#it just wrapped everything up in a nice little bow
thinking about Impactor teaching D16 everything he needs to know about interfacing. It'll be fun he promises.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god yes, Impactor is an older miner, having been around long enough and kept such a good record of consistent quota-meeting that he got promoted several times over the years, such to the point that he was granted a transformation cog. He watches over and helps manage the mines, inspecting veins to determine if they're safe to excavate, and keeps an eye on the little cogless one scurrying about
He takes D-16 under his wing, after seeing him run back into a collapsing tunnel to retrieve someone that surely would have died otherwise. The kid is strong, and sweet, and actually seems to quite enjoy his work, humming while he sorts energon and often giving little impromptu presentations about his job 🤭
Impactor's a busy mech and doesn't have much time to dedicate to D-16 personally, but when he does he vows to make the most of it. Pulling the little miner into his lap, D's back pressed against his chassis while Impactor's thick arms wrap around him and pin him there. He spreads D-16's cute little thighs, cooing at way he whines and squirms. Sentinel Prime heavily advocates for chastity, not wanting anyone accidentally kindling, and claims that interfacing is sacred and should only be done with someone you love and trust. Impactor is so gentle and sweet with little D-16, praising his work ethic and his quality of spark, and the little miner just melts. No one's ever said such nice things to him before, he can't help but feel hot and squirmy and flustered.
He barely protests when Impactor rubs the front of his modesty panels, teasing at the seams til it retracts eagerly. Cute little spike already erect and bobbing in the air, D-16 blushes and covers his face. Impactor wraps it in a thick, meaty hand and the minibot in his lap keens loudly and squirms. He's never had anyone else touch him before, it's too much! Overstimulated and they haven't even started yet 🤭 what an adorable little virgin
Impactor kisses his neck and begins to work his spike over with his hand, observing from every angle as D-16 moans and shivers in his lap, a puddle of lubricant beginning to dribble over this thighs as his untouched little valve clenches on nothing and slicks up excitedly. Impactor brings his other hand down and rubs at the miner's anterior node, massaging it in circles before beginning to slowly, carefully, slide his first finger inside of him. D-16's a perfect mess, trying to roll his hips into the sensation as Impactor fingers him and jerks him off at the same time, legs trembling and vocalizer squealing despite his valiant attempts to be quiet 🤭
It's quite awhile before D-16 is anywhere near ready to take Impactor's huge spike, and even after 3 overloads and working his valve open for over a megacycle, it's still an incredibly tight squeeze. D's body ceases up and his back bows, optics rolling into his helm and vents gushing steam as Impactor slides his thick spike home. D-16 is shuddering, sobbing dryly in overstimulated ecstasy, and can't do anything but hold on for dear life when Impactor's hands wrap around his waist, picking him up and gently starting to bounce him up and down. Speared on his cock and yowling like a mech in heat, D-16 comes undone as he's made to ride his supervisor. His valve spasms and spurts fluid around the thick rod impaling him, and Impactor kisses tears off his pretty face. D-16 is definitely his new favorite, he decides later, watching the cute little bot waddling away and struggling not to let his peers know exactly what he was doing
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stopthefeeling · 11 months
i realised last night i don't actually want robert back
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kingdom-creatin · 3 months
Actually I have much to say on that specifically (re: last reblog) with the novel so since I can't spam this to my first reader without tearing down plot flow for them I will throw it all here in some form of word vomit because yeah.
The second protag in the book, Lucian, starts off as a really nasty guy. He's got a lot of opinions formed over the years from his childhood and from working for Imperialism Navy that he's fully fed into. He views the majority of the main cast as lesser or as natively dangerous and evil and actively antagonizes a few of them for the first third/half of the book. Most frequently this involves the other main protag, Haeseom, someone who the navy had once owned and raised from birth as a slave general for them but who escaped and now works to take them down. Think everything that a big military power might say to their troops about an escapee that they know they can't win against and that's Luca's view of Haeseom. Eventually his active assholishness dies off and he and the cast are growing to tolerate each other, but his opinions are definitely still there. Throughout the book, he's forced to contend with his attitude, realizing that a lot of the ideas that he's been living in are false or warped. It's also revealed that the seed for this in him is an internalized hatred towards the fact that he has but cannot use magic and feeling like he would be ostracized from both camps.
Learning this does not excuse his actions in the past. Especially with respect to Daria, someone he knew from before, whom he betrayed (alongside their families and family friends, their whole community) so viciously it resulted in the death or capture of nearly a hundred people, for which he was rewarded with rank - all an incentive to join the navy with honors. There's one scene where Daria finally confronts him directly after he does something stupid and gets punished for it. She calls him out for failing to change, for holding onto these views as if the deaths in their past mean nothing, for being selfish and bigoted and yet acting as if they could become friends again, when his own views put her as lesser than him as well.
Even with all of this, by the end of the book Lucian is not redeemed and, as Daria says herself, he's not forgiven. He's growing, yes. He's learning to recognize faults in his views and acknowledge his bigoted attitude, yes. But he's not there yet. He was an asshole, he's still an asshole, and he's learning to try but he's not suddenly a good person. Along that same line, I'm trying to figure out how best to really nail home within the plot but without becoming too heavy handed that Daria does not and very likely will never forgive him and that's also okay. Like, I wanted him and all the ache and emotions with all of this to feel real and to hurt.
I enjoy stories where the asshole transforms by the end into someone who's sincere and sincerely dedicated to being a good person, like, those are good stories. But I'd never feel fulfilled if I made Luca one of them. I needed him to come in as an asshole and to leave as an asshole, with nuance in the fact that he is narratively changed and that he does realize that he could be a better person and that he starts to become one... but he's not there yet and even when he does get there, it doesn't mean any of his past is forgotten or forgive, just that he's been granted the chance to be better moving forward.
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bi-writes · 23 days
thinking about mob baking simon a cake for his birthday (without his prior knowledge) mm good soup
mail-order bride
"you think he likes chocolate, baby?" you ask the cats. they sit side-by-side at the breakfast counter, being good girls as they sit on their chairs and watch you mix batter. "he totally likes chocolate. big boys like daddy love chocolate, don't they, girls?"
you grease two circular pans, pouring the chocolate cake batter into them. you set them in the oven before getting to work on your chocolate buttercream. you're using the new mixer simon bought you--it's beautiful, stainless steel, heavy. when you saw in the store a few weeks ago, you gushed at it, telling simon you saw someone make cinnamon rolls, bread, cakes, all in this mixer, but when your eyes skimmed over the price, you said nothing more, just smiled up at simon and let him lead you over to where the cast iron pans were (you wanted a real one).
a few weeks later, you noticed it on the kitchen counter. sparkling silver, right there, with the whisk attachment on it just waiting for you. and in the cupboard, ingredients--bread flour, powdered sugar, cornmeal, corn starch, dutch process, baking chocolate, whole wheat flour--all for you to play with. and when you baked him the most decadent triple chocolate coffee cake he had ever had, he bent you over the same table his empty plate sat and ate your cunt out with your apron still on. when you kissed him afterwards, he still tasted like chocolate.
you turn off the mixer, reaching in with a spoon to lick the buttercream off of it. you hum with delight, setting it aside, and when the oven timer dings, you pull the cakes out to let them cool.
you wrap simon's present as everything settles. special order, a favor you called into johnny. it's in a nice wooden box, and you tie a big red bow on it, and when you go back into the kitchen, you level and stack the two pieces of cake between buttercream and use a spoon to make a fancy decoration over the top of it.
the front door sounds as you're putting the finishing touches on the cake. you can hear him coming closer, and you gasp.
"no, no, no, don't come in the kitchen yet!"
"just--wait a little bit in the living room, okay?"
"for wot?"
"simon--" you groan. "please? for me?"
you don't hear anything after that except for the tv turning on. when you finish putting the last candles on the cake, you light them, picking up the plate and coming into the living room.
simon looks surprised. he was concentrating hard on the tv, watching the game, but his face relaxes when he sees you holding the cake. the cats perk up from where they're laid down beside him, and their ears flit as you start to sing happy birthday.
his whole face twitches. he stiffens, his palms flat on his thighs as he grips them tight. you set down the cake on the coffee table in front of him, candles glowing as you take a seat next to him. he's still staring at the cake as you finish the song.
"happy birthday, dear simon...happy birthday to you."
you smile at him, wrapping a hand around his bicep, squeezing it gently. you kiss his shoulder before motioning to the cake.
"you can blow them out now, simon," you say softly. "make a wish."
he doesn't move. he stares straight ahead, his eyes fixated on the flickering candles. you reach down and take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers and hugging his arm. you sit with him quietly, looking at the cake with him, and after a minute or so, you turn back at him.
"simon?" you whisper.
he's crying. you put a hand on the back of his head, scratching his short hair, and you cup his face gently as you wipe his tears. he's silent. the tears come, but he still doesn't move, still won't meet your eyes. you smile, going over to pick up the cake, and you hold it in front of him.
"here...make a wish, simon," you say softly. he picks up his sleeve and wipes his face, leaning over to blow out the candles. you put down the cake, standing up to go get his gift sitting on the kitchen table. when you sit down next to him again, he's still staring at the cake, still trying to pretend his face isn't wet with tears, but he stops wiping them when you place the box in his lap.
he unravels the bow. when he opens the case, he lets out a little chuckle, smoothing his hand over the foam inside.
there are an array of throwing knives laid before him. perfectly crafted, in different shapes and sizes, and when he picks one up and twirls it around between his fingers, the weight of them and the ease at which they move tells him you only picked out the finest quality. they're beautiful, and it's a thoughtful gift, and when he closes the lid on the box, he still can't meet your eyes.
"i'll cut us some cake," you say softly. you busy yourself getting plates and a cake knife from the kitchen, cutting generous slices before handing him one of the plates. he picks up the fork, and when you notice his hand shakes, you take the plate back from him gently and scoop a bite onto the fork for him. you don't say anything, just hold it up to his mouth, and once he takes a bite, you set the plate down and watch as he chews.
when he swallows, you sit again in silence. you reach over and take simon's hands in your own, squeezing them gently before bringing them up to your mouth to kiss softly. when he finally looks at you, all you do is smile.
he hadn't even remembered it was birthday. he never told you when it was, but he supposes you must have been curious enough to look for yourself. he can't remember the last time someone made him cake. he can't remember when he last received a gift, especially one like this. he doesn't know when he last thought himself happy enough to celebrate anything at all, but there is no other way he would've wanted today to go.
joy. you bring uninhibited, unfiltered, all-consuming joy. the way you're smiling at him--he can already see you in the kitchen in that apron, baking this cake, talking to no one but the cats as you carefully decorate it. the way you're looking at him--he knows you dreamed about this all week, scheduling the day so you could have the cake done as soon as he got home.
and chocolate. his favorite. decadent, sweet chocolate--it's still under his tongue, and he wants another bite already, he cannot wait to devour the slice that waits for him on the table.
"happy birthday, simon," you whisper, and when you lean in to hug him, he cradles the back of your head, tangling a hand into your hair as he presses you to his chest. "i love you."
fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck--
"love you, too, baby."
"what did you wish for?" you mumble into his shoulder. simon snorts a little, shaking his head.
"if i tell ya, it won't come true."
"oh, yeah," you giggle. "keep your secrets then."
he doesn't want more; the only thing he wishes for is more time. more time with you. as much as he can get. to live long enough that he gets to see your face for as long as possible.
that whatever he sees for the last time will be you and you only.
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charlotteking23 · 1 month
Such a Tease - MV1/33
Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: You're a victim to Max's constant teasing and a pretty little woman moment. Pure fluff 🎀
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It was a normal Sunday morning, you had slept wonderfully with Max cuddling you.
You took a nice warm everything shower, before deciding you wanted to make Nutella Crepes.
"Hey pretty girl", Max smiled at you while wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his head into your neck.
"Hi Maxie, how was your sleep", You grinned seeing Max's.
"hmm, slept better since you were here", Max chuckled as you rolled your eyes at his cheesy words.
" You're such a tease", You blushed seeing Max faked hurt expressions.
" But baby you're so easy to tease baby, especially when you get all red", Max chuckled seeing your embarrassed blushed face.
"Whatever", You replied hiding your face with your hands laughing.
"So, what do you wanna do today", Max said unwrapping his arms around you.
"You wanna go shopping today?..I mean you need some new clothes", You chuckled by eyeing Max's choice of clothes.
"You know I don't care about that kinda stuff..I like to be comfortable, Max said knowing his fans also like to make fun of his clothing choice.
"I know but come on it's fun pleaseee Maxie", You pleaded even bringing out your secret weapon..puppy dog eyes, Max can't resist it.
You saw Max roll his eyes before slowly muttering out fine.
"Yes, quickly eat so we can go", You grinned practically bouncing on your feet.
"Okay I will, Liefje," Max laughed at your obsession with shopping before quickly eating his breakfast.
After finishing your breakfast you quickly get ready, putting on a cute white and pink dress with white heels, a pink bow and a Hermes purse.
You walked down the stairs carefully, hearing Sassy and Jimmy eat their breakfast before probably going back to sleep.
"gimme a twirl pretty girl", Max grinned seeing how beautiful you look in your outfit.
"Are you sure you want to go..I mean we could just stay home", Max continued eyeing your babydoll dress and how innocent you look.
"No, Maxie we need to go", You said blushing under Max intense stare.
You both walked into the garage, picking out one the many cars Max owned to take shopping with.
You watched as Max drives looking so focused, his face hit by the eternal glow of the sun making him look radiant.
Max had a habit of always putting his hand on your thigh, if felt right seeing his hand their.
You could only smile, how did you get so lucky.
"What are you thinking about Liefje", Max smiled seeing you look at him with adoring eyes.
"Just how lucky I am to have you", You grinned putting your hand on top of his interwining them together.
"Liefje, what would I do without you, you don't know how lucky I am to wake up everyday to see your face in the morning, for you the support me with my career, to love me for me not because I'm a F1 driver..I truly love you so much", Max smiled holding your hands Infront of him before kissing each knuckle individually.
"I truly love you too", You smiled back, wiping away any stray tears away only looking at Max.
"Come on pretty girl, were here", Max smirk getting out of the car and coming towards your door opening it graciously for you, his princess.
You took his hand before going towards the boutiques.
"Hmm, What do you think baby, Pink or red", You grinned holding up the outfits to your body for Max to see.
"Why don't you try them both on", Max chuckled at your smiling face seeing you walk in the dressing room as he sat on the couch waiting.
You walked out of the dressing room showing him the pink.
"It's beautiful Liefje, You look beautiful, Max said watching you blush from his ongoing complements.
You went back to the dressing room, changing into the red dress.
"What do you think", You said looking the big mirror.
"Stunning", Max said which earned a whine from you.
"Maxie you have to choose one", You giggled looking at Max.
"How about we get both", Max suggested before taking the pink and red dress in his hand.
"Are you sure..It's a lot of money and I feel bad", You quietly whispered looking up at Max.
"Don't worry Liefje, I earn this money for us..I love when you spend my money, Okay", Max whispered in your ear cupping your cheeks in admiration.
