combination.) He has trouble using his magic because of it. Ever since he moved to Pelican Town dark magic is starting to get stronger, monster are more agressive and more likely to breed and leave the mines, and dark creatures almost unheard of before have been spotted in the woods. But nature and forest magic are also getting stronger - plants grow faster and healthier, rare or nearly extinct animals are starting to thrive, pollution is disappearing or at least affecting the environement less, and magical creatures that were droved away by humans and especially by Joja are tentatively moving back into the Valley, like junimos and fairies. (This means lots of interesting research opportunities but also lots of extra worry for the already overworked Ministry/Order members.)
Like his magic, Thad has a very contradictory and changing personality, but keeps most of it hidden (despite seemingly having no filter). He doesn't trust people and never opens up. He's generally mocking and sarcastic in a playful way, doesn't take anything seriously and always wastes his time instead of working. Very smug and annoying, will start fights by saying things people don't want or need to hear. Doesn't apologize or regrets what he's done no matter how bad the situation gets, he'll always choose to double down instead of backing off. But he can also be surprisingly calm and obedient. His personality changes fast, sometimes within minutes, and makes predicting his reactions hard. Which is a problem since he has violent tendencies, especially when his dark magic is stronger than the forest one. Gets along weirdly well with Lance, who's often called to calm him down or get him out of some place.
He has lots of animalstic and inhuman traits or behaviours, like making weird noises, especially when talking with other supernatural beings, smelling magic more than feeling it, and his eyes sometimes glow in the dark like a cat's. Also lots of horror-like traits, like his face sometimes looking wrong when someone is watching him from the corner of their eyes or looking at his reflection, but normal when they look directly at him. (He's not aware that this happens and doesn't understand why people suddenly react weird to him when he's not doing anything.) He died while working at Joja and his body sometimes forgets he's alive again, so randomly he'll stop breathing or won't have a pulse. (He's not aware of that either and doesn't feel it, his magic just takes over until his organs start working again.)
His farm and house are full of void creatures, spirits, junimos and other weird beings, most invisible even to other magic users. They feed off his magic and help him with his chores in exchange. Really doesn't get along with Isaac (or most adventurers/mages really). Has been banned multiple times from Castle Village already. (But they have to let him back because he's the only one who can safely fight in the Badlands. He's very annoying and smug every time they call him back, and generally gets banned immediately after he's done with cleaning the Badlands.)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 days
Tell me more about ur vampires Aerieee <3
like for example, do they have any defining traits (besides them teeth hah)? I noticed the two picrews have them with pointy ears, but I wasn't sure if that was a vampire thing or just them lol. or for example in a lot of media, vampires end up pale or losing their warmth/color to their skin and end up looking greyish--product of being dead I suppose.
Do they have to drink (human) blood or can they, like many others survive on animals? What happens if they don't? do they die or do they just like, dessicate and/or take a long nap lmao Do they have to eat human food too? or does it taste gross to them now?
also any other fun facts that I haven't asked lmao <3 --QD
Once again, was saving these for my birthday. :') So here I go!
Common traits: My vampires have fangs, claws, pale skin, slightly-pointed ears (the picrew exaggerates a bit). All the 'usual' vampire traits. Their fangs and claws can retract. And after they feed, they have a more lively 'glow' to their complexion. (This isn't true for Old vampires. They look pale and dead no matter what. And their fangs stop retracting eventually. This doesn't happen until they're truly ancient though and most vampires don't live that long.)
What they drink: They can drink from humans or animals! Either will sustain them but they might have to feed more often if living on animals alone. Human blood tastes better, but is (understandably) hard for some to obtain. Animal blood isn't the tastiest but it gets the job done without ending a human life. Rayne feeds on animals, drinking rats when he's in the city and drinking deer or foxes if he's near a forest. (He usually tries to leave the woodland creatures alive, but the goddamn rats... Well, he thinks he's doing the city a favor.)
If they stop feeding: A vampire can decide to essentially just go take a really long nap until someone (who they've instructed) wakes them up. Otherwise, if a vampire just stops drinking blood they'll slowly lose their mind and eventually die. Like, if you're 'resting' you don't need to eat. But a vampire who is moving must. (I hope that makes sense?)
Eating human food: Some do, some don't. It depends on the individual (and also age). Rayne loves food, so he eats. Laurent would sometimes, but it usually didn't taste that good anymore. Perhaps because he's accustomed to his liquid diet or because he's older and doesn't feel that sort of hunger anymore.
