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pakunod-a · 5 months
A/N: a repost from my old blog (@ayayabaroque) with a few tiny revisions, based on Kung 'Di Rin Lang Ikaw and Sa Ngalan Ng Pag-Ibig, both by December Avenue <3 Warnings: Sumeru Archon Quest spoilers, (Use of Scaramouche's real/given name) horrible English </3
If you aren’t the reason to love, would I stop my heart from getting hurt?
Kunikuzushi was beyond saving, he was impossible to love. His own creator abandoned him, his only friends left him, and being faced with his own immortality, he knows that you’ll leave him too.
You believe that though your flaws of mortality remain, you would do your best to stay by his side for eternity.
But as he drifts of into the company of another, a scholar by the name of Haypasia, you question if he is worth the trouble of loving.
“Scaramouche, it’s been only 2 days after your most recent visit to Haypasia, would it be possible to ask you of one thing?”
He merely scoffs, dismissing the idea of resting, if it meant showing affection to his most devoted follower.
It is a true wonder you haven’t left him yet, despite how inconsiderate he is towards your personal feelings.
If it isn’t you, then it won’t be at all, I won’t hope for us anymore.
The Doctor offered you revenge, wealth, and power, all you had to do was to betray Kunikuzushi.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to put him in a much more dire situation, thus you decline.
Yet do you truly feel this way about him?
“You never truly cared for me, Haypasia has been showing her dedication and devotion to me ever since she made contact with her new-found God.” 
Scaramouche seethes, venom spilling from his mouth
“If I were you, I’d do exactly as Haypasia, in hopes to win over my companion again.”
I’m shivering and I can’t move, my heart can’t force myself to love you anymore.
It proves true that the snow-ridden land of Snezhnaya is not suit to your tastes,
but if it means staying as far away as humanly possible from Scaramouche, you’d go through whatever length to ensure his happiness.
For Haypasia's happiness too, yet not yours.
If the frostbite and cold doesn’t take you, then may the fake god abrew in Sumeru take your life.
You once believed that you would take any step toward a brighter future for you and Kunikuzushi, but it seems near impossible to achieve that, if he is in the glory of another.
Do you truly love him now?
If it won’t be us in the end, I’ll stop myself from loving someone else.
“I vow to stay by your side for eternity, let the damned wake, and let the souls who mourn, do so with agony. I will shield you from the world and all it’s cruelty.” —yet you, who makes such sacrilegious promises, only to succumb to sheer cold, and a slight pang of jealousy toward his “first” follower.
If you couldn’t love another, you might as well die with the vows you’ve made to each other.
That way, when he succeeds in entering godhood, he won’t remember you anymore.
But if I don’t remember who we were, who’ll cry in the morn for us?
Before setting foot into Sumeru, you haven’t even heard of Irminsul.
Much less known that Irminsul contains the memories of everyone, which holds little to no regard from Scaramouche, until he caught wind of what recently happened after his downfall.
“They have been pronounced dead. I believe you have no use for them anyway, since Haypasia is your one and only follower, am I correct?”
Il Dottore, 2nd of the Harbingers, announcing your death to the former Harbinger has his mouth agape and speechless.
He descended into madness, believing that it was all his fault, his status, his arrogance, and his vile nature that caused your death.
Shortly after his defeat, he was assigned to carry out a task for Lesser Lord Kusanali and the Traveler.
Enter Irminsul and attempt to find more information on the Descenders of Teyvat. In his subconscious, his new-found information on the erasure of existence from the Traveler has his full attention. Perhaps, if he never met you, if he never tainted his self-image, you could live happily together with him in his next life. With the knowledge of Irminsul, he begins infiltrating its memories in hopes to have his soul reborn into your arms again. I’m letting go, since I can’t move anymore. But would I stop your heart to yearn for another? He succeeded in erasing The Balladeer’s existence of this world, but it was in vain. You couldn’t hang on to the tiny bit of life you have anymore, and withered away from his grasp. In all the years of his life, he has never experienced such grief in his life. His mind, though hazy, tries to cling on to what little memory he has of you in the back of his mind. Kunikuzushi was impressed to say the least, you really did love him, even if he wouldn’t love you anymore. At the cost of the recognition as a God, the price would be his only source of hope and warmth. “Until the end of our time,  until our hearts feel nothing anymore, even if forever ends, I’ll wait for you in the name of love.” - A/N: i wish that i too, can be erased by irminsul. that sucks. Stay safe, keep yourself hydrated, and continue on treading your path in life, with hopes of success. Believe in yourself, and stay positive. <3 -1, Yuan
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bbgnyx · 9 months
Hi babe it's me leigh ✌ Saw your song requests like 10 secs ago so 👀👀
song name: in the stars by benson boone
song lyric: and now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far
pairing: minho x female reader
disc: the reader dies and minho is just devastated and he cries for the first time in front of everyone and stays ☹️ (I'm bad at descriptions save me-)
Anyway thx for reading!!!
a/n: omg babe this song has been running in my head recently so this request was like you read my mind 😭✋. This was so sad to write honestly, hope it matches what you had in mind!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
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And now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far~
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genre: angst
warnings: very sad, church and god are mentioned, mentions of blood and death, indirect mention of cancer, mention of a funeral. lmk if I miss anything
Sunday mornings used to hold so much joy for Minho. It was the one day he could spend with you, and it filled his heart with happiness. The two of you would go on adorable picnics, visit malls, and sometimes even attend church together. He couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked with your hair up and that radiant smile on your face. Minho was a softie, but only when it came to you.
He remembers the times when he would get jealous of you because Soonie Doongie and Dori seemed to love you more than him. He cherishes the memories of cuddling up in bed with you, watching movies together. Every little thing about you, he adored. You were his angel. But now, Sunday mornings are no longer his favorite. Not after everything that has happened.
When he was with you, Sunday mornings held a different meaning. Now that you're gone, Minho knows that nothing will ever be the same again. If he doesn't have concerts or practice, he simply sleeps in, avoiding going out because it only brings back painful memories. He has even lost his faith in God, burying it alongside you, deep beneath the earth.
Minho has lost count of how many times he has stood there, screaming at God, questioning why the love of his life was taken away from him. Why did God seem to hate him so much, leaving him to suffer like this? He is constantly lost in his thoughts, not knowing what else to do but cry himself to sleep, knowing that you will never be there to comfort him again.
Minho still remembers the day you were admitted into the hospital, they said you were okay, they said you only had to go through a small surgery. All of it were lies. That day, Minho’s band had won an award, but he couldn’t even relish the happiness as he soon got a call from your mother.
“She’s in a critical stage, she has lost a lot of blood, the doctors don’t know if they can save her”, your mom said sobbing through the phone. At that moment, it took Minho his everything not to leave the award show immediately and fly back home to you. He had been crying all day and all night, worried about you. He should be there with you, he thought.
On Sunday, he took the award and flew back to you as soon as possible. Only to be informed that you’re gone, you’re not with him anymore. You had passed away.
Minho remembers the day of your funeral. The weight of your absence crushed him, burying his heart alongside you, six feet under the ground. “It’s okay Minho, she loves you with all her life,” your mother said, trying to console him. He felt weak and helpless then.
All these pent-up emotions let loose at his most recent concert. You had always told him to show his emotions to others, not to close his heart away. So he cried, he cried like he had lost everything and he did. He lost you, and you were his everything, you were the earth and he was the moon and now he didn’t have anything to revolve around. On that stage, he crumbled, his fellow members offering solace, while fans shed tears alongside him, showering him with words of comfort.
It felt as though he had loved you for an eternity, but he realized that the time he spent with you was merely a fraction of his lifetime, while you had loved him throughout your entire existence. This realization shattered him to his core. How was it fair? You had promised to always be by his side, to never leave him alone. And you kept that promise, remaining faithful even in death. But what about him? He wasn't there when you underwent surgery, he wasn’t there through your suffering and he wasn't even there when you took your final breath.
He felt stupid not to realise that you were suffering. He hated that you hid your condition from him. He always wondered why you asked him what he would do if you weren’t there. He always replied, “I’ll protect you so nothing ever happens to you, my love”. But now he couldn’t protect you and that broke him, and it would break him till he took his last breath and he would be lying if he said he didn’t wish that day came soon so he could see you again. But all he knows now is that he loved you, loves you and will continue loving you.
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I still mask because it's what I can do to protect myself and others.
I still mask because I don't trust the people at the grocery store and on the train to stay home when they're sick, or to stop themselves from spreading COVID.
I've recently learned that the masks I was using are no longer recommended, and have ordered some N95s! I'm doing my best but it's frustrating that I see people masking less and less. 😷
I have also felt the social pressure to go without masking and have given in sometimes, which I'm not proud of. Even my doctor made comments about it. I would love to know what you do/say in these situations!
Hey thank you for sharing! 😷💛
Firstly, I'm happy to hear you're able to upgrade to better quality masks! I hope they're comfortable and have a snug fit!
You're definitely not alone in experiencing pressure to remove your mask. This can be especially difficult when this happens with relatives and friends.
For me personally, I've gotten in the habit of trying to think 10 steps ahead of what I could do to prevent having to take off my mask. I gave some examples of what I would do in the case of visiting a friend or visiting a restaurant in this post here.
In general, I stand my ground with my boundaries if anyone is trying to pressure me to take off my mask. My boundaries are: I will not be removing my mask around other people that I'm not confident have been masking consistently in public and/or high risk scenarios, and I will not be removing my mask around other people that have not been taking enough adequate precautions & testing, if at all, leading up to the time of our convening.
In the case of being in public spaces surrounded by a bunch of strangers, removing my mask is 1000% off the table because there is no way for me to know how covid-cautious all these people around me have been, and my best bet is not at all if they're all maskless. So in the case of if I'm with relatives and/or friends that are trying to pressure me to remove my mask in public, that is a hard no. And frankly, I treat interactions like that as moments that inform me of how they regularly go about their day-to-day during an on-going pandemic: casually & carelessly removing their masks (if they have one at all) in public, with no risk assessment or precautions at all. I know then to double down on my boundaries, and, if possible, distance myself from them. I recommend joining any "Still Coviding" Facebook groups, Discord servers, etc. for your particular state/city/town if you're looking to spend time with more people on the same page as you about the seriousness of the pandemic.
In regards to doctors; I haven't personally experienced pressure to remove my mask from the doctors I've been seeing, but I have had to ask them to put one on around me, especially if the purpose of the appointment actually requires me to remove my mask. Here's a document that has templates for what you could say to your health care provider if you're requesting them to wear a mask in any upcoming appointments (feel free to save a copy and tailor it to your own liking!). Please remember that it's 1000000% your right to demand for accommodations and safety precautions in a literal health care environment. You're not a burden for doing so, and you're not irrational for asking your health care providers to literally do their job and do what they can to protect your health. There's websites like Covid Safe Providers if you're trying to look for a covid-cautious health care provider; it's not guaranteed there's going to be one for your location (I've been having a hard time finding a covid-cautious GP near me), but it's worth a shot to look into.
Overall, here's some links I recommend to equip yourself with knowledge on what you could say in these interactions if you're put in a position to have to explain your choice to take covid precautions & require others to do the same:
How To Talk To Your Loved Ones About Covid
You Have To Live Your Life: A resource for COVID-19 research and information
LitCovid: A literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus.
Please absolutely feel free to repost these links wherever and share them around to other people!
I hope this was helpful!
As always, if anyone has any additional information or suggestions to give, please feel free to share!
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drdemonprince · 4 months
CW: suicide, commitment, psychosis
My sibling is someone who unequivocally says being committed saved their life and was not inherently traumatic outside of the extremely traumatic mental health crisis that led to it. (However, our local psych ER/psych inpatient is probably one of the better ones and does not use any kind of restraints or force medication. They seem to have an okay track record explaining what the pills are and asking if the person can try them, which I get can still be coercive in some cases, but worked well with my sibling. Also, I was visiting them as much as I could every day, which they found really helpful, and I could keep my eye out for any issues.)