You both walked together stopping at some boutiques for you or Max.
"Look there's a ice cream place we should get some", You bounced up excitedly, hoping the ice cream would cool down the already hot day.
You both walked towards the little cafe, "Liefje, Why don't you choose a place to sit while I get the ice cream.
You nodded before choosing a little table near the window for you and Max. After 5 minutes Max came holding two ice creams, handing you one.
"Perfect", you sighed watching the people pass by the cafe.
"You have something-", Max chuckled before taking his finger wiping it slightly on your lip cleaning up the ice cream. You watched as he put his finger in his mouth 'whispering delicious'.
You could only stare at Max bold actions before blushing in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands hearing the faint laughter of Max.
"Can we go into Hermes?, I want to look around", you suggested. You have been eyeing a bag you saw on their website hoping to see it in person.
"Sure Liefje", Max smiled taking your hand as you both walked out.
Max opened the door the luxury brand Hermes, watching you look around the store.
"Hello Ma'am, are you looking for anything in particular today?", the store clerk lady questioned putting on a standard smile.
"Yes, I wanted to see this bag", You said showing the lady the purse you saw online.
"Well..this purse is more of an expensive kind, are you sure?", The lady said raising her eyebrow before faking a smile.
"Yes, I am sure", you confidently said, strange a sales lady would say something like that.
"Well here's the purse but It's not aloud to be touched", The saleslady immediately said after showing me the purse.
"It didn't say anything on the Hermes website that it couldn't be touch", You said finding something strange with this women.
"What's going on?", A dark cold voice interrupted your thoughts, seeing the sheer look of terror on the sales lady face, meant it none other that Max Verstappen.
"The lady said I am not aloud to try on this purse or even touch it, which is absurd since I have been to Hermes a million times and never heard of such a rule", You explained unhappily to Max crossing your arms around your chest.
"We are gonna purchase this purse in all the colors you have", Max replied coldly holding my hand.
"But sir-", But Max was already handing her his card.
"And ship to my address", Max stated darkly at the sales lady before gently dragging me out of the store.
"Could you believe that lady...I am gonna have to speak to the manager about the behavior", Max ranted far to deep to calm down.
"Maxie it's okay it was actually quite funny seeing you buy all the colors of the purse I want...and the look on the sales lady face was hilarious", You laughed holding your stomach in pain, before hearing Max chuckled along with you.
"I only want the best for you", Max kindly said interwining his hand with your gently kissing it.
"Such a sap", You blushed embarrassed at his romantic gesture, hearing the faint laughter of Max calling you adorable.
Suddenly you kissed Max on the cheek as pay back, seeing him blush at your bold actions, "Such a tease", Max muttered quietly for only you to hear.
You giggled at his surprise blushed face, gently taking his hand dragging him to more shopping.
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jyoongim · 7 months
~Blood & BLISS~
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Human!Alastor x wife!Reader
Themes: 1930 based! Human!Alastor x wife!Reader, domestic life! fluff, smut, devotion, slight manipulation, mention of children, pregnancy,  blood, murder, secrets 
chapter two
Synopsis: Marrying New Orleans famous radio host had been a shocker to everyone. You, a southern belle from an esteemed family, had somehow managed to catch the attention of the mysterious bachelor. 
Your wedding was all in the papers and talk of the town, even though the ceremony was rather private.
You quickly settled in as the homemaker as Alastor brought home the dough and took care of you. 
It was a dream come true.
But Alastor was strange, even to you and you were his wife, but you brushed it off as him just being a man.  You had nothing to complain about. You lived in a nice big house, had the finest luxuries, and Alastor would dote on you. What wasn’t to love?
Well… all those things were nice, but you were starting to crave a family with your husband.
You knew of Alastor’s upbringing and had an inkling that children might not be an option…but Alastor wouldn’t deny you what you desired most would he? Of course not ma belle.
Alastor prided himself on how people often wondered about him. The renowned radio host, who the public rarely saw. He was a mystery to many. He frequented jazz lounges and often could be found drinking whiskey as he listened to the Mimzy gossip about the latest news.
He,  himself was shocked when he met you, the prettiest thing in the city. He had to have you. He knew you were the one.
Like the gentleman he was, he sent you flowers and love letters to begin courting you. He never tired of how shy you were around him. 
It wasn’t long before he asked your father for your hand and the two of you got hitched.
And what a wedding it was! he spared no expense to your disapproval.
Alastor was the epitome of what every husband inspired to be! 
Doting, providing, and attentive.
But he had a secret he kept from his little wife…
Can he maintain control over his domestic affairs and his sinister ones?
Soft jazz played in the background as you busied around the kitchen preparing dinner. The sizzling of the oil carried the scent of fried chicken as you chopped collards and added them to another pan to fry.
You hummed along to whatever song was playing as you cooked.
You took the chicken out of the grease, poured some of it in a can for later and used the rest to make cornbread. You stirred the collards a bit, adding pepper and a little salt before turning the stove off. You glanced at the clock; 6pm, Alastor should be coming home soon.
After putting everything in pretty dishes and wrapping it in foil you sighed tiredly as you finally got off your feet, plopping down on a couch.
You almost wanted to go back into the kitchen and clean up, but thought to just wait after dinner to do so. 
You perked as your radio made a noise, static as if the channel had changed, before the voice of your husband came through.
”Well folks that is all. I have for you tonight! I hope you enjoyed today’s broadcast and I will see you tomorrow. I wouldn’t want to be late for dinner nonono haha. Until next time!”
You smiled, feeling happy he wasn’t going to stay at the studio all night.
With that in mind, you quickly ran upstairs to freshen up, wanting to greet your husband without the smell of grease clinging to you.
“I’m home!” A voice called as the sound of the front door closing had you rushing downstairs.
Alastor was taking off his coat, when you greeted him “Oh let me take that” you smiled, grabbing his coat to put it away. He let out a relieved sigh as he removed his shoes and put them by the door. Once comfortable, his long arms were around your waist, pulling you into a kiss “And how was my beautiful wife today hmm?” He asked bringing a dainty hand to his lips. You giggled “Oh nothing worth mentioning. How was work today? I heard you signing off. I hate that I missed tonight’s broadcast” you mused, untying his bow tie. Alastor hummed “oh you know same ole same ole, through I will say I got a lot of fan mail today” he chuckled as you rolled your eyes. He took a whiff of the air and grinned “Hmm looks like I actually made it in time for dinner”
You both made your way to the kitchen and you immediately went to fix his plate, while he got glasses out of the cabinet and some red wine.
Alastor practically had drool coming out of his mouth as the smell of food wafted into his nose. You took a seat across from him and smiled. “My my my dear what a meal youve prepared tonight!” He commented as he took a bite out of the cornbread, moaning in delight.
It always filled your heart with happiness seeing Alastor eat your food. When you first got married, you didn’t have a clue on how to cook. It was rather embarrassing, but you had grown up with personal cooks.
But Alastor didn’t mind teaching you, and soon enough you were whipping up delicious meals that filled his stomach, rather than upset it.
Dinner was quiet as the two of you enjoyed each others company, Alastor making comments about the lastest gossip he had heard and you catching him on the neighborhood gossip. “Oh before I forget,  Mimzy wants to know if you wanted to swing by the lounge this weekend. Something about I keep you to myself too much” Alastor laughed, swiping at his mouth. You laughed, that sounded like Mimzy. Always hoping to get a chance at you singing on stage so she could make a few extra bucks. “Well tell ‘er not this weekend, I have plans to host a few of the ladies for book club. Rosie is sure to have some gossip I’ve missed.” 
Alastor quirked a brow “You sure dear? I fear Mimzy will chew me a new one if she don’t get to see ou” You mulled it over “Well book club usually don’t take that long and its during tea time so I guess I don’t mind gracing the lounge with my presence” you giggled, getting up and taking your empty dishes to the sink. Alastor followed you and quickly swatted your hands as you reached to turn the sink on. 
“Now now my dear, you spent all evening cooking the least I can do is wash the dishes. The chef shouldn’t cook and clean” he nudged you away from the sink as you pouted.
It never ceased to amazed you that Alastor took on household chores. Most husbands had their wives cook and clean, but not your Alastor.
He didn’t like you to tire out from maintaining the home all day.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek in thanks and told him you’ll be upstairs getting ready for bed.
You had just finished rolling your hair when Alastor came up to your bedroom. You sighed as you sunk into the cool cotton sheets, finally relaxing for the day. You didn’t realized you had quickly fell asleep until feeling Alastor slide into bed beside you, arm pulling you to tuck you into his side and rest your head on his chest.
You happily cuddled into him, breathing in his scent as the sound of his heartbeat lulled you back to sleep.
A yawn passed your lips as began to fall asleep
”Sleep tight dear”
”Don’t let the bedbugs bite”
”haha see you in the morning light love” he whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sighed, chest heaving in deep breaths.
Alastor smiled at your sleeping face; how lucky was he to have a sweet wife who worked so hard while he was gone. His eyes grew heavy as he listened to your soft snores.
What bliss. He wouldn’t give this up for anything in the world.
NOTE: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh why and how did my mind conjure this when I have other things to write eeeeeeehhhh!!!!!!!
Anyway….this is gonna be ANOTHER short story hehehe. Since I wrote it on a whim it might take some time for me to post the next part but I hope y’all enjoy it nevertheless!
Remember to comment on the pinned post as I have a hard time finding everyone to tag since y’all are scattered on different posts!
if i missed anyone my bad!!!!
@nightshadelm @th3-st4r-gur1 @amurtan @lunaramune @southern-bayou-beau @monstersealclubber @certifiedcrybabyyy @karolinda007-blog @theveiledlibrarian @simphornies @yourdoorisunlocked @nettaw @purplecatsandhearts @catherine1206 @jellibean2018 @thewinchestah @wonderlandangelsposts @alishii @readergirlstuff @whydohumansss @missgurlsstuff @yuzurixx @darkovergrownforestnymph @dasimp777 @markster666 @alastorsgirl48 @alastor-simp @alastorsaries @preciousbabypeter @alastwhore666 @strawberrypimp666 @stawberrypimpsimp @queenariesofnarnia @peachedtvs @peachedtv @tpks @siiv3r @hazelfoureyes @okay-babe @aconfusedworld @chewbrry @altruisticalastor @yunimimii @dievia3 @alastorsdear @alastorsdarlingdoe @t0byisher3 @dennsfz @twismare @nanami1chu @yoongibabs @menthatilove @smoky000
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prodbyton · 6 months
Birthday sex with anton surprising him with lingerie and a little bow to unwrap you and he can do whatever he wants :)
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🎀 cw. smut 18+ mdni, dom!anton, consented recording, unprotected sex, oral (m), breeding kink, manhandling, little bit of crying, little biting (just once), kinda lovey dovey if you squint
⭐️wc. 2.8k
🎧 nasty. ariana grande • lay me down. steve lacy
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after a long day of activities and spending a nice dinner with your boyfriend and his friends, you two were headed back to your shared apartment.
it’s his birthday, and you had to make sure he had the best birthday possible. you went all out for his special day, making him breakfast in bed, taking him to all his favorite stores, and of course, a dinner with all of his favorite people. it was perfect.
almost perfect, you still had one more thing in store for him.
the entire ride home, he was telling you how much he appreciates everything you've done for him, and that you really made his day special.
"i have one more gift for you, wait right here while i grab it" you say as you two make it inside your shared apartment, and he gives you a small okay while he waits in the living room for you to come back out.
you quickly make your way into your bedroom, going into the closet to pull out the pink lingerie set you had bought for tonight. it was a cute bubblegum pink mesh robe, the belt made out of a pretty silk ribbon and trimmed with pink feathers along the arms and the bottom. under it you wore the matching lacy pink bra and panties, hearts embroidered onto the thin fabric. you tie the robe so it looks like a bow, and you make your way back to the living room.
"close your eyes," your voice was shy as you peeked out the door, not wanting anton to see you yet. he could just see your face peeking out down the hallway, and he chuckles at how you cute you were. he puts his hands over his eyes, that way you would know that he really couldn't see anything.
you walk to him slowly, trying to stay quiet to really add suspense. once you're standing in front of him, you bring your hands to his, removing them off his eyes. they stay closed for a second, and when he's opening them, you see the way his jaw drops.
"wow" he was stunned, the way you looked like a pretty present just for him.
"wanna unwrap me?" you giggle, taking a small step back so he could look at you fully. he nods, grabbing the silk ribbon that held your robe together and pulling, revealing the full lingerie set for him, and his jaw drops again.
"best birthday gift i've gotten today, when did you get this?" his fingers trace the lining of your bra, then grabbing your tits with both of his hands and squeezing them. he liked the way he could see your nipples peek through the lace. he wanted to touch them, pinch them through the bra and get you worked up. he noticed that the bra had the hook in the front, and that tempted him even more, wanting to rip the fabric off of you.
"couple days ago, you like it?" you tilt your head up so you could make eye contact with the boy, watching as he took in your appearance
"i love it"
that's when he pulls you in for a kiss, both hands cupping your face as he leans down to press his lips on yours. it was already filled with desperation, barely having a moment for yourselves all day. he groans into the kiss when your hands wrap around his shoulders, fingers playing with the hair behind his head. you two are in the middle of the living room, but not for long before you both are walking towards the wall while your lips are still connected. you're being pressed against the wall in the hallway, letting anton press his weight onto you. you pull away, lips ghosting over his while you two catch your breaths.
"since its your special day, we can do anything you want" your words are just above a whisper, opening your eyes so you could look at the way anton was staring you down.
"anything?" he smirks, ideas running through his head already. you give him a small mhm before his lips are on yours again, this time his hands move to rest on your waist. you had to stand on your tippy toes, which was a challenge because of the way anton pulls you into him, along with him struggling by being bent over to kiss you. so he pulls away from your lips, bending down some more to hook his hands under your thighs and lift you, pressing your body into the wall before he's kissing you again.
you gasp at the sudden movements, all sounds being swallowed before you could let them out with the way anton was shoving his tongue in your mouth, somehow more needier than he was before. his fingers knead the skin of your ass, shifting you slightly so you could press right on his now fully hard cock.
the friction from his jeans on your barely covered core had you whining against his mouth, trying to move your hips more but it was hard when anton was holding you up. his kisses travel from your lips to your jaw, then down your neck and to your chest. he was sucking the skin harshly, murmuring little praises about how pretty you were for him.
you wanted to tell him to hurry up and fuck you already, but tonight was about him and you had to put up with whatever he wanted to do, even if you were aching for him to fill you up.
almost as if he wanted the same thing, he was moving you two into your bedroom quickly, holding you up to bring you to the bed. he nearly throws you, making you bounce slightly when you made contact with the mattress. he lets out a quiet sorry before he's turned his back to you, rummaging through one of his drawers and pulling some things out. the room was dimly lit, so you couldn't see what he was pulling out, and he was completely silent, which excited you.
you knew that when he got quiet that he had something up his sleeve, and with him being able to use you however he likes tonight, you knew that you were in for something that wasn't in the ordinary for you two.
once he's finally turned around, you see that he has in his hands. his camcorder.