Fun facts: ♦ Vampires are strongest under a new moon, the opposite of werewolves. ♦ If they're an adult when changed, they stop aging. (Though their hair and nails still grow.) If they're bitten as a child, they grow into their fangs later on. ♦ A vampire's bond with their maker is hard to break, but not impossible. ♦ Vampires drinking each other's blood strengthens the bond between them and allows them to speak telepathically to one another. (This power fades if they stop drinking from each other.) ♦ Vampires can stand in the sun. It is unpleasant, but doesn't burn them to ash instantly. (Older vampires might be an exception...) ♦ Vampires have laws, set by the vamp monarchy. They're more like guidelines. Most people do not follow them. ♦ If a vampire betrays their maker or their coven, one of their fangs is snapped out as a warning. They do not grow back. And there's (basically a) slur for one-fanged vamps. It's very hard for them to make new friends. ♦ Vampires typically get the powers of the one who sired them. (And of any vampires they kill.) ♦ There aren't that many vampires, until the king fucks off and shit starts going crazy. Then their numbers triple within a decade.
I'll stop here before I lose my mind. But I love you Allie, thank you for indulging me! <3333
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halfbit · 3 months
Mmmmmmmmmm i dunno why I haven't asked this sooner. Who's your own current favorite OC?
currently that would probably be sichen because i love angsty guys with blood on their hands. i don't have much art for him yet tho because he's fairly new and i'm still figuring him out, so its just this so far i think.
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some physical notes: one of his ears is gone, you can still see the remnants a bit from the side view, but not much from the front. he does not have an eye color and he does not show his eyes. if he flips his hair back? no he didn't. but if he does, a bird will fly by to cover them. or an avalanche will occur, or everyone will sneeze. his eyes do not get revealed, even if physics must be broken to keep them hidden.
he is. Up To Things. and a menace. and he won't stop betraying people, but i love him dearly. and he would probably not even care about that at all.
in terms of all-time though (which i know you didn't ask but. i take any opportunity to talk about him), that would be beltran. i think he's my prettiest guy ever and i'm noticing a trend between him and sichen and that's the fact that they are both consumed by an obsession that has taken over their entire life and become their reason to live.
for sichen, that obsession is originally around resurrecting someone he loves, but then it turns into revenge :)
for beltran, he is consumed by a need to find out about the past, and his ancestors place in it. his family swore themselves to serve someone, but then that person disappeared. it's been hundreds of years, but he wants to find that person no matter what.
a rough illustration that i probably won't finish of beltran
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not super happy with the rest of the face so a close up crop but slightly more recent beltran art
people also often misunderstand beltran as evil i guess from vibes but he is not! he has been consumed by the ancient texts, yes, that is true, but he is really sweet. he is kind of a dick though when it matters. but in terms of overall morality he is a good guy.
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beltran also can turn into a wolf but it makes him very sick and his girlfriend gets extremely worried so he doesn't do it unless its a life or death situation. if he does it too much he will die (not joking)
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beltran i attempted to make in a picrew!! he is probably one of my worst picrew characters just because of the blue-black + two-tone hair and purple eyes. it's so hard to get a picrew that actually has stuff with the right shades
he is very heavily associated with the night, and the stars, he's someone you find in the hallways of the manor after dark, and you see him as a strange figure in the moonlight being cast through a stained glass window. when he's feeling well, he's in the library or the study, pouring over a stack of tattered scrolls, his wispy sleeves pulled up to keep them out of the ink which he scrawls his notes in, translating language after language. he is someone who keeps trying to work even when his body is falling apart, and the eyes of his loved ones fill with worry, but he is chained to the things he must know, and they drag him deeper into the abyss. "i'm so close to finding it." he'll mumble, the dark circles under his eyes taking more of the light from his face every day, as karina tries to get him to rest, reassuring him that there will be time tomorrow, and that it will all be easier once he's been able to sleep. watch him, he is a ghost already, he will not answer when someone says goodbye. "this is what i've been looking for." he whispers, reaching out. his fingers will run against rocks that haven't been seen in a thousand years, tracing the inscriptions that say he was right all along. and he'll see the person he's been searching for. it's finally his turn to live.
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faun-the-hound · 1 month
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MyStreet picrews
will (eventually, maybe) draw the MCD and MyS versions myself, but I wanted a baseline design idea. I keep going back to a PDH/MyS rewrite in between all my Thoughts about MCD and wanted to make the main characters on one of my favourite picrews.
