#it is very risqué 🥲
wanderinthedeep · 11 months
why am I not surprised that @quiddie has a Tumblr
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Am I requesting again because I love your fics? Yes yes I am AND IM NOT SORRY. Theo x ftm Reader (but like reader is Pansy’s brother ^3^) I feel like this HAS POTENTIAL but if you want to completely make ur own storyline be my guest because I trust you more than I trust my brain ٩( ᐛ )و
also i’m on a yandere fix rn (if you couldn’t tell by the literally everything i’ve written these last few weeks) so uh, sorry if that was not what you were envisioning 🥲
requests. please. i beg of you. 🙏
Pansy’s Brother (Chapter One) — yandere! theodore nott x ftm! parkinson! reader
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WARNINGS: aggression, stalking, possessive behavior, overprotective behavior, enzo berkshire bashing (done by theo)
You bite your nails nervously, rocking back and forth on your feet. Your sister must notice, because she gently pulls your hand away from your mouth, smoothing down your hair, and kissing the top of your head.
“They’ll love you, Y/N. Don’t worry.”
“Enz’ll be there?” You ask softly.
A faint blush settles along her cheeks. “Y-yes. Lorenzo will be there,” she says in an oddly formal tone, clearing her throat in a very inconspicuous manner. “Ahem. But that’s not important. Um. Anyways. Stop laughing. Put your tie on, we’re going to be late.”
You snicker once more. “Sure, not important.”
She swats your arm lightly. “Dickhead. Hurry up.”
“Oi, Panz, chill out. I dunno how to tie a bow tie.”
She watches you fumble for a minute before rolling her eyes and smacking your hands away. “Stop, this is painful to watch.”
You pout as she takes over, deftly tying the perfect knot. “How do you know how to tie a bowtie?”
“Because I dated Draco for three months. Stop moving.”
You fake gag. “Ew. How was that as an experience?”
“Awful. It was like dating my honorary older brother,” she dramatically shudders, looping her arm through yours as you two begin your long walk to the Great Hall where the Yule Ball is being held.
“Hey, I thought I was the only brother you were allowed to have!” You gasp, mock-offended. “Besides, it couldn’t have been that bad. He’s… uh, conventionally attractive, I guess..?”
“No way, it was terrible. It’d be like if you started dating Enzo.”
Honestly, Theodore Nott had no idea what to expect when Pansy said that her little brother would be coming to the Ball and that she’d like to introduce him to everyone.
But he certainly wasn’t expecting the most gorgeous guy he’d ever seen, holy Circe?
The Parkinson siblings stepped through the doors of the Great Hall, Pansy dressed to kill in a green satin dress with a risqué slit that went a little too high, in Theo’s opinion. The boys next to him were all but drooling.
“Who’s going to tell Crabbe and Goyle that Panz doesn’t even know they exist?” Mattheo leans in to whisper with a sly grin.
“Not it,” Theo snickered, observing Pansy with respectful, but distant, interest.
She really was stunning—but it was in the same way that sunsets and fireworks are stunning. Beautiful, but purely in an aesthetic way.
Following a half step behind her, a rather timid figure followed. Pansy navigated her way through the crowd, presumably her brother trailing along behind her.
She stopped in front of the boys, waving with a friendly grin. “Hey, guys! This is Y/N. Y/N, these losers are Theodore and Mattheo, and obviously you already know Enzo,” Pansy introduced, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Her brother, Y/N, straightened when his sister said his name, an odd gleam in his eye and look of relief on his face that Theodore couldn’t quite figure out. He held out his hand with a rather charming grin, the meek boy from before now exuding confidence as he shook each of their hands.
Theodore shook his hand when Y/N reached him, surprised by how dainty Y/N’s hand felt in his. Y/N made up for it, however, with a firm grip and a charismatic smile that made Theo’s stomach flip.
The Parkinson boy wore a well-tailored three piece suit that accentuated his build. It was the same shade of green as his sister’s dress, but the vest was a nice tawny tartan tweed, with shiny brown shoes to match. His expensive cufflinks sparkled under the candlelight, and his dark gray bow tie brought out his eyes.
Y/N Parkinson looked fucking hot.
Theo’s reverie was interrupted by laughter and Enzo’s voice saying, “You look handsome as hell, Y/N.”
Y/N grinned, a faint blush on his cheeks. Enzo laughed and slung his arm over the younger boy’s shoulders in a friendlier-than-‘we-just-met’ way.
Theo’s gaze broke away from where he was ogling the boy, snapping over to his friend.
How the fuck did Enzo Berkshire already know this hot guy?
A lick of white-hot jealousy flared through him. Enzo wasn’t even that cute! And he was dumb! Theo was way smarter!
