#it just felt like a waste of time when we could’ve been doing other stuff with their screentime
dashiellqvverty · 4 months
my opinion on season 11 is that ian and mickey were all over the place from episode to episode and i ultimately wasn’t very happy with where it ended for them
#just felt kind of incomplete and boring in terms of their getting an apartment arc#like mickey was still genuinely very unhappy about it and they just left it like that?#and obviously i didn’t love how they did the terry stuff.#i think. there’s something to it because you can never truly predict how you’re gonna feel about something like that#even if it’s a piece of shit who you truly hate like. feelings happen.#and that could have been interesting to explore but it wasn’t done in a way that felt interesting#it just felt like a waste of time when we could’ve been doing other stuff with their screentime#and the beginning was so good i was having sooo much fun when ian was like yeah let’s steal an ambulance and yes we can have guns again.#let’s fuck in the ambulance. etc.#that was so hot and then they ruined it both in that scene that i wanted to SEE and with where they took the story after#like how quickly ian jumps back to ‘well we won’t do crimes then :)’ i thought he was having FUN doing crimes#like are they still doing their security shit? are they still working with stolen equipment?? i want them to do crimes :(#(when i lay it all out like that i’m like perhaps ‘ian being exited about doing crimes’ is not a Good Sign for him. but#it really wasn’t presented that way in context. like i don’t think that’s what they were going for there#and he can be doing better and still have fun doing stupid shit#a la their little outing before he got arrested by the military#yes that was like. 5 years earlier but i’m still like what happened to THAT ian he got boring#and i’m not saying like. him being healthy is boring. i’m saying let him be healthy and also have fun.#anyway.)#also like. signing a lease on the spot against mickeys wishes. kind of fucking impulsive and reckless. but no it’s bc he wants#to have a better life or whatever so it’s fine.#idk i just want to see them steal shit and fuck in an ambulance#and i mean like OVERALL ian has not been as much of a Crime Guy as others. certainly not compared to mickey#like he’s DONE crimes obviously but not in a. it’s his lifestyle way. i guess?#so idk why i’m like i want him to go BACK to that if that wasn’t exactly what he was doing in the first place#but he LIKES doing shady shit with mickey and having fun and idk why they bothered showing us that#if they were gonna drop it by the end of the season that i can only assume they knew would be the final season#it just felt like they didn’t know what to do with the two of them all season and they ended the season in a less satisfying place#than they started#r.txt
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x0llaz · 4 months
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Sungchan x Reader
ANGSTTTTTT SOWWY, fluff at the end, hurt comfort, self doubt, burnout, mentions of twilight
WC: 3k
pt 3 of my lil sungchan series. pt 1, pt 2
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YN assumed that all was well in her relationship- situationship? Flirtationship?- the two had gone on their second official date, and hung out plenty of times beside then. She thought she and sungchan were doing great, until he stopped answering his texts. 
They had just seen each other before then- he took her out to dinner and bought them milkshakes. He had spent the night in her apartment, as he had grown used to doing, and they fell asleep playing video games on her couch. He had left the morning after after giving her a kiss on the cheek and saying ‘Talk to ya’ later, cutie’
The first day, YN assumed it must be he’s away from his phone- he doesn’t have to respond right away, and she didn’t need him to. 
But when another day passed, and then another, YN became skeptical. She began to criticize herself for texting him the usual good morning/good night texts when she got no response. Whe texted him asking if he was alright, but got no response. She asked him if he was going to a party Yunjin had invited her to, but her message was never read. She kept trying, but kept getting nothing. She felt pathetic. 
Eventually the days turned into a week, and still no word from sungchan. It confused her- they had been so close for weeks before, why drop her now? A week turned into two weeks, and YN felt herself lose her will to keep trying. Too many texts left on delivered, too little communication to justify her continuing to text a ghost. 
Had she done something wrong? She wracked her brain for anything she could’ve done to offend him, or make him upset, but couldn’t think of anything. She wondered if maybe he was talking to someone else or… maybe he just wasn’t interested anymore. 
She thought about their times together, their first date that was so perfect she almost thought she dreamed it. Kissing him when he showed up at her door, or when they’d snuggle up on her couch and watch movies they never really paid attention to. It all left her wondering what happened. Why was sungchan suddenly MIA?
She just felt… useless. 
YN decided to go out as a pick-me-up. Yunjin walked at her side, knowing of her struggle with sungchan, and more than willing to help her get her mind off things. Regardless of what was going on in YN’s mind, Yunjin was always a great pick-me-up.
“I mean we could go to a party tonight?” She suggested. 
“You know I hate parties,” YN rolled her eyes. 
“We wouldn’t stay long, plus, it’s a mostly girls party. It’s kind of exclusive,” Yunjin wriggled her eyebrows. 
“I’ll let you know if I want to go,” YN replied, her arms locked with Yunjin. 
“Well we gotta do something to get your mind off of sungchan,” 
“Pffft, it’s not like it’s that big of a deal. I’m fine, I promise,”
“It certainly hasn’t seemed like it.” Yunjin watched YN tilt her head to the side. “You seriously haven’t realized you’ve been mentioning him non stop for days?”
YN paused for a moment. “I didn’t think it was that bad,” she mumbled. 
“Oh, it’s bad bad. You can’t stop talking about it.”
YN looked down, embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore, now feeling too exposed for how she had been really feeling.
Yunjin paused her steps, looking over to her friend. “Oh, no, don't apologize! It’s okay, I understand why,”
“I just feel bad, I really didn’t realize how much it was on my mind,” YN explained, staring at the pavement below her. 
“It’s okay, really,” Yunjin assured her. “It just makes me sad seeing you so sad over a man,” She shrugged, squeezing YN’s arm reassuringly.
“I really liked him though… and I thought…” She trailed off, sighing and shaking her head. 
“And that’s normal. It’s okay to be sad about stuff like this.” Yunjin told her. “Now perk up, cutie, We’ve got a weekend to waste, and a man to forget about.” 
The Two walked around the market, looking at handmade goods, and fresh pick fruits and veggies. For a while, YN began to let her mind wander from Sungchan. She enjoyed her time with Yunjin, joking around and talking about drama that had been going on in recent weeks. It was easy to forget about things when she was with Yunjin, it was easy to forget all her sorrows. 
They heard something from the distance, and perked up once more when they realized there was someone calling their names. 
“Is that them? Yunjin? Yunjin!” someone shouted from the distance, weaving through the crowd. “It is them!” He called, tugging someone behind them. “YN, Yunjin!” They recognized shotaro at a distance, smiling and waving at them. YN froze when she saw who was right beside him. 
Jung Sungchan. The man who had been ghosting her for two weeks. 
YN turned to Yunjin, her anxiety clear on her face. “You’ll be okay,” Yunjin whispered, keeping their arms interlocked. 
YN watched as the two of them approached, and almost immediately locked eyes with Sungchan. She stood there staring at him before tearing her gaze away and looking at the ground. WHen she looked up, Sungchan stood at a closer distance, a smile on his handsome face as he looked at her, holding his hand up in a friendly wave. If he hadn’t been ghosting her for weeks, her heart would’ve melted, she probably would have swooned. But alas, she was in no mood to swoon. 
“Hey guys!” Shotaro greeted cheerfully. “It’s good to see you, we’ve been meaning to hang out,” He nudged sungchan, whose face dropped a bit when YN avoided his gaze. 
“Yeah, it’s good seeing you guys,” His gaze was still fixed on YN, who had her phone pulled out, fingers typing away at something. 
It wasn’t long until Yunjin and Shotaro fell into a comfortable conversation, and Sungchan took a step closer to YN. 
“Hey,” He smiled, his voice soft. 
“Hi.” YN replied shortly. Sungchan took note, shifting his weight a bit. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, slightly concerned. 
“Yeah why?” She lied, folding her arms. 
“You just seem… more closed off.” He thought of their last time together, how close they had been, the stark contrast of this moment compared to then. 
“Well sorry, I’m not sure how to talk to someone who’s been ignoring me for two weeks,” YN glanced at him, voice stern. 
Sungchan furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?” He asked in confusion. 
YN rolled her eyes, not wanting to continue down this path. “Yunjin, I’m gonna head home. I’ll text you about the party,” she said before turning on her heel and walking out of sungchan’s sight. 
“So… why is YN mad at you?” Shotaro asked, taking a bite of his food. 
Sungchan shrugged. “I really don’t know? It kinda confused me.” The look shotaro gave him told him to continue. “She said I’d been ignoring her,”
“Have you been ignoring her?” Shotaro asked, knowing the answer, but wanting Sungchan to hear the truth from himself. 
The hesitancy Sungchan felt made his heart drop a bit, realizing that he had been ignoring her. “I… i didn’t think I was ignoring her,” He pulled out his phone to see the old messages he hadn’t taken the time to look at. “I didn’t really mean to,” 
“Yeah, well, you did,” Shotaro sighed. “When did you last see her?”
“I forget, but it wasn’t that long ago,” sungchan answered. 
“Okay… and when was the last time you texted her? When was the last time she texted?”
“She texted me a couple days ago…” Sungchan put his phone down, taking a few bites of his food, as if he could avoid talking if he had his mouth full. 
“Sunghcan,” Shotaro looked at him with a disbelieving expression.
“This food is really good,” Sungchan didn’t meet his gaze, stuffing his face with more food.
“Seriously, when was the last time you hung out?” Shotaro asked once more. 
“I don’t know, it couldn’t have been too far back,” sungchan shrugged. “I think… two weeks?”
“Two weeks????”
Truth be told, Sungchan had no intentions of ghosting YN. Hell, he barely realized he had been. 
When Sungchan got focused on something, it was almost like everything in the world stopped existing. That something happened to shift from YN, to his upcoming exam. It was the majority of his quarter grade, and in his efforts to study, he had unintentionally ignored nearly everything around him. Shotaro had begged him to go out for an hour or two that day, which was a struggle in itself. 
Needless to say, he had been burnt out, not even realizing it. He barely had been out besides classes, and his social life had taken a pretty big hit. He had been tired, focused so much on passing the quarters exam, that he neglected one of the biggest parts of his life. 
He hadn’t realized until he saw YN, how little time he had spent with her. In his time away, he never had the chance to think about just how much he missed her. Sungchan hadn’t thought much about the girl he liked so much- not because he lost interest, but because he was buckling under the pressure of school. 
Sungchan rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing in his own frustration. “I know, I know,” he looked up at shotaro. “So?”
“So what?” Shotaro asked.
“So what should I do? I messed up,” Sungchan shrugged, looking at shotaro hopefully. 
“Are you stupid?” Shoptaro asked. Before the younger could question his words, he said, “Apologize to her! You can’t get anywhere if you don’t talk to her,” Shotaro told him. “Make it quick before Yunjin gets involved.”
Sungchan Nodded. “Noted.”
When the two of them parted ways, sungchan walked with his hands in his pockets. He walked to his apartment, making a mental list of ways he could apologize, how he could make things up to her. He was never great at things like that, but he knew that he would change it for her.
When YN got home, her mood was brought down even more seeing there was still nothing from sungchan. It Was partially her fault, leaving before he could get a word in, but logic did nothing to brighten her mood. The worst part of the citation was how much it made her get into her own head. 
She began doubting her bond with sungchan, doubting herself. Was she that forgettable that he could go weeks without talking to her and not even realize? 
She sat down on her couch and pulled a pillow over her head, groaning into it as she laid back. In her own house, with nothing to distract her from her own doubts and fear, she felt the tears well in her eyes. It wasn’t her first experience with heart break, or with a failed relationship, but nonetheless, it hurt. She had let herself get used to sungchan, gotten her hopes up with him. Was she stupid to think they’d be more than a situationship? Tears streamed down her face before she could bring her hand up to wipe her face.
She thought back to their first date, and questioned how she ended up here. Crying on her couch because of a guy who wasn’t even her boyfriend. Crying over the guy who took her out for lunch and who she convinced to stay a little longer. Did it mean anything? Was this just how Sungchan was?
She wiped her tears and turned on her side, resting her cheek against her pillow as her phone lit up with texts from Yunjin. 
Jen: you okay???
Jen: you left rlly fast
Jen: Did he do smth???? I can kill him
Jen: should I come over?
She sighed, not wanting to involve Yunjin even more in her boy problems. 
YN: no i’m ok
YN: thanks tho 🙂
YN dropped her phone on the coffee table, closing her eyes and curling into herself. It wasn’t that late, but the tears streaming down her cheeks, and the flashes of her time with sungchan that came up every so often made her tired, made her want to escape. 
Within a few minutes, she drifted off to sleep, not wanting to think about sungchan anymore, hoping her tears would dry themselves. 
Hours passed, and YN woke up from her spot on her couch. Her back ached from the uncomfortable position, cheeks a bit puffy from crying. She went to shower, dousing herself in water to soothe her skin, and ease the pain that came from her uncomfortable sleeping position. She changed into pajamas, and dried her hair before putting it up. YN knew that since she had woken up when it was late, she wouldn’t be able to sleep well. Given that, she decided to treat herself. She wouldn’t go to another party with Yunjin, she wouldn’t spend her night crying over sungchan, she’d just let herself relax. 
