#it just rotates through the whole album
imlikeafan · 2 years
I wake up with Taylor swift music in my head. I go to sleep with Taylor Swift music in my head. I dream with Taylor Swift music in my head. I stare directly at the sun but-
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wright-phoenix · 2 months
last belated tag game, i promise
tagged by @dilfbuck and @opaleyedprince and @strixhaven! thank you!!
URL Song Game:
W — World So Cold - Fire From The Gods [YT, flash warning] R — Rule #13 Waterfall - Fish in a Birdcage [YT] I — iGhost - MNQN [YT] G — Grapes - James Marriott [YT] H — Hexie Mountains - Orville Peck [YT] T — The Tower - Drama Moth [YT] P — Please, Just Breathe - Written by Wolves [YT, flash warning] H — His Hands - Blegh [YT] O — OUROBOROS - Former Vandal [YT] E — Everglow - Starset [YT] N — Not Yet / Love Run (Reprise) - The Amazing Devil [YT] I — I Want to Live - Borislav Slavov [YT] X — XO - EDEN [YT]
6 Songs on Repeat:
Masterpiece Theatre III - Marianas Trench [YT] So Much (For) Stardust - Fall Out Boy [YT] Cold Reactor - Everything Everything [YT] Long Time Friends - The Living Tombstone [YT] 成歩堂龍一 ~異議あり! 2001 - Masakazu Sugimori [YT] 逆転裁判3 〜スペシャルブレンドミックス - Capcom Sound Team [YT]
tagging: @woohooincoffin @spiderslyre @notmeowse @thesem @vanoefucks
(sorry if i tagged anyone who already did it, also feel free to ignore or only do one of these!)
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buf309 · 8 months
Pose Reference Resources
I promised Dia (aka aerequets) that I will make a collection of pose references in the reply of one of her art posts, and then I completely forgot about it. Until now. I'm sorry for my bad memory.
So, yeah, better late than never I guess?
The pose collection I use the most is no longer free. They used to let you download a whole album (more than 8GB worth of data) to use offline, but now you have to pay $40/package or $200 for full sets. I still have the zip file for a very old version of theirs, but I can't legally share it. So, let's skip to the other options.
1/ First, you heard of those 3D dolls program that let you model your own reference pose? This one is an online one and for free, the whole ordeal. Of course since it's online and free, you can't save your model for next time, and it costs quite a lot of time to set the model up. So, you should take as much screenshots in as many tricky angles as you need once you done with the setting. Best using for complicated scenes where those below don't have what you need already available.
2/ This one is free and in 3D, you can rotate the model to any angle that you need. The only set back is the numbers of poses are quite limited. This one is best for using as a basic blocks then build up what you want to draw, or just as a practice to improve your understanding of human anatomy.
3/ This one is free for personal uses and the pose collection is massive. The setbacks are the language barrier (it's in Japanese, English is sometimes tag-a-long) and you have to search through their pages for what you need. The pics for each pose is static but they are in different angle in almost 360 degrees. There are many 2-person and 3-person poses too. Great for illustration inspiration.
4/ This one will only show reference photos of human head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The web interface is easy to use. There are options like searching based on gender, ages, emotions, glasses, facial hair or not, etc. Good for practicing face drawing.
5/ This one will show reference photos for human body parts, at whatever angle you rotate the model, read the instructions for how to do it. The web interface is quite hard to use at first, just tinkering around for a bit, and you will be fine. There are options like searching based on gender and which particular parts that you need refs for. Good for that moment when you go "huh? how is this <body part> will look in this <situation>????"
6/ This one will only show reference photos of animal heads, and only the head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The accurate skull refencence list is their best point. There are enough common species in the drop down list. Tbh, I don't use this much because I often need refs for the whole animal most of the time. But it's best for furry artists, I guess?
7/ Real model photos. They sell pose reference in themed packs, but there are enough free packs to use as drawing practice too.
8/ This is the best for general background reference. Lots of options. Not really good for very specific location results, but good for random background in drawings.
9/ Lastly, for specific objects or background references at strange angles, I often search for 3D models on this site then take screenshots of whatever I need.
That's all, folks. Hope this list can help ease some of the struggles that we will encounter on our quest of learning the art of drawing things 😂
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Rockstar Dad
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A/N: Based on this request.
Warnings: none. But maybe typos.
Matty licked his lips, his chest rising and falling rapidly. The nerves. Excitement. The acting. The dancing around, screaming some of the lyrics out, enunciating some slowly for dramatic effect, almost tearing up as he looked out at crowd. It was all almost over. Just two more songs.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he spoke into the microphone while his hand rotated the pegs on his guitar. His tech guy, backstage, watching in agony and scampering to find the peg tuner, before Matty completely ruins his hard work.
“We’ve had a long year-“ he paused “who here has seen us before? On our last tour…" the crowd cheered energetically, drawing a smile from him. “Alright! So, we’ve had a long year since our 5th album came out — our 5th album, Being Funny In a Foreign Language, came out in….October of last year, it’s now the end of September; so almost a year— it’s been quite a year, but you know what? We are….STILL at our very best, I’ll tell you that.” He paused, breathing in deeply. “And, we would like to thank a few people who have helped keep us that way. So…” Matty’s eyes wandered over to his two favorite people in the world, momentarily distracting him. As he thought about how his baby girl’s face lit up, earlier in the night, when she watched him walk onto the stage alongside the guys, how her uncoordinated hands had tried to mirror her mother’s clapping along to the rhythm of “Its Not Living,” her waving at him and mouthing “hello!” At the opening lines of “Paris,” as soon as he’d crooned the line “she said hello,” matty was overcome with emotion. He gave his family a small nod. “Give it up for you guys!” He laughed “thank you for coming to our show. We wouldn’t be here without you….” He refocused his eyes, looking at the crowd, taking in the sight. “ Mr. Brad Troemel, without whom, this psychedelic drama wouldn’t exist….”
As he made his way through the list of people that he owed gratitude, Matty watched his wife beam with proud, nodding along, applauding, and even though her claps disappeared into a sea of indistinguishable, identical sounds from the crowd, Matty felt hers differently. He could see that she was telling him to take the moment in. To be present. To be proud of himself.
“Most importantly, though…” He set down his guitar, his stealthy guitar tech ceasing the opportunity to swoop in and replace it with another instrument, and walked over to the side of the stage. “Give it up for my two favorite ladies.”
Matty jumped offstage, the crowd cheering and whistling loudly, his security staff rushing to keep up with him. He took his daughter into his arms. She was ecstatic to finally be in her daddy’s arms after calling out to him and sticking her arms out, gesturing for him to come to her all night.
Matty paused in front of the stage, considering his dilemma. How was he going to climb back on with his precious baby in his arms? Luckily for him, Mark understood what was going on, and so did Ross. While Mark lifted Matty back up, Ross held the baby in his arms, greeting her gently and cooing to her as she impatiently wiggled around, desperate to be reunited with her dad.
“A long time ago; in a whole other life, I used to do this thing…” Matty reminisced in front of the microphone, ‘An Encounter’ playing in the background. “Where I would kiss fans. I mean- fans who’s asked for it. I wasn’t, like, walking going up to random women and just kissing their lips for no reason, just to clarify.” He wandered over to Ross, taking his daughter back into his arms. “Cuz the internet does love a ‘Matty Healy is a creep’ story. This’ll
Probably be viral by the end of the night. Headlines like ‘Matty Healy confesses to getting off with several fans onstage.’ Anyway, what was I saying? Right! It was a thing. During robbers. You know? The Robbers Kiss.” Crowds cheering loudly promoted Adam to walk up behind Matty and fix the baby girl’s noise canceling headphones, making sure they lined up perfectly and provided maximum protection.
