#it is more treatable
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besnouted · 20 days
now that i can give a more coherent update, the prognosis is basically that she will be in indefinite hospice treatment with symptomatic treatment where possible. the main concern is her platelet count, because her blood is unable to clot and so even a little bump could cause big problems for her. and then her appetite to ensure she keeps her weight on and strength up
we ended up at the kindest emergency vet we've ever been to and god i cannot even begin to get into how many traumatic experiences we've had with horrible emergency vets... but they were all amazing there and the main vet took so much time to break down what was going on and keep us informed on every single test they did and then afterward wrote up a super detailed report so we could go to a non-emergency vet to continue her meds if they improve her qol
and already a day and a half later she is seeing a huge improvement in her energy and comfort, like she's doing things i haven't seen since before the lethargy first set in which i am so beyond grateful i get to see again even if i know she isn't 'getting better'
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
My GP thinks I probably have a hiatal hernia which may or may not need to be repaired surgically depending on how I respond to treatment and lifestyle changes. Honestly? Kind of not upset, because if this is a fixable issue and not just the Well, Your Tummy Is Just Like That :) runaround I have gotten since I was twelve fucking years old then that would be great.
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A very interesting cloud formation!
#I don't think I had ever really seen clouds like this before? it looks like a cool painting or something :0#Pulling just a few images from my cloud and sky photos folder which has like 650 pictures in it becvause I'm obsessed with the sky lol#I will usually spare everyone the cloudposting but... in some exceptions when it's really cool I must Share#(upcoming covid mention in tags for those avoiding the topic)#I WANT TO BE ON AN AIRPLANE SO SO BAD I am going to start casting evil spells to explode all these 'back to normal' bastards who are out#spreading virus and shit HHHHHH... Covid is NOT over actually contrary to popular beielf especially for people with health conditions#that make them more vulnerable or would have worse consequences if they were to catch it etc. etc. wearing a mask in public is#in MOSt cases not THAt much of a horrific terrible evil inconvenience and it helps keep everyone around you safer including these#vulnerable populations!!!! Even if I didn't have any problems myself I would STILL be masking because it's a small gesture that can make a#big difference in people around me being comfortable. It's not like people with health issues just never have to go out or go to the stor#or whatever. There are still people out there who could be helped by extra precautions that are being overlooked. grrrrr...#Like at this point since I'm vaccinated and everything I would MAYBE consider flying on an airplane IF everyone else around me#was masking and being just as careful as me. But at this point it's just the wild west and I would literally be the only one who gives#a shit or who gets tested freqeuntly before after and during traveling and wears the proper type of mask well fitting and not half off my f#ce and blah blah blah. And precautions work best when EVEYRONE is participating. There's only so much you can protext yourself if everyone#around you is doing nothing. So.. alas.. I still do not feel safe traveling. And probably won't for years until more progress is made in#terms of like understanding and treating certain long covid issues and etc. Since I think it's inevitable that if I start going out again#I would get covid. Me and my household bubble are some of the only people I know who haven't had it yet (or at least not knowingly so - if#so it was one of the asymptomatic cases etc.). So if I was GOING to get it anyway I'd at least like the assurance that whatever long term#issues I inevtabley suffer because of it will be more easily treatable at that point instead of entirely disabling even further than I'm#already disabled. etc. AAANYWAY!! all that to say. I JSUT REALLY WANT TO be on an airplane!!! I dont even like traveling and going places I#hate vacations and would rather be at home working on my projects I'm fixated on lol HOWEVER I love the view from airplane windows#like the very few times in my life Ive actually been on a plane and the window is so COLD when you lay your forehead on it and sometimes yo#even see little ice crystals and it's like you're just in a landscape of clouds with a sea of clouds above and below and aaaAAAAAA#Literally I want to get on a plane just to go up in the air and then land and fly back. I don't even want to go on a real trip. I just NEED#to see the sky I need to be IN the sky I need to have that VIEW and the cold and everything!!!! gRGGHGgg... And I will do that the entire#time. I think my longest plane ride was 7 hours and I do not watch movies. I dont text or play games. I literally do nothing to entertain#myself except stare straight out the window for 7 hours (with a few eating and bathroom breaks). not even joking lmao. It's like a trance#I LOVE the sky and clouds so much and the view you get from an airplane is like incomparable!! also I love airports with the big windows an#people watching. but mostly I just long for the sky view again. GRRR.. sobbing and yearning >:T
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valenteal · 5 months
Unpopular BSD opinion:
I actually like the Tanizaki siblings. They make me uncomfortable but I find them interesting anyway. They’re a bit of a mystery. Junichiro is only 18 but he and his sister are living alone, and their parents aren’t mentioned at all. They’re clearly a but messed up and codependent. And they seem to work at the agency for the protection it provides rather than because they enjoy the work/feel a calling to help. It’s a job for them like it isn’t for the other members.
Beyond that, incest isn’t exactly uncommon. It’s usually better hidden but it’s not like it doesn’t happen. You have two teenagers close in age, living together, with raging hormones and little executive thinking? Yeah, you bet they sometimes end up exploring a bit. I’ve known people who did. Now, I’m an only child so I don’t really understand what it’s like to have siblings, but this makes logical sense to me. I mean, incest among animals happens all the time. Rich and powerful people throughout history have married relatives. It’s natural.