He saw the way the youngest Parkinson smiled at Enzo, all teeth, and felt his blood practically boil with rage. One word kept floating about his head, from the second he lay eyes on his friend’s little brother.
“So…Theo was looking at you a lot.”
“He was?” Your head snapped upwards and your eyes lit up as you thought about the pretty brunette with the dead eyes and the overall talk-to-me-and-they’ll-never-find-your-body demeanor from last night.
“Yep. He also kinda like, threatened my life once you left,” Enzo shrugged, splitting off half of his licorice wand and handing it to you. “Dunno why.”
“He didn’t say?”
“Nope. Although I kinda sort of maybe got the impression that he’s got a… oh, what’s the word? big fat humongous crush on you. Not that it’s obvious or anything.”
“Ah. Not a man of subtlety, I take it?”
“He’s been watching us since we sat down,” Enzo said through a his teeth behind a fake smile.
“Don’t turn around. Bitch, what are you doing- I just said- fuck it. I give up,” he throws his hands up in exasperation and sits back in his chair.
You scan the occupants of The Three Broomsticks, seeing no one acting out of the ordinary. You sigh and turn back to your irked friend.
Enzo rolls his eyes at you. “Dumbass.”
You both grin at each other.
On the other side of the room, tucked underneath the deep hood of a thick winter cloak, Theodore Nott simmered with rage.
“Thanks for walking me back. I’m pretty sure Pansy would kill me, and then you, if I got lost or something,” you take another sip of your butterbeer as the two of you trek back to the castle, the dusky sky bathing you both in a faint glow and making the biting snowflakes in the air shine like tiny crystals.
“Yeah. Speaking of Pansy…” Enzo trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yes, you can date her. No, I won’t go but-she’s-my-sister-and-I’m-her-brother apeshit on you.”
He gapes at you. “You knew?”
“Enz. Love. Sweetie pie. Anyone with eyes could tell that you like her, and she likes you right back. Go ask her out, coward.”
“Fuckhead,” Enzo retorted, giving you a tiny grateful smile.
Theo watched from afar with barely-contained jealousy. The pair was too far away to clearly hear, and the snow underfoot crunched too loudly for him to move closer, so Theo was stuck.
A sudden gust of wind sent a flurry of snowflakes into his face, and he made a face at the unpleasant chill. With the wind, however, carried a voice.
Your voice.
“Enz. Love. Sweetie pie. A…” your voice trailed off as the wind died down, becoming indistinct again.
Theo snapped.
No. No. No. No, you weren’t allowed to say things like that to other boys. You weren’t even allowed out with other boys. You were his, and Theodore had waited far long enough.
It was time for him to take back what was rightfully his.
Chapter Two
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beneathashadytree · 5 months
I had a bit of a "hang in a minute..." thought when going through my 5*memory cards the other day. I started playing the last day of the drunk MC/Zayne and MC/sniffy sniff Rafayel event (I lucked out and got both, but not Xavier's) and it made me think that MC and Zayne have definitely bumped uglies (the business trip card is HELLO 👀) Whereas Raffy and Xavier are merely hinting at maybe, possibly doing the do.
There is another Zayne card that heavily suggests they banged, but I've been asleep since then and can't remember what card.
What do you think?
I will be sending another ask coz I just thought of something else!
I’ve gotten most cards in the game despite being F2P… except for the V-day cards🥲 But here’s my interpretation of this!
Like in the company’s previous game MLQC, the dates with the boys are scattered across different points in their timeline with MC.
For example, Business Trip Date is 100% after they’ve been long dating. After all, Zayne always strikes me as a particularly cautious person and definitely waited a long time to have sex with MC, due to the fact that he’s too worried about Astra’s curse to truly give in to his desires. Also the fact that he probably follows a “well-mannered” agenda to a T: ask them out on a date, kiss their cheek, kiss their lips, make out with them, sleep together, and so on. He’s also just naturally more reserved despite having a heart of gold, and so he’s probably careful with his own emotions, especially since he’s canonically had zero experience before MC. However, in other dates, like the almost-kiss one (forgot its name) you can see that it’s still in that awkward, early phase in the relationship where he’s holding back a lot of his feelings and it often backfires because it comes off as him being standoffish (Zayne is literally just me but in a different font😭😭). So currently? They’re not even dating. A little fast forward? Dating, but kinda shy. Massive fast forward? Sleeping together and teasing each other.
As for Rafayel and Xavier, the same also applies!! They’ve both respectively slept with MC and it’s heavily implied in the same way Zayne’s was. It’s only a matter of WHEN exactly that happened, since the dates are also all over the timeline.
