#it makes peter b look stunning
transgender-catboy · 8 months
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Hiiii Peter :3€
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titanic-angel · 1 year
мιgυel o'нara х ғ!reader
◥︎ 『 coғғee ︎pт.2 』︎ ◣
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ѕυммary ➞︎ мayвe мιgυel lιĸeѕ нιѕ тнιngѕ ѕweeтer тнan нe wanтѕ тo adмιт.
warnιngѕ ➞︎ none
noтeѕ ➞︎ нιgнly reqυeѕтed ғollow υp, ι cannoт eхpreѕѕ нow тнanĸғυl ι aм ғor тнe ѕυpporт on тнιѕ мιnι ѕerιeѕ ❤︎ this is the final installment :)
↽︎ parт 1
“And he drank it?”
You nodded, sipping at your morning cup of coffee. The sweetness stuck to the roof of your mouth, caffeine slipping into your chest. You watched as Peter B ran his hand through his hair, eyes wide in curiosity and shock.
“Every time I put chocolate in mine he looks at me like I killed someone!”
You laughed, shaking your head. “That’s because no one does that, Peter.”
He scoffed, puffing out his chest and shifting his baby strap, where Mayday bounced contently. “Well Mayday seems to like it!”
As if on cue, the red head purred, giggling at her fathers exasperated sigh.
“Do you think his exhaustion is getting to him? Miguel…isn’t the open minded type.”
You thought back to the night before, his soft brown gaze making your cheeks turn pink. The feeling of his lips under your thumb, and his-
“Well there is one more thing,” you said, eyes drifting to your coffee cup, “he…well he smiled.”
Mayday and Peter both went silent, faces blank. You shifted, awaiting the eventual explosion from the two of them.
But it never came. Peter closed his mouth, as if all the air and words has been caught at the back of his teeth, sucking in a sharp, stunned breath.
“Miguel…smiled? Like, a happy smile. Not a fake one? Or a sarcastic one?”
You shook your head, taking another absent minded sip of your coffee. Was it truly an unbelievable, impossible sight? Was the idea that Miguel could smile so foreign and strange that one of his closest acquaintances couldn’t conjure the image?
Mayday crawled out of her fathers carrier, cooing at you and reaching for your arms, as if you distract you from your wandering thoughts. You gladly took the grinning child, who curled into your arms, eyes fluttering in comfort.
“No. I think it was genuine.” You finally replied, smiling down and letting the little girl grip your fingers.
Peter sighed, tone calming at the sight of his happy daughter in your arms. “Well, consider yourself lucky. Even Mayday struggles to bring out a smile in that man.”
You laughed quietly, bouncing the girl in your arms. “Well now that’s just unthinkable!” She hummed happily in response, head leaning into your chest.
“What is?”
His voice had retained some of its evening whisper, but under its assured stature, laid a raspiness that was undeniably tiered and stern. It captivated attention even in its subtlety, abstrusely spoken in a manor that made you shiver.
You greeted Miguel with a smile, looking up at him as Mayday squealed, enthralled to see his shadow, casted by the morning light peaking through the windows in the coffee room.
“We were talking about how no one couldn’t like this sweet girl,” you tickled her stomach with your fingers, making the smile she had gotten from her father crinkle her eyes, “not even you.”
Miguel huffed, shoulders shrugging in mock offense. “I don’t dislike her- she’s just,” he looked down at the blubbering child, face softening for a moment before regaining its usual scowl, “unpredictable.”
Both Peter and you laughed, sending each other a knowing look. Nothing was predictable enough for Miguel, much less a child.
Mayday moved out of your arms and onto your shoulders, looking up at Miguel with an insistent, giddy smile. He sighed, extending his arm so she could crawl along it, resting on his shoulder and fiddling with his disheveled hair. Both you and Peter smiled at the endearing scene, Miguel grumbling frustrated, incomprehensible Spanish under his breath.
You took a sip from your mug before sending a guilty look at the empty machine. “Sorry Miguel, we’re all out of coffee this morning- we finished off the last bag of grind,” you paused, your eyes darting between Peter, your cup, and then Miguel, “but you could finish my cup. I’ve had plenty this morning.”
Miguel sent you an incredulous look, instantly aware of the game you were trying to play. “I wouldn’t want to take-“
“Please I insist.” You lifted to cup to his chest. He sighed through his teeth, taking the creamy, light liquid from your hand. You smiled sweetly at him, which he returned with a warning stare.
“This was a nice break- and always lovely to see you, Mayday,” you poked her shoulder, the giggling menace still happily perched on Miguel’s broad shoulders, “but I’ve got plenty of work to do. Including getting some more grind from the storage.”
You sent a final look to Miguel, and a message through your eyes. He rolled his, bringing the warm mug to his lips.
You got to see Peter B’s mouth drop before you closed the door.
You walked triumphantly down the stark white halls, that similar heat simmering in your chest. You welcomed it with a quiet sigh, your shoulders light with the reminder of it all.
You and Miguel were close, in the loose term of the word. Being one of the few early members of the society, you had your fair share of adventures and fights together- but labeling the dynamic between you two is difficult.
Peter B would always be his right hand man- his confidant. Jess was probably the closest thing he would ever have to an older sister, despite her being a little less than a decade younger.
But you and Miguel didn’t have a category. You sat in the natural, comforting, almost familiar air that surrendered itself in your presence. Begrudgingly, you’ll admit that for as long as you’ve known him, attraction always fizzled in your ribs when his voice said your name, or his skin met yours. But for just as long you have decided it was ridiculous, even in the moments he looked at you with that endless brown.
“Why did you do that?”
There it was again- that subtle raspiness and the shiver that followed. You can’t say you’re surprised that he followed you, after all you did tease him.
You be honest with yourself, you weren’t sure why you took so much joy from making Miguel surrender to your wit. You knew that not many get the luxury of making him flustered, and that you’ve always taken advantage of your…affect on him. But as to why? It stumped the both of you.
You sent Miguel an innocent look. “Do what? Give you my coffee?”
Miguel pressed his lips together, torn on whether he should retort or agree. “…yes.” He decided.
You took a left, starting to remember the route to the storage room. It was massive, but because you’d rarely ever paid it a visit, its location remained misty in your mind.
“Well, you seemed to like it last night,” You sent a look to his empty mug, and then to him, “and clearly this morning.”
He huffed, setting the cup down on the nearest table, embarrassed he had been caught.
“You look like you need a boost, anyway.” You replied with a smugness in your voice, that was almost undetectable. Almost.
You took a turn around the corner, following the graphic signs to the storage room, grateful they placed markers to navigate the maze that was the Hub. Miguel had stopped behind you, but you still felt his looming presence down the hall.
“You told Peter, didn’t you.” He narrowed his eyes to punctuate his accusation.
“Tell him what? That you like my coffee?” You finally reached the storage doors, pressing your thumb against the scanner, hearing the programmed beep vibrate the scratched plastic screen, “Maybe.”
Miguel pinch the bringe of his nose, whispering, dios santo, me estás matando. sharply under his breath.
The gigantic doors slid open slowly, revealing the shelves stacked with an assortment of inventory. It had everything- everything, but organization. You went left, trusting the foggy memory of the storage map and where it placed the grind. You made yourself more sure as you counted the aisle numbers, cold air making the hairs on your neck prickle.
It was that, or Miguel’s presence behind you, demanding attention.
“He didn’t need to know.”
Your laugher echoed off the shelves, making the cans and bags shake in their spots. You turned down aisle 7, pleased (if not a little proud) at the sight of tan bags with “New York Grind” written in a typewriter font sitting at the middle of the aisle.
“What? Does cream and sugar stain your reputation?”
He was hot on your heels. “Yes!” He nearly wailed.
You stopped, facing to him with a playful smile drawn on your cheeks.
“Miguel, have you ever considered that people pay more attention to your pursuit of a coworker all the way down to the storage room and less to what’s in your coffee cup?”
Miguel paused, eyes roaming the steel shelves, as if he had just become aware of his surroundings. You shook your head, your smile still wrinkling the sides of your eyes.
You stopped in front of the coffee grind, now looking much higher up than it did only seconds ago. You stood on your toes, swiping with out success to the bags that sat a tantalizing, teasing, fingernail away from your grasp.
“Really, Miguel. I didn’t mean to ruin whatever mysterious, solemn image you built for yourself here,” you let out an exasperated sigh, straining your legs to no avail, “but I just think it’s sweet that you enjoy sugar and cream in your coffee.”
Hot breath fanned on your head, and your eyes watched as a large hand clasped over the bag of coffee. Your breathe hitched, suddenly very aware of the warm, familiar feeling that enveloped your shoulders.
“You think I’m…sweet?”
He said it with so much confusion, that your brain barely processed the underlying tones of hope that resided in the question.
You froze, replaying your words with a clarity that made your jaw click. He handed you the grind, but didn’t step back. You felt frustration building in your center (either from his clear attempt at intimidation, or how much it was working). You sighed harshly, turning while opening your mouth to say something.
It quickly closed, at the sight of overwhelming brown.
You were finally able to place the emotion that made itself home in his irises when he looked at you, and the mere thought that you might be correct made your heart leap into your throat, silencing every quip or retort you had prepared.
You weren’t trapped. His hands rested comfortably at his side, giving you the option to escape in any direction that wasn’t forward.
But not even the animalistic part of you, the survival instinct, wanted to escape. It felt more alive being exactly where you were.
“I am not…upset you told him about last night. It’s just that….” You turned to face him, the beat of your heart thriving tension that existed between the small space that separates your lips. His brows casted a shadow of contemplation on his eyes, concealing they’re hue.
You weren’t sure if you wanted them to be brown or red- but you knew that it was ecstasy to have him this close.
“Just that…?”
He sighed, the corners of his mouth neutral. You hated that his features were a perfect mask, never giving anything away- while your reddened cheeks, shaky breath, and gaze trained directly on his lips did.
“I wanted that to be between us.”
You shuddered at the thought. “…why?”
He looked at you, and his pleading gaze told you two things.
You knew exactly why.
And you were right about what was in his eyes.
Your mouth felt dry. “Does…does that also stain your…reputation?” You said, all of the bite in the response dead in your whisper.
He had leaned in, the brown so close you felt as if you could be sucked in. “Yes.”
Chills ran up your spine, eyes drifting to his lips, remembering the white cream that once lined them. You swallowed, fingers tracing the smooth plastic of the bag in your hands.
“That’s too bad.”
You held your breath, eyes not drifting from his lips. His hum rumbled in his chest, the sound making your knees weak.
You dropped the bag, the memory of why it was in your hands instead of him was now a distant and feeble mumble. He stiffened at the sound, watching you as if you were just as unpredictable as Mayday.
However, the way you’re eyes had refused to look at anything but his lips was a dead give away.
Miguel did things slow and small. It was one of the (many) things you appreciated about him. His energy was the essence if not the pure definition of subtle. Even if his loom made shivers crawl up someone’s spine, or his shadow alone made the opponent cower, nothing in his actions called attention on purpose. He used that subtly to his advantage, his goliath shadow speaking for itself to the enemy- his intimidation silent.
But you were no enemy.
In fact, you were the only force that he didn’t want to fight- he was completely fine embracing you instead.
And so he did.
The kiss was all of his subtly and more. It was soft, from the gentle movement of his lips against yours to the way he placed his hand shyly against your lower back, leaning you up against the cold metal shelves. You struggled to think straight, but the first thought that whispered in the back of your mind was that you were completely right about what you though his lips would taste like.
It was chaste, and as you pulled away every fiber in your body prickled at your skin and in your muscles, craving to collect in your lips. Your eyes fluttered to meet his, gleaming and foggy.
He was smiling, that beautiful crease in the valleys of his jaw making the wires in your brain spark and circuit. When he opened his eyes, he looked dazed, as if he felt as though he had just woken from a dream.
Their color didn’t really matter to you now.
That evening, you assured Jess you could take her coffee shift, promising her that you could handle him for another night.
Her rough laugh and weary eyes thanked you, and you were left to walk the cold, empty hallways alone.
But when you reached his platform, smiling gently at him, the absence of Lyla (most likely by his doing) louder than the smile he returned, you felt like you were anything but lonely.
You handed him a coffee. It was lighter than his usual, the murmur of sugar and cream deep in its caffeine. However, it was darker than yours, different than the overwhelming taste of sweet.
He took the cup, sending you a gentle, knowing look. You returned it, placing a hesitant hand on his.
“Let’s start small.”
I wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming support I got after I posted part 1, you genuinely mean so much to me. I hope you enjoyed!
special thanks to the following (aka taglist): @myownsimp (your message made me cry ty legit touched my heart) @vxxxb (thank you for your message abt the way I write miguel ❤︎) @cooch1ecruncher (your so sweet and ur arts adorbs) @blue-raven-universe (TYYY) @miggyoharaswife (thank you for the support on pt.2) @abyemayiamay (your compliment means sm to me ty) @iwatobiswimbros (I’m feral for him to tbh) @lilithandherharlots (honestly same but for him? anything ❤︎) and @mochi46106 (ILY TY)
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soadiablo · 1 year
How would the spidermen react to the (male) reader being all of their boyfriend in each world?
For some he’s a villain, for some he’s a fellow hero, for some he’s a civilian.
