#it looks so wrong
ninas-tearsofrain · 3 months
this pic of sam without the goatee scares me
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qweengiba · 2 months
I don't know what happened but I opened up the game a this is what greeted me.
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They deep-fried our fish.
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fluffyr0cky · 6 months
When it's pink
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alexander-life · 1 year
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I can’t un-see it...
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charles-edwin · 1 year
this new tumblr update is making me feel soooo uncomfortable ughhhhh
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darthpastry · 5 months
Hey so now that the FNaF 1 song by TLT is canon to the movie-verse what are the odds that either Mrs. Schmidt is possessing the Puppet or that they’ll switch to a male singer and have It’s Been So Long in the credits of the next FNaF movie and Mr. Schmidt will be possessing the Puppet. I mean, they did leave his fate pretty open ended.
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lo-cinno · 5 months
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Pls I opened my Ibis and saw this
I forgot I was working on this and I just paused and stared… I look bald- return my lock handle thing
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yugiohz · 2 years
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araki drawing babies whith kneecaps when we are born without them helpppp
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brandnewdress · 1 year
I won’t lie atogylb is a nasty little acronym
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all-hail-the-conn-8d · 9 months
Welp, I just installed a Helvetica font on my computer for Simmons Purposes™, and now Tumblr has decided to start using it...cursed.
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detroit-grand-prix · 11 months
the picture of mick in the mclaren fireproofs/race suit broke my brain, and not in a good way
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dustjacketmusings · 1 year
I keep seeing the little mermaid promotions and thinking they're fan made. I dont even like the designs they used let alone the actual cgi rendering. I'm sorry Halle they did you so dirty
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redysetdare · 1 year
Monkeys having naked little hands > Monkeys having paw pads
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pastelhellion · 2 years
hey tumblr quick question what's up with the icon change and could you fix it kthnx
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missmitchieg · 2 years
i’ve actually never seen IT! definitely on my list though. and yes, i’d love to hear your thoughts on mean girls being horror!
OH MY GOD DUDE IT IS SO GOOD! Like, it is scary but in a fun way and the friendship of the Losers make my heart go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the parody musical, funnily enough just made me love everything more and asdgfddfghjhgfd
Also, thank you for asking about Mean Girls because WOO BOY this movie is very pretty while being very scary.
Under the cut because whoops, long.
So you've got Cady, who starts out as a very sweet girl who is a dangerously Naive Newcomer and trusting of the first people who are even slightly kind to her. She allows herself to be influenced by Unpopular Bitch/Monster Janis and GBF Damian's thoughts on everyone instead of forming her own opinions by talking to people and getting to know them. Cady's silent while Janis rattles off shit about the cliques in the cafeteria, none of which she's particularly nice or even neutral about besides literally her and Damian.
Then at lunch, Cady's bombarded with questions by annoying Nice Guy Kevin Gnapor and "saved" by Popular Bitch/Monster Regina George while her little Mindless Minions, Gretchen and Karen watch silently. This is only the beginning of Cady's slow but very much there transformation into the new Monster.
Regina, being a quite dumb and insecure Monster, takes Cady under her hard Plastic little devil wing in an attempt to keep her crown and make sure Cady never over powers her. It backfires horribly.
In the beginning, she smiles at Cady and tells her she's pretty and she can sit with their Clique at lunch and go on fun shopping sprees with them. It seems innocent enough, so Cady takes the opportunities with a smile on her face, with the encouragement of Monster Janis who desperately wants some dirt on Regina to ruin her life as revenge for starting rumors about her.
Cady's allowed to go to Regina's house and she feels a little too comfortable so she blurts out that jab at Damian's expense, then worries that she wasn't allowed to talk like that. This is the next step in Cady's transformation into Popular Bitch/Monster. She's still in the beginning stages, but she's definitely turning.
Then Cady's attacked over the phone by Regina, who claims to "know her secret" and then gives her (fake) blessing for Cady to make a move on Jock Aaron. Cady takes it and absolutely runs with it, flirting with Aaron. Then she's invited to his party, and no one told her about the Sexy Costume rule, so she shows up in a genuinely scary ex wife costume while Monster Regina is clad in a sexy Playboy bunny costume. (I have Thoughts about the movie costume vs the Broadway costume, but that's another topic for another post.)
Cady thinks Regina's her friend and she's Regina's friend, and in her mind, friends don't hurt friends. She's shocked when Monster Regina takes Aaron back and kisses him in front of her and all the Popular Kids from school.