A few additional head canons/AU facts:
-Nana makes her own jewellery, all of her bracelets and necklaces are hand-made, so are the chokers Aph and Katelyn are wearing
-Aphmau was born with wings and white runes up her arms and on her face, no one knows quite why, but doctors have assumed she's a rare type of magi
-Zane's white streaks are natural, he wasn't born with them, but they started growing in when he was two/three (also applies to MCD Zane)
-Aaron is covered in scars from various fights with other werewolves, he refuses to use his wolf form when fighting, so he gets hurt more often
-Travis had to have his left leg amputated as a child and now has a prosthetic and uses a cane, only Dante knew him before his leg was removed
-Katelyn has really long, thick hair (almost to her hips) but she shaves one side of it almost religiously because her first girlfriend ever said it made her look badass, and she revels in that idea
-Lucinda got her first tattoo (butterfly on her chest) illegally as a teenager, Katelyn and Nicole have matching butterflies on their ankles they got at the same time
-Laurance is very far-sighted, man can't see shit more than three feet in front of him, this leads to him tripping/walking into things a lot, hence all the band-aids on his face
-Michi's parents were very not good to her and Mikai when they were little, and the two of them lived with their aunt throughout all of high school, she's not currently in contact with any of her relatives
-Dante is hard-of-hearing and wears hearing aids, which messes up his Magick when he tries to use it (siren magi, can't hear properly = can't do sound-based Magick properly)
-Garroth knows sign language and preferred to use it in high school as opposed to speaking, this was due to his stutter, though he learned initially for Zane (who is a selective mute)
-Nicole never knew who her mother was, but her father has told her a number of times she was a magi (a witch), Nicole doesn't know if that's true though, as she's never had any Magick of her own
will probably draw them all myself at some point, but there's a lot of characters and designs are hard. might try doing Dante again, I couldn't figure out his hair with the picrew I used
Picrew link:
TOON ME! ⟪ A ⟫|Picrew
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flowering-thought · 2 years
Omg omg omg can we have some Daisuke nsfw headcanons??? PLEASE??? I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!
Of course sweet Anon! Glad someone wants to see some more of Daisuke <3
I'll link the picrew later-
Not edited
Reader is AFAB and described as a woman
Yandere themes, bondage, oral, sex
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Daisuke Kawahara
NSFW Headcannons
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• Honestly? Daisuke is a virgin. He never had any romantic interest and if he did get any semblance of horny he took care of himself only for the sake of his health.
• But boy does that change when he meets you-
• Has about 6.7 inches (about 17 cm) and not too girthy, just enough to make you adjust for a few minutes ♡
• When he realizes it's love that he feels for you (obsessive as that love may be), he cannot help but imagine you the next time he finds himself with a hard-on.
• it was the first time he came that hard and it for sure wouldn't be the last-
• One day he overheard a customer talk about how the guy they were with didn't have any experience and couldn't even get her to cum. After that, he has a minor freak-out and closes the bar early to rush up to his home.
• Next thing you know he grabs an old notebook he never used and starts what he calls "research" due to that he can't imagine his first time being with anyone but you ♡
• His "research" consists of random threads on reddit and 4chan of people more expressed than him. He may have even created a whole new account just so he could write a thread and ask for tips without the risk of you ever finding out.
• He may have also called his more experienced brother for a "hypothetical question" about a "loud customer" (since honestly, he doesn't have many friends)
• But even then with all his research, he may have had a nosebleed when he first saw you naked-
• Of course that led to things becoming less awkward since you and Daisuke were both nervous
• After your first time with him, he understands why some people become addicted to sex.
• The face you made when you came had his heart nearly stop. And the way your bare body felt against his had chills run down his spine-
• After that night and a week passed, he asked if you would let him eat you out-
• It's one of the first times Daisuke had ever wanted something other than you so bad ♡
• He's honestly the type to get pussy drunk as he gets more addicted to how you feel around him
• He's a simple man but he swears that eating you out is the best desert after a tough day.
• He always brushes his teeth if he smokes beforehand cause he doesn't want you to have to deal with the smell or taste.
• He's a switch but has a small streak of forcing you down and overstimulating you-
• Daisuke isn't that into hurting you or toys, but he does have an interest in shibari so expect him to have the softest rope he can find for a special night ♡
• And Daisuke has a couple of moles on his body, if you kiss them he'll grow super embarrassed
• If you're on top? Teasing him and not letting him cum? He will cry and as fat drops of tears roll down his cheeks he'll beg for you to let him cum in your pussy ♡
• In the beginning he couldn't always tell when you came, so he now has a habit of overstimulating you before he cums despite knowing the signs now. He can't help it though, you just look so cute overstimulated-
• Also cries a bit when you suck him off for the first time ♡
• Daisuke loves seeing all the marks he left on your skin. He has the urge to leave bite marks as well just cause it looks so pretty on you
• Daisuke has enough Stamina for about 2 rounds, but if it's a day off? He can go for maybe 4 rounds cause he has more energy on his day off
• As for his favorite position? Mating press. Something about being that close to you while he has your legs pinned and he slams his hips into yours feels so good
• He's not that loud though, sometimes it almost feels like he's not breathing but really he's just focusing on the sounds you make-
• Daisuke does praise you a lot, finding that he can't help himself when you look so good on his cock ♡
•He's also very good with aftercare! And wipes you down if you don't feel like getting up. But since he has a habit of taking photos without you knowing he may have a collection of lewd photos he took when you fell asleep.
