#it is getting late and I'm on my phone
yasmeensh · 8 months
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This is what I have been working on this week. A4 paper in gouache. It's a rather difficult medium to work with. I do like the consistency, and the matte finish. But I found it hard to make the colours come out bright (I suppose gouache is like that?). I used coloured pencils and what is supposed to be oil pastels (it was straight up chalk lol). I think it could still use more work, but I fear I would just ruin it if I work any further. Overall, I'm happy with the result! Next up will be acrylics! Progress shots under the cut:
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Ok but for real I think Max should start tweeting that before each episode on the grounds that he can't really miss any episodes of Critical Role, as it is his job, and see how long it takes people to catch on
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justunderscorecattttt · 5 months
one hand-sized spider punk, coming right up
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if the quality seems a bit low, it's cause I had to draw this on very short notice and I conviniently just lost my only small brush. and yes, this image is blatantly copied from a panel (I think?) from his comic. honestly not too sure, this is a Christmas present for a friend.
never again am I attempting to cut out that small of details. never again. Hobie I love you but your spikes had to go.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
Not to continue my recent trend of oversharing on tumblr dot com, but I am very much struggling not to feel like I'm doing everything in my entire life wrong at present
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
Im soooooo hungry i neeed.... gaming trivia. tO live 😺
i mostly just have TF2 trivia, as its history has always been something ive always been fascinated with, so i hope these suffice:
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The Pyro's Beta Head: While 8 of the 9 classes had their heads redone throughout development (to better show off Valve's new facial flex system), only the Pyro was left untouched, leaving them as the only class to still have their beta head.
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Reference Posing Medics: In "Trailer 2", there are two Medics who are in their reference pose, during the first-person sequence of the Scout running through RED's base. While their role isn't clear, one likely theory is that they were meant to be camera positions for shots that were ultimately removed, in favour of the Scouts perspective, and Valve just forgot to remove or hide them. The second Medic even turns to look at the Scout as he runs by, maybe further proving their original purpose.
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The Teaser Corkboard: While we don't have a clear idea as to what Valve had been planning with the "Teaser Corkboard", one likely theory is that it was created for the proposed update that would've included both Asteroid and Cactus Canyon, due to the few mentions of "Future", the blueprint of the rocket engine from Half Life 2 Episode 2, and Poopy Joe. Also worth noting, the two posters that were added with the corkboard share similar styles Asteroid and Cactus Canyon.
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The Balls of Steel Taunt: Originally, The Love & War update was meant to include a lot more taunts than what ultimately shipped. One of the few to get scrapped is a taunt called "Balls of Steel", where the initiator would dare other players to kick them in the groin. While we don't have footage of this taunt, we do have voiceline files that reference the taunt's intention, as well as the name. The few files that remain were reused for other contexts, such as the Soldiers Conga taunt, where his "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" lines were originally his pain sounds for the taunt.
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cluescorner · 12 days
Terry you've gotta start treating Dana better istg. I can excuse the fact that you are a Batman who kills people but I draw the line at mistreating your genuinely lovely girlfriend.
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sadlittleratboy · 2 months
Put down my cat late last night. She was old, around my age (24) and I've had her basically my whole life. I miss that rage beast already. She died comfortably in my arms at least. As long as I was holding her she seemed happy. I held her the entire 40 minute drive to the emergency vet and four 2 hours prior, and I held her during the hour and a half wait for it to all be over. She loved being held, and she even started feeling better enough to purr right before the end. I almost put a stop to it all and took her home because she was feeling a little better, but I knew it would happen again. It seemed like she was ready to go anyway. I feel like I left a big chunk of me in that clinic. When I get her back she'll be ashes. I've had to put down a pet before (just three years ago) and though I loved him I hadn't had him for half the time I had her. She cuddled me to sleep every night. She demanded my attention every second I was home. Even with my other two cats seemingly understanding that I need them more than ever right now it's not enough.