“Nowadays though?” Matty grinned widely, turning to look into his daughters eyes. “This is the only kiss that I care about.” He placed the gentles, softest kiss to his baby’s cheek.
When the crowd swooned, reacting the only way that one could possibly react to the infamous reformed dirtbag melting, rather publicly, at the mere sight of his baby girl, Matty’s daughter seemed to realize, for the first time, that she was looking at an endless sea of human beings, as far out as her eyes could see. Her moth fell open, hypnotized, she stared at the twinkling lights. In his ear piece, Matty heard George say something about this being the moment that his child discovers what Matty does for a living. Watching his daughter’s face, Matty’s eyes brimmed with tears.
“You see that, baby? Daddy’s a rockstar. All these people….” His voice getting caught in his throat, he chuckled, kissing the very top of her head and walking over to where the security guys were anxiously waiting.
Reluctantly, he handed the love of his life back to them, standing there, with a watchful eye, and waiting to resume his post until he’d made sure that she was back in the safety of her mothers arms.
He wiped the tears out of his eyes with the back of his arm. “That’s was a…” he rushed over to the microphone. “Anyway, if you were on tumblr in 2013, this one’s for you.”
George’s cue to play ‘Robbers.’
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
Car Rides
Summary: An old memory of Simon’s resurfaces during a car ride to Crash’s house.
Warnings: none
Pairing(s): Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 1,025
Note: No uses of (Y/N), some angst but it’s barely there. 
a/n: hello hello! back with another fic :) ngl this one made me kind of sad but still enjoyable to write. I have a set of headcanons that I wrote along with this fic but i decided that I’ll put it into the next post instead :0c !! anyways, i hope y’all like it and would love to hear feedback!
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“Keys.” He demanded.
Quickly, you pull your hand back, the other coming up to shield it. The man in front of you narrows his eyes but puts his hands back into his hoodie pocket. You open your hand, revealing a set of keys, along with a lego Darth Vader keychain. Flipping over the key fob, your black Jeep Wrangler makes the distinct sound of itself unlocking. “After you, LT.”
He opens the back passenger seat to set down his duffle bag before moving to the front. While he does that, you get yourself onto the driver's seat and start the vehicle. You check your surroundings before backing out of the parking spot and after a series of turns, you two are on the road, exiting the airport.
“Apologies about earlier, Simon,” you say, after a couple minutes of silence. “I know you want to drive but love this car way too much. Don’t want to crash it, ya know.” He glares at you as you let out an airy chuckle.
“And what do you mean by that, Sergeant?”
“Remember Las Almas? How you slammed on the breaks so fuckin’ hard that I almost went through the window, for the second time? Or that time in Moscow, where you proceeded to hit every curb you saw and we got pulled over?” You glance at him. He stares back at you, offended. And even with a facemask, it’s evident that he’s scowling at you.
Looking back at the road, you lightly elbow his arm. “Don’t worry, LT. You’re great at a lot of things.” You pause, weighing out the option of whether or not to push his buttons more before saying, “Just not driving. Or piloting. Like last month, with the helico-”
“That’ll do!” Simon raises his voice.
Palms on the steering wheel, you open your hands as a signal of surrender. “I’m just jesting, Simon.” You give him a half-hearted smile. He sinks down into his seat, with his arms crossed.
45 minutes passed and the only sound you hear are the cars on the road. Simon looks out of the window, taking sight of the buildings rushing by. In the distance, he can see the large mountain range.
The whole team was given a month of leave after the last mission went up in flames. Literally, burning helicopters and all. While the guys usually went back to the UK, you had invited them to your mountain home in Colorado. Ghost initially declined but after you and Soap begged on your knees, he reluctantly agreed. And now he regrets it after you made fun of his driving skills. But at least it was just you and not the rest of the team. Actually, he’s grateful that they’re flying in tomorrow. Didn’t want to handle three idiots in a car.
“I got a CD folder in the glove box,” You break the silence. “It’s your pick too. Long drives are better with music.”
Simon gives you a nod and begins flipping through the case. He recognizes most of the albums, and taking a closer look, some of the art on them are flaking off.
“Never thought you’d still have CDs this old,” he comments.
“Half of them are my grandpa’s. I’m just adding on to it.”
He hums in response. Spotting a maroon colored disk, he rotates it, reading ‘Queen: Greatest Hits’. Carefully pulling it out of its pocket, he hands it to you. Left hand on the wheel, you stick your finger in the middle and glance at it. Nodding, you slide it into the car player.
“Good choice.”
“Brits have good music.”
“I agree with that.”
Flicking your eyes down to the display screen, you skip the first eight tracks. Without looking, you can tell that Simon is giving you a disapproving look. “We’ll come back to it, promise. Just want to listen to this first.”
He turns his eyes back on the road before him, the first couple notes of ‘You’re My Best Friend’ playing out. They’re in the mountains now, the roads becoming more twisty. Slowly down a bit on the turns, you let the windows down a couple inches. He hears you quietly sing along with the song. Rolling his eyes, Simon leans back on his seat again. Again, looking out the window, enjoying the greenery. It reminds him of the long drives to his aunt's house. Green blurs of evergreen trees passing by. Turning his head to look at you, his heart picks up the pace.
He doesn’t see you. Instead, it was a woman in her early thirties. The driver window slightly opened, leaving her light brown hair flying behind her ears. Hands tapping on the steering wheel on beat with the music. Hazel eyes meeting his. There were bags under them, dark circles hidden by makeup. She smiles at him, little wrinkles appearing on the corner of her eyes, along with two dimples, one of each side of her smile. Just like his. Opening her mouth, she sings along with the song,
“Ooh, you make me live Whenever this world is cruel to me I got you to help me forgive Ooh, you make me live now, honey Ooh, you make me live.”
His mom stops singing. “Simon!” she calls out. “Come on, love. Sing with your ma!”
He’s too stunned to say anything, he just stares at her. “Simon?” Her smile drops, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“Simon?” Her voice sounds muffled.
“Simon?!” It’s like echoes now.
“Lieutenant Riley?!” That one snapped him out. 
Heart beating like a drum, he opens his eyes, staring at the bottom of his hoodie before looking back up. It’s just you, Crash, his sergeant. Not his mother. But the worried look you give him is identical to hers.
You give him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry to wake you up LT.” His eyebrows go up with confusion, he didn’t know he was even sleeping. “We’re here.”
Simon steps out of the jeep, closing the door behind him. Taking a look of his surroundings, he glances up at the towering evergreen trees, just like the ones in his childhood. Just like the ones at home.
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pignipplez · 21 days
I was dozing off cuz I’m eepy and in the 2 second span of my slumber a hole story formed into my thick skull 🥲🥲🥲🥲
I woke up in my dream and I checked my social medias and shit and everyone was panicking so I checked to see what was wrong and it said GERARD WAS DEAD 😭 He died from like a drug overdose or something their like dead thing memorial pictures or whatever looked like a one piece wanted poster idk it was weird.
So then I was randomly invited to the funeral of Mr Way and it was an open casket so I walked up to them it was in the Helena church and Gerard had black little ballet shoes on and his blue dress they wore that one time (forgot when 🤔)
But yeah I was still in shock and the rest of the band was there right and Ray was holding onto the group like the little mama bear he his and was silently crying he was also eating a subway sandwich. Mikey then turned to me and he was wearing the sluttiest shit ever like blud was smokin in that drip. But anyways he flipped his hair at me and said.