"wanna record us, that okay?" he almost looked nervous, it wasn't the first time you two had recorded yourselves fucking, but it wasn't common so he still felt shy bringing it up. but it turned you on that he wanted to keep memory of this moment, so you nod, whining out a yes so he knows that you really want it.
"good, turn around for me?" he hums, and you turn yourself so you're sitting on your knees in the middle of the bed, waiting for antons next request. you feel his fingers on your shoulders, and they tug at the robe that still covered you, pulling it off you slowly. you shiver, feeling cold without the thin fabric covering you. he's still quiet behind you, but you don't ask any questions.
that's when you feel his hands on your wrists, holding them behind your back. then you feel a soft fabric wrap around your wrists, not too tight but just enough to keep them in place behind you. he had taken the ribbon off the robe, using it to tie your hands behind your back. he made it into a cute bow, and he smiles at his work before he's pushing your body forward, a small yelp leaving you as your face and chest are now pressed on the bed, ass in the air.
"so fucking pretty, can't wait to fuck you" he groans as he realizes that the panties were a thong, the fabric disappearing between your ass, and barely covering your cunt from how thin they were. he grabs the camcorder, turning it on and holding it in his hand while the other roams your body. you trembled at the touches, not being able to move much with your hands restricted.
his hand caresses the skin of your ass before he's slapping it, your body jolting from the impact. he soothes the area right after, before slapping you again, then gripping the flesh harshly. you whine, skin feeling hot with every touch he placed on you. he brings his fingers to hook on your panties, pulling them from where they buried between your cheeks and pulling them so they rub against your clit, another whine coming out of you. he pulls them again, your wetness leaking through the lace the more he pulls on them.
"fuck, you're so wet" he groans, bring the camera closer to your dripping cunt so he could move your panties to the side, then spreading your folds so he could see it better.
"tonnie, want you now" you wiggle your ass a bit, getting impatient with his teasing.
"patience baby, i get to take my time with you today" his hand comes down on your ass again, a warning to you that you should listen to him. you whine, clenching around nothing as you wait for antons next move. you feel him moving behind you, and you hear some shuffling sounds before the bed is dipping again and he's picking you up from the bed. you gasp, being basically tossed around without any words being said.
he's setting you on your feet, back on the floor before he's pushing your shoulder down so you could get on your knees for him. he grabs the camera again, he wanted a video of you sucking him off, he always thought you were so pretty with his cock in your mouth, looking up at him as you struggled to take the whole thing.
"open," he presses his index finger on your bottom lip, tapping it twice and you open your mouth, lolling your tongue out for him. he gets closer to you, and you lean to lick a stripe from the base to the tip of his cock. he hisses, hand going into your hair to control your movements. you repeat your actions twice, before swirling your tongue around his tip before taking him into your mouth. you could feel him twitch when you let his cock reach the back of your throat, swallowing around him which makes him moan
"shit, can i fuck your throat baby?" his grip on your hair tightens, and you hum in approval. you relax your throat, feeling anton trust into your mouth.
spit and precum leaked out of the corners of your mouth as anton fucked your throat, your eyes fluttering shut as you tried to focus on your breathing. each time his tip hit the back of your throat, you would clench around him, making his hips stutter. he used his hand that was in your hair to push you harder into his cock, holding you still for a few seconds before letting you go. he would pull out, let you breathe, then do it again. you could tell he was getting close when his thrusts were getting sloppy, and his moans were a bit higher pitched as he looked down at you. but he pulls you off of him, letting you breathe and your eyes open and look at him confused.
"wanna cum in you" his voice is low, and he's helping you stand up, getting back on the bed. he gets on before you, sitting up against the headboard and gesturing for you to get on top of him, so you move to him, straddling his thighs, his cock resting on his stomach while he holds you in place by your hip. picking the camera back up, he pans it so it would get a view of you sitting on him, with that submissive look in your eye that he loved so much. his hand on your hip travels up to your breasts, groping the skin over your bra. your hips jerk up, his fingertips brushing across your nipples. his hand moves back down, this time down to the hem of your panties, dipping his fingers into them and collecting your wetness on his fingers. they prod at your hole, dipping into you slightly making you almost fall over before he's pulling his hand out.
"i got you baby, i got you. you're doing so good for me, making me feel so good. think you can ride me?" his fingers are in your mouth now, sucking off your own arousal off him. you give him a nod, humming around his digits before he's pulling them out of your mouth, then moving to push your panties to the side. you slide a bit closer to him, so he could align himself with your cunt.
the tip slowly dips into you, and you whine at the intrusion. you were so wet, that he could slide into you with ease, but he was so big that no matter how turned you were, that initial stretch had you shutting your eyes tight as you slowly sunk down onto his cock. once he was fully in you, you roll your hips so you could get a feel for him. he has the camera pointed at where you two meet, his hand rests on your him, guiding your movements the way you both like.
it was slow, you two looking in each others eyes as you rock against him. your whimpers fill the room along with his own, each time you sunk onto him had you both a mess.
tears swelled in your eyes, the pleasure was too good mixed in with the burning in your thighs. and the fact that you couldn't touch anton was killing you, you needed to feel his muscles tense under your touch before you went insane. anton caught on that you were struggling, keeping you still on his cock as he readjusted you two so he was laying down, and placing the camera on the bedside table, angling it so that way you two were still in frame.
"wanna touch you, tonnie. please" you whine as both of his hands are touching you, one going up to your tits and the other back on your hips to get you to move again. he watches you, seeing the desperation in your eyes along with the tears that threaten to spill. he decides to give you what you want, hand reaching behind you to pull the ribbon loose. your hands instantly run down from his shoulders to his stomach, touching him like it was your first time.
he pulls you down into his chest, and he kisses you softly as his arms wrap around you. he moves his hips up, thrusting into you slowly while he moans into your mouth. this angle had him hitting a spot that had you seeing stars, and you struggled to kiss him back with how deep he felt inside of you. you rested your head in his neck, moaning into his skin. with every thrust you would push your hips back onto his cock, finding a steady rhythm. your clit pressed on his pubic bone added to the pleasure, and you could feel your orgasm building up. he was close too, so he tried to hold out as much as he could so you two could cum at the same time.
"gna cum for me?" his words were hot in your ear, his pace picking up slightly.
"mhm, so close tonnie"
"good, you're taking me so well, gna fill you up, fuck you full of my cum baby" his words were staggered, trying to get the words out as best as he could with you squeezing so tightly around him.
with a few more thrusts you were cumming, teeth sinking into antons skin as you moaned around the flesh, your pussy spasming around his cock as he continued to move his hips. your orgasm triggered his own, hips stilling for a moment as his cum painted your walls white, feeling warm as he filled you up. his hips started moving again slowly, fucking you both through your orgasms. you take your teeth off of him, licking at the skin to soothe the bitemark.
when you both caught your breaths, anton reached back for the camera, bringing it to show your face and his, kissing you softly while his other hand rubbed circles into your hip, then going to turn the video off.
"happy birthday, baby. i love you"
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🎀 idk why this took me way too long to write but i hope you guys enjoyed!! and happy very late birthday anton!!
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harryspet · 9 months
bambi eyes (the holiday special) r.cameron
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[Warnings]soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, NONCON, dd/lg, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, heavy on the somnophilia, ittle editing, 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
word count: 1.6k
In which it's your first Christmas Eve with your Daddy, you don't know what you want but Rafe surely does.
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bambi eyes masterlist
You could think of three things that you wanted for Christmas. Colored pencils, glitter lipgloss, and a small stuffed animal for Bunny. You don’t need any more clothes. You’d been with Rafe for over a month, and there were still clothes in your wardrobe that you had not worn yet. Your room was heaven, with the softest sheets and pillows, and Rafe bought you even more playthings each week. 
Your last gift was a diamond bracelet Rafe gave you because of how well you behaved in front of his friend, Barry. He didn’t punish you for sneaking around downstairs. All you had to do was bring him a slice of cake and sit down on Rafe’s lap while the two of them talked about “getting rid of their problem.” 
There were several trees around the house, but the biggest one was in the living room, by the fireplace, and it was at least two times your height. There were at least twenty presents underneath the tree already, wrapped neatly in paper that was decorated with pink snowflakes. In cozy reindeer pajamas, ones Rafe had also purchased, you sat near the tree checking over your letter to Santa. Although you had a feeling Rafe might secretly be Santa, you let a small part of you believe it was real magic. 
Lana helped you write the letter, and now you were adding a few drawings and stickers to really jazz it up. It took you longer to write it than Rafe preferred, it was already Christmas Eve, but if Santa could somehow bring you exactly what you wanted tomorrow, you’d really believe in him. 
“You almost finished, baby?” 
You looked up to see Rafe entering the living room, most likely finished with his work day, “I couldn’t think of anything else to ask for,” You said quietly, remembering how much Rafe encouraged you to ask for absolutely anything. The truth was you never had anything so you didn’t know what to ask for, “I don’t think I need anything else. But I wrote a nice letter for Santa and I thanked him for everything he does. And I made it sparkly.”
Rafe made himself comfortable on the couch and you brought over your letter, “C’mere,” He said, pulling your legs over his lap before wrapping one arm around you, “This is beautiful work, kid. Santa is going to love it.”
You looked up at him, a smile on his face as he read the words over, “What did you ask Santa for, Daddy?”
“Well, since I already have you,” He squeezed you, making your heart leap in your chest, “I asked Santa to make sure that you have the best Christmas. That you’ll love every gift you get and we’ll have a nice, Christmas dinner.”
You smiled back at him, “I wish I could buy you something, Daddy.”
“No need,” Rafe leaned in to kiss the side of your forehead, “I like giving to you, and I have plenty of money for the both of us. Besides, you’re way too little.” 
When Rafe looked at you, he really looked at you. He held your face in his hands, not tight enough to bruise, so you wouldn’t look away. You were still learning not to feel shy under his gaze. You started to understand that you were just like the gifts sitting under the tree. You were Rafe’s gift to himself. He showed his possession of you through his gaze. 
“Your bows are a nice touch,” He complimented, taking notice of the red ribbons tied around your pigtails. Every morning you spent time doing your hair, and you were slowly learning how to do your makeup. When he noticed your efforts, you felt you were fulfilling your purpose, “And I already knew you’d look cute in your pajamas.”
Rafe liked it when you presented yourself a certain way. He liked things to be dainty and soft. He preferred small jewelry over statement pieces. Pastel colors over bright ones. And you should never have on too much makeup. Lipgloss was better than lipstick and concealer over foundation. He wanted you muted but pretty, just like your personality. 
“Thank you,” You batted your lashes. 
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Rafe and you continued your cozy evening in the living room. You’d made it through the first two Home Alone movies and were now in the middle of watching The Polar Express. Rafe excused himself to the kitchen for a moment, taking the chance to prepare some hot cocoa for the two of you. 
When Rafe returned to the couch, you were sound asleep, your arms wrapped around Bunny. Quietly, he set down the cups of cocoa on the coffee table, and the thought of waking you up crossed his mind. After all, your drink would get cold, but you seemed like you were resting deeply. 
Gently, Rafe laid down next to you. You didn’t wake; you moaned softly as you turned your head, nuzzling your face into Rafe’s neck. Rafe stayed with you like this, having found a new love in sleeping next to you. He never really enjoyed next to sleeping next to anyone, until you, and he began to designate certain nights of the week where you’d stay with him in his bed. 
Watching you sleep made him think back to when he first brought you home. You still looked as innocent as ever, but there was something else Rafe liked about watching you sleep – he loved seeing you vulnerable. Obviously, you were in a constant state of being vulnerable to Rafe’s every whim and want, but this was different. 
He tested just how deeply you were sleeping, slowly taking the doll from your grasp When you stirred only slightly, Rafe continued, first touching you above your pajamas. Large, ringed fingers felt over your chest. He massaged them, kneading them, and you reacted by pressing yourself closer to him. 
Lips parted, and holding in heavy breathing, Rafe continued his exploration. He was growing harder in his briefs, imagining the look on your face when you fully opened your eyes. He licked one of his fingers and reached into your pajama bottoms and then into your panties. This was exactly why he never wanted you to wear panties to bed; they only got in his way. 
He stroked fingers up and down, feeling between your folds. Feeling the moisture there, he wondered what exactly you’d been dreaming about, “Rafe,” He heard you whisper, although when he looked down at you, your eyes were still closed. Although the stimulation was waking you, Rafe knew you were too tired to fully realize what he was doing. 
Rafe shushed you, still playing between your legs, “Is bed … time?” You mumbled as Rafe pulled his hands from your underwear, bringing his fingers to his lips. 
“Yes, sweet girl,” Rafe whispered, “Keep relaxing, Daddy’s got you.”
Rafe pulled his body from yours, moving off the couch before he gently started to pull down your reindeer bottoms.  Carefully, he removed them from around your ankles before slowly lowering himself down on top of you, “Cold … please,” You mumbled, “Daddyyy.”
“I’ve got you,” Rafe said in response to your whining; as he settled on top of you, you wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in like your dolly or a pillow. Meanwhile, Rafe was trying as carefully as he could to free himself from his briefs. He didn’t have to touch himself at all, he was already aching for you.
He didn’t resist anymore, pushing your underwear to the side and then pushing inside of you, his sweet girl. You were tighter, somehow, causing Rafe’s eyes to roll in pleasure, “Rafe,” He heard you, knowing you in a daze. Currently, he felt quite dazed himself. He knew with his size that he’d wake you but he didn’t account for the fact that your body might try to resist, to push him out. It just motivated him to push deeper, “Rafe. Rafe.”
Your voice was sharper now, scared almost, “You’re okay,” He cooed, “You’re …so so good, sweet girl.”
You loosened your grasp on him, and Rafe took the opportunity to see your face. You were adorable in those red bows, he noticed them first, but then he saw your scrunched-up features, a cute wince on your face. It would feel good soon, he knew that, but he certainly enjoyed seeing you resist. 
“What a fussy little girl, huh?” Rafe thrusted slowly, “Acting like you don’t like Daddy’s cock.”
With each thrust, you were trying to gain your composure, but Rafe was relentless. 
One hand, beside your head, he pressed into the couch to hold himself up, and the other, he reached down to play with your clit, “Cum one time for me,” Rafe commanded, although it was the last thing you wanted. He would give it to you anyway, wanting to see it in your face when your own body betrayed you, “One time, and you can go back to sleep.”
Rafe’s thrust was slow but consistently deep. He switched back and forth from focusing on your pleasure and his. It was difficult for him, he could finish so easily with you, but he held out; Rafe knew when you were getting closer just by the look on your face. Your head tilted back as your orgasm spread through you, and Rafe was quickly behind you. 
Rafe caught his breath, still inside of you, and moved his chest closer to yours, “You okay? You did good, Bambi.”
You nodded calmly, “Did I …Did I miss the whole movie?”
Rafe stared, bewildered for a moment, “Uh … no. We can just rewind it, baby,” He grinned, pecking your lips, “And I can just heat up the hot chocolate again.” 
Your eyes widened, “Hot chocolate like in the movie?”
“Just like the movie, my love,” Rafe’s forehead pressed to yours.