My sibling (~30) had a severe psychotic episode that doesn't quite fit any current DSM diagnosis. They went 0 to 100 from no suicidal ideation to actively attempting suicide in front of me due to delusions about being hunted by supernatural entities who would torture them. They finally could not sleep for days, and therefore I could not go to sleep because they'd try to kill themself. They were not dangerous to me intentionally, but one or both of us could have been hurt by me trying to take a weapon from them. They could not think at all outside of panic and delusions and had no short term memory, so they describe themself as having been incapable of understanding their condition. They weren't able to engage with any social interventions, because how would you have the time or bandwidth if you were living in terror of demons about to torture you and couldn't remember conversations from an hour ago?
They went to the hospital voluntarily after being stopped from attempting, but then they were committed because of aforementioned memory issues when they shortly informed the doctors they had to leave and kill themself. In a moment of lucidity, they were glad to be there, but they just couldn't stay lucid from moment to moment. Trying to get outpatient help in the weeks all this was escalating had been fruitless, with a lot of dismissive assholes, but these particular inpatient docs actually cared and asked how they were doing and figured out a dose of antipsychotics that made it all just... stop like a switch had been flipped.
Once they weren't operating under the terrifying delusions, they 100% did not want to die and were so relieved I stopped them and got help from others when it was becoming too dangerous to us both for me to intervene alone. I get that this kind of crisis is really different from living with chronic suicidal ideation or depression, which is something I personally deal with on a low level, but it was a genuine, terrifying situation where someone's expressed wishes were the opposite of what they wanted when they could understand their situation more fully.
I am allowed to share this, but if this is somehow not on anon, please delete it. Stigma about psychosis is REAL.
Yo this is super helpful, thank you for sharing. One of the trickier aspects of upholding disabled people's autonomy and taking a harm reductionist approach to suicide and self-harm is the fact that people in a state of psychosis may temporarily want something they would otherwise never want.
Though with some experience working through it with a caring and informed support network, it is possible to stand in for the person's stated desires and help them get through the period of lacking lucidity -- and of course psychosis can become a lot less destabilizing with time. i know someone who relies on a close friend to help ground them when they're having delusions and hallucinations -- a quick phone call is now enough to convince them they don't need to kill themselves, but that's after years of getting used to having psychotic states.
glad you and your sibling found solutions and made it through this okay.
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fallenwhumpee · 11 months
I absolutely love your whump writing! are you gonna add another part to traitor or why by any chance?
Why not if you ask so nicely, anon? Please enjoy!
• Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Masterlist •
Warnings: Guilt, betrayal, recovery, creepy whumper, obsession.
Youngest slid out of the headquarters, content with everyone asleep and not coddling them. They followed the dark figure running silently in the raining street until a dark alley.
"I don't understand why you keep them alive," they scoffed as they caught the person in the shadows, face covered, and wearing a long coat.
They were so curious who this sudden double agent was. They had succeeded more than Youngest did ever since changing sides, and it was making them quite jealous.
"Keep your nose out of my business, or I will decide you're not worth being kept alive."
"You won't dare. My assest in invaluable. And boss wouldn't like it." They returned, confident.
Youngest had all the cards. Leader was attached to the team, to them. Whumper's obsession with Leader was making Youngest's job easier, since Whumper always liked the security footage of Leader being excluded of everything.
Well, Youngest didn't have the courage to tell it was beyond obsession, to simply focus on one person. But they guessed the boss had enough underlings to deal with everything that they got bored. And they couldn't complain when it kept Youngest alive.
It also had been too satisfying to keep everyone on the team wrapped around their fingers and fill people against Leader. Giving hope every now and then only to crush it into pieces.
"Perhaps boss would make an exception for the person who saved their life, or who had simply sent a certain person, weak and alone, to their doorsteps."
No. Youngest didn't get tortured to be thrown aside like this. Didn't stay as a secret from Whumper's all forces and risk their life every time.
"What should I do with Villain?" They asked instead of snarling back.
"They already did the damage they could do. If it won't compromise you, kill them. They dont know you work for the boss anyway."
Youngest shivered with the cold voice. How could someone sound this soft and threatening at the same time?
"Where are we regrouping in? The agency wiped out half of our bases."
"You will be briefed if you need to know. Now give me the information."
Youngest complied, the figure leaving right after when they blinked.
For all Doctor tried to keep Mentor's spirit up, the silence was deafening in their home when it was only the two of them. There was a strange ache in their chest, growing as they walked into Leader's room they hadn't touched ever since Leader moved out with the expectation of regular cleaning and now Leader in the bed.
Mentor didn't think Leader noticed it, though. Leader was either sleeping or too focused on their pain. Mentor didn't fault them, but it was a far cry from the person they knew, they raised.
And being spoken back was new for Mentor.
Leader's banter with Doctor was also new. Doctor had awful bedside manners, but it was the only way to keep Leader down. While Mentor wasn't aware - they would forever beat themselves up for this, Leader had been under their care - most of the injuries Leader got as a trainee, they had listened Doctor rant about how hard it was to keep Leader down more than they could count.
And Mentor couldn't help but mourn it. They could have had the same closeness with Leader. If only they hadn't been too caught up with their try to raise a perfect agent.
Perhaps they shouldn't have been so surprised with Leader's reactions. Mentor didn't know much about Leader besides what they were capable of.
Leader's calmness shouldn't have surprised them or their shy smile when Doctor made a terrible joke. Or the tears they tried to hide whenever Mentor or Doctor mentioned the team. The flood of emotions shouldn't have surprised them.
But it did, as much as the sudden shutdown.
The first two days after Doctor's visit, Leader had suddenly grew silent, Mentor's care became more and more of a discomfort rather than help. And Mentor couldn't find the reason for it.
Forgiveness is given, they thought bitterly, with no explanation of why it was cut. Mentor was afraid to think it was just said as a feverish mumble.
The first thing after waking up, they went to check on Leader as usual. They weren't ready for a small heart attack with the sight of an empty room.
Rushing to the living room, they relaxed to see Leaded on the couch, with a blanket wrapped around them and head resting on top of the backrest.
They approached with silent steps, not wishing to wake them up.
Mentor sighed at the sight of Leader huddled in the corner of the couch, legs drawn and arms tightly wrapped around their chest as they slept.
"No pressure on the chest," they muttered, parroting Doctor.
Mentor approached Leader quietly, hoping to shift them into a more comfortable position on the couch. But as soon as they touched Leader's shoulder, Leader jolted awake, eyes wide with panic. They flinched away, scrambling back until they collided with the armrest.
"No! Get away from me!" Leader's voice, meek and raw, nearly stopped Mentor.
They pushed Leader down harder, taking the blanket out of the way. "Calm down. I'm here to help you, not—"
"Traitor! Let me go." Leader's voice wavered as they tried to push themselves up again, their breaths coming in ragged gasps.
"I'm not—" Mentor started, but shut up.
Leader's eyes widened as they realised they said it out loud.
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trash-king18 · 1 year
m pt. 13
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one more miguel pov!!
he felt guilty about it but after seeing how upset you looked and realizing that the gravestone belonged to your brother he needed to know what happened. every time family came up you immediately iced him out. even he was more willing to talk about what had happened to him.. and ~that~ was saying something. so he ended up knocking on your sisters door.
“Miguel! how are you?”
“i’m ok, how are you”
“i’m.. fine? y/n isn’t here right now”
“si si i know i was actually hoping to talk to you”
“oh? ya veo. llegar”
i see, come in
“what did you need to talk to me about”
“i.. uh.. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable but i found her.. at the park last night and she was very upset”
“she was at the park?”
“whose.. whose grave was she visiting”
“my husband.. her brother”
“he was our spider-man”
“what? she didn’t..”
“and she probably wasn’t going to, she doesn’t talk about it, even with me
his death.. it was harder for her than the rest of us”
“you lost the love of your life.”
“si.. but in a way, so did she. their parents were always gone, even with her aunt and uncle she was always fighting, getting in trouble. Pedro became our hero when he got bit, but he was always hers. he was the one person who always took care of her, who understood what she was struggling with.”
“her anxiety?”
“you know about that?”
“she had an attack a few months ago.. i was there and i tried to help her”
“and she still stuck around after you saw her like that? hmm…. it was always a struggle, the doctors diagnosed it when she was 7, but after we lost him it was worse”
“what happened”
“…she was there, the day it happened. she helped him on most missions, fixing his wounds, helping keep who he was hidden. but one day there was a villain spider-man couldn’t win against. she tried to save him, but she couldn’t.
after everything was over, to protect his identity, to protect our family.. she- she had to pull him away.
as painful as it was for the rest of us, she had to drag his body away all on her own. she never told anyone about any of it, to spare me the pain, but she has nightterrors, she’d mumble broken bits and pieces in her sleep, eventually i put the pieces together. she blamed herself for all of it, she still does”
“but that wasn’t her fault”
“she doesn’t see it way, and unfortunately their parents didn’t either. May had known, and despite y/n begging her not to, she decided that they had a right to know and told them about who he was. they got in a huge fight at his funeral, she threw herself into work for months, only coming to see the boys a few times. eventually she disappeared altogether, she showed up a year later and explained everything she had been doing, her work for you.
she’s been dealing with all of it alone since then.”
“i didn’t realize”
“im sure you get what that’s like. you care about her clearly, but let me be clear. i care about her more, don’t mess this up or you’ll have me to deal with”
“i believe it”
he goes to leave
“she’ll try to push you away, don’t let her. you understand, she needs you, and i think you need her too”
“thank you crystal”
miguel isn’t sure what to do with this information. he’s still upset with you for what you said but despite that what he wanted to do right now was find you and pull you into his arms. he knew you were struggling but he had no idea how much. even if he could get over his stubbornness and go to you he doubted you’d let him within ten feet. so he kept waiting, watching you from afar, having lyla check up on you. it was a violation of trust but he just needed to make sure that you were ok.
he had no idea what he was doing. he was distracted, trying to sort out his feelings for you every second of every day. work was still important to him but god he didn’t even want to go if the alternative was being with you.
having you near him, in his bed, under his touch? it was addicting. that morning after you slept in his apartment his sheets smelled like you. and embarrassingly enough for someone who typically kept everything as clean as possible, he didn’t wash them until the smell of you was gone.
it was freaking him out a little. being around you was infuriating yes, but it also made him want to do stupid things. like kiss you when no one was looking, or bring you food to make sure you were eating. he hadn’t felt the need or even the desire to take care of someone in a long time, including himself. it was just.. work. he had essentially been dating his job, the closest thing he had to a partner was the multiverse.
he had closed himself off to the idea of ever being with anyone again. sure he had been attracted to you but he could always blame it on his dna and pretend there was zero human influence. but now.. fuck he didn’t even know what he wanted. he wasn’t even sure it was a want at this point, it felt like he needed you. which he tried to fight and convince himself he didn’t but when you came into the room or he’ll even into his line of sight every conflicting emotion, every multiversal problem, every voice of guilt in the forefront of his mind just faded.
that wasn’t new, it happened when you two fought as well. it seemed your presence was calming even if you were screaming back and forth. he thought it would be fine, just going on fighting like that but that day in his lab changed things. he had slipped up, lost control, but you hadn’t seemed taken back. you just seemed.. like him.
now he didn’t want to go without you, whatever that meant, and that was the problem.
@urmotherswhor3 @kirke-is-my-name @rexxesgirl @simp4miguell @urmomisafinewoman @dammittjanet @bluebumbleberry @cheezit-luv3rr @miggyyyyohara
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Pre-Birthday Routine
Words: 2619
Birds chirped outside, alerting Gai to a beautiful new day.
A day which he would love to spend outside doing morning laps around the village, or partaking in a challenge against his Eternal Rival. With a bright, warm sun that shone down on Konoha, welcoming a brand new day.
           The final day of the year. 
Instead of being outside enjoying the warm sun on his skin, though, Gai was stuck in bed. With Doctor’s and nurses checking in on him every hour, ensuring that he was staying put.
“I’m bored,” he complained as Shizune sat at his side looking over his X-rays. “When will I be allowed out to enjoy myself again?”
“We’re just waiting on a wheelchair to be made for you,” she assured him, holding up a hand to silence him when he tried to respond. “And no, walking on your hands is not an acceptable alternative. Even you get tired at times, Gai. A wheelchair will be beneficial.”
