#it made SENSE
hauntedbythenarrative · 3 months
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How do I ask a dark lord out on a date?
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sweet-potato-42 · 9 months
From a meta perspective bolas team did a perfect job in becoming the most popular team and marketing (whether intentionally or not). like its quite impressive to see:
they set themselves up as underdogs day 1
they had a fun insane behavior thing that people were attached to
they had awesome imagery with the gas masks and being red
they had a group of ccs who were very close to each other beforehand and had great dynamics and were great at rp
They streamed all together at the same time
I have to say they did a great job at making themselves seem like the better team and painted blue as the enemy (like its fair of them to have done but anyone can say some of their comments were kinda biased)
the BOLAS chants are peak way to rally people together
Had the advantage of bigger ccs with intesne fanbases
the rivalry with bbh was also fun to see
they were sometimes the targets and victims and losing (highlight sometimes, they were not weak, they won a lot) and did a great job and focusing on that and using it as fuel
In the end they were great at what they did, too good at it, which caused the fanbase to be super biased towards them and some elements of it was what caused so much drama.
New ccs: please be worse at marketing for our sanity
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Okay I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure Leo has the most episodes that are mainly focused on him, which is interesting
This was a very interesting question and I wondered if that was the case! So I went and tried to take a look.
What I found going in is that Leo seems to be in the most non-Ensemble episodes, and the episodes that focus on him stand out more since they tend to not have the rest of the cast (as in, Hueso stands in as his other focused character, rather than one of Leo’s family members like most everyone else gets.)
Leo’s focused episodes also tend to have the entire Ensemble as supporting characters, again rather than the one or two other main characters that his bros and April tend to get. What is most notable I think is that while other characters have just about as much focused episodes, Leo’s (and Donnie’s) in particular seem to focus on their personal struggles more rather than just an outside conflict, so they stand out more than others in that way too.
Honestly going through the episodes it’s pretty amazing to see how overall even things are? Like even if some got more focus than others, the range is under 8 points for the four bros, which is nice to see.
Below is a messy and hard to read culmination of my research which undoubtedly contains mistakes here and there. Fair warning that this is based on my own memory and of episode synopsis and the like, and I didn’t include the movie but that one is pretty obvious. It’s also fairly subjective what one may consider to be a “focus” or not. I tried to take into account what happens within the episodes, so hopefully this is fairly accurate? Beware it’s long so I’ll put it under a read more-
Notes to take into account before the scores-
Full Focus means that a lot of time is spent with the character and they’re one of the “focuses” of the episode outside of an ensemble way. Example of this is Minotaur Maze which is both a Leo and Ensemble episode, but Leo gets the Full Focus while Ensemble in this instance gets-
Partial Focus just means that the characters are present in the episode and have enough focus put on them to differentiate them from the Ensemble. They have a notable part in the episode but it is not about them, and this can even include when they are directly involved in the conflict. And example of this is Donnie’s Gifts which is an Ensemble and Donnie episode where despite Donnie being the driving force, Ensemble gets the Full Focus and Donnie gets Partial Focus but-
Main Character is the scoring which takes into account whether the episode centers around a specific character or characters. Note than even if a character has Full Focus, it’s possible that they’re not the Main Character, and even if the character has Partial Focus, they can still be the Main Character. Main Character scoring does not add into how I calculated the-
Overall Score - aka the culmination of both the Full and Partial Focuses. Full Focus gets 3 points, and Partial Focus gets 2s.