He was grateful for the fact that he could give you the perfect first Christmas tomorrow. He was even more grateful for how perfect you were.
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
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ariestrxsh · 11 days
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, innocence corruption, eating pussy, fingering, use of vibrator, praise, almost getting caught
📝 author's note: 📝 this is part two of show me how. sorry it took me a month to put it out. here is part one. 💖 thank you and enjoy.
✍️ Summary: ✍️ After confiding in Matt, your best friend, about the weird sensation you've been feeling down there, he buys you something to help with it for your birthday.
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show me how part two
A few weeks had passed after your best friend Matt had shown you how to touch yourself, and ever since, it had become a nightly ritual. You'd lie awake in your bed in the dark, your fingers exploring yourself the way Matt had taught you while you bit down on the sleeve of your sweater, desperately trying to keep your new favorite activity a secret.
Every time you rubbed your clit in slow circles, your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of Matt, his smile, his eyes, his fingers.. And he was such a good teacher. You secretly wanted him to teach you even more about your body, but you couldn't find a way to slip it into casual conversation.
"What do you want for your birthday?" Matt asked you one day while the two of you were having lunch together. You looked up at him with your big, innocent eyes and nibbled on your bottom lip. "I know what I want, but I'm too nervous to say," you replied hesitantly.
"Come here. Come sit on my lap and whisper it in my ear, princess. You don't ever have to be nervous around me," Matt cooed, reaching for you. You sat on his knee and leaned in, "I want you to teach me more ways to make myself feel good," you told him quietly. "I love the way my fingers feel, but I just need a little more," your soft voice lingered in his ear while he delighted in your request.
"Of course. Anything for you," he smirked at you, blood rushing to the tip of his cock. It took everything in him not to tear your cute little dress off and fuck you right there. He knew exactly what he was getting you for your birthday after that conversation.
When your special day rolled around, Matt showed up at your doorstep with a nicely-wrapped gift with a pretty, pink bow on it and a card attached. "Oh, hi, Matt," you smiled, surprised to see him an hour before your birthday festivities were to start. You had decided to keep it casual this year, just celebrating with a few close friends and family members, eating cake and opening presents. "My mom won't be back with the cake for another hour."
"That's okay, princess. I came over early on purpose so I could give you my gift. I want you to open it now before anyone gets here," Matt smiled at you, offering you the pink box with little hearts on it. "Thank you, Matt," you smiled, taking it from him, admiring how much time and effort he put into making it look as nice as it did.
"Let's go to your room and open it there, princess," Matt suggested, motioning down the hall with his eyes. You naively led him into your room where you sat on your bed, and he stood over you, admiring your simple, white dress.
"For the sweetest, most beautiful girl I know. I hope this gift helps you fulfill every urge you'll ever have, and may you look damn good while doing it. Love, Matt," the attached card read.
You carefully pulled the tape from the wrapping paper, not wanting to damage something Matt had put so much care into, and when you opened the box underneath the paper, the first thing your eyes landed on was a really pretty lingerie set. You held it up and admired the craftsmanship. It was beautiful.
"Put it on, princess," Matt suggested, already having imagined you in it a dozen times. You blushed as you removed all your clothing and replaced it with the lingerie Matt had bought you. You felt so pretty with the way Matt ogled you while you stood in front of him in the pink and white lace.
"Wow, look at you. Give me a little spin," Matt whispered, biting his lip while his erection fought against his corduroy pants. You twirled around while he admired you from all angles. "You look so good that I could eat you," Matt ran his tongue over his lips while he admired your beauty.
"Eat me?" You laughed, scrunching your nose in that way that Matt always thought was so adorable. "May I?" Matt requested, his eyes dancing all over your body. "I'm not sure I know what you mean by that," you tilted your head and looked at him inquisitively.
"Not literally," Matt chuckled at your innocence. "Come here, baby girl. I'll show you what I mean," Matt responded, grabbing you by the waist and steering you into your bed. He laid you down on your back and looked passionatley into your eyes while he softly smoothed out a few stray hairs on your head.
"So beautiful," he whispered before leaning down and grazing your soft, wet lips with his own. The kiss was slow and sensual, and it felt magical sharing such an intimate moment with your best friend that you trusted so deeply. You parted your lips, giving admission to his tongue that gently explored the inside of your mouth. His hands cupped your sweet face while the wet sounds of your lips smacking against one another filled the air.
Matt nuzzled into your neck, and you let out a cute sigh as he located a sweet spot and began kissing it and running his delicate tongue over it. He handled you with the gentleness of a bee landing on a flower, and all he could think about was getting a taste of your sweet nectar, but he didn't dare rush the process.
He slowly pulled back the strap of the bra he'd given that fit you so perfectly until your breast was exposed. He tenderly took your nipple into his warm mouth, fluttering his tongue over the little bud as it stiffened from the stimulation. "Oh," you let a soft whine slip past your lips. He pulled down the other strap, repeating the process on the other side.
You never knew there were so many nerve endings there until Matt was softly licking and sucking on your nipples while his hands enveloped your breasts. He gently grabbed both, pushed them together, and started shaking his head from side to side with his tongue out, stimulating them both at the same time. You felt a warm, wet sensation forming between your legs as Matt treated you so nicely.
He started planting a trail of kisses down your tummy while he lowered himself between your legs. He kissed that spot of flesh where your inner thighs meet your pussy, and you squealed and squirmed beneath him. "That tickles!" You giggled. He looked up at you and smiled at how cute you looked.
"So, when someone tells you they wanna eat you, what they mean is, they wanna kiss you right here," Matt muttered pushing the pretty panties he bought you to the side and tenderly running his finger up and down your intricate folds. "Why would you wanna kiss me right there?" You skeptically asked, but you secretly desired to have him show you the appeal.
"Because I love everything about it. I love the way it tastes, the way girls wiggle around and whimper while I do it, the way they shake and tremble while they finish on my tongue," he whispered. Just feeling his breath on your heat while he spoke to you, you could understand while girls would behave that way when Matt would eat them.
"Want me to eat you, princess? Wanna know what it feels like?" He asked, spreading your pussy open with his fingers and watching the way you were clenching around nothing. You bit your lip and nodded at him. "I can tell how bad you want it by how wet you got when I told you what I liked about it," he mischeviously grinned at you.
"Please eat me, Matt," you softly whined. The anticipation was killing you. "Of course, princess," he cooed, his face inching closer to your sex. You let out a sigh of relief as he engulfed your sensitive bud, twirling his tongue in circles the same way you liked to rub yourself when you were in bed all alone.
He savored the sugary and salty taste of your pretty pussy like you were his dessert and he was overcome by a sweet tooth. His hunger for you was insatiable and his thirst for you, unquenchable. He took more of your vulva into his mouth as he feasted upon your delicious flavor, still exploring you slowly and softly.
However, his approach became more sensual and passionate, creating more pressure with his tongue while he licked and sucked on your clit. "Oh, Matt," you whimpered, grabbing a hold of your pink comforter as the feeling intensified. The anticipation welled in your core, building and building while you threw your head back in sheer ecstacy.
Your legs began to shake, and you started writhing around as Matt spread you open, tantalizing your most sensitive spot with his curious tongue. "Mmmm," he groaned against your pussy, the vibrations reverberating through you and tilting you over the edge. "Matt!" You called out, clenching your thighs around his ears while he peered up at your expression, your climax overtaking you.
You gave into the feeling, allowing it to take its course, radiating pleasure through you. Your toes started to curl, your knuckles lost color from how tightly you were gripping the sheets, and a ringing echoed in your ears. Matt relished in the way you crushed his head between your legs, the way you shivered your way through the peak, and the way you finished on his tongue.
Once you came down from your orgasm, you peered down at Matt wide-eyed, breathless, and pink in the face, and you whispered, "that was the most intense one yet." He grinned up at you, wiping his chin and chuckling. "You like it?" Matt asked, already knowing your answer. "Best birthday gift ever," you responded, slowing down your breathing.
"That actually wasn't part of your present. I just got a little carried away. There's another gift in there for you, princess," he handed you the gift box he brought over. You sat up and poked around the glittery tissue paper in the box until you came across a little black bag.
You reached into it and pulled out a small pink cylindrical item. You looked up at Matt in confusion, unsure as to what you were holding. "Push the button," he urged you. There was a silver circle on the side, and as you held it down, the toy started buzzing between your fingers. "Do you know what it's for, sweetheart?" He asked you softly, and you shook your head no, studying the foreign object.
"Lay back. I'm gonna show you." You handed Matt the vibrating bullet in your hand, and you let your head fall back onto your soft pillow. You let out a surprised gasp as he took the toy and rested it over your panties. "This is called a vibrator. You know how good you've been making yourself feel with your fingers?" He asked, starting to move the cute lace panties he bought you to the side once more.
You bit your lip and nodded, following what he was doing with your eyes. "Some girls like using this even better," Matt intently fixed his gaze on you as he made direct contact with your clit with your new toy. "Oh," you moaned in shock at how powerful the vibrations felt against your concentrated bundle of nerves.
You were highly sensitive from having just cum, but it didn't take long until it started to feel good again. The soft buzz of the vibrator and the erotic noises that passed through your lips were like music to Matt's ears. Your facial expression was overcome by pleasure. You relaxed your jaw, tightened your brow muscles, and your eyes rolled back into your head.
"How's it feel?" Matt inquired, watching your reaction to your new gift. "So much better than my fingers," you lustfully sighed in response. Matt loved the sweet sounds you were making, but what he really wanted was to make you scream his name again, so he lined up his middle finger with your entrance, and it slid in easily.
Your moans became more urgent, more frequent, and more enthusiastic as he entered his ring finger as well and started to pump them back and forth at the pace you liked. "Matt," you softly whimpered. "Like the way it feels, pretty girl?" Matt tenderly asked, looking up at the way you reacted to the way he played with you. "I love it," you squealed, amazed by how heavenly it felt.
"I got you the extra quiet toy, so you can use it whenever you want," he smirked up at you, knowing this would most likely become the new focus of your nightly routine. "Oh, Matt. You're so thoughtful," you cried out. "Princess, your pussy is the wettest I've ever seen it," Matt pointed out in a seductive tone, while you drooled onto his fingers that were pumping in and out of your special place.
Matt couldn't get enough, his hard on throbbing at the way you were basking in the satisfaction he brought you. He felt you start to rhythmically clench around his fingers as your body convulsed under his touch. "That's it, pretty girl. Cum on my fingers," Matt said softly, unable to pull his eyes away from the beautiful scene that unfolded before him.
He held the vibrator in place and continued penetrating you with his digits while your second orgasm was drawn out of you. "Oh, Matt!" You cried out as you bucked your hips, riding his fingers until you were fully immersed in pleasure. "Happy birthday, princess," Matt whispered as you reached the finish line.
"Honey, I'm home with the cake! Some of your friends are here!" Your mom shouted to you from downstairs after walking in the front door.
part three posted here 💖
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturniolosss @jaysturniolo @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @aaliyahhasacrush @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00 @sweetlikesug4rvenom @m11rx @sturniolocharms
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sleeping-sirens · 3 months
angels like you 𐙚₊˚ yoon jeonghan
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pairing : blond jeonghan x f reader.
genre : dad au, established relationship, very fluffy and domestic, jeonghan and y/n are just so sweet :(
note : this is based off of a dream i had a couple of days ago:( the jeonghan brainrot is real you guys 😔 also this is dedicated to @twilghtkoo <3 the jeonghan drabble you dedicated to me a year ago has never left my mind 🤚🏻🥹
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the softest coos filled up the room. your heart felt at ease and you didn’t have any worries weighing on your shoulders. you felt free, complete. there was nothing better than this.
the slightly open curtains casted a heavenly hue on your little daughter that you were cradling in your arms, very close to your chest. each time you stroked her cheek, she broke into the most adorable toothless smile with her eyes closed and that only could make your heart burst into crumbs.
“she feels so cozy,” you hummed to yourself. she was showered, changed, fed and rocked in your arms since this morning. now it was time for her second bottle of the morning which you had sat on the night table beside her crib.
you carefully tucked her in her baby pink sheets (courtesy of jeonghan who decided on getting her everything pink). she’d never looked more peaceful, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. she was now at the age where she could hold her bottle by herself so once your hand placed the bottle of milk on her lips, she instinctively latched onto it with both her hands.
leaving the door of her nursery open, you made your way to the kitchen to do the final touches on the breakfast you’ve made. you prepared the plates and cutlery, decorated the pancakes with strawberries and some whipped cream and dripped some coffee before heading to your room.
jeonghan was peacefully sleeping. you took a moment to just look at him —a few steps away from the bed— snuggling up to the sheets, body curled up into a fetus position. soft facial features took your breath away. long eyelashes draped over the upper of his cheeks like little feathers, nose so boop-able and lips pretty swollen and so kissable.
your feet gently padded their way closer to the bed where you gingerly lied beside him, nuzzling yourself under his face and into his neck. he felt warm, so warm that you couldn’t help the hum escaping your chest.
jeonghan quickly realized what was going on, swiftly wrapping his arms around you and bringing you closer to his embrace. “mmh, this feels nice,” he murmured groggily, sleep still laced with his voice like an ivy plant.
you filled your lungs with his intoxicating smell; musk, laundry detergent, baby cologne, wood and just him and his natural body smell that you grew familiar with over the span of the years.
you couldn’t get over him.
“did you have a good night sleep?” you asked, still pressed against his chest, your arms wrapped around him like a baby koala.
“mmh,” he softly answered, pressing kisses on top of your head.
after what felt like eternity, you pulled away from his skin and gazed at his face. you almost choked on your breath at his beauty that you never seemed to get used to. his eyes were still closed but a soft smile painted his features.
“like father, like daughter,” you thought to yourself. these two were going to be the death of you.
your heart swelled in your ribcage at the sight of him and you couldn’t help yourself from stroking all over his face with your thumb. forehead, eyelids, nose bridge, cupid’s bow, lower lip and chin. you traced all his features in hopes of them sticking to your memory forever and ever.
“so this is how angels look like, hm?” you mindlessly asked, for no one in specific to answer. you were dazed, enchanted by him.
jeonghan bursted into the cutest laugh, small and straight teeth making an appearance behind his lips and you just stared at him in a daze. you had a nearly one year old daughter and you were still so love-stricken by him, it was actually unbelievable.
“haven’t we already established that, sweetheart?” he chuckled as he caressed your hair, peering at your glossy eyes that were fixing him from the position of you resting your chin on top of his chest.
“i just…still can’t believe that i get to spend the rest of my life with an angel-looking human,” you laughed, finally getting to boop his nose.
“y/n we have a daughter together, i think it’s time for you to get over yourself and start getting used to the fact that you’re married to an actual angel,” his slender fingers slid from your hair to land on your cheek, delivering sweet touches to the outline of your jawline, before stopping at your chin.
“you’ve got it all messed up,” you shook your head. he tilted his head in confusion as to why you would have such thing to say. “for all i know, you’re a devil with angel-like beauty, my love.” you looked at him fondly.