She reached for her phone so she could order herself some food, but a notification made her stop for a moment. 
Channie <3: hi
Channie <3: can we talk pls?
Channie <3: i miss u
YN scoffed at the messages. Two weeks and her turning him down was what it took for him to take interest again?
She didn’t respond and placed an order for delivery. She had Wine in her cabinet that she saved for special occasions (or nights when she needed a little pick me up) and a pint of her favorite ice cream. She brought out her favorite blanket and sat down on the couch, trying to pick what she should watch, settling on twilight because what could take her mind off of things with sungchan better, than a YA romance movie.
She got up and grabbed the wine from her cabinet, pouring a bit into her glass and talking a few sips before reaching around for the ice cream in her freezer. In the midst of her search, she heard a knock on her door. Not realizing it was too quick to be her food order, she went over, and opened the door. 
He stood in the doorway, eyes wide, as if he had ran up the stairs like he had the night of their first date. 
YN just sighed. “What are you-”
She was cut off when she felt his arms wrap around her, his head buried in her neck as if he wanted to crawl inside her. She heard him let out a shaky breath and her eyes widened, confused as to what was going on, and why he suddenly showed up. 
“I’m sorry,” he said into her skin, arms tightening around her. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, I promise,” His voice was soft, almost fragile sounding.
YN was stunned for a hot minute, standing there and letting him hug her before hesitantly bringing her arms to wrap around him, relaxing into his grasp. They stayed like that for a moment before each pulling away. YN led sungchan further inside, leading him to sit on her couch. She sat next to him, an awkward distance away. 
“What’s going on?” she asked hesitantly. 
“I wanted to apologize, and like… explain why i ignored you,” 
YN looked at him expectantly. 
“So, I have a big exam coming up, and it makes up half of my quarter’s grade. And if I failed, my semester exam would also be sunk, so-” He paused. “Not important. When I get into something really intensely, I have a bad habit, that I’m gonna work on, of kinda forgetting everything else. Even Shotaro struggled to get in contact with me. He had to drag me out earlier today.” 
He looked at YN and sighed, seeing her hesitant expression. 
“I really am sorry that I hurt you. It wasn’t my intention, but I know I did, and I promise, I’ll make it up to you,” He reached for her hand lightly. 
YN looked down at their hands. “I thought you lost interest in me,” She said quietly. 
“What?” Sungchan asked, confused if he heard her correctly. 
“I thought You lost interest. I thought you lost interest and started ignoring me.” She said a bit firmer. 
Sungchan’s heart dropped hearing those words. “YN,” he brought his other hand to her cheek, tilting her gaze towards him. “What I did was a mistake. A mistake I promise, I won’t make again,” his thumb brushed her cheek. “And I promise, I swear on everything, I’m still pretty crazy for you,” He gave her a light smile. 
His words made YN smile, intertwining her fingers with his as he leaned in to give her a soft kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other once more, not letting go of each other even as they just sat on the couch, covered by the blanket. 
YN got up when she heard a knock on her door, much to sungchan’s dismay. She brought back the food she ordered, plus the ice cream and wine. When sungchan reached for some, she swatted his hand away.
“Thats not for you,” she shook her head with a playful smile. 
“I thought you weren’t mad?” Sungchan sat up a bit, concerned.
“I’m not, but i ordered these for me,” She poked his stomach. 
When Sungchan stuck out his bottom lip in a pout, pleading for some food like he had been starving all day, YN rolled her eyes. 
“Fine,” she said, and gave him some food, and poured him a glass of wine. 
They found their places back on the couch, snuggled up against each other, sungchan’s arm draped around her waist as she rested on his chest. In the middle of the movie, while the Cullens played baseball, sungchan spoke up. 
He asked her, “Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?”
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whoopee!!! I finished pt 3, stay tuned for the next parts, I pinky promise they'll come out sooner.
taglist: @oftenjisung , @vhuteryh, @skzhoe4life, @cheederzchez , @so-lychee , @leehanascent
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pumcafe · 5 months
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Content Contains: NSFW, fem reader, first person, casual fling comes back around, Ging is a deadbeat even to his lovers, reader is angry, slight possessiveness, oral (reader receives), cum inside, does this even make sense? 
Word Count: 3.6k (short) 
The incessant knocking on my door that pulled me out of my sleep left a scowl on my face that only grew once I saw the culprit. “Why are you here?” It was less of a question, carrying a tone of disdain towards the man standing in front of me.
“What? Didn’tcha miss me?” He pushed past me before kicking his shoes off and throwing his rain-soaked coat on the floor by my feet. The splash of the  cold, wet rain sent a shiver up my leg.  My lip curled up further.
“Maybe three months ago the answer could’ve been ‘Yes Ging, oh I missed you so much! Gimme a smooch!’ Now I feel more like beating your ass,” I slammed the door before locking it. 
He didn’t look back at me but just laughed. “My clothes still in that bedside dresser? I’m soaked here.” 
I rubbed my face aggressively, restraining myself from beating at his back. “Why. Are. You. Here,” I spoke through gritted teeth. There was a time where I longed for Ging, a time where he could’ve come in and out of my home and I would be there every time to welcome his return; that time was now long gone I convinced myself. 
This time he did look back, already halfway towards my bedroom, “I was passing by and figured I’d stop in.” My jaw began to hurt as my back teeth ground together. That dumbass smile he had made my blood boil, he had no shame. 
I stomped in after him; he already had his shirt off and was working on his pants as his leftover clothes were strewn across my bed. “See? I knew they were still here,” he turned to face me, “Couldn’t forget such fond memories, huh?” My teeth felt like they were gonna break in half at any moment.
“Change and get out, you can’t stay. Oh, and don’t forget to take your clothes this time,” I sternly stated before turning back around. I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. I froze momentarily at how quick he was. 
I turned to see Ging still shirtless, his pants unbuckled and his boxers exposed. I fought to keep my eyes locked on his, “You don’t have to be so sour with me.” 
I tried my best to stay composed. I sighed, “You disappeared for three months, no one could find you. No letters, no calls, nothing. You really expect me to not move on at all during a time like that?” 
His face dropped for a second before he raised one eyebrow slightly, “Move on?” He sounded like he didn’t believe me. 
I maintained my confidence, “Yes, move on. As in; I found someone else, someone more stable.” It was a lie. In reality, I hadn’t been able to talk to anyone, wasting each night staying up late with the hopes that Ging would come knocking at my door like he did tonight. However, somewhere in the last couple of weeks, the painstaking yearning turned into anger; I promised myself I’d slam the door on his face and tell him to suck one. I cursed myself for failing at the first part.
Ging tilted his head to the side, tch. “Who?” 
My body grew rigid since I knew Ging was able to see right through me, but I couldn’t stop here. “You wouldn’t know him, he’s just a regular, civilian office worker.” A cold sweat began to form on the back of my neck, why was I so nervous?  
A soft chuckle left his mouth, “So where is he?” He made a point to look around, pointing out that there was no reminder of any other man but him in my house.
“He travels a lot. Besides, we’re in the beginning of a relationship. We decided to take it slow and not leave our stuff at each others’ places,” I shrugged, trying to stay cool. Both of us knew this wasn’t true, we both knew there was no one else. I couldn’t help but to avoid his gaze. “Anyway, you can’t stay here, get moving,” I moved to grab the doorknob, but Ging’s hand on the door kept it from opening.
“So when he travels, it’s not an issue? We both do it for work?” He was teasing me. 
I sucked in a harsh breath, “Because he communicates. He tells me when he’s leaving, where he’s going, and he even talks to me during the trips,” my voice carried a harsh, sarcastic tone. Ging definitely knew that my words were quips at his behavior. 
His breath fell on the back of my ear, “How long are we gonna play pretend this time?” 
I huffed, resisting the urge to just give in right then and there. “Until you stop going ghost,” I complained, “I’m tired of your act, I want something more firm, something I don’t have to wait weeks to months for.”
Ging was silent for a moment, and at that time I felt like I could suddenly cry. It was just casual between us, always had been, but why now had my chest grown tight with aching hope that one day he’d stay. 
“I know that’s not what you’re looking for, you’re not looking to be stuck in one place, and that’s certainly not what I’m asking. In fact, I’d never ask for you to be tied down to one place; I know how much discovering new things in the world means to you, I could never take that away from you. But…” I rambled aimlessly to fill the heavy air with something other than silent breaths, “I can’t do this casual shit anymore. I’d like to be the one you’d come home to after doing whatever you hunters do.” No longer feeling like talking, my last sentence grew quieter. My forehead pressed against the door as I screwed my eyes shut, I wanted to evaporate with my confession. 
Ging’s lips wordlessly pressed lightly against the back of my neck as he slowly made his way to the slope of my shoulder. My face contorted into confusion, my chest began to rise and fall faster. “W-what are you doing?”
His hand slid down the door and onto my shoulder, pulling gently so I would turn around to face him. His eyelids hung low as we made eye contact. “Then let’s not do casual,” he husked. 
Confused on what he meant, I raised an eyebrow. “What are you saying?” 
Ging sighed as if the meaning was obvious, “You said that you couldn’t do casual anymore, and I’m saying then let’s stop doing casual stuff. We can be more… solid.”
I felt like my brain was going to short circuit. “Look,” he began again, “we can work out the specifics later, but what I’m saying is… if you want to try something more settled…” 
I wrapped my arms tightly around Ging’s neck, pressing my body tightly against him. He stumbled backwards at the sudden action, but his hands quickly fell around my waist. 
“I take it as that’s what you wanted to hear?” 
I bashfully flicked his arm, “You shouldn’t say it just because I want to hear it,” I pouted. 
He put one hand on my cheek to gently push my face to look back at him. “I meant it too though,” his voice was low. “Believe it or not, I do miss you when I’m gone,” he smiled a little. 
I felt my heart beat against my chest roughly at the confession. I rolled my eyes playfully, “Of course you’d miss me,” I smirked.
This time, Ging rolled his eyes. I waited for a response, however, both of Ging’s hands grasped firmly on my ass instead. My fingers pulled on the collar of his shirt as I let out a gasp of surprise.
“How arrogant,” he squinted his eyes at me.
“Now that’s hypocritical,” I deadpanned, my tone was still slightly playful— he was still calling the kettle black.
“You love how confident I am though,” he raised a brow as if he was inviting me to deny it. I wanted to, but Ging’s confidence was a turn on most of the time. 
Ging chuckled when I didn’t outright disagree. “But I know it wasn’t my confidence you missed,” his hands now snuck under my panties, fondling the lower half of my ass. My cheeks grew hot and I quickly buried my face into Ging’s shoulder.
“Aweee,” he tutted, “now you’re so shy.” He chuckled as one of his fingers ran between my pussy lips. He faked a gasp, “You’re so wet already! Is this why you try picking fights with me?” My breathing picked up at the sensation of his fingertips passing over my clit, lazily moving back and forth. 
Jaw pulled taut, I attempted to keep my sounds minimal. There was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction this easily at least. 
“Hm,” Ging hummed before plunging a finger inside of my wet hole. My breath hitched and my knees nearly buckled. “Whoa,” the male exclaimed as his other hand grasped my waist to steady me. Ging’s finger pumped in and out of me, and despite my earlier resolve, soft moans began pouring from my lips. 
“There we go,” his voice was low, “Why try to pretend that I’m not making your little pussy feel good?” I scowled at him, hating his fake pout. He just laughed and continued to pump his finger mercilessly into me. 
My thighs grew wet as my panties could no longer hold in my slick. cringed at the stickiness of the fabric, embarrassed at how easily Ging could turn me into a mess. He added a second finger, “Gotta prepare you again.”
I clamped down on Ging’s fingers, my moans growing loud as I felt a tightness beginning to form in my stomach. The last time I had a proper release was my last night with Ging, so I embarrassingly reached the start of my climax relatively quickly. 
Then, Ging pulled his hand away from my aching cunt. I whined at the sudden emptiness.
He chuckled while shaking his head, “Sorry doll, but I need you on my tongue, it’s been too long.” He was pushing my bottoms off before I could let out any more sounds of protest. 
Ging grabbed my hands and led me to my bed, I pretended to not notice his slick fingers. In one motion, he had pushed the clothes he was preparing to change into on the bed. Internally, I sighed at the thought of his dry clothes now becoming wet due to the contact with his old ones. 
“Face down,” Ging’s command brought me back to reality. 
“What?” I questioned sincerely.
Ging gave me a gentle tap on my ass, “Face down, ass up. And spread your knees.” My hands clenched and unclenched into fists as I climbed on top of the bed, trying to force away any timidity. I quickly spread my knees apart and hid my face. 
Ging gently pressed my face into the pillow. I felt my face grow unbearably hot at the exposed nature of the pose; my ass up and my legs spread wide open in front of his eyes. I bit down on the pillow, cringing. 