According to Freud the taboo against incest is one of the hallmarks of human civilization. For unknown reasons almost every human civilization has independently developed this taboo despite how natural and common it was in the past. I mean, when you’re a nomadic tribe of no more then 30 people you don’t have much of a choice. Since the development of civilization, defined by the transition from hunter gatherer to agriculture and domestication and the keeping of surplus food, the population has been steadily increasing, making incest unnecessary for survival. The taboo grew along with the population. But it doesn’t change that teens will be teens. Or pre-teens in some cases.
I’m not advocating for fucking your siblings, or saying that the taboo against it is inherently wrong. It just is what it is and it’s interesting to actually see it portrayed in media. It also continues the story’s trend of making you question everything. The Tanizaki siblings love and support one another. They protect each other and they’re stronger together. They are supporting themselves, without parents or guardians, and they’re doing a great job for a couple of obviously traumatized kids. Is it hurting anyone if they have a relationship slightly outside the norm? As long as they don’t have kids it doesn’t affect anyone but them. It’s their own lives.
Now, moving on from opinions to theories!
1. Junichiro might be trans. Maybe that’s why he and Naomi aren’t with their parents. Junichiro came out, got kicked out, and Naomi left with him. Which negates the issue of inbreeding.
2. Junichiro probably couldn’t control his ability very well before joining the agency, causing him to loose some of his grip on reality and inflicting hallucinations on him and everyone around him.
Actually that’s all I’ve got rn. My head hurts and I haven’t eaten.
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elibeeline · 2 months
Do you guys want my new skincare routine? Im sharing my new low-effot high-reward skincare routine.
In the morning! I wash my face with a salicylic acid oil-free face wash. Then i do some hydration cream, because the face wash kinda dries me out but it works, and the teeniest drop of retinol on problem areas (ie chin and jawline). Then some suncream, because it feels like the right thing to do. Then lip balm, bc of course.
At night! I wash my face again. I go in with the retinol all over. I cover any spots with this gel that works like those spot patches but it just works better and feels more hygienic for me, and the gel is better than the patches for my skin picky tendencies. Then i go over any unhealed spots and red marks with some classic e45 because it helps with the picky tendencies too. Then lip balm too of course.
I swap pillow cases roughly every six weeks, flipping sides every three weeks or so (not at strict intervals! This is very low effort. I do it when i notice more problem area spots on whichever side ive been sleeping on)
And thats it. Four steps, sometimes five. Which is good for me because i used to do like seven/eight steps with different serums and multiple face washes and i simply dont have time and tbf i wasnt seeing results anyway so i like. Stopped all of it completely and resorted to face wipes and nothing else until i eased myself back up to here.
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suncaptor · 29 days
forgot when you can't handle brilliant agony all youre left with lows and emptiness and pain that feels like nihilism instead of burning hope
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beauzos · 1 month
my left ear piercing is infected
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bahrmp3 · 1 month
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roboticutie · 2 months
My ferrets are seniors now and are slowly getting Old Ferret Diseases :(
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myleftpinkytoe · 1 year
The last of us be like "oooooh there's no way to create treatments for a fungal pandemic"
Meanwhile the cure for yeast infections literally exists.
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slippery-minghus · 6 months
yaaaaaaay saw the new psych and she was awesomeeeee. i felt safe right away to tell her i'm also autistic and she totally validated it and found it made sense with the narrative i was giving her. she's down to help me play with dosages and meds to find a good fit for adhd stuff, and is starting me on something new to supplement what i'm already taking, to see how that goes.
i'm so excited! she seemed like such a good fit from her bio and the research i did, i'm so glad that my read on her was correct. she totally vibed with me on queerness and disability as we talked too.
it's weird. admittedly very weird. building a support system and care team of competent and caring doctors. i have so many health issues now, but i, for the fist time in my life, feel really supported in them? long gone are the days of no one bothering to take me to a doctor until the horrendous medical issues have gone on so long they're already starting to resolve on their own, and it's far too late for anything to be done. i'm finally finding doctors who actually know what they're doing and are willing to recognize that there is something wrong with me. and then do something about it.
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zumer-feygele · 1 year
So the doctor is testing me for celiacs...
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scruffydogposting · 1 year
Sophie had her 2 week check up today at the vet. It was really just in time because she’s been on a downward slide in the last several days.
What we know:
She has pneumonia, probably aspirational and is on antibiotics for it. She also still has a megaesophagus.
What we don’t know:
The cause of her megaesophagus and general muscle weakness
She goes back in for an abdominal ultrasound on Thursday to check for masses and we sent in a blood sample for Myasthenia Gravis. Results from those will determine our next steps.
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citizen-zero · 1 year
jabbed myself p hard with a sewing needle today (not rusty, and I got a TDAP last year anyway) and as I was putting neosporin and a bandaid on it it just struck me how this kind of thing would’ve been a much bigger problem for our ancestors probably even within the last century. and same thing with tons of other minor injuries, like a small scrape or cut could’ve led to a deadly infection.
like idk it’s just kinda crazy how stuff that would’ve killed or severely disabled people in the past is like…stuff that can often be entirely taken care of at home with some soap and water and a bandaid with antibiotic ointment. you don’t even need to see a doctor. it’s just kinda wild how people found a way to survive without modern medicine and it makes me wonder what kind of stuff will be considered easily treatable and mild in the next century
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coldvampire · 8 months
no longer relying on the cure of denial & finally booking an appointment to get this weird hip pain checked out. it’s been several weeks if it were go away on its own p sure that would have already happened.
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