“Follow the new Mr Way”
Now I’m following him also Frank has looked like a lost dog this whole entire time just so ya know he was there if you were worried 😜 but yeah Mikey takes me into this weird white room dungeon thing it opened from the ground like in front of the casket in the music video.
So Mikey is now gone Me, Ray, and Frank are now alone in the spooky Edgar Allan Poe short story the pit and the pendulum type shit. So the big hole in front of us arises the dude from The black parade music video. His eyes are rolled back and his mouth is snapped open like that one girl from stranger things.
The dude starts to speak he starts screaming like Tweek from South Park. Then mini Mikey climbs out of the dudes gaped jaw with his onion hair and a long curly stash.
My vision zooms up to his lips and he says, “Gerard’s death has given me inspiration for an incredible album” “We should call it GG” “It-
He gets cut off tho cuz disco music and lights flood the room then he starts to do the dancing blabazar brat does in despicable me 3.
Everything cuts off though like a film camera and it’s Ray gripping onto the camera he’s sweating and frantic franks also there doing a ballerina spin over and over agian in the background without stopping. Like just rotating. Also Ray now kinda looks like Larry from Sally Face like all icky and detailed also I’m talking about him specifically dead like Cult Larry.
Ray shouts gibberish into the camera but finally the static gets through as “I Did it *my real name* I killed Gee,” “He said that I wasn’t the real alpha I had to I HAD TOO,”
“This is all real alpha *my real name* I don’t take steroids,” “IM STIGMA LOOK AT M-“
Then it cut off and it Glitched back to when I woke up and found out that Gerard was dead and the wanted poster and everything but this time I turned to Ray then and there and he sobbing holding a “We need a bartender” card and a beer bottle while sadly looking at me. (Like those pictures of him 😈)
Then I was like This can’t be real it can’t be he isn’t then I awoked 😋
I think I’m going insane 😍
An Invader Zim character was in there somewhere just not sure where 🤧
Also Gerard tried to crawl out of the casket at the funeral but Frank beat him back in with an acoustic guitar but for some weird reason my mind didn’t register that at all so I just forgot but remembered it happened
Dreams are confusing 😭
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 4
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Wolffe, Sinker, Comet, Boost
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, clone cuddle pile
Word Count: 1.4k
Author's Notes: This part is 100% pure Wolffe angst. That's it. That's the whole thing. Just Wolffe being a sad man. You have been warned. Next part will have more Cara and Comet and clones attempting to make breakfast! As always, please enjoy 💚
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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"The little one is asleep," Comet said as he reentered the living room.
"Good," Wolffe said. His head was leaned back against the couch, his eyes closed, and his arms crossed. "She needs it."
"So do you," Sinker added with a pointed look towards Wolffe.
Wolffe groaned. "I need to pack."
"We can help with that," Boost offered.
"No," Wolffe said. He leaned forward and rubbed his eyes. "I can do it."
"Do you want us to leave?" Comet asked.
Wolffe pushed himself off the couch and stared blankly towards his bedroom. "No…" he murmured with a shake of his head. "Stay. Just for a little while longer."
"Whatever you need, Commander," Sinker said.
Wolffe walked towards his bedroom with heavy footsteps. The weight of what he needed to do, picking and choosing pieces of his wife, what to keep and what to let go of, surrounded him like a thick cloud. Its presence threatened to suffocate him. The room was dark, empty, and lifeless, feeling claustrophobic and cold without the warmth of his wife. Everything was how it should be. The bed was immaculate, the floor was clean, the clothes were put away, but in his heart he only felt chaos.
He sat down on his side of the bed, the mattress sinking in under his weight, and looked over at the holo-photo album perched on the bedside table. It slowly rotated through images of their life together. A nervous first date, a botched marriage proposal, a beautiful unofficial wedding, an unexpected baby bump, the birth he missed, a first birthday, an anniversary alone, and so many more memories. He missed a lot of them because of the War, but nonetheless, each memory was priceless and precious to him.
He picked up the album and ran his fingers across the image of his wife smiling next to his daughter on her third birthday; one they celebrated without him. He smiled at the memory. Cara had cake all over her face. Then the image switched, and Wolffe's breath hitched. For a moment, he thought he lost her again, but it was just an image of him holding Cara, one that his wife took, and he realized that was how all of their pictures would look going forward. She'd never be in one ever again.
Wolffe placed the album down, flopped back onto the bed, and rested his arm over his eyes. He wanted to feel something other than sadness, anything, but he couldn't find any other emotion. His usual stoic, no-nonsense demeanor had left him too. He gripped the blanket with his other hand, but he couldn't feel its softness. He was numb. He needed to pack, but he couldn't move. He was paralyzed. How easy would it have been to just slip away and never feel anything ever again? Hadn't he lost enough already?
Was there an allotment in life of pain and suffering, and he accidently received a double portion? Was it not enough to lose his battalion, his marshal rank, and his eye? Did he have to lose his wife too? What else could this life possibly take from him? His daughter? He'd rather die. He'd rather be blown up, crushed, sliced in half, suffocated, burned, or stabbed to death than lose one more thing he held precious. The universe could take him, but it couldn't take his daughter.
Wolffe groaned and rolled onto his side. He stared at his wife's side of the bed and slowly smoothed his hand over the empty surface. He could almost feel her lying there if he closed his eyes, and he wondered if he'd forget someday. Would he forget what she felt like? Her smell? Her voice? Her infectious laugh? His name on her lips? Would he forget… her? Maker, he prayed he would never forget. He couldn't. He wouldn't. She was his beloved, and he was hers. Death couldn't keep him from loving her.
Wolffe shimmied over to his wife's side of the bed and buried his face into her pillow, inhaling her scent deeply and committing it to memory. He made a quick mental list of everything he wanted to pack and take with him. Her pillow, her favorite top, her favorite perfume, her favorite soap, her favorite holo-book. He wished he could pack it all up in a small box and carry it with him everywhere he went, but he couldn't. He'd just have to take those little pieces of his wife and try not to forget.
Although, there was a part of him that still thought she'd come home. That she was just out having fun with her friends and would be back late. That she'd come to bed and curl up next to him like she always did when he was home. Then there was the part of him that replayed her dying gasps of breath. Reminding him that her body went limp in his arms and she was never coming back. A ruthless and cruel tug of war in his mind. A part clinging to a false hope and a part crushing him under the weight of despair.
The despair won the war and Wolffe choked out a sob. He let his emotions roar to the surface, breaking the dam of his engineered resilience, and he cried. It was too much. He wasn't made to love and he wasn't made to lose love. This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to die first. It was unfair. It was inhumane. It was cruel. He didn't care what force power or force deity his general believed in. No moral platitude could justify the death of innocence, let alone his own wife.
"Commander?" Sinker whispered from where he peeked in at the bedroom doorway.
Wolffe didn't move or stifle his mournful cries. He didn't care if his brothers saw him like this. He thought he could do it. He thought he could sneak away, suffer in silence, and ride out the grief alone, but the weight was too heavy. He was buckling beneath the pressure and knew he wouldn't make it if he only relied on himself. To be strong in front of his daughter was one thing, but his Pack brothers? They were strong and steady. He knew he could break in front of them and be safe.
With no confirmation or denial otherwise, Sinker stepped into the room and sat down next to where Wolffe was lying on the bed. He hesitated, but placed a firm hand on Wolffe's shoulder.
"Wolffe," he said softly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Wolffe said nothing, but slowly picked himself up and leaned heavily against Sinker as he wiped his eyes.
"The boys and I were thinking," Sinker began. "Maybe we could stay the night? To keep you company?"