“hm?” he feigned innocence as he lifted your chin with one finger, enchantingly pulling you closer to his face. “but admit it,” he spoke lowly, his lips tingling on yours. “you do like my devil side better, sweetheart.” he smiled.
you swallowed thickly. “do you?” he asked, hands slithering around your waist to hold you in place upon noticing you struggling to keep your weight above him. oh he was so sly, you melted.
“i’ll grant you the benefit of the doubt on this one.” you looked down at him like he was a porcelain statue, so careful not to ruin. you actually liked both his sides equally but you knew that if you let him know, he would corrupt you and convince you that his devilish side was better. that meant more pranks, more teasing and less soft side jeonghan (mostly in bed) so no, you were not allowing him that.
“i have an entire lifetime to find out.” he said, finally dropping your body on his and placing a gentle kiss on your lips. it was soft and inviting, luring you into him like there was no other option. hands placed on both side of your face as he guided you through the greedy pushes of his plump lips, sultry sounds threatening to fill the room.
you breathlessly pulled away from him, watching his lips hovering in the air to chase yours. he just giggled softly at you, eyes hazy with sleep and drunk on kissing before licking his lips and pressing them together.
“where’s little pumpkin?” he asked after you adjusted yourself beside him on the bed. you were both on your backs, breaths slowly calming down, both your hands interlaced on his abdomen.
“she’s taking her first nap of the day.” you turned to him. he looked confused.
“already? wait- what time is it?”
“9:45-ish am.”
“oh my, i overslept. why didn’t you wake me up so i could help you change and feed her?” he faced you now, blond strands of hair sticking to his forehead.
you pealed them away from his face and behind his ears. “you looked so peaceful sleeping so i didn’t wanna disturb you. i know you’ve been working hard for us, plus it’s a sunday so you deserved the extra hours of sleep.”
“i don’t deserve you,” jeonghan expressed with gratitude, soft gaze falling upon your face and you could fall in love with him all over again.
“you deserve all the love and care my love.” after a gentle peck on his lips, you pulled away and said, “freshen up and let’s go eat, breakfast is ready.”
jeonghan leaned down to pepper your face with kisses, “you’re so good to me,” he said in between each one. “i love you so much.”
“i love you even more. you’re the best husband and father to my daughter i could ever ask for. happy father’s day, my love.”
his eyes welled up with tears and his body melted into you. “you’re gonna make me cry sweetheart.” he pulled you into his arms and you secured yours around his body, engulfing each other into a sweet hug.
on another note, you loved his angel side more.
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oops idk how many words is this because i kinda got carried away. up until “so this is how angels look like” was all inspired by my dream (YES I DID SAY THOSE WORDS EXACTLY LIKE THIS IN MY DREAM and english is not even my first nor my second language lol) the rest was just jeonghan brainrot taking the lead. also this is my first time writing for a svt member and it just had to be my lovely jeonghan so hope you enjoyed <33
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Heartless Pt.1
Mafia Boss! Miguel O’Hara x fem! reader
You and Miguel are married to each other…and it wasn’t because of love.
okay i’ve redirected this fic and made it into a slowburn multi chapter series, in hindsight my last idea was too abrupt. i feel like this storyline is wayyyy better. I LOVEEEE SLOWBURN. i hope ya’ll like this one better! Part 2 up now!
PS. if you don’t like this type of stuff, don’t be stupid and comment on it because I really don’t care enough to hear it, use ur fingers and scroll. it’s not that hard.
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You thought your wedding day would've been more romantic than this.
More personal, more involved, a consolidation of the many moments you shared with the man you were going to love forever, but free will and liberation were something that you gave up when your parents decided that it was in your family's entrepreneurial interest to participate in a partnership with the O'Hara Dynasty.
You weren't mad. It was just...different. You knew this day was coming but it was all wrapped together quite nicely, in a neat little bow.
Everything was done with the utmost sensitivity and respect, the O'Hara family's Consigliere placed piles of paperwork in front of you, NDAs were rarely ever necessary, and guns and fists normally did the trick but Miguel personally wanted all of this to be clean. He was getting married for the sole purpose of extending his power and influence, being a part of the 5 Families in this city wasn't something that was done without shedding blood. And Miguel shed a lot. This was a very important occasion to him, marriage was important in all generations of his family, and almost every single Don arranged a marriage with a woman from another Dynasty just for the purpose of spreading influence and agendas. Miguel and his brother talked for hours about it and in the end, he had to do what was necessary for his family and his capos. He needed to conserve what was his whilst also inserting his power.
Dealing with ill-tempered men and being a sounding board for their last scraps of sanity wasn't new but Miguel wasn't that. He was just silent in a way you didn't like. It was almost unsettling. Maybe it would be easier to hate him if he was an asshole, but he was very kind and respectful in the little words he said to you.
All of this was strictly professional, a beautiful show for the underworld. It was ridiculous and you felt like a fool, and after the day you had, it felt perfectly reasonable to feel that way.
It was your wedding day and word got around fast.
The dress he picked was fine.
The ceremony was fine
The ring was fine
Everything was just fine.
Now you were in his cold, lavishly destitute penthouse at an ungodly hour, sitting around, still in the wedding dress that you haven't taken off for some reason- maybe to compensate for the fact that you'll throw it in a corner, leave it in the cold and black dark, collecting dust for you to never see it again. Miguel's capos had to scamper around and follow you just about anywhere but for once, they left you alone with Miguel shooing them out.
Is this what your life would be like? Sitting around, waiting for something to happen? Was everything meant to be so banal and grey?
“You looked lovely today.” A low voice grumbled behind you, you whipped your head around to see Miguel leaving his study and entering the living room, he was still wearing his tux with that unknotted ugly bow tie that was crooked the whole ceremony. He looked tired. You gave him an agreeable smile in response.
"Thank you.” You said politely, there was just nothing purposeful behind your voice. All there was between you and Miguel was agreeable conversation, polite and meaningless drivel to distract from the very true and real fact that you were betrothed, you both owed each other something. Miguel gave you protection and you gave Miguel his pathway to influence- it was a business transaction, that was all, but it didn't mean that all of this wasn't abnormal. “I can't reach the zipper, can you please zip me down?” You asked as if it was a normal question- it wasn't for your kind of relationship but what the hell was normal nowadays? For Christ's sake, you were married to a man you barely knew and you slept in different rooms.
Miguel approached you in silence, watching you stand up from the couch and turn around. He liked the dress, he picked it out himself, you looked nice. His fingers found the zipper and pulled down slowly, watching the slivers of skin appear with every small tug down.
As far as women go, Miguel wasn't really that interested in sleeping around, every woman he shared himself with became a target or an opportunity pry into his head- he didn't want anyone messing with his internal affairs. Sometimes he'd cave and fuck one of the women serving him drinks at private poker nights, they always made eyes at him, begging him with fluttering eyelashes and wet lips to fuck them senseless. He was a man after all, sometimes it was enjoyable, sometimes it wasn't, he just needed to get off.
You on the other hand, you were unreadable in a way that he didn’t know how to approach.Though sometimes he did find you talking to him like an acquaintance vaguely irritating he would definitely be a hypocrite for calling you out.
It felt like you were holding your breath when he was finished, you settled baxk into your senses, he gazed over the patch of skin peeking out of your dress. He stopped his gawking when you turned around and gave him a weak smile like you would a friend or a neighbour. "Thank you. Goodnight Miguel.” You walked passed him and went to your designated room. Miguel did the same
You never really thought of yourself as an incurable romantic, but this was truly dull and you contemporary marriage like this. Even if it was to one of the most dangerous men in the city.
You awoke to a cacophony of sizzling and rustling noises coming from outside your room, your dreary eyes lulled by sleep couldn't fight against the delicious smell wafting from outside. Before you could fully register that breakfast was being made, the first thing you noticed was the heavy feeling of dread resting on your chest, you raked a tired hand over your face and rubbed your eyes awake. Opening them up fully, you saw the white fabric on the floor. In another life, the husband you actually loved would be laying next to you, whispering sweet nothings. Your wedding dress and veil were strewn about as if it was an article of clothing a teenage girl would carelessly discard while figuring out what to wear for a date with Tommy or Billy or Jason or whoever. But this wasn't high school drama, this was the type of life you were conditioned into.
Blood, war, and money.
You weren't complaining, the protection it offered you was immense. Miguel was a corrupt man dealing with equally corrupt politicians and people of interest, he had to adapt in his work but a part of you didn't believe he was the poisonous person everyone always made him out to be. Maybe it was because you hadn't seen him in his raw, primal ways, beating people bloody. That's what made you weary.
You shifted up and headed over to the walk-in wardrobe. This was the part that really stunted you, Miguel wanted you to wear what he specifically liked, everything was picked out by him and you still didn't know how to feel about it, but it made you grimace. You stepped in and glanced at the hangers, they were all ordered out by color and style. You noticed that he seemed to like satin and silk, and he was very particular about color, he liked black, silver, grey and even a baby blushed pink in certain articles. Your fingers grazed over the silk of the nightwear dresses, and the fabric of the gala dresses- you didn't like the idea of having to play pretend in front of too many people. You idled towards the drawers and wondered what he preferred when it came to underwear. You raised a cynical eyebrow and your lips pursed in curiosity as you let your finger pull it open.
Your mouth unhinged in a surprise you expected, but not in the way you thought of. He definitely had a thing for lingerie. God, there was a pair of everything, lacy, strappy, padded, unpadded, sheer garters, sparkly garters, knee highs, thigh highs. He was very particular indeed. It was tailored to your perfect cup size. Fucking hell. He liked Brazilian underwear but he seemed have an affinity for a thong too. You sighed and closed the drawer, you didn't want to read into it. Your eyes wandered to the muted pink silk robe hanging next to the drawer. Hm. That'll do for breakfast.
Miguel looked up from his newspaper to see you padding barefoot to the table where a spread was laid out. His maid, although young, ditzy and so obviously desperate to fuck him, was a very talented cook but the coffee she made always tasted like dirt. “Thank you.” He said to her plainly, he couldn't even look at her due to him being distracted by your presence. Your face creased into a light frown as you stared at the eye candy handing Miguel his coffee before she left as Miguel waved his hand. Of course the women who worked around him had to be insanely beautiful.
“Good morning.” Miguel grumbled before taking a sip. You were wearing the silk robe he liked. Good. Good girl.
You didn't say anything back, acting aloof and nonchalant seemed to be the only way of conserving whatever sanity you had left. The back of your throat had back drool when you stared at the delicious spread in front of you. You didn't know what you wanted to eat first. You grabbed a few pickings of everything, topped off with a mimosa. You ate in polite silence, minding your business, uninterested in anything he had to say at this point. Miguel settled down his newspaper and glared at you, you weren't particularly bothered by his presence, and that made him...unsettled. It went on like this for a solid few minutes.
“What?” You asked him, not even giving him the decency of looking him in the eye. Miguel was silent for a moment, contemplating your presence before he opened his mouth.
“We're leaving the city tonight.” He said oh so casually in that deep, low voice of his.
"And why is that?”You sighed tiredly, a slightly amused smirk twitched at your lips at this out-of-the-blue statement.
Miguel clicked his tongue and cooed at you, “Because cariño, my Consigliere has informed me that our marriage is not boding well with the other 5 Families, they think it's a covert attack in some sort of way, a questioning of power or sorts. And also..” He cut himself off for a reason unknown to him. “He also thinks it's a prudent idea to have a honeymoon, to hone everything in and make this...real.” He murmured as he rolled up his shirt sleeve.
Your eyes pricked up at the word 'real.' Wasn't this real? The papers were real. The ring was real. But the actual connection…? You glowered at him, your eyes narrowed.
“Do you think this is real?”
Miguel didn't know how to answer that. “Isn't real relative?”
“No.” You replied thickly like you didn't even need to think about it.
“Look. I don't want to discuss this.”
“So you can't compromise.” You shot back.
“No, I won't.” He pushed his chair back aggressively and sat his coffee down hard, he looked irritated by all of this. He didn't like that you thought you had the power to interrogate him.
Miguel walked past you as he went to exit the room but then for some reason he halted in his tracks. Compromise. Miguel is not known for compromising. The people around him know that for a fact, but he doesn't want this marriage to be another agenda that he has to put up with. He didn't want to hate you.
He sighed.
“Choose where we go. Tell my brother and he'll tell my pilot.” Miguel said coldly, his tone clipped and gruff even when he was trying to build a bridge of some sort.
It didn't seem like you had a choice, so now you were just another lackey he ordered around.
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sleepyjuice · 3 months
jj with his gf who often has migraines 🙏🙏
a/n: i am not overly happy with this but i hope it’s okay nonnie<\3 not proofread lol
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Today was not your day. You had woken up with a pounding headache that soon turned into a migraine.
It couldn’t have been a more inconvenient time, considering you had plans to go onto the mainlands with JJ, John B and Sarah for a double date.
Everything was fine when you fell asleep the previous night, wrapped up in your boyfriend’s arms after a nice evening together, excited for the next day. But the universe noticed your excitement and laughed at you.
You weren’t sure what time it was when the blinds were pulled open followed by JJ’s body jumping on top of you on the bed, peppering kisses into your sleep ridden hair.
You outwardly groaned, the light shining through the window making your head throb even harder and the sudden movement from JJ’s body weight making you nauseous.
“Yo, it’s like one in the afternoon, baby, you good? Didn’t think you drank that much last night.” JJ furrowed his brows, taking note of your lack of giggles and typical morning (or in this case, afternoon) affection.
You sighed slowly, pulling your blanket up higher so it was covering your face, attempting to block some of the light from your eyes.
“Migraine.” You grumbled, voice barely audible through the thick blanket and your quiet tone.
JJ bowed his head down closer to your blanket covered face, not moving it since you obviously put it there for a reason, but he couldn’t hear you.
“I- what was that, baby? I can’t understand you.” He spoke softly, his hands resting on your waist over the blanket.
You squeezed your eyes shut as a wave of throbbing pain shot through your head again, groaning quietly.
It wasn’t that JJ’s voice was too loud, he was actually speaking nice and softly, which you appreciated, but currently, you wished you could just communicate telepathically with him so you both didn’t have to speak.
“Migraine.” You repeated yourself, your voice loud enough that he could hear you this time.
His eyes widened once he finally understood, immediately feeling like an asshole for how he quite literally did everything you shouldn’t do around someone who has a migraine.
He nodded to himself, knowing you couldn’t see him before slowly getting off of the bed and closing the blinds, darkness filling the room again.
Only a moment after that, you heard JJ’s footsteps softly pad towards the door, followed by the sound of the door clicking shut gently.
You couldn’t care less at the moment if he had just up and left you without saying anything. You just wanted to sleep. You could argue later.
However, a few minutes later, you heard the door open again along with sock clad feet moving along the floor. Sensing that the room was dark again, you pulled the top of the blanket down so that your bloodshot eyes could investigate your visitor.
Through the darkness you could make out that it was JJ, holding a frozen bag of corn, a washcloth, a bottle of water and what looked to be pain medication.
Your heart fluttered at the sight of him, his gesture being sweet and endearing. You did feel bad that he was probably beating himself up for how he woke you up, but it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t have known.