• On top of those lewd photos, he one time may have taken a secret sex tape that he uses on days when you aren't with him and he finds himself getting hard at the thought of you.
• As for Children? Daisuke respects your opinion on it. He wouldn't mess around with BC or condoms. But if one day you let him creampie you? He might never want to go back-
• And as mentioned he has a thing for shibari. Something about having you unable to move has him feeling like a pervert.
• Of course if you beg Daisuke to let you out of the rope he would! But sometimes he hesitates when he sees you tear up and wiggle around in rope on the edge of cumming
And of course, if you were to ever find out about the dark things he does, he has soft silk rope waiting for you in a drawer ♡
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American Honey 🐝💛 | Don't Mind the Static, it's Automatic
This isn't exactly what I would call 'well written' as I'm just skipping through the first movie to get the ship introduction down. I also don't really know any terminology for things so...
Picrew | Showstopper by TobyMac | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Bee isn't quite sure where they're going, but Sam seems excited to get there.
They pull up outside an apartment building and Sam lays on the horn a few times. A few minutes later a girl comes out and when she gets closer he realizes she's a lot cuter than the other humans he's seen.
He gets a little nervous as she steps around, appraising him.
"Shit Witwicky," She chuckles, leaning on her arms in the open window, "Picked a pretty thing didn't you?"
He startles and his horn goes off in a short burst, scaring all of them.
"It's got some kinks but I think it's great!" Sam grins, "I just wanted to come show off and say thanks for the five hundred bucks you gave me for my birthday."
"Ah, it's no problem kid," She pats his door, "How's it handle?"
"You wanna take her for a spin? You would know better than me."
"Lemme go grab a jacket and I might just take you up on that,"
She runs back inside and comes back with a red leather jacket, a pair of heart sunglasses, and a denim backpack.
His radio blares to life, "Oh see that girl! - I'll be your Honeybee!"
"What's with the radio?" She asks, opening the driver's side door, "Move."
Sam fumbles with a tape she tosses at him before looking at it confused.
"You just gonna stare at it or you gonna put it in, Witwicky?"
"Maybe I don't want to infect my car with your bad taste?"
"You wouldn't know good music if it bit you in the ass, put the damn tape in," She scoffs, throwing him in reverse and taking off.
"You know, maybe you don't have any other friends 'cause you're too bossy- would you slow down?"
They go back and forth for a while until they hit the dirt roads then the girl lays on the gas, laughing when Sam gets scared.
"Casey- CASEY fuck!" He screams, grabbing onto whatever he can reach when they take a hard turn, kicking up a cloud of dirt behind them, "Case, it's my car. Don't break it- I just got it!"
"Don't be a pussy, Sam!"
They catch air time when they crest a small hill and Bee's shrills of approval are drowned out by the music and his engine.
After a while, they drift to a stop at a lookout over the city.
Sam kicks open the passenger side door and storms around the hood, throwing open the driver's side, and yanking her out of the seat.
"I am never letting you drive my car again!"
"Calm down, kiddo," She shrugs him off and hops up to sit on his hood, "She runs fine and she'll keep running fine, breathe."
"And let's not forget I paid for an eighth of this car, Sammy."
"No," He argues, leaning next to her, "You gave me a present. I could have done anything with that money."
"Yeah, whatever LadiesMan... You have any luck with that Mikayla chick yet?"
"No, not yet- wait! Mikayla- shit!" He pulls her off the hood and shoves her toward the passenger side, "I was gonna go drive to the lake and-"
"Hey, stop pushing! If I get in, please don't tell me how you plan on wooing her, okay?"
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She's at her friend Erik's the next night and finds herself far too high to drive. So, like the responsible adult she is, she decides to walk two blocks alone at night to crash at the Witwicky place instead.
But as soon as she sneaks past the gate she freezes at the sight of a bunch of giant robots all over his lawn.
"S-s-s-sam!" She can't get her voice past a loud whisper but it's enough to get their attention.
"We have an infiltrator. Shall I disbatch?" One asks, pointing some kind of canon at her.
A smaller one steps in front of her, waving its hands discouragingly at the other.
"Bumblebee, do you know this human?" The biggest asks and the yellow one glances back at her and nods its head.
She's about to book it back to Erik's when the yellow one transforms into a bright new Camero, the radio switching between stations.
"Oh, see that girl - I'll be your honeybee!" It plays softly and a spark of recognition is visible in her eyes. The driver's side door opens, "Get in - I'll explain later."
She hesitates, still considering running, but then the radio plays, "C'mon - Showstopper!"