This messiness from Monster pisses Cady the fuck off (however understandable it is) and only serves to move Cady's transformation further along and in fact speed up the process. She devises an entire plan to dethrone Regina and ruin her life by taking everything from her. This is when it starts to get really scary, because Cady doesn't even realize what's happening. She fully doesn't realize that she is very swiftly becoming the Monster.
At school, Cady does the absolute most to both get Aaron's attention onto her. Nothing much happens and it drives Cady absolutely mad. She's becoming more and more like Regina daily, sending herself a candy cane and lying that it's from Regina to taunt Gretchen who never has and never will get a candy cane from her, switching from her Shit Talk Buddy persona with Janis and Damian to her Plastic persona with Regina with an alarming ease.
She casually lies that Janis just started babbling about crack, but is somehow surprised when Regina fake smiles at some girl and compliments her skirt, but her smile fades and she calls the skirt ugly as soon as the girl leaves, then coos about loving Cady's bracelet and asking where she got it, which Cady remembers she already did the first day they met.
Later, Cady half listens to Gretchen whine and moan about Regina and expertly gets her to accidentally spill some secrets about Regina, like her nose job and her separated parents.
When Gretchen nearly ruins their performance because she's always on Regina's left and now Regina forced her to switch, Cady saves the day with her pretty song and dance.
After, Cady's praised by Kevin and the girls tease her for crushing on him and expressing desire to join the Mathletes, even though according to Aaron, she hates math. Regina takes note of this and gives Cady an evil grin while Cady's awkwardly silent.
Gretchen makes a comment with slang she's trying to make happen and Regina rudely scolds her for doing so, making an already very insecure Gretchen absolutely crack and spill even more secrets to Cady like cheating on Aaron with Jock Shane.
The second she learns about Shane, her only thought is fucking "JACKPOT" and she simply makes it her mission to get Regina caught cheating by Aaron. It doesn't work.
Her next move is to give Regina nutrition bars to gain weight, as she wanted to lose weight despite already being skinny and toned like a fucking Barbie doll.
Cady explicitly says she hates Regina, but at the same time, still wanted Regina to like her. Same with Gretchen. They both just knew being Plastic and hating life was better than not doing so, because Plastics are Royalty in the school hallways.
Cady, now a full blown Plastic Bitch/Monster, struts down the school hallway with the Plastics + Aaron, dressed in a pastel colored combination of outfits previously worn by Regina, a tank and a jacket, and Gretchen, a plaid skirt and high heels. She calls herself a woman possessed, spending 80% of her time bitching about Regina and the other 20% praying someone else would bitch about her so she could. She literally couldn't stop. Instead of doing what Monster Cady wants, Monster Janis huffs and comments on Cady's perfume, given to her by Regina.
Now desperate for Aaron's attention, Cady's faking stupid and failing math so Aaron can tutor her. The two agree to a tutor session after school as long as neither of them tell Regina.
At home, Aaron's genuinely trying to help Cady but she's just interested in trying to seduce him. She smiles, flirts and kisses him, but he pulls away and says it's not fair to Regina.
Irritated, she asks why he even likes Regina and can't answer when she asks the same. Instead, Monster word vomits and admits she knows Regina cheats on him regularly. This makes Aaron break up with her. Step one in Operation: Kill The Monster is complete.
She's "mildly horrified" and confused when Aaron doesn't immediately hop onto Cady, questioning how much time he needs if Regina's already moved on. But overall, the plan's going well. Regina's lost her pretty arm candy and is gaining weight.
It's time to rid her of her Mindless Minions.
At 1-3-5, Regina tries on a size 5 dress that's too small for her and Cady spouts some bullshit about water weight, lying her ass off to ease Regina's worries. The store ends up not having the dress in Regina's size. Regina's lost her boyfriend and her body.
Now, Cady's failing and she rants to the girls about hating Wannabe Hero Norbury and accuses her of being a drug pusher. Gretchen tells her to put it in the Burn Book and she does, no hesitation. She knows it looks like she's become a Bitch, and insists she's only acting like a Bitch.
At school, Cady's staring in a tiny mirror and applying pink make up in a very Regina George fashion, and wearing almost an exact replica of an outfit Regina had worn before. Janis also comments that Cady didn't call her back the night before, paralleling Regina complaining that Janis hounded her about not being called back before as well.