I sharply inhaled at the long brush of Ging’s tongue from my clit up to my perineum. My hand reached back, desperate to push him away. He grabbed my wrist and held my hand back, “Nuh huh,” he mumbled into my pussy, “I’m not stopping.” 
“B-be gentle!” I begged him. 
He gave a short snicker before pinning my arm to the bed, “Only nice girls get gentle sex, doll.” Ging continued to relentlessly lap at my aching cunt, his saliva and my slick starting to run down my thighs. “I gotta get that attitude out first.” 
My body temperature proceeded to grow with every movement of Ging’s tongue. I already felt the tightening from earlier reemerging within my stomach. My hips bucked earnestly onto Ging’s face, each whimper and moan giving him more and more encouragement to grow rougher with his tongue. 
The pillow wasn’t enough to muffle my struggling cries as I shook at the pressure releasing. Ging momentarily slowed down, allowing me to ride out my orgasm on his tongue peacefully. 
But he didn’t stop. And after a couple of laps, his tongue began to pick up the pace once more. 
I groaned at the unending licks, only to cry out at the reintroduction of Ging’s two fingers. He pressed them deeply into my cunt— he chuckled at the way I twitched when he went down to his knuckles.
Whimpering into the pillow, my eyes brimmed with tears now. I began to clamp down again, “Give me one more, let me know how good I’m making this pussy feel,” he fingered more aggressively, his thumb pressing roughly down on my clit. The thought of him watching me in such a state was hazing my mind. I wanted to tell him to look away, but the words would never leave my lips. It was always agitating that he could see how quickly I’d become undone for him.
The familiar feeling of my tightening stomach began to form once more. Ging groaned at the tightness from my walls clamping against his fingers. “Right there hm? Who’s making you feel good?” My cheeks burned from the question.
I searched my brain for the ability to form words, “Y-you…” I mumbled quietly into the pillow.
He curled his fingers harshly, my back arched and I cried out for him. “You!” I was gasping for air, my body felt like it was on fire. 
He let a short breath out of his nose, “And are you gonna cum for me?” 
I nodded my head quickly in response. I felt my eyes screw shut as the orgasm approached before my response could leave my lips. My legs shook as my hands pulled the sheets from their secured positions on my bed. I felt my slick run down my thighs once I finally began to regain the ability to think. 
“Good girl, you did so good for me,” he cooed softly while pulling out his fingers. I felt his body slide on top of mine, his chest pressing against my back. I lazily opened my eyes and glanced back at him. “Lick,” he commanded. I opened my mouth and obeyed. My tongue swirled around the digits as he thrusted his fingers in and out of my mouth. “So obedient once you’re done right.” He seemed content with himself.
Sharply I inhaled at the feeling of his cock rubbing up and down my sensitive clit. “Now you’re gonna lay here and get fucked out, right baby?” His warm breath was brushing against the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 
“Mhm,” I agreed, my face only half up from the pillow. The tip of his cock pressed against my hole, threatening to push further in at any moment. The anxiety built up in the lower half of my core while I clenched around the air. 
“Beg me for it, beg me to make you a mess,” one of his hands was in my hair, gently tugging to lift my head so I could speak clearly. 
My mouth still struggled over the words, “Please… p-please put your dick in me,” I whispered.
Tch, he sucked on his teeth. “You can do better than that,” his cock spread my pussy lips apart as he rubbed himself against me. The strokes were enough to drive me insane.
“Please fuck your cock into me Ging, please please please make me yours,” I pleaded, looking back to make eye contact with him.
His face broke out in a grin before he began to shove the entire length of his cock into me. I choked out a cry while my hands pulled harder on the sheets, desperate for something to cling on to. 
Gong’s hips moved without much time for me to once again get used to the size of his cock. His moves were slow and sort of gentle at first, but it only took a few thrusts for him to sing out a string of curses before snapping his hips into me. I screamed into the pillow at his aggressive and deep thrusts. 
“Look at you, ah fuck, taking me so well,” he pushed his body up and sat his hands on top of mine, intertwining our fingers. I tightened my grip around his fingers as my mind cleared everything but the feeling of sex; the way Ging’s skin bounced off of mine as he hit into my ass, the way sweat rolled off his body and onto mine, his tongue on my ear lobe to soothe the skin as an apology for biting too roughly. 
Sounds of our moaning and my cunt getting pounded filled the room. “Listen to how turned on you are,” Ging grunted. “Your pussy, fuck, is telling me— damn you feel so good, how much she missed me,” he let out a chuckle that was quickly interrupted by a moan.
The pornographic sounds of skin pounding against skin mixed in with the sounds of the pouring rain. I buried my face down further into the pillow, desperate to hide away from the wet noises my pussy made every time Ging thrusted in.
His hands traveled from my fingers to my elbows before he pulled my arms back gently to lift me off the bed. Ging’s strength always took me by surprise. 
“Don’t run away from it angel, I want you to hear it,” I could practically hear his ego skyrocketing with every moan he pounded out of me. My body felt too warm with embarrassment and arousal.
“I-I can’t for m-much longer,” I whined out. Ging just let out a low hum as his hips bucked harder into my poor cunt. I prayed my neighbors couldn’t hear; however if Ging caught on to me trying to keep quiet, he’d only go rougher. 
My walls clamped down tighter after every thrust, causing Ging to groan out and tighten his grip on my arms. I hissed at the new introduction of pain, I knew that they’d be red after this. I didn’t think about that for long though as the familiar feeling of yet another orgasm began to flow through my abdomen. My body began to tremble as I tried to fight off the sensation, not wanting to cum before Ging.
“Do it,” he snapped me out of my thoughts with a grunt; of course he could tell when I was close by this point, “Fucking cum for me— show me just how good I’m making you feel.” It was as if he had more control over my body than I did. With a choked out cry, I came. I whimpered and arched my back as he fucked me through my orgasm, not once slowing.
Relief quickly turned to overwhelming pressure as Ging continued to pound mercilessly into my pussy. He loosened his grip on my arms, allowing me to crash back into the pillows. One of his hands snaked down to the small of my back before he began to press down on the area for me to arch more. “Look at you now,” his patronizing tone caused me to weakly clench around his twitching cock. 
He was close now, I could tell by the way every other thrust would cause him to jerk more into me, or how his breathing was much more strained as his fingers tensed and relaxed. “Good fucking girl, you’re so good for me,” his hips snapped forward, “You were just so fucking pent up without me here, huh?”
I mewled in response, helpless under Ging as he began to press his body weight down onto me— his chest meeting my back. “Fuck fuck fuck,” his voice rung in my ear as his pelvis moved faster, jerking a couple of times before he bottomed out inside of me. My eyes fluttered closed in relief as the pounding stopped. 
He huffed a few times before slowly pushing himself up and off of me, careful not to pull all the way out. Slowly, he pulled me towards him. My body felt heavy as my muscles relaxed, but he made me feel weightless with how easy he could manhandle me. I lazily smiled as I felt his chest press against my back once more. 
We laid there for a few moments. Ging’s soft breathing along with the rain gently beating on my window was enough to cause me to become engulfed in sleep.
I woke up to an empty bed. An exhaustive sigh pushed past my lips as I held onto the pillow Ging slept on. “What did I really expect?” I spoke to the empty air. 
“Who are you talking to?” Ging’s voice caused me to jump up, he was leaning on the bedroom’s doorframe. I sat there with the pillow high above my head— I had stopped myself from throwing it at him. “Jeez, it’s just me; why are you so jumpy?” He grinned before walking over to the bed and sliding his body over mine. “Did you think I left?” 
I sucked on my teeth before rolling over, “Nah,” I tried to hide the smile spreading across my face. 
“You totally did!” He exclaimed. I felt my eye begin to twitch in annoyance.
“Did not!” I huffed, “There’s no way you’d leave after a night last night,” I said confidently.
“Huh,” he squeezed my waist slightly, “I remember that I was the one who did the fucking.” My jaw clenched as memories of last night washed over my brain. “Unless you wanna do it this time.” He pressed his stiffening cock into my backside. 
I covered my flushed face with the pillow. 
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doverstar · 6 months
A handful of people have requested I expand on my epiphany that the Tenth Doctor is the Doctor lineup’s equivalent of Enamored Smurf, so here I go if you care to waste some time-
Lots of Doctor/Rose fans like to say Ten was born out of love, specifically for Rose. He is tailor-made for her; we saw that. Even in the novelized version of The Christmas Invasion, Rose suspects that the Doctor’s new face has picked up a few of her mannerisms. I want to say, firstly, that I’m not sure that it’s technically canon that Ten was made for Rose, or that if you asked the writers, they’d say that his tenth regeneration was born out of love for her. I actually can’t find anything in my limited research where that’s canon – it’s fan speculation, but it seems to be true and that’s the short version of why I think Ten is the Enamored Smurf of the Doctors. But of course I’m me so this will take longer than that.
I’ll start with this factoid – Ten has kissed every one of his official companions. That says something. Bupbupbup wait, I know, that was Cassandra on New Earth, it was just a genetic transfer on the moon, he needed a shock to eradicate the poison in 1926, etc. Okay, I know he has good reasons behind each kiss, but it says something that David Tennant’s Doctor is the Doctor that the show felt most comfortable - how do I say this kindly - auctioning off romantically. Jon Pertwee’s Doctor, Tom Baker’s, even Peter Davison’s before him – there was a much different sort of conduct with them, just in my opinion. I don’t know if the audience at the time or the writers at the time would have been quite so free with the Doctor’s romantic potential. With Tennant’s Doctor, it’s just. Everyone. All the time. Astrid, Christina, Madame de Pompadour, Joan Redfern, Queen Elizabeth. Look, Ten is not the first Doctor to be kissing companions or even almost-companions, but he’s the one that seems to do it most often, especially in the 2005 revival (and here we exclude Matt Smith’s Doctor because he came afterward and Moffat was at the helm and Moffat cannot write a male protagonist who doesn’t kiss or get kissed by every young woman breathing near him). What I’m communicating here is that there is something about the Tenth Doctor that is, by nature, very romantic. He is romance-inclined. And most fans take that to be a direct result of the way he was brought into existence. The Doctor’s ninth incarnation was killed by absorbing the Time Vortex, and the only way he could survive that process was to regenerate. How did he absorb it? He pulled it out of Rose Tyler to save her life, after she absorbed it to save his. How did he pull it out of her? He kissed her! Could he have done it in a different way? *noise in my throat for I-don’t-know* Probably. Maybe he could’ve hooked her up to something in the Tardis, or used the sickbay or even tried the Zero Room. But he didn’t; he kissed her, and it’s canon in both RTD’s words and the words of the cast and other writers that Nine kissed Rose because he wanted to kiss Rose, and because he wanted to save Rose, and he was happy to give his life for hers – and that these actions were done out of love. Romantic love explicitly, as well as the self-sacrificial type of real, true, lasting love. That was agape stuff right there. Be still my heart hooooo boy-
So Nine is dying because he sacrificed that incarnation of himself to save Rose, because he loved her. And when he changed, when he regenerated, he changed into this younger-looking, Londony puppy dog man with hair Rose obviously likes and with a clear inclination toward romance. From the first, he’s a dashing hero with ego and brains.
Suddenly the Doctor is not the war-torn, forty-something-looking Northerner that takes a tiny bit to warm up to people and doesn’t seem to think much of himself. Suddenly, the Doctor likes to wink and click his tongue, give crooked smiles and really-tight hugs, and boy does he love physical touch. The tenth is obnoxiously flirtatious, and, appearance-wise, he’s just as grin-heavy and charismatic as the men we’ve seen Rose prefer in past episodes. If we go with the long-running theory that regeneration, while definitely 80% uncontrollable, can be at least a little influenced by cause of death and the emotional inclination of the Gallifreyan who is regenerating, then the most logical explanation is what?
He is ‘born out of love’. The Tenth Doctor is almost literally fizzing with passion. Look at him. Go look at him. Is he not hand-stitched to be roguish and attractive and fun and amiable and watch out, ladies-
(Mr. Tennant you are a fabulous actor and you do the show credit and you are this generation’s Tom Baker and you are more than your eyebrows, sir, please forgive me, we love you-) Even when he is being weird, he is being charming. Even when Martha does not know why he’s throwing away his shoes, even when she has concrete proof that he is another species and not human, she still swoons when he kisses her or smiles at her or looks in her direction. (Mad Martha, charity Martha, you deserve much better!) When River calls him ‘pretty boy’, even Donna’s affirmation comes out a bit quick, and there is no chance of that relationship ever being romantic. Astrid only has to meet his eyes one time and she’s a goner. Do not get me started on Madame de Pompadour-
The Tenth Doctor is a total Casanova. He exists in a state of romantic potential, because when the Doctor changed his face into that face, it was after saving – and finally embracing – this human girl that he is objectively, canonically in love with. He is Enamored Smurf. Now, that’s actually a huge problem. Because an alien man engineered to love one person is a lovely thing -  as long as he can love that person. But the issue is that he’s a Time Lord. He can’t love the Earth girl practically the way he would like to, the way that’s best. He can’t settle down with her, he can’t even marry her. He knows that. He will outlive her. So he can’t ever say I-love-you because that’s commitment, and he can’t commit to Rose because it would be dangerous and unfair, especially to her. It wouldn’t (in his opinion) lead to a happy ending for both of them, but I already beat this horse to the deadest death, he’s buried over there, shhh-
Okay. So what does he do with all that love? While he’s with Rose, it’s mostly fine. He can show her all the time that he’s absolutely gone for her without ever saying it. “Oh, she knows.” “Does it need saying?” I mean. If the constant hand-holding and hugging and disarming smiles (ah, The Stone Rose, how are you today my beloved-) didn’t say it, the REALLY INTENSE BROWN EYES BURNING HOLES IN HER FACE will say it just fine.