He knew that. 
Every nurse he’d spoken to explained it to him, assuring him that he would get used to it in time. The problem was, he didn’t want to get used to it.
He wanted to be able to walk just as he had before the war. 
He longed for the freedom to hop out of bed without the risk of injuring himself simply by applying weight onto his damaged leg.
The moment Gai had decided to open the eighth gate to try and put an end to the war, he’d welcomed death. Accepted that he would never be able to open his eyes again. That he’d never have an opportunity to see his friends smiling or his students cheering. 
He’d even accepted that he’d never be able to see Kakashi again. 
If it meant saving the world, he was more than happy to die. 
What he hadn’t expected, was to be saved.
To be offered a second chance at life, but with restrictions. 
“The wheelchair is due to be finished in just a few days,” reaching out, Shizune laid a hand over his knee. “I know this is hard, Gai. Change always is and I’ve seen more than enough people struggle with big changes due to a battle gone wrong, but you’re alive.”
That was right.
He was alive. Able to breathe in the fresh air and stare up at the sun hanging over Konoha, greeting on a brand new day.
A day that was meant for celebration. 
“Here, I brought you something,” retracting her hand, Shizune reached down to her side and picked up a small bag that was sitting beside her chair. “Emi-san threw in a few extras and said that she’s expecting to see you in person soon.”
Gai couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t even need to peer inside the bag to know what was waiting for him. Emi-san was the delightful woman who ran the Dango shop that he frequented, and it was a tradition of hers to add a few extra sticks of dango to his order on his birthday. Not even a war or Gai being confined to the hospital could stop her from keeping with that tradition, it seemed. 
            Though, today wasn’t his birthday. It was December 31st, a day early. This year was special, though. Even if he healed at record speed he would still be confined to bed tomorrow. Unable to go out and join the lineup that formed outside of her little shop every year on January first.
            A line-up that he usually stood at the front of. 
“Thank you, Shizune,” he smiled as he reached out to take the bag from her. “I will enjoy every bite that I take.”
Placing a hand over her mouth, Shizune giggled. “Well, make sure to save one,” she insisted with a playful wink. “I know for certain that someone will be popping by today for a visit.”
“A visitor?” had someone spoken to her about today? Lee and Tenten would not have bothered to inform her of such plans, and they had already visited him as soon as the doctors allowed them into the room. There was a small statue of Ningame sitting on the window ledge to attest to that fact.
A gift that both of them had pooled in together for, according to Tenten. 
“You shouldn’t act so surprised, Gai,” Shizune stood up from the chair and smiled down at him. “You know that he’d never miss your birthday. Not even a mission could keep him away.”
A warmth blossomed in Gai’s chest. Familiar and comforting, it was the same feeling he got whenever he spent time with the man in question. A feeling that he had chased for years, wishing for nothing more than to be a comfort to his friend. Someone that he could rely on when the world was crumbling around him. 
“You’re more than that,” Kakashi had laughed the day Gai had gathered up the courage to tell him how he felt. “You’re my Eternal Rival, Gai. The reason I’m still here at all.”
Gai still wasn’t quite sure when his feelings had changed. At that moment his heart had decided that Kakashi was someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Whom he could imagine a future with, side by side with the world. All he knew for certain was that one day he looked at Kakashi and everything was different, and he’d been so happy to hear that Kakashi felt the same. 
“Stay out of trouble,” Shizune turned her back to him and made her way toward the door. “I don’t want to hear about any more broken hospital beds.”
“That wasn’t my fault!”
“Yes it was,” she stopped at the door. “Oh, Hello.”
“Hello,” A familiar voice floated through the air. Just as calm as it always was. “Is it safe?”
“It’s safe,” Shizune confirmed with a smile. “Have fun.”
Gai watched as she stepped out of the room, continuing on her way towards the next job while another figure stepped into view. With a bag hanging from one hand, and a cheerful smile greeting Gai, Hatake Kakashi entered the room.
“Happy Birthday,” He began, just as he did every year when he’d show up at Gai’s bedroom window with an entire day free to spend with him. “Sorry, I’m late. Naruto caught me on the way over and wanted to chat.”
“Predictable,” Gai shook his head and chuckled. No matter what was going on in the world, Kakashi would always be late. Whether it was because he’d spent a little too much time in front of the memorial stone, or because his students wanted to catch up at the most inconvenient times. 
Some things just never changed, and Gai was alright with that.
The world might be on the path to a better future, but Hatake Kakashi would always stay the same. A comforting constant in Gai’s life.
“It’s not my birthday, though,” he reminded Kakashi, pointing at the calendar that hung on the wall beside his bed. “It’s December 31st.”
Kakashi simply sighed and stepped into the room. “And what do we do every year on December thirty-first?”
A smile tugged at Gai’s lips as he thought back to all of the previous years. All of the December 31st’s that he’d spent with Kakashi at his side, celebrating his birthday a day early with his best friend.
They would get dango together at Emi-san’s shop, have two or three competitions throughout the day, and just relax and enjoy a nice peaceful day together. With no missions to pull them away from each other suddenly, and their schedules cleared of any other obligations that they might have had. 
A day just for the two of them.  
“I brought some games,” Kakashi held the bag up in front of himself. “I wasn’t sure which ones we would enjoy, but the shopkeeper was kind enough to provide me with a few suggestions, and even threw in a nice card game when he found out I was bringing it here.”
Gai stared at him, confusion etched on his face. 
“You can’t be serious,” Kakashi chuckled. “You’re a hero Gai. Perhaps not to the same level as Naruto, who everyone is fawning over, but still. People are thankful for your role in the war. For your…sacrifice.”
Gai had heard that word before.
Lee had said it with tears in his eyes after the doctor had filled Gai in on the damage his leg had sustained.
Tenten had muttered it under her breath, a sadness in her voice.
Everyone who had visited him since he’d woken up had said it at one point or another. Most of them with kindness and cheer. They’d made it clear that they were thankful that the price for Gai’s choice had been smaller than it should have been, and they had thanked him for putting the needs of the world over everything else.
Including his own life.
None of those instances hurt quite as much as this moment.
Hearing the heartbreak in Kakashi’s voice. 
Seeing the pained look in his eyes as he stared back at him.
It was clear to Gai that while others celebrated his survival, Kakashi was stuck in the past. Even now, with Gai laying in a hospital bed in front of him, alive and well, he was terrified that he’d disappear at any moment. 
That the firey chakra Gai had unleashed inside of himself might escape the seal Naruto put over his heart, and burn him from the inside out. 
 Something inside of Kakashi had shattered when Gai chose to sacrifice him in a last-ditch attempt to save the world.
A feeling that Gai knew all too well. 
One he’d lived with for years, weighing down on his heart a little bit more every year on the anniversary of his father’s death. 
Giving his head a shake, Kakashi slapped a smile onto his face. “Never mind,” he insisted as he took a step forward and claimed the seat that Shizune had been occupying just a few minutes before. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Gai insisted. “I thought I was saving the world.”
“You tried,” placing the bag down on the table at the side of Gai’s bed, he sighed. “You couldn’t have known what was going to happen, and it almost worked. One more hit and who knows, you might have won.”
“I might have,” his left hand reached out toward Kakashi and gently cupped his cheek, a smile tugging at his lips when Kakashi leaned into the touch. “Then maybe I would be the hero of the world.”
“Now that would be something,” Kakashi chuckled. “Maito Gai, the greatest Shinobi in the world.”
“Who’s to say it couldn’t still happen?”
Pressing his cheek into Gai’s palm, Kakashi chuckled. “I have games,” he stated, pointing towards the bag sitting off to the side waiting for them to dig in and choose what they wanted to play. “And it’s your birthday, so you get the first choice.”
Gai chuckled at Kakashi’s efforts. 
Emotional conversations had never been his Rival’s strong suit. Even a war that had almost cost both of them their lives didn’t seem capable of changing that. 
Rubbing his thumb over Kakashi’s cheek, he watched as his eyes slid shut. “And how long do I have your company for today?”
“It’s your birthday,” Kakashi repeated as if Gai had suddenly forgotten what day it was. “The only thing I’ll be doing today is sitting right here, playing games with you.”
Gai blinked. “But, don’t you have responsibilities? Lee and Tenten told me that Tsunade-sama was already planning-”
A finger came up and pressed against his lips, silencing him for just a moment. 
“Not today,” Kakashi insisted, his eyes opening once more. “Today is for you.”
Gazing into those soft black eyes, Gai saw his future.
Mornings standing by Kakashi’s side, supporting him through the difficulties of leading an entire village into the future. Afternoons spent racing around the village having competitions and just enjoying life in a way they had never been able to before. Evenings, just the two of them wrapped up in each other's arms welcoming a new day.
No fear.
No regrets.
When Kakashi lowered his finger, Gai took the opportunity to ask one simple question. “Just today?” A warmth bloomed in his chest when Kakashi began laughing. 
“Today,” his partner confirmed. “And tomorrow, and the day after.”
‘Forever.’ A promise left unspoke. Lingering between the two men while they sat there staring at each other.
Satisfied with that answer, Gai retracted his hand. “Let’s not waste another precious moment,” he declared. “We have games to play, and I have every intention of winning against you in every single one of them.”
Kakashi’s laughter rang through the air. Light, unrestrained laughter. A treat to Gai’s ears after days of being stuck in a boring hospital room for days with nothing to do. 
“Is that a challenge, Rival?” Gai didn’t need to see Kakashi’s mouth to know he was smirking. From the overly pleased look in his eyes to the subtle way his mask moved with the curve of his mouth, there was no doubt in Gai’s mind that he’d struck the right cord to unlock competitive Kakashi.
A side of his partner that so few people could see. 
“A challenge that I have every intention of winning,” Gai confirmed. “I feel like the luckiest man alive today, and the most skilled. After all, who else can say they have faced off against a god and won?”
“Naruto and Sasuke,” Kakashi answered, his laughter simmering into a fond chuckle. “Sakura also punched a goddess in the head, and while I didn’t fight I did survive.”
“But I punched a God so hard that he bled,” Gai continued to argue. “I think I’ve more than earned my place as the strongest shinobi in the entire world. Even stronger than the great Hatake Kakashi.”
“Perhaps,” Kakashi agreed. “Though I still have one thing over you.”
  Snorting, Gai opened the bag Shizune had given him and plucked a stick of dango from it. “And what is that?”
Snatching the dango out of his hand, Kakashi tugged his mask down with his other hand and bit into the light pink ball at the top. While he chewed on his stolen treat, savouring every bite, Gai sat in his bed glaring at him.
“That was mine,” he grumbled while Kakashi swallowed his food. “Shizune got those for me.”
“Well, maybe if you were the strongest Shinobi in all of the world,” waving the dango in front of Gai’s face, he chuckled when he reached out and snatched it back from him. “You would have been able to stop me from stealing your precious dango.”
Gai huffed. “I could be the strongest Shinobi in the universe and you would still steal my dango from me.”
“Oh? And why do you say that?”
A feeling of pride swelled in Gai’s chest as he thought about all of the ways Kakashi could sneak up on him. The Copy Ninja’s skills in stealth were simply unmatched. Even Gai would never be able to keep track of Kakashi if he wanted to hide.
He didn’t have to tell him that, though. Kakashi knew that his stealth skills excelled above most others. 
“Because you’re my rival.” he declared with a proud smile.
“Rival,” Kakashi’s smile softened. “and here I thought I got special privileges because I was your boyfriend.”
Throwing his head back, Gai laughed so hard that tears began to run down his face. “Kakashi,” he reached up and gently wiped away the tears. “Those two words mean the same thing.”
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aajjks · 8 months
“dragon approves of you too, papa” ayra says as she holds the green gecko in her stiny palm and smiles; looking just like her mother. yes, aura favors more of you than jungkook, except she possess his dimples unlike the rest of her siblings. and for her to be a five year old, she’s very tiny compared to her sister ji-eun.
when jungkook brings up a brother or sister, ayra takes a minute to ponder about what she wants. she loves ji-eun but she’s a little mean to her sometimes and jaehan and jawan are too rough. “hmm” she says, placing her left finger on her chin to mimic a thinking pose. “i think i want another baby sister. boys can be rough sometimes” and it’s so hard not to coo at his little five year old who’s being very honest right now. as her mother says, boys give cooties.