Wolffe looked up at Sinker through blurry vision. He wished the tears would stop flowing, but they didn't. Every time he remembered his wife wasn't coming home, new tears formed where the previous fell. It was a continuous cycle that he never experienced before and he hated experiencing now. He had slept alone countless times on missions, but he never slept alone in this bed, without her. She was always there. It felt wrong to sleep in it without her. He didn't want to sleep in it alone.
"I…" Wolffe began with a hoarse voice. "I'd like that."
Sinker pulled Wolffe's forehead against his own and closed his eyes. "We've got you, vod."
Wolffe melted into the simple gesture, breath still shaking from his sobs. "Thank you."
Sinker gave Wolffe's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, then got up from the bed to go grab the others from the living room. Wolffe sat still at the edge of the bed, but slowly let himself drift back down to rest his head against the pillow. His Pack brothers quietly entered the bedroom and each found a spot on the bed to lie down, being careful not to disturb him. It wasn't a very large bed so a little overlap was needed, and there were some tangled limbs, but everyone eventually settled in.
It had been a while since the Pack piled in such a way to sleep. The last time Wolffe piled was probably before the Malevolence. Same for Sinker and Boost, and most likely never for Comet since he was part of the newly formed battalion. Wolffe refused piles after the Malevolence because he was afraid of getting attached to his men again, but in the end, it didn't matter. He didn't lose any of his men. He lost his wife. Maybe Jedi were right and attachments were a waste.
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gatheredfates · 9 days
I got tagged by @hylfystt to list five songs I'm into right now! As I wanted to wait until I listened to the new Bad Omens album (because I knew the songs would rotate rent free in my head) I can update accordingly. ✨
ANYTHING > HUMAN - Bad Omens & Erra
This life was all it had to be. Designed, but not for you an me. I never needed you to be anything more than human.
IT'S GOOD. IT'S SEXY. BEST SONG OF THE ALBUM. It's sooo industrial and I love it.
celestina [hushed] - Crywolf & Emalyn.
Hold my life until the beating of your precious heart decides to kill. I'll bleed for you, love.
I used this song for my Alaice edit! I love how soft/ethereal this version is. (There is also a new Crywolf album next week and I... am not ready.)
notre dame - Paris Paloma
I rarely go down there, the view's just so beautiful from here and I can see everybody at their worst points. At their worst points.
I had this song pretty much on repeat for the entirety of last week; it has no right to be this longing and this pretty.
And So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine & Annaca
Now we're standing in the sunlight and I can't bear the sight of you. Oh, my lover, what's on your mind? You're caught between two ways of life, a way for you to find the light. One day we will reconcile but that will have to wait this time.
The whole Solace EP gives me huge Azem/Emet vibes (or, really, Azem/Any Ancient) but this song in particular just HITS right. It's love, loss and longing in a way that feels so grandiose and otherworldly, but you can still relate to the intent behind it even if it feels beyond you. I love it.
The End - Halsey
When I met you, I said I would never die. But the joke was always mine 'cause I'm racing against time. And I know it's not the end of the world, but could you pick me up at eight? 'Cause my treatment starts today.
I've been a Halsey fan for years and, as someone who has cared for people with chronic illnesses (mental & physical), as well as battling with my own... yeah. It hits a certain way. If you're going through the same, it feels very cathartic.
Tagging: @mist-touched, @clouds-of-reveries, @redmoonwanderer, @ser-corviknight, @abalathia,
@hazelkjt, @candycryptids, @riftdancing, @clockchimesthirteen, @atupda & you!
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bsaka7 · 3 months
tagged to post my 9 favourite album with commentary by @mathewbaldzal !!!! we r two peas in a pod i think with having a lot to say about some tunes...
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in no particular order...
different class (1995) - pulp. this is not my no1 album of all time because i don't have a favorite album of all time, but this album is in part representative of "getting into music" to me. i love 90s britpop, whatever that means for a random american and this is my fav of em all (though i do actually quite rate this is hardcore in pulp's discography). "common people" is one of the songs of ALL TIME. god jarvis's little sing-song sleazyness gets me. really, really, really great classic performance of it at glasto 1995...for some reason "pencil skirt" also always really hits.
home video (2021) - lucy dacus. the newest album on this list by a long shot, but it's had songs in my top5 year end lists since it came out. i've also seen lucy live <3. this album rises above some of the others in similar company (punisher - phoebe bridgers, the boygenius ep, etc) because i never get tired of it. "first time" "hot & heavy" "brando" and "triple dog dare" are nearly always standbys in my listening history. probably gonna be an album-i-listened-to-in-college classic forever...
songs of love and hate (1971) - leonard cohen. maybe none of my favorite leonard cohen songs are on this album, but as a single work, this album stuns me. possibly the most transfixing 44:21 i've ever heard. his lyricism in particular is -- i can't even describe it. the mix with his voice, the sparseness of the instrumentation at time, the harmonies. i'm not a big stories guy but in this, yeah, the songwriting, the stories. i don't think there's another album like this one out there, really.
if you're feeling sinister (1998) - belle & sebastian. the first time i heard this album, i thought i had never heard an album so perfect. i love songs off of it but i nearly always listen to it whole. i love, love, love b&s's early sound (twee, if you will), and stuart murdoch's lyrics really, really shine. this is one of my favorite albums to listen to when i have a headache because it's lovely to just, focus on but not grating at all. i really love "judy and the dream of horses" and "get me away from here i'm dying". really, a beautiful work
rumours (1977) - fleetwood mac. i was sort of scrolling through some of my playlists trying to decide what to put on this list (it's a bit weighted towards stuff that's in rotation now) and i couldn't leave off fleetwood mac (in part to represent the huge part of my music taste that is like. classics 1965-1980). stevie nicks was one of my earlier music obsessions (the OG was the beatles). so many wonderful songs and riffs. i know this was left off the original 12-inch but "silver springs" is one of my favorite songs forever and ever and ever...
nebraska (1982) - bruce springsteen. when it comes down to it, this is my favorite springsteen album. i do think his 1975-1987 run of albums is pretty much perfect but nebraska is a masterpiece in a way that i find hard to express in words. there's a sense of sparseness and distance in this work (in part bc of how it was recorded) that i find so utterly compelling i can't even describe. "nebraska" - especially this 1984 live version - is a perfect song to me. perfect. i also like a lot of the stuff that went into inspiring this album (notably flannery o'connor) and well. where it fits into springsteen's narritivization of his own life (dude was in the dumps).
all killer, no filler (2001) - sum41. this pick is a little bit representative of the era of my life where i basically exclusively listened to pop punk but if songs of love and hate is an album that's perfectly drawn out, this is an album that's perfectly compressed. like, the title is correct. this album is fucking TIGHT. i used to listen to it at a job i hated to make the 30-min intervals go by. and it's got such classics...."fat lip"..."motivation..." of course, "in too deep." SO good.
what did you expect from the vaccines? (2011) - the vaccines. maybe this pick is a tiny bit cheesy but it is a perfect encapsulation of the era of alt rock it came from. which i love. i really like the vaccines, i think they're super fun and i did see them in concert finally and they totally lived up to that. "wetsuit" is again...one of my favorite songs of all time. "if you wanna" is a perpetual banger.
age of consent (1983) - new order. again, an album that deserves to be listened to whole, despite how good "age of consent" hits alone ever single time. sometimes i think i like another new order album more than this, but i don't. sumner's voice just out-of-tune ringing out over that sound, that new order sound, the bass, that post-punk club vibe. they're a band that don't sound like anyone else, and this is the album most indicative of that. wow, every time.
a few narrow misses
boxer (2007) - the national. i didn't get the national until one day i did. "slow show." my god. hello.
very (1993) - pet shop boys. it's too simple to say this is an album about gay love because it's so embedded in it's context but. this is an album with so much love. psb are brilliant.
the execution of all things (2002) - rilo kiley. jenny lewis CALL ME. also like. you know "a better son/daughter". there's more.
a thousand suns (2010) - linkin park. i used to listen to this at 6th grade cross-country practice. first band i ever got into on my own. idk.
this is not only my favorite albums but a pretty decent summation of the broad strokes my overall taste. thank you again for the tag!! i enjoyed doing this a lot :). idk who has done this/on what blogs so if u have PLEASEEEEE send it to me i want to see!! i tag @lfcrobbo @upthebrackets @girlfriendline @odegoob @amandaleveille @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm @kritischetheologie @bright-and-burning @a-corn-field if any of u want to but no presh!!!