Rafayel’s V-day card was lovely, but it certainly implies that he’s gotten more confident about being more risqué around MC. Despite appearances, he’s incredibly shy and embarrassed about intimacy at the start even though he deeply craves it, and that’s simply because of the way he grew up (being told you’re to be a refined God can’t have been too easy on him) and because of the fact that this is his first lifetime where he gets to be with MC without the constant threat of them being taken away from him. Being an artist also heightens his passion and his ability to tap into his well of feelings, so he can’t help the fact that he constantly desires to be with MC, and that translates into the natural progression of physical intimacy as he knows it. However, in the early days, he’s extremely careful about not toeing the line even when sharing a bed.
As for Xavier… whew. He’s just about the most forward, sneakiest one of the bunch, and I love the fact that it contrasts his endearing earnestness so much. Like, yes, he would absolutely burn the world to protect MC’s smile (he’s a little morally grey, after all, he just reins it in for their sake) but he’s just so so eager to pull the most sinful sounds from them in the name of his all-consuming adoration. The most recent card (the one with the gym clothes) makes it obvious that he’s more than willing to take the first step in their relationship, but it’s just a matter of him waiting for the MC to reciprocate. He’s careful, but makes his intentions VERY clear. During the V-day event, he’s easily the boldest out of the 3. It’s clear this is much later in their relationship, because he literally promises to keep them up all night (!!!) and is certainly okay with having them feel him up and act coy while he presses kisses to their body. On the other hand, in that one card with the Pocky game, they’re still at the stage in the relationship in which he can tease them and fluster them so easily by just surprising them with a kiss. So it’s pretty early on, I’d say.
Coming from the MLQC fandom, the messed up timeline doesn’t bother me, because I know that this is because in-game it hasn’t been long since they first “met” and the game hasn’t been released for long either. It makes sense that during dates, they wouldn’t be in a relationship yet. But since it’s an otome game, they have to feed the fans a little with indulgent dates set in the future to encourage fans to keep investing in the game and stay interested until they actually do start dating in the timeline (eg: 2 years later, maybe). And after that good long while, they’ll only keep pushing out dates where they’re already dating, and things slowly get more and more domestic. So it’s a game of patience!!
This turned out to be a massive rambling post, sorry😭😭 I’m pretty unhealthily obsessed with this game (as I was with MLQC years ago, honestly) so I love spinning my own interpretations of the lore and characters.
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wine4thewin · 7 months
I absolutely love your fanfiction (especially your JJK fics). I want to ask if you have ever had to overcome "shame" or self-judgement with writing what you want? I have so many stories or concepts that I want to write but often feel too guilty or self-conscious to get them onto paper.
When I look at fanfiction, I think that is the one place to be as self-indulgent as you want with writing…but also to learn and practice! I can still remember 19 years ago when I first posted a fic and it was awful, but I didn’t care, I was having fun doing something I loved 🤣
I always write what I want to read and I personally don’t care if it isn’t anyone else’s cup of tea. I make it very clear if a story is going to be dark (or if it isn’t). This allows people to make their own choices on reading. That said, it’s very important that you write what you are interested in, because if you write to “please other people”, you will be unhappy and your writing will be without a heart 💔
Small story on writing what you love.
Once upon a time, there was an indie author who wrote stories I vibed hard with. She created a unique, eerie, gothic fantasy world full of dark subject matters and tough relationships. I wrote to her as a fan, and we ended up becoming penpals across oceans through our shared love of writing. We spoke for a few years until she told me she wanted to move away from her darker series / stories because they weren’t making big enough money; she figured she needed to go mainstream. I was saddened, but understood and supported her. She needed to do what was best. Ultimately, she removed all her stories from Kindle. We eventually lost touch, though I still have her books and love them. She never quite ramped up on writing mainstream, because I don’t think that’s what she truly loved 🥲
What am I getting at here? Don’t worry about judgement. You are the only one to hold yourself back. Fanfiction is the place you can have all sorts of journeys and trials and errors! I use it as my place to get as “freaky” as I want. However, when it comes to original writing and indie publishing, I do observe there are things I shy away from since it could be too risqué for the average traditional reader who can only handle HEA endings or fluffy wholesome romance…but I still cling tight to the dark themes I enjoy, because that’s what I like…and some people seek that too!
I would say if you are nervous about posting, restrict your stories to registered users only. That can keep rude anons away if you’re afraid of someone being an internet troll. Or forget about posting and just focus on the act of writing what’s in your head! Stop worrying about ridicule, no one is sitting on your shoulder watching you (unless you are like Kronk below)!
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If anything pops up in my head, anything at all, I write it down on my phone if I’m on the go. Do I struggle with my own anal retentive, hard type-A, perfectionist personality at times? Yes. I won’t write because I don’t think I’ll do it good enough. But if I force myself to just shut up and write the most bare bone thing that pops up and I come look at it later and want to write more detail, to flesh it out, I’ve already won. I’ve beaten my own negativity. I wrote something I wanted to -read- more of.