Only this incarnation of the Doctor isn’t just romantically-inclined. He’s also got the biggest freaking ego I have ever seen on that man, don’t look at me Six, avoid eye contact Three- He’s full of passion, as aforementioned. Everything is – wait for it – at a ten. Where are you going, come back here-
So if he’s full of passion, that means everything he feels is at its peak. When he’s angry, he’s furious. When he’s sad, he’s miserable. When he’s confused, it’s a thousand whats before we get to a proper line of dialogue. When he’s happy it’s the best smile in the universe. And when he’s in love? Do not get in the line of fire (and by that I mean the big-brown-eye-contact) or you will be struck down in your prime. The issue with being the Doctor and being born out of love, full of passion, but unable to settle down with the object of that love? The issue is that it all goes other places, too. It’s not just for Rose. The Doctor as a character has forever been, in a sense, in love with the universe. In love with the human race in particular (not romantically, yikes, but you get it). If ever there were a species he’d be most inclined to fall for romantically, it’s going to be a human being. We saw it before Rose, we’ll probably see it after Rose, though not at the same level because – well, different relationships are different relationships.
And this Doctor has a huge ego. He loves attention. He loves praise. He even loves being adored. He knows darn well Martha fancied him the whole time and he still kept her close to him, and then bragged about it to Donna later. He finds the fact that he enchanted and snogged Madame de Pompadour delightful, and funny, even though he met her first as a child and hi, he has two very-mortal human beings already traveling with him on that clockwork spaceship who he should probably not leave to be disassembled for five and a half hours. One of which is supposedly the person he is in love with and who loves him back. But I digress; that episode in particular is another horse to beat at another time. Not Arthur. A different horse. He seems to pass out attraction and affection easily, and really take pride in that, which, if I were Rose, would be incredibly unnerving when he’s so affectionate toward you but he is also flirty and loose with basically every other woman he meets as well. Hear me, Rose is not entitled to reciprocation – neither is the Doctor, actually – but it does demonstrate surprising carelessness on his part after Nine’s clear, unwavering preference and devotion toward Rose. It’s obvious they care so much about each other, it’s obviously love, but of course she wanted him to say it out loud. He gives her reason to doubt that she’s in any way special to him. But because she’s Rose, of course she decided to stay with him because he needs someone, because she loves him, regardless of how thoughtless he can sometimes be about how he may be affecting her.
(I don’t like that about Ten, personally. I don’t like the ego, or the rampant flirting, but I really dislike that carelessness. And I understand the difficulties and the complications and the layers to that romantic relationship, to Doctor/Rose, and I get that it makes for good television drama, but also – sometimes you just wanna shake him. Either say you love her, or say very clearly that it will never work out and you are refusing to commit. You can have all the best intentions in the world because you love her, but if you’re not clear with her, it’s just making things harder for her on days when you are winking at and holding hands with someone else. I can make a separate post about how I have a very bittersweet opinion on Ten and would not like to travel with him, but…eh.)
Anyway. This post is longer than I wanted. The point I am trying to make is that he is the Doctor who is, yes, the most inclined toward romance, Enamored Smurf, but also that that is not always a good thing. Being born out of love and being full of passion can be a very dangerous thing. He is not just the most inclined toward romance – he is also the Doctor who is the most inclined toward villainy. Get behind me, Moffat, no Eleven is not-
As the Doctor with the most passion, born out of love, when I say that when he’s angry he’s furious, I am talking Time Lord Victorious furious. He is at times the most imposing version of the Doctor. In fact, there’s an entire alternate multimedia canon dedicated to the idea that the Tenth Doctor specifically could one day be a villain, after making a thousand small decisions that surface-wise don’t seem so bad, but that eventually snowball into one big, bad decision. And suddenly he thinks he’s a god and we have to root against him. And that’s just one drawback. The other drawback is plainly seen after Doomsday and Journey’s End – the Tenth Doctor cannot handle losing Rose. He’s completely ruined without her. He changed every single cell in his body with an eye toward loving her, and when she is gone, it probably feels like an enormous chunk of himself is missing. It probably feels like everything is tilting sideways, just a little bit, all the time. And the fact that he lost her and never explicitly told her how he felt? He has no idea what to do with himself. He goes from bad to worse. First of all, it’s made very clear that he is okay with dying when Rose is gone. We saw that in Turn Left. He was never trying to survive anything he ever did. He was saving other people, but he would have died several times over and had zero desire for self-preservation. The man practically begged the Daleks to kill him in Manhattan, and he would have drowned (in misery and river water) if Donna hadn’t been there to tell him “You can stop now!”
He has Martha and that helps, but she leaves. He has Donna and that helps, but she has to go too. He had Rose again, just for a second, but he can’t keep her this time, and that’s the last straw. He just snaps. Then it’s all bitterness, it’s all anger, it’s all ego. And it’s all at a ten, because what is he when he’s born out of love and the woman he loves is gone? What does he do with all that passion and pain? I’ll tell you what he does. He becomes the worst, most dejected maniac in the universe. He goes from wishing he could die to stubbornly refusing to die. And when it is time to die, he tries to be sure the last human face he sees is Rose’s face.
Actually the more I’m talking about it, the more I’m thinking Ten is the saddest Doctor. At least his other incarnations tried to die as heroes. At least they didn’t get to the point where they could look at Wilfred Mott, a global treasure, and say “not remotely important”. He’s Enamored Smurf, but he can’t do what he was sort of made to do. He can’t be with Rose. He can love her by giving her the chance for a happy ending, and he can love her by showing her the universe, and he can love her by giving his life for her, but he can’t keep her. He has to be without her. He can’t settle down (why do you think John Smith was so quick to fall in love and want a future with Nurse Redfern while being unable to stop dreaming of Rose, unable to stop dreaming she kept walking away?). If there was any version of the Doctor that wanted to be human in order to be with someone he loved, it would be Ten. Because he’s born out of love. And he just can’t escape that. Like this really beautiful, wonderful plant that gets moved out of the sun and is unable to reach water, so all its fruit goes sour. He’s miserable. Oh look I made myself sad-
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startrekprodigyfan · 3 months
Okay yeah… I binged the whole season in one day.
It was actually surprisingly easy to do so. And while that means my planned slower recaps and speculation are basically out the window, I also now just don’t have to worry about spoilers for weeks on end.
I’m still going to keep spoilers under a cut though. Even if you block key hashtags, stuff can get through, and just making the spoilers further down a text post you have to scroll past to continue browsing tumblr doesn’t help either. Hide that content behind a cut, please!
Non-spoiler thoughts:
It was so good. It was honestly more Trek than I could’ve possibly expected. And to all those early naysayers who were confused by the Protostar and where it was supposed to be in the timeline after the first episode of season 1, all of that gets answered and put into context by the end of season 2. Thank GOD! Every single plot point people brought up and thought was a “plot hole” gets filled and explained.
It’s not as emotional as the first season, but the situations and events definitely still have a lot of weight and the stakes are so high for so long too! There’s a surprising number of dark events that happen throughout the series. Way darker than even I’m used to watching the animated shows that I do. Kudos for not skimping on the peril and stakes of the mission for the sake of kids being traumatized lol
And while there is the potential for more, if we never get a season 3 this would still be an extremely satisfying ending all the same. I am very happy there aren’t any loose ends here.
Prodigy is without a doubt the most reliably consistent Star Trek show that’s ever existed. Not a single episode feels like filler. Not a single episode wastes time or characters. Even the goofy episodes have character development and callbacks later, and I genuinely don’t think there’s a single episode that I would skip or not watch again. That’s an amazing feat in and of itself, but as a Trek fan that’s just unheard of! Kudos all around!
Now for my longer spoiler thoughts under the cut:
How the HELL did you guys make Wesley Crusher’s time traveling arc sooo good? As a TNG fan I was always annoyed with the “traveler” storylines and with Wesley’s character in general. Even as a kid I never really liked him. But this storyline makes him interesting and gives a lot of weight to his powers. He’s almost like The Doctor from Doctor Who, someone who has so much going on in his head that he’s sort of lost it.
That honestly was the biggest surprise to me. I was convinced that Hologram Janeway (and the construct) were somehow manipulating time and events because of the wormhole. Janeway would be trying to help them, while the construct was trying to stop them. That was my working theory for the start of the series. Imagine my surprise when it turns out it’s Wesley Crusher! wtf!?
I do like that he gets to reunite with his mom finally. And that he learns he has a brother.
Incidentally that’s something else I was not expecting. How MUCH of this series was going to be timeline connected to the events of Picard and Lower Decks respectively. Like, wow… they connected the Mars Shipyard explosion and the Romulan evacuation plot points that made sense for the story. Like holy crap, then FINALLY getting into Starfleet only for the shipyards to explode and Starfleet is severely crippled. I did not expect that to happen, and it’s sadly realistic too.
I still hate the Romulan evacuation storyline from Picard, but as a matter of keeping things consistent it makes sense for it here. And while I don’t like it being a canon event, it’s overall good for the consistency of “prime” trek.
I do like that Dal became a second in command. I’ve always felt like Dal was never really destined to be the captain and that he’s always been better at helping others be their best selves. So it makes sense for his character arc that he learns he doesn’t need to be in charge to make a difference and that there’s no shame in being second.
Overall I am still reeling from how much Trek happened in this season. There’s never a dull moment. Unfortunately I am not optimistic about a 3rd season. Netflix picking up a mostly completed series to broadcast on their streaming service is far FAR cheaper than paying for an entire season to be created outright. And sadly, as much as I want more Prodigy, I have a feeling it’s just not on people’s radars enough for it to do gangbuster numbers enough to convince Netflix to pick them up for a 3rd season. I hope I am proven wrong, but I will not get my desire for more season unrealistically hyped up.
I do want to rewatch the entire show now, because there were clues left in the first season that only get answered at the end of season 2. And I love closed loop time travel storylines like that! I can’t wait to go back and connect the dots knowing what I know now.
An excellent series. Probably one of Trek’s best in decades. A true love for the material and the characters and the legacy of Trek lore all rolled into an amazingly animated package.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Bucchigiri?! Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - The Final Showdown Between The Genies
I’m not sure if Bucchigiri’s ending is either good or bad. It’s not bad because everything ends happily, but it’s not good because there are still a lot of unanswered questions despite the rather joyful ending.
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The battle between Ichiya and Senya was actually really good in terms of animation. I feel like MAPPA was going all out with the sakuga for the finale, but Ichiya’s reasons for wanting to fight Senya felt a little asinine. He contracted a disease and wanted Senya to kill him before it could kill him. Ichiya, why didn’t you say this before you died? Maybe you didn’t have to fight to the death for this; maybe Senya could’ve found a way to cure you? All this sudden lore about these genies feels shoehorned in because for a story that revolved around these two genies, so little is known about them. Even towards the end of the story, the stuff about the war, why they became genies and how their story and the Honki people legend becoming a thing in Arajin’s hometown never gets explored and I feel like it’s a waste; all of this could’ve been explored earlier, but no, we had to focus on the fighting and Arajin.
I can’t believe it took 12 episodes for Arajin to get an awesome fight sequence that doesn’t revolve around him punching someone really hard once. That’s crazy. While it’s nice that he finally wants to help Matakara, his word choices make it seem like he’s not doing it out of true concern and he’s just doing it because he had no other choice. The fact that what pulls him out of his funk towards the middle of the fight, the part where he thinks he’s dying, is the the power to lose his virginity with a chibi Mahoro fairy. That seems a little stupid because he did call out Matakara for projecting onto him, but not once has anyone called him out for doing the same thing with Mahoro. Also, his concern for Senya doesn’t seem too genuine to me as he did spent the entirety of the show not wanting him around and tolerating him at best and suddenly, he misses him. I feel like I’m side-eyeing the writers hard for this.
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I do wonder what the deal with the black shadow thing is because it did take over Ichiya, causing Matakara to be the sudden final boss of the story. While it is stated that it’s Matakara’s fears of being alone, it does feel like a cop out moment. Like, when could you do this? How is this possible? The fact that Ichiya seems to be okay after this ordeal to makes this thing feel like it’s not worth it in the end.