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8bitandbey0nd · 26 days
@vireserein I don’t know how far your research into Jupiter Sunrise has gone but here’s just some of the interesting stuff I’ve learned about them.
They were all vegetarian and even converted the RV they lived in while touring to run on freaking vegetable oil rather than diesel.
Because they were all vegetarian they gained the favor of PETA. YEAH THAT PETA! PETA interviewed them but the band members said they don’t agree with a lot of the actions PETA does since they do a lot of stuff just to get attention.
They never had the same line up for every album so it was different people rotating in and out of the band with Malek/Mark Houlihan staying throughout the whole lifespan of the band.
They played at Warped Tour in 2005 under a tent for MySpace specific bands.
They have a 14 song demo album and over half of the songs on there are lost media since they aren’t on the internet anywhere.
Halfway through the band’s lifespan they got a member called Amanda Rogers who played keyboard and so when they played live after she joined a keyboard was added to that version of the song.
This question by them is extremely painful to read:
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The reason they broke up is because for one of their albums they wanted to start going professional and so paid for a professional studio and producer costing over 1000 dollars. When they tried to get the music they recorded the producer held their music hostage for reasons I can’t find online.
They appeared in an interview for an old YouTube internet series called “Something To Be Desired”.
Their song ‘Steal Me’ appeared in an old show called “One Tree Hill”.
They released a promotional disk but only 3/6 of the songs are available online.
They have songs that are only online in live performance versions.
That’s all for now!
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jellycrusher · 7 months
Fangirl pt. 1
Genre: Romance, Slow Burn, Idol A/U
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader
Rating: PG
Summary: Y/N, being a huge fangirl, finally got her chance to work alongside her favorite idol group as a backup dancer. She gets to know each member personally and realizes that her feelings may be more than fangirl-idol attraction.
Word Count: 3K
PARTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | …. masterlist
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“It’s finally here!” I shouted as I bolted from my room towards the front door to greet the delivery man carrying my package. Even without looking at the mirror, I could feel my smile going up to my ears and my heartbeat furiously echoing through my chest. The delivery man handed me a medium sized box and stared at me as I reach out for the box with a huge smile plastered on my face. I signed the delivery form, closed the door and ran back inside my unit.
I ran to the living room and placed the box on the floor. I turned to my left and hurriedly rummaged for my cutter inside the drawer beside the sofa. I also took my phone on top of the said drawer and placed it on my lap. I swiftly sat down on the floor in front of my package with the cutter ready in my hand when I remembered something. I unlocked my phone and proceeded to video call my brother who’s at work. My brother’s name and his photo appeared on the screen as I wait for him to answer the call.
“Hey Y/N…” His face popped up on my screen. I silently giggled at the angle of his front camera when he answered the call. Not really flattering despite him being good looking. He must have placed the phone on a table directly below his face. “You know I’m at work right? Why did you call? Emergency?” I could hear keyboard sounds in the background. He must be busy typing on the computer as he didn’t bat an eye on his phone while talking to me.
“Yeah I know. I just wanted to share some good news” My camera is facing towards me with just my eyes peeking through screen. I was worried that maybe he’s with some people at work that might see me when he answers the video call and I’m not decent looking right now. “My package has arrived!” I low-key squealed as I pressed the ‘rotate camera’ button on the screen and directed the camera at the package. I could see my brother looking now at the phone. He placed his phone in front of him and leaned it on a stable surface for him to see me properly. He continued to type slowly on his keyboard as he steal glances on his phone screen.
“Don’t tell me…. You bought another merch?” He giggled as he looked at his phone screen and continued to type on his keyboard. He looked back at his computer screen after a second, with a smile on his face. I opened the package with my cutter on one hand and my phone on the other. Tearing through the tape, I can’t contain my excitement as i shrieked when my cutter got through the end of the tape. I released the cutter from my hand and pushed it aside.
“BTS Merch! Oh my god, I have been waiting for these for weeks. I got the latest album, more Tiny Tan figurines, and some concert goods from last tour.” I proceeded to open the box and showed my brother the contents. I felt accomplishment as I look at all the merchandise that has just arrived at home. My ARMY heart couldn’t contain the joy that I have right now. I shot my eyes back on the phone screen and saw my brother smiling as he looked at me through the phone screen.
“Hey, I’m happy you are happy but you know I work in Big Hit right? I work for them?” He stopped typing, took the phone back in his hands and brought the phone close to his face. “I could just easily buy these things for you with my employee discount.” And now his whole face is occupying my phone screen. 
“Jiyong, I know but where’s the fun in that? I want to buy these items using my own money. Well, an employee discount is nice but I don’t want to abuse your privilege as I buy too much of their merchandise.” I snorted at the fact that I really do buy too much of their merchandise. Besides, when I use his employee discount, the items are delivered directly to him as he works inside the Big Hit Building. With the amount of merchandise that I buy, I don’t want to embarrass him and label him as a big fanboy especially with him working so close to the boys.
“If you weren’t my twin sister, I would totally laugh at you. Not that I think you’re crazy but you’re…. loyal” He puts emphasis on the last word. He respects my deep profound respect for the 7 boys but he thinks that maybe I have gone too far with the purchases. He placed his phone back in front of him, leaning on a surface. “Oh before I forget, did you read my email?” I was taken aback with topic change but I’m used to it as he does this all the time. I pressed the ‘rotate camera’ button once again for him to see my face. 
“No, I haven’t opened my email yet. I went home so late last night. My last client in the gym arrived late so we finished late as well. A bummer.” I scoffed as I remembered the fatigue that enveloped my body yesterday. I work as a gym trainer/physical therapist full time and a dance teacher/choreographer as my sideline. I work at my friend’s gym located in the heart of Seoul as a gym trainer. I currently handle 7 clients, some who I have worked with for a few years already. I also teach dance classes at a small dance studio just a few blocks from where I live. Mainly, I handle BTS dance classes because duh, I am a full-blooded ARMY. I really tried to make my passion as a source of income and it warms my heart to see people having fun when I teach them those dances.
“Check it. Anyways, I gotta go. I still have a lot to do. As you know, the company is busy since BTS will be releasing another album sometime this year.” My brother currently works as a Recording Engineer in Big Hit. He used to brag to me that he’ll spend hours with BTS and TXT. I was jealous of course but I am so proud he’s working for them. Whenever I listen to songs from Big Hit artists, I try to think that he has contributed to a lot of songs despite not knowing what exact songs he has worked on. Another reason why I listen and support them.
We both said our farewells and dropped the call. As I took out all the contents of the package unto the floor, I used my phone on the other hand. I opened my mail and saw few unread emails. Some of them were from my subscriptions on Netflix and Spotify, which I barely read. On top of the list was my brother’s mail. I saw the subject “READ THIS FANGIRL!” and I laughed. Here I thought he sent me something urgent or important that needs my utmost attention. Must be another event or merchandise that they’ve yet to announce to the public.