Which spider person has which reader and what happens when they find out that they all have a reader?
atsv men w/ the same boyfriend from another universe
characters: miguel o'hara, peter b. parker, and hobie brown.
cw: none
notes: okay so i accidentally wrote a whole fic so what
i'm ASSUMING that you mean across the spider-verse spidermen so that's what i'm doing, if you were thinking something else please let me know.
not proof read
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So let's put this into a scenario, you're your own Spider-Man in your own universe. But you have your own love interest. And say one day you're kicking bad guy butt right? Even though it's odd cause the bad guy doesn't look like they're from your universe. Then all of a sudden, this portal opens and another Spider-Man comes through it and also starts beating your bad guy.
Yeah so long story short, it was Miguel and you two do a little banter thing, and you convince him to let you join his Spider Society. Which leads you to the point where you meet Peter and Hobie. And oh boy are they getting some memories.
MIGUEL would probably already have been aware of the fact that you existed in multiple universes. Miguel would probably have a boyfriend who is also a fellow hero, but maybe not exactly Spider-Man. Maybe just someone who helped him on missions and whatnot. So I don't think his reaction would be too strong. He's aware that you look a little like his own version of you, and act like him. But he knows you aren't his version. Although I do believe that would lead to some pretty fun bantering and questions.
Who knows, maybe he might introduce you to... well you one day. Maybe some fun hero shenanigans might ensue.
PETER would probably be a bit stunned. I mean come on, you saw how he was with MJ in the first movie. Maybe you are a spitting image of yourself. Peter would most likely have a civilian boyfriend. Someone who takes care of him after a fight, watching Mayday (i love Mayday fyi), and just being there for when he comes home. That being said, see you as Spider-Man makes him feel... ways he's never felt before. In a good way. He thinks it's cool that he has a boyfriend who is also Spider-Man! He would most likely ask a bunch of questions. Like if you had any cool powers, how does your own suit work, were you also bitten by a radioactive spider?
Peter would also probably try to test your strength, and also get you to meet his own version of you. He just thinks it's cool.
HOBIE would just be amused at the fact that another you exists. Most likely it was a gut feeling, but seeing you with his own two eyes just confirms it. Or maybe he just didn't believe in you, he doesn't believe in consistency. I feel like if you do manage to strike a conversation with him he would probably tell you all about his version of you. One of the first things he'll say is about how you're a villain in his universe. Yep, personally I believe that Hobie would have a boyfriend who's a villain in his universe. What villain you represent is completely up to you. Although it is interesting to know another version of his boyfriend is a hero instead of the opposite.
Would he introduce you to his version of you? Probably not.
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© all rights are reserved to soadiablo. do not repost, steal, or copy my work.
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kairiscorner · 9 months
Reader being Miguel’s hot wife no one knows about until he has to call her for an emergency in front of everyone she saves the day gives him a kiss and tells him what’s for dinner ( make it spicy pls babes )
HCIREBCIBCIRBIRBOCBOCBIRCB YES PLEASEEEEE if y'all want nsfw content of miggy and you as his hot wife, just hmu on my alt @reinasei
the elusive mrs. o'hara. – miguel o'hara x wife!fem!reader
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"miguel, just make the damn call already!" jess' angry and commanding voiced echoed throughout the banged-up warehouse as she tried reeling the gigantic anomaly in with heavy grunts and groans as her webbing was coming undone due to the anomaly resisting her grasp. miguel groaned as the anomaly threw him against a wall and made the whole place shake. "no! she's... she can't make it!" "whaddya mean 'she can't make it'? she's the fastest one out of all of us! i'm sure she'll make time if– OH GOD, LOOK OUT!" peter b exclaimed and rambled on as the anomaly picked up a large storage container and threw it at peter b and miguel's direction.
jess nearly got flung off when the anomaly threw the storage container, but she and the two other spider men with her were safely roped back to safety outside of the warehouse. "finally, reinforcements." jess said with a sigh as she glared at miguel for delaying to call you when they needed help the most at that moment. you swung around and remained suspended upside down, clinging on to your web for support. "hi lovelies." you greeted them with a smile, which curved even more upwards as your gaze landed on miguel. miguel noticed you were gazing at him, which prompted him to look away and try covering up the shyness he was experiencing right then and there. you giggled as miguel looked away, and before jess or peter b could warn you, you swung yourself over to the anomaly and skillfully beat it down; with the grace of a flexible acrobat and the strength of a hundred soldiers, you managed to beat the anomaly down on your own. they were all taken aback at how great you handled this on your own, but miguel couldn't sit still–he swung himself back into action and tried distracting the anomaly for you, but you caught him in the act and webbed him up by peter b and jess' side.
peter b and jess praised you and thanked you for your help, with miguel sighing all muffled-like as you sauntered over to take the webbing off his mouth. you giggled and wrapped your arms around the big man's shoulders and ran the tips of your fingers over the backs of his shoulder joints and muscles, making him shudder and give small, low groans in response. "you... could've gotten hurt..." he tried to say, but you cut him off as you pressed your supple lips against him, catching him and peter and jess by surprise. jess covered peter b's eyes as his jaw nearly hit the ground, with her looking absolutely unfazed that miguel was being charmed by you, one of the most stunning spider women she has ever worked with. you pulled away from miguel and whispered in his ear the dinner you were going to cook for the two of you tonight. "it's so much fun saving you, love; being your wife is a dream, an exhilarating one." you murmured as you winked at him and kissed the tip of his nose—shutting him up effectively as you practically took his breath away yet again.
"b-be safe..." miguel whispered as you took the webs off him and giggled again, with jess hauling the astonished peter b murmuring under his breath all sorts of questions he was planning on asking you two the minute you all got back to HQ. "oh, i definitely will, mig—especially now that i'm in your hands." you said in a soft, teasing voice as you pressed yourself against his chest and lightly kissed it; sending shocks up his spine and making him release a low groan that meant he needed to be alone with you right now.
"are you two gonna keep flaunting the fact you two are married or are we gonna haul this guy back to their home dimension?" jess asked as a bunch of reinforcement spider people began containing the anomaly and carting it away. miguel nodded and agreed with jess, but he lost his train of thought when he felt his cute little wife's hand in his own all over again. jess chuckled as she sent peter b back to HQ. "alright, see you lovebirds back in there." she bid you two goodbye as you kissed miguel's cheek and murmured, "nobody else is here to bother us now then, miggy..." miguel sighed and picked you up from the thighs and carried you off with him. "we can do everything you wanna do together back at home, nena... i'll give you all the fun you want, mi vida." he whispered back to you as he carried you into the portal, with you complimenting miguel's strong arms as he carried you, squeezing your thighs all the while to tease you and make you giggle as he did.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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extracurious · 22 days
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Still Drunken on the memories of the summer of 2023.I watched the movie almost 50 times till now but truly fatigue didn't grip me. The theatre experience was outstanding. I went there with very little expectation, of course a sequel rarely matches it's predecessor.The intro of ATSV made me think that it was not the case of waste of money or time . I got what I wished for since the trailer release.Terrific voice acting done by Shameik Moore , Hailee Steinfeld, Oscar Issac, Issa Rae, Daniel kaluuya, Karan Soni and others.
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Peter B Parker and Miles carried the first movie with their most relatable energy.In second movie it was good to see Peter as a happy dad. Still he needed to be more cautious while handling Mayday amidst the multiverse madness even though she had spider powers .
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Miles transformation was absolutely stunning one. He had grown, became emotionally intelligent yet he was not a pro. Still working for upgrading himself and continued learning. And we all had agreed that he always listened to his heart.
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And coming to Gwen she was definitely "not okay" in ATSV ,especially not in a great position to handle her feelings. She doubted whether she had any importance or simply her existence was fragile.While Miles was always there to praise her innocence,wisdom,grace,skills and her self esteem.
I already had a notion of how their friendship was going to evolve into a much more beautiful bonding they could crave for. And yes Sony finally did it ,which was doomed for years. Congratulations to Hailee Steinfeld for brilliantly portraying Gwen Stacy and winning the Astra Awards and other accolades for her role.
Their interactions in ITSV had always a flirty tone in it which was subtly noticeable until Miles comeback in final battle. At that time there was a sudden realisation that the moments Gwen had longed for specially sharing with Miles, was going to end soon as the portal for her travelling back home had finally opened.
I was hoping to get atleast the full convo of the bus ride that had been pending since ITSV and how they managed to get the selfie. Well BTSV must provide that to us. Their moments together need to cherished everytime.
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Hobie and Pavitr's friendship had been an exception. They were always jolly and supportive .
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Expecting more screentime for all the members of the band in next movie. We all missed them a lot.
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And this trio would be having a long talk before reconciliation. They would need to fix and thereby heal each other from the wounds suffered due to the betrayal.
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Miguel had a hard time after loss of his daughter.His established theories could not be entirely wrong but his ideologies regarding cannon events should be studied and explained with more precision. He had been unaware of the actual policies of multiversal working. Cause he only depended on what "the model says- Lyla".Hoping the writers would be able to properly add the details and justify the incidents in BTSV along with the reason why Gwen glitched so less than other spideys in ITSV.
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The creation of a joke villain,who being later considered as a multiversal threat,Spot's arc was indeed incredibly done by the writers. Eagerly looking forward as to how Spot can manipulate space and time and find the answers about his holes.
On other hand Miles 42- He gave a feeling of hardened, unshakeablly confident but sad at same time. Kind of aggressively caring person.
Lastly the music played a crucial role in uplifting the cinematic experience. Uniquely blending with all the characters. The ost and music tracks had been top notch, where "The falling apart " and "calling" became my favourite.A big thanks to Daniel Pemberton and Metro Boomin for making this a masterpiece.
This movie had no business going that hard.And I knew this obsession would have no end. 🥺
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Every day I get closer to writing the "You vs YouTwo trying to steal your identity in the Spider Society" fic (which, the fic even has a name as I slowly build it, I'm calling it Imposter Syndrome because, you know, 1 Reader is starting to get depressed and feel unneeded even before YouTwo comes along and 2. Well. It's self explanatory)
But anyways I keep thinking of all of these dramatic interactions and scenes (shit I was listening to John Mulaney stand up just to write dialogue for Peter Porker, for funsies) where, thinking of either Reader being kicked out of the Spider Society and such, and them having to literally hunt you down and search for you, but. What if YOU came to them?
It's been like 3 months since you "died" after the Society mistaking you for your double and removing the dimensional watch that kept you tethered down, and there's a palpable air of depression. Spiders go to the training room you used to teach your classes in and leave flowers and mementos and share stories of their times spent with you. Maybe they even do something fucking dramatic like set up a memorial, like a plaque with your name and photo or something, but, something to help remind them to be wary of who they bring into the Society and appreciate the ones they have and so on so forth, and also like I imagine there were Spiders who were so attached to you that this entire incident makes them leave the Socety for good (like maybe Hobie equates the way you were exiled to fascist tyranny and hates Miguel more than he already does for letting it/helping it happen, for example)
But, anyways, months later, but not too terribly long for them to stsrt to forget about you, just enough time for the guilt and depression and the longing to marinate, and some Spiders are hanging out in the food court, Peter B and Jess and some of the others managing to drag Miguel out of his lab to eat and be around other people because he's just been holing up by himself almost 24/7 since you "left". Dude's a fucking mess, man, you can literally just look at him and see the dark circles under his eyes, the unwashed hair, the body odor because he fucking lives in that suit, and half the cafeteria is wondering if he's about to start crying into his stupid silly ass Miguel burger and
Some loud ass undescribable noise as the fabric of the universe suddenly shifts and, you glitch right back in and slam down on the floor besides their table. The entire room freezes as they literally had no idea you were still alive as you scramble to your feet, the first thing you notice being the food as you DIVE for Miguel's burger, snatching it right off his plate and beginning to absolutely devour it like literally gobbling that shit as the man amd everyone else is AGHAST. You've lost a significant amount of weight (like, an unhealthy amount for the time that has passed) and you're covered in bruises and scratches with tears and holes all over your suit. Your hair has knots and tangles and your Spidey suit is beyond dirty with a raggedy jacket and a tattered backpack on your body. You've just been constantly bouncing in and out of different dimensions, ricocheting all over the place this entire time, which made it hard for you to eat, sleep, bathe, do just about anything normally. One minute you're trying to swipe some food from a market because you have no money, the next you're glitching again and you're lost in an apocalyptic wasteland, or a thick jungle, or even places where shapes and colors don't operate the same as we can even comprehend it
You're constantly dropping the food because your hands keep glitching but you're clearly obviously starving, and Pavitr hands you his chai to help wash everything down, but you still pick up several beverages on the table and absolutely chug them as your friends are just stunned into silence, still in shock, quickly morphing into all kinds of different emotions. Joy you're still alive, horror and pity for your current state, guilt and anguish that all of them did this to you. Jesus, have you even been able to drink water? Like if you didn't have Spider powers you probably would have died by now and it's easy to see you're weak on your feet
And from here I see two options and I'll go with the less exciting one first:
Reader is so fucking hungry and malnourished and weak that after the Spiders make room for you to sit at their table and eat their food, you being just genuinely so fucking worn down from constantly not being able to eat and sleep properly, that you basically show up, eat the entire table's worth of food, and all but fall into a food coma right then and there because this is like the first time youve been able to sit and mildly relax for WEEKS, like here comes Spider Plushie for the save like he's trying to slide across home base, loyally stopping in front of you and directly under your head as you just kind of, slump forward, the little guy making the perfect pillow as he keeps your forehead from smacking against the table, and you're just, like O U T out as Miguel cradles you in his arms because, oh my god he thought you were gone forever, and he won't let anyone else touch you as he marches you straight to, wherever the fucking doctors in this place are
But option TWO: suddenly you pause your gorging as some burps rise up in your chest and you suddenly have some calories pushing enough energy to your brain that you finally look around, like REEEEALLY look around. The entire room is dead silent, some starting to cry with joy and relief, others still stunned, many looking absolutely confused, and your eyes eventually meet with Miguel's. He doesn't look quite as run down as you, but WOW is this one sad haggard looking dilf, and you blink at him for a minute. And then look around. And back at him. And around. And to him
And your expression morphs into something so fearful as you force out a nervous laugh, "oh, wait, it's... you guys..." And the second everything clicks for you, you're IMMEDIATELY TAKING OFF, and despite your weakened state you actually make them really work for it because wow that adrenaline kicks in as you for your life because you're thinking "shit they still think I'm the fake and they'll kill me this time if they get their hands on me" when in actuality Miguel is getting his ass on the intercom system ordering all available units to stop you so they can put a bracelet back on you so you aren't lost again, which i mean it is but isnt even a yandere thing at this point, youre literally going to die without some sort of dimensional tether. But during the chase Miguel realizes you aren't using your webs, and you're actually not nearly as fast as he's seen you before, and he realizes with a broken heart, oh Jesus you're literally too malnourished to produce your organic webs within your body, or a lot of it, anyways. You must REALLY be in bad shape
And I imagine like, the chase comes to a halt, not when they catch you, but when your physical exhaustion finally catches up to you. Sweetie you barely ate anything for the last several days, suddenly gorged on a whole spread of food, and then started sprinting and jumping and climbing and parkouring on shit. You HAVE to stop running because you're literally getting sick and VOMITING, like, your former students and fellow Spiderpeople and of course Miguel are hot on your heels and they all pause and give you space because you're literally having to throw up in a gutter with sweat pouring down your face and entire body developing the shakes as, oh no, you feel your strength leaving you as you can't even hold yourself up, collapsing onto the ground, barely conscious as something scoops you up with the gentleness of handling glass, your eyes unable to stay open as you whimper things. "Please don't kill me... I'll leave... I'll never come back..." before you pass out
Miguel has you immediately checked by doctors while the staff have to limit the amount of people trying to come and see you (because, uh, there are a ridiculous amount of Spiders invested in your wellbeing) and only he's in the room as the medical team details your current state. Severe malnutrition, sunburns, broken ribs, a finger or two in crudely-improvised splints, telogen effluvium aka temporary hair loss from illness/extreme stress, you're probably starting to come down with a cold of some sort, potentially something dramatic like pneumonia.