You snaked a hand out from under the blanket, reaching forward towards where JJ stood at the end of the bed.
At that, he stepped forward, going to hand you the frozen corn and the washcloth, but you shook your head, your fingers wiggling a little bit.
“Want you.” You whispered, not wanting to push yourself by talking too loudly.
JJ cocked his head slightly at your words, but obliged, climbing into bed next to you. He still wrapped the bag of corn in the washcloth and placed it on your forehead, knowing that cold pressure was one of the few things that gave you relief, even if you didn’t address it at that very moment.
He made sure you took two pills and a few sips of water before fully laying down next to you, his arms opening as you curled into his side.
“Don’t wanna talk too much and hurt your head, baby. Just lettin’ ya know that I rescheduled our date with John B and Sarah for Friday. You can get some sleep.” JJ whispered softly, his hand tracing gentle patterns against your arm.
You nodded slowly at that, your head still pounding but your heart satisfied and full of love at JJ’s actions. It was something so small and simple, but you didn’t always feel taken care of in your past relationships, JJ continued to show you how being loved can truly feel like, even with the tiniest things.
“Thanks, jay,” you sighed, eyes feeling heavier due to the cool relief against your forehead. “Love you.” You added, voice barely above a whisper as sleep began to take over.
JJ shut his eyes also, perfectly content with spending the day napping with you until you felt better.
“Love you, too, baby. Get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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heartfullofleeches · 10 days
What iffff HEAR ME OUT what if sammy had a taller male darling who was just soo sweet except when having sex
When darlings fucking, theyre a hardcore sadist with no limits except sammy's limits
And then back to sweetheart during aftercare
That's like Sammy's ideal partner- Personality wise anyway- Sammy's not picking with gender or the height of his darling, but them being bigger than him definitely messes with his head in the best way possible.
Someone with a sadistic streak wrapped under a sweet, caring bow. Darling's kinder side outside of the bedroom makes Sam itch with anticipation for when Darling decides to flip the script. His height is the icing on the cake- It's not like Sammy's never met guys as big as ot bigger hivlm before, but it's not every day. Darling hugging Sammy from behind or pinning him to the mattress with nothing but his body weight leaves Sammy hanging onto his fragile senses by a thread.
He just wants to be manhandled and used by his boyfriend, but then Darling blindsides him with gentle praise and a nice bath after everything he put Sam and as delirious it makes him Sammy's never felt more loved and wanted by someone.
"You look so small beneath me, Sam...I'd be more concerned, if I didn't know you this is what you wanted."
Stars paint Sam's vision as your fingers part, knuckles sliping through the wetness of his lips as your fingertips enter his throat. You've trained him better than this... What good have all your lessons done when he falls apart the second you toy with him without fail? Your crueler nature longs to punish Sammy for his behavior, but he's had enough of that side of you for one night.
"You know what I think? I think you're just the right size to join me in the shower. Might be a little cramped though.... We'll have to snuggle up together for space... You like the sound of that, Sammy?"
A whimper crawls from Sammy's throat as you sneak kisses along its bruised skin. A tired hand detached from the sheets, perching atop your shoulder as Sam blinks tears and exhaustion from his eyes.
"Do you think you carry me there?"
Biting back a laugh, you kiss his stained cheek.
"Anything for you, Sam."
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
Karma's a bitch
Hi. So this was a request from someone and I hope I did it justice. I hope you enjoy it. Also - side note: I'M SEEING THE LIONESSES AT WEMBLEY TONIGHT OMGGGGGGGGG
Barca Femeni x Reader
Description: R is a little shit and likes to play pranks
Word Count: 1.7k
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To say you were a little shit growing up would be the understatement of the century. You were a terror when you first joined La Masia. A little wide-eyed 7-year-old with a talent for football and finding trouble – pranks, jokes, a never-ending streaming of consciousness as you voiced anything and everything that came to your mind. Everyone expected you to calm down as you made your way up to the first team, yet by the time you were training with the first team at least three times a week, you were still the mischievous, playful person you always had been.
You lounged on the pitch, soaking up the last of the summer sun as you watched Aitana take kick after kick at the goal. She had just broken into the first team’s regular Starting XI and was determined to keep her spot – practising well after training. Unfortunately for you, she was your lift home. You had initially joined her in her extra training, but you quickly got bored and let your mind wander. You couldn’t anger her too much – she was your only way home, after all – but you could irritate her a little. Despite being a good few years your senior, you towered over her, and when she got annoyed at you, she just looked like an adorable little chihuahua – all bark and no bite.
You came to stand just behind her – way too much into her personal space for comfort, but you didn’t care. She didn’t notice you as she stood with her hands on her hips, analysing the video she had just filmed. Quickly noticing she wouldn’t turn around any time soon, you lifted your hands,
“HEY,” you shouted as you whacked your hands down on her shoulders. She let out an almighty scream, dropping her phone and clutching her heart.
“Quina merda de veritat. Un absolut idiota. Oh, Déu meu, estàs molt molest!” You let the angry Catalan words wash over you, well aware of what she was saying. It was nothing you hadn’t heard before.
“Your face,” you cackled loudly, pointing at her as you doubled over. Her eyebrows were pinched together, and her jaw ticked.
“Oh, Déu meu. You are such a little shit. Ugh,” she batted your hands away as you moved to pinch her cheek. “You can walk home,” she said in faux anger. That sobered you right up.
“No, Aita, please.” You rushed to apologise, arms wrapping around her shoulders as you forced her into a hug. “I won’t do it again, prometo.” You gave her your best puppy eyes.
“We all know that’s a lie.” Aitana sighed, loosening slightly and accepting your hug.
“T'estimo,” you said cheekily.
“Yeh, yeh. Tens sort que jo també t'estimo.” And you were lucky that she loved you. You knew she wouldn’t put up with half the stuff you do to her if she didn’t.
Alexia had been raving about her new boots, which she was trialling. It dominated all her conversations for the past week, and you were very much over it. It was lunchtime, and you couldn’t stand it anymore. Sneaking quietly away, you found her locker and fiddled with the keypad until it popped open. Her sister’s birthday – what a sap. There they were in all their tainted glory. They did look like nice boots, to be fair, but she had ruined them with how much she had spoken about them. You took them out of their prized place and closed the locker again. Removing the laces entirely, you crossed the room to Mapi’s locker. She had been irritating you recently as well. Again, you fiddled with the controls until there was a faint click, and it swung gently open. Ingrid’s birthday - ew. You left one lace in there, making sure the signature colour of the fabric was visible from the outside before moving on. You put the boot in the bathroom between the stall wall and the toilet. The other lace was left in the gym, tied neatly in a bow around a machine part. The final boot you kept with you until you headed to the field again – leaving it at the bottom of the ball bag. You had ensured they were all easily visible, but trying to find all the parts would be annoying. You knew the trainers had seen you walking around the grounds with not-your-boots in your hands, so you were sure they could help Alexia if she asked for it. You snickered as you imagined Alexia’s face. You could see the angry expression and the harsh Catalan being shouted at you. It made you giggle immensely.
“Where are my boots?” Alexia asked when everyone re-entered the locker room after the break. You had the gym next, but most people wanted to change into looser clothing in an attempt to combat the Barcelonian heat.
“Are they not in your locker?” Marta asked, sticking her head around the door. “Huh … I don’t know then.” You tried your hardest not to laugh, but you couldn’t help the slight grin that appeared. Your fellow La Masia/almost first team friend, Pina, smirked at you. She had many times been a victim of your harmless jokes. She raised an eyebrow, and you just shrugged innocently in response. Alexia wandered around the changing rooms, looking in people’s lockers and under the bench.
“Ah ha,” she exclaimed as she saw the iconic fabric through Mapi’s locker. “María, how could you?”
“I didn’t,” Mapi put her hands up in defence.
“Then what is …” she opened the door to find just a singular lace. “this,” she finished. She sighed, looking around the room.
“Oi, where are they?” She asked when she made eye contact with you.
“Where are what?” You countered innocently.
“My boots. Where are they?” You shrugged.
“How should I know?” You had mastered the innocent façade.  She huffed and restarted her search.
“Found one,” Caro called from the bathroom, emerging with Alexia’s left boot in her hand.
“Gracias, gracias.” Alexia hurried over and embraced Caro as if she had just found a missing diamond.
“Hey, Ale. Is that a lace?” Ana asked, pointing to the neatly tied material on the equipment she was about to use. It had been a good 20 minutes before Alexia was forced to give up her search for her missing boots and join the session. You had remained the picture of innocence – even going so far as to help look for them. Everyone knew it was you. Even Alexia, but you still maintained the act.
“Oh, gràcies a Déu,” Alexia sighed – closer to being reunited with her favourite possession.
It was just before the final session of the day. You were all in the locker room, grabbing your boots and refilling your water before heading outside.
“Where is it?” Irene asked her hand on her hip and an unimpressed look on her face.
“I don’t know … maybe it’ll turn up when we’re outside,” you shrugged – giving a slight hint to the location of the final boot.
“Ale, it’s outside,” Irene called, glaring at you as you snickered when Alexia ran out of the room.
As you arrived at the pitch, you saw Alexia hugging her boots, whispering to them like you would with a lost child. You crept behind her, jabbing her side and watching her squeal at the ticklish sensation.
“Eres una pequeña mierda,” she shouted as she tackled you to the ground, attacking you with her own tickle attack. You writhed and screamed, trying to escape the onslaught, but she was way older and way stronger than you, so you had no chance.
“Lo siento, lo siento, lo siento.” You gasped for air.
“You will be when I make you run laps until you collapse.” She said with fake anger. How could she stay mad at you when you laughed like that?
“Te amo?” You said hopefully
“Sí, yo también te amo. But you’re still running laps.” She said, tapping your head and getting off you, offering a hand for you.
“Fine,” you agreed as you stood up, smiling when she let you wrap your arms around her waist, and she kissed the top of your head.
You watched with quiet pride as Vicky kicked a ball at an unknowing Ona – the ball rolling to hit the back of her legs.
“Aye,” she squealed, turning to see Vicky laughing her head off. Ona stormed forward before lightly shoving Vicky away, the pair laughing at their playfight. You were legendary to the younger La Masia players. Your jokes and pranks were famous, and the fact that you didn’t let up, even after you made it into the first team and became a regular Starting XI, was something they valued highly.
“Be careful; you might have someone come to take your crown,” Lucy laughed as you looked at her offendedly.
“Oh, please. Who do you think taught her? I am an icon.” You stuck your tongue out at her as you ran off to push an unsuspected Patri, making her stumble into an unamused Cata.
You were sitting in the sunshine, arms tucked behind your head, eyes shut. It was your own mistake. You knew it – the younger girls were becoming more and more adventurous with their pranks.
Ice-cold water jolted you from your peaceful relaxation. There was a moment of silence before the team broke into hysterical laughter. You scrambled to your feet to see Vicky and Martina with the ice water bucket placed in between them.
“Oh, you fuckers. You are so dead,” you shouted as you lunged for them, only for you to be stopped by a smiling Marta.
“Dejarlas ser,” she said, offering you a towel.
“We just wanted to cool you off,” Martina shouted from her place of safety behind Alexia.
“Yeh, you looked a little warm,” Vicky added from her hiding spot behind Paños.
“Cuida tus espaldas,” you pointed a finger at them menacingly. “You have just started a war!”
“What can you say,” Mapi laughed as she passed you. “Karma’s a bitch.”
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3<3
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coldfanbou · 6 months
Banding Together
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Alright, everyone, here is the fic I was talking about. The first lady you see is Hyun-Jung of Rolling Quartz, while the second is Magenta of QWER. I love both bands and wanted to write them, so here we are with them. Also, yes, the title is a pun because they are both in a band. Please enjoy.
Length 3K
Magenta x Mreader X HyunJung
Sitting at an empty bar, you sip your drink while waiting for your friend. The small chime of the bell alerted you to her entrance. “What took you so long?” You ask, turning to face the door. You note someone else standing with her.
“I was bringing a friend,” she chides, giving you a slight wink. Hyun-Jung wore a simple white dress that suited her well, considering her blonde hair, which turned light blue. You look over and recognize the face. 
“And it’s someone I know.” You finish the last of your drink before ordering another, “Boss, serve the ladies whatever they’d like.” You tell the bartender before standing up. “It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, too. I’m Min-hee.” She greets you, bowing slightly. Min-hee wears a white button-up shirt, a low black vest, and a gray skirt.
“I know. You’re Magenta of Qwer. How do you know Hyun-Jung?” 
“We started talking a while ago. I really like her music, and I complimented her online. We started talking a little afterward, and we’ve gone out a few times.” 
“That’s great. It’s nice to know Hyun-Jung had friends.” Hyun-Jung slaps your shoulder before taking a seat next to you. 
“Boss, the most expensive drink you have,” she says, eyeing you. Shaking your head, you sit back down in your seat. Magenta sits next to Hyun-Jung. “Oh, make it two, Boss.” Hyun-Jung giggles as she puts one hand on Magenta’s shoulder. “We’re going to drink all night!” She says, happy as can be. Sighing in response, you down your drink. 
“Have you two ever played together? I mean, Hyun-Jung is a guitarist, and you're a bassist, Magenta.” 
Magenta shakes her head, “We haven’t played together at all. We mostly go to karaoke and sing our hearts out. Plus, I still stream…”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Magenta lets out a slight snort before giggling. “I just mean that you two could still play together for fun.”
Magenta waves you off, “I get it, I get it. You just said that so plainly.” She grabs her drink, wrapping her lips around the straw and taking a sip before continuing. “We just like to relax together, so we go out to sing.”
Hyun-Jung interrupts your conversation, leaning forward to block your line of sight of Magenta. “Am I just a third wheel on your guys' date?” She bangs her fist against the counter. “Don’t just ignore me.” Hyun-Jung’s anger makes you both laugh. 
“Oh, relax. We’re just chatting.” Hyun-Jung huffs and down the last of her drink. “Take your time drinking; you know how you can get.”
“I’ll be fine. You have to watch out for Min-hee. She’s the one that gets wild.” 
Magenta shakes her friend, “I’m not that bad!” She whines. Hyun-Jung laughs, knowing she’s getting to her friend. 
The three of you stay at the bar until late into the night. Both women were drunk after the many drinks they had at your expense. “I know I said today was on me, but couldn’t you two have taken it a little easy?” 
“No, free drinks are free drinks,” Hyun-Jung says, hiccups overtaking her as she stumbles out of the bar. Magenta wasn’t fairing much better, holding onto Hyun-Jung before falling to the ground. Her face was red, and she continued to pull on Hyun-Jung’s white dress from the ground. Hyun-Jung grabbed the end of her dress, pulling back on it. “You’re going to make everything spill out!” She yelled. What she said was true, though; Magenta’s pulling nearly made one of Hyun-Jung’s tits pop out of her dress. 
“I need help!” Magenta whined. Her previously pristine outfit was dirtied from the fall, and the wine she had spilled on herself earlier. As you looked down at the fallen woman, you glanced at her cleavage. Magenta had unbuttoned her shirt just a little in an attempt to dry her shirt. 