…and so if you sit down and write whatever few lines or a scene in your head, you will probably come back in a day or a week, add more to it, and be so happy to read what you wrote, because you wrote what you wanted to read. You need to write for yourself first.
Seriously. It works. I have tons of WIP original fiction on my computer that I’ll sit and read and think damn it, I love it, I wish some bitch would finish this story 🤣 the bitch is me, I’m the bitch
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that-lame-ghoul9000 · 2 years
Maybe a shower smut with eddie ? 😗
April Showers 🌧
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Its the beginning of track season at Hawkins High. And while your boyfriend is super supportive(from under the bleachers) of your athletic choices, you can't deny practice has taken up way to much of your time. And Eddie intends to make up for lost time.
Word count: 3.3k 😳🥲
TW: SMUT 18+ MINORS GO TOUCH SOME GRASS, DONT INTERACT, established relationship, Shower sex, semi public sex (girls locker room), its a quicky that feels like forever because im a slut for getting carried away rambling. Im sorry. swearing, Unprotected sex it's not stated but reader is on birth control. Just pretend. (don't be silly, wrap your willy. A pregnancy test is one Etch-a-sketch that can't be undid homeskillet) -Oral- (m receiving) Spit. He spits in readers mouth. Pet names(baby or babe i can't remember, princess & sweetheart) probably forgot something. If I did please tell me.
This is so unedited. And written. Late at night.
A/n: 1.) Thank you so much for requesting this. I was so exited exited write it.  With that said:
This is my first published work containing smut. Use lube and go easy on me I'll get better I swear. Give me feedback. Give me all the feedback.
2.)I never ran track. I don't know track season. So I'm sorry if this isn't accurate. I Googled HS track season and it said (training began oct-nov, with actual season being feb-may) and I just REALLY liked the title I picked. So sue me 🤣 and let me live in my fantasy world where after i had a choice I stopped participating in sports. Okay love you byeeee 😘
I do not give permission to have this posted anywhere else. (You'll only find it here and on my AO3 which is the same username) Please don't take my work. Ive worked hard on it and I'd like to continue doing it.
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You were a good student. Reliable. Trustworthy. Responsible. Just a few adjectives thrown around by the faculty at Hawkins High. Which is why your guidance counselor and track coach had absolutely no problem giving you a spare key to the school gym and locker room only asking you clean up after yourself and lock up when you're done. Something you've been doing since last school year. You had a tendency to practice in the early hours of the morning. It was cool out. Quiet, with no one there to bother you. No overly horny teenage boys with way to much time on their hands and nothing better to do than yell scandalous risqué remarks at their classmates of the opposite sex simply because their little under developed, sex riddled, cavemen brains couldn't comput farther than: "Girls" "Shorts=ass" and running in a tee shirt was the closest half of them would ever get to seeing boobs bounce. Give them a few years. They may grow out of it.
For that late reason alone you preferred morning runs on the track. Reserving the after school evenings for team practice. Where you'd still try hard. But not hard enough to elicit said comments.
It's almost the end of April and most, if not all, of your time has been spent on this track. You began as soon as the leaves started falling in mid October at the indoor gym at the request of your coach. But it was a drive. Which is what prompted you to ask to use the gym in the mornings last year once it got semi warm enough to begin using the outdoor track.
If you weren't on the track you had your nose shoved in some AP class workbook. Grades were very important to you. Just as important as sports. As they went hand in hand. This unfortunately meant skipping out on plans with your friends. Often.
Which also meant having to "rain check" dates with your boyfriend. Claiming
"Unless you're going to throw 'Study' in front of that 'date' word, we're going to have to give it a rain check."
Now you'd think most guys would love a good 'Study' date. Not your boyfriend. It's as if the word itself was dipped in holy water and burned him simply thinking about it. Which is funny considering who he is. That's right. Little Ms. Straight A's Sporty McSportsPants boyfriend was none other than the infamous Devil worshiping, master of the occult, every parents worst nightmare for their sweet baby, friendly neighborhood bad boy.
Eddie. Mother fucking. Munson.
And although his chocolate button, puppy dog eyes were so close to making you say "fuck it" and toss your books in the air. You had to be the level headed responsible one of you both. Easier said than done. You'd not hadn't had much time together in months. Aside from the half hour at lunch, Mrs. O'Donnell's class (which she conveniently had you both on separate ends of the classroom) the few minutes after practice you got before having to rush home for dinner, and a night filled with homework. Your time together was really few and far between. And while it made you both sad, Eddie would still find cute ways to keep you from getting discouraged. From cute notes of encouragement in your locker on days you'd have track meets. (Especially the ones you were nervous about) Throwing rocks at your window after your parents had gone to bed to get some time in with you till you fell asleep. Even if it was only 10 minutes. And sometimes if you looked real close you'd see him under the bleachers cheering you on. You really couldn't understand why everyone thought the awful things they did about him.