"I am way too high for this," She mutters, getting in the car.
The big one signals for the group to fall back. 'Fall back' to where she doesn't know, but she doesn't get to ask before she lets out a terrified squeak when one of them walks into the powerlines and falls into the neighbor's garden.
"Calm down - it's alright! - Breathe, breathe, just breathe."
She nods and takes a deep breath, and he finds the way she still grips the seat adorable.
They can all hear Sam's parents yelling and he feels bad scaring her, but he has to turn back from his alt form to hide, quickly shuffling her onto the patio next to him where she won't be seen.
In the confusion of it all, she's left there and she hurries inside, giving his parents some bullshit excuse of her car having a flat nearby and her phone being dead.
"What the fuck is with your car, Witwicky?" She whisper-shouts at him in the kitchen, "What? You're hanging out with Jaegers now?"
"I can't- I can't do this right now. I just-" He digs through his bag, "I need you two to distract my parents while I sneak this out to them, okay?"
"I'm Mikayla," The girl on the other side of him says, offering a hand.
"Oh you're Mikayla," She almost exclaims, eyes wide, "I'm Casey, but people call me CC."
The three of them pile out of the kitchen to one Agent Simmons hassling his parents and Casey is swept up with them in their unmarked black government car, but not before she wriggles out of the grip of one of Simmon's men and decks him for being to rough. She goes down hard when he hits her back and is pretty out of it for a good part of the ride.
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By the time they get Bee from the Sector 7 goons, Casey has been properly caught up and, thanks to Sam's quick thinking, her assault officially never happened.
It isn't until after they get their hands on the Cube does Bee really look at his human charges. Casey's left cheek has a large, dark bruise where the agent had hit her and he is pissed.
He chirps at her and tries to use his finger to tilt her face up to look at it better, "God help - the motherfucker who - did this."
"H-hey!" She chuckles awkwardly, pushing his hand away, "I'm all good. We've got bigger things to worry about."
The drive to LA is longer and more treacherous than anyone involved would like and Case has the hardest time not freaking out during her anxiety attack
Everyone is shocked, including her, when she becomes one of the most level-headed person there when the whole place turns into a warzone.
When Lenox sends Sam off alone to get the cube out, she insists on going with him, going as far as taking a gun from a soldier who no longer needs it.
She may not be his real big sister, but she's fiercely protective of him.
She ends up crashing through three floors when Megatron knocks Sam off and the fight is done by the time she hobbles back down to ground level.
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Everyone tries to get back to normal after.
Casey and Bee end up getting a lot closer and even sneak out for late-night drives together.
That is until her great-aunt dies and leaves her vast estate on the East Coast to her and she moves.
But I'm sure fate has more in store for them.
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coffeexafterxmidnight · 7 months
I have no idea what I'm doing but uh
Hi people in the Overwatch fandom! Let me introduce you to my omnic doctor OC!
Jillian "Jill" Herrera-Cortez - Caretaker
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"Don't you worry, I'm the best mechanic in Mexico City."
A young woman with bright gray eyes, long black hair held up in a high ponytail, and freckled medium brown skin. She’s on the chubby side, but agile, with legs built for sprinting and calloused hands. She’s also short - 5’2, not counting the ponytail or boots. She prefers casual clothes - hoodies, t-shirts, overalls and jumpsuits left with the tops tied around her waist and the legs cut off at various lengths. Jill always keeps her safety goggles and collapsible toolkit on her - never know when an emergency will happen.
(forgive the somewhat outdated and inaccurate picrew, I can't draw.)
Jill is a talented mechanic who runs a dubiously legal Omnic clinic in Mexico City. Compassionate to a fault, she works hard to take care of those who come through her doors. She's not afraid to take risks, and her reckless behavior has gotten her hurt many times, but she keeps getting back up again because she believes she's needed. All she wants, in her heart, is to be like her childhood hero Mercy. She'd be a perfect fit for Overwatch... Which is probably why I tend to play her being kidnapped by Talon or Null Sector and forced to work for them instead, haha
Full backstory, written first person POV, under the cut:
Truth is, I try not to think about it. It’s easier to keep a secret, if it’s not always on the tip of your tongue. Maybe I’m the only person who thinks it’s a secret - I mean, who didn’t lose loved ones during the Omnic Crisis? But if I keep it to myself - tell my patients that my parents died in a car accident, if I really have to - then, maybe they’ll be more inclined to trust me. It wasn’t their fault what happened. I don’t hate them. Nobody should hate them.
When I was eight, I got in trouble at the orphanage for it, but by the time I was thirteen, I’d gotten good at it. How could I not? Didn’t matter how the nuns punished me, I wasn’t going to stand by and watch people hurt other people. And standing up for the Omnics never worked, so… I did other things. Misdirection, hiding the victims wherever I could, even the occasional dirty trick. But it wasn’t enough. I don’t see how no one understands - the Omnics are people. I feel more in tune with them than any human. When I was a child, I saw it so clearly. I was looked at the same way they were.