“i want three more baby sisters so i can dress up and-and play tea-time with them!” yes, ayra loves all of the “girly” things you can imagine which is funny since she has a strange fascination with scary animals and an ear that could rival mozart’s. “what do you want, daddy? do you want a boy or a girl?” ayra asks jungkook.
“oh! oh! guess what? the man we bought dragon from said he’s mommy’s best friend but you know what i told him? i said you’re mommy’s best friend”
“his name is..uhh..mr. minjun? yeah, mr. minjun! he’s really nice. you should meet him papa” ayra says with a smile on her face.
“your highness?” says dr. lee, the man who delivered your twins and saved jinseoul’s life. “i wanted to inform you that princess ji-eun has a stomach virus. she’s doing just fine but i strongly advise you and the queen to stay far from her until the princess is feeling better. especially since the queen is pregnant, we don’t want to risk the fetuses or queen y/n’s health”
Jungkook nods, and the doctor bows before leaving, and Jungkook is suddenly concerned about two things.
1: who the fuck is this minjun
2: how are you going to stay away from your sick little baby girl?
“Okay baby… time for you to join your siblings- daddy has got to go to mommy yeah?” He says as he presses a kiss to her adorable pink hued cheeks and watches her run off with a young court lady.
The Gecko is surely going to keep her occupied, Jungkook sighs as he gets up and makes his way to your shared chamber- you must be there because he strictly ordered you to keep on bed resting.
He really hopes that you’re not in the garden- it’s really cold. Also he’s a little concerned about jieun. Jungkook clears his throat as the eunuch right before your door announces his arrival.
There you are sitting with jinseoul and ae-cha, laughing away, with your hand resting on your pregnant belly. “Hi.” He smiles.
“Jinseoul? AeCha? I’ve to talk to your mother- so, feel free to leave.” Jungkook says and your children so well behaved that they bow their heads in respect to you and him before leaving.
You try to get up and Jungkook quickly stops you. “No no honey.” He tsks before rushing to you and he sits down on the couch next to you.
You ask him what’s wrong and he sighs. “Nothings wrong Just.. Dr. Lee came to visit and he updated me on jieuns condition, she’s got a small viral stomach infection and he told me that you need to stay away from her given your condition, absolutely necessary.” He says, taking your have in his as he squeezes it.
You’re such a great mother, he knows you’re going to argue with him about this because your child is sick and you’re not going to sit here while she suffers.
“Also ayra told me two things.” He cuts you off- you begin to ramble, angrily speaking but it’s not good for you. “She wants three more sisters and…” he looks at you, his smile disappears.
“Who the fuck is minjun? I’m your everything yn- your husband, your lover and your best friend! Not him!”
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darkmermaidao3 · 8 months
Clarity Chapter Five (Bonten Sanzu)
Minors do not interact (18+ fic)
Warnings: Not very many things going on this chapter, we've got profanity, sexual thoughts, manipulation if you squint really hard, unprofessionalism.
Words in blue are text/email
Doctor Ikeda,
I was so very happy to get such a quick response from you and I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, the holiday has put me significantly behind on a number of things, I’m sure you’re going through something similar at your clinic. I can’t express how thankful I am that you agreed to work alongside me for this case, it’s quite the tough one and I truly believe that with our combined efforts, we should manage to find some answers and come to conclusions about it by putting our heads together. I’ve attached copies of all the information relevant to the case, some of it is repetitive as they’re from the various doctors that had a go at it before us. I have pages worth of notes I’ve compiled concerning my thoughts about it and once you’ve done the same, I would love to get together with you to discuss them. I know of a wonderful restaurant in Ebisu where we could-
“Could you be any more insufferable?” the woman muttered to herself, irritation in her voice; she rubbed at her temples, willing the approaching headache to go away, Shimizu had put it in motion with this ridiculous email and she already knew that playing nice with him was going to be a trying time for her.
Yuki wasn’t so sure what she would rather deal with at this point nor which side of him was any less of a pain, his over-the-top fake politeness or his argumentative and demeaning attitude. It was obvious just how hard he was trying to pull the wool over her eyes, but she wasn’t an idiot. He’d only reached out to her because he couldn’t solve this case himself, he didn’t want to admit defeat, so he’d rather team up with her and get partial shared credit than none at all; she was sure his family had something to do with it, the Shimizu’s had never once given up on a case and he was expected to do whatever it took to keep that record going strong. Regardless of how unbearable being around the man would be, especially considering she’d chosen to do so of her own freewill, she’d have to suck it up because saving a life was far more important than her ego. As great as the money was, she hadn’t become a doctor for a high pay day, watching her grandmother wither away to nothing had been the start of it all. The doctors hadn’t had the answers, they hadn’t been capable of doing anything for her except managing her pain and when she finally passed on after years of torment, the white-headed woman started working on her thesis about that disease; she was going to find the answers one day.
Moving on, she needed to save all those files he’d sent over before she replied to his irritating email, make physical copies of them after, and get to work on studying them at her earliest convenience. She already had so much on her plate and more only continued adding to it since she’d gotten herself caught up in too much at once, she didn’t know how she was going to manage. She had this current situation with the shared case, she’d had to push back her visit to the orphanage so now she had to find another day soon this month where she’d be capable of going, she had to make time to continue her research and work on her thesis so she could (hopefully) have it done by the next conference like she’d been trying to do for years, she’d spent the whole of today on phone call after phone call as she rescheduled every single one of her appointments for the rest of the week herself since she’d closed the clinic, so much for a vacation.
Not only had that new coffee brewer for the staff room come in right on schedule but she’d ordered one to keep in her office with hopes that it would keep her from being interrupted nearly as often, she felt like she’d made a mistake though seeing as now she was drinking coffee practically the whole day to keep herself awake with how exhausted she was; she was going to wind up with a caffeine high before the end of it all. There was so much that she needed to see to, and she couldn’t give any of those things her entire focus or all of her attention as it were, they may have been priorities but none of them were at the tiptop of the list; that spot was taken.
‘Don’t look, you’re being a creep.’
Yuki bit into her lower lip, rolling it between her teeth with thoughts of why it was best that she did not look for a little while longer, she couldn’t continue on like this and had to find a way to stop the slightly obsessive behavior so she could actually get things done. There was absolutely no reason for her to behave this way, she had to focus on the things that mattered and although her patient certainly did matter more so than anything else going on right now, it wasn’t an excuse to hover around him. He needed to continue resting without her distracting him, the incisions were healing and showing no signs of infection, it was looking like he was almost in a good place where she’d be able to stop the morphine and swap it out for a painkiller in the form of a pill. She had plenty of those in stock and she’d certainly be sending him on his way with a prescription once he was at a place where he could leave, that was the goal after all, to get him healed up so he could go back to his regular life. He wouldn’t be staying at her clinic forever and she had to come to terms with the reality that she’d more than likely never see him again, she had to be okay with it because there was honestly zero reason why she should be antsy about it. Yes, she would naturally worry because she did so towards all her patients but with him…
‘It’s different.’
As cliché as it sounded, it was different with him, and the young doctor was aware that it made her seem desperate but what else was she supposed to think after he’d touched her in what was very obviously meant to be an intimate way? She bit harder into her lip at the memory of his hand brushing strands of white from her eyes, his featherlight touch ghosting along her cheek, his aquamarine pools hadn’t pulled away from her once during that time and her heart was readying itself to give out simply from that alone. The female needed to remind herself that he hadn’t been sober since before she had to perform surgery, morphine was a strong opiate and half the time, people didn’t remember much of anything with how floaty it made their head feel, disrupting their cognitive function and the like. There wasn’t much of a chance that he’d remembered doing so considering he hadn’t made attempts to do it again, she couldn’t answer why he’d done so to begin with taking into account that he still hadn’t spoken a word to her, and it’d been days since he'd first woken up after the procedure; he was high with how strong that stuff was and she couldn’t take anything he did in that state as being meaningful.
‘There’s no reason for this.’
There wasn’t one, as a medical professional, she was supposed to have been maintaining said professionalism this entire time and instead, she was doing things that were entirely leftfield from her normal, she almost didn’t know who she was. She couldn’t count the number of times she’d gotten lost in her head daydreaming about him when she was supposed to be focusing on her work, she’d embarrassed herself probably well over a hundred times when he’d catch her gazing at him and during the moments that he’d be staring at her, it’d take everything she had not to shift around because of the sticky sin pooling in her panties. As beautiful as he was, that wasn’t an excuse to lose her wits, she was a doctor and she’d already seen her fair share of attractive men, so she should’ve had no problem keeping herself held together.
‘But they weren’t him.’
Her lavender orbs flicked away from her laptop at the thought and flittered in the direction of the hospital bed, trying to be as subtle as possible when they locked onto the pink-haired man, the tension in her body melting away at the sight. He was still sleeping, as he’d been for a couple hours now since she’d given him that last dose of morphine so she needed to keep her butt parked in this chair until he came to on his own, rest was the most important part, and it was almost as though he could sense her presence during the moments that she approached him when he was asleep. She didn’t need to compulsively check his vitals anymore once an hour as she’d done before, he was entirely stable now and she couldn’t continue to disturb him as she’d wound up doing more than a few times since she couldn’t seem to keep her distance. The internal struggle had only gotten worse since he’d touched her and she’d never been intimately touched by a man, he’d caressed her cheek as though she was as fragile as glass and would shatter under his touch. Her emotions were in a frenzy during the moment, her pulse racing and heart pounding so hard that it was a wonder that he didn’t hear it, she couldn’t recall what had been going on in her head as she’d practically blanked simply out of how flustered she felt.
The woman couldn’t count the number of times her friends had pestered her about dating over the years since she’d become an adult, even before then when she was a teenager, but they hadn’t been nearly as adamant about it since there weren’t very many teenagers on campus at university. Kaori had been so defensive that most men hadn’t been willing to even attempt to approach her and as much as she still backed her up when Choyo and Akari started on her about it, even she would make comments about how there wasn’t anything wrong with casual dating. Akari was a social butterfly and friends with an abundance of people, she’d made so many attempts to introduce her to someone she felt would be good for her and as much as Yuki appreciated the thought, she’d always been more focused on her career. Choyo was always starting the argument that she didn’t have to be in a serious relationship to date, there was no reason why she shouldn’t go out once a week or so, how nice it was to get to know someone, and her career shouldn’t have impeded on her social life. As right as all her friends were, dating was something she had zero experience in and didn’t know the first thing about, she wouldn’t know what to talk about or what to do; she’d been a frazzled mess when her cheek was touched so how was she supposed to get through a kiss, let alone sex?
Just the thought alone was enough to cause her face to flush and thighs squeeze together, the silent embarrassment of what his intense stare did to her, the way his aquamarine pools would zero in on her and watch every move she made, studying everything about her. She was anxious every time she noticed his unrelenting gaze and trying to ignore the ever-present arousal was a challenge, thoughts swimming with scenarios that she’d gotten lost in a multitude of times. Her pulse would race at the thought of him being close enough that his lips would brush hers, her heart would pound at the idea of his hands slipping under her dress, her face would burn over the imaginings of him between her legs…which only continued to get worse the longer she was around her PATIENT!
‘Stop it!’
It was too late, her face had to of resembled a tomato from how hot it felt and ignoring the warmth that had settled in her panties was impossible, she didn’t know how she was going to manage to get through the next few days without losing the battle against her raging hormones. There were too many factors at play, outside of the fact that she was a virgin, he was beautiful to the point that her brain quite literally turned to mush just from looking at him for too long, her dream guy didn’t even compare to how gorgeous this man was. She’d never felt so bashful in all her life and although she was managing to push her shyness off to the side to attend to her duties as a doctor in order to give him the best care, it wasn’t letting up nor fading away as the days went by. It was as though the longer they were around one another, the worse it would get, and it didn’t help anything that when she wasn’t looking at him, she could feel his eyes burning holes through her. At first, she’d been sure it was out of wariness considering he’d not only tried to shoot her in the beginning but had almost strangled her to the point of passing out, it’d become clear though that he’d moved passed feeling distrustful of her. 