You squat down in front of the drunk woman, “Come on, I’ll carry you to the station.” Magenta sniffles before letting go of Hyun-Jung’s dress and climbing you. You grip her thighs tightly as you stand up, feeling her arms tighten their grip around you as she presses herself against you.  
“You live nearby; let’s stay at your house.” Hyun-Jung’s says as she wraps her arms around yours to support herself. 
“Are you sure? Magenta, what do you think?”
“I wouldn’t mind staying with you.” She says softly. 
“Alright, then. Let’s get going.” 
Along the way home, you feel Magenta rubbing against you. Hyun-Jung seemed completely unaware as Magenta planted her lips on your neck. “Thanks for the night out. Is there any way I could pay you back?” She whispered, adding extra emphasis to any. “I’m sure I could find a good way once we get to your home.” 
Magenta kissed your neck again, her soft lips lingering there. You felt her small tongue lick your neck; it sent a shiver down your spine. You stayed silent, not wanting to give her any attention. “Hey, are we there yet?” Hyun-Jung asked as if to remind you she was there, too. 
“Nearly there, Hyun-Jung.” You continue walking, your arms getting tired from carrying the flirty Magenta.
“I’m getting cold,” Hyun-Jung complained. 
“This is why I told you to bring a jacket,” you reply, nearing your apartment. “Just hold on a little longer. We’re nearly there.” Once you entered the main building, you let Magenta down. “You can walk the rest of the way. I’m getting a little tired.” 
Magenta rests against you, her arms wrapping themselves around your neck. You feel her rub her leg against yours as she brings it up. “What if you carried me like this?” She says in a low voice, jumping up and wrapping her legs around your waist. The sudden weight nearly brings you both down, forcing you to react. You place your hands on her ass as you take a step forward, attempting to balance yourself. Magenta takes the opportunity to shift her weight, smacking your face with her breasts. You’re getting aroused; Magenta was a beautiful woman throwing herself at you.
“Min-Hee! What are you doing?” Hyun-Jung says, trying to get her friend off you.
Magenta clings to you fiercely, “What?! I’m just holding on so he can carry me! Don’t be jealous!” Magenta shakes her head as Hyun-Jung tries to get her off you. After some struggles, Hyun-Jung was able to pry Magenta off you. Magenta pouts as she sits on the cold floor, “You just want him for yourself.”
“That’s not true. I don’t even want him.” The words sting a little, but you know it wasn’t meant as an insult. You grab Magenta’s hand and pull her to her feet before continuing to your apartment. 
You each slip your shoes off at the entrance before heading further inside your home. “I’m going to the bathroom,” Hyun-Jung says, leaving you and Magenta alone. You take a seat on your couch and shut your eyes for a moment, tired from carrying the drunk woman. Magenta stays rooted to where she’s standing, her hands behind her back as she spins from side to side. After the door to the bathroom shuts, she looks down, unbuttoning her vest before walking over to you. You only notice when you feel her straddle you; opening your eyes, you meet hers. Magenta presses her lips against yours; her delicate hands cup your cheeks before sliding down your neck and moving toward your hands. At your wrists, she brings your hands to her tiny waist. Magenta breaks the kiss, a small strand of saliva keeping you connected as she places her hands on your chest. 
“I’m going to repay you,” She says with a sly smile. She kisses you again as her hands move down to your pants, undoing your belt and pulling your dick out. Magenta’s hand moves slowly down your shaft, making you groan into her kiss. You snake your hands under her shirt, feeling her smooth skin as your hands move up her sides. Blocked by her black bra, your hands reach around her, unlatching it. “Naughty boy,” Magenta whispers as her grip tightens. Magenta uses her other hand to rub the head of your cock, her thumb moving across the tip, becoming covered in a layer of precum. 
You open up the rest of her shirt as she strokes your cock. You cup the underside of one of her tits, shaking it slightly and watching it jiggle as your other hand rubs her thigh. Magenta’s light moans turn you on. As she kisses you again, you pull her closer, feeling the heat coming from her core. Magenta pulls her shirt off and breaks the kiss. Pressing her tits against her chest, you lean forward, kissing her neck as she places her hands on your shoulders. “I can feel your cock twitching.” Magenta coos. She looks down at you, smiling as she pushes your head away. She reaches down, grabs it, and moves her hand along the shaft slowly, “I know you want to be inside me already, but you have to be patient.” She says, getting off you and kneeling. She spreads your legs apart slowly, sneaking in between them. 
Grabbing your cock again, she moves her hand up and down the shaft, smiling as she feels the warmth from it. Watching it leak precum, Magenta leans in and drags her tongue along the head. “Mmm, nice and salty.” She says before taking another lick; this time, Magenta wraps her lips around the head, her tongue swirling around it. You throw your head back and moan. Magetna’s small tongue teases you, going around the tip of your cock, only to stop midway and go in the other direction. Magenta slowly bobs her head, turning it slightly so your cock rubs the inside of her cheek. She pops you out of her mouth for a brief second, “Do you like it?” She says, continuing to stroke your cock.
“What are you two doing?!” Hyun-Jung yells, returning from the bathroom.
“What do you think?” Magenta says before she drags her tongue along the underside of your shaft. “I’m giving our host a nice treat.” Magenta stuffs her mouth with your cock, bobbing her head and turning her complete focus over to you. Hyun-Jung stands there in complete shock as Magenta continues to pleasure you, her tongue coating your cock in a layer of saliva. Feeling your orgasm coming, Magenta focuses on the head, running her tongue back and forth across the tip, making you squirm. Your hips start to move uncontrollably as you near your orgasm; Magenta’s gentle hand tries to keep you still as her tongue laps at your cock.
“Magneta, I’m cumming,” You groan as you buck your hips. Magenta sucks on the head, feeling your warm cum coat her tongue as she milks you by stroking your shaft. Hyun-Jung watches as Magenta’s throat flexes and relaxes as she drinks your cum. She feels a growing wetness in her panties as she watches the scene unfold. Her right-hand moves down her dress, rubbing her folds as she watches Magenta pull away and show you an empty mouth. 
Magenta glances over at Hyun-Jung; seeing her friend getting active, she draws attention to it. “I guess you want some, too, huh, Hyun-Jung,” She says, slapping her face with your limp cock. Hyun-Jung gulps, unable to say a word. “It’s okay; you don’t have to say anything. Just come over here. I’ll even make room for you.” Magenta scoots to the side and waves Hyun-Jung closer. She remains standing in place momentarily, considering her options before eventually moving toward you. She kneels before your, eyeing your cock. “I have just the thing to get this little guy hard again,” Magenta announces before pulling on Hyun-Jung’s dress, getting her tits out. Only now did you see Hyun-Jung hadn’t been wearing a bra. “There we go.” She says with a proud smile on her face. “Now we just do this,” Magenta presses her tits against your cock and pulls Hyun-Jung to do the same. Magenta presses her tits against Hyun-Jung’s, trapping your cock in the middle as they begin to move. You can feel their nipples rub against your cock. Hyun-Jung watches you carefully, listening to your moans. The women feel your cock come back, growing hard between their tits. 
“It’s back,” Magenta says to herself. Hyun-Jung, I’ll let you go first.” Hyun-Jung is taken aback by Magenta’s words. She hadn’t expected her friend to give her the first chance. The pair stand up, with Magenta getting behind Hyun-Jung. She raised the bottom of Hyun-Jung’s dress, revealing her white panties. “Aww, look at you trying to look pure, unnie.” The teasing makes Hyun-Jung blush, and the redness on her face gets stronger as Magenta moves her panties to the side. “Look at this little pussy. Aren’t you a lucky man?” Magenta says as she pushes Hyun-Jung onto you. Magenta helps you and Hyun-Jung along, aligning you with her cunt and pushing her friend onto your cock. 
“O-oh,” Hyu-Jung lets out a staggered moan as she feels your cock enter her. Magenta’s lips on the back of her neck arouse her further, and as you begin to move Hyun-Jung’s voice reigns free, filling the room as you stuff her with your cock. Magenta toys with her friend, squeezing her tits as Hyun-Jung bounces on your cock. You grip Hyun-Jung’s waist, your hands digging into her soft flesh as you pull her down. You nip at the other side of her neck, giving her more pleasure. With the mass of hands and lips touching her Hyun-Jung begins to lose herself to the pleasure, her warm walls squeeze down on your cock. 
“Unnie, it looks like you’re having a lot of fun. Do you like riding him that much?” 
“Mhmm, I-I love it.” Magenta plants her lips on Hyun-Jung’s while continuing to play with her tits. Her fingers trapping Hyun-Jung’s nipples and pulling them taut, making the older woman moan. 
“I love playing with you, unnie. Your tits are so soft.” Magenta whispers into Hyun-Jung’s ear. “You don’t mind if I get a taste, do you?” 
“What?” Hyun-Jung mumbles before feeling Magenta latch onto her tit. She looks down to see her friend suckling on her tit, feeling Magenta’s tongue swirl around her nipple. You do the same, getting her other nipple. Hyun-Jung holds you both to her chest, keeping you in place and becoming a moaning mess. Her cunt holds you tightly, clamping down around your head as she nears her climax. “Shit, I’m cumming.” You squeeze Hyun-Jung; her soft body is perfect for it. Your thrusts continue to speed up, your cock twitching wildly inside her. You bury your cock inside Hyun-Jung, holding her down as your cum paints her walls white. Hyun-Jung cries out as she feels the hot cum rush into her body; she grinds against you taking every drop. 
Magenta watches on happily, eagerly awaiting her turn. She rubs her clit through her panties, whimpering as she has to wait for Hyun-Jung to get off you. 
You kiss Hyun-Jung as you feel her walls squeeze the tip of your cock for more. She returns it, her tongue lazily tracing your lips as you help her off. Hyun-Jung falls back onto the floor, her legs too weak to hold her up. 
Seeing this, Magenta has a lightbulb moment. She crawls over the tired woman, coming face-to-face with Hyun-Jung. Magenta looks over her shoulder to you, raising her ass and arching her back. She shakes it from side to side, telling you to hurry up. You kneel down, holding her tiny waist with one hand while the other moves her panties to the side. Magenta was ready, her cunt slick with her nectar. You can push in with ease, sliding into the deepest parts. Magenta muffled her moans by kissing Hyun-Jung. The older woman could barely return the kiss and let Magenta explore her mouth. You gave Magenta hard thrusts, impaling her. You snuck your hands around her body, squeezing one of her tits and flicking her clit with the other hand. Magenta pushed her ass against you, loving how your cock was ruining her. She held Hyun-Jung’s hands, holding them by the older woman’s head as she forced her tongue into her mouth.  “You’re so tight, Magenta.” You groan. Magenta’s cunt felt like it was tightening around you with every thrust. As you played with her clit, you could feel her tight abs as your forearm rubbed against them. It seemed like she had trained her entire body.
You pull away slowly, holding her waist as you ram your cock into her cunt. Magenta’s moans slowly grow louder despite using Hyun-Jung to silence them. You raise one of your hands high into the air and bring it down on her ass, a deafening clap filling the room. Magenta felt the lingering sting on her ass. Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head as you delivered another strike. Magenta was forced to break her kiss with Hyun-Jung. She began to lap at the older woman’s neck hungrily. “Unnie, I’m going to cum. I’m gonna cum!” She cried out, her grip on Hyun-Jung tightening as her walls clamped down on your cock. Magenta pressed her ass against you, making your cock kiss her womb as she came. Your thrusts continued for another moment before you drove it deep into Magenta and filled her cunt with the first shot of cum. You pulled out and stroked your cock, painting her toned back with your cum before falling back.
You all lay on the floor, tired and wasted from the night. The next morning you woke up to the sight of the women holding each other, with Magenta suckling on Hyun-Jung’s tit as she slept. Magenta still had your cum on her back while Hyun-Jung lay in a pool of it.  Hyun-Jung’s dress would be ruined, while Magenta’s clothes were relatively untouched. You got up slowly and shook them both awake. Magenta smiled as she saw the near-naked  Hyun-Jung. “Unnie, last night was fun. We should do it again.” She said with a smile. Magenta looked at you and winked, telling you she wanted more times like last night. 
Hyun-Jung shook her head slowly, “Never again. This hangover is killing me.” She said, not realizing she was half-naked and filled with cum.
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justauthoring · 9 months
naturally [6]
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you fit into their little family perfectly - naturally. -> in which gojo doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut
a/n: i couldn't help myself yall, i needed some satosugu in my life and i wanted some nanami fluff
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader, itadori yuji x f!reader (platonic) & mild satosugu
“I’d really rather just spend the night with you and Yuji.”
You let out a small laugh at Nanami’s words, mumbling against the back of your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you so you’re flush against his chest.
He’s been particularly clingy all night, in a way he rarely ever is. You know he’s doing it in the hopes it’ll convince you to cancel your plans so that way he can keep you all to himself and even though you have absolutely no plans of doing so, you do relish in the attention. It wasn’t like Nanami wasn’t affectionate, because of course he was, but you always secretly loved the moments he was just a tad more vulnerable and clingy with you.
And today has certainly been one of those days.
Waking up in his arms, instead of finding him in the kitchen making breakfast like he usually did on his days off; he’d opted for spending those few blissful moments before Yuji woke up holding you in his arms, pressing kisses along your exposed skin and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It had left you promptly flustered and flushed, but you’d struggled to pull yourself away, until Yuji came bounding into the room with a bright excited smile as he exclaimed his excitement for your plans that evening.
Nanami had only continued much the same for the rest of the day. Always touching you in some way, pressing kisses against your cheek or lips, and everything in and of between. Now, as you finished getting ready, he was practically insatiable.
“I know, Kento,” you smile, securing the dangly earring you’d opted for that evening in your ear before turning in his arms to face him. He leans back as you do, giving you the room as you let your hands fall on his chest, grinning up at him. “But Yuji is excited for tonight. He’s been practically bouncing all day.”
Nanami frowns but you know he isn’t all that upset — he’s happy that Yuji’s excited, of course he is. It’s just…
“Are you?”
Biting your lip to fight the grin that threatens to grow even wider (if that’s possible), you shrug; “I've been waiting to meet Geto-san for a while, honey. I think it’s nice that he and Satoru have invited us over for dinner.”
Nanami pouts and it’s all too adorable that you can barely contain yourself.
“I respect Suguru,” he concedes with a nod. “I’ve known the two of them for a while and he’s always been the more tolerable one of the two. But sweetheart, Satoru is… incorrigible.”
You snort; “Satoru isn’t all that bad, Kento.”
Nanami visibly deflates.
“It’s odd for you to be this frazzled,” you comment, brushing your hands downwards before wrapping around his waist, tugging him closer against you. Pressing a chaste kiss against his lips, you pull back, smirking; “are you… perhaps jealous?”
Nanami huffs; “of course not.”
“Because that would be silly,” you remind, pressing your finger against his chest. “Given that Satoru is a married man… to another man no less.”
“Yes,” Nanami agrees, “that’s why, like I said, I’m not jealous.”