You sleep for like several days straight while hooked up to IVs and fluids because your body just needed to heal THAT badly. By the time you wake up you feel like you're rising from the dead, your entire body aching and heavy, taking minutes to blink yourself awake to take in your new surroundings. You've got a private medical suite that's pretty well-secured, and when you try to scratch a sudden itch on your nose, you feel a weight on your wrist after going to move your arm. Oh, it's another kind of watch, although this one doesn't have nearly all the features and buttons of the first one, and when you keep rotating your wrist over and over, you can't seem to find the latch to take it off, because, well, there isn't one
Miguel is already in the room with you, either having been working on a laptop or just legitimately sitting there watching you sleep for an unknown amount of time, even if its completely dark in the room. He's gotten himself all cleaned up and back to normal and looking like his old self again but he's honestly not even sure what to say to you. Emotions aren't really his strong suit? Where does he start, apologizing for this whole mess or promising it will never happen again?
The only guarantee for now is that you will NOT be leaving Nueva York again, or even so much as leaving his SIGHT, so long as Miguel doesn't want you to, and trust me, after being tricked and having you ripped away from him, to see you in such a vulnerable sad state because of his own actions when all he wanted was to protect you, he's got a whoooole lotta things he wants to do and talk to you about. First and foremost? Vowing that he's going to make everything up to you, starting now, by being your most devout protector
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scribespirare · 1 year
Do you think you could write an a/b/o for omega Miles babysitting Mayday at HQ, and tsundere alpha Miguel doesn't know how to cope? The way you write these two is just *chef's kiss*
Nonnie i could kiss you for this request i love it so so much. i kinda...went a little nuts with it lmao. first its sappy then it gets sad and it ends very horny. its 2k long ajdfkdj;a. i think im gonna write the sex scene later and post it as a full fic.
There are very few things that can stop Miguel O'Hara in his tracks these days. He's been there, seen it all, got the goddamned spider suit to prove it. Surprising him is nigh impossible and he likes it that way.
For some reason, Miles Morales seems to be at the top of the list of things that can get to him though.
Miles, with his big dark eyes and his sneer and his inability to listen to common sense or reason. The Omega superhero who defies every stereotype about his gender. Who smells absolutely amazing and is stunning in action, lithe body built perfectly for his acrobatics.  
Miles, who is currently sitting in HQ's control room with Mayday in his lap, his face bright and smiling as she babbles at him. He's got her little hands in each of his own, lifting them one after the other as she stamps her feet.
"I know!" he says in response to her babbling, attention completely on the little girl. "It's crazy, right? Tell me more about it."
Mayday obliges, her babbling raising in both pitch and tempo like she really is going on a diatribe of some kind. She seems to be enjoying having a captive audience and isn't going to let it go to waste.
It's...well, Miguel really and truly has been stopped in his tracks. It's the first Omegean thing he's ever seen from Miles. Normally he's so contrarian and difficult, not to mention eager to jump into danger and equally as capable of actually handling it. You'd think he was an Alpha the way he behaves, small, lithe form be damned.
Seeing him like this, soft and sweet and smiling, his scent bright and nearly floral, is...doing things to Miguel. Bringing up feelings and urges that he's known were there, but which he'd been successfully keeping under lock and key.
Miles suddenly seems to become aware of Miguel's presence, and he looks up. His smile fades a little but it's a smile all the same, and Miguel's pretty sure Miles hasn't smiled at him since...well, everything. It looks good on him.
"Hey, wasn't sure when you were going to be back. Peter asked me to babysit for him though and I figured hanging out here would be better than taking her home with me. Not sure how I would explain that one to my folks."
The idea of someone mistakenly thinking Mayday is Miles’, that the Omega has a child, has been mated and more, makes Miguel’s nostrils flare. He clamps down ruthlessly on the reaction, knowing that if he doesn’t his interest will undoubtedly be noticeable in his scent.
“Just keep it down,” are the words that come off of Miguel’s tongue. They’re better than Do you want a child? or You’d make a good mother or, even worse, I could give you one of your own, if you want. 
Miles’ smile turns into a frown and then an unhappy twist. He clicks his tongue, says, “Whatever, man,” and goes back to Mayday. He’s speaking quietly to her now but Miguel can pick up his own name and big meany and assh- wait I can’t say that to you.
Miguel just heads for his central computers, waking them up and logging into the system to check on how everything is running today. But he can’t help the way he watches Miles’ and Mayday’s reflections on the screen. He can’t pick up many details like this but he can still smell them. Happy, pleased Omega, and the young, innocent scent of a child unpresented. Of babe and mother.
Christ, Miguel is going to hell for this.
It’s been about an hour of Miguel pretending to work but actually getting very little done, when Miles speaks up. “Hey, Miguel, you know stuff about kids, right?”
Miguel’s shoulders hunch and he breathes out slowly. Of course he does. He turns, glaring back at Miles. Mayday has been dragging him around the room with her crawling and right now they’re both hanging upside down from the ceiling, Miles sitting cross legged and her on his shoulders.
“Yes,” Miguel says sharply.
Miles’ mouth twists, but for once it doesn’t seem like it’s directed at Miguel. “Sorry, that was kinda insensitive, huh? I was just curious, ya know, about parenthood and all.”
Another bolt of longing shoots through Miguel. It’s part arousal, part wistfulness for his lost family.
You could start again, part of him says. Children. A mate. It’s not too late for you. He’s right there.
“What do you want to know about it?”
Miles shrugs, which causes Mayday to wobble dangerously and laugh delightedly about it. “Just, is it good? Like, hanging out with Mayday is great, but I can’t imagine having one of my own.”
You don’t have to imagine, Miguel thinks, but says, “It’s different, when they’re yours.”
“How so?”
Miguel sighs and holds out his arms to Mayday. Even though she’s halfway across the room she immediately lets out an excited shriek and climbs her way down a protesting Miles’ body. It takes only a minute before she’s dropping into Miguel’s arms and then crawling all over him.
“Kids are work and energy,” Miguel explains. “When they’re someone else’s, you’re happy to give them back after a certain point. When they’re yours, even when you’re annoyed or upset with them, you still know it’s all worth it. You can’t imagine a life without them.”
“Oh,” says Miles. He watches quietly for a moment as Mayday continues her excited quest to make Miguel look as ridiculous as possible, before he too crawls across the ceiling and drops down. Sadly it’s not into Miguel’s arms like Mayday had.
Gingerly, Miles’ takes the little girl back, and she goes willingly enough. “Sorry if that was like, rude or anything. And don’t kill me for saying this but you sound like you make a really good Alpha, mate wise.”
Miles is halfway across the room again before Miguel can reply, like he really is expecting retaliation. Miguel just shakes his head and pretends to go back to his work.
I am a good Alpha he thinks. I could show you. We could have a whole litter of kids. You’d love it. And then inevitably Miguel’s thoughts turn lascivious. He ends up losing himself to a daydream about exactly how he wants to breed Miles (facing each other, his fangs buried in Miles’ throat, Miles’ flexible, coltish legs wrapped around his hips, heels digging in to coax Miguel into fucking him harder) while watching the Omega’s reflection.
He doesn’t come up for air until Peter makes his appearance. The man gives Miguel a quizzical look but is distracted quickly enough by his daughter. He sticks around long enough that Miguel does actually get some work done, and when his voice finally fades away Miguel figures he’s alone.
That is, until Miles clears his throat directly behind him.
Miguel doesn’t jump, but it’s a near thing. He turns and looks down at the Omega in annoyance, raising one eyebrow in a silent question.
Miles looks shifty, transferring his weight from one foot to the other like he’s thinking about running, but he’s got that mulish jut to his chin and a hard glint in his eyes that Miguel recognizes at the stubborn streak that’s lead them into more fights than he’d like to admit.
Is regularly wanting to throttle a teenage Omega better or worse than wanting to fuck him?
“Spit it out, kid,” Miguel eventually snaps.
Miles juts his chin out even further. “I’m not stupid,” he says, which, well he’s just inviting a scathing retort with that. Miguel’s expression must convey this because Miles rallies and goes on quickly, not giving the Alpha a chance to cut in. “I’m not! I saw how you were looking at me today, with Mayday. And then your scent…you were looking at me through the reflection on the computer screen.”
Miguel stiffens all over because fuck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grinds out.
“The hell you don’t! Even Peter smelled it. You’re into me, you smell like you want to jump me.”
There’s one of two ways Miguel can play this; deny it till his dying breath, or agree and pretend it doesn’t matter. His panicked brain picks the latter, because Miles isn’t stupid, and he’s tenacious as hell. He’ll hound Miguel until Miguel gives him an answer the Omega is satisfied with.
“So?” Miguel says.
That makes Miles pause, his eyes flicking back and forth between Miguel’s. He clearly isn’t seeing what he wants to though, brow knitting in confusion. “What do you mean ‘so’? So, you’re horny as hell for me.”
“You’re an Omega and I’m an Alpha,” Miguel explains slowly, like he’s speaking to a child. “It’s biology.” Which of course just ruffles Miles’ feathers and makes him puff up even more.
“That’s bullshit. You’ve never smelled like that before around me,” Miles insists.
Miguel is butting up against almost the exact same decision from before. Does he own up, or does he keep denying it means anything?
With a faint snarl of annoyance at having been put in this situation to begin with, Miguel says, “Most Alphas seeing an unbonded Omega with a young child are going to be affected.” The word horny will absolutely not be crossing his lips. “It sparks an instinct in us.”
Miles narrows his eyes, a faint smirk curling at his mouth. He thinks he’s won. “A breeding instinct,” he accuses.
Miguel turns his gaze skyward, giving a quick prayer to whichever poor saint is watching over him today to give him patience. “Yes, Miles. A breeding instinct.”
“I knew it!”
“Congratulations,” Miguel says dryly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now will you go away so I can do some work in peace?”
And there’s the chin jut again. Stubborn ass Omega. “I’m not done with you yet.”
The corner of Miguel’s lip twitches of up into an involuntarily snarl. “Well I’m done with you, malcriado. Vete.”
“No. I want to know if this was a one off,” Miles demands. “’Cause like, sure seeing an Omega with a kid might work for you, but my theory is that you’re already into me and it just pushed you over the edge. You’re too uptight to let your scent go wild like that unless you’re like, close to losing it.”
How the hell is this kid so damn perceptive? Clearly Miguel’s going to need to work on his defenses if Miles is reading him like a damn book. He sighs and rubs at the bridge of his nose with two fingers, trying to figure out how to get out of this.
Well, he’s dug this fucking grave. Time to lie in it.
“Fine, Miles,” he says wearily, dropping his hand and making direct eye contact with the Omega. “Yes, I have more than a passing interest in you as a mate. Seeing you with Mayday made me think about having children with you myself. Are we done with this line of questioning now? Are you finally satisfied?”
Miles smiles slowly, then wrinkles his nose. “Having children with me, huh? That’s an incredibly boring way to talk about breeding. Why so family friendly? Just say you wanna fuck me. And no, by the way, I’m not satisfied yet. You gotta make good on all that before I let it drop.”
Silence reigns as Miguel’s brain just churns through the words, understanding them individually but failing to grasp the big picture.