On this particular morning it was cool out. Slightly windy. And very overcast. The gray sky looking like it would give way to rain at a moments notice. You almost opted to not practice this morning. But you had a big meet coming up this Saturday and there was no way you were losing. You pulled your Hawkins High Tigers hoodie off exposing your skin to the cool air. Letting out a shiver you jogged to the track. Looking at your watch
5:30am (this should be illegal)
Setting your alarm for 6:30, giving yourself exactly one hour before you needed to head to the locker room and hit the shower. Kids would start arriving by 7:30. This would give you the perfect amount of time to Shower, dry your hair and drop your clothes in your locker before grabbing a muffin and heading to class.
You begin running your laps and time just runs away with you. Though you're not racing a physical person you feel a sense of competition. You're racing time. And time is racing you.
You made it 30 minutes in before you heard it. The soft low rumble of the incoming thunder announcing the imminent approaching storm. The wind began to pick up as well. Not that you'd complained it helped keep you cool for the most part.
Deciding not to chance it you run off to the bleachers and grab your bookbag along with your duffle that had your change of clothes, shampoo, towel and all important keys that granted you access to the areas of the school you needed. And with that you jogged to the school building.
As you reach the girls locker room you head into the shower room and turn the water on allowing it enough time to heat up. You exit back to the locker room and begin to remove your shoes and socks. But just as you're getting to your shorts you hear the door open. Causing you to pause.
"Hello? This room is currently being used."
"If there's someone in here you have exactly 3 seconds to make yourself known or I'll borrow Bethany's softball bat. And ive been told I've got a pretty good swing." You yell out.
"I'd love to see you swing a bat. Bet it be hot as hell."
You jump, turning on a heel to face the intruder. He's smirking at you from under that beautiful mess of hair.
"Edward Alan Munson, I can and I will if ever do that again. What are you doing here?" you ask confused. Knowing this man isn't known for getting up early.
"Firstly, just because Wayne let it slip the one night he came home early and saw us making out on the couch, doesn't mean my middle name is available for public use. Even if it's from someone as cute as you. And it is super cute when you use it in your 'I'm so serious tone." he boops your nose.
"Secondly, I knew you'd be here even if a tornado threatened to rip the school down to its foundation because you have your meet against Greenwood on Saturday and, for reasons I'll never understand in the world of sports, you'd rather die than let them win this year."
You rolled your eyes with a smile at his comment. It was a true statement.
"And thirdly, I'll take any time I can get with you." He smirks dropping his jacket and vest all in one go. "You just say the word. It's always better to shower with a friend. Conserve water you know. Great for the planet. Wouldn't want you to slip in there." His brain thinking of more excuses. But he's cut off as soon as he sees you slowly walk backward toward the showers pulling your shirt off and winking at him before dropping your shorts, grabbing your shampoo & body wash and walking through the door. And he's so quick to shed the rest of what's in the way almost falling and breaking his neck trying to get his jeans off. With a final tug his shirt falls to the ground and he's running after you like a kid in a candy store to the showers.
You were already under the water, in an attempt to try and at least was your body before all hell broke loose, when you feel his hands slowly snake around your hips a he pulls you closer to him. Until you feel his skin against yours. And his very prominent hard on pressed against your back. A shiver of excitement pulses through you in every direction as he slowly sweeps his hands across your body. Agonizingly slow. You lean your head back against his chest and he let's out a chuckle.
"Someone seems a little stressed." He says into your ear in a breathy voice that has your legs turning to jello. His hands feather light skimming across your breasts. So light you might have missed it if weren't for him adding the slightest of weight to his hand as he circled your nipper.
You felt yourself begin to relax under his touch. A breathy moan as you say his name,
The verbal action making his cock twitch against your back.
"Yes Princess." He teased.
"Touch me, please."
"I am touching you." He laughed.
What he'd give to take his time with you. He'd have you so relaxed to the point you'd forget your own name. Only remembering his because he'd have you screaming it repeatedly. But he knew you were both on borrowed time so he cut to the chase.
"Okay sweetheart but only because you asked so nicely." He kissed the side of you temple as his hands moved lower and lower. Till he was still semi teasing you by gently rubbing your legs.
"Edd-" you didn't even get his name out before he said
"Let's see just how excited you are for me" and dipping his middle and ring finger to swipe through your slick folds.
Eliciting a moan that could only be described by Eddie as what the heavens must sound like.
"Jesus baby, even you can't play this one off as shower water. You're absolutely soaked." He said softly biting your ear. You're a mess, as he slides his fingers up slowly till he finds your clit and begins running soft figure eights into the little nub. Not enough to do to much but enough to get you more worked up.  If it wasn't for Eddie holding you up right now you'd fall to the floor.