I opened the mail and my eyes were glued to the first line of the message body.
“Big Hit is hiring backup dancers. See the forwarded email below, sis. I think they’re meaning to assign whoever they’ll hire as part of BTS dance team.” Did I just receive this email? It came from my brother so it must be true. He won’t prank me like that. If I apply, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be hired right? That’s too bad if I won’t be hired but there’s nothing to lose if I try to apply.
I left my package scattered throughout my floor and ran towards my laptop lying on my bed. I sat down on the floor beside my bed and opened my laptop. I felt like a kid but here I am, rushing to find my resume to apply for a new job that might eventually change my life.
It’s been a week since I applied as a backup dancer for Big Hit. I sent in my resume and a few videos of me dancing to some of their artists’ songs. I’m lucky to have known a lot of BTS’ songs and choreographies by heart and I might have tried to study some of their label mates’ songs as well. I haven’t received a reply back from them and I’m worried that I may not receive any response ever.
Apparently, BTS is known for having only male backup dancers as far as I know so it’s news to me that they’re hiring female backup dancers now. It got me thinking that this might also attract fellow fangirls like me to apply but knowing Big Hit, they wouldn’t want anything scandalous to happen just because they hired female backup dancers. I’m not saying that female dancers lack professionalism but how the boys are the top rank boy group in the country, female fans would be green with jealousy if they see female dancers dancing with them. Some Armies are really protective when it comes to the boys so it’s really shocking to hear that the company is finally considering this. 
The day that I got the mail from my brother, I spent half of my day planning what dances to shoot and submit. I chose BTS’ Idol and Singularity, TXT’s Crown and a freestyle dance to Beyonce’s Yonce. I wanted to showcase my range in dancing by carefully choosing a variety of songs. I admit that the reason I may have applied to this job is partly because I’m a fangirl but nonetheless, my passion for dancing is bigger. I have been dancing since I was a kid but I was not this confident at the start. It’s hard to convince me to perform in front of a bigger audience, let alone a stadium full of fans. I slowly got over my fear little by little when I started teaching dance classes at the dance studio. The fear is still there and you may wonder why I am applying for this job when I’m scared shit in performing for a large audience. BTS taught me to love myself and I am really trying my best to go out of my comfort zone. I figured that this may be my best chance in doing so. Also, I get the benefit of working alongside them which is a big plus.
I couldn’t really focus on my job for the whole week. I find myself regularly checking my mail in the hopes of getting a response from Big Hit. 5 days and there’s still no mail. Maybe my email just went to their spam folder or maybe I typed in the wrong mail. On the 7th day while I was pulling out my clothes in the dryer, I heard a ping from my phone from across the hall. I left my phone on my bed and the laundry room is right beside my room. I noticed that the ping was my assigned tone for mails. I hurriedly took out all my warm dry clothes and unto the basket, closed the door of the dryer and turned the lights off in the laundry room.
“New Mail. Subject: Dance Team Application” I saw the notification banner and my heart just jumped out of my chest. I felt my forehead sweating profusely, fingers shaking and my throat closing up as I try to open my phone and check my mail. I silently and swiftly read the contents of the mail. After two seconds, I shrieked at the top of my lungs and threw my phone across my bed. I ran out of my room and in circles around the living room. Good thing I live alone so that I could just celebrate and make loud noises like this. I jumped up and down on the sofa while etching the image of the mail into my head. I buried my head on my pillows and shouted once more, emptying all the air out of my lungs.
I ran back into my room and read the mail again. 
“Good day, Miss Y/N.
We have received your application and we are glad to say that we are impressed with your resume and skillset. We would like you to come in our office tomorrow so we can meet and talk personally with our dance team. We are glad to have you join our current dance team. Details of our meeting are expressed below.
Time: 10 am
Address: 42 Teheran-ro 108-gil, Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Attire: Comfortable Casual
Please look for Mina at the front desk to escort you. Thank you.”
I still can’t believe what I’m seeing. Did I just got accepted? As a backup dancer? For Big Hit? Maybe for BTS? I’m such a lucky fangirl. I can’t wait for tomorrow.
It’s a good thing that my schedule is free today. I don’t have any clients in the gym scheduled for today and the dance studio is closed for today. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I woke up at 6 am as I feel my jitters bothering my sleep. I tried to go back to sleep but I trashed the bed and rolled side to side for about 30 mins so I decided to go for a run. I turned on my Spotify and played my ‘Intense Run Playlist’ which mostly consists of high bpm BTS songs. There’s a jogging path near where I live and the scenery is filled with trees. Very calming, which I really need right now.
I arrived in front of the Big Hit Building around 8:30 am. I made sure to arrive early as I don’t want to be late for the meeting. I’m so anxious right now if I’m allowed to go up as early as 9 am or should I just arrived on time. I lingered outside and paced back and forth at a nearby shade. I wondered if I could visit my brother and stay with him for the mean time.
“Is she a stalker?” I heard whispers coming from my right as I slumped back at the pole where I’m taking shade just across the building. “That’s scary.” Three schoolgirls were standing a few meters away from me. They were staring and smirking at me. I wondered why they would think of me as such then I realized that I wore my hoodie up to cover half of my face.
“I’m not…”
“Good luck stalker-nim. You won’t get a glimpse of the boys.” They giggled and ogled me with judgmental looks with their arms across the chests. “Can you get away from the boys? We don’t want stalker armies like you.”
“As I said, I’m not a stalker and I’m older than you. Why are you talking to me in an informal tone?” I pull my hoodie off my head and slowly tread towards them. They laughed and ran away at the sight of me making my way to them. Sheesh, do I really look like a stalker?
I looked at my watch and it’s still 9:10 am. I guess I could try and visit my brother. The fresh morning air blew gently in my face, as if to welcome me, and be my merry playmate, and the sun looked at me with a warm and tender smile. What a nice start to my day, I thought. I put up my hoodie again and I was comfortable once more with the warmth my mere hoodie gave me.
“I have a meeting in your building today. Do you want to meet up? I’m not due until 10 am. – your adorable look alike” I texted my brother and inserted my phone back in my pocket. I breathed in the fresh breeze and not a second later, my phone pinged. I pulled out my phone to see my brother’s name on the screen.
“Lucky, I’m on a coffee break. I’ll be down in a sec.” he replied. A grin was present on my face as I stood up from where I was leaning. I skipped from across the street towards the building. I looked above at the sky and towards the top of the Big Hit Building and when I returned my gaze back in front of me, I was met by a dark haired man in his mid-twenties. I bumped into him and was knocked down at the side of the street. I exclaimed in pain as I rub my backside.
“Hey look where you’re go…” I looked up and immediately recognized the face. The man was wearing a grey Fear of God shirt paired with black baggy pants. His face was half covered by a black mask and his hair was kept away from his face with a black headband almost occupying his whole forehead. 
“You should be the one watching you’re going. Crossing the street while prancing around like that.” He scoffed and continued to make his way towards the building. He didn’t even help me up. I sneered back.
“I’m sorry. I assure you that he’s not usually like this. He’s in a bad mood.” Two hands were suddenly around my elbows, propping me up from the ground. I turned my head and saw a woman around mid-twenties as well. She was carrying an opened big black bag propped on her right shoulder with filled with piles of unruly papers stuck inside. When I finally was able to stand up properly, she took off her hands from me and bowed in apology. She swiftly followed the man and shouted, “Yoongi, wait. I can explain.” 