“Not, like, immediately though!” Miles rushes to add, oblivious to Miguel’s plight. “I’m not ready for kids yet, not to mention my parents would kill me. But we could, you know, practice?” He looks stupidly hopeful, staring up at Miguel with that little smile on his lips, rocking forward on the balls of his feet.
“You…want me to breed you,” Miguel says slowly.
Miles snorts and rolls his eyes. “Well, practice breeding me. But yeah, that’s what I just said didn’t I? Get with it, old man, we’re wasting daylight here.”
Miguel’s never been one to follow orders. But how’s an Alpha supposed to resist?
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
angel eyes - send me a sfw request!
I think I saw you post you made a cake a couple days ago, or it was a reblog, either way! It looked delicious and made me think of a neighbor or someone making Peter Parker a birthday cake after No Way Home. Cause the thought of him being alone on his birthday makes me wanna sob 🥹😭
a/n: yes!! I did bake a cake the other day! it was delicious
word count: 710
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Head tilted to the side, resting against the banister, you finally perked up when the figure you had been waiting for finally appeared, “Peter!” you shot up from your spot at the top of the stairwell, “hi!”
Faintly startled by your unexpected presence, he quickly plucked out the ear pods and sputtered, “oh, hey, Y/n,” slowly climbing the remainder of the steps as he carefully found your eye, “what’s, um-, what’s up? Why are you sitting out here?”
Sucking in a deep breath, you asked him straight out, “are you busy right now?”
“No,” he drew out in a curious tone. 
“Really?” your smile grew, “okay, well, I kinda have something I wanna show you.” 
“Me? You-, you wanna show me?” his eyebrows shot up as he gesticulated towards himself, “uh, alright.” 
Ushering him with you, it didn’t take long before you were both stepping over the threshold into your apartment, your legs instantly carrying you towards the fridge. 
Ripping it open, you grabbed the tall treat dominating the entire middle shelf and gingerly turned to present it to your neighbour, “tada!”
“Wow, that’s-,” taking in the airy cream and fresh berries adorning the top, he blurted, “you baked a cake!” though still with an air of confusion as to why you wanted him to witness it.
“I baked you a cake,” you clarified. 
Mouth falling open, he uttered, “you what?”
“Happy birthday,” you said giddily, though your grin swiftly melted as he just continued to stand there completely and utterly stunned, “oh, wait, is it not your birthday?” you checked nervously, “I just remember that you told me you’re a leo,” you rambled, thinking back to the day that he moved in and the random things your scattered brain thought was crucial to ask him, for some reason questions about his astrological chart and his favourite movie as a child happened to be the kind of queries you bombarded your new neighbour with as soon as you first met him, “and then a few weeks ago I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and so I asked our landlord, and he said the 10th of August, but maybe he was wrong���”
As if finally coming back to life, Peter breathed, “you baked me a cake?”
“Yeah…” embarrassment bubbling within your belly, you sat the heavy platter down on the counter, “so when is it really your birthday? I can bake you another one then if you want, unless you don’t like cake in which I can whip up something else, anything you’d-,”
“No, it is my birthday today,” he informed you, interrupting your babbling offer. 
“It is?” you felt the nauseating butterflies begin to settle within your stomach. 
“It is,” he finally returned your smile, “and I do like cake by the way.”
“Oh well, happy birthday then!” you pushed the cake towards him, “do you have any fun plans?”
“No,” he glanced down at the baked good and thought out loud, “I honestly haven’t really been looking at what date it is lately, I mean, I knew it would happen sometime around this week, but I didn’t know it was today…”
“Oh…” you then awkwardly found yourself offering, “well, I can be your personal calendar any time, if you’re interested,” instantly wincing at yourself, your cheeks heating up at how awkwardly swoon-worthy your spurted words had sounded, “anyways, this is yours,” you gestured to the cake, hoping to draw attention away from your flush, “take it and go enjoy your birthday, and I won’t take up any more of your precious time.”
Cake in hand, Peter stopped again before he could reach the exit, “hey Y/n?”
“Hm?” you glanced up, hoping that the blush had faded by now.
“Are you busy right now?” he softly echoed your question from before out in the hallway, “because, I mean, this is a lot of cake, and it would look pretty sad if I just sat and ate it all by myself.”
“Really?” you sucked in an excited breath, immediately grinning from ear to ear, “yeah! Yes! Of course-, I mean,” you finally noticed your blatant eagerness and attempted to recover with a graceless, “uh, sure, that sounds lovely, of course I’ll hang out with you on your day of birth…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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neos-schlond-poofa · 6 months
The Parallels of Resident Lover
It is common knowledge within the Resident Lover fandom that there are many parallels in the game, namely Miranda and Bela. However. I am here to tell you there is a much more extreme and serious parallel, one that no one else has pointed out before.
Alcina Dimitrescu and Lois Griffin are parallels of each other. I know, I know, your mind MIGHT be blown right now, to the point where you don't get it. But do not fret, fellow Resident Lovers, for I am here to elaborate on the truth.
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It is no secret that both Alcina and Lois are, well, attractive. Lois Griffin is consistently called one of the hottest mothers in animation, while Alcina has a fanbase of dedicated people purely because of her appearance. These two ladies are naturally attractive; some people even call them MILFS. It's not just how hot the two are; they have different little things scattered throughout that are obviously meant to mirror each other. Lois has bright red lipstick, referencing her still mainly happy attitude, while Alcina has dark red lipstick, highlighting the dark secrets she holds. They both have earings; the earrings that Lois wears are much more modest, as she is a simple housewife that doesn't want to show off, while Alcina is rich and always ready to stun. They both wear pants. They both have short hair, representing their bold and headstrong attitudes, and it is styled in such a classy manner that upon seeing them, you know they will not mess around. Alcina is also canonically in her mid 40s, while Lois is 44.
Exhibit B: Parenthood
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It can be argued that Alcina and Lois aren't the best mothers. And for the most part, neither of them even realize their faults. Furthermore, their children are all parallels of each other.
Bela and Chris - Blonde
Dani and Meg - Obvious Least Favorite
Cass and Stewie - Gays with a flair for the dramatic and their own silly best friends; Cass has Elena while Stewie has Rupert
This obviously it not a coincidence. The RL team is dedicated to making sure everything has meaning, including the own family dynamics present in their families.
Lois wasn't always a terrible mother. In early seasons, she could even be considered a good mother, even if she was sometimes a bit selfish. This is just like Alcina, but instead of it being early in the game, it is the interpretation of Alcina put in by the developers. Alcina being a bad mom in contrast to her amazing parenting skills in the original game is meant to specifically reference Lois randomly becoming a terrible mother.
Exhibit C: Their Own Families
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Alcina and Lois both come from rich and powerful families. Alcina is from the Dimitrescu bloodline, while Lois is from the Pewterschmidt bloodline. Through their families, they both have a lot of money and property. Alcina most notably owns the manor present in the game and a castle, while Lois once inherits her aunt's mansion in the season 2 premiere, "Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater." While Lois opts to have a much more quiet and normal life, her family's worth can not be ignored. Having Alcina actively embrace the wealth her family brings contrasts Lois in such a stark way. After all, to be a parallel doesn't mean to be a carbon copy. They are not equal triangles; they are congruent.
Additionally, they both have odd brothers that they do not make much reference to and prefer to forget. Lois has Patrick and Alcina has Karl. One important thing to note is that Patrick's original voice actor was Robert Downey Jr. whilst Karl's last name is Heisenberg, the alias of Walter White. Who else is in the TV show of Walter White which is called Breaking Bad? Krysten Ritter, who plays Jessica Jones in the MCU. You see, it is easily all connected if you just take your thinking caps and your magnifying glass and look a bit close at the context clues.
Exhibit D: A Love For The Arts
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What is Alcina and Lois, without their love for the arts? It is no secret that Alcina is a connoisseur of arts. She even teaches Women in Art at the university. She lives for art, and even expects her children to be the same way. Meanwhile, while it is less obvious for Lois, she is easily a huge fan of art. The biggest example is in the season 2 episode, "The King Is Dead," where she is committed to having the perfect play and gets mad when Peter "ruins" it. She appreciates the arts, and to see them be disrespected hurts her. Lois is also a teacher; while she is mainly known for being a housewife, she has had multiple different jobs, including once being a music teacher at school in the episode "Connie's Celica" in season 18 and consistently being a piano teacher throughout the series. Lois is a gifted piano player and is the main aspect of the arts she appreciates. For most people, they associate her piano playing with the opening of the TV Series, which goes from her casually playing the piano to a Broadway style number, which is obviously what inspired the decision to make Cass a theatre kid.
Exhibit E: Jazz Singers
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While this may seem very minor, it is not. In the original game, Alcina was previously a jazz singer. Her favorite music genre is definitely jazz and she has a deep love for it. Meanwhile, Lois Griffin occasionally sings jazz throughout the series and the earliest prominent example of this in the series is the season 1 episode, "Mind Over Murder," where she begins to sing at the bar located in the basement of her house. Jazz is integral to Alcina... but would that be so true if Lois was not once a jazz singer? Her interest in jazz only exists because of Lois's connections to jazz as Alcina was directly written to be a parallel of her.
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It is undeniable that Alcina was created to be a direct parallel to Lois Griffin. Her story simply wouldn't have the same emotional impact as it does if not for this. There is so much more that can be expanded upon as well, as I only scratched the surface of their parallels. I would like to thank Seth MacFarlane for making this all possible with the creation of Family Guy, and the Resident Lover Team for creating such a moving story. Truly, we need to stop this talk about the "Miranda and Bela" parallels now that I have revealed the truth. And, of course, you're welcome Resident Lover Team, for finally spreading the truth I know you've deeply been wishing to be discovered. Especially you, @dead-finch-420, mainly because I had to utilize some of your art pieces to make this post explaining what I'm sure you knew as you drew some of these pieces.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 5 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
Ahh! I'm sorry it took so long! You don't know the MILLIONS of times I've re-written this scene 😭! I hope you guys enjoy it!
4. Don't even look at me ever again.
Warnings: explicit descriptions of sex including fingering (f & m receiving) and blowjobs (f and m receiving).
     “Do you think it'd be enough? Or too much?” Miguel asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he waited for Peter's response. But she'd waited: she'd waited so patiently for him, nothing could ever have been too much for her. Peter shook his head quickly, waving his hands in disagreement.
     “No way, man!” he objected. “I mean, you know her better than anyone else, right? Better than anyone here, at least.” He gestured to the building of Spider people surrounding them, then turned back to Miguel, an encouraging smile on his face. 
     “If that's what you think she'll like, then who am I to say anything about it?”
     Miguel thought about it for a moment, quickly realising that Peter was right: he did know her, better than most other people. But of course he wasn't going to let Peter know that - he'd never let it go otherwise. Miguel raised an eyebrow, feigning disinterest. 
     “That's a first: Peter B Parker, not giving advice?” He turned to Lyla, hand on his chin as he thought about it. “Lyla, are we in the right universe?” 
     Peter frowned, opening his mouth to respond. But then he stopped, stunned. “Wait. Did you … just make a joke, Miguel?!” 
     Lyla flickered over to Peter, eyes equally wide with surprise.
     “You heard it too?!” she asked before breathing a sigh of relief. “I thought my code had a bug in it or something!” Miguel rolled his eyes at their teasing, his stomach fluttering with nerves as he pulled up his message thread with X. He typed out a few words, then deleted them, replaying their last conversation over again in his mind. What could he say to convince her to see him again? He'd been such an idiot - again - and it wouldn't be as easy as saying ‘sorry’, not this time. He slid his gaze over to Peter, wondering if he should just ask him to send X another distress call. She did like surprises - odd for someone who suffered from anxiety. But then again, she'd never been one to follow the norms; it was one of the reasons he'd fallen in love with her, after all. He cleared his throat.
     “Uh, Peter,” he called him over, trying to look as not guilty as possible. “Do you … think you could send X a distress signal? To the rooftop?” Peter flashed him a reassuring smile. 
     She stumbled through the door onto the rooftop, a million situations running through her mind. Was it Miguel? He was the only one who ever came to the rooftop besides her - after she'd shown him, of course. And Peter had never asked her anywhere besides the control room. And that was only because Miguel was mad at someone and they needed her to calm him down. Oh God, what if someone was seriously hurt?!
     “Hello?!” X called out into the night, searching her surroundings. “Peter?!” 
     She walked over to the edge, her heart thudding in her chest at the lack of response. Then suddenly, without warning, all the lights in the city went off, casting the world into darkness. It stayed like that for a moment before a cluster of lights appeared, quickly joined by another, and another, until the entire world looked like space, she herself floating among a sea of stars. She grinned, delighted by the beautiful sight, and watched eagerly as more lights came into view, the beams racing across the buildings and crashing into each other until: ‘I love you.’ Just like in that movie she'd gotten him to watch. She clasped her hands together and bit down on her lip, the happiness bubbling up from her stomach and flowing into her chest and spilling out of every fibre of her being. Was it really him? Could this really have been his doing? The lights flickered back to normal again and the world resumed its daily routine, even as hers felt like it had just stopped moving. She held her breath, counting the beats of her heart as she waited. Then finally, “¿Arañita?” 
     She turned around to find Miguel, standing at the other end of the rooftop with a guilty expression on his face, plush Green Lantern toy squished between his large hands. She glanced at the toy then back up at him, knowing that he'd gotten it just for her - it was the last toy she was missing in her Justice League collection and he'd actually gone back to the arcade and kept at the stupid claw machine until he'd managed to get it. For her. Because it made her happy. She covered her mouth with her hand, muffling the disbelieving laugh that fell from her lips. 