His stare wasn’t out of keeping his guard up or even curiosity, he was looking at her in the very way that she was looking at him, obviously imagining the same things that she herself was with how his gaze continued raking over every inch of her and because he was on a powerful opiate, she couldn’t take it with anything but a grain of salt. He was impaired, his mind nowhere near where hers was since she was sober and it was doubtful that he’d be looking at her the same way once he was off the morphine, even more doubtful was that he’d remember the last several days which undoubtedly meant that she needed to pull herself together. She had to get him off the morphine and onto another painkiller that he could take with him when he left her clinic, maybe some muscle relaxers to take as needed, anti-inflammatories for the swelling; her mindset had to be one of a medical professional. Her train of thought hadn’t been anything close to what it should’ve been, and she’d already internally scolded herself on an infinite loop for the graphic images that continued floating in her head, she had to remind herself that the feelings she was having towards a patient was unacceptable.
What was worse, the woman didn’t know what she would even do if he wasn’t at a solid point by the time Monday rolled around, she couldn’t put off opening the clinic any longer than that because not only did her staff need their hours, her other patients certainly needed her. Her life couldn’t be on pause simply because of one person and she shouldn’t have even considered doing what she had; she should’ve gotten an ambulance transport as soon as he was stable after surgery, she should’ve called the police because even if she didn’t tell them about him trying to shoot her, he’d been shot, and the authorities would’ve needed to follow up on that. She’d made a huge mistake that she couldn’t correct with how much time had passed and getting in contact with the authorities now wouldn’t have done anything except make things a mess for her; her patient had silently made it clear he didn’t want to go to a hospital, and she didn’t want to imagine how infuriated he’d be if she made attempts to get him to one. If he wasn’t in a place where he was healed up enough to resume his daily life by Sunday evening at the latest, she’d have to figure something out, no one could know about him or what had happened last Friday, lest things become even more complicated than they already were.
A weary sigh left her in complete frustration with herself as she entered the medication room to grab a dose of morphine, she’d gotten herself into quite the huge mess and it was only getting better by the day; she didn’t know what she was going to do. She hadn’t been home in nine days now, she was sure that her cat was almost out of food and desperately needed his litter changed out, she’d thrown on her last clean dress yesterday, she’d practically cleaned out the cupboards and fridge of the breakroom, and she so badly wanted a shower. The young doctor knew that she’d run herself completely ragged by now since she was at a point of wanting to be home but there wasn’t anything that she could do about it, she couldn’t leave her patient unattended, even just popping out for an hour wasn’t plausible since she couldn’t trust him on his own. He’d come far already, he hadn’t needed fluids for a while, she’d taken him off the heart rate monitor as well, he still had the IV solely for the morphine injections and that was about to come out no later than tomorrow, all she was really doing now was managing his pain and waiting for the stitches to dissolve, that was still days away though. 
‘Maybe I could…no, don’t be stupid.’
Not only was it unprofessional but it most certainly wouldn’t send a good message to him, taking a patient to her house was out of the realm of being socially acceptable, not to mention she didn’t even know his name or a thing about him aside from his blood type. It was the furthest thing from being smart, it was highly unsafe as well, but could she even make that argument considering she’d been alone with a complete stranger since Friday? He hadn’t made a violent move against her since she made her intentions known that she wanted to help him, he’d developed some form of trust towards her since he wasn’t trying to deter her from checking his vitals and such, he may have not spoken to her yet but that hadn’t been bothersome to her. This could also be the best move that she could make, if he wasn’t at a place where she felt confident that he could manage on his own, then being tucked away at her house would keep her staff from finding out about him and it’d be more comfortable for the both of them; she was sure he wanted a shower just as much as she did and she could cook a real meal for once…or order takeout. 
‘Am I really doing this?’
Yuki didn’t know how she could even ask that, especially considering she’d already grabbed a few bottles worth of the medications she’d need for the upcoming days and for her patient to have when he left her, already having doctored all the records so no one would know they were missing from the medication room; there was no backing out and the only way was forward.
‘It’s just a few days, just like how it’s been here.’
Her hands were entirely full as she reentered her office, it almost sounded like she was starting a Mariachi band where the primary instrument was maracas with how many pill bottles were being shaken with each of her steps, keeping as secure of a hold as she could on the syringe of morphine while she dumped the contents onto her desk with a heavy sigh of relief. She’d get them tucked away into her purse and after her patient woke up then they could be on their way so long as he was comfortable with doing so, she couldn’t give him this last dose until after they made it, otherwise he’d be deadweight and there was zero chance she could move him should that happen. The woman eased her laptop shut before grabbing her purse off the hook, opening it up and tossing one bottle after another into it, the front pocket was the safest place for the opiate. She closed up the main pocket and zipped open the front one, making to tuck the syringe in, pausing her movements when she felt the warm hand pressing against her hip from behind her.
‘Breathe, you have to breathe.’
The white-headed woman warily turned to look back over her shoulder, her heart fluttering no sooner did lavender meet aquamarine, she hadn’t known he was awake upon her return but then again, she’d been so focused getting things packed to keep herself from hovering. She was pleased that he wasn’t struggling to keep himself held upright, he’d walked around a little yesterday after she’d pushed him to do so, his expression had been the furthest thing from happy with her since she’d refused to give him morphine until then. As dilated as his pupils still were, the usual impassive expression he directed at her was nonexistent, his lips pressed into a thin line and hinting at displeasure; she noticed he always did so when he was in pain, but it shouldn’t have been wearing off yet. Her lips parted to speak but she didn’t manage a single word when his hand tightened around her hip just enough that he could guide her to turn to face him, warmth building on her cheeks when it registered that she was sandwiched between him and her desk, hardly a foot of space separating them.
‘Get it together.’
She was struggling to remember how to breathe at the light squeeze of his hand, her eyes darting away from his shyly, trying to gather herself enough that she could find the right words. Her heart could’ve given out right there over the light push against her hip that had her lower back bumping the desk and his fingers hooked under her chin, urging her to meet his unrelenting stare.
‘Breathe, breathe, breathe.’
She didn’t know how she was even managing to think with how intense his gaze was this time around, she hadn’t expected whatsoever for him to get so close to her, his face had hovered so close that if she stood up on her toes then it’d be just enough that she could-
‘No, stop it!’
“I-I um…w-we’re…I mean…” the woman hesitated, trying her utmost best to steady her voice; her mouth felt thick with spit over just how deeply he was studying her, his piercing eyes leaving hers only to drop to her lips.
‘Breathe, fuck, shit.’
“W-we’re going to go-go to my house f-for a few days.” She stammered, her tone anxious; it seemed that had been the last thing he’d expected to hear, his gaze darting back to hers no sooner did she have the words out. “I-I mean…it-it’s just a precaution, in case y-you need more time. I have to reopen Monday and um…I need to feed my cat.”
‘Get it together, come on.’
“I-is that…okay?” she continued, her voice filled with worry; she wished she knew what this man was thinking, his expression hadn’t faltered whatsoever aside from swapping back to his usual neutral look and he hadn’t shown a single sign of discomfort, a simple head movement would satisfy her at this point. “I-if you’re not comfortable with that, I-I can always-”
She sealed her lips when his hand gave her hip a gentle squeeze, the pink on her cheeks darkening a shade and breaking away from his stare was impossible, not only hadn’t he released her chin, but she could’ve sworn he was hovering closer to her; he was. Strands of pink were slipping over his shoulders as he leaned closer to her, almost pressed right up against her and she’d entirely forgotten how to breathe when she felt his warm breath ghost over her lips, she didn’t know how she’d keep herself in line if he got any closer to her. He was breathtakingly beautiful and out of everything she’d admired about him, as nerve-wracking as being under his gaze was, his eyes had to be her favorite thing about him; he looked at her as though he was trying to see straight into the depths of her soul, it was no wonder she blanked practically every time she was on the receiving end of his stare.
‘So pretty.’
“Are you always so shy, Doctor?”
Yuki wasn’t sure what was more prevalent in the moment, her heart threatening to give out or the blush overtaking her face as she stared up at him in a combination of dumbfounded and total awe, her eyes as wide as saucers. He’d just spoken to her, after four days, he’d finally said something to her and the sound of his voice had done more to her than she’d ever expected, her panties were soaked. Her face was flushing furiously over the question, this man had the audacity not to speak to her for FOUR days and the first words out of his mouth were meant to tease her, she’d never felt so flustered in all her life. She was reeling in shock from just how unexpected it was, so much so that she was grasping at straws with hopes to figure out what to even say in response and she could’ve swallowed her tongue when his thumb brushed across her lips, his head just barely cocking to the side to observe her from another angle.
‘Breathe, you have to breathe!’
“I-I…umm…it-it’s just…” she responded, stumbling over her words despite how hard she was trying to pull herself together; she’d certainly made a complete fool of herself and would continue to do so unless she could reel herself in. “Y-you haven’t…”
This man had to of known the effect he had on her, between the knowing look in his eyes and the small smirk that formed on his lips from her babbling, he was already fully aware of what he did to her, she could almost feel the confidence pouring off him as his aquamarine pools held her lavender ones.
“I’m sorry, what was that; Doctor?” he pressed, his voice the definition of teasing; her face was on fire in embarrassment, her thighs shifting closer together absentmindedly in response. “Am I making you nervous?”
“N-no.” she managed timidly; the pink-haired man didn’t look convinced whatsoever, the smirk on his lips widening as he released her chin, placing his hand flat against the wood of the desk and essentially caging her in. “You-you’re still healing, you shouldn’t-”
“I can’t feel shit right now, Doctor.” He interrupted; the woman felt a shiver move through her when his hand slid away from her hip to the curve of her waist, she was positive her panties were ruined from how wet she was, and he was so close that even just a subtle shift in her weight would have him pressed up against her. “If we’re going, we should now before it wears off.”
As confused as she felt over just how much composure he had, she didn’t bother questioning it, it’d been the same when he’d been bleeding out and refusing to ask for assistance, his expression hadn’t faltered then, and it wasn’t faltering now despite that he was still impaired. Although the high wasn’t nearly what it would be had she just given him a fresh dose, his brain was still floaty, and he’d been able to express that it was still strong enough in his system that he couldn’t feel any pain. He was right about needing to get going before it wore off, she may be able to get him off the morphine starting tomorrow but he’d still need pain medication for the upcoming days, he’d been shot twelve times after all. She’d hoped he’d be in a good spot come Monday, figuring he’d want to get back to his regular life but now she found herself hoping that it’d take a little while longer just so she could get more time with him since he’d finally chosen to speak to her; she couldn’t imagine just how antsy she’d feel being at work for ten hours rather than looking after him should that be the case. She nodded in reply rather than the alternative of trying to force out words that she knew she’d struggle with, his aquamarine pools taking her in for a brief moment before he took a step back from her and she somehow managed to resist the urge to whine in protest when his hand left her waist; the upcoming days were going to be a rough time for her.
Had they not been so pressed for time, she certainly would’ve struggled to keep herself held together numerous times over the course forty minutes, everything from leaving the clinic to the drive to her house would’ve been a time and a half, and the only thing that saved her was keeping herself in that professional headspace paired with her patient keeping his hands to himself. Every bit of that composure was threatening to shatter no sooner did she lock the door behind them, her lip rolling between her teeth when his gaze found her form for what had to of been the thousandth time since he’d woken up Saturday night, she was unsure just what to do now that they were tucked away in her home. She’d never had a man over before, the last one having ever been in the house was her grandfather and he’d passed away when she’d been hardly six, she’d never imagined just how out of place she’d feel in her own home simply from a visitor. She just had to stick with what she’d been thinking about before he’d unexpectedly woken up, she could get him settled, take care of everything for her cat before she ordered some takeout for dinner, start some laundry for herself and her guest (her grandmother had never had the heart to throw out anything belonging to her grandfather and she knew for a fact any of it would fit, she’d have to return the clothes she’d found for him at the clinic on Monday), showers for both of them, get him settled into the guest room and she could finally pass out after she gave him that last dose of morphine.