Here is the scoring-
April - 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3
Full Focus: 6
Partial Focus: 3
Main Character: 5-6
Overall Score: 24 (range 23-25)
Raph - 3 2* 3 2* 3 3 3* 3 3 3 3*
Full Focus: 9*
Partial Focus: 2
Main Character: 9-10*
Overall Score: 31 (range 30-32)
Donnie - 2 2* 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
Full Focus: 9
Partial Focus: 5
Main Character: 8-10
Overall Score: 37 (range 33-37)
Leo - 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3* 3 2* 3
Full Focus: 8*
Partial Focus: 5
Main Character: 8-9
Overall Score: 34 (range 33-37)
Mikey - 2 3 2 3 3 3* 3 2* 3* 3 3
Full Focus: 8*
Partial Focus: 3*
Main Character: 6-8*
Overall Score: 30 (range 29-30)
Splinter - 1 3 3 3 3 3* 3 3 3 3
Full Focus: 8
Partial Focus: 1
Main Character: 9*
Overall Score: 28 (range 27-28)
Draxum - 2 2 3 3 3* 3 2
Full Focus: 4
Partial Focus: 3
Main Character: 4-5
Overall Score: 18 (range 17-19)
Casey (Sr) - 3 2 3 2 3
Full Focus: 2
Partial Focus: 2
Main Character: 3
Overall Score: 13 (range 12-13)
Ensemble - 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2* 3 1 3 3* 3 3 3 2 1* 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Full Focus: 25
Partial Focus: 17
Minimal Focus: 3
Overall Score: 112
*’s (it’s not very easy to decipher what asterisk leads to what, sorry):
*1: Mascot Melee is pretty ensemble, but Raph does quite a bit in it
*2: Stuck on You is majorly ensemble but Raph is still focused on quite a bit
*3: Hot Soup: The Game has ensemble qualities, but is mainly Mikey and Casey Sr
*4: You Got Served can arguably be a 2 as well since major focus is also on Hueso
*5: Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of the Rat Man can arguably be considered more of a Donnie and Splinter episode so Mikey will get a 2 here
*6: Repairin’ the Baron - same as above sorta. All three of Mikey Raph and Baron have big roles to play in this episode but as they share them with each other, it’s arguable whether these 3s should be 2 1/2s.
*7: The Hidden City Job - despite Leo being the only main character really present, the main focus is more on Hueso and his brother
*8: Finale can be considered high for both Raph (he had a lot of great focus) Casey Sr. (she was a major part of the finale AND we learn her name) and especially Splinter (literally everything he did tbh)
Main findings for this are than Raph and ESPECIALLY Mikey deserve more episodes tbh. I hope I didn’t miss any episodes, but it was a bit difficult to keep track of everything haha.
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mikufanclub · 2 years
since you wanted suggestions why not draw a jojo character as a touhou character. sorry if this doesn't make much sense.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 3 months
SW Pride PFPs
Straight Ally - Tech
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Demiromantic/Bisexual - Crosshair
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Aroace - Echo
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Bisexual - Obi-Wan
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Gay - Cody
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BONUS - Crosshair X Mayday
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vampiredulac · 3 months
mandycantdecide -> heartbreak-blood
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bassprcshop · 1 year
i have the world's juiciest headache
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gothicslouch · 2 years
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Wip of geralt as a Leyendecker painting, we’ll see if i ever get around to finishing it.
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commissionsdarian · 2 years
weren't u trying to get people to stay in the same place? how're the electromagnetic doors coming along?
Look. It would've been to keep people out so we'd know who'd be going in and out
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ahhscheisse · 2 years
there’s something that happens to me when i see someone enjoying something i like but what they’re enjoying is essentially y’know. “grunge” at $200. does that make sense? i go absolutely feral inside my own head when i see a kid dress “goth” and it’s y’know. very watered down. more fashionable. like GOD FOR FUCKING BID you not be attractive to your followers for one damn post. i mean, if you’re gonna dress “grunge” for clicks, go to a thrift store, buy cheap, ratty, ugly ass ill-fitting clothes, y’know? punk isn’t just ripped jeans and a pristine leather jacket. there’s more to these things. they go so much deeper than what people are giving them credit for. grunge has nothing really to do with clothing except for the idea of, y’know, “reduce reuse recycle” even if their intent wasn’t inherently eco-friendly. they were broke, y’know? they bought what they could afford and wore that shit until it disintegrated and i SWEAR TO GOD i will completely lose my cool if i ever see a pair of ripped tights on some high end fashion website again i WILL LOSE IT.
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zytes · 10 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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teawithswift · 2 months
Today I learnt that in down bad she is not saying “for a moment I was having a stroke” but instead saying “for a moment I was heaven struck”.
Personally I prefer my version better
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polarsirens · 5 months
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yellowvixen · 1 month
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week 32: transparent!
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diivinitiies · 7 months
"vengeance? no. i wanted devastation." is so mimi coded. if you fuck her over, it's over
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