The side characters’ antics were interesting. Arajin’s mom was hilarious as always as she believes Arajin is sleeping over at a friend’s house and becoming a man; while the context of her words means intercourse, the actual meaning is different in the context of the current situation. The part with Mahoro trying to wake her brother up was funny because she chained Kenichiro to his hospital bed. Girl, was that necessary? The Zabu and Komao parts were sweet because they were looking for Matakara even though Zabu was injured and cannot move well, so Komao spent most of his time being his horse. The other Siguma Squad members felt like they were just there because they needed to be; by the way, Jabashiri’s first name is Nagare, so why is Hagure calling him Ryu-chan? The part with Arajin’s homeroom teacher stealing Jasmine was funny; we all knew Jasmine was a cat. It sucks that she essentially became a stray afterwards. Also, I called Mitsukuni being alive! I knew he was alive from the moment his dead body and funeral weren’t shown on-screen. Utsumi won’t kill off characters at all unless it’s Banana Fish. Look at Senya; he came back!
The little epilogue was cute, but a little irritating on Arajin’s part because he’s still simping over Mahoro who’s still not giving him a millisecond of her time. Good. The fact that he wanted to mimic Marito in hopes of winning her heart is also sort of weird because Mahoro would actually despise him if he did that. While Matakara didn’t get punishment for his actions, at least he, Zabu and Komao became friends again. The part where Minato Kai and Siguma go to the Tomoshibi restaurant and Arajin’s mom becomes a Marito fangirl was funny; the fact that Mahoro got jealous was even more hilarious; she officially hates the Tomoshibi family now.
Overall, I find the finale a bit flat? Like there were good stuff and Arajin did show some growth, but the epilogue sort of backtracks it with his thing with Mahoro but at least he isn’t avoiding Matakara anymore. I wanted more lore on the genies and for the other characters too, honestly. It’s not bad, but it’s not good either.
With how much I enjoyed Utsumi’s other works, I did tune in to Bucchigiri, hoping for the same excitement I felt watching her previous works, but even Utsumi has her off days. Bucchigiri is that off day. Out of all of her works so far, I can honestly say that this is her weakest work so far. I’m actually amazed because the combination of Hiroko Utsumi, the director of known shows like Free!, Banana Fish and SK8 The Infinity and Taku Kishimoto, the screenwriter of the Fruits Basket remake, Haikyuu, Blue Lock and Millionaire Detective, should result in something good, right? WRONG! A positive and a positive actually came out as a negative for once. The math you learned in school had been a lie all along.
Bucchigiri is a work where the other characters shine more than the protagonist Arajin. Arajin starts off a bit interesting but as the weeks pass by, the more insufferable he becomes without any redeeming qualities until the finale. Imagine writing a story where the protagonist only experiences bad qualities and only grows at the end. What kind of story is that? The side characters certainly shined more than Arajin, but that’s just my bias. It sucks that some of them have to be one-dimensional in order for Arajin to shine, but Arajin doesn’t really deserve it. I feel like this show would’ve been better had Matakara or Marito been the protagonists.
It’s a unique spin on the delinquent story as it’s mixed with genies, giving it a more supernatural flair. Unfortunately, the genie aspect is underutilized as the story likes to focus on the fights more. The fights aren’t bad—they’re good, but if you’re going for a story about genies, maybe try to use them and not be plot device for the inactive protagonist or as a sudden surprise villain. With Ichiya, we don’t even know how he got to be with Akutaro and why they haven’t fused. In fact, the genie lore itself was heavily undermined because I don’t know anything about these genies. They had a past together but where did they live? Why was there a war? How did they become genies? I still need my answers!
The music was surprisingly good. The opening and ending songs were really addicting and it sucks that they had to be used for an anime like this. The animation was amazing, courtesy of MAPPA. Despite MAPPA being overworked, they did a great job producing quality sakuga scenes for the fight scenes.
The voice acting was really good too. Utsumi knows how to cast quality voice actors. I love that she likes to use a mix of lesser known names with veterans. The only role I knew of Genki Okawa before Bucchigiri was from Yugioh Zexal, where he voiced Mizael. Despite Arajin not being a great character, Okawa did a great job voicing him. Matakara’s voice actor Yusuke Hoshino is a relatively new face, but he did a great job voicing Matakara from the cute and sweet side to the colder side. Masafumi Kobatake has been a name I’ve been seeing recently as he was in Frieren as Dunste and here as Senya. He was hilarious. I love the gap in his deep voice with his higher pitched gremlin voice for the chibi form. The side characters are all known names mixed with rather new faces, but they all did a great job. My favorites were Nozomu Sasaki as Marito and Chihiro Suzuki as Akutaro. They both did a great job doing the crazy sides of these two characters.
In all honesty, I wanted to like this show. Maybe if I wasn’t an anime reviewer, I would’ve had higher praises for this show, but as an anime reviewer, I can’t help but to be critical. It’s not a bad thing to be critical—to me, that is. I feel like I’m at the point in my life where I need to be more expressive and be more honest about my likes and dislikes. I dislike this anime. There, I said it. I just feel like it wasn’t the delinquent, hand-to-hand combat show I was expecting. I don’t recommend this show, honestly. If you want to watch a better Utsumi show, you’re better off watching SK8. I’ll be here watching Wind Breaker for my seasonal dosage of delinquent anime now. What are your thoughts on this anime as a whole?
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canonizzyhours · 9 months
When I first watched OFMD like a week after the season 1 finale my feelings for Izzy were honestly just passive dislike. I hated him but I was barely thinking of him compared to everything else in the show. I also was not fond of him at all. I just didn’t care. Then I saw all these posts about how he was such a freak and needed to be put in a jar and I was like, “Oh ok I see the appeal. I still don’t really care for him but you guys have fun with your fucked up creepy and wet pathetic meow meow blorbo.”
Then as spring turned into summer there was this gradual yet very rapidly growing sentiment of “actually Izzy is sympathetic and tragic and correct about everything” and since then I have had to think about him so fucking much just to unpack why all of these takes were so fucking wrong. I remember seeing one or two dead serious “hot take: Izzy doesn’t need a redemption arc because he did nothing wrong” posts for the first time in the summer and being baffled at what a crazy fringe take that was. And then those people got louder and louder and I felt like I was losing my mind. I talked So Much about Izzy’s canon characterization and his motivations and stuff because I felt like I had to keep reminding myself of who canon Izzy was or the fandom would trick me into forgetting that he was creepy and wet. All this for a character I didn’t even care about in the first place.
And then season two came out and apparently I had been tricked into putting more effort into analyzing Izzy’s character than the actual OFMD writers???
Season two did not give us any insight into Izzy’s internal thoughts. We didn’t get any sort of backstory to explain why he was Like That last season. And his character growth from being Like That to being a normal about Ed happened off-screen, or happened entirely through symbolic rebirth after he tried to kill himself, or was written and possibly filmed but ultimately got cut for the sake of prioritizing what the show is actually about, which is obviously Ed and Stede’s romance (and that last one feels really unlikely to me just based on how Con and others talk about Izzy in season two). The writers just did not care enough about Izzy to make sure any actual character growth from Izzy happened on-screen, they just showed him doing things he wouldn’t have done last season with no real explanation for why he changed his mind and how he unlearned toxic masculinity he had so much of in the last season. They wrote Izzy doing the absolute bare minimum they needed him to do to get him to where he could make that apology to Ed on his deathbed. And there was almost nothing left of Izzy’s season one characterization, despite season one Izzy being a character so many fans allegedly fell in love with.
This is the absolute funniest possible thing that could’ve happened to me with season two coming out. I’m not even mad that I wasted so much of my energy thinking about a character I never even cared that much about to begin with, it’s worth it for the punchline that absolutely none of it mattered. Izzy was literally not important enough to the story to make that kind of in-depth character analysis necessary except for fun, and while I like analyzing characters I would have never chosen to think about Izzy so much of it wasn’t for the fandom. And I really didn’t need to be worried about disproving what half the fandom was saying when one of their core takes is “the way he said it was harsh, but Izzy was ultimately right to bully Ed back into being a pirate because that’s their livelihood and he doesn’t want them to starve,” the fact that they thought that was what writers were trying to say is absolutely insane. Izzy fans should have realized they were reading against the text. I should have realized that trying to deconstruct everything that was incorrect about an interpretation that was so clearly reading against the text wasn’t going to be worth the effort once season two came out.
It’s like if I had spent all of the break between seasons one and two tackling why “Stede’s main arc is about how he is just a spoiled rich boy who needs to learn how to toughen up, just like his dad said in the pilot” was a misinterpretation of the show. That’s how ridiculous Izzy fans sounded when they analyzed OFMD. Everything I said trying to make a solid argument against them can be summed up as, “the antagonist of the show is written to be an antagonist, actually.” It was really never any deeper than that.
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serafilms · 8 months
thoughts on pjo series so far after episode 6:
(spoilers for ep 6 ahead!! minor spoilers for the books too but nothing much about the plot)
acting SLAYS. slays. i almost teared up like 3 times bc of percabeth in ep 4/5 ALONE. and sally!! and grover!!!! luke and clarisse too ugh!!!!
special effects SLAYYYY. the monsters look really good and just as i imagined, I’ll give them that.
sets and locations are also very accurately pictured and the vibes brought out are just like the book!
script sucks. the writing is soooo awkward most of the time and the conversation just does not flow well. it’s too serious and boring half the time and i can’t keep relying on the actor’s tones even if they’re doing well as child actors.
soooo much exposition in every single conversation my head is spinning. like i feel like there were better ways to contextualise info from the book?
i saw someone say this show could’ve been approached with a fleabag ish narration and while that sort of would be a bit unorthodox i feel like that or just having walker narrate over the top sometimes would’ve been a good way to nod to the books. it’s difficult to bring a first person series alive when the narrator has so much personality and stuff to say that affects descriptions and how we see it, but i think it could’ve been possible.
music is clunky sometimes in that like why r the vibes so heavy for nothing…. like when they were talking in the animal truck and when they were driving the taxi etc.
no action. like i don’t need it to be pumping out adrenaline all the time but they have fr barely done anything i’m sorry 😰 book trio would’ve ate them alive.
cutting grover out at the waterpark likeeee??? yeah maybe him w ares was important but also it was not. they could’ve gotten that info any other time without making him stay w ares.
lacking explanation where it matters. like the eeriness of the lotus casino and why there are people from all different eras. and their RESOURCES like they aren’t explaining where their money and clothes and stuff are like these kids are surviving off one backpack?? it reminds me of in a wrinkle in time (2018) how the kid’s shirt changes like every 10 minutes and it’s just never acknowledged.
speaking of the lotus casino it’s just so like… bland. they’re cutting out the best parts of the story. percy fighting the chimera was so underwhelming and the bus scene too!!! and the lotus casino like yeah ok let’s not promote drugs i guess but they could have and SHOULD have had fun. why did they waste that time on cgi for the roller coaster in the casino at all?? it wasn’t sinister enough bc the whole vibe of the show is just serious so there’s no contrast between them thinking they’ve found paradise and realising there’s something wrong. captured the vibe of the show tbh: they plateau along the middle line of fun and serious business instead of playing with it like the book does.
feels like the character relationships r poorly drawn out. i’ve already forgotten about the weak attempt to build a percy-luke friendship. and annabeth not letting grover talk to hermes in the casino felt badly explained. plus grover’s whole backstory?? why r we straying so far from how the books explained him like they’re separating him a bit toooo much from the others.
generally just too many plot changes like as much as there is good in this show there is also bad and we stray further and further from the plot every single episode (the SOLSTICE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TIME PRESSURE??).
it’s somehow too low stakes and too serious at the same time. like they’re acting like the stakes are high but i’m not feeling the pressure.
i understand it’s a new iteration and an adaption almost never means it’ll be the same, but that doesn’t mean i like all the changes. i guess there’s probably tonnes of reasons why book to screen adaptions always change so much (actually harry potter and tbosas ate tbh but oh well), and in this case it’s been many years since pjo was released, so rick is just taking that chance to rewrite things as he would if he wrote the books now. and i accept that. but these are just my opinions and some of these things are just plain bad choices for a show 😭
but i do still hope it gets picked up for all 5 seasons + heroes of olympus like i’ll give u all my money i’ll watch it all i swear
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Okay I’m gonna go on a big long rant about why Huntlow pisses me off so much. Honestly, Mod Willow, you don’t even have to post this if you don’t want to cuz I don’t wanna start more discourse, I just need to vent. Please note this is gonna be pretty messy just cuz I have a lot to say.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DO NOT SEE THE APPEAL OF THIS SHIP!! They have no chemistry on screen. It feels like watching two people be nice to each other out of politeness rather than out of actually enjoying the others company. It’s especially noticeably because Willow is naturally super affectionate/friendly, but all her interactions with Hunter feel super forced.