     “I, uh … Here.” Miguel walked over to her and shoved the toy into her hands before stepping back again. He rubbed the back of his neck as his gaze flitted between her and the ground, trying to build up the courage to speak. Then he cleared his throat and straightened. 
     “X, I …” he trailed off as his gaze roved over her face. Her lips were curled into that pretty smile that he could never say no to, her eyes creased at the corners as she looked up at him. She’d complained about them a few times; about how dark her irises were, but he loved how they always reflected whatever she was looking at - how he could look into them and see the exact reason for the smile on her face. His stomach curdled as she looked up at him now, her gaze adoring like he was her entire world. But how could she still look at him like that after he'd been so stupid; so selfish, doing absolutely nothing to stop himself from falling in love with her? Even when he'd been afraid that it would only end in the both of them getting hurt? He dropped his gaze back to the ground and pushed on, determined to let her know his true feelings. 
     “I know I … I haven't said it … back, but … I've tried- I mean, I hope I've tried, at least, to show you, maybe, that …” He looked up at her again, at the hope written all over her face, and his heart stuttered. “That …” 
     “Uh, Miguel,” she began, her tone teasing as she took note of how nervous he was right now. Nervous! The Miguel O'Hara! Because of her! But he looked so sincere right then, standing on their rooftop, trying so very hard to pour his heart out to her. “Would you prefer it if I turned around? Then maybe you can-”
     “No!” he exclaimed quickly, grabbing her face between his hands. He swallowed hard, but didn’t pull away, resolute in his decision. Because he loved her - because he was in love with her. “I want to look at you. I want you to look at me when I say it.” 
     She gazed up at him, her lips still curled into that mischievous smile. “When you say what, Miguel?” 
     He took a deep breath. Then finally, finally, “when I tell you that I love you. Too.” 
     Her watch started buzzing, the gadget going crazy with how high her vitals were rising. But she just grinned at him even harder, her elated face still clasped between his hands. “Really?” 
     It struck him like a knife to the heart, her uncertainty - her disbelief - that anyone could ever love her like that. He straightened and set his features into a resolute expression. “Yes. Really. I love you, arañi- I love you, X.” 
     How gentle she’d been with his heart, holding it so carefully, like glass ready to shatter at a moment’s notice. How easy she’d made it for him, falling in love with her, like sleeping in on a lazy Sunday morning. He felt his lips quirk at the corners at the look on her face and reached up to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “Only you, mi arañita.”
     She curled her fingers around his hand, feeling the tears starting to gather on the edge of her eyes. “Thank you.” 
     His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion at the unexpected response. Was she thanking him for loving her? That wasn’t what he’d been expecting her to say. Or do. Not that … Not that he’d been expecting anything in particular from her. “¿Qué?”
     “Um,” she hesitated, trying to come up with an appropriate response, “thanks for … for, um…” She shifted uncomfortably in position, then shot her gaze back up to his, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. 
     “Wait. Do you mean, like, in a platonic way?” she inquired. “Or, like, a romantic way?” 
     He’d just blacked out the whole damn city to tell her that he loved her and she was still asking him that?! But of course, no one had ever told her that they loved her before: how could she be sure unless he made it explicitly clear? He curled his hands around her waist, his stomach flipping over as he tugged her towards him.
     “I love you in every way you could possibly love someone. Platonically, romantically, all of it. I just want you, X. No one else. Ever.” She bit her lip against a smile, still a little scared to let herself fall the last few feet for him. There was no way - no way - this could possibly be real. Right? 
     She wasn’t saying anything, why wasn’t she saying anything? He pulled back and bent over to meet her gaze, nervous again now. “If that’s what you want, of course. Consensually, right?” 
     She rolled her eyes affectionately at how he echoed her words, then sank back against his chest. “You’re such an idiot, Miguel. Estás un grande tonto, mi araña.”
     He smirked at her words, hugging her tight. “You know, that’s not usually how you respond when someone tells you that they’re in love with you.” 
     She wriggled against him happily, pleased to hear those words exactly. Then she pulled back from him slowly. Her eyes flickered up to his, dark as the night sky, then she glanced away again. 
     “Are you … Do we kiss? Now?” She gave him a shy smile and his heart stuttered in his chest. “Do you … want to kiss me? Right now?” 
     He sighed and cupped her cheek in his hand, tilting her face up to his. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long, arañita.” 
     And then his lips were on hers, soft and warm, his tongue sliding into her mouth to sweep across it. She heard herself let out a soft moan, then felt his hand on her back, supporting her as she went weak at the knees. She gripped onto his shoulders as he arched her back, bending her over so that he could kiss her even harder. He was so large and so strong, but also so gentle and so careful, his hand stroking her back carefully, his mouth slowing its movements to match hers. She loved him, she really loved him. 
     Ay, carajo, she was soft, her chest, her waist, her lips. She was so cautious in the way she tasted him, her tongue gliding around his mouth slowly. He groaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and grazed the tip of his spine with her fingernails. Eventually, she slid her hands back down his chest, her eyes blinking open as she pulled away from him. 
     “Wow,” she whispered, awestruck. “So that’s what it’s like to kiss someone.” He shot her a wry smile. 
     “You’re really taking all the romance out of it, arañita.” She grinned and wrapped her arms back around him.
     “Are you insane, Miguel?! That was the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life!” She squealed with excitement, then started fidgeting with her toy, shy now. “Can we … Do we, like, go back to your place now? Or something?” 
     She peeked up at him from beneath her curly lashes and his heart stuttered at the thought of all the things he would do to her once they were alone in his bed. Finally. But he swallowed the thoughts down and reminded himself to take things slow. For her. “Do you … want to go back to my place?” 
     She nodded, her lips still curled into that shy smile that had his blood heating up and redirecting itself to his core. F*ck, he needed her so bad. He let out a shaky exhale and released her to open up a portal, then ushered her through it quickly. They landed in his living room and he guided her to the kitchen first, going over to the fridge to pull out a box of chocolates that he set down in front of her. 
     “I got these for you,” he revealed, moving around the counter to stand behind her. She opened up the box and picked out one of the chocolates, then held it up for him to try. He grabbed her wrist and turned her hand to her own mouth instead, gesturing for her to try it first. She bit half off, then popped the rest into his mouth. Her eyes lit up with delight as she chewed on the gooey centre and she turned around to slide her hands back up his chest. “Mmm. I love it! What do you think?” 
     He pursed his lips in thought as she wrapped her arms around his neck, considering the question. Then a mischievous look overtook his face. He gripped her chin in his hand and lowered his mouth to hers.  “I think I’m going to need another taste, mi amor.” 
     He slipped his tongue back into her mouth and groaned as he licked up the chocolatey taste of her. Mierda, she was sweet. He pulled back after a moment, his lips stretched wide as he smiled down at her.  “Deliciosa.” 
     She grinned at his teasing and he returned his lips to hers, his hands moving to grip her waist as he kissed her. God, he felt good, his broad shoulders, his wide neck, his soft hair. Her stomach flipped as he groaned against her, the vibrations rumbling out of his chest and into hers. Then he pushed her back against the counter and it was her turn to moan. He tilted his head as he bent her backwards, sliding his tongue even deeper into her mouth. She gripped onto his shoulder as he arched her back, her leg lifting off the ground as she spread them apart around him. He grabbed onto her thigh and wrapped it around his waist, then lifted her up onto the counter. She yelped in surprise and giggled when he moved his mouth to her neck, the sound of his satisfied moans causing her to shudder. 
     “Arañita,” he murmured against her skin, his lips brushing along the delicate column of her throat. He couldn’t wait to taste her; to please her and make her come for him, her smooth skin sliding against his, her soft flesh bare beneath his hands, her small body rocking with uncontrollable pleasure as she bucked and writhed against him. Joder, he wanted to taste her so badly: her breasts, her ass, her p*ssy. F*ck, her p*ssy, her tiny little p*ssy leaking that delicious, intoxicating liquid that drove him crazy every time he caught a whiff of it. He moved his lips back to hers, his body heating up at the thought of having sex with her; first in his bedroom, then his living room, and maybe even in his kitchen, staking his claim on her over and over again until she collapsed from the exhaustion, finally falling asleep in his arms. But he’d have to take it slow tonight - he’d have to: he wanted to make sure she’d enjoy each and every delicious second of his hands all over her, his mouth, his tongue, licking her up and devouring her whole. He pulled back from her, reluctantly putting some distance between them so he could regain control of his thoughts. 
     “What do you want to do, arañita?” he asked her, his chest already heaving with shallow breaths. “We’ll go at your pace. Lo que quieras, cariño.”
     She smirked at him, trying to catch her own breath as the adrenaline continued to race through her body. Sex! She was going to have sex with him! Just the very thought of it had her leaking into her underwear! But she had the upper hand this time, and she wasn’t about to give in to him so easily. “Oh, so now we go at my pace?” 
     He sighed, flashing her an exasperated - but slightly guilty - look as he waited. It drove him crazy, of course, every second that they still had their clothes on. But he deserved whatever torture she decided she wanted to inflict on him. X pursed her lips and slid her gaze to the side, pretending to think about it. Then she hopped off the counter, an alarmed expression crossing her face. 
     “Oh!” she exclaimed, trying to push past him. “‘To the moon and back’ is on now! Right?! I have to see if Johnny-” She stopped as she crashed right into him, his powerful arms trapping her against the kitchen island so she couldn’t put on that ridiculous reality show she’d gotten so addicted to. 
     “Arañita.” He frowned, the hint of warning in his tone letting her know that he knew exactly what she was trying to do. She grinned and slid her hands back up his chest, admiring the broad and hard planes of it beneath her palms. 
     “What? You said we’d do whatever I wanted. Right, Miguel?” He sucked in a breath at the feeling of her hands gliding across his body. Then he frowned, trying to remain stern in the face of the irresistible mixture of cuteness and mischief on her face. 
     “That’s not what I meant,” he told her, his hands coming around her waist. Of course he didn’t want to pressure her into anything she wasn’t comfortable with - but he swore he’d literally explode if she made him wait any longer. Especially with the way she’d wrapped herself around him, her deliciously soft breasts pressing into his hard chest. 
     “Then what did you mean, Miguel?” X fluttered her eyelashes up at him, knowing exactly what he intended to do tonight. With her. In his bed. “What did you want to do, mi araña fuerte?”
     P*ta madre, that ridiculous phrase again. He tightened his grip on her, his frustration growing as he remembered the last time she’d teased him so badly. “X.” 
     She took a step back, her eyes travelling over the defined lines of his muscles as her hands slid over them. Then she lifted her gaze to his and pushed past him gently, heading for the stairs. She bounced up a few steps before turning to look at him, a questioning expression on her face. 
     “Well?” she asked, gesturing to his bedroom. “Are you coming, Miguel?” 
     He followed after her, trying so hard to maintain his pace and keep that slightest bit of distance between them. But then they were in his bedroom and she was giving him that same shy smile that drove him crazy. He stepped forward and tugged her back to him, bending over so he could begin kissing her again. His hands drifted down her body as he moved his mouth against hers, his fingers tangling in the waistband of her tights before pulling it over her ass. He knelt down when she didn’t say anything, pulling her tights off and casting them aside. Then he reached up to undo the buttons of her bodysuit, his hands sliding over her skin and pulling it off as he stood up again. He sucked in a breath at the sight of her finally exposed before him, his eyes glazing over as they travelled across her body. She was so beautiful, he marvelled, stepping forward to cup her breasts in his hands, so soft and so perfect. She shivered as he began absent-mindedly circling her nipples with his thumbs and he licked his lips at the way her head fell back to expose her throat. 
     He was so careful and sweet in his gentle appreciation of her body, his hands taking their time to brush over her curves and familiarise themselves with the soft planes of her body. And the way he licked his lips at the sight of her? That dazed expression overcoming his handsome features as he admired her body? Shit, he was making her p*ssy throb just by looking at her. 
     “Miguel,” she giggled, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand. He gave a questioning grunt, then dragged his gaze up to hers, bewildered. “You … want to take those off too? Querido?” 
     F*ck. “¿Qué? What did you just call me?” 
     “Querido?” she repeated hesitantly, wondering if she’d gotten it wrong. “Doesn’t it mean ‘darling’? I like it ‘cause it makes you sound like you’re my husband or something.” She bit her lip after she said it, her cheeks heating up at her admission. And f*ck if he wasn’t going to come just from hearing her saying that. He turned her around and crushed his lips to hers as he moved her towards the bed, his movements harsh and aggressive as he pushed her down onto it. She gave him a surprised look from where she lay beneath him, and her eyes widened even further when he finally deactivated his suit. 
     Shit. She couldn’t figure out where to look: his brawny shoulders, his burly chest, his hard abdomen, each of his muscles so carefully outlined beneath his tanned skin. He pulled his underwear off and she let out a little squeak when she saw his c*ck, huge and twitching, already stiffening at the sight of her naked in his bed. He climbed on top of her and pulled her back off the mattress, his hips grinding into hers as he kissed her hard. God, he felt good: his warm tongue tangling with hers, his hard body pressing down on top of her, his thick c*ck rubbing up against her clit. Shit! 
     She was so cute, the way she kept moaning and whimpering into his mouth, her p*ssy already so wet from the way he kept teasing her. He slid a hand down her body and dragged his fingers along her folds, his long digits scissoring her length and circling her entrance. Her legs twitched at the feeling and he moved his mouth to her neck, nibbling and sucking on her skin as he continued to play with her p*ssy. 