Nobody wanted me either.
I broke the law a lot, to get what I needed. They don’t just leave Omnic blueprints lying around online. At first I felt guilty, and scared. I wondered what would happen to the people around me if I got caught. Seems a bit silly now, doesn’t it? But I wanted to do more. I wanted to help. So I moved away when I was 16, set up a home in a rundown building, and put it back together. I fixed things for humans - still do! - and I bartered, and I negotiated, and I begged for what I needed. I stole. I survived. And nobody seemed to notice, when the Omnics slipped in through the door in the back, or when they came back out. Well, maybe one of my neighbors did, but she never said anything.
And the word got out. That I was kind. That I was safe. That I was good. That I was the best damn mechanic in Mexico City. That’s what I tell my patients, whenever I see them. I haven’t lost any of them, not a single one. Call that a miracle.
It was never just one powerful, traumatic moment. It was a thousand little cuts that led me here. And don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate humans. I can’t imagine hating such a vast, amazing quantity of life. There’s nothing wrong with being human. There’s nothing wrong with being Omnic.
Even now I just don’t understand why my remaining family never took me home. I had two older sisters, three uncles, an aunt, all of them I found after I grew up. I reached out to my siblings… never heard from them. I reached out to one of my uncles. He blocked me. I’m starting to think there’s a reason I’ve been thrown out of the family, and it’s not because of my clinic. What were my parents doing before the Crisis? I have no idea. All their records were destroyed, just like so many others…
I tell myself it’s okay to be alone, that I don’t need them. I wish I could lie to myself as easily as I do everyone else.
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irlwakko · 6 months
did the system in picrew (toon me! by hellosunnycore) because they deserve better than the show gave them
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some explanations under the cut!
Mike I mostly left the same because like... the show did pretty good at his design honestly. Like that is the outfit/appearance of a guy trying to present the front of being normal and boring despite all evidence to the contrary. I did give him a more realistic less pointy hairstyle though because Jo was so right he IS pointy
Chester has grey hair and wrinkles and an old man outfit now! I didn't see options on this Picrew for mobility aids (I could've missed them this Picrew has a LOT of options) but Chester would have his cane or be in a wheelchair at all times in the innerworld.
Svetlana actually dressing like a gymnast! Like if you agree! She'd definitely have long hair in the innerworld and miss it when she fronts. I also gave her a mole because it's an automatic way to elevate any and every character design.
Vito usually does wear SOME kind of shirt in the innerworld, but like... crop tops, mesh, very loose button-up shirts, etc. You get it. I tried to give him like. A greaser kind of look? Also the reason I chose that background for him is because he finally found the club district slay
Speaking of physical features in innerworld that they miss when fronting, Manitoba is INCENSED that he doesn't have his silly little goatee when he fronts. Also it's hard to see but I think he'd also have long hair and wear his hair in like a loose ponytail under his hat.
Mal is just edgy, we all know this.
These are the designs I always imagine them with but I do NOT consider these "my designs" (like I don't have ownership over them) because I'm sure I've drawn inspiration from various other redesigns I've seen and cobbled together in my head.
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kelandrin · 7 months
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I promise I won’t spam you with my ocs lmao, I just had to jump on the chance to bring up Lorcan because he’s one of my faves and I never talk about him anymore so I promise it’ll just be him and Cernnunos (and no pressure to answer either).
❤️ - Anyway this is Lorcan, he’s a fighter and necromancer multiclass. He’s part of an AU for my main durge and he’s the eldest of my 4 bhaalspawn siblings. Can be summed up into tired older brother and tired dad. He got a little power hungry trying to escape Bhaal (he’s my heaviest redemptive durge) and made an attempt at godhood that left him like half dead (or undead) and practically immortal. Now probably a couple thousand years old and just trying to get on with life. He’s been through a lot of trauma but he deals with it in mostly healthy ways and also puts a lot into looking out for and caring for others. A definite shoulder to cry on and always has soothing words for anyone needing comfort. I swear I’m so normal about him and I’m trying very hard to be in this ask and not infodump a paragraph about him but he’s one of my faves lmao
The more you info dump the better lol (resisting the urge to say Atlas I have already said Atlas to half of these I can’t help that Atlas is so good)
I’m going to say I think Kalan would absolutely go for him. I don’t have any screenshots on hand of Kalan so here are some picrew references.