So I was right. It was Suga. All the images of a funny and loving Min Yoongi ran through my mind. Just like a scary movie, it was replaced by a disgusted look he shot at me a while ago. Did he…. Maybe he thought I was a stalker or something? I guess if I really looked like one then I don’t blame him for shooting those looks at me. However, a decent person would help anyone up in that situation.
I beat the dust off my hoodie and slowly treaded towards the building’s entrance. Not a really good way to start my first interaction with anyone from BTS, I thought.
Next part: 2
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cboffshore · 4 months
The IDKHOW phase is mixing with the Skybound obsession. You know what that means: time to draw some big fat lyrical parallels.
Tonight's victims: Jay, specifically as he spends most of Skybound, and "DOWNSIDE", the opening track of the new album GLOOM DIVISION. (These two pieces of media have nothing to do with each other except for being something I like to rip into, which is all the justification I need to do this.)
Under the cut we go!
For your easy reference: here's the music video for "DOWNSIDE". Somehow I haven't watched the whole thing yet, so that doesn't factor into this mini analysis - and I don't want it to. We're staying lyrical here.
So! Start of Skybound. Jay. In a nutshell, his actions for this and much of the rest of the season hinge on the s5 vision in the ice. We know that. In listening to "DOWNSIDE" for the first time, I was struck by the self-centrism of the lyrics. Here's the pre-chorus and chorus as an example, although this very needy, me-me-me, Jay-style "maybe this is how it happens, maybe this is how I get her back" is pervasive in the track. Note all the highlights:
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Awfully self-centered, yeah? It actually gets more interesting when the lyrics twist. The chorus and outro all feature a similar motif: imagery of placing coins, in this case pennies, on the eyes of the deceased to help them pay for their journey to the afterlife. In both choruses, we get the same first-person focus as the rest of the song - the speaker, who in Skybound would be Jay, subtly prioritizing his own future with little regard for the subject of the song - Nya, the target of his pining. Wording changes just slightly between choruses, but the core sentiment stays the same:
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And then we pull up to the outro - which, when viewed through the "holy shit this is the first on screen Death they've showed" lens of the finale, is... it sure is something!
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See, here's the thing - Jay's last wish comes off as selfless, and on some level it is, as reflected in this sudden realization of what the pennies on HER eyes will do with the shift to second person. However: it's also motivated by his desire to still have a chance with her. This, we see in those last two lines, which echo the earlier sentiment of "It's so hard [for me] to take a look at the downside." Does this drag that sudden realization of Nya's needs and autonomy down? Not entirely, but it raises some eyebrows.
Anyway, as a closer note that helps this whole song classify as a Jay one, here's a note from thr Genius page for "DOWNSIDE" explaining the context a bit:
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Yeah. Sounds like Jay to me.
Anyway - sorry this is so loose and unrefined. I've been sick all day with nothing to do but rotate the new music and my other interests while lying in bed, and, uh... I guess this is what happens! Maybe someday I'll come back and make this nicer, but for now - do you see it, too?
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thedevilrisen · 2 months
The Archive - Celebration!
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The day has come! I'm back and ready to write. (Somewhat Consistently!)
To recognise the fact and get me back into the writing grove I will be writing from lists of prompts and songs, for your favourite hockey people!
I will have a list of prompts and players that will be methodically worked through via voting! (One a week maybe) This will be very similar to how my first celly worked. I will also be taking special requests from whoever asks for particular players and prompts or songs.
Sincerely thedevilrisen
Song List: Any Song from Tate McRae's Album 'Think Later' Any Song from Oliva Rodrigo's Album 'GUTS' She's all i wanna be - Tate McRae Feel like shit - Tate McRae Beautiful Things - Benson Boone You Proof - Morgan Wallen Last Night - Morgan Wallen Thinkin' bout me - Morgan Wallen Wasted On You - Morgan Wallen Fast Car - Tracy Chapman (Luke Combs) Dear Future Husband - Megan Trainor This Town - Niall Horan Stick Season - Noah Kahan Friday Night - Lady A
I'm happy to add songs should one be requested to be added to the rotation!
Prompt List: Finding the other wearing their clothes. Cuddling in a blanket fort. Head Scratches. Patching up a wound. Reacting to the other one crying about something. Prompts with dialogue: "what if y-" "if you seriously propose that i sit on your lap, i will kill you." "you're not okay, you're shaking. what can i do? please just let me help you." "do everything that i say, and we might both live to tell the tale of this night." "close your eyes, you don't need to see this." "Are you sure you're okay? You're sweating." "ive never been in a relationship before, so i don't really know how to do the whole...kissing thing."
If people want to suggest more prompts please do!
Sidney Crosby Evgeni Malkin Kris Letang Drew O'Connor Tristan Jarry Jack Hughes Luke Hughes Simon Nemec Nico Hischier Quinn Hughes Cole Caufield Tyler Seguin Trevor Zegras Jamie Drysdale
Again! Feel Free to request any players that aren't on my list.
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discluded · 8 months
I know Mile and Apo fans are their main fanbase and bread and butter but they should have done the press tour very differently if BOC didn't want Mansuang to be viewed as a BL film. Apo and Bas should have been teamed up for the press tour along with Mile and Tong. All four should have gone abroad for the overseas premiers and even if not for one of the big magazines like vogue should have done more interviews and photoshoots together (all 4) for the movie. They should have played around with the pairing a lot more for the press tour. Bas and Tong had massive parts in the movie and according to critics did very well in the movie.They should have been promoted more in their own press tour for their film. The intention of Mansuang was a Mile Apo movie but that clearly isn't what the end product was and they should have promoted it as an ensemble film. This is not even taking into account the actual veteran actors and actresses in the film that got absolutely 0 press. Let the women and older actors in your film actually promote the film to their own fans and that demographic? People don't go to the movies just for young good looking men. They actually had a lot to work with and I think Mansuang would have done a lot better locally if they hadn't completely blown the marketing for this film in a rushed few weeks with overloaded content that followed the BL marketing handbook that they used for KP.
the lack of acknowledgement of the veteran actors on the posters and in the trailer was something @moerusai and I both noticed and talked about. I think we mainly kept quiet at the time because there was soooo much complaining, from the size of the characters on the poster to how often the specific posters rotated at what venues, it just would be piling on legitimate issues on top of petty complaints.
there were well known, well respected actors in the cast who would've been an audience draw. I have a handful of actors I'll go to see a film for, *knowing* they're playing a side character (thinking mainly of Tom Hardy and Ben Whishaw here, who shine as leads and support).
Mile and Apo both made jokes about how difficult it must have been for the artist who made the Man Suang posters to have worked with Pond. there's many fan accounts of Pond's perfectionism in running KPWT... he often seems myopic on perfectionism to the point of missing the main points (here, having a poster that pleased him over missing the overarching man suang marketing campaign...)