     “M-Miguel,” she whined, her body stretching herself out and then contracting again as she started to reach her edge. She was so cute, he thought to himself, eyes closed, head turned to the side, blissful expression on her face as she wriggled against his hand. Coño, he couldn’t wait to see what she would look like with his d*ck inside of her. But that would have to wait until another night - until he wasn’t so overwhelmed with desire that he’d be able to stretch her out before slipping himself inside of her. F*ck, he wanted to be inside of her so bad. She let out a delighted squeak as he nipped at her ear and he growled in response before pressing a tender kiss to her cheek. She whimpered as her body began to tighten, and he pressed his fingers harder against her, stroking and scissoring until she couldn’t take it anymore, her body shuddering against his hand as she came for him. He pulled himself off of her, sitting back to admire the rosy glow on her cheeks and the glistening liquid splashed across her thighs. 
     “Querida,” he began, his pupils dilating as they fixed on her centre. “Let me … Let me clean you up, arañita.” 
     He moved down the bed and began licking and kissing her thighs, his hands holding her legs apart as he took his time making his way to her centre. She pushed herself onto her elbows, wanting to see the way his mouth closed around her p*ssy. But then he licked a line up her length and she was collapsing back onto the bed with pleasure. She whimpered as he rubbed his thumbs along the sides of her vagina, pulling her apart so he could push his mouth deeper into her folds. Then her legs began twitching again as he hummed against her, the low vibrations running along her skin and adding onto the pleasure of his tongue dribbling up and down her length. 
     “Coño, arañita. You’re so small,” Miguel informed her, relishing the helpless moans that fell from her lips. She clutched onto the bed sheets as he suckled on her clit, her fingers tangling in the covers as her body twitched and writhed with pleasure. He flicked his tongue at her centre, circling her entrance teasingly, then chuckled when she let out a desperate whine. “Sabes tan bien, mi amor.” (You taste so good, my love.)
     “M-Miguel,” she breathed as he pulled his folds into her mouth and sucked on them before releasing her again. “I-I thought … you were s-supposed to be … cleaning me up?” 
     She tried to laugh, to tease him as he was teasing her, that devilish smirk on his face as he gazed up at her with his fiery eyes. But how could she possibly think of anything else besides the feeling of his mouth on her vagina? Of his tongue licking her p*ssy like he was trying to drink her up? Her legs twitched again and Miguel held them down, his grip on her firm as he continued to play with and pleasure her. 
     “But you just taste so good, mi amor,” Miguel moaned, the low timbre of his voice causing another chill to run down her spine. “So f*cking good. Muy bien, mi arañita. P*nche bien, mi querida preciosa.” He paused to grin up at her, his mouth and chin covered in a mixture of his saliva and her c*m, and she whimpered at the sight. 
     “You're so small, querida,” he told her, his attention returning to her p*ssy. “I can fit all of you inside my mouth.” He closed his mouth around her to prove his point, his tongue swirling around her clit as he groaned against her. X squeaked as her hips raised off the bed, her body approaching another climax, and Miguel cupped her ass in his hands, holding her above the mattress and licking her all the way from back to front. 
     “H-Holy shhit!” X exclaimed, writhing against his mouth as the contractions wracked her body. Miguel kept his eyes fixed on her as she came, his pupils dilating to swallow the red of his irises as he watched her take her pleasure. Then he lowered her back to the bed and crawled up over her, stopping to suck on her breasts before he buried his face in her neck. 
     “¿Estás bien, mi amor?” He nuzzled her neck with his nose, then pushed himself up to look at her, his chest warming at the thrilled look on her face. “How was that?” 
     He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her as he said it, and she felt her stomach do a full three hundred and sixty degrees rotation at the sight. She grinned and pulled his mouth down to hers, her hands running all over the muscles in his shoulders and back as she kissed him. Her hips pressed into his as he squeezed her ass, and she felt herself starting to get wet again at the feeling of his large c*ck rubbing against her folds. She whined in protest when he sat up quickly, but lost her train of thought when he moved her to the head of the bed and flipped her over onto her stomach. 
     “Miguel!” She chuckled as he slid himself on top of her, the hard planes of his body brushing against her back so deliciously. “How can you just throw me around like that?” 
     “Because! You're so f*cking small, mi amor,” he told her, lowering his head to her shoulder to suck and nibble on her skin. “And besides, isn't that what you wanted? For your big, strong boyfriend to pick you up and throw you around?” He shoved his hands under her, gliding them up her abdomen to take hold of her breasts as he licked the side of her neck. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure at the feeling and she flopped over his arm, giving herself over to him as he stroked and squeezed her tight little body. 
     “S-So you're … officially … my boyfriend … now?” she asked him, delighted by the thought. Her boyfriend! Her very own boyfriend! One who would look after her and take care of her and be there for her when she needed it; just like she would for him. 
     “Of course!” Miguel replied immediately, cuddling her against him. “You think I'd ever let anyone else have you, mi arañita preciosa?” He pressed a kiss to her cheek and nipped at her ear before sliding his hand around to her back to pinch her ass.
     “You're mine now, querida,” he informed her firmly. “Solo mía - toda mía. You're going to have to marry me, remember? You've got absolutely no choice, cariño.” 
     She whimpered and moaned as he continued to glide his hands all over her body, taking his time to marvel at her smooth skin and her soft curves. “S-So now … you want me to marry you?” 
     She gasped as he moved back down her body, his lips and tongue kissing and licking their way along her spine. He chuckled at her helplessness, then pushed himself up to a seat, his hands rubbing the backs of her thighs and kneading her ass. 
     “You're gonna have to work on a better proposal than that, Miguel.” X sighed, collapsing onto the mattress as he allowed her a brief respite from the constant stimulation. 
     “Oh, I will,” he reassured her, flipping her over onto her back. He grinned wickedly, his fiery eyes sparking with mischief as he loomed over her. “I'm gonna make it so damn good, you won’t be able to say no.” He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto his hips, his features melting into a smile of delight. She reflected his expression back at him before leaning forward to press her lips to his, her fingers sliding up the back of his neck to tangle in his silky hair. Then she pulled back, thinking. 
     “Miguel,” she began carefully, her mind swirling with questions. “What changed?” 
     Miguel shook his head, not understanding what she was asking. So she tried again. “Why did you … I mean, you were so, like, scared before. So, I was just wondering what happened to change your mind?” 
     He reached up to twirl one of her curls around his finger, then let his hand drop to her shoulder and slide down her body. He sighed, the guilt curling around his bones as he thought again about how selfish he'd been. “I'm sorry.”
     “For what?” 
     “I …” he trailed off, trying to find the words to express what he wanted to say. “I spent so long just taking and taking from you and never giving anything back.”
     “But you didn't,” she argued quickly, her arms coming around his neck. His brow furrowed in confusion. “You were always there for me when I needed you. And even when I didn't - just to hang out. Maybe you didn't say that you loved me, but you always showed it.” 
     He took a moment to contemplate her words, images flashing in his brain of all the times he'd conveyed his feelings to her: admitting to her when he was scared, letting her touch him because she liked it, checking up on her when she was feeling lonely.
     “People have different love languages,” X said, shrugging away his apology. “I like verbal affirmation, but you’re better at physical affirmation. It's not a big deal, Miguel, you don't always have to say it.” 
     “I love you,” he told her quickly, wanting to say it, to hear the words come out in his own voice and see the delight on her face as she heard them. “I love you, arañita. I love you, X. I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
     She giggled at his insistence and leaned forward, repeating the words back to him before kissing him again. He moaned as his hips began to move against hers lazily, searching for some friction, and she clutched onto his shoulders as she wriggled in his lap. She climbed off of him after a while and sat back to get a good look at him, studying him curiously. She'd felt him getting hard a while back, when he'd been grinding his hips against hers as she lay back on the mattress, and she didn’t know how he’d managed to control himself for so long - especially given the way his c*ck stood to attention now, just waiting for her to show it some affection.
     “Miguel …” she began softly, her eyes fixed on his centre. “Can I … Can I try?” She looked up at him, her eyes wide and questioning, and he almost came just at the sight of her. 
     “Go ahead, amor,” he acquiesced, nodding in confirmation. She licked her lips and took hold of him, her fingers curling around him and pumping him slowly. 
     “Is this okay?” She looked up at him again when he didn't respond, and he had to dig his claws into the mattress to stop himself from grabbing her head and guiding it to his c*ck. Dios, she was cute. 
     He nodded, his lips pressed together tight with the effort it took to contain himself, to give her the space to explore. But then, ay carajo, then she was lying on the bed, her lips brushing softly along his tip before her tongue was wrapping itself around him. It had been so long since someone had touched him like this; since someone else had pleasured him in this way - because as long as he'd made her wait, he'd waited too. Even before he'd met her, in fact, his mind entirely focused on his goal of keeping everyone safe. But then she'd come along, with her pretty eyes and her beautiful smile and her delicious little body, and the more she'd teased him - the more she'd joked around with him and taken care of him - the more he'd found himself unable to resist those urges again. So, of course he'd thought about her, standing by himself in the shower, the warm water raining over his aching muscles, the heat warming him to his core. He'd thought about her, small and soft beneath him, her arms coming around his shoulders so she could bury her slender fingers in his hair, her lips gliding all over his skin and electrifying him with their touch. He'd thought about her sliding her hands down his body as she lowered herself to her knees, her fingers taking hold of him delicately and curling around his length to pump him up and down. And then he’d thought of her lips, pulling apart to take him into her mouth, her big doe eyes gazing up at him as she pressed her tongue against his tip, licking on him slowly as she eased him into her mouth. But then a wave of guilt would overcome him, the shame of having such filthy thoughts about her causing him to release himself abruptly, his chest heaving with shallow breaths as he worked to calm himself back down again. She was so innocent, after all, so inexperienced and so sweet, completely oblivious to all the dirty places his mind went to everytime she teased him with that mischievous grin of hers. It wasn't fair of him to think of her like that when she'd never even been kissed before. But now … He glanced down at her, sucking on him carefully, her tongue tracing over the veins in his shaft as she brought him deeper and deeper into her mouth. F*ck.
     “Cariño,” he breathed, panting heavily as the arousal took over his body, “you sure you've never done this before?” She shook her head, moving his c*ck from side to side so that the tip slapped against her cheeks. And f*ck if he wasn't going to come undone right there. He gave another loud groan and X sat up, replacing her mouth with her fingers. 
     “I haven't!” she insisted, her cheeks heating up at the very thought. “Why? Am I good?” A gasp escaped from his throat as she gripped him in her fist, her thumb circling his tip teasingly. And then he felt his body tighten, his muscles straining as he relieved himself in her hand. 
     “Yes,” Miguel sighed when he'd finished. X grinned, delighted by the ropes of sticky, white c*m that coated her fingers. Then she slung her arms around his waist and pressed her lips to his chest, her tongue tracing the outlines of his muscles as she licked the sweat off his skin. She nipped at his collarbone when she got to it, then lay back against the pillows, leaving a space beside her for him to settle into.
     “Arañita,” Miguel began carefully after a moment. She tilted her head slightly, raising her eyebrows in question as he stroked her back. “You won't … You won't leave me, will you?” 
     He knew she wouldn't - they'd get married, after all, and have their own little family together. But he wanted to hear her say it, just to be sure. 
     X smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes travelling over the apprehensive look on his face. He so rarely allowed himself to be vulnerable, and it was like a badge of pride for her, to be someone he trusted enough to be so honest with. 
     “Of course not!” she confirmed, her tone incredulous. “You said you'd propose to me so good that I wouldn't be able to say no, right? So that's that. And remember what I told you? That first time you got scared I could leave you?” She paused to let him recall that first day she'd been away, when he'd had to re-learn how to live without her. How far they'd come since then. 
     “You're stuck with me forever now, Miguel,” she warned him, a gleeful expression on her face. “I love you and I’m gonna stick to you like a leech. Like a leech that's constantly starving and is just going to latch onto you forever.” He pushed her hair out of her eyes as she pulled herself on top of him, his chest warming at how ridiculous she could be sometimes.
      “And then,” she continued, grinning down at him mischievously, “when you finally realise how insane I actually am, I'm going to turn into a villain. And then you're going to have to hunt me down. But you'll still be so in love with me that you'll have to let me go everytime you catch me!” She sighed dramatically at the thought, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. 
     “What a tragic story of star-crossed lovers, mi amor!” she finished, not sounding very tragic at all. Miguel chuckled and scratched his nails along her back lightly. 
     “I think I'm already starting to realise how insane you actually are.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she wriggled happily against him before tilting her head back to shoot him a questioning look. 
     “And? You still want me to stick to you forever?” she asked.
     “Yes,” he decided, cuddling her against him. “Otherwise I might turn into the villain.” 
     “Mmm, don't tempt me, Miguel,” she warned him, tickling his shoulder with her fingernails. “You know I have a weakness for a good villain. And you'd be such a frickin’ hot one too.” 
     He sighed at her dreamy tone and pushed himself up to a seat, holding her upright on his lap. “Don't even think about it, arañita.” 
     She pursed her lips to the side, pretending to consider the idea. Then she turned back to him and grinned, her arms coming around his neck as she brought her mouth closer to his. “Too late.” 
     She gave him quick pecks on the lips until he pulled her to him and slid his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply. She moaned in satisfaction and sank into his chest, relishing the feeling of his naked body against hers. She pulled away after a while, curling herself back around him and resting her head on his shoulder as he leaned back against the headboard. 