‘Have to keep it together for just a little while.’
The sound of patters was enough to settle her down and pull her out of her head, her gaze pulling from his while she knelt down just enough that she could nuzzle her nose against her sweet boy’s; she was sure that her cat was furious over how long she’d been gone, she usually didn’t leave him for longer than five days and it’d put her behind on her usual routine with him. He certainly needed brushed, he was constantly shedding, and she’d find black fur quite literally all over her house every day.
“I know, you’re hungry, aren’t you?” the woman murmured, her voice apologetic; Kuro was undoubtedly upset with her, meowing and much more talkative than usual, nuzzling his head everywhere that he could reach while she turned her attention back to the man. “I um, I’m going to feed him, and I’ll order some takeout for us…is that alright?”
Yuki didn’t know why she was even asking; this was her house to begin with, so she didn’t need to ask for permission to do anything here, she must’ve still just been frazzled over how much had happened today that she hadn’t anticipated and was struggling to ground herself. Pink was streaking over her cheeks all over again as he looked at her in the same way he had been for days, giving her a short nod in reply without saying a word, she hoped they weren’t back to not being on speaking terms but pressing him wasn’t in her best interest; her cat was going to lose his mind if she didn’t feed him right now. She pulled her eyes from his bashfully, ducking her head while she scampered down the hallway towards the kitchen with her sweet boy at her heels, the heavier footsteps filling the silence by the time she’d turned the corner and she exhaled a slow breath, trying to calm her nerves with reminders that everything would be as it’d been at the clinic, the only difference being the location. It took less than three minutes for her to refill the automatic feeder, Kuro immediately buried his face in the bowl with enthusiasm while she got fresh water for him, keeping her ears open for the pink-haired man. She could hear his footsteps as he wandered around her house, the morphine seemed to still be managing his pain, so it gave her the chance to get some things done while he explored.
Laundry started, takeout ordered, fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room, her things tucked away in her bedroom along with all those pills and that last dose, she’d have to remove the IV tonight, so she gathered up everything she’d need for that and set it off to the side until later; there wasn’t much else she could do until laundry was finished or dinner arrived. She breathed a deep sigh, turning her phone off and placing it on charge for the night, her fingers pinching open the claw-clip and freeing the rest of her white locks, brushing the shorter strands away from her eyes. She needed a game plan for the upcoming days, to figure out what she was going to do for when she had to go back to work if he wasn’t ready because although she was entirely fine with him staying at her house, she would worry herself half to death since she wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on him for ten hours at a time. If she wasn’t the sole doctor at her clinic then shortening her days wouldn’t be questionable, her nurse practitioners could do quite a bit to help lighten the load on the days she absolutely had to leave early but she tried not to do that often, hiring another doctor on was an option she could consider but she felt it would be suspicious to some degree since she’d taken a ”vacation” completely out of the blue.
‘There’s nothing I can do that wouldn’t raise questions.’
There wasn’t and she’d already done so much already that had been the biggest curveball ever thrown at her, doctoring the inventory so no one would know that high class medications had been essentially stolen, she’d performed a surgery without contacting anyone afterwards, she’d cleaned up the evidence of what her staff would see as a break-in, she’d kept a total stranger in her clinic for days, only to take him to her house to hide his existence. She’d have to go into work Monday early enough that she could hide all the evidence of another person and what she’d done, clean everything out from her office, get everything back in her make-shift hospital room and lock up the door until she had the time to actually put things back the way they’d been beforehand. The young doctor was doing things that she’d never dreamed of and as optimistic as she wanted to be that things would continue on as they had after her patient was on his way, she wasn’t naïve enough to believe that as truth. Things would never go back to how they’d been before Friday unless she wound up with amnesia and had the event completely wiped from her brain, she may not have known how it was going to affect her life moving forward, but it undoubtedly would.
Regardless, Yuki knew that she’d done the right thing, she wouldn’t have been able to live with herself if she hadn’t, she’d gone into the medical field to save lives and that’s what she’d done. She’d saved someone’s life and with the precautions she’d taken, no one would know aside from her and her pink-haired patient, she didn’t need nor want recognition for doing what she felt was right. She was worrying herself for nothing, this wouldn’t drastically affect her life in any way shape or form, she was just overanalyzing things. Once they parted ways, it’d be like it never happened, she’d go back to what she’d been doing and he’d go back to his life, they’d never see each other again, and that was that. The occasional thought about one another was the extent of it, maybe see one another on the street in passing but even that was slim chances with how crowded of a place Tokyo was.
The white-headed woman paused from pulling the last box from the delivery bag when she felt the warm hand press against the curve of her waist, her cheeks flushing as she looked back over her shoulder, lavender meeting aquamarine.
‘Just a few days.’ 
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(Set in 6x10)
Maddie has been staring at that door for hours.
She still hears Chim's voice ringing in her ears, telling her to go with him to the hospital because Buck had had an accident while they were working, she hears Hen's voice telling her that he flatlined and they had to revive him, she hears the doctor's voice when he had informed them that her little brother was in a coma and he did not know when and if he would wake up. One of her worst nightmares had just come true, and she didn't know what to do. Just the thought of losing him too was ripping her heart out of her chest, she felt like she couldn't breathe.
She'd been told to go in first once they’d been allowed to visit him, but she'd backed down, gesturing for the others to go.
Chim was sitting next to her, caressing her hand, keeping her close to him and begging her to talk to him, to say something, anything, but her voice didn't seem to have the strength to come out. She could only look at that damned door, watching his friends who came in and out of his room, always hoping to see her brother come out on his feet smiling. But she knew that wasn't going to happen.
Everyone had already visited him so she knew it was her turn. She didn't want to; seeing him with her own eyes would have make it even more real, but she couldn't abandon him right now, she knew he needed the strength and support of all of them. She then finally decides to get up, and crawl into his room, closing the door behind her.
When she finally manages to turn to him she can't hold back the tears anymore. Seeing him like that, so fragile and helpless is something she never wanted to experience. Not again, not with him too, not after Daniel.
She approaches him, sitting on the chair next to his bed and taking his hand, stroking it gently in silence.
“If you saw how many people are worried about you, you'd be gloating for 24 hours straight” she smiles at the thought “I know. It didn't have to be like this, not while you were doing what you love most in the world. Your friends are destroyed. They did everything to save you, but I know you know. You would give your life for each other."
She strokes his unruly hair, then she traces his beautiful birthmark with her finger “you can't..you can't die, Evan. You can't leave them but you can't leave me either. And you can't leave Jee, she needs you in her life. She was looking for you today, you know? She wanted to ask her favorite uncle Buck to read her a bedtime story tonight” she let a tears go down freely, and it falls right on Buck’s hand.
“I'm pregnant, Evan. Chim still doesn't know it, I wanted you to be the first person to know it. I would have taken you with me to the ultrasound tomorrow, without telling you anything, so you would have been the first to see and know him, or her.” She takes his hand and puts it on her belly “this baby needs you, Evan. If you don't want to do it for me do it for them, please. You are our family, and I can't do it without you by my side."
She looks at him and gets up, releasing his hand and kissing him softly on his forehead "now I have to go but tomorrow I’ll be here, we’ll be here. For you. To give you all our strength. I'm not leaving you, Evan. I won't stop fighting for you until you come back to us, even if it’ll be hard. I promise.”
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celestialgreen · 2 years
A Winter Wonderland
-Chapter one: Goodmorning-
-Summary: This is a fanfic I wrote on Ao3 btw! My user there is VicktorGreen0330. Once Neil doges death ever so slightly, but lands in a coma, Todd can only but blame the incident on himself. Meeks and the others have different plans though. They barge in and tell him of Neil ready to wake up! Now Todd just has to figure out what to do with that information. Love will bloom in this season of a newfound fresh start, what will Neil do with it? Follow the path of his fathers or create his own?
Todd sits at his desk in disconsolateness, wallowing in self pity but the thought that he could've tried to stop Neils attempt. Now he knows he truly couldn't have, but this is the Todd we know, also somehow putting the blame on himself.
He reasons with himself in a time of sorrow that if he had only stood up to Neil's father, he might have prevented this.
No, Neil had not died. Yet he had been so close to. Just before he could pull the trigger, his father rushed into the office, offsetting the young man's aim, in which it skims the brain. Still, Neil lays in a hospital, in a bed, sleeping. And Todd sits at his desk, praying that he will wake. He begs himself, god, anyone for forgiveness for an act not taken. The hours sat in his room became days, weeks, but sitting and pondering his own existence.
Though staying on task and finishing his homework, he tells himself it is to put his mind off the wrongdoings of his ‘actions’, though he knows he only wished he could have done more than save Neil.
Ever since he met Neil, he just knew. Knew he was the one he would have spent the rest of his life with if he could. He could never tell Neil, oh of course he couldn't. If he did Neil would laugh, or even worse, give him such a look. A look of disgust, and regret.
The look he’s seen on a boy before, on a cold winter day. He had confessed his feelings, not knowing he had done any wrong. But of course, the only thing the boy sees in him is a no good heathen as he pushes Anderson to the ground and runs to prattle on such an incident.
But leaving the boy to cry in the snow till the night falls, to run home and never think of speaking up for what he truly feels ever again. Whenever he does, people don't listen. They always choose to defy and fight back. Todd never had a voice that screamed righteous, he just could never find the right words. But the thought of doing, writing anything for Neil just makes it easier. At first he thought it was Keery that made this miracle possible, but he pondered till he founch Neil had given him a voice.
He was a truly inspirational boy, and he would have found more words to dear him with if Charlie had not burst into the room.
“Allright Anderson, this is enough. You can’t just sit in this room until you die.” he sighs as he closes the doors and inches closer to todd. “I mean great, you stood for the Cap once after the… incident, but you have to do more. I'm sure Neil will wake up soon, and I want you to be there, he would want you to be there-” Todd cuts him off with a cry, “But what if he doesn't, Dalton! What if he lays in that bed forever and it's all my fault…”
Before he could continue, Meek burst through the door, revealing all the other boys from the club.
“How could you ever think that, of course it's not your fault! You couldn't have done anything to stop Neil from doing what he had done.” “but if I had only stood up to his father before he left-” Todd tries to continue but, “you couldn't have… none of us could. Todd it's really alright we couldn't have known any of this would happen.” Pitts continues with, “Just visit the hospital, the doctors say-”
Knox yells over him, “He might wake up!”
Todd then sits there in shock, a tear forming and rolling down his cheek. He chokes up and mummers, “this better not be a joke.” Cam chuckles and remarks, “i can assure you it's not.” Todd then straightens his back and asks as many questions as he possibly could, “Wait which hospital is he at again, when did they say he would wake up, is he ok?!”
Charlie chuckles and says, “oh no worries, he’s waking up soon, and as the great Nuwanda I am, I packed everyone's bags for the journey!”
Meek backs away in a joking manner, “Oh that's ever so scarily kind of you to do Dalton” And as everybody starts to leave the room and grabs their bags, Charlie shouts, “It's Nuwanda!”
Now this leaves Todd to sit in rather high hopes.this is the best he’s felt in a while, i mean, Neil is waking up! But wait, what will he say, will Neil really want to see him there? What if he blames him for his attempt, oh everythings just going to go downhill-
“Hey!” Knox shouts from his doorframe, and Anderson shoots his head to the side. “Don’t overthink it, everything's going to be alright. To that Todd gives a slight nod and stands up to leave.