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subsequentibis · 3 months
my power is unlimited. mouthful of coffee started going down the wrong pipe and i coughed it all back in the cup
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#saw a reply to a post that was like#websites only have apps to get more ad revenue out of you#and like. what i had to say about this wasn't the point of the original post so I'm making my own#but Reddit's mobile site used to be perfectly good and engaging#now it's changed layouts and stuff and it looks like the app. which we despise and hate and find unintuitive and user-unfriendly#which means what in practice? we're not using the app we hate it. we're just not on Reddit if we're not on the computer (old Reddit beloved#but it's not losing them ad revenue because we use an ad blocker so they probably don't give a shit either way#:/#saltposting#actually ETA I think a lot of things we hate about the Internet under late stage capitalism is. why does everything have to change layouts#all the time#for no good reason#like if it works there's no need to fix it#but nooo endless growth blah blah blah maximise user engagement blah blah blah money etc#how about retain the users you already have by remaining what they liked about you in the first place. ever think about stability?#there is a reason why we have autoupdates turned off on our phone and there's like 5 apps that are FORBIDDEN to update#Tumblr because we don't like the overhauls to the notes section (the ones where they're coloured differently based on read/unread#instead of on people you follow/don't follow)#Discord because the new layout looks like absolute shit and having DMs separate from servers would be hell for our processing#and ability to respond to both#our red filter app because it's gonna stop filtering wallpaper to comply with Android regulations and that's a no from us#are the main three but I think there might be others I'm not thinking of#anyway. yeah#I wish for predictable apps that don't suddenly throw new layouts at you every time you've finally gotten used to the last change#I don't wanna be kept on my toes real life does enough of that. I want to have a stable anything in my life is this too much to ask for
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not-poignant · 1 year
Schedule change:
Hi folks! Looks like I'll be putting up Underline the Black about 8 hours early tomorrow (around 9-10am GMT+ 8 on Thursday).
This is because of family emergency reasons still, and visiting a 'could die at any moment' parent in the hospital tomorrow afternoon. There might be some schedule hiccups in the interim. To the best of my ability, I will put up chapters earlier, rather than later, and all of June has been written (and most of July), so we're good.
I know most of you will say 'don't worry about that' because you're all the best, but I really care about y'all and these stories and these characters, so I'll be doing my best :) Besides, sharing these stories helps me too, so y'know. <333
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lohstandfound · 8 months
Dumb deities au concept
Someone comes up with the brilliant idea to put Jake and/or Brooke in charge of some social media content, especially around this new exhibition
The problem?
Brooke has almost zero idea how to even work a phone properly and Jake doesn't understand social media
It becomes clear very quickly after watching Brooke and Jake attempt to make videos that maybe the 'youngest' out of them are not actually the best option
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 3 months
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
me before: wow I'm not nervous about my appointment at all, cool!
me in the waiting room: hm I wonder why I can't stop shaking, and sweating like I'm running a marathon, and feeling like I'm about to die
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filet-o-feelings · 5 months
I know a lot of my mutuals are crafty so I'm begging for craft ideas!
I've been struggling with focus for several months now (arguably several years, but it’s been particularly bad for the past 6 months or so) and every day I try to get myself back into writing and it just isn't happening, so I need another hobby to keep myself sane!
I used to be crafty and have a bunch of random craft supplies and a ton of inherited fabric I don't know what to do with. I have paint and diamond painting projects I barely started but spent hours on and they just hurt my eyes and I made almost no progress lol
So I'm looking for something uncomplicated and relatively inexpensive if anyone has suggestions! Other non-craft hobbies too!
I made cabin pressure related stuffed felt plushies for a fandom exchange a long time ago, and that was enjoyable, so maybe if someone has a request or suggestion for SC felt plushies? Or non SC, lol I'm just stuck right now so all suggestions are welcome!
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tetranymous · 4 days
I have no idea why people send parts that don't match the listing. "aaaah looks close enough" my brother in christ it does not fit what I bought it for and is unsuitable as a replacement part! It's not likely that the buyer won't notice!
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sociallyawkwardseal · 5 months
if i don't write soon i'm going to Implode into a million tiny pieces
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