     “If I bite you here,” X asked, her finger drawing small circles on the side of his neck, “would everyone be able to see?”  
     “I'd wear my mask until it healed,” he replied drowsily, starting to drift off at the feeling of her warm body snuggled against his. She was so warm and soft in his arms, and he couldn’t figure out how he’d managed to fall asleep without her every night. She pushed herself off of him and straightened, letting him see the disappointed look on her face. 
     “But I want everyone to know how much I love you!” she joked, her lips quirking at the ends despite her best efforts. Miguel chuckled. 
     “I think they already know, querida,” he assured her, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. She lay back down on his chest, relaxing into his embrace. 
     “Good. I want everyone to know that you're mine. Mi Miguelito.” He frowned at the nickname and pushed her back up, his hands gripping her waist as she gave him a confused look. 
     “So now you think I'm small?” he asked, turning her over and climbing on top of her. “What happened to 'you're so big, Miguel, with that freakin’ huge brain of yours'?” She laughed as he nuzzled her neck with his nose, his fingers tickling her side while he pinned her beneath him. 
     “'You want five burgers or six?’” he continued, repeating the jokes she'd always make about his size. “‘Will that be enough for you, Miguel? Or do you want more?'” He growled and nipped at the soft spot between her neck and her shoulder, prompting a squeal out of her in response.
     “Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!” she panted, trying to push him off of her. He sat up, loosening his grip on her, and she treated him to a sweet smile as a reward. “Your ego is still massive though.” He dug his fingers back into her sides.
     “Stop! Stop!” she exclaimed, trying to curl into herself to hide from him. He let her go againand she frowned at him this time, her brows crashing together as she pushed herself up to a seat. “You're so mean, Miguel.” She hit him on the shoulder and turned away from him in irritation, but he just pulled her back into his arms, falling back onto the bed and tucking her into his side. 
     “Te amo, mi arañita.” She smiled, her eyes already falling shut as she felt the exhaustion overtake her. 
     “I love you too, Miguel.”
Tags: @leahnicole1219 @heubstr
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ohmyenjolrass · 2 months
things i adored of the catalan version of jesus christ superstar
so i just saw the catalan version of after discovering there is one (it's here, check it out!) and i think it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. shoutout to @this-is-a-name-dont-worry for making me discover it <3
catalan is my favourite language and i am lucky enough to speak it every day, and this production didn't disappoint at all!
so as a tradition in this blog, let's review my favorite parts!
first of all, i adored the setting and the cast. the costumes were also fabulous. so the whole aesthetic of the show was impeccable, giving me the same vibes as the 2018 nbc version. 10/10 for scene.
now, specific things. many of these things have to do with lyrics because i think the translation was EVERYTHING.
heaven on their minds is always a banger, no matter the production. one thing i loved about this particular version was the lyric obri els ulls i escolta el que t'he de dir / que no veus que no vull veure't morir?, which literally translates to open your eyes and listen to what i have to say / can't you see that i don't want to see you die? (more or less).
that translation changed my life forever.
the percussion break right before what's the buzz? gave me +20 years of life.
then, judas's expression during mary's bit was so funny.
and also, some note changes during strange thing mystifying that i LOVED.
i also think it was clever how judas was arguing with the apostles in the background during the first chorus of everything's alright.
moreover, the way mary soothes judas in the second chorus
AND HOW THEY CHANGE THE LYRICS SO THEY CAN MAKE IT PLURAL (like mary talks to both jesus and judas).
ANNAS IS A GIRL !!!!! and an amazing performer, gotta say.
also, the little dancing of the priests during this jesus must die.
i adored how in hosanna, jesus and judas enter together and then mary joins them (and judas gives her a little kiss!!).
also judas telling the crowd to be chill while caiaphas sings.
and how he gets mad when jesus talks about heaven.
the way pilate and jesus look at each other just before pilate's dream.
the priests being in the temple during the scene.
mary confessing to jesus during i don't know how to love him and jesus ALMOST KISSING HER???? WOAH.
a priest offered judas some food while he was having a mental breakdown in damned for all time and i thought it was the funniest thing ever.
okay so during the last supper happened a lot of things
first, JUDAS SMOKING. i'm always a fan of that (please, don't smoke).
also, during their first confrontation, judas says deixa'm que t'expliqui (let me explain) to jesus, and I WANTED TO CRY
the way the apostles tidy up the table after jesus and judas's first fight.
at the end, judas looks for comfort in the apostles AND THEY REJECT HIM???? the audacity.
gethsemane was in general absolutely stunning, but some things i liked about it is the way it was translated. the song in catalan seems like jesus is asking god to show himself so that he can see that everything is real. HEART B R E A K I N G.
ANOTHER HEARTBREAK. the lyrics just before the song starts say ningú es vol quedar despert amb mi? / no em deixeu sol avui, which translates to none of you wants to stay awake with me? / don't leave me alone today. I MEAN.
some other lyrics that destroyed me were the pre-chorus. in catalan, jesus sings: vas donar-me llum / però ara sols veig fum / esperant que tú vinguessis / vaig donar-te el que tenia / una vida / no pots esperar més d'un home sol, which translates to you gave me light / but now i only see smoke / waiting for you to come / i gave you what i had / a life / you cannot expect more from only a man. I MEAN X2.
peter's voice was one of my favorites.
and also, herod serving cunt in that animal print trousers. chef's kiss.
judas's death affected me more than any other production
in superstar, judas singing de debò el teu sacrifici et converteix en salvador? which translates to does your sacrifice really makes you a savior? in the cuntiest way possible. yes, king.
and to finish, the timer above the cross going down before jesus's death.
if you reached this point, hi! i hope you enjoyed it, 'cause i know i did. check out this production, it is truly amazing. see you in the next post! x
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nebulaedaniel · 8 months
slutty nun and modest devil
word count: 1.4k
warnings: dnp are at a club (unrealistic), alcohol, jokes about sinning, they kiss a bit :)
a/n: i just need you all to know i started writing this during my break at work, the baking video broke me
not proofread! lowercase intended
the club was dark, cobwebs and neon lights clouding phil’s vision. his plain devil costume felt out of place, especially after seeing the bartender with sfx makeup, making it look like their face was melting off. it’s a gay club after all, he should’ve realized people would go all out. even the most basic costume ideas, a ghost or a zombie, had been amplified with fishnet tights or bondage gear. phil even saw a sexy peter griffin while in line to the bathroom. he’s be lying to himself if he said it wasn’t passingly attractive.
two women dressed as marceline and princess bubblegum pushed their way next to him at the bar, giggling while ordering their tequila shots. they pushed up against phil, uncomfortably close considering that they decided to shove their tongues down each other’s throats while waiting.
phil struggled away, awkwardly nudging their bodies so they’d be leaning against the bar instead of him. he scanned the club, the dance floor was packed with moving bodies, if he took off his glasses it would look like a solid form moving. his eyes drifted away from the dancing bodies, seeing an empty space at a wall. he could lean against that until the alcohol set in, he decided.
navigating through the sweaty bodies, phil questioned as to why he decided that going to the club alone on halloween would be a good idea. in the end it didn’t matter, he was there and it felt more embarrassing to leave than to stay there alone. the wall felt cool against his back, he let out a tired breath and took another sip from his overpriced cocktail.
“vampire venom?” a voice piped up next to phil, making him jump. looking to his left, a man in a slutty nun outfit was looking at him. phil found himself starting to blush, the man had curly brown hair under the veil, fishnet tights and about the same height as himself, a rare sight.
“sorry?” phil asked, snapped out of his daze.
the man gestured at the drink in phil’s hand. “vampire venom? you should try to witches brew, it’s got chocolate liqueur instead of that fake fucking ‘lime’.” he actually did air quotes, rolling his eyes with a smile.
“oh i-“ phil found himself at a loss, a stranger making comments about his cocktail preferences left him stunned, “i thought the lime would be more refreshing”
phil winced at his own words, defending his choice was worse than saying nothing. to his surprise, the man gave a soft laugh, his brown eyes meeting phil’s. the man glanced around, also noticing the multi-bodied organism that had formed in the club.
“tell you what, let me buy you one and you’ll see that it’s the better choice” his eyes returned to phil, flicking down to shamelessly check him out.
“um, yeah, sure!” phil gave a smile, fully blushing at the fact that this hot nun wanted to but him a drink.
“i’m dan, by the way” the man said, grabbing phil’s hand and pulling him towards the bar.
one cocktail ordered later, phil found himself sat on a couch next to the man. next to dan. dan. dan in the slutty nun outfit. dan, whose legs were fully exposed, the skirt of the dress riding up as they sat.
“give it a try then, the anticipation is killing me!” dan grinned, urging phil to take a sip.
playfully rolling his eyes, phil took a sip.
“oh my god! that’s so good” phil found himself saying, eagerly going in for another sip before tilting the glass towards dan, “have some!”
a smirk crept it’s way across dan’s lips. he leaned forward, eyes steadily locked on phil’s as his tongue found the straw, lewdly licking and wrapping his lips around the straw.
burning heat shot through phil, face going as red as his costume. who was this man? there was an aura of confidence and flirtation around him, the first seemingly fueled by alcohol. regardless, it had phil wanting to inch closer, throw out some lie about the volume in the building and ‘not being able to hear him’.
phil opened his mouth to make a half true lie, but dan was quicker.
“it’s good… i just think it would taste better on your lips.” dan’s eyes stared into phil’s, the bold line sitting between them, the air becoming thick with the apparent attraction.
“i- yes” phil said, stumbling over his words in an awkward fashion. dan is bold, phil can’t remember the last time someone asked for a kiss instead of just leaning in.
a small smile formed on dan’s lips as he scooted closer, placing his hand on phil’s jaw, eyes flicking down to his lips. he was close, so close that phil could smell his cologne, musky and warm. his nose brushed phil’s cheek, their lips meeting.
“i was right,” dan breathed, “it's better this way.” phil had no time to reply before their lips collided again.
getting kicked out of a club on halloween wasn't on phil's list of goals, but there was something.. satisfying about a bouncer telling them to leave after dan has been straddling his lap and kissing him until his head was spinning. apparently groping someone whose ass is on display to the bar isn't appropriate, not that it's their fault that dan wore a tight dress that bunched around his hips when he straddled phil.
once outside in the cold air, phil found himself face to face with dan again. he really expected him to have run off. but he was there. flushed pink cheeks, swollen lips and with a thick coat on, dan was still there.
"oh, wait-" dan stopped phil from zipping up his coat, stepping closer and reaching out. "your cape isn't tied on properly. guess i tugged at it a bit, huh?"
they both laughed lightly while dan gently retied phil's bow.
"there we go" dan smiled, meeting phil's eyes again.
the music from the club was still audible from outside, the deep base thumping and making phil's bones rattle. he looked down, scuffing his shoes against the pavement. what now?
"so... that was fun" phil said, painfully aware that dan was looking at him. "sorry, i don't usually do this"
"which part, makeout with a stranger or ask them out afterwards?" dan sounded amused. phil couldn't help but smile, surprised at how relaxed he felt with dan. it shouldn't make sense, people makeout and hook up with strangers all the time without feeling fate wrapping around them. but there's something about dan that makes him crave his closeness.
"both," phil looks up again, smiling sheepishly, "it's not like i expected to kiss a nun at a gay club"
dan threw his head back in a laugh, it was near a cackle in sound.
"can't say i blame you, us nuns aren't usually in gay clubs" dan does a dramatic flick with his veil, bringing a laugh out of phil.
"a nun kissing the devil, isn't that like, the epitome of sin?"
"well i guess the only thing that would be worse, other than it happening at a gay club, is if the nun asked the devil to meet up again"
dan almost looked shy. the cold air must've sobered him up, phil thought.
"well, the devil can't deny sinners, it's kinda his whole thing" phil plucked his phone from his pocket, "put your number in? and i'll text you"
dan took the phone and phil looked around. there were some people smoking by the entrance, clearly looking at the pair. they must be an odd sight, a slutty nun and a modest devil.
"there," dan handed back the phone, phil noted the name he put in for himself. 'Dan (slutty nun)'. "i was gonna do emojis but 'slutty nun' didn't really reflect well in emoji"
phil grinned, quickly sending a text to dan and looking back up. the warm brown eyes sent a thrill down his spine.
"now you've got my number too," phil tucked his phone away again and finally zipped up his coat. "text me?"
"oh absolutely" dan grinned, "i'll text you"
dan turned around, glancing back at phil while walking away, smiling. phil turned around as well, a stupid smile on his face.
phil got 200 meters away from where they said goodbye, when a text notification comes through.
from dan.
"unless i can come over now?"
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downwiththeficness · 3 months
Shadow and Veil-Chapter Forty Seven (Final Chapter)
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Summary: Eva Moore’s life was a carefully constructed fiction.  Every day, she did exactly what her mother in law, her husband, and his  best friend expected of her. No mistakes. And, that was going pretty  well for Eva right up until a huge complication literally tried to run  her over. Now, she’s faced with trying to keep the pieces of her life  from falling apart while attempting (and failing) to keep her feelings  for her husband’s new business partner at bay.
A/N: This fic is a sister-fic to A Need So Great and A Need Unleashed.  You do not need to have read ANSG or ANU to read this fic, but there  are Easter eggs from those fics in Shadow and Veil for readers with keen  eyes.  This fic is explicit for canon-compliant blood, gore, violence,  and sex. As such, it is intended for an adult audience, only. A/B/O  dynamics come with their own warning. Anyone under the age of 18 should  not interact with this work. I do not consent to reposting this work to  other platforms. Reblog only to Tumblr.  