And don’t even get me started on the shippers. Too many of the shippers act like just cuz it’s canon, it means you HAVE to like it. When are people gonna learn that just because something is canon, doesn’t mean it’s good or well written?? The fan content might honestly be the worst part of it. 70% of Huntlow shippers, from what I’ve seen, don’t care about Willow at all. They just turn her into Hunter’s therapist or boil her down to “buff girlfriend” and it’s infuriating. It’s like they black out whenever Hunter isn’t on screen. And they even get him wrong too. So much Huntlow stuff turns Hunter is a “poor twaumatized wittle baby 🥺” and infantalize him, even though he is one of the strongest main characters there!! Yes, he is traumatized. But trauma doesn’t turn you into a helpless infant. There’s so much you could do to explore that in an interesting way, but I guess that’s too much work so let’s just infantilize him!!!!!
And the writing for it is a mess. “Of course it’s gonna be rushed/messy, the shortened season-“ THAT MAKES IT WORSE!!! They knew they had extremely limited time to finish the season, and they still wasted time on this stupid ship. The whole plot comes to a screeching halt just so they can focus on Hunter and Willow standing next to each other. For the Future is the worst example of this. That scene where Willow has her breakdown is awful and the writers should be embarrassed of it. Hunter is the worst person in the main cast to comfort her there. Literally anyone else would’ve been better. It could’ve been Amity, to finally give closure to their relationship and show that they’ve fully moved on from Amity’s past behavior (especially since Amity was one of the main people to make Willow feel like she was half-a-witch), or Gus, who also has magic-related breakdowns and was taught a coping mechanism for the BY WILLOW!! Or Luz, to show that, yes, they are indeed still friends, because I honestly forgot they were supposed to be best friends by then. They’ve had so few direct interactions for the past season and a half, it felt like they were strangers. But nooooo, it HAD to be Hunter. They literally had to keep Gus back with giant vines to keep it a huntlow moment (which is just another example of how Gus has been screwed by this series). Also, Hunter experienced one of the most horrific things to ever happen to him and lost his first friend mere hours ago, why are we already trying to push him into a relationship?? I’m not saying that traumatized people can’t be in relationships, that’s stupid. But I am saying that he needs some time to actually process what’s happened before immediately getting out into romantic scenes again. It just feels really gross.
The ship also just completely uprooted any and all of Willow’s development. Anytime she has a major moment in the series now HAS to be related to Hunter. It turned her from a character with a lot of cool potential development that seemed to actually be getting explored in season 2, into just Hunter’s Girlfriend. And I know this is a problem with Willow specifically because Hunter gets plenty of outstanding moments outside of this ship after it begins to be established. It feels like they didn’t know what else to do with her, so they just attached her to the closest male character.
And it’s just so amanormative/heteronormative. Note, this is not me calling it a straight ship, because it’s not. I know Willow is pan and Hunter is bi. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be heteronormative. Seriously, any and all moments of them even standing next to each other were taken by the fandom as “proof” it was gonna be canon. As I said before, Willow is super affectionate naturally. She loves her friends and isn’t afraid to show it. But when she does basic friend things with Hunter? They’re in love!! It’s obvious!! /sarc
Willow saves hunter from a deadly 200ft drop? True love. Willow doesn’t want to pummel hunter (or who she thinks is Hunter) to death with a giant vine? I hear wedding bells! Willow is distraught at the fact that her friend just tried to drown himself in a lake and is sad that he’s slowly dying? Could they be anymore obvious with how it’s canon?! Ignore the fact that literally everyone else there is also sad, it’s a huntlow moment!! And that hand holding scene in FTF…… literally so cringe inducing. Willow was holding hands with and celebrating with Amity five seconds ago, but now that she’s slightly touching Hunter’s hand? Canon! Undeniably canon! I can’t believe that made the cut into the final episode. It felt like watching a shitty fanfic written by a ten year old. They wasted precious time that could’ve been used to further the plot of the actual show.
I hate that you can’t go three feet into the owl house tag without seeing it, even if you block ten million tags relating to it. I’ve got ten different huntlow tags blocked and I still see it whenever I go into the tags. It’s infuriating. Just because it’s canon, doesn’t mean you don’t have to tag it anymore.
And back to the shippers, why do some of them just start throwing a tantrum every time they find out you don’t ship it? I’ve criticized the ship a little bit on my blog. Every time I do, I make sure to tag it so huntlow shippers specifically can avoid my posts, and encourage them to block me so they never have to see me ever again. And even with all that, anytime I criticize the ship even a little bit, I get an onslaught of huntlow shippers crying in my inbox/notes about how I’m missing the point, or just don’t get it, or how I should just block the tag. I do block the tag!! That is the first thing I did when I saw the ship was getting more popular!! Why don’t they take their own advice and block me? And they’re so condescending about it too. You don’t see me going onto anti-lumity or anti-raeda blogs and telling them how it’s their fault I disagree with them. Honestly, grow up.
Okay that’s all. Again, you don’t have to post this if you don’t wanna mod Willow. I just needed to rant.
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crissiebaby · 3 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 13
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“...we were having so much fun that we didn’t notice how late it was getting. I don’t remember falling asleep,” said Riri, unable to stop twirling her fidgety fingers against one another. High-pressure situations were never her strong suit, and even though Latasha had remained fairly casual throughout the majority of the chaos, it was still harrowing to speak one-on-one seriously with a Big, “I didn’t wake up until you and Skye got back so that’s pretty much everything. I feel like such a wimp for not stopping Stacy before things got out of hand.”
Seated at her desk across from Riri, Latasha extended a caring hand toward the anxious Little, gently clasping Riri’s hand within hers. “Go easy on yourself. Take it from me, Stacy isn’t the easiest person to keep a handle on,” she said, snorting softly, “I’m proud of you for sticking by Connor’s side. A night like that could’ve scared even the boldest kinkster away.”
Riri’s cheeks quickly turned rosy over Latasha’s generous remarks. “I j-just tried to do what I thought you would do,” she said boastfully, failing to suppress the praise kink.
“Well, you did good,” said Latasha dismissively, her reaction to receiving compliments standing in complete opposition to Riri’s. She wasted no time swapping subjects, “Though, I wouldn’t get too excited if I were you. I haven’t forgotten about your potty mouth, little miss.”
Flipping from a smile to a pout on a dime, Riri had hoped the amount of stuff going on would help confuscate her outburst from earlier. Looking back now, it almost felt like another person had taken control of her body and dropped an F-bomb against her will. “You’re not gonna tell Daddy, are you?” she asked nervously, “I promise, I’ll never, ever, ever do it again!”
“Hmmm… I waaaaas going to inform Martin…but so long as you keep that promise, I think we can make this incident a Padded Palace secret,” said Latasha, letting relief wash over Riri as she reached into the bottom drawer of her desk. The reversal was always her favorite part, “Now, that being said, the punishment must fit the crime.” Her smile was filled with fiendish glee as she pulled out a fresh bar of soap, still encased in its paper sleeve, and placed it on the desk before Riri.
Far from an unfamiliar sight, Riri had witnessed Ellie and Stacy with similar soap bars in their mouths on numerous occasions. Meanwhile, Skye and she had often enjoyed the spectacle that Stacy and Ellie made of themselves. Never once had she considered what it would be like for the shoe to be on the other foot. “D-Do I really…” she asked, her question petering off before she could finish as Latasha’s smug expression was all the answer she required. She reluctantly grabbed the small, rectangular block and began unwrapping, “The whole thing?”
“Yup!” said Latasha, pronouncing the “p” hard enough to make it pop. Part of her was aware she was being harder on Riri than she needed to be. However, after the brutally submissive night she’d been forced into, she was feeling a tad more sadistic than usual, “I’ll be sure to let you know when you can take it out.”
Whimpering dejectedly, Riri grimaced as her lips met the smooth, yet chalky texture of unmoistened soap. The scent wrinkled her nostrils while the taste burned the tip of her tongue, compelling her eyes to water. Not wanting to torture herself by drawing out the process, she closed her eyes and slid the bar into her mouth like a gluttonous kid inhaling a chocolate bar until the rim of the soap pressed against the back of her tongue. She gagged for a second before getting her reflexes under control.
Latasha struggled to refrain from giggling at the priceless way Riri reacted to her first genuine punishment within the walls of the Padded Palace. A Little cursing was no laughing matter, after all. Relishing the blushy display Riri was making of herself a few seconds longer, she knew she needed to keep the ball rolling if she wanted to speak with everyone before their Bigs returned. “I think that should cover everything. Be a dear and send in Ellie next,” she said, gesturing toward her office door with a crocodile grin.
As if Riri wasn’t already red enough, the prospect of exiting Latasha’s office with soap in her mouth only exacerbated her humiliation. She could practically hear the taunting jeers that Stacy and Ellie were certain the thrust upon her. “Canth I pway in da nuwsewy tiw Daddy ges hewe?” she asked on her way out the door, slyly aiming to gain as much distance from her nurserymates as possible so she could ride out her punishment free from vicious mockery. Additionally, she didn’t want to admit it but she had been bored out of her mind waiting in the living room with nothing to do. Try as she might to ignore it, her Little side was pining to play with the toys that were only a wall away.
“Um…I think I’d feel better if you go collect what you want to play with and bring it to the living room where I can see you,” compromised Latasha, too paranoid to let any of the girls out of her sight, at least until Connor finished showering. Speaking of, it suddenly occurred to her that she had yet to hear any water running whatsoever. She loved her Padded Palace to death but she knew these walls were too old to mask a running shower. Focusing her hearing upward, her eyes squinted with curiosity as she faintly made out what sounded like a repetitive squeak emanating from the ceiling.
“I shouldn’t be doing this,” thought Connor as he slowly kneaded the front of his sodden nappy. Considering the conflict occurring just one floor beneath him, it was unconscionable to masturbate amid such a harrowing situation. He needed to shower, put on his big boy clothes, and get back downstairs to help Latasha as quickly as possible.
So…why was it suddenly so hard to stop? Of course, it was easy to blame the pleasure. The inside of his diaper would be too slippery and too plushy for anyone to handle, and his affinity for silky fabrics certainly wasn’t aiding in his resistance. But he knew those were only excuses. It wasn’t as if the Padded Palace was on the verge of running out of padding. Moreover, as good as it felt to rub himself, it was nowhere near as mind-bogglingly euphoric as the involuntary orgasms he experienced hours prior.
The cold, hard truth was that over the course of a single, lustful night, something had been awoken inside Connor; something that made it difficult to deny that a small piece of him got off on behaving in such a deviant manner. What if Skye or Stacy or Latasha were to walk in on him, or if his extended absence raised too many questions? Such grimly embarrassing thoughts should’ve halted his masturbatory session right then and there. Instead, they only amplified his perverse desires.
It wasn’t as though Connor wanted to be caught. He’d be mortified if even his confidant, Riri, barged in on him doing something so depraved. It was merely the threat of his erotic exploits being uncovered that drew him in like a bug to a zapper. Inadvisable? Probably. Dangerous? Most definitely. But infinitely tantalizing? So much so that nothing else mattered.
Wearing his shame prominently like a thorny crown, Connor mashed both fists into his bulbous diaper and let out a quivery wheeze, which was about as loud as he could get without alerting the entire Palace. Sadly, as good as it felt to mold the pulpy padding around his swollen shaft, the awkward position and lack of traction made it impossible to elevate his pleasure beyond sensual edging. He pined for the Magic Wand that Stacy and Ellie had used on him the previous evening.
Desperate to push himself over the final hurdle, Connor spent the next full minute nudging his cock around inside his diaper to find the most ideal rubbing position. It took some trial and error but he eventually managed to flip his penis upward so that the underside of his phallus was pressed against the squishy nappy. The position was slightly awkward, with his member resting diagonally along his left thigh; the direction he naturally leaned toward. Be that as it may, the results were more than fruitful regardless of the strange orientation.
“Oh, f-f-f-...” muttered Connor as he dug his dominant thumb and forefinger into the satin-draped, plastic outer casing of his diaper. Mashing his head into his poofy pillow and stretching his toes southward, he cupped his manhood fully and slowly ramped up his stroking velocity. He then snatched his cell phone from his bedside nightstand with his opposing hand, which had been charging for well over an hour by this point. Plenty of battery life to do some naughty browsing. Making good use of his new DeviantArt profile, he began scrolling through his curated feed to feast on the wealth of ABDL art and erotica at his fingertips. 
Connor had masturbated countless times before today. And yet, as he felt the pleasurable prickliness of an orgasm mounting at the base of his penis, he could already tell he was careening toward one of the most powerful climaxes he’d ever achieved on his own. His phone slipped from his fingers and thumped down onto his sternum, leaving the kinky drawing of a sissy being humiliated at an all-girl sleepover with make-up and hair curlers facing upward on his chest as he shot far beyond the point of no return.