All the boys are at the front step of the hospital, and Todd just stands at the step, unsure whether to enter or not…
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tallmantall · 6 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Mental health ‘the health crisis of our time’
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Lola Kazel, Junior Social Works Major According to NBC News, “more than 50,000 Americans died by suicide in 2023, more than any year on record.” That is a death approximately every 10 minutes. I know firsthand what suicide looks like; it is not glamorous, or poetic. It’s just sad. If we had better screening tools in place, maybe some of them could have been saved. I am a big proponent of mental health screenings. The Surgeon General calls mental health “the defining health crisis of our time.” Mental illness does not discriminate. Suicide doesn’t discern between race, income, profession, or age. Every demographic group is vulnerable. Here’s some shocking numbers: 12.3 million adults thought about suicide, 3.5 million adults made a plan, and 1.7 million adults attempted suicide. In 2021, suicide was the second-leading cause of death for people ages 10-14 and 20-34. Most people who commit suicide have seen a doctor shortly before they died. “In February 2016, the Joint Commission…. issued a Sentinel Event Alert recommending that all medical patients in all medical settings…be screened for suicide risk”. Yet, this still is not happening. We have to reach more of these people. We need to start asking the tough questions. The Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) tool is a brief screen of 4 questions for use among both youth and adults. “Using an evidence-based clinical pathway can guide the process of identifying patients at risk and managing those who screen positive.” Anybody who screens positive should then be given the Brief Suicide Safety Assessment (BSSA) by a qualified clinician to see if a more thorough mental health assessment is necessary. For information on how to prevent suicide visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness. For information or to get the ASQ toolkit (which is specific to the setting where it is being used) visit the ASQ website. References Cedars-Sinai (2023, September 28). World Suicide Prevention Day 2023. World Suicide Prevention Day 2023. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/world-suicide-prevention-day-2023/#:~:text=ratesincreasedbynearly40 Center for Disease Control. (2023, May 9). Disparities in Suicide | CDC. Www.cdc.gov. https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/facts/disparities-in-suicide.html#:~:text=OlderAdults&text=Menaged75andolder NAMI California. (n.d.). What You Can Do to Prevent Suicide: Warning Signs, Risk Factors, Support in a Crisis. NAMI California. https://namica.org/what-you-can-do-to-prevent-suicide-warning-signs-risk-factors-support-in-a-crisis/ Welker, K. (2023, December 23). More than 50,000 Americans died by suicide in 2023 — more than any year on record. NBC News. https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/more-than-50-000-americans-died-by-suicide-in-2023-more-than-any-year-on-record-201161285832 #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub Read the full article
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 9 months
How To Prepare For A Medical Emergency
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It's normal to want a life where you don't have to deal with injuries, infections, or illnesses. Afterall, these situations can be extremely painful, unpleasant, and even fatal. But, this is just an utopian wish- regardless of how much you protect yourself, there are times where you would succumb to health issues. Sometimes, it can happen at a convenient time, where you can assess medical care immediately. However, this is not always the case. You may find yourself, a loved one, or a complete stranger needing intervention immediately, but no clinic or hospital will be in sight. That said, equipping yourself for medical emergencies can save lives and prevent situations from becoming more serious. If you are wondering how to do so, these tips can help you out.    Always carry your medical information with you at all times   As established earlier, anything can happen at any time. Therefore, make it a point to always carry your medical information with you at all times. For instance, if you have allergies, chronic diseases, or are on medication, you need to have them recorded to allow others around you help when you need it. This step is also important for preventing the use of materials that could make your condition worse or kill you. If you are unsure what to do, you can begin by writing down the name and contacts of your medical providers, as. Well as the role they play; now, your first responders can know for sure who to call. In addition to this, make it a point to keep copies of your family health history, test results, pharmacy printouts, personal health history, doctor visit notes, and so on. At a tip, keep at least one hard copy of each in your car or purse for easy access. This is because your phone may be locked when you are unconscious, making it difficult for others to get this info to help you.    Your emergency contacts should be readily available   The first point is already established that you should have the number of your medical care providers, which in this case are your doctors. But it doesn't end here. You must have your country's emergency telephone number on speed dial at all times; this way, you can call them as soon as possible. Your friends and family should also make the emergency contact list, so keep this in mind. This is particularly important if you have a health crisis at home and they live close by. For instance, you may have a nasty fall or severe allergic reaction at home, and your neighbours may have no idea what's going on. Since your family and friends may already have a spare key, they can quickly reach you in time. However, ensure you trust them before leaving your spare keys in their care.    Always move around with your medical supplies   This move may seem extra, but it's always better to be prepared for whatever may come unexpectedly. That said, ensure you always have your medical supplies wherever you are, whether at home, in the office or your car, and so on. This is particularly necessary if you live with a chronic condition such as allergies or asthma. Having your inhaler can come in handy when you have an asthma attack. Likewise, an EpiPen can save you from anaphylaxis after unknowingly eating something that your body reacts violently to. Keeping medical for other conditions such as nausea, pain, and fever, is equally important. If you are travelling, these medications should always accompany you. But if you run out of them, and it's already past everyone's bedtime, a late night pharmacy is just what you need.    Make sure others can understand how to use your medical supplies Image credit    Although you are well versed in using your medical supplies, the same cannot be said for others. And the last thing you want is for people to waste time figuring out what to do when you desperately need to use your medication. Therefore, make sure everyone can understand what's written on the package of each medical supply, including the name of the drug, active ingredients, what it's used for, and dosage. This will be beneficial to you and first responders than unlabeled pill containers. Alternatively, you can speak to your family and friends on how to help you take your medication when you experience a medical emergency. As a tip, go into details about each item and how it should be administered. Writing them down on paper or soft copy records is also a good idea.   Image credit (featured image) Read the full article
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fictive-explosion · 11 months
yeah once you're 18 you should be fine if you go to another state, you're an adult legally there, so they don't mess with you
but frankly, there are a lot of dangers you should be aware of for running away
and honestly? If you're close enough to another state get a job in that state and save up enough for rent. You may need 2 jobs but you can get a job well before you're an adult. Maybe you can talk w a coworker and room with them to cut down on rent money.
It's easy to avoid at that point. Don't stay on the streets. There's other options.
Also, consider if you may have an extended relative that's nice. Day before we came out and then left home, we realized our grandmother might be nice enough to let us crash there till we could move in to our planned home. We stay with her a lot. We were expecting to live in our car for a month. One decent family member changed that.
Think about everyone you know, esp relatives. Is there anyone you trust you could move in with in a few years?
So long as you're not in active danger with your family, you're better off there than living on the streets. Seriously. Even if it's uncomfortable. You can have a life outside of it. Once you have a car, you can join clubs, stay at friends places overnight, and get enough freedom to help make it sufferable and save up money. 150 will last you a month if you budget. I caused myself major harm from trying to live off 100 a month in grocery money. Now I pay my dues for that in specialist doctor visits and medicine for my stomach condition I earned from it. You need more than 150. Don't move out until you have a car, at least.
We helped our sister run away when we were younger. Our sister's life with her boyfriend and his family was worse than our parents. She moved back in because for all our parents faults, both of our parents kids ditching them means they are quiet and do not go our of their way anymore to pester us like they used to. So she'll cope with a quiet family of assholes despite the issues since she's cis. She's 26 now living with them. Goes to therapy in secret. I know I couldn't take it. She says she can't stand our grandmother like I can and couldn't take the reverse. Be careful as you weigh your options.
We stayed till we were a legal adult with a runaway bag in case our parents found anything out since death threats were a thing there. Made it to 18 and packed up in the dead of night, told parents of Gender, then booked it.
Sorry if any of this is too dark, I just wanted to give some cautionary tales. Apologies if it is too much. I just want you all to be safe and give some more points to think through.
Thank you for the information. I trust one relative of mine but something about staying near anyone in our family feels risky. I know this shithole is probably better than the streets but I think with proper pre planning I can manage. Hopefully I’ll get a job this summer and I’ll get some decent money I can save. I think my only issue would be winter… it gets hella cold and I don’t wanna play chicken with my life. I’m too terrified to drive but I’m arranging plans with two friends who both will be comfortable driving. I have a lot of time and depending on how things end up I’ll be 17 or 18 by the time I’m ready. Which by then I can just runaway to a state where you’re an adult at 18!
If I’m lucky. I may cave earlier although I hope not to.
0 notes
the-mothmaam · 11 months
Opening up to a friend
·  Friend — Today at 11:03 AM
Hey girl, when and where is this art thing?
·  I feel like you sent me a flyer, but that was 100,000 years ago
·  Me — Today at 11:04 AM
(Location and time information)
·  Friend — Today at 11:04 AM
Aight, cool
·  And are we meeting there?
·  Me — Today at 11:05 AM
was just about to ask if you're down for that or if you want me to pick you up so you can save gas
·  Friend — Today at 11:06 AM
Nah, no sense in you driving for 9 hours this evening, we can meet there
·  Me — Today at 11:07 AM
ok, I'll probably be there between 7 and 7:30
·  Friend — Today at 11:07 AM
Sounds good
·  Also, did you just change your discord avatar?
·  Me — Today at 11:09 AM
yes, like just now
·  Friend — Today at 11:10 AM
I thought so, on my side one message had the old one and the next has the new one
·  Me — Today at 11:10 AM
been plugging different formulations into an AI generator
this was the most entertaining one
·  Friend — Today at 11:12 AM
·  Friend — Today at 11:37 AM
So how are we going to play the art exhibit?
·  Me — Today at 11:38 AM
you be the distraction while i surreptitiously replace the best pieces with counterfeits
·  Friend — Today at 11:39 AM
Okay. I'll pose as a prospective buyer representing a wealthy art collector and engage the staff in pointless conversations about the deeper meaning of the pieces we're not interested in stealing
·  Me — Today at 11:40 AM
(nod) sounds like a plan
·  Friend — Today at 11:40 AM
Do you have a fence or will we need to get in touch with a fixer?
·  Me — Today at 11:41 AM
i have a fence, but i haven't dug the post holes yet so it's more like a pile of wood. :p
·  Friend — Today at 11:44 AM
Goddess help me. You have to develop the contact before organizing the op
·  Me — Today at 11:45 AM
I could also just be acting dumb so that I can steal the art from under your nose and book it to Zihuatanejo.
·  Friend — Today at 11:49 AM
1: I think you know better than to double cross me, remember monty? 2: You wouldn't be planning to stay at the safe house I told you about in Zihautanejo would you?
·  Me — Today at 11:51 AM
Monty... Monty...I might have Eternal Sunshined him out of my head. And also, pffft, like I wouldn't have my own safe house. But just to be sure we should probably exchange address information and swap keys. Just in case.
·  Friend — Today at 12:00 PM
You really should go visit them. Their doctors have rigged up a little device that lets them type out messages. Though they mostly beg to be put out of their misery
·  I guess we'll use my fixer. I hate bringing her in on something like this though because she is such an art poser. Just be ready to be bored to death when we meet with her
·  Me — Today at 12:06 PM
i live my life that way. Shouldn't be a problem
·  Friend — Today at 12:07 PM
But Mothybaby, you are paying me a lot of money to help you get better at being evil, you really should be paying more attention. If you had hired someone less scrupulous they could very easily rob you blind
·  Or worse
·  Me — Today at 12:08 PM
is that what's been happening to my bank account? Here I was thinking Filipino teens were just scamming me.
·  Friend — Today at 12:10 PM
Marialos works for me, though likely not for much longer
·  So I guess it's both?
·  They're too careless. I told them to ship you boxes so you wouldn't catch on for at least a month or two
·  Ah well, it's why I don't like working with remote henchmen
·  Me — Today at 12:12 PM
Thank you! If I'm going to be scammed the least someone can do is make the lie last as long as possible.
·  Friend — Today at 12:13 PM
Marialos seemed so promising, but I think they won't get further than scamming tourists and people on reddit before their carelessness catches up to them
·  Me — Today at 12:13 PM
I want to be old a gray when I realize the video games I've been playing weren't name-brand titles and were instead really engaging bootlegs
·  Friend — Today at 12:14 PM
Why ship games when you can ship empty boxes and point to the ad saying in small print it was just the box?
·  I made a lot of good money on ebay in the aughts selling 360 and ps4 boxes
·  Me — Today at 12:15 PM
in the aughts? you were ambitious selling ps4 stuff
Friend — Today at 12:17 PM
Yeah, well the best mark is someone who thinks they're getting shady merch. None of the ps4 buyers ever even reported it
·  ·  Me — Today at 12:18 PM
lol, probably too embarrassed
·  Friend — Today at 12:18 PM
Embarrassed or worried they'd get in trouble for trying to buy one
·  We haven't really covered confidence games yet because that doesn't seem like your strong suit, but one way to ensure you get away with it is to make them think what they're doing is also illegal
·  We'll try a ring drop if you want to get a taste
·  Me — Today at 12:21 PM
ok but wouldn't the best fleece be a situation where the legality actually is in question for both parties?