Word Count: ~1,100
Start from the beginning    Previous Chapter 
Masterlist Read on AO3
Eva sat in the front seat of Horacio’s truck, looking around with interest. There were cars parked in uniform lines on either side of her, each of them pointed at a huge screen.
The weather was just this side of too hot, one last burst of heat before the rainy season. Above, the moon shone high and full, illuminating the field and surrounding forest. The field was tucked away from the road and all the streetlights, leaving them in near darkness that was cut through with the pre-show animations.
She had no idea who Peter Fonda was, or what it meant to be a ‘hired hand’, but Horacio loved Westerns and that was enough for her. She didn’t care that it would be dubbed in Spanish, Eva was just glad to be out and about.
Coming back to Colombia was like surfacing from underwater and taking a huge breath. She was finally back in the home she shared with Horacio. Finally back in their bed. It didn’t matter that Horacio got right back to work or that Eva still couldn’t find a job.
She was home.
The door opened and Horacio dropped into the passenger’s seat with an armful of candy and other treats. Eva stared at the bounty, surprised, “We’re never going to eat all that.”
He lifted a brow, “I’ve seen your snack platters, Eva.”
The man had a point.
“I withdraw my statement.”
Eva carefully arranged the snacks on the console between them, making sure to group them by category—salty, sweet, sour, savory. Picking up a small cut of diced fruit, she got comfortable and dug in.
“Carlos asked us over for dinner,” Horacio mentioned casually.
He nodded, “He got a new grill and wants to test it out.”
Eva chuckled around a bit of mango, “Should we bring a hose?”
Turning a little in his seat, Horacio’s mouth lifted in half a smile, “He said he has one, We’ll keep it at the ready.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Eva said as she picked up at box of sour candy and slid her thumb under the cardboard.
He was quiet a moment, watching her pick through the candies to find a red one. Then, “He said something else, too.”
She looked up in question and murmured an intrigued, “What did he say?”
Horacio’s earnest expression and the way he was watching her intently set her back a step. He looked nervous, almost worried. She reached over and touched his arm, finding it trembling, “What did he say?”
His palm laid atop hers, “That I was taking our relationship for granted.”
Stunned, Eva shook her head, “I don’t think…”
He cut her off, “I have. A little. I was so...confident that you were mine from the very beginning.” A hand waved away Eva’s soft ‘I was’. He took a breath, “I made a lot of decisions for you. I pushed you too hard. And, I am so grateful that you didn’t tell me to fuck off.”
Eva laughed soundlessly, “Oh, I wanted to a few times.”
“I know,” Horacio drawled, with humor. “I deserved it.”
She sighed, “It was...an impossible situation.” A pause, “Was. Its not impossible anymore. This,” she squeezed his arm, “this is an easy thing.”
Horacio smiled, “You’re right. And, I’ve been so focused on my work, and then Mexico happened.” He drew a breath, “Then…”
Eva shivered as his hand drifted across her gland. Her throat tightened around the still too fresh feeling of their bond.
“So,” he rasped, “I have something for you.”
He reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out a small deli box. Eva smiled when he handed it to her, that smile growing when she recognized the logo on the top. They had been back to that restaurant a few times since returning from their trip. The food was as good as she remembered it.
“I had them make that special. For the occasion.”
Thumb pushing open the top, Eva almost laughed at the little cake inside. Oblong and golden brown, the homemade Twinkie sat on a bed of chocolate shavings. The sweet smell of fried dough reached her nose, telling Eva that it was going to be absolutely delicious.
When she looked up to thank Horacio, he was also holding a box. This one was considerably smaller, fitting in to the palm of his hand. Eva’s breath caught and the weight of what he was doing settled over her.
“I know this is late,” he said, “But, I—ah—I wanted to give you this.”
She took the box from him and opened it. Her eyes watered when she saw what was inside. Blinking away the tears, Eva plucked the ring from its velvet cushion. Set in silver, the oval sapphire was flanked on either side by small, glittering diamonds. Eva slid it on her finger, turning her hand so that the stones glinted in the dim light.
“Its perfect,” she croaked around all her love for him.
Horacio let out a relieved breath, “I’m so glad you like it.”
“I do like it,” she replied, leaning over the console to kiss him. “How did you even get this? You’ve been at work, or with me the whole time we’ve been back.”
His smile was shy, “I actually bought it in Mexico. While we were...apart.” He took a steadying breath, “I told myself that I would give it to you when I got you back.”
All the tears Eva had been holding back burst forth with an ugly sob. She sniffed loudly and reached for him. Eva held him tightly to her, buried her face into his neck, and breathed in tobacco and vetiver.
“I love you,” she breathed, pulling back to kiss his forehead, his cheek, his lips.
Horacio smiled into the kiss, “Let me take you home.”
“We’ll miss the movie,” she murmured, “Look, its already starting.”
Eva was right. The title screen had just faded away and music was swelling through the little speakers. He didn’t even glance in the direction of the screen, “We’ll catch another show.”
“You promised,” Eva reminded him.
A sigh, “I did promise.”
“You did.”
Licking his lips, Horacio made a noise of resignation, “Alright, I promised you a movie, and we’re going to watch it.”
“My first movie,” Eva replied, holding up a finger.
“Yes, yes. Your first movie,” he conceded, “But, the second we get back…” He let that promise hang in the air between them. Then, “Eat your Twinkie.”
Eva picked the Twinkie out from the box and broke it in half, “You want some.”
Horacio shook his head, “Even homemade, it will still be too sweet.”
“More for me,” she shot back primly.
He slung an arm over her shoulders, “Anything you want, Eva. Its all yours.”
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doublerainbow-if · 8 months
How would the RO’s react if later, after the MC said they were going on a date, they found the MC really depressed because they got stood up by their date?
M is shocked to see you all alone in front of your apartment. Quickly, they walk towards you to make sure you're okay, taking in the sadness radiating from you. They honestly don't care that you got stood up, despite their heart fluttering at the thought. They just don't want you to be sad, a personal vow they made when the two of you reconnected.
L is surprised to see you come home so early but all questions died on their lips when they see your dejected posture. Ice cream and sweets are had as they listen to what had transpired, making a mental note to track down the would be suitor. Their mission now is to make you feel better like a good friend should. If their heart would just get the memo.
B is walking by the restaurant when they spot you. They don't know why but their usual nervousness fades away as they stroll in and take you away by the hand. Leading you to the most magnificent view in the entire city, something that almost couldn't be real. Pair with snacks and drinks from a local vendor, the two of you watch the sunset together.
J hates themselves when you come into work so depressed the next day. They know it was petty to be as mad as they were, taking zero pleasure in your sad expression. They try to be extra mindful that day, making sure that they aren't too hard or demanding of you. J never wants to see so crestfallen again, you look so much better with a smile.
V is frustrated at themselves. They know they shouldn't be so vindictive when they see standing all alone waiting for your date. The familiar coiling of bitterness in their chest with burning cruel words at the ready to make you understand their own hurt. But that electrifying feeling of just taking you right there is consuming them.
C knows that they shouldn't be following you but they wanted to know who this beau of yours was. But when they still see you waiting there, they come up with a plan. Acting like they were just around the block, they whisk you off to a exciting bar hopping trip. Nothing like alcohol to make you forget all of the sad things in life.
Avery is anxious to hear what happened on your date in your go-to cafe. But all thoughts petered out as they see how dismal you looked. They quickly pull out a chair for you and dote on you to get you to smile even a little bit. They don't need the details to know what happen last night. Avery has seen that same look on their own face when love doesn't panned out for them.
Kahula is stun when you come by their apartment crying. All of the tearful woes muffled against their chest as they hold you close to them. They never wanted this for you, so broken hearted and low as you cry out of why. They even feel tears as they just keep you firmly in their grasp. They finally have no words, only soaking in all of the hurt for you.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
just had an idea 👀👀 okok picture this- the spiderteens making spiderperson!reader do tiktok dances with em but tHHEEEENNN one of em (maybe hobie 🤭🤭) mentions a tiktok dance and they get (more like force) reader to do it with miguel 👀👀👀👀
up to you whatever tiktok dances or trends you want em to do 😌😌
~ 🫐
OMG THAT REMINDS ME OF THE 'MAKING MIGGY DANCE WET THE BED' FIC I MADE ... but i want him to do the 'say so' dance this time :3
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
miguel o'hara x spider person!reader doing tiktok dances
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"no." "c'mon, please?" "no." "pretty please with a cherry on top?" "with extra sprinkles?" "and a stick of dynamite up your ass?" "no, no, no, and–no."
you grumbled as pavitr frowned and hobie chuckled, wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder and trying to cheer him up with a 'punny' joke he came up with on the spot. you took miguel's hand as he huffed and looked away from you. "miggy, you can't say no to this! i'll make you do karaoke with me next time if you don't dance with me today." you threatened him as you contorted your face into a pouty look with furrowed eyebrows—mocking him as his grumpy face just even grumpier. he sighed as he yanked his arm out of your grasp. "not like i'll go with you anyway." "then how come we got you to sing 'un poco loco' with peter b on jess' birthday?" "that was part of the itinerary." "you singin wasn't..." you corrected him as miguel pinched his nose bridge—his angry pout looking angrier and angrier, but soon mellowing out into a more peaceful calm as he breathed in and nodded slowly.
"that's all i'm gonna admit, though." he said as he let his guard down gradually, and you took advantage of this and took him by the fingers and dragged him all the way to the front of your phone where the song 'say so' by doja cat was playing. miguel was stuttering and stammering, with gwen and pav whooping, with miles giving miguel a pretty surprised look—and with hobie yelling out a, "c'mon, ya geezer, be fun for once!" miguel sighed as you took your place next to him, with him hiding behind you a little, whispering in your ear, "i am replacing you once this is over." "then we'll keep the dance going on and on and on then, miggy." you teased him as you played the song again, and taught him the dance as the camera was rolling, unbeknownst to him. miguel awkwardly and stiffly followed your movements at first, but eventually getting himself lost in the rhythm as he danced to the beat—ignoring the cheers of the four kids and just admiring how graceful and carefree you seemed while dancing; smiling and laughing when you made mistakes, but keeping the rhythm going nonetheless.
every time you did the punch rolling and focus movements, you always got so close to miguel—bringing your faces a mere few inches apart, always catching him off guard. it brought chuckles to your voice and smiles to your face whenever you'd see the way his eyes'd widen and his pout would get poutier after you pull away. when you did the last part, 'why don't you say so?', you did the hand gestures and body movements so enthusiastically that miguel stepped backwards. and at the end, just to add an element of surprise at the end of your tiktok, you planted a kiss on miguel's nose.
a soft little whimper escaped this man's full, plush lips subconsciously—making you giggle and get flustered, rushing over to stop the video as pav and gwen cheered for you two, with miles giving you both heart hands as hobie kept mouthing 'the big wanker's a red flag, but that was cute,' with a huge smile on his face as miguel looked at you with a stunned expression—not knowing if this was your intention for getting him to dance with you, or if it was all just in the spur of the moment. either way, he couldn't help himself from constantly rubbing the spot on his nose where you gently pecked at him with your soft lips. he might ask you himself next time if there was a new tiktok trend you might wanna try... one that involved some kissing, maybe...
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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Vivi-Design EAH Fancast 2.0 (Pt.5)
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735536666910015488/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt-1
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735638317217021952/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt2
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739329240523227137/eah-recast-pt3
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739542620483747840/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt4
Quannah Chasinghorse as Prudence
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I only knew this women from Vivi's pinterest but I honestly think she's absoultely stunning. I think she matches the vibe of the stepsister from EAH and even though she's not an actress I still think she's an amazing FC.
Anna Lambe as Charlotte
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I think Anna Lambe matches vivi's aesthetic extremely well. I also think from an aesthetic pov she matches with Quannah Chasinghorse's vibe as well.
This would be the end of Pt.5 but it seems to small so here are some fancast of characters that weren't in the Pinterest or the slides:
Wyatt Oleff as Tiny the Giant
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Kylie Cantrall as Mira Shards
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I saw Kylie Cantrall with pink hair and thought, "she looks a lot like Mira Shards." And now here we are
Sebastian Roché as Milton Grimm
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Since vivi's EAH is a little darker, I think Sebastian Roché should be Milton Grimm because he kind of scares me lol. I also think his voice sounds a lot like Milton Grimm.
Jack Veal as Young Milton Grimm
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Robert Carlyle as Giles Grimm
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I was honestly so stumped when it came to a FC of Giles so I just stole this one from mycast. I'm glad I did though because lowkey this is a good Giles FC.
Julian Hillard as Young Giles Grimm
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Gratiela Brancusi as Baba Yaga
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Okay hear me out. I think Gratiela Brancusi would fit really well with Vivi's EAH. I also think she'd make a great Baba Yaga.
Melissa McCarthy as Trollsworth
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Amy Hill as Hagatha
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Mark Addy as Gingerbread Man
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Christian Bale as Jack B. Nimble
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This is super unrealistic but IDC. He looks so much like Jack B. Nimble.
Peter Dinklage as Rumpelstiltskin
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Tom Hiddleston as Rebel Narrator
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Tessa Thompson as Royal Narrator
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Malia Baker as Brooke Page
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Let me know what other EAH fancasts you want me to do. Part 6 will be all about the parents but if there's any other EAH fancast you want me to add let me know.
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