Not only is that happening, though. Now Cady's planning Major Plastic Sabotage on her own and hyping Gretchen up while she's spilling shit about Regina to Karen over the phone.
At school, Regina shows up wearing uncharacteristically gross sweat pants, which are against Plastic Law and suddenly, she's no longer their leader, nor is she still "graciously allowed" to sit with them. Gretchen screams that she can't sit with them, and Regina huffs that they can walk home.
Monster Regina is critically hurt, but she's far from dead.
Monster Cady gets out of the concert with her parents, lying about going to Janis' art show to throw a house party just to invite Aaron and not invite Regina.
For the party, Cady wears a black dress with a thick vertical pink stripe, mirroring Regina's too small, pink dress with a thick black belt.
The party's wild. Cady's overwhelmed and can't find Aaron.
Regina just shows up like the Monster she is and stomps around angrily, telling Shane she invented Monster Cady and who does Cady think she is not inviting her. (Which, I mean, you know what. That's honestly valid. She did invent Monster Cady, however unintentional it was that Cady ended up so powerful.)
Meanwhile, Cady finds Aaron snooping around in her room. She's mildly inebriated and, though anxious, her inhibitions are low enough that she admits to faking stupid to be "allowed" to talk to Aaron. She calls Aaron, Monster Regina's property, annoying him into realizing and calling Monster Cady a clone of Regina (accurate).
Regina barges in as Cady actual vomits on Aaron, running after him and begging him to call her.
Immediately after, Cady's attacked by Monster Janis and Damian yelling at her for not inviting them to the party and telling her that Aaron still doesn't fucking want her, so why is she still actively trying to ruin Regina's life. She calls her a Mean Girl and a Bitch, chucking a painting of the three of them at her.
Later, Regina's seen with Shane complaining that she can't trust anyone anymore and shoving a kalteen bar down her throat... Until Shane explains what they actually do.
Regina's pissed.
She devises the (honestly genius) plan to write mean things about herself in the Burn Book and lie that it's not hers, inciting absolute Chaos in the hallways as she throws around pages of the book and slides them under doors. Cady calls it full tilt Jungle Madness.
Cady's now out of her element, realizing the kids are talking about her behind her back.
Duvall and Norbury do their best to be the Heroes and squash the drama and hatred in the school girl population. Norbury leads an exercise in expression of anger.
Regina insists that the school doesn't have a Clique problem and some kids are victims of the situation. Norbury agrees and ask who's felt personally victimized by Monster Regina. Cady's the first to raise her hand, being followed by everyone in the room.
Cady lies that she has nothing to own up to or apologize for and Norbury is disappointed for it, leading an exercise in apologizing for saying mean things about each other.
Instead of going next after Gretchen, Cady starts to walk away and Janis skips the line to admit to all of the mean things she and Cady did to Regina.
Regina's fucking pissed.
Then she gets hit by a bus and breaks her spine.
Monster Cady's hurt, though. She's getting shit from her parents now, and when she admits that she started the rumor about Norbury selling drugs, she gets in trouble for it.
She comments on Regina being living proof that the more people are scared of you, the more flowers you get.
She comments on Norbury being living proof that no good deed goes unpunished.
Then she apologizes to Norbury and joins the Mathletes.
But she only wins after realizing making fun of her contestant wouldn't stop her from losing the contest, among other things as she slowly regressed from being a Monster to her old self. She tries to get out of going to the spring Fling, saying she's grounded, but she's already out so she might as well. The frightening stuff is over.
She shows up in time to hear that she's elected Spring Fling Queen and walks on stage to "accept" the crown.
She breaks the fucking Plastic crown.
She throws a piece to Gretchen, a piece to Janis, a piece to Regina, and a piece to Damian.
She walks off with a grin, declaring to Janis that she's no longer an Asshole. She's rewarded with having Janis and Damian back, gaining a boyfriend in Aaron, and a gift certificate for pancakes.
The Plastics disband.
Monster Regina becomes Jock Regina (we stan).
Plastic Mindless Minion Karen puts her talents to good use.
Plastic Mindless Minion Gretchen finds a new Queen Bee to serve.
Monster Cady becomes Human Being Cady.
So all in all, it is a horror, but it's a pink horror with a happy ending.
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woolydemon · 3 months
LISTEN TO ME RN, when the character is supposed to be rlly strong and muscular and buff PUT FAT ON THAT GUY fat is so fucking necessary to have a physical build that is so strong MAKE THEM FATTTTTTTTTTTTT
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