Which gives you an idea. Since you're kinda on a time crunch. You pull his hand away, even though it pained you to do it. Turn around, and grab his face before he can protest bridging the gap you've caused between you two for the most intense kiss to ever exist at 6:48 in the morning. A clashing of teeth and tongue but only for a brief moment.  Because before the boy in front of you could register the series of events unfolding in front of him you drop to your knees looking up at him through wet lashes (which he's now moved to the top of his list of 'hottest images of my girlfriend burned into my brain to date')
Giving a slight devilish smile before running your hands delicately over his things in almost the same slow, agonizing pace he was teasing you with not moments ago.
Throwing his head back you hear him mutter a "fuuuuuck me" to which you replied "oh trust me i plan to" as you grasp his length in your left hand and begin stroking a few times. Making sure to run your thumb over his aching tip that's beading with pre-cum to gather it and as he looks down you stick in your mouth to suck off. A sort of pre-warning. One that he can barely handle. And with a pop you remove your thumb replacing back on his aching cock, pumping once. Twice. Thrice before giving the prominent vein under his cock a lick from base to tip finally taking as much of him in as you possibly could. Thank God for the wall behind him because he throws his head back and becomes one with the wall thrusting his hand into your hair and gathering it to keep it out of your face.
"F-Fuckin hell. You are so damn good at that. God's baby who knew such a good girl could have such a bad mouth."
The moan you release sending sweet vibrations to parts of him he didn't know existed. Its all going to his head. And rather quickly. You begin pumping what you can't fit as you continue bobbing your head up and down at a pace Eddie has deemed 'fucking perfect'.
"God baby if you keep up like this I won't last much longer." He looks down.
You look up at him with doe eyes through lashes coated in tiny water droplets. He's died and gone to heaven. He feels his release nearing and he's quick to remove himself before he does. Lifting you up to your feet.
"As much as I'd love to cum down your throat. Let's I don't know rain check it," He jests, 'because right now I want to fuck you up against," He paused looking at the 3 available walls in this shower wall eliminating the one with the knobs and shower head, "that wall. But first open, since i know you were so looking forward to having my cum run down your throat. Here's a substitute." He quickly takes his middle and ring finger, swiping them up your soaking cunt, returning them to his mouth to quickly suck and savor how you taste on his tongue. He taps your jaw and your quick to open for him. As he spits a mixture of your slick and his spit into your mouth.
"Swollow." He doesn't have to ask twice. And because he can't help himself his mouth is quick to seek out yours in a passionate kiss filled with teeth, tongue and the fact this will be way faster than either of you want it to be. Suddenly he's tapping your thighs signaling you to jump and you do. Your back is met with the cool stall wall as Eddie is quick to line himself up with your center. There's no slowness anymore. You've all but run out of time, students would start arriving soon. And from previous moments with Eddie you both came to the realization, you weren't quiet. And you couldn't be even if you wanted to.
As he slides in you let out a pornagraphic moan and let your head fall back against the wall. Legs wrapping around his waist, one arm half hazardly drapped around his neck the other holding his shoulder. He stretches you out perfectly. And you fit him just as well.
"F-fuckin hell you're so goddamn tight. Just sucking my cock in. God I can feel you tightening around me."
You rock your hips a little to signal he's okay to move. And boy does he move. He slowly begins to piston in and out of you. Breathing heavy as the shower water falls down like the impending rain. It's probably raining right now. He begins kissing down your jaw to your neck getting to your collar bone where he begins sucking and biting, just a small mark. He likes looking at them later.
You're a moaning, swearing mess. Praying no one hears anything and decides to come looking to make sure a student isn't hurt. Which would be very awkward and extremely frustrating as you can feel that coil in you winding up, so close to snapping. And as if on cue Eddie snaps his hips up in such a way he hits that magic button and just like that his name tumbles out of your mouth. The only name you'll remember for the rest of the day.
He continues his pistoning into that spot with everything he has in him. He's chasing his high and yours. His free hand snakes down to rub on your bundle of nerves in such a perfect way that he has you coming undone in seconds. Following behind you moments later. He slows his thrusting down as you ride out your highs. You rest your forehead on his as you both try to slow your eradicate breathing.
After a moment he pulls out of you slowly, trying his best not to make you uncomfortable. Still holding onto you because you currently have the legs and dexterity of a newborn deer. He kisses your nose as he reaches over and puts some shampoo in his hand returning to massage it into your hair.
"God he's perfect." You think to yourself with a small giggle.
"And whats, pray tell does the lady find funny." He smirks.
"You give me an mind altering orgasm. And now you're washing my hair. It's just cute is all."