You hum lightly, nodding your head as you pull from his grasp, taking one more glance of yourself in the mirror to make sure you’re completely ready, brushing down any wrinkles in your attire before turning back to Nanami with a grin. He lingers close, hand reaching for yours as you nod; “shall we go? Yuji’s waiting for us.”
And he pauses, just briefly, before nodding quite stiffly.
“You didn’t have to bring anything.”
Shrugging, you smile up at Getou. “I wanted to make a good first impression, Getou-san,” you bow lightly, before shaking your head. “Besides, it’s just a bottle of sake and some sweets for Gojo-san since I know he isn’t a fan of alcohol. Or… really anything other than sweets,” you add lightly, flushing faintly.
Getou snorts, turning to his husband who pouts beside him. “Ah, yes,” he nods, “it’s something I've been trying to negate, truthfully. Without much success, I must admit. And please, just Suguru, Y/N. No need for formalities.”
You beam, eyes twinkling in delight.
“You’re mean,” Gojo pouts, nudging his husband slightly before turning his attention to you. “And like I said, Satoru as well, Y/N. Gojo-san reminds me of my father.”
“And it’s good to see you as well, Kento,” Getou calls, turning to Nanami with a familiar smile as he nods in greeting. Nanami who’s standing next to you shifts slightly at his name being called, his hand around your waist having loosened from its previously tightened grip as he nods in return.
“You as well, Suguru,” Nanami smiles, the gesture meaningful, before it falters slightly as he turns to Gojo who grins brightly his way. “And… Satoru.”
You turn to Nanami, nudging him; “Kento!”
Getou and Gojo just laugh, brushing away your concern — clearly this was a regular occurrence.
Just then, Yuji shifts in your grip, obviously tired of being ignored and when you turn to look at him, his eyes are searching frantically across the bit of Getou and Gojo’s apartment that you can see, searching for Megumi.
“Ah, yes, sorry Yuji-kun,” Getou nods, turning his head over his shoulder before calling out. “Megumi! Yuji’s here! Girls, come down too!”
Getou and Gojo step back from the doorway, giving you room to step in as you slip off your shoes, accepting the pair of house slippers Getou offers you with a smile. You set Yuji down as you do, and in seconds he’s bounding in, chasing after Megumi who only reaches the end of the hallway before he’s bombarded by the pink-haired boy. You watch with a fond smile as the two of them interact, before Megumi’s eyes turn towards you and Nanami, bowing slightly in greeting. You nod, waving with a smile, before three footsteps echo after him and your eyes fall on three girls, the oldest one who bares a striking resemblance to Megumi, with long, black hair and the same eyes but there’s a brighter smile on his lips as she makes her way over. The two other girls look to be about Megumi and Yuji’s age, the blonde one holding tightly onto the brunet’s hand, and you can instantly tell they’re twins.
Getou ushers them forward and you bend to meet their eyes properly. “It’s wonderful to meet you girls,” you smile, holding out the three sets of chocolates you’d gotten for them. “This is for you three, just something small to show how excited I am to meet you all.”
Nanami sets a hand on your back as the oldest girl instantly bows; “thank you very much, Nanami-san.”
You barely have time to register her use of Kento’s last name in regards to you before the twins are bowing as well, the brunet hiding behind the blonde somewhat as the latter speaks up for the both of them; “thank you, Nanami-san.”
Your cheeks are red as you pull away, avoiding Nanami’s heavy gaze on you as you turn to both Getou and Gojo who are sporting matching grins.
Gojo is practically laughing as he steps towards the three girls; “the oldest is Tsumiki, Megumi’s sister.” She smiles as you turn to look at her, oblivious to your embarrassment. “And the twin girls are Nanako,” he gestures to the blonde, “and Mimiko,” he sets his hand on the brunets, smiling fondly down at them. “Mimiko’s a little shy so I apologize.”
You shake your head, “it’s no worries. I also got some chocolate for Megumi but…” your words trail as you turn where Megumi and Yuji had once been, only to see the space empty.
Nanami shakes his head; “that boy… Yuji’s been excited to see Megumi all day, I apologize.”
Gojo shrugs; “Megumi won’t admit it, but he was as well..”
Getou nods; “it’s no worries.”
Tsumiki steps forward then, holding her hand out; “I can take them to Megumi for you, Nanami-san.”
Your blush comes back full force, setting the chocolates in her hand with a light shake of your head. “You… you can call me Y/N, Tsumiki. Please. You girls too,” you smile at Nanako and Mimiko.
Please because you don’t think you can handle the embarrassment anymore.
She nods, taking the chocolates before calling Nanako and Mimiko after her, leading them the way the boys had gone, still red in the cheeks. 
“Is something wrong… Y/N?”
Turning to Gojo, you think you may understand just a little in that moment, why Nanami finds Gojo so annoying.
“I see you still haven’t put a ring on that finger then, Kento.”
You choke on the food you’d just taken a bite of at Satoru’s words, body tensing.
Pressing your napkin to your face, you force down the food, gathering yourself before your eyes slowly drift to your left where Nanami’s sat beside you at Gojo and Getou’s dinner table. The kids are sitting towards the end, completely in their own world, Yuji excitedly explaining something to Megumi and the twins while Tsumiki does her best to listen to herself, obviously finding his story a little… much given her age. You respect how responsible she is, though, given that she isn’t that much older herself, but she seems to take pride in watching after her younger siblings and doesn’t mind adding Yuji to that group either; the thought makes you smile.
You’re happy Yuji’s found such wonderful friends.
And honestly, the whole night had been going wonderful. Despite your mild embarrassment at the beginning, Getou was easy to talk to and you found you related to him in a lot of ways. You almost felt bad for Nanami when you realized you’d left him to Gojo all by himself, having gone off to the kitchen to help Getou finish the final touches of dinner (despite how much he protested otherwise, you’d insisted you could help).
It had been going wonderful, until that moment.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry Nanami because God knows you did… but… neither of you had discussed it. Not really at least. And, you weren’t sure Nanami even wanted to marry, least of all you. The two of you were comfortable, the routine you’d built was easy and comfortable and you both enjoyed it. 
The idea of being married to Nanami was one you’d thought about and would love, but… but you didn’t know if he felt the same.
So, as your eyes fall on him, you’re apprehensive for his reaction, not really sure what you expect but find yourself fearing the worst. You find yourself hurt, however, when you turn to look at him, and he simply shrugs.
You snap your eyes back to your plate, trying to ignore hurt welling inside of you and most of all the embarrassment coursing through you when you see Getou glancing at you in concern.
Gojo, oblivious, only grins; “best be quick. Someone might just steal her away, after all.” He teases, leaning forward to further egg Nanami on.
“Someone like you?” Nanami grunts out, and your eyes widen.
“K-Kento,” you call, worried as you cast a glance Getou’s way. He didn’t really say such a thing like that in front of Gojo’s husband… did he?
But Gojo just cackles, loudly as Getou shakes his head at you, brushing away your concern. “It’s fine, Y/N.” He assures, smiling genuinely your way. Then, there’s a twinkle of mischief in his eyes that reminds you all too much of Gojo as he grins; “besides, I certainly wouldn’t mind if Satoru did. You are a wonderful woman.”
It’s a tease, but part of you thinks he says it because he’d caught your hurt expression earlier. And it’s sweet and it warms your heart, but that doesn’t stop the bright, red flush from your cheeks as you sputter in response, thoroughly embarrassed.
That embarrassment which is only added when Gojo eagerly nods from next to his husband.
Through it all, you miss the very present frown on Nanami’s face.
“Thank you again, Suguru, Satoru.” You bow, hands clasped tightly before you, as you meet their eyes. “The dinner was wonderful and it was great meeting you, Suguru.”
Getou smiles as Gojo steps towards him, wrapping his arm around his waist. “It was wonderful meeting you as well, Y/N. We’ll have to do this again. I think the kids quite enjoyed it too.” His words are said with a fond smile as he gestures back towards Megumi and the girls who are promptly passed out on the couch (even the ever responsible Tsumiki, whose fallen asleep cuddling her brother) before turning back to Yuji who is comfortable dowsing off in Nanami’s arms.
You reach forward, brushing back Yuji’s hair in a soothing motion as you nod; “yes. I’m so happy Yuji’s found such a wonderful friend in Megumi and the girls are just wonderful.” You turn to them, beaming. “You two have such a wonderful family.”
Getou flushes at that, your sincere words obviously stunning him as he turns away, pressing his arm to his face as Gojo grins next to him. “Suguru gets quite sentimental,” Gojo teases gently, squeezing his husband before turning to you and Nanami. “Thank you, though. Yuji is lucky to have such wonderful parents.”
You flush yourself then, turning to Nanami who twists, just as silent as he’d been all night. Though, it seemed to worsen during dinner and since then he’s been rather unresponsive, and the clinginess he’d displayed all day was all together gone as he stood stiffly next to you.
“W-Well,” you force out, plastering a smile on your face as you turn back to the two. “We should go. Get Yuji to bed.”
Getou nods; “of course.”
With a final goodbye, you and Nanami make your way out and towards the car. Nanami continues to remain silent, placing Yuji in his car seat in the back as you slip into the passenger seat. The air is tense as he starts the car and starts the ride home, and although you want to say something, you have no idea what because you’re not really sure what the problem is.
Isn’t he the one who blatantly stated he wouldn’t want to marry you?
Technically, he didn’t say those words but… his shrug of indifference hadn’t really been all that reassuring.
So you opt for staring out the window until you arrive at the apartment, slipping out first. Nanami grabs Yuji and you unlock the door, letting him slip by you to tuck Yuji into bed. You follow seconds after, catching Nanami just as he makes his way out of Yuji’s bedroom. You sigh as he slips past you, pressing a small kiss to Yuji’s head before slipping out. You can hear Nanami in the kitchen, fiddling with dishes, and you hover, not sure if you should try and talk to him or just go to bed.
It was rare that things were tense between you and Nanami. You weren’t sure if you’d call this a fight… it wasn’t like Nanami and you hadn’t fought before, but it was rare and the two of you were good at gauging each other's emotions and giving space when needed.
But… but it felt wrong to leave this as is when you’re not even sure what’s wrong.
So, you turn to head to the kitchen.
“Kento?” You call the second you reach the kitchen. His back is turned to you, putting away the dishes he’d neglected all day in favour of spending time with you and something uncomfortable twists in your chest.
“Is… everything okay?”
Nanami pauses, hands falling to brace himself against the sink as he sighs. Your whole body tenses, fearing what he might say, and then, to your complete shock, he just whispers; “I'm sorry.”
And you're confused—bewildered even.
“Wh-What…?” you manage to force out, trying to make sense of the night, of what had gone wrong, of why Nanami was apologizing because wasn’t he the one who’d been upset?
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” he explains, though it doesn't really explain anything.
He turns, moving so his back rests against the counter as he turns to face you, meeting your eyes.
You stare back at him. “What did you want to be a surprise?”
His lips part, and then he stops himself, cursing. “Satoru and his damn big mouth.”
Your eyes widen, lips parting. Satoru? Why was he mad at Satoru?
Nanami seems to finally register your bafflement because in the next second, he’s sighing, crossing the distance over to you as he cups your cheeks, shaking his head. “It was supposed to be a surprise and Yuji was supposed to be a part of it… I wanted it to be special. For you.”
Raising your hands, you clasp his wrists; “Kento, what are you talking about?”
“I was going to propose to you.”
“I’ve been carrying the ring with me for weeks trying to think of the best way to do it. I wanted Yuji to help me because I thought it was only fitting but I was still coming up with a plan.” Huffing, he shakes his head. “One day at work, Gojo came bursting into my office when I wasn’t prepared and he caught sight of the ring… Well, let’s just say he was impossible to stop after that and I just knew he was going to make a comment tonight even though I practically begged him not to say anything. He just can’t help himself… And I panicked when he said something so I shrugged but I saw how hurt you were by that and—and it’s just all been ruined.”
It takes you a moment to process his words. 
You think back to earlier, to how Nanami had been desperate to not go that night and you’d thought it was just because he didn’t want to deal with Gojo (because although he would deny it vehemently until the day he died, you knew he did like Gojo). How clingy he’d been. And then how his entire persona had changed when Gojo had made that comment. 
How it wasn’t because he didn’t want to marry you or any silly worry like that. It was because he’d been planning to ask you and wanted to make it special and felt that Gojo had ruined the surprise for you…
How utterly and completely sweet the entire thing is.
“Kento,” you call after a moment, pulling his eyes on you as he frowns. “It doesn’t matter how you ask, I’ll say yes every time.”
His lips part, eyes widening.
“I love you and I love Yuji, and you’ve become my family in ways I’d have never expected.” You profess, hoping the sincerity of your words is enough to express just how deeply you mean the words. “I would love to marry you.”
He’s quiet for a moment, still, before he’s stepping back, gently pulling his hands away as he reaches into the pocket of his trousers, pulling a small box. The smile that bounds on your face is undeniable, hands coming up to your lips as he steps back, kneeling in front of you, in the middle of your kitchen, opening the box so the beautiful ring is facing you.
He smiles as he asks; “will you marry me?”
Your vision blurs as the tears well and the excitement that wells inside has you feeling giddy as you nod, choking out the words through happy tears; “yes,” you breathe, “yes, i’ll marry you.”
You’re reaching for him before you realize it, pulling him to his feet as you wrap your arms around him, holding him close as you press your face into the crook of his neck, a sob pulling from your lips. He’s pressing kisses against your cheek, drifting to your jaw before pulling back, before reaching for your left hand, pulling the ring from the box and easily sliding the ring on your ring finger. You watch him do so with a barely concealed smile, beaming from ear to ear as your eyes twinkle with tears and delight, pulling your hand to your face to look at the ring before turning back to Nanami.
“I love you,” you whisper, reaching for him. “I love you so much.”
He hums, happy, his eyes crinkling with warmth. “I love you too,” he breathes, pressing his lips against yours, before mumbling against them. “So, so much, Y/N.”
The two of you bask in each other’s presence for a moment, before a small voice calls out;
“Does this mean you’re really my mom now?”
And you pull back, shocked, surprised to see Yuji standing by the hall to his room, a blanket tucked in his arm as he rubs at his eyes tiredly. And yet, despite how sleepy he looks, there’s a bright grin on his face as he looks at you, to his father, to the ring on your finger.
“Hana-sensei from daycare says that when two people are married that means they really love each other,” he continues, mumbling the words. “Do you really love each other?”
You turn to Nanami, before grinning, pulling from his grasp as you make your way towards Yuji, kneeling so you’re at his eye-level. “Yes, Yuji, we really love each other. Just like I really love you.” You smile warmly, brushing your fingers against his cheek gently.
Nanami steps up behind you, putting a hand on your back before smiling at Yuji; “and yes, Y/N is really your mother, Yuji. Just like she’s always been.”
You bite your lip, loving the way those words sound before Yuji is suddenly throwing his arms around you, nearly knocking you off your feet from the sheer shock of it all if Nanami had steadied you. You’re quick to wrap your arms around him in return, turning to eye Nanami who watches the both of you with adoring eyes.
I love you, he mouths to you.
And you clasp Yuji tighter, nodding.
I love you too.
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