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Kalan is pretty young as far as drow/elves go. His mother is a drow and his father an elf and, like most drow tavs, he has a lot of trauma. His coping mechanism is partaking in reckless behavior. Lorcan would have him like 👀 but the more time he spent around him, the more he would realize he genuinely likes him. Kalan would work his way up to emotional vulnerability and would try his best to bring something to any theoretical relationship as well. He would want Lorcan to be able to rely on him emotionally as well. Kalan can be a bot abrasive at times so he works well with patient (and admittedly older) partners (why he romances Halsin in the end).
Kalan trying to get Lorcan (not actually sure if this is how Lorcan would respond but) to open up vs the other companions in the background ^
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astramachina · 26 days
OC ship song tag?!
Y'all know me. I will take any excuse to talk about the musical vibes behind my projects, and nobody knows this better than @tragedycoded who smacked me with a tag while I was AFK.
Because I've been lost in The Singularity Project sauce, I'm shoving two of my boys in the spotlight: Mike & Cy!
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now that's what i call 80s!
since i haven't talked about them in a hot second for reasons, here's a very brief rundown on who these two are:
Mike Delgado: [actual name Miguel Antony Delgado] is a Dominican med student who, given some unfortunate familial circumstance, moves to the U.S. to find work. because it's Montana in the 80s, best he could land was a security gig in a very suspicious Mall complex. suspicious because the job pays a little too well so long as nobody asks questions about the turnover rate (or why said turnover rate is a consequence of bloody disappearances). chronic plant collector, his most prized possession is an ant farm he found abandoned in his apartment when he first moved in.
Cyrus "Cy" Hart: full-time employee at an electronics shop in said Mall complex. nobody knows much about him, not even himself, aside from the fact that he's worked in the same place for as long as he can remember. his diet consists of Coke, Pop Rocks, and popcorn. very normal, not at all debilitatingly socially anxious, and absolutely 100% human the last time he checked.
Took a lot of money to look the part Took a lot of pain to tame a heart Took a lot of years to lose my fear of flying Took a long time to finally start then it Took a good day to fall apart Took a lot of tears to lose my fear of crying
i hope you like doomed yaoi. :)
very short ramblings beneath the cut ↓
TSP isn't particularly a shippy project since it's very much a sci-fi horror, but Mike and Cy definitely have one of those "not platonic, not romantic, but third infinitely weirder thing" going on, at least from a meta perspective.
Mike is crushing HARD on Cy, but Cy spends a solid chunk of his horrific existence trying to survive the very literal horrors. It's one of those "I'm probably gay but it's the 80s, I'm working overtime in an extremely cursed environment, I think the walls are literally talking to me?, please get me out of here" situations so the guy simply does not have the time to hold hands and maybe kiss under the light of arcade cabinets regardless of how badly he wants to.
So it's not quite unrequited, but maybe in another time things could've worked out.
While I'm here, the picrews I used are this and this!
I FEEL LIKE EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM ALREADY DID THIS so I'm leaving the tag open. I'm late to the game I wholly understand.
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avareiahgt · 2 months
I'm back from my trip and spent the travelling time in Picrew thinking about my OCs, so I'm here to present them to you! Also a little introduction to them. This is for Serendipity.
(I don't know how foot work, I'm European, sorry).
Alec (Alexander) Blake, he/him, 1,81m in Newman meters
He's Newman -aka giant in this world-, 23 y.o. Soon to graduate as an Architect. He's quiet but a bit tough and honest when he speaks up. He's been struggling with money since always. He has 3 older sisters and a niece. They all have their monetary problems so he doesn't want to bother them with his. He likes to play piano, used to compose the base of a song and sell it to some productions so he could keep up paying off taxes for college. He usually finds it hard to find inspiration.
Also not all songs fit on the market, so he has another job where he is so good but doesn't like it... You will find out soon!
He has a resting bitch face energy but I promise is a good guy.
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Hanna Walker, she/her, 1,67m in Older meters (around 7cm in Newman measurement)
She's Older -aka tiny-, 19 near 20 y.o. She's nervous, brave and hardworking. Loves her family more than anything. Always has been so curious and hopes to explore the wide world enlisting herself in the Military Force. She has one brother and lovely parents. Also, she's so damn straight and somehow manages to find big tall boys the sexiest (hehe).
She's not good at strategies or studies, but is so flexible and adaptable. Some people used to say she was so "manly" when she was younger.
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Leo (Leonard) Walker, he/him, 1,50m/6cm
Hanna's little brother, he's Older, 14 y.o. He's not full grown yet. Leo is the sweetest, cutest and smartest pretty boy in this world. He's always supportive towards his loved ones. He admires Hanna even when she thinks she's a fool or a disappointment, he looks up at her as a heroine.
He's so good at history, mind games and writing. If he wasn't so shy he could be a charismatic leader. He's currently looking for a chance to get a place into college. He wants to be a traductor and translate old manuscripts or to be a writer.