"I'm making up for lost time. I believe you have at the very least 30 more coming your way in the near future. Not all at once. But I'm sure I can pull a few out of you with each of our upcoming 'Study' dates. I do need to pass Mrs. O'Donnell's class if i want to walk that stage with you. And I fully intend to." He winks. His statement making you're eyes widen and a blush fall across your cheeks.
"As long as we actually study first Edward Ala-" He cuts you off with quick kiss tilting your head back enough allow the water to wash the shampoo away without it getting into your eyes.
"I recall mentioning the ban of using my full name. But I'll excuse it this time as your brain is still probably a bit to fried." He smiles giving your forehead a quick kiss. And then you hear it. Your watch alerting you that it's 7:30. Fuck you'd have no time to dry your hair. Both mentally cursing the beeping noise, Eddie turns off the water.
"I'll go out first. And quickly get dressed. I'll set your clothes in here on the bench." You give him a kiss as he nods at your plan.
You grab your towel and quickly wrap yourself. Walking fast into the locker room. Pulling your clothes out. Sliding on all the articles. As quickly as you could without paying attention.
Trying to use the towel to dry your hair as best you could before running a brush through quickly and tossing it into a ponytail.
You run to gather all of Eddie's clothes and then set them on the bench.
"The towels a bit wet but it's here too. I'll see you in a minute." You smile as you hear the stall unlock.
Grabbing your bag you make sure the coast is clean before waiting outside the girls locker room door. A few moments later Eddie emerges.
"Hey sweetheart, come here often." He winks at you. Making you giggle.
"Occasionally. Do you?"
"I sure as hell might start coming more often." He grabs your backpack from your shoulder slinging it over his are before throwing his free arm around your shoulder.
"What do you say we go find our rowdie band of weirdos. They can't be left alone for too long. Especially not with Henderson.
"Okay let's go find your freshman children." You say, lacing your fingers in the hand draped around your shoulder. "I'd hate to think what weird heated conversation topic Dustin has Mike and Gareth. Kid gets a level over passionate about many things." Causing both of you you break out laughing.
"It's his tone. I swear it's his tone." Eddie breathes out. As you approach the cafeteria you look outside.
Just like you thought it's absolutely pouring out.
"Eddie." You whisper into his ear at a sudden realization before finding everyone at the table.
"Hmm" He looks at you puzzled.
"Eddie. We're both wet. They'll know why I am. But you never this awake this early. This," you look him up and down before finishing, "wet. They're going to know."
As he looks out the window.
He looks back at you with a smirk.
"I'd blame it on the rain. But I doubt they'd believe me."
April Showers is an understatement.
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btsqualityy · 3 years
(A/N- Thank you so much for letting me share this! This Drabble takes place with Mama Min and Yoongi on the day of the 2021 AMA’s.) (Slightly NSFW)
You could admit you looked ethereal tonight; dress hugging your body in the best of ways, hair, and make-up topping off the whole look— all thanks to Hybe’s stylist. If you were going to be there to support your husband, why not do it style?
You have been getting enchanted looks and gasp throughout the night, especially when Hybe allowed you and Yoongi to take pictures of the red carpet together. It felt unreal when the camera flashes peaked when Yoongi and you made your debut on the carpet. What had the crowd growing wild is when he went in for a small peck on the lips for the cameras.
You should have known that the night was going to be rough; Yoongi has been testing you all day. The glances, the smirks, and subtle touches on your thigh and back had your libido on another level. If it wasn't for the hundreds of people in crowded you would've fucked him right then and there.
When it was time to leave Yoongi held your hand tight until you two entered one of the many black presidential trucks along with Jimin and his wife and one of the group's assistants. Jimin and his wife couldn’t keep their hands off each other the whole ride, which made you want to try to lead Yoongi on, which he cock blocked.
Yoongi whispered in your ear, “Min… the way I want you right now— I think we should just wait till we get to the hotel,” he hissed.
You sat back in your seat and pouted making Yoongi grin devilishly as he kissed your exposed shoulder. “I promise baby, the wait will be worth your while.”
The rest of the ride was like torture and at one point you were ready to join Jimin and his wife because of how risqué they were getting.
Before heading to the hotel room everyone said their goodnights and headed on their way. Unlike the others Yoongi had you stay out in the lobby so he could discuss something with his manager. By the time they were done talking about world knows what, he signaled to his arms and you both treaded through the empty lobby.
“You looked fuckable today,” Yoongi remarked. “It’s a damn shame that It’s no way I can keep you this polished tonight.” He lowered his tone slightly, “I’m about to slut you out in this hotel room.”
“The way you’ve been acting at that show Yoongi, I think I’M going to be the one slutting you out,” You giggled.
“Min, please don’t threaten me with a good time, but we will see about all that,” he said as he looked at you with pure lust in his eyes.
As he pushed the up button on the elevator an idea went through your head.