Globs of jizz deposited into the hip of Connor’s diaper as his long, drawn-out ejaculation carried on seemingly with no conclusion in sight. His once extended toes now curled inward as a torrent of euphoria overtook his entire form. Letting his eyes roll back, he lay motionless and panted like a dog in heat. There was no denying his diaper fetish any longer. A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he allowed himself to float weightlessly amongst an endless sea of ABDL bliss. His shower could wait.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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seanofbeankeep · 8 days
The Delly Curtie rant continues lol
This is my ‘what if it was done differently’ post
To note I am not an author but a nosy reader lol
I’ve been thinking over what was missing or so dissatisfying about this storyline. Or what as a reader ’if it was this it might’ve have been better’
If Delly still took the sword
It was lame, but I can’t help but think what could’ve been set up better
- What if Delly had an adventure lust but a cautionary tale where it wasnt to be. Her just taking sword out of jelousy and swords influence when she wasn’t touching it was lame. But if she was already trying to be a hero and had these insecurities more than it only manifesting in this books with Catti. Like if she had more backstory and interactions. Issue is RAS set this up a few books too late. Since he established she wanted to settle down as Wulfgar and not do hero stuff
- what if she tried to fit in with the companions too soon or they wrongly nudged her into being an adventurer like them. Like she befriended Catti and Catti tried to make Delly too much like her when she’s a different person and it backfired. What if Wulfgar tried to encourage her to be more like Catti too (if he’s not over her yet). Maybe have Regis warn them/was ignored esp since he’s always nearly died trying to keep up with everyone like that. Friendship drama
Overall it felt like it came out of nowhere for her to grab the sword. Like it wasn’t a strong inner desire the sword took advantage of. If her idea of life on the road was it wouldn’t turn out as she expected, I think there are other ways to do it. We didn’t get much of her in this book where it felt it made sense. It felt senseless.
Also her fight was so cut short or wasteful. I needed more in her perspective even as a horror piece.
What if it wasn’t Delly who took the sword
I don’t mind sword tricking people but I felt Delly didn’t make sense. She’s not a good swordswoman and barely interacted with other characters for it to make sense. I know sword was looking to find a better fighter but still it could’ve be been someone else. Ditching Catti for her was lame escape or abandonment for the sword.
- Galan Firth felt like such a dull personality-less character. He should’ve been a boromir here and taken the sword to defend his city but died by the swords bloodlust. Like his noble deed corrupted by the swords lust for the fight. Would’ve made his pages more interesting to read…
- some of the many dwarves would’ve been interesting since they’re also got the heroic deed of saving their mines that could be corrupted by the sword.
- Catti-Brie dropping sword in battle or being betrayed by the sword in battle and luckily surviving while it finds a new fighter might’ve been more interesting. It dumping her while she’s lying in bed was very undramatic. Or having a character desire to steal it from her because they feel like they deserve it more than her. More cursed item drama and creating a better well matched antagonist for Catti
- Frost giants or other Orcs trying to match Oboulds power. Like there’s a powerful cursed sword in the battle and people want to usurp or snatch Obould power on his side. Trying to steal this from Catti and being her antagonist in the story would’ve been fun. Actual motivation to take the sword.
- a theme was missing. War is hell. This could’ve been a tale about dangers or bloodlust and revenge in war using the cursed sword as a hook into that theme.
- Regis. Speaking on insecurity and trying to be a hero too much. I mean time skip was coming up. or it almost kills him or get him kidnapped. The guilt he had over the battle, his recent pushing himself to do more more hero stuff. Like a prime victim for the sword
Overall I think Delly had good reason to leave the story without dying and it could still be dramatic and match up with past books. She wanted to be with Wulfgar and live in the harsh road in the past books. But discovered Wulgar is a mess and life on the road is not what it’s cut up to be.
Honestly she should’ve just left for Luskan and another city (no idea if taking Coulson or not) and had dramatic break up or left a note.
Hah this was around the time Moric the rogue was fleeing the drow. It would’ve been funny if he suddenly wanted to settle down and give up his rogue ways and ran into Delly after she left Wulfgar. Or they bounded in the mines while Wulfgar was off fighting. More love triangles within triangles. Wulfgar losing another girlfriend to a friend would’ve been fitting for his jealous turn later
Or if she had to die, lame relationship drama meh. Dying because war is never safe for home life and civilians get caught up and loved ones die too soon. Would’ve been a better death. Leaving Coulson tradegy of losing another parent. Especially since some companions are already like war orphans (Bruenor and Catti lost their home and family to invasion) for it to hit them harder
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StayTeez Trope’Pril - Trope Prompt 2: Exes to lovers
Post Date: 5th April 2023 Content: Fluff - Exes to lovers : I.N x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.6k TW?: N/A
Summary: Coincidence or not, you end up bumping into your short term college sweetheart.
Scenario Mobile Masterlist                                     Prompt List StayTeez Trope’Pril Masterlist
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Barely even speaking before hand, you're pushed towards Jeongin as your friends encourage you to tell him out.
The popular college kid, who barely knew you existed till now had only turned around to look at you with a soft smile.
"Hi... Uh..." You stutter, unable to form a proper sentence as your crushes smile makes you feel warm.
"What's up?" He replies shyly, suggesting to walk away from both party groups a little, making you feel more at ease talking to him.
Despite his friends getting rowdy because he's just being a gentleman, you felt comfortable even though your nerves were going through the roof.
"I- I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date... With me..." You push yourself, heart racing out of your chest and you thought you were going to pass out.
Jeongin ponders for a moment, sweetly smiling as he looks back at his friends before returning to face towards you, "Sure. Just message me later."
After a small but awkward goodbye, you walk away with your friends, all waiting to start cheering and giggling when you nodded confirmation that he said what seems to be a yes.
With the day's going by, questioning whether or not you should, your best friend makes you press that send button that started off your dating journey with Jeongin.
Unfortunately all the puppy love you had together wasn't lasting very long as you found yourselves to be quite distant and in fact, way different from each other where it seems to be no grounds of basis for the relationship to work on.
Agreeing it was best, you end the relationship on good terms, but part of both of you wished there was something more there for you but there wasn't nothing you could've done to improve it. Especially in college.
Years later, you notice his profiles come up on social media, and curiosity gets the best of you as you decide to see what he's been up to and it didn't look like much.
What caught you by suprise was the fact he didn't even seem to be in a relationship with anyone. You would've thought anyone would jump at the chance to be with him, kicking yourself for letting the relationship fall short for the moment.
"I'll catch you later, don't forget about the paperwork we need to hand in tomorrow." You laugh at your coworker who jokingly pretends to slam their head on their desk.
You only briefly looked up from your phone, nosing through Jeongin's profile when you almost walk into the door, cursing yourself before putting it away.
Seeing his profile got you thinking about him, how you wished things were different. Maybe if you weren't pushed into a relationship, or to even ask him out in the first place by your friends, there could've been a chance now.
The thought of possibly bumping into him bounces around your head. But you weren't sure on what you could've done if you did.
Part of you hopes he's happy, getting treated well and finds the perfect soulmate for him. But the other part would've been jealous.
The fact it ended on good terms, but you drifted so far apart when you left college, barely seeing him around and barely talking to him made you think he moved on completely in life.
The walk home back to your flat wasn't a trek, but you decided to take a longer route anyway. Only to waste time. Knowing you had loads to do when you got in, it only made you want to drag the walk out more.
You wanted to chill before the storm of stressing about paperwork and assignments for your other job comes around.
Walking through the high streets, the smell of take out food fills the air as you try and beat temptations. You knew you had left overs at home, but you were so exhausted, you weren't sure if you were going to eat them.
Heading towards your favourite take-out place, a familiar face looks in your direction.
The guy sits on the step of the cinema, bundle of roses in hand and looking quite glum, eyes sparkling when he notices you.
Getting closer to him, you second guess yourself. It would be to much of a coincidence if it was him, a scary one as you just not long practically stalked his social media.
But the closer the get, the more you recognise that beautiful smile on his face as he stands up, walking towards you.
"Y/N?" He calls out shyly, evidently second guessing himself as he stays back a little out of precaution and your heart jumps to your throat.
"Jeongin?" You reply, tilting your head to the side as both of you break out into huge smiles, Jeongin instinctively giving you a gentle hug.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, looking down at the roses, "Surprising the other half, huh?" You point out of the flowers, and it hurt a little to say.
"Ah, no. I think I've been stood up, I was meant to be meeting this girl for a date. But I've been waiting here for an hour, no contact from her either". He replies, smile turning into a frown as he grasps both hands around the bundle of flowers.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" You go to apologise, but he stops you, shaking his head.
"It's okay, I expected it. It's okay. How have you been anyway? Anyone been lucky enough to court you?" He laughs, and you can tell it pained him to ask this too.
Shaking your head in reply, you gesture your hands in front of you, down in front of your body, "Seems no one is attracted to this."
Jeongin's eyes blow up in suprise to your reply, "How? You're absolutely gorgeous."
The subtle flirting compliment makes you feel fuzzy, thanking him quietly as you both stand there in a minor moment of awkward silence.
Cogs turn in your head, and you could tell he was thinking about something too.
"So uh- Are you doing anything later?" You blabbed out, not wanting to leave so soon. Part of you was happy that this happened.
"Well, not anymore. But I did have a table booked for dinner at the restaurant down the road after the cinema." He replies, shrugging as he can't keep his eyes off of you.
"Would you like to go for dinner? And catch up?" He asks so sweetly, it made it hard for you to say no to him, "Only if you're free that's all. I don't want to intrude on your life, again."
Looking back up at him, you share a grin, unable to stop yourself, "I'd love to."
His face beams brightly as he heads in the direction of the restaurant, letting you catch up to his side.
It was a quiet walk there but the awkwardness seems to be wearing off, and memories of the past slowly start to creep back.
It felt like you were 19 again, going on dates back in college. Finding yourself getting giddy whenever he looks over at you sweetly.
With a little small talk about everything that's gone on in your lives, finding out about a possible promotion for him, you couldn't be even more proud.
"Well, at least you don't have a desk job, it sucks." You laugh, taking a seat in the restaurant as he laughs back.
"It can't be that bad."
"Oh, it is. Constant paperwork. It's tiring."
"I guess so." He replies back, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, and slowly pushes the bundle of roses towards you, "These compliment your eyes anyway, plus weren't they your favourite?"
The fact the he remembered that made your heart flutter all over again as you pick them up and smell them, sighing happily as you set them down beside you.
The entire rest of the meal included conversations about memories, friend and everything in between. And now, you're finding yourselves to have a lot kore in common than you originally thought.
And of course, as always, Jeongin insisted on walking you home. Like he had always down when you dated. Even if you did live a two minute walk away from campus.
Getting to your door step, you struggle with letting the idea of having to let him leave now but didn't want to seem to forward.
This makes you go to grab your keys slowly, as he gently places a hand on your shoulder, making you turn to look at him with suprise.
Without anything being said, he leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your lips as his hand rests against your cheek. Instantly pulling away and apologises.
"I'm so sorry... I-" He blushes, and tries to back away, but you grab his hand gently in time for him to move too far away from you.
"Please. Don't apologise. I've kinda wanted to do that all night." You shyly say, unable to stop yourself from getting flustered as he tries his best to hold back.
"I haven't stopped thinking about you, Y/N. I've tried to move on. But you were always there in my mind. I was hoping to bump into you, to tell you." He rushed to speak, flustered himself as he quickly shuts himself up.
"Why don't you come in? We can have a chat? Plus, I've been the same. So let's catch up then maybe. I'll ask for another kiss." You smirked, opening up your front door and offering for him to go in first.
"I'd love that".
Taglist: @hipster-shiz, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @bellscamander
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Second half to Maria needing Tess/Joel to ask real nice??
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I have deliberately kept this extremely short because we know how this stuff gets away from me, right? So this came forth in a flurry while I was working.
Part One is here.
Jackson, post-canon, 2025 probably, part of Driftersverse.
The door to the basement opened.
Maria didn’t know what she was expecting.  Blood splatter, heavy breathing, eyes dark with violence.  But Tess and Joel entered with strident calm.  There was not a speck of gore on them – and Maria was looking, she was looking for it.  She shot to her feet and wiped her damp palms on the sides of her jeans. 
“Where is he?”
“Hoback,” answered Tess, her gaze steady.  “Along the Dog Creek trail, they’ve got themselves a little camp.  But they came through Idaho – settlement fell with the infected migration.”
Maria’s nails dug into her palms.  They could’ve come from Mars for all she cared.  “You wasted time down there asking where they came from?  You think I care about that?  Dog Creek, you say.  Thanks.”
Lachie sidestepped into her path, holding up one hand.  She blinked at him in surprise.  That was the thing about Lachie:  once he stopped talking, you could completely forget he was there.  He had a way of melting into the surrounds, watchful and silent, and then placing himself exactly where he needed to be.  He played the idiot most of the time and Maria had made some flippant comment about that to Tommy once, questioning how somebody like that had made it so long.  Tommy had just shook his head very slightly.  His eyes had that hollow quality that scared Maria sometimes.
“He ain’t what you think.”
Lachie nodded to Tess.  Reluctantly, Maria turned back to face the other two who, were still standing at the door.  She had lost control of the room.
“Okay,” Maria said, heart pounding and mind already plotting the course to Hoback.  “I’m listening.”
“This is just the forward party,” Tess steadily explained.  “They have more.  They know about Jackson and they are coming for Jackson.  By now, their scout will be almost back to the rest of their group in Idaho to inform them what’s gone down.”