He's not athletic nor a warrior. Not even courageous. Just a smiley kid.
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Connor Adelbert, he/him/they/them he doesn't care, 1,73m
Connor's Newman, a crazy one, 31 y.o. He's a freaking genius, almost a doctor who threw away college and is now a drug dealer. It took him years to give a try to do drugs, but he finally did. Now he consumes once or twice per week.
He's Alec's best friend and even if he is a bit weird, hes so loyal and lovely. He would throw himself off a cliff if Alec needed so.
He has no contact with his family, but he sends them money every single month.
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Hope you find them interesting. I already have images for Jamie and Connor in State of Nephilim but it would be a spoiler to show them and explain them. And yeah, there are two Connors but they are not the same person and it has an explanation, I promise.
I would love to draw all of them for you but my hands aren't skilled in any way. So sorry about that.
Thanks to @ makowka for this Picrew, I think the design is so beautiful. Credits to them.
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my-silly-rabbit · 2 months
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general blog stuff: 💜 hello! names gems! I'm 25 and have brain rot for this man. im sorry im like this. I have no excuse. it's the British accent and Mathew Lillard for me. 💜 I'm rather picky about my man. Dave Miller, or as i like to call him "nft monkey", will not be on my blog unless someone draws him very well and to my liking. 💜I'm also selective on his weight. I'm aware that it is canon that he was a bigger man but il be honest, I dont trust Scott or a lot of fans with weight in relation to him being a deplorable murderer man. as a 400+ ib person myself, I dont feel comfortable with my own weight on such a man even though I love him dearly. also, as a big person myself, the internet has sorta tainted seeing plus-size fictional characters in a pos light due to fetishes and junk. idk who to trust with my size or not. especially on a character I care so much about. . + I admit I have a horrid taste that's been tainted by Tumblr sexy men. I'm sorry. I love plus-size Afton art in general but my self-ship blog will most likely not have it for my own body comfort and tastes. its not a 100% no but it depends. self shipping involves a connection to art and i just dont feel it for a lot of plus-size art. I do get the gender pos feels though. i love seeing him, its just more my own insecurities with people online involving weight. 💜please be nice. ik people aren't fond of Afton fans, I've had my good share of stinkers. he is a comfort character on top of a f/o so please just. if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. tags:
💜🐇 = William
💛 🎈 = Bonbon
🍰 💃 = Ms. Afton
🧰🐻 = Henry
self-insert: 💜 name: Bonbon Benson 💜 age: 25+ (it changes around but always mid 20s - late 30's) gender/pronouns: nonbinary any but mainly she/her bio down below VVVVVVVVVV
Bio: as a child, bonbon wasn't very well cared for. her parents were poor and always fought. this caused Bonbon to hide away in themselves and try to not be a burden. they eventually developed a love for robotics and wanted to further that career but their homelife and mid to high-functioning autism made that difficult. her parents eventually divorced after the birth of her sibling, Molly, and stuff started to look a bit better. but that didn't last long. bonbon couldn't manage to finish high school due to her anti-social behavior, lack of friends, poor home life, and poor grades in most classes outside of math and science. She is 25+ now and still needs to get her GED but living with her distant dad and no friends, it's very hard to think. its not the best environment to do schoolwork. never was. after the divorce, her mother gained a large sum of money and this caused her sibling to be rather spoiled, which their mother isn't fond of so to help her branch out, she let her have visits with Bonbon and their dad.....aka just bonbon.
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(pic of molly. picrew link: here) there are not many places a kid would enjoy in Hurricane, Utah. molly only wanted to go to the library but Bonbon felt like their little sister deserved someplace better. then she saw an ad for Freddy's. idk which Freddy's, they change with the timelines, vers of William etc but it's usually between Fred Bears and Freddy's JUST opening. early enough for Bonbon to still see William use the Springbonnie suit at least a few times before showcasing the band. once they got there, bonbon fell in love. the lights, the games, the animatronics....everything. they never had anything like it as a child. they felt so happy just being able to see something so lively.....and yet it brought Molly no joy. She found it loud, crowded, and annoying.
bonbon couldn't understand. She was a kid??? why did she like it so much??? it infuriated Bonbon...but at least she wasn't alone. after a few visits, the founders took notice of the hyper adult adoring their pizzeria with no child in sight (Molly stayed cooped in one of the booths the whole time). and William eventually started striking up conversations. bonbon is a....hyper sort. easy to read and William found it refreshing. As much as she adores what he does, she isn't afraid to say how she feels. just barely a filter on this little lady. idk what more to say lol. they become silly murder partners, bonding over how much kids take that adults also enjoy and their lost youths
either ms afton is a few years already dead or in their silly polycule.
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