Entering the elevator you made sure no one else was on, you stood on the opposite side of Yoongi and bunched up your dress. Your hand ventured to your skimpy thong and slide it off in one tug, making sure you kept complete eye contact with the man standing in front of you.
His eyes widened as you stuffed the fabric into your clutch purse. “Min, you must be out of your mind,” He laughed.
“No, I’m just trying to make it easier for the both of us,” you said with a frisky tone.
Yoongi walked towards you and gripped your waist as he began to caress your neck. Now that you think about it, you should’ve left your underwear on because you began to feel your slick trickle down your thigh. He kissed you with nothing but hunger and thirst. His tongue swiped at your bottom lip and forced its way into your mouth as you moaned against him
The elevator stopped at your floor and he pulled away making you whine out noticeably. “We have to at least make it to the room Y/n-ah,” Yoongi laughed. He took your hand once again and led you out into the hallway.
(A/N- I do have a very smutty pt.2 that I can give tomorrow if you guys want it! 😊 also sorry for any grammar errors or typos I’m bad at writing in English 🥲 to avoid any confusion I’ll go by “AMA anon” lol.)
Oop I loved this! And don’t worry, your writing was really good! But yes, give us part 2 as soon as you can! 😭👏🏽
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shadlad24 · 3 years
Five Funny Little Moments #30: Warrior…Princess…Tramp
Thanks for the encouragement, @screwyourdefaults! I’ll try again with these no matter how much fun I’m just not having with season two thus far, from an FFLM perspective. Anyway, without further ado… No, wait! CAUTION: I am bitter today! My stalker struck again mid-post-making and put me in an even worse mood. Sorry. / Skip this post if necessary. 🥲
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So, Joxer spends this episode in a different place than is oft-remembered overall. I almost forgot that he lusted after Xena first and even saw Gabrielle as a child way back when. Which makes his later pining for her even more scummy, but there you go. Also, he is not yet Joxer the Mighty but rather Joxer the Magnificent here, which I actually forgot. And now reminds me of Gurkhan. Yikes, Jox.
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Meg is awesome; I’ll give this episode that. But while she is usually remembered for being illiterate, she was also innumerate (another thing I forgot). And, of course, hilariously weird. Or is it just Lucy who’s a whackadoo? ’Cuz I well remember when Meg popped out of that cake in “Soul Possession” singing and dancing to the original, uh, lullaby that Lucy apparently used to put to her son Julius* to sleep with each night. What does THAT even mean? Did she find her infant son sexy, and that’s why her song for him was her go-to while acting as a prostitute dressed in a very risqué bikini and trying to seduce a bummed-out god? And what does that say about Rob who presumably signed off on Lu’s decision? Ahem. Anyway, this scene is a reverse of that moment. Instead of singing a lullaby to a potential, ahm, client, Meg’s sings a barroom song to “her” baby. After all her effort to impersonate Diana too (not to mention, success with King Lias and Xena)! LOLz Okie.
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Oh, Gabrielle. First, you insult Xena by not being able to tell her apart from an acquaintance or complete stranger, despite having lived with and idolized the warrior princess for more than a year. Then, you don’t have the sense to duck when her chakram is coming right at you! Need I remind you what happened to King Lias’s crown after Diana threw the chakram? Why take that chance if you weren’t sure who was in front of you? 😂 Even Joxer knew enough to not just stand there! (Also, I like how he and Xena mirrored each other’s expressions for a couple of shots there.) And, naturally, Xena vented her hurt/frustration by not only pulling that stunt with the chakram but also unnecessarily breaking a bunch of stuff belonging to the people she’s trying to help. LOLz, part …who knows?
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Oh, really, Xena? Then why do you still feel guilty and let that emotion rule your life, eh? Yet another instance of Xena being unable to practice what she preaches. heh Ah well.
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Hey, look! Each major character gets a highlight this time around! Yey. And we have another multi-point moment. Double yey. One, Princess Diana just knew Xena was going to be a dumb-butt yet again and send the guy “holding” the baby flying, and thus, the baby flying. Two, three, four, and five, her daughter uses her final close-up to prove that she is the angriest little lady in existence (adorable and amusing; and, really, who could blame her? 🤣), poor Philemon nearly wets his pants, the baby enjoys her flight, and Diana finally catches something! Yaaaaay! You go, princess! 😝 We’ll take that last part as character/skill development rather than a plot hole, since your inability to catch anything is what tipped Philemon off to Xena playing your decoy last season. Also, bye, sweet little family. 🥲 ❤
Guess what! I think I may have finally defeated the bug! YAAAY! Also-also, my last post was my 250th! Yey. …Oh yeah!
Previous Season 2 FFLMs: #25 #26 #27 #28 #29
*Yup. Xenie hates Caesar, but Lucy named her son after the man and even considered naming her second son Roman. LOLz
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