·  I've seen Matchstick Men several times, I can spot a rube at 50 yards
·  Friend — Today at 12:23 PM
They're hard to setup and if everyone knows they're committing crimes you'll be taking on too much risk if things go sideways. Some gas station owner is going to call the cops, a fence might break your spine
·  Plus when dealing with other low lifes you really should stick to your word, you don't want to get a bad rep or no one will work with you. Don't shit where you sleep and all that
·  Me — Today at 12:24 PM
see but what if the entire racket is actually just a complicated layer of Inception?
·  How can you tell we're not in a simulation right now?
·  Friend — Today at 12:25 PM
It's safer to assume you always are. That way no surprises
·  Me — Today at 12:26 PM
the surprise would be that you're not (sad Price is Right music)
·  Friend — Today at 12:27 PM
Perhaps, but it makes other things easier too if you are assuming this is all a simulation it doesn't really matter if you put a bullet in someone trying to pull one over on you
·  Me — Today at 12:29 PM
Do subroutines not feel pain or experience fear? How maliciously unrewarding creating something like that must be.
·  What is the point of life if you can't learn to hate it?
·  Friend — Today at 12:30 PM
Well, like I tell my other clients, if you enjoy hurting people, do that in your own time. We're here to get results, not jollies
·  Me — Today at 12:31 PM
speak for yourself
·  also; I asked Chat GPT about you and I think you'll aprreciate what it has to say.
·  Friend (adjective): Describing a quality or characteristic that is exceptionally rare, unusual, or unique, to the point of being nearly or entirely unparalleled. Something that is so uncommon that it stands out prominently among its peers.
·  Friend — Today at 12:32 PM
Aw, chatGPT you flirt
·  Me — Today at 12:32 PM
·  Friend — Today at 12:32 PM
The word actually means: made of or consisting primarily of tangible matter
·  Me — Today at 12:33 PM
at what point does something become un-Friend?
·  or is that a Thesus' Ship thing?
·  Friend — Today at 12:35 PM
Surprisingly there are few grey areas.
·  And very related to the ship though. The second ship the caretaker builds is conceptually a ship and thus exists as part matter, part idea until he hits the threshold of reality
·  Me — Today at 12:37 PM
kind of like something that exists within The Dreaming?
·  Friend — Today at 12:37 PM
In a sense, yes
·  Me — Today at 12:38 PM
you are much more fun to talk bullshit to than an AI. This is a compliment.
·  Friend — Today at 12:39 PM
Uh, that's because I have my bs in bs. Some hyped up language model will never replace me
·  Me — Today at 12:39 PM
that's the spirit! Denial until you're plugged into the Matrix forcefully!
·  Friend — Today at 12:41 PM
No need for force. If the machines were like, "yo, we taking over" I'd be first in line to be hooked up, especially if those robits promised me a working uterus in the matrix
·  Me — Today at 12:42 PM
·  Friend — Today at 12:42 PM
I wouldn't have much time before my biological clock ran out, but I'd do my best to have a baby
·  The poor thing would have a terrible life though. Batshit crazy mom, absent father, always on the move
·  Me — Today at 12:43 PM
yeah? being pregnant would be interesting, but i have no desire to raise a kid, it would probably just grow up to hate me
·  Friend — Today at 12:44 PM
I have wanted to be a mom since my 20's. I think I'd be a terrible mother, but I think I'd try anyway
·  Me — Today at 12:44 PM
that's commendable
·  Friend — Today at 12:46 PM
I'd raise my kiddo to be very independent and support them in whatever direction they wanted to go in life. But my mental illness wouldn't just go away, you know?
·  Maybe their father could be a more stable influence in that regard
·  Me — Today at 12:47 PM
That's assuming you co-parent and aren't a badass on your own
·  Friend — Today at 12:48 PM
Honestly I'd have to co-parent. I couldn't do it by myself. I am too broken to not have help raising my daughter
Me — Today at 12:48 PM
Thing I learned just now: Anteaters and sloths are the two most closely related animals to one another.
·  I've known some pretty bat-shit crazy single parents
·  Friend — Today at 12:49 PM
How did their kids turn out?
·  Me — Today at 12:49 PM
mostly human, partly harmless
·  Friend — Today at 12:49 PM
I want to make sure Samantha has every chance she can to be successful
·  Me — Today at 12:50 PM
Samantha is the name of my friend who recently lose her estranged husband and son. It's a really good name.
·  Friend — Today at 12:51 PM
It's a great name. I'd call her sam. If she turned out trashy like her mom she could go by sammy
·  Sam, goblin, and little one would be my nicknames for her.
Me — Today at 12:52 PM
plus you're naming her after this genius
·  My Samantha is totes a Sami
·  Friend — Today at 12:52 PM
It's such a flexible name
·  Me — Today at 12:53 PM
with an I though, because we went to HS with a boy Sammy
Friend — Today at 12:53 PM
Well see, if she turned out trans he'd have sam and sammy until he could change his name to something he liked better
·  Me — Today at 12:54 PM
I'm going to go shovel nutrition into the rotting hulk of a corporeal essence. So I might be slow to respond for a bit.
·  Friend — Today at 12:54 PM
No worries. I'm day dreaming about motherhood now and watching tiktoks
·  Me — Today at 12:56 PM
Does it make me a bad tabs woman that I don't want a baby?
·  Trans not tabs
·  Friend — Today at 12:57 PM
No more than it would make you a bad cis woman. It's your life to live as you choose
·  Me — Today at 12:58 PM
I used to think I wanted twins, each of the binary assignments. But my view of the world has changed a lot in 20 years.
·  Friend — Today at 1:01 PM
Yeah, it's not really a good time to have kiddos. And honestly I literally can't be a genetic parent at this point, so my desire to have them is meaningless. I'm too crazy to adopt. Meeting someone who already had them would be about my only way in at this point and I don't know how I feel about being a wicked stepmother
·  Me — Today at 1:02 PM
I never had a male name picked out. But my daughter would have been Cassiopeia
·  Friend — Today at 1:02 PM
Fun fact, suicidality, and some mental health diagnoses are automatic disqualifiers for adoption
·  Bailey would be me son's name
·  Me — Today at 1:02 PM
My sister had fully embrace it.
·  Me — Today at 1:03 PM
I did not know that. That's very sad.
·  Friend — Today at 1:03 PM
·  I talked about it a lot with my ex wife, but she didn't want kids with me. Though she gave birth to twins less than a year after we separated (while we were still in the process of getting a divorce)
·  That was devastating
·  Me — Today at 1:09 PM
I bet. That's one of the things my ex said to me after she revealed the miscarriage. That she thought of be a bad parent. I don't know how much she meant it versus how much she just wanted to hurt me.
·  Friend — Today at 1:10 PM
Even if she meant it. Her opinion of you is not worth caring about
·  Me — Today at 1:10 PM
Sad but true
·  Friend — Today at 1:13 PM
It could also be empowering. She doesn't matter, her opinions don't matter, she is a piece of shit narcissist who uses people and discards them
·  Me — Today at 1:13 PM
You know what they say, never marry your heroes.
·  Friend — Today at 1:14 PM
Was she your hero?
·  Me — Today at 1:15 PM
At one point. Long, long ago. She helped show me a world worth caring about and fighting for. Then somewhere along the way she decided i wasn't up to the task i guess.
·  I've been realizing just how helpful that was when she decided to start treating me down.
·  Tearing*
·  Friend — Today at 1:19 PM
Helpful how, I don't think I follow
·  Me — Today at 1:20 PM
It's incredibly dour and depressing are you sure you want me to explain?
·  Friend — Today at 1:22 PM
Only if you want to.
·  Me — Today at 1:23 PM
It just seems that the more intimately you know someone, the easier it is for them to attack your weak points for massive damage.
·  Friend — Today at 1:23 PM
That's very true. Only the people we are vulnerable with can really hurt us
·  Me — Today at 1:25 PM
I know it's the bad that makes the good worthwhile though. So I guess I just feel like touching the stove is always going to burn me, you know?
·  Friend — Today at 1:28 PM
Can you unpack what you mean by that a little?
·  Me — Today at 1:29 PM
If everyone you try to connect to ends up stabbing you in the back, is it worth the risk to keep letting people in?
·  That's where radical acceptance falls apart for me.
·  I feel like this is something I should talk to my therapist about. You know the one I actually pay to listen to me ramble.
·  Friend — Today at 1:33 PM
I would say yes, that is a great idea. But I also have some insight on what becoming isolated and distant from other humans is like.
·  Me — Today at 1:34 PM
It's why I find talking to you so easy, that and you've got a good sense of humor and we have overlapping interests.
·  I dare say you might even be a friend.
·  / dripping sarcasm I know we're friends
·  Friend — Today at 1:36 PM
I don't know about all that now, lol. Bad influence? You bet. Mischievous menace? 100%. Friend? Well that seems like a stretch
Me — Today at 1:37 PM
Okay as long as we're on the same page. I don't mind cutting wits with u but I also don't want you to think I take you for granted.
·  ·  And if I don't spell out SARCASM from time to time I'd be worried you actually believe me
·  In always afraid of hurting people that way
·  Shit, I think you're more effective than my therapist. I haven't been this open with myself in a while.
·  Friend — Today at 1:40 PM
I know, maybe one day you'll feel confident enough in yourself to believe that people like your company and won't abandon you because of a small issue
·  Me — Today at 1:41 PM
Lol yeah we'll work up to that one
·  Friend — Today at 1:41 PM
It's a marathon, not a sprint
·  Me — Today at 1:43 PM
fuck you for using the same words i've used against me
·  Friend — Today at 1:43 PM
I keep wanting to convince you to be mean to me just so you know that you can make mistakes and do things that hurt other people without it being the end of the world
·  Friend — Today at 1:44 PM
Me — Today at 1:44 PM
I have a sticky note with Fred Rogers on it looking at me right this second. I don't know how nasty i can be in that scenario.
·  ·  Friend — Today at 1:45 PM
He worked for OSS during World War II and likely killed a bunch of people
·  If that helps
·  Me — Today at 1:46 PM
nah, cause the post-its also say "You're special" and "I like you just the way you are" I have a hard time believing anyone with puppets could kill a man... feel free to make that my epitaph
·  Murdered by a gang of roaming muppets
·  Friend — Today at 1:47 PM
Well good news, snopes says that's a bunch of hoey
·  Me — Today at 1:47 PM
i do know Bob Ross used to be pretty angry
·  he's probably the better parallel.
I don't know if this will help you or not, but I've been carrying it around for the last few months in my noggin
Friend — Today at 1:50 PM
Bob Ross was in the Air Force in the 1960's and part of his gentle demeanor was a response to the aggressive nature of life in the service. I saw an interview he gave about it once. He said he vowed to never raise his voice after he left the air force
Me — Today at 1:51 PM
yeah, that's me
Friend — Today at 1:51 PM
What was it like being in the air force during the cold war?
Me — Today at 1:52 PM
I once raged so hard that my ex was literally afraid of me. This was back in the first or second year of the marriage. But that look... I can't let anyone ever look at me like that again.
it was fear, and betrayal, and disgust all rolled into a very unappetizing tamale
it made me feel like what all the bullies i ever had said about me. That I was a monster. It's why i surround myself with horror. I feel at home here.
·  to go beyond the pale and embrace my emo side, "the darkness is a comforting blanket"
·  Friend — Today at 1:56 PM
I can relate. I had a lot of anger problems as a teen and would often be quite aggressive
Me — Today at 1:57 PM
i got it from both of my parents. My dad was a rageaholic and my mom very likely had BPD. Not that I'd ever burden her with that opinion, especially since she's cooled the fuck out as she's aged
You know, the fun part of being a millennial is that we're the last great generation doomed to suffer physical punishment in droves.
0 notes