“Where.  How far across the border?”
Tess inclined her head slightly.  “Haven’t got that far yet.”
Joel finally spoke.  “I’m riding out with you to get Tommy.  We take who we can spare and we go now, make it quick and quiet.  There’s only three of them got him in Hoback.”
Maria nodded quickly, relieved.  But her mind could not yet fully abandon Jackson, not with the information she had just received.  She noticed how Joel had phrased it:  I’m riding out.  Not we’re riding out, I’m.
“You’re not coming,” she said, looking to Tess.
“I’m not finished,” Tess replied, and Maria felt a little chill work its way down her spine.  Tess’s gaze passed her and settled on Lachie.  “I need you.”
Lachie stepped around Maria, slow now, preparing himself.  “Righto.”
Joel placed his hand on Lachie’s chest as the man drew close.  “Can you fuckin’ do this?”
“Yes, I can fuckin’ do it,” the younger man snapped.
Joel did not look convinced.  He looked at Tess, torn.  He was the one riding out into the fray – who knew what they’d find and in what condition Tommy was in – but what was this?  The emotional complication of leaving Tess behind to do the dirty work?  Tommy had told Maria they had done this together, always together.
Tess pulled a pistol that she wasn’t supposed to have out the back of her jeans.  All weapons were meant to be checked;  this should’ve been surrendered when they came back from their ride.  She put it in Joel’s hand.
“Go bring Tommy home.”
Joel checked the load and kissed her quickly. 
“Let’s go,” he said to Maria. 
But Maria couldn’t leave right away.  Her responsibilities stretched further than Tommy.  So she hated herself and wasted time by finding someone a council member she trusted and relaying the information, instigating a call to arms that she insisted be kept quiet for as long as they could keep it that way.  They didn’t need a panic.  She hurried to Zahra’s clinic and brought her up to speed in as few words as possible, knowing they would need her level head, and rounded up a three more people she knew to be good in a fight.  Joel had the horses and weapons waiting for them at the gate by the time she’d set things in motion.  She felt guilty, riding away from it.  Jackson had detailed plans for what to do in this situation.  Maria had signed off on them all;  she was supposed to see these through.  But Jackson would have to look to itself for a little while. 
Maria had an appointment in Hoback.
Part Three
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maytheoddshq · 5 months
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Wiley Depot (she/her). District 6 Tribute. 26. Naomi Scott.
TW: Drugs
Wiley’s birthdays were never a celebrated affair.
  Nothing about her was. In fact, whenever anything slightly stressful happened regarding her, her father asked her mother if she was the result of an affair. She grew up avoiding needles and avoiding her parents, and as the years passed and she got older, they only took less interest in her. More in the morphling, which ate through their money.
  Once you’re out of eighth grade, we’ll get you working in the factories, Kid. pay your rent around here.
  Wiley liked school. Or maybe she just liked not being at home, with addicts slinking in and out. She didn’t mind the crowded desks, or the fact that she always wound up sharing a pencil with someone else. It was the coolest when teachers remembered her, told her she was getting smarter, stronger. You’ll be the fastest on the line, Wiley. Like she was worth something.
  She didn’t want to drop out of school. She didn’t want to work. She saw what happened to the kids who did. Lost fingers, crushed limbs. Too small for the loading and unloading they were doing.
  And so, for all of eighth grade, she acted a terror. She talked back, pushed kids out of desks, grumbled and groaned whenever they changed activities. And she felt bad for her teacher, Ms Royce, who was by all accounts a modern saint. But she had a plan, and it wasn’t going to fail. She’d be held back, have to take it again, get another year in school. Another year with Ms Royce, even. But it didn’t affect her grades, all it did was get her a note sent home, one she signed herself and returned. A threat to expel her, which would only get her in the factories sooner.
  So she had to change tactics, deciding instead to be huffy and short but not outright hostile to anyone. And when they took tests, she failed them to the very best of her ability. Make herself as unlikeable as possible, as stupid as possible. Get held back. And it was annoying, because some of the stuff they were learning was actually pretty interesting. Still, she persisted. and by the end of the year, she wasn’t passing anything.
  She got held back. She wasn’t allowed to graduate officially. You could take it again, the principal's office told her. Miracle words. She promised Ms Royce she’d do better next year, be nicer next year. She came home grinning, but her mother wouldn’t hear of it. Too stupid to pass it once? Why would we waste time sending you again? You’ll get a job and make some use of yourself there.
  We can’t have freeloaders. Her father agreed from across the room, before the both of them needled themselves again to sleep. If she’s even mine. Maybe it was a good thing she wasn’t allowed to attend graduation. Her parents wouldn’t have shown up anyway.
  Work was fine. Not great, not terrible, just fine. Her money went mostly to her parents, although she kept a small stash inside her pillow or in her socks. She was only fourteen, and she quickly learned she had to be fierce not to be bothered. Luckily, Wiley had plenty of practice with that. So she kept to her own, and others kept to themselves. And she kept nine of her fingers and all ten of her toes, so really, it wasn’t all that bad.
  The day she turned 18, she was unceremoniously dumped out of her home, with two backpacks full of items and sheer willpower keeping her afloat. Well, supposedly the day of her birthday. But they were actually off by a week, which perhaps made it funnier.
  Wiley didn’t have friends, but there was housing through work. And she didn’t make friends, but she defended her own space, defended people who didn’t mess with her bunk. It wasn’t much, but at least there were no more needles in the place. At least she kept her whole wages to herself. At least she was making enough not to take out tesserae. So really, it could’ve been a whole lot worse.
  She could’ve been reaped for the hunger games.
  That, luckily, never happened. She actually made it to 26 without the worst thing in panem happening to her. She even bought a little mini cupcake to celebrate, obscenely expensive with the shortages from eleven. But this was a once in a lifetime birthday. She was even happy enough to split it with her roommates and let them cheer her life-giving birthday. No more reapings. Until, a month or two later, The president announced she wasn’t free from reapings. She had one more. Everyone in the district did.
  Wiley had never considered herself particularly unlucky, she just found herself fading into the shuffle, lost in the systems of six. But the 136th reaping assured her she was very much unlucky, because after everything else, at twenty six, she was reaped for the games.
  You have got to be fucking kidding.
Positive: willful, self-sufficient, strong
Neg: callous, impulsive, loud
District token: Wiley doesn't have one
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foulfirerebel · 1 year
Do you have any complaints About rwby? Or at last something you think could’ve been done better?
A lot,of fellow rwby fans seem to agree the white fang storyline wasn’t handled very well. But at the same time I keep seeing those same people acting like ghira did nothing wrong, that Blake is some badass rebel when canon doesn’t seem to support that currently, etc.
Oh boy. Strap in for this one.
So, I thought as much as I could focus on this since I've had the flu for the past three weeks. And I realize my complaints and thoughts are very small when it comes to this particular subject. But, if you're curious, read on below the cut.
Spoilers for RWBY V1-V9, the books, and games.
So, let's just get one thing out of the way first: I loved Monty Oum's fight scenes but they hurt my eyes to watch now. And I'm not sure why. To preempt a long rant, I'll say this. I prefer the fight scenes we have in V4-V9 to the ones in V1-V3. They contain more narrative tension to me then the earlier ones (Except for the train fights in V2, and the entirety of the Fall of Beacon in V3).
I'm not a huge fan that Yang doesn't get much in V1, with a bulk of her character starting in V2. I'm even less of a fan of the fact that Weiss' racism toward Blake in V1 felt a little swept aside instead of one of the many facets of her character that evolved over time. Ice Queendom, to me, helped this a lot but there's a lot that could be said there too.
As everyone seems to hate the Jaundice part of V1, I will also throw my two cents in: it went by fast for me given V7 was my first "live" volume and I binged all the others. It could've been shortened, made way for Yang characterization or otherwise. Cardin can get yeeted into the sun for all I care.
Now, of course, there's the White Fang part of the Faunus plot. For the record, I don't think it's the WORST racism storyline or allegory attempted (See: Overwatch, Detroit: Become Human, and others for worse) but it definitely needed more polishing. Give Sienna Khan more screentime and more of a presence, show more of the distinction between Ghira, Sienna, and Adam and either 1) Make Sienna's death a full-blown fight scene and last stand, 2) A sneak attack rigged heavily in Adam's favor that gets exposed later on and causes the White Fang to disown him, or 3) Have Sienna live and aid Blake and the Faunus militia afterward.
There are other changes too, mind you, like having the White Fang under Adam express doubt in what they're doing only for Adam or Cinder to silence them or something like that. We got that with Ilia, and I love her story, but we needed some more like that.
The following are going to be under the "just bugs me" complaints, nothing too huge or rant filled and I can elaborate if needed:
I wish we got more Happy Huntresses stuff, because I find the Ace Ops/Happy Huntresses ratio in V7/V8 to be...unevenly weighted toward the Ace Ops. Understandable, but still.
I'm sure we'll get this in V10, but I'd like an update on the rest of the world's current situations. Vale, Mistral, Menagerie, the changes that occurred, etc.
I'll be happy when Penny returns or is confirmed officially to be truly dead. If the latter, I'll be complaining more about "wasted potential". If the former, I'd like to see how she'd be revived.
Summer Rose. I need more answers.
Just something fandom related: Stop going after Ghira and Tai Yang for the love of all that is holy. If you'd like examples of awful parentage, Jacques, Marcus Black, Cinder's wicked Stepmom, Neo's parents, Roman and Nora's unnamed mothers, Raven Branwen and even Lil Miss are right there. Also, Jax and Gill's guardian too.
Grimm Eclipse was fun but...wow, Arrowfell was better as a video game in a lot of ways. Told a better story than GE too.
The only thing I can complain about in the books is not giving much to Sage of Team SSSN, though given "Before the Dawn" had to juggle so many characters I'm cutting it some slack.
Obviously the obligatory "Rooster Teeth isn't a good company"/"The Upper Management are terrible" and all that jazz, please support all the staff and former who have Patreons, Kofis, Twitch Streams, etc.
That's about all I can think of. Again, I'm still addled by the flu and medication I'm taking for it.
TLDR: I just think RWBY needs...well, more of it. More time and budget and space to fully flesh out everything. What we got is superb, especially for starting so small, but I always find more better than less.
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bestie how did it go???
Omg bro it was insane
So like I think I did okay, like maybe a four??? Idk
not to make this long but omg I have to tell you about this guy.
So a couple weeks back, in my English class we had this sub and he wasted 15 minutes of class telling us that if we couldn’t sign our names neatly that we had no respect for ourselves and would never get a job. This was not on the plan our teacher left and like made it so we had less time to get our actual work done.
So of course, who does the school department pick to run the AP exam?
This half senile motherfucker.
So he starts reading the instructions for how we’re supposed to write out our names and full out the codes and nobody can hear him and he’s fucking it all up. Like that’s not just me being biased, the lady who runs the AP stuff at my school was visibly taking deep breaths and getting frustrated. She tells him what to do and when we start the multiple choice section she leaves us with him.
Then we get to the short answer questions and she told us last week that we would be able to get extra paper if we needed it but he was saying over and over again “no! It’s plain black and white on this paper, they are supposed to be brief!” So we make him call Larson (the lady who’s running it) and it turns out that yeah, it did say that we could have extra paper if we needed it, HE JUST DIDNT READ DOWN ENOUGH
(This man frustrated me so much, I’m sorry this is so long but I am venting to everyone I know about him)
So anyway we get our break, and he just allows like 20 of us to walk outside by ourselves we could’ve left if we’d wanted to like  some kids from other classes mixed in with us, it was a shit show. We ended up coming back in later than we were supposed but then he said we could go to the bathroom and when I got back from the bathroom there were three other people locked out of the testing room.
So we eventually get back in and we’re about to start the essay part. He could not get the times right. Like I think it was supposed to be reading time starts at 11:45 and writing ends at 1:30. He could not do this math. 
So during our reading time, he writes on the board that we ended at 1. Someone said that wasn’t right. He goes back and tries to figure it out. Then he writes 1:15. So I speak up and I’m like “no that’s not right.”
And this motherfucker is like “yOu’Re iN thE foUrTh rOw wiTh a MaSk oN I cAn’t heAr YoU” in a tone that made it sound like he was annoyed that I was wearing a mask (my brother has a disability that could make it bad if he got sick, like girl what…) and my friend who was also wearing a mask felt the same way when he spoke to her.
So he ends up writing on the board 1:25 which I’m pretty sure wasn’t right but this was after he had been trying to talk to us about the time WHILE WE WERE TRYING TO WORK ON OUR ESSAYS. 
He also had a timer going off for a few minutes and did nothing about it which was annoying.
He did not say anything about “hey reading time is over now” or “hey you should be about done with your dbq by now” 
Anyway he gets off the phone and people are and throwing pens at each other and he of course does nothing. Boys next to me keeps saying penis while I’m rereading my essays.
Um so I really hope nobody tells college board or else all our results won’t count 💅
Sorry this was so long, tl;dr: our proctor was so bad this was absolutely horribly done
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