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I also miss actor mileapo... 😔
not to make riches out of others' misfortune but the WGA strike and the SAG strike did potentially help in getting them on the map prior to White Lotus scripting and casting. There was already some momentum in getting them into the show as guest actors. If that happened it would be a wonderful way for them to get into a series where they're not doing the heavy lifting end to end of fundraising / script development all the way through coming up with marketing. 🙃
the problem with the fandom and having inherited the attitude of entitled musician / kpop fandoms is the constant hunger for new content and getting to see them. film / series take a lot more time to develop. you can drop a single or music videos in preparation for the launch of an album or just as a stand alone single, and most fans just don't seem to recognize that discrepancy in the lift. there were toxic apc solos complaining in August about how the year is "almost over" and Apo had "nothing" as though he didn't spend the majority of the year working on the movie.
anyway the hunger for content makes product promo much more accessible and bite sized... people just aren't patient enough. so many people were mad and antsy when MA were shooting man suang and trying to limit spoilers by showing very little that they threw fits over there not being new content when MA were literally working on the content that is the main dish of the whole meal.
anyway. yeah I agree. fingers crossed the uni icon product will go through relatively quick production and white lotus will pick them 🤞
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bsstories · 2 years
just thinking abt being in a poly relationship with eren and jean </3
even though it looks like they hate each other’s guts from another person’s perspective, you know better than anyone they love each other just as much as they love you (despite the fact they’ll never admit it in front of other people). you know they love each other when they wrestle each other on your ridiculously big shared bed until one of them pins down the other to give them the longest, deepest kiss; when communicate with only small shifts of their eyes or nudges of their heads about the exact way they want to take you; when jean slowly thrusts into eren, strong legs thrown over his shoulders, one hand entwined with eren’s while the other pushes your head to take eren’s cock deeper into your mouth; when eren takes jean from behind and purposefully grips on to his hips tight enough to leave marks for all of jean’s teammates to see.
eren and jean can be a rather abrasive pair from an outsider’s point of view. both are too headstrong and stubborn for their own good, not to mention remarkably loud. one would question how a relationship dynamic would even function between two people with such strong personalities, but the final piece of the puzzle for them will always be you.
you are the glue that keeps the relationship together, the person that never suppresses their bold personas but finds ways to help them control themselves. you’re the peacekeeper, the caregiver, and they could not be more thankful for how perfectly you balance them out.
in fact, they are so thankful that they downright spoil you. outings and dates, gifts and gestures, silly things like making you go out for a spa day only for you to return to a home cooked meal and a bubble bath, both fit for three. your lovers aren’t the best with words, so they find any way possible to show you how deeply they love and care for you.
you know how much they love you through little things; through the old habits that are unique to each of them and the new ones that develop between the three of you the longer you’re together.
eren is not shy with his love, nor is he stingy with it. he wants everyone to know what’s his at all times. there will never be a moment where eren isn’t touching you, whether it be holding your hand, throwing an arm around your shoulders, gripping your waist, grabbing your ass… you name it, he’s done it. he practically craves confrontation so he can profess his love and adoration for you for all to hear (and because even thought he’ll deny it, he thinks it’s amusing when people are intimidated by him).
jean is a bit more conservative. it’s not that he doesn’t want to be all over you every waking moment of the day, it’s just he doesn’t like the idea of people being able to see how beautiful you look when you’re flustered or turned on. he’s a bit more subtle, opting to link your pinkies together or hold your hand. he’ll leave hickies in places only you, himself, and eren will see, because the knowledge that they’re there is all he needs to remind him that you’re his and eren’s… no one else’s.
you each rotate who plans your dates together but generally, jean is the romantic of the relationship. eren will tease the fuck out of him every time jean so much as buys you & eren a bouquet of flowers (then he’ll secretly take one from each bouquet he receives and press it into a photo album he has filled with memories he has of his favorite people… the man is a closeted sap). but no matter what he says, eren feels his heart soar every time jean pulls another one of his endless streams of romantic gestures, from an anniversary that called for the whole apartment being filled with rose petals and white candles to a sunset picnic at the beach.
eren’s dates are a bit more practical. he doesn’t particularly care what he does with you guys as long as you spend time together. he loves the little domestic moments you share that span from picking out paint colors for your bedroom or grocery shopping. he absolutely lives for cooking meals together in the kitchen, upbeat music playing over your speakers turning dinner into a dance party. eren wishes he could bottle the feeling he has in his chest when you both fall asleep tangled up on the couch together, you and jean sandwiching him in the middle and creating the most comfortable scene he could ever hope for.
eren and jean don’t agree on much, but they both agree that you deserve the world and more. so they do their absolute damndest to give it to you :(((
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agentmmayy · 1 year
may music rotation
this month might not have been a super great month for music but from what i found it was a FANTASTIC month for lyrics and summer-esque songs!!!!!!!
back home - mila ziska: this song is so melancholic and sweet and it embodies the spirit of summer so cleanly. ‘harvest all the seeds i’ve sown pick the fruit once you come back home’  ‘i have this force within me it pulls me like the ocean tide’ and ‘oh growing up is a strange thing it’s like it happens over night’ i’ve been here for centuries. i’ve been here for days. i am every age i have ever been but i still know nothing. i am old and i am young and i am trying to come home. i want to go home. all stories are about coming home!!!!!!!
also this song is formally VERY similar to ‘the best day’ by taylor swift so that of course made it hit even harder
quarter life crisis - isabel dumma: talk about bop!!!! the chorus is amazing and so so so accurate and then the bridge??? ‘floatin’ ain’t the same as swimmin’ i know i ain’t drowning but breathin’ isn’t livin’ 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i’ve played most this month because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
anyway, i am a HUGE fan of the overcoats and i am so proud of them for their success and for their new album!!!!! which is where this song is from but have i been able to listen to it yet? no i keep playing this song on repeat 
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
waves crash - JOSEPH: ok yes another song that turned me inside out and shook loose every embarrassment and fear and secret that i kept hidden and turned it into a song that said it’s okay!!!!!!! i understand!!!!! you are still worthy!!!!! 
again, every lyric is a masterpiece. ‘i’m a tall tall tree reaching up in the breeze’ *crying* i AM a tree!!!!!!! ‘i’m a limb of goodness in motion’ you’re getting emotional over nature comparisons? THE TREE AND OCEAN METAPHORS GOT TO ME OKAY. speaking of oceans in this, the chorus is insane. ‘waves crash clouds break yet here i am ashamed of all the cracks trying to glue the right mask in place’ shut up!!!!!!!!!! it’s a ballad. it’s everything. the vocalizations made me cry. they are cries. it sent me to my knees 
wild uncharted waters - jonah hauer-king: i saw the little mermaid in theaters recently and boy was i NOT prepared for eric to sing but honestly????? best song in the movie and on the album. idk if it was the euphoria of hearing it for the first time or the sheer surprise but this song is a banger. 
‘all i ever wanted was the open sky and sea’ SO REAL. ‘now i am on the shoreline but i am still lost at sea’ ‘in my mind your melody goes on stronger than the undertow’ ‘when your eyes outshine the horizon line’ ‘now i’m right here on the shoreline i’m right where you left me’  how am i supposed to live laugh love in this situation!!!!!!!!!! do i even need to say it!!!!!!! 
look back - dora jar: so delicate!!!!!!!! had my attention right from the jump. the imagery is spun with each lyric and metaphor (more ocean metaphors!!!!!) and the overall tone of grief and determination and love. ‘but i think i saw your memory washed up on the sand i let it stick to my skin traced it with my hand’ wtf. it has such strong apocalyptic vibes. not necessarily apocalyptic in the strict sense that the entire world has been destroyed and is suffering but apocalyptic in the sense that one person’s world has been destroyed whether by their own volition or not
bonus songs:
tunnel vision - imani graham: poignant!!!! ‘am i to blame for your bad habits oh i wish i said something but ignored all my needs’ ‘I stumbled through the chaos but found what I believe in tripping on the eggshells that you placed underneath me’ WHEW! 
also formally reminds me of both ‘want want’ and ‘anywhere with you’ by maggie rogers
red wine supernova - chappell roan: this song is weird and i love it. i also love everything chappell roan produces, of course, but i really love how clever she is with lyrics and ‘you said you like magic well i got a wand and a rabbit’ BLEW MY MF MIND also her vocals are insane 
all the stars - mree: the album and and the title got to me okay? i love how groovy and gentle this is
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